Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, July 06, 1844, Image 3

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Grand Democratic Mbm Meeting,,
On VM, the 2 Of A any or July.
The facility afforded of easy nnd convenient
conveyance by the North and West Branch and
Susqnehanna Division of the Pennsylvania Ca
nal, makes this a central and desirable point for
a grand demonstration to "YOUNG HICKORY,"
We most cordially invite the Democracy of
neighboring districts to unite with us, and send
greeting to the several districts, in adjoining
counties, with the assurance that the indomitable
spirit of enthusiasm, every where animating the
yeomanry with a determination to avert the ca
lamity of Federal ascendancy, (and its attendant
train of evils of misrule a National Dank, the
200,000,000 debt scheme creating and perpet
uating odious and aristrocratic distinction and
privileges.) gives earnest that the 2 tit h of July
will be a proud day for Democracy.
Rali.v Frf.f.mkn ! Let the Farmer, the Me
chanic and Working men rest from their labors,
and devote a day to the glorious cause, their rights
and liberties TO JEFFERSON AND OLD
A number of the most eloquent and distinguish
ed Speakers have been invited and it is expected
will be present on the great occasion. The
names of the distinguished Speakers will be an
nounced in due time, as their answers of accep
tance shall be received.
James DcitTenbacher,
William Wilson,
Jacob Reiter,
John Cake,
Joseph Moist,
Joseph llollopeter,
Jacob Leisenring,
John Yonngman,
John Vandling,
Robert Lesher,
John Peters,
J. W. Staintn.
Executive Committer.
The Tix Factory of Messrs. Slocnm, Jilson
Si Co., at Poukeepsie, manufactures 1,300 lbs. of
piis per day, of various sizes, and they are get
ting additional machinery ready, by which they
can soon manufacture 2,500 lbs. daily. They
employ in the various branches of their operation
100 hands regularly. They use HS0 tons of wire,
and between 2,000 and 3,000 reams of paper per
annum. Their pins sell, upon the average, at
twenty-five cents per pound, making the annu
al value of their sales, when their additional
works are in full operation, at least $520,000.
In view of these facts, the question may be again
stated, "what becomes of all the pins ?'
OJftct of the BitTiMORK Am chic as, July 1.
WHEAT. Several parcels of new Wheat
from the Eastern Shore of Md. and Virginia have
reached the market and been sold at b"a30 cts.
for prime reds. A very superior parcel of red
from Talbot county was sold at 9 1 cts. One or
two lots of Mil. white Wheat sold at 92 cts. A
parcel of loUO bushels Pennsylvania old red sold
at 02 cts. Corn is dull at 37 a IiS cents for Mil.
white, and 4 la 12 cts. for yellow. A sale ol
Penn. Rye at 50 cts. We quote Oats at 2Sa30
WHISKEY. The market continues dull at 21
:ts,. for hhds. and 2Ja22j cts. for bbls.
Mi, Enrron: Myself ond neighbors me de--idcdlv
in f.ivor of aeain nominating EDWARD
V, BRIGHT, as the Democratic candidate for the
sscnilly. Mr, Urightmidea vcty good mcm-
cr he whs active and industrmu always at his
tost, and dij his duty fiithlully. He was chair
nun of a very important Committee, and one that
equired a great deal of attention and labor. His
ppointment to this station Knows that he had the
i'6iect and confidence of his fellow members, and
hey say tbat we never vent a more industrious
nd attentive member.
Mr. bright took an active and leading part in
etrenching the expenses of the Legislature, and in
nlroducing principles of economy into every
mrich of the Government. He was on the Coin
nittee of Accounts, through whose exertions llie
eform which distinguished the last Legislature
as brought about. He went about saving the
eoplr'g money in earnest. A few day ifier the
pening of the session, he offered the resolution
hich b. came a law, giving the Public Printing
nd Uinding to the lowest bidder. This measure
lone will save about Tex Thousand Dollars
It was suspectej that great frauds had been
immiltcd by the piinteis under former laws. The
ommittee on Accounts set about the invesliga
in of Ihei-o accounts with a determination to
iret out the frauds. Mr. Bright was one of the
ost industrious and persevering members of that
ommittee. The result was that oveicharget of
e printers, lo the amount of thirteen thousand
illara, were discovered and suits directed lo be
ought to recover that sum back into the Treasury.
The contingent ei penses of the last Legislature
ere not one fifth of the expenses of the prceecd
g. Some $15 or $20,000 were saved to the
ammonwealiti in this matter alone, by the caru
d economy of the Comrnit'ee of Accounts.
Mr. Uiight then has done bis duty faithfully and
neatly. He has carried out the wishes of the
ople, and ought to be re-elected unanimously,
onur t whom honor is due. Let the faithful
b 1 1 c servant be rewarded, and the best interests
the people will be faithfully represented.
tell AMOKIN.
