Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 23, 1844, Image 4

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The following lt( shows the current vain of Ml
'ennaylvauia 11 ink Notg. The mrpt implicit re
. iiiro miy placed upon it, a it is f very tt'trfe
srofully compared with at A corrected from Bick
nil's Reporter.
Itonlis Iii riilliuVIjitiln.
x- t DlSC. ttr
Nauk. Lim-atio. .,
Hank of North Amrrirn . ,
flank of thai Northern Lihprlips .
Coinmereial Hank of Pcnn'n. ,
Farmers and Mechanics' Bank ,
Kensinglon Bank , ,
n,ilnd.lphh Biink
Srlinylkiil Dunk . , ,
S 'Otl.wiuk flunk . .
Western Hank , ,
Mrrlianirs' Hank . ,
Manufacturers' A. Mechanics' Bank
Country Btiiiika.
Hank of Chester (lonnijr Westchrslrr
" -ink of Del twarc County Chester
H-nik of ('rrninntnwn (Jrrmnntown
Pink nf Montgomery Co. Norrislown
B'-yhvfown Bank Joj lrslown
K on Bank Fusion
FartTirV Hank of Burks CO. I?ri-to
I Wii-p of Bank of IYiin'p. llarrisbnrg"
do Lancaster cilices
do Heading ( do not
do Easfon J issue n.
flank of the United State.'
ibmk of IVnn Tow nship
Philadelphia 2."a2(i
i'ord Bank , . :
Movnmrnsing II ink . .
Vnnk of Pennsylvania' . ,
Minora' (tank of Poltsville" Pottsvillo
Bank of I rtvi-tuwn Lewis-town
I.'rf.'ik of Middletown Mitldlrtnwn
H ink of Northumberland
Columbia Bank & Eridgc co,
Northumberland par
anitlp Hank
C -chungo Bank
Do do branch of
I amnrs' Bank of Luncastct
Lancaster County Bunk
FurniprV Bank of Heading
Mjrrisburg flank
Lancas'cr Hank
Lebanon Hank
Merchants' A Mannf. Bank
Bank of Pittsburg
West Hianeh Bank
Wyoming IJunk
Northampton Hank
links County Itank
Ddice of Hank of U. S.
Do do do
Do do do
Kensington Sav. Ins. A
J't nn Township Saw Ins.
I'.iiik of Chambersbnrg
Bank of (lYlljiJiurg
P. ink of Su-ijuehunria Co.
Erie Hunk
rimers' A Diorers' Bank
t-'innklin Hank
Hoiir.-dulo Bank
MonongahcU Hunk of B.
V'ruk Hank
New Brighton
Moniroso I
IS'. U. The notPS of those hank on which we
emit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) ore not
purchased by tho Philadelphia brokers, with tlie
rxception of those which liavc a leitcr of ri ference.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia failed
Philadelphia I.onn Co. do failed
Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do f.iiled
Manual I,iihur Hank (T. Dyott. prop.) failed
IVw anda Hank
Alleghany Bank of P
H itik of Heaver
Bank of Swat ura
Rank of "u.htiigt.iii
(Ynne Hank
City Hank
Fanner' & Mpih'ca' Bank
Farmers' & Mech'c' Hank
Farmers' ct Mech'ciXliaiik
Harmony Insiituto
Huntingdon Bank
Juniata Hank
i.innbermen'a Bank
Northern Bank of Pa.
NfcW Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Norlhuinb'd Union Col. Hk.
North Western Hank of Pa.
Office of Schujlkill Bar.k
Pa. Acr. & Manuf. Hank
Silver Lake Hank
Union. Batik of Pcnti'a.
He!h lonto
Fayette co.
no sale
no pale
no rale
Huntingdon no sale
Lctvittoun no sale
New Hope
Pint Caibun
no sale
no sain
clostd i
M'estmorelaml Barik
(in urg
Wilkesbarre Bridge Co
Wllkesbarrp no Kale
OTj" All notes pun orting to be on any Feniyl.
vania Bank not given in the above li.t, may be ect
down a frauds.
Bank of New Hruiiku iek
Med ford
l'ertli Amboy
Mount Hully
Pelvideie Hank
Burlington t 'o. Bank
CumiiH rciil Hai k d U.o.k
Faimer' Hipr k
Faum r uii.l N' ( banick' Bk Hahway
harmiri. und Mi v uiiie.-' Hk N. Hiunswiik
Fnro.f rn' mid Alrrehnnts' Bk Muldlrtown Pi,
r iiinkliii Hunk o! ,. J. Jer.-ry City
Holmkcu Bkgeii Crazing Co Hohokcn
failed :
failed !
filled !
faile.1 j
no Sb'e '
Jersey City Batik
Jersey City
F rcehold
Junry City
New nik
Mecbituii s' H ink
Mariiificiuri rs' Bunk
Mnrrw County Bank
Monmouth Bl of N.J.
MtchauitV Batik
Meebanies' and Manuf. Bk
Morris Canal and Bkg Co
Post Not
Newark Bkg fc Ins Co
New Hone Del Bud Co
i ;
i i
failed '
l.amf erlsillo
N. J. Manufac. und Bkj; Co
I loboken
N J I'rotectoti ,V .oinburd I k Jersey t.'ity
Orange Bank Orange
Palcr.on Batik PatiiMjii
Peoples' Bank do
..... 1 ... I. i
I inaeion uunh I ruierinii par
Salmi Banking Co Kale in p ,r
State Bank Newark j
Slate Hank Uliiabethtown J
Stale Batik Cutndeii p,,r
State Bank of Mori is Morristown i
Stale Bank Trenton failed
Salem nnd Phltad Manuf Co Sab in failed
Sussex Hank Newton j
Tirnlon iia,:li"'3Uu Tienton par
Union Hank Dover i
Washington Banking Co. Jlarkensiek failed
nu.MM Am:.
