Caal and Railroad Travelling. Mr. tt. Converse, of Columbia, rn., has exhibited to ns the model of a new mode of conveying passen ger and freight by railroad and canals, which is well calculated to obviato the difficulties of tran sition from one mode of conveyance to the other and is also designed to supersede the section boats now in use. The canal boat is propelled by steam, and is constructed upon a new princi ple, so as to avoid injury in the banks of canals by the action of the padJle wheels, and carries six moveable caluns, which may he thrown into a single dining room, or separated into distinct utate-rooms. These cabins may W readily shifted with their bnogage, freight, or other contents, to ruilroad tracks, r.pcn which they form conveni ent cars They are so constructed ns to afford onvenient sleeping room each for six persons, nd the inventor is sanguine thnt "they will ro- i -teive universal opprebation, and by the ease mid I expedition with which they may lie transfer- j red from the boats to the tracks, and buck again, I will economize at loust twenty-four hours of the ' 'time so consumed initio p.cs;io from PhiludcL ! ;jhia to Pittsburg. Phil. Letter. j Asonmo I.iri Savkh. Jhn H, Frost, deck , hand on hoard the steamboat H.vnet, hirvingiikcn severe cold by exposure in securing fellow from 1 WHlery grave, at -the of Market street, Pbila- ' tlelphia, one of th.-ee cold niohte in February last; j his head act! had Itccnme so swollen, that to use his own worth he could scarcely ere attend- j ed with violent pains throughout bis whole lody ; j was uiged by hie friends to l-y Krandrelli'x Vrgc- ' iablc Vnirersnl Pills: he did so, mid is happy to I state that two boxes uf this celebrated medicine j completely icttored him. j JltJiK It 1 K It , j 'On the nth if Jammry, !by the Rev. J TI t "Worrel. Mr. Am:r. Outs, to Mis Mary Jims, j rimfli n i Shiinitrkin iVwnship ! ((')n tue i.'itli ult., by the same, Mr. Daniel : AVunvrviija, to .Miss JIi.tlau Va.nzant, both r 1" ! AnjIMfla At McKwensviTle. Tin the onfii u'lt , iv the.Uov. I :S. S. Sliedden. Mr. SsMri.t. 1. Ei:i:n, tc AJir ; Nancy Hri.l.tliKN, Isr-fli nf ('iiiiisqiinqiiiv j lln the -'III inst., by ft ho Hov A. iliittuin. Mr. I Groitni-: W. Fostkr. to Miss Kuza Ann Strew- ! Aiir, both of CutJawissii, Coli'tnbiu to mm, On tin1 ."'11i ult.. JOHN" ACCI'SITS, sen (.f Jr. T. Pip-r. Tuibutville, aged 12 years. 0 months ami days. In Milton, on the '.'Id ult., Mr. JOIfX WJL Ul'.LM. :iged 27 years mid 17 da vs. In the same place, on the oritli ult., Mr. LKV1 AYKKSjageJ oi; years und -J mouths. LIST OF CAUSES. 'OR trial in Ihe Court of Common Plea of Nnr- thum'crland County, at rnmmencing the first Monday acob SShttz tytephen Wilson t 'amuel kni-fer Kfom'th of PrnnVfor A pul Term 1811, li'om'th of PrnnVl 1 D Vanvalzah jhn ( rill'm's adin'x vs John Smut vs F A Kracht vs Jaines Beard Jl'tin t ritliii s ndiii X Jhcnh lieiser -sr Enoch Hower's ex'r V John Frii k vs Samuel T Burrows vs .! & II M Davison vs John Knurr John H Flanigan's gunrdiun Win I. House! Win K Brown vs I'eier Liu'lieu John A I.lnyd vs Rebecca Wells Dank of Northumb'd ts Paul Gcdilcs Ac Kit Brohst vs S & I! Mi-Ken 'Robert Miner's adm'r vs W illiiur. Hihlcr et nl Daniel Brsutigain vs John (Nnvdcti's ex'r Christian Philips vs Jolui B Miller J scph Hongheridoblcr Ac vs Packet -A Cummins David Wstsin -Philip Weiser Same Dr Robert Philips Jonas Kelchncr's rx'r Abraham Str.iub Eve Long Ac Charles F M.utTe W H M i ter The yoin'ih of Pdh Malil in -ilaisiliu Jolin Aeler Ssnt Isac I5svh4 3oseph OorngtrOntt l ine Perry Daniel (1 rSl -I VV Siiitinger SfC John Hrdingjr Mary Senln Andrew SiniiV I'bikp Fox John Furpnsn et nl MasiernA- M iihcra Th- mn Hud" Mi haM Evert J.icoli Uiiifl'iaTt Autlrony Wslson VusnnHli Zerle Peter Usldy rt a John V U.ijd F l.Kiirus Hh BeHas&e Thomau Thatcher J Wolf Reed for Murray vs Patrick Montiijrce vs Joseph Wallis jr 's amc v MXailce A; PurJy va tin IVn-l ! 'l vs JoisRiliaii Ada i s vs Nicholas TnnuVi adtn'r vs 3,.r-n T Mstlrias -et ul it W H Fryrmrcft si v felix M mrir it a-1 John BrnVeman s iClnr!in t"r iig vs 1 ihi Rii-I vs J dm Bo.vrr vs John Murray vs H ir-riel .lei, kins Jacoh Mcixi-li's ex'r vs Oaviil (:arir vs V H Sanderson s A KiS'incer's cv'r vs I). J W Peat v Heniy Porn watt vs Aogu-lus II.M-y el al v Mrs J ' 0 Ntrorse vs Haiunel Bell vs Wiflhim tSiim-t vs Wdliain Mrfiimres vs John M. H ousel vs John A T.lovd v Jnhti i'. (Jrier et al vs Rn haid Ketishaw s R F ifery et al vs Wtlltsm Vct'ay vs John Hummel vs Itrown & llrosiui vs Jimes F Muiray Ahrukam I rmitman et al vs Vy I scluipp Jc.oh W tSiHith v Joseph Weiizel Cienrge Prince . T A Bil' .nglou's asig Jjiik Uarrvi's tJm'r Pe'.rr Snyder SMUiiL D. JOBPAN. Proihonotr a fiffiee, Vroth'y, ' uiitrury, March!) iPit.J j To the Humiruhle X 'f7. Dunurl, Eq , Prrrlticnl, j and hit AMorfoles,Juilrei uf