Cerretpontltnce of the PhiMrfphia Ledger. Washi.iuTo, Sttttrday Ftb. 10, 1S44. There is, ftt this moment, nothing new or ex citing here, except the evening parties, routs, soirees, kc, in w hich English and French socip' ty are alternately imitated, according to the knowledge and means of the amphytrions. The President, who is the most amiable and sociable man in private lift?, and whose suavity of man ners is the theme of general admiration, conducts himself with as much ease, as if social inter course and the cultivation of general good feel ings, and not the Presidency over the mammoth Republic of the nineteenth century, where his chief occupation and delight. No man like him selfcan so completely throw aside the rancor engendered by partisan warfare, or meet, ut hi own festive board, with unfeigned cordiality, those who have opposed, persecuted and plunder ed him. I have no doubt whatever that the President entertains, ut tin! White House, many a man whose better feelings upbraid him for having made his nets and tlntso of his minimis- j trntinn th? theme of rude invective and party iiu jnosity. It is for snrh and similar n asnns I up- 1 prove of th- most extended social intercourse, fur th"re is nothing like tli" familiar interchange of : thoughts, unJ-T the moderating influence of cti-ipir-tte, -(which prop-'ily teaches us to resp'ct ourselves in others.) to file away the rugh edges of public life the anti-social and destructive I pa-ssiens, roused by the strife of factions. Wash ington, more than any other city in the Union. offers ample nppnitunity of this sort: for it is ) not merely n wealthy clique of one or the other I partisan persuasion which here dictates the law j nfsoci"ty. The. resident ciTiiens are poor, and it is therefore lint rank te-vl station, has -d on in- j t-llectual rniinence, which rnle the fashions of I the day; whil th? habit ofpolitic.il opponents! m-eting each oth-r, from day to dev. on neutral ! f round. 6r the pui pose nf exchanging civilities ' w ith one anoth t, has had a f jln'ary infln -nee on ' their mutual appreciation of each other's ipiali- i ties. An ultra, in soci-ty, ceas j,j 1,.. a g ..n. J tlenian; an 1 it is a current savins Iit-, that ve- ' Lenience in politics. esp -ciiillv in conversation, tdmws at rtnee - the stinng-r" in Washington. The Cabinet appoint m 'tits, as the time for the : Convention uppinavlios, c ass to be of that ah- j sorbin inter-st. and t.i create that politicol an- xiety, which th -y ar vo:it t- do, at th period i iioiuediatelv succ-eding tlie iV'tith of 'iieral Harrison, and v.; learn now, with some co:npo ture, th.it Governor Gilm -r will, in all probabil ity, be nominated on Tuesday nxt, Secretary of the Navy, and, as iniehl be supposed c mjirmrd. The Senate has buried its spite, or rather t-xlimis- ed it, in the bite rejections of the Cabinet nomi- i.itions, rind will not soon aain provoke the ill- .villofthe President. The confirmation of the Hon. Henry A. Wise, t' 'Minister to ltrny.il, by so large a majority. (ust be considered as a p -are off-rinir. as an ear- est to retract tin? heavy verdicts pronounced en ('inner occasions, and will evidently place the (I'liilinistratioii in a position less hostile to the Wh!gs. .linlge AVilk'.us. who was formerly talked of as Secretary of th .Va y. will be nominat -d lor the Wur Department. Mr. Sp mecr will probably jemain whei he is. His tab-r.ts ami business capacities ar- universally a'kuowl-'dg-d. and th" President is well aware o t It--ill ; l,i,t if there be little disposition on th - p;t:t of the Senate to worry the President, th-re exists also no dispo sition on the part of the President to harass the Senate with calls for pvoiisMeration of their im mediately t-xpr 'ssed opinions. Mr. Spencer is an excellent Secrctai y of the Treasury, which is, perhaps, the most ditlicult post in the w hole ad ministration and as the President is not Called Uhiii to part with him, the hardship of his re jections a Judge of the Supreme Court of the I'nited State , thought to fall less on him than en Mr. Spencer, whose hostile position to Mr. Webster, couph'd as th lalt t hem is with Mr. Clay, would alone b stilficiei it, at the present ore.inil.it ion of the Senate, to piuve fatal to his i confirmation. j There uusaiumortli.it Judge Fp-Inir was go- ; ing to Prance ; but it Was not founded on fact, j Mr. I'pshur, in all probability, will goto Eu- : rope; but Berlin is. il l mistake not. the