11 III 1 II A It XOTI LIST. rEWSlXVAHIA. The following list shows the current value of nil Pennsylvania Bank Notes. The most implicit re ience may I placed upon It. as it 1 every ueek Mrefully compared with ted corrceicJ Horn Bi.k sell's Reporter. Hunks In riilladrlpliln. Kr. Location Time, Pmilah. NOTES AT PAR. Bank of North America Bank of the Northern Liberties Commercial Bunk of Peon's. . Farmers' anJ Mechanics Bank par par par pnr pit pnr pnr pnr par pnr par Kensington Bank Philadelphia Bank , Schuylkill Bank Sonthwnrk Bank , . Western Bank . , Mechanics' Bank . , Manufacturer' cV Mechanics' Bank Country ItnukH. Bank of Theater County Westchester par par par par par pnr par Bank of Delaware County Hank of Germantown Bank of Montgomery Co. Ooylestown Bank Ramon Uank Farmrra' Bank of Burks CO. OlHre of Bank of Prim'a. OiTice do do Office do do Office do do Chester Germantown Norrisrown Diij Icatown Fusion Bristol Harrisburg"! These Lancaster I nllices I, Reading Easton do not issue n. NOTES AT Batik of the United States DISCOi; N T. ' Philadelphia a2G par 7a8 par par U Uank of Pcnn Township Girard Bank . Mnynmensing Bunk Bank of Pennsylvania Miners' Bank of Pottsville Bank of Lewistown Uank of Middletown Bank of Nnrthumhmlnnd Columbia Bank & Dridge co. Pottsville Lcwistown Middletown Northumberland par Columbia Carlisle Uank Exchange Bank Do do branch of Farmers' Bank of Lancaster Lancaster County Bank Farmers' Bank of Reading Harrishurg Bank Lancaster Bank Lebanon Bank Merchants' & Manuf. Bank Bank of PiltKburg West Branch B.mk Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank lierks County Bank Office of Bank of U. S. Do do do Do do do Kensington Sav. Tns. A Carlisle Pittsburg Hollidayshurg Lancaster Lancaster Reading Harrisburg Lancaster Lebanon Pittsburg Pittsbuig Williamsport Wilkcsharre Allcntown Reading Pittsburg failed do brie New Brighton do do Chamhcrsburg do Penn Township Sav. lus. Unnk of Chamliersburg Bank of Gettysburg Bank of Susquehanna Co. Erie Bank Farmers' & Drovers' Bank Franklin Batik H nirmUle Bunk Moiiongabrla Dank of B. Vork Bank i i 27am) 3 2J33 '1 M 14 (lettysburg Montrose Erie W nyneshurg Washington Honesdale Brownsville York N. B, The notes of those banks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a da eh ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those w hich have a letter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed Schuvlkill Sav. Ins. do failed Manual Labor Bank (T. W- Dyott, prop.) failed Powanda Bank Towanda Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bedford Bunk of Beaver Beaver Dank of Swatara H arrishurg Bank of Washington Washington Centre Bank Belli fonts City Bank Pittislmig Farmers' & Mech'ca' Bank Pittsburg Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bank Fayette co. Farmers' cV Mech'csXBank ireencastle Harmony Instituto Harmony Huntingdon Bank Huntingdon iuniata Bank Lewistown Lumbermen's Bank Warren Northern Bank of Pa. Dundaff no sale closed cloted failed closed no sale failed failed failed no sale no sale no sale failed no sale New Hope Del. Bridge Co. New Hope Northumb'd Union Col. Bk. Milton North Western Ba-ik of Pa. Mcadville Office of Schuylkill Bank Port Carbon Pa. A r. & Manuf. Bank Carlisle Silver Lake Bank Montrose Union Bank of Prnn'a. I'niontown closed no sale closed failed closed failed closed Westmoreland Bank Greenshurg Wilkesborre Bridge Co, Wilkeaharre no sale fXj- All notes purporting lo be on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given in the above Hot, may be set down as frauds. KEIV JERSEY. Bank of New Brunswick Belvidere Bank Burlington l Bank Commercial Bank Cumberland Bank Farmers' Bi.nk Brunswick failed i par par Belvidere Medford Perth Ainboy Bridgeton Mount Holly Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Railway Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk N. Biunswirk failed Farmers' and Men hauls' Bk Middletown PL j r rauKun uank o: i. j. Jersey L Ky failed rioioti Ukgcit turning K,o Jluuoken faibd failed failed failed i failed 1 par lersey City Bank Jersey City Mechanics' Bank Manufacturers' Bank Morris County Bank Monmouth Bk of N. J. Mechanics' Bank Mechanics and Manuf. Bk Mortis Canal and Bkg Co Post Note Newark Bkg & Ins Co New Hope Del Bridgr Co Patterson Belleville Morristown Freehold Newark Trenton Jersey City Ncwsik no sle Lambertsville N. J. Manuluc. si.d Bkg Co Hoboken failed failed i N J Prolccton & Lombard Ik Jersey City Orange Bixik Orange Paterson Bank Patcrson Peoples' Bank do failed Princeton Bank Princeton 8km Banking Co tSulcm Stale Bank Newark cilate Bank Elixabethtewn Hiate Bank Camden