est ig. pr par par par par pir par par par pit jinr par par pnr par pnr pnr par 1I.4MI SOTE 1. 1 8 T. rr.XXSTI.TAM A. The fi-!!ow iitt list tshnwe the curT.nt Vnhie of nl' Pennsylvania Bunk Notre. The mnl implicit re l.inrrt may I e placed upon U, a it i- firry trrrk aircfully compared, with ai J correcicJ fiom BEk aelt'a Reporter. Hanks In riiiladc!rll.i. Name. Locatio. " I HI LAV NOTES AT PAR. Bunk of North Ame-ioa . , Bank of tlir Northern Liberties , Commercial H mh of IVnnV . , Farmers' m il Mechanics' Dunk , Kenitiatnri tliitik t Philaih If-Tiin Rank Schuylkill Rank f Rank . . Wos'crn Rank . , MrrLihir' Rank Manufacturers' & Mechnnica' Punk Couulry SJanTti. Pink of rhrstcr County Westchester limit of Delaware County Bank nf (I'crmatitoivii Hnk of Montgomery Co. Poylrptown Bank Fusion Unnk Farmer' Bonk nf Burks CO. OlnVe cf B mk of Penn'a. OiTice do do OiTice da do OtT.ce do do N OTF.S AT Bank cf the United States' Hunk of Perm Township , Gi-ardBnuk Moyamensing D ink Bank of Pennsylvania Miners' Bank of I'otuvillc Rank i f I ewistown Rank i f Middlctown Rank of Nnrthumbeitnnil Columbia Unnk & Bridge CO. Carlisle Bank Exchange Bank Do do branch of Farmers' 13 ink of l.nnc astei Lancaster County It .nk Farmers' Bunk nf Reading . ! urs'-urg Bank I.tncn'cr D ink Lebanon Rank Vcr liHtit'fc Minuf. Bank Rink .1 Pittsburg I,:!i li nk Wyoming Bank Northampton R irk links County Bank OA'u-e of Bank of U. S. Do do do Do do do rtenMnctnii Sav, Tug. A Prim Township Sav. In. Rank of Chaiiihersburg Bank ol Jeltyphurg Bank of Suiijuchanna Co. Erie Bank F'trrr.rr' A Drovers' Bunk Franklin Bank tl. llltS, I;, f lljllk Moimneihi It Bank of B. York Unnk N. H, The notea of those hanks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) lire not purchased by the I'liiladi'lpl.ia brokers, wi'h the exception of those which have a letter of rifvrcnce. II R O KEN B A N K S. Philadelphia: Sav. Ins. Pbtlad l'hih.dclphii Loan Co. do Schut Ikiil Smv. Inn. do Manual I.ulior Bank (T. W Dyott, prop.) Chester (Jcrmntitoan Noiris'oit n D.iylfHlown Eristnn Bib-tol H.irrishurg'i. These Lancaster I nfl'tces Reading C do not Fasten J issue n. DISCO UN T. Philadelphia 23a24 . par 7aS . pgr par 'i S 1 For Itcnt. HE large and commodiouaTA VERM STAND in the town of Slinmokin, Noriliunihetland co. now orciipinl by the anli-ciihcr. The h.,ve pro pcrty Ufitiiatcd in ihe haniokiu Coal Reckon. For l.rma. at p'y to JACDU KKAM. iyiiani.Mn. Fci'. IQih, 1841 tf. A S liie uti-rr,!n r ind iidg to remove from Snnl u tv, he n qiicsta nil priaons knowing llicint. .e inil) I'd'd In him, on t oi'k geemmt or ojherwise, tn call antl t-eulo lie game on oi liefirre the lOlli d iy of March next, ng no longer indulfri ncc ran he g vtn. Piompt altculion to thia noiico will anve c.igt JOHN BOGAR. Sunhiirv, Fch. 3. 18-11. 3t Iiiijioi Ins niui l-aloi-M in S E G A R S. 13 11 A N I) I li S, G I N, W I N E S, &c J'o. 21 Commerce 8t , nmr Fifth St., ttttt n T-r-r tiytt a I . .1. W nf arii. i. -. ' W, A. Ja.ynet. musiiiF. tona. Pinct, ', s'i.limi & Co. IWooUill.'. B.imnco. I'cin.l Fr.r.g. I-bucp. l.oid Hvron Jamurv 20 h. 1S14 fiin Fot'gville I.rwiatown MidJIetnwn NorthumhcrlanJ par Columbia Carlisle Titti-liur? llollklavulurg I.nncistei l.ancnster R. adit: a; Tlarrilnirg Lancaster Lebanon riitaburg I'iitghuig Wi'.liameport Vilkebari Allrntowii Reading Ptttlurg r. ne lVew Brighton do do Chambrii'liurg (ti ttvfhnrg Montiuge Erin (lynrsbiirg AVarihirvton Ioiit'd..le Brnui,.v,I!c York i 1 i 4 3 i i i i Cj7 faihd do II VMS a 5 n MIOLLLEKS for n-.le. h. a;-, f .r cush.hy II. 13. MASEEH. Doc until, isii. BP.. P. S. TAGTI1T2, MrEVrFri,t.V inform, t'.a public that he has made Norihiimhi'rlnnd his place of rrgi drnre. and i nadyto attend to any Culls in the line r.f bi. prcfmion. OTj He may it t all timcg he found at Mr. Jame. Lce' Hotel. Northliinherland. D.-c. ICth, 1SJ3. f. Ink. A I r inter s few kegs for .i!e. at a fin ill adv mce f r ca.h, ly iVc. 9. H. It. MASTER. 30a do I 1 1j o J ..3 1 Lhia I'owai da Bank Alleghany Bank cf Pa. Br k of 3eacr Bank of Svvatara Bank ot Viishi:ig?oBi Crntie Bsnk City Bank Funner-. A' Mc h'cg' Bunk Fanners.' & Me ch-" Bank Fain t tV & MecoVa'tBai.k ilaimony Inni'.ulo Uuntintidon Bank Juniata Bank Lunilirrmeii'a B.t.k IS'orthi rn Bai.k of I'a. Nw Hope li. I. Bridge Co. Nortbuinli'd Enion t.'ol. Lk. Worth V'ili rn l)a-.k of Pa. Otni e of Sflmlkill Bank Pa. Avr. &i Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Em k L'ti'on Bui k of IVnii'a. eitinoieiiunl ljat.k failed failed failed failed 60 no eale cloud chisel fa i ltd chsed no tnlc failed faded filled r.o tale 'i'owatida lle.lfo.d Peaver Hnirisborg Waohingtou Brlhf..i.te Piti.