Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 23, 1844, Image 3

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    How to mars Arrow-root. The Cleveland
(Ohio) Herald give the following method of
making potato starch, which it says in the verita
ble arrow root, so highly valued for invalids.
Take a dozen of large and smooth mealy pota
toes, wash them, and then carefully pare off all
the rind. Next grate them fine with a suitable
tin grater. The pulp must be mixed with a
pailful of cold water, and thoroughly agitated and
squeezed by the hand or any suitable instrument,
at the same time throwing away fibrous matter,
and permitting the starch to sink to the bottom
of the vessel. This must have a fresh washing
in colJ water till the pure farina is obtained free
from all the other matter. This should be spread
nn earthen dishes, and dried in a warm, airy situ
ation. The good housewife will exclaim, "Why this
is nothing but potatoe starch !' True, it is not
nor have you used any other article under the
name of arrow-root, for the sick members of your
family, though yon may bave purchased it at the
rate of several fliiTlings per ponnd.
Corrected wetkly by Henry Yoxthetmtt,
I) in k n Applrs,
HccKLcn Flat,
a ri srppi.iMinxT
To the art entitled "An Act relating In coun
ty rites and levies and township rates and
I'rvif .," parted the )'th day r,f April, 1S3L
Sectiow I. Oo il enocted by the .Senate and
House of Representatives of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania in General As emblv met, and it
is herel'y enacted by the authority of the same,
that it shah" I the duly nf the Supervisor of the
highways of every township and l or .ugh in the
counties of Schuylkill, Norlhomncrland, and Car.
ii . -t i -
iy proper mooes ot cooning, Known ro every ,,n 8nnty , wlrcl on, of ,rir number, or np
nurse and housekeeper, fhis article iioromea a de- point ,me auitahte inhHhitsnt of the township oi
lightful beverage for invalids weak in their di
gestive powers, while, as a pleasant diet, even
to persons in good Loulth, it jwssesscs a strong
Fisil Bones. Tt is well known Vbnt there is
much pain and danger Tesiiltinj from the lodjinj
of small fishbones in the throat. But perbaps
it is net gerifraTiy "known that tlie white of an
rPK ponreJ down the throat at such times gives
immediate relief. The roasen is ebviess. Small
bones, like pins and needles, often lie acre The
passage into the stemrc'h, slijfut'ly a'darmg y
the points, the ejrg clings t them r,3 rtrries
them down. If this knowledge shnnbl ever come
a acceptable to any one hs it iilt fnim vbo aks
you to publish it. when dnrlng an bonr of intense
anxiety of mind lie saw bis -helirved relieved from
suffering and tlie prospects of a liorriil death, ihen
would the corriribrter and puldisher be refgid a
thousand fold
A Mas Kti.i.rn. Te learn, that on Satnr
lay evening last, on accident occurred on Dun
lin's Island, Iry which a tiler man pedlar was
nstantly killed. So far as wc have been in
ormed, it was an occidental affair. Tho par
ticulars, ns related to ns, are these : A ped
ar by tho name of Dkvfohis, had been at a
shooting mutch (or some part ofthe day, and
returned to his lodgings, Mr. !iV tee's tavern,
in the evening with his pun charged with :
xiwder and shot At the suggestion of some
tie in the bar-room, he went to the door to
iticharge the gun. It was then very dark, and
It ' olding the gun in a horizontal position, he
p ointed and fired the piece directly in a line to
a 'lieretlte pedlar was, unperccived until afterthe
ft isc barge, when it was found that the contents
vycrc lodged in bis breast, and a enrick called
elttcntion to the melancholy trpot where the dy
itig man lay. We learn that Dryfnos immedi
ately surrendered himself to the hands of jus
tice, to await an investigation into the facts,
tind his innocence ol mtrder substantiated.
Perry Democrat.
Fait. Gauf.. Mrs. Polly M Woodcock of
Lowell, has petitioned to the "(ivnaral Court"
ii the old Bay State for 'permission to rail lier
self Mrs. Mary M. Wood. It seems tiiat Wood
rocks are not allowed to be caught during certain
mouths in the year in MassavlmsrHs, and as the
petitioner is a yonng and pretty widow, she
sloesnt likelo have a mere name the obstacle in
the way ef Iict ftappiiicsfr
X.,n Wtcm-, by S7ft. The N. Y. Sun
says, day tor two sinte we had a card banded
Ms, neatly printed, "V.jrg Hatching V.xhibition,
1 f!0 Nassau street, lip stairs. The exhibition
vpens to-day. The TTgg Hatching Machine
Wing into existence twenty thousand chickens
perannnm. A great relief to the hens
FTworriNa Wivvh An extraordinary occur
rence recently took place in Ilanccck county,
Ohio. The Findlay Courier says, two neigh
bors, Henry Adams and Jacob ttiis-porger being
dissatisfied with their wives. Burned upon an
exchange. Adams received ivisperjer'n wife
and two of his four children, ami left thecnun
try. F.nsperger received in exchange Adams'
wife and his four children, and a deed for his
farm as boot. A few days after a warrant was
issued by a magistrate, and Mrs. Adams bail
been arrested, Ensporger had eluded the officer,
BaHK An I'n&lish paper Mutes that
nearly the whole ofthe forty-five millions of
Russians go without stocking.
