OBITUARY. Communicated,' Diedt suddenly, on the sixth or April, Mr. Ja cob Refd, of Rush township, Northumberland county, a member of the Lutheran Church, aged 62 years, 10 months and 37 day. On the 8th of April his remains were committed to the dust. Mr. Jacob RErr was truly what he professed to be, viz ! a Christian, If wehaveany evidences at all by which we can know whether a man is a follower of the meek and lowly Jesus. For the last six or leven years, his attention seemed to be almost solely and wholly directed to the great and important subject of Religion, arid doing good to his fellow-mcn. A few weeks before his death he was at a protracted meeting in Danville, where, one day in a prayer meeting, he read a chapter, and then made some remarks on it; and becoming very weuk he said, "It seems to me of late that I shall not be long for tin's world any more ; for the other day us I was hitching up my horse, I all at once, sunk to the ground and foil asleep nml knew uotliin" of myself nml this world. Thus I shall soon fall asleep and wuke no more upon earth." And truly it happened so. On the sixth of April, he went to a neighbor's house on some business and as he gave his hand to a sick daughter of the family and asked her bow she heart and MonHvewrl. The body ia well form- ! h s"nk ,0 t,,B "oor MniIillP- they ed, flesh firm, hnir light, face ruddy, veins and I "" P him on M, h brea- ,, , . t pic t ' 'bed several times and then fo 11 ouietly aleep. cyrs blue : dipestioii rood ; pay, fond of plea- : . . .... ' ' ! . , , . , , ' unci i now no more upon earth. He left not en sure, not suspicions, benevolent and modest. , . ' ... i i . 'v widow and children, but also many friends Cii.iocH Hair black, skin dark, great ener-1 , , , ... . . , . ',. , , . ' . , i to deplore his loss. Hut he is gone to his long py of body and m.nd ; stature small; lick. : hom(f M GoAMvM ,he church with more such members, whose example speaks well for the cause of Christ after they are dead and gone. Danville Democrat. PHIIBNOLOGY, Dr. Gall rays, where the brain is only 13 or 14 Inches in horizontal circumferencci idocyis the invariable consequence. Tims wo see that the manifestations of mind depend on a large brain and good quality. A stupid person is call ed a thick head or numb-skull ; a cold will pro duce stupidity in the best head, and discaso of the brain leads to delirium or insanity ( Com pression effaces all manifestations ; the mind, then, in this life, is not independent of matter. Men, remarkable for force of character, as Franklin, Melancthon, Luther, Calvin, Jeffer son, Bonaparte, Shakspeare, &.C., had large iheadi", as a necessary consequence, for they had minds that operated on the millions. Temperaments modify the action of thnbrain. When the brain and nerves predominate, the nervous temperament arises, and is known by thin skin, muscles and hair, quick motions, pale ncsand often delicate health. The mind ia quick, apt to ho influenced by antipathic?, ft gainst dojrs, spiders, fruit, &C. Females are most pmerally a (Ton ted by this temperament, which arises from modern fash ionable life. NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY Treasurer's Sale. A GREEABLY to an act of the general sem Wl bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, pased the 13th of March, 1816, and the supple ment thereto, entitled an act directing the mode of telling unseated lands for taxes and other purposes, will be exposed to public sale, it the Court House In the Borough of Sunbury, on the second Tues day In June next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the follow ing described tracts of land, for arrearages of taxes due, and the costs accrued on each tract respective ly, Unless previously discharged, to wit j AUGUSTA TOWNSHIP. Warrantee Sames. Acres, Tn.v. Dering Frederick 30 I 07 Dering Frederick 21 Donnel Charles 200 7 70 Jones William R 4 fift Jones William It 16 1 82 Levy Daniel CI ft 71 Miller John 74 7 .1:1 McPherson Samuel 40 2 151 Rankin John 207 J 