Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, May 11, 1844, Image 4
1! Alt It XOTE LIST. rr.XXSYI.TAXIl. Tlus f dlowlng list shows the current valufl of nil Pennsylvania Bank Notes. The most implicit r .iunro may bo plated upon it, it n every urek larrfully compared with and corrocleJ from Biik ell's Reporter. HnnUi la Philadelphia. . Disc t" Naf. Lcicatio. p,i.An. NOTES AT PAR. rtmli of North America . , par Pmik of ihe Northern Liberties . .par Commercial Rank of Penn'a. . par Farmers' and Mechanics' Dink . rar Kensington Bank ... par Philadelphia Hank' . t par Schuylkill Hank ... par Soulhwatk Dank . . . par Western Hunk . par Mechanics' Dank . . pal Manufacturers' Si Mechanics' Bank par Country ItanUs. Rank of Chester County Hunk of Delaware County Hank of (Jermantown Hank of Montgomery Co. Poylcstown Uank Westchester par par par par par par Cheater Germantown Norristnwn Doy lestovc n Fusion Easlou Uank Farmers' Hank of Bucks co. Office of Dank of Penn'a. "(fice do do Office ilo ilo Officu ilo Jo Bristol par Hnrrisburg" Theso l.ane.iater I offices Reading f do not Easton J issue n. DISCOUNT. NOTES AT Hank of the United Slates Hank of Pcnn Township d'irard Dank . Moyamcnsing Dank Hank of Pennsylvania Miner' Hank of Pottsville Hank of Lewistown Hank of Middlctown Bnnk of Northumberland Columbia Dank & Bridge co Philadelphia 2.r.a20 par 1 6 par par 1 11 i par Potlsville Lew-blown Middlctown Northumberland Columbia Carlisle Pittsburg I arhsle Dank Exchange Bank Do ilo hrnnch of Farmer' Bnnk of I ancastet Lancaster County Bank Fanners' Bank of Rending Harrisburg Bank Lancaster Bank Lebanon Bnnk Merchants' & Manuf, Bank Hank of Piltshurg Writ Bianch Bank Wyoming Dank Northampton Dank Betks County Bank Office of Dank of U. 8. Do do lo Do do Jo Kensington Sav. Ins. A Hollidaysburg Lancastci Lancaster Reading Harrisburg Lancaster Lebanon Pittsburg Piltshurg Williamsporl Wilkeshano Allcntown Reading Pittsburg failed do hue New Brighton do do Chrimhcrsburg (iettysburg Montrose Erin YVanrsburg Washington Honri-dsle DrowtWille York do Pcnn Township Sav. Ins. Hank of Chanibershurg Bank of Gettysburg Bak of Susquehanna Co. Erie Duiik Fatmers'A' Drovers' Dank Franklin Dniik Bwlik Mnnnngahela Dank of B. York Dank i J no 3 a3 "11 H 1J i N. D. The notes of those hank on which wo omit quotations, anil substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased hy the Philadelphia hrokera, wiih the exception of those which have a letter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Philadelphia Loan Co. do Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do Manual Labor Dank (T. W; Dyotl, prop.) failed failed failed failed 1'owanda Hank 1'owanda Alleghany Dank of Pa. Bank of Deaver Hank of Swatara Hank of Washington Ccn'rr Bank City bank Farmers' Sc Mech'cs' Bank Farmers' V Mech'cs' Hank Farmers' & Mceh'isiDuiik Harmony Instil uto Huntingdon Dank Juniata Uank J.uinln mien's Dunk Northern D.iuk of I'a. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northumli'd Union Col. Hk. North Wi'ntirn li.vik of Pa. Office of rVouylkill Hank Pa. Aur. & Majiuf. Dank Silver Lake Dank onion Dank of Pcnn'a. Wmrmurelaiid Bank Dedford Deaver II arrisburg Wa-hiugton Hell, fontc PitNhuig Pithhurg Fayette eo. Grif in att'e llaimony no sale closed closed failed closed no sale tailed failed failed no sale J I u 1 1 1 i 1 1 r;l ( n no lo Lcitistowi) no sale Wartcn Duiiilatr New Hope Milton Meadville Port Carbon trlilo Monttvse L'liioiitown tailed no sale closed no sale closed failed closed failed Closed Greensburg Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. Wilki uliarie no sale fjrj All notes purporting to be on any IVnny. vama Dank not given in the above list, may he m.1 tlpwu os frauds. xvav jrjtsr.v. Dank of New liruDuwick Brunswick failed j par i Hehideie Bank lielvidere Huriington Co. Dank Med lord I'oinniercial Bank Perth Atnboy I'limlieTland Hank Dridgeton ranners' Bank Mount Holly Farmers' and Mechanics' Dk Railway Farmers' and M,echaniea' Hk N. Hiunswick Farmers' and Merehants' Dk Middletown Pt par i par 1 failed Franklin Dank of N.J. Jersey City Hoboken Dkg & Glazing Co Hubokrn Tersey Clt? Dank Jeisey City Merhanka' Bu.i Putterson Manufactur.-rs' Dank Belleville Morris Couniy Bank jioi."