Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, June 01, 1844, Image 3
The convention then adjourned at half-paet 1 o'clock, to meet again at half-pist .3, when it was resolved to proceed with the balloting. AFTKRNOO SESSION. The convention met at holt-past 3 o'clock pursuant to adjournment, when the nominations ?re made and the ballotting commenced. We have on'y time to give thu votes as far as they have progressed. BALLOTINGS. 1st 2nd 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th Van Buren, 146 127 121 111 103 101 99 Cats, 83 91 02 101 107 Ufl 123 Johnson, 2t 33 3S 32 S9 23 21 Stewart. 1 1 00 00 00 00 00 Voodbury, 2 00 2 00 00 00 00 Huchanan, 9 11 17 20 1" Calhoun, 6 C 2 1 Necessary to a choice, 176. After the 7th ballot, a motion was made that Martin Van Buren, having received the major ity on the first ballot, be declared the nominee of th(s convention, the mover s'ating that if it was refused the convent ion would be dissolved. One of the Pennsylvania delegates then no minated Gen. Jitckson. Great confusion arose. The President pronounced both motions out of order. An appeal was taken amid the tnot indescribable confusion. . Several speeches were made. Mr. Uutler, of New York, hnpd the appeal would be with drawn to allow hitn to make a proposition to settle the difficulties. Wednesday Mohnino, May 20. Tho Convention ejain assembled on Wed nesday morning. After some debate by Gov. Battly, of Ohio, Mr. McAnulty, of Ohio, with drew his appeal from the decision of the Speak er. A proposition was then made for the eighth ballot, when Mr. Tibbets, of Kentncky, with the consent ofthe Kentucky delegation, with drew the name of Col. JonNsoN, as a candi date, Mr. Brewster, of Pa., then rose and cen sured some of the Penn'ii. delegates tor not adhering to Mr. Van Buren. lie was follow ed by Mr. Hickman in the came strain. The question was then loudly callod for. Judge Bk ee, of Pennsylvania, rose . amidst calls of order, and proceeded to fay that he do precatetl the cmirso pursued by some of his colleagues. Mis opinion was lln.t they were bound by instructions only so long as they were likely to be available, and then every member was at liberty to consult his own judgment. The ei'jlil ballot was then announced and re sulted as follows : EIGHTH BALLOT. Van Buren 10 1 V.HSB 114 Polk 41 Buchanan U Cu I lion n 2 A motion was here made that the Conven tion proceed to the ninth ballot, when Mr. Fuazii h, of Penn'a., obtained the floor. He commenced hy stating that he was one of the delegates from Pennsylvania, who had vo ted forJ.MK K. Poi.k, and he would vote for him to the la!.. He considered the instructions the delegation had received as fully carried out in voting three times for Martin Van Buren. Col. Young, of .V. V., offered a resolution to rescind the Uvu-tliird rule, whicli was decided to be out of order. Some (li-niion then bsk place between Mr I hiben of G;t., and Mr.Ham mitt, f Miss. Mr. Hubbard, ot N. II., then stated tint under the circumstances, tho dele gation from that r-tate would go for Mr. Polk. Mr. Mcdairy, of Ohio, said that his state was now ready to go for any man, sound in his politi cal faith, and upon the Texas and Oregon questions. The question and motion to proceed to the 0th ballot was then called for. .Mr. Kct tle.woll here stated that ." statt-s, all but South Carolina, were represented, anil asked if some one would not respond tor her when the Hon. Mr. Pickensand the lion. Mr. El! more, ofthut State appeared, who stated that South Caroli na would cheerfully support Mr. Polk. The Convention then proceeded to the 9lh Ballot, when JAMES K. POLK, of Tennessee, received the unanimous vole of the Conven tion, (206.) for President. The Convention then adjourned to 4 o'clock, P. M. When the Convention met, Mr. Walker, of Miss., moved that the Convention proceed to the nomination of candidate for the Vice Presidency, and no minated Silas Wright, of New York, which waaseconded