Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, February 10, 1844, Image 4

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t; t. l .
'Jm'JL'X'! ..--'J!! L'.J1 1 ..! JL'tHi ij
ii axis. stote list.
The following list shows the current value of all
.Ynnsylvania Bank Notra. The mw( irpfiTicit rc
imirn may 1 o placed upon it, a il Is e very week
r-erefuHy compared with ai J corrcc'cJ fiom Bkk
all'i Repnfrr.
irar.hs In Philadelphia.
Nt Vine, lis
.Tunic of Norih America .
Bank of the Northern Liberties .
Commerr'ml Bank of PcnnV . ,
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bunk .
Kensington Bank . .
rhi!at!rtdin Batik . .
Schuylkill Bnnk . . .
!nnthwurk Rank . .
Western Bank ,
Mechanics' Bank . .
Manufacturers' & Mechanics' Hunk
Country Hanks.
Hunk of Chester County Westchester
Rank of Delnware County of Gcrmantiiwn
Hank of Montgomery Co.
Pnylesloivn Bank
Hhu'oii Bank
Fanners' Rank of Bucks CO.
Office nf Bank of Peiiii'a.
Ollice do do
' tlVicc flu Jo
Ollice do do
Hairihr,tg" These'cr I offices
Beading f do not
Easton J issue n.
1 Fhiiadilphia 23a24
. . par
. par
Pank of the United States
tlank of IVnn Township
Oi'ard Bank
Movamensing Bank
Bank of Pennsylvania
Miners' Rank of rottsvillc
Bank of Lcwistnwn
Bank i f Mtddlctown
Hunk of Northumberland
Northumberland par
Columbia Bank & Bridge co. Columbia
Carlisle- Bank Carlisle
Exchange Bank Pittsburg
I) j do branch of llnllidavsburg
Farmers' B:ink of Lancaslei Lancistci
Lancaster County Batik Lancaster
Farmers' Bank of Beading Bi ailing
Ilarrrsbnrg Bank Harrishurg
Laiicne'cr Bank Lancaster
Lehanon Bank Lebanon
Merchants' & Manuf. Batik Pittsburg
Rank of Pittsburg Pittshutg
Weal Branch Willinmsporl
Wyoming Bank V iikcshario
Northampton Bmk Allentown
links County Bank Heading
Ollice of Bank of U. S. Pittsburg
Do do do Erie
Do do do IS'ew Brighton
Kcnsinutnn Sar. Ins. A do
Fcnn Township Sav. Ins. do
Bank of Chamhershurg Chambrrsburg 1
Bi. k of Gettysburg Gettysburg 1
U.nili of Smquchanna Co. Montiose SOuH?
Erie Bark Erin 3
Farmer' A Drovers' Bunk Wayncshurg 2Ji.1
Pianklin Bank Washington lj
lloljesdalr Bank Iloi.esdule ij
Moiinngnhela Bank of B. Brownsville 1
York Bank Yoik I
N. B. The notes of those banks on which we
omit quotations, and substitute a doth ( ) arc not
purchased by the Philadelphia broker, with the
exception of those w hich have a letter of r. fin nee.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia
Philadelphia Lonn Co. do
b'rliuvlkill Sav. Ins. do
Manual Labor Bank (T. V Dyolt, prop.)
no sale
no tale
no sale
Fewai.da Bunk
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Bank of Beaver
Bank of Swalara
Bank of Washington
Centre Bank
City Bank
Farmers' ck Meih'ca' Bank
Palmers' ek. MechVs Bank
Farmers' cfc Mech 'ciDalik
Harmony Insiituto
Huntingdon Bank
Juniata Bank
Lumbermen's Bank
Northern Dank of Pa.
New Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Nuiihumh'd Lnin Col. Bk.
North Wi-Mirn Bank of Pa.
Oiricc of Schuylkill Bank
Pa. Acr. & Manuf. Bank
Silver Lake Bank
I'nion Bank of i'rnn'a.
cstmnrclan.l Bank
Belli funto
Fayette co.
1 1 u nt ir ip!ori no sale
Ign ition u no sale
Warren failed
DundulT no sale
New Hope tlueed
M ill on no tale
Misdfille clubtd
Port Cuibon
(arlilo fuiled
M out lose closed
I'niontown failed
Cirrensltirg clot-ed
Wilkesb.ine nosule
Wilkrsharre Bridge Co.
CCjT All notes purposing to be on any I'enn-jl-vnnia
Bank not given in the above it, ruay he set
down os frauds.
ktav jeri:y.
Bank of New Biuilswick Brunswick
Belvideie Bunk Belvidere
liurluiRton Co. Bank Mei!ford
('oinmciciat Bank Perth Amboy
1'umlierljnd Bank Bridrimi
Fanner' Bi'tik Mount ILdly
r'urnii rs' and Mechanics' Bk Babwsy
Farmers and .Mechanic' Bk N. Biuuswitk failed
Farmers' arid Merchants' Bk Middlctmvri Pi. J
Fisnkliu B'ink of N.J. Jersey City
lfotmki ii BkiivV tuuzilig Co 1 1 ob, .ken
Je'fiy Cit Bitik Jersey ttiiy
Mid linns' B ink Patleismi
Mjiinf u Hir. r' Bank Belleville
Morris I oi My Bank Mornstuwn
Mi'liiiint tli BkofN.J. Fieeh.ild
M ilialili h' Bank Newark
Mecliunie' and Manuf. Bk 'J'riulori
Monis Canal and BUg Co Jersey City
Pot Nous
fail, d
fall., I
fa i In!
