Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 16, 1844, Image 2

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Lnst Words of Rbhrrl Kmmrt.
If the spirits of tho illustrious (lend partici
pate in the concerns and carca of those who
were dear to tlicin in this transitory lilo, O,
rvcr dear and venerated shade of my departed
fulier, lock down with Fcrutinv upon tlio con
duct of your suffering son ; and nee it I have,
even for moment, deuntod from those princi
ples of morality and patriotism which it was
ymrcare to instil into my yonthfni mind, and for
which I am now to offer up my life. My Ion!?,
vim seem impatient for the sacrifice the bipod
whirh you seek, in not congealed by the artifi terrors which surround your victim ; it
circulates wsrm'y nnd unruffled, through the
clnnnel.i which G-jd croa'cd fir noble purposes,
tmt which you are bent to destroy fur purposes
m grievous-, that they cry to heaven. Bo yet
pitient! I have but a few words mow to My.
I am going to my cold and silent grave my
lump of life is nearly exhausted my raee is run
the grave opens to receive, and t ink in
to its bosom ! I have but one rcrunst to ask at
i,iy departure from this world, it is the chari
ty of silence. Let no man write my epitaph ;
tor as n6 man who knows my motives, dare
u-iip vindicate them, let not prejudice or igno
rance asperse them. Let them and me repose
in obscurity and peace, an J my tomb
uuinseribed, until other times, and other men,
can do justice to my character. When my
country takes her place among the, nations of
the earth, then, and not till then, let my epi
tnph be written.
How Scholars tire mad.
Costly apparatus and splendid cabinets have
no magical power to make scholars. In all cir
cumstances, as a man is, under God, the mas
ter of his own fortune, so is ho the maker of
hi own mind. The Creator has fo constituted
the human intellect, that it can grow only by its
own action, and by its own action it most cer
tainly and necessarily grows. Every man
imift, therefore, in an important sense, educate
himself. His booksand teachers are but helps ;
t'ie work is his. A man is not educated until
he has the ability to summon, in case of emer
gency, all his mental power in vigorous exer
cise to effect his proposed object. It u not the
mini who lias soe:i most, or who has read most,
who cun do this ; such an one is in danger o!
being borne down, like a beast of burden, by
an overloaded mass of other men's thoughts.
Mor is it the man that can boabt merely of na
tive vigor and capacity. The greatest of all the
warriors thac went to the Beige of Troy, had
not the pre-eminence because nature had given
him strength, ami he carried the largest how,
hut because self-discipline had taught him how
to bend it.
Saturday, March 10, .
lK-mot rutlc Xomlnntloim.
ron canal commission,
josh i a iiAiri siiohm:.
For President and Viet J'rcsident nf the V. ft'ates.
Ccn V. I.fiimax, IT Cr.onr.F. SritXAtii.r,
Christian Kxtiss, 14. Nath'l. R F.i.tirkp,
AVn.i.iAJi II. Smith, l.V M.N'. InwiK,
John Him.. (Phila ) Id Jamks WooPBi rtv,
SamItt. F. Lehcii, 17. Ilrcir MoMnmirnv
0. S.vMrrt. Cwe,
7 Jrssn Siiaiuc,
S. N. V. Sample,
9 V?i. lltiPKNntirii,
10. Conrad Simmer,
11. Srrrni N r.Ar.nv,
12. Jonah,
18. Is. c AnkvkV,
10. Ma n mews,
21. A.MiRFW IllRKK,
2'?. John M'Om.i.,
21. CuniiTiAN Mvkrs,
24. Kuvkrt Orr.
The Whig Convention nominated for Senatori
al Electors for President and Vies President,
Chester Hi tler and Towxsend Haimes, of
Chester. Also, the following District F.lectors :
1st District Joseph G. Clarkson, of Philud.
2d John Tri-c Wcthcrill, do.
3d John D. Winestecl, do.
4th John S. Littell, Cermnntown.
Mb l'.loazor T. MDowoll, Uucks eo.
it la Hnj. Prick, of Montgomery.
7th Isaac W. Vonleer, of Chester.
Mil Williiim lleistor. of Lancaster.
9th John S. lleistor. of P.orks.
H'th John Killinger. of Lebanon.
11th Alex. K. rtrnwn, of N'orthampton.
1'Jth Jonathan J. Slocum, of Luzerne.
1.1th Hom y Drinker, of Montrose,
llth James Pollock, of Milton.
