Bir" The correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger haj the following, ou the subject of the Report of the Committee on Foreign Relation : "The report of the Committee on Foreipn Re lation?, of which the lion. Chares Jarcn Inger soli is chairman, proposes some very radical changes in the personate of our ministers and chores d'affaires abroad ; but 1 have not yet examined it sufficiently to form correct con clusion on the suhject. The preamble certain ly contains propositions, set forth after the man ner of mathematical theorums ; but what are not so easily nor so directly demonstrable. Thus I read tho following : The facility of diplomatic usefulness, by re presentative power, is in proportion to the grade of mission.' This doctrine is advanced with rs much se riousness as the proposition in astronomy, that j the squire of the distance of the plaimts from j Nisi Tkstm of our discaes are treated, by the Faculty, with Calomel, Antimony ami Opium. The Indiscriminate use of Mineral preparations his murdered thousand, and the constant use ofOpi. urn has consigned many to premature grave, hut we rejoice that the disrnvery of the Brandrcth Vegetable Universal Pils has rendered both Mer cury and Uiium useless in the cure of disease ; as thousands who are daily being cured of various diseases, now bear testimony, Experience has taught that Brand'elh's Vegeta ble Universal Fill remove all corrupt humors from the body in an easy, safe, and effectual manner ( p-oduring no effect but what will finally conduce to the perfect purifiention of the Blood, and thereby cure the disease, (whatever name it may be called.) and eivc perfect heibh tn the whole system. (Ej Purchase of II. U Mssscr, Sonhury, or of the agent, published in another part of thin piper. Extra Baggage, A Frenchman wishing to Ku-di township. On the 1Mb in-t.. by the Rev. J. P. Shiudel Mr. Pktkr IIiikvvi'.ii to .Miss .li nint Rem, boll ol' Augusta township. l'UICK CU1SUBXT. Ctirrerlcd weekly bif Ihnry Yojclhemter, Viii:t, .... R. Urs, .r)0 Colli, 4(1 ()r, 25 Pork, ...... 5 Fnxsn.n, ... . KiO lll'TTKII, ..... 12 Bkkswut, .... 25 TuLi.nw, .... fl Dm mi A rri.v., Ih Do. Pr.nciiK, - 200 Flux, ... .8 M KCKLRIl Fl.X, ' 10 E.ios. .... .10 T Nails. WO K llfIS OF NAILS were lo't at ibe Hi the son is in proportion to tho Cubes of the times , teethe ata. at I'ticn, was asked by the driver ofrevolution ; but I im igine that the diploma- 1 tic nst-fuliicr-a depends, like everything else in 1 diplomacy, on the cleverness nf the spent selec-1 ted, and tk strength and influence by which j iiis government bucks, his proposition. A inin- j ister plenipotentiary from Portugal, for in-!ancp, j will not find his diplomatic usefulness in pro portion to his grade in treating with England! or France, and, on the other hand, an humble ,' charge, or even l consul or secretary of legation j of England will be equal toa declaration of war j tit peace. The Prussian envoy tu England, nt j the time of Frederick the Great, was no minis- ; tcr Plenipotentiary or ambassador, and was not ' even allowed a salary sufficient to keep a car- Tg(i, Ue complained of it to Ins sovereign ; i but the latter wrote him to London, that he ncid j mft have any atipr"hiTi'in ns lo the consider- j tion in which he will he held at the Court of St. ; James : for, he added, my brother (icorge never i looks at you but what he sees me at your elbow, nt the head of an hundred, throusaiul Prus- ! sinus.'' I The Report nf the Committee proposes to a bolWi t'he missions 1o China, Turkey and Ans- ; tria. 1 Irear no object ions to Turkey or Austria, iutlhe mWum to China, was necessary. The i English, who in their late treaty with the Ce- j levtiil Fiinpire, obtained terms for all European nations and fur America to taint, had no other objection in the world thin to keep America ai.l France from eommenc'n a diplomatic re lation with the F.sst, They want to remain wholly master of taat F, npire, anil the onl F.u ;opeun powt'T for whom the Celestials sIihSI have espect anil a we. A to Austria, it is proper hat the mission be at once abolished. Prince S letternich, to retaliate for the. imagined insult o f our ifovernnv'iit in suffering the post ofA nierican .Minister to remain vacant for abuit Fijx months, has suffered n poor miserable devil, a man by the name of Ilnhrmnn, the former Austrian Secretary of Legation, to remain in Washington as acting charge. This is a real insult; lorlhe inliiln il in question is a very ordinary bypochondrical Xortlt (German not en Ausirian by birth -a former private teach er at Goettiiigen, who for a lime assisted ine diting the Austrian Observer, a stupid, paper, published in Vienna, nr.d rrconmirnded himself by nothing to the good graces of Prince Metter nich, than an infamous libel published on the laws and institutions of our country. pre terit minister in Vienna, Mr. Jenifer, is, as I understand, rmthinj! but a butt of the Au-trian l'riuic Minister, who is ammcJ by hearing him talk of 'his va.