Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 16, 1844, Image 3

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    TllltUK MAYS tiATKK FltO.'t Kt HOPE.
That famous packet ship, the Liverpool, coin
tnanded byCnpt. F.ldredge, arrived on Friday
night the 8th inst., Ironi Liverpool, with advices,
say the New York Herald, to the afternoon of
the Oth nit.
The excitement in the cotton market, noticed
on the arrival of the Ilihorniu, had entirely ciih-
itled, but prices remained firm and decided.
Sales small.
The Quern was well.
General Hoitrand is dead.
The Grand Duchess of Oldenburg, Lord Hong,
las, and General Cunningham, nre also dead.
Spain was in n. transition state, in consequence
ol the death of the Infanta Churlotta.
France was pretty much a usual.
No news from India.
All parts of Europe were quiet.
Our advices from Dublin are to the evening of j
the Oth. On that day (VtVunell made his great
speech on the State Trials.
Alter O'Co.uieH's speech ..!000"rent was col
lected. On Saturday, od ult., tlie judges took tbeir
seats on the bench at ten o'clock this .norning.
After the names of the travrrsol suild the jury
were called over, and all answering.
Mr. O'Counell rose and said I wish to state
to the Court that the line lobe taken by me will
not be precisely that taken by the other counsel ,
and as I know that the materials which Mr.M'
Donnugh means to use will occupy the Court tho
preat-r part of this day, if it will not interfere
with th course of the trial, 1 would ask your
Lordships not to call upon me ibis day. I pio the Court what I b.ive to say shall not occu
py much time, and 1 ha1l be enabled still fur
ther torondrnse mvobsr-ri ations if I am not rai
led upon vintil Monday.
The Chief Justice Certainly, Mr. OCoimoll.
Do-s Mr. Steele mean to address the jmy '
Mr. O'Ctinnell No. my Lord.
Mr M'lHinoiigli rose and resumed bis address.
Mr. Holmes applied on the part of the junior
bar for liberty to occupy the gallery on Monday,
during the delivery of Mr. O'CoiiiieH's speech,
which excites so much interest.
The Chief Justice said the Court could not in
terfere with the excellent arrangements, made by
(he sheriff.
The Court adjourned soon after to Monday.
We have received the follow inn short but in
eresting letter from our Dublin Correspondent :
Pi hi. in. Feb. t, Sunday evening, halt past S
M. The Court of (ju 'en's J'ench will once
lore become tin-centre of attraction to-morrow
inrning, when Mr. O'Counell is to cnniiiienre
ess to the jury. Mr. O'Counell seldom1
iilers his toiis before hand, but uion !
HI. .-! I UJkH.' .' . I- - . . J . 1 I
A Tacts. Patriot exhibits hi Into of country
by administering to the comfort and hnppine- of
the community in which he reside. He who din
covers, and make known the meant of preserving
the health, inJ consequently the happiness of hit
fellow citizens, evinces at much patriotism at tho
general who meets and conquer an invading foe,
11 ut what it he who joins the invaJor'a ranks, or
spreads diseain and denth aming the people 1 A
Traitor! Dr. Drandrclh hit discovered a medicine
culled Biandrcfh' Vegetable Universal Pillt, which
hat proved a blessing to the people, Dut Drug
gi ts have joined the enemy' rankt hy counterfeit
ing these pills, and are selling p i nuns drugs in
tli ir name : therefore buy not of them, they Cjiinot
be genuinp.
dj" Pur. has of If. 1) M.iser, Sunl'Ury, or of
the agents, published in another part of this piper.
Onn Uhmtio.n. lly n recent mnrriase in
KY virtue of sundry writ of venditioni expo
nas, fieri fachs anil levari faejas. issued nut of
the Court of Common Plea of Northumberland
county, to me directed, will be exposed to puhhc sale,
at the Court House in tha Hornugh of Sunbury, on
Monday tho 1st day of April next, at 1 o'clock,
P. M., the following doscrilwd properly, to wit !
The one utiflividiilcil sixtli part,
the whole into six cquil parts to he divided.
of a cert.iin tract of land, situate in Coal township,
Northumberland cnuntv, adjoining lands lute of
Valent;ne Urobst.dec'd. and other", containing two
hundred acre mere or less, about fifiy acres of
which ate cleared; whereon are erected a Tavirn
linuse, a turn, sheds, Ac., now in the occupancy of
Paul Koats.
Also: The one umlivMcd (sixth
part of a certain other tract of land, situate in
, , .1 i . i IH1 in w ieiii., mil ,r, i u on n vtniiiiii ill tnv iihiiiit
North Carolum, h son became father-in-law to , of j,rrmhn rillUillin, 2or, ,,. ,, ,H
Ins own lather, the tatner marry. ng the second
wife, and the son the mother of that wife.
Maxim. Remember tint time is money, hut
that it d'icfl not follow that a man is a capitalist
who hnsa fjreat quantity of it on hi In nils.
pen he mote or less, on Shamokin creek adjoining
lands late of Valentine llrohst, dee'd. and othira.
Seized, tnken in execiiMon, and to 15 sold as the
property of Ch tries A. Itiadford.
Also: A certain lot or piece of
grcuud Minute in (lie town of Miamokin,
Also: At the public house of
Henry Wasser, in Hhamokin township, Nor
thumberland county, on Saturday the doth day nf
March inst.. at 1 o'clock, P. at., a certain tract or
piece of 1 lid situate in said township, adjoining
land of Casper Adams, Potcr Adams, Daniel Fa
gely and other', containing feven acre more or
less, about one acre of which ia cleared j whereon
is erected a small log hnue.
