Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, February 17, 1844, Image 4

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    It A Mi SOTi: LIST.
The following list shows the current value of all
Prnnaylvnnia Bark Notes. Tbo mriM Implicit rr
iimce. may I placed upon it, as it l.fifry irrrk
.-ruefully compared with fii J Correcif J from Biik
jcif Reporter.
Hanks In Philadelphia.
- Due. tit
IS AM. LnrATtnw. pMiti.
Bank of North America
Bank of the Northern Liberties .
Commercial Bank of Prnn'a. . .
Farmers' ami Mechanic' Bank
Kensington . i
Philadilphia Dunk . .
Schuylkill Rank
!.piithwaik Itatik . .
Wcslem Bank . . .
Mechanics' Hank .
Manufacturers' & Mechanic' Dank
Country nmiltn.
Tarik of Chester County Wratcheslcf
Bank of Delaware County
Bank of Oermantotvn
Bank of Monlcomery Co.
Unv't'stown flunk
"fls'.on Bank
Garment' Bank of Pucks CO.
OflVc of Bnnk of Pent) 'a.
Office tlo do
i Wee tlo tlo
Office tlo tlo
llnrrishnrg" These
Lnncastrr I office
Hending (tin not
Easton J issue n.
Bank of the, L'niieil Platea
Hank of Prnn Township .
Girard Bank
Moyamrnsinfr Dank
Bank of Pennsylvania
Miners' Hm.k of Pottsville
Bank of Lewislown
Batik of MiddlcUwn
Bank of Northumberland
Columbia & Bridge co.
Carlisle Bank
Exchange Bank
I)o do branch of
Farmers' of I.ancastei
Lancaster County Batik
Farmera' Bank of Uvading
Harrisl'ing Bank
Lancaa'cr Bank
Lebanon Bank
Merchants' & Manuf. Bank
Hank of Pittsburg
Wist Btanrh
Wyoming Bank
Northampton Bank
Berks County Bank
Ollke of Bank of U. S.
Tlo tlo tlo
Do tlo do
KcnsiiiRlon S av. In. A
Prnn Township Sav. Ins.
Bank of Chombcrsburg
Bunk ol Gettysburg
FJ ink of Surnuphanna Co.
Erie Bui.k
Farmers' & Drovers' Bank
Franklin Hank
Hnncsdale Bank
M.innnenlit'U Bank of B.
York Bank
Philadelphia 23a21
. rr
. . par
Pot'sville 1 i
I.ewistown 2 ;
Middleiown I
Northumbeiland pr
Carlisle 1
Piltshuig i
Hollidavburg i
Lanc.istei j
I.nncoaier j
Harrisburg I ,
Lancaster j
Lebanon IJ
Pittsburg J
Piltsbuig I
Williamsport 6a7
YVilkesbarre 2 j
Pittsburg failrd
Erie do j
New Brighton do
Chambrrsburg . 1
Gettysburg 1
Morittose 30 .1.15
Erio 3
YVoyprsburg 2u3
YYoahinqtou 1J
Honcsdule I J
Brownsville 1
Yotk 1
N. B, The note of those hank on which we
omit quotation, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased by the Phil.idt lpl.ia brokers, with the
exception of those which have a letter of ri fmncr.
Philadelphia Sav. In. Philadelphia
Pbilndelphii Loan Co. do
t-chuvlkill Sav. In. do
Manual Labor Bank (T. V Dyott, prop.)
no sale
l b 'Si d
no fiilc
no sale
1'owantla Bank
Alleghany Bank of Ta.
Bank of Beaver of Swatara
Bank of Washington
Centie Bank
City Bank
Firmer' & Mech'cs Bank
Farmers' &. Mech'cs Bank
Farmrra' Ac Mu h'is'Bai.k
ilarmony Insiiinto
Huniinctlor. Bank
funiata Bank
Lumbrnneii'i Bank
Norlhern Bank of Pa.
New Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Norlbumh'd Union Col. )V.i.
North Vi ft rn Bai.k of Pa.
OlHce of Scluijlkill Bank
Pa. Acr. & Mmiul. Bank
Silver Luke Bank
I'nion Bank of Penn'u.
Wfftmotelund Bank
Bell, foi.lo
Fayette co,
Huntingdon no sale
l.enisioun no salo
Warren failed
Duudiill' no sale
New Hope closed
M ilton no tale
Mend.ille closed
Fori Cm hull
Oarlislt! fuilcd
Molilioso closed
I'r.ioii'iwn failed
fircensburi rioted
ilkesharrp no stile
Wilkesbatro Bridge C-o.
fcj' All notes puipoiliiir to be on any Pennsyl
vania Bunk not given in the above hot, may be set
down t frauds.
Bank of New Biuii.vkk Brunswick
Belvideie Bank Belvidcte
Burlington Co. Bank Mttlfotd
Commercial Bank Perlh Amboy
Cumberland Bank Bridget on
Farmers' Bal k Mount Holly
F.armera' and Mechanics' Bk Tiahway
I'armrrs and Meehinirs Bk N. Biunswitk
rennets arid Meri han'' Bk Midd'etown Pi. j
t tank in Bank of N.J. Jcn-ry l-ity
llohoken Bkc &. Giazing Co Hob ken
Jersey City Bank Jeicy City
Mtchonita' Bank PaHcrson
Munufirturi rs' Bnnk Belleville
Morris County Bank Mornstown
Monmouth Bk of N. J. Fiethobl
Mi cliniiics' Biif k IMewatk
Mecbaiiic' und Manuf. Bk Trenton
Morris Canal and Bk; Co Jersey City
Post Notea
DO bale
Newark Bku Ac Ini (.'o Nrwaik
Xv'ew Hope llel Bridco Co Laudf lUtilli)
N. J. Mauul ic. and Bkg Co llohoken
IV J Pioicclon &. l.coibuid I k Jersry City
Orange Bunk Orange
PaicrMin Bunk I'uln.on
Ptoplta Bunk do
Piiiictlau Bunk Princeton
bait 111 Banking Co Salem
tutu Bank Newark
Suit- Bank Eliabt thtown
tState Bank Camden
rsulj Bank cf Monia Morrisiown
tJiste Bank Tttuiou
Salem and Philad Manuf Co Halt m
Sussex Bank Newton
Trentui Banking Co Tici.toii
I'ni. n Bi.nk Daver
Washington Ranking Co. Hackensack
Bk of Wilm & Brandy w int: Wilmington
Bank of Delaware W'ilniinglou
Bui ik (fSuyriia Smyina
Do blanch Millord
Farmets Bk nf Stale i f Del Dovn
Do branch Wilmington
Do brum h Gio.gilowii
Do T..iuh NeiMi.ile
Fnion B.ti.k minuton
fTT I ndet !5'
Qj- On all I ar.k matkt d thu () ibrre are ei. cougUufvil or alb'fd noira cf ih vjr.oua de
bbutioaUOt.a( iii ciiCUlaOtD.