Bk of Wilm fc Brainy wint Wiiiiiinglon par
Bai.k of Del ian Wilmington par
Batik of Smyrna Smyrna par
Do I r, i neb Miltoid ar
Farmers' Bk of Shoe of Ul Dmn par
iJo br.iui h ilmiiuton i.r
Do brun li (ien'g' to'vn pur
Do ItJiutt Ne.cisili par
Union Hi.t.k Wilmington ar
fXj- Under .V j
dj- On all laoks iiiaik'-J thua () ll.rre are i
tlar eountsrli i ft nlti i I foln ct ;!ii var ous dc-
jiominii'&r., nt t.ic ih.ivit.
C.'irnl fr cstri n Iiullnn Pmi.urn,
Compounded entirely of Vegelabld
Substances ;
Frrffwm Catomtl and till other Mineral.
For the hiftory of thin medicino, and it unrivalled
and truly surprising nucrfi and popular
ity, pp large bill.
ST i rccommonded as a eenprnl cuthirtir. for
family ufp in dyprpula and all liiliou dispa
it n inv.dunhlo for Anthnm it is ponsidcipd a
pecific, no casn haviim yet ocrurrcil uliieh it Iirs
faihd to pore for roninion pild., imflaintnnlory
ditea-ps. rheuinaiism, all'ertiona of the liver, Ac,
and Tot females, it is s sale and rurcllcnl remedy.
Frvn Dr. Si hit Wttf.of nmhnniptnn, y. Y.
Mr. I.onpley Pearfir: I have used your firenl
Went, rn Indian Pann-fa in my family, and have
repeatedly prPscritipd it for patients under my pare,
and am ratUfied that it H nltvavs a rnfr, and in vi ry
many cases nn invaluable nudieinr. It operate nn
a l.iTntivp without nann'-a, or pain ; and w hile it ef
fei tmilly olivinte coslivenpfs act upon the stomaeh
and liver as an al'nativp. correcting acidity, and re
storing the healthy condition of those organs.
Very rcpeetfnl'v vonrs. 8. WEST.
For sale by Jt)IIN W". FUlI.INd, Sonburv,
JAfOB P.KICH'I. Northumberland.
M.iy 20lh,
1 E.-'PI:(M FI.'l.l.Y infirm, the citizen-eftl.p
that he hm commeneed the
Tnilorins' ICusiiicss?,
in a'l i's various branches, in the shop formerly
occupied by Henry H. Thoma, directly nppo-ite
Forpvtb's store. As he reci ives the New Yoik
and Pliiladi Iphi.i Fashions qitirti r'v, he is enabled
to do all jobs i nluistcd to him, alter the neutett and
liitCFt sivle, and upon the shiniest notice. Apiil gad. IS 13. ly
1 RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sun
' fury and its vii inity, that he lias I ken the
office f..emerly rccupied by Dr. John Penl, wberr
he will be happy to reccie calls in the line of his
profession. April 2'M, Is 1:1.
EfJS leave to the ciiizms of Sun' urv
and its vicinity, that ho bus commenced the
11 1 , A C K SM 1T1 1 1 X Ci H " S 1 N K S S,
in Mj'kil streit, Simbury, essl of .I din H .cir's
store, and directly opposite the po-t ollire, where he
intpnds to carry on the hmincs in oil its various
branches, including. Turning, Making Mill Irons
and JCfiptie Sjiring, lrunini? Varriagis, tvili Ex
tension or Standing lops. Shoeing llnrnn, Vc.
Orders will be promptly nnd punctually nttendid
to, nnd woik done cheap, for cah or Country j ro
duce. fXj" Horse Shoeinr done st f I per sett.
Suiibury, April 15th, 113. ly.
oot & S o c
XI nrli ii I r i 11 ,
ESI'tC I'FUI.LY informs Ut friends and
old customers, that he has removed his
uooTiS- shot: i:stmii.isjlme.t
to the fiome building niliuining his dwrllini; bouse,
between that and Dr. D. T.Tiites' elllee. a lew dam
west of his old eslnl bsbnii nt, in Maiket liect,
where he intends to carrv on the above busimss
exiensivelv, in till its rorintig brunches.
Bring thankful for past f ivois, he hoj es, by strict
ntlei.tiiin to business and liberal chames, to giic
general satisfaction ; and that he w ill continue to re
ceive a liberal hare of public patronage.
April 8th. 181:).
Xo.2V,, Xarlh Third, tihi.x r C.tlowhill St.,
TJOIIN DUNCAN, lite from the Pennsvlva
9P nia Farmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., laie of A- j
nn ru an iiotet, lyolumlius, I iluo. take pleasure in nc
qtiatntiriC their frinnls and Hie public pener.illv that
they have taken the large nnd commodious Hoiil,
reemtly built by the Messrs. II .rt.oo the site
once oci upied by the old eslublirhed Hotel known
ns the Bulla Head, in Third stiett above Callow
hill s.
This Hotel is fini.-bed in the very best possible
manner, bod of the hctt niuierin's. Its location is
't ry desiiablc, particularly for country inirrhanls ;
the arrangements for healit.g and veniilating each
room is mch as to secure any temperature. The
bedrooms are all light nnJ airy, all lumished in a
Wat sty e, so as to im-uie ion, toil.
The nceiii:g parlors are alo fun Uhcd ill a su
perb sl c, the windows are on the French s'yle.
formii g an entrance to a h.tlcny in front, nhi, h
innkes pleasant nce. Piirliculai attention has
been civn to the bids and bidding, which, with
the furniture, ate entirely new.
i :
from jea's' exerieiipe in h.itel business, v r
t'Ust, by slni I asaidoity Ic busioesi, to make this
house a desirable slcppiua pluce. Our I ible will
aKvuys lesupilied with the viry best our uiaiket
can alTord, and our bar with the beat liquors and
wines of the most approved loan, Is.