rei- . il -licehe has s ! e,-ted. Mi. Wheaton, it is thought, ! will eith r be recall -d. to till the vacant judge. ! ship o:i the Suprem : Bench of the United States. or he will be transferred to Paris. He is amply qualified for either station, and especially for that of Minister to Paris, being not only a tho rough diplomatist, but ulso an agreeable and flu ent French writer, and a corresponding member of the Institute. There is as yet nothing d Yinit-dy known about ! the successor of Mr. Upshur, though overtures I ire made in certain quarters which may astonish ! the country. I will in due time inform you of all ; at this juncture to say more would be imlis rreet. j To-day, Mr. Wcb.-t-r rontinuerl his argument j in the Supreme Court for the heir of Stephen (ii- j r.ird. Lawyers say that Mr. Riiim-v ma le a most t powerful argument in b "half of your city, and ! that Mr. Sergeant's argument, though highly in tellectual, was less to the point. Webster's name ulone is a host ; the subject one on which he has bestowed more time than on anything else in his life, save the Prcsideney, and he appeared throughout so calm and self-possessed, that it is more than probable he has for some time pa t gi ven up all thought of convivial happiness, in or der solely to attend to the interests of his clients These are here, and express themselvea in term of perfect admiration of Mr Webeter't powers. The Court room was crowded, at much so at the Senate chamber ever it during the oratorical et ty of itt ciumpions. The city js M much thronged wJtbofRct teek trs at ever Yours Fka.xsi.in Feventy four thousand dollar in specie rrriv ed at New Orleans ou the vtth u'.t Translation of a t filer from .Tf. IVn tlaumer. Brum, November 1, 1813. Though not entirely unacquainted with tho English language, tho German is eo well known in tho United Htatce that 1 venture, dear air, to write to you in my native tongue. It is in that tongue only that I can, in the fulness of my heart, express the great pleasure my election as a corresponding member of the National In stitute at Washington has given me. In the first place, every I.uropetn must value such an honor more highly than when a similar distinc tion is conferred from places less distant. In the next place, I behold in its sort of invitation to an undertaking for which I need more; en couragement than many others need. From my plan to visit the United States in the coming Spring many have attempted to dissuade me, sayi.ig that I wast too old, thai I could inform myself sufficiently nt home, or that (being en tirely unknown there) I would hear and learn hut little. Having been occupied so long with historical researches on the rr, t was, hnwi ver, resol vej for once, to explore tho land of the riasi-NT a land where no' the ruins only nftimrs long gone by ore planted, hut all U full ofyouth ful, active life. Homo traveller have nothing to tell about tho United States', but to discuss such questions a whether they cat. tobacco, use two-pronged forks, etc. Others w ho protend to examine more deep'y, lament that they did not find judges with periwigs, the right of primogeni ture, an established church, lords and prelates, hordes f soldiers tnd olScers, and so f rth. Far from being impressed wiili such ropre. mentations and views, I became t-till more stub born end pei t. unci' us in n y ninsnying. Whe. 'her, howi'M r, X rth America is mic'i as I im ague aid piet ire it to myn-lf, I cannot no ih-cide ; and whether I should go there re uiainrd Ii'ii undecided. At this-junc'irc ciimo toy rccrpt.oii into your Institute as a liivoiir.i hle, rnemtraging omen. I nny now with re doubled couti li-iice hope fur t'.ie friendly iolor uiitinn, and (hat I will be considered and recei ved as a grateful pupil. With the higloM regard, I remain yonrmo-t oh"dieiil servant, V. K.UJMKIl. To F Markok, Jr., Iq. VirrfjxitJing Stculury of the Xulioiml Institute Xotk. The original Herman lettr of M. Von It.iuuier has been published in the Washington ".National Zeitung" of the '.'oth January, 1M I. ANOTUICl F.Krt.OMON OP A HaiM'STOtE. A large grindstone burst while in full evolution in on? of the shops attached to th" United States armory at Springfield, on Monday week, one half of it, weighing more than four hundred pounds, going through the side of the shop, mid the other through the iloor, cutting a sleep-r in too, "like nothin'." No person killed, but seve ral of the workmen had narrow escapes. Mam vacti t: i