J. D. Waters,
"I ESPECTFCLEY informs the citizen- of the
I .oroiigh of Norihumbt'tlaiid, and its vicinity,
that he has commenced the
Tailoring IIuiiire,
in s i its varans Lrnnrhe., in the shop formerly
occupied by Henry S. Thorn, direct I opposite
Forsyth's store. A he feci ivei th New Yoik
ami Philadelphia Fashions qiiirtrr'y, he is mailed
to do all johsrntrus'Pd to bim, alter the neaU'bt and
latest tovle, and upon the shottest notice.
NVtihnmbrfl..nd.Jpnil2d. 1313. I y
1" ESFECTFCLT.Y informs the citizens of Sun-
I invalid its vicinity, that he has t.iken the
office formerly cccu ied by Dr. John Peal, where
he w ill be happy to receive cull in the line of bis
pr,.fen.i.n. AJvi,i.2'': ' 'z
Daniel Yariek,
BEGS leave to inform the citizens of Sunhniy
nt d it vieinitv, thai be hx coronn nreil tin
1! 1 AC K KM I'l l II x ( i m ; S I X KSS.
inMaiktt ftrt'tt, emilury, east of J. hn H. rni
toie, and directly rppusite the post ollice, where be
intends to c.irry on tiio biisint s-i in all iu various
brnt cl'es, indiulioa, Tnrninif. Making Mill Imns
and F.Hplic Springs. lronin? Carriagrfi, with I'x
tenfian or Stumling "., Sharing UnrKs, $("
Oiders will be promptly anj poiiilunllv atiemlid
to, and Wuik done cheap, for csh or country j rt
duce. Cj Iloise Shoeintj done at f I per elt.
Suuhury, April 15th, ty.
Boot & S k o e
1T1 a v t i ii I r w i ii s
EspEtri H I.l.Y iiitorms his fibmU and
old custi'tners, that he ha- removed bin
to the frame hui'ding sdjoinitic his ilwcllinc bouse,
be'wei n that and Dr. D. T.Tiite' cilice, a few door
wet of bis eld cMul l.sbmi nt, in Maikct stieet,
where ho to carry on the above but-intss
ex'ensively, in all its wi'ni.s Lrancho.
Being thankful for pnst fivois, he hope, by strict
attention to business and libetul charges, to cive
Reneial satisfaction ; and that he will continue to re
vive n liberal -bare of public patronage.
April 8th, IS 1:1.
(Jcoisc '. I iii in r r in a n & S o n,
flIIE subsciibcrs hereby iiif tm the public, that
they have entered into partnership, in the
wh'cli wi'l bi rc.ftt r bo carried on al the ol I
stand in Sunbury, under the fit in of ' Gi erke
Zimmerman cV Son," where they will conduct the
l u-ine-s in all its various I rani lies, includiiii! 1'tiru
inpr, Making MAI Irons, Irnning Curr.-agr.i. Shoe
ing Hui hk. Ve. Orders will be promptly and one-
tuallv aitein'id to, and work done cheap, for ca-li
or country ptoduc.
(Tj- bhoving done at one dollar per sett.
Sunburv, March 11th. 1S13.
rI,HE subsciiheis, bavine enlered into a partner-1-
ship in the practice of the luw, will be happy
to attend to all business entrusted to their care,
(h lte-iions will be promptly attended lo.
Tiny mav alwav be found al their oil'ice, in
M.irkit striel, Sunbury, fo'meily occupied b
Wm. Dew art, dee'd., as a store-room.
Sunburv, Feb. 4ib, ly.
-Y. 2:i7, .orlh Third, 11intr t 't.ttnu hill St.,
"JOHN MNCAN. late from ihe Pennsjlva
9P nin F irmer, tind Samuel Pike, jr., la'e of A-
im rxan Holel, lohtnibiis. t ihio. lake pleasure 111 ac
iiiii'titiff their friends and the public, pfin rl'v ihat
they have tnktn the larce and rnmmodioiia H0I1 1,
ippciitlv I nill bv ihe Mes-sis. II ill, on the an Mi Hie
once net itpie.l hy Ihe old established Hotel known
as ihe Bull' Head, in Third stitt t above Callow
hill si.
This Hotel is lini-l e.l in ibe very best possible j
manner, ai d of ihe best iiia'coals. Its lot ulton is
very d siiable, pariiculiirly forciiuiitty in. ri hauls ; i
ihe arranci im nis for hta'ii-i; and vrntihiting ineh
room is such as to secure any lemerature. The j
hcdiootrs ate nil licht und uirv, all luiuinhid in a I
lical siy'e, so as lo in-ute ton.lotl. j
The receiif(r jenlors are also lull i-hc I in a sii
1 erb slvle, ihe w in. lows aie on the Ir'teneli s'yle. I
foiinii t an eniianee 10 a balcony in front, whuh
make n plca-ant recess. Fiol.etilai aitetitioii has 1
been eiven to Ibe beds and bidding, which, with i
ihe furniture, are en'in ly new. !
t 10111 yrars' in hatel business, f I
Irusl.l y strict assiduity tc. businrsl, lo make this j
bouse a desirable stepping place. 1'tir table wiil 1
always leiipplird with Iheviry best our uuiiket '
can allord, and our bur with the best Inpion and 1
wines ul ihe most nppioveil bran Is.
I. S. There are firsl rale ttahlins wml rsriiite !
hoii-es attached to the hotel, r t'f n b d I y r I il
and sol cr hisi!ci. und nut rharur-i will be low, in I
accordance nh iLe present haul lime.
Philad. dphiii. Oct. itb, HAZ. I
(fiVni'i'iil Stage J).rr,t
ran: aj cl:
liVconiNO cotriTTV,
I'iiuis) u aula.
riHE Si.bsrriber resperifully infoima his ftiend.
1. and the public in general, thai he baa taken
the above
par and that he is now well prepare to arromtnodulc
I at ' all who inn y favor h'ltl Willi Ibe.r en-loin
! II sStneiMi Ariuixfciki ire well ade.l, and
Hi'Tim.r. iMi Bin will alvaya be aioplnd
with tbe hi i ihemaikel ran allortl.
Ills . rnii.ttti, which is i-m il, will la under
the ehurcf nf good and rait (ol bosllers.
He 1, 1 1- roiil'nlenl, hy slut t attention lo I u ini ,
and an tun. est drsiie lo lender r mforulile I boss
who mav piroliie him, ibul be Will not fail lo
g.mri.Uaii-1'aiti..i). II. If. WEAVER.
Vumv, o.-i. Ki, H4- if
The In! mvthml for the Abolition of Disiasr jXlQSB OINTIVII3NT,
it to tteame and purify the Hotly. TOIt TUTTI'It.