-t estate in Maryland,' find weing him do the iiffrecnble to the ladies." if he had an extra bagsnge. 'Extra baggage! vat you call dat ? I have no baggage nt all, but my three trunk, five dogs, and vonblnek girl . - ' i . i i -. . . W .1 ft It I K It , m.. ,1... nmi. ,1... l?.... . ti..:i..: m- Is, Wooi.n.'i!- to Miss MAnv iw.xuKU, bo'th of j ' h", I";- W " f ' ."r mip u'p ruirKin arm i itimn i p ea rnai, wnere rie IVorthunibcrland County, m. lit the thphant Court of said county, at Jan. Term A. D. 1844. ON motion of Charles W. Hegins, E?q., the Court award a Ruin on Incob Long, (Jennie Long, John Long, Catherine, intermarried with Simuel Ooneil, Ma'y, intermnrrio l with Jonathan Kathermm, Harriet Long and J me Long, of whom Lot Bergtrerr i guardian, Hurah, inieimarried with Wilbam (Jnuntner, Etir.ibeih, intermarried with John M.dirh Oatheririe, intirmarrinl with Oa vid Oilxon, Polly, intermarried with William Rhoad, and Lydis Ann Sh'-arer, being the children and heir at law ofGerae Iiong. r., l c'd (daugh ter Elizabeth, intermarried with Peter Shearer, and who deeeaaed previous to the death nf said int slate, heirs and iliitiril-uti e nf (ieorce Long, ar., late nf AngU'ta township. Nonhumlvrlanil county, decM. to appeir in our next O.ptian' (ourt to lie held fir aid rnunty, to wit: on the fir.l day nf April. 1 84 1, ami arrept or refne ibe estate of raid (ienrge Long, sr., dee'd.. nr show cause why the same aheiild ni he old. (YrtTied from the reenrda of our said Orpbana' Court, thi 18th dav nf J innar. A. I). 1814. EDWARD OYSTER. Feh. 2 tth. 1 S4 1 fit tVk O C. Tavrrn Iirtntr. To the Ifannrnhfe C. . Dunne, I'uf., President, and hiit At leia'e Jiidfenfthe Court f Quar ter Sessions if the Count i if 'orthumb-rLind : TIIIE m lition "f 1 mid nrad nf August i town M. ship, m said county, hmnlily rri.rrannts, j in'i n'l to ke p a uhlie hnue nf entertainment. and is well p ei areil for the aceonvund ,tion of tn velln . V . II.' th'ti lore plays your honors to tnunt him a licence to keep a tavern during the en fu;ng year, and he will pisv. A-c. IIAMF.I. COVR D. Totiis Jennrs bovk nnTinrm, The nh seri e-s. fi s ilcnt nf Aigii'a t wn-liip, lirr hy i-eitTv, lb it Doiirl ('onrnd. tlc Hpplieatit f-r the lic-i se. i am-n nf good repute fur henoty ai d tempi ra'iee. at. d ia w II ptovi.leil with house room and renveninici fur the Imlging and ac eemmoilnlinn of strannea and lr.ivelli r, and th it ptitilic b hi- them i niTeK?ary : Tiny iherefire n comment! him n a proper person to be liorueej to keep a pnm e. house Public Sale 0,000 Acres of Land. m mJ"M.f. be told, at pulilir auction, at the house of Daniel Herb, in I'ppcr Mahnnoy town sliip, Northumberland county, on the 1st day ol May next, i O.OOO ncrcM nrximlier rand, -itu ited. chiefly, in Coal township, said roiinty. The Mahnnoy creek passes through a considerable portion nf the prnjierty, alTording several excellent mill seats The taxes have all been paid up, and an indisputable title, clear nf all ineembrances, will be given to purchasers. The sale will be continued finm day to dav, until the whole is sold. The terms will be made known nn the day of sale. A. JE NIE AIM), I'EI EIt HOrsiJlIKT. Feb. tO, I 1 1 tf VT.V .Ve CA Y. Agent. Xj The Potlsvilln E npoiium nnd Danville In lelligencer will continue the above until forbidden, and charge this office. Tavrrn IMcciixc. To the Honorable C. (!. Dmt'trl, V.'q., Pirsldenf, and his Assoeintrn Judges of the. Court of Quar ter Sessions, if the. county if S'orlhuntberlund : rilHE petition of Frederick Raker of Little Ma. JL bonny, in said county, humbly represents, that be continue to keep a tve'n at bis ol I stand, nnd i we'l prepared fir the rcotnmMl.ition nf travel ler', &e. lie therefore pms your Honors t grant h in a license to keep tavern duiing the ensuing vear, and he will prav, &e. " FliHnERICK RAKER. To tiis JeiiiiKs AsnvR MtnTiioo n : The nl--eriliiT-, reid. ills nf I, Mal'invy, hetn!y eertif , that Kre I. I! ik r, the .applicant f ir the license, i a man of gnivl reeiiie fir honesty and Temper nice, and is well prov de l with honi'-inom and e.'livrriienrp' for the Ulrica and aceonm al ition of stranger and travellers, and that a puMic house llitrei ne cshr: lin y then f ne o'coinm ml him as proper per- i son to lie lireneiil to W-ep put he bm;a Notice. 