n i Annririw. Maiiui.e. The Pittsbuig Chronicle says an individual has a mole of manufacturing luarbU which is pro nounced superior to any nlli 'r artificial stone or marble in use, ;m. will supersede the use of lime mortar in th- varied processes of plastering, will b -extensively us -d for stucco woik, ino-aic, statuary, mautal pice -s, table slabs, atmospheric and hydraulic cement, rooling of houses anil pav ing of streets, &c. It will set or harden in six hours when applied in plastering houses. It will resist the action of atmospheric heat, damp, frost, &c, and is susceptible ofa high polish, and can hi manufactured at a cost littb; exceeding ordinary lime iiuntar. IIomk Pimm i io. . A company has just been formed in liosloii Willi u capital of 51 .Ouu, OOi) who intend setting in motion two mills with 1-V-Him spindles each, for the manufacture of Mouse line d -J. aides, similar to those iuiHiited limn France. There is one mill in Massachusetts now engaged in the manufacture of this article, and has been able to declare u good diid:nd. (rkat Sale ok Wool from unr KuTArn The cel. brated farm of 11. II. Itofe, at Silvei Lake, IV-uii , in linljin.s ten thousand xliecp. A fe w days since, the proprietor told ut one lime to a m unit icturer of Ithaca, 3IR) bale of wool, each bale weighing f rum 150 to 10 lbs. at :il cents a pound. Tui Oslt Wit to src-uint for the Riaudre h Pills brinx fo emi emly succeoful in curing every ario'jr of tli ea e i ', that they sssist nature in ex pelling frem the body sll (ho e impure humors wl ich not on'y cause but produce disease, To ihean of cosiiie halut, this medicine ir inva hulilc, being the nii!dc-l and mo t ffcctu.il catliur. tic ihnt (to pos bly be idiuinistercd, and nn ne ver iijuie, tliongb t,ik u foi any ler.g'h nf time. Be ran ful lo grt the get ume. No driiggisi has ih-m for ta'e. (Jj' Pur base of If. fl M.issf r, Surbury, or t f li e s cnt, pulili-loil in snolhi r put of lliis p ijicr. i i i: i , On the 9th iust., an infant son of Mr. Jeremi ah Xiiiunerman, of this place, aged about C weeks. PRICK CURRKNT. Curitcted wukly ly Uenry Yxtheimcr. R. . . . 60 Oat . S5 & . IPO li 25 10 75 200 8 . 10 mi, FLASSttO, LtuTTsa, BtKSWAX, TttLUW, Dwiau Arrikt, Do. 1'SACUSS, FlAI. Hirstm Ftn. Tavern lMrrnsr. To the Ihmrrrable C. C, Donnrl, Esq , Prrrittent, and hit Atociatr,Jtlge of Ihe Court of Qnnr ter Session, of the enunty of Korthumberland .' THE petition of Catherine Doutton, of Sun bury, In said county, humbly represents, that she continues to keep a public hnue of entertain ment at her old stand, and it well prepared for the accommodation of travellers, &t. She therefore prays your Honors lo grant her a license to keep a tavern, during the ensuing year, and she will pray, Ac. CATHERINE BOULTOX. To TH. tenors arove Mr-WTtosani The sulv criliers. residents of ihe town of Suntury, hereby cer tify, that CuthrtinO lloullon, the sppiicsnt fir ttie license, it a woman of Rood repute fur honesty and temperance, and Is well provided wiih hnuseroim and conveniences for the i 'dging and Hcrommoiln tion of stiangers end travellers, and 'hit a public house there i nece sary : ihcy then f.re reconi min i for ns a proper person to be liccneed to keep ii public house, Tr T (ltnient Edwitd Oyster, SS IJouirliner t! I) Whaitoii Joseph K s. ly tie i Maiiin Ficderiik I. i inn 1) Kockef, Per ltentv S (toliin John Hans S.unucl Fi lter W I. IVvuitt Feb. 17 h. IStl.nt i:st;itr or Sulonion lt rtliia, l c '!. NOTIlM'J i- hcictiv given. Ihnt lefrrsnf nd niiuis'ratiiin ui the estate of S.ilom.iii IVi sniff, tb e'd., lute of rib unokin township, Noithum titrland county, have lieen grantt'd to tlie sulit.-r.-ber. All pe t ins id bied lo siid e-t it, ns well ts all those hiving claims g dust llie sjine. are r qumied 1 1 call on ihe administrator for settlement, who will leal home every olhcr Siurdy from ih s date, for lb-it pirpoe. EMMAM'Et, ZIMMERMAN', Feb. 17th, 1S4 1. 6i A.lm. 711.1, br sold, at public Snellen, a' ihe hnue of Daniel Herb, in Uniier Mabonov town- st'ip, Nnriliuiii!t'rl.ind Ceuuty, on tho lsldyol May next, .,O0O ncrcHof'Timhcr Imt1, -iiu it. l. cl ii (ly, in Una I t wn-li'p, said coiimv. The Mnh,.,iy t ri t k pas t s l' rouh n r 'psi lcr.il.lr p rlioii t.f ihe propi-ily, sll.irili,.U' srvcial iKc llei.l mill sents The tes have I leii pii.l up, anil an ii,lipui.iM till.-, t-J.