Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, July 13, 1844, Image 4

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    fW-l ( 1
If , K oti: LIST.
. he f, Mowing list shows the current vnlii of nil
Pennsylvania U.uik Notes. The most implicit re
.mice miy ho. placed upon it, as it i rrry wrrk
rpfully eronpuctl wilh ni d cnrreclcj fmm lit. k
nrll's Hi porter.
I';it,tl In IMilIuib IpliLt.
Pur. ri
Hnk of North America ,
Brink nf the Northern Liberties
('iiiriiiiri. iiil Dank of Penn'a. .
Cuni'f . " iin.l Mechanics' Bunk
Kfnsiiisioii Bank ,
Philadelphia Bank
Schuylkill Bank
S-inlhwak Bank . ,
Wrrtein Bank . ,
Mechanics' Dank
Manufacturers' Ar, Mechanics' Batik
Country It-inUs.
J'iiii ah.
. pnr
. par
. par
. p;ir
. par
Patent Fire
Nnrristow n
uia These
Lancaster nll'ice,-.
Heading ( ilu nut
Easfnn J issue n.
D 1 soon n t.
Philadelphia Sla'.'-:
. pnr
l'ottfivillo I
Lcwistown 1'
Middlrtnwn It
Noitbtinihetland pnr
fink of Chester Coiintv
It ml; .if I). Imnro County
Hank .-,f drrmnntown
t-nnk nf Montgomery Co.
Pnvb-t.mti Hnk
fvis'on Bunk
f 'n-rn-vs' Hunk of Burks co. Bri bd
Mi. o nf Bank of rctm'a. 1 Finishing
' nlire do do
Office (1,) do
Olice do ilo
A C) T ns A T
pmk of the United ttitl,'
Bunk cf l'cnn Township
.JilKTiI Bank
Moyarnensing H ink
Rank of Pennsylvania
Mirn-hi' Hank of Potlsvillc
Bank nf Lc-.vistown
il'.ink ( f ti(l,lli ti.wn
Hank n Nnrlhnmbcihtid
Columbia Hank A Bridge co. Colurnbiu
I nrlisli- Hank
Exchange Bank
Po il l branch of
Farmer-.' Hank of Lancaster
bnncn-tcr County 11 ink
Fanners' Hunk of Heading
Harrisbutg Bank
I.uicn.-trr Hank
Lebanon !;ii'k
Men bants' iV ATanuf. Bank
1i ink of Pitlsburg
West llianrh II .ink
Wyoming riank
Northampton Bink
Perks Coiintv Hank
Oilier ol Bank of V. S.
Po do do
Po do do
Kensington Sav, Ins. A
Pcnu Township Sav. Ins,
Pank of Chambcrshurg
Bank of leltyshurg
".ink of Sii-iiuehiiiina Co.
I.rii! liank .
Fanners' V Piovers' Bank
I'm nk I i it Hank
I B .lik
Muromrnhela. Hank of B.
York Hank
A. I), J he Holes ol those hanks mi u
ninil (Uiilalinn, und sulistilntr a dash ( ) air not
purchased by the I'bilmlrlpl.iu broker', with llic
txtiption of thone which liavc a Inter ol n ten nee.
nixl TliicT Proof Iron
Shite lined Pefrigerators,
I'Mtcrs nttiirlie(l'"vlion
ETA1TS ft,
-No. i( S'Hilh Ihinl St., oppositc-tlie f 'xchaitgc,
MANI.FACI'f'ltE nnd
""rkerp for alr Pvin Evan'
ii Jj-eelel'tnled Waler nnd I'rovi.
'tWF I 'S'i-'n C. olem. mi.l I'alet.t IV.
iilwii itniiim Kiro hii.I 'I'l.iif Proof 1-
it'Si? 'J'',n (;,",,"' f"r l"-'rvi"
"fV'Wi-r:'f Jri"'" " l'l,". Pi eib, Ji.wdy,
....' '""(.lid. Mlvrr, eVe., iVr., niade
of Ho b r lion, (mid not ovrr Plank as nmely -live
out nf every onr hundred now in use nnd for tnle
rr inn I. .) wpli first rate I...i k nnd Pavid Evens'
Pii'i ni Kevholn (nvers, similar to tbciinn
ed Ml die Philadelphia Exchange, for three nnuillm
in Hie sunimnr ol 1S1J, when nil thfl Kevs were nl
liberty to be tm-il, nnd the Chest n.,t opened. .
I ibnneli iIh experiment was liinl ly lit lenst l.")00
i pMson. One nf the same l.neki win Hied by
j lt.h.. r-. Ht Ibe Pelaware Coal Oilier, in Walnut
I atieet, i,.ve 'I'hiid, hut dij not Mirce.d.
; (J IliiHtinir MnebiiiFK, Inoi Poors-, mperior
: l.oi k. nnd nil kimN of I nm Kmbnus. Seal und Co.
pi mi! Presses, nnd SiiiiiIim oik irrnerally, on baud
or in imilailiired at Ike shortest nolice. '
uliuii nil per.
or rau-iiu; in
Proul ( 'In su.
in priuciple In in v
Carlisle lj
Hollidavsbm g y
t.miciKtri j'
lJ.ridini? j'
Harrishurrr 1
Erbniioii j
Piltsburir j
PiitsUue; $
Millininspnrt 1
Wilkrsbimo 1J
I'Utsl.nrg failed
I'.rin (In
New Hriulilon do
(icltysburg 1
MoritroBU at)
Q j- C AI 'I DI do hereby
s .lis .iuiin-1 livikim;, usiiii;, sellu u
If H. 1,1, any Keyhole Cnvcis lor Tin
or I loom, ot iiny kind ninil
1'iilm.l ..11,1,1.1..... Il-.II I i ..
.... ,., , ,mii u.v, i o i i , nun a is. iiu iii h; i.iiiiiik
liYtri'MTilurs wi'h Male, for wlneli my Pnlerii is
dale. I '''iih Mdi, h. nny ml. inireim nt w ill
be ilealt wjili nciording tu I iw.
