Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 30, 1844, Image 4

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The fdlowing lift thowa the rurr-nt value of nil
Vnnsvlvmiin Itnnk N.rtf a. The mnt implicit re
ntnee may I placed upon it, a il i r rcry week
.nrefully compared with 01 d corrected fioin Bick
.icll'i Reporter.
Hank In Philadelphia.
N.MF. LolATIO. ,,hiiaj
NOT E S A T r A R.
Rank of North America . .
Rank of the Northern Liberties ,
Commercial Rank of Pciiri'n. . .
Farmers' mid Mechanics' Bauk
Kensine ton Bank
Philadelphia Itnnk
Schuylkill Hunk .
Soulhwark Dank .
Western Rnnk
Mechanics' Hank . .
Manufacturers &, Mechanics' flunk
Country UnnK.
P-.tik of Chester County
Westchester pnr
Dink of Delaware County
It ink of OermBtitnwn
Ihmk of Montgomery Co.
D-.yle?tnwn Rank
Eision Rank
Fanners' Rnnk of Rucks co.
Oilice of Onnk of Petm'a.
Chester par
Gcrmanlown pnr
Nnrris'own par
P i iy 1 1 't own par
Easton par
Bri-tol pnr
Harrisbmg" 1 hoc
Lancaster I offices
Reading J do not
Enslon J issue n.
' Philadelphia 2.raC0
Otfice do do
office do d.
Office do do
Mink of the United Plates
lintik of lVnn Township
Guard Rails
Mnynmciising Dunk
Dunk of Pennsylvania
Miners' Rank of Poltsvillu
Rink of Lewislown
Rank of Middlotoxvn
Hank of Northumberland
Northumberland par
Columbia Bank & Bridge eo. Columbia
Carlisle. Rank Carlisle J
Exchange Rank Pittsburg $
Do do branch of Hollidaysburg J
Farmers' Rank of Lancaster Lancastei j
Lancaster County Rnnk Lancaster j I
Farmers' Rank of Reading Reading
H.irrisburp Bank llarrisburg
Lancaster Rank Lancaster
Lebanon Rank Lebanon
Merchants' & Manuf. Bank Pittsburg of Pittsburg Pittshuig
West Branch Williamsporl
Wyoming Rank Wilkesbarre
Northampton Rink Allenlown
Rciks County Rank Reading
OihVe of Rank of U. S. Pittsburg
Do do do Erie
Do do do New Brighton
Kensington Sav. Ins. A do
Pcnn Township Snv. Ins. do
Hunk of Chambersburg Chambershurg
Rank of Gettysburg Gettysburg
D;mk of Susquehanna Co. Montrose 1
Eric Rank Erin
F iin-.rrs' 4- Drovers' Rank Wayncshurg
Finnklin Bank Washington
ILmcfd.ile Rjnk lloncsdale
M'tnongalteU Bank of D. Brownsville
V'ork Rank York
N. B. The notes of those banks on which we
muil quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) arc not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the
exception of those w hich have a letter of r ference.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia failed
Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed
Schuylkill Sav. In. do filled
Manual Labor Bank (T. W Pyott, prop.) fuiled
I owarida Hank
Alleghany Bank of Pa,
Rank of Beaver of Swatara
Rank of Washington
Centre Bank
City Dank
Farmers' & Merh'es' Rank
Farmers' &, MeehVs' Rank
Farmers' At Mech'csMlank
Ifaimouy Institute
Huntingdon Bank
Juniata Rank
Lumltcrmeu's Hunk
Northern Bank of Pa.
New Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Northiiniu'd Union Col. Bk.
North Western Ra'ik of Pa.
Office of Schuylkill Rank
Pa. Agr. & Munuf. Bank
Silver Like Bunk
Union Bank of IVnu'a.
Westmoreland Bank
Belli foiilo
Fayette co.
Grrencat l!e
no sale
ch ised
no tale
Do bale
Huntingdon no ralo
Lewi-town nos.ilo
Will ll'll
New Hope
Port Caibou
Union tow n
no side
no tale
Wilkcsbarre Bridge Co.
Wilki sbnrre no sale
(jj' All noles purHriing to be on any Pennsyl
vania Bunk not given in llie above lUt, may be set
down as frauds.
xi:m" jcitoix
Rank of New Riunswiik
Rclvideie Rank
Butlingtou Co. Rank
Commeicial Bank
Cuml? Hand Bank
Penh Anihoy
Mount Holly
Fiirmers Bunk
Farmers' and Mechanics' Rk Railway
Farmers' and Mechanic' Ilk N. Biunswick fuiled
Farmers' and Merchant.' Bk Middletown Pt. j
Franklin Bank of M.J. Jersey City failed
Hoboken Llm A. Grsxiug Co Hjhokcn failed
Jersey City B ink Jersey City failed
MrchtiMKs' Bank Patters. Ml failed
Munuf icturi rs' Bank Belleville failed
Morris County Bank Morrislown j
Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freehold failed
Mechanics' Bank Ncwaik 1
Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton put
Morris Caual uud Bkg Co Jersey City
Post Notes no le j
Ncwaik Ukg &- Ins Co Ncwaik i
New Hope Del liridof Go Lamberlsville i (
N. J. Maniifue. and Ukg Co Hoboken failed
N J Froteeton &. Lumbufd bk Jersey t.Mry luiied
Orange Bank Orange j
Vaterson Bank Paterson failed
Ptioplts Bank do i
Princeton Bank Primieton par
8ultm Banking Ct Salem par
State Bilik Newark 1
Stale Batik Lliiahclhtown i
Stauj Bank Canuhii par
Ulatd Bank of Morris Moriistown
State Bank Trenton failed
tSalrm and Philad Manuf Co Sult in failed
Huiwei Bank Ncwmi j
Trenton Banking Co Trenton par
Union Bank Petr j
Washington Banking Co. Ilackruaock failed
ilioingt.m par
Wilininglna par
Smyrna pur
MillorJ par
Dour par
Wiliniu.'tori par
('ei.itr. wo pr
Nettoile par
Wiluuiil.m par
Rank of IVUwarc
Bank of Hn.yrna
Do branch
Farmers' Bk of State i f Del
Do brunch
Do brw, h
Do branih
Union Bark
a t Under S's
Qj On all banks maikid thus () there are 1 1 count! bit oi altiird notes of L vjr.ous ile
iiouioaifur.1, ni circLlsJl.
nnrrn.iTirn syijii.
