Swaixowino Tin Evidence. Sailors are proverbially grumblers, nnd even when well treated are very apt to find fault Their pro visions good or bad, and sometimes they are bad enough in all conscience, furnish an everlasting subject of complaint ; they are never ao good as they were the first voyage." We lately met with an anecdote of Judge Peters, of Philadel phia, having a bearing on this subject, which is too good to be lost. Complaint was tnnde to the Judgn in behalf of the crew of a vessel who had made a voyage to some port in Russia that they had been fur nished with bad provisions. While tlie coun sel for the seamen was arguing the cause, one of them stepped forward, and drawing from his pocket a piece of bread, the color of brown soap, presented to his honor as a specimen of their fate. To persons accustomed to fine wheaten loaves it appeared disi;u9iing indeed, and the bystanders, one and all, cried shame to fill men's stomachs with 6iich unwholesome aliment. The Judge applied the broad to his nose, nnd finding nothing in it olTensivo to his olfac tory nerves, was tempted to taste it ; he nibbled a little piece, it tasted well, and ho took a large kite. The counsel proceeded at much length, though the dinner hour was fast approaching, and, as he rounded the periods, the Judge nib bled around the black biscuit until none remai ned. At this moment the sailor stepped up, and with a conntennnce in which was depicted real distress, said 'why you have eaten my best witness. Yes, (said the lawyer) I have been Tcmarking that the Judge hns been swallowing the. evidence as well as the law. 'Never mind, (replied his honor, as if awakened from a dream) 1 am the better able to digest your cause.' So saying, he rose, and ordering the libel to bo dismissed, went home to his dinner. Boston Journal. Newspapers. Among the various portions f the human family, newspapers ore to lie found in the following ratios : In Asia one to every In Africa, one to every In F.urope, one to every In America, one to every In United States, one to every I I 000 000 5 0(10 (KM) KH1000 40 000 10 000 Jcnce Crancii has well described the Grand Jury to be a tribunal "taken from the midst of the people on tire spur of the occasion acting without previous concert ; not continuing long enough to form nn epr!l du corps ,- too short lived to become corrupt ; too irresponsible to become dependent ; andtoo deeply interested in the nreservntion of liberte tn ,imtinn tB i.inlf,. I ' ' ...... """'""' ..xienowcmzcns. .-v o- bcnption just and true, and eminently opportune. Worth Knowixo. A mixture of lard and wood soot in equal quantities, is stated by the editor of the Cincinnati Advertiser to be "the eovereignest thing in the world," for burns ami scalds. To cure intemperance, Mirabeau gives the following recipe. Take one gill of as good wa ter as ever leaked from the sky, add uno spoon ful of loaf sugar, one sprinkling of nutmeg, one Int of mint, one gill of the best French brandy. Then clup in red-hut poker, and then throw it anywhere but down your throat. This remedy never fails. FOR TIIK AMI'.HICA. Ma. EniToa: Myself and neighbors me de cidedly in favor of again nominating EDWARD V. BRKillT, as the Democratic candidate for the Assembly. Mr. Bright m idea v.iy good mem brr lie wn active and indiistriou always at his post, and did his duty faithfully. He was chair man of a very important Committee, and one thnl required a great deal of attention and labor. Hin appointment lo this station shnwa that he had the respect and confidence of his fellow members, and they say that we ever sent a more industrious and attentive member. Mr. Bright took an active and leading part in retrenching ihe expense of the Legislature, and in introducing principles of economy into every brunch of ihe (iovernment. He was on the Com mittee of Accounts, through whoso exertions Ihe reform which distinguished the last Legislature was brought about. He went about saving the people's money in earnest. A few ilnys after the opening of Ihe setainn, he olli nd the resolution which bi came a la, giving the Public Printing and Binding to Ihe lowest bidder. This measure alone will save about Tax Thoi-iand Dollass annually. It was suspected that great frauds had been committed by the punters under former laws. The Committee on Accounts set about the investiga tion of these accounts with a determination to lei ret out the frauds. Mr. Bright was one of the moat indubtrious and persevering members of that Committee. The result was that oveichargee of the printers,, lo the amount of thirteen thousand dollars, were discovered and suits directed to be brought lo