HO sale
Newark Bk Ar Ins Co Ncwaik
fivvi llupe lel Bii.lce Co Lamlirilswllo
N. J. Manutiic. ai d like Co lloU.ken
N J Prou el n & Loiuburd Ik Jersey Ciiy
Orange Bank t)raii!e
PuieriHin Bank Puteisuti
Peoples' Bank do
Piinceton Bank Princeton
Salem Hanking Co Salt m
Stiite Bunk Newark
Hale. Bsuk Flizulnilitown
Slate Bank Camden
Slute Bank of Morris MorrUlown
tute Bank 'J'rentnn
Salem and Philad Manuf Co Salem
Sussex Bank Newton
J'rentnn Banking Co Trenton
Cni n Bank Dever
Washington Banking Co. Huckensack
Bk of Wilm ic Br.mdy wiut Wi'mington
Bank of Delaware' W ilinii gtnn
Bank of Bipyrna Smvn a
Do I ranch MdioiJ
Fa rinirs' Bk of Stale nf Dei Fovrr
Do br mi h V nn in w ton
Do fiiiii, i (; ,u('.it..v n
Do Ir.i.iii Niucirilo
Union Bunk num
(TV I'lu'ei f's
fall, d
I "
CLj" On all I arks niaiked thus () there sre r i.
ther couiilerftit nr a In red notes of US vsr.ous Jo
noaiina'ihii.a, in ciiculstton.
"OESI'ECTFIM.LY informs the citizen, of the
1'iorotigh of Norihuniherlaud, und its vicinity,
that he has commenced ti e
Tailoring Hiisiucss,
in a'l I's varimi branches. In the shop formrrly
ocrUled by Henry S. Thoms, t'irect'v opposite
Toravth's stoic. As he reci Ives the New Yoik
and Philadelphia Fashions quarterly, he is enabled
to do alt olm entrusted to him, alter the neatest nlid
latest style, and upon the shortest nnticf.
Norihnmbfrbind, ApiilSad. 1843. ly
Dr. j. B. .massisit..
13 ESPECTKt'M.Y informs the citizens of Sun
k fury and its vicinity, that he has taken the
.(Tier formerly rccuied by Dr. John Peal, where
he will he happy to receive culls in the line of his
profesi-ion. Ap'il 22.1. 1P43.
aniel Yarick,
ECS leave tu inform the citizens of Son' my
nnd its virinilv. thai he lias eommfiirpd the
in Ma kt htr't, Sunbury. east of John llogar's
store, ami diiectly oppoite the post ollice, where he
intends to cirry on the business in all tt various
brni rbes, ineludinp, Tnriiiitt, Making Mill lnms
and K7 c Sjrini;s, Ironing CarritK'tt, with I'x
lenu'uii or Suindim t( js. Shoring Ar.'fi, iVc.
Older will be promptly nnd puoctuidly attend d
to, snd wmk done cheap, for caoll or country pro
do rr.
(.5" IIouo Shoeir'tt done st f I per sett,
Sn. bury. April Ifitli, HI.!. ly.
o o t & S li o c
.11 a r t i ii 1 1 iv i 11 .
EM'bCTFLLLV informs his lionds and
, old customers, that he has removed his
to the frame bui'dinp ml j.Miiinc his dwpllins; house,
between that snd Dr. D. T. Titles' nflire, a few doors
west of his old estal lisbmi nt, in Maiket street,
where he inter ds In carry on the above buiness
cutcnvivety, in oil its rorms branches.
Being thankful for past favors, he hope--, by strict
attention to business and liberal charges, to pive
general satisfaction ; and that he will continue to re
ceive a liber il share of public patronage.
Apnl 8th, 1813.
ficorgc Z I iii in c r m it n S o n.
TIHE su'sciibers hereby inform the public, that
A they have entered into partnership, in the
wh:cli will hereafter be carried on at ti e oil
stand in Sunbury, under tho firm of ' (iiorce
Zimmriman cV Son," where they will conduct the
bu-inc's in all its various branches, including Turn
ing, Making M,ll Irons, Ironing Currmge, Shar
ing Honrs. Vc. Orders will lie promptly and punc
tually attend, d to, and work done cheap, (or cath
or country produce.
fjj" Shoeing done at one dollar per sett.
Snnburv. March Uih, 1S43.
P II E subseiibeis, having entered into a partner
ship in the practice of the law, will be happy
to attend to all business entrusted to their care.
Cnllc-tinns will be promptly attended to.
Tiny may always be found at their ollice, in
Mvrket stmt, Sunbury, formeily occupied by
Wm, Detvurt, Jcc'd.. as a store-ronin.
Sunl lirv. Teb. 1th, 18t:i. ly.
Jo. 2".J7, Xorth Third, abort Ci.tloicLM St.,
"H OHN DUNCAN, late from the Pennsylva
P nia Farmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., I!e of A
merican llMel, Columbus. ( Ihio, lake pleasure in ac
qusii iing their friends and the public pern rally that
they hove taken the Isrge and roinmodinua lloirl,
recently built by the Missis. Hurt, on the tsr.n' site
onee on upied by the old established Hotel known
aa the Pull's Head, in Third stieet above Callow
hill St.