22 6ft Hveis in John no 1 10 Itankina RHoads 181 5 41 Smith John Dr. 77 2 On Smith Jehu Dr. 42 I 41 Weblt Abraham 307 30 fi2 CIIIMSQUAQUF.. POINT and TPRBUT TOWNSHIPS. SIIAMOKIN TOWNSHIP. Warrantee Name$. Aeret. Tax. Kinley Catherine 405 B 69 Lake Richard 415) 12 40 Reed John 80 I 22 Scott Abraham 842 9 98 Taylor William 67 73 Wilson John 1204 SI 65 Little maiionoy township. Warrantee IS'ames. Acres. Tax. Blain John 200 2 08 Osrdncr William P 409 15 8!) Hunter James 42fU 12 77 Hall Comics 4 mi 13 10 Kidd John 377J II 32 KiddJohn 312 9 37 I. von Joseph 80 3 82 I. she Richard 408 12 22 1'elriv Peter 145 10 Bfl Richie John 395J 1 1 70 Rces Thomna 339 I t 07 Itifemitie Valentin 24 I 16 Reed Leonard 73 7 51 U..ker John 61 fl 29 R lion, I, .lr7J 6 46 Smith J..ho Dr h( 85 Smith John Dr 151 3 66 Smiin John Dr 81 1 29 sarcastic, irraecible. Lymphatic. Skin pale, hair fair, ciculation languid, digestion slow. The mind acts slow ly, and not easily decomposed. The temperaments are rarely pure. Inactivity of brain, or when overtasked, im pairs health or its nvu functions. A head vt- Tl Al.TIMOItln MARKET, Officenfthe DtiTiMnnrt Ameiiica, April 13. WHEAT. The market ha been but scantily Ty broad in proportion to the height, indicates a j supplied. The few parcel of Md. and Virginia mind in which the animal propensities govern, j reds received have been sold at 100 to 105 cents for 'When theopeninp of the oar stands nearly on i good to strictly prime quality. We quote pood to level with the eye, the person is very little ! Icst white wheats at t(i5 a 1I2J cei t. Some 8 prone to violence ot temper. Itlse mid Progi-ras of a Printer. Shurlow Weed, editor of the Albany Even- to 9.000 buhels of Pennsylvania sold in the course of the week, at prices ranging from 104 to 106 cts. for for to good, and we mi it" those T.iles In day. Some parcels continue to be ing Journal, gives the following endorsement , put jnm ,,. fr .,,pr MI. to James Harper, (of the firm ol Harper and Brother) w ho has been placed in nomination by the "Native American" party in New York, as their candidate for Mayor ofthatcity, Weed Bays : In 1SI6, we worked as a journeyman in the same oflire with James and John Harper. They were distinguished, like Franklin, our preiit example in the art, for industry, temper ance and economy. James was mir partner at Press. We were at work as noon as the day -dawned, and 'though on a pleasant summer af ternoon, ice used occasionally to sigh for a walk upon tho Battery "before sundown, he never would allow the 'bills to be capp'd" until he had broken the back of the thirteenth token." The sequel ia, that the journeyman Printer til" 1810, is in 1341, the head of one ofthe first it not the first publishing houses in the world ; a man of ample fortune, enjoying the respect and confidence of his fellow citizens in so emi nent a degree as to render it probable that tie will become the Chief Magistrate of our great Metropolis. Such are the rewards of industry, enterprise ami integrity." F.xpknsi'.s or -run Posr-orrtcr. Dkfartme.xt for inr. nkt IVrst. r..K. The Postmaster General has sent in his list of expenses rV.r the Post-office Department for the next fiscal year : For transporting the mail, $3,150,000 Compensation to Postmasters and their Clerks, 1,105,000 ?hip, steamboat and way letters, 22,000 Advertising. 32,000 Wrapping paper and blanks, 43,000 Mail bags, locks, keys and stamps, 2S.000 Depredations on the Mail, 28,000 Furniture ! 7,000 "Sundry expense not to be particularized"! 55,000 Add to this the expenses of the p.