Piiii.d. iphi-i. 1:1, isit.iv
'I'o roil it fry
I 00tS, Slid,.
liniii and
Urow nsville
'. lioiinets, I.e
Palm Leaf Hats.
:. v. iV L. p.. tayloii.
nl the S. I). i-nnur ' Marlrt an, I 'i'h Sin .
.i.sdiinii nt nf the
m II at unusual.
ly low ' pi ices, nnd pailicul ulv invite the attention
of buyers vi-itn j; tl,r ci:v, i no jaminati .n ol
'beirstoik. (i. V . A 1.. H. 'J'A Y l.OIS.
Philadelphia, May 2.r), I 8 11. lv
l'l'"Eli for sa'r an ( i...-
'above iii'icb . all of which (In v
persons bavin;; demands naiii't the
nuiioinveillli lor libor iier.,r:ned, or mate
rials furnished lor the r pairs . f ihr
oi III ltr;iii'!i f 'ati;il,
prior to the 'Jtlj day of Jaiiniry, ll 1, who b. i'e
not banded lo the subscriber no account of ti e
same, are r quested t,, d,, so at ihe raihe-t p.i.siliie
mouienl, in nrder that thev nny be put in form f, r
Relllenietil, ns soi.n as the fund appmpiiatrd lor the
pnvment of uld di btn run be obtained.
'J'ho e livinij nl a distance are requested lo fnr
wsrd by mail or nlherwisr. W. I!. .M A PFE'I',
YVilkest.irre, May II, IHU tf
i:n TtiTIVn SVRM.
flHE viilunbV prnprnirs of Onklry'n Prpinn
1 tivn Syrup of Sarsnpn'illa, ns n purifier of llm
blood, i n well known to the public generally, i
tlmt it in iiniirceraary to orrupy much pncc in fet- j
tinir, forth the ndvnnlnnes to b derived from t I
imp i wherever Ihe medicine has onre been Intra- !
duced, it tnke preeedrnce over nil others j evciy j
onethnt bns Inken it, mv ib rived po tiiumil bene. ) results from it, that it is recommended by !
(bem wilh Ibe ivmost eonfidenee. Physicinnn of;
the highe'it st in lina in the profession, prescribe it .
lo pmients under their enre i eontninitirr noibing '
di leterioils. but bcirifr romjmsed nl (hp most mild, j
yet ellicirioun vegetable materiala, it ii offered with ;
confideiice. ns ihe chivipesl nnd nio-t ellieient pu. i
ril'ier of (be blood now known. The use of n lew
bottles, especially in ibe sprinrj month, will be ut- i
tended wilh a most decided impiovemi nt in the ce-
neral slieni;ii nf the -vsiem, eridieaticu nnv seeds
of disi a-e that may h ive been pcnerati d, benides
a i v i 1 1 health arid fiiri.r to ihe body. Tor the cure I
nl Scrofula or Kitmn llvjl, Khcum.itism. Teller,'
Pimples or riuplions of ihe Skin, While Swelling, ;
I' stuln, Chronic Cniiuli Asthnn, rVe. The mi
inrmus re'tilica'rs in Ihe por.scsi,.n (,f ihe subscri
ber and his nients, Imm physicians and others, are
siill'icieiit to ( onv iiee Ihe in. .si skcptieiil nf its ( I
peri. wily met nil prrparatiuiis of Sarsapaiilla. I
S,,, ii holr-nli- nnd retail, bv the proprietor,1
flEDb'OE V. OAKEEY, North f.lh strct. 1,'ca. '
I'inu. links Oonmv, and lo he bid ol the fnllowins '.
pelsulis : i
In A',7,'.-imW,r, f ,,. U. H. .lfisv, ,
Siuiburv ; lieliud V, .Mclv.iensiilli-; J '
K i.iiisi r. Mill, in. i
I'liiwi Cuiini. ,t.
. . . . ... ,'
,i. i u 1 1 1 1 1 is. .ii iiiiiriiiin i.
' ('m'ii!iiia f Vic.. I!
Kcndinu. March II. I-:1.
Mil. OiKitT : I believe it Ibe Ulv nf evcrv
ntie lo do hhleier in I heir power I ic, for the h ne.
lit of their b Mow 111 m, nnd luivinu bad po-iiive
proof in mv own, nf ihe woieh rl'iil properties
ol your Pepur.i'tve Syrup nf S.irsapirill-i, 1 m 'st
eoinciriiliou-ly reconiuu i:d it In the allln li d. W e
h.i.l the mbfortiine I i (wo i if our children, bv
the I rraknii nut nl' ulcerous s. -es thai covered the
lace, bend iinil neck, nllhoueh we h id some nl Ihe
tiinst -cientilie pby-ieiaiis lo aliend th m nn.l had
tried nil the known ren.edies. incln liiie Swaim's
Paiiaein, ivithmit nv ill. Anoiher of my rhildren
was nttai ke, in ihe same in. inner, her fare U-,,
neck wi: eoinpleie'v cr.ven ,1 ; the il.scli.ircr was su
oll'ensive, nnd tbr ibsease al such u bi,;i;lil. that we
di si iire,l 1. 1 her life. Srrin-i the wondeiful rlli cN
nl vi.iir I'epuroive S nq. Sarsapnri: i, we wen
in.lncid to loal.e tii il nl il. as tin- last r- .rl ; II
acied like n ebnrm ; the u'ers eomiiieiKa d Imnli i .
imiiieiliatelv. n 1. w bottle,- eniirely rr-tnre.l her to
In r l eilt'.i, which isbe h .s enjoved UU'r'teritli tedli
eicr siin r As a purifier nt the l-'o, 1 , 1 enlv In -In
ve it b is lint its eqntil.
O'caib art, Scliu-prove :
YV. MiCav, Wash
W'ulnut street, near I'niiilli, Head
Dniiul isivill... April lp,h, 1S:1.