the. Court of Quar ter Seashnu, of the county uf Northumberland THE petition of Pi ter Weikle, el Coal town ship, in t-aid county, humbly represents, that be continues to keep a puhlrc bouse of entertain went tt hit old sMnd, and is well prepared for the 'accomiuodjtion of travellers, ice. He therefore prays your Honors o grant li m liiense to Veep tavern, during the ensuing year, and he will pray, 6lc, PETER WEI K EL. To THItJl'DGEi ABOVE M BMTI05I ED I The tull- criU-r. residents of Coal township, hereby ccr tify, that Peter Weikel, lte spphcanl for the liccri.e, is a man of good repute fir honesty and temperance, and is well provided wiih houserooni and conveniences for the b dging and accommoda tion of strangeri and travellers, and that ublic hoose there is nece-sary : they therefore recom menJ bito at a proper perou to be licensed to keep a puwic nouse, SHERIFF'S KY virtue of Sundry writs of venditioni expo nas, rssued out of the CoDrt of Common Pleas ol iSortliuniberland county, to me directed, will be exposed to puMic sate, at the Court House in lh Borough of Sunbury, on Monday tho 1st day of April next, at I o'clock, P. M., the following descri bed properly, to wit t MTlie one undividided sixth pnrt, the whole into six equtl parts to he divided, of a certain tract of land, situate in Coal township, Northumberland county, adjoining lands late of Valentine Brohst, dee'd. and others, containing two hundred acres tnore nr less, about fifty acres of which aie cleared; whereon ari erected a Tavern house, a h im, sheds, &.C., now in tho occupancy of Paul Routs. Also.: The one undivided sixth part of a certain other tract uf land situate in Slid township, surveyed on a warrant in the name of .lereiniih Paul, containing 506 acres nn l Ifl perches mere or leiw, on t-hamokiii en1 k ad joining lands late of Valenrins tlre'ist, dee'd. and others. ci.. d, tuken in execu inn, nnd to l sold as the property of t'hirles A. Bradford. Also: A certain lot or piece of grcuud situate -in Ihe town of Mi.imokin, Co it township, Northn.'iihe'land county, in that p rt of said tow n laid out bv John C. Boyd bound ed f n the sou'h by the Danville fc Potisville l!fl lioad, and en the east by Sliunokin street, on Ihe west hy Rock s'reet, and on the north by a street ; whereon nreeieete-.l a large t'vo story frame Tavern house nnd kitchen, tainted wbite, an ice house and fountain pomp. fjj Also: Two other contiguous J-R-B- le'a of ground situate in Ihe town af-ins iid, and muki-d in lire general plan thereof Nos. l nnd S, b unified on the north by Lot No. 3, on (he south hy a street or alley, and fronting on fhitno kin iriet on Ihe -ea-t, cantaimng -each 2r feet fiont, and in b-ngrti or Oepth lftO feet ; whereon are erected a two story frame house and kitchen, painted wli-ite aiid "two 'frame et utiles. t'eired, taken in execution, and to beedld as the property ol Jaeok Krsm. MAlso. Tlrrce certain Jots -of ground situirte in Cliillisqustpie township, Northupil'ei land c-ninty, No. l."iV3, adj-iinina lands of John V ncent, and including all Ihe I mil heiyeen lot No 8 and ihe Canal, cnntstn'ng each J ol'an oito more or lesa:; whereon sTe erected a two etory frame dwelling house, a store and ware hou-e, stable, shed, eve. SeiKcd, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property ol J-h ri T. M.ifhins. p-r- Also : A certnin Kit or piece of i 1 lai d situate in Shanmkiri to-vn-lii ,, Nor. 'hunibi rlai.d county, a 'j iniiii: 'aods late of Ann I IVmheitnn, and hnd of now Lewis a-tine, con- j 'dining IV. i.eres more or less, al-out nine sens of which are clcuied ; whereon is erected a small two story fame house. Si n. d, t k'-n in execution, and lo be soi l an the ! propertv of Henry Fry. At . . I g3j iiso: a ccnam lot oi rrotinci silti X. ate in the boioouh of Northuniberlnnil, and insiked in the gen ral pi hi nf said town No "3, I oiinded on the north eat hy King street or Mar ket square, on the north west by the Epi-copal bu rying ground, on (he south west hy an alley, and on thr south east by lot No. ?4, containing in breadth sixty feet anil in lenulh COO feet. ffS Also: The otic-half (or thercn- bouts) of lot No. 18 as ma-ked in the general plan of said town, hounded on the south east bv a lot of Mrs. Wapples, on the south west try lot No. 17.iwn d y O.miel Brau igam, on the north west by Front .