Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, June 22, 1844, Image 4
( laMstiVisrllVV II A X K K O T H LIST. rnxvsYiv aii. The f dlowing list shows the current value of nil Pennsylvania Hunk Notes. The mot implicit ro iance nmy lr placed upon it, as it i every urrk carefully compared with and Corrected from Biik icll't Reporter. Itunlift 111 IMilt;ilc1ilil;i. i Disc, iw lliUKt LOCATION. I'll I Lit). par . par par . par par i par par p:ir par . par NOTRS AT r A It. Hnnk of North America . Uank of the Northern Liberties , Commercial Bunk of Pcnn's. . Farmers' nnd Mechanics' Dank . Kensington Bank . Philadelphia Hnnk . Schuylkill Bank Soiithwaik linnk . Western Hunk . Mechanics' Rank . . Manufacturers' fc Mechanics' flunk Country IlnnUo. Hank of Chester Cnnnly Westchester par prir P'.r par pur par par Unrik of Delaware County Hank of ('ermanlnwn Bank of Montgomery Co. Doylfntuwn Hank Easton Hnnk Chester (iermantown Norristown Doyk'stowu Easton Farmers' Hnnk of Bucks co Bri-tol t Ml'irc uf Hnnk of Pei.n'a. Office do do Office do do Oflico do do NOTES AT "ink uf (lie UniteJ States' rlnnk of l'cnn Township Oirnrd Bank . Moyamciwing Hank Bank of Pennsylvania Miners' Hank ofPotlsvillc Hank of Lrwislown Hank of Middletown Hnnk of Nntlhiimhrrland Ilarrihurg These Lancaster I offices Heading j do not E.islon J issue n. DISCO IINT, ' Philadelphia 25a2G . . par .' la2 . . par par rottsville Lewistown Middletown Northumberland par I'ohiuihia Hank Ac Uridgc co. Columbia i Carlisle Hank Carlisle U i i i i i Exchange Uank Pittsburg Do do hranch of HolIidnvhurg Farmers' Hank of l.niicnstet Lnt.c.istci Lancaster County Hank Lancaster Farmers' Hank of Heading Reading llnrrishurg Bank Harrisburg Lancaster Bank Lancaster Lebanon Hank Lebanon Merchants' & Manuf, Bank Pittsbu.g Hunk of Pittsburg Pittsbutg Wist Branch Bank WillintnHport Wyoming Bank iikeshario Northampton Hank Allentown Hoiks County Hank Reading Ollice of Hunk of U. S. Pittsburg i J i i i 6 14 failed do Do do do Erie Do do do New Riiuhtnn Kensincton Sav. Ins. A do IVnn Township Sav. Ins. do Hank of Chnmhcrshurg Chamhcishuig flank ot (iettysburg (leltyshurg Hank of Susquehanna Co. Montrose Fric Hank Erio Fuimers'cV Drovers' Bank YVayncsburg Franklin Bank YY'ashiiigton lloiic.-dale Bank Monnncahela Bank of B. Brownsville Vork Hnnk York do H H .10 o 2Ja3 14 n 4 N. B. The notes of those hanks on which we ttnii iiuotations, and substitute a dash ( ) nro not purchased hy tlio Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which have a letter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. In. Philadelphia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed Schuylkill Suv. Ina. do fnled Manual Labor Bunk (T. V- Dyott, prop.) failed I'owauda Hank Townnda Mleghany Bank of Pa. I! .ink of Beaver Hank of Swatarti Itank ol Washington Ci-ulre Hank I'ity Bunk t'nrmeri' & Mcrh'cs' Hank Farmers' A' Mech'cs' Bunk F nrmcra' A, Mcch'cssBank Haunony Insiituto U iinlin. lor. Bank luniata Hunk t.unib. rmi'ii'i Hank Northern Hank of Pa, New Hope Del. Bridge Co, urthunilj'd Union Col. lik. Niili Western Dnk of P. Ollica of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Aar. & Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Hank I 'nil 'ii Bank of Prtm'a. i siiiiorvlaml Hank Bedford Beaver llarrishurg Washington Btllifonto Pltlsl.Ulg Plltnhlltg Fayette co. Greencastie Harmony no sale closed closed failed closed no sole failed failed failed no sale Huntingdon no sale Lewistown no sale YVarien Ihindi.M' New Hope Milton Mcadville Port Carbon Carlisle Montrose Uiuontown failed no sale closed no sale closed failed closed failed closed (rtciishurg U ilkesharre Bridge Co. Wilkesharre no sale (jj- All notes purporting to lie on any Pcnnsyl. vnma Bank lint given Hi the above lii-t, may be set lowu aj frauds. may ji:ks:y. Rank of New Biuuswick lirunsM'ick Belvidere Medford Penh Amloy Bridgeton failed i par i par par Helxideie Bank Uurlintou i'li. Barik LYmim icial Hank Cumberland Bank Maimers' Hnnk Mount Holly Farmers' and Mechanics' Hk Iiahway Farmers and Mehanica' Hk N. Biunswirk failed Fanners' and Merchants' Hk MlddWtown Pi. 1 Franklin Bank of N. J. Jersey t.'ity lloboken Bkgcic (iruzmg Co Hob 'ken lerscy City Bank Jersey City Michniiits' Bunk Patterson Manufacturers' Hank Belleville Morris County Hank Morristown Monmouth Hk of N. J. Freehold Mechanics' Bank Newark Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton Morris ('anal and lHg Co Jersey City Post Noies faded failed failed failed failed i failed i