Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, June 15, 1844, Image 3

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    V- S '"I l.i . i . 111 P.
Washington, June 10, 1814.
The Senate in Executive session, on Saturday
evening, rejected the treaty for the annexation
of Texas. The vote upon the question of con
firming it, was as follows Democrats in italic.
Yeas Messrs. Atchison, Bagby, Breese, Bu
chanan, Colquitt, Fulton, Haywood, Henderson,
itugtt, Lewis, McDuJfie, Srmpte, Sevier, Stur.
geon, Walker, WaotTbnry. 16
Nays Messrs. Allen, Archer, Atherton, liar
row, Bates, Bayard, Benton, Berrien, Choate,
Clayton, Crittenden, Dayton, Evans, Fairfield,
Foster, Francis, Huntington, Jarnagin, Johnson,
Mangum, Merrick, Miller, Morchead, Nil,
Phelps, Porter, Rives, Simmons, Spragne, Tall
madge, Tappan, Upham, White, Wright, Wood
bridge. 35
Immediately after the rejection of the treaty.
Mr. Benton, in open Senate, introduced a bill for
the annexation of Texas. The Bill is in the fol
lowing terms :
"Be it enacted that the President of the United
States be and he hereby is authorized and advised
to open negotiations with Mexico and Texns for
the adjustment of boundaries and the annexation
of the latter to the United States on the follow,
ing basis, to wit :
I. The Boundary of the annexed territory to
be in the desert pruirie of the Netices, and along
the highlands and mountain heights which di
vide the waters of the Mississippi from the wa
ters of the Rio del Norte and to latitude 43 de
grees North.
II. The People of Texas by a legislative act
or by any authentic act which shows the will
of the majority, to express their assent to said an
nexation. III. A State lo be called -the State of Texas,"
with boundaries fixed by herself, and an extent
not exceeding that of the largest State in the U-
nron, To be admitted into the I'nion by virtue of
this act on an equal footing with the original
IV. The remainder of the annexed territory
To be held and disposed of by the United States
s one of the territories, und to be called "the
South Western Teritory."
V. The existence of slavery to be forever pro
hibited in the northern and north western part
of said territory, so as to divide as equally as may
be, the whole of the annexed country between
Slaveholding and non Slaveholding States.
VI. The assent of Mexico to be obtained by
treaty to such annexation and boundary, and to
be dispensed with when the Congress of the I'.
States may deem such assent to be unnecessary.
VII. Other details of the annexation to be ad
justed by treaty, so far as the same may come
within the scope of the treaty-making power."
The reading of the Bill as well as the speech
of Mr. Benton created much feeling in the Senate.
All listened to it, and some portions of the
speech of Mr. B., particularly that alluding to the
new born zeal of the new friends of Texas, or
neophyte friends as Mr. Benton called them,
seemed to disturb the equanimity of Mr. Mc
Duffie. Mr. B. proved that he had been a long
er and a better friend of Texas than all of them
I send you below a copy of Mr. McDuffies
Joint Resolution introduced into Executive ses
sion, May 23d, and ordered to be printed Vfay 21.
The injunction of secrecy wus lemoved from it
on Saturday night.
Resolved, '-That the compact of annexation j
made between the Executive Government of the
United States and that of Texas, and submitted
to the Senate for confirmation by the President
of the United States be, and the same is hereby
ratified as the fundamental law of union between
the United States and Texas as soon as the su
preme executive and legislative power of Texas
shall ratify and confirm the said compact of an
nexation. This Resolution is now before the Senate, in
public session, and upon the question shall it be
lead a second time.
The Great Foot Rack. A Foot Race for
a puree of IjfcSOO, came off at the Beacon Course
near N. York, on Monday afternoon. The dis
tance run was ten and a quarter miles, and the
terms of'the Race were we understand, that the
man who should accomplish the distance within
one hour should take the purse; if not done
within the hour, the first out should receive
$500, the next best 200, and the third 100.
Seven men entered for the purse, amonj whom
was an Indian. Major U. Stannard, of Connec
ticut, got the lead during the first mile, and
kept it, coming out ahead, and making the dis
tance in one hour, four minutes and thirty-five
seconds. Mr. Gildersleeve ran second, ami was
the only man w ithin hail of Stannard after the
first two miles. John Smith ran third, the In
dian fourth, as long as he did run, and Mr. ()
berteuffer of this city, fifth, until the Indian gave
out, when lie took his position. Stannard was
the only man who rait the entire distance. Gil
dersleeve accomplished about 95 8 miles, when
he fainted snd was carried off the ground. The
time in which Stannard did each mile waj as
follows 1st mile and a quarter 6 in. 50 tec,
2d mile 5.50, 3d 6 07, 0.01, 5ih 6 13, (ith
6 22, 7th 6.23, eth 0 2fi, 0th 6.33, 10th 7,39.
