Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, May 11, 1844, Image 3

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    of excitement, and even women and boyi joined
in the aflYay, some of the women actually throw
ing missiles. Many of them when they tempo
rarily retreated, returned armed with fu arms,
which they discharged sometime with particu
lar aim at individuals engaged on the other aide,
and at other times firing indiscriminately in the
aeveral groups, on the larger body of the be Hi
From what we could nee and gather from per
sona on the spot, we believe the following is the
origin of the affray :
Alter the re-organir.ation of the meeting some
difficulty occurred on the Western aide of the
market house, just inside, b"tween two persons,
named Fields and M'Latighlin, which originated
in some discussion, and led to an interference on
the part of two or three others, one of whom, n
young fellow, drew a pair of pistols, threatening
to shoot the first man who should molest him.
At this instant, a ni:in who had taken some part
in the affair stepped oft" towards the Hibt-rnia
Hose house, and defied him to fire. A shot then
took place, which was followed by repeated dis
charges from both sides, fiomotie of which Pat
rick Fisher received his wounds.
12 o'clock. We have just returned from
the scene oftho riot
About 10 o clock in the
evening, a mob collected in the vicinity of Frank
lin and Second streets, and commenced break
ing into the house on both sides of the street,
destroying the furniture, demolishing the win
dows, and rendering the houses completely un
inhabitable. The inmate.1 of all the dwellings
in the neighborhood fled with precipitation, n
bandoninjr their homes to the ruthles-sness of
the mob.
This continned for sune time without any
resistance being offered. At length an attack
wr.s made upon a Seminary at the corner of Se
cond and I'uenix streets, fortner'y occupied by
the Sisters of Charity, and a number of persons
were about tearing down anil setting fire to the
fence when some person advanced faun above
and fired a valley of ball and buck.-hot among
the crowd.
This was followed Iry two or three succeed
ing volleys, when the crowd dispersed. Seve
ral persons fell severely wenmlerL A jMmnfj
man, named Nathan Ramsey, blind maker, in
Third street, above Rirsvn, received a shot
through the bre:ist bon", perforating his lung,
and tie was carried from the ground to an apo
thecary s'ore in Second street, above the junc
tion ofGermatrtuwn road. Here he was visited
by his wife md mother, who appeared almost
distracted. The young man is mortally woun
ded. Another young man, named John W.AVright,
eon of Archibald Wright, salt merchant, resi
ding in Fiairth ptreet, near Tama ny, was shot
through the hend and killed instantly, lie was
not participating in the riot, but was in conver
sation with a friend, a!ut sixty yards below the
seminary, where he fell. Ho was carried to
the same place where Mr. Ramsey lay, and his
father had his remains removed when our re
porter left.
It is supposed that a number of others have
fallen at the back part of the Seminary, but have
been left lyin' there in consequence of the dan
ger of returning to carry them away. We saw
numbers who were more or less injured in the
fight, some with bullet boles in their clothes,
and there must be a great number of persons
wounded by the frequent discharge of fire arms.
It having been rumored that an attempt would
be made to fire the Catholic church on Second
ftreet, many of the residents retired from their
houses to it, with arms, determined to protect
it at the hazird of theii lives. Up to 12 o'clock
no attempt upon the church hud been made.
Fiiow Sr. D.iMiNiio. By theschr. Robert
Treat, at New York, we learn that the Spanish
part of the island, having declared itself inde
pendent, has organized a regular government, at
the head of which is '.. M. Serra, and had, up to
the middle of April, resisted the troops of Ri
viere, with every prospect of ultimate success.
The following is the Declaration of ludcpcudenc,
the author of which must have had our own close
at hand :
"Declaration of the. inhabitant! of the Spanish
part of the Island of llispnnioln f once so
culled J or Santa Domingo, awl of the
cause of their separation from the Haytictt
It public.
Decent attention and due respect to the opi
nions of all men and to that of civilized nations,
exacts that when one p-ople which has been
united to another, shall wish to resume its rights,
to repossess itself of them, and to dissolve its
political bonds, it should declare with frankness
and good faith the causes which have impelled it
to that separation, that it may not be believed I
v. : ..., ii.. .i-.- i .. 1
that it was inllueiiceit by ambition or a desire ol i
,.,.,, .
novelty. We ti.iuk that we have shown, by a :
heroic constancy, that the evils of misgovt-riiuicut
are to be borne as lor.g as they are sufTerahlc, I
rather than to win justice by casting aside all its !