-ar of all inrttml'raue,, ill ! tiv.'ii ! pinch iseis, Tho If c-'iiliinml ! Iiom ,tv lo i'h , in. (il ilic wli..c is s .Id. The terms la- mnln fcn ovti mi ihr tl ly of s'le. A. .11'. NKF. M il, n;j i:i! liousgur.T. Feb. 10, tsM,f vm MrA v. . Rett QTj' Tl'C PoiisMl'e F.a imiiiim nod P.mvdle In tilig'iircr w II roi tinue itie almae until f.irliidilcu, sud rli.nge ihis otMee. r P H E large and ronimn diotm T WE KN ST A , 1) ill the town of Sllailiokitl, Nor liiiiiilier!ui co. now t ccupicd by llie sub cilber. The b..ve pro. perlv is sili.nteii in the Miuun kin Coal Pen no. For terms, a, p'y 1 1 JACUll KKAM. tih imokm, Fe:-. Klih, H4 t if. Tairrii I.lroiiso. To the Homirnhlr V. (!. Donnrl, .'y Vrrsidcit, and lilt Atnicintrn Judge nf Ihe Court of Quar ter Session, uf Ihe rminly of A'oi thumb rlatiil . TIlllE pc ili in of Fiederick b'sker nt I.illle Ma. I leaioy, in s nd county, liunililv icpresei.ts, ih it be coi.tii ucs lo keep a t.em ut his ol I slm,l, mid is c'l prepared fur ihe iicconiinoilalioii of travel lers, Ac. Me therefore p hs your Honors t-i grant Irm a liceii.' to keep lav, ru timing the insuiug year, and lie will prav, cVc. FKEDF.IIICK IlAKF.lt. To Till! .Ii'iinics tmivi: m i:TlnKi! : The su! eriU rs, rendi uts of I, Mai onov, hein'iy ct rtifi , lli.tl Fred linker, t'te applic mt f ir llu license, is a man ol good rej'Ute fir honesly and Tempi r oice, and is wi II provitle.l wild house-tiioni and c ii v niei ces lor the lJej,,c nm a,-oo inn Hl.ilion ol irangeiK and travellers, and I tint i public house lln le is iin , ;.ri : ihey tlien f ue reciiiinin ml hon as a proper pi r son t i be le enci d In keep a (ml lie bouse. Samuel gnrr Il.uuel Wegnrr James Sii,elurt (ieor.e Mwmelia t Enoch taker rsnoiel 8 Wat ncr J icoli Dewer J ut Uolheiinel W i:lu n Drrr W'm Koth. rincl ll.vid Ha n II Kr.l t Amns Kenl (ieurge llolshue Fel lOih, IRU 3l Tut tin 'iise. 7b the Itunnrohlr C, '.'. n7. I'n., I'rrnulml, it.d hit A -wein'fs. Judges nj Ihe Cow I if Quit' fir Sttsiwii if tin county if Surlhusnlt rluml . T 111 E p I it on of t "I, a i lis Weaver, ol Xoiilim y. in s ml ri-uiity. huu.My ri pie Cuis, il al lie cuiiin in a to keep a bouse of public ml it.inim.nl, nl bis Id S'aed. and IS well pri'parc.l fir I'.o iifeein imnI.i li ui t'f Iran Id is Ac. He then f ue pnvs y.-nr hon rs In cant liim a In ense io keen a t Vero tUir Ibc cnsuii g year, and be ni'l pmv, Ac. UHAKI.ES WEaVF.I;. To the Jennet amovk m jitio kii Tie sub selibi rs, re-i.lcnts of e-'unbiey, ben liv c r'lfy, ill it ('ImiIcs W'tavir. the applic ml fn ihe Imu-e, is a mm of good repiee fir lionesiy and tempi ranee, and is well provided with hou- room and c invent cne4' for the loitting and sccommotlaiieii of stran gers tnd travtllers, sn.l thti a publ c house there is ni-ccssary : they then fire recommend him is a prnpi r pert n lo be licensed to keep a public house, llei jimtii Hciniritks (iiibou M i-klu Join l'nbii:t H.liiel tl, i k Joseph Eisely Michael Young Thotiiaa A lj!Iinglon A'tn I. lb wait Chillies J Uiuuer Mnnuel Ttiompion C 13 W ha 'ton Jehu I.nmlau Feb. lOih, t8 1-4. S'. Tttttni t.tirttsr. To He llii'torultle (' (i. Dotmel. 2'., I'ieitki', unit hit Ainc 'ni t Juttgfsof the. Court f I'll -Irr Sfmioux if Iht omitty if SriUiimhirh:nd : fl-lilE I'ilriiiii ef Cliiiles D. Whan. in of s'ui.bu 1. r, in said county, humbly repiesenls, ih ,1 he Ceil ini.es t.i keep a lnnw nl public eiiteilu i mi nt nl Ins ol. I st. i.i.l, near the c ejit bouse, u d is wi ll prepared for ihe aecommodution of ti in lbrs. Sr. i Ho therefore prays your honors to grant him a li cense in keep a tatern, duiing the ensuing year, and lie will pray, A,c. (JH AliLUn V. nil.Mliu.v 'Po Tim Jeno rs a biivk mkm rios u : The sub icnliers, le-ulnns of the town of unbuiy, In n by by ceility, ih it Chsilee D. W haitoii, tin- tpphcai.t for ihe license, is a man uf good repuit for honesty tnd It mx ranee, mid is well i rovi.lt d illi house room and conveniences for the lodging tnd nccuiii modaiioii ef atiangen and travelleis, and Out a pub lic house there I necessity : ihey Iherrfoie recom- mend him as a pr. per peisou to le licensed to kri p a public house. H imut-I U Jortlin J.din W Peal ('hail a I'b t-nls Tliosli lit gin Henry W (Jolno (ten Manin J bn ling r Cslrrt Fisher W L IVwait Edward (JtU'i Frdt rick Lsi irut I t I I Mturer Fb. 10th, lt?H.