'T'HE partnership heretofore consisting of Wm. A Fagely, Reuben Faenly, William H. Kaie, Jacob Hair and K'mlier Cleaver, trading under the firm of Fagely, Kase Si Co., is this day diisnlved. All persons indebted In said firm are leipiested to secle their srenunts with Vi!jam Fagely or Reu ben Fagely, and those having demand to present the amo for sett lenient. WILLIAM FAT! ELY, RRUItEN FAUELY. Kunbiiry. Jan. 27. 141. 19 volsepJt &T jZititey, Importers anil Ucnlrrsi In SEGAItS, IMIANDIF.S, GIN, V I N E S, fee. No. 21 Commerce St , near Fifth St., TTTTT. A TT!T.rTTT A . ' t nr.. i. - 7 W.H. A. JlSSET. aatsnit. asnina. Pinel, ('astillion &. Co. J Woodville. DarTaneo. Pcnet Frere. Uguet, Loid Dyron January 20th, 1844. 6m RAMS Ann SHOULDERS for sale, cheap, for cash, by H. B. MASSE R. Dec 30th, 1843. ASIIHV Ac KOCAP, HAT & CAP MANUFACTURERS. South Fatt corner of Market and 4tA $t$ rl'lilladrlphla, ESPECTFITLLY inform the public that the will constantly keen on hand a largs aasort. ment of Hats, t'sps and Furs, to suit the fall tra.'i , if the be't quality. Ry strict attention to bin; ness, and by selling their stock at the lowest prims, they flatter themselves in being able to give entiro satisfaction. August 5, 1843 ly TIIIE subscriber will sell o IT his stock of Deavrr, .1. Ru's'a arid Riush Hats, of the best rjuaiiiy, k( very reduced prices. Siinl'iirv, Aug. 5, 143. II. n. M ASSER Hnlip ci n John Snyder (J Lei-enrieg John Kremer Samuel (lehr nger lVter (,'olp Feb. Slih. ISil.- Oeo'ge KerfiT .1 ihn Treher M.cbnel Arnold Fr d. riik Unas Samuel Slme I-i! I Cooper -3t S iinuel V uglier .lame Sinelirt EniK li R ker J cob II wer Yi'lim Derr D.vid Hon Amos Re. d Feb. in,h, 1S41 31 Daniel W gmr (teorie Sw tin ha't SSrfineel S saner J el Rotl'ermel Win IJ..h. rinel II Kr.l (icorge lloUbue nf Ap'il last. The owner is nque.-tid lo come foiwad. prove propei'v, piv rharge. and take ihem a.vav. CH R1.E WEAVER. Simbii y. Feb. 2 t h. 1S I4 3t Tavern 1.Itiinc. To the ll.imirridr C. C I) nnil. F.sq President, and his Associates, Judges nf the Court if Quar ter .SVax'ons, if the eumitf! if frorlhnmbti land ; Tavern License. To the llmnrahh C C. p-ninef, fTvy., President, and his Assoc oil s. Judgi s iflh Court if y:n;r. tee Sessions, if the countuif Sorlh outfit rlund : IIKIl petiiioo ofOrsiiiti Kalle, of ."'li.inv'kin township, in siidconntv. humbU reproelit', ; th it h s'dl eoiitinues at h s eld stand in ai I town ship, on the road le iding fin n Sliainokintwri to Snnbury and D nvdle, n I a'a i from lrih Valli y to the Rear ( iap. and is well prepared for the v-cummo-I ilntioii .f traveller", etc. He llierefere pr.ivs nur i Hon. its to gr Hit a license to keip n tveiu. T pHE pe.ttin ef John Hsu, of Snnburv in said j during the ensuing yea--.and I he ui'.l I1'";;" I. c. uiitv.lKiinbly reprisuil-, ilia' hecotitiiiutu to i 1. 111.1 I I A K At si . ke p a public h u-e of enli rlan nntnt, at bis oi l1 stand, slid is well prepared for ibe accommodation , nf travellers. See. He then lore prava your Honors j To Tim Jvnr.r.s iaovr. Mv.xTinin: The sub scribers, re deiiis of Sh.nnokin tsp.. hereby certify, that O. Kal le, the applicant for the license, i a to g,nl ii beens lok.ep a tavern .lining the ,"'n. of B"',J rrl,l,,l"1 ""J ",1"l"-rece. ailil U m.sll itf.iui.lii.l aa-ilH lnuijn.r.t,.in tarn! Oitiiii lai. Taern I.Uense. ' 'I'o th' ll'inoen'i'e C. (!. Ioinrl. i'.eq., I'rritdrnt, .(' Aswriwrs, Judges i'f th Com t if (Jw- I trr Sessions if the eounti if Siirlhwiitnrliiiid ; ' j r- 1 1 1 1 pi lit .on nf I'bailes Weaver, nt Sonbiiiy. in ' fi said county. biin.Mv ii p'e en's, it at be forilio ' ; ins to keep a hou-e of public enti H iiniin nt, at bis t j eld sliuid. .mil Is will prepared f r tl e iiceomoiml a- j 'ion nf tr.ivi Iters Ac. He theref ee rns your,1 I bun or li giant him a license to keep a tivrn dur i ! 