Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, May 25, 1844, Image 3

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    a much greater influence with his fellow mem
bers than most of thoie whose name wore daily
in the newspaper.
On my retarn to Congress in December 1914,
having been absent between three and four years,
I still found Mr. Muhlenberg in the House j and
with a reputation greatly increased and an influ
ence greatly extended. In the war which had
leen waged, in the meantime, by the Bank of
the United States against General Jackson, he
was a pillarof strength in support ofthe adminis
tration. In the hour of deepest darkness, when
that corrupt and corrupting Institution was bring
ing all its forces into battle against the hero and
Vhe sage who then administered the Government,
and when many weak disciples quailed and ma
ny even deserted the cause of Democracy, Mr.
Muhlenberg stood the mure firm amidst the fear
ful conflict. To him belongs the distinguished
honor of having moved and carried the previous
question in February 18:11. thus terminating the
Hank panic war which had rnged for more than
Two months in the House nf Representatives. I
have more than once heard General Jackson him
self speak in the strongest terms of the support
which he received throughout this conflict from
Utncral Muhlenberg, as he always called him.
and when, on one occasion, I told him that Mr.
Muhlenberg Was no General, his reply was "no
matter, he ought to have been a General."
Respected by all, Mr. Muhleiili Tg continued,
ably and faithfully to represent his district in
Congress until February lJj.'i-l, when he was ap
pointed our first F.nvoy Extraordinary and
Minister Plenipotentiary to Austria. A States
man of German descent, ami u thorough German
scholar was thus most appropriately selected to
open our diplomatic relations with the Austrian
It was to have been expected that the friends
of Mr. Sliuuk, who are justly und devotedly at
tached to him, would experience temporary mor
tification and regret at their disappointment. In
deed this was inevitable. I am happy, however,
to observe that these feelings have gradually
yielded to the prevailing ailed ion of every true
democrat for "the good old cause." in the success
of which the liberty and happiness of the people
of this country an: deeply involved. Men are
but the beings of a summer's day, whilst princi
ples pass from generation to generation and are
Nor have the friends of Mr. Shunk any reason
to regard Mr. Muhlenberg with a jealous eye.
From my intimate knowledge ofthe man. I shall
hazard the assertion, that h will bury in oblivi
on all that has occurred adverse to himself be
fore and at the tth of March Convention; and
should he bo elected, in his selections for ollice.
will only enquire, '-Is he honest is he capable?"
Nay more, I shall venture strongly to express
tny firm conviction that he is wholly uncommit
ted to any man or set ofm"n by any promise,
direct or inferential, to confer office upon them,
and t hat he will stand upon the broad platform
of Democracy without being influenced by any
cliipt s or sections of the party.
Believing in the pre-eminent qualifications nf
Mr. Muhlenberg, to meet the present cricis in
our State affairs, in his known and acknowledged
integrity, and in his ennin? Democracy. I shall
give him my most cheerful and cordial support.
I am happy to learn that his nomination lias been
well received in your county, and as might have
been expected from your known character, that
he will receive your hearty support, notwith
standing you were originally a friend of Mr.
Shunk. With sentiments of respect.
I remain your friend,
William Nichols, F.sq.
Augusta Democratic Jlt'iting.
A gathering of the Democrats of Augusta j
township, took place at the Public House of Geo
Conrad, on the lth int. Major SAMUEL
LANTZ was called upon to preside, and Pktfr
Vandlino, Gko. Saviiiui , John D. Covrao, Dn.
Jotiv Rrakf.r, Joki. Yordv, Gko. Kkvfkr, John
Foy, and John Smifmsx, were appointed Vice
Presidents, and John. Yordy, F.q and Abrahum
Shipman Secretaries.
The object ofthe meeting having been stated,
on motion of Gideon Leisenring, the following
committee wan appointed to draft resolutions,
viz: Gideon Leisenring, Aaron Kelly, Daniel
Zimmerman, George Conrad, Abraham Yeager,
Daniel Keyser, Benjamin Geigt-r, Jaeob Gi incr,
Jacob Yontey and Jacob Reeser.
The committee, through their chairman, re
ported the following resolutions, which were a
lopted by acclamation :
Resolved, That the Democratic party, of Penn
sylvania, is efficient in numbers ami capable of
triumphing over the combined forces of whiggcry
und antimasoury, and a glorious victory awaits
ua in the approaching Presidential and Guberna
torial contests, if we organize our forces, put on
our armor, and battle manfully lor our cherished
Resolved, That we will accord our cheerful
support to the nomination of the Convention
about to assemble in Baltimore, for the nomina
tion of Democratic randidutei for President and
Vice President. Let the Convention be guided
by the approved maxim, "evtav eor the
cai'ke, NOTiiiNu Foa nkn," and the Democracy
will respond to the nominations, at the polls, by
overwhelming majorities.