-3t Tavern I.lrriic. To the Honorable C. G. Donnel, Esq., President, nnd hig.lssoriotr. Judge of the Court nf Quar ter Scssiims fur the eounly of Tforthumberlnnd ; fl-llIE pe liion of Eliaibeth Weiirel, of Sunbu JL ry, in said county, humbly represents, lliat she continues to keep a house of public entertain ment, at her old slan I, in Sunhury, and is well pre-pari-d for the accommodation of travelleis, Ate, She therefore prays your Honors to grunt her a li cense to keep a tavern during the ensuing year, and she will pray, fite.. EMZ BETIT WEITZEL. To Tnv JvnntA ahhts MRSTioaan :-The suIh sc.ribcrs, lesidentt of Suiibnrv, hereby certify, that Elisabeth Weittel, the applicant f ir Ihe license, ia a lady of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provi.lrd with house-room and conveni ences lor the lodging and accommodation of stran gers end travellers, and that a public h.ui-e therj is nere-s ry : tl.ey therefore recommend her a a proper peis-in to lie licensed lo keep a public hi-use. EiKvind ( ltii Hemv V.-mliciiner H nry S Culmi F. C Ma kley Henry Mai-scr Jacob Pa nler John rtog i ate rue lliiubt l!enjitniii Hi ndiii ks (Jeo II Youmtman bath's I'lca anl-t Win Voungmnil Feb. IUI'i, I'lM-.tt i:n:i,i,i;r 5i-i:tt;ii, nearly iiiw, f if s le. el cap, t.y Feb. Ill h, 144. H. 11. MAt-'SKR. Public Sale. BY vinue of a Ibcee nf the Hnprrme Court nf Pennsylvania, will lie offered at pnb'ic s,.l-, in lutt to suit purtha ers, at ihe house of J acob l.ei senrius. (Rear Cap Tavern) hi Shim kin town ship, Northumberland eounly, Pa., on Tliursd iy the 22d day of Febiu ity in xt, at 12 oMmk, at noon, A Vnlnatilc Tract of Land. situs' in Shamil.iti township, Northuniterland eountv, at the iiiie'see'ion of the Centre and Pn ville Tien- ilte. n-'j. lining lands of Jj.-ob l.cirn linn, Williim Krn ubhuiin. It. Ti!i:hnian, and o. lb. is, containing 3t0 sere-, (5!) pcrch-s and dll.iw anee The ah or t'aet renits chiillv ofa red sht'e nf sniiior tp aliiy. Ii is well nonleil and iiiercd coiivei ient to in IN. cVc., nrul in ri'rrv re-pe t wor f y the attt n'i n nf pions iles-iinn fir-t r oe firm Al.sO: A Tr-iet f Land sitna'e ill the sum' ni-.vii.bip about s iiulr and a b ill we-l ol the sboie, on bo'.ti rne nf ihr Ceiiln- Tnitipl.c. an. I a-tj. in ini! land- of (i.'.irce Sieit.et. t ',. nrje Iliinuiiir, H. Tilcli man, and oil, cm, reni.iini i ICS a. r. t, i'i p. r. lies arid allow.it.ce, Tli a lariil is of stiml.it ipi.lny witli iliat alto-e tlesititi. d. A br.illch if Slia nc.!.'!! t-'-etk. on l ich is s -ile tor a s.nv mi I, pas.es ih'i Ojb the l.aet. The terms nf sale wi l be as f .ll.i..: one t' i.d of Ibe pu'chaae muni V ca-h. of uhch fit'y d dl ir.; tini-t be pmlwh.ri ihe pr .perty is .t.u k d omi, ..tl I tbe balance en tile 1st nf A -r I net . Of the re-n-ainji c nv i-tbi'ds ef ihe purchase innney, one half, with intern.! ft. m the 1-1 of April, ii to be paid in oi e year, and ihe b il ..nee, with in'erest, in two years; said ttvolbir.lt t be secured by bend and Warrant. Slid iner'e ice up n Ihe prOirty. For further info' niaiion. app'y to Mr. Adam f!il(ii r nf St. am. kin town-hip. n ho tcsides a lj .jnin? the premi-rs, and w.ll -how them to persons desi rous of puicha-ieg ; o' to the siiIi-cHht. m I'lula .l.lt.l.ii. It EN J AMI. N TIL(5IIMN. Ftb 3. ISIt 3t Itustee. Notice;. T'MIE partnership lieiet .f.ire consi-linc of W'm. 1 F.iirelv, lieu'" n Fauelv, William H. Kae, Jacob Hair an I KunU'r CI. aver, Ir.dmi: under tl o firm of F ic lv, K ise t Co , is ih s d iv dissolved. All persons indebted lo s.i.l firm are requested to sei'le their Mcrnuuls wi'h Wil iam F.iclv m Reu ben Fagelv, and lliose h tvitio oYhioihU . pre-ent llie same foi sclllcini lit. WILLIAM FACELY, REI I.EN FAt.JCLY. Sunb iry Jin. 57, 1 S 1 1. I' Surrtm :unl 13crli:uiit:il dd no .117 a ac"a I ESPEC'IFl'LLY id is Ins profess onal scr- vice to the L nlie and (tenib iiieii of tfunbiey and i's vicinity. He is pie,i.ireil to attend to every thine, ill the line of Detit-iry. Ilia work will be w arraieed rqu.il lo any tlouu in Philadi Iphia or elsewhere. Pets ina liesir.iii- nf pr icutiiii! Waint sets or TEETH, would do ell t i ctve linn a call, as mo. Ii lime ami ep 'ti e inieht lie saved by havuie ihrir w rk itoue at liome. Residence, for a short time, ht John H.iue' H.e,. F.b, :t is it. 3t S the -lib" IV. I'.e lull bs.-iit.t r iiilrnds to reniov. from S in' u-. pn-sls i'l peisnus kneWitiQ Ihi'in-t lies ioilt bteil tu him, on l o k account or otherwise, lo call ami -ettle ihe anno mi or I el'ore the loth tl iy if March in t aa no bn cer in iii'ji ice esn lit (. veil. Pi. .111,11 ullciitiou lo lilts no ii e wd' nve e.n. John F k:.k. Simliiirv, Feb. 3 11 1. 