forms; yet, when a Uuvg series of injustice, of
contumely and insult, persevering in one course,
showa a design to reduce every thing to despot
ism and the most absolute tyranny, it becomes
the sacred right and duty of nations to cast off
the yoke of auch a government, and by new
guarantees to secure its establishment and fu
ture prosperity. Therefore, men assembled in
communities with the sole oject of winning to
gether their safety, which is the suprme law of
the universe, have received fro,, nature the right
. of proposing and deniandrtg tne best means for
its preservation ; for a j, reaSon they are
authorized to iImke ofrau tiwt infringes on this
r'ght whenever the organization of society is en
aangered. And, therefore, the inhabitants of the Eastern
part of the Island of Hispaniola, or of Santa Do
mingo, using their inalienable right, impelled by
twenty two years of oppression, and hearing on
all sides the clamora of their country, have firm
ly resolved to separate themselves forever from
the Haytien Republic, and to constitute them
selves a free and independent people."
The declaration then goes on to enumerate
their grievances, and it is signed by a long array
of names, and published at Saint Domingo, Jan.
10, 1841, A. D., first year of liberty.
"Stick a Pin Thkre." The Editor of the
Rochester Democrat, who has been on a visit to
Connecticut, and saw at Birmingham the pro
cess of making Pins ; after detailing some facts
about this curious business, thus describes the
way in which they are put upon paper. He
As an instance of the marvellous achievement
of skill when so brought to bear upon even one
branch of this process, and that quite subordinate,
the facility for executing the task of sticking the
pins upon the sale paper, may be noticed. It
takes in England 00 females to stick in one day,
by sunlight !0 packs, consisting of .102,400 pins
the same thing is performed here in the some
time by one woman. Her sole occupation is to
pour th m a eallon at a time into a hopper,
from whence they come out, all neatly arranged
' . , , ' ' . , .
ny wmcn ine laoor 01 ,rj persons is uany raven,
yet remains a mystery to all but the inventor ;
and no person but the single one who attends to
it, is. upon any pretext whatever, allowed to en
ter the room where it operates.
M Knc-ANTli.K Honor. James McAllister, Esq..
of New York, bus honorably discharged the debts
from which be had been absolved by the operation
of the Bankrupt law.
Office aftht Baitimobx America. May 6.
Gil UN. Thcie Is very little Md or Vs. Wheat
fining to ma k. t. We quote this description ai
100 a 108 its. for gooil to lcst reds. On r inlay
and Saturday last sales of Pennsylvania red to the
extent of 30,1100 bushel were made at 106 a 109 eis.
principitty at 100 a I OS cts. We aUn note a rale
of 2100 buhels very superior white wheat, fur fa
mily Q ur, on terms nut tr inspired. It came from
Ui-ion County, IV sod is ihe handsomest parcel
i which has ever reached h's market from that Slate.
It is called ibo '-while blue-stem" a new kind of
wheat raised in that section of country. Puicha.
cr Mr. Jacob P. Miller. Sale of several parcels
of Pent! a. Kye at 61 cts. Corn is not very brisk.
Sales of Md. to day at 40 a 43 cts. and of yellow at
45 a 46 cts. A lut of Penna. yellow was offered
to dy at 4G cts. and refused. Sales of Oats at 27
a 28 cts.
WHISKEY Is dull. Small sales of hhds. at
22 cts. and of bbls. at S3 cts.
Osir.i or Evert Disease, sun the Mean
or Cot. In the year 1705, Le Roy cle.uly de
monstrated that every dlsise originated from im
pure or undigested pillules becoming mixed wiih
the blond and fluids. And also, that to cure every
disease, it was only rrqui-ite to 0en the natuial
outlets of the body, and allow them to remain open,
by which means the blood and fluids would re
lease themselves from the undigested and impure
particles, and a state of health would be ccitaiu to
The Royal Institute of France swarded to him.
fur this discuvery, the Gold Medal of the Institute.
This is a historical fact.
All which the Brandieth Vegetable Universal
Pil's prof. s to do is, toca'ry out this principle, and
xperience has fully established them capable of
il. When, therefore, a dad stile i f health exists in
the budy, all thnt has to he done is to continue to
purge it cM dually wiih them, and the more vio
lent the disease, the more powerful must be the
fXj" Purchase of H. B Mascr, Sunlury, or of
the Siiems, published in another part of this paper.
Corrected weiky by Henry Yuxtheimer,
Wheat, ....
Com, . .