A lady, who her love had sold,
Ask'd if a reason could be told
Why wedding rings were made of gold!
I ventured thus 't instruct her t
Love, Ma'am, and lightning are the same
On earth they glance, from Heaven they came !
Love is the soul's electric flame,
And gold iU best conductor
ho roll uh, to tie collector of ihe Uond luxes levied
or assessed for such township or liorouch, which
Supervisor oi oilier person appointed "
aforesa'il, shnll give bond with two or more miflii lent
sec ii Hues, to Vie approved hv the Township or Ho
much Auditors, and deposited whh them, which
s.iiit bond shall I m the name of soch twn4iip
: nr hoioimh, and the condm.m thereof shw! I Iki that
I snrti collector shall well ami truly collect and pay
j over to ihe Township or Beroigli Trcasuier, ifoire
lie elecied or npinnti d, snd if not, iben to the fa
, peiv'sois, or aremmt foe. according to v the
I whole amount nf the taxes cbrced and assrssed in
ihe (rniilinite, delivered to c1i collector; Protid- d:
Thai nothinn herein contained sr, dl t,e enn-t'ued
! t prevent nil persens rnted for roil t.nes from
j wiRVinRnut their respective tares in the m inner
now provider! Iir !w,
Skx-tibv J. 'I'h it it shall and miy be lawful for
tire rlcckirs of -verv Town-hip wnd Boroueh, in ti e
counties rtf Schcylkill and NoithiimVeTlsiti annu
ally, aithe time and place f electing Snnervis r,
i to elect Township or Borough Treasurer, who shall
give such hond and perform such dtrti,- and he
! inliject to the like pcnaltie, as ore provided fir in
, the ninety fifih, ninety tilth, ninety seventh and
j ninety cighlh ct oirsot act of the fifteen ih April,
j one thousand eipht hundred and thirty four, en
j titled '-An ct relating tu Counties and Township
i and County nd Township oli'icers."
j Skctioi 5. Thit so far a nny lnw as hereby
i nherid or iuppLed, he, and the same is hereby re
I Skcbttart's Orncr..
j I certify tha' t' e above and f.ireenine is a true co.
py of seciions 1, 1. snd h of the origin d act. np
I proted the 1 1 li day of March, 1844, at tho satna
i remains fi'ed in this ollice.
eA Witness mv ha d, and the seal of
C ) said cfhVo st Harri-burg, ihe I4ih day
L. S. C of March. A. 1). 1844.
Vv Dep. Sec' Commonwealth.
Msn h 23.1, 1S44.
9 000 ,,0,'lNl,s FtlA'I'JIEKS, for sale
yjVV- eiy w, Jn guy quantity to suit
purchasers, for cash, at prices from 10, li, 25 and
30 centt per pound.
Keady made Beds, Bolsters and Pillows, Curled
Hair Matira'ses, Moss do , and other kinds to suit
any t-izc Beadstcads, alw.iys on hand. Coiled
Hair and New Oilcans Moss by the hale or single
pound. Also:
Ulai'kri. Marseilles tjuilts, Comfortables and
Bedstead of all descriptions.
(jj Country Merchants will find it to their ad
vsnlnce to call tiefore purchnsine-
HM.EV A: CO. j
8. E. cornet of Second ami WaUiut sts. Thilad. i
March 2Sd, 1844. Sm j
larol Scrvry's lVlstio.
NOTICE is hereby pivcn.thnt Letters of Ad- j
mifirstration upon said estate have Ihvii csn- j
led to rtie tuhstrf ilwr. All pi'rsons havint cliims
aftainst siid rstate, sre recpiested to present them j
for rzaminalioii and settlemertt. Those ttrdclrted
will plrasu inuke imnicdt.iM pavment.
Jacksrm township, Marrh 2tl, 1814. St
IJOK trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor
I lhumlrr!and County, at April Term 1811,
, commencing the firl Monday.
1 Jacob Shi r. vs John Stout
j Stephen Wilson vs F A Kracht
I Smnel Keefer vs James Beard
l Com'th of l'cnni for
U V'
j John Crilliii's adin'x
Jacob Leiser sr
Enoch Mower's ex'r
v John Friik
vs Samuel T Burrows
vs .5 tt II M Davison
vs John Knorr
John II Flanigan guardian vs Win L House)
Wni K llrown vs Peier llii'l eii
John A L'oyd
Bank of N'orthumh'J
Eli Brobst
llobert Miner's sdm'f
Daniel Braiiiipaui
(Christian I'hi'ips
vs ReVcca Well
vs INul Cel. leu V-c
vs S & I! M Kee
v V dliam llihler et al
vs John Cowdcii' rx'r
vs John H Mi l. r
Joseph Hotiihendoti!cr Ve vs ckei A: t'uminings
About BiniTH ruts. Dr. Biandreth
wishes his medicine to risa or fill by it own me
riU. He feel confident thit Uon a fair trial II
will not only secure a place in tha public estima
lion, hut retain hi bold upon the affections of the
people, without resorting to tha vulgar, though
Common practice, of abusing other medicine. His
Vegetable Universal Pills, by purifying tha blood,
have succeeded in curing the most inveterate and
opposite disease by tha one simple act ofconiinu.
