Though no persons were to be seen upon the ad jacent roofo, the missiles evidently destended upon the Mayor's force. As soon as the watch in front had been driven off, the mob went to work quite coolly and sys tematically. One of the iron fates was first bro ken down, and thus the platform (about five feet high) upon which the building stands having been reached, a sort of battering-ram was procured, with which steady and determined blows were inflicted upon the northernmost door, but it resis ting all efforts, (which it did until the last) with clubs the assailants begun to demolish the sardies tafthe front windows, which are low, and in which by this time there was not probably a sin gle unbroken pane of glass. While the mob were thus engaged, there was an alarm of "the Troop" "the Troop" end a bove all the clamor was presently heard the notes of a shrill trumpet, sounding the charge. The First City Troop rode by almost at a gallop, causing the crowds to fly towards IJuee street, where the company wheeled and returned at a similar gait ; and several pasnnges of this kind were made, but with no effect, for the mob fol lowed the horsemen, withersoever they went, ut tering long and loud derisive cries ; while the party immediately engaged in breaking into the Church dij not for a moment desist, but seemed to redouble their efforts in anticipation of the ar rival of more of the military. In an incredibly brief period, the obstruction offered by the sash was removed the gas light near by extinguished and fire conveyed into the lower cent re window. The fire was undoubted ly kindled by lucifer mutches, as we were close spectators, and certainly no fire was carried opelny within. As soon as the licht was seen, numerous per sons employed themselves in bringing small pieces of boards and other ligbt sttifT, which were either thrown ujkw the fire, or handed to fhos ? inside. The (lames appeared to make slow pro gress, for the light was not seen in the second atory at all, (this was owing, we believe, to the "windows having shutters inside,) but on a and den they bnrrt forth from tlie roof, and almost immediately enveloped the base of the cupola. The sight was hailed by a loud cheer. The beamiful cupola of tbe Church did nut burn wild the rapidity which might have been supposed. Tliis was owing to tlio cornice of "the base proetiflg bo far as fisr a time to shield the columns which supported the dome and cross. Tim dime pmbably reached the roof as coon as they did by mesne of the organ, which stood iniaW-iiteVy over the burning materials below. TitecujW burnt fort longtime before any fiffCui otVt feii. Pillar after pillar, stanchion after siancbios fall, and still the Btructore stood rc-ct one maeeof fhtttc. At length the cross fell into the ntreet. This elicited another cheer. A few momenta after, the failing in of the roof carried with it the burning but stdl erect re mains of the cupola. Between four and five o'clock, the mob pro ceeded southward to the Roman Catholic School House, at the corner of Second and I'henix street, which after be i it g stoned was set on fire at the top. We understand tint a quan tity of Camph-inc Oil was thrown upon the cu pola, and the fire then applied. This beautiful building was also consumed without any effort being made to cave it the firemen throwing water only upon the adjoining bciildidgs, to guard them from the flames. At six o'clock, the bare blackened aad tottered wullt alone re mained. "Tk IlaiKlivriltitg on tHeWsil." The United States li-iiottc of Monday records the following remarkable tact connected with the recent Kensington outrages : "We ta, on Saturday, the ruins in Kensington, the black fined crumbled walls of the Church, of the School Mouse, and of many dwelling houses, that the unssions of men had doomed to destruc tion. The heart