Do. Peaches,
Heckled Flax,
NOTICE i hereby given, that an election for
officers of llie
"Outre Turiiplltc Ilonrt t'omp'y."
w II be held at the house of El'X.helh Weitiel in
the borough of Sonhiny, no Monday ll.e 3d d iy of
J"ne 1 l e elcciion will I nn at 2 o clock,
P. M. The ho. k and account' of the Company
'., , . , ., . . . . . ., . '.
will l exhibited to Ihe stockholder pre-rnt at Ihe
.,,, ,jmP ,n, ,,t.,ce. jOHX II. BOYD.
.onliu iil-rUi.d, May II, 1844
4t 8.c'y.
'PHOSE prisons having demands against the
-- Commonwealth lor IhIww perfumed, or mate
rials fuinihed fur the repairs of ihl
Xorfu Uranch ( anal,
prior to the 9ih .'.ay of January, 1844, who hava
not handed to lha subscriber an account of the
same, sre rfqUeitt(j t0 j0 ihe earliest possible
moment, In order that they may be put in form for
settlement, as soon as the fund appropilated for Ibe
payment of old debts can he obtained.
Tho.e living at a distance are requested to for.
ward by mail or otherwise. W. K. MAFFET,
Wilke.birre, May 11, 1844. tf Superviser.
18 hereby gien, that the subscriber purchased of
Samuel Wagner, Constable of Little Mahonof
lownkhip, on the 30 h of April, 1644, lha following
articles sold by the aaid Constable, as the property
of Isaac Rogers, and that I have loaned thu asms
to lha said lusc Rogrrs until I see piopei to take
thsro away, vizi 1 Day Mara, bridle and halter,
fll 00. JACOB RAKER.
May 4th, 1911. 3t,
RESPECTFULLY informs the cit
izens of 8unbury and its vicinity, that
he hss removed his office to the white
building in Market Squste, east of Ira
T. Clement's stoie, and immediately opposite the
post office, where he will be happy to receive calls
in the tine of his profession.
Sunbuiy, May 4ih. 1844.
Henry ITaulman,
BEGS leave to inform the citizens of Runbury
and its vicinity, that he has commenced the
in the shop formerly occupied by Daniel Yar ck,
in Market street, Sunburv, cast of Ira T. Clement's
store, and directly opposite the post nfhVc, where he
intends to carry on tho business in all its various
Orders will be promptly and pnnclnnlly attended
in, and work done cheap, for cash or country pro
duce. fXj" Hoise Shoeing done at f I per sett.
Sunbury, April 27th, 1841. I y.
RAN AWAY, on Sunday lat, from the stib
, seriber, res iling in the town of Shainnkin.
dented apprentice to the Blacksmithiog hu iness.
.Ml persons are therefore cautioned from harboring
or trusting him on my account,
Shnmokin, April 27th. 1S14. 3t.
Orphans' Court Sale.
TN pursuance of an order of the Orphan-.' Court
-- of Noithumherlnml count, will lie exposed to
public s ile, on Friday the 21ih d iy of Mv n xt.
on the premises, to wits a certain tract of I md si
tuate in A u 2 list townsbip, in aaid county, a 'j lin
ing lands of William Reeser, Saimii I Tucker, Dan.
iel Zimmeiman and others, containing on1 biMilred
and seventy-five seres more or less, on whiih is e
reeled a two story frame bom , and a frame and
log barn, l ite the estate of (J, urge I.onu, sr., dee'd.
Sale to commence at 10 o'cl.-ck. A. M , of sii.l day,
when the conditions of site will be in de known
Sunbury, April 27lh, 1844. 4t Ailm'n.
Public Sale;.
BY virtue of a Decree of the Supreme Court of
Penn'a, will lie offered at Public Sale, in . ti
to suit purchasers, at the hnue ofjacob Ttri.eririiiu,
( Bear (i.ip Tavern,) in Shnmekin towrotbip. Nor
thurnberl.ind county, Pa. on Weducd.iy, May 15th,
1844. at 12 o'clock, noun,
A Valuable Tract of T.nnd,
itutite in Slmmukin township, Nonhuinbeilind
rotinlv. Pa., at the intersection of the Centre and
Dinville Turnpikes, adjoining lands of Jacob l.i i
ceiiring, William Krirghhsum, B. Ti'R'imsn and
others, cnniainiiig :tl0 acres, I5H iercbr. and al
lowance. The above Tract ci)tiiit chiefly of a
red shale soil, of Uierior quality. It is l wood
ed and watered, convenient to mil!, Ac., and in
every respect worthy the attention of prisons desi
ring first rate firms. A No
situate in the sime township, about a mile and a
half we-t of ihe above, on both sides of the Centre
Turnpike, and adjoining l iniln of George Sterzel.