3i ' r.stafo f John Itlljr, dt c'il. "satH'H'E i hen by Civi n thai lelt r-of s I- j 1 ministration bare la-eu B'anle.l b the Re. ! Kiftt r of N tthii'iiher'and Ciunlv, to ihe nbsenber, ill llie cstat. nl John Neidiit. sn'r. t'ee'd., I ue ef An tnst i town hip, in s t il county. All pt rona, th.-re-t fe. Ini'ebled to the ssid e-tate, tie nq.iei.liil make p it incut and all ih ise l aving rluim will preset t ihem f t settb inenl, on Monday ihe 5th tif Match lit'kt, at the late re-nlci ce ol ihe tb cea-ed. ADAM NKIDK1. Aupusia, Jm. 27. 1841. 6t Adm'r. LIST OF CtiUSES. "Sid II I, .-I I,. I r.i Oe It,..,. III. I.e., is ml a H S ul C nil I., I e'.l ..I Stnlll.lllV. the 12 b t'.iy nl Fe ini A. D HI". Wt'l mi M M it. Va'V A it ks John C lb yd t.'.o ge I! fl Thomas Wo...' iV Co D.u.i. I Ib is us I) P D inra'i as i i v iv ll.lia A W J. .I n-.11 rl al a (i.'ore, .- Hitl'e rv'ls S All. Ill t l'o:e I' 0 vs John A Mm b r losipi, ii: M niin Wcncr Charit D 'i:i;hiy Wlurit n vs Aa on Cioat- y Fil t , Simon ts. vdci's liens vs l tc Hid Jacob Mulind Fll'dernk Kiel! Djvi.l F (iuldou fjinti ll.iywjod & nydcr II L Dit fferihaeb fi.e Cliti cs D W s lleiov '. AtlicieJlrfclu v bamo vs Hugh Viedas vs Maine vi Shsiiiok ii '.'! and I- rnn Coiiipaey va James H D..ul el tl vs Henry Masser E-n IS XML'EL D. JOUDW. P.olhoiiotuy's Olfice, Prolk'y '.uiibury, Jaii.27. I Kit. S DTI1TE, pEPEC'I FI'LI.Y inf. rm. II . public (hat he t-V dan rniile Northumberland hit place nf resi. th nee, tnd is ri-a.ly to ultenj lo any calls in the line nf hi piefes jon. fjj" Ha may tt til timet h found al Mr. Jjmcs Lm' Hotel. NuithumberUnd, Die. I6tb, IPi1.r-t.fi Caution. TI IHE public is hereby notifl d. that my wife f n A lah J. Chamlierlaln and myself have sepirated, and that I wilt n.H hold myself tespen-iMe for any debit that she hat made, or may hereafter contract on my account. LEMUEL CHAMBERLAIN. Shamnkin, Jan. t7ih, 1844. 3t W0MEM"jilTlTE7i Importers nnd Oenlcrs In SEGARS, miANDIES, GIN, WINE S, &c. Ao. 21 Commerce St., near Nfth St., , PHILADELPHIA, J. Wtll.BF.RT.jr. ' W.n. A. JiKur.r. 5 an s;nis. Pioel.ttasiillion At Co Pin net Frerea. sr.niBS. Woodville. Barranco. Ueucs. Liiid Uvron January .uih, ln em MAni of l-t lfoi'N, OEM.MNINO in the Post Olhce at Augusta, 1 Jan. I. 1S4 4 t John Elfining. VVm. Kerlin, W ilsnn Servis, 3 Hauial Conrad, Wm. (Tampbcll, Nathaniel Lytic, Oab-1, Kiy, James Ross. Daniel Cum ad, JACOD BLOOM, P. M. Aneusts, Jan. fi, 1944. HAMS i5o SHOULDERS for sale, cheap, for cash, by H. B.MA88EK. Dec 30th, 1813. Printer's Ink. A Tew kegs for sale, at a small advance fir cash, ly ltec.9. II. B. MASSE R. FORE ST VILLI! ItUA r.lGHT I4Y CI-OCH. f 1'tllE subscril'er has jnf rtajeiveil, for sale, a few I ef the above celebra'e.l Eieht Day Chirks, which will be stil.l at erv reduced prices, f..r Ca-h. Also, -uperior 30 hour Clock", nf t' e lapst make ninl quality, as, hi h will be sold for ra-h. ai 4 SO. Al , stiperi.T Bra.-s 30 hour Clocks, at 00. D.c. 2, 1x43. H. B. MASSER. ISEW COODS" fll'lE su'iscriler baa received a freh supply nf I Fall Cooils, which he will sell t heap tor cash i country pro. luce. Sin bury, Dec, 5.1, If 13. H. B. MASSER. CJTiVNE WARE f .r sale. - :." Stone Joes, from I quart to 3 gallons, M Stone Jais, from 5 to 6 gallens. For sale, cheaply Oct. 14 H. B. MASsER. "WILLI AM J.MARTIX, i.TTOS.lTST AT LAW, STJNBTJHT, PA. FFICE. in the building occupied by J. Bloom, on Mt'ket street. f let. 5Ut. 1S43. OAKLEY'S IH:iri4TlVK SYItlP. fl-IHE alu:ib' properties of Oakley's Depma. 1 live yrup of Marsapnrilla, ns a purifier of the blond, ia so well known t i ihe public Rcner.illy, liini it is uniiecesstry to occupy much pa.-e in set t nK firth the advantages lo be derived from its ns. ; wherever the meilicine has once lieen iutro- j ilu-'ed, it lakes precedence oeer all nlheta : rveiy ! one that has taken it, have derived so signal bene- j ficial results from il, that it is recommended by ! ihem with 'he ii most confidence. Physicians of j the Inchest standing in the profession, presenile it to a ients under their care ( containing noihiiiii del. tcrious. but being cnmjiu-ed ol the most mild, yet itlicirinus ve(retalile nvecrials, it is olbred with confidence, ns the cheapest nnd most efficient im nfier i f ihe Mood now known. The use of n few holilcs, especially in Ihe spring months, will be at tenth d wiih a most decided improvement in the ge neral strength of the system, eradicating nny seeds of ilia, a-e that may have been generated, betidea g-viiig health ami vigor to the body. For the cure of Sirolul.i or Kings Evil, Rheumatism, Teller, Pimple or eiuptions of the Skin, While Swelling, F -tula. Chronic Cough Asih.ua, Ac. The nu merous certificates in the possession of the aul scri-l-rr and his agents, from physicians and others, ure sultieieiit lo convince the most skeptical of its tu a rnnity over all preparations of Harsaparilla. S I I wholesale nnd retail, by the proprietor, CF.lMtCE V. OAKLEY, North fnh stre.1. Rea ding, links Cooniv, and lo he bad of Ihe following pi is. uis : Ii Sorthumherhmd County. 