P. !S. Thne are fir.l rale kiabline tnd caniiRi'
home attached In the hotel, allrndrd by ca tful
and sober Im-llera. and our chnrjie will be low, in
accordance with the present haid times.
Philadelphia, Oct. ilh, l42.
" UiX JON IFotelT
f lent rat Stage iff), re,)
riIIE Si bscriber resprctfully ir, forms bifiin !
1 and the pul.lic in general, ihat he has taken
tho tbove
LMiar: axd commodious
I N T II E UOlin U (J II o F M U N C Y,
and that ho i now well prepare! to accoimnodato
Ii a a i'
II h
I nil who may faxor loin with their custom,
II iinn.ii Ai'A htis k.N ts ire will aiie.l, and
coinforlal le,
i Hi- Tri r An lUn will a'tays ba aupliid
i wi'h the best the maiket can alVord.
His Si'ihi.imi, whieb is em d, will V under
i tl.r. cbarpe of !ood and rarrlul hoslleri.
I He I. eb eoiil'i,!t i,l. by strict ulteutioii to l u due ss.
' and art t sri.rsl desire to rrnder c mfoit&ble those
i who may ps'i,,ioie Iniu.ihal he will not fail togivj
! georr.d fcalila. tinri. U, B. WEAVEli.
' '.u:-y, I (, 1845. tf.
The lest tmthotl for the Ahalitinn of Disease
is to cleanse and purify the Body.
Wit I (HIT'S
tirth American College of Health,
Arc. now acknowledged to be the best Medicine in
die World fnr Ihe cure of
EJ BECAUSE tbev romplrtcly cbanse the sto
fi 5 mach nnd bowels from these billions and cor
rupt humors which are the cause not only of
Headache, Oiddincss. Palpitation of the Heul,
IVns in Ihe Hones, Rheumatism and fSotit. but
pverv nialm'v incident lo man. SAID INDIAN
VEOETABI E PILLS are a pertain cure for in
leimiltpiil, ipmiiled, nprvoos, inflamiiloiy and putrid
Fevers, because Ibev cleanse (he p.nlv fiem those
mm bid humors, which, when ponfiried loiheciicu
bilion, are the cause of nll'k'lids of 'Y. VEItS. So,
o'so, when the a-mie impurity is deposit! d on ti e
membtaie and muscle, ein'nir tnini, inllama.
lions and swcllinu rolled ItHEUMATIS.M,
COLT. Ar, Wiiubl's Indiiin Vi celnl le Pills may
b( relied ui as a'wavs erluin to yive t lief, and if
pi rsrvered w ith, ncroidtnc lo direction will most
Bssiiiully, and without fail, nml:p a prrfrrt rtl r of
the l'ive pninfi'l n idmlipa, Finm thri"p lo sit of
said Indian Vecetab'e Pills tikrneviry niebl (to
ing l.) bed, will in a shoit lime so completely rid
the body from every thing that is opposed to health,
t! at U!.pi:m itim, (tout, and p ii" of everv deM-rip-tion,
w i.l be tit rally DKIVH.V FHOM THE BO
DY. For the r iinn reason, when, from sudden
chances of atir o-pbere. or any other cause, the per
spbaiion is el rrked, and the humors wh eh thoubl
pi-soll'bv tlv skin are tbri'W'ii inwardly, causina
HEAD ACME. CIDDIN I'.ss. nausea and aiek
toss, I am ill the b. in s. wa'ety and inflamed eyes,
sore, hoarse ne-s, cone' s, consumptions,
rheumalie. pains in various ( rts of the body, and
ninny other svmp'nm cf CATCHINt! COLD,
Wright' h il'.iin Vii;etilde I'i'fs will invariably
civp in rnei'i to r li f. From three to s-i of aid
Pills tiiKi n every fiicht on gone lo bid. will in a
sboit time, not only remove nil ti e ab"ve uriieas mt
sniloms, but the body w II, in n short lime, be
restored lo rcn snorob'r beibh M-an before.
INli. Wright'f Indtin Vegetable 'r7.swil loos,
en and ciriy etV, by Ibe s'omaeh and bnweis, thi.s(.
loocli phb piny humor-, which stop up nil the air
cells of the lui'c, and nre the cause, not only of the
nbrne di ri ssiim complaint, t tit when neglected,
often terminates in that mo edien llnl nialady called
CONSUMPTION. It shou'tl be a'so.eo e'lobei.d
t!,o'. Wtigl't's Indian Veritable I'ils arc cirtain
cine f..r l'A!N IN THE SIDE, Oppressor, nau
sea, and -ieki:'0', lo-a i f appi tiro, costivem sa. a
vellow 1'iigp of (lie 'kin ni d eyes, nnd every oilier
vmploin.f n t. rpid or riisriofd state of the liver;
I cnosr tl i y p iriri Ir 'fn the body those 'inurilies
which if ib posited I'pon this i n 1 1 it i r 1 1 organ, r'e
the nn p ot i ry ni i. I v of l.lYI'if t'OM
PLAINT. When a nation is pom tilsed ly riot ,
i uibr. . ks nnd n hriliori. li e tnraiic of prevent.
IliU Ibe ibeailfol coiiMijiu lues ef a CIVIL WAIL
is to ei el all trai'ors, and evil d sposi d ones from
the couiory. In I be manner, when pain or sick
ness nf m,y kind, it dii nte that the bodv is sirnc
n'ini! With inlerr id foes, ibe true is lo EX
brul h and I fe.) Health trill be the cerairi trsutt.