George Dimtnig. B. Tilg'im.m and others, cunt lin
ing 108 acres, 43 p -r hes, and allowance. This
land is of similar quality with that above dckciild.
A branch of Shamrkin Creek, on which is a ite
for a Saw Mill, pa.sra through tbi. Ir n t.
The terms of Mle will be as follows: One third
of the Purcha-e Money CHsh, of which f 50 must
he paid when the property is strut k down, and the
bal ince on Ihe 15ih day of June, when a deed will
be made, and given. Of the remaining
ttt'O-thirdK of the Purchase Money, one half, with
interest from the said 15th of June, is lo be paid in
one year, and the balance, with inleicfl, in t vo
years; siid Iwo-thi'd to be sernr- d by Bund and
Warrant, and Mortgage upon ihe prnjedv.
rjj" For further inf -rm oion. n ply to Mr. Adam
Gilger, of Shumc kin township, who re-idea tidjuoi
ing the premises, and will dinw them to person
desirous of purchasing, or to ihe mihsrriher at l'bi
lad.lphii. BEN J. TILtiHMAN.
April 27th, 18H.3t Trustee.
TS herely given that the Kuh-ciiht-r purchased, at
Con-tablu's Nale. on the itlili ilay of April, IriH,
of Andrew Johnson, which he will in the
po-serion of aid J until he i-ee-i proper to
titke il auay. the following prop, rty, tiz :
One bay Mare, 5 50 ; one bay home, 0 00 ; one
Cow, 4 40; one Heiller.2 25; one Bull Cult, 100;
two-thirds of all Ihe Wheat and Kye on the farm,
15 00; one S'ed, 2 50; two wis ll-T-e Gcaia,
1 65 ; one two h ose Waggon. 9 00 : 'Pol d. 55.
April 27th, 1811. 3t
D A V I D E V A XS '
Patent Fire and Thief l'rof Iron
Chests, Slate lined Ilefrienitors,
with Filters attached when
ET.1T3 tz, V1 AT SO IT,
A'o. 70 South third Si.,-opposite the F.xrhungr,
MAM r At" ILltE iui
IJSflfr '-'P. ."W1! for '" Da vi ii Ia
rHlterS'lh rVjFcr elr.iled Wm .-.I i.:
ssss :. r.V
Wil,; J v'r'.ion C oh-,.. , ...I .
'Jjtron, I.r pe-erviiig
'-.o. ka, l apers. II. il. Jewity,
(iolil. Mlvi r. Are.. Ac. in u'e
, ....
of B-J l r Im;,, (anJ ,lot ov, r t.aiik a li'ii- ty-five
out of evry one hundred now in u and for ..le.
are Ciade.) wiih first rate I. -cks mid D.ivid Kcii'
I'ati in Keyhole Covers, simil ir to the one Xl.i it
ed at the Philadelphia Eich-tnuc, tor ihieu mutlis
in the kUinmer of 1842, when a I the Keys weie at
liberty to be used, and the Chest nut opened, h.
though the experiment was Hied Iy at least 1500
persons. One of the same Locks was died by
Robber, at ihe Delaware Coal Otlice, in Walnut
street, above Thud, but dij not succeed.
fXj Hoisting Machines, Iron Doors, superior
Locks, and all kinds of Iron Railings, Seal and Co.
pying Pieases, and Smithwork generally, on band
or manufactured at the shortest notice.
OC CAUTION. I J,, hereby caution a'.i per.
sons ag.dust making, using, selling, to
l sold, any Keyhole Coveis for Vises Proof Chests,
or Doors, of any kind similar in principle to my
Patent, of 10th July, 1841, and also against I .ining
Rrfrigeralora with Slale, for which my Patent u
dated 2f5lh March, 1844. aa any infiingcincnl will
be dealt with according to law.
Philadelphia, April 13, 1844 ly
A 4n.4X.iE, IIO AT, capable of carrying 70
tons, about hall worn, will be sold rheap, and on
reasonable terms. Enquire at ibis office.
Apul 'ilib, 1844.
Treasurer's Sale.
A GHEEABI.Y lo an act of ihe general asem
bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
pa-ed the 13th of March, 1815, and Ihe supple
ment thereto, entitled an set directing the mode of
selling unsealed lands fur taxes and other porp.wes,
will be expofed to public sale, at the Court House
in the Borough of Sunbury, on tho second Tues
day in June next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the follow
ing described tracts of land, for arrearages of taxes
due, and the rosts accrued on each tract respective
ly, unless previously discharged, to wit :
Varrantre A'ames. j4rre. Ti
Tiering Frederick 30 1
Dering Frederick 8
Donnel Charles 200 7
Jones William R 4
.1 me. William It in 1
Lew DiiiitT fill 5
Miller John 71 7
McPhersun Samuel 40 2
Rxnkin John 207 22
Rve-s n John H 1
Kankins Rlmads l:'j 5
Smith .l.ihn Dr. 77 t
Smith John Dr. 4'i 1
Webb Abraham 307 30
Tl'ifrrnnfee Same. Arrc.