Seized, taken in execution, anJ to be tolJ at the
properly of Samuel Stortzcl.
flTS Also: At the same time and
place, lhee certain contiguous lot of ground
situate in the town of Sharmikin, Coal township,
Noriliumlierlund county, in that part of slid town
laid out liy John C, Hoyd, ami marked In the gen
eral plan thereof No. 121.191 and m, bounded
Ttivrrn I,lctin.
To the Honorable Ellit Lewis, Esq , Prrsidcnt,
and kin Associates, Judges of the Cnurtnf Quar
ter Sessions, nlhe county nf Northumberland .
rilHE petition of George Conrad, of Augusta
.1 township, in sniil county, humMy rcprisent,
that he continues to keep a public house nf enter
tainment, in hit old stand, in Aunusta township, and
is well prepared for the accommodation of travellers,
Are. He therefore pray your Honor to grant him
a license to keep a lavern, during tho e nsuing year,
and he will pray, Ac.
To thk Ji hiirs tnnvR MKa riosrn: 'I he sub
scribe!, residents of Augusta township, hereby certi-
fy, that George Conrad, the applicant for license, is a
man of good repute for honesty and temperance.
on the north by Independence street, on the south I and is well provided with house-room ami convnl.
by Klmkspcar street, on the east by lot No. 121, and eneea for tho lodging and aecommnd.ition of stran
on the west by Franklin strept, each l it containing gets and travellers, ami that a puhlic. house theie is
28 J feel in front, and alien! 2U0 feet deep ; where- necessary : thi y therefore recommend him as pro
mt are erected a foundry, casting house and fini-lw ' per person to he licensed In keep a puldic house.
On the Ttb inst.. at Philadelphw MRS. JI'LI
AXXA ;. lll.riU'KN r. li.t of the John
lleplunn. n' Northumberland., and daughter of
the late Thomas Grant, in the 10th year f her
Corrected weekly by Henry Yuxthtimrr.
f?.,-.l InwniFlin K lift 111, l,ttr Inil.l ifll,ll iKltt
I pirt or said i own taut out nv J onn ,. novu. noiinii- , r 1 1 1 1 1 petinou ol V ; 1 1 Im r i no itlin c'o.i, ni , or in
Vhk4t, .... 85
Krc, - - - . Ml
Con, ...... 40
)4ts, 25
Puna., A
Flxsfk, ... . too
Hut run, ..... lo
Hkkswat, .... 25
Tai.i.ow, .... Ki
Dm r.n Arrt.cs, - 75
Do. I'kackls, - . 2(10
Put, ... .8
Hkcklf.ii Flat, ! 10
linns, .... . 0
1 is addres;
t Iver eonsi
u ins occ
te arra
wjill, it
D Va-iv.it7.-ih
John Griflin's adin'x
Jacoti Le ser sr
Knoch H 'Wer' rx'r
i-onsnlers lus topis nerore iiano. mil uon t aco! rl,i
tl nis occasion be has ib-voted iiniib attention to ; Sleplicn Wilson
S niiuel Km ler
f,.M. .,r p..,,r,' . r..w
is consul-Ten., lie one oi mo idot remark
;ljle be 'has ever delivered. Indeed. I believe
his chief difficulty will be to concentrate all the
matter he bos to Mro within a single day. His
address will be essentially different in the raii-;e
ol topics from that of the council for tin- t.aver
sers who have already addressed the jury. His will be much more ol" a political, per
sonal, and historical character titan an argument
on the law of cnspircy or a commentary upon
the evidence. It was generally stated yesterday,
that the council and stents for the traversers bad
b'tcrmincd not to examine a single one of the
many witnesses now in town summoned up from
iill parts of the country, and inclndins Roman Ca
tholic Bishops, members of Parliament, and ex
magist rates. The cae .ssis;.ted for this arrange
ment was. that tbecase of the defensive evidence
rad become wholly unnecessary
On inrjmry this iVy, I learned titat this im
restln prevailed very decidedly amongst the
raveres and their advisers; but, nevertheless,
l omeofthe leading counsel are anxious lo c.v-
Public Sale.
'PHK siib-crder orl'ers f.r ade a put of his farm,
- cent ining about thirty actes mote or le, situ
atd on the Ho low jog Hon, about 5 mdes below
Sunbnry, adjoining lmds of At-rnham Lytic. llen
ry Malich and olhcis, on which arc trrctid a saw
mill and clover mill.
N. II. If the proper y ii not fold before, it w ill
he expo ed for sale, at puMic vendue, on the
ol A ri I next, on the premisis. The terms of t.!c
will I e rcj.-o'iaMe,
Augn-ta, Much Ifi. 18 It. .It
I JVM. trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor
ilium! crliind (oiinlv. at Aiuil 7'eiin lMlt.
j ' - t
comn.enciiig the first Monday.
v John Stout
v F A Kracht
g Jarncs Ucaid
.J cn the south by the Danville A PnlisvJIe Kul
Itoait, and on IIH east by Khitnokiu street, on the
west by Hock street, an I on the nerlh by at-treet ;
whereon nreerecle l a large t slory frame Tavetn
; house ntid ki'iheo, painted white, an ire bouse
i and fountiin pump.
: Also: Two other c.mnignons
' -l ' lot of ground situate in (he town al'-nsdJ,
, and in ok-d int' e gene at plan thereof Nos. I mid
! 2, bounded on the. north hv Lot No. 3, on the
' south ly a sUeit or alley. n"d fioutiug on
'' kin strict on the cast, containini- e.nh 21 feet
; tinnl. and in h ng'h or depth WO feel; whereon
nre eree'ed a two story frame house and kitchen,
, painted while and two frame gMHcs.
f.c red, taken i-i execution, and Ij be sold as the !
! piopeity of Jacok Krnm.