sickens at such exhibitions, ami inquire for the justice of man, that allow ed of anch unlawful, unruly violence ; or the justice of Heaven, which seemed to sleep amid the wrong doings of the wicked, both when the murders were committed, and the property waf ted. We learned nothing there to answer that inquiry, but returning by the way of Fourth street, wo went up and stood amid the smoulder ing rums of St. Augustine'n ; and when we re newed our inquiry, our eye reeled on the upper most portion of the opposite wall, from which the fire had peel e J every particle of plastering, and licked off the decorative paint ; but aa if in defiance of the wrath of man, and the fury of the flames, there Mood, in clear uninjured Ictteis, the inscription, "Thk Ixiko Stent. " And we turned away satisfied in our heart, and i exclaiming, in quiet submission, "Shall not the Judge ot all the earth do right !" Grants to the Nsw States. According to a report of the Secretary of the Treasury, made to the House of Representatives on the 26th of last March, the annexed sums have been granted to the new States respectively, in money and public lands, for the purpose of internal improve ment, education, seats of Government, public buildings, he. The lands reckoned at the mini mum price of $1 25 per acre : Ohio, $1,910,041 1,190,721 699,708 739,061 Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Michigan, Arkansas, '24.700 . (192,600 1,333.957 1.403,100 9,975,429 5,624,553 Net Vxpenditur on the Cumberland road, (the 3 per ct fund deducted,) sssws(sxsavieitsa t 15.600,361 Tbe eost of the Cumberland read has vered about $ 20.COO a mile For the American. Netting of the Bar. At a meeting of the bar of Northumberland county, held at the house of Elicabeth Weitzel, Hugh Bellas, Esq., was appointed chairman and Wm. J. Martin, Esq. secretary. The ob ject of the meeting having been stated, the fol lowing resolutions were adopted. Whereas, The bar of this county hare heard with regret of the decease of DANIEL LEVY, Esq., who died at bis residence, in this place, on Sunday morning, the 11th Inst., after a protract ed illness. Therefore, Itetntvetl, That in the decease of our late fel low member, we recognize the loss of one who has filled the period allotted to the "life of man," and are forcibly reminded of the solemn truth, "that it is appointed to (ill men once to die." He has been gathered to his Fathers full of years, and from his advanced age may be regarded as the Father of our bar. Kennlved, That we will attend his funeral this afternoon, (Tuesday,) from bis late residence, and wear the usual badge of mourning. Hooked, That the proceedings of this meet ing be published. Breach op Promise. Juries are now giving alarming high damages for a breach of the marriage promise, and it behoves gentlemen tb use prudence and discretion in making their declarations. A verdict of was lately gi ven against person for a breach of promise. He only visited the lady three or four years without proof that he had in that time 'pop ped the question.' The Jury probably thought that he ought to have done so on that period, andthecefore put it heavy upon him, for omis sion. BALTIMORE MARKET. Office of the Baltimore Amiricak.M iy 13. GRAIN. W he st s have declined. The few par cels of Md. reds at market to day sold nt 97 .103 cents fur good to prime. On Saturd y s losd of strictly prime Pcnna. red was sold at 107 cent; to-day two loads of good red weie solJ at 101, and a lot with a good deal of smut in it, it 98 cents. A side of Penna. Rye to day at 50 cents. Sales . f .Md. wl.ite Corn at 39.1-11 c's., and of yellow at 13a44 rix. We quote O iU at 2Ta28 c1s. WHISKEY Is very dull at 2IJa22 cants fur hhds , and 22Ja23 cts. for W W. BLEtaisa iiwtn Nraorta For the Life of the Flesh is in the Blond YVlh as much reason might we ssy, that trees die from too great a quan tity of sap, is that a man can die from too great a quantity uf Mood. The moisture derived from e itih to the tree becomes sap, and the stomach of a man fiom the fo.