On the 27th of December, 1S-14, Mr. Muhlcn br j took an active and prominent part in a meet ing of member of Congress, over which Col. Richard M. Johnson presided, held to take mea ores for celebrating on the anniversary of Gen eral Jackson's victory at New Orleans, a civil triumph of hit administration, equally glorious the payment and exiinguishmknt or tmr Na tional Debt. Uniting the blood of the German with the birth rightof the American speaking and uniting both languages with equal facility and purity learn ed in the best literature of both feeling an ar dent sympathy in emigrants from all countries, from recollections of the past and hopes cfthe fu ture Henry A. Muhlenberg is n genuine repre sentative of the wise and philanthropic policy of William Tenn, who made Pennsylvania an asy lum for the oppressed of every nation. Nor is a ny of her citizens more deeply impressed than he is with the duty of preserving untarnished her public faith. No one. in a station ofliT politi cal trust, will d"vote himself more jfiilomly tu that great end. At the same time, he is not ig norant that the people, who are (in this country at least) the government, have a risrlit to require, and must have laid before them, a candid, mi liuto, and faithful account of their debts and re- sources, with such propositions for a wise eco- nomy, as will convince then, that whatever sac rinces nicy may be caned upon to make, win produce a result beneficial to them and their pos terity. Such is the man who is presented as thelVmn cratic candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania. In every way he is worthy of this high evidence of his country's trust in his past actions, his known principles, his certain course of future conduct. While we know full well that unfal tering reliance could be confidently placed in the patriotism and the talents, and integrity of FRAN CIS R. SIIL'XK, and the other eminent citizens who, in the first instance, divided with hitn the preferences of the assembled delegates, yet we cannot deceive ourselves in the full assurance that the cordial, patriotic and unanimous voice of the whole Convention, in favor of him who was the choice of its majority, gives to his i.omina tion even more than usual intlii 'lice, makes it but the harbinger of fresh success to the Demo cracy of the Keystone State, and leaves no ground tor reasonable doubt that 11F.XRY A. Ml'IILF.Nr.F.RG will, by the votes of his follow citizens, be triumphantly hailed as the NF.XT GOVERNOR OF PENNSYLVANIA. In selecting JOSHUA IIARTSIIORNE, of' Chester county, as a candidate for the ollice of' CANAL COMMISSIONER, the Convention J have had reference alike to the character and lie- j ciuirenients of the man, which peculiarly lit him ' for that station of trust and activity, and to his firm adherence in trying times and iu positions; of important popular responsibility, to the ' principles and measures of the Democratic party, j A member cfthe Legislature during that period when every eIhr't. was adopted to sway and mis- I lead tho representatives of flic people, he was j 'found invariably firm and faithful. In the place i "to which the Democratic party now call him. he ; will be found equally fearless in the discharge of fluty, equally unmoved by artful orsinister appli- : cations, equally resolute to direct for the public I good alone, the power end patronage appurtenant j to his office. i Another Letter from tlie Olil Hero and Slfitriiiaii J.traet of a letter from Oen-ral Andrew Jack sou to a distinguished Member of Congress. Mated Hr.rtMiTA.-r., March 11, 1 f 1 1. i oe present gutleu innmcnt to obtuin Texas must not be lost, or Texas must, from necessity, lie thrown into the hiin'ls of ling land, and be for ever lost to the United States ! Need I call your attention to the situation of the United States England in possession of Texas, or in strict alli ance, offensive and defensive, and contending for California T How easy would it be for dreat I Britain to interpose a force sufficient to prevent emigration to California from the United Slates. and supply her garrison from Texas, l'.very real . American, when they view this, with the danger to New Orleans fiotn liritish arms from Texas, must unite heart and band in the annexation of j Texas to the United States. It will be a strong j iron hoop around our I'nion. and a bulwark a- ! gainst aliyVf'irii inru!nn ar azifretklon. 