ally evacuating the bowel wi'h them, until the
disease give way j therefoie, whatever may be ssid
of th theory, the utility of tha practice is now be
yond all doubt. His medicine, in fact, continue!
to herald its own fame by its iloni'l0g ef(Mlit
KJ ur rZ of H.U. Mass-r
! David Watson
Dr Hubert Philips
j Jonas Kelchner s ex'r
Abraham Slrmih
j Eve Lock Ac
I Charles F Miuflla
W II Mi rer
I The Oi.m''h of Penn'a
I Maid. in Hamlin
John Aglcr
('onr d Kaver
I-u c Davi
Joseph lloingardner
J.iiie Peony
Daniel Hill
J W rtiblinser Ac
John Ha'diugjr
Mary Scilei
Andrew Sinick
Philip Fo
John Furman et al
Master A Mathers
Thomas Huff
Mi. hai l Evert
Jacob Batnhart
Anthony Watson
Suannriah Zerl
Pi ter Baldy et al
John C Bojd
F Lstarua
HuKh Bellas Ac
Thomas Thatcher
J Wolf
Herd for Murrsy
.-" .... , ... i M.K-h 0 1841
ivwi puuli-he in anotner jn vi iuipi. cuuuu-j,
wuneury, or
vs Patrick Montaeue
v M'Cartee A Purdy
vs John Peal et ul
v Jonathan Adams
v Nicholas Loui' adm'r
v John T Matbia el al
v W II Frymire et at
v Felix M Hirer el at
vs John Birdlrnian
Vs Charles Cr .ig
v. Jhn Hud I
v John Bower
v John Murrsy
Vs Harriet Jenkins
vs Jacob Meiitll's ex'r
vs David darner
vs W. II Sanderson
vs A Kub-inijci' ex'r
V Dr J W Peal
s Henry Fornwslt
vs Augustus lloey et al
vs Mrs J C II Nouise
Vs Samuel Bell
V William Klilf.e
vs William McCiinness
vs John M. IIoul
v John A Lloyd
John C. Oiier et al
vs It'rhitd Hcnrhaw
vs H Fagely el al
v William McCay
V John llumrnrl
v Br.,wn & Brosius
v James F Murray
Abraham I routman et al vs C 'I ci"jUp
Jacob W Smith . Ur,,h Weinel
m i i
. rinca vs T A Billitigioii'f
i -um'r
v Peter Snyiler
'BY virtue of sundry writs of venditioni expo-
nas, fieri facias and levari facias, issued nut of
the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland
county, to me directed, will he exposed to public sale,
at the Court House in tha Borough of Sunhury, on
Monday the 1st day nf April next, at 1 o'clock,
P. M., the following described property, to wit l
The one undividided sixth part,
the whole into six equil parts to he divided,
of a certain tract of land, situate in Coal township,
Northumberland county, adjoining lands late of
Valentine Brohst, dee'd. and other, containing two
hundred arrea more ot Ves, about fifty acres of
which aie cleared; hereon are creeled a Tavern
house, a lnrn, sheds, Ac, now in thcoccupnnry of
Paul Bonis.
v,j Also: The one undivided sixth
L. part of a certain other tract of land, situate in
siid township, surveyed on a warrant in the nnine
nf Jeremiah Paul, containing 206 acres i n. I 18
perches more or less, on Shamokin creek adjoining
land late of Valentin Utohst, dee'd. and others.
Seized, taken in execn ion, and to l sold a the
property of Charles A. Bradford.
Also: A certain lot or yweco of
grrund situate in Ihe town of Shamokin,
Coal township, PfeKhnmberlanil county, in that
part of said town laid out by John (3. Boyd, liouiid
el c.n the south by the Danville ft. Pilisville Kail
Hoail, and an thi! east by Stnmokin street, en Ihe
west liy H.ick stroet, and on tlie north by a street ;
wheieon ate erected a large two tory frame Tavern
house and ki'rhen, painted white, an ice house
and fountain pomp.
Also: Two oilier conlitiotis
' lo's of ground situnte in the town aforesaid,
and milked in 0 e gene al plan thereof N'os- 1 and
! 9 l.,,in.1.A m Ihe north hv t.nt fl nn llie
south by a strei't or alley, ard fronting on Sh imo
kiu street on the eal, containing each 28 f..i
fiont, and in b ngth or depth 1 10 feet; whereon
are vrected a two story frame house and kitchen,
painted while and two frame stables.
Se'T.ed, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Jacob K'sm.
MAlso: Three certain lots of
ground situate in " L 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 m i ; i township,
Northumberland county, No. 1,2 A 3. adjoining
lands of John V ncent, and includisg sll ihe I .ml
between lot No. 3 and the Canal, containing each
J of an acre more or les ; whereon are erected a
two story frame dwelling hi, a store and ware
houe, stable, shed, Ac.
Sci7.ed, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of John T. Mathias.