-d pat into it obtains blood, which sup plies the daily waste of the body. The m cau ses tend to life in both, but thai wLich causes life never produces death. Dr. Uonjtinin Brsndielh considers Bleeding to ha si ways iinproer in ilia treatment of any com plaint, whether inflammatory or otherwise; he- cause the Brsndrelh Vegetable Universal Pills re move the ciuse of the inflammation without touch ing the vital principle. (7- Purchase of H. B. Maser, Sunbury, or of the agents, puhlUhed in another part of this p iper. .Tf .f IS 1 1 I E U , In this place, on Sunday last, by the Rev. R. A. Fisher, Mr. Abraham Martz to Miss Eli zabeth Stkhlk, both of Milton. i i i: i, At bis residence in this place, on Sunday morning last, DANIKL LEVY, aged about 77 years. rmvEs ri.ovn ,f.v c.f. The following were the prices of Flour, Wheat, Corn and Oats, at the several points named, at the latest dates received : Flmtr. 1VA7. Corn. Oats. Philadelphia, . . ft 60 1 Ot 60 31 New Yoik. ... 5 69 I 07 51 32 Uuff.lo 4 to 85 50 28 Cie-el..nd 3 60 6ft Wilmington. Del. 4 75 I 03 60 38 Richmond, Vs. 4 62 45 30 Cincinnati,. ... 3 65 50 25 17 Trenton, N. J 1 02 50 30 Si. Louis, .... 3 75 61 22 17 It;. It i more, .... 4 62 1 08 45 27 Mobil-, 5 00 66 42 Albny 4 69 1 02 50 27 Aleiend.ia. D.C. 4 50 95 48 30 Latuyette. Ind., . 57 25 15 MxumreCily, . . 4 00 70 25 25 Boston 5 00 60 37 New Oilcans, . . 4 3.. 82 40 30 Pittsburg, ... 3 6 71 37 20 Louisville 3 75 65 22 18 Hsgerstown, ... 4 60 67 32 22 Georgetown. ... 4 60 97 47 30 Zanesville, Ohio, 3 12 50 Alton. Illinois. . . 3 75 60 20 14 Springfield, III., . 3 38 48 12 10 Chicago, ..... 3 50 68 37 25 Rochester 4 20 91 Detr. it, 3 88 lob Jo 3 50 60 36 26 Milwaukie, .... 62 50 34 Reading 4 50 95 40 30 August.. Me., . . 5 75 92 65 30 Memphis, Tenn, . 4 60 32 TO The Celebrated CAP VEINS AT SIIAMOKIN. THE Coal Veins and Fixtures st Shsmokin Gap, in complete order to do a large business, can be leased on leasonabla terms, together with Drift Wagons, Tools. Ate., also 30 Kail Koad YV. gons and a Wharf at Banbury. Terns made tnown oo application Iq J. H PURDY, or A. JORDAN, B'Jnhury, Msy 18, 1844. 3t Sunbury. 13 hereby given, that the subscriber purchased, at Private Bala, on the 3iq day of May, 1841, of Abraham Kimerl, which ha will leave in the possession of said Ri inert, until he seaa proper lo Uka it away, the f "'lowing properly, vis t Two Maiea, 1 Colt, 1 Tbra-hing Machine, 1 Wafon and Body, I Plow. 1 Gow. Heilfer, 1 lot Horse Ueaia, I . Iron Kelt la, 1 Corner Cup board, I Clock, 1 Table, 1 Work Stand, I Cheat, SO yards Carpel, ELIJAH KOCHER. Nay I Sib, 1844. 31 PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxtheimer. Wmiat, .... 85 Rra, 60 Conrr, ... . . 40 Oats, 25 Pone;, S Flaxskid, ... . 100 BoTTta, ..... 1J BsKIWAT, .... SO Tallow, .... 10 Dhiid AerLts, 75 Do. Pa acres, , 200 Flax, -8 Heckled Flax, J 10 Eue, .... 6 Notice. 'PHOSE persons having demands against the -- Commonwealth lor labor pmfnrme,!, or mate rials furnished for the rrpairs of the North Branch Canal, prior to the 9th day of Jsnuary, 1344, who hsve not handed to the suhscrilicr an account of Hie same, are r quested to do so at the earliest pnssih'e moment, in order that they miy be put in form fir settlement, as soon as the fund appropiiated for the payment of nld debts can lie obtained. 1 ho e living al a uts'atice are reqursteil to for ward by mail or otherwise. W. H. MAFFET. Wilke-b nrc, May 1 1, 1844. if Suervis ir. CE1TTB.E TTJB.1TPIKE. NOTICE i hereby given, that an election for officer of the "Centre Turnpike Road Cotnp'j." will bo held at the house of El a dieth Wei'tel in the borough of Sunbuiy, on Monday the 3d d.y of June next. The election will be open al 2 o clock. P. M., and close at 4 P. M. The books and ac counts of the Company will l exhibited to the stockholders present at the urn. time and ntxce JOHN U. DDYD, Northumberland, May 11, 1844. 