Imtortawt. The weather and Its effects. The
sudden changea of the weather will be productive
of much sickness, unless people are caieful to attend
to the atate of the stomach and bowels. If this is
done no danger will arise hut on the first feelinf
of headache, pain In the side, back or bowels, have
recourse to Brandreths Vegetable Universal Pills.
8ix or eight of these Pills will in most caret, be
sufficient. And one dose of this kind, it is not im
probable, may prevent months of sickness, perhaps
death. They will, if used during the prevalenc of
any cause for disease, ent irely prevent fatal results (
because they remove from the stomach and bowels
ny morbific mattera that may have accumulated
in the system by inhaling impure air, or from eat
ing unwholesome food.
f Purchase of IT. D. Maeser, Sunbury, or of
the agents, published in another part ot this paper.
Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxtheimer.
Wheat, ....
Dhieii ArriF.s,
Do. Piachks,
HrtcriLin Flax,
Enos, -
The Bank of Northumberland April 10 h IS 11
tn. On million of A
George Wciser. J Jordan, Esq., the
Court grant a rule
on the Judgment and Lien creditors of defendant,
to appear on the first day of next term, and shew
cause why the proceeds arising from sale of defend
ant's renl estate should not be distributed according
to priority of lien. By the Court.
Pre thonotary'a office.? Prutlt'y.
Sunbury, July 6th, 1844. j 4t
Samuel Oaks ") April 1 1th, 1844. On motion
t. of C. W. Hegins, Esq. the Court
Henry Frick. j grant a rule un trie judgment and
lien creditors of defendant, to an
pear on the first day of next term, and shew cause
why the proceeds arising from sale of defendant's
real estate should not be distributed according to
priority of Lien. By the Court.
Prothonotary' Office, "i Proth'y
Sunbury, July 0th, 1844. 5 4t
brpfinHS' court Sale.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Norlhumbeiland county, will lie exposed to
public sale on Saturday , the 27lh day of July inst.,
at the Court House, in the Borough ofSunbuiy.lo
wit; A certain lot of ground situate in the bo
rough aforesaid, on Whortleberry street, and mark
ed in the general plan of said town No. 318, ad
joining a lot of Jacob Young on the East, and a lot
of Peter Goodhart's estate or the West. Late the
estataof John Eplcy, deceased.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of saiJ
day, when the terms of sale will he made known
by II. B. MASSE K.
Sunbury, July C, 1844 41.
IOR trial in the Court of Common Plea of Nor
thumberland County, at August Term 1844,
commencing the first Monday, being the 5th.
Hill.Fltchet A Co
Stephen Wilson
Samuel Keefer
John Griirin'a adm'x
Jacob Leiser, sr.
John A Lloyd
vs James Tharp
vs F A Kracht
vs James BearJ
vs 8 'J' Burrows
vs J A- U M Davison
vs Rebecca Wells
Bank of Northum'd Ac vs Paul (Jed. lea Ac
Eli Prolan
Robt Miner's adm'rs
David Watson
Dr Robert Philips
Abraham Slrauh
Wm II Miller
Coin'th of Pa
John Agler
Isaac Davis
Jane Perry
Daniel Hill
J W Si iuingfr
John Hanlirg. jr
Andrew Smick
Philip Fox
John Futm in rt al
Masteie A Mathers
Thomas Hull'
Frymire for Evert
Jacob Barnhait
Anthony Watson
Susannah Zerbe
Baldy A Kase
John C Boyd
Hugh Bellas, Ac
John Wolf
John Munay
Jacob VV Smith
George Piince
James Barret's a.lm's
Maiy Weeks
Daniel Zerbe A Wife
Wm A Lloyd
Com'ih of Pa
S Swinehart A wife
Jacob Mayland
Frederick Klett
J A W F Wagenseller
Conrad Dethrr's ex'r
H my I'eteiy A wife
James Appletoii, Ac
Benjamin Camp
Joseph Weiizel
Jacob Barnhart
Elizabeth Long
John R Keller
Benjamin Robins
William Welch
William Nice
Stephen Derr
vs Samuel & RobtMcKee
vs Willi im tlihler et al
vs Patrick Montague
vs McCartee A Putdy
vs Jonathan Adams
vs Wm II Fiyniire et al
vs Felix Maurerel al
vs Chailes Craig
vs John Bower
vs Harriet Jenkins
vs Jacob Meixell's ex'r
vs John Garver et al
vs Win H Sanderson