Slate Bank of Morris M jrristown Bute Bunk Trenton Kalem and Philad Manuf Co Salem Sussex Bank Newton Trenton Banking Co Trenton Union Bsiik Dever Washington Banking Co. Haikensack BkofWilmit Brandy winv Wilmington Bank of Delaware Wilmington Bank of Smyrna Smyrna Do branch Miliord Farmers' Bk of Slate of Del Dover Do branch Wilmington Do brarven Ceotgetimn Do branch Newcastle Union Bank WiluitUm ff L'twier S's par par par failed failed failed rj- On all hanks maiki d thus () there are rs tl.er eoiinterlcii r altered netts of the var.ous tie bomiua'Jbr.s, tu cinulaUMi. L01TC-LE"2"3 fJrcnt Western Indian Panacea, Compounded entirely of Vegetable Substances ; Free from Calomel and all other Mineral. For the history of this medicine, and us unrivalled and truly surprising lucre? and popular iiy, see large bills IT Is recommended as a general cathartic for family use in dyspepsia and all bilious disea ses, it is invHlunble for Asthma it is considered a specific, no case having yet occurred which it has faibd to cure for common colds, imflammatory diseases, rheumatism, aflectiona of ihe liver, dtc. snd for females, it is a safe and excellent remedy. CERTIFICATE, From Dr. Silas West , of Bmghamptan, N. Y. Mr. Lnnglcy Dear 8ir : I have Used your Grpat Wesdrn Indian Panacea in ray family, mid have repeatedly prescribed it for patients under my care, and am satisfied that it is always a safe, and in very manv cases nn invaluable medicine. Il niwratea ss a l. xstive without nausea, or pain ; and while it ef fectually obviate costiveners acts upon the stomach and liver as an alterative, correcting acidity, and re storing the healthy condition of those organ. Very respectfully vonrs. 8. WEST. For sale by JOHN W. FRILING. Sunhurv, JACOB BRIGHT Northumberland. May aOlh. 1843. 1y J. D. Waters, I ESPECTFU I LY informs the citircn- of the iVirough of Northumberland, and its vicinity, that he has commenced Ihe Tailoring llutsiiicss, in a'l iis various branches, in the shop formerly occupied by Henry S. Thomn, ilireetlv oppoKite Forsvth's store. As he receives the New York and Philadelphia Fashions quarterly, he in enabled to do all jobs entrusted to him, alter the neatest and latest style, snd upon theshoitest notice. Northumberland, Ap.il 22d, 1843. 1 y Dr. .. J. JL ISSKH "RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sun ' bury and its vicinity, that he has t.iken the office formerly occupied by Dr. John Peal, where he will be happy to receive calls in Ihe line of his profession. April 22d, 1P43. Daniel Yarick, BLACKSMITH, BEOS leave to inform the citizens of Sunl uiy and its vicinity, thai he has commenced the IiLAOKSMITllIXG BUSINESS, in Maiket Mreet, Sunbury, east of J.'hn Bogar's store, and directly opposite the post office, where he intends to carry on Ihe busine in all its various branches, including, Turning, Making Mill hunt and Eliplie Springs, Ironing Carriage!, with Ex tension or Standing tops, Sharing lltrrtes, c. Order w ill be promptly end punctually atlended to, and work done cheap, for cash or country pro duce. fXj Horse Shoeing done at $1 per sett. Sunbury, April 15th, 1843. ly. Boot & S ho MZ-lTOFACTCrr. e iW n r f i 1 1 I r v i n , "n ESPECI FULLY informs his frbnds and JL, !) customers, that he hit removed his BOOT$-SHOE ESTABLISHMENT to the frame building adj. lining his dwelling house, lie i ween thst and Dr. D. T.Tiites' office, a few doors west of his old estal bshmi nt, in Maiket street, where he intends to carry on the above business extensively, in all its various branehts. Being thankful for past f.ivors, he hc esby strict attention to business and liberal charges, to give general satisfaction ; and that he will continue to re ceive a lilveral share of public patronage. April 8th. 1843. MERCHANTS HOUSE, A'o. 237, Xorth Third, abuvr CulloxcUll St., PHILADELPHIA. JOHN DUNCAN, late from the Pennsylvn nia Farmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., late of A- mirican Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, lake pleasure in ac quainling their friends and the public generabv that iney nave taken the largs anil commodious Hotl. recently built by the Mi ssrs H-rt.on the same site once oeropied by the old established Hotel known ss Hie Uull s Head, in Third stieet above Callow hill si. This Hotel is finished in the very ''est posnible manner, ami of the best materials. lis loeat on is very desirable, particularly for country m retinitis ; the arrangements for heaiir.g and ventilating eacli room is such as to secure any temperature. The bfdioomsare all light arid airy, all furnished in a neat style, so as to insure tomfort. I