FIKE vnlnnb'a propeniea of Oakley's Depnra
I live Syr op of fr irsnparilla, as a purifier of the
bl. rod, in so will known t.1 the public genrrnllv,
that il is unneeesuT to rccupv much m-e in set
ting fur'h the advantage to be derived fr.m il
ns'; wherever the medieiee hns once been intrv
(lured, it t.ikes prvrederrc O'er all others: every
one that has taken it, have derived an sittnnl bene resulls from it, thai it is recommended by
them wiih ibo tvmnst roiifidrnee. Physieima of
the hinliet Ftnn'lina in the profession, pieseri'ifl it
to iaiienti under their care , e.inl iinirg noibina
del. terious. but biii or comixised ol the nv at mild,
yet itTic.icion vceelalde mnerials, it is otT. red wbh
cotifulence, as the i-iepet and nm't efl'ieient ni.
rifirr of the blood now known. The use of a few
bottles, especially in the sjirina niontbs. will be at
tended with a most derided improvement in the ce. stnne'h of the syiem, eraibeatir.c anv seed
of disea'-e that ma have been penerstrd, besidi s
givinn health and vie.'r to ihe bod v. For the core
of Scrofula or Kiiibs Kwl, Rhenm'itism. Ti tter,
Pimples or empliniK of the Skin, White Sw llinB,
Fistula, Chronic (7ouah, Ac, The nu
merous ceriifiea'es in the possession of the subscriber-
and his agents, fimo physician and others, are
sufficient to convince the most skeptical of i s su
periority over all preparations of S.irs ipnrilla.
Si ild wholesale: and ret nil, bv the proprietor,
GEOItGK W. OAKLEY, North Sill Hre.t. I!ea
ding, Brrks Conniy, and to U had of the following
persons :
In XirthuH.U'linul Vnunty.. R. Mas',
Sunbury: licland cV Mixel, AlcEensvdle ; 1.
Kramer, Milton.
7i Union Cmmfi. J. Gcnrhart, Scliiifgrove ;
A. Guti litis, Midlinburg.
In Columbia County. U. V. MrCay, Wash
ington. Reading, March 14. 194 3.
Mr. Oakihtj I believe it the dutv of every
one to do whiilever in their power lie", fur the Iviir.
fitoftbcir fellow man, and having had po-i ive
proof in my ow n family, of the W'.lideifnl properties
of your Depurativo Syrup of fearsap 'rilli, I m st
ronseirutinu-ly recommend il to the affiictcd. e
had the mitfurtiine to lose two of our children, by
the brroking out of ulrerous sores that covered tin
face, head and neck, although we hud some !' the
most scientific physicians to nlieml tlvm ami had
tried all the known lemedies. including fwnims'
Panacea, without avail. Another of my children
was attaike.l in the same manner, her face or.d
neck was completely coveritl; ihe d'sehargp w as so
olTensive. ai d the disease at smh a hecht. that we
despaired ol her life, feeing the wonderful eireets
of your llcpi.r.iiive Symp ( S nsnparillt, we were
iniiueid to make trul of it. a the last ri s rl ; it
acted like a charm ; Ihe u'cers cimmenced healina
immediately, a f. w bottles entirely restored her In
her health, whieh she ienjoved nniiiteriU) tedlv
ever since. As a purifier of the blo.'d, I venly be
liivc it hu not its cipml.
Walnut street, near Fouith, Reading.
PoiiglassMlle, April lOlb. 143.
Mm. Oakikt: My son Edmund Leaf, ha I ihe
scrofula in the niost dreadful and dities-ina milli
ner for thne years, dtnini! wlveh time he wis de
privrd of the use of hi liml'. hi he .d and t.cik
wire covered with ulcers. We Iri -d all the dill' r.
cut remedies, but to no (Tict, until recommended
by Dr. Johnson of Nonistown. and lo Dr. Isaac
Hiester, ol Read'u g. to use your Depuralive Symp
of Sarsapnrilbi, of which I ol.tained several Ironies,
the Uric of which d'ove Ihe di'ca-e cniin Iv out of
bis system, the sore healed up, and the child wms
restored to perfect health, which he ha erjoyed
uninterruptedly ever since, to the astonishment of
miny peisons who seen bim du it:g bis nffliction.
I have thought it my duty, and end yitt this ceiti
ficate that olbe.s who havet like affliction in the
f unity nuiy know where to obtain ao valuable a
medicine. Yours tnilv.
Sept. 16, 1943 W
Maniifactmer of Wriliiiir nl Indclli
Lle Ink, No. 1( North Third Sin et, tin below Unco, (east side,)
1")Fl'ECTFrLLY iiil.irms eooniry merchants
k and oihers. lhat he con-tantlv keens on hand
a large stock of bis soperier Rhiek, Rlue nn.l Red
Ink. und also a superior quality of 1 n.l lli' lo Ink.
His ink is put up in bellies vaiying in size, from
1 to 3i ounces, and will be sold on reasonable
terms. The excellent qualities of this ink has so
thoroughly ( sialili-lied its character, that it is now
extensively ucd tbrooghiiol ilia country.
. For sale at the store of II. H. Master, Sun
bury, Pa. May 27th. 184:1. ly
CsfUMsKS W. 1 1 K( . IS,
f H ta"ken the i.llice fotineily occupied bv the
fcj JJ Hon. ( haile G. Dolim I, opposite Ihe t i.url
House. He will a lend In business in the C .urls
of Niirthumlieiliiid, Union and Columbia counties.
May 20th, l4:l.
C uiif.-i Tt'lU'i'
'lhe pu' lie will observe that no Briiii.beth
Pill are genuine, unless the box has three li
bels upon it, (the top, the side and the bottom)
eui h continuum a fic-simile signature of my Ttaud
wriling, thus R. Buamiihkth, M. D. These label-
aie rnuraved on steel, beautifully designed,
and done at auevpense of oer fS.OUU. Then f.'ie
it w ill he seen that the only thing necessary (o pro
cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these
Etmrmh.T ihe top, the i.le, and the bottom.