recover that sum back into Ihe Treasury, 1'ne contingent ex penses of the last legislature ! were not one tilth ol the expenses of the proceed ing. Koine (15 or (20,000 were saved lo the Commonwealth in this matter alone, by the care and economy of the Committee of Accounts, Mr. Bright then has done his duty faithfully and houestly. He has carried out the wi.hes of the people, and ought to be re-elected unanimously. Honor to whom honor is due. Let the faithful public servant tie rewarded, and the best interests of ihe people will be faithfully represented. KHAMOKIN. FOll THE AMFRICAX. Ma. F.hitob : It being in accordance with the Usages of the Democratic party, for the people, previous to the formation of the County Ticket, to bring before the public the names of such in dividuals as they muy deem most worthy to dis charge the duties belonging to the offices within their gift, we would recommend to the consider ation ofthe Democratic F.lectors of Northumber land county, Maj. WILLIAM L. DKWART as candidate for the Legislature. Should the people see proper to elect Maj. Dewart as their . Representative, we feel confident that they will find in hnn a public servant of distinguiahed a bilities, an intelligent, firm, and unwavering De mocrat of the JetTersonian school, and, conae kequently, the laboring man's friend. Many pLMociAii nAliTlMORK MAIIKKT. OJiceoflheHii.rtmnn Astsaicia, July 86. GRAIN The supplies of wheat have been fair throughout the week. On Monday prices fell several cents, and sales of good to prime reds were made at 80 a Rfl cts., on Wednesday prices of the same ranged from 80 a 8 1 cts. Yesterday and to-day there was some demand for shipment, and prices rallied a little. We quote to-day good to prime reds at 80 a cts ; and ordinary to good at 70 a 80 cts. Sales of white Wheats at 90 a 05 cents the latter for parcels suitable for family flour. WHISKEY. IYices have been steady through out the week at 21 cts. fnrhhds. anil 22 a 22 J cts. for bbls. Within a day or two thero has been an improvement in the demand, and sales to some extent have been made. The wagon price of bbls. is 18 cts. exclusive of the bbl. Rsasows why iho Dm ml rot li Vegetable Univer sal Pills are especially adapted to this climate. No care required in using them. No change of diet. The body less liable lo take col J when under their influence than at any other lime. May be taken morning, noun, or night, with a certainly of good result ; ihst is, provided they operate freely upon the bowels. As a c.ithsrtic they are the moit mil I and invi gorating medicine that can possibly be ad ministered. Caution. No Drug Store has the genuine Br in drcth Pills fur s.dc. Gj Purchase of II. B. Mssscr, Sunbury, or of the scents, published in another part of this paper. .W A R 1 1 I K n t On Thursday the 2'ith nlf., by Christian flow er, Esq , Mr Gitoar; W. Wiall, to Miss Maul pa KicFFr.a, both of this place. In Pcnns township. Union county, a few works since, Mr. Mahtin IIarkison of this borough, to Miss Sarah Jarket of the former place. PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxtheimcr. Whkat, Rts, Conn, Oats, Pons:, FLAXsrr.n, Bcttks, Rkf.swax, Taliow, Dai mi Atplks, -Do, Peach bs, Flax, Hkcklkii Flax, Eons, 85 SO 40 25 ft 100 10 2ft 10 75 200 8 10 ALBERT LEHIV2AN, O ? 7 I C I i IT ... ....... .T . 5 i rom lhtlatlti)liiii. Espvr; i l i t. i V ,i,m. ,,, .:.:,. f M 6, Sunbury and its vicinitv, that he has taken a room in the frame building adjoining Jacob Pain ter V hatter shop, where he will oiler for sale, for a few days, S I'KCTAC 1. 12 S, 1 ' With Gold, Silver, and Xi"-'"' Shell Frames, with a new and improved assortment of Glasses of his own manufacture. These (j lasses are of Ihe best kind for preserving and improving the siahl in continued reading or writing, wherein they do not lire ihe rye, but strengthen and improve the vision. They are recommended by the moat celebrated Doctors and professors. Also, eipT (iLassks, of every idie and quality ; Maoiftikii Classks, of every description, Ml ciioscopes, with dill'erent minifying powers, to gether with a variety of articles in the Optical line, not mentioned. Optical and other instruments, and Glasses promptly and carefully repaired al the shortcut iio;ice. He ran always select Glasses lo suit the sight of persons as soon ss they nee them, upon the fir Hi trial. He will remain in Sunbury Kml for short tunc An?. 3,1811. ' ' - at Bl!Q.l-.T. CLAY, VKKUXtlHUYSEX -M) MAUKEE. (i rand Unity of the friends of their Country, at the tnh of the Susquthanna, on the lnrVi of Stft'emher. ROTHER Whigs of Pcnnsylvnaia ! our po- litical opponent, instigated tiy a desire