be receiving parlors are also fun .ished in a su perb style, the windows are on the French s'yle. forming an Entrance to a balcony in front, whiib makes a tileasant recess. Pnrttculai attention has Iteen given to the beds and bidding, which, with the furniture, are entirely new. r rom years experience in hMcl luisinesa, we trust, by strict assiduity tc. business, to make tht house a desirable striuiinii i.l.tce. Our table will elwnys t supplied with the very best our market can afford, and our bar with Ihe best liquors and wines ol the most approved brands. P. S. There are first rale stsbhna and carriage houses attained to the hotel, atKiided by canfnt and snt-er nostiers. and our etiarpes will be low, in i i accordance with tie present haid times. Philadelphia, Oct. 7lh, 1842. UNION HOTEL, General Stage Office,') IOJBC "ttJ lral COZ TST LYCOMmO COUNTY, I'ciuiitjliaiila. flHE Hohscriber resiecifully informa his friend X and tin Hibltc n general, that he haa taken the above LARGE AND COMMODIOUS HOTEL, fiar IN THE BOROUGH O F M II N C Y, par par and that he is now well prepare to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom. par His SLfctrias AriKTsmaTS ue well sued, and par par par pr par par comfortable. HiTBLSK!t Bta will aUsys he alpli with the Wsi the maiket can allord. His Stsslibo, which is aud, will Vi under the charge of good and carelul hostlers. He feels confident, by strict attention Is fusinos. snd an earnest desire lo render c mfortable thnas who may patronise hiin,ihat he will not fail to give genrrsl s.tisfa.tion. II. B. WEAVEIt. i Muury, Oct. 1st, 1843. If. The Int tnrthrtd for the Alxtlition of Disease ii to cleanse and purify the Body. WIUKIIT'S IKDIAN VEfjr.TAHEE riLLS OF TIIR Vrffc Jlmerlcan College of ttraVh, Are now acknowledged lo be the best Medicine in the World for the cure of EVERY VARIETY OF DISEASE. REOAUSE ihey completely rlcanse ihe sto mseh anil bowels from lh se b ilious and cor rupt humors which are the cause not only of Headache. Giddiness, Palpitation of the Heirt, Pa'ns In the Bones. Rheumatism snd Gmii, but every malady incident lo man. SAID INDIAN VEUETAB! E PILT.H are sc. rain cure for in teimittcnt, icmiili d, nervous, infl-imstivy snd putrid Fevers breinse ihey clennsp ihe p.idv frem those moibtd hemois. which, hen confined to the eitcu bition. are the cause of all kind of FK VEKS. So, also, n hen the snme impurity is deposited on Ihe membisne and muscle, ciininp pdns. inflinis tiona and swellings called UHEUM ATISM, f!OI'T, rVr. Wright's Tndtnn Vegetal le Pills mny be relied r as alwavs rrtnin 'o give ri lief, snd if persevered iib, necnidlng lo direction wdl mosl iissiitedly, and without fail, mske a fierfecl eu e of ihe above pn'mfi l n studies. From three In six nf said Indian Vigeinb'e Pills l iken evi ry night go it g lo bed. will n a shoit time so foinjdetely rid Ihe body from every thing, thai is opposed b heallh, thai Bhpiimntism, (!ool. and pii" nf every i'ecrip. lion, will be l;t. rnllv DUIVE.V FHOM THE BO DY. For Ihe a me reason, w hen, Irnm sudden changes of n'n.o-pbete. or any olber cause, the per. sphation incleckid. and ihe humors uh'ch should pis i f" bv lh" skin are itirown inwardly, cnusuig HEADACHE. OIDDI.N K.ss. nausea and si. k nrg. pain in ihe boin s, wn'ciy and it flameil eyes, sore throat, hoarsene-s, congl s, eonsutn lion-, rheumatic pains in various parts of the body, and mnnynthir svmpioms of CATCHING COLD, Wright's Indian Yi gel aide Villa will invariably give immedi te ri lief. From llitee to six nf said Pit's Inkrn eery night on going lo bed, will in a abort time, not only remove all ihe above uii lens int symptoms, but ihe body w II, in a short time, be restored lo even sounder leal h if nn In-fore. j ASTHMA, on DIFFICULTY nF IlliEATII- ! IN(J. Wright's hid an Ytgetnble Pills will loos en snd eary nlT, by ihe stomach and bowi is. thoRe lough phbgniy humor--, which slop up all the air cells ol the lungs, snd are the cause, not only of ihe above di'trcssing complaint, but when neglected, often terminates in thai mo eibesdfol malady ca'leil CONSUMPTION. It shon'd be also ten emhf red that Wright's Indian Yr"-elallr Pills are a certain cute for PAIN IN THE SIDE. ippres-ion, nan sen. and sickness, lo-s nf appetite, costivenrsa. a yellow tinge of ihe ikin si d eyes, snd i very other symptom i f a ti-rpul or t!snscil slate of the liver; ecnuse Ihiy purge from Ihe body those impurities hu ll if b posited upon this important org in, sre ill- can e of ecry variety if LIVEK COM PLAINT. When a nation is emit u'sed ly riol-, ouibre.iks snd nbellion. the only mean of prevent. nig the dreadful