1,'th Henry Watts, of Carlisle,
lt'.th Daniel M. SmysT. of Adams.
17th James Mathers, of Juniata,
isth Andrew. T. Oule, Somerset.
19th Daniel Washiiham:h. of Pedford.
2nth John I.. Cow, of Wellington.
Ql.-t Andrew WT. I.ooiuis, Allegheny.
2 M J.irnec M. Power. Mercer
23d William A. Irvine, Warren.
2lth Hint .home. Clearfield.
(XT' Drsini rTivR Firk im Phil apm-phia.
About one o'clock on Sunduy morning, a fire
broke out in the Turpentine, Oil & Naval Store
house of Allbonc & Troubat, at the foot of Queen
street wharf, Sonthwark, which continued burn
ing until day light in the morning. The build
ing, w here the firt originated, was built up about
ten feet with stone as a kind of basement, upon
which was erected a frame structure of two sto
ries, filled with turpentine, tar, rosin and empty
oil casks ; the entire building and all its contents
was destroyed. That which burnt with the
greatest fierceness was about two thousand bar
rels of rosin, w hich were piled upon the wharf.
The heat threwn out of this immense mass of
flame was so great, and the wind having changed
to the X. W., thut it was for some time thought the
shipping, two wharves oil', would bo consumed.
All the rosin on the wharf was melted, and the
burning liquid ran towards the river, encounter
ing in it way about filly cords of wood, which
it set fire to nnd consumed in a short time; It
then fell into the river, the tide boinir up. and
floated out ub. mt twenty yards, covering the
whole surface o,' the tWk with a hissing, bidding
Letter front Henry C. Eycr, Esq. I
Extract of a Letter to the Editor of the American,
llAnniiittRd, March 12, IS 1 1.
Dear Sir: In the American of the 9th init.,
your correspondent "Augusta" has introduced my
name as a candidate for Congress, to supply the
vacancy occasioned by the death of the Hon.
Henry Fl ick. Deeply sensible us I am of the
kind intentions of your correspondent of the
fluttering manner in which he bus alluded to me,
and of my own unworthiness for so distinguished
a station, I most respectfully decline a nomina
tion, at thi3 time ot least, should their even be a
majority of my political friends throughout the
district whose paltiality might be that of my nil-
Democratic Meeting.
A large and respectable number of the Demo
cratic citizens of Northumberland and Point town
ship, assembled at the public bouse of Jump;
llilbourn, on the 13th of March instant.
The meeting was organized by the appoint
ment of WILLIAM FORSYTH, Esq. as Presi
dent, assisted by James Dikefemiaich, Jon
Cakk, Jacob Trusel and John, as
Vice Presidents, and A. L. DiejfcnUtch and Jacob
Ijeisenring Secretaries.
On motion of William Wilson, the chairman
appointed the following persons a committee to
draft proceedings expressive of the views of the
meeting :
tj- X. H. Palmmi, F.sq. at bis Heal Estate nnd
Oiml office, No. 59 Pine Sireet, Philadelphia, is au
thorised to set as Agent, and to receive snd receipt
for all monies due this oll'ice, for subscription or ad
vertising. r.y Pbevieu Tvrc. 100 lbs , or more, of sec
ond hand brevier tvpe. for sale at this olliee, at
IS cts. per lb., cash The type are the sameas
those used in our advertising columns.
0. Siiom ivfi M iTrii A gentleman bv the
C7 Our readers will perceive by referring to
another column, that lb nry C l.ycr, Esq.. who
was recommended in our last paper as a candi
date for Congress, has declined. Mr. l'.ycr is of
opinion that the Hon. John Snyder should receive
the nomination and support of tho party. Mr.
Snyder was defeated at the last election on ac
count of his supposed opposition to the taritf, and
wa also charged with being a defaulter, as Su
pervisor. stories got up for the occasion, and
which were without any foundation.
