Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 09, 1844, Image 1

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    TERMS OF Till " AMI ltICl.')
.11. B. MA83KH, I PunttsHtm asd
30sEPH ElSEI.Y. Pnor-mtToas.
. It. JlJlSSEtt, Editor.
Offet in Centre Alley, in thereat-of II. B. Mas
ter's Store.
THE " AMERICAN" is published every Satur
3ay nt TWO HOLLARS per annum to be
paid half yearly in advance. No paper discontin
ued till all arrearages are paid.
No subscription receive J for a less period thin
til nostuh. All communication or letters on
business relating to the olficc, to insure attention,
mux he t'QST PAID.
imi: i i, calamity!!
ox no ar Til 1 4 ij:ixct:tov.
Among whom arc the Hon. ALiEL P. UP
SHUR, lite Sicrctary if State ; Gov.GlL
MEK, litr. Secretary of ihe Navy ; Com.
KENNON, vf the Naiy; VIRGIL MAX-
Absolute acquiescence in the decisions of the majority, the vital principle of Republics from which there is no appeal hut to force, the vital principle and immediate parent of despotism. Jst r auto.
Ily Masser & i:iscly.
Sunbury, Northumberland Co. la. Saturday, March 0, 14 1.
V ol. 4--Xo. 24 VholC Xo, ISO.
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. JJlLlIt
of tho Navy, who, fit tlio same time was chief
of one of tho Bureaus in tho Navy Department.
When tlio pun was fired, Ihc whole ship
shook, a clonic cloud of smoke enveloped the
whole group on tho forecastle; hut whrn this
blew nwny, nnnwful scono presented itself to
gentlemen, to trill mo where my husband is!"
"Oh, impossible ! impossible ! and he, enn
lie, can ho ho dead ! impossible 1"
Here Air. Senator Uivct, of Virginia, drew
Come near, Mr. Rives," she said, in n soft
r.hi-por, which resembled Ophelia's madness,
tlio view of the spectator,
The lower part nf the gun from the tmnnioiiR . n,,! whero n,y husband is tell tne whe
no the breech wns blown oft; nml one half sec- ! ,,ipr llR '9 Now cci'.ainly, Mr. Riven,
tioti of it lying on Mr. Upshur' breast. It took 'H impossible in it not so 1" Mr. Rive
CY, lute Charge de. Afuirs to 11, -gitm ; two bailors to remove it. lie was bully cut I6" "peeriiiet..., the tear trickling down Ins
and Mr. GARDINEIL VnmTior " (ur- j over tlio rye arid in hits logs Lis clothes were j rhceks. "I tell yon, is impr.sri
diner's Island of cw York. ; liter: Ily torn from hi bo ty ho expired in n- ! l,,e " omwt screeched; and then nt"iin
lout three min-i!. Gov. Gilmer of Virginia ni.Kioranng ner voice, -aow do, Mr. Kives,
was found equally badly injured. Ho had cvi- j tel1 wilu wliclhcr her husband lives." Here
u'ently hern Mruck by the section of the gen he- several ladies exclaimed, "O God grant that
lore it had reached Mr. Upshur, Mr. Sykes.the ; may bo able to cry. It would certainly re
member from Now Jersev. endeavored to raise i l'cVe her some. IfnoteliC IliUht die of a broken
would have a rainv day of it, but '.lie Pirn rose1,. r . . , , , . . Ilir-nt'n
' . . him from 1he ground, but was unable. A mat- i "Pan.
lear and uriytii, anil me town iroe.i eany in me ;
Vorrcfpinidenre if the 1'ltihthljthla I.idrr.
'U'asiijnsto.n. Feb. 2f.
The day wns rurprif-intjly beautiful. We
thought from yesterday's cloudy sky that we
morning presented a gay and bui;-y i-ceiie,
Nearly all the carriages were engaged, mid
freighted whli the loveliness, beauty and grace
of the city. About 11 uVock, A. M. the Presi
dent of the United States, Mrs. Robert Tyler.
