Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, February 24, 1844, Image 4

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11.4 K XOTI! CIST.
The f 1l(in !iiit list shows the current n1m of nil
Pennsylvania Rank Notes. Tim must iui!i(it rc
ianco may 1 1:iC(il upon it, as il D every week
;arefully computed wilh ai J corrected from Hick
nell's Reporter.
Hunk In riiifariclpliln.
Rank of North America
Hank of llio Northern Liberties
Commercial Rank of Pcnn'a. . .
Farmers' nn.l Mechanics' Bank .
Kcnsinptnii Hank
Philadelphia Hnnk
Schuylkill Hnnk .
Soulhwark Rank .
Western Hnnk
Mechanics' Rnnk
Manufacturers' A. Mechanics' Dank
Iinr, is
C'oiuilry Hank.
Rmd; of Chester County
Hunk of Delaware County of Oerinantmvn
Rank of MontEomery Co.
Dovb stown Hank
pojlesiow n
r.iis'oti Rank'
Farmers' Hank of Rucks co.' Rri-lol
Of'i.-e of Hnnk of Pcnn'a.
lllice do do
Oflicc do do
Ufl'ieo do do
Lancaster I
Vending I do not
Enston J issue n.
Hank of the United States Philadelphia 23a21
Hank of Penn Township . . par
Cirard Rank . . 8a 10 '
Moynmcnsing Hank . par
Hank of Pennsylvania par
Mincr.V Bank of PottsTillo Poltsvillo lj!
Rank of l.ewidown Lcwistnwn 2,
Hnnk of Middletown Middletown 1
Rank of Nnrthumleilnnt1 Northumberland pnr
Columbia Hank & Dridgc co. Columbia i
Carlisle Hank Carlisle 1
Exchange Uank Pillshurfr J
Da da branch of Hnlbdavslmrg i,
Farmers' Bank of Lnncnslci Lancislei :,'
Lancaster County Bank I .niirnHtor j
Farmers' Bank of Reading Heading i
1 1 jrrishurp Bank Harrisburg 1
Lancaster Bank Lancaster . $
Lclinnon Bank Lchannli IJ
Merchants' A Mnnuf. Bank Pittsburg i
Bank of Pittsburg Pitlsbnig i
Went Bianch Huik Willininsport Cu7
Wyoming Bank Wilkcshario 2
Northampton Bank Allciitown
Heiks County liank Heading
Oilier of Bunk of U. S. Pitisl urg failed
Da do do Erie do
Do do da New Brighton do
KensinElmi Suv. Ins. A do
I Vim Township Snv. Ins, da
Bank of Chainbersburg Chambi rshurfj 1
Bank ol ' (Jettyshurn Oittysburg 1
Hank of Susiuchanna Co. Mnntiose atlaH''
L'rie Bank Erin II
I 'uimcri,' A. Drovers' Bunk Wnynesburg SlaS
franklin Hank WashinptiHi IJ
llniicsdale lijlik I
Monnnpalicla Bunk of B, Brownsville 1
Vo.k Bank York 1
N. B. The notes of those banks on which we
omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) nie not j
pure bused by the Philadelphia brokers, wnli the I
exception ol Ihi'so w hich have a letter of n fen lice,
Philadelphia Sav. Ins.
Philadelphia Lean Co.
Schuylkill tSnv. Ins.
Manual Labor Hank (T. W Dyott, prop.)
Powauda Bank
1 owamla
00 1
no side
fuiled i
rinsed !
no sale I
failed I
failed I
failed I
no sale I
AllepliBny Bunk of Pa.
Hank of Beaver
liank of Swatara
Bank of Washington
I'entie Bunk
City Bunk
Farmers' & Mech'cs' Batik
Fanners' Jt MorhW Hunk
Farmers' &' Mech'ca'l.Baiik
Harmony Institute
Huntingdon Bunk
iunialu Bank
Lumbermen's Bank
Nuiiln rn Bunk of Pa.
New Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Northumb'd Union Col. Ilk.
Ninth estem Bank of Pa.
Ollice of Schuylkill Bank
Pu. Acr. & Manuf. Bank
Silver Lake Bank
Union Bunk of Penn'a.
VVesimorelnnd Bank
Helh lonto
Fayette co.
II unling Jon no sale
Len ir-tow ii no sale
Warren failed
Pundaff no sale
New Hope closed
M illou no sale
Meadiille closed
Porl Cur I mil
Carlisle failed
Monlinso closed
Unioiilown failed
(reensluri( closed
ilki isbarie no sale
Wilkesbarre It i iilg e Co.
fXj" All note putpoiliiiR to he on any Pennsyl
vania Bunk not given in the above list, may be set
down as frauds.
Kim ji:usi:v.
Bank of New Biunswick
Perth Amhoy
Mount Holly
HiKiileie Bank
Hiiiliiiplon to. Bank
Commercial Bank
Cumberland Bank
Farmers' Bunk
Farmer nnd Mechanic' Bk Ruhway
Farmers' nnd Mechanics' Ilk N. Biunswick fuiled
Furmerh' and Mi n hiinu' Bk MidJIetown Pi.
Franklin Hank of IS. J. Jersey City
lloliokeu HkciV (jiazing Lo Hobokrn
Jersey City Bank Jelsey City
Mechanics' Bank Patteisou
Manuf. irluri r' Bank Belleville
Morris t.'ouniy Bank Morristown
Monmnulh Bk of N.J. Freehold
Mn bailies' Bank Nrwaik
ileebanii n' and Manuf. Ilk Trenton
Morris Cunul and Bkg Co Jersey City
l ost ISotes no sa
Nt waik liku c Ins (.'o Nrwaik
New Hope Del Bridpe ('o Lamheiissillo
N. J. Muuufae. and 1 1 L Co HoUiken
N J Piylcclou cV Loiiibuid I k Jim y Cny laih
Uruiipe Hank'
Paterson Hank
PinplcV Hank
Priiittluii Uank
Sulem HdiikiiiQ Co
state Uunk
Male Uank
State bank
Stale IJjiik of Muni.
Si.,ir Hunk
Prune Ion
fail, d
Sulem nnd Philad Muuf Co Sulim
Susi Hank Nt-wtoli
Trenton Uauking Co Treniou
Union Hank Dover
Wa.hinvliJii lJankinn Co. llackeiisick
RkofWilmA Hramly wine WilniiiiBton
Hack of Delaw are Wilmington
Hunk i f Smyrna Smyrna
Do blanch Millord
Fanm r.' Hk of State i f Di I Dovri
Do branch ilminston
Do branch t iein peii.w n
Do hrji.ih Newcisile
Union Hark W iltnmi;toii
(TT Under ' i
Lj- On all I tti k niaiki'd thu. () there are c i
' thrr count. iliil or altered notes ul ihe
laommailVii.s, in (iiculatiuii,
J. D. Waters,
1 ESPEOTFFI.LY informs theeitiren--of the
iirutiph of Northumberland, and its vicinity,
that he has commenced the
Tailoring ItiiMiie.
in n'l i's various branches, in the shop formcrlv
oecnpieil by Henry S, Thomas, directly oppmite
Forsxth's store. As lie receives the New Yotk
and Philndclphi i Fashions iutttcr'y, be is enabled
to do nil jobs rtittusicd to him, alter the neatest and
latest style, and upon the shoitest notice.
Northumberland. Apiil CM. lsM3. ly
T ESpEOTFFLLY informs the citiwns of Hon-k-
(urv its vicinity, lhal be bns taken the
nflice f.iimerlv cccupicd by Dr. John Peal, where
he will be happy to receive cull in the line of his
profession. Apiil CM, lm.
Daniel Xariek,
ECiS leave to ir.furiit ihe eiiizi ns of Suuhury
nnd its vicinity, that ho has commenced tlie
i i l A c k i r n 1 1 n ( j il i. si m : s s,
inMaikit stre.t, Sunbury, east of J bn lb eai
store, nnd directly rppon the post ollice, where he
intends to carry on the lupines in all it" various
branches, includtnir, Turning, Making Mill h unt
nnd Klij:lir Springs, Irnnimr Curriiini. villi I'.x
tension or St'inrfiiig "', Shoring Jltnry. V.
Order will be promptly nnd punctually attend) d
to, and woik done cheap, fur cash or country pro
duce. Qj- Ilofse Shoeing d me at ?l per sett.
Sm.hiirv, April Ifnb, 1H-LT. Jy.
II o o t & S h o e
11 a r I i n S v w i 11 ,
KsPLtJ'l ll"LLV inliDiin his liniidi and
old cit'lonifiH, t!iat ho r his
ii()o'js snor: i:sTMtr.isnMi:.r
to tin- fiarne hiii'ding ndbiining his clwr!mv house,
bet ween that ami Dr. 1). T. Tiite-' rll're, a few dnor
west of bis old e-tal I shm' nt, in Matkrt stiei t.
where he ii.ti i ds to tarry on the above hn-ilii-
extensivi lv, id nil its viuintis liramis.
Hi inn thankful for past ftvois. he hope, by strict
attention to blisness and libeial rharucs, in pre
geneial aiisfai lion ; nnd that he will continue to re
ceive a liber il hme of puhl.c patroiiue.
Aprd Htb,
I fi v I' a ' I lit iii r lii ; ii jv, S o ii.
i TBIIE suWtibers hereby ii form the public',
.1 they have nlered into partnership, in the '
' wh'ch wi l In rei.fn r l e can ed on nt ibe id i
stand in Sot bnrv, mob r the firm i t' ' (;lliri;t.
i Zimnn rman iV Son," where tbev w ill remind the :
) I'U-ine-s in all its vaiion I raiii hes. ineli'.dinj Turn- ,
I Mulling M.ll Irnnn, lrnninrr Cnrr I'ges, Snn- i
j ing Hursts. Sr. (Jrder- will be piomptly and une. !
i luallv atteiiilid to, and woik done cheap, (or ca-li '
or country produce.
(TV Shoi-ing done nl one dollar per si lt.
.1. II. 7.1 M. ME KM AN.
Sunbii'v, March 1 lib,
? 1.7. TIT 2?.
"I TT T "5
rs) . m. .
r,H U suhsciibeis, haviun entered into a partner
ship in the iriii'lice of the law, wall be ha py
to attend to nil business cnlru-teJ lo lln-ir care.
Colli, 'Hons will be promptly utteinleil to.
'l iny may always be found at tin ir office, in
Market street, Ulibuiy, loimeily occupied b)
Wiu. Dew art, dee'd.. us a store-iooiu.
Suiibuiy, Feb. 4ih, IM.I. ly.
7, .Ycu7 Third, iihm e Culloieh iU St.,
OHN DUNCAN, hue fr the Pennsylva
IP nia Firmer, and S'ainuel Pike, jr., laie of A
mt nran Hotel, Columbus, ( lino, take pleasure in nr
quninthip their fiiends nnd the public prncrallv thiil
they have taken the Inrpe and rommodious llolil,
reriiitly huillbv ihe Missis. Hall, on the same sin
once on upicl by the old established Hotel know n
as the Bull's lleud, in Third stieet above Callow
hill st.
'I h is Hotel is finbbcd in the very best pos-ible
manner, and of ihe he.if materials. lis loc ution i
very di siiable, particularly for cnuntry merchants ;
Ihe airnupemeiilH for heatil.ff and veniilalinx each
rouiii is such ns to secure any temperature. The
hfdioom sre all htfht and airy, all luinirhcd in a
neat sly'e, so as to in-iiie comloit.
The recciviiiu parlors are al-o fun i-he l in a -u
i j peib style, the windows aie on the French s'yle.
foriiiinC uii eiiwain e lo u balcnliy III front, win. h
Ini.kes pleasant recess. Piirlieiilul sttililion bar
been piven Iii Ihe beds and In dding, which, wilh
ibe luriiilnre, are riniti l.v new.
rrmn years' ejpeiiencc- in I; til business, we
l-ust, by strict assiduity ti. busints, to make ihi
hollso a dii-llahle tli pplll.' place. (Mir table will
always he supplied wilh the vi ry hi si our market
can Mll.-r-l, and our bar nib ihe best lnpiurx uud
wines ul ihe nn, si dp pin veil bian-ls.
P. S. Theie nre fn-l rate slshtins -1 . .1 i ariii(;e
boii.i-ollai bed to the holt I, Lliin-bil by ca till
and Mil i r bo III is mid nui c harpi a w ill be low, in
uceonlaiiee Willi ihe pn -e.-t b.ud llll.if.
Plnladelpbiii. Oi I. ith, H-12.
i '
; !
(dun ru! Stage '?.''.i''',)
I't-iiiisj Ii tiniii.
11 E Snb-c rilif r ref .-c-ilully infoiiiis his friend-
iin J Ibe public in tjeniral, Ihul he lua Ukcii
the above
a n w t
I N T II E U O R fl U C. 11 O F M V N C Y,
and hu i now well pn parel to sccoininud ate
ai who mav luvor bull Willi their cusloin.
II Si'iM-iNtj Ai'iiiint.M. ire well aiiel, and
cmr f.-it.l-le.
Ill- Tam v ii Ha will n't.aya be ijj'phul
w.ib ihe lest theni.ihel ran ulloid.
His SiiHi.1.0, which is con!, will Vt lilnhr
I'-!- 1 hurpe nl pood mid raiclul In-Hlcn.