DJ7"Tiih "Piii Oi'N." Tho fiillowins is a copy
l a Letter addressed to the Secretary of the Na
vy, by Messrs. Hogg & Delamati r, and despatch
ed to Washington on Thursday. It will be found
interest ij.g :
' Pnn.'MX Foi M'liv, (
,ew lorn, ,vi..icn .in. I'll ;,. f Wheeler and a Doctor somebody, in the
lo THE 1 loNOH A lll.K THE M.clirTAKV OK THE ; ,-it v of X.-w York . were det "mimed to settle mi
NAvv, Sir: U'ebarn from the public journal, j ... pf vvi,)l -,,UtU for two." and
that the President lu.soi.lered u Co.nt of Inquiry ,1PI1.0 lir wav f(, , ,.fil.,, , ,,.-.
to sit at Washington, for the pn.pose. J .(. fortiiratclv the Mavor got wind of it-
.i i .... : .1... !..,. ,.r I
p..,..", in.- inni. rr .....- o v" sent t r. olfu ers in .M.est of ll nt I n,i,l
' James DietTeiibaiicli, William Wilson, David
known friend "Augusta." I always have been, j i;,,!,,,,,, ;Van Hainer, John Hummel, William T.
and trut 1 ever will be. a firm supporter of the , (),, Hobert Curry, James llilbourn. Moses
regular nominations and regular u-ai;es of the : ijm.. Thus. M. Withiiigton, Ceorge F.veret,
Democratic party; and. as the Hon JOHN SNY- ,lmll,. ;llitt. John W. Miles. Henry Morzuu,
DI.H, under thes" regulations, is fairly entitled j i(tliin Cieenawalt, John M. Henry, William
to another nomination, morr especially when we ;,,, Uenbine, Jacob Reiter, T. T. Metoirn, W. S.
consider his treatment at the hit canvass, through j Thoiiiu-, and J. Youngnian, who. uller retiring for
the grossest culiininy and chicanery of his cue- . flolt j,,,,,, r,.,,0 ted tle follow ing preamble and
mies. I would be the last one to withhold from , ,.slut ions, w hich w ere unanimously adopted.
sheet of flame. All efforts to ext ingui.-li the cun- him tUi'jwtice I conceive to belong to him. Let; Whereas, a special election lor a lit-mher of
liberation were, of co-irse. ntteily in vain, nud there lie l.'trioii and Harmony in our rank. We : Cmiicsi. to supply the vacancy occasioned ,y
after the nn of combustible material had burn- have jut aeeomplished an object liiot happily I . ,,atli o (J -n Frii-k. i to be held on Friday
ed till daylight, it was extinguished only because w hich oui tended no little evil to the Democrat- ' the olh of April next, in this Congressional dn
there was iiol.iii!i h it to burn. 1 jt paity, the nomination ofa candidate for Gov- trict, and the time ledng deemed too short to ad-
The Ioms to Messrs. Allibone & Troubut is a- j (-iiior. In this strife we all hud our preferences. ; ,,.rP to tie- forms and usages usually observed l.y
Irnut i.yinn. l.t Ihe property being chiefly con- j .,,,,1 y,,t e knew that all could not b" gratified . ( ,. .1. ,, .,-r.,t i0 Ki,xv ,;pl whereas the claims
signm. nls from Ihe Soiilh. is believed to be in- j , ,,l..ased to find, however, that there is en- . , rilin 0O(ll,tv, to the right of pre-nting
sored. The lire is said to have been the Woik of ,ir(. -iim ut Harmony umonu the Democracy, j ,,. rilniH,;lt.-. is conceded, without controver-v"
nu imcim.aiv and a ilisposit ion to y lelil to .Mil. -Mi hi.enhi: id.
that strong and hearty support which has always
i cbaracteri.ed the party, and which he has u riaht
its darkest d
by the other counties nf the district. and where
as the canoes which mainly contributed to the
defeat of the Hon John Snyder in the last con-
Krtglitfut Seme willi a Lropnrd.
A friuhtful scene was witnessed in the streets
of Fultimou'on Friday The eipieviiian compu
ny of Ilorr Driesbach was. according to custom
tiding through the streets, llerr Driesbach him
self in a barouche w ith a live leopard. The
company stopped at a hotel, Driesbach taking the
I 'opard with him under bis urm A great crowd
of boys, as usual, gathered round, and as Dries
bach came out oflhc hotel one of them, a lad
named John Quinn, about 10 years of age, stum
bled with his head against the loopard's nose.