-buig Phttlurg FayeiU' co. (ireenenst e Hani, oi, y Huntingdon no tale LcniMnvwi NVarien failed DmiJ.iff no f ile New Hope closed M ilton iio salt Mtadtille cLud Port V. boa Ci.rii!o failed, re closed I'litontown failed filei'i bl nig thii-ed i!kt sl' ine not-ule FORSSTVILLn itniss i.icai r day i i,o k.s. THE ni'vciit'er has jiiit received, fr ah. a few of the nl'ove ct lebra c I Eiisht Day Clock, which w it! be Mil. I at veiv ir.'uce.l price, f.r call. AIko, .ii ciiiT :1D hour 1 loi k-, i f t' e I et m k' nod qnahtv, wh It will be .'d f.o ta-h. nr fl CO AN t. Mi!" ri r Brass 30 hour t' 00. Dec 2. 1-n. II. B. MAS.-fKR. b l t)NB U ARK f r f ib'. 25 S?r. r e .lus. from I qua't to 3 e:.l!nn, i 0 Stmie J.i a. f.-nm 2 to 0 en'l im For i!e cheap, by f'el. 14 II. 11. M AS.-ER. AMLIJAM J. MAI1TJLV, -7TCPaTS-J AT LAVA S IT XT B X7 Tl Y, PA. CFFK E. in lliebuiUhiii otcup.eJ by J. B! icni, on Ma ket t eet. (let. 21 t, l13. OAKliliY ASIinY & ROCAP, HAT &. CAP MANUFACTURERS, South F.anl rnrnrr tf Market and 4th lis.. llil!:ilrlililn, "nr.SI'EUTFCI.I.Y inform the public that they will constant 'y keett on h-nd a larrr. a.port ment of Hats. Caps and Fur., to puit the fall trade, nf the (ict quality. By ptr'nt attention to bui. nras. and by gelling thrir alock at the lowest price, ihny flatter themsclvca in being nldo to cive entire Pitiglaction. Auiriist 6, 1813 ly rilllE Pti'criher will H nfTbi. gtock nf Bearer, L Rns:a and Brush Ilata, of the bct quality, at very reduced piicr.. Siit.hury. Aoir. S. 11 3. IT. n. MASS BR A ThrcNitiu? Mitrliliio for .sale. rilHE nbrnhcr olVe.g f-r atc a TH HESHINO JL MACIIINK, ne and in cod nid.r. The M aehine h i l ei n tried, on I rove, to be an excel lent one It n ill be sold ol n reduced price, and wa-raniid. Af.y to II. B. MASTER. Inly Ni, 1P13. C mi4 1 ;, iS : s' DHATH BLOW, 'PUe ii lie will ple.iae olierve that no Brainheth A Till, are genuine, utile the I ox hag three la bels upon it, (the top, the pi 'e ami the hottmi) r ii h rnnl liiuni! a f ic nimile s-iuon'ure nf my h t i 1 1 -writine, thim B. BiitMiiitTit, M. D. -'I he-e la bel me eiiir.iveil ori steel, beautifully tle.iune, and done at an expense nf over fi.tli'O. Then f.ue it ill be seen fiat 'be only thing nce-pary to pro cure iho uii dicitie in its purity, is to i bierve tliese I ibd. Remeni'ii r th" top, the s-ide, and t' e hmtotn. The following icsjuclive pr-rsong are duly auh ri zed, and lio'd cciiTiCATr.: or AGTTC?, For the sale of liramhr K't Virctublt Universal I ii;'. Northuiiibeihv d conntv : Milton Mickey cV Ch irnheiliii. J-unlniry II B. M iksit. M"l'r.enp vi tic IitliiidiV. MeiXill. NoMliiii.t'?ilaiiJ Win. Forsyth, (ienriit town J. A" .1. Wtl!. l.'nii.n ('unity: New Bcrhn l'o ir & Win ti r. f-elinsar.i'c Ceore (iundrum. Mid.'le biifj I-.-uc Smitli. Bcaver'oun David Ilubler. A.I imshnr. U rn. .1. May. Minhnslune Menu, h cV I! iy. Ha, tli ton Dmtel l.cii ;. Freebuig O.Sc F. ('. Miner, I.citisIiii'c W alls A" G'eeti. Cii'umbi i i oi i.'v : D iliville V.. B. Rev tmld. ic Berw iek Muiiii.tti R tieuhoiie. Ca'-lawi-i-.-a '. f!. Bruits. Bio 'in?' nr.- Joliii R. M.-ver. ,l,'iiv Town I.ivi l! W.i!,iniiton Ro't. M.C.y.' I.ime-t i Ba:li-t h VcN'teb. (lb-c:e I Ijnt each A jeut ha nil Eiii;r.iV. d l.'i r ideate of Arrepcv, containing a rep'i s-ntaiion ,.f Hr BKA.Mtl'i: 1'11'n Miniilict.rv at Sms fu.-, anil up (n uhirii tt ill a'-o be reen exact eop'i s ot he 7i.T'j tstw utCi! t: vn t.' t Lr.mJiith J'iii i?o.r. l'hilidelj.hin, ojTic- N . . Noi'h 'bv'reet. b. bj:and::et;i, m. u. ratcr s, RESPECTFULLY inform the tiliren of the r.orouch of Northumberland, and its vicinity, that he has commenced Iho Tailoring Iiiisincss, in b'I i'a tarinua I ranrhr. in the ahop formerly occupied by Henry S. Thomn, directly oppo-ite Forpvth'g gtore. Aa hereeiivea the New York and Philadelphia Faghion quarterly, he i enabled to do nil jobs i ntru.'cl to him, alter the neutist and liitesl giyle, and upon theahoitert notice. Nonhumhrrlanil. 22,1. IS 4.1. ly nr. .. n. jiJss 'Eil "P ESi'ECTFI'LLY informs lin e t irns of un- - - l ury iili.l it vit inity, lht he ha tlien the olTiee fnini'-rly occupied by Dr. Join Peal, wbeie he vtill he happy lo receive calln in Ihe line of his profession. Apiil 22d, 1N4.1. Siaisiel Yarick, SLACKSlZITI-I, l j Jjl'.lto leave to n.lorm ihe cuizena nl t-un' ivy i aid it a vicinity, that ho has commenced the I nf.Aci;s.Mri iiing, iinMa'kit streit, P-onbury, instof J hil lb gar's j s'ore and dt.ectly i'pp"- H'c post nffice, where he ' intends to canv on thn biisinea in all it various br anehe, ini lud'n.c. Turning, Miiiing Mi 'I Irons frn.7 i'A'i.f Springs, rnninz Vitrritigrs, villi I'.X . latum or Standi tig 'y., Slmtlng Hut .a, tc. j ( trdi r- will be rompi'y and punctually atu ndid ! to, niui w-oik done cheap, for ia-1) or country j ru j duce. I ffj' IIoirc Sh.ieii'g done at f 1 per sett. ) .Sui.liiiry, April loth, 1-J3. ly. 1 15 o o t & S h a c s I'i. lid and .1 e-l-h. IxM. r8 liili. 