MAIso: Throe certain Ints of
, ground situate in Chilliiuaue tonsh p, j
Noftliiim'ierlHin! c iimty, No. 1 , 2 cV 3, siljo'n nc I
: lands ol'.lohn V ureiit, and iiubhliiu; nil the I iml
between lot No 3 and the Canal, containing each j
J of rii acre more or le-s ; whereon are erected a 1
, two story frame dwelling house, a store and w.,re 1
J liou-e, stable, shed, A:c. i
i St ir.ed, l iken in rx.ecution, and to he sold as the 1
I property nt John T. M.ithias.
' t's -Vlso: A certiiinlot nr pieee of .
; J-AJ- IikI -itutte in MiainoKin iown.lii. Nor- !
' ill ii niK. t ..I itunlu (till .ininiT Imiilu t;itn nf ini '
P mberton, and I mil ot now Lewis Va-tinn, con- ;
lainieg 12 I'crismore or less, iilnut nine acne of j
wl it h nre ch ared ; whereon is erected a smalt two ;
story fiauie house.
Si ir. d, tiken in execu'ion, and to he sold as the
ing shop.
-Seized, taken in raerution, and to be told as the
proneity ol Jacob Llair and John Trego.
rSherilV's Ollice.
Kunbiirv. March 2. 1811.
Tutbr Ibnumihlr. C. (!. Ihnnul, ,'. y., 1'mdtrnt,
unit hi Anwrialr, 'iri' nf thr ('mot of 'fitnr-
ter SrssioiiM, of the county nf m thnmtn rlnntl :
L ttml erland, itt nid countv. hutn'-lv reptesenis,
that tlie continues lo keep a bouse ol public entertain
ment at her old stand in Xm ihtnubi rlatnl, and is well '
prepired for the necommoiUtion of travellers, Ve.
sshi! ihen fo e prays your honors to g'fint her a h- '
ccu-e to keep t laveru, during the ctluiug year, j
and h will prav. Kc.
To tk Jt uoKs a an v k " The sub- ;
scrihem, residents of NoithU lierel v cerlilv, th it i
t '.nil nine N iihingion. the applicant for the licett-e,
is a l.nly of good repute for h -ne-ty and 1. niper j
sin-e, and well provided wilh house room nil I j
coiivcnienre livr the odt;iu an-l accoiinno laiion
of stranceis and travellers, and that a put he lioii-e j
ll.cre is necessary: tbev therefoto recomiiieiid her
( Leisenring
Jacob r'ensholti
Philip W'eiser
Henry Hyerly
Abrahsm Miipmin
John only
Kiiinuel Lnntz
Petet Culp
(te-irge rtsvidjtn
tieorge Keefer
John Sterner
Abraham Wolf
March 2d, 1814. 3t
Tavrrii lM-riiM-.
To thr Honorable. C G. Ihmnrl. '., Pmlftent,
unit hit Amneititit.Jwtgc.nif thr. Court nf ifunr
trr $tiona of the oiunty if Northumberland
FilllE i-ctilioii of Franklin A. CI irk of Shamo-
I km, in said county, humbly represents, th ,t he
coti iniies to keep a house nf public entertainment
at his old stand in the town nf Sli im kui, and is well
prepared for the accommodation of travellers, &e,
To the tloniirttble C. G. Donnrl,, I'rem'denf,
and his .imociair. Judges of the Court nf Quar
ter .St.-'ii of the county nf Northumberland .-
flHU petition of Jacob leisenring, of Shamokiu
JL township, in aid ronnty, humtiU renresents.
that he continue to keep a house nf public itcr-.
tainment at hit old ataud, at Bear Gap, and is ell
prejmied for the accommodation of tiavelh-rs, r.
He therefore pray your honor to grant him li
cense to keep a tavern during the ensuing year,
and lie will pray, Ac.
To tiii JiMinf.s ahovk sti-rro-iKn : Tho imh
scribius, residents nf fthamokin township, hereby
certify, that Jaeoh Leisenring, the applicant for tlie
license, in a ni-m of good repute for honesty at it
temperance, and is will provided with hntif-rooni
and t ni'veiiietice for the lodging and aeeommoibt.
lion of strangers and travellers, and that pnblio)
houc thero is necesHry : they the-efore riToni.
mend hint as a ptopcr H-rsitii to he licensed to keep
a public Imiide. Joseph Ka-e nan
John Fisher Joseph Itolh
John U Tieiswnrth Ilerijiimin t-mtti
.Isiiah Miller jr J,ieph Fry
Fiederick Kascma.l Adirn Dimmich
John Gas John Dunkelbercer
tJeorge Miller March 2d, 1814. Ht
To the Honorable C. (1. Donnrl E.-rj., President
and h;n Axsticiolcs,Jult;rnflhr nurtof Quar
ter Srixim of the. county of Nortbumhtrtand .
rilllK ietiiion of Jonathan Purwil, of town
I ship, in said County, humbly represents, th it.
he I, as purchased that house situated fivo miles be-
Ijw Danville, on the North liranch of the ISusoni-
hanna, whro he intends t.i keep a puh'ic house off
.i r i . . . t.:. - i. "
llieieoire iian yinir in-iima in t;inni iiiiii n h- . . . i . , c .l
. , ' . , . .i I entettninment, and is well prepared for tho occom
it-use to keep a tavern, during the ensuing year,
and ho will pray, Ac.