The animal caught the boy by tho check, and,
burying Lis claws in the flesh, drew his head
into his jaws. The Sun Says
"Withau alacrity and daring that docs credit
to the courage and presence of mind of Dries
bach, he instantly thrust his bund into the leo
pard's mouth, and jamming it down his throat,
all tlixee fell to the pavement together; the leo
pard, however, would not release his hold, and
the screams of the boy, together with the excite
ment, cries, and alarm of the crowd, tin; growling
of the animal, and the startling and peremptory
demands of Driesbach for a knife, caused a scene
of the most thrilling horror, and the conibatants,
as a matter of course, had a wide field for the
struggle, ample scopo having been aflorded them
hy the receding throng. Before a knife could be
brought, however, Driesbach, by thrusting his
hand down the leopard's throat, succeeded in
choaking him sufficiently to extricate the boy's
bead, when lie released his ow n hand and lodged
thu dangerous animal in the carriage. The boy
was then taken into the hotel, when, iiKn exami
nation, it was found that the injuries he had re
ceived would require the attention of a medicul
A warrant was is-ue.l toon after the occur
rence, against Driesbach, by Justice McDonald,
and he was arretted, ch,ire. d with an assault upon
the boy above mentioned, by means of the ani
mal in his charge. The physician of the boy
was examined He had just left the patient,
whose face was much inflamed anil swollen, but
doin; well as could ba expected under the cir
cumstances. The chief wound was a punctured
one and its effects could not b? determined upon
for some twoer three days it might or might
not producs lock-jaw nr mortification, and event
ually death- After hearing the case, it was de
cided by Justice ShaeiTer that bail could not be
cntered until he ro'i'.J learn more def.nitely the
tendency ofthe boy's wounds. The lion tamer
was therefore committed to prison. Driesbach
bad bis hand very I dly bitten and sutlers much
from the wounds Phil. Ltdg,
CT"NrxT Congressman Union county, it is
concluded, is entitled to the member. That
county ha, as far as we can learn, declared for
Mr. Snyder. The Union Times says, delegate
elections will not be held, but that Mr. Snyder
will be nominated by acclamation. The stand
ing committee of this count y have also concluded
that the time for delegate meetings is too short.
The democrats of this county can therefore have
no objection to support him lie is in favor of
the present tarill'anil will support it, which will
be seen by referring to a letter from him, in ano
ther column of this paper, in answer to one from
the standing committee of this county, reques
ing him to state his views on that subject.
the U. S steamer Princeton
AW have ah-t. lined hitherto from noticing the
serious tharees made against the inniintuctui ers
of this gun. not desiring to pre-ccenpv the public
mind, or to fix upon any individual the responsi
bility of this terrific disaster
Put sinrc we find that a Comt oflmpiiry ha
been instituted, and thut we haven"? been called
upon for any explanation, we are compelled to
state that the gun so far from being made of bae
materials, so toiilidelitly charged to ! I lie so'e
cause of this calamitous event, was composed en
tirely of.tmriican Clmrc:iil Iron, nnd the ex
ploded part, from the trunnion to the breech.
was made exclusively of Clinton Comity Iron.
Ample proof of this fact may be obtained from
Messrs Wurdfe Co., who forged the gun. That
these gentlemen did all that could be dune inur-
ler to give soundness to this, the greatest piece
of Wrought Iron ever forged, may also be proved ;
and that they succeeded to an unprecedented de
gree was universally acknowledged by all who
examined the gun previously to the explo-ion.
j bad them arrested and brought before his Honor.
The misunderstanding occurred at a masquerade
j Pall, and was occasioned by a very common
j caue of uch a fairs a lady. The message was
I si lit by Mr Wheeler, through Mr Win. Mete r
j (I'lein. fotmeilv ofthe I". S Navy, and was ac
, cepted by the ' knight of the lancet " The lady.
! who was the innoriiit cause of the iinarn I . became
acquainted w ith the intention of the gentlemen
sent his Honor a note, and had them arrested.
The pal ties were bound over to the tune of 1(1.
O(i0, to keep the p. ace. Mr Jroeti was diligent
ly sought for, but not found. Oh. no: he wa nt
so gi rm its that.
C."7 The Mormon The good citizens of
Carthage. Ill , are molested in a manner some
what similar to tle ii ancient piogenitors of the
same cognomen. They have lately pot into
difficult ies w ith their neighbors o Xauvoo, and
called u meeting, at which resolutions were pass
ed denouncing ihe Mormons and their notorious
leader. Joe Smith, as ini.steis The Warsaw
T.t i nurr in) i 11 lor lit 114 11:11 lii.i iil- . .
