Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, April 27, 1844, Image 4
y . i IIAAK OTi; LIST. ITAXSYLVAMA. The following lis) showi the current mollis of nil Pennsylvania Bunk Notca. The most implicit re lance m.iy he placed upon it, a it is ferry wrek sarefully compared with ai d correct J from Biik oeil't Reporter. Ilauks In riilladrlpliln. I HI bll'l NOTES AT PAR. 0nk of North America . Bunk of the Northern Liberties , Commercial Hunk of Ponn'a. . Farmers ond Mechanic' Dunk . Kensington IJjnk Philadelphia Bank . Schuylkill Bank Soutriwark Bank . . Western Bank Mechanic' Bank , Manufacturer' &. Mechanics' Bunk par par par pnr par par par par par par par Count it Itniili. Bank of Chester County Punk of Delaware County Rank of Oermantown Hank of Monlcomery Co. Doylcstown Bank T.asloii Bank Farmers' Bank of Bucks CO. (Mice of Bitik of Petm'a. Office do do Office do do 1o do VX'estchester par par par par par Chester ('crmanlown Norriatown Doyhslown Easton Bristol par par Harrishurg"! These Lancaster I offices Reading f do not Easton J issue n. D I S c n U N T. ' riiiliiJi-ljihia SjbSC . par ; fi . . par NOTES AT Bank of the I'nited States' Rank of I'cnn Township (.i'ard Bank . Moyamensing Bank Bunk of Pennsylvania Miners' Bank of Pottsvillc Bank of Lewistown Bank of Midilletown l);mk of Northumberland par 1 i Pot'stille Lewi-town Middlotnwn i Nurthuml rland par I'olumliia Bank A. Bridge co. Columbia Carlisle Bank Carlisle Exchange Bank Pittsburg Do do branch of Hnllidnvsburg Farmers' Bank of Lancaster Lancastci Lancaster County Bunk Lancaster Farmers' Bank of Keading Keading Harrisbiirg Bank Harrishurg; Lancaster Bank Lancaster Lebanon Bank Lebanon Merchants' & Manuf. Bank Pittsburg Hank of Pittsburg l'ittsbuig West Branch Bank Willianisport Wyoming Bank Wilkesharre Northampton Bank Allentown Ueika Cnuiity Bank Heading Ottiee of Bunk of U. 8. Pitlsburg failed do Do do do Erie Do do do New Brighton Kensington Saw Ins. A da Penn Township Sav. Ins. do Bank of Chambersburg Chambersburg Bank offieitysburg Gettysburg Bank of Susquehanna Co. Montrose Erie Bank Eiia Farmers' A. Drovers' Bank Woynesburg Franklin Bank Washington Honcsdale B.nk Monnngahela Bank of B. Brownsville York Bank York do i i no 3 3ja:t H H N. B. The note of those banks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wiih the exception of those which have a letter of nferencc. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do filled Manual Labor Bank (T. Dyolt, prop.) failed fowaudu Bank Towatidu Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Ueaver Bank of Swatara Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank Farmers' & Merh'cV Bunk Farmers' & Mech'es' Bank Farmers' it Mcch'cs&lJiink Harmony Institute Huntingdon Bunk iuuiata Bank Lumbermen's Bank Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge (V. Norlhuinb'd I'uinii Col. Bk North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Ph. Manuf. Dunk Silver Lake Bank I'nion Bank of 1'enn'a. Westmoreland Bank Bedford Beaver Harrishit'g Washington liclh f into Pittsburg Pittsburg Fayette co. ('rconcastle Harmony no sale closed closed failed ch'Sed no sale failed failed failed no tale Huntingdon no sale I.ttvistovtii no sale Warren Duudair New Hope Milton Meadville Port Carbon Carlisle Montrose I'niontown fulled no sale closed no sale closed failed closed failed closed (ireenshurg AYilkesbarre Bridge Co, Wilkesbarre no sale (ty All notes purporting to le on any Pennsyl vania Bank nut given in the above lirt, may he set down as frauds. xkw ji:ilsi:v. Bank of New Biunawick Brunswick Uelvidere Medlord Perth Amboy Bridctun Mount Holly failed i par i par par Belvideie Bank Burlington Co. Bank Commercial Bank Cumberland Bank Fanners' Bank Farmer.' and Mechanics' Bk Ruhway i Fanners' and Mechanics' lik N. Brunswick failed Farmers' and Mer baiila' Bk Midd.etouii Pt. Franklin Bank o! N.J. Jersey City llohokcn Bkg& liruziu; Co Hoboken Jersey City I! ink Jersey City Mecbauiis' Bank Patterson Manufacture rs' Bank Belleville Morris County Hank Xlorristown Monmouth Bk id N.J. Fteehold Mechanics' Bank Newaik Meelianics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton Morris Canal and Bkg Co Jersey City Post Notes Newaik Bkg V Ins Co Newark failed la lb d failed failed tailed i failed i par .10 sale New Hope Del llridue Co Lamhetiswllo N. J. Mauufac. and Itkg Co llubukeii N J I'roteclon & Lombard Ik Jerey City Orange Bank Orange Puterm Bunk Patei.oo i failed lulled i failed pur par People Bank do Princeton Bank Pnnceton Pab in Banking Co Salem ifUale Bank Newark BiBtc liauk Elizats'thtown State Bmk CamJeii Slate Bank of Morrie Voriistown Blate Bank Trenton Salem and Philai Manuf Co Sult tn Busses Bank Newton Trenton Bunking Co Tienton Union Bank Dover W ashington