To tiis Jt'iinr.s ariivk MF.?tTiii:ti : The sub
senders, teidenla of the town of Shaniokin, hereby
bv certify, th it Franklin A. Clark, the applicant
for the liccnue, is n man of gooil repute for honesty
and temperance, and is well provided with house
n om and convenience for the lodging and iiccoiu-
n.oil.iiion nf stiancer and travellers, and that a pub
. . ... . , i i: . i a ......... ,l,n it,aPnr.,rn -
as a proper person lu He liccn.cil lo keep a punue i m-uw " -; io n u.- . .... j
John Wheat ley
J Vi-iing'tinn
Win II Waplea
Win M'Cny
A C llarreit
Wni Wilson
Win Fmsylh
C W.i.mI
.1 It Ptie-tley
Jo'ill Taggarl
A K bapp
March 2, 18 11.
mend him as a proper person to l e heuiscd to keep
public house.
Panic! Evert
Peter lloiighner
David Haas
Mathew Rrtnagan
Win Fagely
J '.iinmerman
M iloinou Mar..
W D Gearhnrt
Solomon Eckert
John K liobin
William 11 Chcriugton
Jacob Hair
James Walles
M.rch 2, 1811. 3t
TAVI'ilIN liKT.NSi:. j
To the Ihninrithlr I', '. Donntl, I'.". I'rrnrfeiit,
i and his .4 ism iutt. Judgi of the f'irirt of Qiinr-
trr .Sr ionx of the Vomit y if Snrthumhi rlniut j
; Till; petition of Paul Itolh, of Coal lowi ship.
I - in sai I coiiutt , humbly r. present s, th n he sli'l '
; occupies his old stand at Mount Ca in I," on i!ie
i Centre turnpike, nn.l i well pieparrd fot Iho ue
I coriim id .ii in of travellers Ac. He therefore prays j
property of Henry Fry. v. nit Honors t grant linn a recuse to keep a tavern
A lho : A OCI tail) lot of -rroillld sitll- ! ,,u,i"S be ensuing year, and he will j alwavs pr ,y.
lEi'atein ihe lotough of Northoinbcrbiiid, and , lV- , 1ALL l' J111-
n.a.ked in the g. ,,. ,d m of said tow,, No 23. I l" J'"" t:n ioim. :- I he -ub-
bounded on ,he north east by King strct or M ir- I " '-"l;n.s ol ( oat t -wn.l,.. . hereby Certify,
ket souare. on the no-,1, ues. bv die bu- ; ,h ' 1 1 fx' ,,,e -(-I--" ' -h ". "
rvinr- e,,,, d.on ,be soutb weM bv an allev. and I good .epulo lor honestv and temperance.
vs John Friek
is Samuel T llurrnw
vs j Av II M Davison
vs John Knnrr
John II Fianigsu's guttdian vs Win L Httu-cl
Wm K Brown
John A L'oyd
U.u.k of Noithumh'J
El, Urobst
Kobeit Miner's ndm'r
Daniel Uratitigaui
Christian I'diiips
vs I e'er liu-lioii
vs b'e1-cca Well
vs P nil (Seddes &C
s S A- K Mi Kee
v William H idler rt l
vs John Cowib n'i n'r
v John U Mi ler
Joseph Houghcndohlcr Ac vs Packet Cominings
atnine witnesses persons of property and f 'a-
tion to show that they joined the rapid move- j
m-nt, knowing lluit its objects were strictly lc
pal and pacific, and that they would not lor a
moment lwvc countenanced it, if there was any-
thing connected with the association or its pro
ject in the least decree at variance with public
order, or the wcll-botnirof toeiety. A consulta
tion of the counsel and agontsofthe defendants is
to be held to-morrow evening, to determine the
(mint whether witnesses are to be examined for '
'he defence. It appears to be the general ini- '
iressiou here that this jnoiijter trial'' will end :
without a verdict. '
AnT.ii:n Lou.:' Memorial. A memorial,
signed by six thousand and tin ladies of Cincin--innati,
has been presented to the councils of (
hat city, praying for the suppression of the
ippling houses which abound within its limits. .
IiiroRTAT Di ovktv A discovery has been J
made, says the Natchez Free Trader, that will
enable suj-ar planters lo convert their whole 1
crops into wbite Mijjar, without the u.-ual inter- J
veutiou of the clarity ing process. The augur is
fabricated in au apparatus entirely by steam.
OJJiceofthe Baltimoi Amiricai, March U,
FLOUR Howard Street Flour lia- fur.'.'ner de
clined, and we note tales of T'Oo ,oo bbls. good
mixed brands from t-jM on Saturday and to-day
M.X ft). Se-llC holder, how ever, are unwilling
t0 .".Vi at this rate. There U no fixed receipt
SVe hear of no transactions in City Mills Flour.
Some holder are willing to sell at S I 6'2j
GRAIN. We continue to quote good to bekt
red Wheats atO'i a 100 cts. A load of very prime
red was told to-day at 101 cts. Sales of white
Corn at 38 a 3t cts ; and of yellow at -12 a 43
cts. We quote Oats at 25 a 26 cents sales
WHISK FY Sale to-day of hhds at 22 cts
and of bbls. at 2't ct& a fraction lower thau the
fates uf last week.
David Wstson
Dr Robert Philips
Jonas Kelcbnvr's rx'r
Abratism S.rauli
Kve Loi-g Ac
Charles F Shuffle
W H Mi ler
'Hie C, nt'ih of Prun'a
Mai Ion Har.ilin
John Aiibr
Conr nl H iver
I-a ic Davis
Joseph Uomgardntr
J iite Penny
Daniel II ill
J V Si itinger Ac
John Ila ilingjr
Mary Si ilef
Andrew 8inick
Philip Fox
John Furman rt al
Masters A Mather
Themis Htiir
Mi hat I Evert
J tend It nn' nrt
Anthony Watson
Susannah Zerl
Piter tt al
John C Uojd
F I.PZtrns
Huh Hell is A c
Thomas Tliuttln r
J Wolf
I in d for Murray
vs Patrick Montncue
v M'Cailee A Purdy
vs John IVal et id
vs Jonathan Adams
v Nicholas Long s adm'r
vs John '1' Matbi.i et nl
v W H Fryinire el al
vs Felix Mauier et al
vs John llirdlenitii
vs Charles Cr ig
v J din It nd I
vh John llier
vs John Murray
va Harriet Jenkins
v Jiicoh Meixil.'g rx'r
v David Garner
vs W. II Saudi rson
vs A Kissiiigei' rx'r
vs Dr J W IVal
v Henry Fornwslt
vs Augustus lloey rial
vs Mrs J C 11 Nourse
vs Samuel Hell
v William Siitzel
vs William Mcliinnrss
vs J-ilui M. House!