, 1 - .... ,,,j ran ilV(, u, iniiiienee now. anil inasmuch as
' never forsook it. Let. therefore, the triumphant the voice of the Democracy of that county clearly
I election ofa good and sound Democrat lo Co,.- . m;lllife-tly point In him asthe most suitable
gross, in our district, be an augury of what we . .,P1Min to ,. prosr-nted to the Democracy of the
' di-tiict for tle-ir support : Th refine
rsolrrtl, That we will give u hearty response
"or the future
Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant.
HI'.NT.Y c i.vr.iv
Letter frnm 1 tic lion. Julin Snyder.
M uiiiMMi. March 12. fsl I
J to this choice, believina that the talents, services
' f. unwavering devotion to democratic principles
, of the lion. John Snyder, entitle him to the eon
j li leiice all I suppoit of every democrat ill the district.
j Th thr Sf, turfing Committee of Xirl'.iimierLnt Ht-nWd. That we w ill most cordially co-ope-
, ( I'ttitti. i rate with our democratic brethren of Union in-
j (tKNTl.i'Mr.N t Your letter on the subject of ,y ;m?, t,ri,Uj,iiout the conaressioiml district, in
1 Iheapprou.hing election, to fill the vacancy in j r,.,.we,l i fo, ts to pi oumte his election.
Congress occasioned by the death of (.'en Frick. j Jfrstdver.', That John Snyder having received
I is this moment received, asking n.e, - If yon - ! ,. miniii.oiis vote ofth- democratic conve,,.
prove of the present Taritrilill." The question (l , tl,,,,,,),,., land county previous to the
j being pertinent and shoit, seenn to carry with it ri,.t.,in. a the candidate ofthe people's
j the idea that you do not want any opinion on its i ,.,VI. fiir Congress then. th standing committee
details, but as a whole. Where 1 to speak on the I iirP )lnv authorized (under the circumstances, con
bill generally, I would consider it imperfect ; but . i i,,,ri2 the shoitinss of time) to present his
; as a whole, I have only to refer yon to the join n- 1 nan ,,,,..,,), ,i, to the siipit o
I als of Congress. I twice Voted for the present t)ll, l,.mo,.ri,,. v, as the candidate of th" deinoei a
! Tariff: first on its reference and secondly on Mr j iirf v .,, approaching special election, lo
i Kennon's resolution on a suspension of the rules, the same office.
I upon which the Hill was finally passed. The I ,v.0W. That we approve of the course of tie
! causes of my absence are know n to you. j jon ,l,,m Snvder. in the last Congress, in co-op
I have seen no reason lor changing my vole, rratin ull, miiting w ith th-entire PemisylvamJi
and foci now as 1 then .lid, a strong interest lor ; ,,.,,.,,; j,, ..,, (;.iizrr, inca-ting his vote
tllir llldelitei
In opposition to the opinions given by imli- I Message holds the following strung language to-
viduals who have inspected ceitain fiactured Wards theni :
parts ofthe exploded gun, and by such unsatis- UV see no use in attemptinL' to disguise tho "'"'n " I ennsy ivama. wur uiueiu. u- m f.Vor (1, . , 1.!,.Il, Tariff law.
factory investigation pronounce the metal base, fact that ninny in our midst contemp'ale a total j -an he much ulleviate.1 t,y keeping ttie ton- ; ;,,,.,, -pj,.,, .c ar , lilVlr 0, a Tariff for
now to state that we have collected the I exirrininuiion in inni propie.inai the tnousaims , ,,age otour Iron an.U al on our i.npi m e- puil to the economical wants ol'o-
. i a i . i i -i.i .. i .. i ' . ... ... . . i
in neiniiTicw vMimeii nun cininri'ii, ugeu nun mi.,,t. M vi be the only si RE means olnavin
A pentleman bavin? a horse that Msrtedai.d
broke his wife's mvk, t neihljurin? npiiretold
him that he winhed to purchasa it for his wife
to ride upon. 'o. nu," aid the other, "I will
not sell 'be I'tt'e fellow, because I intend to
inarry a'uin no-' L''
Henry A. Muhlenberg
It i generally conceded, by all who nro ac
quainted w ith the politics of Pennsylvania, that
she can, when necessary, poll a democratic ma
jority of 2,',0(l0. 1 o bring out these votes, it is
only necessary that the party should select a good
man of character and ability Mr. Muhlenberg
star.ds In fore us with a character nnimpeached
and without reproach with fine abilities and a
highly cultivated mind. lWides, he is fresh
from the ranks of the people, never having held
any office in connection with the state govern
ment. He has, therefore, no particular set of
men to favor He stands on equal ground with
them all, and will, consequently, deal impartial
ly with all. The Whigs, fearing his strength,
have brought forward a military man in the
person of lien. Mai kle, who, though a clever
man, is confessedly much inferior to a number of
others, who were his competitors for a nomina
tion. His election will be based entirely Upon
his military character, and military renown i
the only ammunition that w ill be used in their
ranks in advocating his election. An effort will
also bo made to create an impression that the
friends of Mr. Shunk will not support Mr. Muh
lonhnig.on account of the unfortunate division
in IS.'lei. Tlut there are a few such may be pos
fihle, for such must be the case in every closely
contested nomination ; but the number will be
very small unci cannot effect the result. Mr.