-ticet, and on the nonh east by an allev, Coiitainiiij in breaibh CO feet and in length C 10 ft. .Seiz d, taken in execution, tud to lc solj at the property of Joseph Hofi'imrv, Aiso: A certain half lot of ground situate in the borough of Sunhurv, and maiked m the pencr.d plan of said t mii No. "S, bouoded on the east by a lot of (ier.r.e Wriser, Em;., on ihe wcsl bv a lot of Willi. im (iuliik, (be ing the werteru half of lot No. 2S.) and on the sou'h by nil alley, conln'tiing in front 30 feel and in length " 10 feel, wheieon are elected a twe snw ry frame ttouse ai'd krtehon, weatfterlMardei and painted white, a Irame statde, smoke house, fVc. Seivted, liken in meciition, and to lie sold as the property of Edward V. BriRrrt. pr Also: X)n the2Sth dayof March I 1 m-U al the hocse of Michael Xremer, in Milton, at I o'clock, P. M a certain liaet nr piece of la nl situate in .tiilisquaque townshio, Nonh uiiilierlnud comity, adjoining I ,nds of John Shan non, I'll iter ick Fiedler and others, 3 a cres more or less, h 1 1 of which is cleared ; wheuoti nre eiecied a one and a half story double honae, art leg and part frame, a cooper shop and a log sta'-le. There are also some fiu t tiers on sai I premi es. tfii icd, t ki n in execution, an J to be clJ as the piopeity of iiiiui I Bell. AUo: At t tie public house of Hen'v Wasser, in ShanioVin township, Nor- '.bumber and county, on SSaturday lire Sttth day of Mrrrh reisL, at I o'clock, P. M., a cert tin tract or piece of I md situate in said township, adjoining lauds of Casper Adams, Peier Adams, Daniel Ka gely and others, containing seven acres more or less, ab sut one acre of which is clearej ; whereon is erected a small log bu-e. Seic.-d, isken in execution, and to be aolJ as the property of sS'.mud teitzc. A Iso : At the same time and - liht.-A ihee certain emit i uona Inta ot (riiulil situate in the town of HhamoWn, t'oal township, -ortbuinU'rlund c, unity, in thai part of s-rid town laid out by John C. llovd. and marked In the gen eral plan iheifof No. 121, V2V and 12:1, hounded on tire north by Independence street, on ihe south by Khu'kspear street, on the east by lot No, 1"4, and on the West by Franklin stiret, each I n containing 2J feel in front, and shout 200 fret deep ; where on are envied foimdry, citing bouse ar.d fini-lw ing shop, Sefced, laken tn executi.m, and to be sold as the property ol Jacob Ba'r and John 'l'ret;o. FELIX MAUHEH, Sheriff. Wierifl's OfTice. ? Runliury. March 2, ) t. S taveux i.ici:xsi:. To the Honorable C, O. Donnrl, Eq Preiltnt, and hu Attociate.', Judget uf the Court of Quar ter Sessions of the county nf Northumberland : rilHE petition of Charles Sinoa, of Northnmler. JL land, in said county, humbly represents, that he continues to keep a honsn nf public entertainment, at the well known atsnd, on tho corner of Front and tjui-en streets, in Northumberland, and is well prepared fir the accommodation of travellers, Ac. He theref-'re prays your honors to grant him li cence to keep a tavern duiing the ensuing vear. and lie will pray. &C. CHARLES STOES. To 1 hk J i-nens Aftovs MtsTiontio The sul srrihers, Tesidcnls of the town of Northumberland, heriby eettify, that Charles Stoe, the applicant for the license, 'm a man of good repute for honesty ami temperance, and t well provided with house room and conveniences for the bulging nnd nccom niodation of strangers and travellers, and thnt a pu!s lie house there is necessary : they therefore recom mend him as a proper person to !k licensed to keep a politic hnu-e. T Withington J M Cake ,1 It Priestly John Leisenring Tho (inskins John Shrinct March 2. IS 11. 3t Wm It Waplea 1) llrnuiignm E P Shannon 3 Youngman Henry Wenck Jnhn Wheafley Wm. A LI .yd TAT F. UN 1 A CI '.N S K. "' To the Ihimmiblr C. C. thmnrl Eq., Prmdent, find hi AxKorintr, Jtit.'gr of ihe Cnnrt nf Qnnr frr Session, of Ihe rnuntt of Kurt hu nil rimid rill I E petiiion of Catharine Withington, ot North l uml etland, in Slid county, hmn'dv represents, (hat she continues to keep a house of public entertain ment K her old stand in Northumberland, and is well prepared for the nccnmmnd nion of travellers, eVc. She therefore -prays your honors lo giant her a li cense to keep a tavern, during the en-uing year, and she will prav, Arc. CATHARINE WITHTNfJTOX. To tiis JpnoEs n"VK m F.tTionKii : The sr.b scrihers, residents of Noitlfd., ItiTel y eerrilv, th tt Catharine Withington, the applicant for the 1iccn-c, i a lady of good repute for hone-ty and teinper tniw, and is well provided with house room an I conveniences for the lodging and accommodation of strnngC'S 'ind travellers, and that a pul'lic hon-e there is necessiry: they therefore recommend her as a pio,p r .person to be licensed to keep a puhhc house. 