par no sale Newark ilkg & Ins Cu Newiik irw Hope Del Brides Co Lainhertaville N. J. Manuljc. and Hkg Co Hoboken' N J Prolecton & Luinlmid I k Jersey City Oranga Bank IJrange Puteraoil Hank Pute-rsolt i i failed failed 4 failed i Peoples' Bank do Film eton Bunk Princeton buluin Banking Cu bulem Stale Bank Newark Sue Bank Elizabethtown H:ate Bank Camden m Uu Bank of Morris Monistown tte Bunk 'J'renton jlern slid PhilsJ Manuf Co Salem Sussex Bank Newton Trenton Banking Co Trenton I'uion Bank Dover Washington Banking Co. Hackensack ii:ivovAiti:. par pur i i par i failed failed 4 par i failed BkofWilmcV Brand) vviut Wilmington par par par par jar pjr pr par par I linnk of Delaware Wilmington Hunk of Smyrna l'o blanch Ninvnia Miliord Fanners' Bk of Ktute of Del Dover Do br inch brumU bra lit b ilininwton CeoigetoH n Neivcislis W illlllliUll Do Do Union Bank ZJ" Under 6's (Tr" On alt banks maiked thus () thero are ci ther counterfeit or altered notes of lbs vsrous J uoaiinaiions, in circulation. OAKLEY'S ii:pi it vtivi: Ni ni i. FIllH v.dn:ib' properiies of Oakley's Depipa I live Svrup of Sirnpnrilla, as a purifier of the bl ind, is an well known ti the public generally, that it is unreceFsiry to occupy much space in set ting fob the. advantages to he derived from its use; wherever the medicine has once been intra dtierd, it l.ikep precedence over nil others: eveiy one that has taken it, have derived so r ignal bene ficial results from it, that it is recommended by them with the u most confidence. Physicians of the highest standing in the profession, presoribe it to pniicnN under their care ; containing nothing deleterious, but being composed nl the moat mild, yet efficacious vegetable materials, it is offered with confidence, ns the cheapest and mot efficient pu rifier of the blood now known. The use of a few bottles, especially in the spring months, will be at tended with a most decideJ impiovement in the ge nernl strength of the system, eradicating any seeds of disease that may have been generated, besides giving health and vigor to the body. For the cure of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Kheutnaiism, Ti tter, Pimples or eruptions of the Skin, White Swelling, Fisluln, Chronic. Cough Asthma, Ac. The nu merous certificates in the pos-sessinn of the subscri ber and his agents, from physicians and others, are sufficient to convince the most skeptical of its su periority over all preparations of Sarsnparilla. S..i wholosnle and retail, by the proprietor, CEOIItiE W. OAKLEY", North 5th street, Rea ding, Berks County, and to bn had of the following pciBons : lit Kirthumhrrtimd County. H. B. Masr, Sunbury ; Ireland Mixel, McEwcnsville ; DJ Krauser, Milton, In Union Comity. J. Oearhnrt, Srliusgrove i A. Uutelius, MifTIinburg. In Columbia County. H. W. McCay, Wash ington. Reading, March 14, IS 13. Ma. Oakikt: I believe it the duty of every one to do whatever in their power I ics, for the bene fit of their fi How man, anJ having had posiiive proof in mv own family, of the wonderful properties of your Depuralive Syrup of Sarsapsrilln, I mist conscientiously recommend it to the afflicted. We had the misfoittine to lose two of our children, by the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered the face, bend and neck, although we had some of the most scientific physicians to attend tin ni and hail tried all the known remedies, including Swaim's Panacea, without avail. Another of my children was attacked in tho same manner, her face and neck was completely covered; the discharge was so offensive, and the disease at such a height, that we despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful fleets of your Depuralive Syrup ot S irsnparilla, we wete induced to make trial of it, as the hist resort ; it acted like a charm ; the ulcers commenced healing immediately, a few bottles entirely restored her to her health, which she has enjoyed iinlnlenuptedly ever since. As a purifier of the blood, I verily be lieve it has nut its equal, JOHN MOVER, Tailor, Walnut street, near Fourth, Heading. Douglassville, April 19lh, 1813. Mn. OmcLKf : My son Edmund Leaf, bad the scrofula in the most dreadful and distressing man ner for three years, during winch time he was de prived of the use of his limbs, his he-id and neck were covered with ulcers. We tried all the differ ent remedies, but to no effect, until recommended by Dr. Johnson of Noriistown, and also Dr. Isaac Hiester, of Heading, to use your Depuralive Syrup of Sarsapnrilla, of which I obtained several bottles, tho use of which drove the disease entirely out of his system, the sore healed up, and the child was restored to perfect health, which he hn enjoyed uninterruptedly ever since, to the astonishment of many persons who seen him during his affliction. I have thought it my duty, and send you this certi ficate that others who have a like affliction in the family may know where to obtain so valuable a medicine. Y'ours trulv. AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. 