Sluink's friends will not forget with what mag
nanimity and unanimity the friends of Mr. M.
afterwards sustained Gov. Wolf's friends, for
Governor and other officers. In this county Mr.
M. bus always been highly popular, and will re
ceives majority of not less than 1000 or 1"00.
He has always been tiie candidate of our choice,
but yet, bad the Convention conferred the nomi
nation on Mr. Shunk, we would have cheerfully
given him our support.
L.y" Sr.cKLTARV OF Si A I E. Tin lloll. Jollll
C. Calhoun, of South Carolina, has been nomi
nated by the President cf the United States, as
Secretary of State, to fill the vacancy in the cabi
net occasioned by the death of the Hon. Abel P.
Upshur, late Secretary of State. The nomina
tion w as unanimously confirmed by the Senate
F.x -Governor Wilson Shannon, of Ohio, has
been nominated by the President to be Minister
to Mexico, and Cupt. Win. C. lloulton, of U. S.
Navy, lo If Chief ofthe Bureau of Construction
and Repairs of the Navy.
Qi rrr: Liueral. Captain Stockton, the
we hav
borings and turnings from the different parts of
the gun, some of which taken liom the interior
we have wrought into various forms, all proving
incoiitestably that the iii.itelial is tougher and
more malleable than ordinary wrought iron a
tact hardly to be expected when w e consider that
the cent ral part of the gun was exposed to an in
tense heat lor many days, w hil-t the outside was
ill process of completion.
We deem it iimvoitunt also to adveit to the
infirm, w ho are congreouted at Nmivoo, must be
driven out, aye, rlrivrn, seiiltrred, like leaves
bofnre the autumn blast ! Hot what gnml citi
zen, let us ask, what lover of bis- country and
his race, hut contemplates such an ever.t with
horror !
Dr?" Gi n. J r ksoN. From a letter received
at Washington, fiom General Jackson, the fol
lowing extracts aie published in the Globe :
"If I am tojudv'o from my present affliction
our debt, if properly protected.
Yours, with re-pect.
Demnrralif Meeting.
At a meeting oflhc Democratic citizens o!
Sunbury, held in the Court House, on the even
in? of March 11, the lion. (iF.OIUiE C.
W'F.LK F.U was ippointed Prei ident, and the
comment, and a just discrimination in favor of
j the protection of home industry.
I Ilmdrrd. That the proceedings of this mooting
be published in all the democratic papers of the
I district, and a copy of them be sent to the Hon.
I John Snyder. f Signed by the OJJ'iem )
fact that, when a piece of wrought iiou is broken j I cannot he here at the next I on press. I must, i'i.i ...
by any si iu.i n force, the iruetiiro exhibits a j hmij before, be in the limit) prosn-d for mo ;' Ivq., Vice Presidents, and SamiH I D. Jordan i
... ,, ,i , ,. . . i but I am in the hands of a just and wise I'rovi- ' :.,. l,,,ii Secretaries
coarse granulation resembling thut o cast iron, I , ,, , J , ... anil i.iom .. .ui;r nu i i re turns.
: donee. hen He makes the call, I am preoi- ,. , . , , , ,, i . ., r,i,
audwe would cant,..,, all against undertaking to !,,,,, wi, (lmiVi t(1 a,,,, to wtll j Major Y . L. Dewart statu the ..bjec of the
pioiioimce opinions liom the appeaiance of the j ,. 1Hs lonu spared me throiich a Ion" and meeting at come length, and concluded by ot-
variei'iitcd life. I low much longer I am to be fi ring- the following resolution
here, lie knows and only lie."
'I feel truly prateful lothe people ns well as
to Congress fiir this act of justice refunding
the fun- to me in my declining years."
l'orrtionilencr of th .ttmrlcan,
1 1. i: it imii hi:, March I t, 1MI.