1 1 ic eiiMiing ye.r,und be wi I p' .v. Ar. i:ill!LEs WEWFR. ! I Tn the Jili';is unit MiMinvin: Tlie so! - j erilxrs. re-idents ol Simboiy, l:ei by eer'ifv, th t ' (!hile Wi avi r, the ap he ml for ihe bu ti-e, is a in in nf good tepu'e f..i benesiv and leinpi r e cc. j and is well pniv d. d vith boti-e room and c nveni. : enees for ibe lodging and aeconini'idation nf straii- , I fers and Iravillers, and that a pnld.c hone there Is Ii'-Cessary : they then lore reeommenil linn s a proper per, n lo lie licensed to keep a pip lie huusc Ueti'initi lleinlriik (iideon M.nklo D?.. P. E. TASTXITE, T ESPEUTFULLY infirm the public that he IV- has made Northumberland his place nf resi- ib nee, and is ready to attend to any call in the line nf hi profession. tXT" my t H times be found at Mr. James Lee's Motel. Northumberland. Dec. IGth, 1813. tf. Printer's Ink. Vfew keg for sale, at a ma!l advance fir cash, ly Dec. 9. II. B. MASSE It. FORESTVILLE im iSS i:iIIT DAY t fLOl KK. flll B mbserilmr ha just ireeived, for sale, a few 1 nf Ihe above celebrated Eight Day Clocks, which will be soi l at very reduced prices, for ca-h. Also, superior 30 hour ("lock", nf tbc !est nmke and quality, which will 19 sold for ra-h, at ?4 SO. AUo, superior Brass 30 hour Clock. at 1 00. Dec. S, 143. H. B. MASSER. NEW GOODS. F1!'E subscrilier his received a freh supply ef 1. Fall Hoods, which he will sell cheap for cash nr country produce. Sui bury, IVe, 21, 181X H. B. MASSER. CTONF. WAKE f.r sale. I J 22o Slnnn Jiim. from I onart to 3 irallons. .'ill St, .ne Jais, from ' chc.p by Oct. 14 to 6 eallons For sale, H.U. MSSER WILLIAM J. MAIITIX, i.TTC?.lTST jf-T LAV, SUNDTJH V, PAi FFK'E. m iiiehudibng occupied by 1. Bloom, on Matkei l reel. Oct. 21-1. 1S43 ensuing war, and lie will pray, &c. JOHN HAL'S, j To TDK Jl'DIIS AMOVE MRXTIIIS i n : The sub- , erihers, residents nf Suuburv, hirby certify, ill.t , John II aus the npplicanl lor the license, ia a man of good repute lor boiienty and temperance, j uid is well proiided fir house riMim and conveiiien- j Ccs for the lodging and rtccoiiim nIalioii ol strangeis j and travellers and that a public house there is no . cess try : they therefore recommend h;m as a pro- j per person to lie li.eiiscd lo keep a public Imu-s?. j I loiinai A IS . I In - ltii JlmiiMsW HcgtiH ! and is well provided with house-room and convi nj. ences for the lodging; and accominiMl itinn nf stran ger and traveller, and that a public, house there is necessary: ihey theref ie reeninmend him an a proper person lo be licensed to keep public house. Daniel Haas Jacob Mover Jacob Wirlely Ite jauiin St, ttTe'l S om m Hummel (Seorge I' Feb. ".1th. 1S41.- (i. o W Stent' I J iH'ph Kasi man Jaenh Haas John Ronki l jr lleiny Solomon Fagely -3l Edward Ovsttr (ieo Mai m ('holes I .easan'S S onuel I) J od in Frederick Lazarus Feb. 21th, IK-J4 3t Ceo W Kield A'o.diani Erwin John Landau D K . ki teller Samuel Fetter John lioliii s Joseph Eisely Thoma A lliilington denies J Biuuur C D Wha ton Feb. 10th, ISM. .?t. D.niel !t,ck Michael Young Will L Dewvt S iniiiel riioni 8un John Landau 1 MiTvrioN Hi vsi Sih.k r lnov A specimen of this successful imitation ef a I'oieien article. Ihe manufacture nf which has heretofove been jealously kept secret by the Ru.siun (lovern mcnt. has been lert at our counting room. It is made in Pennsylvania, and purjio.vdy glased only on one side. We htirn that both side can be glazed if required ; but as only one side shows when manufactured it answers every purpose to glaze but one side, and the saving 'lnee-ioili ths of a cent per pound in cost. This iron, we learn, Tavern License. j To the Hnnnra'Je C. 17. limn-1. '., President t anil his As'iicmlts Juifgrs of the I oitrt if tfunr- j I ter Sessions if th' count tf nf S-rlhunib' rhtnd ; ! 1 ri'VlE petition of Kibx I.erch, nf Slum 'kin li-p., j - i 1 in s n I county, hnml'lv r. pri sent tlnit he con- i Tavern License. j tmue to keep a bouse of pubSie enert linmeiit lit, i To the Ihmnrahk C. f. ..., l'i rsldrnl. ' " '"' '" Snullu.w n. and i well p.eparel J i audh.s Asoeialts. Judges. f the Court of if tar I ' accommodation nf travellers, Ac. He Horn- i tee Sessions, of the connlu if Mnlhu mho land . 1 f,rc l"" v"u' h""" l" h'" l,c," V rlxtlr. pennon ol V illnnn M. Weaver, el Mia- , ,v , i, an. I ti inie rinc , innl is will iroM.l.d wiln liotise i I ,'. , . ., ii prav, vVc, r 1.1.1a l.l.M 11. i ' . . . JL mnkui town tup. in s nd county , tiumblv reprr. ; ' ... f .... . ti i 1 romn and coiiveiiienc s for Ibe Inog'ng and eccon,. l,ts, that he cmuiuue, lo keep a l "I ! ,ilf ,M,,i rl f S, nkio Isbp., hcebv c. rlifv. (..Hie enie-tiin.nent at hi .Id stand. .... - lh, tvt ,e ,,llc for U,.vu , a well prepaml f.r the .-r. mmoda-ion i.r trnvelteis. q( , f Uf llint)v . ! &C. He therefore ,., your honor, to grant h m Wi. .,,.., will hllRe rom ,,, t.Vl.. . a hcme lo keep a isvern, during the en.-uing yeai, . ..., t i.i.:.,- ...i ...,. ti;.. ..e' '. and he will piy, e. sir .ng. r and travellers, end that a public hou-e " ,I,U NM M- " Vj ' t' ssarv. Tin y therefore recommend bun I 11 THI. JI IlTiLH A nut r. nr.iftnni; 1 11 r pint- OAKTiKY'S IlLlMTtATIVi: SYltIT. flME valnab'e properiies nf Oakley's Derma- 1 live Syrup if Sarsapanlla, as a purifier nf ihe hloo.1, rs so well known to the public generally. Ilia! il is unnecessary to occupy muchpa"ein set I ng for' h Ihe advantage to he derived from it , " " ' ' ; wherever ihe medicine baa once been Intro- lavern License. , it ukf,, rcr,ictl 0vrr all othei.: ev.