Miss Cooper. Mr. John Tyler, Jr., witlm large!
number of officers in glittering uniforms, nil the
jnembers of the Cabinet fave Mr. Spencer,
many other high fiiuettoiiari of State, grave
Senators and aspiring members, quite a ntimbfr
of attaches avA teen turi't of Leg ition General
Almonte, Minister from .Mexico, (Sir Richard
PiiekeiiLam hud been invited, hut !ec!ined,) tnd
a iitiiitb"r ot' gei.tlemen, whos? riames I
do not reeo'lect. were assembled on the deck of
i i i. i i :. . i
j w ,tr jiMiLuiuti, ,iiu ut; .v;tp jnat I'll uii i l , ue
fore any medical assistance could bo procured,
i, .... i . . !:..:..
h s 13 j I hive very little to add to the reeil il of
Mr. Ma.ey had his arms ind one of his legs ;,,.rtliy-8 catastrophe. There is n rumor
cut otr, tho pieces offlesh hanging to tho muti- hni ollc ,,r u. n( lUi! s,lior3 .vf0 bIowa ovrr
lated limbs, cold and bloodless in a manner iris- l)onr(,t lhrolIf,, the portio, of t!l i,,,.,,,
ly frightlul. lie died instantly. j which was carried away ; but 1 have heard no
Mr. Gardiner, of Ne.v York, and Commodore ' .....i. .i.;,.,, ,. ,. .oicrn. n,l hei nn ,.
Keution hngi red about hall an hour; but they
did not seem for a f.ingle moment to he consci
ous of their fate, and expired ulmoct without n
eroan. The flags of the Union were placed o
ver tiie dead as their winding sheets.
Rehind the g:i n , the scene, thongh at first c
rpially distre.-niiig, was !e.-s nhirtniti. (JanJaiti
cno of the. steamers, plying between hero ami 1 Stockton, who wrs 1; hoc ted hiwn, Hluiohl in
Alexandria, fjst beurief ('own for that place, j Mantly rose to his feet and jumped on the woo
Opposite the Navy Yard a boatload of Musi- j den cm ringe. to furvey the hole rfii-et of tho
t'ians were taken on hoard, who, as we up
prouched A'exandria, and tho Princeton hove
in fight, Ftruck up Hail I'o'.umbi, while we
were describing a graceful curve under her
bow to view the splendid steamer in oil her
pride, the 1ib of every nation etreuming from
fvervnmst, and her vurd manned to return
case of an accident, I wan suro that, with such
a crowd and bo many ladies on board, excited
as many of i:s were by both tho cheer add tiie
gala, it would have been impossible to main
tain discipline, or even tube heard or under
stood. Again, tho bursting of such n lingo ma-s
might have sunk us or disabled the engine, or
struck tlio powder magazine. Rut it is useless
to indulge in id'e conjectures of this sort. Suf
fice it to sny. that considering all riri-umstmces
the nation ha reason to be thankful that thing
are not worse.
Injustice to Captsin Stockton, it is duo to
say, that he did not wi.-h to make tho second
trial with so ninny ladies on boft'd; but that the
latter put it lo vote and decided in tho aflirnin
tivo. Tho third rnfortiinato trial was made at
the earnest solicitations of some members of
Lieut. Hunt whs this day examined, ami
stated that 'the g'.m was eidy chr.rgtd with ''")
pounds o! powder, which is five pounds less
than the uf mil charge, and that be loaded her
himself. The gunner, a blacksmith by triJe,
w as also examined and cm r'bofated tl.O btate
ment of the I.ieutei.ant, mid gave it as his 0
pinion that the g'in bur.-t because it was com
piled of bad iimlcriiils, of iron not perfectly
welded, or either of two kinds of iron welded
together at different teri'poraturcs, and there-
maoo lor llie laney ol iue retailerj ol tucii tm- , rir(, ,i,ws BI1(j ,,.s befveen. t)-
ri"!l- ihers arj t-till positive the portir.n fiom the
There was .,'-o a Mory bet C.pfsiu Stock- j ,rl,nltions 1o ,hl, ,,rot.o!l, a, Kast, was of ca-t
ton's atieinptin to jump overbear,!, in which ! II0S) nn; y l(ll,,v ,..1V(.r,.( with a jacket, as the
there is ,.,( n shadow of truth. Captain Stock, j C.U lf flf'wr,,,t irn Tkc tliieknesi-
t;i pr,.,-ed l.imse',1' every H-oh a calm,ol!.-cted, (, w.m,.!lt ir,,, i? rr. r,,. o,0l, , bo ,.,
brn.e inan. As 1 informed vou ve:terdav, tin:
witnes,l can only ray these rumors have been