1 say j again, let not this opportunity slip to regain : Texas, or it may eln le our trrusp forever, or cost ! us oceans of blood, and millions of money, to ' free us from the evils that may be brought upon j tisl I Imp? and trust there will be as many pa- j triots in the Senate, us will r. iff if the trtati, which, 1 have 110 doubt, will be (riimplly entered ; into. I again say to you, that this moment must : not be Iot, or real necessity may compel Texas to look elsewhere for protection and safety. j AND Rl . V JACKSON." j AxoTnr.R Fact 10a CoNi.nr.ss. The present rates of postage are considered so enormous that every expedient is resorted to. in order to escape the tax. The fallowing fact shows how thi is accomplished in Troy Mode Letter Carrying bttivltil Sew Yurk and Troy. In one of the Hotels in Troy, is a box in which are placed all letters for New York, ud at Howard's in the latter place, is also one for communications for Troy. Every Trojan who passes between the two places, calls just be fore starting and deposits in the Post-office to which they are directed, all letters which have been left in these boxes. This has become gene rally known, and at present few letters are car ried in the mail between these cities, except le gal notices, &c. A Sinoi'lar Duel took placo recently at Grand Cois, La., between two colored men, one armci with an axe the other with an adze. It seemed that the green-eyed monste wai ,hP caiue of the bloody affxa-. They are 'o0th dan' gerously Wo-,defl. The ,ero of tlie i,eing less so, has b;en held W ll iu $1000 New York Railroads. There is a a con tinoui line of railroad from Erie to Boston. Those from the Lake to the Hudson are 32GJ miles in length, or 30 3 4 miles less than the Erie Canal. Their total cost was $8,437,400 or $25,700 a mile. Of this chain tho Utica and Buffalo rorid was the last construction. It is 31 miles long, and cost $269,000, or less than $0000 a mile. During the first nine months alter it wasopenen, Its receipts were $l.,900, and its expenses f 19,150, leaving a net balance of $26,750, or ten per cent, in nine months. Use of Coat, in Locomotives. The Rail Rood Company are engaged altering several of their Locomotives for the use of coal as fitl, in stead of wood. Several satisfactory experiments have b-en made, which convinced the experimen ters that the use of Coal wonld cause a very great saving to the Company. Miners' Journal. fMl.TIMORR MUtlfKT. Office of the Baltimohe Amf-iuca, April 6. WHF.AT. The supplies tire limited. We note sales of good to prime Md. and Virginin reds ot 100 10.1 cents per bushel, and we quote those rates to-day. Pales of four parcels of Penna. 1 reds have been made at 103. 10.', and 10H cents . ,hp rarpr, B, ,,, ra,e boinf, for rilipmeiit. , yyhraU nmhrTCi nr worlll ,05 to , 1Qj rts. for good to strictly prime. WHISKEY. Sales of hhds. from Wednesday to this day inclusive at 22 cents ; anilofbbls.nl 23 J cts , and we quote accordingly. Thk Fi.rms in Sor.rns it the Htmai Bunt When we consider that the fluids of hu mors have a superiority over the solids in the ra tio four tii one for it his been acertained by c tual exi crimcnt, that in a human body we1,hjng 125 lbs., the bones at'd muscles, after the m is lure his been extracted, weighed only 25 pound ; thus proving the solids are only one fifth of the whole miss Is it wonderful, then, if the Bl md and oilier flui.ls are coriupt, that the whole body -hould he di-ca-i d ! Bratidrcth's Vegetable Universal Pills purify those flui.ls. They puige fiom the body the cor rupt and stagnant humors, and health niu-l of ne ossity follow. Noting is equal to lidding 'he viti atcd humors with a vegetable medicine of tliii kind, which eighty-four yea s have proved never to do iijuty, but always good. j Pur base of 11.11 Masrr, Siinbiiry, or of I the agents, puhli.-hcd in another part of this p iper. 1MUCE CURRENT. Corrected wttklyby Henry Ybxtienner. VVhkat, .... 