Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, April 20, 1844, Image 4

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The f dlnwinp list showa ihc value of nil
Pennsylvania Bank Nutn. The most implicit re
liance may t e placed upon it, an it i every week
:firefully compared with at d. corrected from B'nk
aeU'i Eepnr'er.
Etanhs In IMiilailt IiJsIrt.
, I)nr, t
. par
. par
. par
; par
r a r.
Rink of North America .
Bunk of the Northern Liberties
Commercial Bank of Perm's. .
Faimrrs' unit Mechanics' Hank
Kensington Bank
Philadelphia Dank
Schuylkill Bank . . hwnrk Hank
Western Ti:iiik
Hoclmtiirs' Bank
Manufacturers' A. Mechanics' Rutik'
Country ttnirftn.
I? ink of Chester County
I'unk of Delaware County
Bank of Oermantnwti
Punk of Montgomery Co.
finylostnw n Bank
(Vision Bank
Farmers' Batik of Hooks co
) flirc of Cork of Pctiti's.
Office do do
OilVe do do
Olfioa do do
. 0ftche6ler pnr
Chepler par
(iormanfown par
Norria'own par
Dovlestown par
Eiifton par
Brirtol par
JlarrishuraA These
Lancaster I ofiicos
Heading ( do not
Easton J i?uc n.
riiiladelphia 25a26
. par
; 6
. par
. . lar
Bank of the United Platen
Pank of I'enn Township ,
Oirard Bak
Movamensing Hunk
Uitik of Pennsylvania
Miliars' Bank of Poltsville
Hnnk of Lowislown
Bank of Middlelown
Bank of Northumberland
Northumberland1 par
Columbia Dunk & Dridgo co. Columbia
Carlisle Dank Carlisle
Exchange Bank Pittsburg'
Do do branch of Hollidaysburg
Farmers' Bank of Lancastei Lancastei
Lancaster County Bank Lancaster
Farmers' Bank of Heading Heading
llarrisilaurg Bank llarrisburg
Lancaster Bank Lancaster
Lebanon Bank Lebanon
Merchants' Se, Manuf. Bank PiltKliurg
Bank of Pittsburg Pittsbutg
West Branch Bank Williamspnrt
Wyoming Bnk Wilkosbarra
Ni)rlhnrrptnti Bmk Allentown
Br iks County Bunk Reading
Ollice. of Batik of 1 7. S. Pittsburg
Do do do Eric
Do do do New Brighton
Kensington Sav. In. A do
Penn Township Sav. Ins. do
Bank of Chambers!. urg Chambcrsburg
Batk of Gettysburg Gettysburg
Bank of Su uuehaiina Co. Montrose
Erie Bark Erin
Em me r A- Dtovers" Bank Wnyneahtirg
Ftanklin Bank Wiinhiugtnn Batik Hoof s.hde
Monongaheh Bank of B. Brownsville
Vork Bank York
N. H, The notes of those banks on which wo
omit, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
purcliafed by tho Philadelphia brokers, with the
exception of those which tunc a letter of reference.
Philadelphia Sav, Ins. Philadelphia
Philadelphia Loan Co. do
clm Ikill Suv. li.s. do
Manual Lain rBaiik (T. XV m Dyott, prop.)
I'owaniln I'aiik
Allosil nny Bank of Pa.
Bui.k of Braver
Bank ol S' alura
j.'uiik d iihiiigbm
dame l.ank
City Bank
Earn ers' & Mei h'cs' Bank
Farmers' eV MeehVc' Bank
Farmers' & iMeili'is'tliaiik
Harmony Iiihtituto
Uiii.tiMRilor. Bank
Juniata Bank
4Vi mlx'rnio n's Bank
Noribi'in Bank of Pa. ,
New Hope Del. llii.lgc Co.
Northuiul.'d I'nii'ii t.'ol. Bk
North Western lla.k of Pu.
t)nice of tSebiijIUill Bank
Ph. Ai;r. & Mirouf. Bank
Silver Lake Bank
Union Bank of iVnu'a.
Westmor land Bank
ilkcciiarre Biiget'o,
Bell, f.mte
Fiiyetle co.
New Hope
Puil t;arbnn
no Fale
no hale
no vale
no f-ale
no aale
no fale
no t.ale
tlon d
Wilkcharrc no sale
tjj" All notes pin (.oiling to bo on uny I'eiin-yl-vania
Bank not given in the ubove IM, may be set
down as, IVaudn.
xi:w .ii:iihi:Y.
Bank of New Diuiiiiviek
Perth Amhoy
Mount Holly
Bclvideie Bank
Burlington C. Bntdt
Coininireial IJll
("umbf ilaud Bank
Faiimn.' Bank
Uarmers' and Mechaniei.' Bk Habway
VanniT" und Mechanics' Bk N. Biuusw'uk failed
Fbthxth und Merehant' Bk Middlelown Pi. J
Franklin Bank of N. J. Jertey City failed
llobokeii ling & (.'naing Co llohuken fuihd
Jersey Cit.v Bank Jersey City failed
Mechanits' Bank J'utlcrson failed
Munufai'tur. rs.' Uaiils Belleville failed
Mrri9 County Bank iMorristown J
Monmouth Bk of N.J. Freehuld failed
Michuiihb' Bank" Newaik i
Mcehanie' and Matiuf. Bk" Trenton par
Moni Canal and Bl;g Co" Jersey City
Post Note
no sale
Newark Bkg & Ina Co" Newark
New Hope I'll Bridge Co" LamfierUville
N. J. Manufue. und Bkg Co Hoboken
N J Prolectou & lAimburd Lk Jersey City
Orange Bank Orange
Valerson Bank 1'aierson
PeophV Bank" do
Piuietion Bank rrinoeton
fulcm I$atiking Co" ISuletn
State Bank" Newark
8tate Bank" r.lraabolhtown
Plate Bank" Camden
Stale Hank of Motrin MonUiown
relate Bunk 'Trenton
ISnlem and Philad Mnnuf Co Halrm
Busnex Bank" Newton
Tienton Bunking Co" Trenton
Union Bank Dover
Washington Banking Co. Hackcnsack
Bk of Vnirn ct P.raiidj wins' Wilmington
Bank ut Delaware" Wilmington
Bank of Kmyrcia Smyrna
Io lianch Mihord
Farmers' Bk of .Slate i f I'd" Dover
Do branch" Wilmington
Do briirn h Cieoiget iw n
Do I rami! Nencisila
Union P.ii.k
aT Under ft's
it a rv
qj tin nil bank" maiVrJ ll ua () there areiw
tber or uh.ifil rinUt of tl.a var.uua de
nouiiuaiR'iii ni tiituluo'4.