1) Brau'igam Win Wilson John W'heatley Win Foisyth J Yonngman C Woods Win H Waples .1 R Prie-tley E P (Shannon Jo'oi Taggart Wm M'Crry A E Kapp A C Barre t March 2, iRM. 3t rAvr.iVx i:sk. To Ihe Honorable C. ('. Ifannit, h'.'q. Prrsidriif, and his Aafinlr. Jndgr of the Court of(itnr trr S'sm'oiis of the Cuuiilt of Xorthumhtrltiitd : TMIE petition of Paul Koth. of (?oal tovvi ship, in sai I counlv, humhly presents, Ih a' he sti I occupies bis ohl stand at Mount Ca'in-I," on the Outre turnpikp, mid is well prepared for the ac commod oioii of travellers etc. He therefore prav yout honors t grant him a license lo keep a tavern during the ensuing year, and he will iih,as pr .v. fie. PAI L lit It'll. ' To the Ji nnrs Annvr. Mrt ioni.h : The snl scri' r-rs, residents of ('o il t wn-hip, hereby certify, that Paul Koth, the npplicant for the license, is a man of good repute for bonestv and temperance, and is well provided with house mom nnd conveni encea for the lodging and accommodation of stran gers and travellers, and that a public bouse there is neces-arv : Thev therefore recommend him as a proper person lo bs lieen-ed to keep a pul-hc house. Jacob It -i rT 3oH ph Dunmich Stephen Bittenbcndor Will -am II ('herjngton Stephen Luenhait Mathew Bnnagjn Tavrrn I.ltrnic. To the Honorable Ellis Lean's, Esq , President, and his Associates, Judges of the Court of Quar trr Sessions, of the eonntij of Northumberland : rilHE petition of (Joorge Conrad, of Augusta 1. township, in said county, humhly repri souls, that ho continues to keep a iuhltc house of enter tdnmcnt, in his old stand, in Auansta township, and is well prepared for the accommodation of travellers, tie. He therefore prays your Honors to gTant him a license to keep a tavern, during the ensuing year, and he will pray, Ac. GEORGE CONRAD. To Tn Ji-nnas arovr MXJiTiojirn : I he suli seribcis, residents ofAugnsta township, hereby certi fy, that Gcoigo Conrad, the applicant for license, is a man nf good repute for honesty and leiniieranee, and is well provided with house-room and conv ni ences fir the lodging and accommodation of strati tiers an I travellers, and that a puhlic bouse theie is nece-sary i they therefore recommend him as a pro per persin to be licensed to keep a public house. Samuel Lanla P. tet Culp Ge uge Sividgn Genrpe Keefer John Str-ron Abraham Wolf March 2.L IHU. St t, I.eisei-ring Jacob Sc.ish 'ltr. Philip Weiser llenrr Byerlv Abraham hiptntn John Yordy TAVi:n Mcr.Nsi;. To the Honorable C. C. Ihmnel, Esq., Preoidml, and his .fnocVirVi, Judge of Ike Court nf Quar ter Session of the euunty if Northumberland s ri'IlE petition of Jacob Leisenring, ofShamokin JL township, in said county, humbly represents, that he cotilinixs to keep a house of public enter tainnent at his old stand, at Bear Gap, nnd is well prepared for the accommodation of travellers, eVc. He therefore prays your honors to grant him a li cense t- keep a tnvern during the ensuing year, nnd ho will pray, Ac. JACOB LEISENRING. To thkJi tints AttiTtc M :Tro:sF.ii : The sub scribers, residents nf Sliamokin township, hereby certify, that Jacob Leisenring, the applicant for the bcitise, is a man of good repute firr hone-ty and temperance, nnd is well provided with fmu-c-mnrn and rorvetiiences for Ihe lodging and accommoda tion of strangers and travellers, and thnt a public home there is necessary ; thev Ibefore recom mend hun as a piopcr jierson to be licensed tjkeep Tat t in IMrcnsr. j Totlie Hnnnrnhlr C (J. Hnntnl J.'".. Pr'ilri, and his Assoriatrt.Judrsof llir Court of Qirrr frr Sessions of Ihe count) if borthumhrrlnnd fHMHE petition of Fisoklin A.Crk of Sb irno I kin, in said county, humbly rcpa-csc ns, th ,t he Citi inuesto keep n lifni-e of public rnterla unieet at bis obi stand in the town of Sh nn km, a'.d is w, II prepared for the nci ominodation of trf.n-llt-rs, S;c. He Iheir-fore ,pr.,ys your hotiors to grunt him a li cense lo keep a taem, dining the ensuing year, and he n ilt prav, A c. FRANKLIN A. CLUJK. To tiik Jrnrirs a ihivi: sm riciiin : The rub. ecriliers, icsidents-of the town ol Sliamokin, hereby by rertil'y, th it Fr.mkliu A. Phuk, t'he apphcni.t for the license, is n man nf good repu' for l ones'y an, I temperance, and is well provided with bouse room and conveniences for the lodging and accom modation of stiangers and travellers, and that a pub lic house there is rtccTa-tiry : ihey therefore reemn mend him a a pr per person to Ic licensed to l.eep a public house. W O Gcarhnrt So'oin-oi F. knl i till K Rolxr S Wd:i on II C.eti 'gtoii .1 icob Hair James Walles V. r. h 3. IS II. 3t a puelie. house. J -hit Fisher John B Tielsworth .Is unit Miller jr Frederick Kascniait .1 hu (i ass ( leorge M iller Joseph Kaeman Joseph Roth Benjamin Smith Joseph Fry Adam Dimmich John Otinkelherger March 2d. IS 14 - 1) iniel Evert Peter ltoirgt,ncT D iv id Ha is M attic w Rnnagan Wm I'agelv J Xumnerm in S ilonion Marti TAVKIIN" hlCFiXSK. 