by the Virginia delegation, Upon counting the votes it appeared that the votes of all the States except Georgia were u nanimously cast for Mr. Wriaht inaking COG. The Georgia delegation cast two votes tor Mr. Wright and eight lor Mr. Levi Woodbury. Mr. Dawson, of Pa. offered a resolution for the one term principle, which was referred to tho committee. . The convention adjourned to Tliurtday morning. Reported Declension or Mr. Wright The nomination of Mr. Sn.s Waictir was an nounced at Washington by the Telegraphic de spatch, an answer was returned immediately to this city, which stated that Mr. Wrioht was in attendance at the Telegraph office in Wash ington, and that he declined to serve. Weight or Blshklb or Grain. An Eng. )ish farmer has given the following as the re sult of an experiment to ascertaia the weight and number of a Winchester bushel of each of the undermentioned sorts of grain : Wheat 62 lbs., 8T0,()00 grains; Barley, 52 lbs, 620,000 grains ; Oats, 32 lbs., 1.260,000 grains Poplar Peas, 64 lbs., 110,000 Grains ; Horse beans, 64 lbs., 27,000 grains. Great Spicen. The steamboat South A mencs, Capt Truead, on Friday, made the passagt from Albany to New York in eigW hours and twenty-five minutes, including threfr landings snd detention of nine minutes at Wewburg. Grout Fir at Wsw OHmniTn Squares In AihtiTno Hundred mid Klghtr Ilonsca Burned, The New Orleana papers bring us terrible ac counts of a disastrous fire which broke out at noon on Saturday, 10th inat., destroying nearly 300 houses principally frames, tenanted by poor peo ple. The long drought had made the buildings ignitable as timber. No water could be obtain ed, excepting from the gutters, and the confla gration took its own undisturbed course. The flames burst forth in the carpenter shop of Mr. Gott, near the northwestern corner of Franklin and Jackson streets, which, before they could be got under, spread to the adjoining tenements with frightful rapidity. The wind, fortunately, blew towards the swamp, and not towards the river, so the fire was carried with lightning rapidity down Jackson street, communicating to the houses on either side, and soon presenting a broad blaze some hundred of yards in width. To save their furniture was all that the unfor tunate residents of this section could hope to a thieve, and even in this they were many of them A appointed. In this way, says the Picayune, the fire raged for three hours, during which time it kept down Jackson street, burning out to Canal on the right and Common on the left, and cross ing Treme, Marais, Villcre and Robertson, to Claiborne streets, in all ten squares Of all the buildings which occupied this space, none are now standing save the Maiaan de Sante, or Dr. Stone's Hospital, and a few houses along Com mon street. At one time it was feared that the Charity Hospital would be destroyed, and it was a sorrowful sight to see its numerous inmates peering from the windows at the broad lake of destruction raging before them j but fortunately the flumes, although they leaped, roared and crackled in every direction, Hid not cross Com mon st. The Muison dc Punte was saved, but not until its inmates had been removed. To attempt to picture the scene, while the fierce element was raging at its wildest, were impossible. Houseless unfortunates were seen rushing through smoke nnd flames, and seeking a shelter which only proved temporary, for the flames were again upon them. Beds and bedding, furniture, groceries- in short every thing that could be moved in the hurry was seen piled and thrown together in Canal and Common sts., the owners Bitting upon the little wreck that was left to them of all their household store. Many of the inmates of the houses were laboring under sickness and infirmity, and their eyes rolled wildly as they were borne from their homes. .Mothers, half frantic, were searching for lost children children were rushing, with loud screams, amid the fierce crackling of the flames, and seeking their parents in every face. All was confusion and despair; but the most distress ing sight of all, perhaps, was the removul of the sick from the Maison de Saute. God grant we may never be called upon to witness such a spec tacle again. No estimate of the loss has yet been given, but it must have been very great, as a few of the houses were costly. ClTIZKSS or TH a Usitsu Statm t Let ii tie remembered that B'amlnh's Vegctihle Univer sal IML have now been b. fure the citizens of the United Siblis for nesr'y tight yems, stid used by hundreds of ihnusirid ! 