Tint the piioeiple of ctiritic 'li-'Mse, by ilenising
and pnril iug the body, is strictly in accord on e
with the laws which gotrrn the animal ironomv;
nnd if properly carried out bv the li-e of the al ove
PILLS, will ceitainly result In the complete Abo
l lion of Di-case ; wi ofh r the following tcstiionui
i Is. fn m pi rs -n of the highest re-peeiabiliiy in
New Yoik, who have iccetitiy bit n cuitd ol Ihe
n.osl ob-tinate complniiils, solely by the us.- of
Wiiiriin-'s Iniiijn no rirni. Piils, of the
iYi . An.ericun t'tdltge of lit tilth :
Jamaica. L. I June 9th. I ( -1 1 .
Doctor William Wright Dear Nir It is with
great sati-faelion I inform too "f ' bating been
entirety cinid of Dysjicpsia. of fie year standii g,
by the use of your I.MH i V i u in iii.k Pili.s.
Pii viniis to meenng w i'h your relebiated modi
cine, 1 had bu n under the hands of scveial Physi
i no s. and bad no d vaiioiH mcdu ines; but all t i
noelber. Alter u-ii g one 25 rent box of your
Pills, how iver, I rxpi riei.eed so much'it, lint
I ipsnlvi d to pi ren ie in I he use of them accotdnig
toibrectioi s, which I am happy to state, h .s u -lilted
in a pi i bit cure. Incratituile to you fol li e
creat I nn fit I hive lecened, nnd al-o in tbe hope
I h ill others similarly nlllieli d may he induced to
lo,. l,o tii il of your t xiraoiihua.y medicine, I semi
you this statement Willi full bla-ity to pnb'ish the
same, if von ibiuk pn per. Yours, Ac.
New Yoik, June ll, I SI I . C.C. IJLACK.
Mr. Bieh.ird Dennis, ngent b.r Wright's Indian
Yrgeiable Tills.
Dear Sir I have been nflliclid for several veins
with inward weakness and general debility, ne. om-
aided nt time w nil pains in tbe side and other
disiresii g rompbiin's. Alii I having Irrd various
lordii nies w i'h.iel fli et, I w as peru id. ,1 by fi u ml
lo make trial f Dr. Wiight's Indian Vegetable1
Pills, which I am happy to state, hive relieved me
in a moat w, lot. if i,l maimer. 1 have used ibe me
dii ii r, s yet but a slimt tm.e. ami have no donbl.
by a pi in ihe u-r (,f th,. nieibci ie aecor-
ding to ihieetioiis, th. t I shall in a short time be !
pi i'. cdy ic-lo.e I,
1 most wiilii glv recolinni lid said P ill. to nil per-solo-
siiiiibii ly iifdii ti d. and ill ibe full belief that j
Ihe same bei.eliei d n iots w ill foil, w ll.eir ite, I re.
main joins Miiieielv. HI'NIIV A. I'OO'I E, j
Waiwaising, UUtei co. N. Y. j
N" wr Yi H k , Sept. 29, 1 f 1 . !
This is to ceitify iln.t I have used Wiiii.iit's j
Imhan Yh.ii mi l. I'li.l with ibe ereHiet bene- 1
lit; havii e entirely currd ir.y-elf o( tbe frequ, nt HI- j
laibs nl n k Hendai'ie, to whiib I bad prei ioii-iy I
been subject. AN N M A I; I A T II o M ) , '
;J!I2 (irecnwicli s'nei, N. Y. !
To Mr. Pi'-bar) Dninis, Agent for Wright 'a In- !
di.itl Yigi table Pi. If. ,
tt f Tl .V. J
As ihere are nl this time many wicked erson I
busily iiojaccd in si lliou a coin.n il'eii loeibeiiie in.-
di r tbe imii. e nf the liuli.ui Vi gel d ie Pills- and us
these despi rule mill are so U'teily rnkless of
s. queiii'cs, thai mai'V valuable hves may be b st in
coiiseijiience ol using ll.eir dreadful compounds,
tbii pul l c are cautioned against puicha-ing any
Piils, unless on the tides of the buna the following
Wording is found ;
'Indian Purgutirt.)
And alse to be especially careful against purcha
sing said medicine of any person except the regu
lar advertised agents.
J't tinstUatiia.
II. B. Masser, Sunbury Wm. Forsyth, Nor
thumberland Jacob Haas, Shaiookiu Samuel
Herb, Mahoncv livorly ti D. Ha is, Aucuata
Thomas Foilim r. Milton Ireland A Meixell,
MeEweiistillc E S. I' jcr, Tuibuuvdlr James
I. 'ced. Poltrgruve II. Khise, Sn di rtow u
II. II. Ki.iebel, P. M Elysbnrg P. O. Win.
I.ei- nring, P M. Union Corner.
Olliee and (imerul Ieil for the sale of
Wright't Indian Vtgriatilr Fills, V bob sale and
PHIA. May 31, 1H43. ly
roil ti3tti:ii.
ftiTANmt's r.nt jtions.
(Xj" The ftdlnlaingeertijiea'c describes one of the
matt extraordinary cures ever effected ly any
I'niT.Anr.I.rtitA, February 10, 1813.
T70II twenty years I was severely afllictrd with
-- Trttkii on tho Face and Heads the diseasp
commrnpeil whpn I was spvents'cn years old, and
continued until the Fall of I8')C, virying in trio
lence.biit wiihout ever disappearing. During most
of the lime, great pnrt of my f ice was covered with
thp eruption, frequently a'tended with violent itch
ing; mv bp.ul swel'pd al limes until it fi ll as if it
Would bur-t thp swelling was so thai I could
scarci ly get my hat on. During the long period
that I was nlllicted wi h tl.r disease, I used n great
many n plication-, (am .ng them s. vcral celebrated
prep irnlion-1 ns w. II a taking inward remedies.
including a number nfb ittlcs of Siiaini's Fannra,
F.rlrart nf Sttrsnpnrillu, Ac, In fact, it would be .
impossible in rrnmeifl'e all the medicines I used.