The following respective peisons are duly auh. ri
zed, and hold
For the sale of Urandrtih'i 't''.tulile Universal
I 'ills.
Northtiiiiheiland countv : Millon M aekey &
C'h.unbeilin. Sunbury II. R. M.isser. M'Ewens
ville lielandA Meiiell. Norihuinleiland Win.
Forsyth. Georgetown J. & J. Walls,
Union C .unty: New Berlin Bogar fii Win
ter. Selinsgrov George (int. .bum. Middle
burg Isaac Smith. Beavertowu David Hubler.
Adam-burg Win. J, May. M itllinsbure Mensrh
Pay. Haitlcton Daniel Long. Freeburg
G. & F. C. Mover. Lewisburg Walls A Green.
Columbia comity : Danville E. B. Reynolds
iV Co. Berwick Shuman .V R -Henhouse, fa'-
tawissa ('. G. Brobts. Bloi-rnsburg John R.
Mover. Jeisey Town Levi Rie. WasbiiiL-ton
R.i'"t Mi Cay. Liiiie-toni lliMi k MrN".ch.
OI.M'ive ihat each Aceul has an Engrav.d Cer
tificate of, conliiining a repres- illation i.
Di Iii:.MKF.THs Maiiulact. rv at Siim Kins
and up. in which will also be teen exact copies i.
li e n u- tub-it uiUi und upon the Uranditlh Fill
l'liilajil.hia, office No. 8, Noith Sihslieel.
Jul.. Ulth, 1H1J,
1 I.I' J,.!.1".. - 1 1 ' ' i"
C.rrnl Vrslcin lntllaii l'ann4'o:i,
Compounded entirely of 'egelablo
Substances ?
Frre from Cnnmrl ami nil alfirr Mintrnh,
For the history of this medicine, mid its Unrivalled
and truly surprising sticks and popular
by, see large bills
HT is recommended as a peneral cuthnrlic for
family use in dyspepsia and all bilinus di-ea-sis,
it is inv double fir Asthma it is considered a
specific, no case having )t ncctipcil which il hns
fiiihd to cure for roinmon colds, iiiifliiminntnry
diea-e, ih'Uiiia'isin, allectious of the lier, oVe
and for females, it is a sne mid exeellcnl lemudy,
From Dr. Silti W i i-f nf Hinrhitintnn, X. Y.
Mi. I. nnt b v 1'i :ir So : b i. n-e.l your (treat
West ri; lie'iiii 1'ii' iee.i in niv f.iini!y, rmd h ive
repe,ite,!!v pie.rrnn d it tur pain i.t on 'i r mv care,
and sin s.iti -fii .1 ill o t i- iib av a -.-. ned in vi rv
many Cams mi in nluable mi i!ii nn'. It i-pera e ns
a I .inliie illiiini inn a. or pin ; mi d w bi'i- it ef.
ft tu.ilU iib i.des i-.i-U' ene-s ai t- np"ii l'n' stomach
ai d liver ,i an ! ii,t'te romtii'i! neii'itv, and re
storing the h- tihhy rotidiiion ol ihose ora irn.
Yev ie-n ( tin' v nuns. S. WEST.
For sale by .It "SIN W. I I! 1 1 ,1 ( i. S.,i burv,
.1 l III) lilMCHT N.l!iumbeilaud.
M..y 2tiih. 1 1 1 1. 1 y
i nroiiL-h nf ,i
I . V iii firms I lie citizen- of t! e
.r I ion In il.ind, -.lid ils vietniiv, .
lhat I.C has eiilnllli need t! e
'I'lXiUiV'UlZ illH,
in a I i" various I rnn l es, in tl.e shop fnrnierlv
nreni ied bv llei.rv S. Thoma I'irn l'v oppo-ile
Fots Ill's st."C. As lie reei ive ihe New Yoik
and Plii'inb Ipbi i Fas' inii'' ipi ot. r'y , In emit led
lo dn nil pilis i iiuus'ed In I no. utter tin- l,i .1. : t and
latest s'vle, end II pun the sb-! tel l.i.t a'i .
..ribnn,ltl nd. ..ilCM. l-'l:!. Iv
T)r. .. i " ?. 7 $ 11 il
1 1 U.SPEC TFUl.T.Y informs thee i n of Si n-
I nry ionl 'ts vii initv, that he has tikeuilie
i ll'.ee f.itmerlv i ceui ied I v Dr. John Peul. wbete
be will be happy to receive calls ill the hue of bis
profession. April 2'.M.1M:l.
Daniel Yaricrk,
"P'EfiS leiee to n '- rm ib r"'. n of Sun' ny
g Jj hi d it s ie n tv, tba' be h is coi' im need ihe
ill M.i k. t -Ire. t. Sniil oiv, i as' of J. tin lb ear -s'ore
ii'i.l di eitli i ppo- te tbe p i-t nilier, where lie
intend- to can v on tlio bnsini s- in all Us i.irioiis
lir.n cl s, including, 'Pnri ing, Muling Mill Irt.ns
mid I'.l pi c N'Ci"!.'. trailing Ci.rr-ni ; '. with I'j'
Inif'i-tl " Sn.ii'hi'g l'p. Sluicing Hums. c.
Gidir- will le pi. n.pilv and poni Hi illy -t 'ndid
to, mid Wo k done cheap, for cash oi country pro,
H V II. "so S'm :"C done nt f ! cr n it. I ..!, 1st?. I.
BBoot & Shoe
II I It Ills
"BT ESPLC'I'FI'LLY informs bis Irin. ds Bi.d
1. old customers, thai he has ri n.ov. d his
r,orr- snui: i:stmiusiimi;xt
tu the flame t'lii'dinir adjoiiiinc his dwelling boose,
be'wei n thai iiiid Dr. D. T.Tiili s' i tV.ce, a tew I'o.ns
west of his eld e-t.d I s! tin i.t, in Maikrt slieet.
w lu re he int.'i ds to
ex'eii-ively. in u'l il
Iteioi tl.ank'ol fni
rnrrv en ti e nbote business
viiiiniif tniiicltf.
past firms, be bi e-, by stiict
I nit. i lion lo l us. lies- anil lit" rat eti ires, to cue
general sniis'iu iion ; mid that he will continue to re
ceive n -bare nl public pa'tiii a-e.