Barking Co. Hackeiisack DrLiWAiti:. i i par failed failed i par i failed par par par par par par p.r p.r par Bkofi1mVv Itr nidy wine i intngtnn Dink of Delavvare W ilniington Sn.yiua Miltoid Dom Wilioinuton (roigi low ii Newcisile llllilligtull Bank of So yrna Do blanch Fariners' Bk of Stale f Del' Do bran) h 1)0 brain h Do briiih Union Bunk' Qf 1'iulei S'a ( On all lank roa'kid (bus () there ar ri. Iber counterteil j ulttrel ne'e l (4 the var.ou di- liouinali-ri., ni e.rJaUK . Cotmtrrrrlfcrn DEATH BLOW. rPhe pul'lic will please observe that no Brandrcth 1 Pills are genuine, unless the box has three li bels upon it, (the top, the side and the bottom) each containing a frc-similc signature of my hand writing, thus B. Braniihkth, M. D. These la. bel-aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at anettpense of over f-2,000. Therefore it will he seen that the only thing nrcessary to pro. cure the medicine in its purity, ia to observe these labels. Remember the top, the side, and the bottom. The following respective persons are duly aulu ri zed, and hold CERTICATES Or AGENCT, For the sale of Hrandreih's Vegetable Universal Fills. Northnnibeiland cniinlv : Milton M ickey At Chambeilin. Siinhtirv H. B. M.isscr. M'Ewcng- ville Ireland fc Mcixt II. Northutn! ctland Win. Forsyth. (Jeorgetown J. A J. W-tlls. Union County ; New Berlin Bogar cV Win ter. Selinsgrove Ceorge Cundium. Middle burg Isaac Smith. Beaveriown David llubler. Atbimsburg XX'm. .1. May. Midlinsbure Mensch iV Riy. Haitleton Daniel Long. Freehnrg (i. ft F. C Moyer. Lcwishurg Walls At (Jieen. Columbia county : Danville E. B. Reynold & Co. Berwick Shuman c K tlenhouse. Cn' tawissa t'. (!. Brobts. Bloomsburg John 1!. Mover. Jeisey Town Levi Itisel. Wasliinutoii Robt. M Cay. Limestone l!lli : M:N"ich. Observe that each Agent has an Engravid Cer tificate of Agencv, containing a represnlalion of llr BRANDItKI'll'S Manutaclory at Sing Sing, and upon which will also be seen eact copies of the iifw 'abets now u.wil upon the Hrandrrlh J'iI Bores. Philadelphia, office No. 8. North Rth street. B. BIIANDIiETM, M. D. June 24th, 1S43. LCITC-ITEZ'S f.'ronl VM-i ii IiMlhm I'iiiuii -t-ji. Coiliji ii(jiiii(Jc(J L'liiiiclv ol A"fiic(:ibL Siilisl.niicos ; Frre from Ctioni'l and til! olhrr Nhirrnh. For the history of '.his medicine, and its unrivalled and truly surprising nuvem and popular ity, see large bills 1 T is recommended as a general cathartic for family live in dyspepsia anil nil bilious iltea- ses, it is inv.ilunble fur Aslluna it is consiileied a fpeeifie, no cave having yet occurred which it bn failed to cure for common elds, imlbimioaiorv diseases, rlu uinaiism. alb ciions of the luer, fir., auJ for females, it is n sate and excellent lemedy. CEIlTiriCATE, Fruni Dr. Silas Wis of liiDhamptim, S. Y. Mr. Longley -Dear Sir: I have used your (West Wrftirt: Indian Panacea in mv family, and have repeatedly prescribed il for patients under my care, and am satisfied that it is ulwavs a saf'.-. B'mI in v, i many cases an invaluable medicine. It opera'es i.s a laxative wilhout nausea, or pain ; and vvbile it ef fertuallv obviates costivenefs act upon the sIoiuhcIi and liver as an, reeling acidity, and re storing the healthy condition of those urgans. Very rcpertlul'v vonrs. S. WEST. For sale by JOHN W". FKII.INti. Sooburv, JACOB BRitJHT Nlhuiiiberland, May 20th, 1 S43. ly J. D Wafers, rjBT1 W. B a 1 RESPECTFULLY inform, the citizen- of tie 'k (Mirongh of Norihiimbeiland, mi J its vicinity, that he has commenced the Tailoring lfiiiiics-i, in a'l i's various branches, in the shop formerly occupied by Henry S. Thomas, ilirectlv opposite Forsvtb's store. As he receives the New Yoik and Philadelphia Fashions quxttcrly, he is enabled to do all jobs entiusied to bun, alter the nentei-t and hilest style, and upon tbeshoitest nnlice. Northumberland, Apiil 2d. IS 13. ly Dr. J. JJ JI. lSStii:. 1 ESPCCTFI'LLY informs ibec yens ot Nun- ('iiry iin.l its vicinity, that he ba l iken the office foimerly occupied by Dr. Jobn I', vtbeie he will be happy to receive calls in the line of bis profession. April 22d. 14 :t. MERCIIANT'S house, Ao. 237, .Xorlh Third, .Vn e CUou hill St., PHILADELPHIA. JOHN DUNCAN, late from the Pennsvlva nia Farmer, nnd Samuel Pike, jr., la'e of A nil rican Hotel, ( 'I'biuibus. I ihio. lake pleasure in ac qnaintiug their friends and the public ent rallv lint they have taken the large and commodious Holt I, recently lajill by the Missis. Il irt.ori the same site once ociupied by the old established Hotel know n os the Bull' Head, in Third sticet above Callow hill t. This Hotel is finished in the very best possible manner, and of the best materials. Its location is very desirable, particularly fr country merchants ; the arrangements for heatii.g