He hi Uconfi, lent, by iliid iillentiou la 1 U ini-,
an.) an can, est desne to tu der r- nidutahle ih i-r
- , w l.o in-v Jir..nie him, ihut he
- I e, m iai ssn-ta, lion. 11.
will not fail to K.vv
Muoiy, Oct. I.t, HsK.if,
The brut tni tJwif for thr. Ahnlitinn of Distune
is to rh anse ttnd purify the Hofty.
MHait '3 i
ixiiax ti:i;i:t Aiiiii: niiiiS j
tWtrth 1mcrl?an f'nllrgr of tfrntlh,
Are now neknnnle.lped to lie the best Medicine in
ibe World for the cure of
TJT& EOAUSE ihey romp'etely clesnse ihe sto-
u s mai n nmj eoweis irom uii se nnuons oro nm
nipt humors which are the cau-e not only nt ; continued until the l ull of 18:ir,, varying in vn.
lleadaihe, Ciddiiirss, Palpitation or the He irt, ! Ii-m e, but wilboiil ever ilisapieirini. During most
Pa;ns in the Honrs, Rheumatism and fioui. but of the time, preat part of mv faen was covered with
every mnbn'y it ciib'i t to man. SAID INDIAN the eruption, frequently aileiiibd wiih violent itch
VECETAH! E PILI.S nre a ei r'-iin cure for in- ' inu; my head swelled at times until it fell in if it
temiillent, remiiti d, nervous, intliiinalo'y and pu'rid would biir-t '.be swellin was m e eat that I could
Fevers, bieau-e they cleanse the p I y frm tho-e rarnly net mv hat on. During thn long period
morbid In mors, wbieb.wben confine.! I.itbe ciicn
h.lion are ibei aiweof all kind of FEV ERS. Xo
also, when the fioiii- iinpin !ty is ib' orited on I' e
nenibtane and n'ltsil,-, cmsO!! l"'ns, indami
tens nnd svebooj. c.lli.l lilll'.CM NTIM,
l.'fllT, Ac. W I iuhl's Indian V. net.i1 le Pills n4iy
be relied iH as ahvavs ertaiu to iiivo r. lief, ami i! , w ilb, aeeofdlnu to I'iirr.tiiins w II mo l
nssuiedlv, nnd without fnl. mul e a perfi i t eu e ol ,
he above psiiifi I n iihu'ii s. Fioiii ibree to six i t
said Indian Vi pelali'e Pills tken evi ry liinht po
il'K l,i l ed, will i a sliint time, so ronipVu 1y rid
the body from nc.v llng thai i-- npp so.! I eal'h.
t) at llhenio iti-ni, m-.l p ii of ever .'en-rip.
tion, will be Vr, rally DRIVEN FROM Till' HO- '
DY. For the s .line n :i'ti, w her', trout sud.'rn !i s nt atii o-phi re, or any nlhi r c ie. the pc
spi ntinn isclickul, ami the hmnoM wh'ch should
pi-solThv rh- are Ihr, wii inwardly, raiin.p
11 1'. '.D CI!E. CIDDINl'SS. n um ! andsh k
in pain in the h. in s, un nv ni d ii flamed ec-,
sore thro it, hoar-anos, coin's, rMi-i'm l;nn-.
rl.i liiii It pain- in various p-nts nf the b. dv, and
manvoih r s mp'oi... , f CATCIIl N(3 COLD.
HVo'iV, h.ilif.n Viu- I'i'ii will in!.ri;.h!y
!I:ve' inn rdi te p lie'", l'r in Ibiee In six of "-aid
Pill- t:d;i n even- t.i-t.t nn p :r J n bid, will in a
si oil time, tn.t oi lv ir move nil il e a'.-.v. nnj h as tit
'imit ins. I u! the body v P. ill n si, rl, be
iii-tonal to even sounder I e-.i hi' an hefoie.
Wl ilM.,-i. MITICri.l'V CP P.I.T". ATM-
iNo. r.v-V'.- i"d n, r. i- '... '.' wi i to. s.
en arid r ,r y; hy (he sion ai li mid bo.v. i. thn-v
loi I bh ciev humor , wl.ii I p on ;nl th.e nil
I'd- ol ihi 111
, c.s. i l 1 -'T- l! e
,'i i e -inphi'lit,
:e- in that u o i il
I'll IN. Ii ih ii
-. not
w her,
id to
i's i
; h. of i!
n.-u'e, 'e-h-dv
ea I.
I a' o , dis r. -'
otli n n in i: a
1 CII.NsI Ml'
I lit
!a 1
i that V,Wi-. L don I,.
1 cine !.,r I AIN I J 111:
iii r '.,' nre a ci 'la n
1 1 '!', ' 'ppn hn., ii. .ii
uppi 1 1 e, co-' ' i ll' "t a
i ", a. Mid s el. 1. 1 --f hi s
M II..W In. ire nt .1 e -I il
- inpl.mi . f a t, r V m
I I eeuiis.- il ev I '-rse Ir i
aid i i nd i v. rv ol; i r
d -' a-i d -'at. i.f the liuri
i the body tl o-e imj unties
i whii Ii if ih p. -ill d 1. 1 on this
1 lb - e one i f i ' i rv 1 1 i iv
inpo't-.nt or'.1 in, rm
I PLAINT. In n a i oi n i
. ml r 1.- n-' 1 ellioii '1 e on
i inj I l,i' d:e;n'f..l coii-i ui. r,c s
-,-in n'-i-d 1 y not .
nre -i - or pri ACii'.
.p.. lies of i CI il. WAI!.
and i i il ibsposi d -in - tr.on
n. nun r, w In n pain or Met,
ii ale thai ihe bodv is s'ru:--tl
e true ren i d is to 1! V
D lil Mis. (Tmitots t.
; I - In I l I ill; liaiair
1 tl.i "i oi:n rv. In 1 l-i
I I - of nn v h i d. II
..lit n w -b il.t. ri : I I
l'lil. all : 1 : 1
: l.iahh and l ie.) .,
Ii I
' Thai the p'ii i iple i f 1111,1 C
h'Mi-il.p '
; n ! ol nuiilv'u 'j iii.. I .
sti ii tlv ill accord il l e I
w nh the taws wbieh rn Ihi
! and il ineierlv cir-ied nut bv tt
siiiui d i cmioinv ; '
u-r i f the above !
I, in r.l Ml, null i.M'ia.v v I 1 1 . i . v i . i . i .
l'!l.l, w ill ccitainly n Mill in ihe coii ph te Abo-
I lion ol l'i-e.iM' ; w , nfli r ll.e lol'owin te-tioiolii- j
nl-. In in p. rs n nf tie binhist re-peetahili y bi
New A'nrk. w bo bnve n eei.tiv been ruled of the ,
ii,ii-l oh-iiuale con plaints, soli-ty hy the us,, o!
. .,.,,...,...,. ik iii'i-r.-i- I i'
WlllliUl's bl'liV '..i r lll.K I'll.L-, ul the
jYo;7i AmtricuH t'idi'igi if llin lli ;
Jamaica. L. I., Jur e !lib. 1911.