Good running, though he foiled to accomplish
the UH miles within the hour.
Spirit of the Timtt.
Electricity at Breakfaht. Startling as
it may seem, it is beyond contradiction cer
tain, that the largest charge of the largest Ley
den battery does not equal in quantity the elec
tricity which passes between the tongue and a
ajilver spoon, during the simple act of eating an
egg. Indeed, if the quantity developed in the
latter case were free to assume the form of
the electricity obtained from friction, the result
would be a lightning flash of no small power.
The chemical action of a grain of water upon
four grrains of zinc, can evolve electricity equal
ii quality to that of a powerful thunder storm.
)r. lardntr.
A Word to (he lTnnocrat.
If there is a single Democrat in tho State
who feels inclined to remain neutral in tho con
test now approaching who feels inclined not
lo vote for the Democratic nominees for Govern
or or President let him pause before he goes
any further. Neutrality now is, to give it no
harsh term, a mot dangerous state. Recol
lect, by this you aid in the election of HEN
RY Ct.A Y Neutrality on the Governor
question must contribute to produce this result
in the Presidential contest. And what a result
that will be, friend ! You actunlly aid to elect
the vilest enemyofyour principles now living
the enemy of Jackson the enemy of all those
measures which you esteem and which you have
supported. You actually aid in the election of
a man who in the public streets ofthe Southern
cities, has proclaimed his determination to fla
vor the charter of another bank, with a capital
of many millions ! If you are n democrat it
you area man if you remember the ruin and
distress, the bankruptcy and the dismay, which
followed tho explosion ofthe last monster bank,
(and which muit follow the establishment of a
nother,) cm you countenance, even by your
passive neutrality, the election of a man who
would produce by his own act, just such another
state of things 1 Oh, no! we will not believe it!
Forget the hate of ancient frays,
Forget the harsh words wildly said,
And round the path of other days
Contentment's glory will be shed.
Remember only those who gave
The rein To ruin and dismay
Who buried, in Misfortune's grave.
The hopes of many a cheerful day ;
And now, with general might and main,
Seek your high places to regain.
Lancaster Intelligencer.
A Ji'oor Arhntkd is Court ior Forok
rv. "A letter dated Herkimer, June 5, in the
New York True Sun, says: "You will bo
surprised to learn that Judge Smith, first Judge
of Herkimer county, was yesterday arrested
at Herkimer on a charge of forgery. The
Judge had organized the Court and charged
the Grand Jury, who on retiring found the
first business t which their attention was di
reeled comprised the character of the function
ary who had just harangued them ! He was
accused by competent witnesses of having for
ged three names one of them that of the Coun
ty Clerk to a mortgage for ubout !?00, in
139. A true hill was found against him, he
was called from the bench, arrested and held
to bail. The mortgage, it is stated, was gi
ven to raise money for Judge Smith's ue, and
the cash obtained from a widow lady residing
in the town of Fairfield. It is also ttated that
the interest has been regularly paid. The
Judge was unable to procure bail, and has been
committed to prison."
Office of the Baltimore Ankhicas. June 10.
GRAIN. A sale of very prime Peima. red
wheat was made on Saturday at 9S cents. To
day there is no Peuna. wheat in market. A sale
of good Md. red to day at 93 cents.
Sales of Md. white Corn to-day at 1 1 a t'l cents
lor good to prime, and of Md. yellow at 15 a 16
cents. Penna. yellow Corn is worth 17 cents.
We quote Penna. Rye at 59 cents. Md. Oats
at 27 a 28 cents.
WHISKEY. We quote hhds. at 22 cents, and
bbls. at 23 cents.
for the amkkican.
Ma. Eurron : It being in accordance with the
usages ofthe Democratic party, lor the people,
pievious to the formation of the County Ticket,
to bring before the public the mimes of such in
dividuals as they may deem most worthy to dis
charge the duties belonging to the ollices within
their gilt, we would recommend to the consider
ation ofthe Democratic Electors of Northumber
land county, Maj. WILLIAM L. DKWART
as a candidate for the Legislature. Should the
people see proper to elect Muj. Dewart as their
Representative, we feel confident that they will
find in him a public servant of distinguished a
bilities, an intelligent, firm, and unwavering De
mocrat of the JciTersonian school, and, conse
sequently, the laboring man's friend.
