FOR TIIK AMSRICAX. Truly Astonishing- Political Curiosity. Mr. Editor have hoard it said that the whole force ofthe Whig patty was to be put in action in the Thirteenth District, which, by the very liberal distribution of documents, the quan tity of speeches delivered by itinerant Whig preachers, and their living kindness for the people-, seen) to verify this charge. What led me to make these remarks, was a Whig meeting held nt the House of Mr. George Conrad, in "Old Augusta," of which I am a resident. Passing along, previous to the meeting, I observed a call Tor a "Democratic" meeting. Being one of the "Old Jefferson Democrats of Augusta," I imme diately concluded to attend. What do you think my astonishment was on my arrival at the op pointed place? I will leave that for you to imagine. As a coon curiosity, I candidly be lieve it will never be surpassed. Behold! as I entered the house, I espied a large assomolage of people, amounting in ull to 1(5. I soon per ceived the deception that had been carried on for the benefit of us hard-fisted yeomanry, as they term us. Myself, ami eight other fellow Demo crats attended the meeting, under the impression given ns by the "Democratic" call Mark the deception. An undoubted reason that there was not a more numerous attendance of the Democracy of Au gusta is, that they were made acquainted with the change of "Democrat'' for Whie. If myself and the other eight democrats had known the coon trick, there would have been no more than the noble seven present. The number that constituted the meeting, as I noticeil above, was 16, all the way If,, 9 of whom were Democrats of Augusta, the balance Were Whigs from Sunbury, with one exeption. From this, you will readily perceive that the yeomanry of Augusta are determined to take an uitive part in the glorious cause of Democracy, and will give such a majority for Polk, Dallas and Shunk. as will teach the Whigs how to carry on their deception hereafter. A Democrat of AfovsT. The Tariff of 1H-T. The Editor of the Madwoman enyp, 'we be lieve and think we can prove Mr. Clay was op posed to the tariff net of J, and desired his friends to vote noainst it.' What better evi dence of this could be asked than the undenia ble fact that Mr. ClayV particular friends did role against it Among these wore John Quiney Adams of! Massachusetts, Messrs. Linn and Foster of New York, Notts, Goggitt and Somers of Virginia, Itayner, Washington, Deberry, Shepherd, Gra ham ond Mitchell of North Carolina, Ilnber sham, Warren, Gamble, Foster and T. Butler Kin? of Georgia, Carothers, Gentry, M. Blown, O. II. Williams and the two Campbells of Tennessee, Messrs. Tripled, I'nderwood, Out ly, Thompson, firven, Sprigg, Spcuher 'White of Kentucky, all of whom were consi dered the near friends of Mr. Cluy, and some of them his organs on the floor ot the House, and nil, with the exception of Mr. White, who did not vote for it, and who had twice previously defeated it by his casting vote, rated against tic Tariff tflV2, which is now claimed as a whig measure. In a House of Representatives containing a large whig majority, FIFTY -FIVE WHIGS either voted against theTurilV of '4J or dodged it ; and be it remembered that among these are eight elevenths of the itiiin-diate representatives of M. ('lay, the men over whom he had control and influence, and who would not have voted so without his sanction and influence, and by thus voting and dodging nearly defeated the passage of this hill ; and who can doubt the statement of the M.tdiantiian ! Again we have the testi mony ot Daniel Webster that the Tariff of '12 was passed by democratic votes, and yet the whigs now want to claim the credit of it, and on that credit ride Henry Clay into the Presidential chair, where the people have three times decided he shall not set. Add to this, the late House of Representa tives contained a decided democratic majority, and that House refused to repeal the Turill'of and say who are the friends of that mea sure. Mr. Clay is set up in the North as the ad vocate of protection, in the teeth of his repea ted declarations to the contrary. Hear the Madison inn on this subject : "We assert, and of course can prove, that after the expiration ot the last tariff law, (by limitation,) on the ROtli of lime, f!i2, it was the desire of Mr. Clay iif all duties should be laid without regard to the protection of any domestic article whatever. The Intelligencer dare not deny this and call upon us for our witness to prove what we have asserted. If