-ne. ral post-offices jwid oot of the ci ViJ list, 4, 530,000 WHISKEY, The market steady ihronchoi the week, at 22 J ct. for hliil. and 23 cts. for bids, and we continue to quote those rites to-ibiy. Pran iTioif nvrinr.nLY Scrr.ama to Hiiid iso. When llie properties of Ilrandrelli's YcrcU ble Universal Pills have been appreciated, bleeding will no longer be thought of as a remedy for disea ses, for in violent ii flamaiion, eight or t-ti of (hem will take, in the course of two or three hour, more of the impute humors from tho body, by the sto mach and bowels, than bleeding to the extent of forty ounce could possihly have done ; and it should be remembered that the Pills remove only those parts from the blood which were the cause of iiiflamination; whereas bleeding removes the es scntial parts also. How great the prostration of til the corporal powers after a ccpioun bleeding. On the rontr.iry, wht agili'y and Micngth ia felt afiei a dose of this medicine; the hrdy is indeed lightened uf a load. Nothing is eqrj .1 to ridding the viii.ited humors with vegetable medicine of this kind, which eighty-four years have proved never to do injurj, but always good. Is the puUe too high ? A dose of tin pc Pills will bring it down. It it too low 1 The same means will incrense it to a pro per standard. U il tremulous, shnning nervous eicitement ! The Pills, by soothing the ayr-teni, will allay it. (Xj Purihe of H. B. Masser, Sunhnry, or of ihe Bueiiin, puhlUhed in another part of tlin iper. ruicR CUUIiEXT. Currecled weekly by Henry Yoxtfteimer. COM, TOWNSHIP. 172,000 WuttAT, It IK, )TS, . . Pork, - FutHim, liHTTRR, Hekswai, - Tallow, -Diiitsn Arrir.s, Do. Pcicnas, Flay, HccKLm Flay, Euks, ft 5 50 40 25 6 100 12 25 10 75 200 8 10 7 $1,702,070 r , . ri. . T, ... I DAVID EVAXS' AroTHF.n "nsvirnnx roa l.uu.t.. I he editors J i io TittsUrg are b-ing hauled ver the roals for j1 a,ent Fircttnd 1 llicf IVoof Iron Iheir libels. FVmnk Kaine. ofthe Aurora, h-ve j Chests, Sate lined UelYigCrutorS, just been declared by a jury guilty of a libe! upon ' with Fillers nttficlieil when Judge (irier, for calling him in llieir paper an ass j ICrjuirCll. The jwdge. it was proved, in a barber shop, had E'T'.ITS ?t Vf-TG01T ralh-d the ediler an ass in the presence of one of : .Yo. 70 Snuthlhird St., opposite the llieliane. PHILADSLPHI A, MASI r AUI I. KK the pobl'Kr-rs, though he (tid not know him at thctimo. A judge may call a pi inter an ass, but a printer must not call a judge one. Coi.d is Camaiia. To-day is the first of A pril. Yesterday morning the thermometer was down to five degrees aliove eero, this morning to ten decrees. We observe that at Montreal il in stated to have been below Eero on Friday. Tho snow in this vicinity is nearly as deep as atany time during the winter, and the ice-bridge on the St. Iwrence has got stronger by the freexing ofthe rain which fell at different times last month. We may yet have a favorable spring, although it cannot be now what is usual ly called an early one. Qiteocc Gat. Speed or the Eaolk. An eaU can fly in a minute C013 Englibh feet. A hawk be longing tn Henry ', Second, King of France, flew awy tVotn Fonuinbleau.and Was caught, twenty-four hours after, at the island of Malta. In that time, therefore, this bird had travelled a thousand English milef, which make about 42 miles per hour, &600 feet per minute. Important to LxmsiTta. If you want to make your hair curl, eat pig'e tails, or t'.Cep with a c?rli sere under your pillow. rjjfiiff-'B'keeM for al IUviii lns' t' ,'j'"'feel,-lr..led Water and Provi. fajJplM ij. sion C ohrs ami Patent Pre. I'fifTJli 'I ' I "nium Fire H,lJ Thi. f Proof I- ' OllLij :: HiCr"ii Ctie.ts, for pre-ervinK TOaAUyt, ks. Papers. Deeds. Jew civ, 1 - - Hold, Mlver, Vc, Ate., made, of Doi r Iron, (ami mil ovir PI ink as ninety. five out of every one bundled now in ue slid for sh are made.) with first rate Locks and David Evens' I I ateni Keyhole. Lovers, similar to the nlio etlih it ed at the Philadelphia Exchange, for thiee mouths in the summer of 1812, when all the Keys were at liberty tn be used, and the Cheat hot opensd, al. though the experiment was tried l y al least 1500 persons. On of ihe same Locks was Hied by Rolihers, at the Delaware Coal Olflce, in Walnut street, slove Third, but did not succeed, (CJ Hoisting Machines, Iron D'lors, sUerioi Locks, and all kinds of Iron Railings, Seal and Co. pying Presses, and Smithwoik generally, on band or manufactured al the shortest notice. rXj" ('AtlTIO.V