Tt Also: A certain lot or yiiccc of
land situate in MiamoMn township, iNor- j
ihumbi iland county, a.lj 'ining land late of Ann
Pemb, rtoo, and land ot now Lewis Vn-tinc. con
taining 12 iicres more or less, about nine sen s of
w hich arc ch ared ; whereon i erected a small two
story frame house.
S, ii. d, t .k'-n in execution, and to be sold as the
proiienv of Henry Fry.
Also: A certain lot of ground situ
ate in the I oioiitfh of Northombcrlntid, and
tnaiked in the geneinl pi ill nf said town No 2:1.
bounded on iIip norih ea-t bj King strc-i or Mar
ket square, on Ihe north west by he Epi-cnpal bu
rying ground, on the south west by an alley, anil
on the south east by lot No. 24, con'aitiiug in
breadth sixty feet snd in length 200 feet.
Also: The one-hall (or therea
bout) of lot No. 18 as ma ked in the gemral
plan of said town, bounded on the south east hv a
lol of Mrs. Wappleo, on tho south wesi by lot No.
17. owned by Daniel Brau'igam, nn the north west
by Front street, and on Ihe north east hv an alley,
c ntaining in bieatbh 6(1 Iret and in lenuth "10 ft.
8 eited, taken in execution, and to be sold as Ihe
pr iperty of Joseph Hoffman.
Also: A certain half lot of
ground situate in the borough of Sunburv,
and maikcil in the general plan of said town No.
2S, bounded on the es.-t by a lot of Ccorgc Weiser,
El-.on tbe west hv a lot of Willi m Culiik, (be
ing ihe western half ef lot No. 28,) and on Ihe
souih by i-n alley, containing in from :t0 feet and
in length 210 (eel, wheieon are elected a l we sio
ry frame house and kitchen, wentherhoarded and
pain'ed white, a frame stable, smoke house, Ac.
Seij.ed, t iken in ixccutinn. and to be solJ as the
property nf Edward V. Bright.
Also: A certain tract or jneco
of land, situate in I'pper M h uiov township.
Norihumberlnud countv. a.lj lining lauds of B irba
ra B'O-iua, te ugn Fetterolf and ntheis, containing
one hundred acres more or lees, about fit) acre n!
which are cleared ; where. m aro i rixli'd a small log
hotue and a log at.ihle.
Seized, t'.keu in execution, and to be sold as the
prope rty of David Hess.
fH Also: A certain tract of l ind
r JUA. situate in Coal township, Northumberland
county, adjoining Mahonny creek, an I lands of
John Ki r-lcticr. Christian Kramer and others, con
taining one hundred acres more or less, about 75
acres of which are chared ; wheieon arc erected a
two story log house and a lurge new bank burn,
and a l uge orchard.
Soiled, taken in execution, and to he sold a the
property of Abr ham Dunkelberger, dee'd.
Also: All that certain traot of
land st'uale in formerly Turbiit, mov Dela
ware township, Northumberland Countv, bounded
and dcsciilavl as follows, viz; beginning al a ma
ple, thence south (It) degrees east, 1 9 perch' s and
seven tenths ( thence south 70 degrees west, 5
perches and nine leniha; them e south Tfi degrees
we-t, 10 perches to the Su ipi. h inn I river ; thrnro
down the same, south 4 id gr es eaat. S'l pen he ';
thence south 6 degrees we-t, fi.i perches and six
tenths to a c.rner nf lands of Ihe heirs of J , bn
Boyd; thence by said land e isl, 125 perches lis
post on Ihe old line ; thence along .a d line
north fli degieiS went 218 perches to the Warrior
Hun ; thence down said run, ihe rever .1 courses
and distance theieof, lo the place nf bi -ginning
containing 103 acre tud (.H) perehca, and allow
ance ( whereon are erected a house and bun, spring
house, an nrch.ird, Ac. A large pottiun nf aid
I ill. I is cleared.
Keifcd, laken in execution, and to be sold a the
propeily nf John (Jolly.
Albot A certain lot ol ground
situ ite. In the town of McEwensville. in
formeily Turbut, now Delaware townshii, Nor
thumberland county , bouoded on the north hv an
alley, land of Daniel Trymire on ihe south, an alley
on Ihe east and the main street on the west, con
taining in front or Wtd h 60 f'et, and In length 120
feet ; whereon 'e erected a two stoiy brick dwel
ling house and a frame stable.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Christiana Ifoluns.-n
II .'.111 I .' " !! I1 '
Also: At the public house of
Henrv Waser. in Shamokin township. Nor
thumberland county, nn Saturday Ihe 30th day nf
March inst., at t o'clock, P. M., a certain tract or
piece nf land situate in said township, adjoining
lands of Casper Adams, Peter Adams, Daniel Fa
gely and others, containing seven acres more or
less, about one acre of which is cleared; whereon
is erected a small log house.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold a the
property nf Samuel Stcrtzel.
Also: At the same time nnd
place, ih'ce certain contiguous lots of ground
situate in Ihe town of Shamokin, Coal township,
Nnrthumlierland county, in that part of said town
laid out by John O. Bovd, and marked In Iho gen
eral plan thereof No. 121,122 and 12:1, hounded
on the north by Independence lrrct, nn the south
by street, on the cast by lot No. 121, and
on the west by Franklin meet, each lol containing
28 J feet in front, ami about 200 feet deep ; where
on are erected a foundry, Calling house and fiui-hs
ing shop.