I was nlso under the c ire of two of the crmM dis- I
tincni-be.l phyici ins of this pity, but without rp- j
reiving m -rh benefit, sod I despaired of ever being
cured. In tl e fdl of 1S:1H, the diseae at the time '
being very vioVnt, I c-iinrnonced Using lite ,7ir I
Ointment, (prepared by Ysuchun A' Divis.) In j
a few applications ihe violent itching ceased, the .
swi -Ding aba'ed, the 1 ru hec.ui to disappear,
nnd bet, re I had n--n a jar the dt-c:ise wa cutlielr '
cuicd. It has noiv l-cen nenr'y n Vear and a half 1
since, and there is not a vestiie nf the disea'P re- !
iniiinirig. except Ihe scars from the deep pits forinrd j
by the disease. It is imp. ssiblo for me to describe
in a crrtifieale the severity of the disease and my
soil', ring, bill I will be pie .sed In give a fuller nc
count to any person wanting further satisfaction,
who will p ill on me. At the lime I commenced
using Ibe Hose Ointuunt 1 would have given bun
iheds of do. bus to le rid of ihn disease. Since u
sing it, I have recommemb d it to scveril per-ous,
(among them my lumber, who h 1 1 the di-case bad
ly 011 her B'rn,) who were a I cured bv it.
JAMES DUIvNELL, No. loll, Rare St.
CC? Ti e Kose Ointment is prepaied bv E. II.
Vaiihan. S, u h East 00111 r of 'J'li.rd and Pace
stic. t-i, I ' ti i i ilt Ij liia, and sold on ncencv in Snnbu
rv. bv II. It. M AEK,
Uiy l lth. Hin. Ai;rnt.
I!ofc Oiiidiiciit, lor Tcllfi.
P11 1 1 a ti 1.1. rii 1 a May 27lb, IS:V.t.
nHIS is lo certify ll a! I was severely all! c'c.l
-1 wi:h 'fetter in the hands and feet for upwards
of forty yeius ; the disc ise wnsnltiidcd g. tipnlly
with vio'enl itching and swelling. I 1 .1 to a
i.nmbirot ihyMcims, nnd Usui a gri at inaov i.ppli
ra ions without itVeeiiig a cure. About a y ar I nppl'ed ti e Eo-e (liiilrncnt, which entirely
stop) rd the itchin.'. and a f vv uj'pli.":ti -ns immedi
ately cured the ibspa-e, which Ihere has been no
relurn of, if!tlioi'g!i I had never been rid i f it at
any lime for b.rly years. J'tCIIA 15 D SAVAt.E.
I'.bvenlh, below Spruce Stint.
(XjT The Hose Ointment is pri pared by E. B.
Yaui ban. S mill East corner of Third nnd KarP
Sheets, Phil.idi Ij hia, and sold 011 ageucv in Siinbll- H. B. MASSE!;,
.Iay I tth. Aget.
Of the HO SF. OI.TMi:.T, fr Tttltr.
LTHflUtiH thp superiority of the prepaiatinn
f over all otln rs is fullv rs'iiblished, ihe proprii1
lurs lake pb asure in laying before ihe public the
follow ii g rrr'.ifirate from a re-pectab!e physician,
a gradual! nf ihe University ol Pennsv Iv.iuia. Dr.
H.iuub, having found in ibis ieiin-ily that irliet f r
a letbous and di-ngreealdc alfeetinn which the means
wilhiu the ranee of bis profession billed to nil'ord,
has not hi ritati d to give it his approbation, alih ug!i
the prejiidiers and ii'.ii rests of that profession aie
1 ppo-eJ lo secret b'cmetlies.
Phii.aiii LruiA, Sept. in, is:if.
I w as recently troubled w itli a tedious herpetic
eiupii. 11. w bit h c .vi: rd nearly one si 'c of my fire,
and exit mtcd over the car. Mr. Viiughau, pioprie
loi ol the Hose Ointment, obc. iung my face, iiisi--Ic.l
nn my tiymg his preparation, of which he han
ded me 11 jar. Although iu common with ihe mem
beis of my profession, I ibs. oiintenanee mid disap
prove ol the tinnier, us nostrums palmed upon the
public by igimi ant pn lenders, 1 Ii el in jiis'ice bound
toexcipt the Hose (lit. tun lit from thai c'a-s of me
ibeines, and lo give it mv approbation, 11s it entire
ly iiired the eruption, uhhoiinii it hid resisted the
u uil iippl,cati..i,. DAN L. li A I (ill, M. D.
(jf The Hose Oinlliieiit is picpared by E. B.
Vaii):hati, South Ea-t porr er of Thud ami I! are
Stieets. Philudo'phij, ami sold on agi nrv in Sun
bury, by H. B. MAssEI!.
May I -lib, ln. A'z-n!.