Rttohed, That the Democracy of Augusta re
spond with united voices to the nomination of
HENRY A. MUHLENBERG, aa the Democrat
ic rand i (late far Governor, and we pledge him our
old f.tshioned Democratic majority of 454J)
Firm and unwavering in every emergency on
ward and steadfast in principle able and honest
the Republican ion of Republican and Revolu
tionary ancestors he is justly the favorite of the
Democratic Party ofthe State, aa well aa of Old
Berks He has faithfully and honestly discharged
every trutt reposed in him, whether at home or
abroad, and the Democratic freemen of the Key
btcne ftate will confide the Gove, rnment in his
WT'P'W .. . . .1 .i J. i , ' ,!
hands with implicit confidence, that it will be
administered with nn enlightened and faithful
regard to their interests and happiness.
Resolved, That the efforts of Gov. Porter, to
reduce the expenses ofthe public printing, and to
ferret out the fraud and plunder nf the Treasu
ry, by a dishonest combination of Printers, at
Harrisbnrg. meets with our hearty approbation ;
and the late patriotic stand which he took to pre
serve the Constitution against the encroach
ments ofthe Legislature, entitles him to the re
spect and confidence of every friend of our instu
tionsand laws.
Remdvrd, That we heartily approve of the
course of F.nw.r,D V. TtRtoiiT, F.sq , our Repre
sentative in the last Legislature. He has faith
fully and honestly discharged his duty, and de
serves the approbation of every citizen.
Resolved, That the proceedings of this meet
ing be published in the Democratic papers ofthe
Tun !,at Pi.ea. A wn; tells a funny story,
a!he t slightly tinpod with hyperbole, of A case
recently brought before the Recorder. A fel
low was charged with stealing a piece of cloth
from a dry pood store, when his lawyer put
in, as a plea, that his client did not see it.
Not see it V said the Recorder.
'lie did not see it, sir,' responded the law
yer. 'What do you mean ?' queried the Recor
der. Why, I mean, sir, that the individual ehnr
ped with stealing that cloth did not tee it, sir
he could not sec it, sir it's an invisible green.'
Office nflht Dtrri mohk Amkrica. Miy 20.
FLOUR. Sales ol Susquehanna Flour on Satur
day and to-day at ft 50.
GRAIN. We hesr of no Maryland Whrst at
mnrk't fori day or two past. We quote good to
prime at 9.") a 1 00 ce. The receipts of IVnnsvIs
vsni; wheats have been verylirgo. The s ilet on .'
Ssiunlay were alu.ut 10,000 bushels red at 1(10 n I
1(1" cents for prime, and at 9."i cents for smutty p r- i
eel. Neurly the same quantity was sold to.ibiv, i
though at fraction less, the price obtained for prime '
lois being 1)7 a 100 cts. Sale of yello.v Corn at !
4.1 a 44 cents, and of white at 40 a 41 cts. We!
qui t ' Outs at 27 a 2 cents, j
WHISKEY, The demand is very moderate, i
Small s ites of hhds. ut21J a 23 c. nil, and i f l)bl !
at22J a 23 cents. j
j To the Pi'iiLtc The unprect dented success
which his r sul eil foin the adoption of Ilramlri tU's
Pills, during a period of upwards of ninety years;
the numerous and extraordinary cures which they
hsv performed upon hundreds of individuals
wlm.n ihey have rescued from alino.t inevitable
death, hlirr they had Wen pronounced incurable l y
tl e mo-t eminent of ti e faculty justify Dr. Benjv
niin Brandreth, the proprietor of this Vegetable U
riiversil Medicine, in warmly and conscientiously
recommending it to the especial notice of the pub
lie. These Pills do indeed "assist n iture" to all she
en do for the u ifiCMtion of the human body ; yet
tb re are numbers whose ctses ure so had, and ,
whose I (xlirs lie so much del'ibtuu-d, that all that
can reasonably be enpict. d, is tnnporary relief;
ncverth. less, some who have commenced
these Pills under the most tiyirig circumstances of
bodily affliction, when almost every other remedy
l.a I be. n a' unavailable, have been restored
in health and happiness by tlteir Use. Dr. Bran
drcth his to return thinks to a generous and en
lightened public for the patronage they have bel
lowed on I im ; nd he hope--, by preparing the
medicine .. he h. sever dom-, to merit a coiniiiua-
tion nf f.,vors.
fXj Purchase of H. B Miner, Sunbury.orof
the agents, pubhahed in another part of this paper.
.n .1 ii it m k it ,
On Thursday, the f'th inst . by the Rev. A.