Mil. Oivi.i ! : My s.-n lMinnnd Leaf, bad the
scrulula in ihe .lie ami ili-ties-'n man
lier or thru- yen's, duiini: winch lune be was dc
privrd of the use nl his limb, his be nl nnd neck
j wen- ruver.d with ulcers. We tri.d nil ihe diller-
em n men ii s, I in lo no i licet, until reconiiueinlcil
f I I IP l 11 1 ! i r , i , i i..i.i. r - . .
ll t . 1 II li ,J. Ii. Jl . ri I, If. 1 'V it. j. unison nr .orn-row ii. an, I nl-o nr. Isaac
i:i:sPE(rrn:i.l.Y infornis Ibreil-
Philadelphia Sav. Ins.
Philadelphia Loan Co.
"( biivlkill Suv. Ins.
Minual l.ubnr HaiiK. ( 1
l ow-ambi liank
Alb-iihanv Hank of Pa.
H.u.k of Heaver
Hank of Stvalnra
Hank ol 'aliingtnn
Cent re 1' ink
City Hnnk
Parmer-,' & Mpi h'es' Hnnk
paiuiersW Mcch'cs' Hank
PiirmiTs'iN! Mecli'cs' iauk
H.nmony Insiiluti
liiMiiiiiiidor. Hank
Jcn.a.i Panic
jUiiibcrinen's Hank liank A Pa.
New Jlope Pel. Hii.lne I'.i,
.,iihiimli'd I nioi, t',,1.
Noith Western nf Pa.
Otl'ice nt p'chuilkill Hank
Pa. Aur. A- Miinuf. Hank
Silver Lake Hank
I 'ninil Hai.k nl Penui.
e.slinorelund Hank
ilkesbarre Hridr Co.
Q j" All Holes purpo.iiiifT to be on nny Pennsyl
vania Hank lint yivtn in (he above li,t, may be net
iowu us frauds.
m:vk Ji:itsi:v.
I'lnlad, -Ij.hia failed I
do tailed I
lo fiiled j
W Pyotl, prop.) failed i
'J'ownnda I
Bedford no sale l
He-aver clou d
llarrishurir eloped
Wii-hinntoil failed
Belli b nlc cl..S( (I !
J'ltisbuii; no Mile
Pntsbur failed j
I'ayetle c.,. filled j
iieenca. I e failed
llarinniiV no side j
Hunting, Ion no sale .
I.evilowii no sale
Piilnl ill'
New llnpu
Port Carbon
( larlisle.
tin sale
lio sale
i.ens of Sijnbury und its vicinity, lhat
be Ii ir removed his ollice to the while
buildiiiri in Market S.iu oe, east of Iia
T. I b 'inriil's st ne. and iiiiMicd nh lv oppoile the
post ollice, where he will he happy to receive call--in
the line of bis profeseinii
Sunbuiv, May 4ih. l.44. ,
Henry S. Haul man,
BE(iS bne to inform ibe ciii'.ins of Suid urv
nnd ils vicinity, thai he h is commence, I the
IlLACKSMrrillNC P.l'SlM'.SS,
III Ihe shop formerly occupied bv Panic! Yar ck. j
111 Maikct strei t. Simbuiy, t asl ol lta I . ( 'leineiil'
slore, nnd directly oppo-iie the post olli. e, when- lie to cany on the luisim s- in all its laiinis j
Orders will be promptly and pnu, tu dly ntiend, d i
to, and woik done cheap, lor cali oi country pin
duce. j
CCj' Hoise Shoeing done nt f I pel sell.
Siiiihurv, April Vii'h, 1 I 1 I v. ,
Wilkcsbarre iinmile
Hank of N w Hiuntwick
l!( lv idete 1! ink
Huihnpion Co. Hank
Pcuimeicial Hank
ruuiherland Hank
rarnu-is' Hank
liruiisivii k
Hell iileie
Med lord
Perlll Alliboy
Mount Holly
FarmerB' and Mechanic' Hk liuhwuy
'arnicrs' and Meclinnie.s' lik N.Hiuusw'uk failed
Parmrrs' nnd Mi r, hunt' Hk Mnldletown Pt. .)
Piaiiklin Hank ol N. .1.
llo!io.en Hky i O'lianifi Co
Jersey Cily II ink
Methiiniio' H ink
Manufaclori -r.-' Hank
.Morris a,nniy Hunk'
Monnioiilb lik nf N. J.
Mcthiiinck' ll.iiik
Mrehanie anil .Mniinl. Hk
Morris Canal und l'k (',
l'ost Noic,
Newark Hku iV Ins Co
New Jlope J'el C'o
N. J. MarKilae. ui il Hkis ( 'o
.1, r-ey City
Jersey t'iiy
Morristow n
Jersey City
N J J'rniecinu Loiiilurd t k Jersey Cily
( tiunue Hunk
Pulersnll Hank
Peoples' Uai.k
Piiucelnii Hank
Suit-in Hjnl.ini; Co
Slate Batik
Stilt- Hank
Slate Bank
Stale Hank ,.f Monii,
Mate Hunk
tj!t.ri und I'bibid Manut Co
l'us.ex Hank
'J irnton Hanking Co
I'niort Hunk
WusUiiijjloii H inking Co,
lik of Wilm tV Hranily wine Wilmington
liUllU til l)l l lW'.lK '
Hank nf Sinyrua
Po launch
I'armeis' lik of State i f pc
Po briiidi
Po biamh
Po braiuh
I'nion Hank
IXj' l'nd r fi'
(X.j' On nil I ai l s u
lliir .. , r uli,
l.ol.iilinUJf. J, )u ciKuia luti
( mrif-e
New lou
llai kcns ji k
1. il.,t
no Stile
i: i: ti s, i; ititsi o i s
TOt'l.l) inform lln-.r fiiinds and ibe pul I c
Hni rally, that ihey have c nimcnci ,1 the
above I ll-liicas in all its vaiious I t iln liis, in the
shop hili ly oicupied by ai, i 1'i-tr.rl a- a
simp, i a-t ,,f the Hi d Hold, in Market
stre. I, Sunhuiy, where thev arc pn pared to exe
tule u'l or brs in their line, vtnti
rnoivirTNEss and DrsrATCii.
'l in y b.-pe, l.y rlnct iitirinioii lo l.u-iuos, inoilc
rale ebnrires, ami the dur.ibilnv of tin ii work, lo
mi rit and receive a -hair ,, ihe public p itioii..j.-.