This Hotel is finished in the very best possible
manui r, and of the best muteria's. Its locution is
very desirable, particularly for country merchants j
the amingciiif ns for h.a'u gand ventilating each
room is nn h as to n'cure any temperature. The
bid:. inn. s aie ull hpht nnd airy, all furnished ilia
neat siy'e, so as to in.-uie lotnfoit.
Tic ? eeiii a parlors arc aho fun ashed in a su
perb style, the windows aie on the French 'le.
forming mi enhance to a balcony in front, win. Ii
makes a pleasant recess, Fmticulai attention has
been given to the bids anJ bidding, which, with
the furniture, are emirtly new,
f rein vcr'' eii erience in I. - til business, we
I fust, by strict ass.duily te. buainess, to make thi
l;oi,n. a desirable sirpoiuj pi ice. tnr t ilde will
nlu iys I e supilicil wnli ll,e vi ry best our maiket
can ullord, and ..ur bar with the lest Injuois and
I win. snl lliinir si ,iinnveil biau.ts.
I I', I hei are lirl rate stabling slid ranisKe uiiiuhid to ilie hotel, ttirii.hd by canfjl
j and scl er ho-i'era und oui cbarpei will be low, m
I seeoi.lanie iih the pre-nl haid limes,
j Philad. Ijdiia, Oct. Vih, tsl .
(Central Stage,)
iu. "but new on ""ar 9
ffIIE Subscriber respectfully informs his friend.
J and ll.e public in general, that he has taken
the above
and that he is now well prepare J to accomiuoduto
si who nmv fin or bin with their ensioio.
Ids Sliiiiks ArAUTNfcvra ut well an I, and
comf. iliil le,
I'.i-TsKLs mi Bar will a'vays be SJjtpInd
with the b. si ihe maiket can alloul.
His Sriiii.iso, which is gisd, will Is under
ti e eliarue i t good slid caielnl hostlers.
He lielsroiiiidenl, by strict attention la business,
and an ran et deaiie u lender e luforUlils those
who may pa'ronile hiin.ilul he will not fail to give :ui.-l'a. tion. H. JJ. WJiAVER.
Mu'iry, Oil. J.t, 191Z If.
J. D.
in mt m I i n ji jj . i J i ajW" . I- i
The lest method or the Abolition of Disease
' i$ to tleame and purify the Body.
or Tim
JSTorth Jtmrrtcan College vf tttaVh,
Are now acknowledged to be the best Medicine in j
iho Work! for the cure of
EOAUSE they completely cb anso the sto
mach and bowels from th se bdlious and cor-
runt humors which are the cattre not only of
Headache, Giddiness, Palpitation of the Heart,
IVns in thn Bones, Rheumatism and Golit, hut
every mslsi'v ir.rider I to man. SAID INDIAN
VLGETABI E TILLS areaerr'ain cure f..r in
tcimlttent, lemi'ti d, nervous, inflnmiitoty and pu'tid
Fevers, because, they cleanse the puly firm thoe
moibid homors, whirr-, when confined to the ciicu
lation. are the cause of all k nils of FEVERS. So,
also, when the same impurity is deposited on ti e j
n.embim o ami muscle, causing i-ioS, inlWna- i
lions nnd swelliniis culled RHELMA I Is-.M, j
GDI T, A c. Wtifchl's Indian Vepetablr Pills may ;
bere'i.d i-n as a'wnxs ierlain to pive ri lief, and if ,
peisevercd with, necoullne to ditrctions w II mot i
nssnied'v, and without fail, mnbe a perfect cu e of
the above pn'nf- l n ulndirs. Fiom three to six i f j
said Winn Vi gelhb'e Pills t iken cviry ninht go- j
ing to bed, will in a shnit time so completely rid ;
the body fiom every that is opposed to henbh, I
tl at Rbi'iiniMivitt, Gi.ot. and p .in f every ilrsrrp- j
lion, w ill Ih Vn rally DRIVEN FROM THE BO- j
DY. For the s. me reason, when, Irorn sudden
chances of atmo-phrro. or arv other cause, the pci- I
juration is ct.ecaen, ami me numois wn-cn siiouni i
pos r u nv in- si-in are inrown limoruiv. causmn i
HEADACHE. GIDDINESS, in.use.t 'and ai.k
ness j ain in the b. in s, wa'cry and ii flamed eyes,
so'e throat, honr.-ene-s, coughs, consumption. ;
rliMimatic pains in vaiions parts of the K.dy, and
inanvothir svmp'oms of CATCHING COLD,
Wright' Indian Yirtiibe Pi'ls will invariably j
pive nnmedi ite rrlii f. Front thiee to six of said I
Pills taken everv niuht on goina to bid, will in n i
sl.oit lime, not only remove all the al ve unpleasant i
snitonis, but the body wd', in a short tunc, be i
rcstnird to even sounder heal h tl an before. I
ING. Wright' Indian Yigttttlde 'swill loos
en nndrariy c(T, by the stomal h and Imweis, tluwe
tough I bb gmv hunnir-, w liieh stop up all the air
cells ot the lungs, and are the cause, not only nf the ,
alioe dis'.ress ng complaint, but when neglected, (
often terminates in that mo e.headlul ma'sdy called
CONM "MPTION. It fhou'd be h's.i len ends t'd ;
that Wright's Indian Yeceti hlr Pills arc a cirlain :
cine f. r PAIN IN THE SIDE, Oppr. s-i,.n. nan- 1
sen, nnd sickness, lo-s c.f nppi ti c, costivenrsa. a i
yi llow tinge of tl e kin and evrs. end ivery oilier ,
symptotn if a torpid or diseased s'at.' of the hvir; j
leenuse tbi y pi rce fr m the body those impurities j
which if lb posited upon ibis important oigan, are t
the can c of dcty vaii.-tv if LlVMl! COM
I LAIN T. Wh. Ii s rintii ii is convulsed ly riot , ,
onibre. ks and r. hellion, the only litem. s ol prevent
ing the diradfnl Coiiveipietices nf a t'lVIL 'AU. '
is to cupel all traitors, mid . til cms fiom '
thr roun'rv. In bke manner, w hi n pain or sick- !