1 Wilkesbarre llnde Co. Cj All note- puipotling tn be on any l-in-yl-ani. Bank i...l givtn in iho abuv litt, uiuy bo et dtwn a. fiiiU'ln, MW Par.k ofNiv.- iiiot.Aick Pelvideie ll .i k L'urliiiRton Co. Rank (,'oniineieial It ink' (.'c.mbeil.trd Bank Farmer' Bunk' Fnrmi r' and Meehnnicg Pk Farmers' anil Mtchanice' l!k Earniers' and Menhantg' Bk Middicloivn Pi, 1 rnnklin Bmik of N.J. Jersey City llot.oKen UKt.v ( K o IloboKen Bum. wick fiii'cd Belvidere j Xlttltord jar Perth Amboy j Bridjieteri par Mount Holly par Rahway 4 N. Iliunavvirk failed i faih-d fail.d Jerpey City B ,i k Jersey City AU'duitiU'H I) ink fatteraoa Manuf.uiur. rs' I'.ink BtUevillo Morris County Bii.k Murriktuwn Moi.mtiuth Biiol N.J. FrceholJ Mtchunic' Bunk Newuik Muhaiiieb' and Mnr.uf. Bk Trenton Morris Canal and Bg Co Jcisey City Post Notes Newaik BkB A Ina Co Newaik A w Ilt. Del Bridcr Co Larn( ilvillo . J. Manuluc. ai d Bk( Co llobukcu N J 1'iou cioii i. tk Jersey City Orange Uuuk Drant; l'aiei-on Bank l'ani..,n I'tji'pltg Bank do Priiict-loii Bank Princeton isoleln Banking C tSalt in Ktatc U ilik Newark fetst B ink Ebzabt thtown hioto Bank I'gnulen tlato It mk i,f Morris Mor'imnvn bt..te Bank Tientoii t-utem i, ml Pt.ilad .Vttlbf Co Kali in S jH.rii Bank New Ion Trenton Banking Cu Tiei.ton I'm n (tank Diver Wa.l.n v't-'i. P-'nking Co. Hackensaik ur.xiwAiti:. Bii rf Wilm A- 1 . ramly wuit V iiniingfun Br.i k of Lelnug'i i!niin(;to Bank f Muyri.a f-'iiira Do I rirrh V. Ilord Farm. r Ek of r-i.ue f Del- Dovn failed j failed fulled i fail.. I i pur 110 tale i i failed fulled J failed i par par i 1 par i faded faded i par j fa.Ud par par par hr-in-h I li.m h I r nil ti Do Do Do Union ll-.i.k" (jQ I 'ii.u r .'.' djr" (hi I'll I ai k". ma ke ti er ioiii,Uf Ii it i i alnrwl iiommatiMi.t, in ci:eulil"(i , r p.r I " par I 1 tht'g () ihero gre t i. note of th vjr.ouk u'e- ii.'i'iiivtnri f . o (. i I - it N i v e m' !u 't limn t;t, n ii:rri(ATivc syuip. "''HE iluab' rroiieriie. of Oakley's Denua- I live Symp of ilia, as a purifier of the j hi ed, is to well known to the public RPrierillv. that it i unreccspiiy to occupy much pa''e in pet- ; tir.g for'h the advantage, to derived from its i us- ; wherever the medicine hag once been intr i- j din ed, it lakig pri ce, lei, ce over all utheia: rv, iy : one that has taken it, have di r.vrd go signal b, ne j ficial results from it, thai il is recommended bv ! il.cni wi'h ihe u most Phy-iri i"a of j the l.'t'he-t stan line in t'.ie rofesi in, piescri' c il to in'iei.t-i under their care ; containing r.ntbiiii! j dil Icr ou. but btii 2 cotnp.i-ed ot the in. st mi!.', ! yet i tr.c.iciuus vegetable triatrial, it i oil' red wiih ' Cot fiJcnee. a the ehe. pt st and mn-t t Il'eient (mi. ' r fir . f the blor.d iioiv known. The use of a few- I bottles, espei ial'y in the ppiing moi.tha. will he at i teiiih d with a n.o.t ih eide.l unprov, no lit in the pe. j mral gtrcnc'h of the system, eradicating any -fed- of diea-e may have been generated, bisid. p, B vtnu health mid vie. r lo the bodv. For the cure ' i.t Sendula or KiliRS Evil, Rhenni i"8lil. Titter.! I'm. li s or eiuplion of the Skin, White Swelling, j F Mula, Chronic Cough, Ac, The mi- j n.rrou cernfica es in the pn-sc rion of the sul scri- . I rr and bt ggentM, from pi, vsici.oi and other., are m. !'.':, ici.t to ronv.nee the most rkepliral nf its su periority over all prep .raiioiin of Sars iparillj. t"' .Id whole-ale end retail, by the proprietor, CEORCE . OAKLEY, North 5th stre.l. IJea ding, B'iks Cocnty, and lo b bd of the following pels , : i K.irtJt ti rlnr.J ( 'ntnitt II. B. Mas?.-. Fin. bury ; belaud A. M.xel, MiEweusville ; D. Krau-i r, Milton. I'.iion Ciiunlt. J. Gcurhart, Stlinsgrove ; A. li'iti !ttit, Mlflllliburg, hi Culumbia Cuunty.Ti. W. McCay, Vash ingt.-n. Reading, March 14, 1913. Mn. Oakijet: I believe il the duty of every oi e to do whatever in their power lie, for the b lie- in nl t'n'ir i.-iiow ms'i, ami Having hail po-rive in mv own , of the wointeiful pr. per'iis of your D' purativo Syrup of Sa'pap nillg, I m t ciiiki lentiou-lv reeoinmend it to the alibi ied. We had the mi-fortune t lose Ivvo of our ehildren, bv t tit t Kttk ng out of uleeroi-p o-c thai covered the face, hi nd and neck, nltli"iigh we h id sune i f tin in, st n ielililic physicians In at'end th m and had tried all Ihe known remedies, including Swaiin' Panne-' a, withotil avail. Another of my ehildren van amiike.1 in the game manner, her face ac.d In k a eoiep'ett ly rnvernl; ihe d scharge was po . (lentive, ai d ihe disease at tu h a he'chl. ihut we di paired ot her life. Seeing the wonderful effects i J of v our Hepi r iiive S iup r.l S o.