Doctor Wil'iaui Wright Dear Sn It is wilh
pre.! sali fa.-l'i-n I inform you of ..'V baling bei u
i ntiri !y i nn d nf 1 v sprpsia, of l"ive y ears -landn i;,
I y the rC nl vour 1 Mil iv V 1 1. f:T iii.k Pn.i.s.
I'll v ions to lineup wi'h vonr ci-lehrati.l nn di
( ii.e, 1 h id In n under li e hand- ol several Phy-I
eim-s. and had iried vaiiou- niedii ines ; but nil t '
no i Hi el. Atiiru-iiu one "a cent box of your
I'll!.-, lio-.v. v er, 1 expi liem e.l so much bei ef,l, ih it
I ii'-nli, J to pi r-. vi ii in ll.e u-c of them ai eoidoi?
loihreel'oi s, wh'n b I run happy to slate, b..s re-nll-i,
in a pi i fi el cure. Inpi ilitude to you fu the
pn ai ben. lit I have ii ceivi d. and al-o in t'-e bo pe others siiuil iily nl'.ln nd uiny In- in. lined lo
in .ke l'l il i f vour iMra. iilniiry uiclii inc. I si nd
M U Ibis Malcll.Ull wi'h fi.ll llbeitv to publish the
same, il von think pr- per. Vonr. Ac.
New Veil., June I'd, I I I. ti.C. L'LVCK.
Mr. Rhhanl I'ei l.i-, ni
nit for Wripht's Indian
Vi-.!. I d ie Fill-.
Dun Sn-1 hiive been atllieted for seeial
widi inward wi.-ihii and peia ral dehihty, It' a. in
pai.ii d nl times wnh p iin- ill Ihe i,le and other
di.-' 11 s-11 : coin Iain's. Aft. 1 havicj li'i'd vaiiiitis
lin i'ii 1 e- w i'l 01 I i lb c'. 1 wa- 1 er-u nl. d bv a f n 11 I
to in ike tnalcf Dr. Wiiijhl's Indian Yrpi table
Pill-, wlnih I -nn l -.ppv lo s ale. h ive relieve,!
in ii in. .-I w.,iidellul r. 1 hove li-l ,! he ine
ihcine, n- yei 1 1,1 1, rb...t tone, mi I have no douhi,
by n pi (m ver lice in 'he (ie i t ihe un d 1 i h- aec-ir-iluip
In dm dioi-s, lli. l I .-ball ill u short lime he
pi 1I1 c'ly le-lo'e h
I iiinsi vv it! n plv ri 1 1 limn i.d said Pil'sto nil person- iv I'lllu I' d. ai d in ihe full
li e s one I em lie: al n suit w ill follow their u-e. 1 re.
it -in nui. siiicnelv. HENRY A. FOOTE.
W.uwai.-iu, 1 Ulei co. N, Y.
Nivv Yniii, , S, 1 1. V!l, !s.
This is to notify 1 1 ii. I I luveiisel W ii ni n i 's
! in i 1 1, i I a n It. I'll is w ith do- pren:el heni'
I'.l : li i v i i i; in in Iv enr, ,1 my -elf of l! c Inijiii nt at
tacks nl ii k lie .d n he, I l hit h I hud pieviou.-!y
AN N M Mil 'I Ilo.MI so.
(ireinwiih s'ne'. N. Y,
I in.l D. ni. I.-, Agent lor nhi'. In
Ic 1'
'l o Mr. Ri
ill., 0 1 1,1 lai
. f
al thi-
' I O .V.
I one in mv w ii ked persons
u a c, noli ifei' iniil.coie 111,
1 ,11 Vi pet d le Fill. and .is
1 A- ihere are
i hn-i'v 1 l'i.ii;i d 111 1
! h 1 li e 11 ni.i 1 I tin
' Il e-e ,li -pi l-le in 1 li are s.
s. .011 an 1 .-, that lii.tliv vnin
11 1 1 ily n 1 hi. s- nt con-
hie l.ves may
st III
i-oiim a, in in c ol u.,1.4 il or I'n .olii.l coinp, unil-,
ihe 1 ul I c an- ciii ioned upain-t pun h.i-inp any
Pitts, in. li s. 00 ihe tiiles of ihe hnxis the lolloWll p
vvoiilintr is found ;
(I.iijiin I'urgut've.)
01 Tile Mill 1 11 isniinv roit.ii.K nr iiiiith.
And alse to be especially careful upainst p lire h 11
tiup said ine licine of any person except llio n gu
ho adverlisi'd upen'S.
AOiiXIS FVii Soli 7 7 I'M it I'- li I. A Ml) CO.,
I'i iiiisilniiiiil.
H. H. Massc-r, suiiburv Win. Foisylh, Nor-
thiiinbi ll un! Jacoli Haas. Nlimnokill Samuel
i Hvib, M.ilioiioy Hverly A D. Haas, Aupusla
'1 I. oils. Foi'n ir, Miiioii lie' A Mem II,
I M, Fweu-vilb F. S. P. per, James
l.'iid, Pnllpiove II. Kla-e, S,,y di r-lnw n
II. 11. K1.0 hi l. P. M EK.hi.rii P. t.
W 111.
! Li i-f nriiio, P M. Union Corner,
j Oll'.ie i.nd tin er .l l. pot for the sale nf
ItnWi.'t Indian Vi at In tie I'll,', Whole-a .' mil
j li. ia.l, No. loJ RACE S'l'REE 1". PH II. A DEL
j FIHA. May ai, IHIJ.-ly
i on Tirn;it.
ttl - aVOUM, ftMPl.l: ON TUB TArK, AND OTHT.U
ct tanwis t:tnnw,
must tximnriliniiry cures ever effected hy vny
I'liinnrtriil, Februnrv 1". IMS.
ITOR twenty years I was severely alllict. d with
'I't.TTMi op tho Fwc.rt and Head: the disease
comim nci d w ben I was seventeen years old, ami
that I W is alllieled wi ll ihe disease, I us.-.l n preal
many n) piealion, (amorin Ihein s veral celehraled
preparalion-) as w II ai takmn remedies, j
ineludiuT n iiumlier of l -t t ! s nl ' Sirninl'i 'idif ir. ,
I'.rtrncl of Snrsupnrillit, Ac. In l id. il would be .
iinp.i-sil le to rnumeia'e nil tl.o inc. hi iocs I used.