4t 8c'y. m d rssr js: ccs nn IS hereby jirn, that the subscriber purebased of Samuel Wagner, Conatabb- of Litile Mahonoy township, on the 30 h of Aprd. 1811, the following srtic'es sold by the said Constable, as the properiy of Isaac Rogers, ami that I have loanrd the same to the said laisc Roger until I see proper to tke them away, vix : I Bay Mare, bridle and hitter, (11 00. JACOB RAKER. Mav 4th, 1R14. 3t. KEIIOVAL. DOCTOR J. B. MASS Ell, RESPECTFULLY informs the cir izens of Sunbury and its vicinity, thai he h'e removed his office to the white building in Ma'ket Sou oe, east of Ira T. Clement's t.ite, and imwml'a'ely opposite tbe po-t ofhYe, where he will he happy to receive calls in the line of his profession Sunbuiy, Msy 4lh. 1844. Henry S. tfmdman, BEGS leave to inform the citisens of Sunbury and its vicinity, that he has commenced the BLACKSMITHIXG BUSINESS, in the shop formerly occupied by Dsniel Tsr ck, in Market street. Sunbury. east of Ira T. Clement' store, and directly opposite tbe post oflire, where he intends to carry on the business in all its various brunches. Order will be promptly and punctually attenJed to, and work done cheap, for cash or country pro duce. d3" Horse Shoeing done al f per sett. Sunbury, April 27lh, IN44. ly. Orphans' Court Kale. IN pursuance of an ordsr of the Orphan-' Court of Nonhumlerland county, will be einoted to public site, on Fridsy ih 24th day of Msy next, on the In wit; a certain tract nf land si tuate in Aueusta township, in s.iid county, a 'iin ing lands nf William Reeser, Ssniul Tucker, Dan iel Zimmerman and others, containing one hundred and seventy-five acres more or lea, on which is e rerted a two ttnty frame hou", and a frama and log barn, Lite the estate) nf George l,nng, sr., dee'd. Kale to commence at 10 o'clcli. A.M., of siidday, when the conditions of sde wi'l l.e m do known by SAMUEL GO.NsERV, JACOB SEASHOIIZ. 8unbury, April 27th, 1844. 4t Adm'n. Caution. AN AWAY, on Sunday last, from the sub , scriher, r sding in the town of Sliamokm. A Mil HEW JACKSON UOCGHNEIl. an in. dented apprentice to the Blarksmiihing bu-ines. ll persons are therefore cautioned from harboring or trusting him on my account. JOSEPH ZERN. Rbsmnkin. April 27ih. 1844 3t. DAVID E V A X S Palent Fire and Thief IVtjnf Iron Chests, Slale lined Refrigerators, willi Filters atinched when icqtiirt'd. ETA1TS V-ATS01T, iVo. 70 South third ill., opposite the Exchange, PHILADELPHIA, M A.N I . r AC I UHE an t ""-KciJIieep for salt) Dtvui Evaks' V-VFeelebralrd Water and I'rovi ; - J. Sinn Uclrlssml Patent rre. H!'!4rron Clie-t, for pe-ening 7. n'" v Psieis. Di'rdn. Jewrly, :itiold, ISllver, &e., made of Bo I- r Iron, (and not nvtr PUnk as nuii'iy-live out of every one hundred now in use and lor rale sre mid..) wi'h first rate I..ks aud Divi I Evci,' Patmt Keyhole Covers, to the ne e- i ed at the Philadelphia Exchine. f.r tb'e! 'nijihs in the summer of 1842, when al tb' K- wtle n liberty to be used, and the Cb'it , u'Mi ,. though the espenm. nl w4 ( j , ,i ei bM persons. One of lb'. ... l ofk w ., hy Robbers, at the ela-;,,,. Coal Otlice, in Walnut alreel, abovu Th;.0i bot J,J nt suemd. (O oi;g Machines, Iron Doors, superior Locks, (n() a kinds of lion Ratlings, Beat and Co. P' ing Pi asses, and Cmithwoik gent rally, en hand or manufactured at lbs shortest notice. 03 CAUTION. I do hereby caution all par. sons making, using, selling, or lo be sold, any Key bote Covets for Fire Proof Carets, or Doors, of any kind similar in principle lo my Patent, cf 10th July, 1841, and also against Lining RrfrUerators with blate, for which my Patent is dated SSih March, 1844, aa any inftingement will be deall with according la law. DAVID EVANS. Philadelphia, April 13. 