-apariil i, we weie i induct d l i niake dial of il, as the last ri g -rl ; il ! ; acted like a charm ; the u'cerg commenced healing i mimed. Hl.-ly, a f w bottle entirely rr.tored her to j In r I e .I h, which she h s ei j ived uiiintenui te.llv i ever sii re. A a puiifn-r of ll.e blood, I veidy be In ve il hug nut its npial. JtillN MOVER. Tailor, Walnut atrett. M ar Fouilh, Reading. Poiiglassvillv, Airil lflth, H3. Mn. O.iti.xr: Mv son I'.'in.ind Leaf, l ad the gci.cnU In ill.- H ost d't .id til hi.. I dl'lieaon man I er f r tbrce years, dining wlec'i lime pnvd if lie i:-e nf Ins Inn! , hi-, bed ami iek w. re rover, d at la ulcers. We lib d all ihe difl'.-r. ilil ii ti. ill s, but to no ttT.rl, until reeiiinrurnded y Di. J ihnon of a d glso l)r. Isaac Ho.-t.i. ol Read i g. to use your Dc U'alive Syrup ot S is ip .r lU, of w I it h I ttl lailied seviiil ioile ihe u-e . I wi.t li d-ove the di-ea e ei.liri ly out of i. sis i, ll.e lie be it., I up, and the child wi- ris' i eil to Pittcl hi .lib. whiih le ha. flj ivt.l i nn n r u, le.lly , v. r si, re, lo the a.l tealnm nl of JCGSPH S3. HOVER, MnmifnrUUTr of Writ inji mn! Iiuit'lli b'.i: It. I;, Nil ltltJNiittli Third Street, nx iiii r. below Ilticp, (eit.-t .sidt1,) rnii.A9Ei.FniA, 1 ) Esl'Et ; I Fl LEY informs country nierthant an! others, thai he con t U'tly keeps on hand a lirgestork i f hi snpirier Black, Blue M,,l Rid b k. an I i lso a supern r ipril 'v of Ind. loi le li k Hit ink is put up in b' tiles va'Ving in tie, 1 to Hi ounce, and wdl be sold on reasonable t Tin.. The rvelent qualiies ofth'sink ha so tboroiighlv esl.ibli bed I's ch iracer. that il Is now t x 1 1 r. . ; v , ly used Ihi.iuahont thn i-.mntiv, . Fur sale ul ll.e stote of II. li. M i-i r. Sun liorv. Ph. May 27il. 111. Iv jk n r t i ii zv T.v i n EspLO ppl LI.V ii loim bis o'd rut nu'i. llnil he ha- n mov. d his ' Hoards simr. f.stmiushmi:.t 1 to the finn.e hi i ding nd'i.uiiii.g bis t'vvrlhiig bouse, bcwei n that and Dr. 1). T.T.itcs' rfTCre. a few tloo: vve-t of t i- old I si ne I.', in Maikct street, ; where be ii.tei ds to carry in tie a bote business ex'en-ivi !v, in n'.l iff it .rVo,. brtittrhtf. Doing ll ai k ul tor past i'ivo;?, he hoe-.l v sti-c-ittei tioii to I us in iil d Ida i d thargis, to gi'e geneial sati-faciioii ; and he w ill continue lo re ceive a liber il -bare of ubi c patronage. .tprd SC. Kill. ; ! c (i r ?r o 7. 1 im iti v v m ; u f S o n. rgTiir. gu'cribers heiel y ii f nil the public, that I li t y have eii'ercd partin in, in the ! r.L.circniTinrra ETjii:ri?, I wheh wil I. itc. ft r be curr e.l on at lie el i ; stand in Suiibury, in ,b r the linn cf 'dire , .'mmiiman A Son," where thev wiM conduct the ! bu-ine-s in all Us va-ious I ranehe--, including Turn I in?, Mitf.iit M It h tii.i. hulling Cr.rr ii(s. St,i . in.f I turf i Sr. Order- wil be ion j.tly and ute. j tuullv atlitio.d lo, and vtuik done cheap, for cash I i r piodue. j fXj" fchoiiii dol e at oi e dollar per pell. j i.i;oi;t;i:, i J. H. ZIMMERMAN. I Sin. busy. March 1 lib. 184.1. The hem method for the AMitinn of Disease is to and purify the Uody, WIKIGIIT'S IMIA YEflF.TADLE PIIsIaS OF THR rAVrffc Jtmrricttn Calif ft nf JlroVh, Are now acknowledged to be the ln-at Medicine in iho Work! for the cure of EVERY VARIETY OF DISEASE. EtALSF. ihey completely cleanse the sto mach and bowels from ih' se b ilious and cor rupt humors vl irh are the cause not only nf Headache, Clid.'iiii g. Palpin.lion of the lleirt, Pa;na in the Bones, Rheumat'sm and ft. mi. hut every malady incident lo man. SAID INDIAN VBliETABI.E PILLS are a eirtain cure f.r in temfenl, lem'nted, nervoitg, infl ltnatiey and pu'rid Fevers, heenuse thev cleanse the p idy firm Ihoe moih'J hi mors, whie'i.when C'ltifneil to (be ciren I 'tion. are the caiice of a'l k ml of FEVERS. So, also, when the same impurity is deposited on ti e neiuhiaie and muftcle, c iti:oig p-.''m, ii flarna-Hon-i and awellinga called RHEUMATISM, COl T.Ac. Wright's Ii dian Vicetalle Pills mav l irrliid rji as atwavs en on o give r. lief, and if persevered with, nee.nilli g to direction" will mn-t nr-siindly, and without fail, make a perfect cu e of t e above pionfi I n aladies. Fiom three to six i f p.ibl Ii iliini Vr rretab'e Pills t.iken every night go it g to bed, will in a shnit time so completely rid lite body from every thing thnt i opp .se, 1 1 , heabh, that Rlieninati.m, fJonf, m d p in of rverv i'eer'p lion, wiH he Ijti tally DRIVEN FROM THE BO. DY. For the a mn reapon, when, from sudden cbarpes nf atn o'-pbete, or ni v other can- e. ihe ei ppi'niinn is rl.rcktal, and the humors wh eh should p i'S i fl' bv lln skin are ll.r.-wn inwardly, causing HEADACHE. C1DD1NFSS. nroiea "and si.k r:i s. pain in the hi ni p. wa'rry and ii flamed eye--, Pore threat, hoar-ene p, roi g' , consumption., rheumatic pnins in t ariou nr!. of the body, and mnr.vnth'T pvmp'nin. of CATClliNfi COLD, U .