and ventilating each room ia such as to secure any temiernlure. The bedrooms ate all light and airy, all luiuisbcd in a neat siy'e, so as to insine comfort. The receiving parlor are also fun isheJ in a so ierb sly b, the windows are on the French style, forming an enhance to a balcony in front, wbi.b mnkes a pleasant recess. Piolieulai atti mini) has been given to the beds and hi ildu g, which, Willi the furniture, are entirely new, r mm yea's' experience inhitel business, we i-iisl, by strict ass duily ic. busioesi, lo make tin hiiuse a desirable stepping place. Our table will always be supplied with the vi ry best our uiaiket can atb-rd, and our barn oh the best lupjors and wines of the most nppioved loan l. P. S. There are first rale stabling tind carriage houses attached to the hotel, tti tided by ra t f il and soU r bo-llers. and our charge will be" low, in accordance with lie present hind time. J'liiladelphia, Oct. tb, 112. UiMOiN hotel; mm (deutrul Slui;e,) jd" -ft: j iw ji "r LYCOIIIMC COUNTY, l' tins) i aiiia. flHE Hnbscriber lespecifully mfoims hi friends L and the public in general, that he ha taken the above LAitui: axd covmcdiois HOTS L, I N T II E B O R O U (i II O F M U N C Y, and that he is now well prepare J to accommodate all who may favor b in with their custom. H Sinnso ArtuTMSs is ire well aite I, and coinfni isl le. Hi-'I'iHiF imi Bta will always be tjjipliid witn itie tu si Hie market can ador.l. His Stihliko, which is co. d. will I under the charge ol good and carelul hostler. He b el- cm, lei, I. bv stmt ailenlioii to bu ins. and an earnest desire to render c mfurt&ble those w ho may pa'roniza him, that he will not fail to give general satlsfui tion. H. B. WKAYt.ll. Muruy, Oet. 1st, Hl 9. If. i The brst method for the Abolition of Dircast is to cleanse and purify the llody. WIIIftllT'S ixiia yr.f3i:T iiii.r. riisi.s or tiik sVrA American fotlfre of Health, Are now acknowledged to be the best Medicine in the World for the cine of EVERY VARIETY OF DISEASE. D BECA USE they completely cleanse the sto g J rnni h and bowels from th se billions and cor rupt humors which are the raue not only of Headache, (iiibliness, Pnlpitnlinn of the Heirt, Pa:ns in the Bones. I'lunmnbsm and (Joiil, hot every tnnbn'v iircidenl In man. SAID INDIAN V Et JET ABLE PIIJ.S are a eeriain cure for in leimitient, lemittcd, nervous, inHamhlory and pu'rid Fevers because ibey e'eanse the p.irly firm tho.e moibid In niors. which, when confined tothe ciicn l.'tion. are 'beeanseof nil kinds of FEVEIIS. So, also, when the none inrpin itv is deposited on the membfxe and muscle, coring pons, ittlimn linns and swellings called RHEUMATISM, CO! T. Ar, Wright's Imlir.n Vegetable Pills may I relied cn as a'wavs ertain lo givr relief, and if persevered with, according lo direr tiotn will rnn-t iissiin dlv, nnrl without fail, make n perfect ell e of the al'nve painfi I n uladies. From three lo six of said Indian Vi geiab'e Pills t iken every night go. ing lo bed, will , in a short lime so completely rid the body from every thing that i opposed h bealilt, that Rbenmrili-m, tionl. and p d" of evr rv devrip 'ion, will be iu ral'y Dill YEN FIJOM THE l!l. DY. l'or the s ore leasou, when, Irom sudden changes of atmn-pbete, or in V other cause, the per spt'ation isel eekul. nud ihe humors wh eh should pi'S i ff bv tb" skin sre Ibn vvn inwardly, caosriig HEADACHE. OIDDINEtsS. ,,i,uea ami sir k ness, pain in the b.,ms. vvn'ery anrl irdlamed ryes, sore Ibroal, hoarscne-r', eongbs, roris-umplions. rbennialic pains in various (aits if the hudy, anil maoyntlur svmp'oms of CATCH I NO COLD. Writ; lit' Indian r.e,.e 'I'.'.v will invariably g;ve in o.edi le n lii l. I'r, in thiee tr six of aid Pills taki n evrrv ni:hl on gang to hid, will in a s'.oit time, nut or,'v rrmove all il e ahnve unpb as ml symptoms, but the bndv vv II, in a short time, be restored to rven sounder he'd It il an before, AS THM A, on DIFFICULTY OF BHEATH l.NO'. Wriizlit'x hid an Vnsit,di!r 'r7Awiil Ions en ulrrl cur V i IV. I y lhc.s0!i.ur h and bow, ts, tbr"!e tough bliginy bonior , wl-ich stop op all the air cells ol the lungs, nnd are the cause, nol mdy of the above ilisiress tiE c impla nt, but when neg'ected, ' often t, mti rites in that mo c do 'nihil rna'adv called CONSLMPTION. It -hmi'd be also icoeinb. r, d that IVr.V.'i. hid an ;,'.. 