Many Democrats.
Commow Ssse. No one ii so foolish as to
suppose for a moment that we on live without
esting, any more than a tree could derive nuliiment
from the air alone, wiihout the mil. Chameleon
msy live on air, though it is well known that such
air is full of living inserts. All, therefore, know
that it is what we put into 'he st .much which cau
ses ua to lie. Wo make over our bodies from the !
stomach. In from three to five years we make over
our bodies entirely. Thus what is part of us to
day is abs dutely not a pait of us tomorrow. The
secretions, euch as perspirstirn end other evacua
lions, continually make our bodies waste, and it is
from the stomach that we supply this waste all
we have lo do to make our bodies ultimately heal
thy, is to prevent unhealthy panicles from mixing
with the blood. Purgation does this for us provi
ded the purgative we employ contains nulling in
it which will weuken us or do us injury.
Brsndreih's Vegetable Universsl Pdls, for this
purpose, will be found all that u requhed , because
liny purge from the stomach and bowels the super
abundance of humors which may have accumulated
in the system, before ihey have time to produce pu
trefustion, and its natural consequence death.
Purchase of H. B. Masser, 8unbury, or of
the agents, published in another part of lhipar.
-JUL-JI I .... I.H JII1.L..H.
T w o II r i ii 1 1 e C o n
CAME to the subscriber, residing in Augusta
township, near Sunbury, on the Bin inst.
On one of the cowt there is a large b It. The
owner or owners are requested lo come forward,
prove properly, pay charges, ami take them away,
or else they will be disposed of according; to law.
Augusts township, June 14, J I.
Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxlhctmer.
Vhat, .... 85
Rtk, . . . . .60
Cork, ...... 40
Oats, ...... 25
Pork, ...... 5
Flaxseed, ... . loo
Udttkr, . . 10
Pjikswax, .... 25
Tallow, .... 0
Dm rt ti Am., . . 75
Do. Psachks, 200
Flax, ... .8
Hrcrlid Flax, ' 10
Buos, .... .6
T HEREBY offei myself lo the Electors of Nor
A thuniberland County, as a candidutc foi the of
fice of
Should I be elected, I pledge myself to discharge
the duties of said office with fidelity.
Lower Mahnnoy, June 15th 1844.
"THE pubiic is hereby notified not to trust my
son, ANTHONY HUFF, a minor, on my ec
count, an I have determined not lo payanvdclts
contracted by him. HENRY HUFF.
Rush township, June 15, 1844. 31
Six Cents) Ilcwartl.
RAN AWAY from the subscriber, in Shnmo
kin, Northumberland couutv, on Wednes
dy ihe 5th of June, an indented bound b y, na
med JOHN ESQUIRE, about 10 years of age, of
a fair complexion, light hair had on w hen he went
awsy, a Grey Kentucky Jean Roundabout and
striped pantaloons. All persons are cautioned a
giinst harboring said boy, or crediting him on my
account. Any person returning said buy will re
ceive the above reward, but no charges paid.
Shamokin, June 15, 1844. 3t
pOTTAGE BIBLES. Five copies of the Cot.
' tage Bible, the cheapest book ever published,
containing the commentary on ihe Old and New
Testament, just received and for sale, for six doll ir.,
by Juno 15. H. B. MASTER.
T3ALZOEINES, a handsome article for Ladies'
Dresses, for sale cheap, by
June 15. H. B. MASSER.
WEED LO TH, a handsome article, all wool,
- light and elastic, for Summer Coats and Pants,
lor sale, very low, by
June 15. II. B. MASSER.
ShcrilT's Sales.
BY virtuo of certain writs of venditioni expo
nas and fieri facias, issued nut of ihe Court
of Common Pleas of Northumberland County to
me directed, will be exposed to pu' lie side, at the
Court House in the Borough of Sunbury, on Mon
day the 15th day of July next, at I o'clock, P. M.,
the followiug described property to wit :
A certain tract of land situate
in the borough of Northumberland, at Ihe
south west corner of Queen and Third streets, and
marked in the general pbn of said town No. 158,
whereon are erected a large two story double frame
house and kitchen, painted white, a wash house,
smoke house, and a frame stable.
Also: Another certain lot of
ground, situate in the boiough of Northum
berland aforesaid, fronting on (juecn street, an. I
marked in the general plan of mid town No. 157,
bounded southwAid by the Lutheran Church lot,
osstwaid by an alley, and northward hy lot No. I5fi,
whureon is erected a sm.dl loj house, wralhciujard
id. Also: Another certain lot of
I-fl- eround. sitnat. in the horoiiuh :,t
and marked in the plan afores iid No. ISO, fronting
on Queen street, and hounded northwatd ly lot No.
