Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, April 06, 1844, Image 3

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    Corrtpondence of the Philadelphia Ledger.
Washington, March 30, 18-11.
Mr. Calhoun, as I wrote you in hast by yes
terday's mail, arrived here on Friday, at a few
minutes before three o'clock. General Duff
Green had gone down to Alexandria to meet him,
and drove up with him. Mr. C. put up at Fuller'a
whance he aoon after departed to dine with the
South Carolina Delegation, at Mr. McDufne's.
t never aw Mr. Calhoun look in better health,
fcnd it must have afforded him great pleasure to
be so warmly greeted wherever lie showed him
self in public, 1 do not believe there it a man
living who enjoys the confidence of the Ameri
can people, incliidingthepolitieiansonbothsides,
in a more eminent degree than Mr. Calhoun.
The city has been graced by the arrival of o
bout one hundred mail contractors, from all parts
of the Union. They, to-day, waited in a body
on the President, and were exceedingly kindly
Sir Richard Packenham and General Almonte,
the Mexican Minister, are very intimate with
one another. Their friendship may date back
from Sir Richard's official station in Mexico.
I understand that the Delegation from Missou
ri, the other day, waited on Senutor Ponton, who
is said to have now come to the resolution soon
publicly to record his npinien favorable to the
annexation of Texas. Several gentlemen (not
politicians) whom I have conversed with h-tely,
from New Orlcaens, represent the public feeling
throughout the Southern States strongly in favor
of immediate annexation, and the case, as far as
the people are concerned, already decided.
Mr. Merrick's Hill has been made the order of
the day yesterday, and will continue so for pro
bably the better part of next week. The amend
ment I spoke of, in reference to the advertise
ment of letters, will be offered on Monday or
The amendment proposed by Mr. Simmons, to
extend the first five cents postage from 100 to
.'150 miles, will not pass, us this would reduce the
revenue of the post office byond what was con
templated in the bill.
Yesterday's paragraph in the Madisonian, stig
matizing a high functionary with treachery to
the President, refers to Attorney-General Nel
Fon. I state this merely to prevent misconstruc
tion, and not with any view of retailing scandal.
The efforts to oust Mr. Curtis from the Col
lectorship of New York, are, I am creditably in
formed to-day, not likely to succeed. The Pre
sident seems to be decidedly opposed to it. Mr.
Curtis' brother has been here and obtained a re
spite. The President was slightly indisposed a day
or two since, but has peifectly recovered.
A Lf.ttkk from Mit. CAtrtin n. .1. C. C&1
lioun has written a letter to a committee, since
liis appointment, of which the following extract
Will be read with interest :
"Tie pending negotiations, which I have been
unanimously called upon to take charge of, have
tiever been exceeded in their importance by any
since that which so honorably terminated the
We war. f run scarcely Irepo tint t shall be a
Me to terminate, by any effort 1 can make, the
duties which I have to perforin, with the same
vtnanirnily w ith which I have been called on to
vndertake them. 1 shall, however, omit no ex
ertions to preserve that high and general confi
dence which has led to my appointment, and
should deeply deplore, should it be my misfor
tune to have it impaired in any degree. Put as
greatly as I should regret it, I shall not be de
terred from doing what 1 may honestly believe
to be right, even by that sacrifice. My duty and
my country shall be my guides, and I shall faith
fully follow them, lead where they may.
"It is well known that I am the advocate of
peace peace with all, and especially with that
great country from which we draw our origin,
and of whose renown we may well be proud.
There are no other two countries which can do
more harm to each other, or confer greater be
nefits, the one on the other. Put as highly as I
value peace, I hold it subordinate to the honor
and just rights of the country: whilst on the fl
itter hand, no consideration shall induce me to
sacrifice the peace of the country by claiming
more, in the discharge of my duty, than I shall
honestly believe that the honor ami rights of the
country demand. Her trite honor and interests
consist, according to my conception, in claiming
nothing but what is just and right, and in accep
ting nothing that is not."
Decease ov a Cheat Max. The venerable
Peter S. Duponceau, a native of France, but a ci
tizen of the United States, and for a long se
ries of years an inhabitant of this city, departed
this life early on Monday morning, at the advan
ced age of eighty-four. The deceased was one
of the most learned and distinguished civilians and
linguists of the present day, his works being u
niversally quoted throughout all Europe, besides
being extensively translated into every conti
nental language of any importance. In addition
to hi literary scientific labors, he held the most
distinguished stations in the scientific and legal
institutions of this country, and he contributed
greatly to the advancement of the same, and the
cause of learning in connection therewith.