called upon, his name shall be given, and then ho may answer for himself to any interrogato ry put to him by the trhigs." And this is the candidate of the men who write Protection, Clay and the Tariff of '42, upon their banners. Verily, this humbug of 111 will equal in magnitude any of 1910. Deacon Light. lf lite AcadlXcv Zealand. Tho Journal dea Dcbats gives tho following etory, communicated by a correspondent at Aka- roa, in New Zealand : 'Probably before my letter arrives in France, you may have learned that the Mahouris, a tribe of Zealanders, have killed thirty English of this colony ; but you, perhaps, will nat know that the bodies of these unfortunate men were eaten. This is but too true. We had been out on a hunting party for about a week, when one evening wc arrived among the friendly tribe ot Tcrauraraa or Mahourw, and found them re",a- ling themselves with human flesh. We nil conceived they were eating some captive, or native slaves of their own. As I understood the language, I could not resist expressing my in dignation, and I threatened them with chastise ment from tho crew ofthe corvette. The savages were alarmed, and endeavored toapp.;asc me by Baying "They are not men of Mahouri that we are eating, but some Yee-ycs" for it is thus they call the English, They then exhibited to us the heads of their victims, and I recognized among them that of Captain Wakefield, one ofthe distinguished inhabitants of Port Nicholas, who had entertained us at his own house when we went to the town to pro cure provisions. I was seized with horror at this sight. My companions blamed me for ha ving risked irritating tho cannibals, as we were only five against two hundred. But they gave us confidence by saying, "Oh, the Owi-oui (for so they distinguished us) are good people, but the Yee-yesare very wicked." They then re lated that they hnd killed the English because they wished to establish themselves in a bay which the Mahouris were unwilling to give up. We then retired, with our hearts lull of horror and disffust." Tlie Greatest KoliWr- on Ilrrortl. The astounding news has been received of the robbery of the house of our Lady I.nretto. Paris papers state that these treasures, the ac cumulation of centuries, and almost past the calculations of arithmetic in value have been ta- Lor. nlT l.u tlin Innnnr t. tftinrx I liou ivihj on. I ... . .' . trusted, and who suddenly embarked lor I rteste in a steamer. Believing that the following par- llenlnro ho now t mnn Amnricun rnndnra , ' , , , , we have selected them from a work not yet published "The American in Italy: Amnnir tho fi-J 1 imns kent l.pfnro this nhieet , , '. , , . . , '. of worship are several glittering with prec.ous stones, Rtld one of gold, weighing 37 pounds, nresented bv the Renublic of Venice in a time , .-i t-, r .1 -i I i nl pe-st lence. One of the silver amps weighs 1 i 50 pounds. Besides there are a multitude of silver lamps, placed in the church for want of! Tv.,t. , - ..! . , room, ror other particulars, see the books ! printed in I-oretto, containing details, of which j we have not time to speak, with long lists of the names of donors. One name, however. 1 might be mentioned thnt of Mary, Queen of Scots, who made the Virgin a present of 11 gol den angel, covered with diamonds, holding up a flaming heurt, surmounted with a lamp adorned with rubies'. Here are also beads, hearts, sta tues, &.C. of gold and plates of silver, inscribed with the litanies of the Virgin Mary. But what could be said of the great silver an gel, weighing three hundred and fifty pounds ; or of the statue ot IiOitis XIII, presenting a gol den one of his son, of tho weight of twenty-four pounds ; or of the silver kneeling statue, about three feet high, and a silver tower, sent by the brother ofthe Prince of Conde after his release Irotn prison. Some of the Liverpool people are in ecstacies with American Ice, a cargo of which recently arrived there from Boston. We are glad to find that our Knglish friends begin to acknowledge that one good thing nt least can come out of A nierica. Presidential tint Slal Klrctinns. We give below a condensed table, exhibiting the times when the Presidential and State Flec tions, respectively, will be held in the several States during the present year; together with the Popular Vote given at the Presidential F.lec tiou. It will be found useful lor relerence during the approaching election. Time of elect'ns Presid. Yote IS to 6TATr.s. Mutes. Presid't Harrison V. Uuren Maine N. llauip Yermont Mass. R. lsl'nd Conn. N. York Sep. 0!ov Mar l Aov . 