i ' n It A A II soti: I-I XT. rnSTi,v.iii, The f. Mowing shows the current value nf nil iVtu.M Ivauia Idmk Note. Tin1 most implicit re I'mci' in iV do placed upon it, a it is c vert wn h .nr. fully compared Willi aid corrected rroni Hick ii'll's lii p-vrtpr. li.lukH III Iil1a1rlplil;t. . Die. i Navi-, Lopatio. NOTES AT PAH. Kn.li (if North America . , Dank of the Northern Lilicrtic , I 'nmniereiul Dunk of Penn'n. . , I' impels' nml Mechanics' Dank Kensington It jnk . Philadelphia llnnk . s.huvlkill Dunk S.itithwark Dunk . . Western Dank . a Mechanics' Dnnk . Manufacturer' A Mechanics' Dunk Country It;iiiti. (tank nf Chester County D ink nl Del iwnre County" It.iiik nf (.ermniitnwu I'nnk of Montgomery Co. V ivIi Mown Dank F t-ioii Dank Westchester Chester ftcrmnntown Not ristuwn Doyleslowii I'aston I' fillers' Dank of Buck CO. Pri-tol i 'il'u e uf Unnk of Pctin'a. 'Mice lll i imre iId ' 'nice to n o r r. s Harrishurg" Lancaster I Reading I .In Fast..n J issi ilo do do AT Disco 1 ; j r. 'ink nf the Ciiilcd States Philadelphia 'i tiank nf lYim Township . I iirnr.l Dank . Mnuiiioning D ink . . Dank nf Pennsylvania . , Miners' Dnnk of I'otlKville I'wk nf l.ewistowu Da.uk nf Midillrliuvii Dank ! Antthnmherlan.l t'olumdia Dank A Bridge co. Columhia iridic Dank pir par par , par , par , par par par pur pu par pur par par par par par par TIlCSC ntiice not inn. I par I" r.it'pviii.i i Lett Mow n Midillctnwn lj Northoniderlutid par .i I arlislr Piltshurp Ilollidavliurg Lnncaslei Lancaster Rending I I :rristi(irf Lnnctislcr Lchnmili Pitlshurg Pitlshutg Willinneqmrt W ilkcsdai 10 Alli'iitouii Heading Pitlohurg i: rio Now Eiightoil ib do Chamhe tsdmg icily. sdurg Moniioc Erivi Wnyncsuirr Washington Honos.l ale Rrnwiisville York U a i i 4 i l ? ,i 4 i v ri u futle.l do do i; 1 t Exchange Dank Do do liranch of Farmers D ink of Lnncastci Lancaster County Dank Farmers' Dunk of Reading Harrisdutg Dank I, -iicnsicr Dank Ledaiinn Dank Mrn liaulA V Mnnuf. Dank D ink nf Pitlshurg West Drnncli D ink Wyoming Dank "Northampton Dank i'oiks ( 'oniilv Dank Olliie nf Dank of li. S. Do do do Do do do Ki u-hmloii Sjv. f in. A l enn ' J w n l i i SS.iv. Ins. D ink ul I 'liHiiilier.wlmrg t! ink nl iellylnirg D.itik nf u-iJlH'llunna Co. I if II . i, k l''aiiiiT:' I'linets' Bank I'i.iiiklin Dank U..iiiMl..le Djtik '-Iniintiiliel.'i Dunk nf li. mk Dank N. D. The noli s nf those lianks on wltieli we :nil jimlaliuiis, and sulii-titulo ( ) an; not , 'in liarid l-y the I'liiladrlpl.ia limkers, wiih t lie i f ejition nl tlinnc ttlinh have a letter of n liritite. HliOKEN ' I'tiiladi lpliia Rav. In. riiil.iilelplii i Loan Co. flu i v !k 1 1 1 f.iv. Ins. Manual l.almr Dunk (T. W liwamla Dank Mlegliany Dank nl i'a. l!.t,U of Deaur I! oik nf walura Hank of Washington 1 nlro Dank t':ty Dink I'.irniers' A Meth'cs' Dank I'miner' Meih'c' Dank I'.iinii rrt' A Mei h'ts' Dank llailimny llisllllltc 1 1 nlilil:cnr, Dunk lul.l.ila Dank ..iiiiilniiiii'ci'o Dank N. iiln rn Dank nf i'n. w Hope Uel. Dri.lne Co. nhiiniliM I'nion Col. Dk. i. rth W'e-t. tn Dank of Pa. ' ;!'.. e nl S(.hnlkill Dank I'a. Aur .V M iiuif. Dank iloi Lake Dank I "ninn Dunk ol IVnn'.i. '. e-linnrelaiil Dank ilki'slinire Diidc Co. Qj" All iiiilcs purporting to he on any l'iinyl . inia Dank tint jjiven ill the ahove hat, may he let iown ua liauds. .11:101: v. A N K s. J'hiladilphia failed do filled do filled Dyott, prop.) failed Tuwaiida Dedford no sale Deaver ilomj Harrisiurt rinsed 'ahiiiiloii failed Delh tunic chined Pittnhuig Do sale PllUhurg failej Fayette co. failed CreencatLe failed Harmony no sale Huntingdon no sale Lew iiitosvn no sale M'arren failed Diiudair no sulc New Hope elnsed Milton no sale Mrailville closed Port Carhon Carlilo failed Montrose closed I'niolitnwn failed (irieiiBhu'g rloited ilkrsliane 1111 sulu D ink nl New Ditiiiottiek I'elvtdeie Dank Mutlili',tnir ( '11. Dank I'lKiiiuereinl Dank "innlnil.ii.il Dank i'liiniris' Dunk Dniiisvvii k Delvidero MeillorJ Perth Aiuhoy Dridcetnn .Mount Holly failed ) j pat pu par 1 MiJJIetown I't. J Jersey City faih d Hohoken luilid Jersey City failed Patterson faihd Dilleile failed Morriktowii 1'ieehold fulled N 1 walk Tientoii ,af Jeiey t.'ity tio bale Newaik l.auilierlsiillo f lloimkeii tailed Jersey t 'jly Jailed trance K Pal.rsiin fdiled f'arineis' and Mei'linnies Dk h'aliVMiy .-' irtm rii and Meehauii s Dk N. Diiinnv'uk failed I'lifiiii r and Miri hnnl' Dk h'ruiiklin Dmik n!'N. J. linlmketi DkstV (iiuziiig Co I. r:a y City Dank M thanUs' I! ink Mauiifaeluri r' Dank MnrrH I 'oimly Dank M nnuth Dk nl .N. J. Merhlllliiai' J'ul k Mtchaiiiek' and Manuf. I k' .M uris ("anal and Dkg Co Put Note Neuaik Dkn Ins Co .iv Hope 1M Dri.he Co' .. J. Maiinlae. unit Lk Co N J Proterlon l.nliil'aid I k t dauge Dunk I'jltrsoil Dank I'lnplm' Dank I'liuteliin Dank i-jli 111 Dunking Co Slate Dank !ute Dmk Hiate D ink l ite II ink of Morria Sinle Dunk v.ilein and Philad M muf Co iise Dank 'I'n ntoii Dunking Co I ninn Dank Washington Danking Co. ii:i.4vtiti:. DkdfWihiiA I'n anil) wine Wilmington Dunk ol ItelaMdie liank nf riny ma Ho I'laneh Farmer' Dk nf SSiaie nf 1M Ho liniiuh Ho linn h Ho Irani li I 'ninn Dank (I f I ink 1 iX j Oh all 1 ji ki invkid llun () ther are 1 1 1 r 1 ounteili it n( aliffcl n. ;i cl lim var.ou J. n lunation, lit ciuulaiinti. OAKT-EY'S ii:i n itivk syp.i v. flni? vnhidi'p proprnie of Onkley'a Deptlia I lipSnipnf S.irapnrilla, nn n purifier of ihc hloi d. in o well known to the pulilic penr-rally, (lint ii is niiirrp?R ov lo nrrnpy much uparp in pt ting for h the mlvantaprs lo lip ilerivod from i I a use; wheriver the medicine had onre hren intr iltireil, it lake preeedpnrp over all nthpm : every nne that l'ii taken it, hnvp derived 80 signal hene firinl reultii from it, thai it in recommended hy them with ihe u'mnpl pnnfidrtiee. Phys-ieiaiiB of the highe- t st'in ling in III rnfension, pren'tihe it to pmients under their rare ; Potitaiuiiig i.olliinfl deli terioiw, hut heinir. romposcd ol Dip ninot mild, et ell'iCaeiniH n i'i talile inntrriaU, it is ofl'iTed 1 nnfidence, n the rhpnpet anil mt eH'irietil pu. filler of the Mood now known. TIip use of a few dottle, eipei ially in thp spring months, will hp id lendi'd w ilh a most decided iinpiovc 1111 nt ill the ge j nerai sinaiiin ni hip sysiem, rrauieauuix any eeeos I nf disea-p that may have been petierati d, dcshles ttiving health and vignr to the hodv. For the curp nl Srrolula or Kmc i:il, Dheinnitism, Teller, Pimples or riupttotii of the Skin, While Hwdling, l'i.-tola, Chrnnie t'ottuh Asthmi, iVp. Tho tin mrroii eeriifiea'e in thp po-sessiiiti of the s-ulserl-drr and his nenls, from physicians and others, are Hiillieient to convince the must t-kepticnl nfilatm perioritv over nil preparations of Harsapniilhi. S..M nholesnle mid retail, dv the proprietor, (il'ni.M.T. W. OAKLF.V, North filh street, Ilea ling, Driks Comity, and lo do had of the following pris ills : In XiirthttiiitirlitnJ t'imntii. II. D. Masv, Niinliiiry ; lieland iV Mi.xel, Melavensiille ; HJ KratHrr, Milloii, In Vmoit Cimnti). ,1. tienihiiH, Si liiegrovp A. (ititi liiis, Millhnliuig. ' Cuttiiitl'itt County. K. W, MeCay, Vush ingtoti. Keadinc, March 11. IS 1:1. Mil. ().i;i.i:t : I delieve it the lily nf every one to do ivli,.ti ver in(heir power I iei,f,ir the h m. lit ol llii ir lelliiw man, and having had po-i ive pioof in tov own family, of the wmnleifnl properties nf your Id ptiralivo Syrup nf Saisiipirill a. I m 'st fnilsi'icnlioudy reeoiiuneml it to the alllieled. We had the liiifottitiie to op two nf our children, hy the hrrnking imt ol ulcerous snre thai covered I In face, head and I eek, nltlnuili we h id some of the most srientilie physieiuns to attend tie III 11 1 1 I had tried all the known lemedies, im hnhng Suaim's I'uuacia, ttilhoiit avail. Anmher of my ehiliheii Was iiilaike.l in the same 111 inner, l er face uiid neik was completely eoverrd; die d.svhatce was so nlleiisive, and the disease nt sun h a height, that we despaired nl her life. Seeing the wonderful rlleels nf your l'ei,raiive Sviup i.t S f-::ir iil 1, we weie iiuliir. il lo make tiial of it. n-' tin' let n s rt ; it iicled like a cdni 111 ; the u'ei rs einiiiin ueed di aling immediately, a f 1 w dottle eutiiely rc-torcd In r to her de.ilili, which she d .s enj.iM .1 uninteri U tedly ever cince. Asa purifier nl the dloal, I veiilyde lievo it has not its mh .I. JOHN MOVF.K, Tailor, Walnut street, neai I'iiiuiIi, llrjiling. Dongl'is-sulle, April 19lh, IRLt. M11. OiKi t v : My son lMniiind Leaf, had the scrofula in the most dreadlul and distressing man lier for lline years, dining which lime he was de prived of the use of his liinds, hi head and neck were covered with ulcers. We tried all ihe dillir entremediis. I ut lo no i-lVeet, until recommended l y Dr. J 1 hn son nf Nonislowii. and also Hr. Isaac llii'sr, ol Deading. lo Use your Hepliralivp Syrup nl S.irsaparilln, nf w hit h I ndlaitied si veial d. mil's, the use nf which ihove Ihe di-easp eminly out nf his system, the ore he ded up, nnd the child w resloied lo prrleet health, which lie ha etijoed uninterruptedly ever since, to the BM,,uishrin r,t of many peisons who seen him dining his ullhrtiou. I have thoimht it my duly, and send v. u tins certi ficate that other who have a like nlllieiion in the family may know where to ndtun s i valuable a nieilii iiie. Vours trulv, AMI: I.I l). LKAF. Sept. If!. 4.:t i y L3S?lTfe J AIT ITS 7", Impoi I vrs ;ntl IK-ali i'H Iti s ec A 11 s. r ii a xn 1 1: s, 1; i n, WINKS, ,cc .Vo. 21 Ciuauu tce St., nur I'iflh Si., . ... . nilLADELnilA, t .. J. W 01 at nT.jr. j Wm. A. Jan Mr. y niUNiiirs. sri;Aiis. Pinet, ('nstillion ct Co. I Wno.Uille. II uranco. Pernet Frereg. I'gue. 1. 01. 1 Dj run Juntury 'JOili, tl ll,o " E?. P. VASTIITE,"" Ti:sir:CTFI"LLY inf.. mis the pnl.lic that he has made Northumhrrlaiul hi place of resi dencp, and i riady lo utteud lo any calls in the line nf hi profession. Q.'j" He may at ull tinus hp found at Mr. James Lee's Hotel. Nnrthumherl'ind. Dec. Hiih, H 1 1. If. rORKSTVILIii: itittss ciian oiv i.o us. f IIIK mh-erider has just ni i'ived, for sale, a few 1 of llip udove i!edrale.l Kighl Hay Clocks, which w ill he sold at veiy re. lured prices, f.ir ra-h. Also, superior 30 hnurChks, nf It e e-l make and ijuahty, which will he mild fur in h. a' i Till. Also, superior Drjsa 30 hour Chirks, ut ; S no. lee. 3, l Dl. II. It. MAS-T.K. MII.I.IA.M "j. MAI! I IN, ATTC?.1T3-J AT Li.Vr, SUNDUnY. PA. FFD'K, in the second sioiy ol the l-iiikhnj o.-- ciiliie.l I'V I'r.J.ll. .Ma-sir. nil Market si. eel. Oct. a 1 t, ist t. Tt.Ni: w aim: i ;.r ! cut.M 'J'i.'i Stone Jirirs, from I o.ia t to :t e i!..ns In li d'l"n I r II. !t. M ssi; sale ll.l I'riuceluii Kid Jit Newark j:iizadethlown Camden Monist.m11 Trenton Salem New ton 'In lit. hi Hover Jlui keliH ii k Wiliiiii..,i..ii iiiiyriiu M.llord HnMI Wilmington !eorgi towii N'eweastlo V iliniiiiiton par par I par faileo lud.d i par 1 lulled par par par pur par par p.r Pr par I 'I fil) Si, me .1 its, fmni cheap, l y (let. I I V q' r 4. srfj f. r 4. v r-i - .rJ j rplli: sul.-enlier uill sell ,.f ! i- si.uk of Deivi r, 1 liuss a and Diu.-h II lis, ,.f il,e dest quali'V, at i 1 y led net it I 1 ices. K.inl.ury,.im. r, ICl.l. II. D. M Ass; ( .TIT IT UN 1 1 1 l K A I ("I I ON, AMD PKIVATE SALr.3 HCOMS, is. ami :il iWutlt Tliiul Street, Near the City Hotel, J'lllLUiF.LrniA. r . ., ... .111- . .. r 1 . ' n 1. 1 , .Miciioiieer, rr pPctluPy in- i in si ihe alli'litlon nl persini disirous nf pur- j eln-in FuiniMiie, to his evieiirivn Sale Dooms, ' (doili pu' lie m.d I'.iiate.) do every deseriplion of! itoust h.il i I' iiiniiiiie, ulnre ran ,p ol. t oned at all ; tunes, a lurp.e n-s.iiiiuent nf fi-l.i. 111, idle and wi II maniifai tured C .dim I Furniiiire, Deds, Mullrussct iVe., at lerv lulni i il prices, for Cish. 0J!? Sale dv Auction, tw ice a weok. May '.'(th, Ifcl t. ly A J ruth r s few kege for ile, at a sioiill ndinnee fur rash, I) IV'. 'J. H. U. masi: ASH It V & It Or AT, 1 1 AT & CAP MAtNUFACTUUiniS, South F.ast rnnirr of Mnrhrl. and lh tttx., I'hlladrlphln, O r.fsTCCTFCLLY inform the ptidlic that they will conrlanlly kepp on hand a largs assort ment of Hat. I'ap and Furs, lo suit tho fall Irudp, of the IipsI iitality. Dy strict altenlion lo htisi ncss, and dy nelling their flock at Ihe lowest price, thry H itter themselves in heing ahlo lo pivp entire :itifactiiiti. Atiguat 5, 18D) ly 1 Tlirrshlii niat liliic for Sale. Ull'. Huhseriher oiler f..r u!p a TH IlI'SHINfi MACIIINK, new and in good order. The Machine has deen tried, and prove to dp nn excel lent one. It will de sold nl a reduced price, and warranted. Apply to II. D. M ASSL'I!. July 1st, 1HIM. Count -i Telle!-. DEATH BIiOV. rPhe puMic will phase oliervp that no Dratulrptli Pjlls are genuine, unless the dnx hn three l i hels upon it. (the lop, Ihe i.'e and tde dottotn) cull eoiilainiiig a fie-simile Kiiiiatire of toy hand writing, thus II. Dhaiuhftii, M. H. These hi. hel nip engraved on steel, deaiitifiilly designed, and done at an expense of over fi.OllO. Therefore it will he seen lluit ihe only thing necessary lo pr. enrp the medicine in it purity, is to nhspre these lahel. Dememdrr the lop, the fide, and thp hotlont. The following respective persons tire duly nnln ri zed, and hold CnilTICATES Or AGE1TCY, For Ihe sale of llrnnitrrts Yegcttitilc Vnivrrxal I'M. Norlhnnihrilaiid eninitv : Mihon M n key A Chamdcilin. Sunlmry H. D. M.tsser. M'Kwpur ville Del and or Meixell. Norihttin! eiland Wm. Forsyth, (icomelowu J. A .1. Walls. I'liion C iiinty: New Dcrhn Dog.ir A Win ter. Selinscrove (Jenrire ('undiiim. Mid.'le dnru Is in,- Smith. Deavernuvn l'aiid lluhler. Adanisdurg Win. .1. M.iv. M illlinshutii Mensch V It 1 v. Haitlelou Hiniel Long. Freetnirg li. A F. tl. Moer. I.ewishurg Wall A (ireen. Columdia coi.nty : Danville I',. D. Devtiolds A Co. Dcrwick S'lnimati A D ttetihouse. Cn' lawissu I'. (!. Drol. Is. Uloomsduri! John I!. Mover. Jersey Town Levi Disci. Washington h'odt. Mil'ay. Limestone Dald-" k ?!;N-iieh. (Ihsene that pach Ait-nt has an F.ngr i'id ('cr til'icalenf Acencv, eontaining a repres 'titalioii nf lr IIKAMlKi: I'll'S Mauutactory nt iSiti-i Mng, and upon which will also he seen exact cojiies nl the neir lulu In tunc nvc. tipnn tir llrtnulri tli 'II Ilium. I'hlll. VI). hia, n.Tice No. H, North 8th ftrcel. D. DKANHDKTH. M. H. June 2tih, 1st 1:1. Slovaks Iti;. JOSEPH . HOVER, Mamirat lun r of Writing sunl Iiulciii Lie Ink, No. KI') iN'ortli Third Si reft, six dunrs iii lnw Haeo, (east side,) PHILADELPHIA, ? 1 LSI'Lt'TFI LLV inform country merchants and other, that he eon-tantly keep on hand a large slock of hi miperier Dlack, DIup nnd lied Ink, and ulso a snperinr iprihly of Imh Hil le Ii.k. His ink is put up in deities vaiying in sie, front I toil, ounces, and will de sold on reasnnadle terms. The excellent qualities; of this ink has so Ihornuchlv elahlislied il character, that it is now extensively used throughout th country. , For sale ut the stoic nf II. II. Masser, Sun hliry, Pa. May y.ih, ISt:l. ly CirAiM.i.s . nr.cixs, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNEURY. PA. BAS taken the elliee lonnerlv oeeupinl dv the Hon. Chailes (i. I..-n. I, ni pesite the Cmnt II. .use. He will nitend to liiisuii'ss in ihe Courts of Norilinmdeilaiid, I'nion 1111.I Coluindia counties. Mav '.MMh, I M l. A'o. 2:17, Xurii 77i ,-.,(( f (..( .' St., Fllil.ADKI.riMA. "ffOHN Lt'.M'.W. I.ue from the Fcniisylva 99 ni l F'jini-r, 1. n I Samuel Pike, jr., lalp of A on riran Hotel, Cohmil'iis. t ihio, lake pleasure in ac quainting tdeir I'ii mis and Hie pudlic ueiier.illv licit they have taken the l.irue and commodious II, ml, iii'tliily l uilt dv the Missis. H nt.nli tde sai.ie site mice dpi lipid dy die old esiadli-dcd Hotel known as ihe Lull's Head, in Third sheet udove Calluw hill si. This lintel is fini.-hed in the very dest r.ossidle manner, hi d nf the he.-t mi.lerial. lis location is veiy desiradle. pariieulai !y for coiiiiliy merchants; the arrangement lor heaiii gaud vciitilatiug lai d room is such as to secure any temperature. The la .Illinois are l liirht mid nirv, all luinished in a neat style, so as to inmie loinfoit. The n ceiling parlors are al-o fiuiashe.l in a mi perd s 11 le, the w iiiilnw s nie nn ihe French 'le, l uiiiii.g un eniiance to u l aleniiy in front, whiih makes 1 ilc.i-ui,t recess. Fnrtieulai altt ntioii has leen given to the dials and hi dding, which. With the furniture, are rutin ly new. I' 10m yta's' exi'iienee in hotel husinrss, we t't.'st.l y stritt ass duity tc dusiiies', lo make this house a de.-iradle steppiuj place. I ur t ilde will always le supplied wnh the vary In si our Inaikrt can iillor.l, and 11. ( l.irnih the de.-t hqilors and nines n I'.e 111. .-1 .,i,.ovnl In. ill Is. I'. S. 'J line are l'11-.t rule tililmc M.d rurriace house, utt o hi d to the hold, r.lif nded dv ea 1 ful and soU-r hoMli'm. and ourehareci will he Ijw, in aecor.linee wild the present haul 1 1 il.r . Philad. Ipdia, Del. Ilh. UNION IIOTHJ.. t I 1 : f Hit LAy. ((1 nt nt! Sin zi- 1 '''',; rca' t rear a z LVCoiMirrc coutitv, l'iitsy It it it I -.1 . riJMK Snhseriler respecifullv infniiis his frit i,t' I and the pudlic in 1jet1er.1l, tdat he ha taken the adove l.MUii: AM) l1(l)h)l s V r n t in Tin: Doitoriiii of mcncv, and that he is now well pnpare to uceoiumodate ul! who may t.nor h.m uli the.r rusioin. Hi Sliktinu Ai'iHTMi.MTS i re well tiled, and coinforladle, llisTiHLFAMi Din will ulvayi he upplnd with ihe det the maiket cun allord. Hi SriNLimu, which i eo d. will l under the charge ul good uml earelul hostlers. He feel confident, dy strict attention to t'luiur , and an earnest ilesoe lo lender c lnlortr,ie those who may pjin.nirc him, that he will not fail lokiinc ((11er.1l aatlsfaetioii. . IJ. Wl'.AVLK. M.iocy.Oct. Ut, 1 11. ROSE OINTBISNT, rou ti:tti:i. niKnvoitMj, minxs on tiir fa e, ano otiif.u ffTASi:ofi r.Rt'in ions. fjj 77iP f.ittnwinsr certificate (trsniht onr. oft fie nwrt rrirnnrdiriiny otircs ever tjfccteil ly'any application. I'HtT.trur.t.riiti, Fchruary 10, 18HS. lfn twenty year I was epverely afllictnl with Tf.TT?:n op the Face and Head: the disease pommeneed when I wa pvpntppn year old, and continued until the Fall of 18:1(1, varying in vio lence, hut without ever ilinpienring. l)uring mot of the lime, great part of my facp wa povpn d with thp eruption, frequently nltended w ith violent iteh iug( my hpad swelled at time until it felt n if it would hurst the swelling ven o g pat, that I could Fcarcely pet my hat on. Poring the long period that I wa afflicted w iih the disease, I used n great many n plication', (among them gevpral cclehrated preparations) as w II as takinir inward remediea, including a iiumher of dot lie of Su'iiIiu'k Vttnarra, Extract nf Sar.ntpnrilla, Ac, In fact, it would ho impoidle to cuumera'o nil the medicine I used. I was nlso under Ihe pare of two of the most dis lingtiished physician of this city, hut without re ceiving much hci'cfil, nnd I despaired of ever heing eurcd. In the f.ll ol IS. 10, the disease ut the tiinp heing very violent, I pommeneed tisiim the liosc Ointment, (prepared hy Vnui;hnn A Davis.) In n few application the violent itching censed, th swelling nhalcd, thp 1 ruptioti hegati to disipppar, find hefore I hud used a jar the di-casc was entirely clued. It hue now lieen nearly a year nnd a half since, and there is not n vestige nf the disease re maining, except thp scar from thp deep pit formed hy the disense. It is impi.Rsil.le for nip to descride in n certificate the severity of the disease and my Fullering, In it I will he pleaaid to give a fuller nc connl to any person wanting further .mtisfaction. who will call on inc. Al thp limp I commenced using the K. se Ointment I would have given httn dieds (if do'hii to lip rid nf the disease. Since u sing it. I have recommended it to sever il person, (among them my mother, who had the diseasn had ly on her arm,) who were ad cured hv il. JAMF.S LlCDNFLL, Nn. I on, DaeeSt. Cj" The Kose Daitrnent is prepand hy n. D. Vniuhan, S,.u h F.asl corner nf Third and Dace stteit.j, Philadi Iphia, and sold on aL'cnev in Sunhu ry. dv H. D. .NIAssi;!,', May 11th, HH. Asent. Iloc Oiiidiipiif, thv 'I'rKir. A I' HOOF OV ITS V.I VH ACY. I'm 1 Aim cun, May 27th, ISil'.t. rPHIS is to certify t) at I wa severely ullhcled wild Tetter in Ihe hand-t nnd del for upwards ol lorty years ; the disease was ntlendcd guietally with violent itching and swelling. I applied to 4 lunula ruf physicians, nnd used a grent many appli cations without ( fleeting a cure. Admit a yenr since, I applied the I'osp Ointment, which entirely slopped the itching, and n few applications immedi ately cured the ih-ease, w died there has deen no return of. nllhotigli I had never heen rid of it at any time for forty years. KICII.Mil) SAYAItL', Llcvcnlh, dclow Spruce Street. j The Rose Ointment is prepared hy K. D. 'atn;hnn, S iuih Fast corner of Third nnd I'aee Streets, Philadelphia, and Id nil naenev in Snndti rv.dy II. D. MASS 1: l, May 11th. 1:1. At. MEDICAIi APrnOBATIOIT Of lit,- HOSi: 01.TMi:.T,for Tetter. LTHOt'till the superiority of the prcpnialion 1 over h II others is fully es'ahlislipd, ihe pr iprie tors take pd nstire in hiving hefore the pudlic the following certificate from a resppclahle physician, a graduate of the I 'niwrsity of Pennsylvania. Hr. Dauuh, having found in this remedy that tehef f ir a tedious and disagree. idle alTei tioii which the mean within the ratiite of hi profession failed to allord, has not hesitated lo give il hi npprohati.in, although the prejudice and interests of that Jirulession aie 1 pposed to secret I'emedieg. P1111.AIH upuia, Sept. m, isnr.. I was recently troudhd w itli a tedious herpetic eruptii n, whiih emered innrlv one ii!e nf my face, and extended over ihe car. Mr. Vaiiithan, propric toi of the Kose Ointment, ohserving mv face, insis ted nn my tiying hi preparation, uf which he han ded me a jar. Although in common with ihe inem deis of my profession, I discountenance and ilisaji prove ol the numerous nostrums palmed upon the pudlic dy unoi ant pn tenders, I feel in jus'iie dniind toevct pt the Kose Ointiiu lit from thai c'a-s nf me d.iiius. and to gne it mv approl ation, a it entire Iv turid the eruption, ililii.ni Ii it hid resisted the usual uppheatioiis. HANI.. DAI (.11, M. I). dj' The Ko.-e Oinlioei t is prepared dy I'.. D. Vauhan, Souih Fast conn r nl Thud and K ice Siiects. Pliibde'pl.ta, and sold on niri ncv in Sun hmv. l y JI. U. MAMSEK, May 1 t lit. liapl. Arnt. J. MAVLAND, JR. &. CO. Siiull ami Tolmceo M;iiint;icUircrs, A. !!) .orth Wist corner if liuci inul Third Sin 1 Is. riMLAliKLPIllA. rI,Iin utider-igned hae formed a Co-partnership -1 under the f.rm nfj. MA VI.AN I), J 11. A Co.. as successors to the lute firm of Jncnli Aluijiinil i Cii., uml w ill continue ihe I usint'ss at ihe old esla Idishment, 011 their own account. In addiihui In their own close attention nnd experience f.. ninny years, in the manufacture nf their cell hrated snuff-, Ac, the long i xpeii nee of the senior paiti.cr of the late linn, will also he devoted lo the interest of the new concern and a no exertion and care wiil l e spared to insure their goods, at all times of the ve ry test quality, they solicit a continuance of the confidence ol the li.cinls and customers nf ihe late i firm. TIIOM S AHA MS, I J. MAYLANP, J11. j Philadelphia, May I 1th, ly ! EAGLE i Curlier f Third uml Vine Stru ts, WILLIAWSrOaT, PA. riHF ul wrilu'r r speelfullv aiinmini'i tithe I pudlic, tdat he In npeued a Hotel 111 the com modi. 'its hrii k huilding tu.ite on tin comer of I hint m.d Pine streets, where he will ho happv to wail up-11 ih.ise who may f.iior dim witli t lot 1 company. 'J'he Faule Hotel is larce uml Cunvi lit ili', mill fililiished ii, the de-l uiulelil sli le. Lis I raided with a l.n;e ntiuider nf well aiied and c..Uifirl.ide slot 1 in iqiaitiiieiits, rooms, private I uilnrs, A e. l'i i.-oiis iMiinn i'damsport on du siiie.s 111 plea-ure, may ie.-t us ured tdat eiery ex ertion will de used to render thiir sojourn al the "Fugle. Hoti I" pleasant and uijrieadle. HuTjI lc will lie supplied wiih the very dm the market af fords, and his dar w ith tho choicest w ine and other liquors 1 daii;es re isonadle. Tho Fagle Hotrl posseBC greater d4lilut!i in point of location than any other biiiiilari'st-idhshmeiit in the hoiough, heing situate in the husines part of the tow n, and within a convenient distance of Ihe Court House and Wilhamsport and Flour Kail Load Depot. Sull'icient Stadling provided, uml good ami liuly ostlers always in ulteiidauee. Attentive, accommodating and hnne-t Servants have heen emploed, and nothing left undone that w ill add to tho comloil and accommodation of his guests. There will In- a carriage always in attendance at the lloat Landing lo convey pas-engers to and Iroin Ihe House, lite of charge. CHAKLFs Dt)KKlWfci. V it I llh, 1 8 lii. il ATTORNEY AT LAW, euNBunv, pa. Puslneta ttiended to in the Counlie of Nor lliuml crland, Union. I.vcoming and Columhio. Tun ha Ha tit A Co., Lowr.n A llAnnn. IIabt, Ci;mmI!o A IIabt, yr.'iitad. li'r.T?oi.n, McFAnt anh A Co Spr.niJtn, 'loon A Co., To Country MERCHANTS. PI1K .Sulmcridpr, Agpnt of I yon A Harris, Hat Manufitelurer, for New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore nnd other large pities, wl.oan Huh are highly commended for grW toht and diirnhiliti, hn on hand fir-t rate nsprtmnt of HATS and CAI'N, mitahle for Snrinn mips, wh'cli will 1 p sold very low, fot eash or nppioved credit, al the nr led cheap tlorr. No. 40, North Third aire !, tq p isi'c the City Hotel. Phil idelphin. KODF.HT I). WILKINSON. Aral. N. II. Order for Hats in the rnue.,i, promptly Ottende l lo. The highest price in mivA it trade given far Fur ti'n.. Phila.lclphii, June 11, I9n.--ly LL persons indehted to the firm of Lvon A Harris, under the agency of O. N. Thacher, Ihrt and Cap Manufacturem, No. 40 North Thiril, street, Philadelphia, are requested to mnke immedi ate settlement nf ih. ir ocrot.nt with the stihscrihcr, their legally authorized rigent.who i fully empow pied to settle ond collect the nccourits of said firm. KODCKT U. WILKINSON, June 1th, 1 912. tT Arnt. An. li'J .(irlli Third, nluivr. Arch Sin it, pi 1 1 1 ,. 1 ) 1 : i .i' 1 1 1 a. ACi-nMMOItlONH FOR St VRM V rrtllM, OH. MILKS WKlss, latp of thp" White Swan," - and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in form hi friend and customers, that he das hecome the proprietor of the nhovt well known lintel. Country Metchants will fml the ahove Ho'el a central location, nnd the hpst of farp. Person tra velling with privnle conveyance will find a larce yard nml cood slndling for horses, nnd the dest of ostleis. Hoarding fl perdav. May Mill. 1 fl.pj. if. 'nr.. : :-:2iiicZif "&"ss., ( omn iisst m vV. Forwardins MtM rliiints, Voi it if Willow Sim I Ituil Jload, on Tilt: nn wviir., T J" A VIN(5 .associated vtidi them Joseph Darnel, late of Kaston, Pa., rcstiectfully inform their friends nnd the puldic generally, that they have la. ken tint I tree nn. I w e l known store nnd i In 'f nt foot nf Willow Street Kailroad, lately oceupiel dy Jricoh Martin, where thry puipose doing n (ienernl t 'oinmission and Forwarding Du--ines, nml f.om the local a.lvantnjes (if the place heing cottni cted with nil the puldic improvements that have their outlet in the citv, they flatter thenwt De they will he aide to do husines to as great, if not g. eater ad vnnlage, and upon a reaonndle terms s nny other house, nnd they nssme their friends that nny con signments made to them shnll have their strict at tention, and no exertions spared to give entire satis faction. They ore nlso prepared to receive and forward good to nny point on the Delaware and Lehich rivers, hetween Mauch Chunk, Kaston and Phila i!el hia, vin Delaware Division and Lehigh Canals; nlso, to nnv point nn the Juniata river, or North nnd Wist Drancheaof the Susquehanna via Schuyl kill and I'nion, or the Chesapeake and Tide W'utei Cilia's. For iIip ncrommodation of Doat coming or go. ieg via Schuylkill nnd Union Canals, n Stpimdoat will he ki pt expressly for towing hoat from the Schuylkill around to the Delaw are nnd hack, which will en . hie men-hunts to have their produce deli vered on the Delaware, nml their goods sl ippid nt a saving ot 50 to 75 per cent, on tho price for hauling ncioss, with these ndvMit.igc they rc sp.ctfully solicit a tdiure nf pntmnace. W. HKILMAN A CO. William Ileilmnn, ) W illiam W. Keyset-, v. Joseph Harnet. 3 Philad , May I t, lsn. ly BOLTON & CO. (.'run:! I 'itiiiiiisi(iii lianfs, 1'nr the Stile, of I'lutir, Cruin, Sitd, .C, 4c 1 FsPI'.trPFI LLY inform their lii.uds nnd ihe Merchant generjllv, ihnt they have ta km those large nnd eotnmodious W harvr, iih two Do(k, ninth of Chesiiut strict, oil the Delaware, together w itli the stoie No. l'J South Whirves, whete they would ho pleased to receive consign ment of (irain, Flour, Sei'd, Whiskey, Iron, Ac. Ae. Deiug also well prepared to forward all kinds of Merchandise hy the Schuylkill and I'nion, or hy the Chesapeake and Tide Water Canal, a tow hoats are kept expressly for the purpose of towing hunts dy either mute. Men haul will please he particular to send their foods destined hy eilher canal-, to No. I'd South Wh irves, hetween Market and Chesiiut streets, nn the Delaware, with directions aeeompanv ing them which route they wish them lo de shipped. (jm Plaster and Suit for sale, at the lowest mar ket price. DOLTON A C'. March 19. 14:1. No. l'J South Wharves. G. V". & L. 2. OFFER FOR 8ALK, nt the South Knt Cor ner of Fifth and Market Streets, I'hihtdd fi Ilia Menu' Calf-skin Boot,ti(cliet1 warranted, do do do pegged do do do do water proof, doulle aoles and (Jouhtc upper, do Calf-skin do do do nailed and upper, do Heavy Water Leather Boot, do do Neat do do. do High quarter Shoes, Cnlf-skin. do do do Crocker ito do Fine Monroes warranted do Kip do do Calf do do Coarse do do do Shoea do Fine do do Kin dn do do do do do do r.noo lo.l'OO 10.000 SO. 11(1(1 c.imo lo.tioo do do (1.1 do do do Oil, do do Calf nnd S,. Skin Pump, do List SiH-ka with and without sole, do Carpet do do do do Patent Wnrranled Water-proof Mocp.isin. La.he do d , lU Ladle.' tanned India Rudder shoes. Ceritlemens' do Overshoe. W'iih every other desc iptinn of hoot and shoe. Fur Cap of every description. Travelling Trunks of every description. YetiPtian Travelling Dags, Patent tititn Flnstic Shoe Dl ickine. Donnel of all kinds. Palm Leaf Hat. Philadelphia, Ninemher 13, IMS. ly. L J TS. BL f&d OF EVERY" DESCRIPTION. NKW K.XCIL.WDOII. COMrAAW No. 2'.) North Wnlcr 8lrcet, Phila. A. M FA CTI T!E RS and dealer in Oil of lT.fi. Pverv description hoth for hurning nnd maiiufacMinne purposes, which will he sold much lower thnn ihey can lip procured elsewhere, and warranted in quality to equal nny in the citv. Any oil sold hy the company not proving as ippreseiiled, may he returned without any expense to the pur chaser, nnd the money w ill Ih- refunded. Their slock now in store consists ol the following oils, viz : :J0,(t:!0 gallons Winter Blenched SpcrmA nil, do Colorless Oil. Fall mid Sirinc Sperm t )i, W inter Sea I.lephnnl, do Pressed Whale Summer do do Common Whale Oil. .00 It. irrel.--superior Sira.'s Oil, ilitO do Cod Dank Oil, 50 do Nen'a Foot Od, 7 5 Casks Olive Oil, Tanner's ' Id. tjj-'l'his Company has n nnmder nf Vessels' en gU'cd in the Cod Fishery, nnd Tanners may rely upon pelting nt all times Oil ns pure a imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 1:1, lSli. ly. Jlicharl Weaver X. Son, norc makers & cinr chandlers. A'o. I'd Xirli WuUr Street, I'liiludi Iphia. M AVE constantly on hand, a general assort ment of Cnrdacp, Seine Twines, Ac, viz : 'I iit'd Ropes, Fishing Dopes, While Ropes, Munil la Ropes, Tow Line for Canal Duals. Also, a complete assortment nf Seine Twines, Ae. such a Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Dest Patent (nil Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, Shoo Threads, Ae. Ac. Also, Ded Cords, Plough Lines, Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac. all of which they will dispose of on reasonuhle teims. Philadelphia, Novemher 1.1,1X43. ly. Jaroir l'i isniiilli x. Sun. ESPECTFI LLY inform their friend ami Af-i Olll I lltMtlo n.1 lit, (t...t tl...ar t.ll ... .jv... ......... a . ...t.,,j III. J Pllll l'l- lintie to keep nt the old stand. No. 2 Iti North 3.1 street. Philadelphia, nllWuls of ToltACCO SM 1'F ASF SECAh'S. Which they will ell n the nut I uci'iuninodulii;; and reasona de terms. N. D. All Bonis sold w'll he guanntced and all orders promptly attended to. Philad. Iphia, N. vemtet 1.1, I SIC ly. SPi'.KINCl, UOUI) & CO. Xo. Market Street, Philadelphia.. NVITC the attention of Countiv Merchaitls 1 Kdlir.KT ( AIM Kit, 4V M), rAPEIt KANUPACTUUEIIS, i.imilmril Stmt, Hull iniorr. I I AVE constantly for sale, Printing Paper nfali ' sie and qualilit s, Can Writing Paper, ruled and plain. Letter Paper, white nnd line, ruled and plain. Hanging Paper, line and common, Envelope Paper, do. do. medium, doud'e ciown, crown and emu sized Wrapping Papers, Colored Medium and Royal P.tpe:, Do, met, Hinders' and Stiaiv Dot It latds. Tissue Paper, and ull urt.cles in their hue, which they will sell on accommodating terms. Highest ptiee given f..r old ras. ROD KKT CARPER A SON. March HI, HP!. Elkton, M.I N ailie'e unequalled for cleaning and giving a highly duradle and most hnlhiiut polish lo sil ver, (lermau Silver, Drass, Cupju r, Dult.uiia ware, Tin, Steel, Cutlery, and for restoring the lu.lre ou varnished carriages, Ac, 'J'KV I I'. Prepared and sold al wholesale and retail, hy the Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego, Tioga rountv, N. V. WM'. FORSYTH, Agent for Northuin'd, H. D. MASSED, Agent for Suudury. Novemlier SOlh, 18 ii. pi-.Tr.it dkwkTx LAST MAKER, No. 71 Callow hil! Street, Pliilaiielphia CThric daori ulre Second.) i HOE Finding. always kept 011 hand, which he otters I. K sale nn Ihe loivivt terms, t oiiiury Nleich nits are parlimUily lv c ill and judge loi iln ins. Ives. Fliiladi'lphia, Novitnjtt U, 1 12. ly. (.. it..,;r 0in..u;.-A ...,....... ..rit.oi.t. v. t. j. ... ..i 1. . i,r,.i- n.-sni tiiieii, n, iiiiwr it i i. 1.1 i, and American Dt v Coods. which thev oiler for salo on the most reasmiudle term. Philad. Iphia, Novemher Id. I S 12. ly. J . W SWA IN, rinluella ami Parasol MantiDuMuier. A'o. .'17 South Thinl ttreet, two dtutrs htlniv the Citi Hottl, I'hihidilphin. CiOl'NTRY Merclutnls and others are solicited ) to riamiiie his a.-.sorti.ient hefore purchasing elsewhere Phila 'elphia. NoveniUr 11. IS-12. ly. j2l. jsr n l i a: STOfv sale a sni tll Farm, containing ahout una ' hundied and t.11 acres, more or less, silu.ili) 111 Point t. unship, Noriliurnl erlaud counts, admit two miles udove .Nortliumdeilind, 011 the main road leading from that place lo Danville, adjoining land-, of John Leghou, Jesse C. Ilortou and others, now in the occupancy nf Samm I Payne. Al out forty acres of said liact arecleaitd, ami in good slate of cu livalioti, nil which there is a small diini erect. (1. The property w ill he sold on r. nsonahlo leims. For further patticulars, peisous are request ej lo applv lo the sul scriln r. H. U. MASSER, Ascnt, Nov. SI ih, IS IS. if Sunhury, I'a. LIST OF BOOKS, run ui m OL. 113. i- -31ILiL52. NTIION'S t'lassical Dictionary; I.euipricr's do.; Aiusworth's do ; Cohd's do.; English unj Cerman do.; Anthoii's Casar; Antlion's (rammer, Aiitheu's Cicero; M air's Latin Reader; Ogill.y ' do.; Amdew' Latin Lessons; Donnegau's Lexicon; Fisk's tire, k Kiercises; Davies's Lcirendei; (iiatva Major.; Adam' Roman Antiquities; Pnnimk's (ioldsiniih's England; do. (ireece; Lyell's Elements nl tienlogy; Mrs. Lineolu's Dolany; Element nf Dotauy; Dridge's Algedra; Porter's Rhetorical Ren ders; Ion, rami's (ieonr.iphy and History; Oli ey's do.; Purity's do.; Smith's (iiammer; Kirkhum's do.; Kav's Readers; (,'odl's do.; Cohh's Arithinelick; Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Cohh's Spelling Donks; Town's do.; Cnhh's Tahle Hooks; Evangelical Fa mily Lihiary; Cottage Didle-; Family do; Collater al do.; Small D idles and Teslumeuts; Parker's Ex etcises on Composition; Fruit uf the Spirit; Daxtei's Siiul's Rest; American Revolution; Murrystt's No vels; Mis. Phelps 011 Chemistry; Ili.nl; Catechism of American Laws; Letters on Natural Magic; Che inistiy for Deginners; English Exercises adapted to Murray's (irsminer. Sequel lo Comity's Spelling D.mk; Am. r lean Class Dook; Daholl's Sehonhnss tei's Assistant; A great variety nf Dlunk Dooks, Ac. Auuosl Si, l Oll sSALL: AT THIsiOlTICfl