Ll - ' - M 1IAXK XOTU 1, 1ST. The rHowiiiK list shows the. current value of ill rVnnaylvnnia Hunk Note. The mort Implicit re ianoe m.iy le placed uprn it. as It Is every week jomfully compared with, m d cot reeled from Dicls lell'a Reporter. Hanks la F juIlatTclpliIa Nam. Due. i J'HItAI). par . . par par par t pur t par par par par pat par LociTio. NOTES AT F A R. flank of North America . Bank of the Northern Liberties , Commercial Bank of PcnnV . Firmer' urn) Mochanica' Bank . Kensington Bank . Philadelphia Bunk S.-hiiylkill Hunk j'outhwnrk Bank . . Western Bank . . Vcchanics' Par k . . Manufacturers' & McchanUV Bank Country FJniiUii. Hik; of ''hestcr Conntv Westchester par par par par pur par par ITjn't of D;! iwnrc County b.ink i f l.t-rrr.antnwu Rank rf Mon'comery Co. foyte!n"n Bank Ess-ion Hank Farmer' Hunk of But kg co. t.'ffioe of Bank of Penn'a. Office do do Office do do Office di do Cheafvr Oormnntown Norris'own Doy. stown Easton Hri-tol Harrihtirgt Theso Lnncistir I ofTiees Pending f do not Easton J lotion. DISCOUNT. Philadelphia 2uaCG . par I fl . par NOTES AT Nnk of the United Pt.it. flitnk of Pcnn Township . Oirard Bank . Moyamensing Bank Hunk of Pennsylvania Miners Hank of Putlsville Pnnk of Lewistown Bunk nf Middlctown Bunk of Northumberland Columbia Bnnk & Bridge co. Carlisle Bank Exchange Bank Do do branch of Farmers' Bank uf Lancaster Lancaster County Bunk Farmers' Bank of Reading Hr.rrishurg Bank Lancaster Bank Lebanon Bnk Merchants' & Msntif. Bank Hank of Pittuburu West Branch Bjnk Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank Berks Countv Bank CtHce of Bank of U. S. Do do do Do do do Kensinctou Sav. Ins. A Perm Township Sav. Ins. Bunk of Chainhersburg Bank of Gettysburg Bank of Susquchunna Co. Erie Bunk Farmers' A: Drovers' Bank Franklin ILtnk Hones-dale Bank Monongnhrli Bank of B. Voik Bank par 1 1 Pottsville Lcwisto-jvn Middlrtown Northumberland par Carlisle rittsi utg Hollidaysburg Bncastei Lancanter Riading Harrisburg Lnncoster Lebanon PittHhurg PittiUuig Williamspnrt Wi kel'arie Allcntown Heading Pittsburg Erie failed do New Brighton do do do ChatliVrri--bu'g 3 Gettysburg j MonticEe M Er,a 3 AA'nyneRluig 2Ja3 WauhiriKtun 1J Hoiics-ilule ij lirownville lj York j N. B. The notes of those banks on which we emit quotations, and substitute a daub ( ) are not purchased by the Philiidclpl.i-i broktre, with the nception of those which have t letter of reference. H HOKE N B A N K 8. Philadelphia Sav. lira. S'hilndelphia Loiin Co. Hchuvlkill Sav. Ins. J'hiiaielpLia do do failed failed f.iled Manual Labor Bank (T. W ; Pyott, prop.) failed i owanaa uiinK Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bnnk of S-Agtara Dank of Washington Uciiue Bank City Bank Frirmers' & MediVs' Bank Farmers' & Mccli'c' Bank Fiiirncra' cV Mei h'cs'iBaiik Harmony Instituto Huntingdon liunk iuninta B;n,k Liiniberaien's Bunk Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope 1) I. Bxi.lpe Co. Northumb'd Union Col. Bk. North Western B:i'ik of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Ajjr. Ac Msnuf. Bunk Silver Lake Bni.k t'ninn Bunk i f Penn'u. Westrroreliind BniJi Wilkfuborre BiiiVe Co. 'I'owanda Bedford lieiver If nrri'.hurg VTat.l.i,:gtc-i i ii f r.te Pittvburg J' "sburg Fayette co. (ireencustle Haiuiouy no sale cloeed ilofed fulled closed no sole failed faded failed no a!c Huntingdon no u!e Lew-.towu no sale Warren DuudHtr New Mi'.ton Mradtilie Pprt Carbon Catli.-le Montrose I'niontown failed no s ite clufed no eale closed failed closed failed closed (rrtiislurg Wilki fcharre no sale Cj- All notta puipuitirg to l e on any Puin-yl-vanu Bank nut given in the above litl, ma; be tet down Kb f.auda. m:w .ii:i:si:y. Batik of New Jitur'swkk 1! i ii iihv irk Lelvidt'ia Me.lL.rd 1'iriti Amhoy Bri'UCton M Hunt Holly Hal. av failed i iVIviileie Bank Burlington ( 'o. Bnnk Permit reis! ttai fc ttimlierlaiid Bank faimen.' Bnk farmert' und Mrehanir' Bk Faruw rn' onil Mn-banirs' l!k lrrKTs' and Mi n Ikiiii Bk Franklin Bnk o! N. J. par I rr. par l. BiuiiHwick faiied Mldcliitowtl Pi. ? er-ey City fa.l.d Hoboken Bkii Ai Glaring Co llobol.tn fa, ltd failed failed failed i failed i par no sale Jersey City B ink Jersey City Mechaniis' H.'iik Patttrun Manuf.irturi m' Hank Bellevillo 'orria County Batik Mornttuwn otinioulli likol'N.J. Freehold K. rfmiucs' Bank Newark Mi vhanirb' and Mauuf. Bk Trenton f.Tiirrin Canal and Bkg Co Jersey City Pott Notes Jfcwark Bkg t Ina Co Newark a i fniled New Hope Ufl liridp? Co Lnmlrtjiville N. J. Manure, and l'Le Co Iiobeken N J Prottcton ck Lotubaid Itk Jersey City Orange Bunk Orange Paierin Bank Patersun PcoiJeB' Bank, do failed i failed S 1 par par Piiiueton Bank Pr in