85 Rte, 50 Cohm, 40 Oats, ...... 25 PoHK, . 5 FlAXSKKII, ... . 1(10 liUTTKII, - - 12 Hkkswax, .... C") Tallow, .... 10 Dm 1. 11 Applks, 75 Do. Pkaciiks, 200 Fur, ... .8 Hki-rleii Flax, 10 Eons. .... .8 MItS '4Mli:it Respecitully inf..miher Iri. tids and iho i.uhlic ir.nerallv. tint she tv.ll open, on Mond.iy ilie 2-1 1 Is lust., a new assortment of F..ncv Dry liood-i nd SSpring Miilenery ot (he l iiest fdsbi.ius. isti.iw Doiiihets blenched and al tered to the neue.-t fa-bi ns, upon vrrv ino.ler.ite 1 terms. April tain, ist J. jm s prins: Dry (ood. A. II. .MARSHALL, WHOLESALE AND LIE PAIL DE ALER, A'o. l Cliesmit street, between 1th andStli sis, PHILADELPHIA, BS in regular T'Ceipt of the lowest and most F..shiona' le Paris Fsnry and superior S'aple (ioods, iiii bidins sp. inlid and medium dus lks, B ireue. U dlorine-. Foulan l Silk-1, Brocade and P a d Orpan.l , Printed Lanns in. I Jirronets, Mon-Hin to I.sini'S, Flora t'a-hmerrs, French an-l IC.irl-t.iii (iinahnms, Rich K iregeaud ('luo. re S!iilg snd Scnrfs. Ilroche '1'hlhet Shawls. Pari F.oil.'d Collars and (.'lieniirett, Linen Caiiih.itk H.lktls, Silk and Coit..n HocinB, Glove-., Iri-h L'liens, 'I'.dile Cloths and ! apkins, fine M11-I10-, cheap American tlulicoes, and oh.t doiruMe. goods, wln.h wilt be s.itd t row pries. (Xjf SiMiiaers will find it particularly In 'heir ii.te est In cull, as (lie too Is are all wariaotej, an.! the I.OWGSI' CASH PRICE named Get arid 110 abatement. Philadelphia, April 13, 1811 4t. 1) A V I I) E V A X S ' Patent Fire ami Tliiof Proof Iron Cltcsts, Slate linctl Refrigerators, with Filters nttaclictl when lequired. ?l V"AT301T, No. 70 Smith third St., opposite the J'xehane, nilLADBIiPniA, M AM r At: I I. UK an l for : rated le Davui Evasih Wider and Pr..vi. f?tl;,-.vKi..H O. obrsand Patent Pr.- ire u 11 a 1 nt. 1 rrnoi i- Is for p'e-erine ' j j I k. Pt spers D. ed-i, Jewrlv, Gold. Mlver, Ve &c, noide of llo I r Iron, (arid riot ovi r Fl.u k as leti. iy-fiw out of every one hundred now in use mid for nlo sre ma le.) w l'h firt rste Locks and D ivi.l Fven' Patent Keholu Covers, similar 10 the one ri Limit ed at the Philadelphia Exchange, for lluee months in lha ttlmmer of 1842, when all the Keys weie at liberty to lie usd, arid the Chest not opened, si ihough the eipeilmi nt wns tried ly at least 1 500 persons. One of the same Locks was Hied by Robherr, at ihe Delaware Coal Office, in Walnut street, shove Thud but diJ not succeed. OCJ" Hoisting Machines, Iron Doors, superior Locks, and all kinds of Iron Railings, Seal snd Co pying Presses, and Snuthwoik generally, on baud or manufactured at the shortest notice. (Ej-CAUTIOX-Id.iher.hf e,u,i,in ,n sons sg.inst making. usm wlim .,...:'.'', 1. ...1.1 1.-....1...1 .. ' . r cau-mg 10 ............ ..i - tf iover- i.,.f 'i.,.... or Dour of any nil similar in principle to my . atenl, of '(0tu July, 1841, and also aguii ai Lining .r'rlgeralora with 8laie, for which my Patent u listed SOih Msnh, 1841, as any infiiugeuient Will ba dealt wiih according to law. DAVID EVANS. FhiMilphis, A pill 13, 1841. ly NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY Treasurer's Sale. k GREEAT1LY to sn art of the general asem bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the 13th of Msrch, 1815, snd the stipple mrnt thereto, entitled an act directing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes and other pnrp.isea, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House in the Borough of Sunbiiry, on the second Tues dny in June next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the follow ing described tracts of land, for arrearage of taxes due, and the cost accrued on each tract respective ly, unless previously discharged, to wit t AUGUSTA TOWNSHIP. Warrantee Names. Acre. Tax. Tiering Frederick 30 1 07 Itering Frederick 8 21 Donnel Charles 200 7 70 Jones William R 4 55 Lines William R 1G 1 82 Levy D ni. r3 5 71 Miller J.hn 71 7 3:1 McPhersm Samuel 40 2 III Rankin John 207 22 R5 Rye s m John :0 1 10 Nankins Rhnada IPrtJ 5 41 Smith John Dr. 77 S 9C Smith Jehu Dr. . 