Britain, Mr. Elijah C. Horn, to Miss Elizabeth
Parry, both ot Columbia co.
On Thursday th- 16th inst., by the same. Mr. j
PllKR YoiTM, to Miss F.LIZA GlLUIR, both of J
Shuinokin tp. i
- ! j
Corrtdrd wtthly by Henry Yuxthnmtr.
Whkat, . 8."
Rte, ...... 6o
Coajr, 40
0rs, v:,
Pork, ......
Fmsirn, ... . (i0
llurrtiii, . . . . . f
Bkkiwav, .... ;,r,
Tai.low, .... o
IlHitit ArrLns, - . 75
Do. Pkachks, 00
Fl, ... .8
Hicaiin Flai, - 10
Ecb. .... .6
Come and 8ce.
IV c w G o o (1 k .
Cticap for cwU or Couu
tr 1) rot. ttcc.
nil. 51 iSI'll has just recieved in assort-
merit New Goods, wlmh he will sell at
I he lowckt pilL-ea, for ci-h or Country Prodine.
Persona are invittd to call and judge for
th. msrlvra.
(Q- Best Rio Coff.e for 12 J rents. Good do. for
10, mil other an it leu in propoition.
Sunbury, Miy J5, 1844.
VLL persons are hrreby eiutionad against pur
chasing a promissory n to ,.f lony fie dol
Ura, dited Miy 9. 1844 nyabbj to Genige Miller,
jr., three months afier data, ami 'Unrd ,T the sub
rrilii, whu not received value ther.for,
are determined iiot In pay ihe same unlru comi e.
led by law. ML AW WOOLVER TON.
Augusts, May 5S, lll 3t,
roit.Mr.niYV tiu;ioxt uorsi:,
No. llO Clienmit Street,
"MIE SUBSCRIBER, recently of
- Reading, I'., would inform the pub
lic that hs his fitted up the above rapa
cious ami convenient establishment, and
will always be ready to entertain visitors. His ei.
tshlished reputntinn in the line, it ii hoped, will
afford full assurance, that hii guests will he sup
plied with every comfort and accommodation ;
whilst hit house will be conducted under such ar
rangements ai will secure a chancier fur the first
responsibility, and miafactory entertiinment for in
dividuals and families.
Charge for boarding $1 per day.
Philadelphia, May 2.1, 1841 If.
to Mr.uniiM s & Mii.Livnts.
A'o. !J0, North Second Street, ( opposite the
Madison House, J
WHERE will bo fuind I general assort- Jf
menl of Florence Braids, Alher's, Rut-2L
lauds, Peddles, Willow Plait, Rice St.w. and tlie
much admired Nenpolitsn Lace, and Fancy Bon
nets, manufactured by lis, nd for sale at the lime)
manufartU'e prices. Merchants and Milliners are
invited to give ua a c ill upon visiting the City.
N. B. We have also ennstandv making our
superior hair and oilier edgings, all of which will
be iold cheap, for rash.
Philadelphia, May 25, 19U. tf.
To Country JIc reliant.
Roots, Shoes, Bonnets, Leghorn and
Palm Leaf Hats.
G. AV. & Ti. R TAYLOll,
at the S. corner of Market anil Fifth St.,
OFFER fir sale an ixtenive nssnmnent of the
above articb s, all of which they sell at unusiat
ly low piices, and particularly invite tlie attention
nf buyers visiting Hie cilv, loan laminati-m of
their stork. G. W. & L. B. TAYLOR.
Philadelphia, May 25, 1814.
TO J,E.l$U,
The Celebrated iiV VI2I.k
HE Coid Veins and Finturei at fhnin'kiu
(iap, in C 'lnph te order to do a large business,
enn be leased on leasonable terms, together with
Drift Wiigons, Tools, &c, als 30 h'sil Wa.
Cons and a Wharf at Sunbury. Terms made known
on application to J. H PI'l!I)Y,or
Sunhury, May 18, IS 14. 3t Sunbury.
IS hereby given that the subscriber purchasd. at
Private Sale, on tbe 13ih day of May, 1 814,
of Abraham liimert, wliirh he will leave in the
poscsiou of said Rnnerl, unul he sees proper
t .ke il iway, the f i lowing prop, rty, iz:
Two Mares. 1 Colt, I Tbre-hing Machine, 1
Wagon and llody, I Clow. I Cow, I He ller, 1
lot Horse Gears, I Iron Kettle, 1 Corner Cup
board. I C.iek, 1 Table, 1 Work Stand. I Chest,
20 yards Carpet, ELIJAH KOCHEIt.