."ilown Monmouth Dk of N.J. Freehold Mechanics' Dank Ncwaik Mechanics' and Manuf. Dk Trenton Morris Canl and Dkg Co Jersey City Post Notes failed fail, d failed failed failed failed par 110 sale Newaik Dkg St Ins Co Newailc New Hope Del Hiid Co LambeiUville N. J. Mjuvjtuc. and Ukg Co IloUiken K J Protecum o. Lombard I k Jersey City Orange Dank Orange Pulerix.n Dank Paleisoii i i failed laded i failed i Peoples' Dank do Piincetoii Dank Primvlon Haletn Banking Co Salem State Dank Newark Stale Bank Eluabcihtown fcitate Uank Camden Stale Hank of Monis Moriistown dBliite Dunk Trenton talem and Philad Manuf Co Salem SuskCS Dank Newton Trenton Dunking Vu' Trenton Union Dank Dver Washington Danking Co. Hackensatk ii:i.4vaiu:. Bk of Wilm &. Brand) wum Wilmington Bank of Delaware. Wilmington Dunk of Smyrna Smyrna Do bianch Millord Fanners' Bk of Siaie f Del Dover Do brinch Wilmington Do bri-ni-h Geoipctiiwn Do trainh Newt. tle Vnion Hai k W ilunngton err l ndei fi's pur par i i par 1 failed failed i par i failed par par par par par par pr par par rr -f On all banks maikcd thus () there are I thir connle'feit or altered notes ol tho vjr.ous de ilCojuiaiioi.. in c:icu!Hoii. C'oiirilerlVllciV DEATH BLOW, 'lhn public will please observe that no Hrandreth Pills two genuine, unless the box has three li bels upon it, (the top, the side ami the hot tuni) pitch containing n fie-simile signature of my hand writing, thus D. Iln aiihiitii, M. 1). These la. Itel-aio engraved on Mori, beautifully designed, and done at an expense of over f 2,(100. Therefore it will be seen that the only thing n'ressary to pro ruro (he medicine in iis purity, is to observe these labels. Remember the top, the side, and the bottom. The following respective persons are duly auhiri xcd, and hold CEIITICATES Or AGENCY, For the sale of lirumlrrih't Variable Universal nil. Northnmheilaml county : Milton MacUcy A Chnmbeilin. Sunlmry II. B. M.isser. M'Ewens ville Iiehindei. Meixcll. Norihunil eiland Wm. Forsyth. Georgetown J. A J. Wills. I'nion County New Berlin Hogar fi Win ter, Selinsgrove George Giindiutn. Miiblle burg Isaac Smith. Heaver'own David llnbler. Adannburg Wni. J. Mny. MiHlinsbuig MeiiHch Ac Ray. llattlctoii Daniel Long. Freeburg G. et F. Moyrr. Lowribnrg Walls ct Green. Columbiii county : Danville K. D. Rej nobis V Co. DcrwieV.- Sliuman A' Ritleiihouse. Ca' tawissa G. Hrobts. Dloomsburg John R. Mover. Jeiney Town Lrvi Disel, Washington Robt. MiCay. Limetone Hall'-' M;N'nch. Observe that each Acent has an I'ngravnl ("er ilicate of Agencv, containing a representation of l)r BKANDKKTII'S Manufactory nt King !Sinc, and upon which will also be seen exact copies ol the fie in labels hcic ne tioi tilt lirainlrilh J'ill Hnrrx. Philadelphia, office No. R. Ninth Pihslreet. H. DRAiSDKETH.M.D. June 2Kb, Ink. JOSEPH B. HOVER, Manufacturer of Writing ami, Iiidclli blc Ink, No. DM) North Third Street, six doorfi helow Race, (enst nidi',) FHILADELPHIA, 1 F.SPE(3TFULLY informs country merchants - and others, that he ron-tantly keeps on hand a large stoi k nf his superior Black, Blue nml Red Ink. and also a superior cpnhty of IndelliMe Ink. His ink is put up in bottles varying in size, frem 1 to 32 ounces, and will be sold on reasonable teim. The excellent qualities of this ink has so thoroughly established its character, that it is now extensively used throughout the country. , For sale at the store of II. B. Maser, Sun bury. Pa. May 27th. 1813. ly LClf GLEE'S ' Cerent lvCKtcin liitliaii lana ra, Compountletl entirely of Vegetalilo Substances ; Free from Ciihimtl and all othrr Mineral. For the history ol this medicine, and its uniivalled and truly surprising suceess and popular ity, see large hills T is recomniended as a general cathartic for family use in dyspepsia and all bilious disea ses, it is invaluable f ir Asthma it is ennsi.leie.l a specific, no case having yet occurred which it has failed to cure (or common colds, imflammalory, rheumatism, alli elions of the liver, &c and foi females, it is a safe and excellent leniedy. CEIlTiriCATE, From f)r. Sila Wrtt, of Rmifhtimpton, A. Y. Mr. Lnncley Dear Sir: I have used your Great Wesn rn Indian Panacea in my family, and have repeatedly prescribed it for patients under my care, and am satisfied that it is alnavs a fafe, and in v. iv many cases an invaluable medicine. It operates ns a I ixalive without nausea, or pain ; and w bile it i f b i tually obviates costive nc .a acts upon the stomach and liver as an alteiative, directing aci.hty, and re storing the hi althy condition of those organs. Very repectfiil'y vours. S. WEST. For sale by JOHN W. FRILING. Sui.bury, .IA tiB HRIGIli: N.Hthumbeiland. May 20ih, IS'in ly MERCIBAKTS HOUSE, Ao. 2:57, .Vori Third.ohorr C.llouhill St., PHILADELPHIA. WOIIN DUNCAN, late from the Pennsylva IP Ilia Farmer, hii.I Samuel Pike, jr., late nf A iih rican Hotel, Culmiibus, ( ihio, take pleasure in nc quairting their fiiends and the public that they have tuki uthe large and commodious Hotil, recently built by the M.ssis. Hart, on the site on,"e occupied by the old Cfta'di-died Hotel known as i!;e L'till'a Head, in Third stieet above Callow, bill st. This Hotel ,!" finished in the very best possible maimer, bud ,f (he iV't nihlerials. Its location i very deshable, particularly i' r country merchants ; the ariangenntns for lieatii.g and ventilating inch room is such as to tveure any leniperu.'ure. ' be hedionmsarc all light and airy, ull lumishej in a neat style, so as to insure tomfort. Thenceiviug parlors are also fun ihed in a su perb style, the w indows arc on the French style, homing no entrance 1 a balcony ill front, whlih makes a pleasant recess. Pmticulai attention ha Uvn given to the bills aiul bedding, which, with the furniture, are rutin ly new. from yearh' experience in hotel business, we trust, by strict assiduity tc. husinrst, to nial.e thi house a desirable stopping place. ur table will always l e supplied with the very best our market can all'or.l, and our bar with the liesl li.juors and i wines of the most appioved briiuds. P. -s. There .re first rate slahltng .r.J houses utl.ul.eJ lo the hotel, Mirn.l. d hy ca .b.l a,,.le..l,rl.os.ler.. and our c!:arUe. w ,11 be low, iu i - ;.i. .l. .., iimf. accordance with the present haid limn. Philadelphia. Get. Vth, 142. IJiN ION HOTEL, (Cent ml Stage Orc,') jn: -aj lh yiT m, LYCOMING COUNTY, l'ciiiiMjItnniu. rilllE Subscriber respectfully informs his friend. 1 and the public in general, that he has taken the above l.A Il(!H AM COMMODIOVS HOTEL, I N T H E B O R O U i H O V M IT N C Y, and that he is now well prepare J to accommodate all who may favor b in with llieir custom. li s SinriKo Aurtsis ri ure wi ll aiied, and i comtorltibli., I IIm Tabi ivn Bah will aaya be iSyphtd with the best theiuaiket can tiflonl. j His Stamlino, which is piml, will ll Under i the charge ol good and ran-ful hostlers. i He f. els roiifident, by strict atlentioii lo business, : and an niri est desire to render c liiforlf.hle those who may psironiz him.thit he will not fail to give i - general . nisi a. noil. II. i). m..MIai J Muney, Oct. 1st, 1642. If. The bmt method for the Aholilion of Disease is to elcanse and purify the Doihj. imhax ri:f3i:TAi.r: rii.i.s OF TIIR .AVrffc American foltcfr of Health, Are now acknowledged to be the best Medicine In the World for the cure of EVERY VARIETY OF DISEASE. ECAI'Sn thry completely cb anse the filo- rtiaih and bowels from tin sc lnllmus nml cor rupt humors which are the cause not only ot Headache, Giddiness, Palpitation of the Heart, lVns in tho Bones, Rheumatism and Gout, but every malady incident to man, SMI) INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS are n cirnin cure for in teimiltent, icmittrd. nervons, inflamtilnty and putrid Fevers, brcanse Ibi v e'eanse the p.idy firm those nioibid hi mors. which, when ronflnrd to the eiicu- l-il'i.m nm iKp ruiiun nf all L i n.lj rit' 1 1 V V. I. S. So. also, when the same impurity is deposited on the ' inembini.p and nuisrle, coismg ldo, i)f!.im:i- tions and swetlinus called i;in:ri.risM, i GOl T, e. W light's Indian Vrgetal le Pills may j It relied ..n as a!wnvs ertnin to (;ive n lief, and if peiFrvi red with, neroidlne to directions will inot nssim dlv, and without fail, n:iike a perfect en e of the above nainfi I n id. .dies. From three to six of said Indinn Vipetah'e Pills taken evi ry nicbt go ing to bed, will i" a shoit time so completely rid the body from every tiling that is opposed to health, tl at Rheninati-ni. Gout, and pain of every descrip tion, will be li.rallv DRIVEN FROM THE HO- ! DY. For the s one reason, when, trom sudden changes of almo-phcrc, or any other cause, the per. ; spiialtnn is check' d, and the hitnior wh:ch should pa-s i fi' bv th- skin are thr. wn inwardly, causing lll'.AD CIIE. tMI'DIM'ss, n use,, r.nd si.k- ; iiesa, pain in the, w a'eiv ai d ii flamed evi's, , sore I'uoat, hoarsene s, couc' s, roti'umption--. rhi uin.itic. pains in vations arts of the boily, and many nth. r Evmp'mn of C TCHINtt COLD. ; Wright's Indian Vmetnlde Vi!ls will invariably j ctve itrmedi te r. lief. From thiee to six nf aid j Pdls taken every nUit on going to bid, will in a ' shoit lime, not nn'v teinove nil li e above uri h as int ' symptoms, but the body w II, in a short time, he . restored to even sounder heal h ll an before. . ASTHMA. on DIFFICULTY OF BREATH- 1 Mi.UV-A W,,i Writable Vilk will loos- ' en and car y i IT, by the ston urh and bowiis, thorc ' lough lib giny humor-, w! ieh stop up all the air ' cells of the Iuiiijs, mid are the cause, not only of the j above disir. ssina complaint, but w hen n. cleeled, . often tern ioate in that mo ciln ailful ma'ai'y called i UONSl 'M I'TION. ll -hou'd hi-n'soren e'mbiTfd 1 thai HriW' Indian Yrgetidilr fills are a certain cute for PAIS IA-TI1E SIDE. Oppn s-ion, nau- j si a. and sickness, lo- of app) tite, costivenr fi, a : ) How tinge of the rViti ai d eyis. and i very other ! symptom f at. rpid or disea-cd slate of the liver ; j I realise tin v pnrue from the body those impurities , whiih if d' posited upon lhi important org m, are j ill.