42 141 Webh Abraham 507 30 52 CHILISQUAQUE. POINT and TURBtJT TOWNSHIPS. Warrantee Names. Acres. Tax. IMtcrtnn Benjamin 3J 22 OS Brtrrnn John jr. 410 21 12 Rrodie William 201 1 20 Ben-on William 414 21 2S lllair WiPi .m JOIl Ifi f.S Itrndv Willi ,mP 412 21 45 R,. yd John 10ft 3 61 Coeper Issic. 200 1 1 36 Cooper Martin 100 6 72 ('race Joseph 250 HOI D,ivi, Jehn 413 21 46 FrirH- Charles O. 30. 'ij 17 32 O-airilrnrv 162 9 l! Ovdncr A'i linn P 4I2J 2:155 O miner Archibald 411 22 15 Oast m .l imes Ct 1 66 Hall William 3''0 17 04 j llmldin.it .Limes 311 IS 53 I .la-ksm Divid 412 25 01 Jones Ann 01 2 40 Kiniz ng Abraham 430J 21 4 Lake Richsrd 401 22 !l , L-vv A .r m 200 7 76 j M-.ikel John Til Me n.r J I) 60 N .linoti James 333 Piatt J.'hn 220 S(,r'n John 424 iSilomom Mer 300 15 48 SO 6 45 13 14 10 01 10 f.i Tr 41 51 73 20 30 35 41 01 35 88 21 54 4 58 5 88 15 10 22 84 33 22 33 83 12 (ifi 18 75 23 3J 31 30 34 3fi 17 38 52 15 5 05 2fi 55 COAL TOWNSHIP. Warrant) c Names. Acres. 4tri 300 i 3r:tl 443J 31 i 344 250 1S2 121 188 31fl 2I2J 110 2'JOJ 42.. 42.,, 306 i 4 f2J Amis Frederick AotiS HeriiV Adaoi William Adams TI10111 s Adams It.iheit Ilr lurit'aoi Daniel Rower Ohrmtian Itriimi Nlhai iel Iladev John N Hlack Wil iain C RriRht J.icob 0 ilton Samuel Uciterloii lU nj imin Regar John Oou-crt James Camplain Robert Csiiipl oii Thomas Cook John ( 'owden J 'hn Dumsoii M.ny Deri' (t t'harles 1 1, ring Ch .ties Ehoil Willi m h0 329 105 304 4231 3'J0 441 300J 1MI 410 410 437 433 400 130 357 J 334 2C9J 130 2'J 405 3H1J 413 412j 414 159 4. IS 44'iJ 121 3H7 112 20 23 : 8 7fi I 18 09 3 87 J 35 17 no 40 I 9 95 j 43 3t 67 99 I 22 19 I 23 r,7 ! 22 67 j 8 HS I Fos'er Thomas (! .skins 'I'hoinas (ireer James (ireer Thomas O.iss Jacob limy Robert t!iay Will. am ti.ai.l TI10 i.aa (i.irdner A reb.ih .Id jr. tJar.lner Archihald scnr. H.tri.k Philip Huff lirnaniiil II .s-eiicli'uer Mary Hepl urn Ixines llenrh William HofT. e Ah shim llxii llion 'Ibomas Hunter Ab x u.di-r Hephurn James Hmill..n Thomss llun'er A'exandef lliinnulreich Henry ll.iiimelr. ich Henry Jenkins Juno s Jord .11 A'ex iTider Kinim.l Samuel Kit lit orge W Kiieu' bauni John ct Henry Rccd Lonuiifell Frederick M inninn Iv i'hrd Morrison Wil ism McRennoUls J. hn Mover Henry MrRenna's Andrew Martin John Maikley Edwuid G Martin John G Mwr (!e..rg 3t 61 V 9S 16 (I I b 8 33 Cs 23 49 32 82 61 C6 44 85 14 23 49 12 71 33 33 14 16 3 45 45 51 30 31 43 83 31 24 18 9'J 13 15 13 18 3 60 19 43 42 Sli 15 69 19 It 13 9i 15 13 15 13 100 121 4114 4 .fii 313 33 1 K 2n'J no ll'l 171 ro 200 4-.U1 i 17 118 74 100 200 2uo 800 200 209 415 3IGJ 4 to 467 150 440 342 4I2J 1..0 423J 193 103 lf.3J 40i 371 -13J 120 10S 353j 38i 150 3C1 J 9'J 105 173 273j 125 Myeia Marv P.'ncha d VVil'.ism Prince tieoie Price John li I'rh-e I .ho II 1 Rees D .niel 1 Ru'ou I'lnrtotta 15 , r( b 10 Reynolds John Rus'. ill Thoin.iS Ru-ton Mary Knaton M irv Stiinnon William Soliiioo Rirhaid Stuih.r Andrew St, .h, iwon Juiiics Srtsr Meiri.-k Sliei ts lieore Scott Abraham Scott Samuel Shissler Henry Scott Smnuel S.ott H.uiiufl Sittfri. d S unuel Turj .it John Trirklu Chas G Walker Lewis WiUm William 25 32 i 19 91 7 10 27 19 4 02 44 no 21 63 47 94 T 87 17 9 8 SI 8 28 15 15 109 30 6 6 14 17 27 20 16 f f Blieis uu'i.' j Wrii-e jsroh jr Young Rciij''.,in Dt Youo John, Men hint Young II. iijomui F Young Samuel iriiiier Henry imar Henry liner llemy Zinimernau Mulhias ,eiglf r tfi SIIAWOKIN TOWNSHIP. Warrantee Names. Acres. Kinley Catherine 403 Tax. 5 69 12 40 I 22 8 08 73 31 65 Lake Rrchwrd 15J Reed John Scott Abraham Taylor William Wilson John - 30 342 67 204 LITTLE MAHONOY TOWNSHIP. Warrantee Names. Acres. Tax. Rlain John 200 2 08 Gardner William P 409 15 80 Hunter James 42ft 12 77 Hall Charles 437 13 10 Ki.ld John 377 1 1 32 Kid.Uohn 312 9 37 I.vort Joseph 80 3 82 Lake R chard 408 13 22 Peterv Peier 145 10 8S Rirhie John 305 II 70 llees Thomas 339 1 1 07 Kifenvne Valentine 24 1 10 Heed Leonard 73 7 21 Haker John 61 f. 29 R inkins Rhnada 307 6 4fi Smith J .hn Dr 50 85 Smith John Dr 154 3 50 Smiih John Dr 81 1 29 'UrPElt MAHONOV TOWNSHIP. Warrantee Names. Acres. Tux. Rellerton Renjainiii 425 10 S7 R. is l Simu. l 83 20 Ueil i)iniol 9S 7 3d llei-el John 59 4 39 !'miih Jaeiih II 5 8 TO Thorn'.iury John cV Wm. Grny 2;s 2 15 JOHN FARNSWOIM'H. Trf '.snrer's Olli.