'.am "vwi which the certi ftcitei art entered, with the vouch ers and documents produced before them, relative to the claims allowed or rejected, to the Trea sury Department of the United States, to be de posited therein ; and the Secretary of the Trea sury shall, as soon as practicable after the receipt of the same, ascertain the aggregate amount of the debts and liabilities allowed : and if the same, when added to the amount to be paid to Frederick Dawson and the sum which may be paid in the redemption of the exchequer bills, shall not ex. ted the estimated sum often millions of dollars, be shall, on the presentation of a certificate of the commissioners, issue, at the option of the holder, a new certificate for the amount, distinguishing principal from interest, and. payable to him or order, out of the net proceeds of the public lands hereby ceded, or stock of the United States, for 1he amount allowed, including principal and in lerest, and bearing an interest of three per cent, per annum from the date thereof; which stock, in addition to beinu made payable out of the not proceeds of the public lands hereby ceded, shall also be receivable in payment lor the same. In case the amount of the debts and liabilities allow ed, with the sums aforesaid to be paid to Fre derick Dawson, and which may be paid in the redemption of the exchequer bills, shall exceed the said sum often millions of dollnrs, the said Secretary, before issuing a new certificate, or stock, uk the case may be, thall make in each case such proportionable and rateable redaction on its amount as to reduce the aggregate to the said sum of ten millions of rVVIars, and Tie shall have power to make all needful rules and ref lations necessary to carry into effect the powers hereby vested in him. AltT. VII. VaJit further provision shall be made, the laws of Tex.is. us now existing, sha'l remain in force, and all executive and judicial of ficers of Texas, exvt tfce Presided., Vice Presi dent, and heads of departments, shall retaiw their ollices, with all the power and authority tpper. tainingthercta, and the cearts of justice shall re main in all recocts as now established and or ganized. Akt. VIII. Immediately after Ifee exchange tvf the ratifications uf this treaty, the President of the United Stales, by and with the advice and 'onsrnt of the Senate. sSisll appoint a commis sioner, wln fliall proceed to Texas and receive the transfer of the territory thereof, and all the archives and public property, and of.her tilings herein conveyed, inthe name of the United States. He shall exercise al! executive authority in said territory necessary to the proper execution of the laws, until otherwise provided. Anr. IX. The present treaty shall be ratified ly the contracting parties, and the ratifications sjxclianged at the city of Washington, in six months from the date hereof, or sooner ifpossible. In witness wheTenf. we, the undersigned, plen ipotentiaries of the United States of America, and of the Republic of Texas, have signed by virtue of our puvreTs, the present treaty of annex ation, and Irave hereunto affixed our seals, re spectively. Done at Washington, the twelfth day of April, ig1iteen hundred and forty-four. J. C. CALHOUN", ISeal ISAAC VAX ZAXDT, Seal J. P1NCKNKY ilLNDLRSOX. Seal Tav von a rti:r. Windows on the line of the contemplated procession on the 2'M of May, at Baltimore, are at a decided premium. The Sun pays a room, containing three windows, was rented for the da y, for what we consider an enor mous sum, I.V Law in Maryland. A French woman and a negro man, who were found living guiltily toge ther in Maryland, have, according to law, been sold for seven years info slavery. Yorrnr' i. Cbivinai.s. Six children, the eld. est twelve years of age, were taken on Friday night, in Boston, from their beds, charged with plundering a building of its contents. Xamksfuk NKwsrArr.rs. A paper, called the "Corkscrew, and (iimlet of Attraction," has been started at Peru, Indiana, and another at Jeflersonville, in the