4 . I lii,(12 2(i, 3-.4 10 73.74 5,27H .11,001 2v!.'..S17 144.021 r,0i7 415,201 ! .Ti.if.i ! 1.IMS i 51.9 1 I j :t,.io 1 S'i.2911 I 2 12, .12 7 i .'il.O.'ll i 1 n..1"2 1 Sept. :t Nov 11 A p. An April 1 Nov 1'J Nov. 11 Nov. 1 Nov. 4 Nov 5; Nov. f .V Jera'y Oct. S Penu'a. (Oct. S !elaw'rp.'ov TJ Marvl'ndlOct Nov. .1 6 Nov. 1 Nov Dec. Nov 474 2S.752 tt.swrt .'IS.7S2 ature. :ti .o.J.-J 3:1.991 10,97") 7, 16 4S.20 rij.tiio 121,72 .11.00 1 47,41; 29.709 21. 1H (i.OlS 3:j,.i7Sl Viginia N. Car. Apr. lb 4 2.. 101 Aug. 11 Nov Oct. l llNov 4.').:i7i; S. Car. (ieorjjia Alabama Mis. hy l-egis 40,2ti2 2K..I71 19. .'.IS: 1 1.29(5: 00, 391 .')-. 4S!i 1 IS, 157 tir.,:t02 4. ,9 17 22,972 Oct. 7;Nov. Aug. .1 Nov. Nov. 4 Nov. July 1 Nov. Louisi'uu Tenn. Kentu'ky Ohio Indiana Illinois Aug. ljNov. Aug. Oct. Oct. h Nov. Aug. 'iXov. Aug. fl Nov. 4!3-( Missouri 1 Aug. Nov. MichiganiNov. 4iNov. Arkaiisas()ct 7N'ov. Totals, 22,9.'(ri 4..-ifil 0 1,271,217 1, 128,310 No State Election takes place in Tennessee, this year. They elect State officers every two years and that election was held lust year. Caim is generally called the first murdeier, but wme call him the f.r.l soldier ; other, might call ; him the first physician, as the three terms are con sitlered synonymous. Frederick ihe Great musl have destroyed a great many thousand lives before he became so proficient in ihe ait of killing ; yei, when in the presence of his own physician he resigned his laurels to the M. 1)., and surrendered all claims lo superiorly over him in that department. Napoleon, in his fatal Russian campaign, destroyed about ono mil lion of human beings, and we call him a hero! Dr. Brandrelh's Vegetable Universal Pilla have saved the lives of al least half that number, and when the properties of his medic ne shall lie duly appreciated, he will receive the thanks of bis fellow citir.ens ; a richer gift than either titles or crowns. In order to secure the medicine in its purity, he has excluded dtuggista from any participation in its sale. Purchase of II. B. Masser, Hunbury, or of tha agents, publithtd iu tnolhci pail uf this paper. UALTIMURK MAHKBTi Office of tht Daitimoni Amcrican, Aug. SO. (RAIN. The market was well supplied to day with Wheat, there being not less than 2.',0()0 bushels at market, the largest portion of which was from Virginia. Trices have undergone no change, if any they may be a trifle lower. We continue to quote good to strictly prim Mil. ond Va. reds at 78aS3 cts., and ordinary to good at 70a7S cts. Good to prime white Wheat is worth 93aUG cts. We quote w hite Corn at 3Sal0cts. and yellow at 41a 12 cts. Oats are selling at 20a 21 cts. WHISKEY. Sales of hhds. at 21 J cts. and of bbls. at 22j cts. The article is not very plenty. ton THR AMERICA. Mr.Eiiitor: Nfyself and neighbors bib de cidedly in favor of Renin nominating EDWARD Y. BRIGHT, ns ihn Democratic candidate for (he Assembly. Mr. Bright mule a very good mem her he wss active and industrious always at his post, and did his duty fiithfully. He was chair man of a very important Committee, and ono thnt required a (Trent drnl of attention and lalinr. His appointment to this station shows that he hnd the respect and confidence of his lellow meinl'ers, ami they any that we never sent a more industrious and attentive member. Mr. Bright took an active and leading part in retrenching the expenses ofthe Legislature, and in introducing principles of economy into every Irranch of the Government. He was on the Com mittee of Accounts, through whose eiertions the reform which distinguished the last Legislature was brought about. He went about saving the people's money in earnest. A few days afrer the opening of the session, he offered the resolution opening oi mo session, ne onereu inc rcsniuiian which b- camea law, giving the Public Printing .ind Binding to the lowest bidder. 