Betterton Benjamin 3iaJ
Bnrron Jubn jr. 410
Br olio William 2H
Ben on Wilbnm 41 I J
Blair Wil'i.m 00
Brady Willi-im P 4'? J
B yd John to.',
Cooper lunar COO
Cooper Miiriin lno
tlragejo-eph 55ft l Jubn 411
Prickle Charles G. an.'ij
G-aflHrnrv Ifi-J
Ovdner Wi Ii m P 412
IS irdner Architi.ild 4 I 1 J
(iast n J.imes 01
Mall William TV 0
lloddmot Jain-s 3:13
.la. kauri Divid 4 12 J
Jones Ann fil
Kinn'ng Abraham A'.W
Lake Richard 401
L-vv A ir-.n 200
M .rkel John 227
Metro r J D Ml
Notinott .lames 3:t:l
Piatt John 220
Sarvi-. Jubn 4'J1
Sulomom ter 300
WnrrnnV r Maims. Arm.
n'i Frc.Viick 4 15 .J
Antis Henrv Sou
Adams William 30HJ
Adams Thorn is 3.":tl
Adams Robert 4 13
Br.iutii!m Daniel 31 4 J
Bower Chrisiian 344
Brown Nutbanicl 250
It alley John N 1 52 J
Black William C 121
Bright Jacob 188
B ittun Samuel 3 18
Bel'.erlon Benjamin 2I2.J
Bugar Joint 116
Cou-erl James 200J
Catiiplain Robert 425
("amplain Thomaa 42.'J
Cook Jubn 3tirJ
Cowd.nJ'hn 4I2J
Dai.ou Mary f0
Deri, g Charles 329
D. ring Charles 105
Elioit Willi mi 308
Fos'er Thomas 42:tJ
G ickii's Tbouias 3'.K)
(S'ecr James 441
(Jieer Thomas 3!fiJ
ti is J noli 150
tiiay It ' rrt 4 tt)
f" sy Wi'l am 4 10
1 1 no i Tbo i ss 4:17
(iatdner Arcbib dd jr. 4:l;1
(i ir.lner Archibald enr. 4(li'J
M.lri.k Philip 1:1(1
Iltiff Einanuel 3.'7 J
II is rncli tier Mary 331
II. 1 1 urn J inn s 2l'0 J
llnach William l:tri
HutT e Ab nba n '.v'.
llaiiiilton 'I liuuna 40."
Hotiter Ah X oulcr .It'll,
IL pi-urn J.itue-i 4'o
Hamilton Thomi 412
Muner A'cxamler 414J
lliioiiielreich Henry 159
II initnclri icb Henry 4.")S
Jenkins James 41 'J J
Jord n Alex mder 151
Kimrml S.imu.l 3S7
Kl. til (i orge W 2
Kiicg' biu n John A- Henry Reed 200
Longafclt TretbricU.
M.uiiiii'g It el rd 414
Muninun Wdiim 4MiJ
McKerirndds J dill
Mover Henry 33 1 j
McKem a's And vvt Cfi'j
M -t tin J.-h., ii ti)
M .rk'e Edwin d (J 11-4
Viarun John U 114
Mm i (ie I'D
Myem Mary toll
Pntchaid Wi'd'rim 4H
Prune (ie-oga 1 1 7
I'n.e lubn It IIS
Price I oh. 1 II 1 I 1 1. lit..
lui.'on Ch rlutte '.'00
i:,yiio,l, J. dm tot)'uii Thoiu is Villi
Uii-tuii Mary ?t'0
Itostun M ny 20'J
ISh 11111011 William 4 1 5
s.dioun Kiebaid M'.l ti J
Shub. r An Irew 410
Si. ph iisoii James 4''7
Sj.r Me ri.k 50
ht.eeta ti.ore 440
f'cott Abraham .'112
Sc. 'It riamuel 4l2j
Shis.ler Henry 150
Scott Samuel 41:)
Scott oamuel 193
oigfricd Samuel 101
Tscg nt John 153j
I rirkle CbasG 405
Walker Lewis 371
WiUm William 313
Waiters Coilhry 120
WeieJvohJr 103
Young Benjxniin Dr S5:lj
Young John, Merchant 383
Young Benjamin F 150
Young Samuel 307 j
Yoxihctiiirr Henry O'J
Yoxiheiiner Henry 105
YbXtbi inter Hsiuy 173
Zimmerman Muthiaa 273
Zvighr Isaac 125
22 ra
21 12 I
IS 2n
21 2H
to r.s
21 45
3 51
1 1 :ir. I
5 72 !
1 1 01 j
2:1 40 i
17 32
9 n
21 M
22 15
1 nr.
17 01
18 63
25 Hi
2 -10
21 48
22 .m
7 7fi
15 AA
fi 45
t: 11
If. 01
ut :i
4 1 51
73 20
311 38
41 01
35 8S
21 51
4 r.s
5 88
15 10
22 84
3.1 22
33 H I
12 lit)
18 75
23 32
31 30
34 30
17 38
52 15
5 H5
26 55
20 '.'3
8 76
18 0!)
35 H7
35 17
30 4
9 SI 5
4'. 31
ri im
52 13
23 57
22 t".7
8 HS
31 fit
ii; oi
10 '11
5 Ki t
2 : :
3:1 fis
1 31
41 14
23 4S
32 a- j
5t CH I
41 e'5 j
14 23 !
'.2 71
33 33
14 If.
31 45
45 M
30 Ml
n 83
31 21
18 5-J
11 I.S
13 4N
3 ro
11 41
42 3ii
15 C'.l
r.i 11
1.1 5:
15 11
15 13
15 13
15 13
15 :
16 V
25 0
N 111
lit St I
7 10
27 19
4 02
44 90
21 CI
T 84
T 87
17 93
5 56
22 95
8 67
28 12
15 90
15 5C
1G9 08
30 84
5 40
6 Ul
14 32
17 CO
27 13
20 80
18 0
'U-ll.ii. L.K
Warrantee Namri. Acre. Tax.
Kinley Catherine 405 5 69
Lake rtichard 415) 12 40
Reed John 30 I 22
feoti Abraham 342 3 98
Taylor William 67 73
Wilson John 204J 31 55
n'arrfin'ce A'amc. Acrn. Tax.
Blsin John 200 2 08
Osrdner William P 409 15 89
Hunter Jamea 42fH 12 77
Hall Charles 437 13 10
Kidd John 377 II 32
KiddJohn 312 9 37
I, von Joseph 80 3 82
Lake Richard 408 12 22
Petrry Peter 145 10 88
Richie John 305 J II 79
Bees Thomas 339 14 07
Bifemine Valentine 24 I 16
Itced Leonard 73 7 21
K.ker John 61 6 29
Rankins Rhnsds 367 5 46
Smiih John Dr 56 85
Smith John Dr 154 3 56
Smith John Dr 84 1 29
Warrantee Samn. Acres. Tax.
Betierton Benjamin 425 10 37
It, is-1 Samuel 83 6 20
llei-el Daniel 98 7 30
Itei-cl John 59 4 39
Smith Jacob 115 8 66
Thoruhury John At Win, Orav 28 2 15
Treasurer's Office, 2 Treasurer.
March 30th, 1814.
Mil l"OI, Kespecifully infoims her
triends and ihe public generally, she will
ien. on Monday the 24th inst., a new assortment
of F mev Dry Good and Soring Millenery ot Ihe
1 1 'est fashions. Sti.iw Bonnets bleached and al
tered to thesiewcst fashions, upon verv moderate
lenns. April 13th, 1844.
Hoot $ Shoe
deck & ltitosious
WOT'LD inform their friends and the public
Y T gen' rally, that they have commenced the
above bticioess in nil it various tranches, in the
hop lately occupied by Xavier Egairt as a watch
maker shop, cast of the Bed Lion Hotel, in Market
Ktrp t, Sunbury, where they are prepared to exe
cute all ordi's in their line, wiih
They hope, by .Irict sttention to buainess, mode
r.iie chargps, and the durability of theii work, to
merit and receive a chare, of the public patronage.
Sunbuiy, March 30ib. 1844. ly
.) ! ()()() POUNDS FEA'I'IIERs, for sale
'jVVV voty hiw, in any quauiiiy to suit
purchaseis, for ca-h, at prices from 10, 15, 25 and
30 cents r pound.
Ready made Ueds, Bolsters and Pillows, CurleJ
Hair Mattra-scs, Mo-s do., and other kinds to suit
any i-ite Beadsteads, always on hand. Curled
Hair and New Orleans Moss by the bale or single
pound. Also:
Blankets, Marseilles Quilts, Comfortables and
Bedsteads of all descriptions.
rXj" Country Merchants will find it to their ad
vantage to call befoie purchasing.
S. E. corner of Second and Walnut sis. Philad.
March 23d, 1844. 3ra
Public Sale.
9,000 Acres of Land.
VIXT'ILL he s-.l.l. al public auction, at the house
V t of Daniel Herb, in Cpper Mahonov town
ship, Northumberland county, on the 1st Monday
of June nrxt,
0,000 acre orXimber I.aiuJ,
-itu ited, chiefly, in Coal township, said County.
The Mahonoy creek passes through a considerable
portion of llie. proierty, affording several excellent
mill scats The taxes have all been paid up, and
an indisputable title, clear of all incumbrances, will
In- given to purchasers. Tire sale will be coutinued
lioin day to day, until the whole is sold.
The terms will be made known on lha day of
sale. A. JE VNUENAI D,
Feb. 10, 1844 tf M. McCA Y. Agent.
OfJ" The Pottsville Emporium and Danville In
telligencer will continue the above untd forbidden,
and charge this office.
Importers and Healers In
WINE S, &c
So. 21 Commerce St., itenr Fifth St.,
O.J, WoLiXBT.jr.i
Wm. A. JisatY. 5
aatsitiis. sreins.
Pinrt, Castillion Sc Co. I Woodville. Barrsnco.
I'v not Frerrs. LT;ues. Loid Byron
January 20ih. 1844. 6m
A MS tin SHOULDERS Tor sale, cheap. r..r
cash, by H. B. MASSE R.
Dec. 30th, 1843.
J KPEt"TFI'LLY informs the public that he
lias made Northumberland his place of resi
dence, and is ready 10 attend lo any calls in the
linn nfbis profcab-ion.
a " He may at all times be found at Mr. James
Lec'a Hotel.
Northumberland. Dee. 16th, 184S. tf.
J'riutcr's Ink,
Tew kegc fur sale, at a small advnnre for eajh,
by Dec. 9. H. B. MASSEK.
URiss i:ii;;ir day clockk.
TIIIE nubriber has just n-reived, fur sale, a few
M. of the above celetirated Eight Day Clinks,
which will be sold al verv reduced prices, for ca-h.
Also, iUiior 30 hour Clock, of H e lst make
snd quality, which will I sold for ra-h. at M 50.
A- sUH-rior Brass 30 hour f 8 00.
Dee. 5. 143. II. B. MASTER.
O TON EW ARE f.r sale.
5 Si., ne Jugs, from I ipiS't lo 3 gallons,
50 Stoiie Ja'S, fioin 2 to 6 e'l"ns. Fr sale,
cheap, by Vt. Ii H. B. MASSE K.
f!IE suciilH'r will sell oil his slock ol Urtiver,
M Russia ai.d Biu.h Hats, of the beat quality, el
vs.y reduce ! 1 lires.
bunbary,Aug. 5, IS').
nrS'vnATWX .8irni;i.
flHE valuabf properties of Oakley's Depn a
1. live Syrup of farssparills, a purifier of the
blood, is so well known lo the pubi'tc generally,
thai it ia unnecessary to ocenpy much spare in set
ting forth the edvintnRca lo bti derivcV from '
use ; wherever the medicine has once I en intrn.
duced, it takes precedence over all others,- vp,f
one that has taken if, have derived so signal b' to
ficial results from if, that it is recommemW ' T
them wiih the utmost confidence. Physicians "f
the highe.t standing in the profession, present e . 't
to patients under their care ) containing notliir
deleterious, but being composed ol the most mi1.',
yel efficacious vegetable materials, it is off-red with
confidence, as the cheapest and most efficient pu
rifier of the blood now known. The nse of a few
botiles, especially in the spring months, will be at
tended with a most decided improvement in the fu
neral strength of the system, eradicating any see.l
of discaae that may have been generated, bcs'drs)
giving health snd visr to the body. For Iheenre
of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Teller,
Pimples or eiuplionsof the Skin, White Swelling,
Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthaia, &e. The i n
merous certificates in the possession of the subscri
ber and his agents, from physicians and others, are
sufficient to convince the most skeptical of its su
periority over all preparations of Sarsnparilta.
Sold wholesale and retail, by the proprietor,
GEOROE W. OAKLEY, North 5th street. Bea
ding, Briks County, and to he bad of the following
pet sons :
In Karthumherlantl County. H. B. Mir,
Sunlniry ; Ireland V Mixel, McEwensville ; D.
Krauwc, Milton.
TVi Union Cnunty. J. Gearbart, SeHin-grove !
A. Gutelills, Mifllinburg.
In Cvlumbia County. R. V. McCay, Wash
ington. Reading, March 11, 1813.
Ma. Oakiet: I believe it the duty of every
one lo do whatever in their towerl rc, fur the b- n
fit of their fellow man, and having; bad po-i ivn
proof in mv own family, of the wonderful properties
of your Depurative Syrup of Sarsapnrilla, I ni at
conscientiously recommend it to the afflicted. We
had the misfortuno to lose two of our children, by
the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered the
face, bead and neck, although we had some of Ihe
most scientific physicians to attend them and had
tried all the known remedies, including- Swaiina
Panacea, without avail. Another of my children
waa attacked in ihe same mariner, her face ar.d
neck was completely covered; the discharge waa so
offensive, and the disease at such a height, that we
despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful effects
of your Depurative Syrup cf S .rsaparilln, we were
induced to make trial of it, as the last resort ; it
acted hke a charm; the ulcers commenced healing
immediately, a few bottles entirely restored her to
her health, which she b-.senj.iye J uniriteriui-ledly
ever since. As a purifier of the bio id, I verily be
lieve it has not its equal.
Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading.
Dnuglassvrlle, April 19th, 1843.
Ma. Oaklet : My son Edmund Leaf, had the
scrofula in the most dreadful and dislrcs-ing man
ner for three years, during which time he was de
prived of the use of his limbs, hU head and neck
were covered with ulcers. We tried alt the differ
ent remedies, but In no effect, until recommended
by Dr. Johnson of Nonistown, and also Dr. Isaao
Hiesler, of Reading, lo use your Depurative Syrup
of Sarssparilla, of which I obtained several bottles,
ihe use of which drove the disease entire ly out of
his system, the sore heated up, and the child w is
restored to perfect health, which he has erajo ed
uninterruptedly evrr since, to tho astonishment of
many peisons who seen him duiing his affliction.
I have thought it my duty, end send you thia certi
ficate that others who have a like affliction in the
family may know where to obtain so valuable a
medicine. Yours trulv.
Sept. 16, 1943 ly
OFFICE, in the building occupied by J.,
on Maikel street.
Oct. 21st, 1843.
AMI 11 V fc ItO( l
Sonlh Fasl corner of Marirt and th
TF.SPECTFT LLY inform the public that ibey
will'y keep on hnd a larg. a--ort-nient
of Hats. Csps anil Furs, to suit the fall tunic,
of the be-t quality. By strict attention to busi
ness, and by selling their stock at the lowest price,
they flitter themselves in being able to give. mire
satisfaction. August 5, 1843 ly
A Threshing Machine for Sale.
flMir. subscriber otters for sale a THRESHING
L MACHINE, new and in good order. Tho
Machine has been tried, and proves to be an -cel
lent one. It wilt be sold at a reduced price, and
warrsnted. Apply to H. B. MASff-CR.
July 1st, 1843.
(civ I?(alliIimf nt.)
ENI'ECTFl'LI.Y informs the citircos i-f
Sunbury and vicinity, that be has rtccut!
commenced the
C A 1 J I X 15 r M A K I X f 3 n I : S I X F. s s ,
in oil its branches, in Market street, Sunbury, im
mediately bcl w Ihe post ollice, where he will h
ready to receive and execute all orders ill 1 1"' lin
of his business with promptness and despatch, and
in ihe best style and .nanner. His prices wul le
low, in accoulance wiih the times.
(xj Lumber and Country Produce taken in E
change. May 27ih 1843. f i
c 1 ir nmTxTi't n i: a ictkix,
Nos. '20 ami ai North Thiid .Street,
Near the C i t y Hotel,
CC MACKEY, Auctioneer, re-pectful y in-
viles the sttention of persoi.s desirous of pui
chasing Futnituie. to his extensive Sales Room-,
(both public and Private.) fur every description i-t
Household Furniture, where ran be obtained at a'
times, a lurge assortment of fashionable and we' I
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Mmime.,
&c, al very reduced prices, for
(tr Sales bv Auction, tw ice a week.
May 87ih. 1641. ly
iTlAffl i:s V. llKCINS,
nAS taken the ntlice lonneily occupied bv t!i
Hon. t I. ailes G. I i 1 ra I, opposite the Couii
li 'u.e. H will a'teud to hi. si in--, in ihe Coin 1.
of Nonbuini eiU'iJ, I'uiuu and Columbia coutilie.. -May
2Uth, ls4:l.