to ro. cover Iheir Inst ground, and to throw Ihe dark man tle of Lc-cofocoism again over the thirteenth district, held a Convention diummedup and marshal'd bv all Ihe office holders in the Commonwealth, al Nor thumberland, un the 2Gth ult. We are resolved to beat them on their own ground lo show the Polkats that the Coons can outnumber ihem in their own fcurrow t Therefore, we do most hear lily invite your cooperation and presence. We summon you not in ihe name of ".Old Hickory, Oregon, Texas," or any other ylciious appeal, in sulting to your uiidertandini:s as American bee man, but in the name of your cherished prinei. pies, and in the name of him who rcr on noolhrr for his popularity and frit fume; and of him, who, when duly called, waa found where the ba'tle raged thickest, ol the tide vf hit country. In be hjlf ol thee we invite you lo the gathering. Rain or Shine, let every PcniKylvauiin thai em come be Iheie. Let every man who feels an in terest in the welfare and prosperity of the Hi pub lic encourage us with his aid. And more than this, lei the ladies come. Turn out. dauuhters of IVnn- sylvania, and with your be uttful pretence cheer the hearts of the friends of your country. Once m re, fellow citizens. The 13th Congres sional district is to be the btttle ground ofthe Si ,te. Upon it are to be brought to bear all the power and the influence of ihe corrupt and desperate leadeis of a loving party. Here are to be tumi d looae the whole hoida of Kickapoos and Wiucbjcopx, to fl lodtbe land with misrepresentations and idatidere. They must regain this district, or the death dirge I of their party is lo be sounded in Penri's. tShall j Ihey regain it, brotheis! Or ahall we, by one mighty demonstration of our strength and our j fum resolves, how ihrm that we are tinconr;uer able t Come then, ye undaunted yeoman or ihe land ! Pour out your hotts to the terror of Lorofucoiain ! Welcome ! thrice welcome to old Northumberland! John B.Boyd, Amos E Kapp, Joaeph Vankuk, E, P. Shannon, 1). M. Brauligam, John A. Lloyd, James Scott. H. J. Johnson, C. B. tiinilb, Thomas H. Walts, Abraham Troxell, Adam Ludwig, DaviJ laggart, Committee of Arrangements. N. B. The most distinguished men of the Na tion, will be invited to address the Convention. Their names will be announced as soon a their at tendance ran be ascertained. buubury, Auguot 3J, 18 H. Valuable Films, cmxal. l'ltoiT.nrv, W ATE n POWERS, II on Pies nnd ,otn Tor nnlo. rilHE Subscriber offers for sale the following de JL scribed Valuable Properly, all of which ho will sell at very moderate prices, and on reasona ble terms, viz! HOUSES At, L0T8. No. I, A large and elogint two story stone man sion house with bisement storj , sll highly finished, end situated nn the east side of Market street, in Selir sgrove, Union county, being Ihe residence of the subscriber. The lot on which this house stands is very handsomely improved, snH planted wlih choice fruit and ornamental trees ami shrubs, with sll the necessary improvements of a large barn, pigaery, wagon sheJ and corn crib, carriage house, ice house, smoke house and poultry yard. The wholo constituting a most destrnble and beau tiful residence. Price, (3,500. No. 2. A large two atory wooden house with ex tensive back buildings, and highly improved gar. den and lot of ground. This properly is situnted north of and adj lining No. I, and also forms a de sirablt residence, Price, 1,500. No. 3. A two story wooden house with lot of ground, situated on the cast side of Water street, in Sclinsgrove, well finished throughou', with log stable on Ihe rear of the lot. Price, 500. No. 4. A two alory wooden house with one sto ry kitchen, and a log stablo on the rear of the lot, situated north of and adjoining the last named pro perty, No. 3. A well and pump, In acrommodale this nnd No. 3, in the yard. I'tice, (500. No. 5. A lot of ground in Ihe town of Charles town, on the Isle, of (joe, situated on . street, 40 by ISO feet. A dcsirablo lot for a dwelling houe. Price, (200. No. C. A lot of ground adjoining Sclinsgrove and Pcnns creek, and fronting on Walnut street, containing about half an acre of ground Price, (00. CANAL PROPERTY At WARE Ac STORE HOUSES. No 7. A very valuable property on the Pennsyl vania Canal, on the Lie of Que, adjoining Si tins. grove. The improvements are such as lo fncilitate mercantile and trailing business to a great estent, and consist of a large twostoty frame house, occu pied as a dry Roods store; a large arid commodious ware house, 40 by HO feet ; a long range of sibling ; and an extensive wharf, 400 feet long, with hoist ing crane, cVc. It is situated on the herm hank side of