consequences nf a CI IL W AIJ. is to expel all traitors, and evil d sposid mies from Ihe country. In like manner, hen pain or sick ness of any kind, iudii ate that ihe hodv is strug gling wilb ilitir id foes, the ln- remedy is lo EX PEL ALL MOKIIi'D IIUMOCs, (Tiaiiois to benlih and ffc.) Health trill he the errlain retail. That tl.e pimi iple of curing di-ease, by cleansing and pmiftii g ihe hody, is Finetly in accord mce with Ihe tans which govern Ihe annual tennomy; nd if properly earned mil by the Use of ihe a''ove named WHIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, will ceilaiuly result In the complete Abo lion of Di-euse ; we ofler Ihe lolloiting testimoni als, fmrn pirs.n of the highest re-iieciability in New Yoik, who have leeentiy been euted of the n.ost obstitiate complaints, solely by the use of WmnitVa Ismv Vfoktshlk Pills, of the Surth Amtriean Cvlhge of lleaith Jotic. L. I., JuneO'h. 1841. Doctor Wil'iarn Wright Dear Sir It is with grct saii-fai'timi I inform you of ,ny hating been ntirelv cored of Iivspepsia. of live tears standing. hv the use ol your I s in 5 Vduitahi s Pills. Previmi' to mee'ing wi'h your celehtaltd nvdi- cine, I bud been under Ihe hands of several Physi cists, and had tried raiious medicines; but all to no effect. After uii g one 25 cent box of tour Pills, howrver, I experienced so much benefit, ibsl I resolvidto pt-rscvete in the use of Ihem accotding lodireetioi s, vtbii b I sin hapv lo stale, b s resnlt- I in a in ifi 1 1 cure. Ingratitude to you fot li e grenl I inefil I hate receiteil, and also in the hope thai othi is similarly smieleil niHV be indui ed lo m .ke trial nf your extraordinary medicine, I send you this stulctmnt With lull hbeity to publish the same, if yon Ibink proper. ouis. Ve. New ,.ik, June 19, 1841. G.C. II LACK. Mr. Bichnrd Der.nis, agent for Wright's Indian Vegetable PlIN. Dear Sir I have been afllic'ed for seera years wib inward weakness and general debility, ac-oni panied at limes it oh pains in the side and other listressu g coniplainis. A ft' I having tried various niri'ieines t'li.n I It. ei. I was ersu ule.l ly a liteinl lo rimke trial cf Dr. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pdls, which I am happy to stale, have relieved me s most wonderful manner. I have used the me dicine, ss yet but a sboit time, and have nodoubl, by a perscternnce in the u-e nf Ihe medici te accor ding lo directions, ih l I shall in a short time be peitic'ly re-loied. I most willingly rernnimi nd said rdls to nil per sons sinnlsriy Httlieteil. ami m he lull lieliel llial Ihe s une beneficial u su Ismll fo.w their use, I re main jouis sinccicly. IIKNIiY A. FOOTK. vv atwaisiug, I Isier co. IN. i. Nt w Yf NK, Sept. 20. 1841. Tilts is to certify llisl I have used Waiiiirr'a Iiv VintTsHl.K I'ltis with ihe greatest bene fit : bat ing en' ire It cured nivself of lie frequi lit at tacks of iSn k Headache, In w hit It I had previously U. n subject. ANN M A I! I. A Tllo.M Pst )N . :tH2 Orecnwich s'net. N. i. To Mr. Iticbard Dennis, Agent tor Wnght's In dian Vegelablt' I'ills. .1 f VI .V. As there are at Ibis lime ninny wicked persons bnsdy enraged in selling a Counterfeit medicine un lit r the iiume ol the Indiun Vegetable Pills and aa these despiTale nun are s utterly reiklesa of eon supieiices, that many valuable lives may be lost in consequence nf using their dreadful compounds, hit pubbe are cautioned against purcha-ing any Pilla. unless on the tides of the boxes the following wording is found 1 Y BIGHT'S INDI AN VEGETABLE PILLS. Indian j'uroire.) 01 THE JIORTII AMsaiCAR COLLkGB OV BIALTB. And alse to be especially careful against purcha sing aaid medicine of any petsou except the regu lar advertised agenia. A (JEWS FOR A OA' Til UMB BR LA AD CO, Ptnnsyhania. H. B. Masser, Sunl-ury Wm. Forsyth, Nor ihnirihr iliind Jueoli Haas, Shamokin Samuel Herb, Mhhonoy lit erly Ac D. Haas, Autusia 'I boinsa Folliner, Milion Ireland tV. Meixell, McLwensville E S, Pjer, lurbutsville James leei!, 1'ollsgrote II. Klase, ctnvderslott n II. H. Ki.cebel, P. M.. El)sburg P. O. Wm. Lei-enrinp, P M Union t'orner. Olhce snd (Senersl Depot fur the sale of Wright's Indian Yegeiable Pills, Wholesale snd Ken.il, No. 109 KACE STREET. PHILADEL PHIA, May Jl, 1843. ly HOSE OINT1V1ENT, FOR TETTKU. RINOWOIIMS, PtMPt.Fn ON THK FACR, AND OTIIF.lt ClITANKOt'N mt'fTIONSJ. CO- "',e fallowing eertifica'e desrribes one of the most extraordinary eitrti ever effected by any application. PNitADEtrnti, February 10, 1838. TOtt twenty years I was severely afflicted with - TiTTtn on the Face and Head) the disease commenced hen I was seventeen years