i-i e- of any kind, indiiatc that the bmly is siruu-
gling w nil it ! n hi ioi s, ti.p irue reini ov is 10 v,.- I
PEL ALL .i'r'.!'.:! lllMOi:s. (Fiai'ors to!
I.cabh and I f.-.) llnilih will be. Ihe cerium result. I
Tl at (lie p'ineiple. f curing (it-rJse, by cb'alising i
and purifying the t ody, is ttiiclly in accord one 1
with the laws winch govern the airmal iconomv;
and if properly rsrried nut bv the u of ihe above
PILLS, will ceitainly nsull in the eonipli te Abo
I tion of Di-ease ; we nller the following lestimoni- :
nls, frm pirs.'tif of the h'ghei-i re-periability in !
New Yoik, who have icceiitiy been cun d of the
most ohttiuatc complaints, solely by the use of :
Wmiuiit's ImiIsv 'niiTsi.r. Pills, of the i
North American Colli gr if Health : j
Javvics. L. L, .tunc Oil.. 1 Si I . I
Doctor Wil'ia'n Wright Dear Sir It is with
great saii f.u lieii 1 inform vou of..iy having be. n
intire'v cuied ol Dypesia. of five yiars standii g, J
nv tlir u-e ol yoiw I ni M n. stahi.s Pu i s.
Picvii.u- to men inn wiih your cbbrnted niuli
cine, 1 bad In en'ci the hands nf sev.-ial 1'hvM
cimis, and l ad tiitd vaiinm- medu in. s ; hut all I
no elVect. Alter uii g one 2ft cent box of tour
Pills, how i ver, I xp ri. need so mneh bei etil, th it
I ie-'olvid topi r-iviiein the use of them acconling
to direetioi s, w hii h I am happy to, In.s result-
din a h rf. I i lire. Ili;r;ilitui'e lo you foi the Is-ni fil I bsve ireeived, and nl-o in (tie hi e
thai otbeis si mil ii ! v lill' nmv be imlu ed In tiiul nf your evirannliniry mei'ieii.e, I send
ton this sialt tuMit with lull hbeity to publish ihe
same, if Von think pr- per. Yours. A c.
New Yoik, June IH, I8tl. G.C. BLACK.
Mr. Richard Dennis, agent for Wright's Indian
Vegetable Pills.
DearSir ll.svehien afflicted for seternl years
widi inward weskness and general dibilitv, accoin
panied at limes wnli pains in the side and olhvr
distressing complaint. Alt. I having tried various
nirdicnes wi'hoi t nth c. I was persuaded l.y a liieinl
lo make tiiul if Dr. Wiighi's Indian Vegetablo
Pills, which I inn hnppy to slate, lis vc lelieved me
in a most womb rftil iiihiiiht. I have the me
dicine, as yet but a shoil time, and have no Joubl,
by a is rsevcmicc in the u-e nf the mediei ie accor
ding to direelions. th.-t I shall in a short time be
pert, c'ly ie-lore l.
I most willingly recommend said Pd's to all per
sons sinnl iily I'lllirled. and in ihe lull belief that
ti c same beneficial r. hu' will follow iheir use, I re
main jouis sir.ceielv, HIINRV A. FOOTE.
Wniwaising, I'lstei co. N, Y,
Niw Vouk, Srpt. ilO, 1I.
Tlds if to certify tlmt I have osr, Wiiiliit's
Imnty YtfiiTvm.i! I'ilis with the gieairst Ihup-
fit; bavinii iii' cured myelt of the frcipn nt ! I
tacks ol Sick IL ad o lie. to v. hii II I had previously '
hri n subject. ANN M ARIA 'i llo.Ml'Ml.N. j
H'J'i Greenwich strmt. N. Y.
To Mr. Riebai.1 D. iinis, Agent for A light's In
dian Y.ceii.t.lo '"ill.
C.I V T I O.V.
A there ate at this lime tiumy wicked persons
hesi' v i iieHged in selling a ci tint, ile'u medicine uo
d. r ll.e lu.ine of li e Indian Yigel.ibln Pills and as
tl.e.e do), rate mill are so ulleily retkless of con
siqiicucrs, that many valuable hve may bu b at in
tnr.sciucuce of using their dreadful compounds,
ll.e public are cautioned against puichs-ing any
Pill, sunless on the tides of the box. a the following
w online is found I
(Indiun Purgative.)
And alse to be especially csieful against purcha
sing said medicine of any person etcepi the regu
lar sdvcriiscd sgenis.
H. B. MaFr, fcuid ui) Wm. Forsyth, Nor
thumberland Jneoli III is, Sliainokili Samuel
lleib, Muhoiioy Bvcrly JL D., Aucusia
'Ifoines F.-Uitier. t i Ii . nt 1 1 -J.i I. J iV Meixill,
McEwensvidr E S. I er, 'J'uihul.ville James
l'nd, Potlsgiovr II. Kt.ise, ih rstow ri
ll. H. Ki.uM, P. M Eljsburg V, O. Wm.