cot cm Salem Banking Co Bal m State Bank Newark State 11 ink Elizabe'.btown State Bank Camden Statu Bank of MorrU Mor.ittown r"tute Bank Trenton Sulem and Pbilad Mauuf Co Salem Husex Bank Jleion Tienton Banking Co Trenton Union Bank I'evtr Wakbinglou Banking Co. ilacstnsatk ii:i,.iv.iii Bk of Wllm At Branilj wina Wi: ington Bank of Di Uv.au-' Wilmington Bank of bii.yriia Smyn Do blanch MitlorJ Farnn i. Ek of State i f Del J)ovri I0 branrh WilrnMijMti Do bianeh (t f,( ' u Da Irjinli Ni'nc Union Ilitik Viliiii.ltioa fjrV I'uiler fi'a i i ,., failed failed i par fulled par par par pnr (j j On nil I ah inaikij ibui ( ) ;l r ar m ttu4 t"iir ie t. i ,.i sin n I notta cf ;hi vvr.ojJ - "?' - ! !! . "t J 9 I'KJ- H-U.Jtf.J.U.1 - .. ? AStlllY Sc nOCAP, HAT &. CAP MANUFACTURERS, South Last corner of Market and 4th stt.. Plillattfluhln, .OESFECTFULLY inf..rm the public that they A will constantly keen on hnd a Isrg nrt ment of Huts. Caps and Fur, to suit the full (rode, of the be t quality. By itrict attention to busi ness, end hy a II ii i R their stock tit the lowct ptices, they fintter themselves in being able to give entire satisfaction. August 6, 1843 ly A Threshing Much I no Tor Sale. milE subscriber offers f.r sale a THRESHING JL MACHINE, new nnd in good oidcr. The Machine has been tried, and prove to be an excel lent one. It will be luld at a reduced price, and warranted. Apply to H. B. MASSER. July 1st, 164:1. Count or le Iter' DEATH BLOW. 'Phe public will please observe that no Braudieth 1 Pills are genuine, unless the hoi his three l i bels upon it, (the top, the ei.te and the bottom ewh coniaininc a f ic-imi!e signature of my hnniL writing, thus B. B k a n n etii, M. D. Thee la. bcl- aie encravod on steel, beautifully desiriinl, and done at an expenop uf over f'i.OtiO. Therefore it w ill be seen that the only thing nreexsarv to nro- cure the medicine in its purity, ia to observe thenc labels. Hemcmhrr the t ip, the side, and the bottom. The following respective persons aie duly auhori zed, and hold CERTICATUS Or ACENCT, For the sale of Brarulreth't Ytgttuble Universal Fills. Northumbeiland eountv ! Stilton M n key & Chatnberlin. Hunhury II. B. Master. M'Ewene Tillc -Ireland Sl Meixell. Northinniland Wm. Forsyth. Georgetown J. ft J. WhIIs. Union Comity: New Berlin Bogar cV Win ter. Selinsprove George Gundium. Miiblle Ixirg Isaac Smith. Beavcrtown David Hubler. Adamsburg Wm. J. May. MilNinshurg Mensch &L Buy, Haitleton Daniel Long. Freiburg O. Si. V. C. Moyer. Lewisburg Walls &. Green. Columbia county : Danville E. B. Kcv nobis &l Co. Berwick Shutnun At. R'ttenhnuce." Cai. tawisBa C. G. Brobts. Bloornslnirir .lohn R, Mover. Jeisey Town Levi Bisel. Wnsbington Rol t. MiCay. Limetone Ballio; McN'mcIi. Observe that each Accnt has an Kngruvi d Cer ificnte of Arjency, roritaining a repies' iitiiion of Ur BRANDItETll's Manulactory ot Sing Sing, and upon which will also be seen exact copies i f the nftu label's now used upon the Urandreth l'Hl Bore. Philadelphia, office No. 8, North 8ih street. B. BHANDUETH. M. D. June 2 till, 1P43. Hover's InL JOSEPH & HOVER, Manufacturer of Wrilinjj nnd Indelli ble Ink, No. UK! North Third Street, six doors below Rare, (enst sidi',) PHILADHIiPIIIA, T ESPECTFI'LLY informa rountry merchant - and others, that he con-tantly keeps on hand a large stock of bis snperier Black, Blue nnd Ri -d Ink, Dnd nlso a superior quality of Indellil le Ink. His ink ie put up in he t ilea vaiymg in size.frmn I to 32 ounces, and wdl be sold on reasonable term. The exeel'ert qualities of this ink has so thorouehly established its character, thai it is now cxti-nsmly used throughout the cnuniry. . For sale at llio store of 11. B. Mnasrr, Sun bury, Pa. May 27lh, 184.1. ly CHARLES W. IIEGIXS, ATTORNE12" AT LAW, BUNBUnY, PA. S IT AS taken the i.lhce fonneily occupied by the 2 Hon. ( hailes G. Dimml, opposite the Court lloiisp. He will aiteud to businera in the Curl of Niirihuiuberluiid, Union and Columbia counties. May glUh, 184.1. MERCHANT'S HOUSE, AY. 237, Xorth Third. hm e Cllowlill St., PHILADELPHIA. TgOHN H'NCA . late from the Peunsylva P nia Farmer, nnd Samuel Pike, jr., laie of A nit ricari Hotel, Columbus. ( hio. take pleasure in nc quainling their fiienda and the public Keneral'v that they have tuki ntbe large and commodious Hotel, lecenily built by he M. ssrs. II .It, on the snme Hie onee oci tipied by the old eslablUhcd Hotel ki ow n an the Bull's Head, in Thild Mieet above Callow, hill at. Thin Hotel is fiiiNhed jn the very best possible manner, and of the I ri-t n n'eisls. Itk oeiit:on i very il. suable, particularly for eouiitiy no rrhants ; the airnnceiiH nia for heaiirgond ventilating tach room is nieh as to crum any tenipnature. The bedroomsare all lial-t nr d Hiry, rll fuilii.