old, and continued until the Pall of 1836, varying in vio lence, but without ever disappearing. During most of the time, grent part of my fuce was covered with the eruption, frequently attended with vio'etil itch ing; my bead swel'ed at limes until it felt na if it would buret the swelling was so g est. thai I could scarcely get my hal on. During the long period that I was afflicted wi'h ihe disease, I used a great many a plication, (among them several celebrated preparations) as w II taking inward renr-dics, including a number of hollies of Siraim's Panacea. Extract if Sarsapurilln, tie. In fact, it would lie impiusilde to enumeiate all the medicines I used. I was also under Ihe c ire of two of the must dis tinguished physicians of this city, but without re ceiving much benefit, snd I despaired of ever being cored. In the fill of I S:tR, the disease at ihe time being very violent, I commerced using the Ruse Ointment, (prepared by Vnughan cV. Davis.) In a few applications Ihe violent itching eened, the swelling aha'ed, ihe 1 million began to disippear, and before I had nsid ajar the ill -esse wn entirely ctucd. Il has now lien near'y a yiar and a half since, and there is not a vesttgi" of Ihe disease re maining, except the senrs from the deep pils formed by the disease. Il is imp' ssihle for me to descril e in a erriificnle the seventy of ihe disease snd my siilf. ring, bill I will be p!e sed to give a fuller nc coiml to any person wauling further satisfaction, who will c.ill on inc. Al Ihe lime I commenced using Ihe R.'se Ointment I would have giten hint (beds nf diVlais to bo rid of the disease. Since ri sing it, I have recommended it to several ersons, (among ihem my mother, who had ihe disease bad ly oil her amt.) who w. re a I cured bv il. J AMES DUKNELL, No. IMS, Pace St. Cj" The Hose Ointment is piepared by E. U. Vnujban. S.iti h East corner of Third and Pace site, is, Philadelphia, and sold on ngency in Sunbu ry. by H. B. MASTER, May 1 4th. 1813. Agent. Itof Oiiitmciit, for Ti-llcr. A PROOF OF ITS EFFICACY. I'hii ni i.t'tii. May 2?li, 1H3!. rT',HIS js to certify il ni I was etrrely afll e'ed iili Tetter in the hands iind f et for upwards of forty J eats ; lh disease n as attended generally with viu'i nt itching and swelling. I applied to a iiomhirof 1 htsici 'tis, and used a great many appli es ions wilhoiit elTeciing a cure. Alnut a y r since, I applied lie Rose Ointment, which entirely stopped ihe nch ni:. and a few application immedi. ati ly curul the disease, w inch there has In en no return of, slthougli I bad never been rid of il at any time for fmty years. RICH ARD S.AV.AI.E, Eleventh, below Spmee Sneel. rj The Rose Ointment is prepared bv E. B. Vatighan. S mih East cornet of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and S"ld on agency in Sunhu- y .l.y H.B. MASSFR. May 14lh. 1813. Agr.t. mEDicAii ArrnouATiON Of Ihr ROSE Ol.TME.T,for Titter. LTHOUGH the snperiorily of ihe preparation over nil others is folly es sldi-hed, the pr 'pr e tors Inks ph asure in laying before ihe public ihe following certificate from a respectable physician, a graduate of the University nf Pen list Ivania. Dr. Baiigb, having found in ibis temrdy that relief f ir a tedious and disagri ea'de affection which ihe means wiihin the range of bis profession failed to afford, has not hesiiatid lo give il bis spprohalion, although the prejudices and interests of that profession aie ppused to secret Remedies. PiiiiAiiiLeun, Sept. 19, lR3f. I was recently troubbd with a tedious herpelic eruption, whiih coteted rn arlv one sn'e nfmy f.ice, and exiei.ded over ihe ear. Mr. Vuuf;han, proprie Im of the Rose Oiiitinent, obseiving my face, insis ted on mv tiying his preparation, nf which he han ded me a j.ir. Although in common wilh the mem bets of my profession, I discountenance and disap prove ol ihe numerous nostrums palmed upon the public by ignoianl pri tenders, I feel in justice bound loexcipl the Rose Oii.tmint limn that c'a- of me dicines, and In give it inv approbation, us il etuiie ly lured the eruption, although it b id resisted the Usual applications. DANE BAUGH, M. D. fj" The Rose Ointment is piepared by E B. Vaugliau, Sonlh East corner nl Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on sgi ncv in Sun buiy, by 11. B. MASSER. May2Di'. IS 13. Agent. J. MAYLANDJR Sc CO. iSiiull' ami Tobacco Munutacltirers, So. 09 Sorlh Ytstcortn r of Race and Third Struts PHILADELPHIA. THE nnder-igned have formed a Co-partnership under the firm of J. M.XYLAN H Jw. & Co.. as successors to ihe late firm of Jncuh Atayland A Co., snd will c inliniie ihe business at the old esta blishment, on