1844. ly A CAIYAIj IIO AT. capable of carrying 70 tons, about half worn, will be sold ehesp, and on reasonable terms. Enquire al ibis office. April 27.b, 1944. NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY Treasurer's Sale. Jk GREEABLY lo an act ef the general asem Xm. bly of the CnmtnnnwesUh of Pennsylvania, parsed the 13th of March, 1815, and the supple, ment thereto, emitted an aet directing the mode of selling Unsested Isnds for teres and ntber purp.wes. will be exposed to public sale, at tbe Court Hour in the Borough of Sunbury, on the second Tues day In June next, at 10 o'clock, A. M the follow ing described traeis of land, for arrearages of taxes due, and the costs accrued on esch tract respective ly, unless previously discharued, to wit t AUGUSTA TOWNSHIP. Warrantee Namet. Acres. Tnx. Dering Frederick 80 1 07 Dering Frederick 8 24 Donnel Charles 200 7 70 Jonea William R 4 55 J nc William K 16 1 8'J Levy D ini.-I 63 8 73 Miller John 74 7 .13 Mel'hera.n Samuel 40 2 fit Rsnkin John 307 22 65 Kye a in John 30 1 10 Rankin. Rli. sds B 41 Smith .l.-hn Dr. 77 2 91 Smith J. -hi Dr. 42 141 Webb Abraham 307 30 52 CllILISCiUACinE. POINT and TURBUT TOWNSHIPS. Hrrrrfe .Vnmcs. Acre. Rrllerion Ben'tamin 3!)J Birron, jr. 410 Rr.vlie William 291 Ben on William 414 Rlair Wil'i .m 3011 Rrady William P 4 12 B yd John 105 Cooper Isase 200 Cnoier Martin 100 ('rage Joseph 250 Dvid John 41.1 Frirkle Charloa O. SH OalTHrnry 162 fla'dner Wili .m P .( 4iCj (nlner A'rhiluld 4tl Oast n J.imes 61 Hall Willhm Si 0 Hnddinot James 3-13 Jakson D ivid 442 Jones Ann 61 Tax. 22 P. S4 12 18 20 24 2 16 68 21 45 3 51 11 36 5 72 II 01 23 46 17 32 9 19 21 55 22 15 1 66 17 04 18 53 25 01 2 40 21 48 22 Ptl 7 76 15 lt 6(1 6 45 to 14 16 01 10 55 Kintx'ng Atrsham 430J Lake Richard - 401 Lvy Ar-n 2t0 M-ikel Jolm 227 Meitn- r J I 60 Notioott James 33 Piatt J hn 220 Sarvis John 424 Soloroom Mver 300 COAL TOWNSHIP. Worrenfre Xamcs. Arret. 4IS 353 J 306 3531 413J 314 344 250 1S2 121 188 348 22 116 290 425, 49j 3(16 412 0 32J 105 36 423 39(1 441 396 1511 440 4 to 47 433 40(1 130 357 334 2t9 299 405 319 4'3j 412, 414 159 458 449j 124 387 Twr 41 51 73 2(1 36 38 41 61 35 8 21 51 4 68 B 8S 15 10 22 84 33 22 33 83 12 06 18 75 23 82 34 36 3t 3 17 38 62 16 & 95 26 55 20 23 8 76 18 09 38 87 35 17 89 46 9 95 49 31 67 99 52 19 23 57 22 67 8 88 34 f.4 26 9 16 94 5 83 2 25 33 r,s 14 31 31 l3 44 74 23 49 32 82 51 66 44 65 14 23 6 4'l 12 71 33 33 14 1G 31 45 45 51 30 31 43 P3 31 2 An-is Fre.'eiick, Aulis Henry Adams William Adams Thorn s Adams Robeit Brauiignm Daniel Bower Christian Brown Nathaniel Bailey John N Black William C Bright Jacob Button (Samuel Beilerton Ui nj.imin Bogar John Cou-erl James Cam pi .in Robert Campbiiu Thomas Cook John Cowden J ha Davison Mary Deri i g Cburles D-ring Ch-olea Elinil Willi .m Foster Thomas (Siskins Thomas G'rer Janus Greer Thomaa (iss Jcob Gray ltolert (Jiay Will-am liiani Tbo is Gardner Arrhib .Id jr. Gardner Arehil'ald senr. Metri.k Philip HufT Emanuel H .s-eneleut r Mary Hept um J .me Mi.ach William HolT-e Ah-aham Hamilton 'I homss Hooter Aln -hdi-r Hi-ptmru James ILinnltuii I'honus Hun er Aleiander Himmelreich Henry liiinineli-icli Henry Jenkins James Jor.l n Ales nder Kiinmil Siiuiu. l Kohl ti.o'ge W Krirg' hsum John &. Henry Reed Loiiitafcll F red rick M.iliniog R cbard Moniin Wdiiim Mcltcnni'lds John Moer Henry McKenna'a Andrew Martin J -ho G M irkUy Edwaid O M irun John G Mtrr lie.