'n the Honorable C. 1. Donor Esq., President, ami h's Associates, Judges o f the ' ourt of Quar ter Sershms of the county of Northumberland ; TlllE pniiKiri of Jonathan Purscl, of Point town I ship, in said county, humbly represents, that he has purchased that hovise situated five miles be I iiv Danville, on the North Branch of the Susque hanna, whre be intends to keep a pubic house i,f enteit linmcrit, and is well prepare d for Ihe nccom uiodnivon of travellers. At. He therefore prays Vour honors to grant him a Ircen-e lo keep a tavern du ring the ensuing year, and he will prav. Ac. JONATHAN PI RSEL. To THK Jt'llKKS AtlllVK M t.! Till V K II : The sub-senbe-s, residents of Point township, hereby certify, that Jonathan Purscl. the npplcaut for Ihe license, is a man of good repute lor hone-ty and temp-r mice, ami is well provided with house-room and c -iiM-iiiriH-es for the lodging and acr ommod ition ol's rangers ami travellers, and that a public house there is necessary : Ihey therefore recommend him as a proper pels, ui to be licciis-ed to keep a public bouse. Ta vc i ii I.lrriic Tilth - Honorable C. f!. Ihmnil, Esq., Presid'id, and his Associates, Judges of (he Court of Quar ter Sessions, of the eoxmtij of Not Ihumberhmd .' rTMIIE petition of Ira T. Clement, of Sunbury, in eaid county. humbly represents, thnt he intend to keep a house of public entertainment in the statu! now occiipbd by ('. 1). Wharton, nnd is well ) pared for the accommodation c-f travellers, Ac. Ho thenf.itc prays your Honors to grant him a licen o to keep a tavern during (lie ensuing vest, and hi wii pray, Ac. IRA T. CLEM EVP. To tiik Ji in; rs aiiovk MK!Tiorn,: The sub-scTil-ers, n sidents nf Sunbury, hereby rortity thnt La T. (IMeiuent, the applicant for tho licetrsc, is a man of good repute for honesty and TempetaNcc, anil is well provided with house-room and conveni ences for the lodging nnd accommodation of str.wij ers and truvelb th, and that a pubi c house ihcve is necessary : they therefore recconimend him ns a proper person to be licensed to kern a public hous-. neirj iinin rieniiru iis v iiiinm .VI arts lien v eiser Samuel Hunter Thomas A Billington Joseph T" sely John W Peal Chailes Miller Feb. 21 ih MA St Geo. Bright Frederick LaMirus C-ileb Fisher Charles Weaver Gideon Market E G Marktey T l ati i ii l-l t iiM'. T the Homirubl- C. 11. Ho'iuil, E'q.. I'nsobn'. and Ins . Issoriiili . Judg'-s of the ( ourt of Q tor trr Sessions fir t',e eowily of So thrimi, rhim! - 111 te'i'ton of Jcine- I.e. of ..i tli urnbi r- id. in s ri I cooiitv, lin.'i'-lv represents, th it he fin , t 1 1 11 s to keep a boil e f pul he entertain ment, nl his oil at an I, in s iii to n, a 1 is o ell ire. prr d lor the ac oru n-id i i u ol travelleis. A , He therefore prays ymif llo i us t gr nit her a I cense to keep a tm rn nu ing t'n- ens li-u vear. an I he will pray. Ac. J MKs LEE To Tilt Ji nil rs a ii o v k M i vtiii M:n : The subscriber-, iei,lentR ,.f .,'ittllllliber.itid, I C'ebv cer tify, (but James Lie, the nppl caut f r the li en-e, is a man of good repute for h-ities-y ami temperance and is will provi led with hoiti-e-rooni nn I c nv. in encea liir the lodging and accomni dat-on of stnn-gi-rs and travellers, und that a pul he hoti-e therj is nicess ,ry : tl.ey therefore ri-coinmeml him as a proper pcrs-m to he licensed lo keep a public house. Oanirl Robins jr Jseoh Troxel tieorgr' Lusher J inies Nea'at It ben Curry .1 iliu Nix rll March 21, IS It. Oavid Nixon John Powl William II ousel jr John Lncock Leonard Pfuits John Plouts Tat rni IMcf-mc To the Honorable C. (!. Hinnrl, Esq., 'residing and his Associates, Judges t,f the Court of Quar tcr Sessimis, of the county nf Northumberland ? rilHE petition of William M. Weaver, of Slia L mukiii town-hip. in said county, humbly repre sents, that he coiiuinucs to keep a house rf public entertainment at his old stnnd, and is well prepared for the accommodation of travellers, Ac. He therefore prays your honors to grant h in a license to keep a tavern, during the ensuing year, and he will prav, Ae. WILLIAM M. WEAVER. To Ttir. Jrnr.Ks ahovb xtvnMiD: The sub scribers, residents of Shann kin tsp. hereby certify, (hut Wm. M. Weaver, the applicant for tho license, is a man of good repute for horresly and temperance, nnd is well provided with house-room and conveni ences for the lodging nnd accommodation of stran gers and travellers, and that a public house them is ti'ccs-nry: they therefore recommend him as a proper person to be licensid to keep a public house. Elijah Kouchcr Jacoh Conrad Solomon Fagely Daniel Haas Joseph Kascmnn Jacob Hans Feb. 21th isi l 3t Jacob K Haas Solomon Weaver Jc-e H Wagner Andrew Knarr Daniel J Rota Joseph Alliuson -:tt Kichaid Woolvt'ttun Siillman Ealon John Miwer March 2, IS I I. 3t Thomas t'uran Daniel Evert Jeremiah Zimmerman J imes Tagg art Wm T llovd J.e.h HoMin m J R Pr cstley Win Forsyth Wm A Ll.nd M uch 2d, 1S1 1 3t John Soulier A E Kapp D Itiniil gain Samuel Shannon Win II Waples T Wellington Tat ( i n l.l it-c. 7'o the Honorable C. f,'. Unioil. Esq., President, am bis Asuociatr. Judges of the Court of Quar ter Sisinns, nf the county of Northmiihi r land fit! IE prti-i'ti if John I Liu- of Suiibuiy in s od 1 c- unlv. hutiibly ri pri si lit-, lbn' he eontinm s to ke p a puhlic b n-e nf entertaii rmMit, r.t his obi -land, and is well prepared f r the ion f tiavi llers. Ac. He tlirr- lore pravs