- cau-e id i" cry variety of LIN ER COM- j PLAINT. W hen a nation i ivimilsed ly riot-, ; nuibre..ks and n br'lion the only means of pn vent- j ing the dreadful con.eijUi tui of a CIVIL WAR. is to eX el all traitors, and i iil il spos, d . ni s from j the eoun'rv. In like manner, w In ll naiii or sick j nes- of any kii.d, indi.nte that llie body is striiL' elit e with int. r i id foes, the true reri idv is to EX PEL ALL MdRHiD HUMORS. (Tiaitois to health and life.) Ilnrflh trill be the eirtnm result. That the pi inciple of i uring di-ea-e, hy cleansing and puiilv ing the l, i sliietly in accord nice with the laws which govern the animal irononiy; nml if properly earned etil bv the iwe of the above named WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, will ceitainty risnlt in the complete Abo blion nl' ; we oiler the lopowiug testimoni ids, fi. m pirsoii- of ti e high, si ro-pcciahility in New Yolk, who have lecenliy been ruled of the most obstinate complaints, solely by the use of Wnioiii's Im.ian Vii:rtHi.K Pili.s, of the A'ri Amerieun Vi lbgeif lltaith: Jai ue. L. I., .lunv Oil.. 1311. Doctor Wihia.n Wnght Dear Sir ll is with ureal mii faction I inform von of ;.iy having been culm !y cured ol Dyspepsia, of live years stainin g, bv llie ue ol your Imiivn Vinr.TAai.K I'li.l.s, Pi.i. o- tn tiiee'ji wi'h our rihbialid muli ' l ire, I b'i.1 h.en ut.'Vr ll e hands of several Physt , cins, ol id had tried various ui do ini s ; hut all to no ela fl. Alli-r nti g one 2. cent box of nur j Pii's, howi ver, I rf ri. teed so nun h bei rlit. thai i I ic-oU. .1 to pi r-ew ie in the use ..f thelo aei oidmi" loihrei tiot s, wl i. li I am happy lo state, has n -lilted in a peifecl cure. Ingralitude lo you fol the treat hi lo I'll I have recened.iiud iil-ai in the hope diatotheis siniil irlv ntlln t d may be milu.-eil to In . 1.1 our ex-ra. i.hii ny me.lii ine, I semi you llos slateio.nt wi'h lull hbeily to publisli the same, il vou think pi per. Yours, Ac. New oik, J une 1H, l-ill. ti.C. BLACK. Mr. Richard Do nis, ai ut for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Dear Sir I have b. en iillbc'i .l for several years w i'b ii.vv ar.l v er.ivtiess and ijeiii ral debility , ac.'om- ai ied at limes w iih p uns in the side and other ihslfcssii g i plain's. Aft. i hav ing tra'd various medicines it In I ll. :is prrsu uh d by a li i. n l lo make trial cf Dr. Wight's Indian Vi!e fills', win. I. I am loippy to state, hive relieved toe in a most woii.l. ilul uiainii r. I have u-ed ihe me. ilieine, tis vei but H short tnre, and have no doubt, by a perseverance in the use f the medicine accor ding to ,'"'ctions. th l 1 shail in a short time be pert. rilv ie-on '. I iniisl williogU reconitnend said M!s to all per sons similai ly i.llln ted. ill d ill 'he lull beln ll.eofoe l euel'u i'il resu lswill follow their U'e, I re msiii yours sun inly. HENRY A. FOOI'E. Waiwarsing. Ulstei co, N, Y. Ni w Yc UK, Sept. 1.0, 111. TIps is to certify that I have used's NiiiAtv 'mTA lilt. Pills wiMi the greatest hene- lil ; lisvioe rnnn Iv rnreil inysell ol llie In .pi. nt at- 11 t"l.t-lip, .".J. I"' i J 1 i'ICi 'v ,.. suhi.e.. A.N N M A I.I V I IM 1 s b ,,, T , V ir'r ' Mr- l!'l"d D.iinis, Ag.nt lor right s In- diali Yi't'.-lable I'l b. c. r r i .v. As ihrrp are al this lime u.i.nv wiiked persons IuimIv i i.gagid in n llii'U a c unterfeii lui ibeMic Un ih r ti.e in.iiie of the Indian Veeet-ible Pills and as these ilesi eriite un n are so utterly reckless of con- is. oueiici s, that many valuable lives may he I. si in .. . i- , l . ! cnnscjiici ce 'l using u eir ureniiiui coinpounus, the pub! c are cautioned against purchasing any Fills, unless uii the tides of the boxis the following wording is found : WUIOHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS. Indian Purgative.) UT TUB KOHTH AMLHIIAX 11IUII.I or IIEslTH, And also to be especially caicTuI against purcha ing aid medicine of any person except Ihe regu lar advertised agents. AUjiKTS FUlt yOHTHUMUFllLASD CO., J'i unsiliutiia. II. B. Masser, Sutibiiry Wm. Forsyth, Nor ihumbi'ilaud Jacob llais, Sbamokill Samuel Herb, Mahouov llr.