I do hereby Caution all per. sons against making, using, selling, or causing to be sold, any Keyhole Covers for Fire Proof Chti or Doora, of any kind similar tn piiiuo'1 '' Patent, of 10th July, 1841, and - ' 'V'' my ; nealt wrh according j,Wi DAVID EVANS. IVorronfrc .Yrrwirj. Amis Fre'eiick Antis Henrv Adams William Adams Thorn s Ailams K dert Ilrauiignin Daniel Bower i 'lirislian Brown Niithaiiie! Barley lol.n N Black Wiliinm C Bright Jacih Datton Samuel Betterton Benjamin Bogar John Couert James Complain Itohert ("amplsin Thomas Cook John I'owden John Davison Mary Derir g Charles Dering ("hmlce Elrnit William Poster Thomas (t ikkins 'I'hnmas (ireer .lames (tree r Thomas (ass Jaeol) Uiay Itohert (iiay WilVam Hianl Thomas (ardner Aiehili.dd jr. (ardni'r Archibald sonr. Helri.k Philip 1 1 ti fl" Emanuel II is enclt-uer Mary llepl'lirii James Hesch William Hoffi-e Alirabam Hauiillon 'looms! Hunter Aleiswlit Hepburn Jnmcs Hamilton Thomas Huntr A'cxanrler lliinmelreich Henry Hinimelreich Henry Jenkins James Jordan Alex inder Kimmel Samuel Kiehl ti.orse W Krregl baorn John ct Henry Becd Lougafell Frederick Manning R. chard Morrison Vil iam MvReiinohU John Mover Henry McKenna's AnibcW Martin J ho ti Mark ley Edward (J Martin John U Mver f!e irg Myers Mary Prrtchii'd William Prince tie.irge Price John II Price .,hn II Ides D miel lliis'oo (Jh tolte KeynoliU John luin'on riioiiiis Co-ton Mary liuston M iry Shannon William Soluioii llirhaid SlmN r AndreV Sti phelisoll J JII.Cl Saar Morhk Slieits Ceotge Scott Abraham Scott Samuel Shissler Henry Scotl Samuel Scott Samuel Sigfried 9 iinuel Tagg irt J,hn Trickle ChasU Walker Lewis Vi.on William Walters Oo.lfr Wen.eJ,e-;njr "log Benjamin Dc Young John, Merchant Young Benjamin F Young Hamuel Yoxihriuier Henry Yoxtheimer Henry Yoiiheimer Heniy Zimmerman Muthias Zeiler line Arret. 415J 35U aoni 3. r;ii 4IH, 3I4J 344 250 152J 121 ISS StS 2I2J nr S'JOJ 425j 42:. Sor.j 4I5J Ml 32'J 105 30H 42.1J 3!K) 441 3;f, 150 440 410 457 4:t: 1:10 357 J 351 tl'9J CM! 20'J 405 3t!ll 4. of 4l2f 4I4J 15U iSH 410 124 S87 112 00 123 Uj 4.0.1 313 3:il J Uu',1 li-O 104 174 ?0 loo 4011 117 Its T4 Clio 200 too too 200 20il 415 atttij 410 4B7 150 440 342 412 150 42:) 193 103 1631 405' 371 ?;.3i 120 lots 35:1 382 150 307 O'J 105 173 973 125 Warrantee ami-K. Arret. Tax. Belterton Benpmin 30HJ 22 0 Bnrron John jr. 410 21 12 Brodio William 2!ll IS 20 Benon William 4I1J 21 28 Blair William 30(1 10 f,H Bradv William P 4I2J 21 45 B. yd John 105 3 51 Cooper Isssr 200 11 30 Cooper Martin 100 5 72 ' (race Joseph 250 14 01 ' David John 413 23 46 Frickle Charles O. 305J 17 32 (t-afTHrnrv 102 9 19 Canlner Wi li m P 412 2:165 liir.lner Archibald 411) 22 15 (isston James fll I 00 Mall William 3f0 17 01 llndilinol James 3:13 IS 53 Jaefcsnn Divid 442) 25 III j Jones Ann fil 5 40 K iutz'ner Abraham 430) 21 48 ' Lake Hichard 401) 22 PO I vv A r n a 200 7 7 i M nkel John 227 15 48 Me'zmr J D 50 611 j Noliooti James 333 45 , Piatt J hn 220 13 14 j Sarvi-. John 4-;l If, 04 j I Solomom Myer 300 10 5J HrPF.K MAIIONOY TOWNSlIir. IVorrrtnVe Stnius, Aon, Tar. Belterlon Benjiniin 425 10 37 Ileis. I SamiK-t 83 0 20 Ueiscl Daniel 98 7 30 Beimel John 59 4 39 Snriih Jacob 115 8 00 Thornbury John iV Wm. Gray 28 2 45 JOHN FARNSWlllJ I'll, Treasurer's OiKce, " Tiemarer, Match 30th, 1811. 5 TO IIOUSEKEEPEUS. O) ()0() POUNDS FEATHERS, for sale eWfjVvyw ,y i0Wi in any quantity tn suit pnrchaeT fbr rash, at priod from 10, 15, 25 and 30 Cents per pound. Heady made Be.!, Bolsters and PiHowa, Curled Hair Mattra-aea, Mom do., and ether kinds tn suit any rite Beadsteads, always on hand. Cnrled Hair and New Orleans Moss by iho halo or single pound. Alsoi Blankets, Marseilles Quilts, Comfortables and Beilsteads of all descriptions. dj" Country Merchants will find it to iheir ad vantage lo call hefote purchasing:. F1M.EY cV CO. S.F..'eorner of Second and Walnut sU. Phibid. March 23.1, 1844. Sm 41 54 73 20 3fi 38 41 fil 35 88 21 51 4 08 5 88 15 It) 22 84 33 22 33 83 12 06 18 75 23 32 31 36 34 36 17 38 52 IS 5 95 26 55 20 23 R 7 6 IS 09 38 87 35 17 39 46 0 95 49 34 67 99 22 19 23 57 22 67 j 8 88 I 34 64 I 26 98 i 16 94 j 5 83 33 68 j 14 31 3 1 l3 ' 44 74 23 4? 