185, southward hy lot No. 1S7, and wesla'il by
Duke street, whcieon is irrctod a two tory :.g
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of lohn B. Miller.
Also: A certain tract of land si
tuate in Augusta township, Northumherl ind
county, on the north aide sf the Mshonoy .Moon
tain, adjoining the River Susquehanna on '.he west,
Sylvamis Shipmnn und Jeremiah Welz. I on the
north, William R. Brown on the et and Robert A.
Parri.-h on Ihe souih, containing .00 acres more
or less.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of William It. Jones.
The AIcrciinntN mitl Tavrrn-Uoc-Icin
of Xurtliunibcrlaiid Co.
A RE hereby notified that their lie. uses are rc.i
jfSL dy for distribution, and should he utlendrd
lo 011 or before the first of August next. They
can be obtained at any time, hy calling on the Tic.i
sunr and pxyiug for them.
June 8th, 1811. 3t. Treasurer.
A T AN ELEC'lION for Officers ofthe Cent e
r- Turnpike RoaJ Company, held at Sunbury, '
on Monday the 3d of June, the following p. rs m !
were duly elected for one year, viz: !
President Jusehii R. Phi is r lit. I
M imagers : i
Lewis Reese,
r . B. Nichols,
Lewi Dewail,
Chutes Witinan, j
Divid F. Clordon, 1
1'hoinns IlidJle, '
John B. BoyJ.
-lohn Tangari.
John B. Bojd.
Thomas Woodsnle,
Daniel Brauligam,
John II. Mohr,
Win. Donaldson,
Win. Foryih,
Tirasiirer -Sec
June 8, 1841. tli
Manufacturers of
A'o. 113 Murkit Street,
V Ii 1 I u 1 rlphla,
tNVITE the attention of Merchants, Maiinfic- j
turers, 4c, &e., to their ery extensive, ele- '
gmit, new stock, prepared with great care, and of-
lered at the lowest possible prices f ir cush. I
The principle 011 which this concern is rslshli.h i
ed, is to consult Ihe mutual inteiest ef their cuto j
mere and themselves, hy manufacturing a good sr !
I r e. aellina it at the low. all lit t'ftr sauli n.l i
realizing tbeii own remuneration, iu the muuiit of
sales and quick returns.
Possessing inexhaustible facilities for manufac.
ture, they are prepared to supply ordeis lo any ex
tent, and respectfully solicit the jir .uage of M.r
chants, Manufacturers and Dealers.
GO" A U'ge assortment of the New Style Curs
tain Parasols.
Philadelphia, June I !Pll !y
T II U M V I IV ii A ii I),
AT 12j CfiNT A NCMflhtt.
N tho Itlh of May, 1944, we propose to issue
the first number of a work lo be composed
chit fly of choice anicles from the Periodical Liter
ature of Europe.
Boston having become tho point of communica
tion with the Old World, and the itrercourse being
now so frequent, we thii k it the best locsdon for
our office, snd believe that such a compilation may
be issued onre a week, from this citv. as will be
read with pleasure and profit in all puts of the
United Stnles.
Toa Litiho Aor. w ll be tondttcted in ihe spirit
of Lillell, Museum nf Foreign Literature, (whjrh
was favorably received hy the puhlic, for the past 20
years,) but as it will he twice as large, and wi'l ap
pear o often, wo shall not only give spirit nnd
freshness to it by mnny thii gs which were exclu
ded by a mouth's delay, but shall also, while thus
ext. tiding our scope and iMthcring a prenter nd
more attractive variety, I e aMc so to iucreime the
solid snd s'ih!aniial putt of our lit. rry, historical
and political harvest, as fully to satisfy the wants
of the American render.
The cld, Tile and st itely Esiys of the Edin
burgh, Quarterly, and other Itevtews; and Blnck
wood's n. hie citicisrns on Peetrv, his keen politi
cal Commentaries, hiuhly wrought Tales, and vivid
descriptions of rural and inniut do Scenery ; and
the contributions to Literntme, History and com-,
moii life, hy the ssgscioti Socctiitor, the spnrk'ing
Examiner, the judieimis Alliei aum, the busy and
industrious I.ileriry (l.izette, tho sen-ihleand com
prehensive Britt.inrii 1, the sober and respectable
Christim Obcrvpr; th se ah ill be intermixed with
Ihe Military end Naval reminUcences of the Uni
ted Service, and with the best anicles nf lit f)uh
lin University, New M..inh'v, Frsser'n, Tint's
A no-worth's, Honil's, and Sporting M 1c.a7.iuc, and
of Chnmher' admirnt le Journal. We sh ill not
consider i' beneith our diamly lo borrow wit and
wisdom from Punch; and, when we think it good
enough, shall are the thunder of The Times. We
shall increase our vntiety by importations from the
continent of Europe, and fr in the new grow th of
the British Colonies.