( Indian Fir ,.,' I'i U will invariably give in medi te r lief. From thiee to six of said Pill lakrn every night on coii,n n I d, w ill in a s! oil lime, not on'y remove ail the above uti h as mt pymptonis, but the body tv II, in a fd.orl tune, le restored lo even pounder brabh il an brf ore. ASTHMA. r DIFFICULTY OF BREATH- INC WWjrfj hid tin Yti;tl:litt Villa will loos ! en -irnl eer y i IT, by the stomach and t-oaiis. thure I Im gh phi. gi, y buiMor-, t I ich Pt p up u l Ihe nir I ceils of Ihe lui gs, end .'re the cause, not oi ly of the ! a' ove tit-'Vi s.'i'g complaint, but w hen tv gleded, j ofti n ti rn.ii. ate in that n o eihradtul malady ca led ! CONSUMPTION. Ii thou'J be a'soieo embii',1 that ;:ji,r i-ti i ",,!,:,. fvj are a c rl.itn ' cute f. r PALS I.NTI1E slpii. Op, r. , i..c, n.-,u-'. si a, nnd siekms", hi-s t f appili'e, co.-tivcm sa, a ! yi Row lu'pe of the skin nr d eyes, and i very ether : j symptom . f a t. rp d or d ased stale nf the bv, r ; 1 lt eti'.tse ll ty purge from the body those im urine ! it hit h if d, os,ted upon 'his important org in, are I ihe cnn-e .f nrry ta ii'v of LIVER COM ! PLAIN I'. ' hi n a I, ili' n is eciivn'sed l y riot-, i u,l r. .'K au'l n t Ci.n.n. It e ot :t mean ot pr. vent, ing the dreadfi I e.iist ijiienci i,f a CIVIL WAR. is to 1 1 el a'! trp.i'ors, und ctil d spos. d en s from i!.. tout. ry. In i.l.e imt to r, i !:i n p-ii: or :ik-i.e.- of ir.y Lit d, iit;!ic;i'c that tt.e 1 o.! !;; .- gtii g with il. ten :d foes, ll.e tri e reii.dv is IP U. PEL ALL MORBID lll'MOKS, (Tiahors lo leal'h and hfe.) Health will If llif rtrt'!:ii ri:uf. Tl.ut the pi il l iple of curing di-ease, by t leansii g ai d milt ii.g the l.udy, i sliictly in accord ,i:ce with the jaws which govern the iconomv; and if properly cartied out bv the u-e of the above iiam.,1 WRKiHT's IN HI AN VKCE TABLE PILLS, will reilaiidy result in the cnniph te Abo- IIOGEJ OINTMENT, ron ti:tti:ii. RiNowonMs, riMPt.r-s ox tiif. facr, and otiif.k ri'TANKOusj FRri-rioNsi. (Jj Tht folliiwintr errtica'e describe one nf Ihe mnt extraordinary cures ever effected by any application. PrntAttr tr-niA, February 10, 1833. "TOR twenty years I was severely afflicted with -- 'I'tTTr.n on the Face and Head: the ibpesse commenced when I was seventeen years old, anJ continued until the Fall of 183fl, varying in vio lence, but without ever disappearing. During mnt of the time, great part of my f .re was coven d with the eruption, frequently attended with vio'rnt itch ing; my head stilled at linn until it filing if it would I'tir-t ihe swrilinj was so e eit. that I cntiM Fcnrcily get rov hat on. During the long prrioj tint I was nfflieted ni l) the diieriFe, I useO a great many a plication, ( them several celebrated prep nation-) as w II a taking inward remedies, including a number nfh. ltl.s of Sirrtini's Panuecn, Extract i f Kttm.pnrilln, A c, In fact it would he impo-niMe to ermmeia e all the. medicines I used. I w as also under the cire nf two of ihe most di liugui bed physicims nf thi city, but with ut re ceiving m t b benefit, and I despaired of i ver being cured. In the f dl of H'-IR, the i.l ibe lime bt-'u g vi ry v:oViit, I coui'iieneed using the lime Ointment, fprip.ired bv Vanghan fc Diti..) In a f w a; plications Ihe violent itching Ci aed, ho ' pwt l it g id n'ed, the mv lion began to disappear, and bef, re I hail ui d a jar ihe di -ease was rntuehr cnied. It hn nniv Ii en'y a viar and a half since, nn I there is not a te-tige of ihe d -en-e re maining, except ll e sears from the deep pit formed by Ihe i!i-ei"e. Ii i imp asihle fur me to tlea.-ril e in a etrtifirnte Ihe sen lily of ihe disea-e and my gull' ring but I will be pie s. d to give a filler ac count to any pi mm Wdnth e foiVier satisfieti on, who v. it! c 11 on tic, At the time I commenced u--'mg tee R..pc Oiu'mitit I would have given huri dud i f do bus to be rr I of the tli.easc Since u sing it. I h itc rceoi .'in nd. d it to seta r il per-on, ( tl mi my mother, who hi. I d,e i i -i a so bad ly on In I a' th. i tt !io w. re a I cured bv it. 1 VMES DI'RN ELL, No. lofi, Pace St. fj The Ro.-e Ointment i, d bv E. 13. Yatigh i", S. u h 1 is i of 'Third and Race stie. I-:, PLil'idi Iphi.i, and mjI'J on agt net in Sunbu rv. bv II. B. MASJ-ER, ' M..y 1 !th. IS 13. As-nt. !"c:sc ?sii1i:!r!rt, for ToUrr. A l' HOOF (IF ITS F.FFICACY. I'm t tin I cm a. 27!'', ly-;'.'. rj'UI-' i- to i rriii'y ll at I w is i'y aol c e.l with Tet'i r in the I. and nnd t for upw mis of forty yea' ; the disc ie wasattei.ded gi tier tily w:t!i vio'i i.t iti -bine and pwi-i'.ii g. I applied to t I nn.!'. r of livstC' .I a:.d u.