Sunbuiv, March oO.hy- II. ly
i P "T tXr?"'T'n
1 JESi'EC'l PI I.I, Y infornis i ,- public tint he '
' l, m ule Norl huinberlan.l bis pi ire nf rr-n i
deuce, and is lo i.tien.l to hiiv call; in li e 1
line nf his pmlrsi,ui.
( y He nmy al nil linns be found ut Mi. Junes's Hotel.
Nniihuiii'.erl.rid. Pie. Hob, 11). II".
tiitivs i.ti.ii i' an t i.o lis.
11 E rlib-eiiher has in-i .n, for - ale, a fciv
nf (he above i elt bra e I I'.iht p-i Clm-I.-.
which will be .,,1.1 at vciv it duet-.l piic-, I r eah.
Also, Mipeiior oti lour CI, i, k-'. it I' e I e-t in -k--nnd
ju ibty, w bub will be s .M loi ia-h, a! ; I r,U.
Also, supi ii..r 1'r.s ao hour I 'In, ks, nl mi.
Pec. i. Hi t. 11. II. l s.;.
, F PICE, in the second story of ihe build In ff nc
Q V eupicd bv Pr. J. H. Ma-mr, on Muikel stiecl.
Oct. 2i-t, lt:.
ol.. J il.t. ( ) il l c !ne ( i
rid Uuie ul lu ir.ou
S my i ii a
Mill, ,td
leoiRi -town
New (."mile
W ilunnutoii
w iJJ
sub-ciibei will sell nil his slock rf lleiivcr,
1 Buss. a nnd 1 i i ii - h Hals, of the best
very reduced lices,
Siiiibury, Auu. 5, l.Pl,
inalili , ul
A '1'ltrt'NlifiiK -la lilne for Sale.
rplIP suhscribcr nlli-r- f..r ale a 'I'll P ES 1 1 Nl j
MACHIMI, new and in (,'ood onlei. The
Ma, lune has been tried, nn.l pimcs o be aucxctl
leul one It willle II 0 reductd pft. e. and
wniiHntfd. Apply lo J. 1). MASsEli.
Jul V I t, lisj.i.
n -lei, ol Iveailu i!. to use vour Penuralivti Sviun
nf Sarsiiparill i, ol which I ol lained sevcial boulcs.
the use nf which d'ove t he di-ea-e entiri lv nut (.1
Ins sy stein, the unre he did up, and the child wis
restnied lo vi left he.ihh, whiili be has enjoved
uninterruptedly ev, r siiicc, (o the astonishment of
many peiMins who seen him till . ing hit) nllliction.
I have thounht il my duly, and send Von this rerti
licaie that otbem who bale a like nllliction in the
fun fly may know wl.eie to nbta n ho i iiluuble n
medi. inc. Yours iiuli .
Sept. Ill, Isl.'l ly
S,ml!i 'at ciinn r I'JMiirhi I inn! sis..
lMiilatlt lphia,
1 F.SPEC I I t I.I.Y nilirm the piibbe thai ll.ey
illl cou-taiil y !.eei on liuid a I ars asMi.t
ini nt ol II its. Caps and Furs, lo suit the fall trade,
nl the be t quality, li y strict ul'i'lltlon to hush
in s s , and by sclhna their slock al the l-iwe-t price,
ihev ll itier thcme!cs in ln'-nij able to uite i-niire
s .Imlactiou. Auniisl o, Is PI - ly
Mlllt l it lit I
' Pbe pu he w ill plr.iL-e observe lhat no Hrjiubeih
Pills nre genuine, uide- ihe bni has three 1 1
beU upon it, (n- top, the si,!,, and the boltoio')
em li roiil lililne n f .c simile si jnaturc ot rnv hand
writini;, i Ihis It. 1! i huh i r n, M. P. These la.
del- ;nr en jr iicd mi steel, beautifully de-inncd,
and done nt mi excen-e ,,f i.ver 'J.(HI1. 'J'hen fee
j it willbcseeu thai ibe niily tliini; U'Ce-siry to pro
core ihe medicine in ils puritv, is to i b-ene these
, labels.
I Kemembi r the lop, the side, nnd the boiloin.
I The following lespeciite pi isoiisure duly null, ri
1 ie.l, and bold
! ciiRTiCATrs or agettcy,
i Fvii (he sale nf Ihtimtit ih'x YiL'th'!,!,' Viiiitisnt
rah. !
! Noilhniiil.eilir d cnnnlv : M illon M u key A.1
Ch.nnbeilin. Sunhnri 11 11. M i-ser. M'Laci.s-i
villi- In I Hid Meixdl. Noiihliiu'eihiiid Win. ;
F,ir-lh. (ieoi-elw n .1. J. ,l!s.
I'liinn (,'iunly; New Hirhn lionai Win
. b'r. Selin.-L' rn e (i,nri;e 4 limit inn. Mi, I. lie.
lair-4 l--iar Smith. Hcaie..iwu Patid 1 bible'.
Ad un- hinn Win J. May. M ilHui-huii; Mensch
1 ti lliy. Ila.tli Inn Piuicl Lnri-j. l'rn-1 urn
ti. P. C. Mover. Levi I iireWnlls - (,'recn.
Coliini' .i i t in. n ly : P.invilli E. H. Beiiinldn ,
, On. Berwick Miuin.iu .V. I! l!i uli ni-e. Ca'- i
lawi-s.i C. (!. Hinl. is. H'oouirbui'; John If. j
Mover. .InseyTiiwn Liiiltis.l. Washinlou
l.'oht M.Ci.y. I iine-toni H lili-' ;r M -,,.ci. i
tlliM-ive l!i it each Aceiil has nil PniaV-d t.'cr- j
'it'n i'eol Aumiiv, eonl uuint! a h p., - illation nl
iii Kli M;lii:i H'.s Maiitil icl-rv nt sii-u Sine,!
and upon which will n'so he seen iia, I co'i, - ol '
ihe m w A.'t io, ;i- w i.v il uhvti Ihr i'rmuirtth J'lll
I liil'ttit lphia, oilier An. H, Aoiih Nih street.
b. bi:anpi;htji, m. p.