their own account. In addition in their own close attention and experience fot many years, in the manufacture nf their cefehrated sniifT-, Ac ihe long experience of the senior pattner of the late firm, will also be devoted to ihe interest nf ihe new concern and as no exertion arid care w ill l e spared to insure their goods, al all times of ihe ve tv lesi quality, Ihey solicit a continuance nf the confidence of Ihe. lueiuls and customers of the late firm. Tllo.M AS AD A MS, J. M.AYL.XND, J. Philadelphia, May Mill, 1HI3. ly EAGLE :n:n cxx in:- ebtj , Corner nf Third and Yme Struts, WILLIAMSrORT, PA. rilHE snfscril-er r speetfultv announces to the 1 puwic. thai be Ins onened a Hotel in Ihe com minimus brick building situate on ihe coiner of I hud and Pine streets, where be w ill be happy to mail up n those who 1n.1v favor him wiPi their company. I lie l. igle Hotel is la'ge and Content em, and furnished ir. the be-l m 'dein sl le. 1 1 provided wilt) a huge mnnlier of well aired and coinlorl.ilile sleeping apartments, rooms, private parlors, Ac. Peisoua visiting A illiamsport on bu- sinesa or pleasure, may rest as-ured that every ex erlion will le used to render their sojourn at ihe "Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. His Table will tie supplied with the very hi al the market af fords, and his bar wiih the cl oicest wines and other liquors ihargea resouable. The Eagle Hotel possesses greater advantages in point of location than any other similar establishment in ihe borough being situste in ihe business parr of the town, snd wiihin a convenient distance nf the Court House and Wilbamsport snd Elinira Rail Road Depot. Sufficient Siabling provided, and good and liusty ostlers always in attendance. Attentive, accon. misdating and honest Servants hate been rmsloted. and nothing left undone that will add to the comfort and accommodation of his guests. There will be a carriage always in attendance at the Boat Landing to convey passengers lo and from the House, tree of charge. CHARLES BORROWS Msv 14ih. IMS. tf 1 --' J-a. . 1. '...j i H. B. 1TAGGEPs, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 6TJITBTJHY, PA. Business attended lo in Ihe (bounties of Nor thumberland, Union. Lveoming and Columbia. nrs t a TnaKA Hast oV Co., I.owrn cV BAtinoif, Hart, Ccmmikos dc Hawt, yPhtlad. Kitivotns. McFAHLAan dr. Co. SrnRta-0, Goon cV Co., To Country MERCHANTS. rTMiE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon cV Harris, Hat - Manuf.icliirers, for New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other large cities, wl oso Hats sre highly commended fir joon coin and durnhility, has O'l band a first rale assortment of HATS ami CA PS, suitable f,,r Soring a ile, wh'ch will l e sold very low, fot cash ot anninvs.l credit, al the nr7er cheap stare, tin. 40, North Third a'revl, orpjsi'c the l.ily Hotel, t'liili 'elphis. ROBERT D. WILKINSON. A'cnt. N. n. Orders for Hats in therotiV promptly attended lo. Th highest rice in tash or trade given fjr Far iliin. J'biladelphis, June II, lS13.--1y A LI. persona indebted to the firm nf l.von A Hairs, under the agency of o. N. Thscher, Hilt and Cap Manufacturers, No. 40 North Third, street. Philadelphia, are requested to make immedi' al settlement of ih ir accounts with the subscriber, Ihiir legally niithnrired agent, who is folly empow. eied lo settle and collect tlie accounts of said firm. ROBERT D. WILKINSON. June 4th, 1842. If Agent. GOLDEN SWAN No. ti'J North Third, above Arch Strut, PHILADELPHIA. ACCOM MOn.M IO FOR Kr.VF.NTV TFR0OMS. pHARLES WEISS, hue n the -While Swan," and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in forms his friends and customers, thai be has liecome the proprietor of the abov udl know n Hotel. Country Meichants will f nd the above Hotel a central I. ration, and the best nf fare. Persons tra velling with private conveyance will find a laige yard and good stabling for horses, and the best of ostleis. Hoarding f 1 pcrdv. May 14ih.lf.42. if. virC. ::eiliait & sc., f t a al - .