Lfi-ei.ring, P M. In ion Corner.
Ollire snd Grner.l Dipol for tha sale of
Wright's Indian Veeetatft Pills, Wholrssle and
PHIA. Miy SI, lfia )y
rnn TCTTrn.
nt.Nowoit.M9, riMn.r.s on tii tack, ano otiibu
fi-TANEovs nnrntiiNH.
tr The fid!t.uin' crrtiicn'e dcrn ibc one oft fit
j mw( rrtrnordiituri cures ever effected by any
PnitiuTtsnn. FehrttatT 1", 18.13.
IJ'OR twenty years I was severely afflicted with
TiTTttn on the Fnce and Head: the disease
commenced when I wss seventeen years old, snd
continued until tha Fall of I81G, tratving in vin
lencc, but without ever disnpicrine. During most
of ti e lime, great part of my face was covered with
the eruption, frequently attended w ith vio'ent itch
ing; my head stvel'ed at times until it felt as if it
would burst the swellin x was so g e it. that I could
scarcely set my hat on. During the long period
that I was afflicted wi h the disease, I useil a great
many at plication f among them s- vernl celebrnled
preparation-) ns w-II as t . king inwnd rem-dies,
inrlmlinp a number of iMtli s of Straim's Panneen,
Extract of SarmporHlit, Ac, In fact, it would he
i,np,v sil.le in enumerate all the medicines I nsrd.
J un, u,,,), tc c,,Te af -o of ihe mn.4 (lis- ;
linguished physici-ina of ihi city, but with nit re- !
reiving nv th hem fit, snd I d.-sp .tired nf i vi-r being
curid. In the f .11 of IS'-lfi, the (Bsensc ut the time '
l i,,R y,.ry yiolcnt, I commenced using the 7i.i.if ,
Ointment, (prepared by V.iuuhan it D aviO In
f, w applications Ihe "violent ilchiuit c aw.t, 'he j
swelling aba'cd, the r rui tioit lcatti to disi; pear,
,,, bel.-re I had used a j ir thn di-eas vva entiie'v j
ruud. It has now l-een niar'y a var and a half ,
ii,rc, and there is not a ve-ti ". of the d'sea-c re-
ninminc. except He sc rs Irmn the deep nits t irnie
tiV the .iene. It is iiuifssilile lor inc to iliS'-ri'-e
in a certificate the snrrity of the disease and my 1
snfl". ring, but I will bo pic std to give a fuller ac- j
count to any person wanin g further satisfaction. 1
who will c.ll on me. At the time I co ntm ncej j
using the R. se Gintnn nt I would have given bun j
du ds nf do'hns to I e rid nf tho disease. Since tl- 1
sing it, I have rerornm. lid. d it to .evrril pernios, '
(among them my mother, w ho ha I the dt-ease bud- '
ly on her ami.) who w. re a'l cured bv it.
JAMES DC R.NELL, No. ISfi, R.ccSt. '
Cyj' The Rose Ointment Is prepared bv E. II. j
Vauhno. S.-ii h East corner of Third and Race 1
Ii r. t-, Philadelphia, and sold on au-enev in Snnbu- !
ry, by
M-.v Mth. 19111.
A'Tcnt. t
ICotc Oiislmciil, (or 'S'clfcr. i
Pit 1 1 Aim nn A. May STlli, lSHH.
1 nl
Ills is to reitilv tl a' I w as s. vere'y alll.cted
h Tetter in the hands nnd Pet for upwards
of forty yen is ; the di.e.t-e vv as atu n.lwl g nerallv
with violent iti h ng and swelling. I to l
numbi r of h sice ns, and us, d a great nun V fcpj H
riioiis with'i'.t .(lecting a cure. Aloiit ay ar
since, I np l ed l! e Rose Ointment, hieh e -tir. ly '
slop ed ihe iieb inj, and a P vv npplic.iti. n- iiiuni di
a'i ly cund liie di-ea-e, u l.icl. I'-ere has In en no
return of, sl'bougli I had never been rid of it at
any linn forl-.ity tears. RICHARD SAVAGE, !
Eh tenth, hi low Sp ure Sitei t
The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Yiiuuhan. S .ui!l E.i.'t corn, r of Tl.i'd and Rare '
Streets, Philadelphia, nnd s..Jd on njenrv in Sniibu
iv. bv II. B. MASf'El!,
' May 1 1th. 1.9-1.1. -V'-
Of the. ROSK UI.TMF..T,for TtUr.