'A are t cr rta'n cure '"..r PAIN IN 'J' I IE MI'E, Oppri -ioi., ii.hi sr n. ntnl sickness, lo-s of appi ti'e, cosltveursa. a v How ln pe ol the ikirr ro d r vr . nnd every other sy o i plum i I a h rp'd or disi a -r-d si ate of the liver ; lecaiisr tbiy p.oige Irom the bndv those impurities whh h if ih pos ted I'pini this itnpnrtaiit org in, are tin- ivm p ot eMiy variity i f LIVER COM. PLAINT. V hen a nnlii n is ciiii ulscd I v not , ntirbre ks and ri I ellinii ti e only means of prevent ing the dioadli, I fn..i ipii ticis n a CIVIL W.l. is In i el all Iriii'nis. and vil d sposi d mu s from the couirrv. In bke m inner, hi ri pain or sick ness iif nny kind, indicate that the body is strin: filing ;,h int. r r,l bus. be Hoe rerr ,dv is lo EX PEL ALL MOIMCD 1! I !l l;.S, (Traitors lo brahh and l ie.) Iliatb trill In- tir ri rtnin risutf. Tl at the p'inr iplc i f i uring ill , ilenisii.g and pinily teg the t ody.i- stnellv in accordance with the laws which gow rn the mrinal reoi.otnv; and if p'opeilv carried i lit bv the ti-e of ti e above named W I! K HIT'S IN I'l N YF.OETABLE PILL, w ill certainly r.sult in the eotnpli le Abo I lion ol Di-ease ; we nib r the Inllnwing h stimoni nls, fii iu pirsi io of the highest re-pectabriii v in New Ymk, who have ii cenliv bei n lined of the most ob-lii.ate complaints, solely by the us,' ot Wiiioirr's I MU A" VfnirvMt.K l'lLl.s, of the Xartl American t'vlli of Hta tli : Javvicv. L. I., luni. tfli. 1S1I. Dotlor Wil'iarn Wrghl Dot Sir It is with gre:, sati taelten I inform vnti nf ..iv having been i utriely run il of I 'vsprpsia. ot live cur stando g, by I he toe rrt ytMir I in N lr.tiAlill I'lt.i.s. I'n v ion- to inee' ng wi'h your celebrated uinb ciee, I bail luen under tic bands ol sevcial Phvsn cist s, anrl bad 'ricd vaiinn- nieihetnt s ; but all to no ellecl. Alter u-ir g ntre 2S cei t box nf votir IMIs, hnwi vcr, I t pi rii need so much bei elil. th it I te-oUtd lo per-et, le to the 1 1 se i ,f I hi in m ci it d I tig hi tlrret tun s, bii'h 1 am happy lo state, Il ,s iitj!l- ' t il III a p iteel t ure. Il gratitude lo Volt f it li e great benefit I t or teeencd, and nl-o in l e !; pe b itntlnr- sitnibrrlv ntllrciid may he induced in make liial i, y mir x'ra. idiiii y medicine, I send you Ibis star, in, nt wuli lull I.I ty to publish the same, if V no think leper. Yours, tVe. New York, June III, IM). i.C. ItLACK. Mr. Rii hard Dennis, ut lit for Wright's Indian Vcgi In bit- Pills. Dear Sir have h. en aHlieted fur seeia years widi iiivviinl we.'.kin ss and gem r tl thbrhtv, ir nin par i. d at limes v nh puns in tl, ude and oilier ilislnsMi g cooiplaniis. All, l having li ed various no i! n ines vv i'ho, 1 1 tb ei. I w as persu ulcd by a Ii it ml to make tnsl et I r. W light s Indian tgilablel Pills, which I am happy lo slate, have relieved ioe in a loo-i wuiiilerful in. inner. I have u-ed ibe inc. I rliciue, as yet but a rhmt (one. and have no doubt, I by a pi rsi veraiiee in the u-c i t the nn dici ic acenr- ding lo diiei'tions. th;,t 1 shall in a short time be I ! ft I v ie-lo I'd, j I must vvilln glv rr i otnon I'd s lid pills to nil per suns siuolai ly idl'ii led. and ill 'he toll behel thai , ti e same beneficial n suits w ill l'ull.,w their use, I re- ., II CN Iv V A. ft It I I'L. ' Waiwai:og, l ister co. N. Y. Niw Y( UK, Sept. 2!l, IH II. ! Th' is In certify llml I hive used Whiuhi'm; Imiiv H.irriti 'i Lt vv ith the gronir-t bene ' lil; bavii g t ti'ir, 1 riiretl myell of Ibe trt itient ul- lacks trl St, k lit ad. tehe, lo w hit Ii I lout prevmusly ' U-tu ubjevt. ANN MARIA TlltMP.ON, :I'.I2 (ireeiiw ich hi r e i. N. Y. ' To Mr. Kiclnird D. lints, Agent lor Wnghi's In. di.m egct.ible l'i, Is. f.i t i . I As there are at ibis lime inanv wicked persons ', busily t l,, d in si limg ,., , j , . i , , I , it medicine un der Ibe in, rue o the Indian t gel ,1 le I'tlU and as ; these tti sit rale on n me so utterly Ittkhss of till- j supiiM i -, that many valuable bvts may he I si in ronst niienee ol u-ing tl ,-ir tlreadlul euiiipoui.ds, the piil I e are t notiuiie.l agaiiisl puicha-ing any Plils. tiult s on the t ides of the buXts the following w online is found : WRIGHT'S 1MHN VEGETABLE PILLS. Indian I'urgtitivt.) Ul THE KOM Til AMIMII AN rilllh.I or IICALTII. Alnl alse to be espetiilly careful against purcha sing said medicine of any person cicept the regu lar advertised ageni. AO-L'XIH roil SOliTUVMnvilLASI) CO., J'i iiiinjliaaia. II. B. Masser, Sunliiry Wm. Forsyth, Nor ihinnbt il im! Jacob Haas. S aniokiii Samuel Herb, Miihoiioy Hyerly tV D., Augusta '1 l.nrinot Fnilnur. Milton Ireland ,V MetXill, McEwensvillr E S. j er, Tui bolsvillr James I'ted, Ptiiisgruvr II., Sndtrstown II. 11. Knubel, P. M Elyshurs P. O. Wm. Leieining, p M. Union Coiner. Oll.ce and Dtpol for the sale of Wrign'g Indian Vtnttutde I'tlli, holtsule ami Retail, No. 16!) RACK hTliEET, PHILADEL PHIA. May iil, HHJ. ly ROSE OINTMENT, rlt TI-TTEIl. RiNnyvoHM.a, rtMPt.M on tub rr:R, ano otiiek rrTNi:nrj fri'Itions. (Tj" The fnlnti'inifrertifiru'e describes one of the most extraordinary cures ever effected by any application. Pim.nnrr eiitA, February 10, 18fl8. IOR twenty years I was severely adlictid with - Tsttkm on the Face ami Head: thn disease Commenced when I was seventeen years old, ond continued until the Fait of 18:tC, varying in vio lent e, but without ever disappearing. During most of the time, great part of my free was covered with the eiuption, frequently a'tended w ith vio'eitt itch ing; my bead swel ed at times until it felt as if it Wnuld burst the swellint was so great, that I could scarcely get mv bat on. During the long period that I was allhfted wiili the disease, I used a great many a plications, (among them several celebrated prepaiations) as w, II as Inking inward remr'rliea, including a number of linltlc of Sirnim's I'inuwrn. I'j-lrart nf Sarsapnrila, A c, In fact it would be impossible lo enumera e all the merhcincs I used. I was also under the care of two of ihe most dis tinguisherl physicians of this ciry, but without re ceiving in' eh benefit, anrl I despaired of ever being run tl. In thr fall of I S:lli, ihe disease al the time being very violent, I cooiinerreed using ihe Hose (tinmerit, (prepared bv Vattgban cV Divis.) In a f w applications the violent itching ciaserl, the swel'ing aba'erl, the 1 ruulion bcMn to disappear, ntnl betore I hnil used a jar the theasR was rultielv cuted. It has tuivv been nearly a vrar and a ha!f since, and there is nol a vctigo if tire disease re maining, except the scars from the deep pits formed by the disease. Il is iioie ssihlc for me to describe in a i t rtil'icale the severity of ihe disease and my 1 stitliring. but I will be pie rscd to give a fuller ar ! count In nnv person wanting further satisfaction, who will r .11 on Inr. At the time I eninmnnred using the IJ, e Ointment I would have given bun ' (beds of ilo bus to be ri tl of the disease. Since u- i sing it, I have recoiiinu mb d it to evtral persons, i (aoiong them toy mother, who h i I the disease had- ly on bt r a'ln.l who vvi re a'l cured bv il. .1 -WIE.-v Dt IJNELL, -No. l.'.r.. Race St. j Cl"p Ti e Hose Ointment is prcpnrid by E. II. ! YaiU'haii, Suinh East coiner of Tlnrrl and Rare j stte-ts, Phbatlelpbia, and sold on agency in Snnbu iv. bv H. B. MAssEII. ' May Htb. 1H13. Anent, ' How Oiiiditciit, for Tetter. ,1 moor or rrs 1:1 ricAcv. I'll 1 1 a in 1 I'll 1 . May 'J7lb, l-bt:i. j r,HIS is to certify ti nt I w is severely alHicc.! tvirh Tetter ill the hands and f. et for upw ards of fiirtv ytars; the disease, was alii nded "r tier illy ; with vio'ent itching ami swelling. I nppb, d to 1 l oinbi r nf 1 sici lis, ami usetl a gn at 111. mv appli ca 101 s with, tit illeitii'g a cere. About a ar -since. I nppl e,l tie Pose Ointment, which entirely ; si oppt'd ihe I'rh ria.aod a few rippltc iti lis imrned'- alt ly fund the di-ease, which there has bieo no return of, Hlthoiigli I had nevi r been ltd of it at ' any lime for foity years. HK'II AUD SAVAGE, ' Llivenlh, below Spruce Street. 1 Zy The Rose Ointment is prepared hv E. B. .. YaiiLhan, S m r h East corner of Third ami Race ! Sheets, I' hut, niid sold on njein-v in Sunbu rv bv H. B. MASSER, May I tth. ll:l. Aet. IYIEDICAI. ArrROBATION ) (If tin llOSi: (ll.TMi:.T,Jhr T'ttir. j LTHOUIHI the superiority of the prrpatatn n I 4 over all oth, rs is fully es'ablished. the pr pre j tors t. ike pb a-ure in lay ng before the public the j billowing cer'.ilica'e from a respectable physician, Il graduate of the University of Pelinsv lvania. Dr. llangf, having found in this remedy that relief fir a ledi, us and ih-greeable irlVechoii which the means . within Ihe range of l is pmlcs-biii tailed to allortl. ' has lint In sir at, tl log ive il his approbation, although the prejudice and ii'.'t rest- of that prole.-sion ate 1 ppnsod to secret I'eincdie a. j I'liiLAt'l.Li'UiA, Sipt. If), I I was recently tumbled w itli a tedious herpetic i crupii. n. whir h enveml m arlv otre si 'e nf mv fice, j ami exieiideil over the ear. Mr. Yiiiighiiu, proprte toi ul the 1,'osf t liiilmeot, obsei v mg mv fact, nisi ted on my t'Mng bis prt p irahoit. i t whttli he ban- i tie I me a j rr. A 'though in coiiimon with the mem- j bets ol my profession, I discountenance nud tlt-ap. , prove ol tin- i.urner, us iiosliums p don ,1 upon the pnblic by ignni nl pn lender-, I feel 111 jn ir e hound ' to exci pt the Rose I liiihin ul fmiii thai c'a-s of me- J d t ines, nud to giv- it mv sppiobaiion, as it t iitire- : ly titreil the eiuplloli, 'ilttn ugli U h ul resisted llie ' li-U.I a heatiuiis. DA.NL li.M Gil, M. I). iXj' Ihe Rose Ointmei t is prepircd by '. V. Y.ui.han, .'sonlli Ea-t corner ul Thud aid Race Streets. Philadelphia, and sold mi ngr ncv in Sun burv. by H. B. MAsi:ii, I May I 1th. 181.1. A&nt. 1 JiMAYLANS, JR. Sc CO. Snuli' tititl '!" ! i;i ci i M :i ii nf iif t 1 1 -Yo. '.Ill .i'l'(7t U' stearin r nf Hurt and Third ' Sim Is. PHILAI El. PHI . rj,IIE umler-igticil