May IHlh, 1844. 3t
'PHOiSE pel sons tin vmi; demands against the
-L Conimonwea.lh tor labor perf .rine.l, or mate
nals lumlieil lor the r. pairs ol ihe
Xordi ltraudi ( anal,
prior to the 9th day of January, 1814, who hive
not handed to the subscriber in account of the
same, are ri quested to do so at the earliest possib'e
moment, in order that they m iy lie put in lorni f r
settlement, as soon ss the fund auproptia ed lor the
payment nf old debts enn he obtained.
Tho-e living at a distance are reipiested to for
wsrd by mail or otherwise. W. M. M AFFE P,
Wilkesbarre, May II, 1844. if Super is r.
"yOTU'E is hereby given, that an election for
olTiceri of the
"Ontre Turnpike Itoatl C'omp'y."
will be hi Id ut 'he bouse of Ebz ibeth Wcittcl in
tbe borniiKh of Sunbuiv, on Monday the 3d day of
June next. Tbe election will ve open at 2 o'clock.
P. M., and close at 4 P. M. The hooks and ac
counts of tbe Company will be exhibited to ihe
stockholders present at the tame tin and pi ice.
Northumberland, May 11, 1844. 4t H.c'y.
i av T iT i7: s
Patent Fire ami Thief Proof Iron
Chests, Slalc lined Refrigerators,
wilh Filters atlachetl when
AO. tit Zi'iuthtlitrtl St., opposite the l:xrhange, ;
rIHJia C.. -S-seep lor sale lUvin I.vs
celntratid Water and I'rovi.
r- -
of Ito I r Iron, (and not over Plank is Inn. iy-five
out lift very one hundred now in use and for rale
aie made,) wi ll first rate L"ck and David Evils'
Pali nt Keyhole Coven, rimibir to the one 1 . i : it -ed
at the Philadelphia Exchange, lor t!i:ce monibs
in the summer of lr4'-. nhi-n I K' wee nl
hheity to be im d, and the ('best n t o'ni'd. al
though ihe tip. rim nt wan tii.d ly at least IM'!J
pers'ins. Unr of the same Lorkt was liit'd lv
H ilars, at ibe Delaware Coal Ollice, in Walout
stiett, ab.ive Th rd. but del riot sueewtl.
(fj Hoisting Mil bints, (run D.mrs, super ioi
Lot tin. slid ill kinds of doll h'a I'Ul r' ul uiul (' '
living Piesses, anJ Siniihwnrk rt rally, oil hand
or manulactured at the ahorteal notice.
tXj" CAU TION I do hereby eauiion all per
sons agiinst making, usiua, sellirg, or causing in
be .Id, any Keyhole Coven for Fire Prtiol Ch s',
or Doors, of any kind similar in princ iple to my
Parent, uf 10th Ju'y, 184 I, uud also Lmng
R.Tiiieratori with Hlate, lor wh ch my Patent u
dale I 2Rib March, 1841, as any iufiiugeiuent will
be deill wi'h according to law,
Philadelphia, A pi II CI, 1814 ly
S fL fi-i rt'il',n " olers, ontl ratent r
-w2lJfi:.;U,ifm,u,n fire and Jhi. I
Ji1, i t-ho-ls, r.r pern
iJL-jJfTiu, j.11"'1"', Paeii Dirtls. Jew
- -- uj, Nlver. cVe., Sc.,
A CAX.iL. IIO.iT, "pa' de ef causing 70
tons, about half worn, will he sold cheap, in J on
reasonable terina. Fnqumit this orTicr.
April 27ih, I "44.
NoirniU3im:iUiAND county
'.rrcasurrr's Sale.
A GREEABLY to in act of the general asem
b'y nf the Cnmmnnwentth of Pennsylvania,
pa-scd the 13th of March, 1815, and the supple
ment thereto, emitted an act direciing the mode of
selling unsesled lands for laxes and other purposes,
will he ex poped to public sale, t Ihe Court Houe
In the Borough ol Hutiburv, nr the second Tues
day in June next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the follow
ing described tried of Isnd, for arrearage! of lixea
due, and the rosts accrued on rich triet respective
ly, Unless previously discharged, to wit s
Warrantee Xatnet. Arrrn, Tax.
Dering FrcdercV 30 1 07
Dering Freib rick 24
Dunnel Charles 200 7 70
Jones William R 4 fiS
J miM William K IB 1 82
Levy Daniel M 5 71
Miller John 74 7 3:1
MePheison Samuel 40 2 fil
Rankin John 207J 22 f.'i
Rye.smJohn 30 1 10
Rankin Rln-nds 18.1 f. 41
Smith John Dr. 77 2 9fi
Smith John Dr. 42 1 41
Webb Abraham 307 30 62
Warrantee Same. Acres. Tax.
Tblterton Benjamin 308 22 f8
Barron John jr. 410 24 12
Bridie William 2911 18 20
Ben-on Wilbam 414 J 21 28
Blair Wil'imi 30i lfi f,q
Brady William P 4'2J 21 45
B .yd John 105 3 51
Cooper Issic 200 1 1 30
Cooper Martin 100 5 72
Grace Joseph SMI 14 01
David John 413 2.1 40
Fricklr- Chnrlrs O. 3orJ 17 32
fJralTHrnrv 102 0 19
(Janlni't Wili.m P 412 2155
G miner Archibald 4I1J 22 15
fJast"n James fit 1 00
Hall William 3''0 17 04
lloddinot J am. a 313 18 S3
Jackson Divid 442 J 25 (it
Jones Ann fil 2 40
K'in'zns Abraham 43l'J 21 48
Lake Richard 401 22 90
Levy Aaron 200 7 70
Markel John 2J7 15 48
Mei 7ii. r .1 D Ml fid
Notinott James 311 fi 45
Pint! John 220 II 14
S,rvis John 421 lfi 01
Kolornom Myer 300 10 55
Warrant c .nnirs. .Aerrs. Tex
Amis Pre 'eiick 415 4 4 54
Anli s Henry 353 7120
Adams William SOfiJ :ifi .?8
Adams Thorn .s 3.M 41 fil
Adams Robert 4 43," 35 88
Braulignin Daniel 3144, 21 54
Bower Christian 344 4 (i8
Brown Nathaniel 250 5 88
Bailey John N 1 52 J 15 10
Black Wil is in C 12121 84
Bright Jacb 188 31 22
U.'lton famuel 348 3.1 81
Beiterion Benjamin 2'2J 12 06
Bogar John 110 18 75
Oou-ert Jnrtisn 2'IOJ 23 32
Camplain Robert 425 34 SB
Caiiiplaiu Thoinsl 425 34 36
Cook John Itifij 17 38
t'owd.n J hn 412J 52 15
Davison Maty 50 ft 05
Dering Charles 32'.l 20 55
Di riim ('h oles 1(15 20 23
El'oit Willi. in 368 8 70
Forrr Thomas 423 J 18 00
( skins Thomas 3'Jtt 38 87
G eer James 441 35 17
Greer Thomas .1;if.J 311 111
(ias Jacob 15U 9 tl5
liray Rolert 4 10 40 31
G ay Wilbam 4 in 67 Ut)
Grant 437 22 1'J
Gardner An bib, Id jr. 411 23 57
Gardner rchibald hcnr. 4(ln 22 67
lletrii k Plnli 1.10 8 84
Unit Emanuel 357 J 31 fil
H i-encleuer Mary 331 215 08
Hepburn Junes 2"0J lfi 01
lloa.-h Willtam l.oi ft vt
HolV e Ab.aham 2'1'J 2 25
Hamilton 'I honna 4(15 ;u r. s:
Hunter Alexander 31'.J 1 1 :jt
Hipt'iirn James 4':lJ 31 t'1
11 iniiltoii I'lioiins 412 41 74
lluirer A'exaiolr-r 41 I j 21 41'
lliiionebeich Henry 1 5:1 32 K'i
Himmelr.icli Henry 45h ft fjt;
Jenkins J.irnes 419 4 1 85
Jor.l ,n Alex mder 124 14 21
Kimtncl tSamm l 387 5 4!)
Ki. hl (i. orge W 112 12 71
Kricg! ban in John fc Henry Rtcd 2I'0 31 33
Lonuiil'elt Frederick 121 14 16
Mainline Riebiir.l 411 33 45
Moriisoii Wiliam 4M;J 45 51
Mrl.enrolds John 311 311 31
Mover Henry 311 rj 4.1 81
MclJenna's Andrew Vt'i'J 31 21
Mariiii J din (i lit) 18 I2
Markby Edward G 1(1 II 15
M iriin .lolin G V. 3 18
Mot tierce i() 3 r.n
Myen M.irv Cl'O I'J 43
P.itcha d Wi.liiin 4H4J 42 36
Prince Geoi ne 117 15 till
Price John It 118 111 11
l iice lohn B 14 11 92
Ities Done! 2m) 15 13
Kui'im Ch .rlotie 2'.0 15 13
Key nobis J..,n 21111 5 13
ltiis',.ii Thoiii .s 2iU) 15 13
Uu-l .n Mary 2nd 15 13
lioslon Mary 2('.l 16 87
Nti iiiiinii William 4 15 25 61
foiui..u liuii d r.nn :-2 ft
.!ion. r Aii lit iv 4 10 2S t!l
St ph. us J io.i s 467 l' !l
!8 iar M.nri. k 1 5tl 7 Kl
Ml.rtts (i.oun 410 27 10
."colt Alnabam 312 4 H2
Mc tl ."am ..el 412 41 9.)
Slns-'er II. rry 1 '.0 V I 6 I
Hrntt Ksrtniel 42 )$ 47 04
N oll Stmuel 13 ) 7 87
Siuf.i. dSonu.l 101 17 91
T.iUi! It John 153 ti 56
I rnltle ChusG 4115 'il 95
W.dker Lewis 371 H 87
WiUm William LiiyJ 28 12
Wnteis (io 't ry l .'O 15 9(1
Weise Ji. ot. jr 101 15 66
Young Bcpj.min Dr 35-) If,'.) 68
Young John, Mer. hint 382 30 84
Young Hi I Jam n Y 150 5 4l
Young Nao.M.-l ;it7 d 91
Y. loinirr Homy It J 14 32
Yoj h. iriu r li Miy 105 17 Oil
Yen htimer Heiuy 173 27 II
Z'mmrmiii Malluai 273 2(1 86
Ztiglrr Isjjc 15 IS B0
; x" vw " ". . 1 . .. i i
Hnrrntifce Namet. Acre. Tax.
Kinley Catherine 406 5 69
Like Richard 416 12 40
Renl John 30 I 23
Scott Abraham 312 3 98
Tsylor WtlliHin 67 73
Wilson John 204 81 65
Warrantee Nantes.
Acres. Tax.
Blain John 200 2 08
Gardner William P 409 16 89
Hunter James 42J 13 77
Hall Charles 437, 13 10
Ki.ld John 377J 1 1 32
KiddJohn 312 9 37
Lyon Joseph HO 3 82
Lake Richard 404 12 22
Pelnry Peter 145 10 B8
Rir hie John S95f) II 79
llees Thomas 339 14 07
Kifrmme Valentine 24 1 10
Heed I.ponsrd 73 7 21
Raker John 64 6 29
Rmkin Ithoads 307J 6 46 ;
Smith John Dr 60 85
Smith John Dr 154 3 CO
Smith John Dr 84 1 29 MAUONOY TOWNSHIP.
IVt7rr(7itff Names. Acres. Tax.
Benetton Benjamin 425 10 37
It. is. I Siminl 83 6 20
IJeis.1 Dmiel 98 7 30
lleisel John 59 4 39
Kniilh Jacob 115 8 66
Thoru'iury John V Wm. Grsv 28 2 15
Treasurer's OtKce, 5 Treaturer.
Msich 30ih, 1814. J
I) O (3 T () 11 .iTTl. M A S S E R,
RESPECTFl'LLY informs the cit
i7.ens of Sunbtiry and its vicinity, that
he h is removed his office to the white
building in Market Squaie, eant of Irs
T. Clement's -toie. and immediately opposite the
pot office, where he will be happy to receive calls
in the line of his proressinn
Sunhuiy, May 4th. 1844.
Henry S. ffmtlman,
BEGS Irnvp to inform the citizens of Sonbury
and its vicinity, that he has commenced the
in lh" shop formerly occupied bv Daniel Vsrick,
in Market street, Sunbury.east of Ira T. Clement's
siore. and directly opposite the post office, where he
intends to carry on the business in all its various
hr inches.
Orders w ill be promptly end punctually attended
io, nnd wmk done cheap, for cash or country pro
duce. CTj" Hoi so Shoeing done at f I per ictL
Sunbnry, April 27th, 1844. ly.
MRS TO I.Iliril Respectfully infoims her
Iri- nds and ihe public generally, that she will
open, on .Monday the 21th inst., new assortment
of Fancy Dry Good- and Spring Millenery ol the
latest fashions. Stiaw B.iuucts bleached ami al
tered to the newest fashions, upon very moderate
terms. April 13th, 1844.
Hoot $ Shoe
nr.cK & itnosiors
7OCLD inform their friends and the pubbc
gem rally, that they have commenced the
above business in nil it various branches, in the
shop lnt, lv occupied by Xivier F.UIirl as a watrh
milker shop, tat ofthe Red Lion Hotel, in Market
tre t. v. where they are prrpared to exe
cute n 1 1 or.l'is in their line, with
Tin y h.'pe, by .trict stiention to business, mmlc- 1
r. e chatties, and the durability of their work, to
meiii and receive a share of the public patronage. 1
Suiihu.y, March 30th. 1844. ly
i) X ()()() POI NDS FEATHERS, for sale
' I )VVv rty 1)Wt jn I)V ionnii'T to suit I
purehaseis, for cash, at prices from 10, 15, 25 and
30 cents per p und. made Beds, Bolsters and Pillows, Curled
H dr M at ta-s. s. Mn-t do., and other kinds to suit
any sue Ilea. 'steals, always on hand. Curled
Hair a, id New Oileaui Moss by the hale or single
pound. Also:
B'aikeix, M irseil'es Quills, Comfor:ables and
lie 'si. n, Is of .11 description.