1 hi measure alone will save about Ttx TuorsAsn Doliaiis ! annually It wss suspected that great frauds had been committed by the piinters under former laws. The Committee on Accounts set about the invcatigs ""n of these SCCOUnU with a delCllninalion to ferret out the frauds. Mr. Bright was one of the ,. imiUflrioui, ,j persevering members of thai Committee. The result was that ovricliarges of the printers, to the amount of thirteen thousand dollars, were discovered and suits directed to he tirolli!nUo recover that sum bark into the Treasury, The contingent expenses of the last Legislature were not one tilth ofthe expenses of the preceed t r - die n.n . I . - . I inc. ruilllH iij or ru,utw wero j,ru hi toe , u .i i i .i Commonwealth in this matter alone, by the care and economy of the Commilee of Accounts, Mr. Bright then has done his duty faithfully nnd honestly. He has carried out Ihe wishes of the , , , . . , , , . . , people, and ought to tie re-elected unanimously. Honor to whom honor is due. Let the faithful public servant be rewarded, and the best interests ol lne lH"tTle wl" "e i"niuuy represenie.i MIAMOKIN. .71 .1 IS tt 1 K It , On Thuisday last, bv the l!ev. It. A. Fisher, Mh. .Ioiim C. Mono lo Miss Catiiahub W mm UK, both of Augusta. PRICK CUItUHNT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxthetmer. Whkat, .... 85 Htk, 50 CoHJf, ...... 40 Oats, - ' 25 Po a k , 5 Flaxskkd, ... . 100 Bl'TTRH, - - I" Bkf.swai, .... 25 Tallow, .... 10 Drif.ii Atplks, - - 75 Ho. Peaches, - 200 Flai, ... .8 Hkcklkii Flax, 10 Funs, - - - - -6 (fHpltaus Court Sale. - TT - - - , IN pursuance of sn order of the Orphans' Court ; of Norlhumbeilaiid county, will be sold at pub- i I' . 1 . ihn IliK ,l.u ..f ,,.1... ! lie sale, on Saturday the 11th day of Septcuibi r next, on the pieinises, to wit : a certain tract of land situate in Shainonin township, in said county, containing 30 acres more or less, on which is erec ted a log dwelling house, barn and other builirtngs ; late the estate of Solomon Persing, dee'd. Salo lo commence al 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, when lb conditions of Ihe sale will be made known bv EMANCKL ZIMMERMAN. j the support of the Democratic party, at the tnsu Sunbury, Aug. 24, 1841. 4t Adin'r. j mg fall i bclious. The dpiegatps so chosen will ; "7 .""r"lT. : also coma tirepared I.) appoint a delegate to the ifT- i, J i 1 -fl-. ZT sj r 1 AMEto the premises of the subscriber, in Augusta township, INorlhuiuhciland County, some time in May last, a white and black spoiled O-Y, about two years old. The owner is requested to come forward, prove proartv, pay charges and take him away, or he will be sold according lo law. THOMAS WOLF. Augu-I 24lh, 1841 3t SlliriiKltT'S PATKN'T V-A3HI1TG l-C:-:ilTE. rilHIS Machine has now been tested by morn X than thirty families in this neighborhood, and has given enure satisfaction. Il is so simple in its corisiruclii 11, that It cannot get out of order. It contains no iron to rurt, nnd no spiings or rollers to get out of repair. It will do twice as much wish ing, wilh less than half the wear and tear of an of the late inventions, and wh it is of grca'er in pit tance, ii costs but little over half a much as other washing lindanes. '1'he kiibseriber has ihe exclusive right for Nor thumberland, Union, L coming, Columbia, Lu zerne and Clioton counties. Price of single ma chine f6. 11. 11. MASHER. The following certificate is from a few of those who have thc.-e midlines in use. We, the subscrdiers. certify that we have now j in Use, in our families, "Shugcit' Patent Wssh- ; ing Machine," and do no In. -Hale s lying ihit it is j a most excellent inveiiii ,u. Thai, in Wa-hing, 1 I il will save more than one half Ihe Usual labor. j That it does not requite more than one third ihe usuttl H'""'" of soap and water ; and that there j is no rubbing, and consequently, little or 110 wear- , t-srittd. That il knin ka olfno bullous, and I j thai the lines! clothes, such us collars, lacet, tucks, ! I foils, &c, may he washed in a very short lime wiltioul lne lei, st injury, anil ill Inct willioul any 1 apparent wear and lea', whatever. We therefore cheerfully recommend it to our friends and lo the public, as a moat useful and labor saving machine. CHARLES W.IIEGIN's, A. JORDAN. CHS. WEAVER. CHS. PLEASANTS, GIDEON MARKLE. Sunbury, Aug. 21, lis: 4 t. v a si i m 1: i: 17I X O. A CAMP MEETING will be held on the land of Mr. Henry Weaver, in Rush towns ship, about 3 miles south-west from Danville, and I mile north west front ihe Liberty Stump, to commence on Fiiday thotJih of September, ami to continue until ihe following Wednesday morning. The public are generally Invited In attend. A. IIRIITAIN. Hunhury Cncuil, f J. V. TON U IK. Aug. 16,1811. $ TO Country Merchants. fllHE Subscribers respectfully invite Country J. Merchants who are about to purchase Fall and Winter Supplies, lo an examination of theft respective Slocks, believing that their several as sortments are as complete as have ever been ofllu ed in the Philadelphia Market. With storks of Goods in their several Depart ments of the choicest kinds n