the canal, and in every respect calculated fir an ei tensive business. Price, 5,1100, BOAT YARD AND DRY DOCK. No. 8. A large and convenient Boat Yard on the Pennsylvania Canal, and laying south of and adjoining No. 7. On this properly is erected a one and a half story frame dwelling house, well finish ed ; a large shed and office for the accomm rd.ition of boat build rs, and also a very complete dry dork, into which boats for repair are floated nut of the I canal, and into which new boats erected on the j yard are also launched. A very desirable, proper I iv. Price, ('2.000, I FARM OF 200 ACRES. ' No. 9, A large and exceedingly Valuable fatm, j containing about 200 acres of choice limestone j land, in a highly improved state. On this farm j theie arc about 140 acres under culture, divided by I gold fences into fields of ten acres; a largo Iwo j story hou-e with kitchen attached ; a well and pump of excellent water at the kitchen door; a large and convenient bank barn with wagon house, sheds and corn crib attached ; a largo pies house with every convenience for making cider, at the loot ofthe orchard, which consists of ten arrea of choice grafted apple trees nnd e,r trees. Limestone ia qu.irrird in any quantity within 100 yards ofthe farm buildings, where lime is burned. It lays wiihin ono mile ofthe Pennsylvania Canal nnd Se. lint-grove. A very desirable firm. Price, (12,000 FARM OF 220 ACRES. No. 10. One other large and valuable firm of a- bout 220 acres of limestone land, and .also situated within one nnlo of the canal at Sclinsgrove. It is well improved, there being about 130 acres well fenced and under culture, the balance beina well titnliered with oak, pine, walnut and chesuut timber. The buildinrrs consi-t of a largo nnd well tliiiidwd Iwo t-tory fnrm bouse with kitchen ; a large barn witn wagon ahed and coin ciib, cVc. attached ; a spring house and never failing splint near the hou-e; a smith shop, nnd iwojone kilns, capable nf burning one hundred bushcN lime per day, built adjoining nn exhaustlea limestone quarry. There are also three orchards of bcaiing app'e trees on this farm Price, (10.000. FARM OF 250 ACRES. No. 1 1. A farm on Pcnns Cre. It. about 3 J miles from the canal at Selinsgrove, wi h the public road leading from Sclinsa,rove to New Berlin, the s at of justice of Union county, running through it. It coma ins about 2&0 acres, of which there arc about 30 acres of first rate me.id ivv land, the balance up land and principally red schale. About one hun dred acrea are cleared, the balance being well cov. t ed with oak, bem'ork and white pine tiinbci. 'I he buildings Coii-i-t of a well finished two story faun house with several fine springs nf water close al hand, a large log bam, com cub, spring house, Ac Oil this fatm there is a mill seilo with 20 feet fall, on a stream of water tributary to Peons creek. This farm niiubt be adiau'ageously divided into two firms, and will beau divided if purcliaaeia de sire it. Price, (5,U00 WATER POWER. No. 12, A water power on Penns Cicek, of (i feet f ill, unimproved. It ia stiiiaied between ihe Iwo tracts of laud, Noa. II and 13, and within :ij miles ofthe Pennsylvania Canal, at iv Inn-grove A public road leads ihroutih this tract, along the cast bank of i'eiins ere. k Price, (501). WATER POWERS WOODLAND. No. 13, A tract of woodbind containing about 75 acies, situated n Peons creek, immediately op posite No. II. This tract is well covered Willi white oak and pine limber, with Wolf run flowing through it and empt) iug into Pcnns rrei k, nlliir ling an excellent scite fir a saw mill with fiom twelve In twenty feet fill. Pi ice, (1.500. ! No. 11. A ti act of woodland, unimproved, ailui- led on ihe eat s do nf Pcnns creek, adjoining No, j 13, containing about "M0 acres of eiccllcul n d achate upland Wolf run, liibut try to Pcnns ce. I:, I runs through this tract, and Hll'irds a superior scite ! for a saw mill. The land is heavily art w ith whi'e : Oak and pins timber, and ia auscf ptihle of being con- ' verted into an excelh lit farm, Price, ( ) 000. 