-e, i Trccaurer. Match 30ib, 1914. S 11 O O t BIAKING. ri i: v u nitos i o i s 70ULD inform ibe r friends and ihe ptild'e pen. rallv, that thev have commenced the ahow I usiiiess in nil it- various I r inches, in the hop lnt.lv or copied by Xii r Ferrrl a a w itch maker shop, 1 a-1 of the Red Lion Hotel in Market Ftre t. "Sui.liu v. where V ev are j rrpirrd to cm. cu'e all ordi.s in their line, willi mOMPTNESS ANtt DESPATCH. Thev bene, by ftrirt aiieritinn to hn-iness. niode- ( ra'e rhnrces, and the durability of tlnii work, In merit and receive a -harv of the public p.tronnge. Sunbu v, M ir. h 30 h. 1811. l v a rt :rtiii:k si iii.i:iiix r To the act rntithd ".111 .4cf renting In conn tu rritrs and levies and Inievshin rats and j ' I tV s," passed the l."i( tin; if April, 1 ".1 1. Sictioh t. Re II eiiiic'e.l by the S.niile end HonfO of Representatives nf the ('ommoliwe .III. t.f Pennsvlvani 1. to (leneral As emhlv met, and il is herehv eoaete.l by the stithoiity of the san e, that it shall he the duly I' the Supervisor-, of the highways of eviry lonh p and lor sh in t' e couolie of Se'niylkill, Nurthuiiiheiland, mid t'.ir bon, annually to select one nf their nuniher. or ap point orne suitable inhabitant of the (own. hip r horoueh, to be collector of the Roid lxe 1. vie l or ns-en-ed for such township or borenuh, whiih Supervisor ot other per-on appointed c.d'eri, r.as aforesaid, sh .11 (live b nd with l o nr more stifli i. i.l seeuriues, to be approved hv the Towuskip el 11 roiiirh Auditors, and deposited with them, which siii't bond s' nll l e in ihe name nf su. h lownbip or bniouch, and iho condition (hereof sli.dl be th .1 su-h co'lector hall well an I truly eoPert and pi over to the T. wnship ot II .ruifjli Tr. anu'er, il one he lec.ed or appointi d. and if no', then to ihe So perv s -is, or sccouni for. nrcoi. linn in law, the who'e amount of the Inf. charged and a- ss. d in ihe duplicate, dhered to such rolleeto ; Vrue'd-d: That 1 o'h.ri herein contained i-h .11 he con-titi. d 1 to ptpvei.t nil persons ruled for r 'ad t ixe from w.iibiiitf out their respective tjie in ihe 111 inner now provided hy l.iw. Sk tios 2. Th il it shsll and m-v be lawful for the electors nt every I owni-hlp sml lloroiiriri, in :t e counties of Sriiiyr;ill and Noilhiiniherl .ml 111111U- ! ai'v, at the lime and pi ice i.f etc una Superv a r-.. ! to elect Township or 15 .iroin-h T. a-iper, w ho s ill . I rie Mich l end and perforin such .Itiliex mid he j j subject to ihe like p. nalties, as are provided I r in j 1 the ninety f.fih. ninety sulh, nieety eenib ami j I niiieiy lit hi h cl 011s ol art of the fi'teeirh April, I t one lh.niHiid eight hundred and Ihinv four, in- 1 3 ,. ... ...1., ...i- ... 1 'p.... ., u:.. i llir.l .i-.illl..o.oi.io.nn no vinnnuiji-. and ( ounly n.l 1 own!iri o.ticers. 14 31 en Tiim .. 1 nai o i;u a i.ny i.iv. nn 1- i:nr i 31 131 aben d or supplied, be, and the same is hereby r 41 74 i I"-'1"1- PENNSYLVANIA, SS. S.rT rtt' Ovncr. I certify that the i.boveand foregoing is 11 true co pv of seeiion I, 2. find 5 of lha origin il act. '! ' proud the ll li day of March, lStl, as the same r. m.uns fi ed in this othoe. Witness my hsi d. and the seul of ) iid . ffice a( Harri-hurg, the 14 h il.iv L. S. Cf Msrch. A. D 1M1 5 TIKtM vs I. WILSON, kv- M.ir.h 23', lrep. S.ec y C lnmonwe jltli. IK It. J.icidi St'i i jS ll;ilc iTtVI'ICK is her. bv given, (h it 1. Iters of Ad- mii.isti .ri 11 upon hai.l ei;i'e have hi en c'an- ed to t'.ie niL-i riher. All pi r-ons having el .no Hgamst S'id 1 si. it o, re 11.(11. -led to present ibem for 1 tsmiiislion and secleim nl. Tho.-e ii.d. ht.d will idcHse rni.ke iiiuui tli ite svin. i i. WM. DEPPKN. Jackson lownrhip, Ma ch 23. IS 14 Si TO HOUSEKEEPERS. 13 I rOFNIis FEATHEn.f.r-sl. j jAJVyvi very low, in any qua. ri y t 1 i l 13 I I'Urchasets, for ca-h, at price fiom 10, 15, 25 a d u - 7 1 30 eeiitvoer pn'nd. I'. I j 111 i 19 ; neiov ma.ie n-'.is. i,iistpt ano 110 os. 1! 1 tt or M it is i' s. M.i-s i'o , ami oil 11 Ki-, s 1 soil i.nv -lie lies.lsteH is, n.fv .ys on - He'- r.i,'...! II lir and New OiU.