-. d a gnat mat V nppli ca ioi.s with, i.t ilVcding a cure. About a y. ar since, I ;,p ed li e Ro-e 'iutiiii ut, w hich et tin !y -I op ei! i be i'ch n x. and a f w applic .ti in iinmt-d:-a'llvrund ll.e di-ea-e, vv l.ii h ll i re bu hi rn i;,i ri lurn of, atih' ni y ti:,ic fur f. rV The P IT Z ?. S H 1 ? rI' 11 E giibgciibe s, having eniere I into a partner - shin in the iiraclii-e ot ib.e law, w.ll he bsi nv i - i i j v? (oxv E(:iflitmri)t.) "V f A -" se -"" "-l ii;iiAlf. .".wwii--. , mw jt rj n WrfiVCi 5 1I'EC I I'I'I.I. V ll. form Ibe , It.., t.f j yjj J Jf. JiLUjL ii fS to Mtrnil to all I iwiness entm-ti it lo tin ir care. O. Ile.-iion wdl be promptly B'tcnih'il o. 'liny tout alvtiivs be I mud at, Sluk't sir, tt, Sin, bury, lonuttly uccitjied m. I'tvtart, rjee'd.. as a sti re-ioom. II.I.IAM I.. HE WART, I'll A I. EEs J. BRUNER. Suid ury, Feb. 4 th, iM lo. ly. i I ha.! never brrn rid of it at ear. RICHARD SAV.M E, Mlitenth. bil'.w Sp.uoe Street. hi tmenl i rep ire. I by E. B ' niui art, S 'Utii I.,i- ron i r ol J bint a, it I, art . flic I'!i hia, and s Id on agency in '-I'ld'ii : ,v. t.V ' 11. B. Mass;-:,, ! " May 1 1th. 1-13. '!- or the ui.tmi:m iw i-.tur. VI.'THOUtill the superiority of the prrpataii ovrr all others in fully es'a'.li-hed, ihe r r tor lake ph a-ure in lay ng 1 f re ihe public t!l I tioti of Di-caue ; we offer the fnliovting lestimoni- ! f',,!!oti: g certificate fr.irn a re-i cclable I hvsic: s: kjj rj Stii.biuy mid tivinity, that he has lecintly eon. ii. i need the CAHIM-Vr-MAKINC. l.rsiXKSfi. ; in nil I'M btanche., ill Maiket s'lect, Siudn iy, im- j in dialelv bil w iit- " si ollice, where he will be . ti a 'v lo r. ceive a d t it cute nl! ur.'.-rs in ll.e line of his I ti-ii.t s , ttiih promptness ai d depatih. and t in he In t s'y'e and inaimer. Hi. pricts will be ! i lo.v, in aceo' dance vtuii ll.e lime. fj' Liiiii 't r and Comitiv Pi duce taken in Ex- cl at ge. May '.Mi ls l'h F,m nousic, .Yo. 'sr, III l,V i' Mi,t who Situ l.llll du l tj tog I 111 Ct .1111, I It v.-1!, .. ,i n v du y, uinl ml ..u Hug ceili. licit.- tlio i I e a wb.i have a I kg aflhelioii III ill' l.olv ii ry know where to obtain ao valuable a mt ill. lue. Your iul. AMELIA D LEAF. f-rpt. 1C, 1843. Jy city I'l iJN itcwk atctiox, AlfD mV-f-TE SALES ROOMS, Nus. '!'.) ;itiil Bl Nnrlli Tliinl Street, Xcir the (' i t v 1 1 u t v 1 , PHILADELPHIA. O C. MACIvi'.Y, Auctioneer. re-pectfuTy in--' tins the a ' I, nl ion of per so- s th-si roils ef pur-iha-iiiii Fiutii me. to big eivtensive S.deg Room, ('mli pu lie mi l I' tvnte.) fo every decii'tioii of 11 his. b. II Furniture, win re r in I e nhl-iincd at id I tune, a large a-sntttin i,t i f fashioiiuble and wi II timnuf.iftur. -I Cvbiini Furniture, Bed, M atuussts, Ac. t verv leduced prices, for c islt. O"?" ii::,.'''' bv Auction, t ice a wfrlc. May 27. b. 143. ly char ems 'TllTiTi'ixs. ATTOFa-NSl? AT LAW, EUNBUni', PA. R! t-I AS tiiken Ihe i (Vice toneetlv ocetipbd by ti e H E Hon. t blll'cs (i. llonll' I, t pposile the Couil 11 -use. He will Blind to busmen in ihe Cauls ul' Nni'lntmbci la nl, l.'iiiou aii l CVuiu'oia coun'.ies. May 2ilih, 18-13. T T '"I. T . T" ' t-U W W m. t-J f.rrat YcmIciii Itulhui I'aiiatca, ('iiinpoiiiuleil cmii'i'ly of YfttaLilj Stil'struirt's ; Fr-e ftuin Ci.' ul! o'.'ir-r Mineral. For l' e history of this liu .lieilie, hl.d its lilnivallid and Inly snipiifii g fiii-cr-s and popular. i y, see laiije bills T i reeommendid as a general cathartic for fiini'y u-e in dyspepsia and all bilious dnea- sis, ii is niv.ilu ible for Asibin i it is roi siile ed a speeilir, no case having yet oceuned which il bag faibtl lo cure for common Colds, iinflamuia'ory disea-e. rheuiiia'isiii, all'ecliona of ihe liver, tic., and foi females, it is a sate and excellent remedy. CERTIFICATE, From Dr. Silon West nf Ihnhampton, N. Y. Mr. Longley -D. urSir: I have used your Gieat Wei. rn Indian Panacea in my family, and have repeatedly pie-crihcd il for patients under my care, and am a'ifie I ihai it it always a safe, and in Very many ras, s an invaluable medicine. Il opeia'es aa u I x itite wiihoul nausea, or pain ; and while itt f f dually obv i.ile. ro-utene-s acl upon Ibe stomach m d liter as an nl eisiive rn. reeling uciilitv, and re ktoru.g Ibe htulihy condition til those organs. Very ie-peefully oiiis, H. EST. For g-lety JOHN W. FRII.lNfi. Soiiburv. JACOH BKfGH B NVthuinberlanJ. Miy 0ih, t843. !jr '. .. it fiu I i t ,1. ... I f V i , i ci i r- u ti, an . v uiu u ti iti of,, run adei i iiia. OH N I T.MIAN, lute from the PeeistUa sV "i t Fsriiu r, nn.l Saiinn l Pike, jr., U'e of A nn tic a ii Hotel. Columbus. I di o. lake pit a-ure in ac polluting their f n mis and the public gt lit nd t thai Iht y bate ii.knithe Inrge and rommoiboiig Holt I, t'tini'y I uiit hv ihe M.ssis. II it. on the tile once oetiipieil by ihe nl.l e-'abli, In d Hotel known us ibe Bull's Head, in Thud klirct above Culkw hill s. 