same State, called the 'Grindstone.'' The Bosto Post-okmck On Sunday, the day on which the Acadia arrived, thirty thousand letters and about teveniybnihr.lt of newspapers were examined and assorted al the Boston Post office. Execution ok General Malot. A French officer, quoted by Mr. Marshal!, mentions Gen. Malot, who conspired against Napoleon in 1812, as the man who, at the moment of execution, dis played the most astonishing courage. On being conducted, with twelve of his accomplices, to the plain of Crenelle, he, as the chief of the con spirators, asked permission to give the word of command. "Carry arms,'' cried he, in a voice of thunder, "That won't do ; we must begin a gain. Your pieces on lite arm all of you. Carry arms! Cood Platoon arms! Present! Fire!" All fell except Malot. He was left standing alnne. "And why not me Sam nom de ! Reserve platoon, forward ! Right ! Carry arms ! Platoon arms ! Present ! Fire!" BALTIMORE MARKET. Officeoflhe Butimobs Amssica. April 29. FLOUR There it very little demand for Howard street Flour. The limited tales that are making from store are at S4.73 for good mix ed brands. There it no fixed receipt price. City Millt Flour it held at $5 no transac tion!. GRAIN No Md. Wheats at market. A tale of a very good lot of Pennsylvania red at 111 cents. Sales of Md. white Corn at 44 cents, and of yellow at 47 cts Sales of Oats at 27 a 28 ets WHISKEY Sales of hhds. at22j cts and of bbl t 93J ctnts SSSPMBP EMSM P Assistant or Nato. Dr. Brandreth does not profess that the Brsndreth Pills are other than an effectual Assistant of Nature! he knows that if she be not entirely exhausted, they cannot fail to cure and be it remembered they may be taken it all times without fear of other than good results. In liulh, in this city, where five hundred and thirty five thousand boxes have been sold, there is little occasion for saying ony thing in Iheir favor t for it is clear that 6000 boxes would never hse been sold had they not been good I Every fourth indi vidual in this city has made trial of them. It may ire observed, that their object is to restore the con stitution to state of health, and the remit, when they hsve hern persevered with, has fully establish ed thtir power for so grand a consummation. In other words, it is the lllood which has to become peifectly purified, as on its purity depends entirely the henlth of the whole animal machine. Purchase of H. B. Masser, Sunhury, or of the scents, published in another purl of this piper. .TT A It It t K II On the 25th tilt., by the Rev. John Pitton, Mr. JaMM Dl KITS H ACH Kit to Mistl MaHT Hl'SSICK- tn, hoih of Northumberland. On the 30th ult., bv the Rev. A. Rrittain, Mr. JoSF.PIt RtlKDKR, tO MisS DtltORAH Ha t P'l , both of Shamokin. tp. On the 29th ult., by the Rev. J. P. Shindel, Mr. Adam Black, of Clarion county, to Miss Mary J-.ckhert, ol stiamokin, in this county. On the 2nd inst., by the same, Mr. Sami ki. Jlei.LimAci,to Miss Si -san Kith, all ot Augusta. PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxthrtmer. Whkat, 8 50 40 25 5 100 12 25 10 75 24)0 8 10 7 Rtk, Cork, - OtTS, Pork, - FLAXsrr.n, Butvkr, R-kkswax, - Tallow, Dm sn Xtvlks, - Do. I'kachks, Flax. Hkcklkii Flax, Eons, I'll ICES OF Profit .f.VM CR.f.V. The following were the prices of Flour, Wheat. Corn and Oats, at the several points named, ut the luteal dates received : 1FWr. i WAV. Corn. Oafs. 4 82 1 04 53 32 New lo.k, ... 5 (G I 12 44 .14 RuITjIo 4 15 110 50 2S devel.ind 3 50 68 Wilmington, Del. 4 50 I 00 50 27 Rchmond, Va. 4 f.2 1 01 45 30 Cincinnati, .... 3 75 80 25 17 Trenton, N. J., 1 00 4G 30 St. Loui, .... 4 25 61 22 17 Baltimore 4 75 1 10 4S 27 M..l.ile 5 no 5(i 42 Albmv 4 69 1 02 n 27 Alexandria, D. C. 4 50 US 48 30 l.afHvette. Ind., . 47 25 15 Mnumea City, . . 4 00 70 25 25 Boston 5 00 50 35 New Orleans, . . 4 3i. 82 40 30 Pittsburg, ... 3 08 71 37j 20 Louisville 3 75 65 22 18 linger-down, ... 4 50 87 33 22 Georgetown, ... 4 50 97 47 30 Zanesville, Ohio, 3 12 50 Alton. Illinois. . . 3 75 CO 20 11 Springfield, III., . 