16. 1913 ly WCLBEM & JA1T1TET", Importers and Healers In SEGA 11 S, P, R A N I) I K S, G I N, V I N K S, vVc. AV. 01 Commerce St., urar Fifth St., n "r M O. J. WotBrRT.jr. " I'illiJAiiiJlil' 9 i M. A. Jl.NM-T. BltANIllCR. HP.KAIIS. Pinet, Cnslillion &. Co. I Woodville. Barranco. Pernet Freres. I'gues'. Loid Byron January 20th, 1814. Cm ' " E?.."P." E. TAOTilTZ, y ESPEC'J'FI'LLY informs the public that he has made Northumberland his place of resi dence, and is ready to attend to any calls in the line of his profession. 07y- He may at all times be found at Mr. James Lee's Hotel. Northumberland. Dec. It'.ih, 1843. tf. units r.M.ur ItlY n.(KKK. rfHE subscriber has just received, for sale, a lew 1 of the above celebrated Eight Day ('locks, which will be sob I at very reduced prices, for ca-h. Also, superior 30 hour Clorks, of II. e best miike and quality, which will be sold for ca-h, at ft 50. Also, superior Brass 30 hour Clinks, at t (Ml. Dec. 2,1143. 1I.B.M ASSER. wi u7i am jTm AUTI V, SUNBURY, PA. FFICE, in the second story of the building oc cupied by Dr. J.B. Masst r. on Maikot stieel. Oct. 21st, 1813. O'l ONE WARE for sale. 225 Stone Jugs, from I quart to 3 gallons, AO Stone Jais, from 2 to C gallons. For sale. cheap, by Oct. 14 H. II. M ASsEll. j. ' fff' 3 s ( rr r-i Z-r, j T 11 E subsciibiT will sell oil' hia stock of llesver. h'ussia and Hiush Hats, of the best quality, at very red uced piiees. Sunbury, Aug. 5, 1843. H. B. MASSE It CITY F 1.1 UN ITU 11 K AUCTION, AND PKIVATE SALES HOOIMS, N.s. M'J and ai .North Third .Street, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. C C. MACKEY', Auctioneer, rcpeclful!y in 1 viles the attention of persons desirous of pur chasing Furuiuite, to bis extensive Soles Rooms, (both public and Private,) for every description of Household Furniture, wh re. can Iks obt 'lined at nil times, a lurpe assortment of fashionable and well manufactured Csbim t Furniture, Beds, Mattrssses, oVc at very reduced prices, for cish. Salts by Auction, twice a week. May 27lh. 1M3. ly J'ruiters Ink. A few krgc for snle, at a small advnnce for cash, tv Dec. . H. B. MASSEK. A Nil II V & llOCAP, HAT & CAP MANUFACTURERS, .S"oui Cast corner of Market and 4th .. Philadelphia, I ESPECTFIlLLV inform the public that they will constantly keep on hand a largs assort ment of Hats, Caps anil Furs, to suit the fall trade, of the liet quality. By strict attention to busi ness, nnd by selling their stock at the lowest prices, thry flutter themselves in being able to give entire satisfaction, August fi, 181:1 ly A Threshing machine for Sale. rpHE subscriber oilers for sale a THUESHINO 1. MACHINE, new and in pond order. The Mnehinc has been tried, anil proves to be an excels lent one. It will bo sold at a reduced price, and warranted. Apply to H. B. MASSE It. July 1st, 181:1. C'oiinlerfV iters' GIEATH BLOW. fPhe public, will plrasc observe that no Braudieth Pills nre genuine, unless the box hns three li bels upon it, (the top, the side and the bottom) each containing n f lc-simile signature of my hand writing, thus B. BilnnisTii, M. D. These la. bel-aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an expenre of over f 2,000. Therefore it will be seen that the only thing necessary to pro cure the. medicine in its purity, is to observe these labels. Remember the top, the side, and the bottom. The following respective persons arc duly auhori zed, and hold CEHTICATES OP AGENCY, For the sale of lirnndrcth't Vegetable Universal Villn. Northumberland county : Milton Mackey & Chiiinbcilin. Sunbury II. B. Massor. M'Ewens ville Ireland & Meixell. Norlhumbeilaiid Wm. Forsyth, (Jeorgelown J. fi J. Walls. Union County: New Berlin Bogar eV Win ter. Selinsgrovc George Oundium. Middle burg Isaac Smith. Tleavct'own David Hubler. Adauishurg Wm. J. May. MifTtinsburg Menseh V Hay. Hartleton Daniel Long. Freeburg F. O. Mover. Lewisburg Walls eV tSreen. Columbia county : Danville E. 11. Reynolds V Co. Berwick Shuman vV Uittcnhouse. Cnt tawissa C. G. Hrobts. Bloomsburg John