determinaiimi lo sell on terms wheh cannot tail to prove satisficlo. ry nnd a disposition lo please old and new custo mers, wiP, we hope, be a sufficient inducement lo purchasers lo call at our tesperlive establishments Silks and Taney Ciootls. W fV R P Remington HO Market Street. Ashhurst iV Remington fill " Burk cV Poller 1 Ifi " Yard A. Gillmoin 109 Domestic and Foreign Dry Hoods. lieynolds, McKarlnml tV Co I lift Msrkel Street. Buinetl, Withers V Co 12 Scott & Bnker I fiO " W ise, Pu-ey it Wise 154 " Hardy V Hackers 40 N. Second St. Importers of Cloths, Cnssimers, Vest ing, tec. William H Love Mt Market Street. Lambert Dny 108 Hardware and Cutlery. Michscl V Baker S15 Muiket Street. Edward S Handy & Co !IH " Importers and Manufacturers of Sad dlery Hardware. imni ix niiran i.imn UoolS, JSIlOCP, HnnnCtS, Caps, L l 1 I II V 0,1(1 1 i,lin ll;Us N-C' Horn V Kneass 215$ Maikel Siiret. Cfrjiorn W F. iV J G WheUn, t5S Market Street. Levick, Jenkins A Co 150 " M Conrad Ac Co f.O " Manufacturers and Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, vVc. Thomas PJam.s 21? Market Sticel. Polls, l.inn & Hanis 2K1J Kol.inson. Collins it Co NT Fdwa'd Cole fit Thompson Pancotst fi Co 40 " Hats, Cap'', Furs ami Trimmings. L Kenton Fifi Market Street. John Saucrbirr A: Brother C2 Hooks ami Stationary. Giigg V F.lhntt !' N. Founh Sireet. Hogan V Thompson HO " Importers of Htitisli and 1'rcncli Fan cy Staple Stationary. L I Cdien Co 27 S Founh Street Henry Cohen : " Importers of Hosiery, Cloves, Trim mings and Fancy (loods. ' Setley V Severing 1 Parker A; Lehman 2:i N Third Street. 3 Combs, Brushes, Brooms, &c. Thomas Cooper 3 N Front Sireet. Importer of Toys, Fancy and Staple Goods. i A F Oit Monrose 10 S Fouith Street, j Manufacturer of Patent I.ard Lamps. j Kllis 8 Archer 3'J N Second Street ' Manufacturer of Patent Floor and Furniture Oil Cloths. I.aac Maeauley, Jr. G N Fifth Street. Manufacturers and Importers of Pa- per Hangings. He well A' Brothers UO A I 12 Chcsnul St. , ., I li.lad.lphu. August .1, 1 M'lllOtTal I il n-vi'' niiVfi'Vl'lnY I "I I ' t UN I'.A I KIA. T IHE Democrats of tho several boionghs and townships in Nor thuiiiberland eoun'y, are hereby requested to inrel on the Inst S.iturd iy ol this month, (Augu-t,) at their usual tune ami p'a- c, s for holding of such meetings, and choose dele- gates to nieel in county convention, at Suohury, ! on ihe Monday f II 'Wing, lo noimna'e a tu kpt for I j llnir'sburg coineiition, lo noinni'ie I lemoer.ilic ' cainlidate for Govirnor, in the room ot the Hon. II. A. .al utiienbeig, dec o A. JORDAN. GIDEON I.EISENRING. WILLIAM FORsYlllE, WILLIAM FEGELY, J. F. WOLFING KR, Standing t'omiiiiitee. Aug. 10, IM4. A r A It M flLL he sold at in i v ,lo sale, the Estate of H.iinuel lllnoiii, late of A ugust.i townh l, Northumberland county, dee'd., containing one bundled and seventy-nine acres, and allowance, on which is 1 reeled a dwelling hou-e ami barn, a well ol wttei near Ihe door, 4 saw m il and two hearing orchards. About ninety aeies uf n u.l hnd are cleared, twelve acres of which are meadow land, and the remainder well timbered. If lb.' above described propeiiy is uol soi l at private sale, it will lie ottered at public sale, on Tuesday, the lirsl day of October next, on the pro mises. For further particulars, inquire of the Mibsoi hers, in Augusts township, Nonh'd. (oonty, H de to commence at lo o'clock, A. M., of said day, when Ihe terms will be made known by . J COH BLOOM, DANIEL BLOOM. Augusta, August 10, ISlt 3t Ex'rs. Iast Notice. A LL pets his indeb'ed lo the subscriber, for jill "inly of Sunbury, are here''y notified, that his banks and account are placed in Ihe bands of Chti-tian Bower, Esq., lor seti lenient and colli c lion. Suits will be com in. need strains! alt tlio-e who neglect paying up oil or before Ihe first day uf September next. JOll.N UOGAK. August lOlh, IS 1 1 3t (,oli sri.i TArij:s Ij'ROM a lawyer' oll'rce, in Siinbury, en the Isi of July la-t. They were a lady's, with luight pebble glasses of eight sides, and w ithout any joint in ihe frame. They were No. 1, or ofthe young est, or least magnifying power. A liberal leward will lie given for recovery of the Spectacles, or deteciiou of ihe thief, on application at Aug. 3. I8tt. Tills OFFICE. MITTAGE BIBLES. Five copies of tl,e Col " lage Bible, the chcapi si book ever published, containing Ihe commentary 011 llie Old ami New Testament, pit rrct ivtd and lor sale, for six doll trs, by June li. IL U. MASHER. VALUABLE 1'AllMS, C4V41, ritOITJITY, W