fabricated after we had come up from Alexan
dria, and some allowance, therefore, is to be
hair of ins he".. i:ii(i (i ce was burnt to cinder,
and he was kneel. td down tint on the deck, but
lie ins'antle resumed his feotand pnrang o". the
llie cheers th-it were uttered by tho company " l,y ?iogu!ar concatenation ofcir- ; t.d niaiiiu r, who had
ss we neared her. " O'nistancep, Mr. Tyson of Phihdelphia, was tho ' turf to a bleak shore,
We now approached her on her hrboard side,
4nd came quitu che to her. A bridge was made
llroin cur buiricanc deck to the Princeton, and
tlie ladies and gentlemen gently received by
the oliicers on deck, end conducted To Captain
Stockton, in fu'l u.iit'i.ria. The band now
ttruck up t!:t: S'.:!r Spai.glvd tljuner," tlio ma
rines pretexted nrms, and as soon us. the compa
ny were onboard, a salute -ol twenty one guns
Was fi red. the baud stdl playirig O'tiorial sirs ;
iul it was q.itc nni?i!';.' to i--e flow :avy ho
dies rcia'tied uii d-.H-k to wiliteys tl;e e-.siie'u-re,
tkhfiiigii t'ory b-J b-en ('ulitely Teije.ei.led
CHhimity. All the hair of his head end lace was
burnt ofl; and he stood calm and undismayed,
but silent over (lie wreck. In addition to the
de.iths already mentioned, about a dozen sailors carriage ol' the pen to view the deast ition it
were badly wounded ; one was dead, nod be- had wrought the distinguished quests
hind him Cd. Benton, Judge Phelps, and Mr. Dd the crew of tho Princeton. I shall never
S ricklai.d, as if dead, extended on the deck ' forget that face. He looked like a shmwrock-
been homo by the -siring
and was now beholding
only person wno stood ms ground, uiougti a from a prominence the hop less condition of his
piece of the gun, weighing about two pounds, frail b irk. his friends and his fortunes. But he
had passe I through iiishat, about two inches was calm and resigned, and with a half stilled
from his skull; and fallen down by tho side of , voice merely remarked, pointing at the inutihit
him. ed and mangled corpses of tho distinguished
Tlielidy who had Col. Benton' 4 arm was ec- ' men that hud met Mich a cruel mid u:. timely
lualiy blown into tlio lining, but not hurt, fate, "I wi.-h I was them !"
Col. Bei-.'.-ti exclaimed, immediately att. r lie ! Poor Mrs. Gilmer is the next object of uni
fell, thxt He "wn- hurt !'' but he was only stun- vcrsal regret. Her husband, Governor Gilmer,
lied. 11.- w is carried all and placed on a mat- hud just been inducted into the c.f Sec-tres-,
where Mrs. f'ent-n and his friends a dmi- retary o! the Navy, which post he had only
to him what Hid they could, which, Pd ten days. lie left her poor, the mother of
however, ho repeatedly declined, siying there nine living eh ldren, j'ts at a moment w hen her
1e ifrit ictii iK'.t lo lv annf.veU with the tmell j w:x ft-th ng the matter w itli hir.i. Ho was s.ioti hopes began lo brighten, and she iooi.ed l,ir
ji fo'.ecr, or the reive eftho rep rt. i after n'de to walk, wiiii so'iu flight ussirtanee, wanl to happier dsys for herself ami her li'tl"
....... il. ..r I, . .1.; I ..1,1 . : 1
"'ii';:, mho
lief grief,
J. oYi iie.p. fined, from the nridennd cheer. I over llie rii tilgol llii.' snip on tieanl tin." steam- ones. iNie Is vet Comparatively a
lulnrts vv'uic'ii jirevaib.Tl in that thru:", that ' boat that look the company ofT to Wusliingtcn- certainly a gried-lookiujj women.
more than a enrter or hii itic'i. Captain Stock
ton h is d'-m i ruled a itriet investigation of the
matter by learned nnd scientific men, nn 1 as
theiv ifi a hnlf svc v eiefdng nt leasl two
tens, left of the frat tori d piece, tliere cannot, in
ley epiieoti, be rnoch (b id t as to thetruth being
ultimately discovered. Ft r my ( w n part I i-ti'il
adhere to the opinion rxpretf-rd in my letter cl
this morning, thiit mt'lealle iron may by a Fe
ries of iinpingeuict.ts be changed bark into the
granular state, and that the constructor of the
gun are not so intich to blame.