3 82 51 tO 44 85 14 23 5 19 I 12 71 33 33 14 10 j S3 45 j 45 61 1 30 31 j 43 83 : 31 24 J 18 52 13 15 13 48 j 3 r.o I 19 4.1 i 42 36 j 15 69 ! 1 II 13 92 i 15 13 J 15 13 ! 15 13 I 15 13 ! 15 13 16 8? 25 61 32 1)4 S8 19 19 91 T 10 27 19 4 02 44 00 21 63 4T 91 T 87 17 03 6 66 00 . 05 6 87 28 lit If Oil 15 56 1C9 08 30 84 6 40 6 91 14 34 17 60 27 13 SO RI) 10 to AT HS 101.1.111:11 Respectfully inform h.r Iri. ami ibe public generally, thai she w.ll open, on Monday the 2-4 lit inst., a new assortment ofF.iiietllry (tonds ami Sfrrini; M lib nery of the latest fashions. Straw Bonnets tlcachcd ami al tered lo the newest fashions, upon vrrv mo.leraic terms. April 13th, 1844. IV cw Spriii.7 Bry (a'ooit. A. It. MAIISIIAI.T., WHOLESALE AND I1F.TAIL DEALER, A'". I"- Clirmtitt street, tirtireen 7i andth sis. FHILADELFKIA, "PI S in regular receipt of itie m west and most I Fhiooalde Parts Fancy and superb. r S'aple ('nds, includini; spleinli.1 and medium dres silks, II irege. II .dzorine, F"ilniid Sdk, Brocade and P'atd Orpand es. Printed Lawns and Jicconets. Mouselin de I, lines, Flora Cahinercs, French ari l EarNlon (Jinetiarns, Rich Barreeand Cashm. re Shawls and Sc,rfs. Ilr.nlie Thibet Shawls, Paris Cmb'd I'ollars and ChcriiiT.clts Linen 1'nmlniek H.lkfl's, Silk snd Cotton Ho-eing, fil.ivp, Irish Lmens, 'P.hle Cloths and Napkins, fine Mulin-, cheap American Cali.oes, and oiher desirable (tnods, which wilt be sold nt low pries. ijj" Straneers will find it particularly to heir irtte est tn call, as 1 be y on. Is are all warranted, am! ibe LOWES I' CASH PRICE named fitst and no abatement. Philadelphia, April 13, 1811 4t. If o o I i$ Sh o c MAKING. it 1: V li & It It O S I O I s 70CI.D inform Iheir friends and ihe pubfe ireur rally, that Ibev have commenced the above business in all iu various branches, in the shop cKcupied by Xivier Eiisirt as a watch maiorr shop. at ofthe Red Lion Unlet, in Market tee I, Suidmiy, where they are prepared lo exe cute all nrdus in their line, with PROMPTNESS AND DESPATCH. They hope, by strict aliemron tn hii-incs, mode- rate chsrires, and the durability of Iheii work, to merit and receive a vhare of the public patronage. Sunlm y. March 30 h. 1841. ly a 11 KTiir.u M Pi'i.inir.v r To the act rntilh'd "An Art r latins; to coun ty rntrs and Irvirs and loimshin rnlrs and I I ,L l-.t , . y 1 , . t . ; tern , parsra ine i.Nfl nay 0 April, Sir now I. Be II enacted by the Senate an I H.Hise of Represeiiiarives of the t!ooim.nwe..lili of lerins) Ivani.i, in (Jeircml As eniblv met, and it is hereby made. I by the aothniilv -of the same, ihsl it shall If the duty of lire Supervisors of the highways of every township and for ugh in t! f counties of Schuylkill, Noriliutnbeilaiid, mid Car. bun, annually lo select one ol their number, nr ap point some suitable inhabitant of the town-hip or borough, to be collet-tor of the Road taxes levied or assessed for such lown-hip r borough, which Sujierviaor 01 other per-on app.'inlevl col'ici. r. n nforesaid, shall give It. ml with two or more sUllV ienl secu.ines, 10 he approved by the TownsUip 01 B much Auditors, and .lep.wtie.l with the. o, wbieh said bond s'ia'1 be in li e name of su h lo ii.hip or boiniigh, and ibe thereof shall le thai suh collector shall Wi ll and truly collect and pav ovt to ihe Township or II. .rough Treasurer, it one be elecied it appointed, and if 1101, thru to ihe So., peivisois, or account for, according tn law, the whole amount ofthe late- charged arid as,ssel in the duplicate, delivered t3 such Collect.! ; J Vwt id d. That herein contained shall he construed In prevent nil persona rated Tor r.iad taxes from woikiugout tin ir resTtive taXCj in tins mniuer now itovided by taw. Si.t rioy t. Th il It shall sn.l m .v be lawful foi the electors of every Township ami lor.nic,! in tl e i counties of Sehflylkrll and No'thuinWrl tid snnu ally, at