your Honors lo g mi him lieerse to k- ep a l.ivi rn dutiug the ei. suing seat, ai.d he will prav, Ac. JOHN HATS. To the .1 i nuts adovk NKiTiovr ti : I he sub--rrili rs, re-i.lenls of Sunhurv, derby certify, th it J ho 11 his ihe applicant foT the license, is a man of good r, pnte lor honesty and temper ince, mil is well provided fir house-room and cotivcnien cis for the lodiitug and iicoonininla'ion ol slrangeis .ml travellers and that a public house there is tie ces-iry : they therefore recommend him as a pro per pi-rs ni to be licensed to keep a public houe, Thotnis A B.lliiigtuu Th-itnisti H giiu Tat t i n I.U i ns!1. To the Hoiinrtiie C. Duim l. Esq., 'rriden and his Associates, Judges of the Court if Quar' ter Session!: of Ihe County r,f Northumberland . rl"tIIE petition of Felix Lcrch, of Sliamokin t'sp I in sai I county, humbly represents that he con tinues lo keep a house of pul'lic eti'ert litimer.t at his i d stand in Snull'tow n, nnd rs well prepared fur the accommodation of travellers, Ac. He there fore Tays your h uiois tn grant him a license, to k tp a tavern during the ensuing car, and ho will prav, Ac. FELIX LERCIL To Tr. Ji nr; rs tiflvr. n entios kii : The sulr-siTil-eis. r. st. huts tf Sliamokin Ishp., hen?by certify that Felix Lerch, the applicant for licenfc, is s man ol good repute for hone-ty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conve nient ci for tho lodging and accommodation of strangi rs and travellers, end that a public honss there is necessary. Thev therefore recommend hint I as a proper person to be licensed to keep a publio i house. I Geo W Kiehl Abraham Erwin John Landau 0 Koikefeller Samuel Fetler ta vi:h To the Honorable C. CI IiK'I'iXSR. Jhoiml Eso., Presidint. und his Associates, Judges of the Court of Quar ter Se&sioi, of the county of Northumberland ! FIMIE petition of Rcln-cca Wells, of Noilhuinl-er-JL laud, iii said county, humbly represents, that she ConVinccs to keep a house of pclrlic entertainment, al the well known stand, near the Market House, and is well prepared for tlie accommodation of ti;i veliWs, &c. She ther-foi prays youT honors lo gr.cirt her a license to keep a tavern, durit.g the en sin; year, and sle will rrav, Ac' KEBECCA WELLS, To tbb Jv-rmra a ion . t.vTiutn .-The sub scribers, residents, of North'd , hiTchy certify, that I'cherca Wells, the applicant for the lici n-e, is lady of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with honse room nnd co venienees for the lodging and accommodation of strangeis and travellers, and that public house there is tie ecus i 'y : they theri fmo recommend hrr as a p-o-per ierson to be licensej to keep a puhlic house. D Brautigain E P Shannon Samuel Shannon Vi Forsyth John Whealley James Tajgart March 2, t84 I. St J ,hii Tngjart Win H W spies J.'hn Frrck Wm A Lloyd J It Priestley C Woods John Kerstetler Jacob Weirkel Robert Mtlhy John Ilsupt John Boyer Jjarph Zrhner Solomon Boltch Joseph Snyder Stephen Bittenbcnder Jacob Wagiur Daniel Evert Fisnkhn A. Clark. Cosil tuwusbipi March , 1844. HOTEL. HHE sHjbsctibtr respectfully informs his el l cus turners, and ihe puMic generally, lhat he in tends lo continue in his old e'and, opposite the Couit House, in Sunbury, Northumberland Coun ty, Pa., where he is i H prepared to give satisfac tion to all who may f.ivor bun with their custom. Being thankful for past favors, he hot to receive i continuance of public patronage. CHARLES D. WHARTON, Suhbory, March 21, 1S'.4 3t " NOTIoir 'slate of'Ja, fa-mon, Jr.decM WJO I'ICE is hereby givn, to all er,,n having 11 rlmuii or demands against ihe estate of aid deceased, to Uisks tharn known lo Ihe subscriber, and all ion indebted to coin," forward and ket tle ihe same without delay. JOHN NIXON. Point Ww nhip, Match 184 i. ft. AJai'r. Slici ill 's Sale. KY virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias, issued nut of ihe Court of Common Pleas of Norlbum j b-rland County, to me directed, will Ire exposed io i ptihlic sale al the house of Peter lleiss, 1. in I'pper ' Mahonoy township, on Saturday the lilh day of j March next, at 1 o'clock P. the following de scrihid property, to wit : A certain tract of laud siliiRte in Upper Maho noy township, Northumberland county .containing 28 acies and tS9 iterchrs, adjoining lauds ol Jonas Kirenhart, David Malich and Peier lieissel, en j w hich is elected a iniall fr itnn house and k'tchen and a small barn. About 2U acres of said land is ; clea ed, whereon are seveial fruit trees. Soitu d, lakeii in execution, and to be sold as the , property of Henry Neuman. FELIX MAURER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, 1 Sunbury, March , t44. S A'oticc. IS hereby given, that Ezra S. Ilayuurst, assignee l of Wittiam lo isi-nring, has filed his arcoui-', , the orTice of the PTothonotary of Noithe ,nlieiUud county, and that the same will