3 38 48 12 10 Chicago, 3 50 58 37 25 Rochester, .... 3 80 81 Detr .it 3 88 Toledo 3 50 60 36 26 Milwaukie, .... 52 50 31 Reading 4 50 95 40 30 Augusti, Me., .' . 5 75 92 65 30 Memphis. Tenn , . 4 50 32 1 I ! . ' J . . .. , " CMoih Intent Fire Company." A STATED MEETING of the Comp.ny will lie held on Tuesday evening nest, at 6 o'clock, at the Court House. Punctual attendance it re quired. CHAS. J. URUNEIt, May 4. 1844. Secret, try. "WaKliliiKtou Fire Company." rPIIE mcmlers of the "Washington Fire Cm-- pny" ore request, d to meet at the State House, on Monday Evening, May 6 h, at 6 o' clock, precisely. Punctual attendance is required. JMsy4. JACOB YoL'NGMAN, .See. REMOVAL. DOCTOR j71. MASS EH, RESPECTFULLY informs the cit izens of Sunhury ami its vicinity, llisl he h a rennv his office to the white l.ll'it.li.,.. in K1..1.I 4. . ... ..t l.. T. Ch rnenl's t.ne. and immediately opposite the pot office, where he will be happy to receive calls in the line of his profession Sunbuiy, Msy 4ih. 1844. TShereliy e'ren, 'hat the subscriber purchased uf Samuel Watjner, Constable of Litle Mahonoy township, on the 30 h of April. 1844. Ire following articles old by the said Constable, as the property of Issue Rogers, and that I have limned the same to the said Isnac Robert until I see proper to lke them away, vit : I Bay Mare, bridle and halier, I a 00, JACOU RAKER. Mav4ih. 1844. 3t Orphnii Court Sale, T N puiatiaui e of an ordrr of the Orph.lll., Court of XoithuinlM-rl mil county, will be eipo-ed to public le, on Friday the 24ih diy uf May nest, on the premises, o wit ; a certain tract of l.md si tuate in Auiiiisla township, in aij county, a lj tin in( lands of William Reeser, Sainu-1 Tucker, Dan iel Zimmerman and others, containing one hundred and seventy-five acres more or less, on which is e reeled a two story frame house, and a frame and log barn, Ute the estate of George Long, sr., dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of siid day, when the conditions of tle will le m ide known by SAMUEL CONCERT, JACOU SEASHOL I Z. Sunhury, April 27th. 1844. 4t Admrt. Caution. RAN AWAY, on Sunday last, from the sub. scriber, isilio in the town of Sham..kin. A.NDUKW JACKSON UOLGHNER. en i... denied apprentice to the black.muhir.g bu-iness. All persons are therefore cautioned from harboring or tiuating him on my account. ,.... . JOSEPH ZERN. nhamokin, April 27ih. 1844. 3t. A CA1VAL, BOAT, capable ef carrying 70 tons, about half worn, will be sold cheap, and on retaonahie terms. Enquirs at this office. April 'J7lh, 1841. Henry S. Haulman, BLACKSMITH, BEGS leave to inform the citizens of Sunhury and its vicinity, that he has commenred the BLACKSMITIIING BUSINESS, in the shop formerly occupied by Daniel Ysrirk, In Market street, 8unbury,east of Ira T. Clement's store, and directly opposite the post office, where he intends to csrry on the business in all its vsrious branches. Orders will be promptly end punctually attended to, and work done cheap, for cash or country pro duce. ffj Horse Shoeing done at f I per sett. Sunhury, April 27th, 1844. ly. PSilic Sale?. BY virtue ofa Decree of the Supreme Court of Penn'a, will Ire offi red at Public Pale, in lot 4 to suit purchasers, at the house of Jacob Letienring, (Bear Clop Tavern,) in Shsmokin township, Nor thumberlnnd county, I'a.on Wednesday, May 15th, 1844. at 12 o'clock, noon, A Valuable Tract of I,aiul, situnte in Hhamnkin township, Northumberland eountv, Pa., at the intersection of the Centre ami Dtnville Turnpikes, adjoining hin.Is of .lacoh Lei srnring. WilliBm Krieghbaum. H. Tilgbman and others, containing 340 acres, 158 percbes. and al lowance. The above Tract cnnist chiefly of a red shale soil, of superior quality. It is well wood ed and watered, convenient to mills, fir., and in every respect worthy the attention of persons desi ring first rate forms. Also A TRACT OF LAND, situate in the time township, a!ut a mil'' and a half wet of the above, on both eids of the (Voire Turnpike, anil adjoining land of George Ster