1 v. us also nndet the cire of two of ihe rno-t di ,
lii onisbe l phv-iiims of ihi.' city. I tit with ul re
eriviinf in- rll I ei -efil, and I despaired nf ever In iim '
cnrid. In the f ,11 nl H tti, ihe ib-ea-e at the time
la inp veiv violent, I rorninenerd iis'ttip ihe ew
(liniment, (prepared bv Yami'ian eV Divis.) In
a f. vv ni .plications the violent itehitni C'li-id. 'he
swi bit ' al a'ed. the i nn lion be-'sn lo ilisanpear,
and belore 1 had nsi d a jar the di-e.ise w a- i nltrely
etited. Il has now been mar'y a v. ar and .1 I. i f
since, nnd tin re is in.l a vetip of the di-eu-e re
ni..ininu'. except the se ns fiom the ileei pits lorine.l
bv the di-ease. Il is imp. s-ible for me to ih s,'ril e
inu ciriiliinti- thesevirity of the iUm' i-i' and my
o lliiinp. hut I will he p'e .si d lo cive a loMer ae
eonul to any pcr.-mi w.u In u further salisl.icti m,
who will r .11 on me. Al the time I co nnu need
li--ini Hie R. se liiitiiu lil I wi-uld have pin n bil'i
dud- i f do bus lo be rid nf thn disease. Sunn u
finp il, 1 have rccninim nib d il to ii-veril ci.-ir.s,
(ainni p them mv inuthrr, w Ini bad the di-i a- ba l
ly mi In r iv in,1 who wi re a I cured bv it.
.1 vMEs DI'KNKU., No. l.'.li, Rarest,
il V Tl.e Ri.-e llnlinint is pr,paiid by F.. I!.
Vauh'i'i, S .u h Easl comer of Third arid Race
-lie. I-, Fbi' idi Ijd ij, and on ajeio-v in Sauhu
rv. bv H. B. M.bvli',!,
M .v I lib. 1 Ul. A-.'int.
E.'o-i Ji:i(M;t'tsl, 'Yvtivv.
A i nool' di' i l S i.i'l'K AC Y.
I' in t v in i en i v . M ay "7t'i, 1 'V.(.
to cer'ifv t' n' I w a-"v erelv Mill i'ie.1
! er ill the t Hid- ale! f i I for llpVV ir 1
. ; the i!i-e i e w as litis ml al pi ner illy
il and -riiijij. 1 npp! i ,1 lo a
1 Te
1 i-ii ,
I I t
nt l-irty
with vi
I i;n !.. r
at ,.!
,i -ici ns, and II-. d a pn al m i' V i.ppli- ,
ciioi - wilh , lit ilh.lii.o a ci re. About a y-ar
. I j,pl e.l lie R.i-i Oil .tin' nt, w l.irh e tin !y
-lopi ed 1 1 it- iteii.n.!. uiitl a fi w npplieuli n- inline, Ii.
aii Iv cum d 'he die i-e. which there has In en no'
r. liini of. aH.oi! j'i I bad never b. en lid nt it nt
any iim. for foily ''". I H'H AR1 S.W AI.K.
F.h venlll. below S"p uee Stiei . ;
(I V The Po-e I it tin. nl i- r.-p are. I by E. !!.
am ban. nitli Fad con er i I Tl i'.l and Race
? ti.-. I-, I', and s Id on n.-ei-.-v m Sui.'m,-
11 1. l.-.l'll i
I V I'V II . Ii. .11 ..-- I ll,
' M.'.v 1 1di. 11:t. Agnt.
KE 1)1 CAT. ivrj;c3ATio.:r
o"fV nasi: oi. iMi:. i,fr rtitr.
LTIIdUfi'll the snpi li-oilv ol ihe pn (iai iri 11
- over all
t. r l,.k .b
is fnllv e-'at li-hed. the i-
lavinp bef. re ihe public the
follow inp certificate from a re-peetulde physician,
a prdn-.te of 'be Univei-'lv ol Pennsv Ivauia. Dr.
linnet . havinp found in 1I11- leun-dv (hn teliel for
a ledioii- ai d ih-npree aid.' nlVerlion w hich the means
within tin- ranpe nf his pr,.c--i..n f.n!e I to allord.
ba l-ol In it nli d to pive it Ids appmLatioii. nil II oipli
the J. iuc-ii e- and interest- i f thai pmle-.-ion aie
I to set ret lierneilies. ea 1 1, Sept. lit, lSMfi.
I wa- recinl'v wiili .1 lediou- herpetic
empi i. 11 vv I u h 1 v ,. i d in ailv one si ' nt mv f ice,
iim! 1 1 1 1 di il ever the ear. Mr. Viiiinhan. pioprn -1.
1 nt I in- Ro-i- t liotinei.t, nh.-i i ins mv t.o-f . m-i-led
1.11 mt t'V iip his pn p.nalloii, nl iv liicti be b an
ile 1 ine a jar. A Uh-.ujh in c .01111011 v. i'li .lie 11. em-l-eis
nl li s pr. f. .-Ion. I .!-. a. un'i n iece ; ml i!i-ap.
prove ol the numerous nn-num- p.iliuid upoo the
pi.l. tic I i-.-iioi ini pn teiic ei , I ti el m ju-'iee hound
to eve, 1 t Ihe R. se (In 1, 11. 11' linlil thai c'a-s nf me
il i lli. s. nnd to l-ne it mv ip, !-.tion. ns il eriliie
ly iiired the eruption, abb .upn il hid resisted Ihe
nnd appbciiions. DAN I. Itl t.ll. M. D.
rj'j-'lhe Re Dintmei t is piep .red bv E II.
aiiihati. South F.11-! ran 1 r it Thud am! Rice
Stieds. Ptiilude'i'hij, and sold mispirtev in Sun-
1'iiiv, l y H. 11. M 1.R.
M .v I tth, ls-l:t. Ag.ut
J. Iii 7 A"NjQ, J21. St CO.
Slilill' litnl Tu!i:i('rti M;
iitailiircts, 1
Ao. '.f.l .m lli UV i nriii r of Unci und 'Third
Sin 1 Is. j
rC I! I! eiider-ipned Icive fornn d a Civ-pnriin r-ldn
no 1. 1 (he I'.riu nl J. M WI. Nl .In. A n!
as -in ce-ors to ihe lute linn nl di.'i'nli ,t.'ilj loud ,
Co.. and vv ill c iiili'iUC ibe I u-ine-s at he nl I cstn-hh-hmi
nl, "tl ihelr own arcnli'. Ill ail I111011 In
their own close ut'eliUoll and experience l l I1...1 V
yens, in Ihe iiianiil ii lure nf their refi hraled sniill'-,
A c the b-np 1 xpciii nee nt the senior p I'll er of e
l ite linn, will 11I.0 he devoted to the linen -I of ihe
new concern and ns no cxeiliori and cine will I c
spared lo insure l!n ir poods, sl n! times of the ve
ry ! e-l ipiuli'v. tliv 'solicit coi.lir.iiiiin-e nf the
confidence ol the I. ends nnd 1 u-l um r-' nl the late I
linn. TH iM S All WIS,
Phil 1 h Iphi a, Mav I Mi. I S Ul. ly .
13 U GK r S3 m,
('mill r nf Tlird nnd I in -Sin its,
WILLIllVisroaT. PA.
1IIH r, spi'dlulK niiounces to the
put. be. thai I e b . 01 eued a lloli l 111 Ibe Com
modious I rn k I intilltip s'lu lie on ihe eoiner of
I hud m il Pine slreeis, where he wilt be happv In
waii 1 p 11 ih .-e win! m iv I nor lint wil l their
cnnipai v. 'I he I! .pie Hotel h la pe and ei iiv. in
fill, and 11. tie le I m dim stile. Ii i-
r.ivnleil vv nil a laipe leiodier uf well lined and
I'oinf. il .h'e sic. j iim i. .11 luienl-, rooms, priv.ile
I ai l. r-, iN. c. Prisons vis, imp V iiliamsport on hu-
iiii ssni pie i ore, mav ie-1 ns-und that every ex
ertion Will loused to 11 1 del ihi ir sojouin nt the
'E'lule lioli I" pliHS.-inl and npreeable. llis'l'al le
will he supplied wiih the very beat the market 11 I'
ll. ids, unit his far with the c! nicest wines ami other
Injiiiirs ihaipt-s re .sonahle. The Ejplo Hoi. I
possesses preatcr a Jvaninpes in point uf location
than auv other similar es il lishim ut in ihe boroupb,
hcinp situate in the busim ss part nf the town, slid
within a convenient distance of the C0111I House
and Wilhamsport and Elmini Ra I Road Depot.
Sntlicient Siahliiuj provided, and good and trusty
o-tlers always in alii inlan.e.
Attentive, accoii.inoibitiiip and bone-t Servants
have been tmployed, mid noiliing left itml"iie that
will add to the conduit and ac tvnimo.lalioil of his
1 Ulie-ls.
Tin re will be a cairiape nlwavs in altniil ince al
the limit I. in ilu.a lo convey pa.scnprr. lo and Irom
the Hon.'. Ine nf ihnij'c.
Msy Ilth, Isl '., it
JZ Xr. Jl .O iO . j k
Husinrs iiltended to in the Counties of Nor
thuii'l i r land, Unio'i. Lvcnminn and ('olumbia.
ltefer lot s II i a r cV Co.,
Low an iSi B ii mi
Hant, OriMi jrns A IIvht. yVhilud.
Rrtpt.tis, McF.vnt m A- Co
Hennro, 'ionn A- Co.,
Ti ( oinili'.v
rPHE Siibseriher, A pent of I von oV llanis, IT at
- Maiinfii'liirers. for N'-w York, Philadelphia,
Baltimore and oilier larpe cities, wins.; is are
highly ciiinun 'i.b d goud edit nnd durililil ij,
has o i l and a fir-t rale is--crtin lit nl H A T.-' and
CAPS, Midi1 le f.-r Hpftts a de, wh eh will I e sold
veiv low, fm cash or ai pinve I credit, nl llic mini
cIik i si rr. No. 40, North Tlenl s'n: I, u p a-i e
Ihe City Hotel, I'hi'i h Iphia.
I'lOlll'.IlT D. WU.K'NnX. A .rent.
N U. t Inters ( ,f H at-in ihe call: 'i pn npllv
ntiendelln. The highest r ice ill trjsl it trail
piven f ir I'nr '.;'n.c. .
Philadelphia, June II, Is Id.- -Iv
a id -.a.'' . a. z rz 73
LI. peiin ns imli bli d to the linn nf l.vnn A
1! nr s, uinh r tle.v.jjiiKy O. V Time! er.
I (.If nnd fun Viiivfichinrs, No. 40 North Third,
droit. I'hil i.h Iphi't, are reipie-ted to make iinineili
ate settlement ol ill ir ai counts wilh the Ml' icr'hcr,
th.-ir legnbv miihoii.ed iic nt.whii is fully einpow.
elcd, to si tile and coll. rl ! e neeonnt- nl s lid firm.
1 June 1th, 1I2. If Agent.
T n a D"T3 UZ lsls r,
A'o. G'J An 'Villi, idV i r Arch Slit it,
F'.'.iLAIU.I. l'lil .
. vci iim v;n. I irx i.i; m vi i v I t t'snvs.
II -RLF.S I'lr-S, J, ll e - l i e Svxan."
and '-Mom t Venieii Uou-e." re-j . . ib.l'y in
i- bis fi tends and en- . met-. lh:it ! e I a- heroine
prnl tie
l,.r nl the nli.n " M ell kl ml II I I I. iv Men
CCtltlal I Calioli.
velhn Wiih pri
y ml nnd 1
o.-t'eis. II. i .l-li;
. i it -s i .11 fnd the a' live Hii'el a
d the hi -I . t flic Pi t-otn tra
i'c co. veiai ce will I'm! a l i'cc
h! i Ii r l.or-e.-, nt.d the last of
- , I per d.aj .
Mav 1!
r?';v r
f .s.-
11-.'. 'I.
IT" "l i T
i.i-:ALji- J-t
C 'dinti
vV l'orwnnlir,?; Mcrcli;iiii
I of
11 a:,.,
i-'il i; ,:i
on 1 11 1: 1 m w 1 n v,
WI.Nti ns-t.riati d will tin m .In-rph Fund,
ite of E l-tun. P. ... r. si ei tfullv inform t.11 ir
il- lie. I ihe j nl.';,- pei era'lv, that lln-v hive til
th t l.t and we I I. now n store ai d w h 1 f al
f il', w Sfed Railroad, o "mpiel bv
oh 'll'm, wbiicthev 1 li' po-e lining I ( .'.'i I. t a 1
inn.i-M. n liinl Fi rwar.lii l'-.i-i:ie ', an I l ent
I fil i.dvs.ri'ai-es nf li e p! c la-iup ci
..end i
wi'h .11 ihe uhl c in tnei.ts that have tin it
oill'et in the citv, thev Ih.tter tin m-i Ives tl-ry will
he aha to do I usit ess lo ns pte-it, if not p ea'er lid
van'ape. and upon as reasoi-ahle teimr a- nnv oil er
liou-e, ai d il.ev iissuie their I'm nils that any con
s ii ineiit- made to them shall have their sir cl l
I, ntion, nnd no excilions span d to eive i uii o salis-
f irt nin .
I In v are n!
'-i nrpii firf.l I n rpe.-ivp fiiru'nrd
poods in nnv pn
ini on tin1 Delaware -.Hid Lehn.-h
iver--. between Matich Chunk, F.a-ton noil Plula-
oeii nia, via i.-eiiivvare oivni. n .inn i.enimi i .an.i-i i
... '. - I..' ... 1 1 ..l.l.l. ... I .
I alo, to nnv point on ihe Join ita river, or .onh
and Wc sl Hnii'i hi s nt llie Su-ipiehaliii a via Si hiivl. I
I. ill and Union, or llio Ches peake nnd I ide alei j
Ca na's.
For ihe accommodation of Hunts r imiej or ca.
ii'lT via Seliov II, ill and Union Canal-, a S'eiiut oal ,
will be (or lowing ho lis Irom the
S, tniv ;klll to the Delaware and b-.u-k, wl.ii h
will en .11. m. tehants o have their produce deii-
' ve-ed on ibe De aware, and tl. "ir p I- sl.ippid at
a sivinp ol fit) to 7. " per rent, o" the 'tees rr
h iidu L' ac o s, wi'h tin se ndv i,nl,ia. s they rc
sp. clul'v solicit a share nf air. in. e.
1 ' . 11 Ell. MAN A CO.
William 11. ihii iri, i
, V lham VV. Kijse.V ;
' I ph P.. mil. 5) Phihnl ,M.iv 11, lSplly
; oTjTdn & co.
, f:oi!cr:il ni:iiiil.ii J r lutnl,
I I'or thr Soli id I lour, (Vmii, Sad, Ar-i V1'.
i - H"'
PI'.( TFI'LLY i' form their 10. ml "ml
h be Mi tel. in. Is peni r-ilv. ihat tiny have til-
hen iho.el .ipe and coiun, odious W haiv, s. with vo
Docks, innth ol l.'hesnut street, oil tin- D. Ii.vire,
topelher vv iih the stole No. U South Wh-irve-,
when- thev would be pleased to receive lom-lpn-n.enls
of ( i 1 ... 11, Flout. Seed. Whi-kiy, Iron. e.
Ac. Hiinu also well piepan d to f.nw,.rd ,ili kinds
nl M. rch.indi.-e by tin- Schuylkill 'lid Union, or h)
the Clo'sap, ake mid Tioe Water Canals, as lo
ho. its are kept c xpiesslv iol ll.e purpose uf lowing
huats-tiy 11 I 11 louie.
Mi lehiiuls will pie se be parlii to send their
poods ile.-iiiifd by eiiher cinid-. to No. ISS.nilh
V I, irves. belwien Maikd and Chesiuit sine's. 1 11
Ihe D.hiWiiie. icia.inp ili ll,j4 llicui
vvhieli mule ihey wish them to he -hipi ed.
(' V l'la.-lir and
Salt for su'e, al the lowest n ar lDN v. C".
kei price. 1. I.s:.
No. ID Souih Wh itvi s.
ROIIIiltT IUI I II .s. 0.
rAisn mahufactuhehs,
i.ttuibtii-il Strut, ILtitliiitiirt ,
A V E I'oii.-i.iiiilv I ir ,-alr. Pr iiiin4 P .p, r nf ul
es and tii.iliin s. ( '.in W iitinp Paper. 1 ul- il
and p! do, I i-iii r Paper, while mid t ine, rnh .l ami
plain, llul pu p P.i er, line ai d C liitn II Envelope
Paper, do. do. 1111 il, inn, douh e 11 ow n, 1 n-w n and
exli.i sized rappliip P ij crs, Colon .1 Mi-dium .10, 1
Roy 1! I'.ii., I'o. 11, 1 1, Hindus' and Suaw liox
lioaids. Tissue Paper, and all nt . h s in lln-ir hue.
vv tin li ihey will sell on at '. uuiiod a liip I. rii.s.
1 1 i;hi.-l 1 me pi vi 1, f .1 n'.l nips.
M .re!, II. t s. J.J. F.'kton. M.I
.N aiile'e uin'iua!lc.l for e'eaniup and (tiving -4 duiatde anil m ist biilliant poll U lo sil
ver, (iermnii Silver, Hnss, l',.pper, lliillania ware,
Tin, Slid, Cutler), and lor resionn the lustre on
vainished cainape-, Ac. TRY IF.
I'ropand an I s.dJ at wholes pe and retail, by the
Siisipieli-iniu Chrysohio Polish Company, Owcjjo,
'Fioiju county, N. Y.
Wlh FORSYTH, Apent for N'orlhum'd,
11. H. MAs-ER, A g 1 ut lor Sunlury,
November '.'Olh, I is li.
vvrww DKvi:T.s"
.'u." 1 Cnll.twhill Stii'cl, riiih.ld.liia
C 'i line dix.ri u'oovc Stcvnd.J
C4HOE Findiiips alv. ay - 1,,-pl oil hand, which be
olli i. for ssle nil Ihe loaest terms. Couuliy
Mi 11 h int. are parn, u'nly to c ill aii.ljmlc loi
Philadelphia, Noumx-r IJ, lal3. ly.
G. V1. L. S. Ti-YLC?..
OFF PR FOR SALE., nt the .Smith Eni Cor
ncr of ;'( nnd Market Slrteh, l'hilmhl
phin Mriis' Clf-skin Bonis, Blitrhed warranted,
do do do pepped do
do do do waler proof,, double soles
and (Inutile uppers,
do ('all-skin do do do nailed
and uppers,
do He ivy Water Leather Hoots,
do do Neat do do.
do Hiph rju.irlrr Nliors, Cnlf-skin.
do do do Crockcrs do
do Fine Monroes warranted
lo Kip do do
do Calf i,i ,,i
do Coarse do do
do do Shoes ib
do Fine do do
do Kip ,o ,)
do t'iilf and Seal Skin I ninps,
do Socks wilh nnd n illioul soles;
da t'iirpet it. i do ,1,,
do Pat. nt Warranted Wat, ins.
Ladies' do do do do
Ladles' I n ri in il India Ruhher shins.
t ien tit men-' do (Ivir-hoes.
I Wi h every clhi r de-r i;, nf boots and shoes,
. Fur Caps nf every de-erin'ion.
Tr.ivellinp Trunk- of r v. rv description.
Vineiiiii 1'ravi limp llas.
; Patent Onm Fla-:ie Shoe I'd lcl.lnj.
Ilorme's of all kinds. Palm Leaf Hals.
I'hil adelj bin. Nmend er :i. t12 U.
ni:v r.xci.AM) on, company.
No. '-'! N.iMli V;i!im- Slicit. l'llil l.
JVt ANFF.M'TURERS ami deb ts in Oi ,,f
1 IV ;i every I'e-cripti. n Imfh for boniini; and
inaiiiii'iie' u r up -erpo-es, w hn Ii w ill he sold miii li
lower Ih. in ila y i an he pr.i.i.n d r'rs-wh.-re, an, I
w.rraniid in iiaaiii v lo i ,,ia! nnv in the fit v. Any
ml -i. Ill t y 'In comp o v l.i
ip o v i. nt proving as n- resented,
mav he reiiinn d w .llmut
any exi ense to the l.lir-
eh.i-er, an. I the linini v will he it fun,
Their .-lock now i-i .-luie consists ol Ihe fnll-av ing
oils, v iy. :
3l),thit) pallnns
t hi.
inter Hliachr l Speim
lltillO ,to do Co! nle-s Oil.
!.r.l'tiO do Fail and Sprinc Sperm Oil,
III. Hill) do Winter Si a F.I. -h nil.
-". (It'll do ,h. Pi.'-..,-.! Whale dil.
dtimi ihi Summer do do do
r 2
t '1.11111:011 hah-1 111,
- supi liol S;:a ( ),l,
Cod Hank Oil,
Nca s Fool O.I,
( hive,
1 in
r - I I Is.
Z'' T!ir- ( 'omp-it'V
ma I io the Col Fi
nn L"'l ' 11 ..I all 1,1:
Phdidelphia, N..v.
n- n nerd er nf Vessels eti-n-rv.
and Tanners may n-ly
I Ii! ns pure a- linporic.l.
Id, !iv
Kcrx: r.7Ai:rr3 & fir:::' ciiArcuEins.
.V,. I:) .Yio-.', P. r Stren. l' !p!:,a.
r?'? AVE roris-iintly nil hand, a pi nerd :-.s ,,t
ej f j im iit nl Cnrdnee, Seine 'Piv lia s. Ac , vi :
laid l.'opis, I !.-.!iinp Ropes, White Ropes, M. nul
la Ropes, To .v Lines tor Cinal lioat-. Al..i
roiitpl' le a-sortinenl if nie I wines. i e. -ueli as
Ueiiiii sl ml and 1 Ii nil Tw ine, lle-t Patent (lilll
N et I'w ine, (Jolluii liad and 1 Icrriup 'i'w ii e. Shoe
I Threads, Ac. Ac. AImi, Red thud-, Plouph Lines
ii. r . . . .. i -. .. . i iii i .in. .
II i"ri -, i i.ici-, i ill .11.11 i.oiiii noil i 11.1111-
Ar. all ol which they will d..-p. s.' nf on n isnii.ihlo
t, ims.
Pbiladc'pllin, Novenihci I
I s 10. t V.
.2;i(! Fiismiilii A. Son.
1 ) FM'EOTFULLY inlornis lln-ir trn nds nnd
' acijuiiiiiloiii-i s pe icr.illy ill al liny still c-on-
I'l, ue In ke. n at
l,e. n at the old -tall, I, No. C 1 li NoldldJ
s-red. Phi'adi-tptii ,. all', -inhi.f
ToiiACfo s.M .'"' .1 M
Wl.ii h lln-v w .li ,il n ihe ir. ai
and ic t-i.n.i le tcim-1.
N. H. All noil, -n'd w ill be pui. udi-cd
order- promptlv itt.iiih d lo.
I'lolail. ! hn'i, N.veml it I d, I s 10. 1 v.
,nd ..II
sri'.uixc, (soon vc co.
M.uL' t Si!-,-,-!, riii!:ti!.-!'!ii:i.
nNVITi: ll.e allei.tinn of Coin !:V M.-ichalll
to their e'eii-ii r a-.-or.-im nt of Itritnh Frei ( h
and American Div (io. ids, v. loch they iHi-r lor salo
oil ihe m i-l rea- 11 able ! nn-.
Philad. Iplii.i, Nnvemler lit, ISIS. Iy.
.!. V. SW A 1 X,
I'mliix-lla ami l'anisiil I.iiitil,icliiri:r.
.V,. Hi .V .olh 'i'miil slriii, urn ilime Li loir the. .
Citv Hot, I, l'
N'I'RN Men Inn. is and others are solicited '
to examine his asini u.ient lietoie purcliasing
I 1 Isewtii-ie
I'i. '!.i vlphia. N.'Vfliilcr l i. IspJ. Iv.
' w . iw -i- ; -i.
I TU"R -a'e a mii i'I Fu' 111, c-oiitiii inp about 1I1C
2 hundre I and t. ri arn s, more or le-s, situ ilo
111 Point lowiisliip. Niirihiiml erlaiid roiintv , about
la. 1 in il. k ahoie N01II.I1111I1 rl Hid, on ihe nnoll
' r "i. I ha linp fnuii 'hal pine lo Danville, adjoining
j land- of John Prelum, Jc-se C. Ilor'oii nnd others,
no.v in the i f Sarinnl P-iVi e. About
totly in res nf s od Had me clean d, urn! in pood
slat. n 1 u ii v.n loll, 101 w h i ll ll 1 re is a small fain
1 reel d. 'I he piopi itv w il! be sold 1 11 r asm aide
leims. For further pailicutars, ersons are reipn st
i d lo apply lo the ul
sciili. r.
11. li. M A ?
S.'.R, Agin!,
Sui.b.i'v. P
Nov. Citli, Is Pi
IjIGT Or 33002CS,
lull Kilt.
iz c - s . -i
.rilO.VS ( 'his-ic. il Dieiionarx; leinprni's
.! I.-. A.n-woitVs ih, ;'a do.; Fio'b.-h and
('eimiiii do ; A uihon's I 'te-ar; Alilbon's tirammei;
A ni hen's ( 'seem; Mail's I. a' in Reader, 'pill y's do.;
Ami evv's 1. 111111; D nnipan's Li xiior.;
F.tU's tin- k Exi I,- si s; Dav 11 ,'s Li s'l iidci; I iiaia a
M ij ra; A.! nils". 1 . , 1 1 v . 1 1 A i.ti.pih u -; Pinnock
ii oid-inith. Enpl in d; do. tirecei ; , yell's Eh mcnH
nt tieolopv; M 1.. Lincoln's Uolanv; Eli mi-Ills ut
liolany; Hudpe's Alpi bra; Porlei'. Rhi loin al Ri a
di r-; Fincrsoii's lieopraphy ami Hi-lory; Oh cj'a
do.; Par'i y's do ; Smith' tirammei; Kiikham'j do.;
Kav's Reader-; Cobl 's do; Cnbh's Anllimeiick;
Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spcllilij! Honks;
Town's do.-, Cnhli's '1'shlr Huoks; Evanprlieal Fa
mi'y l.ihrarv; Coilape UihU-; Family do; Collater.
al do.; Small Hildis. and 1'eeli.meiils; Paikei'a Ex
eicisfsuii Ciiniposition; Fruit of the Spirit; Matter's's Rest; American Hevubilinti; Mariyatt's No
vi Is; Mm. Phelps oil Cl.emisiiv; Iliad; Catechism
nf American Laws; Letters on Vilurnl Magic; Che
inislrv lor Hcpinners; I'npbsh Exeicises adapled to
Murrav's tiramruer. Sequel t.) Coniley's Spelling
Hook; Ann ricau Class Hi ok; Daboll'. Sfhoidmas
lei's Assistant; A preat variety of HUnk Hunks, Ac,
Aupust 2S, HPi.