A Rieler On Thursday last, the stern of
the steam frigate Princeton was raised by putting
weight upon her bow, and on examining her
propellor, there was found over one hundred feet
of hawaer which had been reeled on it. It will
be recollected at the time she attempted to tow
the brigCaraccas down the Delaware, the haw
ser of the brig broke and the vessels became de
tached, when the rope in question was no doubt
drawn upon it. The speed of the steamer has
been impeded since, which induced the examina
tion to be mads. The hawser of the Caraccas,
was a new one, and cost, as we understand, one,
hundred and fifty or two hundred dolors ..Mi7.
From the N. Y. Sunday Mercury.
My life is like a wreath of smoke,
That curls awhile in air,
And then dissolves in nothingness,
And is no longer there ;
But when that smoke is past and gone,
The playful breeze still dances on;
And so, when life with me is o'er
The world will wag as't did before.
My life is like a dish of milk
Within a baby's lap j
'Tis held awhile In careless mood,
Then down it tumbles slap ;
And spills itself upon the floor,
To fill the empty dish no more ;
And tears are shed o'er what is spilt
But none will weep when I am kdt.
Brickmakimu Machine. Two citiicns of
Troy, N. Y., have obtained a patent (or a ma
chine of their invention, intended for pressing
bricks. This machine is simple in construc
tion, easily operated, of preat power, and capa
ble of pressing from 8000 to 10,000 bricks per
o'ay with the service of one man nnd two boys.
The midline usually employed for the same
purpose requires the services of five men and
can turn out but from lOOOto 1500 bricks dai
ly. It will be evident that the new machine
is labor-saving to a remarkable deprce.
Offieeof the Baltimobs Amf-kican, April I.
GRAIN. Yery little wheat arriving. We
quote good to best reds at 102 a 10 cents, want
ed. Sales of white com to-day at 4 t a .I.! cts
and of yellow at IS cts. A sale of 1200 bushels
Pennsylvania yellow at 48 cents. We quote
oats at 26 a 28 cts. according to quality.
WHISKEY. The market is almost entirely
bare ut this moment. The last sales of hhds.
were at 22 cts. and of bbls. at 23 cts. Holders
ofbbls. now ask CD J cts.
EritpsT on Fam-iwo Sickjikss. John M.
Hamcr, living at Fiankfrd, in the Siate of Peon
vlvanit, for a period of 12yar has been n (Dieted
wiih this terrilile disease. He has as many as two
or thiee fits month, and toward the last ha I be
come almost inrapnble of ittending to business.
Four or fie months have now passed since he
comnnnced using Dr. f)r irdeih's Vegetable Cni Pills, and nlthnugh he was having 6 s very
fr quent and with increased violence, yet, tin re
us'ng the Pills, he hss had only two fits all winter.
He continues to take the Pills und attends to his
business feels assured that nothing is wanting
hut a perseverance in the use of them to effect a
perfect cure.
Pur base of II, B Master, Sunt'ury, or of
the agents, published in anothrr part of this p iper.
Corrected weekly by Henry Yuxtheimer.
Wrkat, 85
Rte, -50
Cohn, 40
Oats, ...... 25
I'ohk, - - . s . 5
Flatskkd, 100
IIUTTEIt, ..... 10
Bckswax, .... 35
Tallow, . 10
Dili I II A PPLCS, lb
Do. Pkachcs, . 200
FlAX, k . .8
Hkcklkh Flax, 10
Euo, .... . 0
A ri i; nii.jt si iim;mt
To the art entitled ".An Art relating to coun
ty rati and levies and township rati and
levies,'" passed the Li day t.J April, ISM.
Si.cTina t. Do it enacled by thn Smate an 1
House of Representative of tlio Commonwealth
nf I'enns) Ivai i i, in General As embly met, and it
is hereby enacted by the authority of ihu fame,
that it shall be die duty of the Supervisors of the
highways of every tnunship an I lor'ueh in ti e
counties of Schuylkill, Northumberland, and Cat.
bon, annually to select one of their number, or ap
point some suitable inhabitant of the town-hip or
borough, to be collector of the Roid taxes levied
or assessed for such township or borough, whirh
Supervisor oi other person appointed collector, as
aforesaid, rhnll give In. nil with two or more sullh ient
securities, to be approved bv the Tnwnsbip ol II.
rough Auditors, and deposited with them, wbieh
s.iiii bond shall l in the name of rui-h township
or boiouch, and ihe condition thereof shall be
sueh collector shall well and truly collect and pav
uvci to ihe Township or Borough Treasurer, it one
1mj elected or appointed, arid if not, then to the Su
pervisors, or account for, according to law, the
whole amount of the Use charged and assessed in
the duplicate, delivered to such collector; l'rin)idd:
That r.othing herein contained h .11 be construed
to prevent all prisons ratej for road tiles from
woiking out their respective taxes in the miuner
now provided by law.
Suction 2. That it shall and emy he lawful for
ihe electors of ever Township and Borough, in ;l,e
counties of Schuylkill and NnithumberLiud annu
ally, at the time and pi ice nf electing Suprrv rs,
t'i elect Township or Borough Ticauer, who shall
gie such bond and perform such duties and be
subject to lbs like penalties, as r provided f r in
(lie ninety fifth, ninety sixth, ninety' aeteush a .d
ninety eighth rt on o art of the fi te. n h April,
one thousand eight hundred and thirty four, n
titled "An act relat:ng to Counties and Townships
and County nd Township officers."
Section 6, That so far as any lw as is hereby
al'ered or si'pplied, be, and the same is hereby re
SicatTABt's Orrtcx.
I certify that the shove and foregoing is a true co
py of section 1, t, end 6 of Ih original act. p
pioied the liih day of Match, 1844, as the tame
remains filed in this office.
rW Witness my hand, and the seal of
C "Jsaid cftice at Harri.burg, the Uib day
L. S. W March, A. D. 1844.
VVVJ Dep. See's Commouwealth,
March 23J, 1S44.
Jacob Servcy's ltute.
NOTICE is hereby given, that letters of Ad
ministrulion upon said eslaie have been gian
led to the subscriber. All persons having el nun
gainst s.iid rstuU-, srs requested lo present them
A" ex,Vinintion and settlement, Those indebud
will please tasks immediate psyment.
Jsckson township, Mtch S3, 15H 3t
Treasurer's Sale.
A GHEE ABLY to sn act of the general asem
A bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
pa-sed the 13lh of March, IS 16, and the supple
ment thereto, entitled an set directing the mode of
selling unsealed lands for taxes and other purpose,
will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House
In Ihe Borough of Hunhurv, on the second Tues
day In June next, at 10 o'clock, A. M the follow
int; described tracts of Isnd, for arrearages of taxes
due, and the costs accrued on each tract respective
ly, unless previously diseharaed, to wil t
Warrantee Names. Acres. Ta.v
Dering Frederick 80 1 07
Derine: Frederick S 2t
Dunnel Charles 200 1 70
Jones William R 4 fift
J ne William R IB 1 82
Levy Diniel 6.1 6 71
Miller J , hn 74 7 3:1
McPhers .n Samuel 40 2 fit
Rankin John 207J 22 r,!i
Rye sn John 30 1 10
Rankin Rh. ad 1MJ A 41
Smith Dr. 77 2 9fi
Smith Dr. 42 111
Webb Abraham 367 30 S2
irirrrriJif'fe Snmet. Acres.
Relterton Renjnniin 3flAj
Barron Jobn jr. 410
Prodie William 20 1 J
IWon William 411 J
Plair William 30(1
Hrady ilium P 4 15 J
Boyd John 105
Cooper Isaac 200
Cooper Mnrtin 100
t'race Joseph 2C0
David J.din 41.1
Friekb' Charles O. SnVj
f!'BfTH.nry IfiJ
Oardner Wi I'nm P 4 12 J
0. r.lner Archibald 411
Cast n J.ime 61
Ha'l William 3i'0
Hnddinot James 3H1
JaksonDivid 412)
Jones Ann fil
Kintx'ng Abraham 4.1n
Lake Richard 4" I J
1. vy Arm 200
Market John 227
Me tn.r J I) 50
Notiuntt J.unes 333
Piatt J hn Stfl 471
Solomom Myer 300
24 12
18 20
21 2
16 68
21 45
3 51
11 .16
ft 72
14 01
21 40
17 32
9 10
21 55
22 15
1 66
17 04
18 5.1
25 01
2 40
21 48
22 90
7 76
15 48
6 45
11 14
16 04
10 r.i
44 51
7.1 20
36 38
41 61
35 88
21 51
4 CS
5 88
15 io
22 84
31 22
31 81
12 df.
18 75
21 32
31 36
34 36
17 38
52 15
ft 05
26 55
20 23
8 76
18 09
Warrnnli e. Sames.
An'ia Fre Vtirk
Antis Henry
Adams Wtllism
Adams Thoiti is
Adams Robert
Mr njiijnoi Daniel
Ilower ('hrisiian
Drown Nnt'-aniel
Ilailey John N
Dlark Wil'iam C
Bright JC"b
Button Ssmuel
Beiterton Bcnj imin
Ilogar Jobn
Couserl James
Camplain Kolert
CampNiii Tiiomna
Conk Jobn
I'owilrn J hn
Davison Mary
Deri"g Charles
D. ring (Thsrles
Eliott Willi. in
Foster Thomas
tonkins Thomas
33 1
4M) .
1 IB
4 12 j
1 53 i
361 j
38 S7
35 17
39 46
9 !ft
49 31
67 tli)
22 19
21 57
22 67
8 88
34 64
26 IN
16 01
5 81
2 25
31 69
14 31
31 03
44 '.4
23 49
32 82
61 Efi
44 85
14 23
G'eer James
Greer Thomas
tass Jneob
Giay R.i'-ert
( Wiibarrt
(anl PbO'iias
(ijrilner Arehib dd jr.
Gardner Arebibald senr.
Meiri.k Philip
Hufl" I'.insnuel
H is-encleuer Mary
Hepburn J nl.-s
(loach William
HolT e Ab alum
Hamilton Thomas
Hunter A hi inihr
Hepburn James
Hamilton I bonus
Hunrr Alpunniler
Himnielreirh Henry
Himmelreicli Henry
Jenkins James
Joril-n A'es inder
Kimmil Samm-I
Kk hi Giorge W
Kncgl.haum John ft Henry Reed
I.onnpfell Frederick
Mannini; R cbaid
.M.inis. n W ilium
Mover Henry
Mcl.'eura's Andrew
Martin J -bn G
6 49
12 71
31 3.1
14 16
31 45
45 SI
30 31
43 83
31 24
18 92
11 13
13 48
3 60
19 4.1
42 36
15 69
19 14
13 92
15 13
1ft 13
15 13
15 13
15 11
6 87
25 fi t
3'i 04
28 19
19 Dl
T 10
St 19
4 02
44 90
21 63
47 94
T 87
17 93
6 56
22 95
8 87
28 V
15 90
15 i6
169 68
30 84
ft 4(1
6 94
14 32
17 CO
37 13
20 80
16 80
Mirk ley Edwurd O
Martin John G
Mtit Ge r;e
Myera Mary
P.ttcha d Wlllism
Prince (ienree
Prire J ihn U
Price lohu U
Ri cs I) inirl
Rua'ou Ch irlotle
Reynolds J Oin
Kiiston Thomas
liu.ton Maty
Kim. n M-ity
Shannon illlant
Solmnn Hielia'd
Shubi r Andrew
St- ph nson
Siar Meirirk
Stiei ts Geotite
Scolt Abraham
Scott ramnel
Shiader Henry
Scott Samuel
Scott Samuel
Siefrb d S imuel
Taps: ill John
Trickle Cbaa O
Walker Lewi
Wilson William
Waitcra Godfrey
Wrise Jirob jr
Young Benjunin Pr
Yunf Jobn, Merchant
Young Ueniie'.'.n f
Youne Sai;luel
Yuxihtimer Henry
Yoi'hrimer Henry
Yni heiiner Hsniy
Z'mmcrman M jlhias
Zeigler hue
Warranlct Names. Arret.
Kinley Catherine 405
Lake Richard 415)
Reed John So
Seott Abraham 343
Tsylor William 67
Wilson John 204
6 69
12 40
I 22
3 98
31 53
Warrantee Names. Acres. Tax.
Plain John 200 2 08
Gardner William P 409 1ft 89
Hunter James 426s 12 77
Mall Charles 417 11 10
Ki.ld John 377 J 11 32
Kidd John 312 9 37
I. von Joseph 80 3 82
Lake R chard 408 12 22
Petery Perer 145 10 88
RirhteJnhn 305 II T3
Rees Thnmng 519 1 1 117
Rifenvne Vslenllne 21 4
Reed Leonard 71 7
l!..ker 64 G
R mkina Rhoad If,? 5
Smith J .hn Dr 56
Smith John Dr 151 3
Smi h John Dr 84 1
Warranter. Ainrit, A errs. Tax.
Benetton Ber.Jimin 425 10 .'7
Reis l Samuel 83 6 20
Rtiset Oaniel TIS 30
Hei-et .tdhn o9 4 39
Smith JiiooS 115 8 66
Thornbury John & Wm. Grsy 29 2 15
Treasurer' Ortvio, T;er,rrcr.
Match 30th, IS 14. 5
Hoot $ Shoe
li ti. it it o s t o r s
KTI TOCI.D inform their friend' and the puM e
gem rally, that they have commenced the
above business in nil it vnriotla llinches, in llie
shop lately occupied by Xivb-r Eurjirl n a watch
maker shop, rt of the Re. I Lion Hotel, in Market
stte t. Sunbu y. where tbey are prepared to exe
cute all crrdiix m ll.sir line, wiih
They hope, by .Irict attention tobu-iness, mode
rate charges, and the iHiiuhiliiy of tin it woik, to
mciit and receive a share, of the public p .tmuage.
Sunbu y, March 30 h. 1844. ly
i)X ())() POUNDS FEATHKR. for ale
)VVv very v, jn any quaoii v to sirl
putrhasersv for cash, at prices from 1(1, 15, 25 and
30 cent per pound.
Ready made He.ts. Holsters and PinSw, Curb ,1
Hair MatiraS'S, Mo-s do, and other kinds to suit
any .ize Ilra 'siea 's, atw .ys nn hind. Curled
Hair and New Oilcans Mors by the hale or single
pound. Alsoi
R'ai Vets, M irseil'es Quilts, Comfor ables ami
Bei'slead. of nil deseript'ons.
Country Mercbarua will find Ka tilt tr ad
vantsge lo cull befoie purchasine.
S. E. corner of Second and Walnut sts. Pbilad
Msrch 23d, 1814. 3m
Public Sale.
rPIIE suhcrdier off rs for ade a p ot of his farm,
-- cent dninij about thirty acies more or le.s, situ
ated on the Ho I. twins Run, about 5 nil.-s lietow
Sunburv, adjoining limls of Abraham I.ytle. Hens
ry Malieh and others, on which are rncud a saw
mill and clover mill.
N. B. If the proper. y ia not sold lef re, it will
le epo-eil Tor rale, at piihlje ven 'ne, on Ihe 16li
of April neit, on the picmia. s. Tho terms of sale
will be reasohsble.
Augii(a. Mrrh 16. 1814. .It
IJ O It trial in the Court of ("oiomon Pleas ofNor-thumi-erlsnd
County, at Apiil Teim 1814,
romtneneuig the first MoniJsV.
Incoh Shi'i
v John 'out
Stephen Wilson
Samuel K fr-r
Com'th of Penn'a for
D Vanva'l.ih
John Griflin's adin'x
J acob I,e ser sr
Enoch II -wcr's rx'r
vs F A Kraeht
vs James Deaid
s John Pri- k
Vs Samuel T Burrows
Vs i Sc. K M Davison
Vs John Knorr
John H r"!anigaii's gunrJiKii vs tt'm 1, llou-el
Wm K Drown
Vs Peer Bii'l eu
John A I.lnjd
Bank of Notlhumh M
Eli Brobst
RolM'it Miner's adm'r
Doniel Ursutifiam
vs Relecea WrIU
VS Ptul (Jed.lea ifctj
vs S Si R McKee
vs W dliam Hililer et al
Vs John Cowd-n'a n'r
vs .Inhn 11 Mi ler
('hrisiian I'hi'ips
J scp! i Houshendoblcr Ac vs Packet et dimming'
Datid Watson
Vs Patrivlt Monlaoua
Dr Robert I'liitlns (
Jonas Kelchner a n'r
Abraham Strub
Eve Lfg Ac
Charles f Miaflte
W II Mi ler
The Cm'ih or Pema
M illion Hsinlin
(Jonr d llsver
1st e Davi
J'Weph Bomgardmr
i ne Pi nny
Daniel Hill
J V S. Wiecer Set
John HS'dtogjr
Mary Seller
Ai.ibew Sinick
John Fiirinau et si
Masters rV Mnihurs
Th-hin lloff
Mi had Evut
J icob ll .inl oM
Anthony Watson
Susitthah Znrbfl
P.ter llaMy et al
John C Hojd
F l.rlirns
Huh Uell.i.&e
Thomas Thatcher
3 Wot
vs M'Carlee fit, Purdy
v John I'eal et at
Vs Jonathan Ada es
Vs Nicholas Lone 'a sdm'r
vs John T Mathi ,( el .1
vs W H Frymire el
vs Felix M surer et sl
vs John iMird'eman
vs Ch irles Cr.ig
vs J hn Hud I
Va J .hh Bower
Vs John MotrSy
va H irrlel Jenkins
Vs Jae.idi Men, li's ex't
vs HavM Garner
vs W II Sanderson
vs A Kis-inij. i's ex'r
vs D. J W I'eal
Vk 1 1 i n ' V t''orii.v!t
v.i Aiien-ius Moey cl al
vs Mrs J ti II Nourae
vs fsamtii-l Bell
vs Willi on Siiii.i I
vs Wdliam Mi linn ess
vs Jo! n M. II nistl
Vs John A I.tovJ
John (!. (iricr ft n
vs Richard liens'- aa
Vs R F .sely ,. .1
Vs Willie , McCsy
J'''iin llii'iimel
Br-.r.n Sl Brosiua
Reed for Murray
k 1...U. I . . .-.-..-j
. J ." ' si vi c I'acln.pp
JJC .h W Su.-.n v JoMih Wei,tJ
Oeorgn Vnnce T A 0illlneoii'a sl8
J".es Banc's sdm'r va Peier Snyder
Prothnntar's office, I'toth'y,
Sunbury, Match fl 1844.
F.talc ol'J.i. Ist'iiioii,jr.Iec'4l
TJO I'lCE is hereby giv n, to all persons having
11 i la ins or demand sgainal tlio estate of said
deceased, to inuke Idem known lo the stibli-iibi-r,
and all persons indebted to come foiward and set
ile the sains without delay. JOHN NIXON.
Point township, Milch 2, 1811.-61. AJui'i.
THE slibsciilier reepectfully informs his old cus
tomers, and the public generally, tlinl he in
tends to continue in his old s and, opposite the
Court House, in Sunbnty, Northumberland Coun
ty, P., where he is well prepared to give sat is dic
tion to all who may fjvor him with their custom.
Being thankful for past favors, he hopes to receive
a continuance of public patronage.'
Sunbury, March 2d, 1844. 3t
Public Sale.
0,000 Acres of Land.
WILL be sold, si public auction, at the house
of Daniel Herb, in Upper Mahnnov town
ship, Northumberland dunty, on the 1st Mond.iy
of June nett,
0,000 acres of Timber fsniid,
shunted, chiefly, in Coal township, said cotmtv.
The Mahonoy creek pases through a considerable
p irtioft if the proierty, affording several excellent
mill seats. The taxes have all been p.iid up, and
an indisputable title, clear of all incambrances, will
be given lo purchasers. The sale will be continued
from day to day, until the whole is sold.
The terms will be made known on the day of
sde. A. JE NHE AUD,
Feb. 10, 1844 tf WM. McCAY, Agent.
CCj" Th PottSville Emporium srrd Danville tn
lelhtieiircr will continue the above until forbidden,
arid rharjjo this office.
For Rent
THE large and commodious TAVERN STAND
in the town of Shamokin, Northumberland co,
now occupied by ihe ub-ciiber. The above pro
perty is situated in tire Shamokin Coal Region
For terms. appy to JACOB KItAM.
Shimokin. Fob. loth, 1844 if.
Importers niul Ic:ilrr In
SUGARS, n U A N D I Ti S, G I N,
W I N E S, &c.
No. 01 Cortimerce near Fifth St.,
C. J. WotBsnT.jr.7 '
Wm. A. JstiasT. )
an!rtvs, sroins.
Pinel, 'sstillion & Co. Woodville. BarYmeO.
Pcrnet Freres. Ugues. Luid Byrott
Jsnuary 20 h. 1844. 6m
A MS akn SHOULDERS for sale. cVap, Tor
cash, by H. B. MASSER.
D.c 30th, 1841.
p EPECTFi;LLY informs the public that he
' has rnnihj Northumberlaml his plnce of resi
dence, and is resdy to attend to any calls in the
tine of bis profession.
fry He may at afi times be found at Mr. James
Leis Hotel.
North'jmhrrbini. Dee. 1 6th. 1843. tf.
Printer's Ink.
A few kegc for sale, at a small advnnee for cash,
by Dec. 9. H. B. MASSER.
1IU.4SS TIGHT DAY tl.t lt.. -rfHE
subscriber has just received, for sale, a few
JL of the above celebrated Eight Day Clocks,
which will be sold at very reduced prices, for cah.
Also, superior 30 hour Clocks, of U-e 1est mnke
and rpiality, which will be aold for ca-h. at $1 50.
Also, superior Brass 30 hour dorks, at f8 00.
Dec. 2, 143. H. B. MASSER.
TONE WAKE for sale.
O 2-.5 8tne Jugs, from I ijuart to 3 gallons,
5() Stone Jjis, from 2 to 6 eallons. For sale,
cheap, by Oct. 14 H. B. MASSEW.
suzYBtrziv. r A.
FFlCE. in the building occupied by J. B loom,
on Market street.
Oct. 21st, 1843.
Amiuv & RoajAPj
ijuuih East corner of Market and hh Sis..
T ESPECTFULL Y iiilorm the public that they
will constantly keep on hnd a largs assort
ment or Hat. Capaand Furs, to suit the fall trade,
of l'ie bet quality. By strict attention to busi
o. ss, and by selling their stock at the lowest prices,
they flatter themselves in bring able to give entire
satisfaction. August 6, 1843 ly
r'il.l'L subsciiber will sell off hi stock of Bejver,
L Russia and Riush Hats, of the best quality, at
very reduced pticc.
Sunbury. Aub. 5. 1843. H. B. MASSER
A Tliresliinpr .tlachine fur Sale.
fllllE subscriber otTers f.r sale a THRESHING
L MACHINE, new and in good onl.t. the
Mai bine has teen tried, and proves to be an excel
Inn 'one. It w ill be solJ at t reduced p'ice, and
warranted. Apply td H. B. MASSER.
Cabin ct-M ;k i i g
( e iv Va f a ! ih uu n .)
ft ESI'KCTF'JLLY iuf.irms the citizens cf
a. Suiibii-y ul,j vitinily, that ho l.'ss recently
cnm.nclli-j ,)B
in nil its branches, in Market sfrcet, Sunbiov, im
uiidiutely In low the post ntlice, where he will be
rea ly lo receive ai'd execute all ordrrs in the line
of Ins business wuh pronipini ss.snd despatch, and
in the best it Vie and manner. His prices will be
low, in accoidaitce with the times.
ij Lumber snd Country PrmlucU isken in Ex
changS. Msy 27ih 1843 6m
Nos. '20 and 31 North Thiid Streel,
Near the City 11 b t te I,
CC. MACKEY. Aurtioheer. repeclfiil'y in-
vitra ihe attention of person desirous of pur
chasing Pomi'me. 11 hi ettensivu Kdes Rooms,
(tioih public and Pilvnle,) for every descfiplion of
Hon h.dd Fumltule, win re can be nhliined at all
limes, a lurce. sssortment of fashionable Snd Well
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Maltrassrs,
Ac. at very reduced prices, for cash,
(fcjr Sail' bv Auction, twice a week.
Msy S7;h, 113. ly
- I- .J S 1 K!" JMU.lii . ill. J V
DKPirnATiVR si n vp.
IHE vahtable properties of Oakley's Depura
. live Syrup of Snraaparilla, as a purifier of the
blood, is ao well known to the public generally,
that it is unnecessary to occupy much spare in ret
ting forth Ihe advantages to lie derived lYom its
use; wherever the medicine ha once been intro
duced, it take precedence over all others s evety
one that has taken it, have derived so signal bene
ficial results from it, that it is recommended bv
them with tho u'mnst confidence. Physician of
the highest standing in the profession, prescril it
to patients under their care containing nothing
deleterious, but being composed ol the most mil'1,
yet efficacious vegetable materials, it is offered v M
confidence, as the cheapest and most efficient pu
rifier of tho Mood Mow known. The us of a leur
bottles, especially in the spring months, will be st
lended with a rnost decided improvement in the Be.
ncral strength oflhe system, eradicating any sreiU
of disease that may have been generated, bes'-d
giving health and vigor to the body. For the cnr
of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism, Tetter,
Pimples or eruptions of the Skm, White Swclliin-
Fistula, Chronic Couch Asthma, Ate, The rw
meroua certificates in the possession of the suli-eil.
beY and his agents, Trnm physicinns arid others,
sufficient to convince the most skeptical ofitssu
pcriorlty over all preparations of 8 jrsaparilla.
Sold wholesale and rettiil, by the proprietor
CEORC.E V, OAKLEY, North Plh street, Pea.
ding, Beiks County, and to be bad of tho following
pel sons :
In Northumlier'lanjt County. H. B. Mss ?-(
S Anbury t Ireland Sc Mixel, McEwensville ; I).
Krauser, Milton.
In Union CnTtnty. 1. Gearhart, Sclinsgrove j
A. Ciutelius, Mifllinburg.
In Volumbia County, Tl. W. McCay,
Reading, March 14, 1843.
Mn. OiKttT ! I believe ittheuty of every
ono to do whatever in their power I les, for the h-n--fitoftlieir
fellow man, and having had pni'ive)
proof in my own family, or the wonderful propcrtiis
of yrtur Depurai'ivo Syrup of Sarsnpirilla, I m it
conseientiou-ly recommtnd it to the afflicted. Wo
had the misfortune to losu two of our children, bv
thebreskmg out of ulcerous si res thtt covered the
face.hend and ncek, although we bad soma of thrt
most scien'ific physician lo attend th m and ha 1
triru all the known ternTilies. including sfwaims
Panacea, without avail. Another of ny children
was atinckcil in the same manner, her face ur.d
neck was completely covered ; the discharge was so
offensive, and the disease at suTi a beipht. that we
despaired other liTe. Seeing the Wonderful effects
of your Depnr.iiive Syrup r.t S .isaparill 1, we were
induced to fiiaKe trial of it. as the bist T s rt ; it
acted tike a charm ; the. u'cers commenced healing;
immediately, S f w bottle entirely restored her t
her health, which She hs enjoyed inintenupted!y
ever sinrtJ. As a purifier of the bh) d,I veiilv bo
litVe it has not its equal.
JOHN MnYETl, Taihr,
Vatnut street, near Fourth, Reading.
Dotlglassvi'ile, April 1'Olh, 1843.
Ma. 'Oakt.t.t : My son Edmund Leaf, tnS
srrolnln in the most dreadful and distressing "in
ner for three years, dniing which time he fy de
prived of the use cf bis limbs, his head hfd neclc
were covered ith ulcers. We tried all tte differ
ent remedies, but to ho effect, until recommended
by Dr. Johnson of NonUtown, and al-n Dr. Isaao
Hiester, o( Reading, lo use your De-rftretivo Syrup
of Sarsaparilln, of which I obtained several bottles,
the use of which J'ove the disrfs'e out of
his system, the sore healed up, and the child WAS
restored to prifect health, which, ho ban rrjoyed
uninterruptedly ever sinee-.'.o the astoiiishmi nt of
many persons who seen bin., duiing his afiliction.
I have thought it my duty, and send you this certi
ficate that others who liave a like affliction in tho
family may know w'.iere to obtain so valuable a
medicine. Youis truly.
Srpt-. It), IP41 )y
Hover's Ink.
Joseph iT hover,
MantifacttiitT of Vrilin; nnd Indelli
blc Ink-, No. 10(5 North Third ISlrc-ct, six
doors below Hace, (eat fiidi,)
rjfesPECTFl'LLY informs country mercHniaj
k and ntheVs, that he con-tantly keeps on
a large stork of bis superior Black, Blue snd liej
Ink. ar.d also a superior quality of IndelliMe I. I;,
His ink is put up in bettle varying in sie, fi.oit
1 to 32 ounces, and will be sold on reasnnahld
terms. The excellent qualities of this ink has sj
thoromhly established its character, lhat it is novf
extensively used throughout the country.
For sale at the Store of H. B. Masser, Sun-,
bury, Pa. May 27th, 1813. lv
sunbuhv. pa-
AS taken the ntlice forn eily occupied bv the
Hon. ('bailcs (J. Dnnml. ot'imsite the I'.oirt
noise. Me will a He ml to business in tho C mis
of Norihtitnbeiland, Uiaion and Columbia couu i;.
May ;tnh, i84:i.
Piiii pu, he will please observe lhat no Brand'
1 Pi'.is are grntiine, unless the box h-i ihri e
be! upon it, the top, the eiiie and tit holt
erh conlair.ini: a fic- simile signature of my 1. nd
writing, thus B. lta viiatrH, M. 1). Thcs- la.
bel ate rnuraved on steel, tesutifully dcsiiod,
and done at an etpense of over J'J.OUO. Tlier.'f. or
it will be seen thai the onlv thing n'cesaary to n
cure the medicine in its purity, is to ob.etve l!,i-o
iremeri'.ocr the top, toe side, and the bo't no.
The following ie.-peclive jiersons are duly ubkri
red, and h:i!d
cj:xitxcatz:s or AaEircv,
Toi the sale of Hrandmh't Vtg-tiJite
Northumbeilar d coulitv : Milton Mackcy cv
Ch inibeiliu. Sunbury H B. Masser. M'l'.e-.s-ville
tel indiV Meitell. Norihuini eiland m.
Forsyth. (Jevrgclown J. Sl J. Walt.
Union Ciunty: New fe V' n
ler. Selinsgrove Ceorge (iliiiliiim, Ml. I U
burn Isaac Smith. Beavcnowu I'aiitl 1 1 it I lio
Ad inn-bur)! Wm. J. May. Miflbni-bura' Meie'f
St IUv. Harllelon Daniel Long. Freehliri..
U. A. F. C. Mover. I.ewisburg Wall. Al (l,e. 1-
Culumbia county 1 Danville E. II. Key hold.
St Co. Berwick Shuman fc Rtteti house. IV
lawissa C, O. Brohts. Bloomshufp John K.
Meyer. Jeisey Town Levi Biml. Waahirir'ou
Kubt. Mi Cay. Limestone llalllef h MsNd f li,
Chscive lhat each A cent has sn Engravid Ctr
'ificate of Airencv, containing a representation . '
dr BKANDKETH'S Manufactory at Sin
and upon which will also be seen eiart eopi.
the mw labels new ued upon the lirundreth J'i.'i
I'hilidilphis, oflice No. 8, Nonh Sihstieet.
June 24th, 1843.