'I Iny are so well known that it need score- ly ba mentioned that I hey are a "Turns ive Medicine," si juslty bihimed" that the "eiperience nf s century'' has proved that they mav tie taken in any dose, according to Nature's require merit ami ihis lule refers lo h.ith teies and all nge. They have been me d in every variety of ileiangemenis of the human body, and yet v. lieu properly used, never faded lo restore to hrahh, ex cept in esses where nature was exhausted In fore l lie pills were commenced with. dj' Purchase of H. U Maa-er, Sunbury, or of the stents, published in another part of Ihis piper. .. . . t , DlKNOIutluit ul Partnership. TONCE is hereby given, that ihe parluerahip Jyi l.ereiof .re. eii.ting liei ween Chri linn Iteicli am) Na'h.u Greciiawnlt, liu'rhers, lias been iliwol ved iy mutual consent. All p rsons indebted lo the Ute firm are requin d to make pay merit wuhin one month from Una dale, after which period the books will be pi iced in ihe hands of a wagisinte fur collection. ' Perauns having claims against Slid firm are also requested to present theni fur settle ment. C. REICH. N.GRENAWALT. The subscriber takes Ihis opportunity of inf Till ing bis old customer ami the public in general, thut he will continue to supply the town of Suuhu ry with fresh meat Ihree limes a they have done heretofore. Thankful for past favors, he Mi lieus a continuance of the custom of the people of Sunbury and vicinity. C. REICH. Northumberland, June f ) 844. tf PaZST FElTlTSPw &, CO. Manufacturers of niBRELLAS, PARASOLS, and Sl'Ji SHADES, No. 143 Market Street, Philadelphia, INVITE the attention of Merchants, Manufac lurera, &c &.C., to their very eitenaive. elc gani, new slock, prepared with great care, and ot tered at the lowest pouaible prices fur cah. The principle on which thi concern in etabli.h ed, is to conault the mulujl jnteirat of their mere ami ihemaelvea, by m mufacluring a good sr tx'e, selling it at the lowest price for cash, and realizing their own remuneration, in the amount of stirs and quirk returns. Poasesstug inexhaustible facilities for manufac ture, ihey are prepared to aupply orders lo any ex tent, and respectfully solicit the patronage of Mer chants, Manufacturers end Dealers. GO A large assortment of the New Style Cur lain Psrasols, Philadelphia. June 1. 1814 ly Caution. A LL persons are herehy cautioned againat pur chaaing a promisaory n U ur lony five dol. Jars, dated May 9, 1844. payable lo George Miller, jr., three month after date, and sinned by the sub arribers, who not having received value therefor, are determined not lo pay the same unlet compel, led by law. SILAS WOOLVERTON, HAMUEL SAVIDGE. Augusta, Msy SB, l41 3i. Sheriff's Sale. KY virtue of s writ of Vend. Exponas, Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Northum berland county, to Ins directed, will he exposed lo public sale at the house of Michael Reader, in Tor butvllle, on Saturday the 15th day of June next, at I o'clock P. It., the following described property, lo wit i A certain lot or piece of ground situate in Tor bulville, formeily Turbut, now Lewis townahip, Noitbumherl md county, containing one acre more or Ins, bounded by lot of lasse Stsdtlcr and land of John Beidleman and B, 6t D. CI ipp, and on the south by the main atreotor road leading to M'E. nnsville.; whereon 'are erected a large two story frame house, pebble dashed, a one stoiy kitchen, an office, a frame stable, a well of water, dec. Heized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the propony of J. Itusael Bsrr. FELIX MAURER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, i Sunbury, Msy 89, 1844. Come and Sec. NEW GOODS. Ctifitp for eatfft ot eouu tv Dromtcr. I I It Wl.iSSI'.It baa jual recieved an aasort iA ment of New Gomla, which he will sell at the lowest priiCH, for cah or Country Produce. (EjP Persona are invited to call and judge for ihtinaelves. CO Bfst 'io Coffee for 12J rents. Good do. for 10, ami other article in propoition. Sunbury, May 25, 1844. HERR'S HOTEL, rOIUICRITY TREMOXT IKUSK, -o. Htt ClicKiuit trccf, PHILADELPHIA. "'HE SSUBSORIBER. rrcently of Reading, would inform the pub lie that hn hss fitted up the above capa cious and convenient establishment, and will alwsys be ready to enter! tin visitors. Htsrs. I ililialip.l repu'stion in the line, it is hoped, will sfford full assurance, that hia curst a will tve sup plied with every comfort and accommodation ; whilst his honae will he conducted under such ai rsnrtemenls ss will aecure a ch irictcr for the first responsibility, and satisfactory entertainment for in dividual and fnmil e. Charge for boarding ft perdiy. DANIEL 1IERR. Philadelphia, May 25, 1844 ly NOTICE TO MKRC'IItXTS &. III.MXKHS. WM. M. & JOS. E. MAULL, MANUFACTURERS AND DEM.EHS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC STRAW GOODS, No. 30, ArorA Second Street, f oppotite the Madison IIouse,J PHILADELPHIA, flVj WHERE will be found a general asaort- Hf -yttient of Florence Braida, Alber'a, Rut-X landj. Peddles, Willow Plait, Rice tSt aw, and Hie much admired Neapolitan Lane, sod Fancy B n nets, manufactured by ns, and for sale ai the lnuel manufacture prices. Merchants and Milliners ar invited to nive us a cdl upon visiting the City. fXj" N. B. We have alao cnn-lan'lv making our aupeiinr hair i nd oiher 'uga, all of which will be hoUI cheap, for ali. Philadelphia, May 25, 1841. ly TO LtimlSjE, The Cclctiratt'tl UAV VLI.S AT fcJIIAMOKIN. THE Conl Vei-.s and Fixtures at Shsmokin -a- Gap, in cmph te order to do a laree buaines.-', can lie leaaed on ieamahn terms, t"gether with Drift Hgona, Tools, dee., aU t 3D b'ail Wa. i;ona and a Whaif at Sunbury. Terns made known un application lo J. H PUKDY.or A. JORDAN. Hunhury, May 18, 1844. 3t Sunbury. IS hereby given that 'he ub-cril-r pnrchssd. at A I' Male, on the 13th day of May, 1841, of Alirahain liioierl. which he will leave in the pnesion of xaid It inert, until he fees proper to t.ike it away, the f lowing prop, rlv, viz : I wo Maies, I Coll. I Tbre-hing Machine, 1 Wagon and B.aly, I Plow, t Cow, 1 Heiffer, 1 lot Horae (, I Iron Ketie, 1 Corner 7up board, 1 Clock, 1 Table, 1 Work Stand. 1 Cheat, 20 yards Carpet, ELIJAH KOCH E It. May 18th, 1844. 3t Notice. 'PHOsE peisnna having demand against the -a- Commonwealth for labor performed, or utalo rials fui nit lied for the reptile of the Kortli lli'uiith C'anul, prior to the 9th day of January, 1814, who have not handed lo Ihe aubacrtber an account of the same, are ri quested to do so at the rarhel e moment, in order thut they in iy !e put in form fir aettlenieul, as arnm as the fund eppmpiialeJ fur the pavmeut of old di bta ran be obtained, Tho e living at a distance are icqueated lo for ward by m nl or otherwiae. W. J. MFFET, Wilke-bure, May 1 1, 1 84 1. tf Huporvi t OE1TTP. t? trtr TTJPalT?IKE. N OTICE ia hereby given, that an election for omcers ol the "Centre Turnpike Itoatl C'omp'j." will be held at the bouse of El I ibeth Weilxel in the borough of Kiiiibmy, on Monday Ihe 3d day of June neat. The election v. ill benH'n at 2 o'clock, P. M andcl oe at 4 P M. The bo,'k and ac counts of the Company will he exhibited to the stockholders present at the ame lime and place -JOHN B. BOVU, Northumberland, May II. 1814. 