Coin. irv 1erchsnn will find it to their ad-
v.mi.ige to call lMo:e pUicliasitic.
S. E. corner of Second and Wainulsta. Philad.
March 23d, 1814. 3.n
Public Sale.
.).()()() Acres of Land.
4 7 ILL be s old. ai public auction, at lh house
V D"'ii l Herb, in I'pper Mabonov town-
kbu. NoiiluiinSt rland c uuty, 011 the 1st Monday
of Join- it,
,H( at res ol riniLor rami,
-itu iled, chit fly, in Coal township, said county.
I'Iih Mah .n..y cretk pis-es t' r.iiib a considerable
p. rti n of ihe .ropertv, atl'.irding several txcellent
mill si at The taxes have all been paid up, and
an indisputable title, clear ef all incumbrance, mil
be given U ptl.i'h isers. The gale will te c.ilittnusd
tiom Hay lo tiny . until the whole il s. Id.
The tetins will le mule known on the day of
ale. A. JE XM EN AI H,
Ffb. 10. 1814 tf WM. Met: A V. Agei t
(Xj l i e I'oi'sMlle E i poiiimi ai d 1 1 1111 die In
t, II14, nei r wdl 101 liilite the above unt.l lorhidtVit,
and 1 h oge :hi- ollice.
liiiii 1 i s atid Bt iilci s in
S 11 (i A II S, II A MM S, (1 I N,
W I .N i: S, &c.
No. "1 Cnmintrce St., near 1'iJ'ih St.,
. rillLADELrillA,
C. J. 01 in n r. jr.
Wm. A Jkhi, S
Pitiei,'..i hon A Co. 1 Woo l lib . Bsrr.inrn.
Pemti Fren. I'gues. Lold lijron
January 20 h. 1814 6rn
AM- . m, MIOIM.UERS for e-ile. t heao, ,,r
c.'sh, 1 y
11. . MASS Elf.
I) c 301 , HD.
I'riittcrs Ink.
few krgc for s.le, at a smalt sdvnnce f r cash,
I'ec. 9.
or.ruM.iTiru svnt7i.
P'lK valnab'e protertiei nf Oakley's Depots
I live Syrup of Sarsaparilli, si a purifier of the
blood, is an well known to the public generally, .
that it is unnecessary to occupy much space in snt
ting forth the advsntsges hi be derived from its
use ; wherever the medicine, has once been inw takes precedence over ill others; evsiy
one that has liken it, have derived so signal hrne
ficial results from it, thst it ie recommended I y
them with the u'mnst confidence. Physicians nf
the highest standing in the profession, presents it
In patients under their care I Containing nothing
deleterious, but being composed ol Ihe most miM,
yel ((Ticieions vegetable msteriBl, il Is offered with
confidence, n tbe cheapest end most efficient pit.
rifier of the blood now known. The use of a few
bottles, especially in the spring months, will be at
tended with a moat decided improvement in the ge
nernl strentrth ofthe sysiem, endicating my seed
of iliiesiai that rnsy have been genersted, beside
givintf health sml viij..r to the body. For ihe cure
nf S r..:u'i or K r.ti Evil. Rheumatism, Tetter,
PimpVa or eruption, of th- Skin, White Swellinc,
F. sin's. Ceiieli, &e. The 1 t
merous eemfici es in the pn-piri of the ul.scrl
lar and hi sgents, from physician and others,
sufficient to convm"e the most rkeptieal of it ; su
periority over ail p-cparailons of Barsipsrilli.
Sold wholeaa'e nnd retsil, by the proprteto,
GEORGE W. OAKLEY, North 6th street. R, a
ding, Berki Coonly, and to lie had ofthe following
persons t
r Northumhtrland County. . B. Msssr;
Sunbnry; Ireland fe Mxel, McEensiIle ; Dj
t Kriuscr, Milton.
In Union Cntmtif. J. Gcarhart, Sclinfgrove 1
A. Gutelius, lyiitflinhurg.
In Columbia County. R. V. McCay, Wash
Reading, Marrh 14, 1843.