r.el, (Jeorge Dimmig, H.Tilghm.m and nlbers, contnin ing 108 acres, 43 p?r heg, and allowance.. This land is of similar quality with that above ih sctibe I. A branch of Shamtkin Crerk, on which is a site for a Saw Mill, passes through this tr.irl. The terms of sain will he as follows: One third of the Pureha e Money cush, of which f 50 most lie paid when the property is strut k down, nn.l the bal ince on the 15th day of June, when a deed ill be made, and possesion given. Of the remaining lwo-third of the Purchase Money, one half, with interest from the said 15th of Jun, is to be paid in one year, and tbe halinea. with interest, in I so years; said two-thirds tobesectird by Hond and Warrant, and Morlgije upon the properly. fXj" For further inf irmiliiin. apply to Mr. Adam Gilger, of .tYinu kin township, who re-ides adjoin ing the premises, and will show them to pes.n lesiiooa of purchasing, or to the subscriber at Phi ladelphia. DEN J. TILGHMAN, April S7th, 1844. 3t Trustee. ircrDrHT' a te hi: IS hereby given lhat 'he suh-criher ptirehasi d. at Con-table's Sale, oil the 20th lny of Apri', 1844. of Andrew Johnson, which he will le.ive in ihe possession of said J ihnson. until he ere proper In tnke it away, the f l.uving prop rtv, viz: One biv Mare, 5 50 ; one bay horse, 9 00 ; one Cow, 4 40; ooelleiil'er, 2 25; one Hull -ill, 1 00; twn-thirls of all tbe Wheat and Rye on the form, 15 00; one S ed, 2 50; two se ts H T-e Gea-s, 1 65 ; one two horse Waggon. 9 00 : Tutu I, if 50 55. JOSEPH READER. April 27ih. IS 14. 3t I) A V 1 1) E V A X S ' Patent Fire and Thief Proof Iron Chests, Slate lined llefrigcrators, with Fillers attached when required. ST AITS Vi-TSOlT, .Yo. 7G Stiuththird St., opposite thr. Exchange, PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURE and keep for sale Davik Eva' celebrated Water and I'rovi. sion C oli rs, ami Patent Pre mium Fire and Thief Proof I r.111 Cbet, for p'e-erving Hoiks, Papers. !) rd. Jewrly, Gold, Silver, Ac., &.r nia!e of Bod r Iron, (and not over Plunk as mntiy-five out of every one hundred now in use arid for sale are made.) wt'h first rate L fks and David Even' Patent Keyhole Cover, sinnl.tr to the one rxhil it ed at the Philadelphia Exchange, for tlnee months in the suttiRier of 1842, when a l the Kes were at liberty to he us. d, and the Chrst not opent-.l. al though ihe ctpiriinnl was diid ly at le.tst 1 500 persona. One of the same J.oiks was nie.l bv Robbers, at tbe Delaware Coal Ollice, in Walnut street, shove Th:rd. but did not succeid. fXj Hoisting Machines, Iron D.nrs. superior Lmka. and all kinds of Iron Railings. Sent and Co pying Presses, and Sniuhwoik gem rally, on band or manufactured at the shortest notice. fXj (.'ACTION I do hereby cnu'ion all per. sons sfi .inst tusking, using, selling, or ctu-ing in I sold, any Keyhole Covets for rVe Proof Ch at, or Doors, of snv kind similar in piim iple to inv Paient, of 10th July. 184 I, und also sgiii Lining Ri friirerators with Slate, for h rh my Patent is dated 26th March. 1844, as any iiifungeuit-iit will be dealt with according to Ijw. DAVID EVANS. PhiMelphis, Ap-ll 13. 1844 ly I'cw priiiff Ilry foocI. A. II. MAHSIIALL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER. A'o. 18 Chesnut slrerl, bit wren 7i nndbthsts. PHILADELPHIA, IS in regular receipt ol the m west and most Fashionable Paris Fancy and nip. ii r S'ai le (oods, inchiiling splendid ami medium .In s- silks, Bdrcgee, U .lzorines, Foulan I SSdk', Dmcide. arid I'latd Organd es, Printed Lawns and J-teeouet-, Mou.