R. Mover. Jeisey Town Levi Hisel. Washington Robt. Melay. Limestone Halli"! McNinch. Observe that each Agent has an Engraved Cer- ificale of Agency, containing a representation of Ur UKANUKKi II S Manuractory at Sing Sing, nnd upon which will also be seen exact copies of the nf.iv labels now useil upon the llrundrrtk l'ill ISoxrs. Philadelphia, ollice No. 8, Nntth 8th street. B. HHANDliETH.M.D. June 21th, 1843. Ink. JOSEPH B. HOVER, Manufacturer of Writing and InJclli blo Ink, No. KK5 North Thml Street, six doors below Knee, (enst side,) PHILADELPHIA, 1 EsPECTFCLLY" informs country merchants 1 - and others, that he constantly keeps on hand a large stock of his superior Black, Blue snd Red Ink, anil also a superior quality of Indellible Ink. Mis ink is put up in bottles varying in size, from 1 to 32 ounces, nnd will be sold on reasonable terms. The excellent qualities of this ink has so thoroughly established its character, that it is now extensively used throughout the country. . For sale at the store of H. 11. Maascr, Suns bury, Pa. May 27th, 184.1. ly CHAlUsKS W. IIK(J1XS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBUBY, PA. TV AS taken the oflice formerly occupied by the H Hon. Chailes (. Doiini I, opposite the Court House. He will attend to business in the Courts of Norlhumbeilaiid, Cnioii nnd Columbia counties, May 20lh, 1813. 3 HOUSE, Xo. 237, .Vori Thinl.ohuxri'utlouhill St., PHILADELPHIA. TJOHN DUNCAN, late from the Pennsylva JF ilia Farmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., late of A merican Hotel, Columbus. ( ihio, take pleasure in ac qtiaiuiing their friends and the public generally that they have taken the large and commodious Hotel, recently built by the Messis. Hart, on the same site once occupied by the old established Hotel known as die Bull Head, in Thud stieet above Callow hill st. This Hotel is finished in the very best possible manner, and of the best materials. Its location is very desirable, particularly for country merchants; the arrangements lor and ventilating each room is such ns to secure any tenipcrnture. The bedrooms are all light nnd airy, all lumished in a neat style, so as to insme tomtoit.- The receiving parlors are also furiiished in a su perh style, the windows are on the French style, fuming an entrance to a balcony in front, which makes a pleasant recess. Purticulni attention has been given to the beds and bedding, which, with ttie furniture, are entirely new. r roin years einerience in hotel business, we tMist, by strict assiduity tc. business, to make thi house a desirable stepping place. Cur table will always I e supplied with the very best our market can afford, and out bar w ith the best liquors and w ines ol the must hi. moved biands. P. S. There are first rale stabling and carriage houses attached to the hotel, attended by caitfol and sober hosilefii, and our charges will be low, in occordanee with lie present hind times. Philadelphia, Oct. 7lh, 1842. UNION HOTEL (Uenrrul Stage OJ),ee,'j janr 'to- roj" tz . LYCOMING COUNTY, IV hum It aula. TlHE Subscriber respectfully infoims his friends L and the public in general, that he has taken the shove LA HUE AXD COMMODIOl'S HOTEL, IN THE BOROUGH OF M U N C Y, and that he is now well prepare! to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom. His Sli:ipiq Apahtmkrts ue well aiicd, and comfortable. His Tarlk Asm Bar will altays ha supplied with the best the maiket ran afford. His Stablikh, which is gmd, will la under the charge of good and careful hostlers. He feels confident, by strict attention to business, and an earnest desire to render comfortable those who may patronir. hiin,ihat he will not fail to give general satisfaction. II. H. WEAVER. Muucy, Oct. 1st, 1842. if. SSllvlHSw ROSE OINTMENT, roil Tirrxr.u. R I NO WORMS, riMI'l.rst ON THE FACE, AND OTHER ri TANKOl'SI r.RlTTIONS. (Jj The fothiwinjTcertificuiedonibeiioneoflht most rrtraurdinary ourei ever effected by any application. PuiLAiir.i ptiiA. rebruary 10, lH.ts. IOH twenly years I was severely afflicted with Tettkr on the Face and Head: the disease commenced when I was seventeen years old, and continued until the Fall of 1830, varying in vio lence, hut without ever disappearing. During most of the lime, great part of my face was covered with the cruptioo, frequently attended with violent itch ing; my head swelled nt times until it fvlt ns if it would burst the swelling wbs so great, thnt I could scarcely get my hat on. During the long period that I was nfllirtrj with the disease, I