Hn, Oaki.kv: t believe ittheduty of every
one lo do whhteverin their power I ic, for tho b-ne.
fit of their fellow man, and having had poi ive
proof in my own family, of the wnttderful propertiea
of your Depurstise Syrup of Parsaparills, I ni"t
conscientiously recommend it lo the afflicted. Wa
had the misfortune to lose two of our children, by
the breaking out nf ulcerous sores that covered the
face, head and reck,, although we had some of the
most scientific physicians to attend tht m and had
tried ill the known tcmedics, including Kwsims'
Panacea, without avail. Another of my children
wa attacked in the same manner, her face ind
neck was completely covered; the discharge was so
offensive, and the disease at such I heip,ht. ihnl we
despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful eU'ecta
j of your Depurative Syrup of Sarssparila, wo were
induced to make (rial of It, as tlie last resort ; it
acted like a charm; the ulcers commenced healing
immediately , a few bottle entirely restored her to
her heiillh, which she has enjoyed nnintenuite(lli
ever since. As a purifier of the blood, I verily bo
lieve it has not ill equal.
Wilnut strerl, near Fourth, Reading.
Dottglassville, April 19th, 1813.
Mn. O it r.r y : My son Edmund Leaf, had ihe
scrolula in the most dreadful and distressing man
ner for three years, during which time he was de
piived of the use of his limb, hi head and neck
, were covered wilh ulcers. We tried ill the dife-r-1
ent remedies, but to no effect, until recommrtide ri
by Dr. Jubnson of Nonistnwn, and also Dr. Isaac
Hiester, of Reading, to use your Depurative Syrup
of Sarsapsrilla, of which I obtained several bottles,
tho use of whtrh d'ove the disease enlirt ly out of
his system, the sore healed up, and the child waa
restored to perfect health, which he has eejojeil
uninterruptedly ever since, to the astonishment of
many iersoni who seen him duiing hii affliction.
I have thought il my duty, and send you this certi
ficate that others who have a like affliction in the
family may know where to obtain so valuahls
medicine. Y'ours truly.
Sept. 16, 1813 ly
P."E." TASTI1TS, '
T) EfPEOTFL'I.LV inform the public, that he
A'' has made Northumberland his pltce of rest
denre, and is ready to attend to any calls in the
line of his profession.
(Tj He may at all times lie found at Mr. Jainca
Lee's I loir I.
jNorlhumberland. Dec. If.lh, 1843. tf.
ltUASS i:i(.IIT I)1Y t LOt llS.
FJ1HE subscriber has just received, for sale, a few
.1. of tbe above celebrated Eif-ht Day ('locks,
which will be sold at very reduced prices, for Cah.
Also, 30 hour Clocks, of tl e best m; I'.o
and quility, which wi'l be sold for ca-h. at 4 50.
Also, supeiior Brass 30 hour 8 tut.
Dt-e.8, 1843. H. 11. M .sER.
FFICE. in the s--eori I story of he bidi;ng oe-
eotied bv I'r.J.B. Masmr, on Va.kti st'eet.
Oct. 2 Ut, 1843.
OTON E W A R i: f r sale.
255 Stone Jug, fnon I qui't M 3 gallons,
50 Ntone J us, f oin 2 to 6 gallon. For sale,
cheap, by Oct. 11 II. II. MASTER.
fllME sul-eiiber will sell , il" hi. slock of lleav. r,
1 li'ussis and Itnisli Hats, of the best quality, at
very reduced rices.
iSnnbnry, Aug.
C.oir INlnlilisthiiuMil.)
RESPECTFl'LLY inform tho r1t17.nn of
, Sunbtiry und vicu ily, that be I. as recently
commenced stot
v a 151 n Fr-y a ki xr. r.rsi,
in II it luanrhes, 01 V.ukel sHeet, Sunbiov, oil
III. diatelv hi I .a ihe post e'l'tee, where he will be
rea.iy lo receive a d yccute nil or.'t rs in the hno
ot his business, with piompiness arwl despatch, tout
in the hi si styV and uiaiiner. Ids prices will be
Imv, in are.i.dariee woh t' r turns,
ijjj Lum' rr and Coimtiv Pi -d. ice ti'ken in V.i
change. M..v S7ih 1843. n
CITY Fl'llMlTKF. A I ( iio.V.
Xos. V".) ami .".I Xnrili Tliiid Sirct,
Near t Ii City Hotel,
( ('. MAt'KEV, Auctioneer, re pectful' in
' vilrs the a'ti iilioii of pero :s desirous of t '.r
t' Ftirniinif. to Ins eiieiikivo ri.des R..oois,'i I U' lie sed P.ivit.. ) (or every den liplio. ..t
11 .us li.d I Fun iloie. vb' re r 111 be !! lined 1 il
'noc a lare ssoilu.erit ef f lil ionable ind o !
i!iiti'..f.iCUired I'lboi.t puriii'ore, Beds, M.iIiiusms,
,Ve at verv nduted price, f.r Cish.
Q V" jj'."' bv Auction, twice a week.
May 'i7ih, 1 1-4 3. 1 y