Crrnl scm Imllnii l'nnarrn,
Cvmpoundod entirely of Vegetable
Stilislnncos ;
Frrc from Cnhimrl and till olhrr Mineral.
For the binlory of this medicine, and it uniivalled
and truly mirprifiing nucrem and popular
ily, see large bills
I is reeomniendid as a Reneral cnthartie for
family iip in dyspepsia and all bilious diev
sen, il ia invaluable fur Asthma it is rnnaidp'Oit a
epecifie, no rae having yet oceurnd which it has
faihd to core for common elds, imlainmalory
di.'ea-cs, rheumatism, alteetiona of the liver, Sic,
and for females, it is n are and excellent remedy.
Frvm Dr. fiUux tt'e.v. of Ihmffiawpfon, J'. Y.
Mr. I.imvli y Dear Sir ! I have ti-ed your (Jreat
WeM.rri Indian Panacea in my family, and have
repeatedly pie-'cribed it lor patients under my care,
and am sati.-ficd that it i nlwavs a safe, and in verv
many eases iin invbiable medicine, It operates as
a lantive without nausea, or pain i nod w hile it i f
fertually obviates eiislivenecs acts upon the stomach
nod liver as an alteiative, coireettnu acidity, and re
storing tbelnnllhy romlnion of those nrjan.
Very respretfullv vonrs. S. WEST.
For sale by .I(UI . W'. FUIEIXC, Sonburv,
.IA't)U BIJKJHT N.H-lhnmberland.
May 20lh, ly
"1 E.sPl'.tri It'll. V informs ihpciti7en- of the
-' - ooronuh of Northumberland, and its vicinity,
that ho has commenced tho
Tailoring ISiimiicss,
in a'l i's various branches, in the shop formerly
oecui ieil by Henry S. Thorna, 'irectlv opposite
Forsv tb's stnrp. As hi' ree ives the New York
and Philadelphia Fashions qnntrr'y, he is enabled
to do all jobs rniusted to him. niter the ncutcnt and
latest stvle, and upon the shoilest notice,
Noribnnil rrbmd, 52,1, 1SI3. ly
T" EspECTFEl.T.Y informs the citT.ens of (Sun-
fury tinil its vicinity, that he has taken the
office formerly occupied by Dr. John Peal, where
he will be happy to receive calls in the lino of bis
profession. April 22d,JP J.1
BEfil have to ii.f.rm the cinzeii" of Surd i:iy
ai d its vicinity, thai he has commenced the
in .Ma kit vtre.t, Puiit'trry , east ol .1. tin !! pir s !
store, and diiectly eppns to tbe post olliee, where be j
intends to cany on tlin business in all its various j
branches, ineludint;, Tuni'itm, Mii'ting Mill Imns ;
und F.l!itr Springs, Irnnin? Varrinrr, villi F.x j
ttnrlnn or Stntidini; Ifis, Sharing llcr-'f, Ac
Orderwill l e promptly and punctually attended ;
to, and woik done cheap, for carh or country pro- j
fTjr Hotse Shoeinii done at f I er sett.
Sunbury, Aprilirub, tSI.I. ly.
oot & S !i o c
,TJ :i r I i ii I r tv i n ,
EM'l.t VI I-'I 1.1. Y ii.lotnn his In. nds and
old customers, that he has removid bis
to the fiame bui'dinp adjoiniiin bis dwelling bouse,
hctwci n that and Dr. D. T. Tiites' i ffice, a few doois
wel of bis old etal bsbmi n', in Maikct tieet,
wbi re be ii.lcialR to carry en the above business
es'enMVcly, in u'l r7 rarinus branches.
Being tl aokl'ul for past f ,vos, be hn e , by Miid
tiei ti,.n to bnsini and ral charges, to pr e
er i.eial satisfaction ; and llint be will continue to re
ciive a lilienl haie (.f ubbc patrorane.
p.,l 8th, I8):t.
jYo. "2'.'n, North Third, ahovt futloulill St.,
"WO UN DUNCAN, lale fn-m the rennsylvii
?J nia Fanner, nnd t-amuel Pike, jr., late of A
mi riran Hotel, Ci lnmbns, t lino, lake pleasure in ac
rpiiunlirig their fib nils and Hie public cent r.div that
they have n the large and commodious Hon I.
leci titly built by the M.ssis. Halt, on the same site
once no opted by the old esl..hlihed Hotel ki.ovvu
as the Bull' Head, in Third t-ticct above Culkiw
hill st.
This Hotel is fini-hed in the very best possible
manner, and of iIih best material, lis loiation is t
very d. silable, pariit ubirly b reminliy inerchanlH ; ;
the arrangements for heating und ventilating each j
room ia such n to serine any tempeiaiure. The j
bedrooms arc ull light and airy, all lurnished ina j
neat style, o as to inuie miiiloit.
Tbe receiving parlors are aho fun ishe.l in a t u- j
pert' Mv. Ic, the window me on the French style,
forming nn entrance to a balcony in front, wbiih j
makes h pleasant n-cess, Piirticulai attention ha !
been given to the beds and bidding, which, with j
the furniture, are entirely new. I
t rom year!, erpernnce m hotel business, we j
trust, by strict assiduity te huines, to make tin- j
house a desirable stepping place. Our table will
always I e supplied with tbe vi ry Inst nur market
can alVord, and our bar with the best li.puol und
wines of the most approved brands.