-i liu de Laiues, Flora Ca-htnerea, French .111 1 Earl-lou Ginghams, Rich H irege arid ('a-hnn re Shawls and Scarfs. Umche Tbibri Shawls. Paris E'lib'd Collars and Chcmieit., Linen ('ni!n n It lldklfs, Silk and t.'olt .n Ho.eing, (il ves, I rth Linens, Table Cloths and Napkins, line Mu-liu-, cheap American Calicoes, and ti h.r doiiablr goods, which will be sold at low pne-a. QCy" Strangers will find it particularly to their inte est In call, as the goods are all wananle.l, und tbe LOWEST CASH PRICE named lir.i and no abatement. Philadelphia. April 13, 1814 V. Boot $ Shoe MAKING. HECK & ltllOSIOL'S M MTOULD inform their fi lends and the publx T T genr rally, that they have commenced Ihe abuve business in all its various branches, in the shop lately occupied by Xvicr Eggirt as a watch maker shop, 1 a l of the Red Lion Hotel, in Market sire. I, Sunhury, where they are prepared to tie cute all ordna in Iheir line, with rnoMPTJNXss and despatch. Tbey lipe, by strict attention to hu. men, mode rate charges, and the durability of their work, to merit and receive a share of the public patronage. bunbu'y, March 30th, 1841. ly wmm NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY Treasurers Sale. A GREEABLY lo an act of the general asem n'y f ,ne Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, pa-sed the 13th of March, 1815, and ihe supple, ment thereto, entitled an srl directing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes and other pnrp.ises, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House In the Borough of Sunburv, on the second Tues day in June next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., Ihe follow ing described tracts of land, fur arrearages of taxes due, and the costs seemed on esch tract respective ly, unless previously discharged, to wit t AUGUSTA TOWNSHIP. 1V(trrffnf Namrt. Acrrn. Tar. Dering Frederick 80 1 07 Dering Frederick 8j 24 Donnel Ctnrles 200 7 70 Jones William R 4 fS J.mc William R 1 1 82 Levy D ini.l 6:1 8 73 Miller John 74 7 3:1 McPherson Ssmuel 40 2 HI Rankin John 207J 22 6S Rve .n John -''II 1 10 Rankin. Rh. ads 183 5 41 Smith John Dr. 77 0" Smith J. hn Dr. 42 141 Webb Abraham .107 30 52 CHII.ISdUAQIT.. POINT and TURBUT TOWNSHIPS. IVorrmifep .ames. Acre. Tar. ntterton Benjamin 394 22 fi Harron John jr. 4 10 24 12 Rrodie William 291 18 2ti Ben-on William 414 J 21 28 Blair William 300 10 PS Brndv William P 42J 21 45 B yd John loft 3 St Cooper Isaac 200 1 1 36 Cooper Martin 100 5 72 ('rage Joseph 250 14 fit David John 413 23 4ft Frickl" Charles (J. Si!"") 17 32 OralTHrtirv lf.2 t 1 T Gardner Wi li ,m P 4 1 V J 23 fi5 t i miner A rehibald 4 11 J 22 15 Gasl 01 James fil 1 pfi Mall William 3tt) 17 04 lloddinot .lame 333 IP 53 .la. ks.w D ivid 412J 25 HI .lone Ann fil 2 40 KintT.ng Abraham 430J 21 41 Lake Richard 401 22 IMt L. vv A .r -n 200 7 7 Msrkel John 227 15 4a Metin.r J 1) Mi i N .linott James 333 0 45 Piatt J.hn 220 13 14 Sarvis John 424 18 01 Solomom Myer 300 10 55 COAI. TOWNSHIP, irnrriirfrr Xamrs. Arrm. Tux ntia Frederick 445$ 44 54 Aotis Henry 353 73 20 Adams William 30f,j 36 n8 Adams Thmn is 353J 41 fit Adams Robert 443 35 88 Dnu'igarn Daniel 3t4 21 54 Bovver Christian 344 4 68 Brown Nathaniel 250 S 8 Bailey John N 152) 15 Ut Black Wil iam C 121 22 84 Bright J ic h (?8 33 22 B.tton ramue 3(8 33 83 lletterton llenjamin 2'2J 12 06 Uogar John 116 18 75 Cou-ert James 29nj 23 32 CampUin Robert . 425 at nfi t'amplain Thomas 425 34 36 Cook John Sup 17 : I'nwden J hn 4I5J 52 15 Davihon Ma.y 5fl 5 or, Deri, g ('harles 32'.) 26 55 l. ring Cli nics ins 20 23 Eltotl Willi .m 368 8 76 Foster Thomas 423J 18 09 (iaskios Thomas 3'.l() 38 87 Greer Junes 441 35 17 Greer Thomas S'.iPJ 39 46 Gass Jacob IMl U 95 Gray Ro'ert 440 At 34 day Will am 4in 67 99 G.anl Tbo i.as 437 22 19 Gardner A rr hib .bl jr. 4t;t 5 Gardner Archibald senr. 40nJ 22 67 Heiri, k Philip 1:10 8 h Huff Emanuel 3.S7J 31 fil H is-ei'cleuer Mary 334 f, 9 Hept iini Jam.' 2l' 16 !I4 Mi ach William 1 :'S & n:i Iloll e Ah sham 2'Pl 2 25 Hamilton 'I hoinas 405 at ; U .. . il I.. n,,.. .. . I nuiuri .11. nu. ; I Hepburn Jatnes 4 1:1 31 v; Hamilton I hoinas 41'.' ( 44 j. Huner A'exander 41 J 03 41) II until. Ireteh Henry fta 32 i. H iininelrrich Henry 4 .is fi f,(; Jenkins James 44!t 4t s.S lord 11 Alennder 124 II 23 Kimmil S , inn. I 387 A 49 Kn hl G. orge V 1 12 12 71 Kr eg1 b-tuni John ft Henry Retd 2'lrt 33 33 LoOtfafell Freiler ck 123 14 16 M. Hilling It chard " 414) 3145 Mor.ison Wil iam 45PJ 45 51 Me Retinoids John 313 30 31 Mover Henry 3311 43 83 McRenna's Andiew 269 31 24 Mot mi J bn (S Msrkey Edwmd G Marnn John G M r George Mye.s Mary Piileba d William Prince (ieii'ge 1(0 IS 92 1(14 II 15 174 13 48 fo 3 r.o 200 19 4.1 4t1J 42 3ft 117 15 li!) 118 19 14 74 13 9: 2(H) 15 13 200 . 