Seied, taken m, and to he sold as the
property of Jacob B air and John Tiego.
Slicrili Office.
Sunhury, March 2, 1811
Public Sale.
'PHE eubscrilicr i ffers fo' ade a put of hi farm,
-- cent doing about thirty acres more nr lc-. situ
ated on the Ho lowing Hun, about ! miles below
Sunhury, adjoining lands of Abraham Lytic. Hen
ry Malich and others, on which are erect id a saw
mill and clover mill.
N. B. If Ihe property is not sold Isfiee, it will
he expo-ed for sale, at public vendue, on the ltlh
nf April next, on the premises. Tint terms of sale
will 1 reasuhable.
Augusta, March 16, IS4I. :it
To ric Ilminrulile C. (7. lhmurl. I'.sq , 'rridrnt,
and his AisncoUs,Jn' of Ihe fnnrt ef tJ'inr
ire Stsiiims, of Ihe eauiily nf SurlliUinlrerlund :
WW. petition of Piter WYikle, of Coal town
ship, in saiil county, hunib'y represents, that
he continues to keep a public hou-e of entertain
merit at his old stand, and is well prepared for the
accommodation of travillers, Ac. He therefore
pravsyonr Honors to grant h m a Irense lo keep
a tavern, during the t-u.-uing nod ho will pray,
To the .Irnnr.s innvr mkjttioxkh: The sub
criber resident of Coal tow nship, hen by cr
lily, that Peter Weikel, the applicant for the
lici ne, is a man of good repute for honesty and
temper moo, and is well pmiilcd u i.h bou-ero iin
and convenience for the I ilguig and accommoda
tion of Strang, rs and travellers, and tint a tiblic
house there is nece sary : they the-i fre recom
mend him as a proper person to be licensed to keep
a put he house,
John Kerstctter Solomon Bolich
Jacob Weiekel J.i-iph Snyder
Holn rl Milliy Stephen But. nbender
John Haupt .lieob Wigmr
John Hover Daniel Evert
Joseph 'diner Franklin A. Claik.
orliitiiHl'iiatil County, nn.
In the Orphans' Court nf laid county, at
Jan. Term A. I). H4 1.
(TVS motion of Charles W. Hegins, Eq., the
" Court award a Hulo on Iscoh Long, tieorge
Long, John Long, Catherine, intermarried with
Sumuel tionsett, Mary, intermarried wilh Jonathan
Katherman, Harriet Long and Jane Long, of whom
Lot Hergstresser is guardian, Srah, intermarried
wilh Wilbam Cmiiilner, F.lir. ibclh, intermarried
with John Malich. Catherine, intermarried with Da
vid Gibson, Polly, intermarried with William
Kho nls, and Lydia Ann Shearer, being the children
and heir at law of (Jorge Long, nr., ibt'd., daugh
ter Elizabeth, intermarried wilh Peter Shearer, and
who deceased previous to the death of said intestate,
heirs and distributees of (teorge Long, sr., late of
Augusta township, Northumberland counly, dee'd..
to appear in our next Orphans" Court to be l,cld
for said rnuniy, to wit: on th first day of April.
1 M I, and accept or refuse the estate of aid George
Long. rr dee'd., or show cause why the same
sb,. lib! not be sold.
Certified from the records of our said Orphans'
Court, this 18th dav nfj.nuarv, A. D. Ifill.
Feb. 24th, IM4 tt Ci'k O. C.
I'.silalc or Solomon lrria, Icc'l.
"ttTOTICE is hereby given, that let'ers of ml-
ministration on the estate of Solomon Per
sing, dee'd., late of Shamokin township, Northum
berland county, have liec-n granted to the subscri
ber. All perlona indebted lo said estate, as well
as all thoaii having claims against the same, are re
quested 1 1 call nn tbe administrator for settlement,
who will l al home every other Saturday from
this date, for that purpose.
E M 1 A N l. E I. 7. 1 M M E R M A V,
Feb. 17th, 1M4. fit Adrn.
For llcnt.
'PHE large and commodious TAVERN STAND
- in the town of Shamokin, Northumberland co.
now occupied by the sub-crilier. Th above pro
perty is situated in the Shamokin Coal Region.
For terms, apply to JACOB KKAM.
Shnmokin, Fell. lOlh, 1H4L if.
& J A1T1TET,
Importer and Drain- In
vS K G A 11 S, P, Tl A N 1) I E S, G I N,
-Vo. 21 Commerce St., vear Fifth St.,
. niiiiA.DEr.rHiA,
t . J. or skht. jr.
Wm, A. Jakxet.
nninirs, sroins.
Pinet, t'sstillion A Co. I Woodvillc. Barranco.
Pernel Freres. I'gues. Lord Byron
Jsnuary 20 h. 181 1. fim
Coal lown.-hip, March 8, IHtl.