-htd in a neat style, so aa toin-u:e ion.t-it. The r. ceiving p nlors an- nl-o fun i-hed in a hi rf f 1h, the w indowa aie on l!ie f h i eh fvle. (orniii g an entrance to a bnleoiiy in front, nbiib nijUes a pliHi-ai.t reresw. I'mtiriilai ti.iiii n bsi beer) given to the beds anil hi tiding, which, with the furniture, are emiii lv new. Mom yta-h' experience in I. .Mel Misines. we tTUkt, by strict ass duity to bnsmest, to make thi houso a dcurolile stepping pl .ee. Our table will always lesuppbed wuh the vi ry lust our maiket CPU atVoid, and obi bar wiih the beat liquors ami wines of the uiont approved brands. P. S. 'i'here are first rate stabling ir,d carrinpe holles attached to the hotel, ttirnded by ca tl'ol and sober hostlers, and our charges w ill be low, in e.-eonlunre with the prei-eut haid times. Philadelphia, Oct. 7th, 1S42. i UK ION HOTEL, Cifierul Stage l.tfiice,) sra; tcj w gc: , LYCOMING COUNTY, I'tniis) Mania. riHE Hnbscribrr rrspecifully informs his friend X and the public in (tncr.il, that he baa taken the above LAIidi: AM) COMMODIOI S HOTEL, IN THE BOROUGH OF M U N O Y, and that he i now well p'eparej to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom. His SLitrmo A TART IMS t.re well aiied, and eoinfnrlHble, Mi-Tt m r ami Bih will h' ays be snppli.d ':ili die l- n the maiket ran aTord. His r-iiBiisii, which is goid, will I under ti e t -barge ol good and CS'i ttd b -tillers. He fn It eonriilenl, by ktriet attention to hu-ineta, nnd an esu etl desire to rentier c mfortable iIiim. who nmy l aifointe him.ihat he will not f.il togivi) -er.rl s.ui.fa tmn. If. B. WEAVER. ' v 't. Ul, 181. If, par j .r pat par i -i ! !. I I- -LL-, L.-U1 L . .. . The left method for the Abolition of Disease it to cleanse and purify the Body. WItICiIIT'8 IXDIAX TEOF.T AIIIjR PILLS OF THR JVhrth American College of Health, Are now acknowledged to he the best Medicine in the World for the cure of F-VERY VARIETY OP DISEASE. BECAUSE they completely rleensc the ato marh and bow-els from thi se billious and cor rupt humors which are the caue not only of Headache, Gidiliness, Patpttntion of the Heirt, Pa'ns In the Bones, F.hrumntism nnd Guilt, hut every mslsily incident In man. 8AID INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS ore a certain cure f. r in teirniltcnt, icmitb d, nervous, inflamstory and pu'rid Fevers. hi(inse thev cleanse the p.idy from those moibid humors, which, when confined to the circu lation, are ihe cone of all kinds of FEVERS. So, also, when the same impurity is deposited on the ncmbim-e and muscle, causing p.tos, inflitm. lions and swellings culled RHEUMATISM, GOVT, Ac. W right's Indian Vegetable Pills may be relied ijn n alwava ertain 'o gie rlief. nnd if persevrred with, Rcrmtllne to direction Will most iissiuidlv, and without f-iit, mike a perfect ill c of ihe nbnve painfd n nbiilies. From three to six of said Indiiin Vtgi'tnh'e Pills l iken every niahl go. h'g In bed, v ill in a -hoit time so completely rid the body from every thing that m opposed to health, tbat Rl,cnmntim, Gout, arid piin of everv ilecrip tion, will be literally DRIVEN FROM THE BO DY. For the a.itne reason, when, from sudden changes of alino-phi ie. or at y other cine, the per. spi'Stinn is check' d, nn-.l the humnis whxh shoubl pos i. (V bv th" sliin are thrnwn inwardly, causing HEADACHE. GIDDINESS, inuva'snd tick nifs, pain in the bi ins, wa'eiy and ii flamed eyes, sore throat, hoarsene-s, congl s, consumption", rln unntic pains in raiiousiart of the body, and ninny oihi r svmp'nms of CATCHING COLD. Wright's Indian YeQetuUe I'i'l.i will invariably civc ininiedi te r lief. From three to six of aid Pil's tl;i n every iiiul.t on goina to l d, will in a sl.oit time, not on'v remove nil the above iiiu-b aj int ay ni torn, but the body wdl, in a short time, be restored to even sounder beul h ll an before. ASTHM A, on DIFFICULTY OF BREATH 1N5. Wright' l id un VegttuUe Pills will loo, en nnd ear y off, by the stomach and boweia, those tough pbbgmy humor-, which slop up s!l the air cells of the lung's, and nre the cause, not only of the a!-ote distressing Coniplaint. but when neilecieil, often trrininnie in thin n o eibea.lful malady called CONSUMPTION. Il shou'd be alsoien ernbeird thai Wright's Indian Yrgriah'f I'ills are a ceitain cine for PAIN IN THE SIDE. Oppression, nau sea, and sit'knri, lo-s of appi tiie, costivenrsa. a yellow tii ge of the skin hi.i1 t yes. ond every other symptom of a t. -rpid or diseased state of the hvir; leeaiKi- tl.i y pnrui tr .in the body those impurities w hich if th posited upon this important ore in, are th- cull e of ocry vari.