1 No. 15. One other tract i f woodland, unimpro. i ved, situated in Pcnns town-hip, about 3 nut, 4 , fiom St linsgrovc, adjoining lands of John II iov, j (. Smith and other , containing 187 ucr- s r,d l,a perches of excellent led achsle upland. Wolf iuii ala.t pasaea through this land, atfording fine water 1 power, i he land is well c-ivcied with white oak and pine timber, and is susceptible of being con verted into an eiccllenl farm. Price, (2.800. No. 16, A tract of woodland, unimproved, situa ted in Union lownahip, adjoining landa of Michael Sanders and others, and not more than one mile from Sunbury, on the oppo ite side nf the nvr Suiquthauna, containing about 145 acres. This I land is very good red fchale soli, copable of being converted into sll excellent f 11 111. A stream of wa ter, tributary to the river, flows through this land sufficiently strong for a saw mill. The laud is Well covered with White oak and ptne limber. Price, (2.100. No. 17. A trad of unimproved woodland, situa ted in Centre township, Union county, containing 100 arrea, adjoining lands of J. Witteiimver and othcis. Midditburg is within tluce iniUs, and Middlo creek w iihin ono mils. There ts saw mill on the tract of land adjoining, fct w hich (he timber of this tract csn be wrought into bjards and other si wed stuff Price, $300. 53 In considerstion of the scarcity of money at this time, I will sell sny or sll the above property on terms to suit the times; and in case cash be nflcred, a reasonable deduction will bo made. Further par ticulars may be obtained by addressing the subscri biT st Sclinsgrove, Union county. Pa. H. W. SNYDER. Selingrove, August 3, 1844. 3m "oo! Intent Fire Company." A STATED MEETINO ofthe Company will lie held on Tucsdiy evening next, al 8 o'clock, at the Court House. Punctual attendance is re quired. CHAS. J. BRUNEI!, Aug. 3, 1811. Secretary. "Wiisliliigioii I'lro Company." rPHE members of the "Washington Fire Com panv".are requested to meet at the State House, nn Monday Evening, Atijti-t 5th, at 8 o' clock, precisely. Punctual attendance i required. Aug. 3. JACOB YOUNOMAN. Sec. n? a bl, H5 rr IJMvOM a lawyer's office, in Sonhnrv, on iho 1st of July la-l. They were a lady's, with bright pebble rI.iscs of eight sides, and without any j dm in the frame. Thev were No 1, or of the young est, or least magnifying power. A libernl reward will be given fir recovery of the Spectacles, or detection of the thief, on aptilirntion at Aug. 3, 1814. THIS OFFICE. SSici ifr's Sales. Y virtue of certain writs of venditioni expo nas issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland Cminiv lo me directed, will be exposed to puMic sale, st the Court House in Ihe Borough of Sunburv, on Monday the. 6th day of August next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the follow ing described property to wit: A certain Imct of land pit. in to in Pi int township, Northiimberl ind coun ty, adjoining the town of Northumberland, the West Branch or the River Susquehanna, lands I ite of Ihe estate of John Cow den. d. c'd., and described as follows: becoming 11 1 a point al the Wet Branch of the River Susquehanna, thence north 2S degrees east, 85 perches, thence north 52 de grees e.i.t, 30 perches, thence 1101th .12 degrees west, 141 and scveii-lenlh perches to a corner stone, thence adjoining I mils late of John Cow. den, dee'd., ihince down the West Branch nf the River Susquehanna, Ihe several courses and streams thereof, 14 7 and five-tenths perches to the place of beginning, containing two hundn d and one acres and 10 perches, strict measure, he the same more or less, whereon nrn erected a large two sloty frame dwelling ho 11-0 with a cellar kit chen, a stone spring house, a pump nf water, a laige frame barn with a wagon shed and coin crib attache, I, a large log barn, a large apple orchard and a good saw-mill. Seized, taken in execution, and lo he sold as the property of William A. Lloyd. L-r" Also: A certain Iract or piece Jt-- of I mil situate in Chilisqunquc township, Notthumherl'd Co., adjoining lands of Fiancisfiih son, Peter Camp, Joins Pardoe and other-, con taining 77 acres mors or less, nearly all of which is cleared, whereon sr eiecte.l a two siory log hmi-e, weiitheiboarded, lo which is att achod a o kitchen, a larg log ham, a good spring house, a corn crib and two apple or, hards. Also: Another certain tractor piece of bind, situate in the township afore sa d, adjoining lands of Samuel McD iniei, William Dehart, Peier ('amp nnd others, containing 41) acres moic or less, about 3 acres of which ate cleared. Seized, taken in execution, and lo ho sold as the property nf Reuben Braiicher. MAIso: A certain lot or piece of laud situate in Rush tounsfcip. Northum beiland county, adjoining lands of Jacob Neice, (iodfrey Rock afellow and others, containing HI n cres more or less about 20 aeicaof which aro ilea rul, whereon are erected a small log house, a I. c barn and a small orchard Sei,ed, taken in execution, nnd to be sold as the property of Ceorge A. Dixon. Also : A certain lot of ground situate in the boiouii'i of Sllnbiirv, Nor- thumVihiud coiinlv. and marked ill the cener il plan of said town. No. l'.tO, fmiCinc on Fawn si , mid bounded on the Noilh by I it