June a-lih, 113.
CITY I-Tli.N I'l l l!H Ar('TI(V,
Nos. 'Jt and :il .Nortli 'J'liinl iStrect,
Near the City Motel,
MACKEY, Auclioneer, re-peclfulv in-
ilea the attention of neisoug desirous of iiiir-
thasiliK Fuinilure, to bis extensive Sules Booms,
bnth public and Pumte,) tor every ile.-ci iplion of
Household Fuiuiiuie, uliue he nhl lined a I all
luiirK, u lat);e u: .otlincnt of lashionuble and wi ll
nianul'aclured Cnbinit Puiniluie, Beds, Matliusses,
Ac., al very n duced price, for t isli.
" Sale's by, tU k'C ii Mil !i.
May ''i.b, ISi:. I y
rou TKTTi:it.
niNfiUnHMS, riMPl.t: ON Till'. PACE, AMI OTHER
IT A NIKH SI t'R t'llloxs.
Cj" The fiillnwintr certificate ilrscrile nne Ihe
mi.'t crirnoriliiiitri cures ever rjf.ctcil ly inn
l'nit.Atir.trittA, February 10, ls.lS.
IOR twenty years I wa neverely nfllirted with
'I'rTTVII nil Ibn Vana nn,1 tf.-n.l lt,n iliun.iA
I rommenet'J when I was seventeen years, old, and
! continued until the Fall nf IS'lli, varying ill vio
lence, but wilhont ever disappearing. Purini; most
, nf the time, great part of my fare was rnven il wilh
the eruption, frequently nllended with vinleut itch
inn; my bead swelled til timrs until it felt ns if it
would burst ihe swelliu.; was so rip it. lhat I could
srnrci ly f-et my hat on. Puring ibe Ions period
that I was nfllicied w ilh the disense, I tiseil a firent
many n plirnlintH, (among them several relebraled
prepaialion-) ns w. II ns lakina inward remedies,
inclndiuc a number of botib s of Sirnim's Vttnticra,
1'j tracl of f-arnnpiirilii, A r, In fact, it would be
impo-hiblc to enumerate nil the medicines I used.
I was also under the care of two of the most dis
tincuishfi! physicians of ibis eilv, but with nit rr
i eivnm lunch benefit, nnd I despaired of ever beini?
eurid. In (be fill ot Hlifi, the ibseiue ft the time
hcinjr very violent, I commenced usini! llio Jne
Oinliniiil, (prepared bv Yaiiiihail et Puis.) In
a few applications the violent itching ringed. ib
swelliiiR abated, the i rupli ni bcnan to disappear,
nnd before I lunl used a jar Ihe di-ense wns entirely
cured. It has now been nearly n vmr nnd a half
since, nnd there is not a vestige nf Hie disea-e re
mainine;, except the scars from (be deep pits formed
by Ibe disfa-r. ll is impossible for me to describe
in a rrrtil'ienie (he severity of the disease iiiii! mv
sulli'tinc, bu( I will be pleased to uive a fuller ne
eonnl to nny per-on waiitini; further s ilislaclion,
who will call on me. Al the lime I comnicnccd
iisiiif the Ib-se Ointment I would have given hurt
drrds of dodats lo be rid of Ibe disease. Since u
sint! il. I have recommended it lo sen rd persons,
(aumnn them my mother, w ho bad rhr disease bad
ly on her arm.) who were a I cured bv it.
JAMES PI PM'LI,, No., Pace St.
'XT I be Hose Ointment is prepared bv E. H.
Yntmlmn, Snu'h East ro-ner nf Third and li.u e
slreil--, Philadelphia, and sold on am-m-v in Sunbu
rv. by II. 11. M'AssEK,
May I 1th, inn. Anif.
IkO' Oiiitinciif, thy I'tllcr.
a riuior or rrs i:rric. y.
Phi I. a ii I i.i-iiiA, May th, I i
rj,lUs i. to eiriil'y ll. nl 1 was severely atlbcie, I '
wilh Tetter in Ihe bands nnd f, et for upwards j
ol lorty years ; the disci e was attended Heneiullv i
with violent inhin and swelling. I nppbul to a j
number nf phi -ieiaiis, nnd used a ureal manv nppli- i
rations wilb.iit elbciins a cure. About avoir!
since. I iiniihed Ihe l!,i-e Ointment, which enlirelv :
stopped the itching, and a I, w .ippbections i nu u .! ; -ntilyciiit
il Ibe di-'ease, which there lias been no
ii'tuin of, lilthnimh I had never la-en rid nl it nt
nny lime lor folly veins. PICHAliP S. V'AtiE,
l'bicnlli, below Spruce Street.
C 7 The pose Ointment is prep ired bv E. H.
Yauihan, S mill East corner nf Third and Pace
Streets, Philadelphia, nnd s , Id nn ajeiicy in Sunbu
iv. by II. 11. MASSFIJ,
May Mill, lsn. d''W.
Oftlir llUSi: (l.TMI-:.T,fat-Tilh:r.
I.'J'Hl II "(i 1 1 the superiority nf ihe prepaialion
- over all others is billy es'abli-hcd, ibe proprie
tors lake pleasure in laying before the public the
follow ing certilieau- from a respectable pbvsician,
a u'radiiale of the I 'niierRitv ol PeniiKvliania. Pr.
Baiiub, having found in this remedy tint telief for
ii tedious and di-iigreeabl,. nllection w bii U the ine ins
within the range of his pmles-inn faile.l lo alii, id,
has lint hesitated lo give it his approbation, although
the prejndieea and interests uf lhat prolessinn me
eppoM-d to secret I'elilcdics.
Pim.Aun.i-uiA, Sept. 10, Hill'-.
I was recently tumbled with a tedious herpetic
ctu pi i,.n, w 1 ii ll eon I in arlv one si 'e t.f in face,
and exliiideil mer (he ear. Mr. Yniighiin, proprie
tor of Ihe Pose Ointment, nb-eiving niv ftcr, nisi
led nu my tiling bis pre parntinn, t f whiib he han
ded n.e a jar. Alllmiigh in cummoii wilh ihe iiiem
bcis ol niy profeinu, I discountenance and tlisap
prnie nt the liumer. us nostrums palmed upon the
pn! lie bv i -.inn anl pr. tendi r-, I fed in justice bound
lo except (lie Pom ( linim, nl I'mm iha' e'a s cf mr
il.eincs, and to give i mv i.p ml-alion, as il eniire
ly lined the eruplion, nhln-umi n h id rci-istcd tin
usual iippbentions. HAM,. HAI (.11, M. P.
j' Tin- If'.-i- tbtilmeil is ,i i , , r,-,l by P. I!,
authan. South Ea-t eoini r nl 'I'binl and I,' ace
Sheds, Philadelphia, and si, Id oh .-t iii-v ill Sun
bury, by II. H. .MA'SEU,
May Mlh, IS :!. Aent.
Ilo vers lit;.
Mniiufacliirfi' of Writing mul Indflli
b!e Ink, No. P'f. Nt.illi Third Street, fix
iliinrs Lvltnv J!aec, (end .side,)
OEPl'.CTl'l LEY inloriii eouniry iiiercbnnts
' and otlicie. lhat he mn-t inlly keep on hand
a large slock nf hi superier Black, Blue nnd Pel
Ink, and also u supeiinr qn d-ty of Inib lli! le Ink
Ilis ink is put up in b.-ttles vailing in size.finin
I to ounces, nnd will be sold mi rt as,, liable
terms. The excellent qualities nf this ink basso
thorouehly eslal,!i-hed Us character, that it is now
extensively used thr.iut-hiuit llm rminiry.
. For sale ul the store of 1 1. P. Mass,r, Suri
burv. Pa. May '-"ith, S:t. ly
( ii i5i.i-:s . in.diNs,
fF AS taken Ibe nllice loin lv occupinl bv the
IB Hon. Clonics (i. ponii. I, opposite ihe Court
He will intend lo business in (he Curls
'int.. EEXLI&AIT & CO.,
C ominissiuii iV. Tor ward in Mcrcliants,
loot nf Willow Stmt Rail Rouil,
HOI THE lirl.AW'Allf:,
AVIN( nssoeinted iih them Joseph Barnet,
late of Easton, Pn., respectfully inform their
friends and the public generally, lhat they have ta.
ken that large nnd well known store anil wharf nl
font of Willow Slreet Railrnait, lately ocrupie I by
Jicuh Marlin, where they purpose lining a (ieuerril
Commission and Forwarding HusineH.-, and fiom
the local ndvanlauea of (be place being ronneeted
with nil the public imprnvemrnls llint have their
outlet in the eilv, they Halter themselves they w ill
be able to do business to ns great, if not giraler ml.
vnnlnge, and upon ns reasonable terms us nny nther
house, and thev Ofsure their friends thai nny eoti
siiiiimcntit mmle lo Ihrni shall have llieir strict at
tention, and nn exeitions sjiared to give entire salis-
They arc also prepared lo receive nnd forward
goods lo nny point on the Delaware nnd Pehiuh
rivers, between Mauch Chunk, Easton and Phibi
del his, via Delaware Division nnd Lehigh Canals;
also, to nnv point on ihe Juniata river, nr North
and West Blanches of ibe Susquehanna via Seluiyl.
kill nnd I'nion, or the Chesapeake and Tide Wntri
For ibe nrcomniodation of Boats coming or go
ion via Schuylkill and I'liinn Canals, a Sinniboal
will be kept expressly for towing boats from ihe
Schuylkill around to the Delaware and bark, which
will enable merchants to have Iheir produce, deli-ve.-ed
on the Delaware, and their goods sl.ippid nt
n saving ot f0 to 7.ri per rent, on the prices for
hauling across, with these advantages they re
s'pcclfully solicit s thare nf patrena-e.
William lTcllmm,
William W. Keytcr, C
Joseph llarnet. 'J Philad., May 11, 181:1 ly
Sinill" ;iinl Tobacco Alnniitacliirfrs,
Ao. !i!l .urlli Wi st corner of Rave ami Third
Sir, els.'
rpilE under-igned have formed a Co-partnership
1 under the firm of. I, M A Y L AN I). .1 11. Co..
ns successors to the late firm of Jncah .Mil ilniul ,
Co., und w ill e uilinue Ihe business at the nld esta
blishment, nn llieir own account. In addition in
llieir nun close .ittenlinn and experience f ,1 many
years, in Ibe manufacture nf their cefi hratcd Miull'-,
A e., ihe long expeiicnee of (be senior partner of tl e
late linn, will also be devoted lo the interest of ihe
new concern and ns no exertion and care will be
spared to insure their goods, at nil times of the ve
ry best quality, they solicit u continuance of Ibe
ci.nlidence ol the liiends an. I customers uf the late
firm. THOMs ADA MS,
Philadelphia, May Mill. 1S1:1. ly
To OMtif l
'PIIE Subscriber, Agent uf I. von A Harris, Hat
Manufacturer, fur N.wYork, Philadelphia,
Ilallimoie nnd oilier lurt-e i ilies, w ,w. Hufs are
highly eoniuiended for i'i-l dlit im.l ilw'il.iliti,
has 0,1 bund a fir-t rate as-nnim-nt nt HATS and
CAPS, fuitable fur Sprinp a des, wb ch w ill e sold
very low, foi rash or nppioved credit, al the wteil
cheap fnrr, No. 40, North Third strt-l, opp isi'e
Ihe City Hotel, Philadelphia.
N. 15. Orders for Hats in the, rua h , promptly
attended to. The highest price in rtvi n trade
given far Far ',n..
Philadelphia, June 11, 1 1 3. 1 y
I.rni nil f oiitmissibiii Hvii lianfs,
1'i.r the Sale i.j i'luur, drain, Seed, ,Vc, kc.
.1 1
-1. E. lAGSEP.,
Business illrmled to in the Counties of Nor-lliuu-l
erl.ind, I'nion. Lvroming nnd (yolumbia.
Ht ftr lot
I iinHis lhiiT cV Co..
Lnwoi tSi Dtmiox,
Haiit, Ci Mmns ,V IIaut, -V!iila,l.