AVIIICwIII'-S TtiNovvoti.Ms, on tiik fAf e, and otiikh
IM)1 VI.IJl.T Alllit: ril.l.Si ctTAM-orsj rmnttiMi.
OFTHR ! The f.ilhiu-ingccrlijicu'cdrtnilr.ionc if the
AVrfr American Cottree of IfciiVh, I must txirunrdinary cures era- rjjrctcd hy any
Are now acknowledged to be the hcM Medicine in aj'ilieulion.
the World for the. cure of i Pint urt rut A, Fcbrnaty 10, 18-1S.
F.VERY VAItlKTY OF D1SF.ASF.. ! T.OII twenty years 1 was seven ly atllict. il with
ECAL'SE ihev comiilele'y eb anse the sto- .
mai h and bowels from tin se billintis ami cor-
nu t tiumnrs wdirh urn Inn catlcft tint
onlv of
Ilesdntbe. Giil.'iiirss. Pa!.il.ition of the Heiil.
Pa:ns in the Bones, Rhiiimatiin and Gent, but
evetv malm'v ineident to nv.n. RAID INDIAN
V L'GETABI E PIT.T.S are a e. ruin cure f .r in
teiinittriit, 'rniiMnl, netvous, inflanii.toiy nml pti'rid
Fevers, brc.iiisp ihev cleaiiso ihe p idy fiCin llio-e
motbid In inon, wbieb. nben e.nifine.l lothe citen
lation. are die nn-e of till k nils ( I ' E V EI!, o,
alhO, when the s:.ion impurily is deposited nn the
n embi ii e and inns. I. , c.ii-'nir p ins, ii
Lmns and fUelltnus failed K I lEI'M ATOM,
t;('1 T. Ac. Wujilit'sli diali V. cl:i! le Pills may
h reliid i.n n a'wavs ertain to five r. lief, ami il
piisevtted itb, aeci.idli'B to d'HeliolK will mo-t
iis-oitd'v, and without f iii. u abe n peifeit eu e of
t e nbi'Vf puitif'd n ul.idics. Fmin ibrep to six i f
said Indian ' eeluli c Pills t .ki n cm rv liiiilit co
. . ... . , .- ' t ... t.. ...i
li a lo In ii, wi:i ! a -no t ini-e so ci'ieMen i
lie bin'v
i.'v from eve iv tl.'nu ti nt I" opp"Ml to lie:il:h,
j tiHi
I'lieetn-ili-io, t !nl. "d p 'I" "I every I'ev.-r.p-
... . .. .. ...ll.'t'V t.'t'tWt 'I'lll.'
, 1 In- I. ti i a tit I Mi n i- r i ' i i 1 1 1. i
1Y. For lite s inn, when, In. in smMi n
i ebnt cis of ntrro-pbi re. or fir v oil cr caiiso. the pet
. . . , ', , i i i i
siH'Riioti i cl i CK' o, un.i lli e ttuinuis w n i n nim.i i
IM Sifl'hv lie sUn arc l' r. vn in
Ciltllt'l! j ,s
IIF. D.CHE. Gil 'DINFSS. I.MI-ea rod si, k
m . am in the b in s, wa i ty and ii f! unci ees.
sure, boai-ene s, rote's, rniiMimtion- '
rlit lunatic pains in vaiious trls i.f ihe h. dy, mid j
mm.yoth.r svinp'onn i f CATCHING CDl.D,
Wright' Indian Ymttid.'c I'i l will iinariuhlv '
cive in tin, li te f lit f. Fn in tbiee to sin i f a:d
Pd's tat,m every t.ibt on c 'inff " bi d. will in a '
s'.o 1 time, lo t on'v remove nil ti e a1..v.Miii.b iij-hiI
niom, lut the body w I!, ill a sb. ri Imiio, lie
restored lo even sonn.'er he "I b i' an lef.rp. ,
IM;. Wright' hat an V, git Mi ''.' wi.l
en ..nd cir y ofi! by the slot, ueh mid bmi is. thfi
loi'c'i I, '. (liny bi'livr-, wbieb si -p up a l the air
cell ol the lure, end ale tl e ernie. not m tv of the
al.oif di'r. ss nc c mpla'nl. t ul l.en n. .j eeie.l.
nth n lent ii ate in ill i loo f tin a.llul ma'ai'v caM.
( ONSI 'M I'TK'N J; -h u d be V.i.i ie-i I ,1 '
Il ill Wiig't's lliift l . - ' .'. Vilh are a e. ila'n
cine f.-r PAIN IN THE SIliF. ,., r.s i..n, ttnii
fin. Mid, lo s if npiili e. a
j i Ib'tv l.i i;r ul ;; n ! i i s. mi. I i v. rv nt! er :
svn 'em . f a 1. t 1 o- d m aid :te i.f the liver ; 1
iVeans. li i v J ' I'r. in tbe b uN il oe iini unin
wl.i. Ii il il, i.. - led l.i on ll.-.s . rjm, lire
j tin fin e of t'try v.nii'y if LIVER I'MM
t (J .1NT. In n a i:ii. n is-c iiMiV-e 1 ty i:oi ,
..uilr.A- and
,n l! e ni.l me ,i t ni ,r veiil.
.r,u. i,. s f a CIVIL WAR.
s. nml i til d st sul , n.- from
lii ii.ln r, n In n p-iiri nrick
ini 'I.f d.euilf I ei.
is to t r all I'i.boi
tl.i couii'ry. In I l.i
ncss of i I kit d, ii
cln ir w itb n b r. id f
nes-uf ntit kit tl. Hull, ale tl ul U.e boov I- slruj.
.is. t c line is; to C.V-
! PEL ALL MORBID m MGl.s, ( l,ai;.ns t.
' Itai'h and Ih.) Ihnllh trill h the ci iliui run',
j Thai ti e p b c i te 1 f 1 i:rinp di-t 1 le m-ii c
t and pinitv il ! lb'' body, i- strictly in aec.rditae
j wi:h ihe laws wl.u b con rn the annual 1 1 oniuuy ;
and if prfprrU carried mil 1 v it e 11-e of li e a' ovr
I 1 lin ed WRIIill l'S 1M 1 N FGE'I ABLE
PILLS, w ill rei lain 'y n sull in ibe coinpl, !e Al o-
I 1 init of Hi case ; Wf oiler Ibe loliowinu ti -Itiuoiil-ls,
fr. m pi rsoiis of li e hinhcsl re-ptviahdiiy in I
New Yolk, ho have tecentiy bet n rum! of ihe
n.o-l obsiimile cotvpiamts, solely by the ns.- ol
Winner's Imhav Yihituhlk Pii.i..-, uf the
iYorfi Anuiietin i'rl'i gt if llin'th .-
jSviica. L. 1.. .lunc'J.b. 1SII. ' Wil'iani nuhl Dear Sir It is w ih . sari-fa, lion I ltd. n 111 oil of i.iv barinc Inn j
il.tiielv fund nf Dyspepsia, of live iurs stundii (.',
bv ihe lire of vour I Mil , s V n. IT l-.l.ii I'l I l.s.
P11 v ion. In lin e1 114 w i h our 1 elebtali d on d.
cine. I hid b, en tinder li e bunds of several I'hv-i
l iens, anil l ,id iriid vutiou- nctbi 11.1 ; I ul ul! I
iioiv,ei. Ainr i:-ii c one S"i ni.l box of jinn !
Pd's, bow itir, I i p. iii t ee.! so no 1 h be. rlit, ih it
I ir -olt. d I . pi 1 1 ti ie in Ibe lisp of I hem aeroi.'ini:
10 din rt-oi s. w I ii I. ! am In pv to s'rle, h -s re-nlt- i
ed ill a pi il'n I 1 lire. Incraiitudi' to you l- t ibe t
crea'lenil'l 1 hue 11 0 ied. and ul o in I' e In pe I
ill ., I nihil- s'ni.ihitlv utlliel'd may be indin c.l 10,
in. .be trial of v our 1 x'r n nhn n v 1111 a'ii inc. I send
..II ibis si a'i mi lit w i'h full lib.-, iv lo pub'isli ihe ,
,-inie, it von ihink pr er. Your-. A f.
New Suk. .lone Hi, 1st I. G.C. IM.W'K. j
Mr. Riihar.l Dei i.U, ari i.l for Wri-hl's Indian!
Vm.-n.ble I'd!.-. j
1 1. ac Sir I have b. rn iitllic'ed for several veais ;
wi h inwnid w . '.kn. s- and c 1.1 r.,1 d.bdily, -ie. out
I a 1 itd ul limes with puns 111 li e side and oih.r
dl.-liiss'u 15 1 a o.p! ail.1-. All. I bavin:; trad various 1
mr dieiiit s w i'bo. 1 1 II' ei . I w a ; 1 er-u ided l-v t f 1 i til '
lounke trial ; f Dr. Wright's Indian V, citable '
Pi'!-, wl iih I am h.'M pv lo slate, have relieve I nte
in most w. li.h Hid iii.niii, r. I have n-e.l the me- '
dn ti e. a- v el I ol n -b "l tin e, and b ite no doubt,
bv a pi is, . er in he 11-e . 1 the no d ei ie :n coi .
thoc lo iit. lioi s, ih 1 I tsball in u .-In rl tunc le
pell, etlv ie- loie.l, j
I I 10. .si it'll cK nt 11 li 1 d sat I P I's to dl prr
1 son- sinnl i'l 1. 111., lid. ai d in ihe lull hi hel
ihe s nue bei t iienil n eu Is w til f. It..w (hi ir u-.'. I re- '
inrin jouia eiiift it ly. HENRY A. I'l'l'I'E.
Wiowai.-iug, l lsiti co. N, Y.
NlW N'l.liK. Sept. so. Hit.
This is to certify that 1 hate used Wuiiiiii's
!m.v ti. trtkll: I'll is with the cie iU sI b, ne
lit ; hut it u' 1 ii'ii. K run d myself of It c Ir. ipn nt ul
tin ks nt Sit kilt ad 11 he, I 1 w hil h I had previoit-lv
le.n subject. ANN MARIA THOMPSON. '
"-.IS Gre. nwieh s-rtsi, N, Y.
To Mr. lliel aid D. Ill, is, Agmtfor Wngbl'slu
di .11 V tillable ' I--.
ei 1 ' 1 .v. !
As ihere are ut this lone uon.v wieKtd trons '
busi'v 1 11.11. d 111 -1 I'm i" a c. in. 1 1 r' i tin d. it lie on-
ih 1 li e inline ol il e Ii .ball Yi im-i il le Fills mid as
l! est' 11 s 1 rale im 11 te so uili ily ti 1 kli ss of" roll-
tjtienres, that nun y valuable I. vis rnuy be b si in
r .1 1 I, 1
eon:t tpit nee t-i usiua 11 Pir minium eoui lit 11-,
the publ c hre rttutini.rd aguiiist piirchu-ing any
Pills, unless mi the 1 idea of the bona the billowing
worilinu is fain. I :
(Indian t'ur;atire )
Ami alse lo le especially fateful aguinst purcha
sing arid ine.litine nf any perun extepl ihe regu
lar advertised agru'e.
I'i iinnilt iiniii.
II. B. Massir, Suuliiry Win. Forsyth, N'or
ihi.mbi iluiid J..10I. Haas, Shaiiioku) Samu. I
Herb, Muhoii..) Dverlv A D. Ilim, Aucusla
Thomas Fnlliner. M illmi tV. Mem II, E S, l j er, 'J'uiliuisville James
I'm!. Pollsgrove II. Klae, Sotil. r-lown
1 II. H. Knabel, P. M Eltsburg P. O. W tu.
Li i-rnrinc, P M. I'uioii Comer.
I libra and Grni r .l J It p ! I 'i ibe sale of
give i Wrighi't Indian Yiunutdr l'tts, YVbolet do und
' " -. I Utf U At E STREE P. PH ILA HE I.
May KI, lis J. ly
I Trtteii on the Face and Head: the .Iisca--e
Commenced when I wns seventeen years old, and
continued until the Full of 18'10, vaiying in vio
lent p, but without ever disappearing. During most
of the time, preat part of my face was coven d with
the eruption, frequently a'lt iub d with vio'ent ileh-
ing; my head stvi l'ed at timi until it felt n" if il
would bnrft the swi llin." was so ihat I could j
rareily eel mv hut on. During the hum period (
th it I wa tifllicii-d wi h tlic di ease, I use. I n crcit j
tunny a plieiili. n. (am. im them s eelebruled
prep nation ) as w II a- I U i n:i ii.w-.inl retiietbea, j
int Iodine a nun. hi r of b ! t U s of Siniim'n ViVinc il.
K.ilrurt if Siiiwiiinriln. Ac, In fact, it w.u'd bt:
iinpo sit le o einin.e-a'e u!l t'.e nieJifines I i.sed.