'This Hotel is fini-hed in the very best possible maiiner, bi d of the bet n hU-ria's. lis lot at on i vt ry th suable, particularly foreinniliy im r.-hants ; ibe Biriingi menia for hcatll g and veniiliilil'g tach room ig such as to secure any lenipi niiiire. ''he ludioonigaie all light and airy, all lumislicd in a neat sty e, so as lo in-uie I on. but. 'The i. ceiv ing p.olois ait-abo fun i-hed in a su perb style, the w unions aie on the French s'yle form'n g an eniiance o a ba'coriy in fronl, win. h in ikes a plea-ui, t ri ces. Frnt'Ci.lai gtti ulion has I ecu given to the bids and bidding ibe, are en'i" Iv new. t roni yig's' ixperiiice in hotel busines. ne trust, by slrii l gss duity !'. l us nest, lo make thi- I house a drsirable slcppinj place. Our tilde will i ulwiiya I e supplied wnh the vary hist our maiket cull aih.r.l, and cti barwiih Ihe best liquois and wines of ibeiiiost appiovtil Intui ts. t P. S. 'J'brie are lir.t late stahlinB s.r tl cariinge t house. uttHt bed lo the bolt I, ti t n l. il by eg I f ll i and sol 1 1 hoileis und cm ehuigts wdl be low, in j iiceoriiaiii e Willi ll.e pre-eut liaitl liu.r, Plnladi Iphia. Oil. 7 ili. IK42. als, from in rsoiis of ti e highest re-pcctahtiiiy in New Y'oik, who have lecri.liy been cnied of the n.nst obsiinote romp'aints, solely by the use ol Wnmirr'a Itnui Vroi: Pills, of the A'or.'i Americun Cvllegr tf !it;.'t't : Jm in t. L. I., .lime 9th. 1P41. Di'ctor M'iTia-n W right He r Sir It la with gre. t sati faction I inform ten i f ;.iy having been entirely cun d of Dys rpsia. of five tuirs slaiidn g, by the U'C til your lvia n I ,. i 1 a nil. I'n.i.s. Pn vious to ineeniig with tour celebrattd m d -cii e, I had bu n under the hands of sevoial Phv-i- cisi s, and had tried t nii.ui- u edii im "-; hut al! t ; mi t I'l-i-l. After u-ii g t-tit 2.1 cent l.,x of jour ' Pdls, liowt ti r, I i xpi r;t ee.l so much Lei clit, ih it J I ie-olvi d lo er-ev. ie in the use of liu in aeeoiilmg Ilo d.ret tun s, tt bii b I urn l.a y lo (.late, b s result i.llll a pel ft 1 1 cure. Ing'a'ilui'e to toll foi ihe git at 1 en. f.l I l av e it 1 1 ut d, and al u i i ibe In e j ibi.l fiin is uly nllhcnd may be uiduct-d to I lli .be ttial l I t i'UI l X i r.l' -id i n V V nu i'li il e. I send j toll this slaietii'tit wiih full I 1- ly to piibiiilt tin I fame, il you think pr per. Yinn". vc. i Ntw Yoik, June 19, Hll. CC lil. a graduate of the Univi rs,tv of Pennstlvuni. lar. Baugb, having fu.iid in thi 'Ciuedy that relief O r a tedious ami di.-iigri ea'h ulTeetion which ihe nieain within the range of I i profession fiile-" to atl'oid, ha- rot In it;,!, d to pive il bis app.nhniion. ulth. ugh the pit judu es ai d interests of that profteion ate ppcsud to secrcl Remcdtes. THIltl'U t Ml , Sept. 19. lSHO I was recently Irnuh'ud vt itli a tt dious lit rpt lie crupii, n. w bii h i' 'if f,l ni ai ly one si 'r if my f ce, and extendi d i ter the ear. Mr. Vuuuhan. prcprie l. i of tiie Ro-e Oil tM'cnt, ol -ei v ing my (acf, n-n-led on suv living hi prep I'.ation. of whit!, he ban- I me a i ir. A lib ts of ii. v n ft -.-i, ' ol the I urner. u- i . -Iri.i.i-I lie I y jjnoi ii, i pr. ten h r-, 1 t, etc. 1 1 the I! -si- I lii Inn nt ttor and to t've it my 'I pr 1- th :;. n.t ta li ti in c. niui, on w it i, 1 i'i--.-n"n'i n im e and i!:-;ii. ..illlli ! I j.ori ihe I in i.-e ! in d iha1 e a- of r- ti ll cir.t . anil to give it my -ippr ! at;oo, as ll i n: re ly iU'cd ibe fruplicn, allh. ugti il h () rf'-V,l tt:0 u-ud i. phia l .i s. DANE IIAIOH.M. D. I j 1 lie Ro-e Oinln e. t i pep .retl by E C. eiiLhiri. Stmili Ea-t c.-nir it Third aid Rare ACK. i :d for Wrighl'a Tudinn Sirt-.-'s. i; l inv, I v Slav' I lib, 't l.l.ia, stel si t l:t. z en 11. B. M A in suu- m:r. .4-.ii Tr. Richard Dei nip, D Vegetable Pi'!. Den Sn I have hi en nfTt'C'ed for e-eral y,"ars wi b inward we.-ikluss and general tit-i 1 it v , tie. otn l ai.ii d al limes with piil sin the side and other 1 I-' I' Ir-ed various I ' .1 by a b ii ii I I '.-an egetable : ire relieved me itislrcssii g compl iiii's. mrilii .lies w i'boi 1 1 lb et . I -a- . In iiiikr trial tf Dr. Wiigl.i's Pills, which I am happy to s'at. in a most W. lid. rlu I in. inner. dicine, a vet but r, -hmi t o e by a perseverance in the ne of th ding lo din ctioiis, ill t I sh.til in peit. etly ie-tore l. I most w ill ii glv n ' i !"! nil said Pdls to all per ...... -i....l...i .1 u. .1 i.. .lo i..n i...n..t .1. .. Which, Wllh ,tif g,,me u-i'etien.l r.siil. will follow their ue. I re main touts biuct I. . ll!..Ni;t A. MIDI I., V. irwai.nig, Ulsler Co. N, Y. J. BXA -Eli AK2, JR. U CO. Smili' ittul Tobtifcu .M;ini:!iic!iJ!cTS, I .Yo. B'd -Nerfi H i f i-nrnr r nf llitt and 'FhirJt Sly .'