-tv f LI V F.R CtlM PLAIN T. W inn a tuition is convulsed by hot-, ouilTraks and n 1 eliion. the only menus of pn vent ing 'be dri'mlfi.l Coim qiiein'es of a CIVIL WAR, is to ex el all traitors, and t vil il fpnsi d om s from the coun'ry. In I l.e mtinner, u hi ii pain ar sick ties of any kind, indiiale that the body is Mritir plinC w ith ilitrri ul furs, the Iruc reiiif-dv is lo EX. PEL ALL MORRiD HUMIIRS, (Traiiors lo heabh and l.fr.) Health will he the crrtmn rtiuU. Tbat the pui.eiple of t tiriiiK di-eaw, by cleansing and pinilvii'.g the t ody, it stiictly in accordance with the laws which pourn the annnid tconomy; and if proierlv eariied rut by the Use of the above named WRIOIIT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, will ceilainly result In ihe comphte Abo I lion of Di-c;ise ; we oiler the tollowiug teslimotii sl, firm pirson, of the bight st re-peciabiliiy in New Yoik, who have iccentiy been cuied of the most obstinate coinpiaints, solely by the use of Wiiioiit's Ijm.un VictTinu; PiM.a, of the iori American Cvlltge of Health : Jimiii i. L. I., June 9th. 1S4I. Doctor William r-ght Dr .r Sir It is with trt-.t Fati-fnetii'ii I iiifui in you of ,.iv having le. n mtiie'y cuieil of Dyspepsia, of I've y ears siandiog. by the use of your 1 hi m Viostahi.k Pii.ls. Pnvioiis to meei nc wiih i r ct-lebrattd undi cine, I b id hi en nndrr the IhiikIh of seveial Physt cisi s, and had 'rod imoii- n-nliriiies ; but all t ' no clli cl. Altir u-ii g ope V;!) cent bov of your Pills, howi t r. I t p. r'n ri ed o much bp. efit, lint I re-olvt d lo pi r-rti ie in the tire of Ibein aeeoiilini: to directions, wl ii h I am happy to sinte, h..s roult- it in a petfn t cine. Iii'atitude to you f n li e great bent fit I hue itemed, and nl--o in the hope that other siniil-iily nflliet. d m:iy beindui ed lo in:. be tiiul of your i iinn idiniiy Incdii ine, I send you this .-t:,ii no ol wuh full l.brity to piibliah the srirnr, it v on think pr. .per. Yours, Are. Ntw Voik, June I'J, 1 15-11. (i.C. BLACK. Mr. Richard Dei.nis, agent for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Dear Sir I have hi en afflicted for set era! year ! widi inward wt:,knt' and general debility, acii.m- I ni iid at limes with p:nrm in the aide and other dlsirt s,-h g rniiiplailits. Aft. I having tried various mrdii ines i'hoi 1 1 th ct. I wa pesu tiled by a fiii II I to iiiuke trial tf Dr. Wiigl.t'a Indian Veseluble Pills, whuh I am happy to state, h ive rulievv.l ine in a nmxt w lob I lu I in uinor. I have used 'he. me dirii e. h- y i I ul a boll time, and have no ilonbt, by a pt rsi ii-r un e in die ue i f tbe mrdiei ie accor. ihi'c t ihieetioi.fi. th.-i I thall iii a short time be I i it- edv If -lii'f i. 1 ii,.-si vil!u (j 1 reionitoftd sii.l Pdls to sllper son siunbii'y i.ll'i. n.l. and in the full belief that the one bei-elieinl it tu ts w ill f.dh.w their use, I re. iiicin xciuu sineeiilv. HLNRV A. FtttiTE. Waiwarsnig, Ulster co, N, Y. Nw Yr.iiK, Sept. SD. l41. Tin i to certify that I have used U ii tour's !shi A Kii rihli. Pins with the greatesl bene ft: baiiicenir.lv cured mvell of tl.e fnqui nt at IniksofSieU Heiid.ii he, to which I had previously l.n su'ojtci. ANN MARIA I Hi i.M PSON. .'i'.l'i Greeiiwieh fiireei. N. Y. To Mr. Richard Dmiiu, Agent lor Wright' In dian Yt i,cublc Pi i. f.f r ri o.v. A s there aie at Ibis tune many wicRed persona inrsi'v t lignged in Kt1t-,ng r.iriteifeii medicine mi di r II v lihine of ll.e liultun Vtl'el.il-le Pills and a Pen' eisiiale null are so utterly reiklt-sa of COB S' quel. cis, thai many valuable bves may be but in roiiseyiteiii e of using tl elr dreadful roinpt-und, inn put'l c are cannoned against purchasing any I'ills. unless on the i ides of the bona ihe following wmdiiiK i found : WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE TILLS. Indian I'urgutive.) Or THI 0H Til JMlHICtN CULIICE OF UlilTU. Arid alse to be especially cartful against purcha sing said medicine of any person except Ihe regu lar advertised agents. AGENTS FOli NOKTIIUMDEIiLASD CO., J'lnnsylvaiiia. II. B. Masser, Suuhtiry Wm. Forsyth, Nor thumbeiland Jacob Haas, Sbamokin Samuel Herb, Miihonoy Bverly & D. liana, Aur.ii.ta Thomas Foilmer, Milton Irebnid Ac Mem II, McEwensville E S. Pipec, Turbutsville James L'lt-v!, Potlsgrove 11. Khise, Snvderstow n II. H. Ki.obel. P. M.. Elyaburg P. O. Win. Lei-eniing, P M. Union Corner. Ollica and (irnrral Dejol for the sale of Wright's Indian Yfgtlatte Fills, Wholesale anil Ifeuil, No. lta 11 Al'fc .STREET, PHILADEL PHIA. May j!I, )8tX-ltf HOSE OINTMENT. FOR TETTER. RINGWORM", riMPl.tS ON THE fACE, AND OTUEK ct'TANForsj rairTiiiNn. (Jj The folhitoingcertifica'e