bur formed Co-prrrluers'iip 1 under the lino of . I. M XYLAN I) Jit. cV Co.. as -iicceois to ihe late linn ol 'Jacob .Mailand -V Co., and will c nitinoe the I'Osiiie-s at be old esta blishment, on theit nw n account. In addi'mli hi their own close attetitimi ami cxpciience f,, tiniiiy j years, in the inanul'n lure i f ibeir t eft br.iled snnlV-, c, the long ex pent lice of 1 e seniot parti ei of ti e b.le firm, will iil.o be dt voted to the tuiere-l i f the new concern and as no t xertion and care will le i spared to insure their goods, ul ail limes of the e- i ry best quality, tiny solicit a continuance of the ; confidence ul the liifliila an I t list uncrs of the late linn. TIIOXI XS AD WIS, J. M AYLA.MJ, Ju. Philadt Iphia, May 1 1th, IM:!. ly EAGLE ( 'arm r ot ' Tlurd and Vine Sin i Is, WILLIAMSrOHT, TA. rillE snlstriber r speclfollv annotmr', tithe 1 public, that he h 'S o ened a Hotel in the emu modrous bn, k building situate on ihe corner of I hud ami I'ine streets, where he will he happy to wait l p ii l bos.' who iiiav favor bun witU then company. The Eagle Hotel is la'gx ami Conveni ent, and, li e be t III ah in stt e. Il is pr.iv ul, d w nli a huge lennbr r of weil aued and enmt' liable s'eeping upar tments, rooms, private patlors, A r. I'i imii.s visiting XX iiltamsporl on bu siness oi p'ea-uic, may re-l ns-und that every ex ertion will be used to render their sojourn at the "Eagle Hud I" pleasant and agrteable. Hi Table will be supplied with the very beat the market af fords, and his bar with the choicest wine and other liquor iharge re.sonabl,'. The Eagle Holt I possesse greater advantage in point of location than any other similar establishment in the borough, being situate in the business part of the town, and w ithin a convenient distance of the Court House and Willianisport ami Elmira Rail Road Depot. Sullicietil Stabling provided, and good and trusty ostitis always in attendance. Attentive, iiccoii.modntiiig and hnne.-l Servants have been imsloyed, ami nothing li ft undone that will add to the commit and accommodation of hi guests. There will be a carriage always in attendance at the Boat Landing lo convey passengers to and Iroin ihe House, tree of charge. CHARLES BORROWS. May 11th, I H 13. if H. B. lvCASSE?., ATTORNEY AT LAW, 8UWBUIIY, PA. Business attended tn in the Counties of Nor. thurpl erland, Union. Lvroming and Columbia. ItrfVr In l Thohas Hatit cV Co., Lnwr.n tV Biaann. HaT, Cuvivnnni fi Habt, yPhilud. Rut-jni.ns, McEanLtaii &. Co. Ser.aiiri, 'Sunn cV Co., Ti C'omif ry MERCHANTS. nHE Subscriber, Agent of Lvon oV Harris, Hal Manuf iclnrers, for N'nw York, Phil .dolphin, Baltimore and other large cities, wl.oan Hats are highly ciimmi nileil good enhi and durnliliti, ha. on I. ami a lir-t rale asertm"iit of HAT.? ami CAPS, suitable for Sprint sites, wh eh will Ve sold very low, fm cash or apptoved credit, al the w led rbron "lore. No. 4(1, Norlll Tlprd 'njvl, o p isi'e the City Hotel. I'hibi lelphis. R(m:itT D. WILKINSON. Aitent. N. R. Orders for Hats in therim;V promptly attended lo. The hii;hest lice in tash or trade given fir Fur skin.i. Philadelphia, June II, ISll.-.ty X LI, persons imh bterl to the linn of Lvon it i ' 1! it r s, under tie agency oft I.N. Thaihi r. Hal and Can Manufacturer. N o. 41) North Third, street. Phil ub Iphia. are requested to make ilium di- I nte settlement of di ir ar counts with the "iiVcrihcr, tloir legally aii'hoiied ngent, who is foliv t rnpovv. rtu! to settle and collect ibe accounts of stid linn, i RORERT D. WILKINSON, j June 4th, 1S12. tf Art. (r O L 1) VjW swan -No. 01) im tli Third, abat e Arch Streit, , PIIII.ADIM.I'HIA. Afl llVtMIII) M rls llllt St VIM v rri'wiss. fMlARLES XVEISS. I.ferf tl e " hi:e Swat,." ami "Mount X'ernoit House." resot t tfollv in forms hisfriemls ami customers', that be ha- become the proprietor of the abut" well known Holt I. j Cooii iy Meiehat'fs will Pud the above llo'el a ; central I cation, ami the best of fare Persons tra velling with private conveyance will lind a large , yard and good stabling In! hoiscs, und the best of ( ostler. Itii'dtiig fl ptruav, ; Mav 1 1th. 11'.'