In the House, to-day, the bill to give the print
ing to Ihe lowest bidder Was called up. A lilllll-
L'csorri, That the Standing Committee of
Northumberland rotiniy be instructed to oiler
the linn. JOHN !- N, to the Democracy
fiactiiro ofthe exploded gun.
As to the alh god want of specific gravity in
theiiii, we would state that the specific gra
vity of wrought iron ill such large pieces as the
Stockton guns is not known ; and that therefore
the known density of bur iron furnishes no cri
terion in the present instance.
W e have the honor to be, your oh't servants
ll'Ki; & DiXAMAim.
flT" A Whih k in tie" Paltimore Patriot says.
that the '-I'.ig (miii," which exploded on board the J of defeating or destroying the bill, und a number ofthe Democratic p::rly ill this Congressional
Princeton, cost the United States ( Joveriimetit J of speeches were iiImi delivered on both hides.' District, and if elected will carry out those
ill 000, and further states, ' that the second j How many more would have been delivered it is measures best calculated to promote tho in-
great gun. the -Oregon,' split while discharging I difficult to conjecture, (juite a number were an- : to rests of'lhe country.
Diiiinrratie Meetin?.
At a large and respectable meeting of the
Democracy of Augusta township, held at the
house of l'mamicl Straw, on the L"th day of
.Marelt, l-ll, on motion, Major SAML'I'.L
I.ANTZ was appointed President, Cul. Jims
Snviieu and Jons Hatchi vwoit Vice Presi
dents, and .ViiuIkiiii Sl.itiitan S't cietaries.
On motion of (5. Leisenring it was
llrtidird, That (a committee of 1. be ap
pointed to r'M,rt resolutions expressive oflhc
sense o' the meeting ; whereupon the following
of this count), as their candidate for Cong rts .persons were oppoiniea to compute saiu coin-
S. 1). Jordan, I'm), oll'crtd the lollowing reso- . niittee, viz:
ution Leisenring. Col. Thomas Suydar, GeorgS
If. J. ..t Tl,l li,!. inline, will r lioerf.i! lv i Keefor, Peter Yandliilg. Win. .Miller, Peter Culp,
aid ill supporting the Hon. John Snyder, fin
tnventur of the P.ig Gun," which was the cause
nl the ru enlcr.t on board the Princeton, has made
4 pie.cnt of $111,000 to the unloi Innate widow of
the lamented Upshur, and has kindly undertaken
to cdiii ate the two sons of Com. Kennon. at his i-xj'tiise. j ru,t iiioralfuud 1'
.. v .. l. I I. I . c : . .. l.l.,l
111 .M'tY 1 III k, illlll llllll U.1IIU3UI 1IUII HriC lll'lllUII
around her, not withstanding she does not now
hold water; which, if pouicd into her luu.le, out on the deck.''
Cy- A Tiiiiu-'ik To Washington. In the
course ofa speech recently made by a distinguish
ed member of the Irish Hur, Mr. W hiteside, one
of Ihe counsel of the accused, in the Male Trials
at Dublin, he thus eloquently alluded to Wash- j
ingtou :
"He would ask, was the name of Washing
ton, with those friends who froecl ami blessed
ho world, t lo put in couipetituiii with those
Mho insulted and enslaved it ! Were they to
he placed on a level Willi thai of Ihe insatiable
Napoleon, or the rank hypocrisy and cruelly of
a Cromwell ! Were i;ucli men to be put op
posite to him who throws the brightest charac
ters ot antiquity into the fiiaiie ! lie wouni
have fcuppostid had Im lived under the old dispen
sation, that his poMtion would be that ascribed
to him by the poet surrounded hereafter by
virtuous fpirits giving laws to tho assembly
ot the juct and now it could be imagined
that from bis ineffable felicity, he beholds
the results of his glorious labors for the liberty
and happiness ol man. His great ambition waa
to preserve pence, and give freedom, and to
fpurn those glittering baubles of the world
which hold, so many by mad ambition thus to
trample under tint the 1. holies ofthe human
race, und to place in jeopardy their immortal
souls. It might bt iii'ceesiiry to make the ub
ject of study that cf the tyrant Nero, the pro
fligate Charles, or the tyrant James ; but would
any one hold them upas models lo speak in fa-
xioiis to give their views, but our Kopresenta
The President then read a letter from the
John immei man. Samuel Keitz, Gooigo Savidge,
... l I el . 1 . t. I" .1
ber of amendments were otler.d for the purpose I Congress, and that we believe he is the choice ...or,. .,.,,., aa.o , r.cs.