(ieogrnphiciil discovers, the progress ef Colo
nizaiir.ti, (which is extending over the whole world.)
and Voyages and Tiav, . will he f.ivoriie matter
for our selections; and in eenernl, we shall svste
mslieally nnd v-ry fullv acquaint our readers with
the great department of Foreign hII'iiis.
While we aspire to toxke 'he Livio Ana de
sirahle to all who wish to kiep themselves inhum
ed of the rapid prorjress of the movement lo
Statesmen, Divines, Lawyers and Physicians lo
men of business and to men of leisure it is a still
stronger obj-ct of our ambition to make it at trac
tive and useful to their Wives and Children. We
believe that we can thus do some gmd in our day
and generation : and hope to m die the woik indis
pensable in every well-informed lamilv. We say
indispensable, because in ibis d y i f cheap litera
ture it is not possible to guard siia'iist the influx of
what is hail in 1st ai d vicious in morals, in any
other way than hy furnishing a sufficient supply of
a healthy character. Tl.e menial and moral appe
tite must be gratified.
Wchnpe, that, by "winnowing t'le wheat from
the chaff," by providing abut dantlv for the imagin
ation, and by a large collection of Biography, Voy
ages snd Trmcls, lli-toiy, nnd moie solid m titer,
we may produce a work which sh ill be popular,
while at the same time it w ill aspire lo ruoc the
standard ol puhl c ta-te.
The Living Age will lie a large pamphlet, hand-i-omclv
printed, and stitched in a cm or, containing
as much mailer as an ordinary duodecimo volume,
and upon good type and pap.r.
Each number sold sepa etely, and with the usual
discount to wholesale dealers. Petsons at a dis
tance w ill be supplied by mail, no their remitting to
us any sum of mom y that may be convenient.
There will e. thir y six numbers, making thieo
larg volumes, in ihe remaining put ol IK 11.
P1ieoofrac.l1 volume nf twelve nuoibeis willle
1 50. I'ostma-t r. or other poisons w h i niny
lend us tl eir aid iu cell 111 E up a stih-cip'toii list,
will he rtitilbd lo four c. p es of any volume, on
remitting l us live d. ill us. The copies lobe ad
dressed as they rnav 1 r.ler.
1ISJ Washington Street, Boston.
IiMlutioct r Partnership.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the partnership
I ereiol re eiisting hitween Clin lim Kcicli
and Na'hm (irei'miwnlt, I u'ehers, has been iIi-mi'-vid
hy mutual consent. AdpistiN iii'VUeil to
ihe late Gull aie itipiin d to make p av nient wnlim
one mouth (nun tins date, utter uhiih period the
hooks will be pi iced iu the hands of a m.iis'r te
foi collection. Persons having el inns n.iin-t siid
firm are also rejuest0 to prei-ent them ! r renle
The subscriber lakes this opportunity of i.. I rul
ing his old customers end the public in u- n ra
that he will continue to supply the town of Sunhii.
ry with fresh meat three titiv s a week, is they have
done heretofore. Thanklul for past favors, ho so
licit a continuance ol the curb m i f ihe people of
Sunbury and vnii iiv. C. REICH.
Northumberland, June I, IS 14. if
ro.nicui.Y Tiumovr norsi:,
o. IKi (Tirxiiut ticct,
Till: SUBSCRIBER, ncently of
taasrlf Reading. Pa., woirid inform ihe pub
'tsssfciilie that he has fitted up the ' csp i-I'M'tTt-a..:
a, ronvniieiil i slablishinenl. and
will always be ready lo emeu. in vi-itors. flues,
tablishe l reputation io Ihe line, il is h-pe I, will
atfoid full ai-suiance, thai bis guests will be sup
plied with evety conifirt and sccomni.-d iiimi ;
wl ilsl his house will be conduce d ui dcr such ar
rangements an will srr'i'c a ch -r.iter b r the lost
responsibihiy. and ati-l-tctory entertainineiit f.n in
dividuals snd t Olid c .
Charge for boalditig f I peril .v."