. PHII.ADEI.PHU. TIIH I'cder igtie.l hive formed a Co-partner-''. ip -I im.ier the t'ir.n of .1. M YE N ) Jit. .v Co.. I !:.-. ve u-cdihe no-- i ", PUccrors to the late fiir-i of .It'cn'i A!tii,!t,nd A mi l have no doubt, "'.. ind will c uitinuf the huso ti-.i nt 'he nl.l esta blishment, nn Ibcr nit n acc'ii ni. In aititinoll to it.i ir eivn close ntteiitiuii i.r 1 experience f r many yea g, in the n.anut ,, line , f thf.i t-eft brutcd .-null-, A e., t In b l'g i xpi r ience ot the m i ior paiti cr of ll e late ti:m, will i.l-o be devoii ,1 lo ihe interest i f the new hi ecu, ami as no exeitinn at d care wi;l le spared lo ii iiiir their go ids, al ail tune of the ve ry be-l qiiiihtv, liny solicit a rontinuince if the coniiili nee of lint ho'iois nn I cu-t i.-ner of the late nn utt'i ic neror a kliori lime be UiNlON HOTEL, Ct'ene rid Stage Of.ce,'t ?ztt. xx j :rj ccz: T-r 9 LYCOMING COUNTY, l'i iiiit) li aula. riHE Si.h.eriber ret-pecifully informs his flier.d. X and ll.e public in general, thai be baa taken the above LAUGH AM) COMMODIOUS HCT3L, IN THE BOROi; (.' II o F M V N C Y, and that he is now well prepare to accommodate all who may favor him with ibe.r ruatom. H a SLi.irisa Afautm eaTa Lre well aire I, and comfortable. Hi T.bls An Daii will aWaya ba aapplitd with ihe best the maiket ran afford. Hia Stblio, which is potd, will Va under the charge of good and careful b outers. He fi els confident, by strict attention In fu.'ilifsg, ami an t art e.l desiie lo u nder c niforUble llio.e w Yo may psiroinze him, ihsl he w ill nol fail to give general aalisfa. tion. H. B. WEAVER. Munry, Oct. let, !. tf. Ni w Yi iik, Sept. 29, 1841. This is to certify that I have used Winini r's IviHAt Mini Hll. I'lLI. Willi the gieaCst ht nr til; having irnirrlv cured niv-elf of tl e fn quint at tut ka of Sick he, to which I had pn vnuisly hem gubjtct. ANN MARIA THOMPSON, u'.l 2 (irecnwicii s'nei. N. Y. To Mr. Richard Di toils, Agent for Wiijjiit'g In dian Vigelalle Puis. T v.i v r i o ,v. As there aie al this lime ninuv wicked rer-otis t busily rtiijuged in si Tu g a c. un't rl'eii medicine tin j iter li e iinii.r of ll.e Indian Vt gebtl le Pills and as j these ihspirale im n are so iineily rctkless of toll I keiueiices, that many valuable I ves n ay be lost in i coiisrijui nee of using ll eir dreadful t, ; the publ.c ere cautioned against pureha-ii g any I ills, unlisji on the inlet of the belts the following wording is found : WRIUIIT'S INDIAN tECETABLE TILLS. Indian I'urgaltxe.) Of THI KOBTII AMLMICAM COLlKlk OF ntAlTH. And else to le especially careful sguinsl purcha sing said medicine of any person cicepi the regu lar advertised sgrn'8. ACEXTS FUR SOKTUUMBFRLAKD CO, Pennsylvania. H. B. Magger, Puiil nry U m. Forsyth, Nor ihumbirlsnd Jgcoh litis, Shamokm Stmud Herb, Mubonny Byerly & D. Haaa, Augusta 'I hoiT'gg Follmer, Millon IrelsiiJ & Mrixell, McEwenstille E. 8. Pjer, Turhulsville Jamea Rttd, Pollsgrote II. Klase, Snydi mow n II. H. Kio-hel. P. M Eltaburg P. O Wm. I.ei-enrirg, P M. Union Corner. Ollice md ( Depot for the gale of Wright's Indian Vegetable Fills, Wholesale anil Retail, No. IM RACE STREET. PH1LADEL P11IA. May 21, 1843. ly firm. TlioM s ADAMS, J. M A YEAN D, Jr. Philadelphia, May Hlh, IS43, ly BAG LH :E"a tip rn; :n. ( niui r i' 'I'lt 'id ami I ine S'.-it.'j, WILtlAPTSronT. TA. HE snl st rd er ri si.ei t tt i ! ! v aiiuotinci a li l'o pu1 he. that be b .g o ened a Hotel in the mm niiiihout brick building s'tiiiteon the coiner et '1 hitd Bi d Pine streets, v here he w ,11 be I appv to wait rp n ih ise who in av fitor biin wit'i their coinpanv. 'The Eagle lintel is lu'ge and c 'iiver.i i nt, and fun is!n d in ihe Ir I in I'tin st. le. Ii i provided w uh a large n.iii.b, r of well ailed and comb rtahle kle. j ing apartment, rootns, priiate I arlor, Ac. IVisons visifng ilhameporl on bu siness oi plra-ure, may re. t ss-und that every ex eriion will le used to iiidrr their gojoum st the "Eagle Holi I" ph grant and aireeable. His 'Table will be ktipplit il wiih the very tv at the maiket af fords, and hi. far with ihe choicest wines and other liquors iharges re gonghle. 'The Eagle Hotel possesses grt atcr gdvauigges in point of location than guy otl'.ei similar i flal'lishmeiil in the boiough, l ing giiuale in the husim pari of the town, and w ithin a convenient distance of Ihe Court Hou&e and Williamsporl and Elmiis Rail Road I). pot. Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and trusty otlleia alwayg in attrndance. Attentive, accommodating and honest Srrvsnta have been employed, and noihing left undone that will add to the comfort and accommodation of his gurus. There will be a carriage alwaya in attendance at the Boat Landing to convey passengers to and from the Ho'jse, free of charge. CHARLES BORROW?. May 11th, lM2,-tf