15 13 200 5 13 SOU 15 13 20U 15 13 2H'. ifi 7 415 25 6 3'.l'iJ 32 0 1 4lll 2K 19 4f7 l!l !M I5U 7 10 440 27 19 342 4 02 4l2j 44 90 150 21 63 423 i 47 84 193 7 87 103 17 93 153J 6 66 406 S3 95 371 8 87 313 28 12 120 15 9li 103 15 66 35IJ 169 68 382 30 84 160 6 4tl 861 6 94 99 14 32 106 17 60 173 27 13 373 Stt M 125 16 80 I Price J .hn It dice lohu II R es D oilel Kii.'on ('b rl.lle b'lyool.U J. din lius'oii lb, "lilt Hu-l n Msry Knsl.'ll Marv Mian, on lUism Ndiitoo 1,'ieliaid ShuK r Andrew Si .i- in.. 11 .lau.es Saar Me rii k' Shei ts liei.fo cotl Abrabain Sc It Samuel Sbts-ler Henry Scott Samuel Scott Samuel Sigfrh d Samuel Tugg it John I rickle ChtaG Wslker lewi WiImiii William Waiters Godfrey Weise Jvob jr Young Benjamin Dr Young John, Merihant Young ltt iijaiinii Y Young Samuel Yoitheiiner Henry Yoxihrimer Henry Yojihtimer Henry Zimmerman Malhiaa Zetglri Isssc RIIAMOKIN TOWNSHIP. lVarronfee Namc$. Acres. Tax. Kinley Catherine 405 6 C9 Lake Richard 415) 12 40 Rerd John 90 t S3 Scott Abraham 343 98 Tnvlor William 67 73 Wilson John 304) SI (5 LITTLE MAHONOY TOWNSHIP. Warrantee Name. Acrr$. Tax. Blain John 300 3 03 Gardner William P 409 1A 89 Hunter Jsmes 42ft 13 77 Hsll Charles 437, 13 10 Ki.ld John 877 J 11 32 KidJ John 313 9 37 I. von Joseph 80 3 83 Lake Richard 409 12 22 Polery Peter 145 10 88 Richie John 8951 II 79 Rees Thomas 839 14 07 Rifemine Vslenline 34 I 16 Reed Leonard 73 7 21 R .ker J. hn 64 6 29 HanUins Rhoada 367 & 46 Smith John Dr 60 85 Smith John Dr 154 3 5ft Smiih John Dr 84 I 29 UPPER MAHONOY TOWNSHIP, lVurrnnfee XamcM. Beiterton Benjamin B. is l Samuel Acres. 425 83 Tax 10 7 6 20 7 30 4 39 lleiset Daniel 98 lleisel John 69 Smith Jaeeb 115 Thovnhury John Aj Wm. Gray 28 8 66 3 15 JOHN FARNS WORTH, Treasurer's Office, 3 Trewurer, Msich 30th, 1844. MRS FOLLMEK Respectfully infuims her Irirnds end ihe public generally, that she will open, on Monday the 24th inst., a new assortment of F .ncy Dry Goods and Spring Milli nery of Ihe latest fashions. Stiaw Bonnets bleached and al tered to the newest fashions, upon very moderate terms. April 13th, 1844. TO HOUSEKEEPERS. i ()()() POUNDS FEATHERS, for sale ; -') WV7 v very low, in any quantity tn suit purchasers, for cah, at prices from 10, 15, 25 and j 30 cents per pound. Ready made Beds. Bolsters and Pillows, Curled j Hair Mattra-ses, Mo-s do., and other kinds tn suit j nv site Beadsleads, always on hand. Curled Hair and New Orleans Moss by the bsle or single pound. Also: Blankets, Marseilles Quilts, Comfortables and Bedsteads of all descriptions. rjj Country Merchants will find it to their ad vantage to call before purchasing. FIN LEY cV CO. S. E. corner of Second and Walnut sts. Philad. March 23d, 1844. 3m Public Sale. 0,000 Acres of Land. V'VT'ILL he sold, at public auction, at the house ' of Daniel Herb, in Upper Mahonov town ship, Northumberland County, on the 1st Monday of June next, 0.000 .teres of Timber Innd, -itu ated. chiefly, in Coal township, said county. The Mahonoy crerk psa-es through a considerable portion of iho pro(irty, affording several excellent mill seals. The tsxes have all been paid up, and an indisputable title, clear of sll incumbrances, will be given to purchasers. The sale will be continued Itom day to day, until ihe whole is sold. The terms will he made known on the day of s.le. A. JE N KEN AI'D, PETER BOUSQUKT. Feb. 10, 1844 If WM. McVA Y. Agent. Qfj" The Poiisville Emporium and Danville In telhgencer will continue tbe above until forbidden, and charge this office. VOLBEPaT & JA1T1TE7, Importers and lcnlers In SUGARS, BRANDIES, GIN, W I N E S, &c. .Yo. 21 Commerce Sf., near Fifth St., n t :. - ..I. . I.L. r.ST. JT. Wm, A. JiirMt, atiiwrs. srnins. Pinel, I 'ciiiIIkiii & Co. I Woodville. Barranco. j Pemel Frerea. Cgues. l.oid llyron January 20ih. 1844. Cm II A MS asd SHOULDERS for s-de. cheao. for cash, by H. B. MASSE R. Dee. 30th, 1843. SPw. P. E. T.STI1TE, I ) EsPECTFI'LLY informs the public lhat he J k ha mniln NnrlbiitidiHrlantl hia lilae uf real. den.e, and is ready to attend lo any calls in the line of his profession. (X- He may al all times be found at Mr. James Lee's Hotel. Northumberland. Dec. 16th, 1843. tf. Printer's Ink. A few kegc for sale, at a small advnnce for cash, by Dec. 9. H. B. MASSER. FORESTVILLE ItRASS i:k.ht day clocks. fill I E subscriber has just received, for sale, a few 1 i. f the above celebrated Eight Dsy Clocks, which will be sold at very reduced prices, for cah. Also, superior 30 hour ('locks, of the best make snd quality, whieh will be told for cs-h, at f 4 60. Also, superior Brsss 30 hour Clorks, at f 8 00. Dec. 2, 1843. H. B. M ASSER. TviLIJAM J.MAKTIX. i-TTCrLlTET AT L.V STJNBTJRT, PA o FFH'E. in the budding occupied by J. Uloom, on Market street. Oct. 21st, 1843. OTONE WARE f .r sale. O 'joj Stone Jugs, from I quart to S gallons, 50 Stone Jars, from 2 lo 6 gallons. For sale, cheap, by Oct. 14 H. H. MASSER. ASIIHY X KOCAI, HAT & CAP MANUFACTURERS, South East corner of Market and 4th stt., lMilludeliJlila, FSPECTFULLY inform ihe public lhat Ihey --. will constantly keep on hnd a larga assort menl of Hals. Caps and Furs, to suit Ihe fall trade, of the be-1 quality. Uy strict attention to busi ness, and by selling their stock st the lowest prices, ihey flitter themselves in being able In give entire satisfaction. August fi, 1843 ly M1HE subscriber will sell off his stock of Baaver, X Russia and Biush Halt, of the best quality, al very reduced prices, t-unfcury, Aug. 5, 1813. H. B. MASSER OAKLEY'S MEPiritATITE SYRIP. flHE valuable properties of Oakley's Deinia L tive Syrup of Sarssparills. as a purifier of Ih Mond, it so welt known tn the public generally, that it is unnecessary to occupy much space in set ting forth the advantages lo be derived from ile use l wherever the medicine hss once been intro duced, it takes precedence over all others: evny one that bat taken It, have derived ao siftnal bene ficial results from it, that it kl recommended W them with the utmost confidence. Physicisna of the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it lo patients under their care containing nothing deleterious, but being composed o! the moat mild, yet efficacious vegetable materials.it is offered with confidence, as the etiespest and most efficient pu rifier of the blood now known. The uee of a few bottles, especially in the spring months, will be at tended with s most decided improvement in the ge neral strength of the system, eradicating sny seeda of disease that may have been generated, bes'des giving health anil vigor to Ihe brvlv. For the cure) of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Tette', Pimples or eruptions of the Skin, White Hwellinc, F stula. Chronic Couch Asthma, oVc. The iti. merous certificates in the possession of the subscri ber and his agents, from physicians and others, ma sufficient to convince the most skeptical nfitseu periorHy ovet all prepsrsttons of Sarsapsrills. Sot.1 whole-ale and retail, by the proprietor, GEORtiE W. OAKLEY, North 5th street. Ilea ding, Beiks County, and to ho had of the following persons i In Northumberland County. H. B. Msa.v; Sunhury; Ireland St Mixel, McEwensvitle ; D. Krauser, Milton. In Union County. I. Gearbart, BeUiisgrove ; A. Gutehue, Mitflinhurg. In Columbia County. R. V. McCsy, Wash ington. Reading, March 14. 1843. Ma. Oakict: I believe itthdutv 0f every one to do whatever in their power I res, for the b' ne fit of their fellow man, and having bed poi ive proof in my own family. of iho wonderful proiierne of your Depuralive Syrup of Sarsnparilla, I tn st conscientiously recommend it to the afflicted. We had the misfortune to lose two of our children, by the breaking out of ulcerous sores thst covered Ilia face, head snd neck, although we had some of Ihn most scientific physicians to attend lhm and had tried all the known remedies, including Swaims' Panacea, without avail. Another of my children was atinrkc.l in the same manner, her face and neck was completely covered; the discharge was so offensive, snd Iho disease at surh a height, that we despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful etiects of your uepuralive Syrup &t Svirsapanlla, we weie induced to make trial of it, as the last resort; it acted like a charm ; Ihe ulcers commenced healing immediately, a few bottles entirely restored hi r tn her health, which she has enjoyed uninterniitedly ever since. Asa purifier of the blood, I verily be lieve it has not Us equal. JOHN MOVER, Tailor, Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading. Douglassville, April 19th, 1843. Ma. Oaklet: My son Edmund Leaf, I. ail the scrofnla in the most dreadful and ditresing man ner for three yesra, during which time he was de prived of the use of his limb, his head and neck were covered with ulcers. We tried all ihe differ ent remedies, but In no effect, until recommended by Dr. Johnson of NoriUtown, and also Dr. Isaac H tester, of Reading, lo use your Depuralive Syrup of Snrssparilla, of which I obtained several bottles, the use of which drove the disease entirely nut of his system, the sore healed up, and the child was restored lo perfect health, which he has enjoyed uninterruptedly ever since, to the astonishment of many persons who teen him during hit sfllictioii. I have thoutthl il my duty, and send vnuhis certi ficate that others who haves like affliction in thn family may know where to obtain so valuable a medicine. Yours truly. AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. lt 1843. ly A TlirvNliIti? .Hat 111 ne for Sale. rjMHK subscriber oiler a f.r sale a THRESH! NO Jl MACHINE, new and in good order. The Machine has been tried, and proves to be an excel lent one II will he sold al a reduced price. ai.Ji warranted. Apidy lo " 11. B. M ASSLR. July 1st, 1843. Cabinet-Making Cctv EsrtaMishmt'iat.i ESi-EC TFl.'l.I. V mfo.nis th- citizn s f Suiibiny und vitii.it v, that he has reei ,.l'y commenced thrt C A M N 1ST- M A K I X ( BUS I X K S S , in nil its branches, in Maikel street, Sunbi.ry, im imdiately below the post ollice, where he will tie ready io nreive and execute all orders in ihe line of his busiiie.i, w ith promptness anil despatch, mid in the best style and manner. His prices will be low, in accords nee with the times. Lumlver and Country Produce taken in Ex change, May 27th 1843. fim CITY FUJtMTVKK AUCTION, AXf D PRIVATE SALES ROOMS, Nos. 29 and 31 North Third Street, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. CC. MACKEV, Auctioneer. repeetful'v in vites the sttention of persons desirous of pnr chasing Furniture, to his extensive Sales Rooms, (both public snd Piivate.) for every desciiplioii ot Household Furniture, where can be obtained 'it all limes, a large assortment of fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Maltrasee, Ac, at very reduced prices, for cish. (fc5 Salcg by Auction, twice a week. May 27th. 1843. I y IIovers Ink. JOSEPH iT HOVER, MainifacturiT of Writini; nnd liuielli hlo Ink, No. 10(i North Third Strret, eix doors below Kuce, (fiist nidi',) FIULASBtPHlA, 1T ESPECTFI'LLY iiilornis country merchant k and others, thai he eoii-tautly keeps on bin ' a large slock of his superier Black, Blue snd R. I Ink, snd also a tupeiior qutlity of Indellil le Ink. His ink ia put up in betllcs varying in sue, fim I to 32 ounces, snd will be sold on reason ibl. terms. The excellent qualities uf this ink has s thoroughly eatablihed its character, that il it now extensively used throughout ihs country. For sale at the sloie of H. B. Mas.er, rup, bury. Pa. May 27th. 1843. lv CHAHLKS V. UKC.1XS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. SUNBURY, PA. nAS taken ihe office fuimeily Occupied by thi Hon. t'hsiles O. Donnd, opposite lha Otiut 1 House. Ha will attend le business in the Court of Norihumbsiland, Up'.on and Colambia couuliss bhy 20th, lbJ.