11 I 'l'l... ...... ........ !...-..- ..I.r..l tflli.rl lllll.V
I lie ionium It I , lldtlll II linn oii.-iv ...-,
returned and reported the following preamblti
und esolulions, which were unanimously adop
ted. Whereas, we deem the time too short to a-
live, Mr. Ilright, believing timoenongh had been j lon. John Snyder, favoiubie to the existing dopt the usuil ctisti m of our party, to elect de
wasted upon this subject already, moved the taritr. legates to meet ill county convention to rmmi-
prev ions question, which cut off ull further de-i Hisolvd That the proceedings of this meet- ' nute a candidate tor Congress, tu be viipiMirteil
n.e motion was sustained by a large vote, j . sincj l)V .10 0VUrers. ond nublu-hed in ! ' X'cial election on the ."nh day of April
the Democratic papers in Sunbury. j o'. ' 'H tlie vacancy occasioned by hc
C Signed by the Ojictrs.J ! death of (Jen. Frick, and being confident that
. the? Hon. John Snyder is the unanimous choice
"None hit tiik Di stavf the Fair." of the democrats of Northumberland county :
The lluffah) Advertiser records the following . Therotoro
All amendment of Mr. Iloumfort was also voted
down. The main quest ion was then put and car- j
riedbvu vote of 7 I to W. An effort will be
made to reduce the amount of relief notes now re
quired to be cancelled monthly, to eoil,000 every
three mouths.
Pkcssi iii.: of thk Win on thi: limn nsi ie or A
Sine. In the naval report presented to Congress
is a statement showing the pressure exerted on
the broadside ofa ship of the line by the wind.
It is as follows :
document, which was handed to their honors, Hcsolvcd, That the standing committee of
the Judges ofthe Court there huhlen. The big j this county are hereby requested to announce
wigs were doubtless greatly aetonishod ut it, the the name of ihe HON. JOHN SNYDFIl as
per so
A fresh breeze, IiO
A very brisk breeze, 30
A high wind, o0
A very high wind, 70
A storm, M
A great storm, 100
A hurricane, 12')
A violent hurricane
such as tears up trees, IjO
Treasure exerted
on tho broadside
of a ship in tons.
10, til
172, S(J
270 00
Cotton SrECUi ATORs Exh-omno. Que f the
cotton speculators of New York, w ho hud been
trying tg V-' ii the v,-,-.. failed a day or two
w .. v I - - -
vor f the nrofliPHrv of hi?h Dlaceu ,w1"'-, rnr. th....i t'.,r vtrv Vat nmo'An! I lie
cnUangtr public v;i'.uO 1" Georgia liauk. are said to be the sufferers
books atliirding no precedent at all in point.
"A Hiko. The bar was much amused by
the following billet, which came to hand this
morning and furnished by the Court :
BirrAi.o Bakkak, February lG'h, 1541.
Judge II.
Dear Sur I hear that there is a young lady
in jail and is sentenced to state prison for life
and has got 1- days before she goes and if any
buddy will marry her in that time she will get
clear I will volunteer to marry her, if i can and
i wish thut the Judge would be so good as toseo
in it I am a soger in tho service of the United
States I am in the gard hous now for some slight
hVnce you might send the constable up git m
aridi will come and marry her a''4 wij t
port her aa it i in my P"T, er,
I am dear sur your pi0sl obedient aervant.
the candidate oV our party, to be supported at
the special election, and we hereby pledge our
selves to give him an undivided Mipport.
Ilctolvrd, That the proceedings ot this meet
ing be signed by the officers, and published ia
the democratic papers of this district.
C Signed by the Ottccrs.J
A Trib Hiix. The (Jrand Jury of the Cri
minal Court of Wash ngton, have found a truo
bill against John B. Weller, member of Congrce
from the State of Ohio, for his assauUpori Mr.
Shriver, ot Baltimore. T inJictn,P-. W
tried it the ten- of tll0 V:lRlM Court, the sea
tl0'Z which ' juat commenced.
- - . i
Anothk. The same Grand Jury have
found a b.l against Mr. Julian May. the survi
ving principal in the duel between himself and
Mr, Cochrane. The aeconde, 1'ooler and Ash,
ere also indicted.