P. (S. There are first rate stablrng i.nd carriage
hoirwp attached) to the hotel, Mif tided by ca if ll
and fober ho-ller. and our charges w ill btl Uvt, in
accordance with the pre.-ent haid times.
Philadelphia, Oct. 7ih, 1844.
it ; -4
(Gmtral Stage,)
irasr. a.'.;r qlt2 "ar
F"II.HE Soh-erilwr r spee'fnlly informs his fripnd
B and the public in general, (but he In taken
the above
la nor. AD -commodious
I N T II E B O U O U (i H O F M U N C Y,
pud that he is now well prepare to accommodate
l' who may favor him with ihe.r custom.
par j n fioi'iMi Ataiitm i.nts -re well a.ied, ami
(r i con. filial lo,
par Hi-1'Ahi.p axu Bin will o'vay he aappliid
with ibe best tbemaikel can allor-l.
His S i Aiii iMi, which is s'id, will V under
tie charge ol good and caieful host lets.
He fid confident, by stiict attention to business,
and an earnest desiie to render C' mfnrtuble those
who limy patronize him, that he will lint fail tORtvo
gee.rl lion. 11. B. WLAVEB.
Muiii y, Oct. 1st, 1813 tf.
The brut inrtlmil for the Abolition of Disrate
is to cleanse anil purify the Uody.
irvniAX vrr.r.T.iiii-r. rn-i.s
A'orth ttmciiran foltrirc of Ilralth,
Are now acknowledged to be tbe best Medicine in
the World for the cure of
TTJEtML'SF, they completely eb nnse ihn alo.
rnai h and bow els from tln-pe hillious nod eor-
humnra wbiih are the cause not onlv of
Headai he, tiiddincss. Palpitation of tbe He irt, I
Pa'na in the Bones, niw umat'sm nod (J. 'ill. but
everv mnhu'v incident to man, ESDIAIS
VIKiETABI E PM.T.S nre a e.-rain cure fir in
teim'tier l, lemiiled, nervnpa. irifiamalory and pu'fid
Fevers l.-t -lose tl.ev cleanpe the p idy f ern th'e-e
nioibid hi ninrn. wbieb, c I en confined lotbe eireu- i
bit ion. arc lb" ' nn-c ,.f all ktuls of FE 1 . U . Po,
also, when the s-aine impnritv is deposiled on tbe
irembiroc and iniiselc, e ois ng pains, infl.itiia
lons nod swepinps eil'ed b Ii 1". I " M ATI
fill T. A c. W riebi's Indian Yegetal-le Pills may
It relied .ji no a'wavs rrlaiti m c've relief, and if
perseveied with, nccvdlrg to directions w II most
nssuii dlv. and w iiboui fail, trail e n perfi et ell e of
il e above painfi.l n iilaibeo. 1'iom three to six of
said Indian Vige'ab'c Pi!U t iken eviry niebl po.
ing to I-mI. will i s shit time so completely rid
the body fiom i n ay thing tbal is eppi'se.l t health,
t! al i;i:ei;mi li-m, (lout. io d p d" ef every defeiip.
tion. wiH he bt, ..a!!v IibMVP.N FIIOM THE BO.
DY. For the r .me teas n. when, from pm
changep of atn.o-idn-ie, or al V otber C oice. ll
situation iseliek'd. nn.l ibe biuooi
w h eh phoiil I
pw i IV bv lb si oi rue l'
vvn ii.w ardly , causing
IlEADNCIIE. (J11.D1NFSS. mus-en nml aiek-
ne-s, pain in the hi
wa cry ai d ii fl in.ed eyes, j
sore throat, hoar-ene s, coughs, enmumpttnn-
rheum.itie pains in vmions t nrts of the bedv, and i
maiiyotlnr pvmpiom of CA TCHINf! COED. ,
'Writ'!,!'. Indian Yrt;lk '' wiM iii'ariahlv
give in n edi te n lief. Fri.m tbiee (o six of said I
P. lis tal.ui every t.ight on g 'it.g to 1. d, will i.i a j
aboit time, not only remove all li e above nnplensirit
svmtom, but lb e w II, in a short time, be j
restored to even pounder bral btl an before. j
IMS. Wrli'hf hid an Ytgit.ddr ''A will looa
en niid ear y i IV, by the stomach and boci, tho-c .
touch pbbgmy humor-, w! ieh slop up nil the air .
cells of the limps, mid ere tbe cause, not only of the
above distressing c unplaint. but when te piecicl, ,
often li rn ii-n'es in that nio e do ndfut ma'ady cab al .
CONSUMPTION. Il -hcu'd be a'so re'ee'lidii I -d !
thai M Wjri'.v Indian YenrU hie I'ilh are a ci Main
cine for PAIN IN Till: Si 1 1 I ippri si in.ii- j
sen. und s' Kia f-, bi s . f app. ti e, civlivcui sa. a i
vi'llow tinge ol the .kin ai d rs. mi.1 i very oilier ,
Fvmptoni I a b rpid or ibsi as- d ate of ibe bv. r ;
j lecniis. tl. v purge fr an the body those imptiruies i
J whiih if d. posited upon this important erg in, nre
llv came of eery f 1.IYEII CdM.j
I PLAIN T. Winn a n ati. n is eoiiuiV-e.l by iroi , '
iiiibr. ,.ks and r. 1 rllion. lie only local s of prevent. :
ing i e diemlful cnii-i queueep nf a CIVIL 'AI!. i
is to expel all traitors, niul cvii d spos. d ones fiom ;
the coun'ry. In I 1-c manner, when pain or sick- !
i f-, ol uny Kit d, indi. ale ti nt li e body is striiir- j
rrlit g witli iiti ri al foes, the tree reindv is to FX
I'LL ALL MOl'.BiD H U VI )K.-', (Tmiioia to
l.e.ibh and I bO !:dlh trill he theeirt'tin mailt.