J. r.ZA'srii ANE, JR". &l CO.
iSuili' !inti Toliaccti .MiiiiiiLutiircrs,
Vi). Ill) Xorlh Wist corner of Hare and Third
rlHE untler-igned have formed a C?n-partnership j
- under Ihe linn of. I. MAY LAN D. . 1 11. A Co.. j
as successors to ihe late firm of Jacob .10700 i
Co., and w ill c mliiiue the business at ibeold c -ta-
blisluiieiil, on their own aeeoun. In addition to '
their own close ailentioii and experience fol many
Veins, in tbe manuf iclure of their erlt hraled snu:'.'-,
A r 1 he long cxpeiience of the senior pai t uer of Ibe
I .Ie firm, vv.ll iiImi be devoted lo Ibe intetc-l of tb- '
new coucriu and as no exertion and care w ill be J
sp.iied In insure tilt ir goods, at all limes of the ve
ry best quuhty, they solicit a continuance of the
eoiilali nee ol the f. eiol. mi l cu-l inn rs of the late
Philadelphia, May 1 Ilh. 1 ri 13. l y
B ra: rnr mz :n: ,
l orm r of Third and Vine Sin 1 Is,
rilHE sob nlier n specll'ully announces to ihe
B pill he, that he h -s opened a Hotel in the cota
moiltoiis brn k building s.iuate on the comer of
'I hitd and Pine streein, where he will he happy to
wait lip 11 those- wb; may favor him with theii
Company. The Eaje Hotel is und Coliveni-
1111, an.l ft ri i-l.. , j,, (,r I -t 111 . 'cm stvle. It i
provided witii a huge mm, her of will aired and
romf.rtible sleeping spaitmcnts, rooms, private
I atlors, Ac. l'ersona yisiiing Williams)ort on bu
tincssor pleasure, may est assurid that every ex
irlmn will be used to render iheir sojotun nt ihe
"Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agneahle. His Table
will be supplied with the very beat the maikit af
fords, and his bar with the choicest wines anj other
liquors 1 hatges reasonable. 'Fho Eale Holrl
possesses greater advantage in point of location
than any other similar establishment in the borough,
being situate in the business part of the town, and
within convenient distance of the Court House
and Wilhamspiirl and Elmira Bail 1,'oad Depot.
Sufficient Stabling provided, anJ good and tiusty
ostlers always in attendance.
Attentive, accomniodnting and honcl Servants
have len iniroyed. and nothing bit undone thai
will add to the romfuit and accommodation if his
Tin re will le a carriage always in attendance at
the Boat Landing to convey passengers lo and from
the House, lite ol 1 Larue,
May 14th, 1842,-t
b. izassePs,
Buslnets attended lo in the Counties of Nor
lliumlcrland, Union. Lycoming and Columbia.
Itrfer tot
Tiiotu, II hit A Co.,
Lowi-n A lUnnnv,
IIxnT, CtMiirris A Haiit, yPhilad.
l.KY!ot.ns, MrFant.tnn A Co., '!oon A Co.,
To C'oiititrv
''piIE Subscriber, Aecnt of Lynn A Hnrris, Hat
-- Manufacturers, for New York, Phil nlelphia,
Ballimo.'o and other large cities, whoso lints nre
highly nded fir inmd edit and duml.ilitt,
has mi hand a ;r-t rate .isscrliivnt of HATS nnd
CAPS, niitu! le for Spraip sdc, wh ill will be sold
very low, foi cash or apt,'ovPil crul.t, nl ibe nrted
cheap stare, Nn. 40, North 'J lvrd atr-v I, oipjsi'e
Ihe City Hotel. Phibi lelphia.
noiii'.HT I). WILKINSON, Arcit.
N. B. Orders I .f Hats in tbe rone 4. promptly
attended to, Th hi-hest rice in MaA or trade
given fir Fur t,-in,t.
Philadelphia, June II,
LL persons indebted In the linn of Lyon A
' Hairis, under the agency of O. N. 'I'haeher, ,
. and Cap Manufacturers, No. 4l) North Third, j
street, Philadelphia, nre requested lo ninke iminedi- ,
nte nettinneiil of tin ir airoi.nts with the subscriber,
their legally authorized noent, who is folly impovv. ,
eied to settle nnd collect ll.e neennnts of said firm, j
June 4lh, 1P42. tf Ai-eut.
Ao. (i'.J Sorllt Third, abort- Arclt Strut,
Af roMMonAHovs inn srvt:MV n 'ttKr.'S.
r'H A KLES WEISS, h,v,,f tbe "White Swan,"
' asutl "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in
forms his friends ami customers, that be I n become
the pioprielor of tbe nbov well know n Hotel.
Ci -unity Meuhmts will f ml the above Hotel a
central I -ration, and the best of fare. Persons tra
velling will) private conveyance will find a large
yard and good stabliog for horses, und the best of
oslleis. Hoarding j 1 per day.
May M1I1, DM2. tf.
"friz. :-:ziLifC'ZiT c"c7,
( 'umiiiisyi'in iV I'orwnrilinn .Mcrcliiinls,
Foot of Willow Slrtet Rail Hand,
J T AYINli as ocii.tid w i h them Joseph Harnct,
late of Easton, Pa., r. s; et tliillv iub.nii t -o ir
It 1 ei ds nnd the public cencr.i'lv, that they havr ti.
k. n th it lar'c nn. I We i known Ft, ire and wh i.Tat
foot of Willow Street, lately orcupie I by
Jacob Martin, where tbev pit'ptve doing a tiemral
Commi-sioii nnd Forw-irding Business, ami l oin
the local advantages nf ihe place bt iug ponm clej
with all ll.e public improvements that have their
outlet in the citv, thry flutter tin mselves they will
be able In do business lo Vt gre it, if not gicatei ad
vantage, and upon as teasonal 'e term as any other
house, and liny iissuie their fiiel.ds t!".."l any con
signments made to ihem shall have their strii'! at
tention, and tin cxr itions spared to give entire satis
f.iction. They nre nlso prepared to receive and forward
goods 1.1 any point 011 the Delaware and Leli ch
rivers, between Mnuch i'hui.k, Easton and Phila
ilel; hia, via Delaware Division nnd Lehigh Can .Is;
also, to nnv point 111 the Juniata river, or Nonh
and W(sl Blanches of the Sti-qiieh,nin via Seliuy I
kill and Union, or tho Chesapeake and Tide Watci
For the accommodation of Boats coming or go
ieg via Schuylkill nnd Union Canals, a
will be ki pi expressly for towing boats from ihe
Schuylkill uround to the I lei aw ate an.l bark , which
will eu ible meiebanls to have Ibrir piodure ileli
vetcd on the De'awaie, nnd their goods si ippul tit
a saving of fit) to 7f per cent, on the noes fir
h.inl'u g ncio-s, with tin so advantage a they re
spectfully solicit a share of alronace.