used a great many n plications, (among them severnl celebrated rcnatnlious) ns w II as taking inwjrd remeilies, including a number of bottles of Swaim' Viinacea, l.rtract of Sarfaparilla, &C, In fact, it would I impossible to enumerate all the medicines I used. I was also under the care of two of the most ills- tinguished physicians of this city, but without re ceiving moch benefit, snd I despaired of ever being cured. In the full of I83R, the disease nt the time being very violent, I commenced using tho Rone Ointment, (prepared by Vauohan fc Davis.) In a few applications the violent itching ceased, the swelling abated, the eruption began to disappear, and before I hud Used ajar the disease was entirely cured. It has now laj-en nearly a yenr and a half since, and there is not a vcatige of Ihc disease re maining, except the scars from the deep pits formed hy the disease. It is impossible for me to describe in a cf rlil'icale the severity of the disease and my suffering, but I will be pleased to give a fuller nc connt to any person wanting further satisfaction, who will call on me. At the time I commenced using the Rose Ointment I would have given hun dreds of dollais to to rid of the disease. Since u sing it, I have recommended it to several persons, (among them my mother, who had the disease bad ly on her arm.) w ho were all cured by it. J A M I 'j S tl K.M.I.I., INo. I.Vi, Usee St. fTT The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. H. Vaughan, SomiIi East corner of Third anil Race streets, Philadelphia, and sold on ncenrv in Sunbu ry, by H. B. M ASSE It, May 11th, II3. Agent. Itoc Ointment, lor Totter. a I'jtoor of rrs f.i fwavy. Philipklphia, May 27th, 1830. THIS is to certify tluil I was severely alllicied with Tetter in the hands nnd feet for upwards of forty years ; the disease was attended generally with violent itching nnd swelling. 1 applied to a number of physicians, nnd used a great ninny appli cations without efli-cling a cure. About a year since, I npphed the lloc Ointment, which entirely stopped the itching, and a few applications immedi ately cured Hie disease, which there has been no return of, slthouch I had never Ih'cii rid of it nl any time fur forty years. KIC1IAKD SAVAOE, Eleventh, below Sprue-e Street. fj" The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. 11. Vaughan, South East corner of Third nnd Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbu ry. by H. B. MASSER. May 14lh. 1S13. Agent. MEDICAL APPROBATION Of the ROSE OLTMi:XT,for Tetter. A LTHOEOII the superiority of ihe preparation over all others is fully established, ihe proprie tors take pleasure in laying before (he public the following certificate from a respectable physician, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Batigh, having found in this remedy that relief for a tedious and disagreeable affection which the means within the range of his profession failed to afford, has not hesitated to give it his approbation, although the prejudices and interests of that profession ate opposed to secret Remedies. Philauklpuia, Sept. 10, 1830. I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic eruption, which covered nearly one side of my f ice, and extended over the ear. Mr. Y'aughan, propric- lot of the hose Ointment, obseiving my face, insis ted on my trying his preparation, of which he ban ded loo a jar. Although in common with ihe mem bers of mv profession, I discountenance and disap prove of the numerous nostrums palmed upon the public by ignoi sill pretenders, 1 feel in justice bound to except the Rose Ointment from that class of me' d, fines, and to give it mv approbation, ns it entire' ly cured the eruption, although it had resisted the usual applicntions. DAN L. HA1 till, M. 1). (Xj" The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B Y'aughan, South East corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on ngi ncy in Sun bury, by JI. IJ. MASSE K, JMay 14th. 1813. Agent. J . 