be ''.esciited to the t'oorl, on (he fir. I day of April 'Verm next, for con firmation and allowance, ud..a cause be shown to the contrary. baM L'EL V. JOKOAN. Prothonoliry'g Office. Proth'v. Sunbury, March 8, 1811. S tc " RULE OT COURT. IN the Couit of Common Pleas of Noilhuiol er land county. January 6th, 1641. On motion of Charles Pleasants, Rule on the Judgment credi. tors i f John C. Boyd, to appear by the first day of next term, and shew cause w hy the money rai-ed from the sale of John C. Boyd's life estate in cer tain lands in Rush township, should not l e di-lri. buted according lo priority ol Lieu. By the Court. SAMl'EL D. JORDAN. Prothonotsry's Otru-e.i i'roth'y. Sunbury, Much , 18 tt. 5 fit. Tat 'i n l.t t'nsr. 7'n llmorob e C. t.'. Itmturl. En., PretiJmt. and hi A-socio'i s. Judges of the Com t f Q o:r. tir Sessions of thr county of .V irthumbertuod : TlIl E petition of ( or je Smith, of J ickson thp., I. in said enmity, humbly repre-einm that heron tinues to keep a hou-e of public eiihn immciit, at his old stand, and ts will prepared fir the accotn-irod.i-lioii nf travillers, Ae. I le tin pr ivs your honors In gram him a Ib-cnse to keep a tivctu ilur the ensuing car, bud he wi I prav. Ac. GEORGE SMITH. To i nr. Ji lie. i s auovk iiANTinM.ii: The sub sciibers, re-ideitts of, ben dy certify, th t George Smith ihe applicant tor ill" heen-e, is a man of good iepu' f.-r honesty ami tempera' ce. and is well provnlnl with !.ou-e room an I c iivvni ences for the lodging and acroiiiiiioilati.rii of striu pers nnd travellers, an I that a ptibl.e bouse there is necessary : thev iheril -re recommend him as a proper pers n to be licensed to ke, p a pul c IioUc. Je-e Hen-yl S mnel Sm tti Win Di-pnen Cahi n Miyer J 0 II -irni in A I. ui IU .nl Michael S uitli J .bn llarniil 11 , Michael Forney Benjamin Treoii M ichael Bo1 h A mos Keiiibcl Mvrrh 2d. 1844. nt 1 'I'ati'i u l.Ui nsc. To the Honorable C. C. Hornet. Esq., Teesiihui, und his Associates Judges if the Cieirl of Quar ter Sessions, of the Conwy nf Sorthumberluud . fill! E petition uf Jacoh kiarn. 61 Coal town-' 1 slip, in sod county, humhly lepuvei.ts, f,i it he continues lo keep a t ive u al his ol I si uul, and is well prep and for ihe iirroiurn slation of Ir.iivl- i lers, Ac. He iherefure p's your Honors t i grant . htm a ht'Cirsc to keep a tavern during the tiisumg year, and he will prav, Ac. j JACOB KKM. To tiik Ji nui'.s iHiivtt sVi nnirfr: Tho sub- ! seriU-rs, re-iib nts of Co 1 lho hereby cvinl. that. Jseolr Kraut, the .epphrint fir the license, is a ,,,nM ' of good repute fir honesty and Temp' r oie ,! ,M well prov de.l with tionse-ioow and e ,,,,,-iiiei ce for the 'adging and acco nm-'dation of slraugera mid trsveilcrs, and that a pubV.c ho h, ie is lie. a ss i. , : ', tlu llirr.Tue tr ni ,1 him ns a proper pi r- son lo be li. cue, a i0 k ,f., m,lic hoi.,-. J 'hn Bent ji, M iser Jeoli II .ir Willi.,n H (V.i rliigton ''p'-ifu Bittenbendcr Mathrvv Itr .nigeii Stephen Eisenharl Thomas Cutaii Rn b ird Woi.lvciton Daniel Evert Si,linan,Eapin Jeremiah tmuicrm i: Mar h d, ltl D ; NOTICE j IS hereby given, that 1 ha,vo purchased the fol. lowing articles, sold at Constable's sale, on , n e 2h,l ult., as ihe property of Robert Grant, ! whii b articles 1 loaned lo the said Robert, until I sco proper I remove, ill ', One Bay Mre ".10,110, I Garv do. 40.00 t Bay Hose 20 HO, I II. v Mare .HUH). I 111 ok Cot 2ft.U0, 1 Plough 2,111', I Wag li 20.00, 1 SI m'S 4,87 J, I Sled 4,00, 4 Sells Harness 5. SO, I Thic.hing Midline 30.00, 1 Cupbourd 1,00, I Harrow 2.10,1 Cultivator 100 Toi I 2 1ft 47 J. DEUOR H GRANT. Jktcrch 2. lAf ni. run sale at Tins orncn Edward lystiT I i. o Manin ( 'h nles Pteasin's S imuel D Jordan Frederick Lazarus Feb. 24ih, IK2I .It l';it rn l.ii rnso. To the Honorable C C. Poumf, Esq., Pres'uli r.t, o.i'l his Associates, Judges of th-- Court of Quar tir Sessions, of the county of Northumberland : TI1HE petition of Christian Ka! le, of Sliamokin 1 township, in said county, humbly represents, th t he s'lll continues at his old stand in said town ship, on the road lending from Shamokintnw n l.,, S inbiiiy ami D oiville, an I also from In-h Vail ,.y tl( Ihe Bear G ap. and is well prepared for the v. coinino ibit on of travellers, oVe. He tber-eforo prays your Honors lo gr.nt him a license i-.i kep a tavern, during the ensuing year, and he w ill prav. Ac. Clir.lMTIAN K A It I.E. To Tax .1 r nor. a rnnvn Mi.v ruiMn: The sU',. seritv rs, res-deiiis of Shamokn Isp.. hereby certify, t l it (J. Kablo, the applicant for the license, is a man of good repute tor honesty and temperance, and is 1 provided with house-room and conveni ences fr in .,dgiug and accommod .ti .ri of str art C rs an I trav. I'ers, and lhat a public house there is in ee-sary: thev then f re recommend him a a proper person to be licensed to keep a public house. Hugh H Tei's Solomon Fagely J .cob Miller John II iter Daniel Fnpely Ames Yast.nfi Feb. 24th, I S 1 1. Ht Samuel ll iles Hi uhen Snyder D iniel Miller J ohn '1'eats jr George Fox Jacob la tcli Oaniel Haas Jacob Mover Jacob Wirtcly Beiijamiii Steitiet S I on ,n Huinuiel lieorge Per. ing Fed. 