Kktiomis, Alcl At.!iii tV ( o.
Si-khim), 'iniin ,V Co.,
Ao. (il) A'u7i Tliini, uhova Arch Slnrt,
An-oMMnnvi ions p()n st.VF.M'V rrttHfiss.
r'HARLF.S WPISS, f ibe "White Swan,'
nnd "Mount Yernon House." respeclfully in
forms his friends nm! eustnmers, thai be has becnnii;
Ibe proprietor of the abovo Wl-ll known Hotel.
Country Meichants will f-nd ihe nbove Hotel a
cenlral b.cnlion, nnd the best nf fare. Pi rsons Ira
velling with private conveyance will find a Inrge
yard and u'ood stabling fur horses, and ihe best of
oiilleis. Hoarding f 1 perdny.
May 1 bh, 18-12. if.
.sa-ET -.e- J3T m,
Corner of Th in! anil Vine Stru ts,
TMIII' subscriber respectfully announces to the
public, that be hag opened a Hotel in ihe rnm
modinus briik building situate on the rormir of
'I bird and Pine streets, where be will be hnppv to
wait up ,n those who may favor him with their
company. The Eagle Hotel is large and r.unveni
oit, nnd furnished in Ihe best motlerii sli le. Ii is
provided vviili a hour number of well nired and
comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, private
parlors, Ac. Persons visiting W illinmsport on bu
siiicss nr p'i a-ure. may rest as-ured lhat every ex
erlion w ill I e used to render their sojourn nt ihe
"E-igle Hob I" pleasant and agrteahle.' HisTuble
will be supplied with the viry best Ihe irt-nket af
fords, nnd his bar wi'h ibe el .nicest wines and other
liquors ibaigrs re is,, liable. The Eagle. Hold
possesses greater advantages in point of location
than nnv nther similar establishment in the borough,
brins situate in the hucim ss part of the town, nnd
within n convenient distance (if the Court Emisi
and Williainsporl anil p.lniirn Kail l.'oad Pcpnt.
Si.Micienl Slabling prui ideil, and inmd und tiusly
ostlers 11 1 ways in ultcti, Inner.
Atientiie, iirrnn.inmlating ami hone-t Servants
hne been eni-bn ed. nnd nothing left undone that
will add lo Ibe cumfort utnl nccnrnnioduiioii of bis
There w ill be n carriage always in attendance nl
tb.e Boat Landing to convey passengers to and from
the House, frte of charge.
May 1 1th. 1 H if
o TT "T evT T."1 "T Tr"
A nrlic'e unetpnilled for cleaning and g.t ing a
bitrlily durable and most brilliant polish to .sil
ver, (icrini.n Silver, Brass, Copper, Britlnnia w.ue.
Tin, S,cl, Cutlery, and lor n-sloiing the luslru oil
varnished catriages, Ac. THY IT.
Prepared an I sold nt wholesale and retail, by the
Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, thvego,
Tioga coiintv, N. Y.
WM". FOKSY I'II, Agent for Northum'd,
II. B. MASSEIJ, Agent lor Sunbury.
November 2Mh, l"' VI.
fr-y-fti'Mr'"-'-' '
of Noiih
May 'i
uui' i'i land, t'nitiu uu.l Columbia couuMes,
tllb, 1-dil.
c r
v - It
((leiiinil Slime DiKce,,
l' niiNi It ;mi;i.
FIIIE icspccil ully infoinis bis friend.
1 and the. public in general, lhat he has l.iken
the above
r r " Te T
I N T II F. 11 O H lll'li II O P M l'NC Y,
and ibiil he i- now well piepurel to iiceoininndal,
all who may taior him wilh thcr ciistoni.
His Sliihnu A 1-hit hi. ts well uiie.l, and
Ills 1'ahik ami 11ai( will al?Jny be sapplitd
with the best ibemaiket ran ullord.
His Si ahlim,, which in gta d, will la under
the charge of good and caielul hoellem.
lie ft cU coiifiilenl, i hiiitl attention l 1 u-iiu.s.
and an caiueel dtsne to n n.lcr r. mloiii,blr those
who may puimnir bun, ibat he willuol fail log, ve
genual saii-la, lion. II. B. W l.A EH.
Muiif v, t. li, 1 -, P.' -- 11.
j IPi:riTI't"LI,Y" ii form (heir Iriciids and
.be Merchiints generally, lhat I hey haie ta
ken those lame and eomuiodious S huivr s, 11 itli two
Pocks, noith of Chesnut stri ct, on the P. law ire,
tneelher Willi the stnre No. I!) South Whtrve,
where ihev would be pleased lo receive consign
1111 nls of drain, Flour, Seed, W hiskey, Iron, Ac.
Ac. Being a st well prepared to lot ward all kinds
nf .Merchandise by the Schuvlkill and I'nion, or by
I tit Cbt-sapi -akt; and Title Water Canals, as low
boats nre kept expnssly foi the purpose of towing
boats by ei lier route.
Mm hauls will ple .se be particular to send their
(roods destined by ruber cannl-, to No. l'.i South
Whaives, beiwien Market and Chcsiiul streeis, nu
Ibe Pelaware, with ilireelimia nccompanv iug I hi m
which mule ihev w ish llieni to be sbip e.l.
(Jj Plaslcr und Sail for sale, at the lowest mar
ket price. BOLTON A C .
March 19, 11:1. No. Ill Soulh Wharves.
itoitniT nitiiii At my,
.milliard Strut, Hull liiion;
I I AYE con.-tantly for sale. Pruning Paper of ah
sizes and qualilics, (,'np Writing Paper, nil. tl
nnd j'Liiii. I.elter Paper, white and blue, ruled and
plain, Hanging Paper, line and common, Em dope
Paper, do, do. medium, doub'e ciown, crown und
extra sized Wrapping Papers, Colored Medium ami
Poyal Pnpeis, Bonnet, Hinders' and Suaw- Ho
It, , arils, 'Pissue Paper, and nil aiticles in (heir line,
which they will sell on nccoiiimodaling terms.
Highest price given for uld mus.