-re 112 200 123 414 46 313 331 269 no 1"4 r 60 117 118 1 5(0 too ton 200 ?. in stil 415 39f. tw 4f7 150 410 342 412J 150 423 193 103 153 406 S7I 313 120 103 35 tj 382 150 361 90 105 173 273 133 I' 1 i 15 13 4N 3 nO 19 4.1 4.' S 15 169 19 14 13 15 13 15 13 15 13 15 13 15 tl t 7 25 64 32 01 -2 I'J 19 91 V 10 27 19 4 02 44 9.1 21 13 47 94 7 87 17 93 6 66 32 95 8 87 28 12 16 90 15 66 169 68 30 64 6 40 6 94 14 33 17 60 27 13 90 86 16 80 Myeis Muiy Pntcha-d ilium Pruxe Going Prtee John U I'ricu I. -ho II Daniel Itus on C, .rb.lls lieyn- id. "'. rhouua "'a-t Mry II ost. n M iry Khatinoti WilliaoA S.iltn.m Krebfifd Shul-t Aulrew Sl.yb-f.s.'ii James bus! Meiiik bin cts ti.'orce recoil Abrshsirt Sc. tl amoel Kinsiler Henry Scott Ksmuel Scott Samuel 8igfriid SamUel Tagtui John Trickle Chas G Walker Lewis Wilon William Wattera Godfrey Weia Jaeob jr Young Benjamin Dr Ynuug John, Man haul Young Benjamin P Young Samuel Yoiitirioter Henry Yonhrimsr Henry Yoiibrimsr Hsnry Eiramerman Malhtsa Zeiglei Isjse 't 1.1 '.J U'.imi".!L'Si.gSl .'. .'!!.!. SHAMOKIN TOWNSHIP. UWanfee Ame. Acrei. Tax. Kinley Catherin 405 6 69 l.ak Richard 415) 12 40 Reed John 30 I 22 Scott Abraham 342 8 98 Taylor William 67 73 Wilson John 204 91 65 LITTLE MAHONOY TOWNSHIP, irorrnnfce Kamei. Acrtt. Tax. Blsin John S00 2 08 Gardner William P 409 15 89 Hunter James 426 It 77 Hall Charles 437 13 10 Ki. Id John 877 II 33 KiddJohn 312 37 I. von J oseph 80 3 82 I. site Rxhsrd 408 12 22 Paiery Peter 15 Ifl 88 RiehieJnhn 395 11 79 flees Thomaa 339 14 07 Rifemme Valentino 24 116 Reed Leonard 73 7 21 R iker J .hn 64 6 29 Rankina Rhnads 367 5 46 Smith John Dr 66 85 Smith John Dr 154 3 56 Smith John Dr 84 t 29 UPPER MAHONOY TOWNSHIP. Warrantee A'ames. Acres. Tax. Benetton Benjamin 425 10 7 Bis I Samuel 83 6 20 ,MI Daniel 98 7 30 llei-el John 69 4 39 Smith Jscob 115 8 66 Thornnury John cV Wm. Grar 29 2 15 JOHN FARNS WORTH, Treasurer's Office, 5 Treasurer. Maich 30th, 1814. 5 MKS FOLLMCR Respecifully infoimsher Iri. and tbe puMic generally, that she will open, on Monday the 24th Inst., a new assortment of Fmrv Dry Good-i and Spring Milli nery of the t.i'eal l.slitons. Slrsw Bonnets Meached and al tered to the newest fashions, upon very moderate terms. April 13lh, 1644 Boot Shoe MAKING. nr.cK & BROsiors TV JOVLD inform their friends and the pubic generally, that they nave eommencea ine above business in all it various branches, in the shop lately occupied by X ivier Eeg rt as a wateh maker shop, east of the Red Lion Hotel, in Market strc i, Sunbury, where they are prepared lo eie cn'e, al nnl"i in their line, with PROMPTNESS AMD DESPATCH. Thi-y hope, by 1rict at'enlion to business, mode ra'e charges, and the durability of theii work, to m n) and receive a hare. of the puhlic p itronage, Sunbury, March 30th. 1844. ly TO HOUSEKEEPERS. ())() POUNDS FEATHERS, for sale - yJJJ veiy low, in any quantity lo suit purehsiseis, for cah, at prices from 10, 15, 25 and 30 cents per pound. Resdv made Beds, Bolsters snd Pillows, Curled H.iir Mattraaes, Mo-s do., and other binds lo suit ii v rite, always on hsnd. Curled Hair and New Orleans Mosa by the bale or single found. Also i B'arkets, Msraeilles Quilts, Comforiablea and Be.'st. sd of all descriptions. q3 Country Merchania will fiuJ it to their ad vantage to Call Uefoie uuichasing. FIN'LEY Sc. CO, S. E.eorner of Second and Walnut sts. Phtlad March 23d, 1844. 3m Public Sale. 9,000 Acres of Land. WILL be sold, at public auction, at the house of Daniel Herb, in Upper Mahnnov trnrn. ship, Northumberland county, on the 1st Monday of J una nest, O.OOO acres of Timber I. ami, -itu iled. chiefly, in Coal township, aaid county. "Die Mahonoy creek pas-es through a considerable p. nin of the property, affording several excellent mill seats. The taxea have all been paid up, and an indisputable title, clear of all incumbrances, will be given to purchasers. The sale will be continued fiom day to day, until the whole is sold. The terms will be made known on the day of s.le. A. JEXNI.ENAUD, I'E'l'EK BOUSQUET. Feb. 10, 1844 tf WM. MeCA Y. Agent. 