Apr I Will. ISld.
Xo. 'j:!?, .Y-II7.''n.l, C.llrnl.ill St.,
"POUN DUNCAN, laic fr no lbs Fcni'svlva
f)jJ ma Kaimer, mil Saiinn I I'ike. jr.. brent A
tin tican Hotel, Columbus, t di o. take pleasuie in ac
qnnt.i.g their bii lids ai d the public tent r..l V lb il
ll.iy have tnki u the I i and I'Mniiiinliiii.s Until,
irciiiiiy I ni l bv tl.e Mif-is II it. on the iin.n- site
nine nc. iipied by the old esi.d.!isbed Hotel ki mi o
as the Rod's Head, in Third sited Callow
hill sr.
Thi. Hotel is fnii-I.e.l ill tin- v. ry ' c-t es-d.te
inai.n. r, in d ,. llo- I . -t n i.'eria's. Il- Inint oni
irv ib suable, p.inicnlii'y f.r cuiit.t y m. rrli'nts ;
the siranecmcn's for In mil und venii'at tig
room is Midi as tu scenic m y lenipeiirure. I be
bi ibooniH ate ah light end mrv, all luini-I.eJ in a
neat sty'e, so a to in-uie on toil.
Tb.e ii rciirg parlors are nl-o Inn i-iie.l in a mi
peib st le, the w indows Biettiilie French a'yle.
l ooiii is mi to a ba'eotiv in t'oiil,
In k. s a plea-ai nci ss, 1'iot ci.l.n all. inn .11 has
been given In ihe I., U nn.l bidding, wbith, with
ti e liiriiiliire, are en in U n w.
t loin wa-i-' i xteii.i ce in I til businrss, we
fii:t,ly -I'ict as dii.iv t I ns-iie, to inuke thi- j
h. use a di sir d 'e sieppui : pi ce. Our t dde w ill i
abavs IrMipplu-.l with the v. ry I" si our u.a.kel .
can aliord, and ol.l bur is i h I In- best lupous and :
W ine ol ihe in. .st ..ppi.iM .1 loan Is. I
I P. S. Tin ie are lir.t rate stabhns i.r.d csrri iue j
I I iitt nl i d to lb- hoi. I. r.t by i a ' l'
d snler bo tleis i.fd . oi c'-atue w II he l w, in .
lici'ordiiiiee with the pre-ent ba it Units.
Philad. Ipbiii. O. I. 7iL, l ! -'.
( ( it in rut Slug I J cr,',
l'ciutsy t aula.
IHE Siibscriher respectfully informs his friend.
and the public 111 general, that hu bas taken
ttit) abiv
snd thai he is now well prepare to accommodate
si' who may favor turn with their custom.
IDs S1.11 11 mi ArAiirist.Ts ure wt-II aired, and
coinforliil le.
Hi-Tablf ami Raii will a'v.ayi le uppli.d
with the tnt the linuket can a (lord.
His Stahlih, which is goid, will Va under
t! e cliurge of good and csn lul hostlers.
He f.tls confident, by strict attention to I u-inr.s,
and an fsmest dek'ue tn rindt-r C niforlable those
who may patronize hiin.ihul he will 1101 fail logivj
grnrrsl saii-faition. II. B. WEAVER.
Muncy, Oi l. 1st, 1812 tf.
The hrst inrlhml for ihr Abolition of Disease.
' is to clvanse ami pvrify Ihr Uody,
ixniAX viuaiiTAiiisi: pii.i.s
Vrlh Jtmrriean Collree of ttralih,
Are now acknowledged to he the best Medicine in i
ihe W orbl for the cure or
TrtE('AUSE ihey completely cb anse the sto
y & maeh and bowels from tin se h'llinus and cor
rupt humors vl iih are the cause not only of
Headache, Giddiness, Pntpiti'linn of the Ileirt,
Pa'ns in Ibo Rnnea. Rheumatism and Ooiit, but
everv Imbn'v incident In man. SAID INDIAN
V EGE PARI E PILLS are a n r'ain cure f.r in
(m t'ent, 'cmitti d, nervous, iiillami.tory Bnd pu'rid
Fevers, bic iue lluv r'e-u se the p.idy ficin lluve
moibid bt niors, which, ben confined to the eiicu
I itien. are the enne of all k lids of I'E V E l!S. So,
a'so. when the same impio-'tv is del osilcd on the
rnrmbine and innsel.-, cots-nit i.itn, in(1ma
t ons and e died IMIEUM ATlsM,
t.tll T.Ac. rinbt'sli,di..n YepetaMe Pills may
I e relied i ji ns aHvavs erlain to tiive ri lief, and if
persevered ilb, nceniillnii lo diiec lions w ill niot
iisstimPv, und without fail, make n a rfect cu e ol )
li e above pninf. I n nl nlies. Fiorn three lo six nf
said Indinri Vicetab'e Pills t .ken every nithl go-
ii g lo bed, will in a shoil lime so completely rid '
the body from every thing thai is epp s-d to beal'h,
tl at I'beiiroa'i-ni. Gout, ami p ii" of everv I'e'rr-p- 1
tiot.wi'l heti.tnlly DRIVEN FliOM THE RO
DY. For the a. me reason, when, from sodden
char res nf atn o phi re, or in v oil er cause, the c- ,
spi in 'in iseltek'd. nn-l the humors v h ell shonl I
p. s . tT bv ih si in are t! r.un ii cans tic
HEADACHE. GIDDINESS, nausea 'and sii k- j
tn -s, pain in the b. u. , waieiy and inflamed eyes, '
sore t!, hnar.-ene s, con".' s, eolistini lions, 1
rheum, itic pains in vanons srts of li e b.-dv, and
tnanvollnr rvmp'omv nf t : TC11 ING I'til.D,1
Wright's li.ifiini Yiufhddr Vi1'" will
five in niedi te r li t. From three to six nf said
Pill taki n every I i;bl on e-.ini! ! bid, will in a
s! ml lime, ii..! on'y ri rn.oe all M e above nn; 1. as i.t
ni t. n. s, lot ih- v w It, in a short tune, be
re-ton-d to even sonro'ei 1 i al h i' an I
IN'G". Weight's hid nn IV gi liihlr Fit's w iil loos
en ..nde ir.v i IV. by tl.e sto rm h mid bo" is. llmre
lough hi. cn.y bom. r , wl ich st-qi up inl the air
ce'ls nl the liinirs, i 1.1 the cult e, not only of the
nl oie di-irrs- na c .mpbnnt. I nl w ben in inci ted,
od. 'ii lern ionics in that n o ednn.lfnl malai'y called
CONSIMP'I ION Ii -lion d be a's.neo einbei.d
tba' lVr;V' -'" 1'. !.-(.('. '7v are n ci rlain
I cine f.r PAIN IN THE SIDE. )p, r s-i.o . mm
', -. und siknrs-. lo-s of nppi ti e, en.-.tKtni sa. a
j yillovv la ;r nf ihe fin in d yes. end i v.rv ot! er
I -vii. plum t at. rpid oi dsi hm d s'nte of the liver ;
I realist l! i v pi rm fr in ti e body tl use impurities
j wl iib if ib pot .led upon ibis important i"c in, are
i ih' fur of e'ery Mi'iiiy of LIVER COM.