the time and place of electing Supervrs tr. to clrcl Township or Borouli Tica-tiier, who shall give, such I'Cnd and perform such duties and t-e subject to ihe like p. rnnrcs, as Bro provided fr in the ititm v ftfih ninety sixth iitofty sevrmh and ninety eighth H ons ol set of thr. l-Heendi April, one ihou-and t'icht hundred and Mititv four, en title. I "An act rt-lstiiig to ( oo.iti.s and Towiish' and County and Townrhip olWers." '' Sictiiim 5. Thai so far as any l-w ,pr,.,v altered or supplied, hi-, and thu same, lri.,y pealed, FENNSY I A'ANI A, SS, w . r .1. . . . SscT4Va OVrttK. I certify that the -t)OVC,lu, fllr..ROit)t 5, a true co py i.f section- t , fl if )C m,ginjl 1(.t ptoie.l in , Uay of Mafctv t814i SJ ,ho ,alne " m ,.na filed in this otrke. A iiriesa my hand, and the seal of J said rlfice al Hrrihurg, the 11th dty L. S. L of March, A. D. 1844. , 3 THOMAS L. WILK'dN, Vv-o Dep. bec'y Commonweitth. March 23d, 1841. J'rinlcrs Ink. i ftn kecc for sale, at a small advnnee for cash, V by Dec. . H. U. MASS Ell. HOTEL. HHE tyuhsciilier respectfully informs his old cos--- tomers, and lire public generally, that he in tend, tn conlinne in his old s'and, opKsi(e the I'ourt House, in Sunbury, Northumberland coun ty, Pa., where he ia weH prepared to give satisfac tion to nil who rosy favor him with their custom. Bern,; thankful for past favors, he hopes to receive a continuance 'of public pntronage. CHARLES D. WHARTON. Sunbury, March 2d, 1844. 3t Public Sale 0,000 Acres of Land. "WTMLL be sold, at jHiblic auction, at the house ay 01 trantei iiern, in i pper iMa.'innov town ship, Nnrthumlierland County, on the 1st Monday of June he I, 0,000 acres ofThnlicr niirl, situ ited. cbielly, in Coal township, said county. The Mahonny creek passes through a considerable portion of the property, affording several excellent mill seats. The laxea have all been paid up. and I 111 indisputable title, clear of all incumbrances, will : be given ta purchasers. The sale will lie Continued fium day to day, until the whole ia sold. I The terms will be made known on the day of i sale. A. JEANKENAL'D, PETER BOrstl!KT. j Feb. 1 0, 1 8 1 4 tr U'.V. Mc CA Y, Agent. I fl"j" The Pottsville Emporium and Danvrlle Tn 1 tel!i!;encer will conlinuo the above until forbidden, and charge this office. WCLBEPJt &, J.1T1TET, Imiioi tors nml IDoalcrs In S Ii G A l S, 1 R A N DIES, G I N, W I N E S, &c. Ao. 'l Commerce fit., near lfth St., PHILADELPHIA, (5. J. WoLBcnT.jr. Wm. A. JinjhT. 5 antnrs. trnARS. Pinel, t'astillion Si Co. I Woodville. Ban-anco. Pernel Treres. Ugucs. Loid Byron January 20ih, 1844. dm pEsPECTFLLLY inf.irmH the public that he -k. has made Northumberland his place of resi dence, and is ready to attend to any calls in (he lino of his profession. dj Ho may al all times bo found at Mr. James Lee's Hotel. Northumberland. Dec. 6lh, 1813. if. HAMS An SHOULDERS for sale, cheap, for cash, by H. B. MASSER. Dec. 30th, 1813. FORESTVILLE ltUASS i:i(.HT DAY CLOCKS, f 111 E subscriber has just received, for sale, a few I of Ihe above celebrated Eight Day Clocks, which will be soil at very reduced prices, for ca-h. Also, stiHrior 30 hour Clocks, of the best make and quality, which will I sold for ra-h. at 4 50. Also, superior Brass 30 hour Clocks, at 8 00. Dec. 2. 143. H. B. M asser. WILLIAM J. MARTIN", ATTCIUTET AT LAV", SUNBURY, PA. FFICE, m the building occupied by J. Bloom, on Market street. Oct. 21st, 1813. aViihy v ItOCAl, hat & cap mamtfactuhl:rs, lhist eornir of .Market and 4th sts.. riillueW-lpliia, j ESPECTFT'LLY mlurm ihe public that they will constantly keep on hand a targs assort ment of Hals, Caps and Furs, to suit the fall trade, of the he-t quality. By strict attention to busi., and by selling their stock St the lowest priivs, (hoy flitter themselves 111 being able to give entire satisfaction. Aegust 5, 1813 ly IIE rubscriber will stll oll'bis stork of Beaver, Russia and Biush Hals, of ihe best euality, at very nduced prices. Sunbury, Aug. 5. 