vs Dr John W Peal
vs Heniy Fornwalt
vs Augustus Huey et al
vs J C B Nourse
v Samuel Bell
vs Wm Sli'xcl
va Win McGinncss
vs John M H ousel
v John A Lloyd
vs John C Grier rt al
vs Richard Rcnshaw
vs William McCoy
vs Overseers of Jackson tp
vs James F Murray
v Joseph Wri'zel
vs T A Billirglon's ass'ne
vs Peter Snvder
vs llycrlv A Haaa
vs Iiaac Roadarmel
vs Martin A Stock
vs F W Pollock
vs Charles Corulcy's ex'r
vs Same
vs F W Pollock
v Peter Fera'er
vs II Yoxtheimer et ul
vs Same
vs Eli Shfer
vs J iccb Mi Kinney ct al
vs Chides Slmller' exr's
vs Win Donaldson
v Jacob Weill, y
vs Charles Ruch
vs John McGinuess
v Geoige Long' adm'r
vs John Paimer
vs Aliruham Lawrence
v J.M-eph Keller
vs Eddingei A Lawrer
v Same
v Henry Steinmetz
Mb. F.hitor : It being in accordance with the
age of the Democratic party, for the people,
evious to the formation of the County Ticket,
bring before the public the names of such in
guinal a they may deem most worthy to riit
arge the duties belonging to the olficei within
eir gift, we would recommend to the consider
on of the Democratic Electors of Northumber
id county, Maj. WILLIAM L. DEW ART
a candidate for the Legislature. Should the
ople see proper to elect Maj. Dewart as their
presentative, we feel confident that they will
d in him a public servant of distinguished a
ities, un intelligent, firm, and unwavering De
crat of the Jetrersoniun school, and, conse
piently, the laboring man' friend.
Many DtMoiaAin
Solomon Mengas's heiis v Daniel Wertmsn
Charle G.-aiharl, jr vs George A D'loli et al
tlaa St Uruckemiller vs John W Peal
Prothonotary's office, 9 l'ri'th'y.
Sunbury, July 6, 1844. 5
FllHE partnership heretofore subsisting between
the subscriheia, under the name or firm of
MCarty A Davis, and which commenced on tha
first of April, 1816, i this day dissolved by mutu
al consent. Thomas Davis, who will continue the
business at the old .land, No. 171 Market Street,
is fully authorized to receive all debts due to the
Philadelphia, May 21. 1811. June 20, ot
A I I. persons indebted to the late firm of Wood
2m. Rhawn, are requested to call and settle
their accounts within thirty days, and save costs.
The books are in the hands of John Wood, jr. and
J. P. Christ, at the old stand.
JOHN WOOD, sn'r.. Sutviving Partner.
Sunbury, June 22, 1844. 3t
IT O T I C 12
IS hereby given to all persons int rested in the
estate of William Leisenring, late merchant in
Rush township, Northumberland county, that the
undersigned has been appointed an auditor to ap
portion the assets in the hands of his assignees, tit
and among those entitled thereto, and that he will
attend for said purpose at his office, in Sunbury,
on Saturday, the 13lh day of July next
Sunbury, June 22d, 1844. 31.
Sheriff's Sales.
.iosi:i'ii ikii:stm;v, h.u.
OFFERS hie professional services to the inhabi
tants of Norihumlierl and and its vicinity. II
ving attended, for some time, the Practice of the
Philadelphia Hospitals and Dispensaries, he ft els
conlident of being able lo treat property any Sur
gical or Medical case that may be placed under his '
Reference! Doctor James S. Doucal, Milton.
Northumlicrland, June 22, 1844. 3t.
IX ulc of Onnlfl IiCvy, dee'd.
rETTE RS testamentary on aid eataie have been
granted to the subscribers. Persons indebted
to the estate will plia-e make immediate payment,
and 1 hove having claims against the same, are re
quested to present them fur examination and settle
Sunbury, Juno 22J. 1844. -fit Executors.
V A I.I' a it m:
V or alc.
ON Monday the 15th of July next, at 12 o'
clock, will be offered for sale, at the dwelling
house of the late Daniel Levy, E-q., dee'd., in
Sunbury, among other valuable Law Books, the
following ;
F O N B L A N Q U E ' S E tj U I I ' Y
Also, a nuinler of Miscellaneous works. Also,
Chairs, Tables, Book and Paper Cases, Carpclings,
Sunbury, June 22, 1844 4t Ex'm, fcc.