3M A Y LAND, JR &. C O . iMiull and lobacco Alanutacturcrs, A'o. !.!) A'rA Wist corner of Race and Third Streets. PHILADELPHIA. rPHE undersigned have formed a Co-partnership A under Ihe firm of J. M AY'LAN I), J a. & Co.. as successors to the late firm of Jaeah Atnyhnd Co., and will continue the business at the old esta blishment, on their own account. In addition to their own close attention and experience for many years, in the manuf icture of their cefehrated snullV, fie, (he long experience of the senior partner of the late firm, will also be devoted to ihe interest of the new concern and as no exertion and care will be spared to insure their goods, at all times of the ve ry licsl quality, they solicit a continuance of the confidence of the friends anil customers of the late firm. THOMAS ADAMS, J. MAYLAND, Jb. Philadelphia, May 14th, 1843. ly EAGLE d o: a rn? ni 9 t'urner of Third and Vine Streets, WILLI AMSPORT, FA, rilHE sol '-rilier resiiectfully announces to the I public, thnt he has opened a Hotel in the com modious briek building situate on the corner of Third and Pine streets, where he will be happy to wait npnri those who may favor him with their company. 'I he Eagle Hotel is large and conveni ent, nnd furnished in the be t ni 'dein st le. It is provided with a large number of well aircj and comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, private pallors, iVr. Peisous visiting Williamsport on bu siness or pleasure, may rest assured that every ex ertion will be used to render their sojourn at Ihe "Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. His Table will he supplied with the ve.y best the market af fords, and his bar with the choicest wines and other liquors charges reasonable. The Eagle Hotel possesses greater advantages in point of location thsn any other similar establishment in the borough, being situate iu the business part of the tow n, and within a convenient distance of the Court House and Willisinsport and Elmira Rail Rosd Depot. Sufficient Stabling provided, and good snd trusty ostlers always in attendance. Attentive, accommodating and honest Servants have lieen employed, and nothing left undone that will add to the comfort and accommodation of his guests. There will be a carriage always in attendance at the Boat Lauding to convey passengers to and fiom (he House, free of charge, CHARLES BORROYVS. V ly 1 lilt, 1842. it H. B. 1AS3EP.. ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUUBURY, PA. Business attended to in the Oountips of Nor thumberland, Union, Lycoming and Columbia. It . Inl Thomas Hart & Co., Lowin ft Barron, Hart, Cummiwos & Hart, yr.'u'lud. KETftOMlS, McFARt.ARn fi Co. Speriro, ("Joon ft Co., To Count rv MERCHANTS. rTMlE Subscriber, Agent of Lvon fc Harris, Hat Manufacturers, for New Y ork, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other large cities, whoso Hat are highly commended for jW color and durability, has on hand first rale assortment of HATH and CAPS, suitable for Siirina sales, wh'ch will be sold very low, fot cash or nppioved credit, al the nrtrd cheap afore, INo. 40, INorth 1 hird ntrevt, opposi'e the Uity Jlotel, I'lnlfldclphta. ROBERT D. WILKINSON, Afenl. N. II. Orders for Hats in the rung 4, promptly attended to. The highest pries in toi or trade given for Fur ikin.t. Philadelphia, June 11, 1843. ly A LL persona indebted to the firm of Lyon fc Harris, tinder the agency of O. N. Timelier, ( fliio' Cap Manufacturer!, No. 40 North Third, street, Philadelphia, are requested to make immedi ate settlement of their accounts w ith the subscriber, their legally authorized agent, who is fully empow Pied to settle nnd collect the accounts of said firm. ROBERT 1). WILKINSON, June 4lh, 1842. tf Airent. GOLDEN SWAN An. (it) Xortli Third, above Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. AcroMMOnATIONSI FOR fsr.lTNTY rFRKON. pH AHLES WEISS, laic of the "White Swan," and "Mount Y'crnon House," respectfully in forms his friends nnd customers, thnt he ha become the proprietor of the abovi well known Hotel. Country Mcichnnts will find the above Hotel a central location, and tho best of fare. Persons tra velling with private conveyance will find a large yard nnd good stabling for horses, and the best of ostleis. Hoarding f 1 nerdav. May 14th, 1842. if. EEILlCiLlT & CO., Commission At Forwarding Merchants, Foot of Willow Street Kail Road, OTf Til R TIKI, A W A II K. TTAY'INO associated wiih them Joseph Barnet, I-- late of Easton, Pa., respectfully inform their friends and tho public generally, that they have tn. ken that large and well known store and wharf at j foot of YVillow Street Railroad, lately oecnpiel by Jacob Martin, where they purpose doing a (teueral Commission nnd Forwarding Business, and from the local advantages of Ihe place being connected with sll tho public improvements that have their outlet in the city, they flatter themselves they will be able to do business to as great, if not greater ad vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as any other house, and they assure their friends that any