1813. H. B. MASSEIl A Tlirt-sjliliic .ilacliiuo lor Sale. IHE subscriber offers f . r sate a TilKESHIN.U MAtlH.NE, new aird in b.khI oidcr. The Machine has Iwn tried, and proves lo be an excel lent one. Il will be sutd at a reduced price, and warranted. Apply to 11. li. MASSER. Jotv 1st, 1843. 'I OTONE WARE Tor sale. 225 Stone Jugs, from I quart to 3 gallons, 60 Stone Jars, from 2 lo 1 gallons For sale, chtap, by Oil. 14 11, U. MASSEK, C abi nci-M ak i ng lcw INtiiblitiuirnt.) VttLLI.HG SCOTER VLSI'EC'lT'ULlV informs (he cttizeiia tf I. J, Sunbury and vicinity, (til he has levcnlly Commenced the ca iti Nivr-Si VK'lXC. ll'JSIX KSS, ill bit its bram-bes, in Maiket a'.reet. Sunburr, im- midia'ely bilow the post Once, where he will be to 'receive and c-ecute all orders in the line of bis business, wit'.i prompt nea and ilcspatch, and in the lu-st aty'.e and manner. His prices will be low, in accordance with the time. 03 dumber and Country Produce taken in Ex change. May 27ih 1843. 6in cm TTiTSiTniTF. Af(HTx, AND PRIVATE SAXES KOOJMS, Nos. ahd :)1 Morth Thlid Street, Near the C i I y Hotel, FHia1)ELPHIA. CC. MACKEV, Auctioneer, iVspectfully in- vites ihe attention of persons desirous of pur chasing Furniiuie, to his exlcnivo Sales Rooms, ilwilh public and Private.) for every description or lottaehold Furniture, where ran be obtained at all limes, a Urge assortment of fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beda, Mstuassvs, Ac. at very reduced prices, for cash. Oi- Salo by Auction, twice a week. May !Tih, 1843. ly I " '- 1 . -. j 1 '. in' aa ja OAKLEY'S ii:imh.itivi: si rup. flHE valuable properties of Oakley's Depttrs Ju tive Ryrtip of Sarssparilla, ss a purifier of tbn blond, re so well known to the public generally., that it is unnecesssry 10 occupy much space in tei ting forth the advantages, to be derived from its use; wheriwer rho medicine "has once been In tro dnced, it takes precedence over all others: evciy one that baa Irtken it, have derived so signal bene ficial results from it, fhst it is recommended I them with the utmost confidence. Physicians of the binhet sHind'oa; in the profession, prescribe it lo pa'icnta under then- care ; c ntainiitR Tiftlhi'H di'literions. hut heinrf eoin)oed ol Ihe most 'n.iM, yet efficacious veiretahlo materials, it is ofb-red Wi'h confidence, as the Cheapest and most efTtcieifl pu. rifier of the blood now known. The use of a fc biitilea, esH?cialty iu fhe spring months, will 'be at tended with a most decided impmvement mtbe jp neral utrencth ofiho system, etadir.atina; any feed of dseae that may have'hfen frcneratcd, l.esi.l. S Rivina health and viijnr to the bodv. For the cord of Scrofula or "Kings 'Evil, "Rheumatism. Tei'er, Pimples or eruptions df fho Skin, W hite Rwrlbinr, Fistula, Chronic Couth Asthma, Sec, The mi mfrnus certificates in Ihe possession of the sul cr. ber and his apents.'from physicians and others, urn sufficient tn convince Ihe tnost vVeptioal of its su periority over all preparations of Sarsaparilla. Snld wholesale nml retail, by tho proprietor, CEORCE W. OAKLEY, North Bth street, Kea diiiK, "Berks County, mid to ho -bad ofthe following peisons : In Northumberland 'County. If, B. Masosj Sunbury; Ireland fit Mitel, McEwcnsvillo ; D. Krauser, Milton. 7n Fur'Tfi County. 3. "Gearhirrl, ScliiiPRrove ; A. Gutelius, Miffliuburg. In Cvluniliia 'County. R. V. Mc'Cay, ington. T.cading, March 14, 1813. Mb. Oi'ttfET: I believe il'lheuty of evi ry one tosdo whr.teverin their power I ies, for the bene, fit of their fellow man, and having had posj iva proof in my nwn family, df the wonderful properties of your Depitrative Syrup of Sarsaparilla, I In st conscientiously recommend it lo the afilicled. We had the misfortune to lose two of our children, by the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered tho Tuce, head and neck, Blthouch we had some of the) most scientific physicians to attend tin m and ha 1 tried all the known veinedies. including Swaims' Panacea, without avail. Another of my children was attacked in the same manner, her face