Pliilal.lphia. M.iv 55 Mt I ly
To (.'on airy
Sliiiis, I5inno:-. i.t'liorn nnil
I'iiliu I.'itf Hats.'
W. cv I,. II. TAYLOR.
at ihe S. E. ctirntr of Murkrt and 1'iilh Sis ,
i' n r.K I r a e an iteuslte toriucnt of the
"above it icb s, all of which they sell al unusual
ly low pi ices, slid partieul-lly invite the attention
of buyers vieiling the eiiv, lo an riaminnti-m of
their simk ti. W. A L. H.TAYLOR.
Philadelphia, May 3 1641.- ly
nu m o v a .
1) O V T O It j7li. M A S S E II,
RESPECTFULLY informs the cit
W "V izens of Sunbury and its vicinity, thai
lift-l he h s rem ived his oll'ue lo the white
12jLl building in Ms kel Squne, east of lis
T. t l. iiient's ftoie. and inund atilv upposiie the
post orlice, where he. will 1 happy lo receive c'i
in the line of his profession
runbuiv, May 4lh. t44.
Come and Sec.
CTflCitp X 0V CTitfittl OV COUU-5
Tl II. MARS Kit has just recirved an aasnrl
Ll ment of New lioods, which he will sell at
ihe lowest prices, for cn-h or Country Produce.
Oj Persons are invited to call and judge for
lh in selves.
GO" Best Rio Coffee for HJ cents. Good do. for
10, and other articles in propottion.
Sunbury, May 25, 1844.
.Vo. .10, Xorth Second Street, f opposite the
Madison House, J
TP WHERE will bef mnds general assort- "
t-jj. ment of Florence Braids, Alberts, Rut-Sq
lands, Pe.ldh-s, Willow Plait, Rice St-aw, ami ihe
much admired Neiipolitan Lace, and Fancy Bon
nets, manufactured by us, and for sale at the lowest
manufacture prices. Merchants and Milliners are
invited to give 111 a call upon visiting the City.
fX7" B. We have also constantly making our
superior hair nnd other edgings, all of which will
be sold cheap, for rash.
Philadelphia, May 25, 1814. ly
'PHOSE petsons having demands against the
-- Commonwealth for labor performed, or mate
rials furnished for the r. piirs of ihe
Xortli Itruiitli Canal,
prior to Ihe Dili day of January, 1844, who have
not handed lo the subscriber an account of the
same, are r. quested to du so at ihe.earliest possible
moment, in order that thev m ly be put in form for
settlement, r.s srmn is the fuiol nppropiiuted for the
a ment of old debts ran he obtained.
Tho-e living ai a dis'ance are requested lo for
wnrd by mail or otherwise. W. U. MAFFET,
WilkCi-bme, May 11, 104 I. If Supervisor.
ITcnry S. Ffaulman,
EOS h ave to inform the citizens of Sunbury
and its vicinity, that he has commenced the
in the shop formeily occupied hy Daniel Yarick,
in Market street, Sunbury, east of Ira T. Clement's
store, and directly opposite Ihe post office, where he
intends to carry on the business in all its various
Orders will be promptly and punctually attended
to, and work done cheap, for cash or country pro
duce. CTj" Horse Shoeing done st $1 per sett.
Sunbury. April S7lh, 1S44. ly.
f)A V I 1) KVAXS'
Patent Fire and Thief Proof Iron
Chests, Slate lined Refrigerators,
with Filters attached when
.o. Tti South third St., opposite ihe Exchange,
IJjifiHIlli.-r'HrwbrateJ Water and Provi
Ifsf' -i ai "E'''"--si'n oh rs, and Patent Pre
pJtejfMK t f "'"" Fire and Thief Proof I
Mli uiii Si- 'Sat'' " Chest--, for pre-erving
iar , ji.r .iw -''- Papers. Deeds, Jewely,
-VWA-(.j.dd, Stiver, &C, StC, made
of Bo I r Iron, (and not ova r Plank as iiinclyfive
out of every one bundled now in use and for sale
aie made.) ii h first rate Locks and David Evens'
Patent Keyhole Covers, similar to the one exhibit
ed at the Philadelphia Exchange, for three months
in the summer of IH4 J, when all the Keys were at
liberty to be us. d, and the Chest not opened, al
thooith the experiment was tiled ly at least 1500
persons. One of ihe tnme Locks was Hied by
IJobl-ers, at Ihe Delaware Coal Cilice, in Walnut
street, above Th.rd. but did not succeed.