I was id-ii under Ihe nre of two of die ino-l di-- '
lincni-hed phv-ieinns uf ihi city, but with nit re- .
eeivinj in. t li beta III, mid 1 d. sp aired of e 1 1 b. intf
rnred. In li e f .11 of ls:Hi, tbe disease i.t the time
being vriy vio'cr.t, I connneiieed mine ihe A' 'f
Ointment, (prepared bv Vaualmn A: Divis.) In
a f. w n plications li e violent itehiui! cia'ed, ihe ,
swt bii'ff a! a ed, Ihe i r'f. ii .li lc an t.i ilisi; pear,
alnl bef.-re 1 hml (in tl a jir ilif di cum! w;s rMne't
ciiicd, Ii has' ro.v hen i.'tnt'y a v :t r mnl ahi'f
since, an. I llieie is not a ve-ti:e of l!n d -e:t e re
mail in. e.cei'l be se os from ihe deep pits f irme l
di a-e. Il i- imp s-ib!e for me toihs ri'e
ill a t
Mill, ale Ihe sen nly o! the disc i 0 m l to
soil' iini? br.t I will le p'e si d to cite a filler ac
count to any pi roti t iinlti g further satisfaction,
who will r II on inc. Al O.e time I c min need
u-iuil the Ii se Oiulimli! I woii!d l.itve citen bun
dmls of do I.iis lo Is- liil of (ho ilio'o-e. Sinec u
sint; il. I have r comini li.h d it (o rterd per-oits.
(anion j ihrm my mother, w ho b i l ihe disease bad
ly on In I ami.1 who re a 1 cured bv it.
.1 ME Df'RNEI.L. N-. 1'. R iff St.
i " Tie Rose O.nlinenl prepned b I'.. It.
V.iiis hao. S u h H i ! co in r i f Th.rd and Race
stte. it,
rv. bv
' M V dih.l ia.and c.ii!
on acenev in fnidm
11. 1!. MA sH'K,
I 1:
EEoc (JiiiliEHcr.l, .,. 'BVIIi-r.
. Tiittar or n.s i:rri:cY.
I'll 1 1 t in I mi . Mav V.7I1!, I
HI" i- lo erriifv I ' ;i 1 I ten y alll fed
i'h Ti "er n the I mils t.ti.l f. I I t now .:.!-
olt.i rars; iht-nisei-e vt s :tfi nihil !2 tier
with vio'inl tl. I. inr and ..'rllit'i!. I .pplnl I i a
I limb, r of h siei ns. t....,l ti - d a cr. til v .pj !i
ciiois ilVictng a tore. A'. out nv ar
since, I '.(led lie lis.: I hi.ln.elit,
st, In1 lib Ii ' and it f-w iipplie
loi-e. I i 1. 1 1) .i-l it , w hi, h e. nn ly
: and it I- w -applicli ni- inone.l.- ;
-e'l-r, w btt-li 1'iere t'.a- b, co no
I l.evt 1 hi t 0 lid of it a'
,.ats. Lli'll MID SAVAGE,
i ;v not il t!ie it'
lll'lll of, ..!!,,.!, a'.i
i j nit- for foily v
F.h i nth. I 1 low Sp ttee S;iei I.
r;) The I!. e Oil. (nn nl i- pr. p . re. I by I'. P.
Van. ban. S .u'.h Ea-t eon., r of Tl i d ai d R.u-e
Mo a -- u!i It bl'i, and s id on ajet i v in Sind.u- '
,v i,y H. V. MAs-TR, :
' May 1 lib. Hid. -V '-
tiftht I'.OSi: 1)1 MMi:T, fr Tutir.
I.TIll 'I'Gl! the si pi rioriiv of ihe prej.ata t 11
oter nil 1 (In is is es-ab'i-bed. Ihe .r pr e-
i lor- lake pba-uip in lay ric hi f re the ublie the
follow ini? eeililleu'e from a re l et table I sici.m,
a c'adn ale of the I 'liiier-ilv ol I'eniist Uatri 1. Dr.
Baiicb, bavine f nun! ill ibis emrdv th.H rebel f r
11 led', usai.d di-ncri e a' b tilVe. tioii which the means
within the rn ce of I i- r..l'es-i..n filled I.) all'otd.
ha- nol hesiiaii tl lo cive il bis appio! ali .n, nbh -lifrh
the j n jiidu 1 s and irenls f that prott'-ion aie
1 pp"spd lo Sltrel b'emedieS.
Pnii.ti.n t in t, Sipt. 10, HH.
I wa- rrrcnllv tioid'bd Willi a lidiou herpetic
erupt ten. w i. b c oe id i ativ unc .-i 'e t mv t -ce.
and exit nh d over the car. Mr. Y;tua,hiin. ptoprn -I.,
1 of tie Rose Ointinrt I, obseitinc mv laer, ni-l-led
on mv t' ins bis prep nation, of whit I. he han
ded me a jar. A ih nuji in eotiunnn vt illi ihe int tu-
lets ,,f 1
j r f.-s-ion, I di-eoi'li'i 11 'lire nin! i!i-'ip-
pr. ve ol li e numerous 1 . stiurns palmed upon the
public bv inioanl pr. lender-, I lei I m jus i e bound
to 1 ei 1
d I
tile R -e I In 1 in, nt In, 111 I hn' c'a s of me-
mil lo one it mv :.p .,hutnm, 11s il 1 iiti-e
Iv lined the cruplioii, Hhlnucii t Ii id resisted th
11-11 I . 1 pi cm. a DAM. BAFGH, M. D.
d ' Ihe R.-e Oil in, et I is pup .ml by E I!
Vanillin. South Fa-t coutr of Thud ai d R 11
Sfet if, I'huude'j hi a, an
buiv, l y
M i I lib, H 11.
ta Id on sg. ncv
in Sun--FR,
J. IttAVIi AN37. JR. 5l CO.
Simli' niitl Tiiliiiffii .M;iiiiil;n Hiiits,
Yo. It'.) .trlh II ( btroriu r if Hurt und Third
Sin 1 It
rrni: undir-igii
I111I1 r (he I'm
-igiied have formed a Co parltn r-htp
In, n ol .1. MAYLAND J11. A ...
as siiei i-s-nrs ,i the liite linn ol J'lfi.h .1 iifhiild A
' iilnl w ill r inlinup the I 11-ine s ,il die old esta
blishment, 1 tl tl 1 1 n 11 uecoelt'. In i.d.'i ioti in
1 heir own 1 lose allot 01011 111 d tip. 11. nee I I in any
Vi 'S, in ll e 11011, ul tiuie . f ll en it li hrali d mull'-,
Ac,, ihe loi.u expi aii life of 1 e m 1101 atli ft l! e
l .i, Fir 111, will 'd-o be devoted lo lite iniere-t .1 'be
t:ew t ot.eeiii -utid us 1.0 txeitiui and ca'e will If
spanal lo insure tin ii i;oim1s, ul all dun s 01 the ve
ry Usl tj 1 it 1 1 1 v . ih.v solic.l a continuum c if the
eoulidel.te ol ll.c ti.t iids ul. I 1 lot tin r- of ihe laic
f.riii. 'F1IOM V.S ADAMS.