IS hereby given, that Ezra S. Hayhurst, assignee
of William Li iaenring, ha filed hi account m
the (dlice of the Prothonotaiy of Nonhumlrerl jinl
county, nd that the same will be presented to the
Curt, on tlie tirft day nf April Term next, for con
firmation and allowance, unit- cause he. shown to
the contrary. SA MITEL D, JORDAN.
Proibonotary's Office, J Prolh'y.
Suubury, M rrh 2, lis II. tc
TN the Court of Common Pleas of Nnrthumlier
land county. Januaiy filh, IS 1 1. On motion
of Charles Plei-anls, Rule on the Ju credi.
lors i f John C. Bovd, to appear by the fust d.iv nf
next term, and shew cause why the money raised
from the sale of John O. Boyd's life e-tate in cer.
lain's in Rush township, should not be dUlri.
bull d according lo priority of Lien. Bv the Court.
Prothonot xr flfl'icr, ) I'rotltif
Sunhury, March 2, IStl. S fi'-
f-JL SSL LJ iTjl
T IAMS ssn SHOl'LDERM for sale, cheap, f.r
1 1 cash, by H. B.MASSER.
Dec. 30th, 18 VS.
"I") ESPECTFCLLY informs the public that he
' has made Northumberland his place of resi
dence, and is ready lo attend to any culls in the
line of bis profession.
0' He may at all times bo found at Mr. James
Lee' Hotel.
Northumberland. Dec. IBth, IS 13. tf.
Printer's Ink.
A few kegs for sale, at a small advance Tor cash,
V y ih.c.0. H. B.MASSER.
IltlSS ITItillT DAY tl.OC RS
f IM E s ubscriher ha just received, for sale, a few
1 of tho above celebrated Eight Day Clocks,
wha-h w ill be sold al very reduced prices, for cah.
Also, Mi-ciior 30 hour (Thicks, of tbe liest make
and quality, which will le sold for cah. at M 50.
i Also, superior Bras 30 hour f S 00.
Dee. 2, 1H43. H. B. MASS Ell.
I ONE W ARE for sale.
2 .'.' Stone Jugs, from I quart to 3 gallons,
50 Stone Jais, from 2 to 6 gallons. For sale,
cheap, by Oct. M H. B. MASSE R.
SviruAAi J. iTfni.v
E. in the building occupied by J. Bloom,
ir.i"i ii vrivi: syrup,
flHE valuab! projieriie of Oakley's Depot.
I live Syrup of S.irsaparilla, as a purifier nftho
blood, i so well known to the public generally,
that it is unnecessary to occupy murh space in rt
ling fotth the advantages to be derived from its)
use! wherever the medicine has once Wen intro
duced, it lakes precedence oer all others : rv, iy
nire that has taken it, have derived so signal lienn.
fieial results from it, lhal it is recommended l y
them with (he tt'most confidence. Physician of
tho highest standing in the irofession, prescribe rt
lo patients under their rare ; containing nothing
deleterious, but being composed ot the most mild,
yet efficacious vegetable materials, it is offered wi'h
Confidence, as the cheeM and most efficient pu
rrfier of the blond now known. The use of a few
bottle, especially in the spring month, wifl 'be m
tended wilh a most decide ! improvement In tbe ge
neral str.ngMi oft'.e system, eradicsfing any re.l
nf I'iseas thi, mav have been Renerated, Wsidesi
giving heal'h -nil vi-,. r to the For the euro
nf SitoIuH or K'ngs Evil, Pheiim-nism. Ti tier.
Pimples or eiupti -n nf the Skin, While Swelliivs,
F tula, (.'hroiiic ITough Asthma, Ac. The i u
metous cernfica'es in Ihe possession of tbe ml . r
brr anil bi agents, from physician and others, ro
sufficient 'lo ronviiee the most skept leal nfils.u
pcriority over nil preparations nf Sarsoparilla.
Sold nhole-iile and retail, by tire proprietor,
GEORGE W.UAKLKY, North Slh street, rea
ding, Berks Cuuuiy, and lo be bad of tho following
pet sous :
Tfiirthumhrrhtnd C'ormfiy. M. B. Masr
Suubury ; Ireliiid A Mixel, McEwensville ; D
Krauser, Milton.
In X'ninn Cmnty.S. Geathart, Selinsgrove
A. Guti bus, Mitlliuliurg.
In Volumbia CoUnty.V.. W. McCay, Wash
TReading, March 14, 1843.
Mil. Ortrtr ! I believe it the fluty of every
one lo do whatever in their power lies, for the bene
fit of their fellow mao, and having had positive
proof in my own family, of ihe wonderful propertiis
of yoor Depurative Syrup of Sarsaparilla, I m s't
consr'ientiously recommend il to the afflicted. We
had the mi-fortune to lose two of our children, by
the brea'aing Out of ulcrou aorcs that covered the
face, head and neck, Blthimgh we had some of tho
miist scientific physicians to attend th'-m and hail
tried all the known remedies, including Swaima
Panacea, without avail. Another of my children
was attacked in the same manner, her face ami
neck was completely covered the discbarge was sf
offensive, anil ihe disease at such B height, that we
despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful effects
of your Dcpnr.iiive Syrup of S i-rsaparilla, we were
induced lo make trial of it, as the last res rt ; it
acted hke a charm ; the u'cers commenced healing;
immediately, a few bottle entirely restored her tra
her health, which she ha enjoyed uninteriupledly
ever since. As a purifier of ihe blood,! verily be
lieve it has not its cipial.