LTH0l Gil the st pnlority of the prrpata'i n
over nil nth. is is fully rs-abli-hcil, the r r c- 1
tors take ph SMire in laying hi fore the public the j
following cer'.ilicaie from a re-pectable physician,
a graduate of ihe University of I'ennsv Ivania. Dr. ,
Ranch, having found in ibis remedy that lejiel f r
a irdi. us and di.-agreea'.e hIU'i Imn which the means '
within the ranee of I is profession filled to alTonl. :
lias not hi silat. il lo give n his appmbalioii. nltln ugh
the piejudiees and interests of that prnfc.Mion aie ;
i ppn.-Cil to secret I'einedies. )
Piin.Aiir.i eui i, S, pi. 19, IMG. '
I was rceent'v lioublid with a l.dious herpetic
eruption, wl.ii h co'e ed marly one si 'e of my f ce.
and extended over ihe ear. Mr. Vuuuhaii. propr.t -t..
of the Rose t tir.tiiiciit, obsetving my fare, nisi j
ted on my living his pri paatioit. of which he ban- .
de 1 me a j ir. A llhouuh in common w nil ihe mem
beis ol my pr. fe-siou, I ilisronnti n nice snd di-ai-prove
of ihe Mimcmus r.osirums palmed upon Ihe 1
pul lie by inoi ml pr. lenders, feel in jiisiice b. und 1
lo cxei pi ihe Rose t 'intmi nt liom lha' c'a-s of me
I l ines, and to give it mv spprol anon, ns it mine
ly iiirrd Ihe riilpllon, ntihoiigli l It id iesisi. il Ihe .
umi I i. ph. iiii .ns. DANE II A I Gil, M. D.
ej j" The Ro-e ( tint inn. t js prepHred ly E B.
Vauuhali, Snulh East comer ol I I. lid u .1 Rue
Slice's, Ptnlade'phia, and sold on ag nev in Si.n-
burv. by H. II. MASs-nEK, i
May l-tih. 1811. Aent.
J. ItlAUL AND, JR. &. CO.
Stitill' iiml TuliniTti M ;iniil;irltniris, !
sVo. Ull Surth ll'i st eorm r oj Rm r mid Third
Struts.' I
rj",HE uiider-igned have funned a Co-partnership '
J- under the linn uf J. MAY LAN D J rs. A ....!
as successors to the li.te film of Ji:r,ib .lmtAiUiM
Co., iiinl will c nitiiiuu die I usincra at die old e.ta- 1
Idishment, on their own ueconnt. In addiiion to '
their oiv n close altcniiou and etprtieuee f I many I
years, in the manufacture of their celebrated'-, ;
&c.. Ihe long eipprii nee of the senior partner of the
lute firm, w ill ul.o be devoted lo ihe interest of ihe'
new coi.cein and ns no and care will le I
spared lo insure lln ir pomls, at ull times of ihe vc-
ry I est iiuahty, they solicit a continuance of the
confidence ol the fiieuds and customers nf ihe late I
J. M AY LAND, Ju. '
Philadelphia, May 14th, IK1J. ly
aia: cijd ra?1 'tnz vs ,
Conn to Thrd mid Vine Sirt is,
VVlLIilAKSrorvT, PA.
11 K si I .ruber rrsnerll'ullv announce lo ihe
pul he. thai I e h o eued a Hotel ill the com
modious l in k building a'lu.ite on the comer of
'I hiid und Fine streets, where he vv ill be biippv to
wait I p n those who ni-iv fivor l.iin with then
rompai y. The Hotel is U'g.i uud Conveni
iil, and fuinihhed ir, ihe l e t m-drill sit Ic. Il is
provided with huge number of well aiied and
ci'mfoit.ihle sleeping spsitiiieiils, rooms, private
(silnrs, Ac. Peisons visiting Wilhsmsport on bu
siness or plca-ure, may re.t ss-ur.d thai every ex
erliuii will le used lo render their sojourn st ihe
"Eagle Until" pleasant snd agreeable. His Table
will be. supplied with the vi ry lust the market af
fords, and his bsr with the c! oicest w ines ami othi r
lii)Uors charges re .s, .liable. 'ihe Eaijlo Hot. I
possesses greater adtaniages in point nf location
than any oihei similar establishment in ihs lnoiigh.
being situate in the busim s purl of the town, and
within a convenient dislnnce of the Com! House
and Wilhamsporl and Elmira Rail Road D. pot.
HufTicient Siablirg provided, and good and liusty
osllera alwuya in attendance.
Attentive, aceoinnimliiting and hooe-t Servants
hsve ben imsboed. and noil ing left undone ihni
will add to Ihecomfoil and accommodation of h.n
Thire will be a csrri.ige altvsys in attendance at
the Boat Landing lo convey passenger to and from
the House, frra of chsrge.
May 11th, 1 ?42. tf
I". B. 1A13SEP,
Business ttlendcd to in the Cotintles of Nor
thuipl erland, Ur.ion. I.vcoming and Colttmbia.
liefer o
l.nwt.n cV IUtino'.
IlAttT, Ct.MMlSOS &. IlAttT. yp.'iilad.
RcTKntiis, McFatitawn & Co.
Rpr.nuio, Goon ti Co.,
HHE Subscriber, Agent of I yon Ji Harris, Hat
-- Manufacturer, for New Vork, Philadelphia,
Baltimore and other large cities, wl oso Hals are
highly cotnmr.n.led fir pmd c;- and durthilil:,
has on band a fir-t rate ntsmtmnril of HATsJ at;d
CAPS. suit:ibe f,.r Si rnt)Jde--. wh rh will l e Sold
v. ry low, fm cash or anpioved credit, at the m led
ehean ifure, S. 40, Nort't 'I lrrd s!r:-.t, o p :.--i'c
the City Hotel, Phil-t lelphii.
N. B. Orders I il lints in iber'iiiV promptly
attendcj to. The highest rice in tilth jr trade,
given far I'nr ilrinn.
Philadelphia, June 11, ien--ly
' " reir as :b: a;. u?i
l.l. peisons indi hted to the firm of I. von iV
Hvr-s, under t1 c ag. uev nf O. ,N. Thu hrr,
if niu! Cap Miinufnetiirirt, No. -10 North Third,
street. Phil idi Iph'S, .ire n ipiested to niake immeili
' ate settlement nf ih if arcot.i.ts uiih the su'iscri'r,
tin ir legally au'boiijed hgenl, who is fully emiov.