11. B. Maser, Niiiibury ; Leland At Mnel, MiEwcnsville ; I). Kiau-cr, Milton. In Vninn Count i. J. Geathart, Pclitisgrove j A. CiitelioH, Miflliiiburg. In Columbia Cuunly.l. V. McCay, M'ush iytoii. Reading. March 14, IS 13. Ma. OaKIT.T! I believe it the duty of every one to do whatever in their power lies, for the h-ne. fit of their fellow man, ami having had pn-i'ive pro.il in mv own family, of the wonderful properties of your Depurallr Syrup of SaisspirilU, I m st cms, irntiou.lv recommend il to ihe tllltrteil. V had Ihe mi-forlone to I.mm two of our children, jy the hretking out of ulcrrout tores thai covere nt face, head and net k, although we had toni'j rimst scientific physicians to atiend th- m n,i tried all the known tetiiedies, lnr.lui''n(t Nwnimt' Panacea, without avail. Anoihe' of mv children was aiiacke.1 in the same ma- ,n(,t hfr (nce ,nj neck was completely envere. lhe J.h,, WM ,0 ntVei.sive, tnd ihe disease Bl ,ur . ,),, w, .1, paired ol her life. ,.vle wiu,,c,f,. Pir. rts ,. ii.ur Depur.ittve Vviup -l S .i.a, anil ,, we wi le milin i d lo mat-1 t,j , ;if a, ,)C .(t , ,r, . j, aced like a chaim; the uVers cernrneneed healing imii.e.liai-.jyi n fi W holtle eniiielv te-tored In r to ''' ,r illh, s .,i, 1 slie has enjoyed uninterruptedly v -i aii.ee. As a pnrifu r el the bio d, I venly be '' vc it nas not its equal. JOHN MOVER. TuL.r. Wslnet Btreet, near Fouilh, Reading. Douglisstille, April 19th, 1S13. Mm. 0Ki..r : Mv son Edmund Leaf ha I the acrottiU in the most tlreadtul and di.ties.iiig man ner for three years, dining witch line he wis de puted uf the use of hi limbs, his he.d and netk Wei entered with ulcers We Iri tl all 'he tlilV r elit rerpedi. , I ul In nil elf. cl, until reconiiin n.b d ty Dr. J lin-oii of Nonistown. ami l Dr. Isaac 11 it lei, ol liead rg. to use yom Imputative Syuip of rS..raiji .rilbi, i-l Wbti Ii I oMained several bo ilea the us nf wbicli d'ove the di-ea-e eoiin Iv oul ol" h a -ystpoi, Ihe toie be. led ui, and Ihe clnlil w i. real tied to ptilecl beilih. vttiieh lie ha- eejur.l uniulvriupledly rv.r since, to ti. a.l n'shment nf hi mv prisons who seen hint tlu ing h,s rll Ctuo. I have thought il my du'y. and vend .u Una ce'ti Itcate that oil e-a who have a like tlllu lion in .ne f.mily ntsy know where to nlnam ej vluablt a mt ill. in. Yours Iruly. AMELIA D LEAF. Hepi. 1C, HtJ. ly ASIIIJV -V ItOCAl, HAT A: CAP MANUFACTURERS, South East rorner of Market and ith ill.. T ESPECTFtJLLY inlurm the public that they J will constantly keen on hand a larfja as:ort ment of Hats, Caps and Furs, to suit the fall trade, of the best quality. By strict attention to bu: nets, and by selling their stork at the lowest pri rs, ihey (latter themselves in being sble to give en. ir. islisfnction. August 5, 1843 -ly rilHE subacriber will sell off his etoclc of Boavri, M. Russia and Biush Hits, of the best quality, st very reduced prices. Sunhury.Aug. 5, IB43. H. B. MASSER A Tiirefthingr Mat hliuTlor Sulc."" milE snbwrilier ofTera f..r tale a THRESHINl JL MACHINE, new and in good order. Tin. Machine has been tried, and proves to he an excel-, lent one. It will be solJ at a reduced price, so l warranted. Apply to H, B. MASSER. July 1st, 1813. 'on n I r r fo I II r raj'' DEATH BLOW. nhe public will please olwerve that no Brandietii Pills arc genuine, unless the box has three I-.