No. 1H!). South by lot No. 191 and East bv an alley, containing in front 00 feel and In leueib about 230 lei t, wheton is erected a two atory log bouse and an old lug sialHe. Seized, taken in execution, and lo be sold ss the property of Daniel Young. AUo: Tilt; one undi viiled fifth part of su-sevenlhs, being six lint ly-lifihs nf a certain tiact of land, rlu ite 111 Aonus'a town ship, N01 ihuiuhcil-ind county, adj lining lands of W i iam Reed, Aaron Robins, J dm (.'lark, Jr., and others, c litsining two hundred and forty-seven acrea more or less, about forty acies nf which are cleared, whereon are erected a lop house mil a log bam. Schvd, taken in exicuiioti, ami M he sold as the prjj eity of Thomas (iruiit an I Robert S, Ciraiit. Also: A certain tractor piece of land, fcisuatu in Coal town-hip. Nor thumberland c.iunty, adj doing landa of Jacob (lass. Philip Staiiilmcli, Lew 11 Dewait and others, con. turning two hiiiu'ri d acrea more or less, nhoul ten acres of hich are cleared, whereon aie erected a small log house, a small log alable and an old baw mill. Seized taken in execution, and to be sol. I as ihe property , if Archibald Hodge and John Fenlr. A No: i he one nndi iJtil sixth part, the whole into six enoal rut. 1,1 1. divided of a ceitaiu tract of 'and, situate in Coal town-hip, Norlhutn'jeilaiid county. adjoining lands late of Yalen'.iue Hiobsl and of oth- rs. c n taluing two hiin.lred jcm mort 01 less, ahoul liliy cres of wlncii are cleared, wh.-reon are erected a tavern house, a birn, slit da, Ac, 11. iw in the occu pancy of. Paul lioa h. 53 'SH : I he one undivided sixth mSZZ p.titot a lerlain other trad f I n .1 . snu .te in said low iiship, survi ed oil a warrant in the name ol Jcreu.iih Paul, coiit.oiiing 203 acrea and IS pen lies more or b ss, on SiaiuoL in creek adjoin ug landa lite of Yah mine I'robst. dee'd. and others. Seized, t ikeii ill execution, and to bo sold as the proper iv of t'hailes A. Bradford. Also: On Saturdays the .'Id of August, at 1 o'lhH'k, P. M., al the house of Michiel Reader, in Tnrlnilv lie, a certain lot or piece of giounj, aim ite in Lewis township Nor thumberland courvly, adjoining lands of Benjamin S ividgn, Thomas Kilhreath, Jacob Weitmau, and Abraham W- tlause, runt ami lg four acrisinore or loss, all of which u cle .red, whereon is erected a small fr.ine houe, a leg liable and a good well of water. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the properly of Daniel Lckro.le. FELLY MAULER, fhtriff. Sheriffs Ofr.ce, Sunluiy, July 20, 1911. S To the i:i?rlnrn or orlUuiiitcr lantl C:ouu!y. TELLOW CMTENSt-I beg leave totffr myse f as a candidate for the office nf COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at the ensuing election. Should I be so fortunate as to lie elected. I pledge myself to dirchsrge the duties of said office with fidelity. FELIX LERCII, Shamokin. July 27lh, 1S14. Credit System COSTS TOO MUCH !! FT is now an ackwiwlfded fort that the Cash - StsTr.st iatheoiy true one, both foT the Buyer and Seller. Just received our second stock of New Goods this season. We opened a new store on the Cah Principb' last April, and the great reduction nf pii ces it enabled us lo make, the saving and satisfac tion the customer finds in its adoption has render ed our store universally popular with all who have 1 veti us a call. Our stock of goods consists of sll the variety of Dry Goods, Groceries, Qnrcnsvarr, Hard ware, Boots, Shoes, Hats, llnnnits, ej-c, c)V., usually hrpl in a Country Store, All of which we buy in New York end Philadel phia for the Cash Ovr.t, and generidly from men who sell for f.'n.sA Only. We buy our goods cheap and sell them ehept and we con do it, because we neithrr pay the dfhts of nthr.rs, nor ask our custo mers to pay for other peoplt'n goorfs. "Every man pay his own debt"," is our motto. Wo wish lo extend the benefits) of this system, and therefote invite all who may hear nl our store to give us a call, see for themselves, and act CS wis dom dii tales. Don't miss the place. There arc others who retrnd to sell cheap, for cash. Our store is Sorth of lite Canal, in the brick building opposite to Mr. A. Montgomery' atone hoiisr, corner of Mill street and Bloomsbuie road. Wat!; nut. try us, and vou will be well paid Tor It. m.'SsEL i CRIER. Dmville, July I3ih,18tt. 3l LIST OP CAUSES TOll trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nrfr tliuin' erlnn.l County, at August Tern 1911, commencing the first Monday, being the Oth. Hill, FitchetvV Co Stephen Wilson Samuel Keefer John (irilliu'a adm'x Jncob l.eiser, sr. John A Lloyd vs Jame Tharp vs F A Kracht vs James Beard va S T Burrows s J cV II M Davion vs Rebecca Wells Bank of Norlhum'd Ac vs Paul (ieddes Ac Eli Probst Robt Miner's adin'rs David Wats-in Dr R. bert Philips Abraham Strsuh Wm II Miller Ooin'lh of Pa John Aclcr Isaac Davis Jane Perry Daniel lli'l I W Si ltz'ORer John HarJieg, jr Phibp Fox John Finm-in et al Ma-tcis .V Mathers Thomas Hull' "Frvmire for F.vert Jacob Raruhnit Anthony Watson Sus innah Zerho llj'dv iS: Ksse John't- BovJ Hugh Hellas, cvc John Wolf John M ur ny .1 irob W miih (leorge 1'iince James llarrei's a lin'a Maiv Wi-, ks Daniel Zerbe Wife Win A Liny. I Co ii'tf. of Pa S.me Same Same S Sw inehart A Wife Jacob M.iyUnd Frederick Kb It J A W F Wagenseller I 'our id lb slu r's ex'r II' n v Pete y A wifo J inn s Appleton, ck' llei jam 11 Camp Joseph Wei'rel J.ico'i Baruhait Elizat'eili I.oug J.'liu I! Keder B ui 111 1 11 liob'ns U Hli mi Welch William Nice fame vs Samuel ft Robt McICee vs William Ilibler et al vs Patrick Montague va McCartee cV Putdy vs Jonathan Adams vs Wm II Fryniite et al vs Fi lix Manrer et al vs Chailes Craig vs John Bower va Harriet Jenkins vs Jacob Meixell'a ex'r vs John fiarver et al vs Wm H Sanderson va Heniy Fornwalt Vs Aucust ns Hucy ct al vs J C B N'ourso va S miuel Bell va Wm Stitz- v Wm MrOinncss vs John M H 'usel vj John A Lloyd vs John C (irter ct al s Richard Rensh'iw va Willia.n Mi (Joy vs Overseers of Jackson tp vs Jaim s r Murray VS Joseph Weilzel va T A Billinglon's ass'nw vs Peier Snvder vs Bcrly & Haas va Ii aac Roadarmel vs Martin A Slock vs F W Pollock va Charles Comley e.'rs v Same vs F W Pollock va Peter Feraier vs II Yoxtheiincr et al vs Same va Eli Shfer va J ircb MeKinnev rt al va Ch irles Shaffer's exr's vs V ni DorialdaOll va Jacob Weitley va Charles Ruch vs J ho MctimnceS va (ieoige Long's aJin'rs va John Painter vs Abraham Lawrence vs Joseph Keller va Eddinger Si Lawrcr vs fame Sti phen Derr vs Henry Steinmelz Solomon Mentis' heirs va Daniel ertrnan ('bar es lii arhail, jr vs (ieorccA lbxonetal HjjsvV. Diuckeiniller v John W P. nl KvMl'EL D. JORDAN. Pioihonotsrv 'a office, J'ro.'i'f. Sunbury, July fi, ll. Hoot & Shoe pii 1 mi Ku:rn:n TTft ESPECTFI'LLY informs the pnblic th .t HtV he has commenced the 1IOOI' iV SHOE MAKI.Nti business, 111 the house lately uccu) led by Dr. John II. Piire, in Sunbu'V. He will war rant tiis work to be aa well made as any ia town, at the f blowing cheap piices: P-ne Stitched Boots, et 55 ftfl i n Fudged ibi ' f 00 Coaise do " 3 50 Women's Shoe Well Spiing, st 1 37 no tin Pump do " II? Tuinrouinls, " 1 OH Mouio. a, Coarse, " I rs J do Caif ' 'j ;i; J Pine B un. IVo'e I " 3 "3 Coaise do do ' 2 6U Sunbury, July l.l h, 1HI4 -fit Olittf ol' Hon. .'. i. DttiiiuT, ik t 'd. IE l'TEKS of administration 011 aaul e.-tale have l e u granted lo the subscriber. Persnns nidi Ik ted to the estate will plea-e niuke immediate pay ment, and those having claims sg in-t the s tine re requeued to pietcnt them for .lamination and set- J ll.nient. CH MILES W. IIFOINS Sunl u y, July 13th, 1811 Ct Adrn'i. co.MMissioNi.ij. THEREBY ill'ai my . If to the Electors of N,u ihuu.bi 1 land County, u a candidate lui the of fice of COCNTY COMMISSIONER. Should I l e!t eli d, I pledge in)ed It) JisJiarge the duuei of aaid olVito with fideoty. PE I ER BIXLER. Lower Mahouoy, June lolh l.ll. SL'JLS 0"P COURT. Sanuiel Oaks Ap-il 1 1 1I1, 1 844. On motion . C of ('. W. Hetsiits, Esq. the Conn Hi nry Frick. ) gtnnt s rule on Ihe judgment sod lien creditors of defendant, to ap pear on the first day nf next term, and shew cause why the proceeds arising from sale of drfendant's real estate should tint be distributed according to piiority of Lien. By the Court. SAMUEL D. JORDAN. PiOthonotnry'a Office, 5 I'roth'i. Sunbury. July 0th, 181 1. S 4t ""RULE" CP ' COURT. The Bank of Northumberland April 10th 1944. t'. j-On motion of A. Oeorgo Wciscr. J Jordan, Esq., thsj Court grant a ruls on the Judgment and Lien creditors of defendant, to appear on the first day of next term, and shew cause why the proceeds arising from tale of defend ant's leal estate should not be dUliibutcd according to priority of lien. By iho Court. SAMUEL D.JORDAN. rrctuonotary s office. Siinlmry, July Gth, ISlLJ. Vrottt -4t TIic IMiiloso4iicitl WASHING IVIACKINB. tIMir WASH1NC MACHINE, plain and aim. ptein its ronstrttr-tion, cannot fail to find i's way into every fami'y when its real value becomes known. The price (six dollar) is fixed at th lowest rate, in order to enabln every family lo obtain one. The inventor cvtntfttitees that it will not re quire more than one fourth the nunl quantity nf soap That it will ah in nun-third the usual time, and what :s a matter of g-.cnt importance, ll o wear