con signments made to them shall have their strict at tention, and no exertions spared to give entiie satis faction. They are also prepared to receive and forward goods to any point on the Delaware and Lehigh rivers, between Mauch Chunk, Easton and Phila delphia, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Canals; also, to any point on the Juniata river, or North nnd YY'cst Branches of the Susquehanna via Schuyl. kill anJ Union, or the Chesapeake and Tide Water Canals. For ihe accommodation of Boats coming or go ing via Schuylkill and Union Canals, a Steamboat will be kept expressly for towing boats from the Schuylkill around to the Delaware and back, which will ennble merchants to have their produce deli vered on the Delaware, and their goods sl.ipx d nt a saving ot 50 to 75 per cent, on the prices for hauling across, with these advantages they re spectfully solicit a share of patronage. YV. HEILMAN & CO. YVilliam Heilinan, William W. Keyser, V. Joseph Barnet; J Philad.,M.iy 14, 1843. ly BOLTON & CO. fs'riioral Commission Merchants, For the Sale of Flour, Cram, Sttd, 4c 'U. lESPECTFULLY" inform their friends and the Merchants generally, that they have ta ken those large and commodious YY'harvrs, with two Docks, north of Chesnut street, on the Delaware, together with the store No. 19 South YVharves, where they would be pleased to receive consign ments of Grain, Flour. Seed, YY'hiskey, Iron. fiC. Arc. Being also well prepared to forward all kinds of Merchandise bv the Schuvlkill and Lniun.or by the Chesapeake and Tide YVnter Canals, as tow- boats arc kept expressly for the purpose ol towing boats by either route. Merchants will please lie particular to send their goods destined by either canals, to No. l'J South YVharves, between Market and Chesnut streets, on the Delaware, with directions accompanying them which route ihey wish them tn bo shipped. Cry Plaster and Salt for sale, at the lowest mar ket price. BOLTON & CO. March 19, 1843. No. 19 South YVharves. H01ti:ilT & SOA paper m ANurACTcncns, Lombard Street, Italttmorr, HAVE constantly for sale, Printing Paper of al. sizes and qualities, Cap YVriting Paper, ruled and plain. Letter Paper, white and blue, ruled and plain, Hanging Paper, fine and common, Envelope Paper, do. do. medium, double ciow n, crown and extra sized YV rapping Paers, Colored Medium and Royal Papers, Bonnet, Binders' and Straw Box Boards, Tissue Paper, and all articles in their line, which they will sell on accommodating terms. Highest price given for old rags. ROBERT CARTER fc SON. March 19, 1813. Elkton. Md CHFfsTSOLITE POLlhsT A N article unequalled for cleaning and giving a highly durable and most brilliant polish to sil ver, Cierinan Silver, Brass, Copper, Brittania ware, Tin, Steel, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on varnished carriages, &c. TRV IT. Prepared and aold at wholesale and retail, by ihe Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego, Tioga coun(y, N. Y". YVM. FORSYTH, Agent for Norlhum'd, H. B. MASSER, Agent for Sunbury. November 20th, 1842. rLTEiri)Ewi:i:.s. LAST MAKER, No. 71 Callowhill Street, Philadelphia C Three rfof.rf above Second. J SHOE Findings always kepi on hand, which he nlfeis for sale on the lowest leims. Country Merchants aie purtieuUrly to till andjuJge loi themselves. Philadelphia, Novrmaei Id, 1812. ly. G. V. & L. E. TATLOE. OFFER FOR SALE, nt the South East Cor ncr of Fifth and Market Streets, I'biladtl phia Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted, do do do pegged do do do do water proof, double soles and double uppers, do Calf-skin do do do nailed and uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do do Neats do do. do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin, do do do ('rockers do do Fine Monroes warranted Jo Kip do do do Calf do do do Coarse do do do do Shoes do do Fine do do do Kip ,o do do Calf nnd Seal Skin Pumps. do List Socks with and without soles. do Carpet do do do do Patent YVarranted YVater-proof Moccasins. Ladies' do do ,o do Ladies' tanned India Rubber shoes, tleritleineiis' do Overshoes. YViih every other description of boots and shoes. Fur Caps of every description. Travelling Trunks of every description. Y'cnclian Travelling Bags. Palent (Sum Elastic Shoe Blaekinu. HnnnetH of nil kinds, Palm Leaf Hats, Philadelphia, November 13, 1842. ly. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY No. 2!) North Water .Street, l'hila. AN 1 ' F A OT I ; R E RS nnd dealers in Oils of every description both for burning and manufacturing purposes, which will bo sold much lower than they can 1? procured elsewhere, nnd warranted in finality to e.pinl any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving as represented, may be returned without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will be refunded. Their slock now in store consists of the following oils, viz: .lu.unii gallons w inter lileactied spctm Oil, ROOD do do Colorless Oil, 15,000 10.000 20,0011 C000 15,000 do Fall and Spring Sperm Oil, do i inter Sea Elephant, do do Pressed Whale Oil. do Summer do do do ? do Common Whale Oil, "00 Barrels superior Strn.'s Oil, 300 do CoJ Bank Oil, SO do Neats Foot Oil, 75 Casks Olive Oil, Tanner's I his. (jjThis Company has a number of Y'essels' en gaged in the Cod Fishery, and 'Palmers may tely upon petting nt all times Oil as pure as imported, Philadelphia. Nov. 13, 1K4S. ly. Michael Wmvit cV Son, ROPE MAKERS & SIIIP CHANDLERS. X. 13 Aori Water Street, I'hiladi phia. MA YE constantly on hand, a general assort ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, Ac, viz : '1 ar'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, YY'hite Ropes, Manil la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a complete assortment of Seine Twines, &c. such as Hemp Shnd and Herring Twine, Best Patent (!ill Net Twine, Cotton Shad snd Herring Twine, Shoo Threads, &c. &C. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, fie. all of which they will dispose of on reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1S42. ly. Jacob rrisimiHi & Son- T" EsPECTFULLY' informs their friends nnd -I acquaintances generally that they still con tinue to keep at Ihc old stand, No. S ltJ North 3d street. Philadelphia, all Linda of touacco s.rrr af sloars. YVhieh they will sell n the mot; t accommodating and reisona le terms. N. B. All goods sold will be guanntecd and all orders promptly attended to. Philadelphia, November 13, lf40. ly. SPE III NG , GOOl ) 'sTco. No. 1 US Market Street, Philadelphia. INVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensive assortment of British French and American Dry Coods, which they oiler for salt) on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1S42. ly. J . W . S W A I N , fmhrella ami Parasol Manufacturer. A'o. 37 Sooth Thitd flrret, tiro doors btlow the City Hot tl, I'hilad'lphia. COUNTRY Merchants and others are solicited to examine his aosoiii.ienl before purchasing elsewhere Philadelphia, November 13. '.812. ly. SALS. Ot? b-Ia n tftnnll Knrm t.t f a id i .1 it bmif ftMA " hundred and ten acres, more or le.-s, situate in Point township, Northuml erland county, about two miles above Noithumberl.iud, on the main road leading from that place to Danville, adjoining lands of John Leghou, Jesse C. Hortoii and others, now in the occupancy of Samuel Payne. About forty acres of said tract are cleaied, and in good state of cultivation, on which there is a small barn erected. The property will be sold on reasonable lei ins. For further particulars, peisous are request ed to apply to the subscribe r. H. B. MASSER, Agent, Nov. 27th, 1842. if - Sunbury, Pa. LIST OF BOOKS, rilH SALS MI 22. IS. Hi: Ji2 ANTIION'S Classical Dictionary; l.empricr's do.; Ainsworth's do ; Cobb's do.; English and (ierman do.; Anlhon's Cn sar; Anthon's Crammer; Authen's Cicero; Mair's Latin Reader; Ogilby'sdo.; Audiew's Latin Lessons; Donnegan's Lexicon; Fisk's Creek Exercises; David's Legendei; Crneea Majora; Adams's Roman Antiquities; Pinnock'a Goldsmith's England; do. Crcece; Lycll's Elements of (ieology; Mrs. Lincoln's Botany; Elements of Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Rhetorical Rea ders; Emerson's (icography and Histo,,'; Olney's do.; Parley's do.; Smith's Crammer: Kirkham's do.; Kay' Readers; Cobb's do.; Cobb'a Arithmetick; Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spelling Books; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa mily Library; Cottage Bibles; Family do ; Collater al do.; Smail Bibles and Testsments; Paiker'a Ex ercises on Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; Baxter's Saint's Rest; American Revolution; Marryatt's No vels; Mrs. Phelps on Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism of American Laws; Letters on Natural Magic; Che mistry for Beginners; English Exercises adapted to Murray's Crammer, Sequel to Comley's Spelling Book; American Class Book; Daboll's Schoolmas ter's Assistant; A great variety of Blank Books, Ac. August 2H, l12 BLANKS I'OK SALE AT THIS OFFICE.