Pluladi lp'oi.i, May 1 lib, I x 1 :i. t y 1
( 'uini r tl 'l'!i ',' and tiit Struts,
FSMF. silsinlir I s-, I fully uniiolim-.s to lie
I pu' in-, ihat I f h s o em d u Holel III I In cotn
niodious hii.k I uildii u s male on the comer ef
I hi'd al d Pirn- s'rei Is, V. la re I e II he l iippv lo
wail ip n ih'-sc who III iv fiVor bi ll it'i theii
coinpsi y. 'I he F. .le Holel is Li'ilo and conteni-
Pin, ai il fun ishi d 11, ll e I c-l m 'dim sn le. I i- 1
, provttltd iviMt a hone 11 111. 1. er of well lined und i
, couth 11 tide siei nn. is fnarlmeiits, rooms, ornate
pallors, Ac. Peisoi.s visiting W ilhamsport no bu
siness 01 p!ea-ure, may tv-l as-und lliut every ex
ertion will l usrd to lender I lit I r kojoiiiii al ihe
Eagln lloli I" pleasant and aiirieahle. HisTal le
will tie supplied with the very heal tbe nimket af
fords, and Ins bar with the choicest wines and other
liiunr (baigea re .onal.e, 'J he Eaulo Hold
possesses greuler advantages in point of loralioii
than any oilier establishment in ihel oiough,
being aituate in Ihe busim ss part of the town, and
within a fniivr inent tlislaiiee of the Coiut JLium
aud Williamspurl and F.lmiia Rud Road Depot.
Suflicienl Siahliug provided, and good and UUsly
Osllera always in altt ndanee.
Alteiilne, acetiii.modatmg and hone.-l Sert.inl
hate been tmplotrd, hi d nothing h I'i undone thai
will add lo the ComloM a: d uccoiuiiioduiioii ul his
'J lnre wiil be a rarriai;.- iduava ill alleinlai fe at
the Bout l.sndii g lo coi. vey j us,- r to and li. .111
the Hou.a, Ine vt ihat ire.
May 1 lib, H4, if
buiibtjuv, rA.
Bnslnem alieniled to in ihe Counties of Nor
ihundcrland, Cidon. Lvcomintt and Colninhio.
Itefer In i
Tiinvt is HtiT Ac Co.,
I.nwm At II tn no,
Habt, CcMvit"irm At Haiit, yl'liihul.
Rf.ixouis, McFAiitAn A; Co.
SpsniMn, Gunii A; Co.,
To C'tmiidy
rPHE Subscriber, Acent of Lyon Ac Harris, Hat
Maniifirlnrers, for New York, Phil tdelphiu,
Raltimotpi and other laren cities, 1 osu Unit are
hichly coiinm.nded far itnd cd-i and dnrahiliti,
has oi band n lir-t rale :ieitin"nt of HA T."! and
('APS, suitable f. r Sprnp dps, wh ih will Vp oM
very low, I'm ca-'i or anpiove l credit, nt the m lt d
rhriit 'tart; No. 10, Norlli TlrrJ hlro I,'t
Ibe City Hotel, Philalelpbia.
ROBi.ilT D. V iLKINn.'. t;W. '
N. il. Onbvs I .f Hats in iberoiin' pr.i.npllv I
altende.l to, The bit;hesl j rico ill ".' or Ira 't j
cit en I ir 'm ,'in., i
Pbdflelpbia, .lime II, tM1.--ly '
LI. per.. s indi bit d In the linn of I.von A
II ur s, under I' e ..smtcy if I . N . Tb-ieht r. :
; II I' ami Can M ' inn farttirrr, N o. In North Thitd. .
streil, Phil id. Iplri, are rupiesieil lo m.die iiinni ill
i ale setllemelil of di ir a. coi.nls w illl the subscriber. ;
ll. ir h a illv iirl.niire.l t e. i t. who is fi.l'v i tnpow.
tied tosilile ui.d roll, el br nn nni.l-ol s lid firm, i
I .tune .fib, I Ml . I f Agi-.'l.
'go ldhn'sw an
"n iainrn fia ei
.Yo. li'.t imlh 'I'hir'l, olmrr Arils Sin it,
f((IMMliMliiNs full M.VI'VIV I'l llsdNS.
' MIART.P.S WEISS, la cof the - l,i:eS,i,"
' and "Mount Vernon House," repi cifully in
, forms h'-s friends mid cns'otin r. ihnl I e ba- bet nine
the prnpiictor of l!.c abm" vt i II known II. 1. 1.
; ( l.iiii'i v Mitel :.i I - w i I fit. I ibe above Ho'el a
eeiittal I ciliott, and the bi t ol fare. Pi r-ons tra
: , limp w:lh rit lie eoi.vev w ill foul n hirer
, vnd and K 'oil stabhni; I. I hoise-, iil.d the btst of
Ost'ets. I'o tiding 1 pi t tin'.
Mav lllh.lSI-J. if.
nr.. :-:r:Li:j-iT &
( 'nlliltils
ii-!) - I
if II iU
Vnv n itl in-.' .Mrfc! i.ii's-,
Sn;rt U.iil Utid,
k 1 ttistiir,
11I V i h ill, III .lo-et h P at r t'l.
n 'i 1
WING ns-oe, .
i.f hi, , r
,., n s' ei 1 t"i 1 1 1 y i 1 1 1 . r r 1 1 I,-', ir
eri era'U . lli .t tie V h iv, I 1 .
I kn..w n -lore and w h -f nt
R 1 bond, I ,1. Iv o. ropie I I y
ft c d - and Ibe public
k n III I I irL-e and w
f l, I of dl .W Sr, ,
.1 11 ob M in rii, v bi-f ibe
( '.t;,U'is-:,,n and Forw 'i
I u po e doin a I !e;t. ra'
li ? Bniiiss, Hid f 10.:,
ihe 1 M-l!
iu !i d!
0 u! l
s i f 'be pi ,re b.iir.j eonti.rti.i
t l;o; rovi iiieiit thai have iheir ;
ll.ev flatter tin in-elu s ihi v wib
old 'el in ib.s
1 c i.b'f to do
vanlacc, and
house, and tl
! iisii.ess to as creal, it not c ra'ei atl
U on as ie is .iial''e It tins a- any ml er j
v ussuie their f.n l.ds that any t no
s in n's made
lo lb. ill shall have tin ir s r 1 t al-
It nt. on
and no e.t ttioiis span d to five ei.liic s i!is-
lac' ton .
Tin y lire also prepaid lo receive and forward
cauds id tinv 1 oint on the Iblavvare and I 1 1 . sj I
1 iti r-, bi iwei 11 Maueh Cl.ui k, Ea-I"ti and I'bd a
di!, bia. via Di taware Divisl n and Lehigh Cm I-:
also, lo anv point on 'he Juniata river, or Nor b
and Wt st lloua-h, s i.l the Su-ipii h anna t ia 'ei...v !.
kill ami I nioii, oi tho Chcrapi ..kc und Fide W .lei
For ihe acropinvid t'lon of Boa's c.-mnoi or co
in via Si ! ut li. ill and 1 ntoti ( 'anal-, a 'ie nd oat
will b- k pi ex p'Csslv for lowina la. i's t o .111 the
Si hitvlkiH tu nin.l I" ihe Dt ' .w n-e ami I aek, w ! 11 li
w ill en ble men bants to hate li en ptodin e di i
te c.l on ihe IV'iiw are, and ibeir c .od- si ipp. d ul
a sivina ,, otl to "i'i per d ni. o" the I 1
iial hi a ac o-s. wiri) tlnse udtuolai'es Ihey rc-spu-ilul'v
solo il 3 .-ii an- of 1 Or n u e.