That the p'it.i iple of curing di-e,i-e,bv eleaii-ing
and pinilvitp the t ody, is stiiclly in accordanie
with il e la'.vs wbieb govern lie annual , em otov;
and it pioperlv car led out bv the u-e of the above i
PILLS, w ill ee
linlv r suit in the compb te Abo-
I tion ol 1 1- ase ; v e olh r the h'llow nig tc-t tun mi
nis, fr, in p. rs. n. of the highest re-pegiabiliiy in
New Yi'ik, who bnve iccentiy be. n eun d of the
n.osl ubflinate corn) 'aints, solely by tlip use of
Win run 's ImiIav Y m; i; r iii.k Piils, of the
Noi-.i Anitritan Cidh ifc ij 'Hen 'lit :
,1am mca. L. I., Jm s !i:h. L'i-ll.
Doctor Wil'iam light Dor Sir It is with
gre t saii fiction I inform veil of ;.iy bnvi; g I ei n
tlilirely eimd el IK') rpia. of five years slundn g,
by the me of your IvniiN " rn it a iii.k Puts.
Pifvion- to n,ec"r.g wi'h your celebrnti d nud:
cii e, I had b. en nnd. r I be hands of several l'hysi
cii.i s. and bad iriid vaiiou- mi dieincs ; I lit all to
in', edi ct. Alter u ii g one '.!.r cent box of v our
IM s. how. ver, I i pi ii. tiei d so much bei etil, lb it
I ic-i dvi .1 to pcr.-cv eie in the u-e of ibi rn accoi.hng
lo din. t, oi s, ubieh I inn tut ) py lo slate, h is reslill
i il 111 a pi Her t I inc. Ingnilitude to you foi tbe
great 1 i-n. lit I lone received, nnd al-o in tbe In pe nth. is iinil .ilv iillhet' il may he indued lo
iin.V.e t id el" your . vr.i' i.bui'y medicine, I nnd
Von ll's 'lOeio. nt with full lib.' ly to publish the
.alio', it on thii.k r per
.. v Ve.k, June 111, 1
1 Mr. Pieh.ird I'ei nis, ng. ut
r W right's Indian
j VeC 'i-'l'lc P'l!s.
j l), ai Sh I I rivebcen nfdicld for seeral pais
I wi h inward w. i.kui ss and gem ml debility, ae-'oin-I
ai.i. ,1 ai limes w oh pons in lie Mile and oilier
! iist ii s-i. g e. in plain's. Aft. i having lr'o.1 various
nir.'ieiies ib... I ll. eb I was perso idd bv a fi i. til
lo make tmil ef Ir. Wiighl's Indian ". getable
Pills, which I sin happy lo state, have n lieved u.e
in v inert vv. lid. iin! in unit r. I have u-cd the me-
'ieil c, I- el 1 nt a leot tune, and have no doubt,
by a p. rseier .nee in ibe u-e . 1 ibe me. bei ie accor
ding lo . ii. elions that I shiil in u short lime be
cih dlv ic-to'cd.
I niosl v i!,i, ulv ri i'i'liiinnii! sai.l I d's to nil per- j
son- sinol n ly i Mheteil, ai d in ibe lull tu-ll. l
ll e same U iieb. i d i. u. Is w id ("How their U" 1 re.
main ouis siiic.ielv . HENItV A. FHOIE, i
Waiwaisiug, Ulstei co. N, Y. i
Ni w Yi UK, .'s. pt. '.:', 1 -1 1 . j
T:i is to rcit'ify that 1 have used W a I. m i 's
IvniAV VhjitaV.I.K with the greatest bene. :
til; having iniirilv cured iny-elf of ti e lreiUi lit at- i
tacks ol Sick Headache, to v hirh I had p.ovoiny .
been suijecl.
To Mr. Ilicl Yi'telubli
li'.e.' (.'re. ii.vich sir. eh N. Y.
nrd D.nnis, Agent lor Wright' Li
r.f i" t i o .v.
As thrre are at this time, many wicked persons
busi'v cnuiigd in selling a Counterfeit medicine uu-
il. r the li. .li i ol the Indian egeiuhle Tills ami us
ll i.c ih spt rale li a ll are so utterly feckless of eon.
s. ijiicnces, that many valuable lives may be I. st in
eoi.fe,iiei ie of using ll eir dreadful compounds,
the piibl.c are cautioned against puicha-ing any
Pills, unless on tin- tides of the boles the following
wording is found :
Indian J'uraatli-e.)
or TiiK mourn ammuca ioli.ui or
And alse to be rspeviully careful against purcha
sing aaid medicine of any person except Ibe regu
lar advertised agenis.
H. B. Master, Suiil ury Win. Forsyth. Nor
thumberlandJacob Haas, Sliainokin Samuel
Herb, Mi.honoy Byerly ifc. D. liana, Augusta
1 bonus Fullmer, Millon liebiiul V Pleixell,
MeEweiibviile E. r P'per, Tuihutsville James
Pied. Potn-grove II. Klase, N-iivdi rstow n
11. II. Ki.abel, P. M Elv.burg P. O. Win.
Lei-enring, P M. Union Comer.
Otlice and (iruerul Dei'ot for the Palo of
Wrighi't Indian Yigtlulr '. W bob sale und
Ueliiil, INo. 10 KAOli bl lil.l. I ". 1'lllI.Al'l.U
PIHA. May 81, 1843. ly
roil TKTTKH.
niNowoHstn, on the fat!, anii otiif.u
rrTA?fKP8 r.ttrpTioNs.
(Tj The. fiilhiiciniTcn Uficu'edr.xcrihrsnne. oflhe.
mm) extraordinary cures ever effected ly uny
PitTt.APKf.pnt 4, February 10, IMS.