-ily A D. Haas. Augusta j Tli.onn Fullmer. Milton Irelmul ,V Meixell, McEweusville I'.. S. P per, Turhulsville James Reed. Potlsgrove II. Klase, Snvderstown II. II. Ki.ubil, P. M Ely.hurg P. O. Wm. Leisriiriui!. P M. Union Comer. Olliie and (iriieral Denol for the sale of Wright's Indian Ytgiiuble Pills, Wholesale snd Reisil, No. 109 RACK STREET, PHILADEL PHIA. May SI, IB4X ly HOSE OINTMENT, rou ti:tti:. RtNowotttsi, on the r r., asd othkh rt'TANi:ois rRt ntoNsi. CCy The ftillmrinn eertifen'e (huei ibrs one. oflhe most extraordinary eures ecer effected by any applientimt. PititAiitirntA, February 10, ISM. TOR twenty years I was severely alllictrd with -- Tr.TTKH on tho Face and Head: tho disease commenced when I was seventeen years old, anil continued until tho Fall of 18:!C, varvinf in vio lence, hut without ever disappearing. During most of the time, great part of my face was covered with the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch ing ; my bead swel'cd at times until it felt as if it would hurst the swi II in j was so gie it, that I could i scarcely get my hat on. During the long period i that I was afflicted v Ml the disease, I useil n great 1 many n plications, (among them several celebrated ' prep .nation-) as w. II as taking inward remedies, including a nundier ofb.ttbs of Siwtim'n I'ttwiera, 1'rlrrtrl nf Sarsnpnrilltt, Ac, In fact, it would he j impovnible to enumerate all the medicines I used. I was also under thp cre of two of die most dis- tinenished physicians of this city, but without re i l iving im ch benefit, and I despaired of ever being cured. Ill Ihe f ill nf 1 8:lfi, the disease at the time being very violent, I commenced usinn the Hone Ointnteu1. (prepared bv Vauuhan iV Davis.) Ill a f w applications the violent itching ceased, the swi lling abated, the i motion heuan t.i disappear, and bcloro I luid used :i the ili ense w a entirely ' cuieil. It has now been m arly n y. ar and a half , since, and there is not a ve-tige of the disease re- i mainiu". except the fears from the deep pits formed ! hy the ili-ea--e. II invpt. ssible lor me to ilesenle in a ctrtilieate the severity of the dise.i-e and my siill'i riiiir. but I will be pie ised In give a fuller ac. count to any person wanting further satisfaction, who will c.dl on me. At the lime I commenced ning llie Rose Ointment I would have given bun ihrds of ilo'hns lo be rid nf the disease Since ll sing il, I have recnminetided it to several persons, (among them my mother, who ha. 1 the disease, bad ly on In r a.m.) w ho w. re a I cured hv it. J AMES DUENELL, N.. loC, Race St. fj" The Rose t);ntinent is prepared by E. II. Vnughan, S,.u'h East cuni r of Third and Race site. Is, Philadelphia, and sold on auenrv in Sunbu rv. hy H. B. MAssER, ' May Uth, lsn. Agent, I2om OinliBBrul, for Trllcr. A PROOF OF ITS IJ FKWOY. Puii AiiiiriiiA, May S7lh, 18:l!. rl',llIS is (,i certify that I was severely alllicied w it la Teller in the hands and f. el for Upwards ol lorly years; the diseas,, was attended gi nenlly with violent itching and swelling. I npphrd to iiutnhi rof 'physicians, and used a great many iippli ci'ions with.ut ell'ecting a cure. About since, I appl cd li e liose Omtiiienl, which stopjrd the ili hiug.and a f. w applicali lis iinmedi ntely cured the dseae, which there has hi en no r. 'tin n of. although I had never lu en lid of it at any time fr f. ity years. RICHARD SAVAGE, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. The Rose t liniment is prepared hy E. H. Vniiulmri. S tilth East corner of Tl.iid anil Race Stieets, Philadelphia, mid s dd on a jencv in Sunhii ry.hv H. U. MAssER, " M.iy Uth. 1SI1. A grot. KECICAI. ArrKOHATION Of tin liOSF. iH.TMi:.T,J'or Titter. LTHoUGH the superiority nf the preparation over all otln rs is fully rs'ablished, the proprie tors lake ph asiire in laying before the public llie following certificate from a respectable physician, a cradiiate nf the University of l'eunsv tvania. Dr. Bangh, laving found in Ibis remedy thai iclief fr a ledtoiis and disagreeable nnW tnm which the nieans wnhin I he ramre of his profes-ion failed to all.,.. . litis , n li. -.,i.l ,l ... i;.,,- ,, no. ri ''.-.,. , uiit.-'uo the preiudiees nml interests nf that profession aie . ppose.l to secret RelnedieH. Pun Ai.i.LiuiA. is,,. ! was recently tiouhnd with a tedious herpetic erupti. n, which n arlv one si 'e oftny fice, and extended over the car. Mr. Vuuiihan, proprie loi of the Rose t liniment, obseiviug niv face, insis ted on my ttvini! bis p-i paratioii, of which he han ded me a jar. Although in common with the nieui lu'is ol niy profession, I diseoiintenancc and disap. prove ot the numerous nostiums palmed upon the pid lie by iun.'i ml pr. lenders, I I. el in justice hound loev.-ipl the Rose Ointmilit linni thai c'a-s of me il cines. and to give it 111 v approbation, as it entire ly iiire.l llie eruption, ahhouiih It hid resisted the u-u.l applications. DAN I. II A I ( . 1 1 , .M . 1 . tj The Roe Ointment is prepared by E. 15. Vauuhan, South I'ns! comer of Third and R ice Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agi ncv in Sud bury, by Jl. B. MASSER, May llth. isn. Agent, . i J. MAYL ANir, JR. Sc CO. iSiui li' nml Tolinccii latni(;icluicrs, .Vo. ill) Jnrf U" st cornrr of Ilucc and Third Slrei ts.' PHILADELPHIA. rPHE ntider-igtie.l have formed n Co-partnership i- under the firm of J. MAY L AN I) Jn. iV Co.. as successors to the late lirm of Jncab Atnilond A Co., nml w ill c iittinue the business at theol.l esta blishment, on their own account. In iitldiunn to their ovvn close attention and exp. ri. nre f t many years, in the manuf n lure of llieir celebrated Fiiufl-, iVc, the long experience nf he senior paituer of the late lirm, will also be devoted to the interest of the new concein and as no exertion and care will le spared to insure tin ir goods, at all tun. s of the ve ry l esl quality, they solicit a continuance of the confidence ol the 1'i.cnds and customers of the late firm. THO.M s AD VMS, J. MAY LAND, Jh. Phibidelphia, May Hth, 1843. ly EAGLE i'ormr of Third and Umr Struts, WIIXIAIVISrOIlT, FA. T " E subscriber r-'Siicifullv announces to the pill lie, thai he h s opened a Hotel in the com- nio.ti.His urn k l uiliiiiig snii iie on me coiner oi i hud and Pine streets, where he w ill tie happy to wait U)i n those who m.iv l.vor linn wit', tlieir company. The Eai-le Holel is large an.) conveni ent, and furnished in the U'-t inodein slv le. Il is i provided with r .. i i.. . a large number of well aire.l and comfortable slei ping apartments, rooms, private parlors, Ac. Prisons visiting Wilhamsport on I u- sim ps oi p'easun1, niay rest as-ur. d that every ex ertioii will re used to render their sojourn at ihe "Eagle Hoti T pleasant and agreeable. 1 1 is table will be supplied with the very In st the market af fords, and hi. bar with the choicest w ines and other liipiors charges reasonable. The Eagle Hotel possesses greater advantages in point of location than any other similar establishment in the borough, being situate in the business part of the tow n, and within a convenient distance of the Court House and Wilhamsport and Elmira Rail Road Depot. Sufficient Slahling provided, and good and tiusty ostlers always in attendance. Attentive, accommodating and hone-l Servants have been t inploved, and nothing left undone that will udd to the comfort and accommodation of his guests. There will 1 a carriage always in attendance at the Boat Landing to convey pajufiigrra to and from the House, lite of t barge, CHARLES BORROWS. My 14th, 1M if Hi B. 1IA!3sj2?s, ATTOUNKY AT LAW, SUIIDURV, TA. Business attended lo in the Counties of Nor thuml crland, Union. Lycoming and Columbia, liefer lot 1 HAMAS IlltlT eV t'o., eV IlATIROt, Haiit, CcxiMtwos & Hat, rhilud., McFaih ajiu &l Co, Srr.n iio, Goon At Co., To C oiinlrv MERCHANTS. THE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon cV Harris, Hat Manufacturers, for New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other large cities, whoso Hats are highly commended for isf tobit and dtirnbiliti, has on hand a fir-t rate assortni-nt of HA 'I'r) and CA PS, suitable for Sprinp s des, wh'ch will Ve sohl very low, foi cash or appioved credit, at the nrtid eheap store, INo. 40, rSorlh 1 liiril slryi, o p jsi'e . t lie City Hotel, rinla.lclphia. ROBERT D. WILKINSON. Atent. N. Tl. Ordeis lor Hats in the row. 4. promptly attended lo. The highest price in or trade given far Fur kins. Philadelphia, June II, lS13.--1y TOJ .n:cn3 LL persons inihblrd to the lirm of Lynn A Harris, tinder the agency oft. N'. Tharher, Hilt and Cap Manufacturers, No. 40 North Third, street, Philadelphia, arc reipicstc.l lo make immedi ate settlement of tin ir ai counts v iih the subscriber, their legally authoiized tiBent.who is fully rmpow el'd to settle and collect the accounts of paid lirm. ROBERT D. WILKINSON, June 4th, 1 f J2. If Agent. CI O L I ) E N S W A i .Vo. (i'.l .orth Third, aborr Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. ACCOM MOD 1 IONS niR SFtTNTV miSONS. OHARLES WEISS, hiieol the "White Swan," and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in forms his friends and customers, that he has become the proprietor of the ahov well known Hotel. Oonif ry Meirhants will find llie above Hotel a central location, and the best of fare. Persons tra velling with private conveyance will find a large yard and good slahling for horses, and the best of ostleis. Hoarding? I per day. May 1 1 ill. 181?. if. "Trie. HEILlfCZlT &, CO., Aiini i rf (.'omiiiissiuii - 1 orwarninn Alt rrliiuiis, Foot of illow Si reel Hail lioad, uti -mi: mi. aw a sr. HAVING associated w ill them Joseph Bamet, lale of F.asloti, Pa., r. spectfully inform their friends anil the public ecnerallv, lb at Ihry havr ta. ki n tb it lartre and Wed known store and wharf at foot of Willow Sirei t Railroad, lately oecupic I by .licnb Martin, where I lie v purpose doing a Gem ral Commission and Forwarding Business, ami the local advantages of the place being