AT E It rows RS, llniifton nnil M,nln for ialr, riIIK Subscriber offers for sale the following de 1. scribed Valunblo Properly, all of which he will pell at very moderate prices, and on reasona ble terms, v'n : HOtrsKS eV LOTS. No. I. A larire nnd ficgint two (rry stone man sion house with hisemeiit storj , alt highly finished, and situated on le ent side of Maikel" street, in Selimirrnve, Fnion eounty, biinir the residence of the subscriber. The lot on which this house stand" is very Immlsomelv improved, and planted with choice fruit and nrnanimtnl trees and shrubs, with all the nreess iry improvem ids of a largo barn, pirjucrv, w1115.u1 nhe,l nnd corn crib, cirriiuje house, ice hmi-e, sniuke house and poultry ynr.l. The whole constituting a must desirable and henu- tilul icsiilenre. Price, f :),M)0. No U. A 1 111 rp two story wooden house with ex tensive bnrk lunhliiiR, and highly improved gar den and lot ol ground. This property H situated noiih of ami adj lining No. t, and also foirns a du '.ruble resilience. Price, 1,500. No. a. A two sloiy wooden houe with lot of ground, situated 011 the east cidu of W'nter treet, in Seliusgrove, well finished throughout, with log stable on the rear of the lot. Price, 500. No. 4. A two story wooden house with one sto- ! ry kitchen, and n log st:ille 011 the rear ofthe lot, j situated norih of and iiiljnining the last named pro. j pcrly, No. ;t. A well ami pump, to acrommoJale j Ibis nnd No. a, in the yird. Pi ire, o00. No. 5. A lot of ground in tliWiwu of Charles- town, on the Isle of iue, situated 011 street, 10 ly 1 HO feet. A desirable lot for a dwelling hmip. Pri p. f 200. No. (1. A lot of ground adjoining SiTinsgrovp and Penns cieek, and fronting on Walnut sireet, containing about half an acre of ground Pfice, CANAL PROPERTY A- WARE & STORE HOCSF.s. No 7. A very valuable property on the Pennsyl vania. Canal, on the I-to of Cue, adjoining Helios, grove. Tim improvements are such as lo facilitate mercantile and trading business to a great extent, anil consist of a large twostoiy frame house, occu pied ss a d'v goods store ; a Ijrge and commodious w are house, 40 by HO ft el ; a long range of stabling ; and an extensive wharf, 100 feet long, with hoist ing crane, Ac. Il is siiuateJ on the bcrm bank side of the canal, and in every repecl calculated lor an extensive business. Price, 5,000. BOAT YARD AND DRY DOCK. No. 8. A lsrgo and convenient Boat Yard 011 the Pennsylvania Canal, and laving south of and adjoining No. 7. On this properly is erected a one and a hull story frame duelling house, well finish ed ; a large shud and clftVe for ihe accommodation of bout builders, and also a very complete dry dock, into which bonis for rrpair ate floated out of the canal, and into which new boats erected on the vanl sre al-o launched. A very desirable proper ly. Price, f'J.OOO. FARM OF 200 ACHES. No.!. A large and exceedingly valuable faun, containing about 200 acres of choice limestone land, in a highly improved stale. On this farm llieie nre about I 10 acres under culture, divided by good femes into fields often acres; a large two story hou-e with kiichrn attached ; a well and pump of excellent water at tho kitchen door; a iarge end convenient hank bnru with wagon house, sheds and corn crib attached; a large piess house with every convenience Tor making cider, at the Tout ofthe orchard, which consists of ten acres of choice g al'ted apple tires and pe ir tiees. Limestone is quarried in any quantify within 100 yards ofthe farm buildings, where lime is burned. It lays wiihin oliii mile ofthe Pennsylvania ('anal and Sc. liimgrovc. A very desirable farm. Price, J 1 2,000 FARM OF 220 ACRES. No. 10. One other large and valuable farm of a bout 220 acres of limestone land, and also situated within one mile ofthe canal at Seliusgrove. Ii is ' ' 1 .. ' , 11 1' ' ' ! and under ciiltore, the balance being well j n.nbec I with oak, pine, walnut and chesnut timber. 1 ' he buildiii;4 consi-t of a large and well flnishm! iwo story far n house wilh kitchen ; a largo barn I..; u.,,1 ,l .,,1, ,t r nlliebed- ....11 l........n.l ll,..ri. It. .Loot 1 nf.ra llue'l 1 s, ring Inaise and never failing spiing near the 1 ,.u-c ; n smith shop, and two bine kilns, capable I of bii'iilug cue bundled bushels lime per day, built j adjoining nil exhausiless limestone quarry. There Uo ihrcc orchards of bearing apple Irccs on i,js fjnn. I'ri.r, FARM OF 2.10 ACRES, ! No. 1 1. A farm nil Pcuns Crc k, about 3 miles , from the canal al Helinsgrove, wi'h the public road I leading from H. linsgr.ive 10 New Beilin, the seat of j ' jus'.icc ot t'nion ciniuly, running through it. It 1 contains afoul '.'SO ai res, of winch there are about j ! 