41 Hec'y. Henry S. Haulman, IS' EGS leave to inform ihe ciiiicn of Hunl'Ury and Us vicinity, thai be has summenced the BIVCRSMITIIINO BUSINESS, in lha hop formerly occupied by Duniel Vnr ck, in Market trei t, eiuubary.east of Ira T. Clement'. store, and directly opposite the poat office, where he intends to carry on Ihs business in all Us various branches, Ordera will be promptly and punctually attended to, and work duns cheap, fur cash or country pro duce. try Hoiae (Shoeing dons at f I per sett, Sunbury, Apul 27lh, 1844, ly. As NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY Treasurer's Sale. A O REE ABLY to an act of the general asaem bly of ihe Commonwealth of. Pennsylvania, paaed the 13th of March, 1815, and the supple ment thereto, emitted an act directing the mode of selling unsealed lands for latcs and other purp,ises, will be exposed to public ssle, at the Court Houo in the Borough of Sunburv, on the second Tues ilsy In June next, st 10 o'clock, A. M., the follow, ing described tracts of Isnd, for arresratea of taxes due, snd the costs accrued on each tract respective ly, unless previously discharged, to wil ! AUGUSTA TOWNSHIP. TVorrnnfrr? Names. Acre. Tax. Dering Frederick 30 I 07 ,fering Frederick 8 24 Donnel Charles 200 7 70 Jones William R 4 f5 Jonea Wdlism U 18 1 82 Levy 1) iniel . 63 5 73 Miller John 74 7 33 McPhison Ssmuel 40 2 81 Rankin John 207 22 65 Rve sm John 30 110 Rankin Rhonda 10-1 5 41 Smith John Dr. 77 2 Ofi Smith John Dr. 42 141 Webb Abraham 367 3l 52 CHILISUUAQUK. POINT and TURBUT TOWNSHIPS. lVfrrnnfre Same. Acrr.t. Tax. Betterlon Benjamin 8!)RJ 22 68 Barron John jr. 410 24 12 Brodiii William 291 J 18 2ll Ben.nn William 414 J 21 23 Blnir Willi im 30tl 111 68 Brndv William P 412 21 45 Boyd John 105 3 51 Cooper lassr 200 1 1 86 Cooler Martin 100 6 72 Orsee Joseph 250 14 01 David John 413 23 46 Frickl- Chsrles O. Sor.i 17 32 Graff Hrnry s 162 9 13 Gardner Wi linn P 4I2J 23 55 Girdner Archibald 4ttj 22 15 Gsston James ' 61 1 66 Hall William 3'0 17 04 Hoddinnl James 333 18,53 Jackson D ivid 442 25 HI Jones Ann 61 2 40 KntX'ng Abraham 430J 21 48 Lake Richard 401 J 22 90 Levy A ar m 200 7 76 Market John 227 15 48 Meixncr J D Ml 60 Notiriott J imea 3.13 6 45 Piatt John S20 13 14 Sarvia John 424 16 04 Solomom atyer 300 10 55 COAL TOWNSHIP. W'urrantie Names. Arrrs. Tax ntia Freleiick 445 44 54 Antia Henry S53J 73 2(1 Adama William 306 36 3ia Adama Thomas 353 41 61 Adams Robert 413 j 85 88 Bratnieain Daniel 314 2! 54 Bower Chriatian 344 4 68 Brown Nathaniel 250 5 88 Bailey John N 152 15 10 Black William C 121 2': 84 Bright Jneil 168 33 22 B itton Samuel 348 33 83 Belterlon Benjamin 22 12 06 Uogsr John 116 18 75 Cou-ert James 200 23 32 Camplain Roliert 425f 34 36 Csmplaiu Thomas 425J 34 36 Cooli Joi n 306 17 38 Cowd.n John 412 62 15 I Daviaon Mary 50 5 95 ' Derii g Charles Zii 20 55 I). ring t'h.nlea 105 20 23 Ebon Willi .m 368 g 78 Foa'er Tbomaa 423J 18 09 G ihkina Tboinaa 390 3H 87 (eer Jarnt-a 441 35 17 Greer Tbomus 3'J6 89 46 Gass Jacob 150 9 95 Grsy Ko'orl 440 411 m Oisy Will am 4 in 67 99 Giant Thorns 4:17 22 19 Gardner A" hib dd jr. 4:13 23 57 Gartner Archibald senr. 400 22 67 Hetriik Plulip 130 R H8 J Hull Kmsnuel 357J 34 R1 I tl is enclciier Mary 331 2(i P I Hepburn J..inea 2t'9J 16 91 Hosch Wdlmm 1:6 6 t ! Hoff. e Ab hm 29'J 2 25 Hamilton 'I homes 405 33 68 Hunter Alexander 319) 14 31 Heptiiirn Jamea 4l3j 'J (13 eimiillon Ibomas 4t2j 44 74 Hun er A'examler 4 1 4) 23 49 Himiiielreich Henry fts 35 Hnnnielreich Hemy at .at 51 6H lei. kins James 449 44 S5 Jord n Alexander 124 14 23 Kinimel Samuel 387 5 49 Ki. hl George W 112 12 71 Kneg! baum John A: Henry Reed 200 33 33 Longafcll Fred. rick. 123 14 10 M,iiiiiiii Richard 411 33 45 Moniaoii William 46 45 51 Mcltetinolds John 31:1 30 31 Moer Henry 331 43 83 Mclienna's Andiew 2fin 31 gj Martin John G 1(0 18 9'J Mark'ey Edwafd G 104 1115 Marnn Johu G 171 13 IS Mer George l0 ' 60 Myera Mary 200 19 43 Pntcha d William 404 42 36 Prince Ge.vae U7 15 09 Price John U 118 19 14 I'lice John B 71 I I 9i Kit's D.mii-1 2iil 15 13 Rusion Ch irlolte Vdi) i.a, 13 Keynolda John 2011 15 13 Ros'on Thomas 200 15 13 Ku'toii Mary 200 15 l'i Koston Mary 2('J tfj H7 Shannon William 415 25 64 Soltoon Richard 39C) 32 04 Shut'. r Andrew 410 28 19 Sliphmaon Jamea 467 19 91 Saar Meiriik 150 7 10 Sue. la George 440 27 19 N-otl Abraham 342 4 02 Sell Samuel 412 44 90 Shis-ler Henry 150 21 61 Scott Samuel 42'! 