J en d to settle and collect li e Recount' of stid firm.
I June. 1th, 1S-12. if ALCmt.
('J Aor'i Third, ntiovr Arch Strut,
Arr oMMon.MlDNS I'ou k.vj:tv Pt usriNS.
f MIAlIl.t.-S -:..5, lliO'-W hue fvsan,
and "Mount Vermin Ditu.-e," rrspi ctfully in
fortiH l,;s friend-- nnd cnsVmcrs. thnt I e I a become !
the proprietor of the abov" well known Hod I. I
Country Meicluuits will Pud the al ow llo'cl a ; 1. cation, and the best of fire. P. rsons tra- '
veiling with private coiivev aoee will find a large I
V ' I nod cood stabling fol hotses, at.d the best of .
ost'eis. Ho i'dinu 1 per day.
May Mlh. 1842. if.
VXC. &, CO.,
Cotimiissinii kc I'nrwnnlinr' .Mcrclinnt.
Ffot if Yi'!.,r Sin n Rail R,.,id,
ot tiik i rt. iwiiir, ;
T FAYING ns-oc:r,tr d fih tin m .I.ise h, '
lite of Easton. P. i., r.s:eitfully inform their '
frier .Is nnd the public get era'lv, tliat they havr ta- :
k. ri th t large an.l w e l know n s! atnl w h i ;f nt ',
font of Willow Street Radroad, lately oirnpiel I v 1
Jaeoh Martin, wheie they pu pose d-anj a (ie'n ral '
(.'..niii i-sion nnil Forwarding Bii'ines--, an.l f oni !
the local ndv'Hu'aues of ihe pi ice being conn, ctej j
with "II ti e uhl i-improvement thai lave their I
out'et in the cilv, they flatter themselves they wiP !
be able to do I u.-ii.ess lo as great, if not g en'er n.l-
vimtagr, ,nid upon as reasonable terms as nuv nibcr i
house, and th. v assuie their frieio! that any eon- '
s ii mi nts made lo llirm slmil have tloir s'r'ci nt- !
ti nt'on, mid no excitions spared to give entire satis- I
faction, j
Tiny are also prepared to receive and forward
coed to any point on the Delaware and I.elrub j
livers, betwci II Maucli I 'bunk, I'aston and I'hlbi- I
dell his, via Delsw are Divisi. n and l.ehih Can Is;
also, to anv point nil ihe Juniata river, or Nor h
and V.'i st B'anchcs ol the Su-.pi. h.inna via Schuy I- '
kill and I'nion, or Iho Chi sapei.kc and I ide Walei
Canals. j
For ihe accommodation of Ibiats c siing or g . :
ing via Schuylkill and I'nion 'an d. a Sic -mho it
will b ' k' pt Aprcsslv for lowiiig bouts Iroin ihe I
SrhutlkiH a'otind to the I VI m aie and back, which !
will em.ble no irl. ants lo have iheir pro, tine dell-
vc:cd on the Delaware, nnd their g od sl.ippid at
a savins ol !H ta ,5 per rent, o" the pin es f o
hsillmc scioss, with ill. se udvhiil.igt.s they Ic-
spu ilully solicit a time of patrnace. ;
. Ji l.lE.iIA.N vV CO.
Wdbam II. ilinin,
W lluiiii N'. Kivs-e
I.iseph ll .rnei.
3 Philad .May 14. 1SI1. Iv j
.'r i :tl ominlsslon .Here Dalits,
For the Suit- vf Fbiur, lirtiiit, Sttd, c-, e.
gilPE('TFCI.LY inform their Iri.nds and
1 ho Merc! ants generally, dial they have ta
ken those Luge mid commodious lu' s. nli two
Disks, inn th ol Chesnut slice!, on tlie D. law ire, -loi'i-lher
wilh the st, .io No. U South Whtives, :fl .
.. i i.... i i i i t . . i... '
.......... ... ,-.
tneiils ol (nam, 1 l.mi. Sei it, tt I i-Uev, lion. .Vr.
Ac. Being also well pi. p tn d lo foivv n.l nil kinds ,
of Mi rrhaiidise by the Schuylkill and I'nion, oi bv j
ihe Chrsnpt nko und Tite W.rer Canals, as low-;
bonis are kepi npics.-ly foi the purpose of towing I
boats by -ii er mule. j
Meichiints will pie ise be psrlicular to send their j
got its destined by ruber canals, to No. I'J oiitli
'haivis, between Market and Chesnut strict, on
the Delaware, with directions accompanying iheiu
which route ihey wish them to be shipped. '
(Xj' Plaster and Salt foi sa'e, at the lowest mar
ket price. BOLTON A C' I.
March 19.143. No. I'J South Wharves.
Lombard Slntt, lia'.ltn'ore,
1 I I AVE coiisisuitv for sale. Fruiting 1'ap.r of al.
-A ii:e. and qunhlii , Cap Writing Paper, ml. d
; and plain, Lt'.tei Paper, white and blue, ruled ai d
' plain, Hangii g Purer, line and common. Envelope
i 1'spcr, do. do. inedil in, iloub'e Ciovrn, crown und
r Mia si.. I Wrapping Pujis, Colcied Medium and
' Royal Papeis, Ho, met, Binders' and S'ia Dot
Boards, 'Fussui- Paper, and ull mtichs in their line.
which (hey will sell on sccolniiiodaling tirn.s.