March sl:. L'lkton.Md
Ac 'J-'ST, .orih Thiul.iila.ii C.ltuul.ill St.,
PEN CAN. lale Iron, ibe Peniisilia
nia Parmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., Lie of A
mi ii, an Hoti I, t Ylumhus, t ibio, take pleasure 111 ac
quaiiiiing (heir f.-ii nils and Ihe public general. v that
liny have l.iken the large ami lomiuoilniua Hold,
leceiuly built by he Mt seis. II ut, on the site
once ociupied 'by the old established Hold known
as (he Bull's Head, in Third elicit ubove Cullow
bill st.
'I bis Hotel is luiisbed in ihe very '. est possible
manner, and nt ihe bc.-t niuierinls. Its location is
vi iv ib suable, particularly for ciiiintiy merchants ;
ibe arrnngeineiiis lor healing and veiiulHling each
loom is such as to serine any temperature. The
btdioomsare all light and airy, all luruUhfd in a
neat ety'e, so as to iiisiue loinloil.
'J'be rt ceiling p.11 lors are al-o lini ishcd in a su
perb Mi Ir, Ihe w inilows are on the French style,
joiuiing an ruliauce to 11 balcony in from, whiih
makes a pleasant recess. 1'nrliculai attt -nlion has
been given to the beds und bedding, which, with
ibe furniture, are enliidy new,
1 roni year' experience in hotel business, we
trust, by strict assiduity tc. business, lo make ibis
house a desirable slopping place. Our table will
always I e supplied will) the vtry hist our inaikel
can ullord, and out bar wnh Ihe besl liquois und
wine, ol ihe most iippiovctl brands,
P. S. Thcie are lii.l rale slabbng ui .l CHinitr
bouses all uhed lo the hold, Mli n.hd by t a tlol
und sole 1 btisilcru, and mil 1 1, ire. a will be Ij, ill
d, t oi.l.iiiic with the present baid
Pluladdphia, tkl. lb. 181.
i.i ha l W'ravcr V Sou,
norE MAKEns & ship ciiaixti-lers.
An. 1:1 A'oci Wahr S:,ni. I'hita.h j,!,!,,.
13 W A E constantly on band, a general assort
l H nn nt of Cordage, St inc Tu mes, A c., vi :
lard Popes, pishing Popes, While Pones. Mauil
L Honrs. Toiv Lilies lor C 111.1l Boats. Also
coinplelr n-sniliiient of Seine '1'wines, Ac, such as
Hemp Shad and Herring Tit ine, lies! Patent dill
Net 'Pw inc. Cotton Shad and Herring Twii e. Shoe
Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Curds. Plouch Lines,
Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpel Oh tins,
Ac. all of which they will dispose of 011 ri asouahic
Philadrlpbii, November 1 o, 1 S VI. 1 y.
MM'.UI.Ni;, COOD iS: CO.
No. His y,vi,- Street, l'liiladclpliia.
SNVl'I'P. (lie altenlion of Country Merchant.
to their rxtriisiie a.-suriuienl ot lirilirll Freni I
and American Pry floods, which lliry oiler loi eali
mi the in .-t 1eas .11 able t, nns.
Philadelphia, Nnn rnber 1:1, I SIM. ly.
J . V . S y A I N ,
lTtnl dclla and Tarasol Alaiiiiraclnrcr
A',i. 01 .Wii.Ii Thittl ,'; i-, iici 1 nor lahar tl
fit 11 lint, I, Vhihuhlplna.
C10l'NTH Merchiints and ulheis nre solicin,
J to fxuiuine bis UB-.uiti.icut before purchasim
elsew here
Phila 'eh
1, N'ovrnil rr 11. '. PJ. ly.
jsl. nir. a
"PTOII -ale a small Farm, coiil iiiiing about nn
Jg" liii-iibed nnd ten acres, more or le-s, sitnil
Ul Point toil nship. Nor: bund erlaud cunlv , tilmti
two nub s ubove N oill.umherl ind, on Ihe in ,1
road leading from that place to Danville, n.lii inin
lands of John l.eghou, Je-sc C. Ilon. ii and other,
now in the occupancy ofSaininl Payne. Aim
lortv acres of said tract are cleand, and il) gun
slat.- nf cu'iiiu'i.iii, nn xv ti it li there is a small l-ai
erect, tl. The property will be s,,, ,,n rcasona1-!
leims. For further pa'ticulars, persons are r( -pie-etl
lo to Ibe ml sen!", r.
II. B. MA-'
EI5, A, nt.
Sunburv. P-
Nov. SVth, IH-I2
NTHON'S Classical Piclionury; Lenipr.i r
--"Y ,1,1.; Aiiiswoith's do ; (.'ohh's do.; English 11 u
(lermnu do.; Ambon's Casar; Aulhon's (iramine
Aiitheu's Cicero; Mail's Latin Pe.ulci; tgill y'sd.
Ainhrw's I .iii in Lessons; Poiinegaii's Lexico
Fisk'sd'rr, k Exercises; Pavies's I.t-gendei; tirnci
Majora; Adams's Hoinan Autiquiiics; Piuniuk
dol.lsiuilli's England; do, diercc; Lyrll's Eli nicn
nf ticology; Mis, Lincoln's Botany; Eh incuts
Bel nil ; Bridge's Algebra; Purler's lihetorical Pi
dels; Eili.rson's deotraphy iilul History; Oil, el
do.; Parit y's do.; Smith's drummer; Kukhuio's ib
Kav's Headers; Cobb's do.; Cobb's Arilhmelic
Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spelling Book
Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; heal F
lliily Libiary; t'oitage Bibles; Family do; Collate
ul do.; Small Bibles and Testament-; Paikei's E
erci-esmi Composilion; Fi uit of ibe Spirit; llaxtei
S. .ini's Best; American licvolulion; .Marryatt's N
vels; Mrs. Phelps mi t'l.rmisliy ; Iliad; Culechis
of American Laws; Letter on Natural .Magic; Ch
inisliy for Beginners; English Exeicisis adapted :
Murray's drummer, Sequel to Comley's Smu
Book; American Class Hook; Puboll's Schoolma
let's Assisianl, A great ariely of Blank Books, A
August '.', 1H1.