W .'HEil.MAN sV CO.
William IE ihnm, T
V II am W. K.v-e , v
siph ' ) Phi! id .May 11, H Fl I. v
(Inn nil .iiitikwoioii .tt i Da'tf
1'i.r l!,i
Cruin, S111I. A,'--, dc
TJ F.sFF.C I IT ELY i' form tb. W In. ml- an t
j be Men-hauls geuellt , ib-.l lb. v hae ta
ken ih"M-.ii:e and W h.ui s. irii two
Ibsk", 1101th nl Gheriiot sli.el, on the ire,
toLcthcr wuh the si, ie No. 19 Soulli Wlnrxe-.
wheie lln-V woidd be plea-ed to receive eon-ii;ii-metils
..f Giain, Floui. Seed. W I, i-k-y. Iron. Ac.
Ac. Rcii'if also well pri piiiftl l.i forward all kind
ol Mi n handtse hv ihe Sehiivlkill and I'l.iof.ot bt
ihe Cbe-api fke uill Tide W aler Canals, ,t low
boats are kepi expris.-ly ful ll.C purpobe cf towing
l onls l y 1 i ,f, lou'e.
Miii biiuls will pie se he pi'-h ular to send their
Ko, ,1s destined by ciihet cat si-. I. No. I'.I South
Wharves, hrtwien Market and Cbesnul sine's, on
tbe Dt law are. Willi dir. 1 lion aicomp nit 11 g lln 111
wl.nh route ihev w i-h ibeui lube sbtppe h
0 J
Plaslir mid Sail lot ni'c. al lln- lowe-1 inur-
ki I I 1 ice.
M.111I1 I')
liul. l ON A C'.
No. I'J Snnlh W h lives.
HOItl lt l KTI It .V SON,
i.oniUuril Sin, I, t:,;tliinii f. '
NAVE coii.-liiiilly for sale. Frniiini; I'api r of al ,
sics and ipialite s. Can 'i'iitinj Puptr. nil d
and plain, I t 'ler I'api r, w bile und blue, ruled ai d :
plain, Hat')li..K I'h er, line and comm . II. Elivtlope
Fuper, tin. do. UitdiCni, tloub'e ciow 11, crow 11 and
evliasuol W lapp iij; Paj eis, Coloied Miluin ami
Roy il P.ifis, Boi' Fin. his' and Siiaw Ibn i
B .aids, T ssut- Paper, und all ail flea in il.i-n bin-. 1
whiib ihey will seil mi 1 1 c inmodj iuj lilu.s.
II gl.fsl 1 nee given f t old raus.
M ,r, h in. H1U. Elklon, Md
w...'.: rJwLi.1 -T w ;-s. .
A.N aiiic'e um-qtiallcd for cleaning and C-vuii; a
highly durable and most hrilliuul polish to sil
ver, German Miter, Brass, Cppet, Bnllaliia ware,
'Pin, Si.el, Cutlery, and lor restmiug the luslre on
vamishad rariiaue-, etc. THY IF.
Prepared and sold al whnlna'e and re tai'. by the
Sunpirhanna Chrysolite Polish Coni any, Owego,
J inga county, I. 1 .
WM. FORSYTH, Acent for Norihum'd,
II. B. M ASSF.K, fot Sunbury.
N'ovemher iiOlh, ini'i.
ri.Ti-ni n..viii;s,
No. 7 1 Cii.liiwl.iit Sin-el, riiilatk-lj liia
("I'lirrt dimti iihi-vt Sttand.J
SHOE Finding always kept on hand, which he
tiller for sale nn the lowest terms. Counuy
Men h tula are psrlivulnly to c ill and judge fo.
Philadelphia, Novrm.Hr la, lFi. ly.
G. W. a L. E. TAT-LCP..
OFFER FOR SALE, at the Snulh East Cor
ner of J'ifth and Market Struts, l'hiludcl
phia Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted,
do do do pecned do
do do do wulcr proof, double np
and double uppers,
do Calf-skin do do do nailed
and uppers,
do Heavy Water Leather Boot,
tlo tlo Neata do tlo.
do lliyh quarter Shoes, Calf-skin,
tlo tin tlo Crotkers do
tlo Fine Monroe warranted
do Kip do do
do Gulf do do
do Coarse do tlo
do do Shoe do
do Fine do do
do Kip id) ,
tlo Ciiirand Seal Skin I jmps.
do List Sock with and without soles,
tin I 'ar et do d.i tin
do I'alenl Warranted Wult r-proof Moerasins,
I. miles do tlo dn do
Lndns' tunned India Rubber shoe.
( It nf emeus' do ( it er -hoes.
'i'h eviry other de-r iptiou of bonis and shops.
Fi r ' ins . f en rv de-crip: ion.
Travell nj Trio k- of eviry dt scriplion.
Venetian I raM llinu ll iax.
Patent limn Elastic Shoo IMiikiuL'.
lb Iitlds , f ::11 kintls, I'ahn Leaf Hals.
I hi! nh l bin. No ember 1:1, tv.
3j.a. r& :f'3i
.No. 'J!l Nr. nh Wnter Street, I'hih.
7 73 AM'FAG I'I'REI.S and dealers in Oils of
i.? fit cverv ilesetipiion both for binri na and
iiiiiliolafnr iii! f tiiposes, wliiib will be Sold mneli
lower than ll.iy can be proennd elsewhere, and
Waiianteil in tpiahly to i .pial any in the c itv. Any
oil sold l-v llti- i ofnp-tnv not provinj; as ie; resented,
tuny be relnrned w ihotit anv expense (o t lit- pur
i h .si r. and the toot. i will l e n loiided
'I In ir .-ioi k ikivv -' sloie cons:.-!.- nt l l.t- follow ing
IM'.HoO L' dhins Winter B!ea:bc! Speim'
TiiHIII do do Clinics Oil,
l.'.OIMI do Fail and Sprina Sp, ,, I ),,
lU.nilll do Winter Sea Eb 1 b-inl,
SM.W'lt ,bi do I'reved Whale Oil.
Llllili do Summer do do do
I .".(('II do ( 'oiiinioii Whale Oil,
iinil Barrels snpi ti.. Stra '; I il,
I'I'll i'.i Co. I U nd. Od,
f ll ,la N,v,.s Fool O.I,
'i'i Ca-ks I l.ivi Od,
Tai 11 r's 1 Ids.