47 91 Scott Samuel 193 7 87 Si-fij, d S.murl 103 17 93 Tauisut John )53 6 5G Trickle CtnwU 405. 22 95 Wulker Lewia 371 8 S7 ' WiUm Wilbam 313 28 12 Walter. Go-lliey 120 15 90 WeUe Jarol. y 103 15 58 Young Benjamin Dr 35 IJ 169 68 Young John, Merchant M82 80 84 Young llinjamtii t" 150 5 4o Young Samuel 3C7 J 6 94 YoXthiimrr Henry 9 J 14 32 Yonh.imer HeHry 105 17 60 Yoitheimer Msniy 173 27 13 Zimmermen Mutluaa 273 20 86 till Iaasc 125 16 HO I SI1AM0KIN TOWNSHIP. Warrantee Namr.i. Anet. Tax. Kinley Catherine 405 6 69 Lake Richsrd 416 13 40 Reed John 30 t 22 Scott Abrahsm J42 3 98 Taylor William J7 73 Wilson John 204 j 31 65 LITTLE MAHONOY TOWNSHIP. Warrantee Nume. Arret; Tax. Blain John - 200 2 08 Osrdner Willism P 409 15 89 Hunter James 426 12 77 Hall Chsrles 437 13 10 Kidd John 377 11 32 KiddJohn 813 0 37 Lvnn Joseph 80 8 82 Lake R rhsrJ 408 12 23 Peierv Pnler 145 10 88 Richie John ' 895) II 79 Rees Thomas 339 I t 07 Rifsmme Vstcntins 24 1 16 Reed Leonsrd 73 7 21 H iker John 64 6 29 Rankina Rhoaihj 367) 5 40 Smith John Dr 66 PS Smith John Dr 154 3 56 Smith John Dr 84 1 29 UPPER MAHONOY TOWNSHIP. Warrantee Names Arret. Tax. Betterlon Benjamin 425 10 37 Bcis- I Samuel 83 6 20 Bui-il ianiel 98 7 30 Beiael John 59 4 39 Pmith Jacob 115 8 66 Thornbury John ft. Wm. Gray 28 2 15 JOHN FA RNS WORTH, TrsHsurer's Office, Treasurer, Msrch 30lh, 1844. 5 BEMOVAL. DOCTOR JB. MASSER, RESPECTFULLY informs the cit iens of Sunhury an I its vicinity, that he hs removed his office In the white building in Market Sqn ue, east of Ira T. Clement's snd immediately onpoaiie the pot office, where he will be happy to receive calls in the line of his profession Sunbuiy, May 4th. 1844. " I) AVI I) EVA X S Patent Fire nnd Thief Proof Iron Chests, Slate lined Refrigerators, with Filters attached when lequired. ET.1TS ft. WATSOIT, No. 70 Sonththird St., opposite the Exchange, PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURE and rS!lffclMIce,ch,",',J Water a yrWHr.rK-S.lsion Cooler., snd P f WrfrM J v?r-t iinium Fire and Thi lllmaii Jiiron Chc.a, for i ry." Hni li Paers. Dcec keep for sale Dirm Brans' Celebrated Wster and Provj. Patent Pre Thief Proof I- preserving eds, Jewely, Gold, Sliver, &c, &c, made of Bml r Iron, (and not over Plunk as nineiy-five nut of every one hundred now in use snd for sale are made.) w'h first rate L icks and David Evens' Pat. nl Keyhole Covers, similar lo the one exhibit, ed st the Philadelphia Exchange, for three months in the rummer of 1842, when all the Keys were at liberty to be used, aiulathe Cheat not opened, al though the experiment was tried l y at least 1500 persona. One of the enme Locks wss tried by Robbers, st ihe Delaware Coal Office, in Walnut street, above Third, but dij not succeed. Hoisting Machines, Iron Doors, superior Lmfca. and all kinda of Iron Radinits. Seal and Co. pying Piesaes, and Smithnotk generally, on baud or manufactured al the shortest notice. CAUTIOX I do hereby caution all per aons ag.iinxt making, uaiug, selling, or causing lo l a.dd, any Keyhole Coveis for Fire Proof Chests, or Doors, of any kind pimilar in principle to my Patent, of 10th .lu'y, 1841, and also against Lining Refriueratois with Slate, for winch my Patent ia dated 26th March, 1844, as any iufiingeinent will lie dealt wi'h according lo law. DAVID EVANS. Philadelphia, April 13. 