IJ'OR twenty year I waa severely nltliclrd with
Tktteh on th Face and Head: the disease
commenced when I was seventeen yearn old, and
continued until tbe Full of 18:lfi, varying in vio-
h-nee, but without ever disappearing. During most
ol the tune, preat part ol my lace was coven u wuu
the eruption, frequently attended w ith vio'ent itch
ing ; my bead swcl'cd at tiinia until it fi ll na if it
would buret the swellin wa so g-eit. that I could
scare. Iv pet tnv hat on. Dining the long period
that I was aflliele I i h the di-' tise, I used a preat j
rnanv ti pbcation. (among tbein s veral erlehraieit ,
preparation-) hp w. II as t . king inward rern'dies,
including a number of battles of Xirn'n:i'n VaiHirin, j
Extract nf Sar.'i'pnrlHi. Ac, In (art. it would be
imposnible to citiiiiioate all tbe medicines 1 used, i
I was also under tbe ciro nf two of the most dis- I
linpoid ed physieima of ihi eiiy, but witliniit re- i
eeiving in rh hem fit, and I ib -paired of ever being
cored. In the fill of I :f"., the di-ea-o nt tbe time i
being very violent, I commenced iis'ui the lnir
Ointment, ( by .S;. Divis.) In '.
a few a: plications the vio'ent ilebing Ci a-a d, 'he j
swel'ir g nl a'ed, the i ru lien be" in to i!isa( penr,
and bet. re 1 b id u-ed a j ir the di-e i-e wa- er;!ne!r
cured. Il has now teen mai'v i vnr and a ba'i ,
since, and there is r ot a vc-ltge of lint di-i a-e re- ;
mniriog, except tbe sc us fiom the deep pits I. .rued :
by ti e ill i v-e. It I- imp r.-iUe for me t.i d. f--ri! e j
in a eirtif.eaie tbe severity of ibe disease and my
m, If. ring but I will be
I to give a fuller
eoiuil I ' anv per-on wai Inor Inr'ber salisl .ell hi.
who will e ill on me. At ti e time I en i inei cej
using the 1! sc t'toiim ri! I wmi'll have piwn bun
duds ef do l.i'S to be ri,l of the ilit-ease, in(e
sing it, 1 have reeononi nib d it to sever il persons,
(among them my mother, w ho bail the disease bad
ly on her ii'm.) wh ' re a I cured bv it.
J-Mfi.s Dl'KNi:!,!,, No. I.V., Ib.ce St.
r"( ' I'ose Diiitmenl is prepanil bv I'.. !).
Vaujhnn, S hi b East cioni r of Tbird and H u e
slie. t-, l'l.i .ah Ipbia, and sold on neency in Snnhu- j
ry. tiv
M .V 1 1lb,
II. B. MA.
,'1 ;."'( t
lluv it:n: !tf, for Tttdr.
Pi:m a in i.riu . M.iv '27 Mi, 1 "H'.h
( i- to certify t' a' I wis p.-vi rely a 111 eel
ii Ieliirui Itie I. amis aim ! l lor tipwarns
ol lorlv V ems ; tbedisei-e wasatteided gMieiaily
with vio'ent iti l.-tig and swillii g. I to i
in'inb. r of b sic ns. and us. d a great many appli
cations with. 'lit elb eiii'g n cure. About a y ar
since, I app! id tie Kom f )i nt iient. w bb-h entiri !y
.-top) rd ibe i'eb'ti';. and a f. vv nnj lie ali. u- imniedi
aii Iv enn d ib.e di-ca-e. which tin re has been no
return ef. ll..iugh I never been rid of it a'
any lime for forty years. BICII.MSD SAVAUF..
Ehveulh, below Sp lice Street.
Cj' The Pose (In.toieul is r. p .red by E. B.
'au-ban. S mill Ea-t corner of Third ami Pace
Stre, is, I' lj bin, und sold on Bio-nrv in Siinbu
iv bv IL B. M ASMMt,
' May 1 !th. 1P1. A-t.
wz-eicaij yvrrr.orjAaiciT
Ofih, EOSi: OI.TMF..T,Jor T'tUr.
VLTIItU'till the (.uperioriiv of ibe prcpinn'i .n
oier nil oth. r- is fuMv es abli-hed. the pr pr;e-
mrs l;,ke pi. nsure in lay ng hi f re ibe public the
following ceitilica'e fi.un n rr-peet.ible
a g-ai!u ite nf ibe I mversity ol reiinsv IvanM. lir.
Bangb, I, aving found in ibis Ihil relict f.r
a tedious and ili-ngreci' l-' alVeetion which the means
wilhin the range of bis prof, s-i ill I ailed lo afford,
has not be-ii:ited lo give il his approbation, although
the prejudices and ir.-i n -i- of that profession are
oppo-e.l to secret II. inches.
Pi!H.nn.pHiA. 10, IMfi.
1 w a- recently tioibed with a tedious herpetic
eruption, wbiih nearlv ouesi 'e of mv f.ce,
end i x i . i .tied ..ver the ear. Mr. Ynughaii, proprie
lel nf the II.i-t t liutioctit, nl seiving my facf, Hist--led
nn mv t'ving bis pr. pai ition, ol which he han
ded me a jar. Although in common with die mem
I -era of mv prfei-.i.!, I discountenance and disap
prove ol the THiniereiis no-lrnins palini d upon the
public bv Loci iin pr. I. ml. r-, I feel in jus'ice hound
torxcipl the Knse Oiotin. lit fiom linn cla-s of me
d.eincs, ai.d lo give it my approbation, as it entire
ly lined tbe eruption, although il had resisted the
u-u I i. phc.nions. DAN L. BAl'fill, M. D.
fj'j 'ibe I'o-e O'.n'inei.t is prepan d by I'. B.
Vaouhaii, South I",a-; coiner ol ai d Pace
Streets, Plulade'phia, and sold on ag. ncv in Sun
buiv, by H. B. MASSKIJ,
May I lib, 1S1:1. Aiinl.
J. TaAi:i,A'JS-B JR. U CO.
j .Siititi' iiiiil 'i'nluii-cii MiiiHil.icitacis,
! .N o. !i!) .Xorth Yi si rormr i f Race und Third
I Struts
rPHE iinder-igiied have formed a Co-partnership
1 under tin. firm ol .1. M VL-A.ND .III. CV Co..