Walnut trr.'et, near Fourth, Heading;.
Done;las3vi!le, April tth, 1813.
Ma. Oakit.t : My son Edmund Loaf, had 't,e
scrofula in the moal dreadful and distres-ing Tii a li
ner for three year, during which time he Was de
prived of tiro use of his limb, his head and nerk
were covered wilh ulcers. We tried aTl the differ
ent remedies, but to no i fleet, nntil recommended
by Dr. Johnson nf Nonistown, and also Dr. Isaac)
Hiester, of Reading, to nse yorir Depuralive Syrup
of SareaparWe, of which I obtained scteral bottle,
the use of which d'eve the disease Vnlin ly out of
his system, the sore healed up, and tho child wan
restored to rfect health, whic'u he has enjoyed
uninterruptedly ever since, to the astonishment of
many peisons who seen bim during his afflictions
I have thought it my duty, and send you thiscerti
ficate thai otlrera who have a tike affliction in the
family may know where to obtain so valuable a
medicine. Your truly,
Sept. fi, 143 ly
on Market street
Oct. 21st, 1813
Jame Barrel's
Also: On the SSthdny of March
J a-3- inst., at the house of Michael Kremer, in
Milton, at 1 u clink, . M a certain tract or pi .te
of !',i,d shunts in Chilisquaquo township. Tortlis
I Ulll' crland county, adjoining ..)d ej Jonn JS,n.
I non, Frederick Fiedler and iiiiir, coolaiidng 3 a
ere more or less, all ot which i cleared ; whereon
are erected a one and a hair story double In
, , , Awr, pari
log .ud part frame, a cooper - im, , ( tiM
Thera are also so." ..... ... : i
Prolhonntary's office,
nuit tree on ssid prom'es,
.. led, taken ill execution Bnj jQ f0J M
HHE su'.eiiber respectfully informs his old ens
tomers, and ibe public gem 'tally, th ,1 be in
lends to continue in his old and, opposite the
Cunt House, in Simbiirv, Norlhttriiberl mil Coun
ty, Pa., where he is w. il prep .red to give satif,ir-lii-u
to nil who may f.ivor him with iheir custom.
II, ing thankful for past fnors, be hopes to receive
i continuance of public pilr mage
Sunbury, March 2.1, 1814. 3t
S hereby given, lint I have purchased the fol.
lowing aiticlcs, sold at Coist.ihlt's sale, nil
li e 23d ult., a ihe proerty of Rob, ri trr uit,
whi h 4i til l. I h ,ve loaned to the said Robert,
Until I sec proper to remove, vii
One Bv Ma.e 30,00. I liiry do. 40.00. 1 B
Hoie20tlO, I B iv Mare 30.00, I BI.ek Coil
25 00, I Plough 2.01., I Wng ,ii 20,00, 3 si,,iis
4.8TJI, I Sled 4,00, 4 .Sells Harms 5.50. 1
Th.e'shing Machine 30,00, I Cupboard 1.00. I
llairow a.10, I Cultivator 100. 'I'm I fi 15 4 i J.
March 2. 1SI1 -3t.
relate of. la. I.i inon, jr. tlt cM
.yOl'lt'E is hereby giv n, to all peis,.ns having
nt ilemaiuls againsl the esiate ul sunt ;
d ce.ised, to make them known to Ihe suhseiliier.
and all persons indebted Income fotwaul and
J' til N Nl. ON.
PoiniloWns'.itp, March 8, 18IL til Adm'r. i
Public Side. ;
9,000 Acres oI'Lnml. '
tVKT'lLL be sold, at public auction, at the 'n,M1se
y ol Daniel Herb, in I'pper Mh-Jiu,y u,wu
ship, Norihuuilii-ilaiiJ County, on the 1st day ot
May next,
9,OO0 acres o; HiiiIm r rhiitl,
situ iled, chielly, :n Coal township, Said tuuiity.
The Mshmiey tr),tl pagiP0 ihrotigh a eonSiderabre
portion f ,u, properly, alVording eeveial excellent
"Vol eat. The taxr have nit been paid up, and
in indisputable title, dear of all Incumbrance.
be giVt-n lt purchaser. Tho ale will 0 continued
fiom day lo day, until the whole i sold,
The terms will 'lM, made koort. ihe day of
-'!. A. JE NI'E Al'D,
Feb. 10, 1814 If WM. McVA V, Agent.
QfjT Tho PotUville Emporium snd Danville In
telligencer will continue the abuve uuid forbidden,
(lid ivkarg ibis li(tt
AMIitV A. ltrAI,
1 II T& ('Al MAMTFACminUS,
! South F.ust cnrtirr of Muriel and lh sis .
IMiilatlt Inhi'.t.