30 seres of first rale me id w land, ihe balance up- j I land ami principally red sehalc. About one bun- I I dud acres are cleared, ihe balance being well cover- 1 ed withoaU, hem'.oi k and while pine limber. The 1 i buddings consist uf a well finished two story farm j j house widi line springs i f water close at , 1 hand, largo log barn, com cub, spring house, Ac. I On this t.iiiu theic is a mill sate wilh 20 feet fall, 1 on a stream of W.1U1 tributary lo Penns creek. i This firm miuhl be adian'agcousty divided into i iwo firms, aiid will be so divided if purchasers do- ' sire il. Price, f .l.dOO j WATER POWER. ; No. 12 A water p wer on Penns Creek, of f.J ! lei t f..ll, unimproved. It is Situated between the ' iw.t tracts ..Il old, N'os. II and 13, and wiihin ;U miles of the I'ciin-ylvaiu I anal, al Helinsgrove. A , public road lead-, through this tract, along (he casl 1 bank of Penns creek Price, $.V)l). WATER POWERS WOODLAND. No. 13. A tiset of wootllond containing about 1 75 acies, situ ited on Penns cret k, iminediali ly tip- posiie No. 11. Th;s trad is well covered with white oak and pine limber, wilh Wolf run flowing j lhrntiili it and emptying into Penns ere. k, allording an excellent si ne f ir a saw nidi with from twelve , lolvi i,tv I. a t 1,11. Price, f I, .'.00. No 11. A tract of woodland, unimproved, s Ilia ted on ihe ea-t s de of I'elins c;eek. adjoining No. 13, rout tili ng iih nit 2'ltl acres of excellent red si hale upland W, If run, tiibul try lo Penns creel:, runs lino igh this tract, and alVirds a siiverior seile for a saw null The land is heavily set with white o ik and pin limber, and is kiii eptible o being con vetted mlo so t xcelli III farm. Price, 3 000. No. 1.1. Or e oilier trtel of woodland, iuiiin r.i vr,, uluated in Pelliis totvnbip, aboul S miles from Seliusgrove, adjoining lands uf John B.ti'v, li. Smith and other-, tv ntaunng 1 H 7 act. s and I'M 1 perches of 1 xeellenl ird upland. Wolf run also passes through this laud, nil' irding flue water ! power. The Itud is well covered with whits oak , Hud pine Umber, uud is cusccptiblo of being Coll i verted into an excilleul farm. Piiee, J2.S00. j No. 10. A tract of woodland, unimproved, situa . led in t'nion township, adjoining lands ol Michael I Sander and others, and not more than one mile , from Suiibury, on the oppo-iln side of Ihe rvcr i SuMpiehtnua, containing about MS aoe, This land is very ted n'hale soil, capable of being converted iuio an fxeellent lann. A sltcam of wa 1 ler. tributary In the river, flows through this land j sullicifiitlv sirong fir a saw mill. The land is well ; covered with white oak and pine limber. Puce, i f2 im. ! Io. I if. A trad of unimproved woodland, situ i ! led III Cetilie lowu.hip, I'liloll coonly, I'otiliiulog . lOtlaci.s, ailpiining land of J Willi mover and I othcu. MiJdUbiog is within ilnco miU, n4 Middle creek within one. mrte. There Is a taw mi't on the tract of ln, I adjoining, at which (ho limber of this (net can be wrought into bjsrds and oilier iwed stuir. Prire, fMO. 03' In cniistdpra'ion of the scarcity of money it this lime, 1 will sell any or all the above properly on terms to suit the limes; and in rase cash be offered, a reasonable dedorlion will be made, Fu'ther pnr ticulais miv be obttined by nilrliessing the subscii. her si St.ingro'e, I'nioii countv. Pa. H.'W. SNYDF.R. Selingrove, August 3, 1H1I. .Tin To (lie lor of oi IhumlM'i -luiul Comily. IRLLOW CIIT.KNS: I brg leave totff r -- myself as a candidate fur the office of COLN I V COMMISSIONER, at the ensuing election. Should I be so fmluunto as lo be fleeted. I pledge myself lo discharge tho duties of said office wilh fidelity. I-TLIX LKKCH, Shnmok'm, .luly S7tli. IfM 1. r.Nliilr of Hun. '. ;. Domiol, 1 :M. IETTERS f administration on said estate havo J been granted lo the subscriber. Persons indeb ted lo the estate will please make immediate pay ment, and lhoe having claims ag.iinst the same are requested lo present them fur cxsminMion ami set tlement. CHARLES W. HEG1NS, Sunbury, July 1 3lh. 1 S 1 1 . fit Adtn'r. Tho llii!osoiii nl WASHING MACHINE. rpillS WASHING MACHINE, pi -m and sun- pie iii iis Constan tino, cannot luil to f.ud ila way mlo every faini y when Us icnl value lif etimes known. The piice t-ix dollars) is fixed at the ; lowest rate, in order to enable e pi