-.ns M.iha b ,, pound. Also: h'.',e or single ltlankeis, M ireil'c n,,;t,. r 11 1 , . f .I . iJiiUt", Co.nfor ables snJ Be heads of nil .W ,;.. QO- "V ,,le.cb jnu'wil flI1J it tJ.eir sd vantage to r ,.. . , . 0 t""'ie puirluliig. FIN LEY At 1:0, s- P .-.irner of Sreond and Walnol uU. Phdad. Mjrch 23d, 1814. 3in ' 56 95 67 U 90 56 08 84 40 94 32 60 13 80 0 Public Sale. 'PHE subscriber off rs for sde S put of his farm, A cunt doing about thiity acres mom or le-s, silu sled 011 li e Ho lowing liuu, about & miles Mow Sunhury, adjoiiiing binds of Abraham Lytic, Hen ry Malioh and others, on which are ericud saw mill and clover mill. N. U. If the pippeny is not sold before, it will lie etpo-ed for sale, al public vendue, on the I61H of April next, 011 the pumiacs. The terms uf sale ill be leasohable. PETER D L'N K E L b E KG EK. Aogusis, Msich 16, 111. Hi HOTEL. rPIIK subsciiber respectfully informs hi old em tomera, snd tho public gennrnlly, that he In tends to continue In his old s'and, opposito the Court House, in Sunhury, Ndrthtimberhtnd coun ty. Pa., where he is Well prepared to give sntisfac lion to oil who may f.ivor him with (beir custom. Being thankful for past favors, he hopes to receive a continuance of public pitronage. CHARLES D. WHARTON. Sunhury, March 21, 1844. 3t Public Sale. 9,000 Acres of Land. WWTILL, he sold, at public auction, at the house V of Daniel Herb, in Upper Mahonov town ship, Northumberland c.unty, on the 1st Mondiiy of June next, !,000 acres of Timlicr Land, ltuated. chiefly, in Coal township, said county. The Mahonoy creek pns-.es llirnnuli a considerable portion of the property, aflbrdiiiK several excellent mill seats. Tho taxes have ell been ptid up, and sn indisputable title, clear of all incumbrances, w ill be uiven io purrh.isers. Tho Rule will be continued from day to day, until the whole is sold. Tho terms will be mnde kn wn on iho day of s.l. A. JE NRENAUH, 'FE PER HOUSQUKT. Tel.. 10, 18 14 (f 'WM. .Vc VA Y, Agent. (Jj The Poitsville Eoiporinm and Danville In telliceiicer will coi timie the above until forbidden, and i hnrte lhi ollice. For Ilent. THE large and conimo.li.msTA VERX STAND 111 the town of Shamokin, Nor'humheiland co. now occupied by the sub-eii'oer. The above pro perty is situated in the Shamokin Coal Retrinn. For terms, app'y to JACOB KRA.M. f-h imokin. Fell. Kith, 1844. tf. WOLSES.T feTjAlTlTET, Importd mid I ;ilrr In 1 i: G A 11 S, T? U A N D I F. S, G I N, W 1 X E S, &c. No. 21 Commerce St., near Fifth St., c J. WomnT. jr. 5 W?i. A JlKSIT. 5 nnTMrs. sfoahs. Pinet, 1'r.siillion & Co. I Woodville. Rarrnnro. I'cnei Fren s. 1'iiues, Loid llyron .Ifniiarv 20 h. 181 1. 6m II A M s AXn SHOl'LDUKS f,.r ante, rheno, for co.h.by II. U. MASSER. Dec 30th, 184. P. E. T ASTUTE, IlPLtriTl'LLY informs li e public that he I k made Norlhuinherland his place of resi dence, snd is ready 10 attend to any calls in the line of his profession. rjj" He may at all times he found at Mr. James Lee's Motel. Northumherlm.l. Dec. 16th. 1813. If. I'riiiter's Ink. few kege for sale, at a small advnnce for cash, by Dec. 9. H. U. MASSE I!. rORESTVILLE imtss i:k;iit day clocks. 11 E -ulcrilM-r has just received, for sale, a few of the above cclehraicd Eight Day Clocks, which will Vie sold al very reduced prices, for ca-h. Also, fuiwrior 30 hour t 'locks, of tl-e bet mke md j.iMlitv, which will be sold for ra-h, at 4 50. Also, superior Ur;iss 30 hour Clocks, at 8 00. Dec. 2. IMS. H. U. MASSER. I'O.NE W ARE f .r sale. 2'J." Stone Jugs, from I quart to 3 gallons. 