J i-
, ' 'i'l.i.- Comp-ii V ha- a nutu' er of Vt s-i Is ell
'M ji'I in Ibe Co I Fishi rv , nml 'I inner- neiv n ly
upon cel'it c at all I inesO: as- pure us imported,
I'llii.ulelplii.l. Nov. I.I. 11J. Iv.
.'it'liiR'l IVcavi'v V Son,
norr m::ins . tiur cnANriEns,
A'i. Hi N'orA V.'i. 'rr Sir I I'h.lnd, 'rhiii
RAVE tonsanl'v on hand
Celier .1
W H. .
1 U ti" in "I or ..1."', Seine. I w 11.1 s, ,v e , v 1 :
I Hi'd Ropes. Fi-'.'n c 1! .pes. W hile Roji .-, M mil
la Ropi s, To Lints f, r Canal Baals. Also. 11
c oinp'elc itsjoitict i t of s, in,- 'Pit inos. , c. -in h a
l!,i:,i Si ad in, d iii nine I w ine, I'.e.-i I'ati i t liill
Ni l 'J'w ine, Co! Ii u SI ad md I let : im; I'w ii e, inio
l'l.r, 1 's. Ac. Ac. A!-.., Bed Co:d ,l"l, tit, Line.-,
I I dvr-, i r id ". Co'!. ni and Linen Carpel Chan s
At. al! ol n 1.1. It tl.ey will d. sp. se ,,1 on n agonal. lc
It 1 ins.
I'bil.ide'i hit. Not- mbfi lit. 1 I''. ' v.
.IaoI E i i-uii!( Ci . .Mm.
F.sPF.C'l 1 I LLY iiilorms l!i it In. nds and
neoi.'atnt.'t.ei s "e if di'v thit ll.ev sli I e. n-
nill!" lo keep -l' ibe old stand. .Nn.
.-To I . Philad. If .t.i 1. all ', mds of
.'li! Nor ;li
TOMCCO a.m : i' A r
bull Illl V W dl ..'II n lot; 11. A . .ItCoUOIlOllaHUi'
UtCoUiliuld a
and te is n.l le tet nt.
N. B. A I .'- -1,'. w II be e,.
U I (fed .lel.ll
ot.h r- 1 roil, j l' 1!: nd. .1 lo.
Fl ;!.,,!. !pl. a, N. vciiifet Id, Is.'.lv.
! Sl'JIiM.XC, C(H)D vV ( t.
! X... lUs-s .Md)!,-! Su't-i-l, I'iii lit-It-lj
; S.NVTFK (he attention of
JJJ to their ex'iii.-ite u-sor:ii'a
f Countiy M. reli ants
ul ot I! nl i.-h I'r. i h
i i.i Amerit an Diy I .oods, w h cli ihey tnr
on lln- m a I n asouable t. row.
Fhih.d, Ipht.i, November 1:1. HIC Iv.
J . YV . S V A 1 X ,
riiil.ti-ll.i ;iinl -1 Mum.faiMiiivr.
Y. di ,o".7 ttrtit, inn thufi, Ar.'ori- the
fill, lint' I. I'h I. 'lU, Iphlit.
OI'N'l'lt Menh 11 Is and others are solu ileil
J li) t VUaillie bl.s .ui.olll.ltlll I'llolC pUiellaHllg
-en here
Ph. la 'e!
:'u. Noveiider 11. !v.
.HO SvJi. 23.
e t T, To
Jf) "1 K -a'.e a -111 1 I F.i'Ui.
3 bin d e l and ti 11 aCi. s
in P. 11. 1 I. t 1.1 b p. N,.r
I in mil. s i.hote No'tl limb
f oi l iii U'C about I'f
, nn. re or le s, silu ,10
I 1 il.ind O i:nl , iil. 'Ul
r.l ud, on the 111 on
r I h iidiii.' from tlial 1 1, e t.. I'mv
laud, of John Li-ohmi, .le-se I '. II. .Hi
no.v in the net-up alley "I Sairon I P
loily a. n of said liaet are 1 h an d,
slat, uf eu lituiion, on winch ll 11c i
iritl'd. 'File i.iot'.irlv will be sold
1, and other-,
y i.e. About
ami in co, id
, a small I
1 1, r. a-, 11 able
Iciins. For futlh 1 r j a1 111 nlars, 1 nous are ri .in .-t
ed lo anidt t.i ti e ul m'i ih r.
HI-:. if
11. MAss;R, .1 nut.
Sun b nt v . Fa.
Nov. 37'h
"LIST OF I30022S,
I Oil St It. II
r. f v s s-x. ? .': :! tlj4f2
-i'V do.; At
N i l I o.N
i CI ,-.tal 1 bi lion art ; lemprirs
, . 1 .' I'. ..1. k ,.,,.1
in-won:, ii.. ; t i-i.i. o.'-i i.i.ii"so
Gcmari do ; Ambon's Ci sar; Anlho'i Cr unmet;
Antlieii's Cue o; Mull's 1 U'lu llcaib f, Ogill 's do.;
Aid.. iv. I.u-iii 1,s. 11-: Hum can'. LlMiet;
Fish's Git- k Ev.ti s. s, Davies l.eernd
1; (, tut 1 1
I'inioi k'a
Major.,; Adams'. Roman Al .t.ipn'ifs;
Goidsinilh'. England; do. G refer; I.) ell' Ehn.fl I
nf GiohiRv; Mis. Lincoln Bolany; 1.1, nienrs tu
BoUiiy; Btidne Algebra; Poilei' llbcloiieal Hi a-dcr-;
Em. rson'a G.. s"hy and Hi-lory; tl. a
do ; Par'iy'.ilo ; Smnh'. Graiuinei: Kiikhain'a do.;
Kin's Hi-ad. rs; Cold 'a do.; Cohh'a Artlhmeiick;
Pike'ado.; Emerson' do.; Cel b' Spelling- B.K.k;
Tonii'ado.; Cobb'. 'Fable Books; F.var pelual Fa
mi'y Lth.aiy; Collate Bible-; Family do ;
ul do.; Small Bibles and Trst.mcnl-; Paikci a Ex
pn i-eson ComKisilion; Fiuil ol ibe Spittl; Bai'ei's
S.ioi' Itrsi; American Revolution; Mairyutl'e No
vels; Mia. Philp "ii Cl.cmi.tiy; Bod; Cilechistu
of American Law.; Le'l.rson Natural Manic; Che
mistry f. r Beuinm-r-; English Excrcin a ad ipted to
Muiiy' Gr,imm.r, Snpul to Cuniby' Sp.-lling
Book; Am. ricaii Clas B. ok; Daholl's St hoolma.
lei'a Akstsiant; A creat vutiety ol Blank Book, Ac.
AurusI 'i. IP-