I as suoic-s.os to ibe lute linn of Jural) Alnihmd
Co., i.n.l will c .nliniie llie Iumiii'mi at 'he old esla- t
hlishiiiei't, on ibcir own account. In inMuion in
their u iv ii cIokp iitleiitiou ami evpirience foi inar.y j
yeaip, in the rnai'iil ii lure ol iben celebrated snulb, 1
fiC, ibe long exp. ill lice of l! e senior partner of the :
laic linn, will iibo be .li voied lo :ie intere-t of die
l.ew concern an. I as no exertion and caie will be ;
spa'd lo i. -iire tb. ir goods, ai ail liui s of the ve- t
r be-l ipniluv, tin y solicit a eonlinll nice of the !
confidence ul the h.ei.iL and customers of the latp ,
fmu. TIHiM s A)MS, i
.1. V. LAND. .In. !
Philadelphia. May Mth. Is1;t.v j
c ia as r.ej? 'p-z :a'
( Vi -in r ol '''I'h 'i d and Y i ar Stra ta,
j rBIIi: snbserliT r. speellullv aniioniiees tithe
1 public, be b .s oj I a Hotel in the mm-
i moilious I riek building slu.teoii the corner of
j Ibiul and Pine streeis
I wail r p ri ihose who
wbt re be will be bnppv to
in iv f .vnr him w it', llieir
company. I he I. igle Hotel is la go nn.l coliveni
cut, and furnished in tl e I e I lie delil st b'. ll i
prov i.led w Ph a Luge number of well aired and
en inf. rtable slei ping apartments, rooms, private
parlors, Ac. Pi isons visiting illinnisport on bu-
stiiess or pleasure, may ret ns.i.r. ii mat every ex-
ertion will bo used to lender their sojourn at the
"Eagle, iloti I" pleasant and agreeable. His Table
will be supplied with the very beat the maikct af
fords, ami bis bur with ibe choicest wines anil other
liquors charge re isonable. Tho Eaglo Hotel
possesses greater ndvanliige in point ol locution
than any other similar establishment in the borough.
being aituale in the business pari of the tow n, and
within a convenient distance of the Court House
and Williiimsport and Minora Kail lload Depot.
(Sufficient Stabling provided, und good and trusty
ostlers alway in attendance.
Attentive, accommodating and honest Servants
have been ruihtov ed, and nothing h it undone thai
will add to the comfort and accommodation of his
There will be a carriage nlways in attendance at
the Bout Landing to convey passengers to and from
the Houe, In i- of rhaige.
May Mlh, 1842. If
H. Ea ICA!3GS?.,
euiTntrnv, ta.
nuslnesa ttiended to in the Counties of Nor
thutplerland, Union. T.veoming and Columbia.
12rr,i- f ,
Tun ma IIabt St Co.,
I.nwrn iV lUriaox,
HiTIT, ('CMMTKTOS ct IIT, VTiVrr., McFAHt.4nn A. Co
Srrato, 'innn Sc Co.,
To Country
rpill,' Subaeriber, Agent of Lyon Si. Harris, Hut
- Mtitnif icturers, for New York, Phil .dolphin,
Baltimore nnd other large cities, w! oso Unix nre
highly Cominr tided (or fi'iff enht and dunilility,
has on band a fir-t rate np'oMtn-iit of HATH nnd
CAPS., mil d ie f..r Kprius dps, wh ih will t p sold
very low, f. cah or atpiovcd credit, nt the mi d '
rhri'i) Kiirr, No. AO, North Th'rd a'p.-l, oj p .si'e t
tho Cilv Hotel, Pbibi Iclphia. !
N. B. Ordets lor Hals in the roH!; , prom t'y j
n'tende I to, 'I'l.a highest rice in unit or tra 'e
given ( ir Far
Pbil.idelphis, June 11, an.--lv
LI. perpoiid imb bled to tbe lirm nf Lvon cV
II;!rr:s, nnd. r I! e eg -nry '! . N. Timelier,
H it and Cap Manufaehirrrs, No. 1(1 North Third,
street. Fliil.ubdph:a. are requeste.l lo make immrili
nlc setlleioi lit of ih it ni coi.nts ... i:h ibe stibi-cril er,
lloir legally au'liioied i. gent, who is folly .mpovv.
eleJ to p. tile nnd collect ti e ceounts of s aid linn.
D. U II.KINsiiN.
June .ih, l1i..f
JYo. UK .inlli Third, idivrr Arrh Slrnt,
At I lIM Milt. 1 IONS I nil SK.VI.M Y rrtlf-'ONS.
pliA KLEs Wl'.lss. Ivp.. ibe' biiesan,"
- Mid "Mount Vermin I'ouse," respectfully in
forms bis friends and cupienicrs. that I e l a become
the proprietor oflhe abov well known Hit' I.
tloun rv Meichaiits wiil fnd the above Ilo'el a
central location, and Ibe In -t of fare Per-nns tra
vclbng with rival.' convev anee will fitol a huge
yard nnd good slabbng for horses, and the hist of
opt'eia. Boarding 1,1 (icrdav.
May 1 Iih. 1S1-:. if.
H 13 1 L li-i- IT" it, C C . ,
( iiintiiissiiii) A: I 'nru'nrdini .Mt rcliiinls,
lav I if It 7n,T S:rnt Hail Hand,
o n i ii r. nf t. a vv nr,
YIN(5 aa-oeiateil will tin in Joseph Barnel.
l.ieof Easlon. Pa r. r-. r, tfullv inform ll. eir
; flic d- and the public uener.i'lv, ill it tl.ev havr. ta
I k' n th t large and we I I.ii. m n store and wharf al
! fi.t nf Wilb.vv Sireet Padroiid, l.ti'v oiciijit.'l by
.leeob Martin, where they pu p'i-i' Vinj a tici. rai
( ' i-si, n nn.l Forw.i.ling Bii-ine--', and f.orn
' the local advnnin'jes of tbe place hi ing conn, e'ed
j wi'h nil li e pubi c improvements that bave their
outiel in the cilv, they ll.itl. r themselves they will
! be able tj .1 i business lo as gto .t, if not g ea'er ad-
vantage, and upon as rcas inable terms as any other
! In iise, and llu v nssuie llietr frienda that nnv con
1 s'gopients made lo them shall have their strlit nl
j t. i. lion, nnd mi exi itions spared to give entiie satis-
fail ion.