. if. j "7n.C. 7L7ZZL1CI.1T &,CC, ! e-- ---. s ' ( 'iiintiiissinii VV I'drwnrdincr .Mrn li:inis, I'tittt f H ilhar Street Hail Hood, ON TIIK II I. AW A III:, 1 rTAX'I.Nt! assocliitt d will them Joseph Bart, et. - ' late of I'. ist, in, I'.,., ri sni'i tlullv inform loeir fnei ds am! the public generally, tti it thev havi tn krlitht large mil we I k now n store and w h i:f at ftit of Willow Street Ibtdroarl, lately occupie I bv liroli Martin, where thev pit pose lining a ( Commission am! I'nrw mding Itu-ine-'s, nnd firm the local atlvaii'ages of the place being connected with all the public improvements that have their otit'el in the city, thev flatter I In nisi lies they will be able to ilo business to as g't at, if not g call r ail- , vantage, and upon as teas onal''e tcinis as any other I housa', and they assure their fiends that any con- s'gn incuts mailti to them slurl! have tin ir strict at- j h nl't'ii, and no ext itions spared to give entile satis- , faction. Tin y are also prepared to receive and forward j goods to any point on the Delaware Jlnl Leh gh j rivers, between Mauch Chunk, Enston and I'lnla- 1 del, hia, via Delaware Divisi. n ami I.ehigh ('in Is; also, to anv point un the Juniata river, or Nor h ! and XX'isl Bram hi s of the Su-qut h.inna via Srbnvl. : kiil and l iiioii, or the Chesapeake and Title XX'.ttei j Canals. j l'or the accommodation of Boats coming or go. : ir g via Schtivlktll and I moll ( an ils, a Sieonboit will bi ki pt expressly for low ing bo its from ihe Sch u Ikll! jr mi r ul to the Del 'tv ate rim I bark, tv bit h will en d ie merchants to haw their produce tleii vced on the De'awaie, and their go, l- shippnl at a siving ot fill to 7,1 per cent. in the puces I n hauling ricoss, with thtse advnnlat'es they re sptctfully solicit s share r f atr' iia.e. XV. 11 E1L.M AN CO. XX'illiam IL ilman, W II. am XX'. K-)m' ,C loseph B .rnet. J) Philad ,Mav 1 I, 1 fi 13. ly BOLTON &. CO. iM i .ll iiiiiiiiioiiui Mi tt liants. For the Sab of I hair, '.'mil, St id. r., ic. lPEC I KI LLY ii form the r triurds and S he Mereb. tints gencrjllv , that they have ta ken those I irge nnd commodious XX bar v. s, w ir h la Doiks, noitli ol Chisnut street, on the law ire, toMf iher w ith the sbne No. Ml S .nlli Wlurte-, where they would be pi, a-ed lo receive consign ments nf (Irani, Fb'lii. Seed. Whi-kcy, lmu. Ac. Ac. Being also well im paicd to fnrw rrd all kind. ol .Merchandise by (he cbutikill itul I'nion, or by the Chesirpi tike anil Ti'le XX' ater ( 'anals, as tow- boats are kepi expressly foi the purj'ose of towing boats by i i her inu'e. Men bants will pleas" lie particular to semi tlierr g i, lis ilesiined bv eill't r canal-, ti No. I'JSoulh XX'hiirves, between Xluiket and Chesnut strte's, on the Delaware, w ill) dm choiis rtecuiop riiying die in which mule tin y vv t.-h tbetii to be shipped. g Plaster and Suit for sale, at the biwe-t mar ket price. BOL TON A C'. XI arch Mi, I Sin. No. I'JSoulh XX'htrves. ItOBLIM C llt I l it -s SON, pateh MANurACTunrns, .oii.bitrd Stmt, Jlnttimuie, HAYE con-laiitlv for sale. Pruning Paper of ah and qiialitn s. Cai XX'riting Paper, ml. d and pi liri. Letter Paper, white and I lot', ruled ami I'lairr. Hatojiir ' I'.mer. and coiiimon. Envelope Paper, ilo. do. Irodifm, doiib'e crow it, crow n uuil evirasiiil XX lapping Pa ers, Coloicd Medium ami h'ot al l'.ipcis. ltoouet, litmlers' and Si nnv liov ; li, , anls, Tissue Paper, and all art t li s in ibeir line, i wbnh they will sell on at cnuiiuodaiing lent,.' II .ghesl price given for old rags. I RollEUr CARTER A SON, M.reh IH4:l. Elknm. Xl.i ; VN uritc'e unequalled lor cleaning and g vu.g a ' highly duiable ami most brilliant polish lo ail- ver, (ierini'ii Silver, Brass, Copper, Brtltatiia ware, j Tin, Steel, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on ' varnished carriage, Ac. TKV 11'. I Prepared and sold at w holesale and retail, by the : Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owcgii, J Tioga county. N. Y. r WM. 1'ORSYTH, Agent lor Notthum'd, H. B. MASSER, Agent lor Sunbury. November .'Uth. 1812. l'l TKil m:viTi :s. LAST MAKER, No. 71 SttVL't, l'liiliulcljiliia C Three Joors above $cond. J SHOE Finding always kept on hand, which he olli r for rale on the lose-t terms. Country Mrich-wii are particul.ily to till andjudye foi themselves. Philadelphia, Novunsef 13, 1S42- ly. G. V". & L. B. TA7L0R. OFFER FOR SALE, at the South East Cor ner of Fifth and Market Streets, Fhiladd )in Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted, do do do pegged do do do do water proof, double Dole and double uppers. do Cnlf-skin do do and uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Boofs. do do Neat do do. do High quartet Shoes, Calf-skin. do till till Crocker ilo do nailed. do Finn Monroes warranted Jo Kin do do do Calf do tin Coarse t!o do do Shoe do Finn do do Kin ilo do do do do tlo do Calf and Seal Skin Tumps, do Lisi Socks with and without soles, do Carpet ilo do ,b, do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasin. Ladies' do ,,i ,! , Ladies' tanned India Robber shots. Ocntlenieiis' do Ovi r shoes. Willi every other description of bonis and shoes. Fur Caps of every description. Traveli ng Trunks of every description, Yehctiari Travelling lings'. Patent (turn Elastic Shoe Blocking. Ilniinets nfall kinds. Pnlm Leaf Hals. Philadelphia. NoAemher 1:1. Is2. lv. OF EX'EKY DESCRIPTION. NF.W C.XCJ.AM) Oil. COMPANY. No. -'! Xi.tllt Water Slivit, I'hihi. ANTFAOTTKEI.'S d .balers in Oils nf everv description both for bnrriiiu nnd iiranufac'iiring purposes, which will be sold much lower than they can be procured elsewhere, and Warranted in quality to equal any in the eitv. Any oil sold by the company tmt proving as te resented, tony he returned without anv expense to Ihe pur chaser, and the money will be refunded. 