-be la upon it, (the top, the tide and the bnttoin) earh containing a f.ic-simile signature of my hat.iU writing, thus B. B a astiirf.th, M. I). These la. lel-ate engraved on strel, beautifully designtd, and done tt an erpense of over f 2,000. Theref ... it will he seen that the only thing neec-sary to pr cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe lln-. labels. Remember the top, the side, and the bottom. The following respective persons are duly auhnr ted, tnd hold CERTICATES Or AGBNCT, For the tale of Brandreth't Vegetable Universal Pill. Northumberland eountv : Milton Mackey An tJhambeilin. Hunbnry H B. Masser. M'Ewensr ville Ireland A. Meixell. Northum' eiland Wm. FoTsylh. Georgetown J. At J. Walls. Union C iiinty: New Berlin Bogir fc Win. ter. Pelinsgrove George Guntbum. Middle, burg Isaac Smith. Beaverown David Hubler. Adamshurg Wm. J. May. Mifllinsborg Mensch & Rty. Ha'tleton Daniel Lon. Freeburg--U.ctF. J. Mover. Lewiburg Walla Ai Green. toilumbja county : Danville E. B. Reynold At Co. Berwick Shum.in vt R Henhouse. t'at tawissa C, G. Brobts. Blooinshurg John R. Meyer. Jeisey Town Levi Bisel. Washington Robt. McCay. Lime-tone Ballt h. MlNtnch. Observe that each Auent has an Engraved Cer ificate of Agenrv. containing a representation of Lr BRANDRETH'S Manufactory at Sing Sing, anil lipnn which will also he reen exact copiea of ihe new labels now used upon the Brandreth Pill Itnxe. Philadelphia, office No. R. North Rth street. B. BRANDRETH, M. D. June 54th, 1843. Hover's Ink. JOSEPH XT HOVER, Manufacturer of Writins and Indelli blc Ink, No. inG North Third Street, eix doors below Race, (east side.) FHILASELFHIA, T"EPEC,TFrLLY informs country merchants and oihers, thai be constantly keeps on hand a large stork of his superler Black, Blue and Rat J Ink, and also a superior quality of Intlellible In'sj. His ink is put up in hnltlea varying in sire, fn ,ni I to 3'J ounces, and wdl tie sold nn rr asonr .bin terms. The exd'eot qunbites of this ink hr. Vl thntotighly eatabli-tied Its ch iracier. that il V now extensively used throughout lb ceun'ry. for sale al the ttorc nf H. B. Mss.er, Sun bury. Pa. May 27th, 1 843. 1 v Cabi n ct-3Iak i -kig (ow l'Klahli-liiiicir.t.'r VILLIAlfC HOOVE?. RESPEGTFFLLY informs the ritens i f , Suiiluiry and vicinity, that l.c has icccnlly coiiiineneed I he C A IH X KT- M A K I X ( i f u T$ X E S S , in all its branches, in Market jtreet, S'jrihiiry, im medinlcly below the post otT.ce, where he will l o ready to receive ard execir,e all orders in the linn of his business, with prom. pine, and despatch, ami in the lies! style anJ nn .nner. fcis pricct will be low, in accordance w'n'.i the tirhes. (C? Lumber and t'ountfy Trmluce taken in Ev change. yay j;,, 1H43. fun cri'Y i i KxTmnrjcriox; AND PRI VATfi SALES ROOMS, Nos. -ill anJ .11 Xt.rtli Thiid SSticci. Near t h n C i t v Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. ( y 1' M-ACKEY, Auctioneer, repectful'y in- ites the atlentir,n ()f rsoni dcuroiis of pnr chasing FlirSliluie. to bis extensive Sales Room-, (laiih pu' lie and Viivale.) for every ilescriiilion of ll.ius.li.il I Fur, .jt,,, whire can be nhtained at nil times, a larir- e 8.ortment of fashioiiable and well manufactiir ,., Cabinet Furniiure, Beds, Mattrtssci, AiC, at ' rv r.aluerd prices, for cash. 07" S:il,.bv Auction, twice a week. ay ?'th. H3. ly ( II A I! I aKS W. 1 1 K ( 1 1 X S, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SCNBTJRY, PA. AS taken Ihe olbce loiioeily occupied by tl i Hon. htiles f5. Donnil, oppoiie the Cmi't H use. He will t'tend lo business in the Kj u"- of NorthlimU'tlnnd. Union and Columbia couulii'. May 2(llh, IS4:l. LOITC-LET'S r.rrnt r-Mt'. ii Indian I'lUiairn, Compuundcd entirely of Vegetabli Sulislanccs ; Free from Calomel and ut! oth-r Minerals. For the history of this medicine, nnd ns umivjliij and duly surpiisii.g tuc-esa and pupuhf ity, see large bills T is recommended as a general cathartic Tor familv iie in tlvsnci'sia and all bilious direu- s. ii ia in v ilu.lde for Asihma it is eonsideted specific, im case having t oceuned which it haa faibd lo cure for com i on Colds, iuiflamma'ory di-ea-r.. th'uina'isin, alVeciioiis of ihe liver, Ac., mid foi f inales, it is a sate snd erellenl remedy. CERTIFICATE, From Pr. Silu H of Hinghnmplnn. X Y Mr. Lonuley -D.rSirt I hsveu-edyour firr.it W e-i ri: Indian Pmaeea in mv family, and ht repeatedly pr-crled it for patients un 'er my eate, and am saiUflnd thai l i- alwav a safe, and in v, ry many raws n invatua'.le medicine. It .iier'e. .a a I .xalive titbniil nausea, or pain 5 and while it 1 f. I'edu dlv nhv'uites e.-'ivene. acts upon the stoma rh and liver a an al'era'ive ro reeling acii'i'v. and i storing the h n'thv rmidnion of those ..re m Vmv t.r"cif.i! y n.ira, ! V EST. F. rsalehy liHN W FKILIN'L S-rburv. J 1 iR tlRtGIIT,Noril.umherin'. M .y 30 h. IS4lv - Fr th siiiuTy of MtsE OIN I' W ".NT. -ecem I i and fu !r-by IL 3 MASSER. Nuv. Uih, lii'sl.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers