Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, July 13, 1844, Image 3

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    An elderly in an was shot through the chest
and lived about quarter of an hour. He was so
much like Mr. Jacob KorndufTer, residing in Se
cond street, below Christian, that he was taken
to his residence. He died in about ten minutes
after being laid down in the house. His name is
not yet known.
A lame man, said to be named Crozer, was
carried into the Comin:ssioners' Hall, with the
loss of the whole of his lower jaw. He died al
most instantly. James Lawson, Ninth below
Shippen street, shot in the heel. James Tully,
Lombard above Sixth, shot in the right arm.
Mr. Manning, Quern below Front street, shot in
the leg with a spent ball.
Half-past 8 o'clock. A large meeting of the
crowd, armed with muskets, convened at the
Wharton Market, and with two field pieces,
wheels muffled, proceeded from thence up Front
street with the avowed intention of attacking the
military. We then It-It the ground : in a mo
ment after we heard the discharge of a cannon.
This was followed by the firing of small arms in
irregular reports, succeeded by .a regular volley.
From this moment the air was shook at intervals
by heavy discharges accompanied by shouts.
It was now evident that the military and the
crowd had engaged in one of the most deadly of
conflicts. Females were seen runnitig distracted
through the streets, wringing their hands ami
uttering the names of brother, husband, father,
with the wildest gesticulation.
Crowds were gathered about lit the corners of
the streets, astonished and shocked at the extent
and were in a complete stale of confusion. At
this moment the match was applied. Luckily
for the troop the gun burnt prime, and bo lore
it could be reprinted the troop were upon the
crowd, and they had to flee, leaving their piece
in the hands of the troopers.
The loss on both sides is nothing like what
rumor has set it down at. Of the military one
was shot dead, whose name we have not been
able to learn. Three more were taken to the
Pennsylvania Hospital at 0 o'clock on Monday
morning. Their names were as follows :
Troutinnn, a member of the German
town Bines, died a quarter of eight o'clock.
James Crawford, also a member of the German
town Blues, wounded in the shoulder not dan
gerous. John McCarren, a member of one of
the city companies, wounded in the kee. There
are one or two more of the military wounded,
who remain in the temporary hospital in Queen
street. The following arc the names of those
wounded by the tire (if (lie military, who liuve
been taken tn the hospital :
Edward Lyons, under left arm. Joseph Lin
sonbiglor, in the hip dangerous. Thomas C.
Saunders, in the breast dangerous, if not nior
tul. Duvid Kithcart, in the abdomen danger
ous. William Manning, in both legs. James
XV. Birr, left arm and cheek. John Ileustud,
rightarm. Klijali Jester, in the throat. James
II. Tully, in the right arm.
Col. J , Sidney Jones, of the Frst Regiment
Philadelphia County Volunteers, had two of his
to which these deplorable outbreaks have been , hot SumJay cwcning 6t Sccnd and
i i ...... ... f .
carried, .rts we came to me omce nesnuory li
ring was heard.
10 o'clock. The Gi-rman Buttallion has just
arrived at General Patterson's Quarters. Five
of the persons wounded were taken to the hospi
tal during yesterday afternoon and evening.
They are Robert Lyons wounded in the after
noon when the assault was made upon the volun
teers. The .shot took effect in his left arm. A
man named Snusnnberji-r. shot in the hip. dan
gerously. Another named Carter, shot through
the front of his abdomen ; badly wounded. Win.
Laning, shot in both legs ; severely wounded.
Queen street, and seven or eight wounded.
They both belonged to the tJermantown Biues.
Their names are Ja.ncs Troutman and John
Ouyer. The hitter was killed upon the spot,
I by having the top of his head cut off with a
I spike, but the former lingered till morning.
! Guyer was the only mil of a widowed mother,
j with whom and his sisters ho resided previous
I to the melancholy nffhir.
i Half-past ten o'clock. The greatest excitc
! menl prevails throughout our whole communi-
ty. Terror has seized upon all, and there is
Ma. Editor : It being in accordance with the
usages of the Democratic party, for the people,
previous to the formation of the County Ticket,
to bring before the public the names of such in
dividuals as they may deem most worthy to dis
charge the duties belonging to the offices within
their gift, we would recommend to the consider,
otion of the Democratic Electors of Northumber
land county, Maj WILLIAM L. PEW ART
as a candidate for the Legislature. Should the
people see proper to elect Maj. Pewart as their
Representative, we feel confident that they will
find in him a public servant of distinguished a
bilities, an intelligent, firm, and unwavering De
mocrat of the Jeffersonian school, and, cons"
sequcntly, the laboring man's friend.
Many Democrats.
MomsstabT Cm so us. The bodies of all erca
ted l eings are perpetually undergoing a speciis of
revolutionary changes; it is therefore evident, that
in order to facilitate this periodical change, the n;i
tursl outlets of the body must be kept in a proper
condition ; fur if the noxious humors nre allowed
lo sojourn lo.t long in the body, they h-come exee -sivrly
sharp and corrosive, occasioning the moot
tcnible and f.itnl disorders, which frequently entail
vcars of suffering and anguish. When this is the
case, I would conscientiously recommend lo such
the immediate use of the Brandrclh Vegetable U
niversal PiIIf a medicine which has attained iis
present standard of usefulness, solely from lis ex
ceeding salutary properties; these pills being in
truth nothing more than an assistant of nature, cau
sing her to do that which is required to produce a
healthy condition of the body. Such bring the
case, it is evident that they can be administered
with safety to aJvanccd age, as well as to helpless
infancy, and invariably wit'.i the same beneficial
fj Purchase of II. B. Masscr, Sunbury, or of
the agents, published in another part of this paper.
Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxtheimrr.
Boot & Shoe
"J) ESPECTFL'LLY Inform- the public that
J, he has commenced the BOOT Jr. SHOE
MAKING business, in the house lately occupied
by IV. John 1). Price, in Sunbury. He will war
rant his woik to bo as well made as any in town,
at the fallowing cheap prices)
Fine Stitched Hoots, at ?5 0
ilo Fudged ib " 5 00
Cosrso do 3 ftti
Women's Shoes Wilt Spring, at 1 37
do do Pump do 1 13
Tunronndi, 1 Ot)
Monrois, Coarse, " 1 87.J
do Calf 2 37J
Fine Boo's Fooled " 3 55
Coarse d do " 2 60
Sunbory. July LHi. 111 3t
Half past 10 o'clock. The City Troop and none knows what an hour may bring forth.
the German battalion, with two field pieces, have One o'clock. An inquest has been held
just left the head-quarters for the scene of the
disturbance. A soldier, who had been in the i-
in the Weccacoc llose-house, on the body of j
John Cook. Two balls were found to have en-
cinity of Second and Queen streets in a cab, was j lcred hj8 backf nnd calne out uUnlt an jnch apart
Taken out, his gun seized and lie lnmselt tossed
about in the crowd, but not in jured.
Eleven O'clock, P. M. The military and the
mob are fighting with desperation on both sides.
There is a continual discharge of cannon to be
Whrat, .... 85
Km, .r0
Cons, ...... 40
Oats, 'i!
Pork, - - - 5
Flaxscku, ... -100
llfTTKn, - - - 10
Bkkswax, - 25
Tallow, .... io
Diiieu ArpLKs, - 75
Do. Peaciiks, - - SOO
Flax, ... -8
Heckled Flax, 10
Eons, .... 6
fOR irinl in the Court of Common Picas of Nor-
thum' cilaiul County, at August leun istt,
commencing the first Monday, being the 6th.
Va Jame Thirp
vs F A Km, hi
vs James Heard
vs IS T Bturows
vs J oi II M Davi-nn
vs Ki becca Wells
Hill, Fltchet cV Co
Stephen Wilson
Samuel Keifir
John Grilliu's adm'x
Jhco'i Lciscr, sr.
John A Llovd
Dank of Norlhum'd &c vs Paul Ced 'e Ate
heard, followed by the regular roll and rattle of
the muskets of the former. It is reported, by an
express from the scene of action, that six of the
military have been killed in all. Among the
number, it is said, is Capt. Scott, of the Cudwul
lader Grays.
Mr. F.lisha Justus, not of the military, we have
just heard has been killed by a ball. Ho was a
man about .'1.5 years of age, and worked, it is said,
in Baldwin's factory. Reports alone have to be
depended upon for the particulars of this horrible
business, as no person except the military and
those engaged with them will dare venture near
the place of battle. ' How many of those oppo
sed to the military have been killed it is impos
sible to ascertain.
11! o'clock The report is that the cavalry have
just taken possession of the cannon of the mob,
which hail been planted at the corner of Second
and Queen streets, and are now patrolling the
streets, having complete possession. They are
occasionally assailed by random shots from be
hind houses, and from alleys, which of course do
not do much damage. Several horsemen who
convey intelligence from the scene of action te
Head-Quarters have been lired at, and one or two
have been pelted by bricks as they pass up
through the streets
The hist game, however, has not been carried
to any great extent, as th more peaceable por
tion of the citizens have interfered. One man
was thrown by his horse being struck, but recei
ved no injury than u few bruises and torn clothes.
Six or seven persons, either killed or wounded,
have been carried up Second street on settees.
At half past 11a man shot at the corner of Se.
cond and Queen streets, but whether by tha mob
or by the military is not known.
Captain Teal is the name of one person killed
The name of the man w ho was killed at the cor
ner of Second and Queen, is John Cook. He is
an oysterman, and is from New York, and had
chargeof the piece which was fired upon the mi
litary. He was struck in the groin by a grape
Khot, after he had discharged the gun three times
He was carried into the Weccacoe F.ngine house,
where he was lying lit the last accounts.
The Sheriff issued proclamations calling on all
able bodied men, to iejort themselves at Ii'ib of
fice forthwith.
Monday, 9 o'clock.
in the right groin. From all evidence that was
brought before the jury, it appeared that the de
ceased had been firing the piece at Queen and
Front streets against the military, and was in
the act of retreating when struck with the balls.
Half past 2 o'clock. Col. Jack has just read
an order from the Sheriff to a meeting in South
wark, authorizing the Commissioners to organ
ize a police force to relieve the military at five
o'clock, with the understanding that the dis
trict will become responsible for the preserva
tion of the Church.
Three o'clock. The military have just been
withdrawn, and the crowd have filled tip the
space which they occupied. The ch-.irch was
in possession of the magistrates and Comniis-
I tioners of the district, and upon a request of the
j former, the Court of Quarter Sessions, with
i Judge Jones and J. Murray Hush, Esq. at their
J head are upon the ground und have organized a
I Court in the presence of the crowd. The Judge
exhorted to peace and decorum and was recei
j ved with cheers. Every thing is quiet and no
j disposition to disturb the peace is manifested,
i Nine o'clock, P. M. All is quiet in the vi
cinity of the Church, though the streets are
I crowded with people.
i The Governor arrived in town by the train
yesterday afternoon.
The of John Cook and I'nos Waters
took p'ace from the Weccacoe Hose Houscyes
! terday afternoon at -1 o'clock. The latter is the
(jue that re nained in the Commissioners' Hall
unclaimed by any one. He is understood to
have belonged to Mew York. Cook belonged
to this city.
To convince a man that he's wrong, the Al
bany Knickerbocker thinks you have only to
write your objections to him on the back of a
' ten dollar bill.
J Mr. EniTon: Myself und iicighhnr aie de
j idedly in favor ol again nominating EDWARD
V. BRIGHT, as the Deuiociatic candidate for the
Assembly. Mr. Blight nude a vny good mem
b r he was active and iinius'ri.u always al his
post, and did his duty f othfully. He Has chair
man of a very important Coiumnlce, and one that
required a girul deal of attention and lalior. His
appointment to this station shows ihut he had ihe
respect and confidence of his fellow members, and
i hey say thai we i.evcr sent a inure industrious
and ait' n'.ive memU-r.
Mr. Bright look an active an.l lea-ling art in
retrenching ihe expenses i f ihe Legislature, and in
introducing principles of economy into every
branch of ihe Government. He was on the Com
mittee of Accounts, through whose exertions the
Continuation of the Riot in Southwark. reform which distinguish! d ihe last Legislature
The military are stationed ill Quevn street, fought almut. He went about saving the
. . . pe- pie s money in earnest. A few days after tha
trom Second to above Ihird street, Jn J bird , 0,lt.nmg f ,Ul) ,e,gu,n he offered the resolution
from below Queen, up to Catharine street. Jn j which bi came a la, giving ihe Public Prin irg
Queen fetreet two brass field pieces were sta. ! ",nJ Binding to the loc.. bidder. Thi. miaso.e
, , . . . . ' , alone will save about I km Jhovsd Dollars
Honed above Third, pointing west and two J auiity.
inure in front of the Church, pointing east. I It was subverted that great frauds had been
The military were fired upon from various po- ! vmimiited by the punier, under former laws. The
. i . . i- .u ..I Coinmi. tee on Accounts set ubout lh invesiiaa-
eitionsm 1 bird strect-onceL-o.n the comer of on of 1Bse ,cfounU wh . AtMh,n
Christian street, lo which point their cannon had
been hauled very silently, the wheels being
muffled so as to make no noise. It was from
this spot that John Cuyer, a member of the
(terinuntown Blues, was killed instantly, and
Mr. Troutman, of the same company, recei
ved his mortal wound. A second discharge
was also made, it is said, from the same spot.
Preparation were made for a third fire at a
bout fifty yards below Christian street. A
rope was fastened across the street before the
cannon. The City Troop made a charge for
the purpose of capturing the gun, when, en
countering the rope, they were thrown down,
feiret out the frauds. Mr. Bright was one i f the
most industrious and ierst veiiiig members of that
Committee. The result was that ovcichuiges of
ihx printers, to the amount of thirteen thousand
dollars, were discovered and suits directed lo he
brought to recover that sum hack into the Treasury.
'J im coiillngont ripeiiN-s of the laal Legislators
were not one fifth ol lha expenses of the preced
ing. Same $ 15 or ?-0,()00 were saved to the
Commonwealth in Ihia matter alone, by the rare
atid economy of the Committee of Accounts.
Mr. Blight then has done bis duty faithfully and
honestly. He has tamed out the wishes of the
people, and ought to be re-elected unanimously.
Honor lo whom honor i due. Let the faithful
public seitanl I lewauled, and the best intcicsia
ol the people will be I'aiihfully represented.
I'stato or Hon. V. ti. Donncl, IccM-
IF.TTEKS of administration or, said e-tate have
J been granted to the subscriler. Persons indeb
ted to the estate will pleae make immediate pay
menl, and thosa having claims at; .in -t the same are
requested to present them f.'r exaniinstion and set
tlement. CHAHLF.S W. HCGIXS,
Sunbury, July 13th, 1814. fit Adm'r.
WAS caught udnlt, in ihe Shamokin dam,
on the 4 h insl., by the subscriber, a round
bottom BATTEAU or, about I" feet
long. The owner can have the same by proving
his property and piving the charges thereon.
Suulxiry Ferry, July 13th. 1S4T. 3l
Credit System
IT is now an aektwwledgttl fact that the Cash j
SrsTrM is the only true enc, bjlh lor the Buyer i
and Seller. ;
Just received our second stock of New Goods
this reason. We opened a new store on the Ca h
Principle lal A p it. and the great reduction of pri
ces it enabled m to inske, the sivin- and satisfac
tion the cu4omer funis in its adoption has render
id our store universally p pular u- ih all n ho have
given us a c .11. Our of good- c insists of uli
ihe variety uf
Dry Goods, Groceries, Qitrenswarr, Hard
ware, Hoots, Shoes, Hits, Itimnrls,
iJt., iyr., usually ki pi in a
Vuuntry Store,
All ff which we buy in New York and Phila.lcl
hia for the Cash Ovi r, and B- nerallj fr -m nu n
who sell for Cash Only, We buy oui govdt cbe,.p
and aell them che .. ; and we can do I', because e
neither pay the dibts of others, nor ak ou' custo
mers to I'oy fur other people's gnuds. "Every man
pay hi own deht," is our motto.
We wish to riteud the hcmfits of this system,
and therefoie invite all who may hear ol out store
to gie us a call, see (m theinseo, and act as is
dom diitates.
Don't miss the place. There are oil ers t.o
prtttnd to sell cheap, for cash. Our store is Surth
of Hie Canal, in the brick building opposite to Mr.
A. M oiitRome y ' stone h'.use, c .rn. r of Mill street
and Bloom-huiir Mad. Walk out, try us, and j on
will he well paid for it.
1M'Ssi;L 4 GIHEK.
Dmville, July 13th. IK44. 3t
TN pursuance ol an order ol the Orphans' CeU't
of Ni.rthumbeilaiid county, will be exposal Jo
pubhc sa'c mi Saiuulay , the 27th day of July inst.,
at li e C. tut House, in the Bon ug'i of Sunbu y , to
will A certain lot of ground situate in il.e bo
rough aforesaid, on Whortleberry street, and ui iik
d in the plan of a li. I town N'.. 318. ad
j initio a lot of J n-oh Young on ihe Eist, and a let
of Peter Go.idhart's estate on ihe West. Late the
estate of John Ep!ey,dec- acd.
Sale to at 10 o'clock, A . M., of -aiJ
day, when the icr.os uf sale will be made known
by H. . MASSF.IJ.
Sunbury, July 6, 18tl tr.
The Bank of Noithumbi rland A pnl til h I S 1 1.
ij. v. On m.nion of A.
George Wiiscr. J) Ionian, E-q,, the
Cuuil s r nit a rule
on the Judgment and Lien creditors of defend u t,
to appear on the fust day ol re it lum, an I shew
causa why the proceeds arising from sale of defend
ant's real es'ule should not t. di-tii'oulcd according
to priority of lieu. By thn Court.
Prclhonotary' office. 7 J'ruth'y.
Sunbury. July Cth, 1844. S 4t
Samuel Oaks
Henry Trick.
Eli Probst
Itnbt Miner's adin'rs
David Watson
Dr U. l-rt Philips
Abraham Slraub
Wm H Miller
Com'lh of Pa
John Agler
Isaac Davis
Jane Perry
Daniel Hill
I W Si itzneer
John Hariiirg. jr
Philip Fox
John Fuim n rt al
Ma teis Mallnrs
Thomas Huff
Frynnre f r Evert
Jacob ll.irnhart
Anthony W atson
Susannah Z'rhe
Baldy & Kase
John C lloyd
Hufih Hcllis, A.C
John Wolf
John M uriay
Jacob W Smith
(ieorge Piince
James Barret's a.!m's
Mfiiy Weeks
Daniel Zerbe cV. Wile
Wm A Ll-y l
Co.n'th of Pa
S Swim-hurt oV wife
J icoli May I an. I
Fred, rick" Kb-ll
J A W F Wagensrllel
Conrad Di shei's i 'r
Hi hi y t'ete y A: wifu
J.imi s Appleton, Ac
Bei jamm Camp
Jiiseph Weitzel
Juroli Banihart
Elizabeih Long
John li Keller
Benjamin liobu.i
William W eleh
William Nice
Stephen Derr
vs Samuel A; Kohl McKee
va William Hihlcr et al
vt Patrick Moritriiruo
vs Mct'a'tee Ai Purdy
va Jonathan Adams
vs Wm II Fiymbe rt al
vs Fi I X Maurer et al
vs Charles Craig
vs .1 . hn Bower
vs II inict Jenkins
vs JhcoIi M- ixell's ex'r
vs John ' irvi r et al
a Wm H Sanderson
vs llcmy Fornwalt
va Ancusius Hucy rt ul
vs ,1 C II N"U'se
va S imnel Bell
vs Wm Sti z. I
Va Win Mi-Guineas
va John M II uel
vs John A Llovd
vs John C (irier et al
s Iti. hard lienshaw
s Willi Mi Coy
vs Oeer-cers ofjacksun tp
vs James F Murray
vs Joseph Wi i zel
vs T A Bill i g -'ii's aBs'ne
vs l'eter Sn ler
vs Bseiiy oc Hans
vs li auc li ' ulnrmel
vs Mar. in A Stuck
vs F W PoIIock
v Chn'Vs Coiulev's ex'is
vs Snoe
vS F W Polio, k
va l'eter Feis'et
vs H YoT'heimer et al
vs Same
vs Eli Sliler
va J cell MeK'Uney et al
vs Ch iibs Sri a fli r's exr's
vs Wm Donaldson
vs Jacob Weill, y
vs Charles l.'ucti
vs J tin MrGinnrsi
vs (ieoige Long's ajin'is
vs John Painter
vs Abrahain Liwrence
vs J .seph Keller
va Eddiuger & Law rer
vs Sam-'
vs Henry Miinme'i
I Solomon Mrngts's hi'i.s vs Daniel Wertinan
t ' har es G urhait, jt vs lieorce A D.x.iuetal
; Haascc DiuckniHller v John W P. al
j J'roihonot.iri'a iflii-e. f I'roth'y
I Sonburv. Jolv fi, letl. 5
f5lIE partnerh p heretofore suhxisliug between
1 the i-tdisci ibi-i , und r the nmoe or t';r n
M Cartv Sc Dav is, and w hi. h rmiimeni e.l on the
fi t of Apld, 1 S I U, is ibis day ilissolv.d bv mutu
al consent. Thomas Davi-1. who will cm tinue the
business tit t'.e old slain'. No. 171 Market Si eit.
i-fullv authorized till del t due n ti e
firm. ' WILLI 1 Ml' K'i'Y,
Philadelphia. Mav 51. I 81-1. June 5:9. 3t
Tlie lliilustilii ul 1
rMHS WASHING MACHIM:, l ..ll and nm-
pie ill i s con-t. U ttori, ralitl .t tail t l find Us j
way into every find y vhi n Os real value becomes '
known. Tlie piice (-i doll rs) i. fit .1 at the j
lowest rate, ill uri'ef to enable every f unity to o tain !
ei e. The ii, Veil or yuaianbc- IimI it nili not re
quire no-re than i lie h U'lli the u-tpd qoanttiy .f
soap That it i!l wash in one-th nl I'.e csual ;
lime, arid what is u init'ir ol urc .l iinnortai ce, ll c
wear and tear is mitiiino, or al lea t so hale. ill.H
it is not perci'ptili'e, so that finest til.ick ortld sm) 1
woollen ran I washed, if nvc-iun, in Ihe .-.Tie:
suds Alth linen and c It n. Tliis may si eiu irai-ne
to Ihos" wlu do noi know iho piincip'e upon
which it woiks. Il is l!.e on'y inactiine ever in-
venli d th il wash. upon the pnrv iple of t!.e I n:
tl .ii of wat.i a'i All oil er, wash upon tlie
piiiu-iple of fri. iion or robb 111;. I y bniiit.n the (
clothe in contact widi some p.rt of Il.e machine, i of the n eat saving of lib.r. ee noiny !
should I riiu it into U-e. Tl e p a r man '
c um it atl'.r.l to do wi tntil it, while the roll nmii j
will use li f. .1 convei ienie. II i n h:ng el-o. Lvge
f or. ill s w il save foil I've I tl teen lioh.tig a Near
111 oa p alone, and u l l.-s th m pi-i cent. In the
wear and tc ir of clothes, be-ide. ilo (ii".t s u g , f
labol all. I i X pe.'.se ill w ur- tl 1 1 . d- Ihe SU' s. liber .11
gj .rant..- ll, at tl Wnl pi tin ill nil thit he l.u- stated,
if properly Us d. lie his ser-urp.l Iroin ihe p.itrn
It e. ihe 'iijlil lo Noilbu'ii' e- lar d . t oioo, L;. coiiiu i
Columbia, l.ux.n.e n l ('1 n on i'.'Uiio.s,
Siinhuiy, June tl, lull.
Shcriir's Sales.
Y virtue of certain writs of venditioni expo
nas and fieri facias, issued out of the Court
of Common Pleas of Northumberland County to
mfl directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the
Court House in the Borough ol Sunbury, On Mon
day the 15th day or July next, at 1 o'clock, P. M ,
the followiug deribed properly to wit :
A certain trnct of land situate
In the borouah of Northumberland, si Ihe
south west corner of Queen and Third streets, and
marked in the seneral plan of said town No. 151,
whereon are erected a large two story double frame
houe and kitchen, painted white, a wash house,
smoke house, and a frame stable.
Also: Another certain lot uf
ground, situate in the borough of Nmtliuin
herlan.l afiresahl, fronting on Que-n street, and
marked in (he general plsn of said town No. 157,
bounded southwaid by Ihe Lutheran Church lot,
esatwaid by an alley, and northward by lot No. I5fi,
w hereon is erected a small log house, weallicrboard
d. mAlso: Anotlicr certain lot of
ground, aitnate in the borough af iresi d,
and marked in the plan nf.resai I No. lNfi, fronting
on O.iccn street, and bounded noithwaid by lot No.
185. southward by lot No. 187, nnd westward by
Duke meet, whereon is rri-ctod a two ?tory log
Seized, taken in execution, and to bo sold as the
droperly of John IJ. Miller.
Also: A certain tract of land si-
tiiate in Augu-ta lowitrhip, Northunilierl and
county, on the nonh side afthc Mahonov Moun
tain, adjoining the U:ver Su-quehinna on rhe w-e-t,
Sylvmna Shipriuin and Jeremiah Wetz I on the
norih, William Iv. Brown on the past and Robert A.
Parrt-'h on the souih, containing SOO acres more
or less.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of William R. Jones.
Also: 15y virtue of a writ of
v.iri Faci is issued mil of the Court of Com
mon I'has of Northumberland coun'y, lo me di
rected, a certain tract of hind situate in Coal town
ship, . or hu ruder land coun'y. hounded and descri
bed as follow-, to wit : bi ginning at a 'lone, thence
by land n!' John Bjd, north i degree west, 170
perches to stones, ihrnce by land ol William Wil
son, south 80 J degrees wesl, ii43 perches to stones,
thence by same, Poll h SfiJ degreis wist, 71 per
ches to u i hefiiot, thenre bv same, south 4-14 de-
I gnes wesl, 'Jfi perdu s to s white oak, thence by
I land of Pi ter Mauier, south 87 degrees last, 51 J
perches lo a cln nut oak, thence by sime, south
h'i degrees er'St, O'J perches to a white oak, thence j
by the same, s mth 5! degrees cast, -l'J and eight- j
tf iitb" perches lo u white oak, thence by land of
Michael Krole, eat Hi nnd nine tenths perches lo
a whtte oak slump, thence by same, north SO and
f.nir-'eiiths perches to a hickory, thence by,
not h ri7 J e-i t, PS parches to a pine, and thence
bv land ol Freih nek C'amci, north fit J east, 105
perches to 'he plarp of begitininx. containing 3C7
acres nnd OS pen lies and allowance.
Soil' d.tak.ii in ix rniion, nnd to be sold as
the property of ('alviii !lv tiie and William Avres.
ANo: IJ v virtue ot a testatum
writ nf venditioni exp .nas, is-ued out i f thn
t'ont of Con mon Pleas of Dauphin couutv, to
me directed, all the defendant's interest, supposed
to be the undivided uuii y of a cer'ain tract ol Isn.l
situate in Coal township. Northumberland county,
surveyed in the name of Matthias Zimmerman,
containing U07 more . r less, adjoining lands
surveyed in the unmes of Peter MaUror, Michael
K roll, John Nicholas Daily nnd O'hers.
Seized, taken in execution, and lobe sold as
ihe properly of Call in Blylhe, ono of the firm of
BMhe & Co.
Also: On Saturday, the 13th of
July, at I o'llock, P. M.. at the house of
Mich it I Kri mer, in the tow n of Milton, a certain
out lot in s aid tow n, iti uked 111 the plan of the sa r e,
No. 9, mid a r t of the oil l.t ndj lining the same,
marked No. 10, bounded west by Walnut alley,
ea-i bv Loeti-l alley, north by lot No. S, and su h
bv lit N", 1 1 ; whereon are erected a one story
brick dwell i. g hou-.e and slid h.ue, a one story
ir.unc dwellii g house, fiamu storehouse, stable and
i other out-building".
Also: 1,'it Xo. V2, in said town,
I ouinb d west bv Ann sireel, north bv an
' nllev, ea-t ly Wehmt nllry, and south by lot No.
. 43 ; vvl creoii iseieelcd a b'g 8'ablc.
; tfii Also: Four certain lots in Low-
1 .Bt5iL ,., Milton, Nos. 3, 1,5, and fi, bound-d
-ruth by Mahoning street, ea t by lot No. 7, north
. bv a ' all v. and v. e.t by lot No. 2 , whereon is e-
rciie t a fi aine dwelling hou e.
: AUo : A certain otlic r lot of ground :
I si in'e in raid Lava, bounded i.orth we-l by the
1 r.'f.d hsdii g to e, west bv ihe road l.adins i
! :o t 'hili-.iique, south by lots of Jonaili li Fr. ed,
; mi. I wist I y lots of Samuel T. Brown, cuutuiiiiug j
7 I a -rs uoee . r f-s-.
VIM Aiti.i:
For Male.
ON Monday the 15th of July next, at 12 o'
clock, will be offered for sale, st the dwelling
houe of the late Daniel Levy, Esq., dee'd., in
Sunbury, among other valuable Law Bouk, tha
follow inc ;
1) t J K K l ) W E v n i : PO R TS
B A t : ( ) N "S A B R I Df i E M E N T
Also, a number of Mir-celHrienVis works. A'st,
f'I'.airs, Tables, Book and Paper Oases, t larpetingl,
Sunbury June gg, S ! t 4 1 r:
HEREBY offei myself to Uib Electors of Nor-
thumbeilaiid ("ounty, ha a candidate fui tho of
fice of
fiiiould I be elected, I plcJpe myscll to discharge
ihe dudes uf said oflico with fidelity.
Lower Mahonov, June 15th 18-1-1.
Manufacturers of
A'o. Wi Markit Stntt,
Phil d (' I p Ii 1 a ,
tNVITE the attention of Mcichmts, Manufir.
turcrs, &c., etc., to their very extensive, ele
gant, new stock, prepared w ith great car.?, an.l of
fered at the lowisi possible prices fir cash.
The principle on which this concern is estnb'i.h
ed, is to consult the mutual inteiest of their co-t i
mers and thi-m-elves, I y manufacturing a good in
t ec, selling il st the lowrst price for ca-h, and
realizing their own r. munern.'i an, in the EiiioUnl of
sales and qua-k renin..
l'ossissing inexhaustible fc ihties fir nnnn'a'S
ture, they are prepared to supply or b is tr hiiv ex
tent, and respi cifully solicit the patronage of M r
chants. Manufacturers and Dea'ers.
G7" A Is c,e assortment of the New Strle Curv
tain P.unsols.
PhiladeljiU a. June 1, tlt ly
Dissolution of l;irliicishli-
"tt.T01'It'E is hereby given, t'.at 'he parim r-!iip
Jyf I eretof re existing between Chri ti u L'eic'l
and Na'hili, bun Iters, has been d --o!-vid
by mutual consent. A i p isor.s in.'ibted io
the lata Sim are required to n uke pajnient
ono month from this da'?, after which period thn
books will be placed in the hands of long STatJ
ful Collection. Persons having cUims a;uiu-t sni
firm aie ulso icqucst d to -e-ent them for eetllo
inuiit. O. b'Elt'lI,
Ti e subscriber tak'S ihi- opporiunity ol ii f rui
in his old cua'ouiers und tiie public in urnerul,
that he will c nt.i.ue to supply the town of Sunbu
ry with f.esh lueul thrie lini-s a week, a9 they bavj
done heretofore. Thank! ul I... past favms, he o
lieits a coi.ttnu nice ot tin: cuslum of the people of
Sunbury arid vicinity. (.'. r.EICH.
Noriiiumbeibind, Ji.-ne I, WM. if
1ome and Sec.
Cheap fov Ca&U cr oun
I I !! S lSI'lt has ju-t leehvcd an ase(t--
menl ot New Good-, which he w ill sell at
s. t-J. il,'en .n execution, and to be SoM as '.he l
propei iy of John Ma.k'e. j 'he lowest prices, for ca-h or Country Produce.
, Q f i l ls. ii no uiviuu io can aim jooe inr
I ihtmselves.
Iy virtue of a vM pluius writ
An il 11th, 1h4I. On motion
oft'. W. He -ins. Eso. ihe Curt
J grant a rule on the judgment and
lien creditors of defendant, to ap
pear on the first day of next term, and shew- cause
why the proceeds arising from sale of di-fei c'ant'.
real estate should not be distributed according to
priority of Lion. Bv ihe Court.
Prothonotaiv's Office, JVoVy.
Sunbury, Jul blh, S ll
IMalc ol' C)a:il I !. , r.Mt-, tlct'd.
I EI TEliri U- arm li'iry on rai I ela e have I ten
- at giMiiied to the suli-i:idier Per. I s indptnpd
to the e. a'e will plia e tnaUt immediate pnvmci.t,
and ibore bavi: g claims agani-t the same, are re
quested to picsrnt them for ex tminalion and seltl -mei.t.
Sunhory, June 257.1. Isll. -hi Executors.
A ti'.iX ill II.iT.""c.i able r c i.ri ing Jit
j Ion-, about hall worn, will be sold cheap, and on
; reasonable ti rtua. Enquire at this office.
i Apiil W7ih, 1844.
: tfi'TXGE "BI ll7i:"sT'ive cop es ol I .eCot
j tage Bible, Ihe chespi al l ook ever published,
' containing ihe rommciitarv oo the Old and Nc
I 'l'tbtauient, ju-t rectiv, d and fir sal", for six doll ir-,
by June 1ft. II. It. MANSER.
BALZoKINs, a liandsoiuv: siiicle lor Ladits'
Dff.t , In ,al cheap, by
I J iins IS. II. MAl'R-
Yend t oni Exponas, i-sited out of the Court ;
of Common Picas of N-rihumherland county, to me '
dtieelid, wol le ipoed to public salo at tho I
Court House, in ihe hot. High of Sunbury, ut I
o'clock, P. !.. on Wednesday tho 2 H'i day oft
J ' u i, iho lullowing d sciibi d property, viz : i
A cert .in tract or puce of land, situata in Coal I
township, Noithuoibi rl hi I county, on ,
kin creek nnd t en're 1 uri.pika Ivoad, adjoining
land ol 'Judge HrolfuA heirs, Arehabaid McCa'l,
and laud surveyed in iTie name of Merrick Stari,
coniaining -17ft acres, more or , ss, about JiOacr. a
ot wliich a e c'eaied, whereon ar- eiect-J a two
sto'v double I g house, a l- g burn and a lountaiu
puuq, commonly ealbd -Rillwit's Tevein."
it .. ' i ..
.li; viuiiiiiu liar i oi unim
proved Ian I. si. u no in Coal township afore.
j raid, b .und, d by lands li e of David F. G odatl on
! the West. Tho n is Ca !w a!hd. r on the E s, and
; VViliiu Hoyd, Bord Palier.n & Co. on thu
j Nordi, cotitu I itjs ac es more or le-s.
' gy Also: A certain tract of utiitn-
' C pioved land, siiu de ill Coal tow. ship, Nor.
i ilium' eilai.d c -uiiiv, afoiesii l, boutidn! by lands I
j .ii Thorn is Cadwaliader on ll e Wesl, D iviJ F.
i (iord in en t!ieEa-t , and on the North bv luidj
! -u.v.y.d on w ai rmi's. in the names of Will am j
: roudtiiMiii, lie.ii-.'u l.'.ddi ,n ami oil. a-, contain- t
in 1 7 H S uer. s in ue or le-s. (The proposed Rul ;
1 Road, I mill the town ol SliaiiinUin, to ihe
, Po tsvllle, Ri-adin-; and Philadetp! i i Rail R d I
! '.v. II pa-s th.oiigU t'.ie tao last a'.ove dis. riled ;
! t'acis.) ( t !
gij Also: A certain tract of mum- j
; X proved I .lid, iu ,10 in Cod township a'.oo ,
' said, boundiil bv In ti A ,f 'I'hoinas Cad all ol. r on ;
! ihe Ensi, John Bradv en ihe Nonh. an.l Thomas
Cadi tthidi-r on tho Wet, containing 400 acrisl
nio.e or less. I
i P. S. The pr pertv is said to conat-t of Coal
I a id tt.iibcf laud i f a ve y soHi ior quilily. ,
! Se l d. 'a'.eii io ,, und lo be s. Id s h i
I proia ity of i I am I
t t bM- ftlAUIv&lv, C.1C ,-ijr.
She-ill's Olh.-e
1 Sonluiy. Juue to, Ir
03" Beit Rio ColT.-o f .r 15 cents. Good dj f.t
10, and other sinr'es jo pr. poition.
Siiubuiy, May S3, lb 1 1.
ron.ncni.Y ' rioisi:,
No. UG tlx sutil tictl,
"I1E sITlsCKHfER. r.cenl'v of
K'K.l . I g, I' i Will, Id int. "II the p ib-
that In- bi s luted up ih aii .va c.ini-
us nn. I ( .li ell ieiit i t I'l'lslui.P'it, i, i.J
will a! vny-b.-r. Ion in: in i-iiors. llisja.
t alihshu l repu'.uioii i- toe In.e it ihopol. .11
slTird full asu: nice, ihith's guests w .ll bp n.p
pled wi'h iveiy pomf.r- nnd aceoimn daij. i. ;
wh.Iii his house will be cor. ! le ed u: dcr sucti r-r-rangemei
Is as w 11 m cu e a ch ru ter for '.he lust
responsihiMv, a1 d si'i-lugtory i utcilaiumei.t foi 1.1.
divi.'u .Is a ' il I .'ii te-.
Chareo lor boarding fl per d V.
1 .
7X2 I.
id. '.
,ta. M i
ii l:;:
TO MP.iU IIlMS tlli.I-IVIliU.S.
WM. M. vV JOS. i:. MA I'LL.
M N L' I' A 'T I ' P F r f AND DEM.PKS IV
.Y. ?0, Xorth S. .-o.l. S ,,,t, forronti
M ithton ll "i r, J
WHERE w II If f und ageii.r.i1 as
.1 1-
ry WEED LO TH, a handsome arncle. all wool,
a- I fcht and l.oc, loi lumiiiM Coa a and Pants,
lor salt, vs'f luvt, by
Jjns lb. H. B. HASHER ,
- uie.,1 ol I I. irenee IS
lands Pe Ml. s. Uilo.w I'M!,
ii in"! a hn'i. d N- i.p -li'-t.l I '' , -1
nets, io n.iif i.tnti .1 by ia, t. I fo sal.
iiiviu' .rtn e ' i I s. ,M. 'e' ant- mi l
Invewd it- r v o a e It i p n v ir tin,
J V N'. It We lone i.-o c. Ill Hi I
sup'ii.r bar i nd liter r.'' :ii., ill .
he J . In ap, tor ,-u- b.
Pi. I '.del., M .V Vl'i, li ! - Iv
vioi: via. f r ..ih.
SJ5 S.. i,e Jlni,, tr .in I qua-l to 3 gallons,
t'l St me J's, f r-ti, 2 io f a!l l. I'.-i,
vUap. ly Oci. It H. B. MY -LK.
I aiv. an 1
ra .ev n ...
at ihe 'owe t
M. ii.i r r.i
tl e Cilv.
, i...lto ..Ik r
f which w.!l