vs John A Lloyd
John ('. (irier et al
vs l!u haul Ki n-haw
vs I! Fagely i t at
vs William McCy
vs John Huiiunel
v. Drown A ltrosiua
vs J iioe F M mray
on the south east by hit No. 24, e in'auiliig in j
breadth sixty feel and in lenuth 200 feet.
-r? Also: Tlie one-half (or llicrtrrt-
, mil bouts) uf lot No. Is! as inn ked in the general
I plan of said town, bounded on the south east bv a
j lot of Mrs. Wapples on the south w si by lot No.
17. owned by Daniel Urau'igam, on the norlh cl
dy Front stirei, and on the north rast hv an alley,
! containing in bteailth fiO Inland in length 2 1(1 ft.
Seized, l iken in execution, and to l sold a the
properly of Joseph llofl'in tn.
Also: A certain iialf lot ol
i ground situate in the don. ugh nf Suudurv,
and marked in ihe general plan of said town No.
j 2S, hounded tin tde east by a lot of George Wciser,
I K-ti., on the we.t bv a lot nf Willi im (iuliik, (he.
mg ihe we-tern nail ol lot .No.",) aim on ine
soulh by ioi alley, containing in front M feet and
in length 2 III left, whcieoii are elected a two sto
ry frame house ai d kitchen, wentherbo.trded and
pain'cd white, frame Mable, smoke house, Ac.
Seir.ed, tsken in execution, and to be solJ as the
property of Edward Y. Hught.
Also: A certain tract' or piece
ef bind, situ ite in I'pper M .h nov to iibip.
Norihuin! vrland countv, adj lining lands of It irbs
ra Uro im. Ge.nge Felterolf and others, cnulaiuiiig
one dundrt d acres more or h-s-, adoni tin acres of
which are cleared j where n aie erected a sin ill log
house and a log stable.
Scire.', I -ken in execution, and to be bold as the
property of David Hess.
tffit Also: A certain tract of hml
.WJ-!, kiiuate in Coal t ovnbip, Noilliumberland
and is well provided with hou-e room nd conver.i
ends for the lodcin- and accommodation of siran
Kcis and travellers, and ih it a public house there is
necis-ar :--Thcy Iheiefore recommend him as a
piopcr person to be liccn-nl to keep a public house.
Jatib Hair Joseph Dimimeli
Sti plieii Hitteuliendcr Will am 11 Cheringtoii
Stephen Eisenhart Mathew Itrinag.iu
Richard Woolvciton Thomas Ctiran
Tavein l.lcoiisc.
the Honorable ". C. thonul, "... Frr.iiibnt,
mid bin . fs-orr'iirV. Judges of the ( 'oiirt of Qunr
tir Session for the county of Northumberland .
petition of Jellies Lee, of No'lhiimber
land, in sal I county, numbly represents, t.ial
, In- continues lo keep a hou-e of public enterlum
in 'lit, nt his old stand, in said town, anJ is well pre.
;pird for iho accommodation of travelleis, Ave,
i He therefore prays your Honors to grant her a li
ceime to keep a tavern dining the mailing year,
! and he will pray, Ac. JAMES LEE.
j To tiik Jtnti t.s a nova mf.xtio-ikji : The sub
' scril-er-, residents of Northumberland, hereby cer
i lify, that .Limes Lee, the applicant for ihe license,
i is a mm of good repute for honesty and temperance,
and i well provided with house-room and coiiveni
i ruees lor the liHlgiug and accommodation of strati
! uers and travellers, and that a public hou-e thero is
(iieiesstry: they therefore recommend him as a
proper person to he licensed to keep a public huuse.
niodaiion of travellers, Ac. He therefore prays your
honors to grant him a licence to krep a tavern du
ring the eiiMiing year, and he will prav. A-e.
ToTita JfiiBES arovk yt EJiTionKti : The sub-s-ril-era,
residents of Point township, hereby certify,
that Jonathan Pursel, the nppl cant for Ihe license,
is a man of good repute for hone-ty and tempi r
ance, and is well provided with house-room and
conveniences fur tho lodging and acroiutimil itiou
of s rangers and travellers, and that a public, housu
tliere is necessary : they therefore recommend him
as a proper peismi to be licensed to keep a rmblio
Daniel Rol-ins jr
David Nixon
John Powl
William House) )
John Lfic.ork
Leonard Pfmls
John P touts
Daniel Evert
Jeremiah Zimmerman
Stidimn Enton
John Moser
March 2, 1811. 3t
taviwjn l.i u.NsK.
To the Honorable C. '. iloiintf .'"., I'risidint.
u nd bis Asxtieialt. Judges of thr Court of Quar
ter Smsioon of Ihe cnuntu nf Nurthumbt elan I :
IIE peliiion of Keb-cci Wells, of Noilhoinber-
land, m sanl rouiiiy , numbly represents, mat slie
continues to kei p a hou-e of public i nterlaiunieiit,
al the well known stand, near the Maiket llanse,
and is we. I prepared lor .be nccomiuodaiioi, ol tia
vellers, Ac. She llien foie prays your honor to
grant her a lieeu-e to k ep a tavern, during the en
suing year, and she will prav, Ac.