'I heir slock now i;i store consists of the follow ing oils. vi. : :i'.),ll(MI gallons Winter Bleached Speim" ' Ml, iintm do do Colorlcfs Oil, do Fail and Spring Sperm Oil. do inter Sea Elephant, do do Pressed Whale Oil. 1... ntnl lo. I'UII Sd.iiiKi (illtlll lo.lKKI ilo Summer ilo do do ' do ( 'omntrrn XX hale t Id, -.'00 Barrels sttpi rim Slra 's Oil, :!IKI tin Cod Bank Oil, -r.ll do Neins Foot O.I, 7 i Casks Olive Oil, Tanner's bis. tX7 This Comp irrv has a number of Ycs-clss en gaged in the (.'.id Fishery, and Tanners may u ly upon gelling nt all touts (lil as pure as imported, Philadelphia, Nov. I.I. I S I '. ly. .TSicii.'irl W'c.'un' V Nion, POrE IYTAKEKS & SHIP CIIANDLEnS. .Vo. l:l A'irct Wntrr Slnt t. I'hiladi 'ohia. f.XX E cons' nirtly on hand, a general assort ment of Cordage Seine Tw ines. Ac, viz : I ui'd li'npes. Fishing Popes, While Ropes, Xlatiil- la Ropes, Tojv Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a complete ti-suitutei.t of Seine Twines, Ac, such as Hemp Shad and Herring Tw ine, l!e-t Patent (ill! Net Tw ine. Cotton Shad and 1 1 en ing Tw it e. Mi no Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Red Cords, Plough Lines, Halters, Traces. Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac. all of which they will dispose of on rtasonuble h i ins. Philadelphia. November 1 .1, 1 8 12. 1 y. Jacob I'liMUiitli A. Sou "I EsPECTFI'LLY informs tin ir friend and - ncipiaii'laut'cs ge lerallv they slid con tinue to keep at the old stand. No. 210 North 3d stret t . Philadt Iptiia. all ' imls of 'itiii iccu sm rr axt sf.-aks. Which iln y w :ll s.-ll .n the m a '. uccoiuiuojutiny and ic isoir.i le teirns. N. B. All go uls miIi wH be gun. tnteed nud all orders prompllt It It .1 lo. Plulidilpliu, Ncveinliei l:t, Iftl2. ly. sim:i:inc, coud -v co. No. I .'5s M;ult Sircct, 'liila.lfl liia. KNXITE the attention . f Couiit'y Merchants H lo their exlett-ive .ior.'tneul of British French ind A mi rican D y Cionds, w Inch they r tier foi sale nli the m , reasomible ti rins. Philadelphia, November 1:1, IH12- ly. J . W . S W A ! N , rmliii-l!;t iiutl I'diasirl Al.intifarturer. A'o. :ft Xmitli 1'tuiil trrit. lira doors Lilnw the ('Hit llnli I, I'Ji i hub lid: in. ior.NTI Metehairts ami others are solicited J lo examine his assot nl In lore purchasing Isew here Plula :t l hi t. November I I. '.12. ly. 'X r w-. iLJ.Z--L, -nip u siniill tr'i.nn e, ml -ii ii I li r about enc hiii. died and ten acres, more or le-s, situate in Point township. Nordiuitit rlaml count , uholit t'.v oiuibs ribove Noilliiiiubeil mil, on the nn.ill road leading from I hut place to Danville, adjoining land- n John l.eghou, Jesse ('. Ilotiori and others, no in the occupancy i f S.tmui I Payne. About forty arris of said trail areiltantl, and in good state of cu litalioii, on wluch there is a small burn erectnl. The pmperty w ill be sold en h asoeable teirns. For further particulars, pt tson are request ed lo apply to the .uUctilur. H. 11. MASSER, A!,nf, Nov. 27th, 1I2. if Sunbury. Pa. LIST OF ''BOOKS, " lull St LI. HI V " .VJ DON'S Classical Dictionary; I einprn r' tin.; Ain.swoith's ilo ; Cobb's do.; J'.ug'isli and ('eimaii do; Anthon's Casar; Anlhon's (trammer; Xnlhen's Ciceto; Mail's l.a'ili lieatlet; t 'gill ) 's tbi.; Ambevv's I hi ill l.tssoiis; Dolim gall's i.etnon; I'isk's (ire, k Etticises; Davies's Lrgeudei; (iiaeca Mnjoia; Ail.nii.'s h'oinan Aiitiquillcs; Pniioitk (ioi.lstuiih' England; tlo. (Ircete; I. yell's Element ul tifidogv; Mis. Lincoln' Botany; Elements of Bi'tanv; Bridge' Algebra; Porter' Rheioncal Header.-; Eim-rsoii'g (ieogiaphy and History; Obey' do.; Parity's do ; Smith's (.rammer; Kiikhatu's do.; Kat'a Readers; Cold ' do.; Cobb' Arilhmciiek; Pike' do.; Emerson' do.; Cobb' Spi lling Rook; Town's tlo.; Cobb' Table Books; Evangelical Fa mi'y I.ihiaiv; Cottage Bible; Family do; Collaier al do.; Smail Bibles and Testaments; Paiker's Ex dciseson Compositioir; Fruit of ihe Spirit; Baxter' S lint's Rest; American Revolution; Marryatt ' No vels; Mr. Phelp on Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism of American Laws; Letter on Natural Magic; Che misiry Im Beginners; English Exeicist i adapted to Murray' (iraininer, Siquil to Cotnley' Spelling; Book; Aim rican Clas Book; Daboll's Sch,himii Icr's Assistant; A great variety of Blank Books, Ac. August SH, ll!j Toil SALEAT THIS 0JT1CE.