-f' C'oiiiiiiis.inii iV I'tirwanlini; iMcrrlinnts, Foot of W illow Strict Rail Road, OtT THK 1'fI.A WAttE, TTAVING assnclalid v i h them Joseph Ramet, bite of Easton, P i,, n snectfiilly inform their friends ami the public generally, that they havt la kn lh -t large and we I known store and wharf al font nf Willow Street Railroad, l.ilely iM-copie I by Jacob Martin, where they purpose doing a Gemini I 'I'lnmission and Forwarding Business, and font the local advnn'aues of ihe place being count rled with ll the public improvement that have their outlet in the cilv, they flatter themselves ihey will be uhle to do business to as great, if not g eater ad vantage, and ii 1 mi 11 as reasonable terms as any other house, and Ihey assuie their friends that any con signments made lo them shall have tin ir strict at tention, snd no exertions spared to give entiie aatis faction. Tiny are al) prepared lo receive and forward goods lo any point on the Delaware and Leh'gh rivers, between Maucb Chunk, Eaton and Phda 'el bis, via Delaw are Divisi, 11 and Lehigh Can .Is; also. In anv point en the Juniata river, or Nor h nod Wtat Blanches of the Nn-rjm h.mna via Schnjl. kill and Union, or the Chesapeake and Tide WatPi Cana's. For ihe accommodation of Bonis coming or go ing via Schuvlkill and Union Canals, a Ste.ml'oat will be kepi expressly for towing hosts from ihe Si huvlklH around lo the Delaware and hack, which will en .hie merchants to hate their produce deli vered 011 the De'aware, and their goods sl.ipud nt a saving ol Al) to 75 per cent. 00 the prices fir hauling acoss, with tin se advantages they re spectfully solicit a shate of palr-nace. W. HEILMAN St CO. William Heilman, ) William W. Ki vser, oscph B .rnel. 3 Philad . May 11, 1813. Jy BOLTON & CO. C;rnrrtil ninnUlii 31orf linnlsi, Fur the Sale if lluur, I! nun. Sad, c, e. 2 RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and . ihe Merchants generally, thai they hate la- ken those large and commodious Wharvis, wilh two Docks, notth of Chesnut street, on the Delaware, together with Ihe store No. 19 South Wharves, where they nt nuld be pleased to receive consign ments of Grain, Flour, Seed, Whiskey, Iron. Ac, Ac. Being also well prepared to forward all kinds of Merchandise by the Schuvlkill and Union, or by the Chesapeake and Thte Water Canals, as tow boats are kept expressly fot the purpose of towing boats by el her route. Merchants will ple ise be particular lo send their goods destined by either canals, to No, 19 South W Imrves, between Market ami t hesnut sin e's, on ihe Delaware, w ith directions accompanying I he 111 which route ihey wish Ihem to lie shipped. cr Plaster and S.1I1 for sale, at the lowest mar ket price. BOLTON cV Co. March 19. 1843. No. 19 South V halves. itOItr.IlT AH I I K & SOX, FAPSIl MANUFACTUBEHS, Lombard Stmt, Ilalttntorc, HAVE Coiisiuiilly for sale. Pruning Paper of ah sires and qualities, Cap Writing Paper, ruhd and plain, l.eiler Paper, white snd blue, ruled and plain, Hanging Paper, fine and common, Envelope Palter, do. do. nieibum, douh'e ciuwu, crown and exua sired Wrapping Papers, Colored Medium and Royal Papers, lloiinet. Binders and Snaw IJ111 Boards, Tissue Paper, and all url cles in their I ne, which they will sell on sccoiumodaiiug terms. Highest price given for old rags. ROBERT CARTER A SON, March 19, 1843. Elkion. Md AN anie'e unequalled for cleaning arid giving a highly durable and most brilliant polish to sil ver, German Silver, Brass, Copper, Brillania ware, Tin, Suel, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre 011 varnished carriages, Ac. THY IT. Prepared and sold at wholesale and retail, by ihe Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego, Tioga county, N. Y. WM. FORSYTH, Agent lor Northum'd, II. B. MASSER, Agent for Sunbury. November 20th, 1842. ri.TKIl DEWEKS, LAST MAKER, No. 74 C'allowhill Street, Philadeliihia C Three doors above Second. J SHOE Findings always kept on hand, which he offers for sale on the lowest terms. Country IMeich tnls are particularly to ctll and judge for themselves. Philidelj hn, Wovemser 13, IB4. Iy. G. V. & L. B. TATLOP.. OFFER FOR SALE, st tha South East Cor ner of Fifth and Market Streets, Philadcl. phia Mena' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted. do do do pegged do do do do water proof, double solos and double uppers. do Calf-skin do do do nailed and uppers. do Heavy Water Leather Boots. do do Neata do do. do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skim do do do C rockers dd do Fine Monroes warranted do Kip do do do Calf do do do Coarse do do do do Shoes do do Fine do Jrl do Kip do do do Cairand Seal Skin Puinpg. do List Socks with and without soles; do Carpet do do ,10 do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasins Ladies' do do do do Ladiis' lanned India Rubber shoes. Getillemens do Over shoes. XVi'h every other desc iplion of boots and shoes. Fur Caps of every description. Travell ng Trunks of every description. Venetian Travelling Baga. Patent Gum Elastic Shoe Blacking. Bonnels nf all kinds. Palm Lenf Hats. Philadelphia. Nieiember 13, I s1 '2. t y. Q X ET EILs sa OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NKW KNCLANI) OIL COMPANY. No. a Norn, Water