Mrs. (idmer it is said, refused to eat, drink or
sleep. Site never put off the dress she wore on
ship, and refi.ied till this nOvrtvion to ceo any'
one. Groat fears were entertained tor her
mind; but this afternoon, rho admitted several
persons and wis much mora calm and composed.
I lie bor.;es of (jover'ior Gilmer, Jnege I p
shur, Mr. Maxey, Coiuiimdoie Kennon, bud .Mr.
Gardiner, wi re bnui;ht to the White IU.ue
nnd ib pe.-ited in the met room, which had but
on Tllefday ii if 1 it been l!.e cciie of so much
mi rriinent They were laid in r.n elegantly
wioiight mahog.Hiy e T, the lids uf which, be-
nj e.'.'Kii' to open at tle hero!, were lined wilh
TWENTY-Eianm coxonicss.
WxsntKOToN, Feb. 29, 1S44.
The VrjiloralAe Accident on board the Prince
ton Message from the President Action
of Congress Mr. Rives' remarkn in the
Senate. As soon at the journal was read
the following Message was announced from the
President of the United States :
To the Senate and House of Representatives
rf the I mtcd States.
I have to perforin tho .Tielanehnly duty of an
nouncing to tha. two Ilous" of Congress the
dea'h of Ihe Hon. Abel P. Upshur, late Secre
tary of State, and the Hon. Thomas W.Gilmer,
late Secretary of the Navy.
This mot lamentable occurrence transpired
on board tho United States ship of war the
Princeton, on yesterday, al about half after four
o'clock in tho evening, and proceeded from the
explosion of one of the laruo guns ofthe ship.
The loss which the Government and the
country have sustained by this deplorable event
is heightened by the death, at the same lime
and by thesnmo Cnnse.of Beveril distinguished
persons and valuable citizens.
1 f hall be permitted to express my great grief
at r.n occurrence which has thus juddenly strick
en troin my side two gentlemen upon whose
advice I si confi lently relied in the discharge
of my arduous task of administering the office
ol the Executive department, and whoso ser
vices nt the interesting period wero of such
In some relief tho public sorrow which must
nere-sari'y accompany this painful event, it af
fords me much sitisfidion to say that it was pro-
ihiei d tl rough no carelessness or inattention on
the part o! the efficers and crew nfthe Prince
ton, but must bo set down as one of those caiii
ulities which, to a greater or less degree, at
to'id upon every rVico, and which are invaria
bly incident to the temporal affairs of mankind.
I will also add that it in no measure detracts
in my estimation from the value of the improve
ment contemplated in the construction of the
Princeton, cr from the merits of her brave and
distinguished commander and proprietor.
Washington, Feb. 29, l4 l.
tics of brotherhood and affection. Let tta "put
away from us all bitterneas and wrath, tn& v
vil speaking ;" and when we como logelher
sgain, under the chastening influences, wealn.ll
all feel, I trust, how much better patriots we)
are for being better Christians.
Mr. R. concluded by submitting Ihe follow
ing resolutions.
Resolved, That the Senate is impressed with.
a profound sense ofthe awful calamity which
yesterday occurred on board of the steamet
Princeton, by the explosion ol a gun, involving
the loss of many valuable lives, and among1
them of the Secretary of State and Secretary
of tho Navy.
Resolved, That the Senate will attend in &
bodyfhc obsequies of the deceased members of
the Cabinet, and a committee of five be a;
pointed to make arrangements, with such com
mittee as may be appointed on the part of tho
House of Representatives, for the funeral.
Resolved, That the members of the Senata
will go into mourning by wearing crape on the)
left arm for thirty days.
Resolved, That a copy ofthe foregoing reso1-
lotions be transmitted to the President of tho
United States.