3" The Pottsville Emporium and Danville- In telligencer will cortinue the above until fp;bidde:,i, and charge this office. V"OLBEB.T & JiaTiTET Importers and. Dralera In SEGARS, BRANDIES, GIN, W I N ii S, &x. JVb. 21 Comunerct St., near Fifth St., raXXiADSXtPHXA, C J. Wm.. A . Jabsit. 5 93 BBAWMtS. SCOAS. Pinet, 1'ss'iUron &Uo. J Woodville. Bertsneo. Pcnei Freree. j L'gUes. Loid Uyron Jsnuary EOth. 1844. 6m H A MS ssd SHOULDERS for ashs. cheap. Tor cash, by H.B.MASSEK. P.. 0th. 1843, DR. P. S. TASTI1TE, RESPECTFULLY informs lbs public that hs has m.ide Northumberland bis place of resi dence, and la ready to attend to any calls in ibe line f his piofestion. ffj He may at ell times be found al Mr. Jamea l.e' Hotel. Northumberland. Dee. Uth. 1811. if. Printers Ink. A few kegc for sale, at a email advnnee for cah, by Dec. 9. H. U. MASSER. rORESTVILLE DRASS EIGHT DAY CLOCKS, THE suhseriNic haa just received, for sale, a few of Ibe above celebrated Eight Day Clocks, which ill be sold al very reduced prices, for ceh. Also, saparlor SO hour Clocks. oT t' e besl nuke and quality, which will be sold tor rab. at M 50. Alsis superior Brass 30 hout Clerks, at $8 00. Pec.l, IMS. H.B. MAHSF.R. STONE WARE fr sate, 225 Sions Juga, from I quarl lo gallons, 60 Stone Ja-s. from 2 lo 6 gallons. For sals, Oci. 14 H.B. MASSER. flHE suhscriher will sell off his slock of Beaver, X Russia and Biush Hate, of tba beat quality, al vary red ucad prices. Sunbuiy, A J. , 1943. II. B. MASSER I. 'St..! OAKLEYS Dnpirn atite srnrr. TIE vslusb! properties of Oakley's Depua live Syrup of Ssrssparilla, as a purifier of the blood, is ao well known to ins public genersllv, that it is unnecessary to occupy much spare in sel ling forth Ihs advantsgea lo be derived from its use J wherever the medicine hss once been intro duced, it takes precedence over all others s every mtethat has tsken it, have derived so signal bene, fieial results from - it, thai it is recommended If them with the U'most confidence. Pbysieiane nf tba highest standing in the profession, prescribe it lo patients under their care t containing notturg deleterious, but being composed ot tbe moat mitt. yet efficacious vegetsble materials, it is offered with confidence, aa tbe cheapest and most efficient ru nner of the blood now known. The use or a lew bottles, especially In tbe spring months, will be at tended srith a most decide J improvement In the neral strength of the system, eradicating any reels of disease that may have been genersted, bes'l giving bealth and vigor to the body. For the cure of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. T.tte-, Pimpleaor ciuptions of the Skin, White Swellinif, Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthma, &c. The nu merou certificates in the possession of the subscri ber and his agent, from physicians and others, ate sufficient to convince the most skeptical of i's su periority over all preparations of Saraspsiilla. Sold wholesale and retail, by the proprietor. GEORGE W. OAKLF.V, North 6th street. Hea ding, Berks Coenty, and to lie bad of the following persons : In Northumberland County. It. B. Msssf.; Sunbury; Ireland flt Mixel, McEwensville ; I). Krauser, Milton. In Union County. J. Gesrbart, BcKnsgrove t A. Gutelius, Mifilinburg. In Columbia County. Tl. W. McCsy, Wash ington. Reading. March 14, 1843. Ma. Oakiit: I believe it the duty of every one to do whtever in their power I te, for the b"ne. fit of their fellow man, and having had po-Hva proof in my own family, of the wonderful properties of your Drpurative 8yrup of Sarsspnrilla, I Pi at consr-rentiounly recommend it to the afflicted. We had the miffortune to lose two of our children, by the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered the face, head and reck, although we had some of tba most scientific physicians to attend them and ba1 tried all the known