. 1 1TSPEIT1 FI LLY inlorm the publre lhal thev
j will eon-tani'y keep on hl d lars n--nrt- I
j nwnt of Dal. Cap and Furs, to stlit the fall trade. J
: ,.f ibe be-t quality. By strict aitention to bu-i-
ins, and by aelling their stuck at Ihe lowest prices,
j they Hatter themselves in being sble to give entire
i siiistaction. August 5. IS43 ly I
Mamifacturcr of Writing and Indclli-s
bio Ink, No. DM) North Third Street, six
doors below K;ice, (east ide,)
IrPEtT TF1 LEY informs country merch' ,(
and oilier, lhat ho con-tantly keep on 'nan,!
a large stock ef bis supcrier Black, Blue sr , t;(
Ink. and also a superior quality of Indcllib'j0 1,.
His ink is put up in b. tiles varying in sie, f-u
I to 32 ouiiees, and will be sold on reasonat'iii
term. The ex.rl et-t qualities of Ihlr, ir,
II orougblv eslabli-bed its character, I'.iat it ia ine.v
iMiivclv used ihrougboiit the ro'jniry.
Tor sale at lb. toiC of H. It. M asser,
( I! MJlaKS V
Mav 3,(1,. 1(513 lv
riHE sut'sciiber will sell oil' his slock of Beaver,
1 Russia and Biush Hats, of the best quality, at
nvy reduced prices.
Sunbury, Aug. ft, 143. II . B. M ASSE R
4 Tlii t xltiiipr .tlat liiiie lor Male.
IIIE nihscrilier offers. for sale a THREslllMJ
MAl'HINE. new and in good order. The
Machine has Iren tried, and prove to lie an excel
If ul one. Il will be (old al a reduced price, and
warrantrj. Apply to IL B, MASSER.
July 1st, 1S43.
ft1 ela
oiv lXalliltiii; ul.)
"H ESPECTFULLY :.,iiorm Iho citizen of
2 a Sunbury and vi.vinity, that he ha recently
Commence' ihe
y'i n ; -t-m aki nv. lirsi x v:ss,
it all ;, branches, in Market street, Su.ibury, im
n"Li;iti'ly below thq post ollice, where ho will lie
ready lo receiva And execute all order in the line
of hi business, with prompinew and despatch, and
in ihe best 'style and manner. Hi piic will be
low. in accordance wilh the lime.
(r)' Lumtier and (Tomilry Produce laken in Ex- j burg Isaac Smith
change. May a?ih 14J. fim
CITY FUI.N 1 IT It li A V (" TI OX,
Ntw. W) nnd 31 North Tliiid Street,
N c r the City Hotel,
CC. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in-
ili- the attention of jierson desirou of pur
chasing Fumliure. to bi cxtenfcive Sale Room,
(both pilldie and Private.) Tor every description of
Household Furniture, where ran be obtained t all
limes, s large assortment nf fashionable Snd well
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, MatlrasM's,
Ac, at very reduced prices, lor cash.
Suit bv Auction, twice a week,
May 27th, IS 13. ly
H H As taken the ollice t'.umerly cup'nd bv t'
U g Hon. Chailes fi. 1 j.uin, I, tS-posite Ihe i t
H use. He will a ler ,1 , Wines in the C u .
or NoTibumberland, IT niou and Columbia coun'i. .
May Stub, ls!4:l.
mit i (4-llri
rPhe pu: lic will please observe lhat no Brand dh
Pills i,ro genuine, PnlcsH ihe box has three li
bels U-.on it. ;he tor, 1 1,.. .n.l 111., lsilt ,i
J conlaitiiiig a fie-simile signature of my hunt'
I r:.uti5, thuU. Bbahketh, M. D. These h.
oel-aic cngriived on steel, beautifully designnl,
, and done at an expense of urn 2,000. Theref,, o
i. will be. seen thai the on!y thing necessary to pr.
j Vnre tb.o medicine in its purity, is to observe these
tati' is.
Remember ihe top, tie side, snd the botlom,
Tl,e following respective ieison are duly suhiti'
red, and hold
For the rale of Bi andrnh't YtgeMbte L'iiiifnl
Northumberland counly : Milton Ma key ft
Chambeilin. Sunbury H. B. Masaer. M Ewei f
ville lieland iV Meixell. NorlhumbciMid NYfil.
Forsyth. Georgetown J. tc S. NVnlte.
Union Counly s New Berlin Dogar A YV;n
ter. Selinsgrove tieorcfe (undium. Middle
Beavettwn David lluhler.
Ad imsburg Wm. S. May. Mittlinsburg Metiseh
A; Ray. Haitlclon Daniel Long. Freeburg
(i.A- F. C. Mover. Lew i.burg Walls A firs-en.
Columbian-unity: Danville E. U,
A- Co. Berwick Shuman A Kittenhouse. IV.
tawissa C. O. Urobt. Bloninsburg John It.
Mover, .leisey Town Levi Ulavl. Washinul.ui
Robl. MiCy. LimestoneBailie' fc V:Nl"f;'.
Observe lhat each Agent ha an Engraved C r
ificstenf Agi'ncv, containing a represeiituii.ri nf
Hr BRAN DUE TII'S Manufactory at Sing SU g.
and upon which Will alo be seen exact cpars ol
ihe ntu labels nuw used upon the Brandmh J'Jl
Philadelphia, nfliie No. fl, Noilh th trel.
June Slid, 181).