William Heilmin,
William W. K.yser.C
losi -li I! .rnel. J Phibid.,
May M, 1S1.T ly
GriM rnl c tmnitlsslon .ilt r lianls.
For the .We of Flour, Uruitt, Sttd, ic., c.
.' ri.Jr-l s- 1 1 I
f" T lPEO l l'I'LLY ii f orm iheir fiieiuls un.
fej Q he Merchants ocneraHv, tiiat they hate ta
ken those large nnd commodious What v. s, it ilh I wo
Dutks, 1101th of t'hesniit street, on the D.buvire,
logcthrr with tbe si. .re No- t'.l South Wh arte-,
wheielhry would be pb a-cd n n-c ive consign
11,1 libs of (iiain, Floui, Seed, Wbi-kry, Iron, Ac.
Ac. Bring also well prepared to foiward all kinds
of Mcrrhandise by the Scbuy ikill and Union, or by
the Cbi'Mipeske i.nj Water Canals, as tow
boats are kept expressly lot the purpose of towing
bouts by ei brr loute.
Meiebanls will p'e se be pulicu'ar to send their
good destined by ci'lir ci ..I-, t i No. 19 t'ou'ili
Wh itvcs, lielwi ru M.iikl and Chesinil sine's, mi
ihe Delaware, w nil dm eli.iis iiecomp my ing llieiu
wliieh route ihev wi:h ibem to he shipped.
(Xj- Plaster mid Salt lot sale, at the lowest mar
ket piiee. BOLTON A C'.
March 10, ISM. No. I 'J South Wharves.
IIUIM.HT ill s l it Jv SOV,
l.onibattt Strut, linltiinore,
I I AVE coii.-ijiiilv for s,i!r. Printing Papr nf al. and qtialiln a, Cap W riting Paper, iubd
and plain, I, t iter Paper, white and blue, ruled and
plain, Hanging Papei, fine and cnintn 'II, Envelope
Paper, ilo. do. II. ci, I ill, doub e eiow 11, Clow it and
cxlr.i sired Wrapping l',i ers, t 'oloied Medium mid
Koyul P.ipeis, Bonnet, Einders' nnd Snaw Box
Boaids, Tissue I'upi r, and all ait eles ill 1 lit ir hue,
which they will sell on ..icoiiiiooJauiig terms.
II ghi'sl puce given f ,r old ntgs.
March 13, 184:1. Elkton, Md
vy.....ijyi.Xi f WiaM
AN article unequalled for cleaning and giving a
highly durable and most brilliant polish to sil
ver, Ciermnn Silver, Brass, Copper, BrilUnia ware,
Tin, Suel, Cutlery, and for restoring ihe lustre on
Varnished carriages, Ac. TKV IT.
Prepared an-l sold al wholesale and retail, by the
Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Ovvcgo,
'J'ioga county, N. Y.
WM'. FOKSYTH. Agent lor Northum'd,
H. B. MASSEI!, Ag.ui for Sunbury .
November 2ltlh, IH42.
ri.TKii" niTwiTiis.
No. 74 fallow la. I1 1 Nlrci1!, riiiladeljiliia
C'l'hret doors alnre Second. J
JlIOE Findings always kept on baud, which Ii
J'l oilers for suU on Ibe loae.-t teun. Coiiuiry
Meiebanls are pur'.icuUily to (ill auljude foi
till IIIM Ives.
J'lulatlclj hia, Novcmser 13, 112. ly.
G. V. & L. B. TA7LC?..
FFER FOB SALE, nl the South East Cor
ner of Fifth and Market Streets, Fhiladd-
Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted.
do do di pegged do
do do do water proof, double solos
and double tippers.
do Calf-skin do do do nailed
ml uppers.
do Heavy Water Lealhrr Boots.
do do Ncnts do do.
do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin.
do do d" Crackers do
do Fine Monroes warrnntt-J
Jo Kip do do
do Ouf do do
do Co.irse do do
do do Shoes d,
do Fine 1!,) ,,,
do Kip 1I0 iha
do Oitlf nnd Seal Skin rumps.
do List Socks with and without !p.;
do Cnrpet do do i,
do Pai.-nt Warranted Water-proof Moccasins
Ladies' do do , ,
Latin s' fanned In.lia Bobber shoes,
(ielitlemcns do Over shoes.
With every other dec iptiiiti of boots ami shoes,
Fur Cnis of every description,
Travell ng Trunks of every description.
Vencti n Travelling Hags.
Patent (inm Elastic Shoe Blacking.
Hi nnels of all kinds. Palm Leaf Hats.
I Jul idolj.hia. Nisv ember 1:1, s'12. Iv.
No. a) North Water StreH, l'liiln.
T- WANUFACTUKEKS and dealers ill Oils of
lV tl every i!e-fiipii"n both f.r binning and ptirpo-. s, whi. h will be sold much
bivvy tlinti they can be procured elsewhere, and
warranted in quality to equal nnv in the city. Any
oil sol-l by the company not proving as lepresenled,
ioay Is,' returned Withoul any expense to the pnr
chaser, and the money vti',1 be ri funded,
'J'heir .-bn k now i' store consists ol the follow ing
oils, t '17 :
3fl,(H!0 callons Winter l'leschisd Spetm"
t in,
do do ('oloilpsa Oil.
do Fall ami Spring Sperm Oil,
do Winter Sea Elephant,
do do Pressed Whale Oil.
do Summer do do do
do ( o.nmoti hale Oil.