-iy 71 He Honorable C C. Donncl. Fq.. Presidtn; , ,ihat ha taken il, have derived so signal bene and hit Associitlri. Judges of thf Court if Qnnr- f.i,, results from it, thai il is recommended by ter Sessions of Ihe county if Xirthuntlirrland : j ., wph ihe U'lmaU confidence. Physician of riME petition nf t'harle D. Wharton of Suoliu- ! the highest standing in the prnfe.ion, p-escril it L ry, in said county, humbly represents, ih .1 be to paMeiits under their care; containing rnaitiinii nil nines to keep a hou-e nf public entertainment del. terfou but being cnmioeH ot the m -t mild, al hi old stand, near ihe cunt hoiie, d is well . el tl'ic.icious vegetable is off-red wi'h prejHreil for ibe ae. oinieo.lalioit of trav. tiers, &e. ' confidence, as the cheiesl and most efficient pu. lie therefore pr..ys your linnor to grant him a li- j v fier . f the blood now known. The. use nf a few cense In keep a Invent, duting Die ensuing vear, tiottlr. especial y In Ihe spring innntns, will ne al and lie w ill pray, iVc. I'll VRLF.s D. WHARTON. Tn thk Jriinis iH'ivi mv riieoii: The Mi'i senbers, le-lib li s nf ibe town ol SiiiiImiiv, hen by bv ceitily, ihn I 'barbs D. U'hir'oii, the a plica-I for ibe iceiiM', is a man nf unod rei u't: for bnuestv ntodaiion nf stiai.gcrs an I trim II. is, and that a pu'i lie hou-e ihere is iicecs-uiy : they ibereliee reeoni ineiiil him as a proper peuoii to It! liceiistd to keep a public house. A Tliieslihiar Machine for Sale. fpllE iih.erilr offers f .r sale a THRESHINI I. M At'HINE, new and in good order. Tim Machine has been tried, arid proves to be an excel, lent one. It will be sold at a reduced price, ami warranted. Apnty to H. B. MAessER. July 1st, IS 13. .,ollllerrellcrs DEATH BLOW. The pu1 lie will please observe that no Llrandrcdi Fills are genuine, unless the hoi ha three 1 1. bcls upon it. (the top, the side and the bottom) each containing a f ic-simile signature of my hand, writing, thu B. Bbasiiiikth, M. D. These la. beLate enuraved on steel, beautifully designed. ami none at aneipenseol over f i.imu. I hereto n il will he seen that the only thing necessary to pro core the medicine in Its purity, is to observe those) labels. Remember the top, tho side, and the bottom. The following respective person are duly auheri zed, and hold CERTICATES OP AGENCY, For the sale of lirandrrih't Vegetable Universal J'ils. Northumberland countv : Milton Maekey fe Chamheibn. Sunbury H. B. M.isser. M'Ewena ville Inland .V Meixell. Norlhuml'eiland Will, Forsyth, (ieorgetown J. & J. Wall. Union County: New Berlin Bogar & Win ter. Selinsgrnve (Seorge Oundium. Mid. Ile burg Isaac Smith. Beaverowu David Holder. Adamsburg Wm. J. May. Milflinsburc Menscli Ac Ray. Haitletnn Daniel Long. Freehurg (J. ti F. (3. Moyer, I,ewisburg Walls &. Creen. Columbia county : Danville E. B. Reynold & Co. Berwick Shuman kV Rtttenhouse. do tawissa O. C. Brobts. Bloomsburg John R. Moyer. Jersey Town Levi Bisel. Washincton. Robt. McCay. Limestone Iallit M-Nfuch. Observe that each Agent has an Engraved Cer tificate of Agency, containing a representation nf ilr BRA.NDRBTH'S Manufactory at Sing Sine, and upon which will also be seen enact copies nf ihe Ittbeis now tised uwn the lirandreth I'ill Uores. I'hdidelpbia, office No. . North Rth street. B. BRANDKETH, M. D. June 1 4 1 h. I43. Hover's Ink. JOi5I3PH S3. HOVER, MiiiiiiitK tm tf of Wriliiiu nnd Iudi'lli blc Ink, No. Dki North Third Street, six doors below Kace, (east side,) PHILADELPHIA, It EI'F. -TFIT.LY informs enuniry merchant and others, lhat he constantly keeps on hand a large stock of his (opener IS lack. Blue end Red Ink. and ii Iso a superior qn ilityof Indi IliMe. Ink. Mi ink I put up in hetile varying m size, Tr. m I lo 3 J ounces, and wdl be sold nn reasonable tt-im-i. The excellent qualities of this ink has so thorouuMv eslabli-lied ii character, that it i now extensively used throughout the ceun'ry. For sale at ihe store of II. B. Maer, Sun-. bury, Fa. May 27th, 1843. ly C all i n c t-M iik i n g Oowv liSitahlislimenl.) VILLIAlr HOOVE?. KETKCTFCLLV informs the eit z n of Joiibiirv and vicinity, that he has leceully cominencd the camm; t-makixci businkss. ; ill all il branches. Hi Matkei street, iuidii.rv, im- nicdiatelv lul'W the post nllice, where he will ho I rea W lo rccei.o aid execute nil orders in ibe linn tended wilh a most decided improvement in the ge. neral strmgih ofthe svsiem, eradicating anv '.