I Tlo y are nls.i prepared In receive nrd forward
j goods to any point on the Delaware and Lehigh
rivers, between Mnuch Chunk, F.asion and Plnln
; del, hia, via Delawnre Division nnd Lehigh Can .Is;
also, to anv point on Ibe Juniata river, nr Nor.b
! and W st Blanches oflhe Su-ipu h Ulna via Spbuv I.
; kill and Union, or the Chesapeake and 1'idc Watei
j Canals.
' For ibe accommodation of Boats coming or go.
! ing via Sehuvlkill nnd Union Can ds, a Stomhoat
will be ki pi expressly for tow in
boils from the
Selnivlkill oiounil to the Delaware and back, which
will enable mi ichants to have their pioduee deli
veic l on the Delaware, nnd their goods sl.ippd at
ii saving of ol) to 'i 5 per cent, im the prices f.r
hauling nc.o-s, with tins advantage, they re
snecllullv solicit a (hare of i nir. na'je.
William Hellmin, )
W ll am W. K.ysc, C
los. ph Bi.ruet. Philad .May 11, 181:1. ly
f.'ii lit I (V.iiiiiiivvloti ii-( luitits.
Fur the Sale if Fhair, Utaiii, Sad, ic, c
i ".-vi r i ii I
r;?lt F.spF.OTFULLY ii f
rm tin ir liieinD
nm I
i5 y: be Merchant generally, that they have la
ken those laige and coinmodiinis lunv: p, ith two
D.nks, nmth of Cliesnut street, on the Delaware,
together w ith tbe st. re No. I'd Soiiih v harve--.
where ibev wonlil be id. hm-.I lo receive consign-
mciitK of (ii.un, Flour. Seed, Wbi.-key, Iron. Ac.
Ac. Pcing also well p'cpaied la foi ward all kinds
ol M. rehaiidiso by the S, uv i.ill . ml Union, or by
the Clie-npeiike and Water Canals, as tow -bo
ds are kept expressly for the purpose of towing
bonis by . i l er rou'e.
Men hauls w ill pie :pe be particular to send their
go, ds iles.incil l eiihi r cu.i.b, to No. Ill South
b nves, httween M oket and Cli.snut str.ets. on
ibe D.laware, w ilh direeti. lis aceon.p mv ing ihem
which route tl.ev wish ll.eni to be shipped.
erj- Plash r and su; lor sale, at til lowest mar
ket mice. BOLTON & C .
March 19. IS No. I'J South Wharves.
iior.riii c AiM i.n & m.,
I.iiolxuit Sintt, Hullitnoi r, j
HAVE coii-iiinily lor sal.-, Priming Papi r of ah !
sizes und qualm, s. Can Writing Paper, ruled
and plain. Letter P.ipir, while and Hue, ruled and .
; plain. Hanging Paper, line and common. Envelope
j Paper, do. do. me.litiin, doub e cmw n, crown and
extiu sia d it.pp.lig Piq ers, t 'oloied Medium nml ;
; 1'oyul Papers. Booml, I'.uulei' and Shhw Box '
llo'auls, 'J'issiie P.iji. r, und all art i lea in licit hue, i
i which lhey will sell nil in t.rms.
ll ghest pi ice given for old rags.
March 19. IS-PJ. LiUt M.I
SP m JTb i. S- W ju - 1 Ml Jr J.'-S
VN ailicle inn quailed lor cleaning ami giving a ,
highlv durable and most brilliiuil polish to sd- 1
ver, Cierinnn iilver, Brass, Copper, Bnttaiiia ware,
Tin, St,,., Culhry, and for resiorin the lustre on
varnished carriage.-, Ac. Tlil 11.
Prepared an I sold ai w holesale and retail, by the
Susquehanna Chrysolite Poh.h Company, Owego,
Tioga county, N. .
M. FOKsYTH, Agent for Northuni'd,
IL B. M AS.SE K, Agent for Sunbury.
November 2l)th, I81'i.
" ri.TEU DKwYwisr
No. 74 Callow hill Street, Philadelphia
C Three dours ahore Second. J
CiUOY. Findings always kept on baud, w hich he
oilers for sale on the loaea terms. Country
Men hauls arc punicul nly to c ill anJjude for
ruiladelpliia, NovniJtr 13, 1812. ly.
G. V. L. 3. TA7L0R.
4"vFFEU FOB SALE, at the South Enst Cor
Vl f tier of Fifth and Market Hreets, Fhlladcl-
Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted,
do do do pegged do
do do do water proof, doul lo solea
and double uppers,
do Calf-skin do do do nailed
nnd uppers,
do Heavy Water Leather Bonis,
do do Nents do do.
do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin,
do do do Crorkers do
do Fino Monroes warranted
do Kip do
do Calf do
do Coarse do
do ,h) Shoes
no I inn di
do Kip do
it. i nn ami rcal Skm I "mps.
do List Socks with and without soles;
do Carpel do ib ,,,
ib. Patent Wnrranted Wntr r-proof Moreasins.
Ladies' do do do to
Lulu n' tanned India Pnhher shors.
O. iilii'inens' do lver -l.nes.
N ith every ether de-e iption of hoots and shoes,
Fur Cups i f every
Traveling Trunks nfev. ry description.
A i i eii ni Travelling 11 m.
Patent (Jiiiii Elastic Shoe lllaekin:?.
B. .line's .-f .11 kinds, Pal,,, Leaf Hats.
Philadelphia. Nn-. ember 111. 1I2. lv.
Nn. -J'.l Nnvlli Wnkir 8lrccl, l'liila.
"TO ?T ANi:i'.(ITl l:!'.i;s ,n.d dealers in Oils of
li ii r,prv descripiion both for burning nml
ui Muifac'urin..' purposes, whi. h will be po, niuch
lower ll, an tbi ycati be procured elsewhere, nnj
wnrranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any
oil sold by the company not proving as ic ri senled,
may be returned without nnv expense to the pur
chaser, nnd the money will be refunded.