1841 ly Hoot t$' Shoe MAKING. ixncii & 11 no si 01; s TOL'LD inform their frienda and the public gen. rally, that they have commenced the above buxineaa in all ita varioua branches, in the .hop lui, y mcupied by Xavier Egg irt as a watch maker shop, ia-l , f the Red Lion Hotel, in Market sire I, Suobury, where they are prepared lo exe cute ai.ordis in their line, with PROMPTNESS AND DESPATCH. They h"pe, by -met sueulion 10 business, moile ra'e rharges. ami the durability of theii work, to no rii and receive a harr. of the public pationuge. Sunhu y, March 30ih, 1841. ly TO HOUSEKEEPERS. 4?v ()()() ,'olMJS FEA i HERS, for tale piiichaaem, for ca-h, at prices from 10, 15, 25 and 30 rent per pound. Ready ma lc Beds, Bulkier and Pillows, Curled Hair Mattra-aea, Mo-a i!o , and oilier kinds to suit uuy iie (, always on hsrid. Culled Hair and New Orleans Mos by the bale or single pound. Alan: B ttiketa, Maraeillea Cjnilla, Comforiables and ad of all descripnnua. d3 ('ouiilry Merclunis will find it to their ad-vani.-g lo call U foie pmchayinn. KINLEY CO. S. E. corner of Second and Walnut sts. l'lulad. March S3.I, IH44 3iu Public Sale. 0.000 Acres of Land. w yiLI. tie sold, st public auction, al the houae 1 v ot Daniel Heib. in Upper Mahonnv town- stiip, Northuinht ilaud c uuty, 011 the 1st Moud.iy of Juno lull, 1,0 0 :icrc ot'Tiiiiljrr I-ainl, itu iled, ilinllv, in Col t v.iij.lup, ssid county. I he M:ihoiloy creek pns-es IbroUh a Conaiilerahle portion of the property, sffurdiog several nccllent null aests The Isne have all been pud up, and au inili-puUl le title, clear of all incambrances, will be givMl iw puirbasers. The sale will be Coliliuutd liom day lo day, until the whole ia sold. The terms will be mule known on the day of sale. A. JE NI.KAt;u, I EIER UOITSQUET. Feb. 10. 1814 tf H'Af. Met A Y, Agent. OT'' l i e PousviMe Eo poiinm and Danville In trlligencer will continue th above until forbidden, and charge llna office. A C 4 iL. IIOAT. capable of carrying 70 ton-, aliou' halt worn, will lie sold cheap, and on rciaonsh'e li nns Enquire at this office. Apri: SJ.h, 1844. II AM4 sail fcHOULbLKS tor sale. rh. an. tor cash, by II. B. MACJSKR. Dec. 30th, 1943. OAKLEY'S IM'.PtlllATIVi; SVIIVI. rilHB valuable properties of Oakley's Dopura J. live Syrup of Sursapaiilla, as a purifier of the blood, is so well known to the public generally, that it is unnecessary to nocupy much apace in set ting forth the sdvsntsges lo be derived from its use ; wherever the medicine hss once been intra. takes precedence over all others: eveiy one that has tsken it, have derived ao signsi bene. ficial results from it, ihsl il is recommended by them with Ihe u'mnst confidence. , l'hyaicisns of the highest stsnding in the profession, presorilie it lo patients under their care ; containing nothing deleterious, but being composer nt the most mild, yet efficacious vegetable is offered wiih confidence, as the cheapest and most efficient pit. rifier of the blood now known. The use of a few bottles, especially in the spring months, will be at tended with a most decided improvement in the ge nersl strength of the system, eradicating any seeds of diseaae that may have been generated, besides giving health snd vigor to the body. For Ihe cura ofSrrofuIaor Kings Evil, Rheumatism, Titter, Pimples or etuptions of the Skin, White Swelling, Fistuls, Chronic Cough Asthma, Ace. 'The nu merous certificates in the poasesaion of the subscrl ber and his agents, from physicians snd others, are sufficient to convince the most skeptical of its su periority over all preparations of Sarsnpmilla. Sold whnlexsle and retnil, by ihe proprietor, GEORGE W. OAKLEY, North 5lh street, Res ding, Baiks Coanty, and to he bad of the following prisons j .1 In Northumberland County. II. fi. Msssrj Sunhury Ireland & Mixel, McEwetiswlle ; D Krsuwr, Milton. In Union Cmtnly. J. Uearhnrt, Seliurgrove ! A. Gutelius, MifllinbUrg. In Columbia County. R. V. McCay, Vh ington. Reading, March 14, 1843. Ma. Oakiit: I believe ittheduty of every one In do whatever in Itteir power I tea, Tor the b-ne-fit of their fellow man, and having had pochiva proof in my own fomily.of the wonderful properties of your Depumtive Syrup of Saranparilla, I most conacientioualy