roun cled with nil the public improvements that have their outlet in tin- city, tliey (Inner themselves lliey will be able to do business lo as great, if no( greater ad- i vaniage, ami upon as reasonanie icims as any inner house, and ihev assuie their friends that any con signments made lo Ihem shall have their strict at tention, and no exertions spared to give entire satis faction. Tin y are also prepared to receive and forward pfOts to any point on the Delaware and Lehigh river, between Mauch Chunk, r.aslori and Plula- 1 .i.i.i.:. li.. t ii:..:. ....... I I ..I, ',.,!, f.,,.1... , um , Jlllli;lU rjv,.r, 1r Nor,h' , NV, s1 U..i-hes of the Susipuhanna via Schiiyl- kill and Union, or the Chesapeake anil Tide Watei Canals. I For the accommodation of Boats coming or go. ' ing via Schuylkill and Union Canal, a Ste.tuhnat I will be kept expressly for towing boats from the Schuylkill round to the Delaware and back, w hich , will enable, merchants to have llieir ptoiluee deli- j j vete.I on the Delaware, and their goods sl.ippid at i a saving of f0 to 7S per cent, ov the prices f r j hauling across, with these, advantages they r. ' ! sptcllully solicit a share of patronage. i .; ex uu. William H. ilmsn, W .ham W . rv yter. Joseph Bamet. 3 Philad , May 14, 18-13. ly 3 Phil BOLTON 8c CO. C;rnrr:il oititiiixxioii Mvrt lianls. 7'or the Sale of Flour, drain, Seed, 4c Ac. 1") ESPECTFUI.LV inform their friends and he Merchants generally, that they have la ken those large anil commodious Wharves, with two Doiks, ninth of Chesnut strict, on the Delaware, together with the store No. 19 South Wharves, where ihev would he nleased to receive consign ments nf (irain, Flour, Seed, Whiskey, Iron. Ac. Ac. Being also well prepared to forward ull kinds j of Merchandise bv the Schiiv Ikill and Union, or by j the Chesapeake iinJ Ti.le Waler Canals, as low- j boiild nra Lent .'YlireSsI v foi the imriiose of towing I boats by ei her rou'e. Merchants will nlease be nartietilar to send their goods destined hy either canals, to No. 1!) South Wharves, between M.nkel and Chesnut streets, on lite Delaware, with directions accompanying them which route they w ish Ibein t.i be shipped. Plaster uuJ Suit for sale, at the lowest mar ket price. lltll.l'ON & C'. March 19,1843. No. 1 9 South Wharves. !lOIU:tlT sV sov, PAPER MANUrACTtJUEKS, .ombiiril Strut, llaltiuwrr. HAVE con.-lanllv for sale. Printing Paper of al. and qualiti. s. Cap Writing Paper, rul. d and plain. Letter Paper, white and blue, ruled and plain. Hanging Paper, line ami common, Envelope Pnner. do. ilo. medium, douh'e ciown, crown and ri,a sized W lai'ioue Pai ers. Coloied Medium and , JV11 i, ,.,, Hounet, Hinders and Snavv llox I CIS, lb. an Is, Tissue Paper, and ull ait., h s in the,i line, which they will nil on uccomiiiodatiu terms. II ghest puce given f..r old raijs. ROBERT CARTER A SON. March 19. 1 S i:j. Elkton. Md CHP.7SCLIT3 FCLiriH. VN artie'e uneiualled for cleaning and p vmg a highly durable and most brilliant polish to sil ver, (lermnn Silver, Brass, Copper, UiHtanta ware. Tin, Sterl, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on varnished carnages, Ac. TRi II- Prepared and aolJ at wholesale and retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite Poii.h Company, Owego, Tioga county. N. Y. WM. FORSYTH, Agent for Northum'd, H. B. MASSER, Agent Tor Sunbury. November 2ttth, 1842. H'.TEll miwiMis. LAST MAKER, No. 71 ChIIouIuIt Sircct, lJii!:t!eIihia C Three doors above Second. J SHOE Findings always kept on hand, which h. oilers for sale on the lowest terms. Country Much nils are p.riiiuUily to (ill and judge for themselves. Philadelphia, Novent 3r 13, 1112 ly. G. V". &, L. B. TAYLOP.. OFFER FOR SALE, at the Mouth East Cor ner of Fifth and Market Streets, Philadel phia Mens' Calf-skin Bonis, stitched warranted, do do do pegged do do do do water proof, double sole and double Upper, do Calf-skin do do do nailed and uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do do Neats do do. do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin, do do do Crockers do do Fine Monroes warranted do Kip do do Calf do do Coarse do do do Shoes do Fine do do do do do do do hip ito do do Calf and Seal Skin I'umna. do List Socks with and without soles; do Carpet do do ,b do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasin. Ladies' do do ilo Jo Ladies' tanned India Rubber shoes. ( Jeiillemcns' do Overshoes. With every other desc iption of boots and shoes. Fur Caps of every description. Travelling Trunks of every description. Venetian Travelling Bags. Patent (Sum Elastic Shoe Blackinn, Bonnets of all kinds, Palm Leaf Hats. Phibidelphia, November 13, 1K42. ly. CD Q w OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. m:v i:.(;i..M)oii. company No. 2! North Wnlcr Street, lMiila. MANUFACTURERS and dealers iu Oils of J.T W every description both for burning and manufacturing purposes, which will lie sohl much lower than they ran be procured elsewhere, and Warianted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving as represented, may he relumed without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will be refunded. Their slock now in store consists of the follow ing oils, viz : 3(l,()U() gallons Winter Bleached SpeinA O.I, tintm do do Coloilesa Oil, ! 15,1100 do Fail and Spring Sperm Oil, 10.DOO do Winter Sra Elephant, 20.00(1 do do Pressed Whale Oil, fiOOO do Summer do do do 15.000 do Common Whale Oil, "00 Barrels superior Stra 's Oil, 300 do Cod Bank Oil, SO do Neats Foot Oil, j 7 ." ( 'a-ks ( llive Oil, Tanner's tils, j zr 3 fXj This Company has a number of Vessels cn g.iged in the Co l Fishery, ntul Tanners may rely upon retiiug at all times (til as pure as imported, Philadelphia, Nov. 13. Isli. ly. .T3 icE sac I Weaver V Son, ROrE MAKERS fi SHir CHANDLERS. No. 13 .,,rth Water Street. I'hiladi .'phin. JTJ1 J.j 1. constantly on hand, a general assort ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, Ac, viz : I iir'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, Manil la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a complete assortment of Seine Tw ines, Ac, such as llemp Shad anil Herring Twine, Best Patent tiill Net Tw ine, Cotton Shad ami llening Tw ice, Shoe Threads, A-e. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, I'lotigh Lines, Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac. all of which they will dispose of on reasonable trims, Philadelphia, N'ovemlier 13, 1812. ly, Jacob l'l isiimtli & Son. 11 EsPECTFULLY informs their friends and k acquaintances ge irrully that they still con tinue lo keep al the old stand, No. 210 North 3d street. Philadelphia, all V mds of Toll AC VO S.t ,'"' .4A7' SLdAHS. Which they will cell m the nut '. accommodating and ieas. ua le terms. N. B. All Bonds sold will he guai inteed and all orders prompt 1 stl. tided to. Philadelphia, N.-vemlci 13, IS 12. ly. Sl'KIMXG, GOOD fc C O. No. l.'iS .Vlarkftt St refit, rhiladelpliia. BNVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensive assortment of British French and American Dry (ioods, which they utter for salo on h' in i-t reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1812. ly. J . W. S W A I nT rmhrella ami 1'arasul Mantifacttircr. Ao. 37 Sooth Thud ttrret, tiro doors below the City Hotel, Phi lath labia. 0U?'TR Merchants and others are solicited to examine his assotti.ient before purchasing elscw here Phila 'clihia, November 13. 1812. ly. FC?. SALS. ! fe ; U OR sale a small Farm, containing about one hundred and ten arris, more or le-s, situate to Point townsliip, r ortliumi erlBiul count., nhout two miles above Noithnmberl mil, on the main road h ading from that place to Danville, adjoining lauds ol John l.euhou, Jesse ('. Hoi ton and others, now in llie occtipmcy of Samuel Payne. About loity ai res nf said 1 1. m l are clean d, and in good state of in'tivaiioii, on which there is a small ham recti d. The property w ill be sold unreasonable 1 leims. For further pailictihirs, pt isons are request cd to apply to the suhscrib. r. , H. B. MASSER, Agent. i Nov. 27lh. 1842. if Sunbury, Pa. I LIST OF BOOKS, koii s aik h 113. ir: .--U U2J , VN'l'lULN'S Classical Diciioniiry; Lemprirr'i . do.; Auiswoith's do j C'ohl.'s do.-, Ens-lish and (ieimaii do.; Ambon's; Anlholi's liramtiier; Anlheii's Ciceto; Mail's Latin Reader; Ogilly'sdo.; I An.ltew's Latin Lessons; Doiinegan's Lrticontj '. Frsk's (ire. k Eseicises; Davies's Legeudei; (iraeca Majora; Adams's Roman Antiquities; Piiinotk's i (ioidsinith's England; do. (ircecej L) ell's Elements i nf IS.'ologv; Mis. Lincoln's Botany; Elements of j Botanv; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Rheloiical Rea ders; Emirson'a (Seography and Hislmy; Olney'a do.; Purit y's do.; Smith's tirammert Kirkham's do., Kay's Readers; Cold's do.; Cobb's Anlhmetick; Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spelling Books; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa mily Library; Cottage Btble-t, Family do; Collater al do.; Small Bibles and Testaments; Parker's Ex ercises on Composition; Fiuit of the Spirit! Bastet". S .int's Rest; American Revolution; Mariyatt'. No vell.; Mrs. Phelps on Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism of Amrriran Lawn Letters on Natural Magic; Che mistiy for Beginners; English Exercise, adapted It) Murray's Crammer, Sequel to Cumley'a Sjvelling Book; American Class Book; Daholl'k Schoolmas ter's Assi.tsnlt A great variety of Blank Books, Ac, August 28, roil SALE.YT THIS Off ICC