The resolutions having been, read, a messsgo
was received from the House cf Representa
tives, announcing the action of that body touch
ing this awful calamity. Tho message was
read and concurred.
The resolutions submitted by Mr. Rives wer
unanimously agreed to, and the following Se
nators were appointed a committee of arrange
ments on the part ofthe Houss of Represents
tives, viz : Messrs. Rivos, Archer, King, Wood
bury and Bayard.
Tho Senate then, in accordance with it
previous action, adjourned till Monday next.
The House pssied resolutions of similaf
Death was walking in the midst uf loom, coolly Judge Phe'ps of Vermont, had Ids hat blown w Inch I nttoinplnl to to yotl in my list ,x .),,, (i(U;, j,,,),,! ti, wi,,,;,. interim ofthe
linglieg ot his victim?. A splendid dinner j knocked nit, and the buttons of his ee.-.t torn;
Was served in the cabin, and the ladies sat down ! ,,,l I" ""t otherwise injured. Mr. Strick-
first.and -vere waited on by the gentlemen, j ,R"d, of Philadelphia, was not at all injured, and behold anything approaching to such un.-praka- nll( ,iiP ,st,n cravats. No one had ni cefs t
letter, nnjlit have fet-n a plastic m-virl . .1,-.- , l..yiI,a yj, h.vlies were dieted in fine linen
powenr for a M'u'ptor. Nt ver in my life did I ! h,ir:s u.-nu A in front, with snow w hi'e coilnrs,
who were really ngieoau'e, a lit) did the best,
With wit and repartee to season the reppst.
ftm! nnde Fail ; bearing duwn tor Port Wash-
instantly recovered his jvsiiinri.
Miss Wof.bnry nnd Miss Cooper, who,
b.e wretelieiliies.i, ilcpictcl in a rutin, tear. ess i thou) l,,n the members of the Cumnetreo and a
in countenance;. I learned from the best m-twv, ! cew p?r.;, kno'in to them or the Pr. sidentV
In the meanwhile the Princeton hove anchor i ''"'"I""'' "'" -'aptain Peed, of the Army, and that immediately after In r returning homo, she j j.,,.,;,,,,. i, ,nni ro.,v ,iiry wj,j j ul ..hibdi-
ty, hf exposed to tile p'.ibl.c. One or two per
sons I oh-erved cutting leeks fiem the heads of
Mr. Gilmer and Mr. Ma.tey. The lornn-r, it
appears, wns killed by h piece of iron enterii-g
his skull, nlhiitt an inch oxer the loM eve. The
most frightfully mangled f'nee w a.t that of Jud jr
Mr. Wel't s-, ef Philadelphia, hail been standing fell into hysterics, and screamed ; but not' n
Inctcn and Mount Vernon. Past Fort Wash-i " a ,(''''v"rd -,,m' wr n"1 hmt ' ,mt ord of complaint escaped from her clenched
te ie ii ..t i .-i'i i ,,, . . ... , . ,
vooi iiury, tui ut.-auiiMii ami pceo'rtpi ( lips not a tear triciilOit ilinvn tier icy CtieeK,
daeghter Tifthe Senator from New Hampshire,) from her parched and inlimeil eyes.
guns, the forward gun Was shotted and flreji l'nier whole face sprinkled w iih bioe,!, which , Young Mr. Kennon was on the wharf when
I . ..... I - 1.1 . . . I .... I ..l.i L l I ;. i. .
ington, where the Potomac expands nnd pro-
rented sufficient ecnpp Pr the power uf her b!g
Ihe bill striking the water and rebounding five
tor six times li'.l the eve won
however, I nm glad to say, was not her ow n. ' we I nnled, on horseback, await. rig the arrival
Id no Ion 'er follow Such was the force ofthe explosion, that tho of his father, whosi body wus so Compl.-tly Upshur, which, in several places, and about the
l'o ob-erve the effect of the shot starboard and larboard bulwarks were literally blackened and diM'ulored aa tcarctiy to here- 'mouth, was covered with w hite sticking ;
ter, to coiii'imI the dreadful deva-tiition w rouhi
ill it by the unfortunate catntrnphe. None uf
the laces, how ever, sliow the least c. niter', ien ' '
it4 nro-rres.
i i . ... ... - . . i t. . i . . i o i - . i . .