50 Stone J.irs. from 2 to 6 gallons. For sale, eap by Oel. 14 11.11. MASSER WILLIAM J. MAHT1X, jLTTCr.lTE-J .T Li.V", STJNBVHY, PA. FFICE. in the building occupied by J. Bloom, on Ma.bel street. Oct. CUt, 1813. AKIIUY X. lKM AI', hat &, cav MA.vr.cTiTni:ns, Siitith llust corner o" Market and th st.s.. iMiilacU'lpIila, 1 ESPECTFCLLY int..rni the public that they will con-l,nit!y keep on houla Urgs assort ment of Hats. Caps and Furs, 10 suit Ihe fall trade, ..f the be-t quality. Hy strict atu-ntion to husi ness. and by selling their stock at Ihe lowest prices, ilu'V fl itter themselves in being able to give entire sitishiction. August 5, 1843 ly f IE nibsrriher w ill sell ell' Ids stork of Reaver, I b'uss.a and lliush Hals, of ihe best quality, at very reduced tiers. Sniibiirv, A ug. 5, 113. II. U. MASSER A 'l liif iliitiK .llut'iilitc fur Sale. riUi: sohserilH-r offers f.r sale a TH ItESlIIN'i I. M.At'HINE, new and in good oid.i. "Fhe Mu.liine hj been tried, and proves to be r,n excel lent one. Il lit be sol J at a reduced i.riie, and price. wi rnnted. Apply to H. P. July 1st, 1SJ3. M.ASSEK. Caliinet-Makiiig l.cw r.slal)tihmtnl.) ..SPEC TFL'LI. Y informs iho cit'sens of r Munbiiry and vicinity, that he has recently . ('iiiiiineneed tho I CAIilM: T-MAKIXG BUSIM.SS, I 111 ;.'. os bisnrhes, in Maikel sucei, Sjnbi.rv, Hu rt, j lately tuf w the post office, where he will be I ready 10 receive ai cl t ircute a'.l rr.lers in the line of bis busines', wilh promptness and despatch, and 111 'he best stylo snd ni.iiiner. His prices will be low, in kccoidanee with the times. Lumber and Couutiv Produce taken in Ei chanue. May 27th 1843. Pin I IT Y FlTliMTntK A VI Tl OX, AND PaiVATB SALES KOOMS, N)s. J9 and 31 North Thiol Street, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. CO. MACKKY, Auctioneer, respectfully in- vites the attention of persons desiious of pur chasing Fumiiuie, to his eltensive Sales K;iomr, (bmli lie snd P.ivate.) for every description or H'.iis. h dd Furniture, win re can be obtained at all limes, a Urne aeortnicnt of fushionable and well manufactured Cibinrl Furniture, Beds, Malliases, &c at very rcdiieed prices, for cish. (t- S..ie hv Auction, twice a wk. May Srih, ls43. ly OAKLEY'S nr.roivrirn sirup. fllTTE valuable properties of Oakley's Depnta. JL tlveSyiupof Snrsaparilla, ss a purifier of ths) blood, is so well known to the public generally, that it is tinrecrifsaty to occupy much spare In ret ting forth the advantages to be derived from its lise whrrever (ho medicine has once been Intro duced, it takes precedence over all others: evriy one that has taken If, have derived so signal hers, ficial results from it, that it is recommended them wilh the u'mnat confidence. Fhysicians nf the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it to patients under their care ; containing nothing; deleterious, but beinn composed of the most mild, yet efficacious vegetable mnlorials.it is offered wi'h confidence, as the cheapest and most rfficipnt pu rifier of tho blood now known. The use of a itrn bottles, especially in the spring months, will le at tended with a most decided improvement in the go ner a I strength of the system, eTa.licaling any seeds of disease that may have been generated, 'bes'il. giving health slid vigor to the body. For tlie cure of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism, Teller, Pimples or eiuptions of the Skin, White Swelling, Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthma, &e. The 1 ti morous certificates in the posessinn of tho sul ?ert her and his agents, from ptfysicians snd others, nre sufficient to convince the most skeptical of its su periority over all preparations of 8 irsiparilla. Sold whnleale and ret nil, bv the propri -b r, GEORfiE W. OAKLEY, North 5lh strett. Rea ding, Reiks County, and to bn had of the following persons : In Northumberland County. H. R. Ms--. Sunhury; behind & Mizel, McEwcnsvillo : D. Krauscr, Milton. In Union County. J. Geathart, Seliiisgrove j A. Gutelius, Miftliiihurg. In Culupibia Cuunty.'R. W. McCay, Wash ington. Rending, March 14, Sf-i. Mn. Oaki.T.t: I believe il the duty of every one In do whatever in their power I tes, for the h"tie. fit of their fellow man, and having had pnspivo proof in mv -own family, of the wonderful properties of your Depnratio Syrup of Sarsnparilla, I m rt conscientiously recommend it to the afflicted. We had the misfortune to lose two of our children, by the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered the face, head and neck, although we had some of tbfl most M-ientinc. physicians to attend tip m and hn l tried all the known remedies, including Kwaims Pfcnacca. without avail. Another of my children was attacked in the simo manner, her face and neck