200 Barrels supeiioi Stra (s Oil,
i :!('( do Cod Hank Oil,
! fit) do Nea-s Foot 0,1,
i ',: Ca-lts Olive Oil.
! Tni't.erV I Mis. J r
C'j This Company has n number of Ycsm-Is" n
gated in the Col 1'isbi rv, ami 'J'.uu.ers may u-'.y
upon rrfing at all Lines O, I as pure as imported.
Plnl olelpbi... Nov. 1:1, is;-. Iv.
'Sirliacl IVcnvcr tV Son,
r.ori: riATrnrzs zmr ciiawdlehs
No. I:l.Yo;i Watt r Street. Vhihnli 'i hitt.
p A E rojisiantly on hand, a geni r il assort
M mi nt i.t t oroage. Seme I w lues, Ar.. via
I ai'i! Hopes. Fishing Bonos, While Hones. M.inj
hi Bones. Totv I. iocs tor t' M..fite. M, !
complete iissortment of Seine Twines, Ac. such
Jleiup Sl.iid ami Herring Twine, Best Patent t;
Nttt 1' .' iue, Cotton Shad and Heriing 'Pw ii e, SbJ
Threads. Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Colds, Plough Liri
Halters, Trapes, and Linen Carpet ('hai l
Ac. all of which they will dispose of on n agonal!
Phil ide'phi.i, Novcmbet 1 .1, 1 1 12. I v.
.I;toI ft'i Jsntiilli jv Son-
I EspECTFLLLY informs their frn nds ami
neqiiniiitnnres g,. lerally that Ibey still con
tinue lo keep nt lite old st.itul. No. 215 North 3d
strret. Phihuh lphia, all Olds of
Which thry w ill aril n the ni ji '. accominodutiny
and icasotia It terms.
N. B. All co.-ds sold will b 50,11 ,ritr-cJ af.d all
orders promptly stn mh A In.
Philadelphia, Novcmlni 13, IS 12. ly.
SIM'.I'vlMi, (HOI y CO
X. ;U.l Street, i'liiliiiteljiiiia.
SNVITE the atteoiion of Country Merchants
to tlo-ir esti u. ive a-si Ttn-int of Hritiih Fret, eh
and American Dry Co. ,,!.-., w !,ii h thry oiler for S ilt
on the m 1 t reasonable ti rms.
Philadi lphia, November 1.1, !l2. ty.
J . w . swain".
riiKiri-ila ami I'arasol iMitnnrartmrv
: .Vi. 3"i X'i-'th 1'htttl th-tel, tfa dtmrt Ulote tk .
Cihi Haiti. FMIad'hditn. '
: TiOUNTKV Men bants and others are sclicite'l
I til examine his asoi ti.irnt before purchasing
t lsevt ln-ie
Piiila :e!( hi
November 11. IS 12. ly.
.x. sul Jan:
"t'b: sae a sma'l Farm, Contaiiniig about i-nc
hundred and ten nervtt, more or le-s, situ ate
in Point township. Nonhnml erland rountv, about
two miles above Noitl.iimbetl mil, on ll.e ni.,i:i
road leadinr? from that pbu e to Daiivjllc, a.lioininB
lands of John l.cgliou, Jt-sr C. H011..11 nnd others
now in the occupancy of Samiu I Payne. About
fitly pins or said triK t are clean J, and in gooe
state of eu liva'i in, ei which there is a small hurt
erect, d. The property tt iil be sold on r. asoi abh
I. tins. For I'uitbi r paitii', prisons an request
rd lo apply to ll.e u! sriib. r.
ii. b. mass;;k, At,
Nov. 27'h. 1S12. tf Sut, In, iv. Pa
nut mi hi '
VNTHON'S Cbis.-icul Dietioitary; Lein rirr't
do.; Ainsttorth's tin ; Cobb'i do. English und
'emiari do.; Authoi.'s Ca sar; Ambon's tirammer
Ai.lheu's fir.' ii; Mail's I aiio Erath r; I filly's do.
Aiiibew's Latin Lissous; Donnrgati's Lexicon
Fit'k'a (lie k Kxrtcises; Davies's Legendeit Ciraecs
Maj ira; Ad. mis' Boman Alitiqiiiliest Piiiuock'i
(i' bl-ioill.'i England; do. ( irrrn ; I.J ell's Eleincutt
of Geology ; Mis. Lincoln's Botany; Eliincnls o
BoUnv; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Iihttorical Kea
ders; Emerson's (leogrnphy and History! Oh ry":
do ; Parli y's do.; Smith's (irammeit Kirkhum's do.
Kay's Headers; Co! .I's do.t Cobb's Arilhmrlick
Pike's do.; Eon rson's do.; Cobb's Spelling Books
'I'ovtn's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa
ntity Library ; Cottage Bible; Family do ) Collater
al do.; Small Bibles und Test iinent-i Parker's Ex
ereisc on Composition; Fiuit ofthcSpirit Baxtei's
Saint's Hot; American Kcvolulioii; Mauyatt'a No
vels; Mrs. Phelps on Cbcmisliy; Iliad; Catechism
of American Laws; I ett.rson Natural Magic) Che
mistry for Beginners; English Exeteisis adapted to
Muiray's Crammer, Sequel to Coinh-y's Spelling
Book; Ann rican Class Book) Daboll's Schoolm is
tci'a Assistant; A great variety of Blank Books, Ac.
August 28, U42.
; .