I had prated m self on the nearest larboard j sheltered, ami tlic part cf the gun I described l"!"" wny m.ou.u i connn-.e to.iep.c.
cannonade uun. and the sailors had erected a ! was blown into twenty or thitty pieces besides ; icsc scents, over which the ved ol
kind of scaffoldintr for the ladies to shod on bv ', ' two principtl foctfona. , '"IU better been cast, the American
thesido of me. One or two had taken their Judge Wilkins was only paved by a witticism throuded the bodies rd the decea?ed. I . muscleH. Tin y seem to have died iiislai.t.t:ie-
position tliere, and beside me stood Mr. Secre- i of liis. Hu hud taken his stand by the ride of will only udd this, that the Princeton could j ,.iy , ne 1 v. I'honf a struggle,
tary Upslmr, i'ntert upon witnetiing the whole ; Gov. Gilmer, but homo remarks falling from the scarcely have been in an ei.i;ement in which t was agreed, by- both Houses, that the f,,.
inana-uvre. I off'eted him my plate, but he j lip ofthe latter, and in perceiving that the gun , 80 r''"n' valuable lives would have been lostat I n(.r expenses should bn borne by the .NV.i .tui
.'eeline.l savin- he preferred to stand where i was about to be fired, exc.Uimed, "Though Sec- i:igle b.ow. J he whole city is plunged in Treasury, wh
he was-the precise spot where an hour filer- ! retary of War. I don't like this firing, and be- and dismay, the ptibhc bureaux are shot
ward he was torn t pieces. Meanwhile the ; lievu that I shall run." So saying he relreated KP. and It ts believed that w ire-workmg and
table had been s-ain set lor the geiitleuien, and i suiting the action to the word, mid was saved. Pretidcut-inuking will, for a brief period nt
we renaired down to ion-, ii; theenen-l merr!- ' The Pre.-itft'itl himself M talc n his v-,i.'n '"let. l' f P'''"'-'- '"'t s-me peace
i,.(1t, nut a lew minnies prf vious, precisely where
Captain Stockton's great gsi'.i was ag iin 1 u- j Gov. Gilmer wits killed ; but for scrie reason
tied with shot, and Htiother trial made of its ! or older w cut aft, and was thus providentially
immediately after passing tiie
Iter 'ietion mUoiirnecl till r the funeral.
Me.m.Uiile, the Whitu House, and t:ll the
Departments, ate closed, the doers being eiied
wiiii black eripe, black lest .'ens tit.-ivr.t::i,j
the '.vi;. !o. s.
The Lot P.oom r.ud .!: 11.1! of the Wii.te
r-trength and efi'ieaey. The gun was pointed j
to leeward, and behind it (you must excuse me
for being thus particular, but the scene has left
fuch an indelible imprebsion upon my mind tint
I am compelled to give you all the details,)
stood Captain Stockton a little to the left of him
Mr, J. Wuhhingtou Tyson, Assistant Postmas
ter General, of your city. By tho side ef the
latter, a little behind him, stood Mr. Strickland,
also of your city, end a little to tho right of,
but behind him, Col. Benton of Missouri, who
had a Udy at his arm, and Judge Phelps, Sena
tor Iroin Vermont. To the leeward uf the pun
stood Judge Upshur, late Secretary of State,
Gov. Gilmer, lute Secretary ofthe Navy, who
bad but a few days ago entered on the duties
of his office, and a littlo behind them our late
Charge de Affaire to Belgium, Mr. Maxcy, of
Maryland. By the sioe of bun stood Mr. Gar
diner, ef New York, and C'cmtnodoie Krnnon,
Tho most heart-rendinir srene however, was
that which followed. Tho two daughters of
Mr. Gardiner of New York, were both on board,
and lamented the death of their father, while
Mrs. Gilmer, from whom they in vain attempt
ed to keep the dreadful news of tha death of her
husband, presented truly a spectacle fit to be
depicted by a tragedian.