(Xj" Hoisting Machines, Iron Diwirs, superior
Link. 111 d i'I kinds of Iron Knihtiijs, Seal and Co
pying Piess.s, and Sinilhwoik generally, on hand
or tu iii'il'aclurcd at the shortest notice.
(Ej CAUTION I do hereby caution all per.
s ins fg inst maki ig, using, selling, or causing to
le sold, any Keyhole Covets lor Fire Proof Chest,
or Doors, of any kind similar in principle to my
Puient, of Kith Ju'y, IP! 1, and also against Lining
R.-fri-.-erators wnh Slate, lor nh'eh my Patent is
d.iti I 2rtih Mireh. 1844, as any infilngemeut will
be 'ralt i h according to law.
Phtl.d. Iphii, Apill Ut, 1K41 ly
oot Shoe
11 1: 4 K & IS It O R lOl'S
"HlgTOri,!) inform the r friends and ihe pubbe
V V gem rally, that they have commenced the
above I usinrss in all its various blanches, in the
shop lately occupied by Eijgirl as a wateh
mukcr rhop. iat of the Red Lion Hotel, in Market
stie t, Sunbury, where tl.ey are prepared to exe
cute a I ordiis in their line, with
'I In y h pe, l y .-Iriet attention to business, mode
r 1 e chaiges, an I the durability of their woik, lo
no rii and receive a share of the public pitioiuge.
S'm.bu y, March HO h. lfs-14. ly
') l,,l'-Nl,;S FEA'l H EK", for ale
purehaseis, for ea-h, Ht prices I10111 It), 15, 25 and
c. 1 u per pound.
I.'oadv ma le Be.'s, BoUteia and Pillows, Curled
Hair Mam sis. Mo s do, and o! kinds lo suit
any sue Bradsti a !s, stw.iys on hand. Cut led
Hair and New Orleans Moss hy the bale or single
pound. Also:
B'ni ketj, Marseilles Quills, Comfor'ablts snd
Be 'stee-li (if all deseriptions.
rXj" Country Metchatiis wdl find It to iheii ad
vsinsgs to call hi fine pu'ehasinz.
S. E. comer of Second snd Walnut sis. Philad.
March 3-l. let I 3oi
A 41MI. ItdAT, capable ef csiriot VU
ton-, about half worn, will be sold cln-sp, snJ on
n ai-iiiuh e terms. Einutie at this ulfice,
Ap'i: ST b. 144.
H AMU a!ii SHOl'I.DEKd foi aula, cheat., foi
eah. by H. B. MASSER.
IXc. 3Uih, 1811.
''lUE vnluab'e properties of Oakley's DepU'S
1. live Syrup of Harssparills, as a purifier of the
blood, is so well known to the public generally,
that il is unnecessary to occupy much space in set
ting fori h the advantages to he derived from Ha
uae; wherever the medicine has once been Intr
duced, it lakes precedence over all others: eveiy
one that has Inken il, have derived so signal b tu -fn-ial
results from it, that it is recommended by
them with the utmost confidence. Physicians of
(he highest standing in the profession, prcsori! e it
lo patients under their care ; containing nothing
deleterious, but being composed of the most mild,
yet efficacious vegetable materials, it if offered with
confidence, as the cheapest and most efficient pu.
rifier of the blood now known. The use of a few
botiles, especially In the spring months, will be at
tended with a most decided improvement in the go
neral strength of the system, eradicating sny seeds
of disease that mny have been generated, beside
giving health and vigor to the body. For the euro
of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Tetter,
Pimples or eruption of the Skin, White Swelling,
Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthma, &c. The nu
merous eertifica'es in the possession of ihe subscri
ber and his agents, from physicians and others, ure
sufficient to convmce the most skeptical nf its su
periority over all preparations of SHrsnparilla.
Sold wholesale and retsil, by the proprietor,
OEOKOE W. OAKLEY, North 5th street. I!ea
ding, Beiks County, and to he bad ofthe following
petsons :
In Northumberland County. H. B. Ms,r;
Sunbury t Irelind tc Mixcl, McEwcnsville ; DJ
Krausrr, Milton.
In Union County. J. Gcarhart, Seliugrove
A. Gutelius, Mifllinburg.
In Columbia Cuunty.R. V. McCay, Wash
Reading, March 14, 1843.