Their stoik now i;i store consists ol the following;
oils, viz :
3ll,lllH) gallons Winter Bleached Spi-mPt
Clint) do do Cobuless Oil,
Ll.tillO do Fall and Spring Sperm Od,
ln.liOl) do Winter Sea F.lei hunt,
i SII.IIIKI do do Pre-sd Whale Oil.
r.lillO do Summer do do do
I. '.( (K) do Coinmon Whale Oil,
Still Barrels superior Sira 'a Oil,
ISt'tl do Cod Bank Oil,
( .11) do Neil's Foot O.I,
! "io Ca-ks Olive O.l,
Tai in r's I bis
C ) l i.'- "om;-i!iv ha n r.nml er of Vessi is' . n
' traged in the Co l Fisl.i ry, and Tanners mav rely
upon genii a m all Lines Oil as pure as imported.
Phibidel) i ia. Nov. I.!, I I'.'. y.
T3iSi:teI Vi'i'iiifi' V "osj.
norn KAirrns ft rniv c7iANCLicng.
An. ll) Xirth WaUr Street. I'tiiladt ldtitt.
fC AVE eoiisianlly en band, a pinei .I assort
i, it.i nt of ( 'ordage, Seine Tw in. s, i'v c, viz :
lai'.l I.'i.j e, Fishing Uep.-s, While Hope!;,
la Popes, Tow Lines lor Canal Bouts, Also, a
complete assortment of S.ine Twines, eve, such as
; Hemp Slinil nnd Herring Ta ine, l!c-t Patent (iill
I Net Twine, Cotton Shad and llening Tvvire, Shoe
; Threads, Sir. c. Also, Bed Colds. Plough Lines,
. I (alters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains,
oVc. all of whit, li tin y will dispose of on n asouuhle
lliilade'pb.ia, November 13, 1 10. ly.
.lilt ol) I'l ivtkitrlli . Son.
'T'l ESPECTFULLY informs their frn nds and
k Acquaintances gf ici ally that they still con
tinue lo keep al the old stain I, No. IG NoilhUd
streit. I'bi'a.l. Iphia, i.ll ools of
TotlMiCO .V.M ;' AF SEC! A I'S.
Which they will ecll n the m a '. iKcoiniiindnting
and re isotia Ie teruis.
N. B. All goods .-old w ll be gu.ninteed und all
oi ler-prompti itn n.l. .1 lo.
Philad. Ipl.ta. N. vembet 111, IS 12. ly.
No. i:iS Mark'il Street, riiiladrlpliia.
BNV1TE the atlention of Country Merchants
to their exlen-i.e a-sortmcnt of British French
and American D'y ( ioods, w hich lhey oiler lor .do
on he in t reasonable ti mis.
Philadelphia, Novein! er 10. IS1J. ly.
J . W . S W A IX,
riiibrrlla nml Parasol Jl.-tniifartiircr.
A'o. ill Ahi'; '2'hitil fieri I, lira doors ItloW the
Cihi huh I, I'hiad.fjdiia,
rfr)r.Tli Men hauls and olbers are solicited
H , . -.,...;.,,, n ;s ::a(,i U.ii'iit before purehasing
Plubi vlj Ida. Novrniber 13. '." I2. ly.
re?. GALS.
TTtlt!! -al
de a sina'l Farm,
ed nr.d b n acr. s
c.n.t lining about t ne.
more or le-s, situ 10
in Point lovvush.p, Nor'buml i rbii.d count. , uboiil
t vo nub s above N ! , : I ! iimbeil ue.l, uu the main
r m l leading fmio lb il place to Dinville, adjoining
land, of .lohn I I'gboii, ,le-se O. Iloth ti and others,
no. v in the nccup'O'cy ef Saniiu I Payne. About
t.ulv ai res of s od trai l arc (hand, and in uood
-tat of cu tivati.oi, on w hich there is a small burn
erect, d. The prop, rly w ill be .-old on n i.soi ablo
erms. For furlln r pellicular, pcisons are request
e.l to in ply lo the n! serib. r.
1 11. 11. MAsSi'IJ, Agent,
Nov. 27'h, 1 1C if Sunbury. Pa.
II iU 11 v
N'l'110N',s Classical Diciioin.ry; I.ern.rier a
do.; Ainswo'lh's d i ; Cobb's do.; English and
(ieiman ilo ; Ambon's Ca sar; Anihon's tirammer;
Auliien's Cieeio; Man's La in IU hiIci; I igill j 's do-t
Aiohew's l.a'in Less n-; Doiini gall's Leicoin
F'sk'sli.e k 1.x. re ses; Diivies Legender; tiiacea
Majora; Ail.mi.-'s ponuin Alitiquittes; I'lin oek a
(ioidsuiith's England; do. ( in ecc; LyfU's Eb menu
of (ii.dogy; M.s. Lincoln's Bolauv; Elements of
Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Khetorical Hea
ders; Em. rson'a (ieogiaphy and History; Oh ey'a
do ; Ihirli y's do.; Smith's Crammer; Kiiklinin's do.?
Kav's Headers; Cobl's do.; Cobb's Arithttieiickj
Pike's do.; Emerson's do,; Cobb's Spelling Books;
Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa
mily Libiary; Collage Bible-; Family do; Collater
al do.; Bit. lea nnd Testament; Paikei's El
rrciscs on Composition; Ftuil of the Spirit; Baxter'
S .iol's Best; American devolution; Msnyatt's No
vels; Mrs. Phelps on Chemistiy; Iliad; Catechism
of American Laws; l.eit. rsnn Natural Msgic; Che
mistry lor Beginners; English l.xetcists ail.iplerl to
Murray's Crainmer, Sequil lo Comhy'a Sji. IIiiir
Book; Aim iican Clsss Book; Daholl's Schoolmas
tei'a Assistant; A great variety of Blank Books, Ac.
August Sit, OO'i.