There tho sat on deck, with her hair dishev
eled, pale asdeath, struggling with her fueling
and with the dignity ofa woman. Her lips
quivering, her ryes fixed and upturned, without
a tear, only the corners a littlo moist, toliloquiz
ing : 'Oh certainly not ! Mr. Gdincr cannot
be dead! Who would dare to injure him ! Yes
oh Lord, have metcy upon me ! Oh lxrd, have
mercy on me !'' And (hen, still more appar
ently calm and seemingly collected, with the
furies tearing htr heart within, "I tcteech ye,
may conic et t.fthis horrible tragedy.
When the sir..; of the gun, t'.e qu-.ntity n'
p.'ivedcr necessary for its, nnd lln
I crow tied state of the vessel at the limoof tin j pent pi unto ball, to which u large iiim
dirchareure taken in'o consideration, tin re ia
Hoiif, which h.i.l
plsl I
reason, i think, for being thankful to Divine
Providence that no more lives were lost. We
were at the time going under lliiee full top
sails, and the jib had jutt been taken in. Sup
pose the ship had ratight file in her rigging or
sails, how many lives do you think would have
been saved out of the five hundred on board!
And was there ever a vessel of six hundred tons
burthen that had as many bright marks for de
slruction on board ss the Princeton! The
President, with all his family tuvu Mr. Robert
Tyler, four of tho members of the Cubiuet, n
very large number of Senators and members,
and some of the most distinguished officers of
the Navy and Army, would, perhaps, have per.
ished in the elements. The fact is, I bad a
presentment that sonao disaster would happen
on btttid, and tvprcctid it to a friend. And in
n t'i cu, liet! tor die
r e!
invitations had been st nt out by the President
and Mis. llob'Tl Tyler, (,n to-morrow, are im v
shrouded in black crape. Tiie chandeliers,
inanllepieccs, glasses, flower vases, aiitl caede
!bras are dressed in black, and the five coffins
in the centre, where, bet three days ago, as ma
ny groups of dancers hnd been joining the mys
tic ring, produced a tragical effect, and sensa
tions similar to those which miyht be experien
ced by a change from a flower garden to a char
m l house.
Theltineral will take place on Siturd iy morn,
ing, at 11 o'clock, A M. The funeral ct re-
The Message having been rend, Mr. Rives
rose and addressed the Senate as follows :
Mr. Prcsrient The general feeling ofthe
Senate has, I am sure, already anticipated me
in w hat I have risen to suggest. Tho aw ful
calamity communicated to us in the message
ef the President just read, and which has made
of jesterday, with all its unearthly brightness,
one of the darkest and most inauspicious days
in our calender, is but too well known to the
Senate in ell its dreadful details and heart
rending results. Surely, Mr. President, never
m the mysterious ordinances of God, has a day
on earth been marked in its prosress by such
startling and astounding contrasts opening
and advancing with hilarity and joy, mutual
congratulation and patriotic pride, nnd closing
in scenes of death, and disaster, of lamenta
tion and unutterable wo. It W'as my sad for
tune, Mr. President, to be an eye witnpss of
these never to be forgotten evsnts. If I had
'ingii'irjn to describe them, the power of speech
.vou Id fail me.
1 have risen, in the midst of the universal
sadness, and dejection of heart which prevail
around me, and under the overpowering weight
of my own feeliiiL's, to suggest the propriety
ol' k spending our ordini'y latmrs and pursuits,
in the presence) and under the chastisement of
this awful visitation of Providence. It has
fallen to the lot of my own Stute to bo the
ch c-f mourner on this melanclnily occasion.
T.vo of her distinguishej citisens, filling high
..I . i- i -
pi ices in inn rivn government ill tun country,
li-va been cut down in the midst of their days
nnd their usefulness and another of her sons
a gallant officer of the navy has been des
tined to fall, by disastrous accident, on a deck
winch, under other ciicu n'ances, ho ni ght
have illustrated hy his valor.
B it, in so overwhelming i calamity, which
s'a uls almost without a parallel in the records
of human misfortune, all bear their equal and
sympathizing share. Surrounded, ns we are,
on every hand, by the desolate wailing uf the
w 'blow and the helpb ss cry of the orphm, none
of us ran be in a state ef mind to tlexhirg.,
with intelligence and composure, the duties
which belong to us here.