describe one vf the most extraordinary cures ever effected by any application. PHitiiirtsHti, Fehruaty 10, 1839. TOR twenty year I was severely efllicli d with - TtTTin on the Face and Heads the disease commencrd when I was seventeen years old, and continued until the Fall of 1836, varying in vio lence, but without ever disappearing. During most of the time, great psrt of my fico. was covered with the eruption, frequently attended with vio'ent Itch ing; my head swcl'cd at timra until it felt sa if it would burst the swelling vrss so gteat, that I could scarcely get my hat on. During the long period that I was afflicted wi'h the dieae, I Used a great many ni plication, (among them several celebrated preparation-) as w. II ns tukinir inward rempdiea, inrlodinga number ofhoftlci of Swaim'i Panacea. Extract of Sarsupnrilla, &c, In fact, it would he impossible to enumerate all the medicines I used. I wa. olo under the Care of two of the most dis tinguished physicians of thi city, hut without re ceiving much benefit, and I despaired of ever being cured. In the fill of 181S0, tho diseae t.t the time being very violent, I commenced Using the Rote Ointment, (preparrd by Vaughan ct Davis.) In a few applications the violent itching ciased, the swelling abacd, the i ruiition began to disappear, and bebre I hud used ajar the disease wa entirely cuted. It lias noiv been neor'y a yar and a ha'f since, and there is not a vestige of the diseac re maining, except the eenrs from the deep pit formed by tbe disease. It is impossible for me to diacribe in a certificate the severity of the disease and my sulh ring, but I will l-e pie ised to give a fuller nc count to any person wanting further satisfaction, who will cull on me. At the lime I commenced using the R se Ointment I would have given bun dled of do lais to he rid of the disease. Since u sing it, I have recommended it to several persons, (ainorii! ll.eni my mother, who had the disease bad ly on her a in,) who w. re a l cured bv it. JAM F.r DURN'ELL, No. Llli, Race ft. rXj" Tbe Rose Ointment j piepared by E. B. Yaiitihau, S .u h East corner of 'J'hird and Race stre. I, Plii'tuhljiliia, and sold on acencv in Sonhu ry. bv H. B. MASSER, May 14ih. 1843. Asent. Hose Ointment, loi' Tit It r. A PROOF OF ITS EFFICACY. Pint n fTpitiA. May 27lh, 1HM3. rT,IIIs' i to ceriify tl at I wa severely afflicted nith Teller in the hands and feet for upwards of forty years ; the disease wa attended qtlieniily with vio'ent iti'htng and sivelliug. I nppbed to a number of physicians, and usid a great many nppli ca ions without i Heeling a cure. ALout a V ar since. I appl ed Ihe Rose Ointment, which enliiely stopped ihe iii-hiim. and a few application tmniedi atilvcurtd the diH-nse, which there ha been no return of, although I had never been rid of it al any lime for forty yeais. RICHARD SAVAGE, El.venth. below Spiuce Sneet. The Roto Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vaiiehan. S tuth East corner of Tbitd and Race iStreels, Philadelphia, and sold on aenry in Suiiltu ry by 11. B. MASTER, May I4lh, 181.1. Agemt. IVIEDICAIi AXTROBATION Of the HOSE Ol.TMEMfur TttUr. A LTHOUGH the soperioiilv of ihe prepaiaiion over all otlo is is fully es'abli-hiil. the pr-pre-lors Inks pb e-ure in hiy.nc before the public the following certifica'e from a respectable, physician, a graduate of ihe University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Baueb, having f.utnd in tbi temrdy that relief f r a tedious and disagreeable afloction which the mean within Ihe ranjse of I U profession f-iiled to atl'oid. bn not hesitati d to give il bis approbation, hIiIi. uh the prejudices and ir.tt rests of that profession aie i jiposed to secret Rciitcdie. PitiLiKFi.eui a. Sept. 19, lSlfi. I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic eruption, w hit h coiced n.-ailv one si 'e ofmv fice, iiinl extended over the ear. Mr. Vauchan, proprie loi of tbe Rose Ointment, obst-iviug my face, iiish-tt-il on my tty ine bis preparation, of which he han ded li e a j ir. A llhoiieh in eoruiiion w ilh the n.em beis of 1 1 1 v profession, I tllNeouiilt nance and disap prove ot the numerous nostrum palmed upon the public by iunoi ant pri ten.krrs, I ',c injustice bound toeicept the Rose Ointment from that c'a a of me d.cines. nnd lo i:iie it uiv siprobation, a it entire lv Hired the eruption, although it hid resitted the u'sud applications. DANE BAI'OH, M. D. (TV The Rose Ointinent is piepared by E. I!. Yaunhaii, South East corner of Third and R'tce j Stie.'is, Pmiadi-'phia, and cold on sguicv in Sun- I burv, by H. B. MAS.SUK, May 14th. 184:1. Agent. ! J. MAY LAND. JR. & CO. Niiufl' and Tobacco Mariulaclutcrs, .Vo. yj