y family to obtain ' one. The inveinor Guarantees that il will not re quire more than one fourth Ihe uual quantity of i soap That it will wash in one-third the usual j time, and what is a m it n r of great importance, Il I wear and tear is notiiim;, or at leal so little . thai ! it is not perceptible, so that finest black worsted anil j woollen can be washed, if necessary, in the satno j suds with lineu and cotton. This may seem strange. I lo those who do not know tho principle Upon which It woi(,s. It is the only machine ever in vented that w ashes upon the principle ofthe fie ti'Hi of watir alone. All others wash upon the principle of friction or rubbing, by bringing lb clothes in contact widi some part of the machine. Independent, of ihe gn at saving of labor, economy should bring it into general inc. The poor ninrx cannot afford to do without il, while tho rich in.irx will use ii for convenience, if nothing pp. Larg f.ninli. s will save from live to fifteen dollais a year in soap alone, and not less th in ,riO pei cent, in I'm wear and tear of clothes, besides the great saving of labor and t xpeiise in washing. The subscriber will guarantee thai il will pel form all tint he has staled, if properly us d. lie h is seemed from the paten lee. Ihe right lo Noitliuinbcilaud, t nion, Lj coining, Columbia, Lu7.eine uud Clinton counties, II. It. MASSE R. Sunbuiy, .tune 22. IH. COMMISSION Kit. HEREBY offet mysi If lo the Electors ol 'Nor thumberland County, xs a candidate lol the nt. 1 lice of COCNT Y COMMISSIONER. Should I be elected, I pledge myself to diarharge the duties of said office with fuUlity. PETER BIXLER. Lower Mahonnv, .luna 15th 1S44. 1ALZORINEs, a handsome article for Latins' Dresses, for sale cheap, by June 15. H. BMASsER. fPWEED LQtLa handsoure article, all wool, light and elustic, for Summer Coats uud Pants, for sale, very low, by June 15. H. B. MASHER. ItMliiHMH ".EST FElTlTSPfc CO. Al.uinl.icliit crs of 1.11 IS RF. LI. AS, PARASllLS. nn-.l SIX SHADES, An. It:! Marlrt Street, 1 li I I .n 1 v I p Ii I a , SNYITE the attention of Mcichm'o, Manuf.ic Hirers, Vc, S.c to their very extensive, elr 1 gant, new stock, prepared with great care, and uf i fered at the lowest p ' isitile prices for cash, j The principle nu which this concern is eslabli-li. ' ed, is lo consult the mutual inteiesl uf their custo. i niers an I themselves, by manufacturing a good 10 tie'e, selling it at the lowest pi ice lor cash, ami I realising their own remuneration, in the amount of sales and quick returns. Possessing inexhaustible facilities for maiiula'' ture, they are prepared to supply ordeis to anv ex tent, and respectfulty solicit the patronage of MI cliauls, Manufacturers ami Dealers. rXj A laige assortuuiit of the New Stylo Curs tain Parasols. Philadelphia, June 1, 111. ly "KERR'S HOTEL, roit)ii:iti,Y 1 itr.-tiovr ioi si:, No. 1IG lu siiiit Irx t l, PJIlLMiELI-lllA. 'P1IE SI liSCiaitER, recentlv nt 1 Reading, Pa , would inform Ihr pub IBSSt till lic thai he has filled tii the above capi cious and cotiti nienl est tblishmciil. and will always he ready toeuUTt iu visitors. ILses laldished re nlalion in Ihe is hoped, will alford full asstir nice, that bis guests will be sup, plied wi'h eveiy cunt irl and nceoininoth'iiui ; whilst his house Will he conducted under such at. tingemenls as will si erne a chancier for li e lu-t if spntisihihtv. ami saiMaclory ei.tcrtaiiiiiient for in dividual and famil e. I'harge I01 boalding jl perdiv. DANIEL HERR. Pliiltdelpbia. Mav '.'.1. HMlv NOTICE to ir.iitniMs x hii.lim:ks M. M. A: .HIS. K. M I I.!.. MAN I I-Mil i;P.i;s AND DP. At.LRS IN foki'.ign nd iitu:sr:c s l i; goods, .So. Ill), .n:t!i S'il'iiI Si ml. vppeif- r '. jt.l'lSIOI ."(.if, ' T WHERE will be found a -oit ',V-- un til ol rioreuce Rr.ti.l-, Aliens, Ctil 4. lauds. Peddles, 'How Pltit, Rue M i and 1 1 much aduiiicl Neapolitan l.aie. and I run v 1! 11 nets, inaiii.t i, tilled by us an. I lot sab' in the lowe-l 111 .inuhictu e. puce. Metehsnts and Milliners aia iinile.l 10 give 11.1 acdl op at visiinn; the Cuy. 0" )' N. II W e have al-o coii-l 1 1 1 1 1 v loaKuig our supi tun h i r i'li I oilier edging-, all if which w.d be sold 1 heap, for . a tt. HiiUdeli loa. M.iv 2'i. 1X11 . 1 y 4 CiVll. tttf i l'. capable of carrying -l ton-, about hall wont, w ti be sold cheap, and oil reasoiinbV l r nv Euipnre at tins otlice. April -rrh, I St I. STOK WARE I .1 sub-. ' V2." Stone Ji g, tiout I ,joari to g dlui nl Si.iue Jars. Imsii 2 lo td -n. I' iheap. by Oct. It H. B. MA l-