was completely covered; the discharge was SO offensive, anfl the ilisense at such a heieht. that we despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful effects of your Depur.itive Syrup r.l S-.rsnpari'l 1, we were induced to mnke trial nf il. as the lust resort; it acted hke a charm; the u'cers commenced healing Immediately, a f. w bottles entirely restored her to her heullh, which she h:.s enjoyed uninterruptedly ever since. Asa purifier of the blood, I verily be liove it has not i'.s equal. JOHN MOYER, Tailor, Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading Doogl.issville, Aprn 19lh, 1843 Ma. OiKtr.T: My son Edmund Leaf, hnd t"he scrofula in the most dreadful and distressing man ner for three years, dining which time he w,is de prived of the use of his limbs, bis he id and neck were covered ilh ulcers. We tried all the differ ent remedies, hut to no iffect, until recimmended by Dr. Johnson of Noriistown, and bIso Dr. IsaaO Iliester, of Reading, to use your Depurativo Syrup of S.irsaprrrilla, of which! obtained several bottle, the use of which d'ove the diseac cntin ly oirt tif his system, the soro healed np, and the child waft restored to perfect health, which he has enjoyed uninterruptedly ever sinee, to the astonishment of many persons who seen him during his uillictioii, I h.ive thought it my duty, and send you this certi ficate that others who haves like affliction in lha fjtnily may know where to obtain so valuable a medicine. Your trulv. AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept.! 5, 1813 ly Ink. JOSEPH B. HOVER, Manufacturer of Writing and Iticlejli blo Ink, No. ItH) North Third Stroct, six doors below Race, (east pi.lc,) PHH.ADEI.PHIA, IlESPECTFl LLY informs country nierch.r:s k and others, that ho constantly keeps on h.r.4 a large stock of bis superior Illack, Blue Mid R Iik. it ml also a superior quality of Iiub'lhbro 1 k. His ink is put up in bottles varying m sir's, fi. rn I to 3'J ounces, and will be sold on reasonable terms. 'Hie et eel 'ent qualities of this -it has so tboTouuhly cstiibli-hcd its charne'er, tr.t it is i.u cxtiTisivi fy used throughout thu country. For sale at the store of H. F. Maer. S tilts bury. Pa. Mav 27ih, 1 k 1 .t. ly CHAliLKS X. ISKOINS, ATTORNEY Arr IiAW. SONBUr.Y, pA. 7 IT'S AS taken the office oi,i,eilv orcUpi.il bv ti e H a Hon. Chailes t'.. H. . , ..j.j.osiie ttie t. nrt H-.usf. He will aiter .,1 pi business in tT.e V lots of NorvViumhcila'.d, ljniou and ('o!umbi.i coun us. May gfu.li, x t;i, .'ouiilfi-IVItriV DEATH BLOW. rP'ne public will plearo observe lhat no Brand eth - Pills are genuit-e, unb5 the I ox has three li bels upon it, (tho top, the si.'o and the bolt :n each rontiiinuu a fjc simile signature of my li nd writing, lints 15. PaiMniirTH, M. D.'I'lies, la bel-aie engraved on i.lcel, beiiiililully desisr.i-d. and done at sn expense of over U,0n0. Then foe it w ill be te en tbut ihe only thing lieres-iry to ro cure tlio medicine in iis purity, is to obseive t!.V'e iuhels. Komenibcr the top, the side, and the bott m. The following respective persons are duly sul. ri ted, and hold CERTICATES Or AGENCY, For the sale of Urandreih's Vegrtatn't L'nivcrsul J'lls. Norlhunibeilard rnutitv : Milton M u-key A; Chamheilm. Sunhury II. H. M.isser. M'Ewens ville Inland oV Meivi II. .oiibuiii' eiland NYiv Forsyth, t Jeorgetow n - J. A J. W ills. Union Cjunty: .New Uerhn llogar oV AVip ter. Selinsgrove (ieorge (iundium. Mid 'le burg Isiac Smith, licavertown- Hsvid Hit' le: Adjin-bnig Wm. J. May. Milllinsburc Mrni'i oV Kv. Hattlelon Daniel Long. Freebtir U. A. F. C. Mover. Lewihhiirg Walls A. fiie. i Columbia county : Danville E. U. Keyt.ol.' cV Co. Berwick Shuman Ac K Henhouse, I 'a t.iwit.a ('. ti. Brohts. Bloornsburg John b Moyer. Jeisey Town Levi Hisel. Washin 'o Hobt. McCay. Lime.loiie--llalli. h Mc.Nl rh. Ohseive lhat each Agent has an Engraved t'ei ifieate of Agencv, containing a reprem'iitalion i Ur UKANDltETH'S Manufaclory al Sing S.m anj upon which will also be seen esact cop:.. . ihe iu lubeli new ustd upon the brandrtth Pit Boxes. Philadelphia, office N'o. 8, North 8ih street. B. UKA.NDKETH.M.D. Juue?lth,l613.