recommend it to the sfflirtcd. We had the miafortnne to oe two of our children, by the breaking out of ulcerous sores that Covered the face, head and neck, although we bad some of the most scientific physicians, lo attend them snd had tried all the known letnedies, including Swaiins' Panacea, without avail. Another of my children waa attacked in the smue manner, her lace and neck was completely covered; the discharge was so offensive, and the diaenae at such a height, that we despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful effect of your Depurutive Syrup of Sarsapsrillu, we weie induced to make trial of it, as the last resort ; it acted like a charm; the ulcers commenced healing immediately, a few bottles entirely restored her to her health, which she has enjoyed uninleriuptedly ever since. Asa purifier of the blood, I verily be lieve it has not its equal. JOHN MOYER, Tailor, Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading. Douglaasville, April 19th, 1843. Ma. Oaklkt :--My son Edmund Leaf, had ihe scrofula in ihe most dreadful and distressing man ner for three years, during which time he was de prived of the use of his limbs, hia he id and neck were covered with Ulcers. We tried all ihe differ ent remedies, but to no effect, Until recommended by Dr. Johnson of NonUtuWn, and also Dr. Isaac Hiester, of Reading, to Use your Depurnlive Symp of Sarsspatilta, of which I obtained sevrisl bottles, the us of which d'ove the disease entirely out of his system, the sore healed up, and the child waa resloied to perfect health, which he haa enjoyed uninterruptedly ever since, to the aatonibhmisit of many persons who seen him duiing bis affliction. I have thoucht it my duty, and send you this ceiti flcate that others who have a like affliction in the family may know where to obtain so valuable medicine. Yours truly. AMELIA D. LEAF. 8ept. 16, 1343 ly WOLBEFsT & JA1T1TET, Importers and Dealers in S E G A R S, B H A N I) I E S, GIN, WINES, &c. No. 21 Commerce St., near Fifth St., O.J. WolBFBT.jr. ? ' Wm. A. Jinn st. S naisnirs. Pinet, CaaMllion Ai Co. Pemet Freres. January 20ih, 1814 - sr.oins. Woodville. Uarranco. Ugucs. Loid It vr oil Cm CB.. P. E. T ASTUTE, 11 ESPECTFCLLY informs the public Ihat ho has made Northumberland his place of rci. dunce, and ia ready to attend to any calls in the line of his profession. (T He may at all times be found at Mr. James Lees Hotel. Northumberland. Dec. IGth, 1843. tf. rlORESTVliiLE nu ts 1:14.11 T I1Y C LOC KS. TllIE subi-ciiber haa juat received, for sale, n few JL of the above celebrated Eight Day Clocks, which will be told al vcrv reduced price, for ra-h. Alao, Urior 30 hour Clocks, of tl e best nuke and quality, which will lie sold for cadi, at f t 50. Alao, superior Bra's 30 hour Clorka, at f,4 00. Dec. 2. 1-43. II. II. MASSER. " AMI, LI AM JMAiri'IN, -TTCrLlTET AT LAV", sun UUtt Y, PA, "KFFK'E, B ctified I Oil. 2lt. I in Ihe second alorv of ihe budding oc- bv Dr. J. B. Masstr, on Maiicl at.eet. 1813. STONE WARE for ale. 52 5 Stone Jus, from I quart to 3 gallons, 50 Stone Jara, from S to 6 autlons. For ssto, cheap, by Oct. 14 H. B. M SSER. OLJ wA. t 23 TZXji2i 3 f IIIE suticriber will mI oil atock of Beaver, JL Ruasia and Itriirh Hals, of the best iUjlm,at very red uced pricea. Sunbury, Aug. 5, !tU3. H. B. MASS BR cm" rnu vci i .v, AXCD miVATE SALES ROOMS, Nos. yil and HI North Third .Street, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. CC. MACKEY, Auciiinieer, respectful'y in- viies the attention of persons dcsiroo of per chaing Furuiiuie. to his eitenaive Sales R.Hima, (both, pu'die snd Piivnte.) for every dei.cnptiou of llouarhold Kurnituie, where can be obtained ai ull limes, a Isrte susortment if faahiouable slid will nisnufactured Cabin I Furniture, lied..,, Sir., at verv reduced prt. es, for cash. , 07" Slca bv Auction, twice a wvrk. May -i7 h, 1843. ly J'ruitcrs Ink. fw kegc for sale, at a small advnnce for rash, by Dec. 9. H. B. MAfeSEK.