AoriA West corner of Race and Third K Street. PHILADELPHIA. rPHE nndi-rsigned have formed a Co-partnership -- under the firm of J, M A YL AN I). J u. & Co.. a successor t i ihe Iste firm of Jncab Atailund S Co.. slid w ill c intluue the l usuie-a nt ihe old esta blishment, tin ibetr ow n accoonl. In. addition to their own close attention and f vp.'iii-iic-n f..i many years, in tbe manuf.n'lure of their eeft hratt-d snuir-, e., ihe lonir i V pei ii nee of the senior pailnt-r of tbe bile firm, will also be drvoled to the interest of ihe new concern and as no exertion and care will be spared to insure tin ir goods, at all tun. s of the ve ry best quiihiy. they solicit a continuance of Ihe Ciiiitidfiire of thu I iii-iids and eut.nner of the late fiim. THOMAS ADAMS, J. M AYLAND, Ju. Phila.lt Iphiajltay 14th, 1843. ly EAGLE Cormr il Third and Vine Streets, WILIiXAMSrORT. TA. fnill' sol-stnU-r r.Fpeclfully announces to the j pubhc, that be h . opened a Hotel 111 ihe com ninilmua briek building s Unite on the coiner of 'I hud and Pun- streets, where be will be happy lo wail up- n those who may f.vor him ivip. Iheii company, i be r.i.le Hotel is U.ge and conveni vni, and furnished il. tbe le-t modem stile. It is provided wuh a huge number of well aired and comfortable flei ping apartments, rooms, private arh.rs, &c- Peison visiting Williamsport on bu siness or pleasure, may rest as-ur.d that everv ex ertion will l-e used to render their sojourn at the "Eagle Holt I" pleasant and agreeable. Hi Table will lie supplied with the very biat the maiket af fords, and his bar with ihe cl oicest wines and oilier liquor charge re.aouable. The Eagle Holrl possesses greater advantages in point of location than any other similar establishment in ihe borough, being situate in the business putt of the town, and within a convenient distance of the Court House ami Williamsport and Elmira Rail Road Depot. Sufficient Hialiling provided, and good and trusty ostlera always in attendance. Attentive, accon. miniating and honest Servants have been employed, and nothing left undone that will add to the comfoit and accommodation of hi gtietts. I'here will he a carriage alwaya in attendance al the Boat Landing to convey passenger to and from the House, frte of charge. CHARLES BORROWS. II. r Tub, 1842,-t . Al ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUITBURV, PA. Bnalnese attended to in the Countiea of Nor. thuBlerland, Union. Lvcoming and Columbia. Refer lot J ROM'S lltrtT & Co.. Lowrn At Baao-f. Hiar, CrjMMtwn Ac Haht, yPhilad. itiTitoLna, McPAHtAwn fe Co. 8etmio, Goon Ac Co., To Country MERCHANTS. 'T,HE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon Ar Harris, Hat Manufacturers, for New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other large cities, whoso Hats nre highly commended for quod col-tt and durnlility, na oil hand first rate nsinrtm"nt of HA I a and CAPS, r-uit-ihle for Sprinp site, wh ch will t-e sold very low, foi ch or appioved credit, at tbe nr.erf cheap store. No. 40, North Third sfroil, oppjsi'e tho City Hotel, Philadelphia. ROBERT D. WILKINSON, Acnt. N. B. Orders for Hats in the rouh. promptly attended to. Thi highest price in tush or trade given f.ir Fur llcin. Philadelphia, June 11, 1843.--ly iwQ)TrBaz3jrai"' A LL persons indebted to the firm of Lyon A Harris, under tbe agency oft). N, Thscher, (if and Cap Manufacturers, No. 40 North Third, street, Philadelphia, are requested to make immedi ate settlement of th ir account w ith the subscriber, their legally auihori7ed agent, who is fully empow eled to fettle and collect the account of said firm. ROBERT D. WILKINSON, June 4th, 18 12. tf Agent. GOLD E N SWAN JN'o. GU Aorlh Third, above Arch Strut, PHILADELPHIA. ACCOMMODATIONS! VOIt fEVF.NTY rrRNONSi. pHARLES WEISS, latenf the "White Swan." " and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in form his friend and customers, that be ba become tbe proprietor of the abov well know n Hotel. Country Metchsnt will find ihe above Hotel a central I cation, and the best of faro. Persons tra velling with private conveyance will find a large yard and good stabling foi horses, and Ihe best of ostleis. Boarding f 1 perdav. May I4ih. 181?. If. "VIC. HEILIJLIT & CO., ! . . 