-eeds of dis'-a-e 1 tint mav have lieen generated, decide I 1 vnj health and vitjor lo the bndv. For ibe core .d iS'tolulu or King Evil, Rheum.iiin. Teller, j rinipb snr eiuptions of the Skm, White Swilhnc, F slula. Chronic Cough Asthma, Ac, The nu merous certificate in ihe possession of ihe sut-scrl- ter and hi agenlR, from physicians and other, are nf Ins bli-inc-, with prniupnu's and despatch, and si.flicient lo tonv tice the moat keSieal j in ihe best style and manner. Hi price will l I'triority over all preparation of Sarsipjrilla. I low, in acc.mlauce with ibe times. scriher. ics dents i f Phaa. km tsp. hereby certify, hat Wm M. Weaver, the applicant for Ihe lice e, i man nf good repute for hoi esty and leriqieraiiee, and is well provided with hoiie-room and conveni ences for the t.Mlging and accommodation of s'rni' a pr.qier person to be licensed to keep public ll"Hse, can be allonl 'd at about fi'l per cent, or SI 07. 10 uer and Irav. Iters, and thai a pub'ic house there per ton i,K.s than the lowest average price of the foreign full glazed aitiele of the same thickness, lo which in upy-'uranee it very neaily ajiproach rs. Being manufactured with great care liom the best of blooms, it will fully compare with the foreign article in nialleability and toughness. Bull. A me lieu . is n es aty : they thirefoie r. commend him as a proper pers it lo be liceu' .1 to keep a pub'ic bou e. Ebiah Koucher Jacob Cotirnd S donmii F.ige'y D mil I lla Jos ph Kasetnan Jacob ll.ii Fe ?llti 1R11 3t J led R Has (Solomon Weaver Je e II Wagnrr Andrew Knarr Dmiel J Role Joseph Allinson Hugh II Teat Kol.iinnn Fagely J iroti M tl'er John H ifer Daniel F-gely A 'no V isliiie Feb. S4Ui, 1844. 3t Kamuel Hate Reuben Snvder Dmiel Miller J hn Te it jr (enree Fox Jacob Li tch ?s iniuel D Jordan I'll ul s I'll as.iut Henry -S (iolnii J hn Bog r W L lle.van Fred, rii k Lax rni F.h lllih, IP44.- J.'hu W IVd Thus I, Hegins (ieo Mar'in Caleb Fi-ber Edward O.ster Ft-lix Maurvr 3t iNTrrtrsi ti; to Oi.n l'toi'i.i:. We find in an "old paper" the lollowiu course of proceedings recoiiinieinled to aged p 'ople, us a lii'-aiis nf en abling thenl to preset ve their eyesight, nr to re cover it niter it ha failed: "Every iiiorning. when washing yourself, dip jour face into the water, open yotlr eyes, and keep them under the wuter, us long as you can hold your bivath. This strengthen the cy,. Uiid clennses it iVoui the ihelim which d M'leiis the siht und considerably affects the ball. A gentleman in Maryland, by the name of Jam Cabler, alter using spectacles for twenty-five year, followed this plan, and at the age of 70 recovered his sight so a to see without thcin. Dipping the crown ofthe heud into cold wuter, every morning both winter and mmmer, i a preservative against the head and car ache, and will materially assist the other ope ration, in it effect upon the eyes." Yot'Mi Peach bs. We were presented yester day with a couple of Peaches, fresh und green from the tree. They ure ubout three quarter of an inch in diameter, und were plucked Iroin a tree growing in the garden of our worthy sheriff. Winter is now nearly two third gonu and we have not had weather cold enough to kill green Pouches- This nuy seem strango to our Noi th eru reader, but we assure, them that such is the fact. The rose bushes are yet iu bloom the blush Tea rose (which is not ut all a hardy vari ety) has been in bloom ull winter in the gardens, for we have plucked them from the bush ulnwjt rvcrv morning for weeks fist, ' .- .... - Taicrii I.Noiihc. Tn th Honorable C. C Honml. F.q.. President, an 7 hit Associates, Judges of Ibe Court if ifuar ter Sst:ons, tf the e'lttiittf t.f Xinthiiinlirrtun'1 .' rOllE p 1 lion of Ira T. Clcnienl, of Soulinrv, in J dd cnuutv.huin 'lv represent-, th it heinW n.U lo ke. p it bno-e nf pnbl c entertainment in the stand now ocriipi d by C. D. Whar on, nnd is well pre. pned for the acc iuiinoil itiort nf travelb rs, fee. He tin r, foe prays yoiii Honors lo grant bioi a bcene lo keep a tavern during the ensuing vear, and he wi 1 pray. A.-. lit V T. CLE ME. NT. 'J'o thk Ji'iiut imirc M:v riov.ii : The nh. seniors, risidein of Sun'-urv, hereliy certity tha La T. Clement, ihe api licant for the license, i a man of good repute for honesty and Temperance, and is well provided with house-room and conveni ence for the lodging and accommodation of strang er and traveller, and that a pul l c house there is necesiiry ; they therefore reccoinmend him a a proper person to be licensed to keep a public bouse. Beiijimin Hcndrnt William Mailt (te'o Weier (S.-o. Bright Samuel Hunter Frederick Lnzirus Thoma A liillington (' deb Fuhc-r Joseph Eisely Charle leaver John W IV 1 1 (iidenn Maikel Charle Miller E (J Mark by Feb. S 1th 184-1 3t For Itleiit. pilE Urge and e.ammodiou.T AYERN STAND -- in Ihe town of shininkln, ISorhuuihe''- now occuliied bv the sub rnlier , '. , ,i . ria ittiove pro it-.... siln.te.l in ' 1 For Tavrrn I.lcrnsc. To Ihe Hutoridtle C. ti. lio-inel. Fnf , President, and his A'sacititrs. Jwlg's of ihe Court if if tar Ire Sessions, if the eo'inli of Saelhttml rl mil : rilllE liiiini nf I'nthen. o Bou ton, ol rsun I bnrv. iu .alii county, huiub y reieint, ibal she continues to keep a public heu e el enieitain in nt al tier old sla d, and i well prepared f r ihe iccoiiioi.hI iliou of travellers. &c. She liter, f re prays oiir Honors to grant tier a license In keep I tavern, during the en u ng ve tr. md -lie will pray, I Ac. CM'HEitlNE BO I. 'ETON. To Tile .Icnni.s imiu m i tio r.n : The mb cri'a'r resid nls of th. ton of Sun Mirv, hereby d r- lily, thai Cillieiiiie Boutton, ibe applicml for the be. n. e. i a woman of good r. pule f r horn siv and i Ictnpi r nee, and is wi ll provide I w i h hou-ero 111 and conv. nj. nccs for the I dgmg and seenm icsli tion of lrang' rs and travellei. and dill a oleic house there i luce nary: ihey lhe-i I re rerun. mend her a a proper pcr.-ull lo lie liceiiM'd to keep . a u he liouse Tatrin l.lcriisir. To the Hailoruf le C. C. Ihmnrt. Iq.. President, and h it . Issneiates. Judges tfthe ( 'our if Quar trr .Sessions yiir the too all if Snrthumfierliind . riHl eitoii of Elu. belli Wii'Sel, of Sntibu L iv, in sii I county, hnnil ly repre.ent. thai she cont nu s to keep a house nf pubbc entertain m 'lii. ut bei old stan I, in Sonbury, nj is well pre. par d lor the accuminishrioii of travclleic, Ac, ."sie therefore pravs y.-ur Honor to grmt her a li cence ti keep a lavern ilu.iug the ensaiiij year, and .he will pray, iVe. El .17. TIETH WEII'ZKL. To THK J.lniis A HiV S M KSTI n NKIl t The Slll. scribcr-, ieideiii of Sunborv, I er,diy cer ify, thai Eiir. d'cth Weiij-l. ihe applcaut f.r Ihe lierne, is a lady "f g -hhI repute for h- liesiy and temperance and is will provided with h ni-e rooin and c iiVeio encis lorlhe I ileum ' d aceoninisl it on of str.n ! r- i nd liav. lle's, nnil iliat a pu he In u e iher is nee-sr: tl.ey thctcfote r ."innieinl l.i r a. a proper pe s m lo lie lie. Il.-i o lo keep a puleic In use. Ira T ('lenient S S Boughner Joaeph E'ely Frederick Latarus Henry S Oobin Samuel Fetter Feb. 17ih. 1811. 3l Edward Oy.ter, t! D Whaiinn tieo Mailin D Rockefeller John II a us W L Dewait .,ailt CO, i no ah ie Shauinkiu Coal Itrgtun. IMalc or Sulumou I'l'i alii, tlci'd. NOTICE is henbv given, that let er of ud iniuistration on the elite of Solomon Pel MHiI, dee'd., Uie nf Shaillokill town. bin. NoilllUlll- t'liland county, have been giante.l to ihe subscri ber. All pe l ii indeb'ell to said e-t it, a well ' a all those having claim eg tinst the s:;,,c, are r. ! queled ti ca'l on the a lmiuistr;;ar f0f setthmienl. ! who will leal home every cib.i tiurdv . ,o-.t pi.ti-o-ie. EMMAXl EL ZIMMERMAN, ITjh, 141. Pi Aom. Ileniv V.'Xlhiioiir E Ci 'Vi Lby J .1 o'i Psoiler I le r-.e Bnghl (Ieo B YoUnginan Win Youngman ih a date, lor Fel 2 s r.:i:iM.Evr s- new. (i sde. cl.ti. bv ncily E livaul ti b it H nry S (iobin Henry l ,-ser J.d.u BoU..r I' II. Iidri. k t baric. I'lcs ants F.h. 10th, 114-31 A S ibe .ut'senl'i r iiileuds lo remove Iroru Son' us iv .lie rcuuct all nenfonn kiiouinff Ibeins. I.e indebted In him, on book account or oihi rwisa. tll ! call and reiilo ibe cu e nn oi More Ibe l1'1'., d iv of March lo xl n no longer indulgence c a vcn. 1'ioinpl uliriilion lo ihi iiniice wl ,.jT ri( v'' 1 N UOC A It Ruiiburv, Feb. 3. 1544. 3 ' S 0V,0.l,r' .iiiri, ri 'ti. ' Tm.b '""-' .y bi... ,lu, le.t.r...f a I mi.oMratioe hvjl ,iy l t, Vf ciMj-r nt N "'...ond.rr'.chd cuumv, to ih" salLcnU-r, m Ibe es , j.,t. .Widig. ni'r.. dee'd., I ee ..f An g"'". ;n ii liip. iii s od countv. All a rs, ie le. in.'i t.ii.,i i,) ihe :ud e.-iute, aie nqoistidlo lonkc pivuuut und all lb '.o baving claims wdl I irn'i I llieni I. r settl, incut, nu Mond iy ihe "tn i t Maull licit, al l!i Ulc ie.,Jenee ol the decea-e.l. ADAM N LI Did. Auu is, Jsn. SV, Isll. oi AJm'r. S..I.1 wholesale and retail, bv the jroiTielor, (;E'RiE V. OAKLEY, North 5th Hre.l. lira .ling, lletks Coonly, and lo lie bad of ihe following pi icon : In Korthutnlrrrtand Counlif. H. B, Mss, Siiuhury; Ireland & Mixel, McEweusville ; D. Krsn-er. Milion. In Union Cmtnttf. J. Geaibart, Seliusgrove ; j A. (luteliu. Mirllinburg. In Columbia Cvunty. U. W. McCay, Wash ington. Reading. March U. IR13. Ma. ; I believe it the dutv of every , one lo do whatever in their power lies, for Ihe h -ne. , fit of their fellow man, and havinc had po-iiive proof in mv own family, of the wonderful pmperiie "f your Depuraliv Syrup of Sa'sapirilla, f m ct I conscientiously recommend it lo the alflicled. e ' hid Ihe mil-fortune to l.we I wo of our children, bv the brrakmg out of ulcerous ore that covered the i face, head and neck, although we had some of Ihe J oiosi scientific physician lo attend them and had tried all ibe known lemedie. including Swiiims' , Panacea, without avail. Another of my rhildre ,, . was a' talked in the ame manner, her face ..d neik was completely covered; ihe discharge Was so i llei sive, and the disease at such a hceh ib- e d. -paired ol her life. Seing the won-' ,,rful ,.1 el ..ii r IVpi.r.itive Syrup .t K'',iaril.,, w e wete iiiitueeil la make trial of il, as lnt, hist re -rt ; il ne ed like a charm; the ulce 4 rnunenced healing j immediately, a f . w bottle'. e,i.v re.iored h. r to j lor he .lib, which ahe ",M,ej,,yri Diiinieriuptedlv ever c.nce. A a ',,!(., 0f the blood, ( Vcidy be i luve il ha not i' 4 ttln JOHN MOYER, Tailor, Walnut atreet, near Fourth, Reading. DouglamvtTIrt, April 10th, 1813. M- v)klt: My sn VMmund Leaf, ha I the J C'e'iid.-i in the meet jieacll'ul and li-trvstng man- j '.er for three year, dmine wh'ch tV'ie he w is de. , p.ived of Ihe use of Id Inn'-, hi be d and ne. k , were covered wilh Ulcer We tri d 1 ihe diff r. j ent reined i. , but In no effect, unl l rerom.n. nd. d ly Dr. Johiis-ounf Nonistown. "d l-o Dr. Isaac j Hi. Id. ol Reading. t' use vmir HepOialiv Synip of Si(p..nila, ef w'.ichl o' lsined .. veid ho' le. ihe us .f which d-nve the di-ea-e e. 'in Iv onl of lis .v.ieoi, the sue I eabd up. and it e eti-ll w is rei.rd to itilcvl heibh, winch be b. ii.jnid i nint. rru, le.ll, ev r sit ee. to the a-l -n sliin. n" ol niiuv pe . .., who seen I iio i'u i"g h.s nlll' I h ivethouhl il nivdu'V. ami sen I v u lh ce.n fieaie lhat nlie who have a like nlllieii m III the , loni'v ni.iV know where to obti.u o valuuble a , . v ........ III. ' II IOC. 1 ouis uiev . AMELIA D LEAF. Lumber and Couutiv I'loduee taken in Ex change. Mav 87th 143. hm c it v itT. vyv iYi vrvurs. AND PHIVATE SALE?, ROOMS, Xos. '-".) iu.J :i iVirth Tliitil Street, Near the City Hotel, I'HILVDELPHU. CC. MACKEY, Auctmneer, re-peclful'v in. s ites the attention ol' pcrs.v. desirous nf pur. chasing Fii'tiiiure. to hi extensive Sde R toins, (both pu'die and Piivate.) for every description nf Household Furniture, wh re can be nbl lined at all lime, a large assortment nf fashionable and well manufactured C'.binet Furniture, Beds, Maltrase, &e.. at verv f duced price, for cash. 07" Sal. sj bv Auction, twice a week. My h. lt13. ly riiAiti.Ks miik(;i"xs, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBURY, PA. U "d AS taken ihe nllice foiiuerly occupied bv th 3 fl Hon. t haile (i. Doun. I, opposite the Couit 11 use. Hn will a tend lo business in ihe C uit of Northuni''land, L'liiou and Columbia counties. Mav 20ih, IS13. ! """ '"' LCITC-LET'S" (irrat Wmimi Imllaii Fanaira, (Aimpoumled entirely Vegetable Sul'j'tam'L's ; i Vret frum Calami I and till uth -r Mineral. ! 'For llie hi.torv of '.his medicine, and n uniivallcj 1 and truly surpribing uc'-es and popuUr- ity, see laie bill V is recommended a general cathartic, lor family use in dyspepsia and all biliou di-ea- ii i uiv oUMutc tor A sin mi n in rniiwuriu iecific, no cas having et oceuned which il hn fad .1 lo cure for coui i on e lds, iintl imuia'ory disea rh' iimaiisui, all'. i lion of ihe liver, Aic, and lor female, il i a ' and eicelleul remedy. ; CERTiriCATE, frorn Or. Silas Hmghanililon, X Y. Mr. Lonclev -D -ar Sir i I have Used your (irect e-t n; Indian Panacea in my family, and have repeatedly p'esrrihed II for patients under my Care, and .on sni-lled thai 't i alwav a safe, and In viiv nu' v cis ii invaluable iindicine. Il ilHra's i mI x ie wiihoiii nan' a. or (nin; and while it i, to dli obv e.les cositveiie- acls U"'n the stomal O e ; iver .is in si eitive co iccting acidity, and n suiu g the h altnv coiidiiion of ihose ,,,s:,n"- e'V re.ieetl,i,'v vour. H. W l.ST, F.rssleby b!l. W l KH-INO. Siu.bnry. jacoU Biat:HT,.NoitbualiciUaJ, M .y SO.h, 113. ly isii, 1,'PV li . . JflfUB IVK.1M, ..iU'2 II niL' JUL -V. i I f-Usuiokin, Fh. 10th, 11 -.i. I Tib. llirb, 114, ,1. V. MASSE H. irjl. 16, 1911 ly A