'Mth, IS44.- Geo W Sletlxel Joseph Kuseman Jicod Haas J dm Runkcl jr Henty Waaser Solomon r age ly -3l Ttnri i. t'iisr. 1,1 the Honnrahc 'C, 11. Ihmnel. Esq., President, ami his Ast'titiirs. Jiidgesif Ihe Court of Qoar ter Sessions of the County of Northumberland : fl til V, petition of I) iniel Oonrsd of August 1 lown- ship, m said cooniy, humhly represents, that b'1 has purchased tint liouc situ lie at the f rks of the Tulp. Iiocken hinl Plumb t'nek road, where he in o n. Is io keep a puhlic house nf enleriaintiwnt, 1. 1 ul is well pieiared for the acconinod ition of tra elle s, eV ". He therefore plays our honors to giant him a licence to keep a tavern Juring ihe vu su,n year, and he will prav, Ae. DANIEL COx R 0. Vo nn .L iit.n a ov s m ts riov i ii : The sub i.e. i e. a. res.den's of Augu-'a township, hereby cert IV, lit it Diniel t'onrad. the apphcai.t f r ihe licei-61'. is a Ul ill of good repute for horn sty ! .1 and is wi II piovidcd W i'h bouse i.s. m and coii'.eiiienci a for the lodging and ae-comnioo.-.liou of stranges and travellers, and th it a pi:bhc h-ii-c there i necessary: They then foe r commend bun as a proper person In'.-e licensed to keep a imbl e house. t.eo'gi' heeler John Treher Mtcl.sel trnold Fr. derii k Hats Samm l Shite lira, 1 1 ooper 14 3t Philip Wei-er John Snyder (! l.ei-enring John Kreriu r Samuel ( iehringer P.lerl'i.lp F.b. 2tih, Nails. oi tliiunbciiaiiil ( ount , ns. In the Oriltans' Court of said county, irt Jan. Tir ni A. 1). 1-11." "AN motion of Chailcn W. Hegim, E-.-j., t' ft Court, award a Rule on lacod Long, Gcor:-o Long, John Long, Catheiine, intermarried wi rt Sair ,lel (ionseil, Mnry, intermarried with Jonathan b'.atherman, Harriet Long and Jane Long, of wheirt i Lot Bcrgstresser is guardian, Sarah, intermarrii d with ilbam t'onnlner, Elizabeth, intermarrod ! with John Malich Catherine, intermarried with D.i ' vnl Gibson, Polly, inti rtnurried with Willi utt Rhoid.-, and l.vdii Ann Mtearer, bi in ibechd lren j and heirs at 1 iw of I ie rge Long, sr., d- c'd , daueh I ler Elizabeth, intcimariicd with Peter Shearer, ai d J who deceased previous to the death of s?.id int. state, I heirs and distributees of George Long, sr., late nf Augu-ta township, Northumberland county, dee'd.. to in our next Oiphmis' Couit ta bo held for said county, to wit: on the first day of April, 18 1 1, and accept or refuse the e-tate of said Georgo Long, sr., dee'd.. or h-nv cau-e why the san.e should n 0 be sold. Citlifo-d from the records of our said Orphs t.'ourt, this lKlhdav of January, A. D. I.t4. EOWARU OVsTEIt. Feb. 24th, 1S44 fit Ci'k O. t '. IX ate of Solomon ltrlu?, tlotM. tiTOTlCE is hetehy given, that letters of rnl minisi ration on the estate of Solomon l'ti sing, dee'd., late of Sliamokin township, Northum berland county, have been granted to the subacr her. All pcilolis indebted lo said e.-tate, as Wi II ks all those having claims ag dust the same, are r -quested 1 1 call on (Ke administrator for settlement, who will I eat home every othct Saturday Ir-.m th a date, for purpose. E M MANTEL 7.1 M MERMA N, Feb. Ti'th, 181 1. fit Adui. Public Sale. D.O00 Acres of Land. ILL be sold, at public auction, al the house of Daniel Heib, in I'pper Mahonoy tou ship, Noithutnberlaud c. unty, on the 11 d..y et May next, .M00 :utc ol Tiiiilit r l.mlj -ilUited. ll.i.eV, in Coal t wnship, said CoU'Ml. I'he Mali.m..yrcek pas es tl r.-uh a c insi.h rablo p. rti.. of the prorly, alVir.ling scveisl elct llei.t null seats. The taxes have a I bei'ii pilJ up, and m tiidi-putal lo title, clear of all lucuiiibrauci s. wnl de given to puuh asers. The sale wrl be coulinui d lioiu day to day, until the whole is sold. The terms will be in ide known on the day of ...le. A. J E VNb i:AT0, pei er noi stiM:r. Fed. tO, IS It If B'.U. -Vcf.tV, Aget t. ijj The Ponsville E'i poiium and Danville I i lillig ucer w ill em titiue the above Until furusddva, and this ollice. 'IMVO OF NAILS were left at the H .. J lei .filn- niinril.ef ill Muuburv, iiholii ll.e 1st . of Ap'il last. I lie owner is r que ti d lo c-one I fin wad. nrovu uroi.ei v. ir.veh.rges. and lake! them CHARLES WEAVER, funbu v, Teb 21 h. It 14 Ilt For Kont. 1:1.1.1 I mi), f i sde. cl.e :i.i.i.m Leap, by lb. lu.h, Is II. M.i:i;il, in sly II. U. MASrSElt. rPI!E la'g' si"l commodious T W EEN STA V -.'i. . . .1 :.. I . I .. in Hie town oi c-uainoKiii, aurnuiri.T.'".." now i ccupicii ty ine run i-iim i. KRAM. T '1 he ab-. pA-- ii. Hy is situated III the Sham, kin Coal Reg . . iii.,.i! i.' i: M I or b ruis, a, y i l' siumoV-o, t'v'-'. Uuh, Iflt.-lf.