1 I Commisiun A: Forwnnlinjr Mt rcluints, Font of WMaw Street Rail Road, ot tiik m l w i nr. AVINO ssiociiited vih ihem .losei.h Barrel, II, l ite of Easton, Pa., r. soei tfullv inlorrn their friend-, and tbe public generally, that they have ta. k. n th t large and wr I known store and w harf at foot of Willow Street Railroad, lately oecopie I bv Jacob Martin, where thev pmpo-ie doing a 'eu. ral Commission and Forwarding Ilu-inen, and f-om the local ndvantBi'e of ihe place being conn, cled with nil the public improvements that have their out'el in the citv, thev fatter themsrlies ihey will be able to do business lo as gre it, if not g eater ad vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as any other house, and thev assoie their friends tbat any con signments made lo them shall have their s'rirl at tention, and no exertions spared to give entire satis faction. They are also prepared to receive and fotward goods to any point on the Delaware and Leb eh rivers, between Mauch ('bunk. Easton and Phils-dt-lj hia, via Delaware Divisi. n and Lehigh Can .Is; also, (o anv point on the Juniata river, or Nonh and West Blanche of the Su-quehiinna via Scbuyl. kill and Union, or (he Chesapeake and Tide W.itct Cina's. For the accommodation of Boats coming or go. ing via Sihuvlkill and Union Canal, a Ste.ruboal li Kepi riprcssiv lor towing Hosts Irom ine ; Schuylkill around lo ihe Del.iw aie and back, wbieh will en ible merchants to have their piodu.ee deli veted on the Delaware, and their goods sbippid at a saving of 50 to 75 per cent, im the prices fir h.iulinu aco-s. with lluse advantages they re spiclful'y solicit a share of patronace. W. lltill..MA- & LU William Heitman, I 3 Philad , May 14, 1843. 1 Wdbam W. Ki vser, Joseph Barnet. 3 Philad .May 14, 1843. ly BOLTON & CO. (.oiicral Commission .llvrt hauls, J-'nr the Sale if I'luur. drain, iked, S?; "Sc. 1I Ik ,i PEt-'TFULLY inform their friend and the Merchants generally, that they have la- ken those large and commodious Wbarvrs, with two Dotks, ninth of Chesnut strict, on the Dolawire, together with the store No. 19 South Wh irves, where thev would be pleased to receive consien iiieut of Gram, Floui, Seed, Whiskey, Iron, Ac, Ac. Being also well p'epaied to forward all kinds of Merchandise by the Schuylkill nnd Union, or by the Chesapt eke und Tide Water Canals, as tow boats ar.: kept expiessly foi the purpose of toning boats by i'ber inu'e. Meic.hauts wilt ple.i6e he particular to send their goi ds ties lined by either canal.-, to No. ID South Wh .Ives, between Maiket and Chesnut streets, on Ihe Delaware, with dirctn.ii accompany ing limn which route ihey wish Ibem ti be shipped. fjj" Plaster and Salt for sale, al the lowest mar ket price. BOLTON At. Co. March 19,1813. No. 19 South Wh-trve. itoiti :ht c.iitTi:it & $ox, PAPER HANUFAOTUninS, Lombard Strut, Uutttmorr, HAVE constantly for sale, Printing Paper of ah size and qualities, Cup Writing Paper, rub d and plain. Letter Paper, white and blue, ruled and plain. Hanging Paper, fine and common,' Envtlope Paper, do. do. medium, doub'e ciown, crown and em sized Wrapping Papers, Colored Medium snd Royal Pie-, Bonnet, Binder' and Stiaw Box Boards, Tissue Paper, snd u II articles in their I ne, which tbey will veil on accommodating ttrtii. ILghest price given for old ran. ROBERT CARTER A SON. March 19, 1843. Elktoii. Md CHRYSOLITE FCLIhT VN aitic'e unequalled fur cleaning and giving a highly durable and most bnlhant polish to sil ver, German Silver, Brass, Copper, BiitUnia ware, 'I'm, Steel, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on varnished carnage-, Ac. TRlf IP. Prepared an.t sold al wholesale and retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego, Tioga county, N. Y. WM. FOPtSYTH, Agent for Nofihum'd, H. B. MASSER, Agent for bunbury. November 20th, 1842. ' rivrm dhweiis, LAST MAKER, No. 74 CallowhiH Street, Philadelpliia S ("Three doors above t'econd.) HOP'. Eindingsalways kept on hand, which he offer for sale on the loe-t terms. Country Meicb inteare parttcuUrly to c ill and judge for themselves. Philadelphia, Nevcmser 13, 184. ly. G. V. & L. B. TAYLOR. OFFER FOR 8ALE, at the South East Cor ner of Fifth and Market Streets, Philadelphia- Mens' Calf-skin Boota.atitched warranted. do do do pegged do do do do wafer proof, double sole and double uppers. do Calf-skin do do Jo nailed and uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Boots. do do Neata do do. do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin. do do do Crockera do do Fine Monroes warranted do Kip do do dn Calf do do do Coarse do do do do Shoes do do Fine do do do Kip do do do Calf and Seal Skin Tumpa. do List Socks with and without eolea; do Carpet do do J0 do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moecaaina. Ladies' do do ,0 J0 Ladies' fanned India Rubber shoe. Gentlemena' do Over shoes. With every other desc.iption of hoots and shoes, Furt 'aps of every deieription. Travelling Trunk of every description. Venetian Travelling Bags. Patent Gum Elastic Shoe Bhcking. Bonnets of all kind. Palm Leaf Hat. Philadelphia, November 13, 1842. ly. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW ENGLAND OH COMPANY No. 29 Nn!i Water Street, Pltila. 1 a ANUFACTURERS and dealers in Oils of X V H every description both for burning and manufacturing purposes, which will be sold much lower llian they can be procured elsewhere, and warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by ihe company not proving as represented, may be relumed without airy expense to the pur chaser, nnd the money will be refunded. Their stock now in store consists of the following oils, viz: 30,000 gallons Winter Bleached Speim" Oil, s fiOOO 15 .noo 10.(100 20.00(1 GHOO do do Colorless Oil, do Fall and Spring Sperm Oil, do Winter St-a Elephant, do do Pressed W lude Oil, do Summer do do do ; 1 5,000 do Common Whale Oil, 200 Barrels supriiol Sira u Oil, 300 do Cod Hank Oil, nu it.t .eu's r not Uil, tr 75 Cask Olive Oil, Tar tier's ' iU. j This Company has a number of Vesela" ,-n-Ktilied in tbe Cod Fishery, and Tanner may rely upon petting at all times Oil as pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 13. IS 12. lv. .TBicti.K'l Weaver tV Son, norc iviAKEns & sinr chandlers. No. 13 Ao7i W'nlcr btna. Philadelphia. S1H AVE constantly on hand, a genernt nssort 3 im iit of Cordaire, Seine T ines. Ac., viz : I ur'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, Manil la Ropes, Tow Lines tor Canal Boats. Alao, a complete assortment of Seine Twine, Ac. such ss Homp Shud and Herring Twine, Best Patent Gill Net Twine, Cot:on Shad and Herring Twice, Shoe Threads, A-c. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, I I alters-. Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chuiua, Ac. all of which they will dispone of on r'asonable trims. Philadelphia, November 13,1842. ly. Jacob FiiMimith & Son- I EsPECTFULLY informs thrir friends and - acquaintances ge lerully that they still con- acquaintances ge lerully Hut tbey linue to kern at the old stand. No. 24(5 Nurth 3d sirect. Philadelphia, all kinds of TOBACCO tVM .'- Ni' &EUAKS. Which they will sell m the mot '. accominodaliny and leusoiia do term. N. 11. All eoods sold wdl be gu.ii jntced and all orders promptly attcmled to. Philudelphia, Novemliei 13, 1812. ly. tSJ'ElllNG, CIOOD .tSi CO. No. V, Market Street, riiilaclcljiliia. NVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their eiieusive assortment of Britii-h French nd American Dry Goods, which they offer for sale on the mo-t reaxonuble t. rm. Philadelphia, November 13, 1812. ly. J.W. SV A 1 N Uuilircliii ami Parasol Manufacturer. iYo. 37 AW A Thud street, ttvo duort below the Citv Ilutd, Philadelphia. OUNTR Meichaut and otbers are solicited to examine bis ansoi u.itiil bt fore purchasing elsew here Philadelphia, NovemUr 13. 1S12. ly. FC?. GALS. (IT? klrt . sinnll Kim. e.ti.taii.iiif. uh.ml ..lie. liundie. I and ten acres, more or le-s, situ ite in Point township, Northuud trland Countv, about two inili abovo Noilbiimlierl ind, on the main . road leadim; from that place to D-mville, adjoining I lands of John l.eghou, Jesse ('. llorton and others, ; now in the occupancy of Samuel Payne. About i forty acres of s od tract are clean d, and in good state of cu'tivatiun, on which Ibere ia a small barn I erected. Tbe property will lie sold on reasonable trims. Fur further particulars, it i sons are request I cd to apply to tbe ul -scribe r. i H. B. MASSER, 4f.. ' Nov. 27th. IS42. if Siinbury. Pa. ! lIstIofooks" i run silk a t V.Nl'HON'S Classical Dictionary; Lemprier'a do.; Ainswniih's do ; Cobb's do.; English and Oci man do ; Anthnn's C'asar; Anthon'a (irammer; Anthen'a Ciceio; Mail's Latin Reader; Ogilby'sdo.; A rub en's Latin Lessens; D-nnegan's LexKim; Fisk' (ire. k Exercise; Davie.'a Lerendei; Graert Majora; Adams' Roman Antiquities; PinnocL'a Goldsmith's England; do. Greece; L) ell's Elements of Geology; Mis. Lincoln' Botany; Elements of Botany; Bridge'a Algebra; Porter'e Rhetorical Rea ders; Emrrson'a, (ifography and History; Olney'a do.; Parity' do Smith's (irammer. Kiikham's do.-, Kay 'a Headers; Cobl 'a do ; Cobb's Anlbmeiick; I'i'ae's do.; Emt-raon's do.; Cobb's Spelling Bovks; Town'a do.; Cobb'a Table Books; Evangelical Fa mily Lihiary; Coitsge Bible; Family do; Collter al do.; Small Brides and Testaments; Pirei's Ex ercise on Composition; Fruit of ihe Spirit; Bsx'rt'a S.inl' Ren American Revolution; Marryall'a No vrls; Mra. Phelps on Cbemiatry; Iliad; Catechism of American Laws; Letters on Natural Magic; Che mistry for Beginners; English Exercise adapted 10 Murray' Grammer, Sequel lo Comb-y'a Spelling Book; American Cla Book; DehoU's Schoolmaa tei'a Assistant; A crest variety uf Blank Books, 4c, August 2H, l4g. BLANKS FOH SAIFAT TJUSOFflCE.