remedies, including Swairn' Panacea, without avail. Another of my children was attacked in the same m.inner, her face ar.d neck waa completely Covered; tbe discharge waa so offensive, and the disease at such a height, thai we despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful effects of your Depuraiive Svrup ot S trsspsrilta, we were induced to make trial nf it. as the last resort ; it acted tike a cbarm ; the u'cers commenced healing immediately, a f w bottles enirrclv restored her lo her henllh, which she h s enjoyed uriinlertui-tedly ever since. Asa porifier of the blood, I verily be lieve it haa not ha eqnl JOHN MOVER, T-ilor. Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading. Douglafsville, April 19th, 1843. Ma. Oakist: My son Edmund Leaf, haJ tho scrofula in the most dreadful and distressing man ner for three years, during which time he was ds prived of the use of his limbs, hh he.d and reck were covered with ulcers. We tried all the differ ent remedies, but lo no rfT.xt, until recommended by Dr. Johnson of Nonistown. and also D. Isaae Hiestrr, of Reading, to use your Depuraiive Syrup) of Sarsaparilla, of which I obtained severul bottles, the use of which d'ove the dis-eae entirely out of his system, the sore healed up, and tbe child wis restored to rfeet health, which he ha enjoyed uninterruptedly ever since, to tbe astonishment of many persons who seen him during hie affliction. I have thought it my duty, and send you this certi ficate that ntbe's who have a like affliction in tho fimily msy know where to obtain so valuable medicine. Your Irult . AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. 16, 1943 ly WILLIAM J. MARTIN, iLTTOHlTET AT LAV", SUNBURY, PA. OFFICE, story of the buildirt; or copied bv Dr. J.B. Masstr, on Maikel .t-eut. Oct. 9 1 st. 1843. ASIIIIY & ItOCAl, HAT & CAP MANUFACTURERS, South East corner of Market and Ath sts Philadelphia, RESPECTFULLY inform the public that they will constantly keen on hnd a laigs a.oit ment of Hals, Caps and Furs, to suit the fall trade, of the bet quality. By strict attention to busi ness, and by selling their stock stlhe lowest pines they flatter themselves in being 0'e lo eiveui'ire satisfaction. August 5, 1843 ly A Threshing Machine fur Sale. milE subscriber offers for sale a THKESHINO JL MACHINE, new and in good oider. Tbo Machine haa been tried, and proves lo be an excel lent one. It will be sold al a reduced price, and warranted. Apply lo H. U. MASSLK. July 1st, 1843. Ca1iinet-3Iaking (cw Establishment.) WILLI-1! HOOVE?. RESPECTFULLY informe the citwns f Sunbury snd viciuity, that be has rettutl . commenced the CABINET-MAKING BUSINESS . in all its brsnches, in Market street, Sunbury, in. mediately below the post office, where he ill I to receive and ciccute all orders in tbe lit ' of his businesx, with prompme.s snd despatch, a in! in the best style and manner. His prices will t -. low, in accordance with Ibe times. fjjy Lumber and Country Produce taken in E -cbaute. May 37th 1643. fm CITY FURNITURE AUCTION. AXTD PHIVATD SALES nOOIXS, No. 21) and 31 North Tluul Stiee:. Near the City Hotel, FHIHDELPHI. CO. MACKEY, Auetionfer. re-peetfuly in s vites ihs attention of perso-.s desirous of pi-' chasina Furniture, to bis eiien.iv- Sules R-4.Q -(both 'U lie aud P.ival,) for every description . Househubl Furniture, wh re can Is nhuined ih ' limes, a largs ssaorlmeiit of fashionshls snd w 1 manufactured C.bini l Furniture, Beds, MaltrasMs. dte., at very reduced prices, for esh. fj Sales bv Auction, twice a week. Uav 7th. 1643 ly CHARLES W. II EG INS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUIMBUKY, PA. HAS taken the trice loinieil occvyid by t' Hon. ( hatlee (1. Diiin.l, opposite tbe I Jon H 'use. H skill a'tend to business in the C 'Uri of Northutuliland, Union and Columbia counties May 30th, 143.