Let us then, Mr. President, bowing in all
humility ot spirit beneath this stroke of an all
Wise and mysterious Providence, discard fruin
our minds, for a season, the cares and excite
ments of cur daily duties in this hall. Let us
lay to hcftit the monitory lessons so impress ive
ly read to tit in the event of yesterday, that "in
the luidrt of life we are in deiith." With this
Rmie Doino or a Txiron. The br dgn over
tha Tenth at Doune is well worth a p;'S-ing no
tice. It is a strong, sturdy erection, though
upwards of three hundred years old, and tha
woik of a tailor. In the purappt is the follow
ing inscription, still distinct'y legible ; we)
shall modernist the spelling. ''In Gjd is all
my trust, said Spittel. ThetTith diy of Sep
tember, in the year of Go.l, years, found
ded was this bridge, by Robert Spittel, tailor
to tha Most Noble Princess Margaret, Qjeert
to James the Fourth." Mr. Spittel was not a
shamcd of his profession, for in addition to tha
designation in the inscription he has ornamen
ted the parapet with the charactsristic emblem
ofa large piirof scissors ! There is a tradi'.ici
in the district concerning this worthy knight of
tho shears. There was a ford and ferry abo"t
half way between the presentbridge and Dou.'n
Castle, and Spittel pass tho ford. The fare wn
a diet, but sp.ttal bad no smaller coin than
bodle (equal to two dints,) and having been nt
former times ill pleased with the inattention of
the ferryman, he very coolly took out his shears,
clipped the bodle in two, and gave one half I
the ferryman ! The Careful tailor grew ric i
and prosperous and was a public benefactor.
Ho built two other bridges ; one at Bannoc't,
and another nt Tulliebody ; and he formed a t
hospital in Stirling, from which widows and or
phans are still relieved and supported. Queea
Margaret's ttilor was therefore, no ordinr:
man. "lie placed a motto on his horpi'.al ui
Sterling, "The liberal man devisetli libr i
thingo," and he surmounted it again with u re
presentation of his shears the source of Ins I.
berality. Is Queen Vict irii's tailor as? pro . I
of shears, or as dispose! tJ devise liberal
thing. 1 Internes Courier.
monies w ill take place at the White House, lesson engraven "P1" ",,r hearts, let us keep
' whence the procession will slowly past constantly in view the denial as well ostein-
ilm Ciioitol to Ihe PtinTressiiinnl Itnrvnw miml resnoiisilid ities under w Inch all the duties
- r - - - - r j 1
Tremexdocs Howl Elder Swann, while !s
bering for the soulj of the Bunker Ililleri. r.t
try, j times is quite happy in his local allusions fai 1
he "The people have work"d very hard nnt
spent a vast nun of money to build yonder mcr.u.
mont in honor of the dead; now, if th?y we-'i'.i
work as hard and sp?nd as much money to bu ll
a monument of souls in honor of Jesus Chri .r,
they would make the devil howl so that y'i
could bear him all over tha United iitat.T."
Even the anxious-minded of the elder's hearers
could not help smiling at th idea of a bowl
froiuiiii Satanic majesty.
"Uf to E.Ncrr " Volumes of Italian pornt.
just received in the Pritish metropolis, furnish
es fine amusement for the learned wits. La gn
Hunt has shown himself up to snufT in givtnj s
merry interpietation to these effasions 1 ha
following is a free translation of ths poem on
sn-jcring .
"What a moment ' what a doubt '
All my none inside and out,
All my thrilling, tickling caustic,
Fyiannd rinocerostic
Vants to sneer", and can not do it ?
Now it yearns me, thrills m-, stings me,
Now w.'th rapturous torments wring me.
Now ays, 'So .'eie, yon fool; get thio' it
!'. s i" Oh, 'most di '
Hi' most del .(.
(llane it! I shall sneez, t.U spring.
Snull is a mo.t delicious thing."
Ground ; where Ihe coffins will be deposited in
a vault, to bo afterwards disposed of according
tc the wishes ot then nearest relates.
of both public and private fife are tube pert', rued. the deep st use of common ralumity and
The virtues flourish best ie. th form nl's t 0r?i-
monwral'.'ii, !iee each is required, I in
inut'jal tlB ttion unite us mott! closely by the , proper fWe, am is expiated to. do no mora.