The lillosoplilml
rPHIS WASHING MACHINE, pi un and aim--
pie in iis cnn-tiuction, cannot fail lo find its
way into every fimi'y when its real value becomes
known. The price ("ix dollars) i fixed al the
lowest rate, in order to enable every family to oMain
one. The invcnior guaiantees that it will not re
quire more than one fourth the usual quantity of
roap That it will wash in one-third the usual
time, and what is a matter of greal importance, the
wear and tear is nothinii, or at least so little, that
it i not perceptible, so that finest black worsted and
woollen can lie wailied, if nece.sary, in the ramc
suds with linen and cotton. This may seem urange
lo those who do not know the principle upon
which it woili. It is the on'v machine ever in
vent! d that washes upon the principle of the fric
tion of waUr alone. Alt other wabh upon the
principle of friction or rubbing, by bringing Ihe
clothes in contact wiib tome purt of the machine.
Independent of the gieat saving of labor, economy
should bring it into general use. The poor man
cunn it all'ord lo do wiihout il, while the rich man
w ill usa it foi convenience, if nothing el-e. Large
funiliis will save fioin five to fifteen dollais a war
in soap alone, and not less than 50 pel cent, in the
wear and tear of clothe, beiiides the great saving of
labor and rxiense in wafhiug. The subscriber will
guarantee that it will perform all that he has stated,
if propeily us d. He ha secured from the paten
tec, the light to Northumlieilaiid, Union, L)couiing
Columbia, Luzerne and Clinton counties,
Sunbuiy, June 22, 1811.
THEREBY olfei mylf lo the Electors of Nor
thumberland County, as a candidate foi the of
fice of
Should I he elected, I pledge myself to disth.irge
the duties of said office with fidelity.
Lower Mahonoy, June 15th 1841.
?EST FE1T1TE?w & CO.
Manufacturers of
JVo. 1 1U Mirk,t Strttt,
1 li 1 I a 1 v 1 p li I a ,
INVITE the attention of Meichants, Manufac
turers, See., c., to their veiy exteniv, ele
gant, new stock, prepaied with great care, and of
fered at the lowest p oasihle price for cai-h.
The principle on which thi concern is elabli-h
ed, is to consult Ihe mutual uitciest of their CU-lo-mei
Hiid themselve, hy m inufacturing a gx)d ar
tx e, selling il at the lowist price lor cash, and
realizing their own remuneration, in the amount of
sale and quick return.
Possessing iucxhaUalible facilitiea for manufac
ture, ihey are prepared to supply orders lo any ex
tent, and respectfully solicit the patronage of Mir
chants, Manufacturers and Dealera.
dj" A large assortment of the New Slyle Cut
lain Parasols.
Philadelphia, June 1, 1844. ly
COiTAE BIBLES. Five copies of the Cot
J tage Bible, the cheapest book ever published,
containing Ihe commentary on the Old and New
Testament, just received and for sale, for six doll ir,
by June l.V II. B. MANSER.
1) ALZORINEST haiidnmiVariii-l. (ot LaduV
' Dresses, lot tale cheap, hy
June 15. It. B. MASSER.
BY virtue of certain writs of venditioni expo
nas and fieri facias, issued out of Ihe Court
of Common Pleas of Northumberland County to
me directed, will be exposed to puhbc sale, at the
Court House in th Borough of Sunbury, on Mon
day the 15th day of July next, at 1 o'clock, P. M.,
the following described property to wit t
A certain tract of land situate
in the borough of Northumberland, t the
south west corner of Queen and Third streets, and
marked in the general plan of said town No. 158,
whereon are erected a large two story double frame
house and kitchen, painted white, a wash house,
smoke house, and a frame stable.
Also: Another certain lot of
ground, situate in the bninugh of Northum
berland aforesaid, fronting on IJuei n street, and
niaiked in Ihe general plnn of said town No. 157,
bounded soutbwaid by the Lutheran Church lot,
eastwatd by an alley, and nonhward by lot No 156,
whereon is erected a small log house, wenthcibourd-id.
Also: Another
frrotind. Militate in the
and mnrked in the plan aforesaid No. 18(1, fronting
on (jucen street, and hounded nnithward by lot No.
185, soiithwi d by lot No. 187, nnd westward by
Duke rtrtcl, w lie icon ia irrctod a two rtory log
Seized, taken in rxeeuMnn, and to be solj as Ihe
droperty of John li Miller.
Also: A certain tract of Jam si
tuate in Augu-ta township, Northumberland
county, on the north side n( the Mahonoy Moun
tain, adjoining the River So-quch mna on '.he west,
Sylvmiia Shipmnn and Jeremiah Welz I on the
north, Willi nil R. Brown oil the east ant! Robert A.
Parrish 011 the sou'h, cotiluiniiij 200 nerts more
or less.
Seized, taken in execution, and lo be sold as the
property of William R. Jones.
Also: By virtue ol a writ of le
vari Facias issued out of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Northumberland county, lo me di
rect ed, a certain tract of land situate in Coal town
ship, Northumberland comi'y, hounded and descri
bed as follows, to w it : beginning al a none, thence
by land of John Boyd, north $ decree wc-t, 17(5
perches to stories, thence by land of William Wil
son, south 8fiJ degrees west, 'lA'.i pciches to stones,
thence hy same, sou'h f(ij degreis west, 71 per
ches to a chesnut, thence by samp, south 41 de
grees west, Oh perches to a white oak, thence hy
land of Piter Mauier, snuth 87 degrees ast, 51 J
perches lo a chesnut oak, iheucc by same, south
52 degrees east, !)'J perches to a while oak, thence
by the same, south 2 degrees east, 49 and eigbt
tenths perches to a while oak, thence by land nf
Michael Krole, east 81 and nine tenths perches lo
a white oak slump, thence by same, north 80 and
four-tenihs perches to a hickory, thence by sme,
north 87 J ea-t, 08 pciches to a pine, nnd thence
by laud of Frederick Cramer, north fl J east, 105
perches to ihe place of beginning, containing 307
acres and OS peiihesiind allowance.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
tlw property of Calvin 15 1 the and William Avivs.
-n Also: lly virtue of a testatum
ZLZ writ nf venditioni exponas, is-ued out f the
Court of Con.nion Pleas of Dau( h n count; , lo
me directed, all the defendant's interest, supposed
lo be the undivided tiioity of a certain tract of land
Mtualein Coal township, Northumberland county,
surveyed in Ihe name of Matthias Zimmerman,
containing 3fi7 noes inoie or less, adjoining lauds
surveyed in ihe names of Pe er Mutirer, Michael
Kroll, John Nicholas Daily anj others.
Seized, taken in execution, and to he sold as
the property of Call 111 Blythe, one of the firm of
Blythe & Co.
Also: On Saturday, the 13th of
Julv, at 1 o'clock, P. M at the house of
Michiel Kremer, in the town of Milton, a certain
out lot in add town, marked in the plan nf the fa 1 e,
No. 9, and a p .rl of the o it lot alj anmg the nine,
marked No. 10, bounded west bv Walnut alley,
ea-l by Locust alley, north hy lot No. 8, and a xnh
bv lot No. 11; whereon ore erected a one sloiy
hrick dwelling house and still house, a one t-tory
frame dwelling house, frame storehouse, i-talile and
other out-buildings.
Also: Lot No. 12, in said town.
J---"- bouudid west ly Ann sireel, north bv su
alley, ea-t ly Walnut alley, and south ly lot No.
43 ; whereon is erected a b g stable.
Also : r our certain lots in Low-
ei Milton, Nos. 3, 4,5, and li, hounded
south by Mahoning Ktrecl, ei t hy lot No. 7, north
by an alley, und net bv lot No, 2 ; whereon is c
rected a frame dwelling linu e.
Also: A certain other lot of ground
situate, in aid town, hounded no'th we-l hy the
road leading lo Dunvi le, west by the toad h ading
to Chilisquaqiie, south by lots of Jonathan Fred,
and west hy lots of Samuel T. Blown, containing
7 J acres more or h as.
Seized, taken in execution, and to he sold as the
property of John Maikle.
Dy virtue of a 'Jd plurius writ of
VhhI t oni Exponas, i-socl out of the Couit
of Common Pleas nf Northumberland county, lo me
I diieeled, will be exposed to public sale at the
I Court House, in the boiough i f Snnhury, lit 1
i o'clock, P. M., on Wednesday the 2ll!i dav of
July next, ihe following disciihnl properly, viz :
A certaiu tract or piece nf laud, iluiiti' in Coal
! township, Noilbumherl md county, on the Stiaiuo.
j kin creek and Centre 'Turnpike Road, udjoiniuti
! land of Ju.lue Br idfo.d's heirs, Arch ibald Mcl'a'l,
I and land surcyed ill the name of Merrick Start,
! containing 475 acres, more or l s, about SO acr
j of which aie cleared, whereon arc erect-d a two
I story double log house, a l"g barn and a fountain
' pump, called "Rilfci fa Tavern."
Also: . certain tract oi immi-
proved Inn I, situ item I oal townsht,, afore
T II Fa la I V I IV C A 13,
VN the 11th of May, 1844, we propose to I
v-' the first number of a work In be comr
chiefly of choice articles from the Periodical Liter
alure of Europe.
Boston having become Ihe point of communica
tion with the Old World, and Ihe intercourse being
now so frequent, we think it the best location for
our office, and believe thai such a compilation may
lie issued once n week, from this city, as will be
read with pleasure and profit in all parts of Ihe
United States.
'Thk Livttvo Ana will be conducted in the spirit
of l.inell s Museum of Foreign Literature, (which
was favorably received by the public, f, r the past 20
years,) but as it will be twice as large, and will ap
pear so often, we shall not only give spirit nnd
freshness lo it by many things which were exclu
ded by a month's delay, but shall also, while thus
extending our scope and gathering a greater nnd
m ire attractive variety. Le able so to increase the
I anli.l .nil itltclnrt, inl r, I r.f nil, lilirarw l i .,.nt
certain lot of! and nolil;ciil harvest, as futlv to satisfy the wants
borough nforesn d, of the American render.
The el iborale and stalely Essays of ihe Edin
burgh, (jun'terly, and other Reviews; and Black
wood's m hie cii'icisms on Poetry, hia keen politi
cal Commentaries, highly wrought Tales, and vivid
descriptions of rural and mountain Scenery ; and
the contrihutititia to Literatuie, History and com
mon life, by the sagacious Spectator, the sparkling
Examiner, the judicious Athenreum, Ihe busy and
induslrioiis Literary Gazette, the sen'ihlc and com
prehensive Brittaunia, the sober and respectable
Christian Observer; these shall be intermixed wtlh
ihe M diary and Naval reminiscences of the Uni
ted Serv ce, and with the best articles of the Dub
lin Univirsitv, New Monthly, Eraser's, Tail's
Ain-worth's, Hood's, and Sporting Magazines, and
nf Ch amber' admiral-le Journal. We shall not
C'-nsi-ler it beneath our dignity to borrow wit and
wisdom from Punch; and. when we think il pood
enough, shall use the thunder of The Times. We
shall increase our vaiiety by importations from Ihe
continent of Europe, and from the new growth of
the Briiish Colonies.
Geographical discoveries, (be progress ef Colo.
ni7.atif.11, (which is extending over ihe whole world,)
and Voyages and Tinvels, will be favotiie matter
for our selections ; and in general, we shall systp
mnlically nnd very fully acquaint our reader with
the great dcpartim lit of Foreign affaire.
While we aspire to make 'he Living Aon de
sirable lo all who wish to keep themselves inform
ed of the rapid progress of the movement to
Statesmen, Divines, Lawyers and Physicians to
men of l u-iness, and In men of leisure il is a still
stronger ob-cl of nur amhilioti to make it attrac
tive and useful lo their Wives and Children. We
believe that we can thus do some good in nur day
and generation : and hope to m-ike the work indis
iensa'ie in every well-informed family. We say
indispensable, because in this dy of cheap litera
ture it is not possihle to guard against the influx nf
what is bad in t st and vicious in morals, in any
other way than by furnishing a sufficient supply of
a healthy character. The mental and moial appe
tite mut be gratified.
We hot e, that, by "winnowing the wheat fiom
the chalf," hy providing abundantly for the imagin
ation, an I by a large collection of Biography, Voy
ages and Travels, Hi-toty, and more solid matter,
we may produce a woik which shall be popular,
while at the same time it will aspire to raise the
standii'd of publ c ta-te.
The Living Age wdl be a large pamphlet, hand
somely ii'inted, mid siitched in a cover, containing
n much uiHt'er ns an ordinary duodecimo volume,
anil upon tvpennd paper.
Each number sold separately, and with the usual
discount lo wholesale dealers. Persons a' a dis
tance will he -upplied bv mail, on their remium lo
us any sum of mon- y th it may be convenient.
There will be tbir y six numbers, making three
lirg-i volumes, in the rem lining part ol 1344.
Price of each voluni" of twelve numbers will le
$1 50. Postma-I- rs. or other persons who may
lend us tl.eir aid in getting up a subscription list,
will be entitled to four copies of any volume, on
remitting to us five dollars. The copies to be ad
dressed as lin y may order.
11S) Washington Street, Boston.
Dissolution of rartnorslilp.
JO T1CE is hereby given, that the parttic r-hip
I eretof -re cxi-ting between Chri-tisn Reich
and Na'h in Greeimwull, I uU'hers, bait been ilissol
vi d hv mutual consent. All pctsons indebted lo
the l ite In 111 aie icquiri-d to inuke pay nient within
I one mouth from ths dale, niter which penoj the
I books will be 1 1 iced in ihe hands of a magistrate
j for e lle. ii 'ii. Persons having claims agniu-t said
I firm ate also rtquesttd to present Ihem for settlo-
incut. C REICH.
I The subscriber takes this opportunity of ii.firin
I ii g bis old customers and the public in general,
I th it he w ill continue to supply the town nf Sunbu
j ry with ficsh meat three linn s a week, as they have
j done heretofore. Thankful for past favors, he so
( licits a continuance ol the custuin of the pcoplu of
I Sunbury and vicinity. C. REICH.
I Noribuuiheiland, June 1 , 1 S 11. tf
'oimr.ui.Y tri:iot iioisi:,
Xo. I US i'hoftiiiit trrt't,
rrHi: SUBSCRIBER, recently of
- Reading, Pa., would inform the pub
.lie that he has fitted up the above cape
lei us and convenient rstnblisbment, und
Will always be nady loentertdn visitors. Hisfs.
t ihlihe,l reputation io the line, it is hoped, w ill
all'ord full assurance, that hi guests will he sup-
id ed with evety comfirt and accominou uion
said, I. Hiudcd by lauds late ol David F. Uordsn mi ! ' ls' ''is house will he conduc ed Under such ar-
the est, Thomas Cadwallnh r 011 the East, and
V it, in 11 Itoyd, Dnrd Pal'ers 01 & Co. on the
North, containing litis ae es nunc or le-.
.1 . ...
ai-o: . cenain iract ol uiiim-
ptoved land, situ tte in Coal low . ship, -Nor-
thiiinherland c-iumv, aloiesaid, hounded by lauds
of'I'homis Cadwullader on the West, David K.
Gordau on the East, nud on the Noilh by l unls
Kurviyid un uariauis, in the names of William
'Tomlinsoii, Geoige I'oldr iin hii-i others, contain
iug 17GM aeris more or le.. ( The piopo-ed R ul
Road, from the low 11 ol Sh nnokin, In inlersecl the
I'otl. villc. Reading and Philadelphia Rail R -ad.
will pas through the two last above dtcrii.'d
.1 .
Also: . ceriain tract 01 unini-
proved land, situaie in Cod lownahip alore
said, houinlid by Und ef 'Thomas Cadwull ider on
the East, John Brady on the Nonh, and Thomas
Cadwalladrr on Ihe West, containing 400 acre
inoie or loss.
P. S. The property is said lo couist of coal
a id timber land i f a very superior quality.
Seixed, taken in execution, and l be sold ss th
property of Wi I am Sdvis.
SheiilV OiThw.
Sunbury, Juun 15, 1 S-14. 5
r P WEED I LO TH, haii.Uoins stlicle, all wool.
light an J el.isiic, lot Sumnier Coats nd Pauls,
for sale, very low, hy
June 16. II. B. MASSER.
raiigeinei Is as will sccuie a ch ir 11 ler fi-r the first
resioniliiliiy, and satii-tac lory ei.leiiaiiinunt for in,
ilivi.'u.ils and bi'llibes.
l.'haige for boarding fX per dev.
PlnlaiUlphia, May 25, Hll ly
To Count rv
lit reliant'
Shoos, I'litincls,
Im Leaf Hats,
J. W. & I. II. TAYLOli,
tit the S. r.t ormr of Markrt and I'i'th Stt ,
OFFER for sale an eileume scsoiiment of the
shove ai'.ich a, all of w hich they sell al unusual
ly low pi ices, and particulailv invite Ihe attention
of buyci veiling the eiiv, to su rxamiiistiin of
their stock. O. W. L. B. TAYLOR.
Philadelphia, May 25, IS 11. ly
RESPECTFULLY informs the cit-
iaens ol Sunbury and its vicinity, that
he h s removed his office to the whi'e
huil. hug in Maiket Hquoe, enst nf I 1
t I. nient s si ne. and immeil aitlv opposite tne
pot iHice, where he will tw happy to receive call
in the line of his profession.
Sunhuiy, May 4th. 144.
Come and Sec.
Clirnp for Cnsli or eoun
tri Jrotmcts
nil. M IVSKll has just recieved an assort-
ment of New Goods, which he will sell at
Ihe lowest prices, for cah or Country Produce.
(Tjf Persons are invited to call and judge for
(Vj Best Rio ColTee for 12 J cents. Good do. fur
10, ami other articles in propoition.
Snnhury, May 2f, 1 811.
to lir.iunvMs &
VM. M. tfc JOS. K. MA1TLL.
.Vo. 30, yorth Srcotul Street, f opposite thn
M ad 1 so 11 I louse, J
TVjW'HERE will be found a general assort- f
-Ji& menl of Florence, BraiJs, Alberta, Rot-sCjj
land's, Peddles, Willow Plait, Rico Straw, and lhtt
much admired Neapolitan Lace, and Fancy Bon
nets, manufactured ley us, and for sale at Ihe lowest
manufacture prices. Merchants nnd Milliners ara
invited 10 give ua a cdl upon visiting the City.
(j-)"- N. B. We have ulo constancy making our
superior hair nnd other edgings, all of which will
be sold cheap, for rash.
Philadelphia, May 2.r, I SI 1. ly
THOSE peisnns having demands against llio
Commonwealth for labor performed, or mate
rials furnished for the n pairs of the
Xoi'tli llrmicli C nnat,
prior to the 0th day of January, 1344, who hnva
not handed to the subscriber an account of the
same, are r. quested to do so at the earliest possible
moment. in it ler that they may be put in lorm for
ve'tlemeut, ns Knri as the fund aupiopiialed for tho
payment of i-Id debts tan he obtained.
Thoe living at a distance are requested to for
wnrd hv ni ail or otherwi-e. W. It. MA FEET.
Wilke-birre, May 11. 1 H 1-1 . tf Supervis r.
Henry S. Haulman
EGS leave to inform the citir.ena of Sunbuiy
and its vicinity, that he has commenced tho
in the shop formeily occupied by Daniel Yar'ek,
in Market street, Sunbury, east of Ira 'P. Clement's
store, and directly opposite the post office, where ho
intends to carry on the business in all its various
Orders will be promptly nnd punctually at'cndeil
to, nnd woik done cheap, for cash or country pro
Qfj" Horse Shiseing done at f 1 per sett.
Sunbury. April 27th, 1044. I y.
1) A VII) E V A X S '
Tatent Fire and Thief Proof Iron
Chests, Slate lined Refrigerators,
with Filters attached when
ET.1T3 h V-..TS01T,
So. 7l South third St., opposite the I'.ri hnm;et
keep for sale DaVin Evi'
celebrated Water nnd Provi-
sion V- oh rs, nnd Patent Pr
nuuni Fire und 'Thief Pioof I
ron Chests, for pre-ervimr
U01 ks. Papers Deeds, Jewelv,
Gold, Silver, etc., Sir., madrt
of Ilo l r Iron, (and not over Plank as mneiy-fivd
out of every one hundred now in use nnd for sulo
aie made,) w ith first rate L nks nnd David Even-'
Pali lit Keyhole Covers, simil ar to the one 1 xlii' it
ed ut the Philadelphia Exchange, for ihiee mouths
in the summer of ISl-I, when all the Keys weic 11 1
liberty to he used, and tho Cheat not opened, al
though the experiment was tried ly ul least 160(1
peisons. One of the same Locks was tiied by
Rohliers, at Ihe Delaware (,'nal Othce, in Walnut
street, above Third, but di.l not Mircecd.
(fj" Hoisting Machines, Iron Doors, superior
Links, and all kinds of Iron Railings, Seal and Co
pying Pieases, and Smilbwoik gem rally, on band
or manufactured Bl the shortest notice.
fXj CAU TION I do hereby caution all per
sons ag iiust niakir.g, using, selling, or causing to
be sold, any Keyhole Covets for Fire Proof Chests,
or Doors, of any kind similar in ptinciple to my
Patent, of 10ihJu!y, IN 1 1, and also ag iii st Lining
Rcfriiteratoi with Slate, lor winch my Patent is
duteil 2'ilh March, l l ai y 111I1 iiigeincnl will
be ''tall wi h according to luw.
Philadelphia, April in, IS l-I. ly
Bool 8hoc
m: ii x it a os 1 ors
7OI I D inform their fiiends and the puU'e
gem rally, I hat tbey have Commenced Ihe
I above business 111 nil its vaiioiis branches, in tho
shop lately eiclipied by Vavi-r I'ggirtus a watch
maker shop, ia-1 i f the Red Lion Hotel, in Market
slie I., where they are prepared lo tie
cute a'l or l 'is in their line, w-iih
They h.-pc, hy .trict attention lo business, mode
rate charges, an I the duialnlity of tin ii woik, lo
mi-lit and n-cene a i-hair nf the public pitronagn
Sutihu V, March bl' h. IS I I ly
.-),-: ()()) PtH'NDS Kl;fHEH. for ale
jV.-'V.Jv ,,.,y ,,Wi j,, g,y quantity to suit
purchaseis, for ca-h, at price ti out It), 15, 25 and
jll cents per pound.
Ready inude Beds, UoUti is and Pillows, Curled
Hair Malna-sis, Mo-s do., and other kind 10 suit
any size liea.lsti, alw-.iy on baud. CuileJ
Hair and New Oiteutis Moss hy the bale ol siliglo
pnunJ. Also:
Blankets, Man-iibes Quilts, Comfur'ables and
Bedstead of all descriptions.
(Jj Countiv Merchants will finJ it to their ad
vantage lo call he hue 1 uich isiug.
S. E. corner of Second and Walnut sU. I'htla l.
March ti:l.l, IKl I. Mm
A ( IV il. IlOi l", capable of drying ,0
Ion-, shou' hall woin. will tie sold cheap, anJ oil
n-ss, .ii.ib e ler n I'nuireat this ollice,
Ai -it SJth, IHll.
HAMS axu SHOULDERS I .r sle, cliean, I i
cash. by II. B. MASSE K.
IXc 30th, 1811.