Ma. OiKttTt-I believe it the duty of every
one to do whieteverin their power tics, for the b"tie.
fit of their fellow man, end having had pnei Wo
proof in my own family, of the wonderful property s
of your Depurative Syrup of Sarsapnrilla, I m"st
conscientiously recommend it to the arllieted. Wa
had the misfortune to lose two of our children, by
the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered the
face, bend and reck, although we had some of the
most scientific physicians to attend (hem and" had
tried all the known remedies, including Swaims
Panacea, without avail. Another of my children
wi atlacke.l in the same manner, her face and
neck was completely covered; the discharge was so
offensive, and the disease at such a height, that wo
di spaire.t ol her life. Seeing the wonderful efTecU
of your Depnra'ive Syrup ot S irsaparilla, we were,
induced to make trial of il, as the last resort ; it
acted like a charm; the u'cers commenced healing
immediately, a few bottles entirely restored her to
her health, which she has enjoyed uninlenuptedly
ever since. As a purifier of the blood, I verily be
lieve it has nut its equal.
JwHN MOVER, Tailor,
Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading,
Douglassville, April 10th, 1S4.1.
Mr. 0rit.t: My son Edmund Leaf, had tl.e
scrol'tilit in tho most dreadful and distressing milli
ner for three yeais, duiing which time he was de.
prived of the use of his limbs, his head and net-It
wero covered with ulcers. We tried all the differ,
ent remedies, I til to no t fleet, Until reconunendeii
l y Dr. Johnson of Nonistotvn, and also Dr. Isaac
Hnsler, of Rcadiiig, to use your Depuralive Syn
of Sarsapnrilla, of which I obtained several bottles,
the use of which drove the disease cntirt ly out of
his system, the sore healed up, and the child w n
restored lo perfect health, which he has ci'jnve!
uninterruptedly ever since, to the astonishment ef
many persons who seen him duiing his sffliclion.
I have thought it my duly, and send vu this certi
ficate that others who have a like affliction in the
family msy know where to obtain so valuable a
1 medicine. Yours trulv.
Sept. IB, ISf'.). ly
Importers and Dealers lu
S II G A U S, 15 It A X I) I Fi S, G I N,
W I N E S, &c.
.Vo. Ql Commerce St., near Fifth St.,
C. J. OLBKItT, jr. J
Wm. A. Jamset. 5
artiSJiiirs. sr.nins..
Pinet, CnBtillion & Co. I Woodvillc. Barranco.
Pernet Freres. Ugues. L01J Byron
January COth, 181 1. 6m
" E?s. P.. TSTIlfz,
"RESPECTFULLY informs the public that ho
" has made. Northumberland his of resi.
d.-nce, and is nady to aliend to any calls in the
line of his profession.
(j" He rusy at all tiu.ts be found at Mr. James
Lee's Ho'el,
Northuniberland. Dec Ifith, 181:1. tf.
im tSS I.I4.IIT l.Y 4 Hit IiS.
FI11IE rubsciirter has just n reived, for sale, a lew
X of the above celebrated Eiubt Day Clocks,
which will be soi l st very reduced prices, for c-b.
Also, tupetior 30 hour 'locks, of tl.e best m-k-i
snd quality, whieh will he sold for ta.-h. at i 1 f).
Also, superior Brass 30 hour dorks, at 3 00.
Dec. 2, 143. If. B. MASSER.
AT L.Vr,
FFICE, in the second story of the building or.
copied bv I'r. J. B. Massir, on Maikct st e- t.
Oct. SUt, 1843.
OTONE WARE f n sale.
233 Stone Jugs, from I quart to 3 gallons,
60 Stone Jats. fool 2 lo 6 gsllons. For sale,
cheap, by Oct. 14 II. B. M ASSER.
TIIIE subseiiber will sell off his stock i-f Beivrr,
JL Kuss a und Piu-h H its, of the best quality, at
verv red uceil p rii e.
Sunburv.Aue. 5. IIL H. B. MASfE"
X.s. Vil) an-! ai Xorth Tliitd Street,
Near the City Hotel,
C. MACKEY. AiHtiotieer. respeeiftil'y in
in tin- ait l.i on of persi s desirous of pof.
chasing Fumi'tne. to his extensive S,,,-s U.m:n,
(both pll' Ii. sin) I'-lvale ) I t tvery descnptt-.m f
It, his-h il l Purnituie, wh. re in tst .hl nned al 'I
times, a larun n-so-tin. nt of f.isbio-iable and -!
inanufactlir.d C hin I Fururure, Beds, Malliassvs,
Ae l v. rv rediicid price., fir r is!i.
OO" S'rs bv A tir 1 .1 ti, t .vice a week.
M..v 27 h, Is4tt - lv
I'rinlcrs In:.
few krge fm ssle, at a small sdmnee f 'r rssft.
Dor. 9.
H. B. MAs.f'EK.