j PLAINT, W In ii a null, ti is eoi uln .1 l y not ,
1 i ii l r. ..k- rind r. I e'iioii ti e only means nfpri vent.
1 itic the die.n'fi I fon-i ijuetiees nf a CIVIL WAU.
is In expel nil liiiims. and v il d sposul i ins finm
I tin coin -rv. In bke niinner, In Ii poll or sick
' re-, nf nnv kii d. iidn ate tint tl.e body is sirin.'-
nhie v -ih it t. r at lois, tie line renidv is lo F,.Y.
PEL ALL MOPRID III MoliS. (Tiaimis to
leal'h and I I. .) Ihulih wdl lir the ccrl-int result, j
Tl nt t'.e p ii ciplc i f i nnne di by i lean-in g j
and ptnilMig the tindv, i- slnctly in in cord ni e j
wuh ti e laws which gotirn li e an uial icoi oiiiv; j
and if piop r'v car-ii d lit I v the u-e of the a1 ove
i ii.e.l Wllltill I -S I.NDI .N VEGETARI.i:
PII.I.S, w ill reil.iitdy nsntt In ihe comphle Al o
I tion ot Di-rme ; w nlli r the lopowina testimoni
als, fti m pi rsi n- ol tl e highest re pedabiliiy in
New Yoik, who have tecentiy bei n elm d of the
ir. nsl ol-iiiii.te complaints, sole'y by tl.e us.1 of
X a 's In ihi Vk;ki iili. Pills, of the
Xoith Ai.-.tiia.n Ci.l.'igi if ltiv 'l'i:
J.vuc. L. I.. .Iiincfl't,. VM.
Doctor Wd i.i o Wrii bl Do r S.i It is w.lh
ere t sati f.i.-lioii I inform i it of ..iv having been
d.tnelv ruied of Dvspcpsia. of live years sl.uidn g,
by the tire of your Imhin Viihtii lit Pii.i.s.
Pu vioiis In nii! with ym.r celeliratid imdi
i il e. 1 bad hi Il under tl e hands f si veiiil Physi
cist s. slid had Hied vaii. n- medieini s ; but all t i
i.oelliet. After u-ii g one S"i cei t box nf jour
i I'd!-, Ii.av i i r, I i vp. rici-r ed so mm h be. elit, ih it
I re-nh. .1 to per-i m te in the use ol II. i m aeeoi.'mo
to ibn 1 1 or s, I ich I run bin pv lo si:,le, h .s ronlt-
din a p. ill i I i lire, li eiai.ln 'e lo you for the
eu al 1st. i fit I have U'Cei( d, and nl-o in t'.e hop'
thai . ill. I- silliiinly I. till! I'll IliaV le llolll. a d In
li.i.l.e liial if your i yraadiin y inedi. inc. I slid
you tl is -latiiniiit wi'h lull Ida ly ! pi.b:i-.h the
same, it yon lliinl. pt i Yours, c.
New Veik, June I'J. tH. ti.C. BLACK.
Mr. Richard Dei. ids, naent lor Wribl's Indian
V.a. tal If Pt!!'. i
Dear Su I have l. en al'licied for seieinl ve.ais ;
w i Ii inward wenkm - ai d teni ral di b-lity . ac -oin- '
at ied al lime-w nh p niisin li e side and olher j
ills-'iis-ii c co.n bi i Alb I having Ir'e.l various !
iik die me. iii'liui I If. c'. I w as persu .del by 1 1i n n t
to trial if Dr. Wiiabl's li diiin Vcelablel
Pills, which I uio bnpl V to s.a'e. hue relieved Ine
in v most woiiibili'l in inner. I have u-e.l the me.
, ' i , n t'. n- yd bin ii shoil tune, and h ive no doubt, I
I bv a perseverance in ihe u-e i f the imdici ie neenr- i
ihna to dm. lions, ih' I I shall in a shoil lime be ,
pi iti cilv te toied,
I wil'.ii gtv rcr i iv.nieiid sii.l .!s to nil person- ly etUii'ii d. ai d in ihe lull belief that ,
1 1..- s .me l et i I'eial no is w ill ( II. .w I In ir II- , I re
iiikiii inui. binciOj. IIL.NRV A. I'OOI E. j
W.nxvars'ug, I Istet co. N. Y. .
Ni-.v Vi iik, Sept. :). 1 si 1 1 .
This is to cert Iv I have used iiii.ii r's
Imhiv ..iiai.i I'll is w.lli thi grca'csl hene
Iil : bin i. L' i ii 'in U cured my -elf ol lie In .jin nl al
liu ks ol Su k Hi ad li be, to w l.u h I had piey inllsly
lein suljcd. A.N.N M I! I A THOMPSON.
oli-..' Giciiiwiih siriei, N. V.
To Mr, Riebanl Ih unts. Agent lor Wright's In
dian Vegetable I'lilf.
f.l I T 1 O .V.
A there aie at ibis tune tnaiiv w icked ersivts
t-iiri'v 1 tvi.gial in scl 11 o a e. 111 .It rteii iiiedicine no
di 1 li e nut. i- ol ll e Ii 'i eet tide Pills and as
ti l -e .1. s . r..!e 110 11 are so nncily rii kit-ss of con
m ipn 1 ci s, many vj'inil le I vi s may be lost in
1 cnuscijiif nee nt li-tut! tt eir iirenotul couipoiintls,
ll.e pill-1 c are rautioi id okiiiiisI purcha-ing any
Pills, ui.bss on llie 1 ides of ihe hoxi s the lollowing
wordine is found :
(Indian l'uignlirt.)
And slse to le especially cartful against purcha
sing said medicine of any person except the regu
lar ailveriist'd sgents.
Fi nnsyli tuitu.
II. B. Maswr, Suid'iiry 111. Forsyth. Nor
thumberland Jacob Haas, Sbsmokin Saiuui I
Herb, Mahotiiiy Rverly A D. Haas, Aucusla
Thomas Fi lliner. Milton Ireland A Men. II,
McEwensvillr E S, p prr, Tutlmtsvilie James
Peed, Potlgrovp II, Kl.ise, iSnvilcrstow ti
ll. II. Kiob.1, P. M.. Elj.burg P. O. Win.
Lci-c nring, P M. Uuioii Coiner.
Ollice Hid Depot for the sale .f
Wri'A.-'s Indian VietUiLie Fills, Wholesale und
Retail, No. Itiu RACE sTKEE '. PHILADEI..
PHIA. May 143.
roil TETTi:n.
RtNowortMs, riMrtEn on tub fack, AND OTHEIt
rtTANt;orsi f.kmtions.
fJTj" The fillt-inir certificate dnrriU one f the
nwt rrtrcifirtlinnry curt trer tjfrctrtl by any
PiiiLAiiFirutA, February 10, 18HS.
'H'OR twenty years I was severely afflict, il with
Tettfu on the Face ond Head: the disease
commenced when I was seventeen years old, and
continued until the Full of 1830, vnrving in vio
lence, hut without ever disappeirinir. During most
of the lime, great part of my fire was covered with
the eruption, freonently attended with vio'ent itch
ing; my bead swel'eil at times until it (t il ns if il t
would burst the swellin j was so ce-it. thai I cou'd
scarcity pet my hat on. During the long peiiod
that 1 was nfilicled wi h the di-eae, 1 rise. I a great j
many at plications, (amorn? them s -veral relehrnlrd
prep nation-) ns w. II ns t ibinil inward rem abes.
inelndiiiftn nnoiber of b. t'b s of Siraini'it I'mnic n, ;
I'l trtlel nf SartnpuriHii, Ac. In fact it w .lild be ,
impo-aible I t c I'limein'e nil the medicines I used, j
I wns also under the care of two of ihe mot ili-
tit'irni-hed physicians of this city, but without re-
reiving m"ch benefit, and I despaired of ever being
cured. In the fill of I S'.trt, the disease at the time
being very violent, I commenced usinn ihe A'.aC 1
Oiiiiiicnl, (prepared by '..iuhnn V D-.vis.) Ill I
n f w applications the violent itehinc ceased, 'he
swel'ing n! a e.l. the i mi lion begun to disappear,
nud la-fore I had Usui ajar the di case was eninelr
cuicil. It has now been marly a yiar and a ha f
since, and there i. not a vc-lije of llie ib.-e.i-e re- i
inniiiinc. except I lie scars from the deep pits formed j
by the di- use. Il it. i i 1 1- s.-il le for me lo d. s - ri' e ;
in a etrlilicat.' the senrily of the disea-e nud my
snll'i ting, bill I will be ple.sul to civc a f.iller at
count to anv person win.ti further satisfaction, j
wlm will call on me. At II. e tunc I con .inence.i
tiding the I! se lliotiinnl I would have piven bun
d eds of do bus to lie rid nf the lie,ise. Since u-
sing it, I have recommi liibal it to -everil pei-iins,
(aniniiu ll.eiii my loiitber, who had ihe di-ea-e bail
Iv on her b io.) who w. re a I cored bv it.
.1 WIF.s DU KNELL, No. lot-, Race St.
tjj" Tl.e li.rse Ointment js prepared by E. R.
, Vanillism, Soirh East coiner of and I' uc
site, t-, Philadelphia, and sold on auency in Snnbu
: rv. bv H. 1).,
" M..y 1 4th. 1? IH. Az'iif,
I I'm i.adi i nn , May 27th. Id!.
rPDIS is to certify ll at I was severely .till e'cl
. - with Teller in the hands and f t fir upwards
ol lortv years; the disease was attended .iicri'lv
i with vin'i 1. 1 itch na and sivelhug. I "ppl id to a
j i in 1 1 r nf ph siccus, and used a great many upplt
, ca ions without effecting a ci re. Al'nitt a y r
j since, I nppl ed Ile l!o-e Oiiittnent, which entirely
: -top) ed the itrhna. and a fi w applications Imoo'di
. cum d the di-case, w hieli there has bi eo no
I rduin of, iilthoitah I had never been rid of il nt
, any lime f.r Inly yeas. K'.C 1 1 AKD SA V A t . E,
F.h veulh. below Sp-uce Street.
r; The Rose Ointment is pn p ireii by E. R.
Vim-han. S null Ea-t corner nf Tl.iul and Race
Siiei Is, Pliilailelpbia, and s dd on aaency in Sonbu
,v l.v H. P. MASsER,
' May 11th. is II. Ai-I.
kedicaIj irrnorATiorr
Of the RO Si: OLTMi:.T, f-r T'lirr.
LTIlOl (III the sepcriorilv of the prcpata't n
over nil nib' r- is fully cs'iil'li.-hed. the pr .pr e
lors lake ph n-iire in laying Inf. re the ublic the ;
following ccf.ificate from a respectable phy sician. j
a cnidiiate of llie University of Pennsylvania. Dr.
liini;b, liavitiK found in ibis .rmnlv tl at relief f r ;
a ted', us and di-ngrccal'b- ntVe. tion which the me ins
within the r.ince of I is pr.'f, s-ioo liile.l to all nil. i
has rut hesiuiti d In e ive il his .ippiobali n, nlih. -Di: I.
ihe prejiidices and interest- of lhat prufe-sion ate ;
. pposed to secret Remedies. I
PiitnineuM, Sept. 19, 181o.
I wasreceiitlv trotil i.d dtli a ti dio'.K In ri etic ,
erupt i. n. w l ii h cur nl in atlv nne si 'eofrnv fid',
mi. I extendi .1 ever the ear. Mr. Vauirhan. proprn - j
lot of the Rose Ointment, ohsciving my face, in-l--led
on tnv tivinc bis prep oatiou. nt which he bun- j
del me a jar. AhhoUnh in common with ihe mem- i
bers ol tin prefe-sion, I d isi iiiinlenatire i.n.l di-ap- :
prove ol ihe ininicn us rostrums palmed upon the
pn! lie by i'.noi ant pr. ten. let-, I (ia I in jus'icc In und :
In cxci pi ihe Ri se f lii. tun lit limn tba c'a s nf me
d e 1 1 ics . in .1 ,i eive it mv cppr d ation, ns il i iiiiie
Iv lined ll.e liuplioli, Hbh. ua'i II h d resi-ted Ihe
u'-u I npi belli.. iis. DANE IIAfGII. M. D.
(j ; 'Ihe I! Ointmri t is ptep.r.d by E. R.
in. .h in, Sutilli Ea-t c ol cr nl Third ai d I! ice
Stin ts. Pliiludc'phi j, and sold on n.r. nev ill Si. ti
ll,. v. I v H. II. M A-sF.R,
M-iv'lttb, ISI1. j'iif. '
J. r.2 fiZUj ANE . J EL. CO.
Smiti' iiinl Tiiliiici-o ;i uuhic-t urc-rs,
Ao. 1M) .orlh Wuitcorvtrif lltirnnul Third
,V:-. !.1
rpil' iiruler-ianed h ive formed a Co-pnrlnr rship
1- itiider the linn of . I. M V I. N D J H. Co..
as sucict-sors t the lute firm f Jncn'i .Miiifnnd A
Cii., und will e .mimic ihe bustne-s at iheold esta
blishment, on their own account. In mldiiion to
their own close attention und experience f l iiiuny
veins, in the munuf o titie . f li cit cefebrnte.l mull-,
Os e., the Inntf expciii nc of ti e senior partner of Ihe
late Prm, will nl.. i Is- devoted lo tho interest i f the
new concent and as i-o cxritinn and care will le
snared to insure llo ii c '-, at all Inn s of the ve
ry- bet qualify, llu v olu1 I u continuance nf the
confidence ol the li.rnds 1111 I ro-loiners of llie late
f.i 111. THOMAS AD WIS.
J. M A V LAND, Ja.
Philadelphia. May l lth, lH. lv
a a Gils rn :bt-s
Cnrni r nl ''Th'ril und line Sin its,
till' sul scriber r. snei-ifullv aniioiiui'i s lithe
1 iil-lii', lhat be Ins opened a Hotel in the com-
I lini lious hiiik building s tniteon the corner of
j 'I bud and Fine slreeis, where be will be bnppv lo
j ts ait i-p -n those who 111 iv fivor him wit'i their
con pai y. i he I. agle Hotel is la'Bi' mm Conveni
ent, and furi.ii.hed in the Im'-I m dein stile. Ii i-
provuled w nh a l uce number of well aited ami
c. niforlable lei ping apartments, rooms, private
nilors, iVr. Persons visiting illinmspnrt on bu
siness 01 plea-ure, may re-1 ss-nrid that every ex
eriion will le used to lender their sojourn st the
"Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. HisTshle
w ill lie supplied wilh the very best the inaiket af
fords, and his l-sr wuh the choicest wines snd other
liquors 1 liarges reisoiiahle. The I'sjle Holrl
possesses greater advantages in point of location
than any oilier similar establishment in the borough,
being situate in Ihe business part oflbelowo, and
within a convenient distance of the Com! House
and libanispott and Elmira Rail Road Depot.
SufJicicnl Stalding provided, and good and liusty
nslli'is always in attendance.
Attentive, accommodating and hone-l Kervanu
have been imt-loved, and noil ing lift miilone that
wilt udd lo ll.e conduit and uccnunuodaiioii of his
'i'lum will be a carriage ulways in attendance al
the Itost 1. sliding to convey pssst i gcrs to and Irom
ihe House, five of charge.
My 14th, IS4'.'. If
O. V". L. TA7LO?..
OFFER FOR SALE, at the South East Cor
ner of Fifth and Market Street!, I'hilndcl
piin Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted,
do do do pegged do
do do do water proof, double aolea
and double Uppers,
do Calf-skin do do do nailed
arid uppers,
do Heavy Water Leather Rools.
dn do Nents do do.
do f 1 id) quarter Shoes, Cnlf-skini
do do do ("rockers do
do Fine Monroes warranted
.lo Kip do
do Calf do
do Onnrsn do
do do Shoes
do Finn do
ll.! In
do Kip
Calf and Seal Skin I nuns.
do List Socks wilh and without soles;
do Carpet do do do
do Piileiit Warranted Water-proof Moccasins,
Linlies do do do do
Ladiis' lauited India Rubber shoe.
Gi'iit'crnens' do Over shoi s.
With every other dese.-iption of bools and shoes.
Fur Caps i f every description.
Tr.avell.iia Trunks of every description.
Yeneiiiii Travelling II is.
Patent Gem I'lasiie Shoe P.Hckina.
P.. I, tuts , fall kinds. Palm I.eafll.its.
Plnlaili l; hi. N'.iseniber 1.1. lst'J.v.
t3I5 U ES'.?-ss,
NI.W IIMU.AM) Oil, ('(hMr,NV.
I Xt. '-iil Ni.nlt Wtttor StriM-t, lMiila.
"Tl f AM'I AC'I I I.'I'.RS nod dealers in Oils of
' IV fj everv description both for Innti'iig and
iniinuliic'iirina put poses, which will be sold much
lower than they can be procured e'scwlure, and
j warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any
ml sold hy the company nut proving ns lepreseuted,
may be returned whout any expense lo the pur
chaser, and the ii.i'tiey will be ri fun, led.
i Their stock now in atom consists of the following
' nils, it :
' callnns Winter Blenched Sp,.ini-
do ('ol.nless Oil,
Fnil and Sprinc Sperm Oil,
inter Sea Elephant,
do Pressed Whale Oil,
Summer do do do
( 'nmmoii Whale Oil,
2HI1 R.irrels sup. ti n Stra 'a Oil,
:iti() do Co l Rank Od,
.r)tl do Neirs Fool Oil,
7!) Casks Olive Oil,
T ai tu r's I his.
(; j This Compinv I ns n number of Vessels en
ed ill the Cod I'isiii rv, and Tanners ninv rely
il pon iM't'ii a at all limes Oil as mre as impuned.
fhllailelplil l, Nov. Id, 1 S I J . 1 y .
.Tiiclcu'i Y t;ivt r V Son,
Rorc rii"ii:rr.s & smr ciiANSLEns
,Vi. lit X.:rt.'i Wnli r S.rut. I 'In,,,, ,l,i,i.
JT TIT A V E eot's'anllv o:i band, a cener d nssor
g ! nt. nt of Conbije, Seine Tw iocs. iVe., vi
I nr'd Ropes, Fis'.ing Ropes, While Ropes, Man;
la Ropes, Ton- Lines lor Canal Boats. Also,
complete a-soitincnl nf Seine Twines, Ac. sm-li
Hemp S:a.l and 1 1, rring Tw ine, Rest I'at. nl ('
Net 'J'w ine, Con. in Shad and Her. ilia Twice, Sin
! Threads, tVc. iVr. Also, Red Colds, I'louah l.iin
1 1 liters. Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Ohaii -i
. iVe. all of which they w ill disp .s.' of on r I 'e
; teiins. f
j'i Ida. November U, 1S1i. ly. t"
.l;t ol I i Lssiiiilh . S(a.
1 ESPECTFI LEV informs lluir Iru nds and
scijiianiti'nccs ge lerully that Ihey still eoti
1 litltle In keep at llie old stand. No. SIC Norlll ilj
' slreil. l liiladclplti.i, all Voids of
. IDUACCO .VAI .'"' af sncAi.-s.
I W!iieh they will nt-ll -n the m a '. uccoiiiinodutitii;
und icis. ii.i le terms,
j N. II. All eoi ds sold wdl he guai inteed and i.II
. oidi-r promptly .ill-n.!i .1 to,
I'hd id. Iph.a. N. v,' 11, 1 l y.
Sri'.IMNC. C(H)l) vV CO.
o. l.'ls M;ttk"t Sltvt't, riiilaili-li
HNVITE the atlenlion of Conntiv M.-rch mis
H I.t their exien-iie ii-sor;menl of Rriloh French
'ind American Diy G.i.-ds. w (ucli ihey offer lot de
mi lho in . t n as.'ir.ble ti rills. hdiiii. Novciiilcr l:l. IXIC ly.
S W A 1 N .
I'tnlni'lla iiml l'arasnl tnn-r
A'.i. ai Xuiti I'timl tlrrfi. llrn bdi W th
Citu ll 1I1I. Fhihidi.'piKi.
C10UNTKV Meichatils and oihcis are -nli. ite.
) lo cxaiiiiue his assoili.u-iil bcfoie puichasiu
1 Isew here
Phtla v! bi n. November II. li4C. ly.
sCk nc JaSzl
' iJsCi-:u
f?yO sale a sun, I Faun, coiil iii.ilig about cue
' hin died and ti 11 tier, s, more or le-s, situ atn
in Point township. Nonhiuiileilaiid c.-untv, about
two milts i.bove No'll.timheil md, on the main
road hading from ilut place to Danville, adjoining
land- ol John l.ivli.ui, Je-se C. Hot', .11 mid oihers,
i.D.t in the occupancy i f Samutl Pay ne. Aluut
1 f.uly acres of s,id li.iel are lean d. and in good
' slat - ol cu tivatimi. on winch there, is a small 1'iirn
creel' d. The piopt rly w ill he sold ell ri asnnablc
lei ins. For further articnlars, pi itons are request
ed to apply t.i the ul u rih. r.
i IL li. MASSSR. Agrnt.
I Nov. 27th. I if Suuhuiv. Pa
run sill. HI
.N'I IIO.N'S Classical Dictionary; l.empricr ,
do.; Aiiisworili's do; Cobb's do.; English anJ
Germati do; Auiboii's Ca -ar; Atuhon's tiriiiiioer;
Antht n's Ciceio; Mail's La in Re.nlei; Ogill y'sdo.;
Andiew's La'in Lessons; D iini g in's Lexicon;
Fisk'slire k Exerc ses; Dnvies's Lejcndei; GraerK
Majora; Ailatiis's Kotnaii Antiipiilie-; Pinnock's
G..jdioith'a England, do. ti recce; I. yell's Ehnirnts
nf Gi-ologv; M.s. Lincoln's Rotauy; Elements ot
R. tanv; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's iihcloiicsl Rea
ders; Emirs.m's Geography and History; Gluey s
do.; Parh y's do.; Smith's Grammei; Kirkbatn'a do.:
Kay's Readers; Gobi's do.; Cobb's Arilhnieiick;
Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spelling Rooks;
1 Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; l.vangelical fa
mily Librarv; Collage Bible-; family no; nuiaier
si do.; Smail Bibles and Festanietit-; Psfket's E
ercis, si.n Coinpusilion; Fiuit of the Spirit; Rsitei's
S.inl's Rest; Ametican Revolution; Manyatl's No
vels; Mrs. Phelps on Clicniisliv; Iliad; Catechism
of American Laws; Letters on Natural Magic; Che
mistiy for Beginners; English Exeieisea adapted to
Murray's Gramioer, Siipn I to Coml. y's S'lling
Biaik; Anu-ricaii Class Book; Daholl' Schoulmas
lei's Assi.ianl; A ureal variety of Blank Books, Ac.
August 2d, 143.