Street, l'liila. MANUFACTLTSER-S and dealers in Oils of every description both for burning ami J manufacturing purposes, which will be sold much I lower than Ihey can 1 procured elsewhere, and j warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any , oil sold by the company not proving as represented, may nc reiurneit without airy expense to the pur chaser, and (be money will be refunded. Their stock now in store consists of the following oils, vi : 30,000 gallons Winter Bleached SpeinT . Oil, a- 3 cooo 15.0110 10.00(1 20.1100 fiOOl) 15.H00 do do Coloiless Oil. do Fall and Spring Sperm Oil, do Winter Sen Elephant, do do Pressed Whale Oil, do Summer do do do do Common Whale Oil. 200 Barrels superior Sirs s Oil, Sort do Cod Bank Oil, fiO do Neais Font Oil, 75 Casks Olive Oil, Tanner's III. rJjThis Company has a number of Vessels' en gaged in the CimI Fndu tv, and Tatitwrs may rely upon getting nt nil tones Oil as pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. I.I, ISI2. ly. Mic'liiit'l Weaver & oii, BOPE MAKERS c SHIP CHANDLERS. A'o. 13 iY.iri Water Street. I'hiludtlphia. H AVE constantly on band, a genenl assort B H mint or Cnrdngv, Seine Twines. &c, vi?.: I sr'd Ropes Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, Manil la Ropes, Tow Lilies Tor ('anal llonts. Also, a complete assortment nf Seine Tw ines, Ac, such as Hemp Shad ami Herring Twine, Best Patent Gill Net Twine, Cotton ad ami Herring Twice, Shoe Threads, Ac, Ac. Also, Bit! Cotds, Plough Lines, Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac. all of which they will dispose of on reasonable let ms, Phil.ide'phia, NovemWr 13, IS42. ly. Jiuob Ii iKiuutli & .Son. T ESPECTFULLV informs their friends and acquaintances pe lemily that they still con tinue to keep at the old stand. No. 246 North 3d street. Philadelphia, nil tints of TOBACCO SM fF AKP SECARS. Which Ihey will sell in the mjl. accommodating and leasotia le terms. N. B. All goods sold will be guat intend and ull orders prompts ttteiuled to. Philadelphia, Ncvenitiet 13, 1812. ly. SPiTvINC, GOOD v-c 10. No. 1,'JS Market Street, Pliilatleljiliia. 8NVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their exiensite assortment of Brilirh French and American Dry Goods, w hich they idler for sale on the ni'i-l reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1842. ly. J. W. SWAIN, Umbrella and Parasol Manufacturer. A'o. 37 Month Thud street, two doors belnlu tht Citti Until, Philad hihtu. c OUNTRt Merchants and others sre solicited to examine bis assoiti.ietit before purchasing elsewhere Philadelphia. Novend-er II, '.82. ly. JJOk. -DC- jJaVff ir CPs GALS. fTOR sale a small Farm, containing about one hundred and ten sens, more or les, situate in Point township. Nonhuml erlaud cnuntv, about j two miles above Noithumlieil md, on the msin road leading from that place lo Danville, adjoining lands of John l.eghou, Jesse C. Horion and others, now in the occupancy of Samuel Payne. About forty acres of said tract are clean d, and in good statf of cu'livaiion, on which there is s small barn creel' d. The property will be sold on ri asonablo teims. For further particulars, peisons sre request ed lo spply to the sul scrilur. H. B. MASSER, Agent, Nov. 27ih. 1842. if Sunbury. Pa. Inn mil 111 oct. lo. 'syn sj 223 nii 02 , N1'J ION'S Classical Dieiionary; l.emprier's do.; Ainsworth's do ; ('obb's do English snd (eimaii do.; Anthou'a Cesar; Anlhou'a (irammert Autheii'a Ciceio; Mail's Laiiu Reader; Opill y'sdo.; Andiew'a Latin Lessons; Dolinegan's Lexicon; Fisk's (ire' k Exercises; Davies's Legendei; Graces Majors; Adams's Roman Antiquities; Pinnock's Goldsmith's England; do. Greece; 1. jell's Elements of Geology; Mis. Lincoln's Botanyl Elements of Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Rhetorics! Res ders; Emerson's Geography and History; Olney's do ; Parley's do.; Smith's Grsmmer; Kirkham's do.; Kst's Readers; Cold 'a do. Cobb's Arirhmeiirk Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spelling Books; 1'own's do.; Cobb's Tsble Books; Evangelical Fa mily Library; Cottage Bible-; Family do; Collater al do Small Biblea and Testaments; Parker's Ex ercises on Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; Baxter's S lint's Rest American Revolution; Mariyatl'a Nc vels; Mrs. Phelps on Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism of American Laws; Letters on Natural Magic; Che mistry for Beginners; English Exercises sdapled lo Murray's Grammer, Sequel to Comley's Spelling Book; American Class Book; Daholl'a Schoolmas ter's Assistant; A great variety of Blank Books, dec August 28, 1842. BLANKS rOH SALEAT THIS OFHCC A I