To th K Ji iinrs a bov i. m i riov t:n : The sub-srril-ers,
leMdeol-, of North',! , hereby cerlilv, that
b'ebecca Weds, the npphc.ui. lor ihe hecn-e, is a b-.dy
J lines 1 aggart
Win T lloyd
Jos-ph Hoffman
.1 U Poe-tley
Wm Forsyth
Win A Lloyd
Miich2d, 1811. 31
John Shiiucr
A E Knpp
D Iirautigam
Samuel Shannon
Wm H Waple
T Withingloii
Jacoti Trnxel
(Seorgo Lusher
James NeaUt
Hubert I'urry
John Nixon
Match 2 1, I K II. 31
TAVJ.iiN Mcifsr..
To the Honorable C.Ji. I) mnel, . Presidi nti
and bis Assticinfr, Juilca of the Court of Qnar
fi e Sts$i;nts of the County of Narlhumhi rlund .
rilllK petition of Chail- s Stoes, nf Northumber.
1 land, in said county, humbtv represents, thai ha
continues to keep a house of public enlerl lininent,
at tho well known stand, on the corner nf Front
and tju en streets, in Northumberland, anil is well
prepared for tho accommodation of travellers. A c.
He iheref re priys your honors to grant him a li
cence to keep a tavern duiiog the ensuing year, audi
he will pray. Ac. CHARLES WTOE.
To th k J i lints Aanvr. mestio-u-.h : 't'ho suh
senders, residents of the .own of Northumberland,
henby certify, lhat Charles Stoes, tho applicant
for the license, is a man of good repute for h-uie-tr
and e.nierarice, and is well provided with housd
room and convenience for tho lodging and accom
modation of strange-,!) and travellers, and that a pud"
he house there it necessary : .hey therefore recom.
mend him as proper person to he licensed lo keep
a public hoti-e.
Tut n il I.lccusc.
To the Honorable C. (1. Honnel,, President,
u ol hit AhSnciutrs, Judges nfthr. Cowl of Qui;,:
t- r Si i:ions of the county of Zorthumbert.aiul :
HIE petition of George Smith, of Jactaon tshp..
in said county, humbly represents, iht he eon
Unties to keep a house of public e',teitaiuineiit, (it his
Id stand, and is well piepa-f J for the accommoda
tion of travellers, Ac, He therefore pray your
honors to gran, dim. a license to keep a tavern dr
the ensuing year, and he will prav. Ac.
I T n Tilt JiiKits above The sub-
' ri! ,rs, residents of Jackson, hereby rerlit'v, that
i '.eort-i! Smith this applicant tor the license, is
i nun nfpii.iil renute for honesty and temperance.
of good repute for honesty and tempi ranee, and i . aill jsw(,n ,r,yvided with house ioorn and e mveni-
i ii pro. ioi.i vim noun' iie-ii o iu ..,( it,-,., i (.,K.,.S f,,r (I,,, loiL-lilg anil acroiiimoitauori pi mrnn
Wm II W a plea
) ISrauiiHin
E P S.'nniinoit
J Vouneiesn
lleiiiy We nek
John Wheat Icy
W m. A Ll yd
T Withingtoii
S M Cake
J R Priestly
John Lci-cnring
'I'ho Gaskins
John Shriner
March 2, 1811.
lor I no longing ami accoiiiuioiiaiiiii', ,j uranneis
J and travellers, mid iha. a public '.otise there is ne,
i cesA irv : ihev therefore rceor ...I L. r n ,..
' per per-on lo e liceusvil 1-'. k
Abraham Tioutuian cl al v C Tsehupp
J.cdi W Smith v Jimeph Weiuel j
tieorge Pruice T A llillington'i nsig
Junes Uanci's adm'r v Peter Snvder j
Prothonolarv' ofliee. I'rolh'y,
Sunbury. March 0 tSl 1. $
7b the Honorable C. tl. Ihmnrl, F,,j ., vv,V m,
and bin Associates, Judges of'',r 'Jiairt of Quar
ter Sessions, of the cnuu'y ' Northumberland
fpIIE piiitioii t.f ''.ter Vikle, ol Coal town
M. sh'P, in sa'.,', coir. lIv. dumdlv represents, that
c.'univ, d join mg Mahouov creek, an I lauds of
John kersletter, Kramer and others, con- !
tainimt one hundred acres more or less, about 'th (
acre of which are chared ; wheieon are erected a
two story log house and a large new bank barn,
and a Urge orchard.
Seized, liken in execution, and lo he sold us the
propcr-y of Abrdiam Dunkelbtrger, dee'd.
4 1 - All . I a . . ' . . .'
.Also: .u '.nal tei.iiui uaci o
laud situate in formerly Tuibul, lio'
ware tow iii-hip, Norl!iiini!'t rUnd couii'", , I ,, undi d
and ilesciiU'd as follows, v i; I'-'g'!' ono ut a un
ple, ih. ncc south HO degrees ca-',t j p,.,,),, - nn,
seven tuilhs ; iheliec soiltb ,1,.IT,.,.- tve-i, J
peichiM and nine lentils'; ihe.p e south . degree
we-l, 10 perches tt tb.,, su.q,. mna river; ilunce
down the same, s 4 degrees, f.3 perches',
thence soulh p, degree we-t, S perches and -ix
tenih to a cr,,-.. f PmJrt of the heirs of John
lloyd; ihfi-.c(l ,y ssid land r. 1st, lS.'i perches t ta
I'O-'t on '.rie J ollicers line ; ihenre along saal bnn
ill a public hou:e,
John I ag.-art
Wm H W a pica
John Flick
Wm A Ll.-y.l
J R Priestley
C Witisls
D Itramigam
E P sh nnon
Samuel Shai'aou
Wm Foi' t tK
John V, I valley
J- ales 'i'aeait
March 2, IS4 1. St
licrlir's Sale.
V virtue of a writ of r ieri r ai'i, Issued nut
Ml' the Court of Contni-iii Picas of Norl'inin
li. !aiid coutPv, 10 toe ilin c'i-l, wi'l be epo-ed 10
public -ale M tho bouse ef Peter lleisM I. in I") 'per
Mabenoy township, on ? a'.unliy the rRih dav id
Marrlt next, at oMnk I'. VL. the following ite
scrili, cl property, to w ii t
A certain tract ol laud situate in I'pper Maho
n y town-bii-, Northii ndier land c -finiy , contaii'.ins
2t a.'iis ttnil fi!J pen his, adi niing l.lnds of Jonas
Eisenhart. David Maheti and Viler llet-se, tit
gers 11 1 id travellers, alio mai a poem u-i- ,0.
is niTcssary : ihey there! ore recommend him as a
proper pert 'tl to do licensed to keep a pui.uo noute.
,1es-e llensyl
Win Deppen
J D ll liinau
Michael Smith
Michael Forney
Michael Ho d
March 2d. 1614.
Siimuel Sin.ih
Citheii Mayer
Adam Daniel
John Hamilton
Benjamin Troon
A 11108 Keuibcl
Taui n l.lccnso-
To the Honrrable C. '. Ih.noel, P.sij., President,
mid h.s A isoeial- s Judges of the Court of Q ior
f,r Srtswns, .' of Sorthundirrlund :
f y II L peliiion of Jacob Knim, ot Coal towo
1 ship, in said countv, humbly represents, that
he 10 keep a t ive-n at his ol I Wand, and
isMI prepared for the nccoin.n.Hlacion of tr ivcl-ier-,
Ac. lie therefore pravs your Honors to ferant
hmi a license to Veep a tnviTn flurfug the ilisuiug
VeaT, and he will pray, Ac.
To not Jt rors vr. mktiohi : The sub
sc'iibers, re-identa of Cod tshpM heteby certify, that
Jacob Kratn, the applicant for the license, is a man
rPHE sobs.-iihcr Trspeetforiy inforns his old cu-
A tomers, and thu public geiuTallv, that he nv.
tends to cmittnuo tn bis old s-and, opposite l'it
Couit House, in Sunbury, Northumberland t utili
ty. Pa., where he is well prepared to givo rttisfac"
tion to all who may favor him willi thert cusiom.
Uiing ih-.tiktul for past favors, hu hopes lo recti'
i continuance of public patronage.
Sunhery, March 2d, 1811. St
r.-lalV r.last. I.cuioii, jp. (IccM
"T'OI'lt'E is hereby giv. n, to all pcis, ns havinu
claim, or demands aeainst the estate of s.H.l
deceased, to make them known lo the subserii ?,
and all persons indebted to come forward and -it-ile
ihe ssmf without rlelf.v. JOH N N l .. 1
Point townthip, March 2, 181V. lit. Adm'r.
"or'.'n fif Jeerei wet 21 S iierehe's lo the Warrior 1 w hich is eree'ed a small fr -iw hou-e ai d kitchen ,,t tl), -.t,,iu f,,r honesty and Tenip- r nice, and is
he continues to k
Viep a public hon-e ol entertain-
-""ut at hia tdj aland, and is well prepared for ihe I
occomiao.,.,,iion of travellers, Ac, He rherefore I
prav i your Honors to grant buna license lo keep 1
a tavern, uurmg me iuumg vrsr. ami nu mn piny,
To TBI Jvnritl ABOVE M tSTlO JI I II ! I he uh
cribeV. residents of Cttal towr.hip, heriby cer
tify, lhat Peier Weikcl, ihe applicant for the
licetue, ia a man of g'id repute for honesty and
lemperancr, and is well provided with hou-eioom
and convenience for ihe lodging and accommoda
tion of tlrangcrt and travellers, and lhat a public
house there it nrce-tary : they therefore it-coni-mend
him as a projier person to be licensed to keep
public bouse,
John Kerttetler
Jacob Weickel
Robert M1II7
John Haupt
John Uuvet
Joseph y.chnrr
(Solomon llollch
Joseph Snyder
Stephen Eiitcnbender
Jicoh Wgnf
Dauiel Ecil
FianUin A.OIurk.
Co ownh,ii, Mjitch HSU,
rtun; thence down said run, Iho -ever. I course
and dislnucet iheit-of, lo the place of bcginninc
containing IU3 acn s ami b0 (erclies, and allow
ance ; wheiei 11 ureererled a house and bun, spring
lu.t:se, nil orchard, A'C. A laie po:liuii of bald
land is cleared.
Seiz, d. taken in execution, and to be 10M fU the
propeity of John tiully.
mAlso: A certain 'lot of jrronnil
iliito in the town of McEwensville. in
formeily Tuibur, 110W Diiaware township, Nor
ihuinherland county , I'ounded 011 the noilh by an
allev land of Daniel Frymirr on the soulh, an al cy
on ihe ei-l end the msin si reel 011 the we.l, eon
litiuiiig in front or width til) feet, and lu tengih 120
feet; whereon 11 ertctid two s'.oiy brick dril
ling house and a frame stable.
fseiicd, taken iii rxeeution, and to be solJ as the
properly of Christiana Itobmsoii,
Also: OnthetiSthdav of March
the house of Viichael Kreuier, in
Milton, at I o'clock. P. V,., certain tract or piece
of land situate in C',hqtia(iUU toWilht, Nonlc
umlerlaud Cdnlv. adjoining lands of John Shan
non, V," ml crick Fiedler and oilier, conlaining 3 a
ire more or lest, all of which Is cleared ; whereon
are erected a one and a half sldry double house, part
log and part frame, coor shop and log stable.
There are also some fiuit liees oil said prembos.
Sided, taken in eieeutiuii, and to be sold at the
piopeily of Samuel Url.
ami a nia:. l?rn. .iti,e.:i .1 acres 01 - tin larni it.
', tlea ed, w hi icon aie se'veial fruit tier.
' rer'-d, litketi in oeve.lieiir, anJto tte mid a the
proper y of Heurv Nemnaft.
, ' I EI.1X M.l"KEl?,:i7ir.
; Mierifl ".O'Hee,
j Snit'-.iirv. March . I. S
I iotil!J.
IS tirttby given, ill it Eir.i e. 11 ay.ursl, tsi-ignee
of idlini Li isi ining. has filed his account in
1 the ollice of the Prothonola-y of Northumberland
! couuiy, and (hat ihe linfte will he presented to ihe
' Couit, 011 tde fir-t of Aput Term next, for coiV
lirmj'iou and allowance, utile canst- he shown to
thecomrary. MAM I EI. U. .'U11H ..(
PrOiboiiolary's Oflice, ) Ptol'y.
M-rcU2, i. S te.
LjlI. in.t., at 1
1 la
uuiiK or cou:a'T.
Ide C'.Unt tif Coinuion I lea ,', orlliund er-
land foUntv. Janua-y oth, ,8tl. On inolion
of Chatles I'leisan-g, Huh) on the Judgment rredi
tor ef John C. Hoy i, 10 apear by ihe tlrst day of
lint term, ands,,ew t ause w hv tlie money raie
from tho sale, of John C. lloyd ITo e-luto in cer
tain Uu'. in Rush lowii,hip, sholild not I e dirlu
dult'J according lu priority ol Lien. Hv the Court.
Prolhoiiotarv's Ollice, Prulh'u.
Sunhury).Miih,, IS 11. i Cl,
well orovided wilh bouse-tooHi and coinenienc
I 11 the Uduini! ami accommodation 61 -trangets and
travellers, and that a public home I lute is tie. essar );
Ahcy then f ue iccommeiid him as a pTope-, ..-.
sou lo bo liccucid lo keep a public house.
I din lit m Jobi Mowr
ae..h Uiir WMtiatn ;', f :hc ,i,igtoii
rt.fphen lUlter.bendir M-lhe llr--.njgi-n
f-tcphen Eirenhart Tv"ouias V'uiau
Kuban! WciiWuloil Daii'i Even
Sliflmati Eaton ieiennall '.iinniPrmah
March Cd. f.ii
" :otioe " fi
P bere',,y Riven. lhat 1 have purchase 1 the lot.
4 lowing aiticles, sold at Constable's sale, oil
., ":i,l nil.. a ihe ntoneilv of ob. 1 1 Grant, 1 loned to the a'd l.obrrt.
until I see pioper to remove. if.
One H iV Ma.e 3(1,00. 1 G irv do- 40.00. I II V
H...e20l!0, I H.v Msie 30,01). 1 lU'ck toll
C5.U0. 1 Plough 2 on, 1 W.g..i. 20,00. : Sduv
4 871 I Slid 4,00, 4 Sells Hnin.s ft.Stl, I
Thics'hinii Machine 30.00. I Cupboard 1,00. 1
.Harrow .H.. 1 Cultivator 10,. lot, , ;.,4M.
i ......
I Mcrch 18 -:'
I'Oll SALt- AT TUlci OFFlt'R
q-VO "KEGS OF NAILS wetV left at iLe II -J-
lei of ihe sul "-rriber in feubury, .Vmurt the Ik I
of Apiil last. The ownVT is r.i'.ie-ttd to count
fo.wad, prove propet'V, pa; cl. ,rees. and
Iheiuawav. t'HA uLV.S WEAVER
Smdni y, Feb. Still, 1 1 1 :t
llatt- of Holot.iofi t-in'rr, l-ecl
"O Ttt'E is h.eiel.v given, lhat let ers of : d
minis: rati. p. r n the ctatc of Solomon Pi t
siuil, dec.'d., I'..,. r fihainokiil t.-wnship, Noithiin"
bcYldnd ro'oiny have been granted to the suhci .
her. A'd pe.tons indebted lo said etalu, as wi It
s nl' ihoe h iving claims against the tame, are r. -.
4l''.ete.i 1 1 call 011 the administiator for set. lenient,
wh., vt ill leal h.ime every olhei Saturday from
''fi dale, lor that purpose.
LM MAM El, .UIJlbiiJi.t.,
Feb. I 'nil. IS 11. Ct Adnt.
B'ublic Salt:
Sl.OOO Acres of Lniid.
- 7'ILL be told, at public auction, a. ihe lioii'
ol Daniel Herb, in I'pper Mahouov town
ship, Noilhuinbcihllld Comity, oil the ll JjV id
May in vt,
O.OOO acrrm il"l'iiiilfr,
-iiu.led. tbi.flv, ill Coal township, said coit.ri.
The Mali onoy't re. k pa through a consider ."n
portion of iho proixrly, atlorJing cveral etcltn,t
mill - als The lanes have all been paid up, I
111 le lille, clear or all iiicainbralic. , U nl
be given 10 puu hasers. The sale will be eoiitluu; J
horn day to day. until the whole is a dd.
The uiius will be nude known 011 tho da) ft
Feb. 10. ll l If M. Met' A V, Ag-
rf)- The Potisville Empoiinm and Danvdl.- In
telligencer will cn tinuo ihu Aoo uutd forLiidJm,
anJ vhatiio this oll'n .