and neck was completely covered; the discharge was so offensive, and the disease at such a height, that wo despaired of her life. Seeing the Wonderful eflects of your Depur.ilive Syrup of Sarsaparilla, we weto indued to make trial of it, us the last resort ; it acted hke a charm ; (lie ulcers commenced healing Immediately, a few bottles entirely Tc-torcd her taj Iict health, which she has enjoyed uninterruptedly ever ainca. As a purhier of tire blood, I verily be licvo it has not lis equal. JOHN MOVER, Tailor, Walnut street, near Fourth, Beadir Doultis-sville, April 10th, 3 l3. Mb.'Oaklt.t My son Edmund Leaf, had tha scrofula in the most dreadful and distressing man ner for three years, during which lime he was de prived of tho use of his limbs, his head and neck were covered with ulcers. We ttied all Ihe differ ent remedies, Init lono effect, until rfcommrndetl ly Dr. Juhnsnn of Noriisown, and also Dr. Isaac lliester, of Reading, to Use your Depuralive Syrup of Sareaparilln, of t.hich I obtained several bottles, the use of which d'owj the disease entirely eut of his system, ihe sore healed up, and the ehld was restored to perfect "health, which he has enjoyed uninterruptedly ever -since, to tho ast.mishment of many persons who seen him during bis affliction, I hrfve thought il my duty, and send you this certi ficate thai diners who have liko afiliction in Iho family may know where to obtain so valuable a medicine. Your tnlv. AMELIA D. LEAF. "Sept. 10, ISIS. 7y Hover's Ink. JOSEPH ET HOVER, Manufacturer of Writing and In!. Mc tik, No. 10(5 North Third Slroet, s.x doors below Hnce, (rsi?t pido,) PIIILADEI.I'HIA, "I ESP ECTFL'l.LY informs couniry rrreth rnu k- and others, that he con-'sntly keeps cn band a large storti of his superier Black, Bh.f and I'e.l Ink. and also a superior pi .'ityof Tn.le'ili'.lo fnl,. His iiik is put up in bottbv vary:- - in sie, f. m I lo 32 ounces, and will be soM on ieaso:,ii.; terms. 'I'no cxccl'ent quah.ics nfth's ink hs- thor.niehly establi-hed its ebaracier, that it u ijc y eitensively used throughout ihn cnuniry. For sale at tho store of H. B. Maer, sj,,n. May 27th, 1843.. ,y ATTORNEY AT AV7 SUNBURY, PA. 9 AS taken the office lorniecty occupied bv the Hon. Chailes (1. Donne!, r ,,,,;,,. .i,,, 1 11 -.. . . . 'i Mouse, ne will aileuil to vu ineM ,n ,,e nils of Norihumberlaird, I'nion ui j Columbia com.' ies. May SOlb, IS 13. t on Hi e VI . I r'rV DEATH BLOW. 'Phe pubfrc will please observe that no Brand. eth Pills ara gen-.nne,, Wty ,1B Irox has three t bcrs upon it, f iho top, the snfc and the bolt on 1 each Conuir.jnr. , facsimile 9snalure of my h ml wilting, iW-l). Hanr.a;tH, M. D. These la. wl-aic etj;,raeJ on Bte.l, Uant.fully designed, and doi.4Bt tneTpCTitt.-1 of over fS.OdO. Then Ion 1 wil', tie seen that the only thing necessary to pro J" U'.e the medJifino in its purity, ia to unserve ibese mbels. Kemcmber ihe lop, Ihe side, snd the boil on. The following respeclive persons are duly anion tv?d, and I10IJ CERTICATES or AGENCY, For Ibe sale of lirandreth't Vegetable Vnivtt sal mis. Northumberland county : Milton Mackey A t 'hainbeilm. SunbUry H. B. Masser. M'Ewens ville Iieland A Meii. ll. Norlhuinloilaiid W in Forsyth. tlcOrgelown J. oV J. Walls. L'nion Cuunty : New Berlin Bogar & W.n ter. SelinsRrove (.'eorge liundium. burn Isaac Smith, lleavemwo David Hub!e Adanisburg Wm. J. May. Mitllinsbure Metis. !. cV Kay. Hartleton -Daniel Lomi. Frecburi; Xt.Si F. C. Mover. Lewisburg Walls cV (Jreei Columbia county : Danville E, B. Reynold & Co. Berwick Shuman A K'Hcnhnuse. (' lawissa C. 15. Brobls. BlootnBburg John V. Mover. Jeisey Town Levi Bisel. Washin toil Robt. McCay. Limestone Bailie MfNlmb. Observe that each Agent has an Engraved Cei tificflte of Agency, containing a lepre aentali'in e' Dr HKANDKE'l'M'S Mauutaclory at Sing S,. t . and upon which will also be seen eiact copn ihe new labels new used upon the. Urandrelk I't'l Hoj.ii. I'lulidtlphia, office No. 8, North 8lh street. B. BUANDKETH.M.D. June 24th, 1843. bury, Pa niAiiiJKs