and tear is S01 ihno, or al lea-t ao little, that it is not perc p1ib!e, so that finest h'ack worsti d and woollen can be w asbe l, if necessary, in the same suds w ith linen and cotton. Tins may seem -trange t9 those Who do not know the principle upon which it works. It is the on'y machine ever irt- venli d that washes upon he principle ofthe fic tion nf water alone. All others wash upon tho principle of friction or rubbing, by bringing Iho clothes in contact wi !i some p rt of Ihe machine. Independi nt of lhc,gtcat saving of labor, economy should bring it into general u-e. The poor man cannot afford to do without it, while the rich man will use it f.'t convenience, if no.hing cUe. Largo faniili-s w i'l save f'O'ii five to fifteen dollais a vear in soap alone, and not Ic-s th in f,l) per ci nt. in tho wear and tear of clothes, besides the great saving c f laboi and expense in washing. The subscriber v. ill guarantee that it will peiform all that he Las atuti.d, if propeilv us, d. He has stcurej from the paten te, the right to Nuithumhc ilaud, I. nion, Lycoiiiing, Cu'mnbia, Lucerne an J Clmlon counties. II. B. MASSE R. Sunbury, June 23, 11 1. Lslalc ol' Iani I lcvy, rsq., slct'U. I E'l'TER te-tanu nlary on sanl csta;c have hem granted lo the t-ub-enbers. Persons i.ideblcd lo the e.oaic will plea-e make immediate pavmcnt, and ihoi-e having claims against ihe same, are rc quisled to present thrin for examination and Kflf.lu nicnt. LEWIS DEWART, A. JORDAN, Suiihnry. June 22 I. 1S4 t. -fit E.recnh r. I MTI TAOE BIBLES. Eive copirs of f c Cot. 1.1110 Bible, tlie clieupi st book ever I ubbsln J, containing the commentary on the OIJ mid Ne.v Testament, just recciu d and for sale, for six doll irs, by June 15. H. B. M V-SF.R. lVM.ZORl.NES. a handsome article for I.ad.ia' Dress rs, for scle cln up, hy June 15. II. n. MASSE R. H"' WEED LOTH, a handsome article, all wool, light and elastic, tor Summer Coals and Pants; for sale, very low, by Jut.e 15. II. B. MASSE R. "2 r n "TP 1T1TTT1 0. Tt-UsaJ. 2 1LL ITj'i, It, WW IMiUHll'.tCltJI'CI'S of niBRCLLAS, PARASOLS, nntl SI'S SHADES, Ao. li:i Market Slrtct, V li I I a ilt lji hla, SNVIPE the attention of Merchants, Manufac turers, Ac, Ac, to their very extensive, ele gant, new slock, prepared With great Care, and of li red ut Ihe lowest possible piices for ca?h. The principle on which this concern is establish ed, is to l0listl!l the mutual llitelest of their Cll-to-mera an-l theio-clves, by in iiiulaetui ii-K a g iod ar t'C e, selling it at the lowist price for cash, and realizing their own rcmuiuuition, in the amount of sales and quir k returns. Possessing iueh.iui.til lo fieilities for manufac ture, they are picpared lo supply ordeis lo anv r. tent, and n specifully solicit ihe patroiiage of Ma. chants. Manufacturers and Dculvis. (Lj' A la'te assortment of the New Sljle Cur lain Paras,, la. Philad.lpl ii, Juno 1, ISM. T y XIERIVS HOTEIi, roKur.it 1, v Titr.iioxr noisi: An, ll f'losiuit PHILADELPHIA. . rr:iE SUBSCRIBER, recent I y nf f 1 Kea.linc, Pa., would inform the ;.uli- ! ,x t,c ttiai 11- nas I 'tej un in." a'lovo ratn- irf . .... . , . , ., -us 1111:1 eoiiveun-iir i si iniib.iirieni, iii.tl Wo alwavs h" r, a 1 v to entcit .in a irpor His ' I it .1 ,-' 1 reput niou i 1 i'ic h pe !, w ill afford full n-iU'snrs, th it - foesta will le ! pbe.l wi h every c-ont Tt an t aecomm i!j l . 11 j whilst his house will bp lolul'.lc e l under st e'i ,r-laiigi-Pieuts aa vv.l! s, ,-u e a cli iroter f- r ihe iirf ion-n ib,. 1 IV, ai d sai-lactorv enteitaiiiiiiunt foi in tl 1 v i,u ds ai l tan i es, : Chaine " b.iatdina fl per,' V. DANIEL HERE. Phil id. IpMi. Mav ? ltJ!v to Mi:i.t tiiMi s 11 i.im:i;s. WM, Al. JOS. I'.. y Al'Lli, MANl'F "ITRE1!S ND DEALERS IN I OKE'CV M DOMES PIC S RAW CDO lis, .Ye. oO, .Y( .7: .? co, 1,.' S'nit, ("opposite th M.l,!,-:l ,-(. ) iTv WHERE wdl b found a general assort, f'rj l$''ineiil of Pl ireioi- lirai 1-, Aller's. !ut-ar? lands, Pe l.'.les. tllow Plait, Rue Stuw. and tlio , much admired Ne.ipolitan l ace, and Fancy Bon nets, manufactured hy n, and for i-ale lit the lovve-t nianulaclU'e pin es. Merchants nnd Milliners are i"MI0'1 n giw m edl upon mshuir the City. 0 ' N. II. v o have ulso coti-t 111 Iv makini; , 11 f sup, lioi lurr 1 11 1 other edgings, all i-f which will be so'd ( heap, foi 1 a-h. I'bita.lclj.hia, M iy 'i. Htl ty A II. IIOiT, cap. ! of curving ;n Ion-, about ball ivmn, w i l be sol.l cheap, and 0.1 n a-.'lla'.i'e terms. EinjUitc at tt'.is olii.'e. Apul 27th, HI I. O TtlNE ARC I .1 silc Stone Jugs, Iroin I quail lo -'1 gallons, fill St.me J os, 1,0111 2 to 0 aalloits. For silo, 1 heap, by Oct. 14 11. B, MASSER.