Highest I lice given for old rsg.
Msrch 19, I 8411. Elklon. Md
AN article unequalled for cleaning and giving a
highly durable sud mosl brilliant polish lo sil
ver, German Silver, Brass, Coppci, Biiltania ware,
'Fin, St. el, Cutlery, and for rs.ioiir g the lustre on
varnished rariiae-, Ac. 'FRY 11'.
Prepuied an.l sold si wholesa'e and retail, by the
Susquehanna Chrysolite Poh.-h Company, Owego,
Tioga county , N. Y'.
WM. FORSYTH, Agent for Northuiu'J,
H. B. MASSE It, Agent for Sunbury.
Nevember 20lh. 1812.
ri teii in: Ki:s,
No. 71 ("allowliil! tSlrccI, riiiladdjjliia
C Three doors above Second. J
4 II OF. Finding always kept on hand, which he
(ilfers for sale on the lowe.-l terms. Country
Meich mts are particulttly lo c ill andjudg foi
them selves.
Philadelphia, Novnir 13, ItU -ly.
G. V". ?j, L. 2. TAYLOR.
OFFER FOR SALE, at the South East Cor
ner of Fifth and Market Streets, Philadet
)ii'rl Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted,
do do do pegged do
do do do water proof, double snc
and double tippers.
do Culf-pkin do do
and uppers,
do He ivy Water Leather Boots,
do do Ncats do do.
do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin,
do do do Crockera do
do nailed
do Fine Monroes warranted
Jo Kip do
do Calf do
do Coarse do
do do .vlioes
do Fine do
do Kin .to
d.i Calf and Seal Skin f umpg. '
do List Socks with and without soles;
ilo Cnrjet do dit Jo
do Patent Warranted Water-proof More twins
Ladies' do do rf- do
l.adi.s' tanned India Rubber slims,
Gent'einens' do Over 'hois.
Wiii every other de?e iptinrt of boots nnd shoes.
Fur Cairn nf every description.
Travell ng Trunks of every description.
Venetian Travelling Baps.
Patent Gum Elastic Fhoi. Blacking.
Bonnets of all kinds. Palm Leafllats.
I'lubidelphia. Nn-i ember 1:1. I S I J . ly.
NI'AV i:ca. AM) Oil. COMPANY".
No. V!!l Ni.tili Wider Street, Pi.iLi.
AN! FA t "111; II IIS and dealers in Oils nf
Xf H everv licscripumi Imili tor liurnmg and
uiamif.ic'uririg pu'po-es, which will be sold much
lower than tbry em lie procured elsewhere, and
warmnie.l in quality to eipiul any ill tin-city. Any
oil s.'lil by the entnpany not prut ing as lepresented.
",a' ''f returned without any expense to the pur-
h ier, nnd the li.onev w ill be refunded.
Their stock now in stjie consists, of the follow ing
oils, viz :
ail.lMSO gallons Winter Bleached Spcini" S"
tin, zr
do do Ciiholess Oil. n
10 IKK)'O
l.'.l (Ml
do Fall und Sprinu Sperm Oil,
do W inter S.-a Eb bant,
do do Pressed Whale Oil.
do Summer do do do p
.In omnioii vt hale t il,
Barre's superioi Stra t til.
do I ml liank I lit.
do Nea's Foot Oil,
Casks 0;ive Oil,
Ta 1 1 i i's i ids.
Q'. "Fliis Compai.v has n number of Vessel,' .-n-ffice.l
in the t'od Fishery, and 'Panner iniv rely
upon cel'ii g at all l.niesO.I ns pure as iinpnrled.
Phlla.lelphi.l, Nov. I.I, I !.'. ly.
rJicIintl Wcavrr iV Sou.
norE r-TAiirns & snir ciiapsT'Iers.
Ao. 1U Ai, r.'i WiiU r Streu. Plubule .hut.
ri n A t 1, cons nnliv on band, a pen
n -V t 1, cons nnliv on liatnl. a geuerd ussor'
t2 incut of Cordage, Seine Tv in. s. Ac, ,j :
d l.'oi es. Fishing lb. lies. White Rones. Mani!-
1.1 Ropes, 'l ow Lines for Canal Boats. A lo, a
complete assortment offline 'I'tviiies, Ac. such o
Hemp hi ad and Hi rring Fwine, Best Patent (.ill
Net 'Fwine, Cotton Mtad and llering 'Fw ir e. Shoo
I'hrea Is, Arc. Ac Also, Red Cools, Plouuh Lines,
llal!er, Traces. Coll. in and Linen Crpet Chains,
Ai. ull of l.uli they will d.sp iso of on rtasouahle
Plnlide'phia, N'ovcmhei 1 1, U I :. 1 y.
.la ol I i Loiiiiitli Son-
j ") ESFEC'I FI LLY inlorins lln ir frn nda anJ
ncijuaiiitrMici s ge lerallv that lin y sti. I con
tinue to keep ai (he old stand. No. :Mti ,orih 3d
sirei I. Philad. Iphi.i, S -nds of
Tolt.U'CO SM .'' Ap SEOAI'S.
Which they will aril n the nut '. uccuiumiidatiuy
and in. u.i le leiius.
N. B. All eo-'d sold will be guai ititc.d mid all
orders promptly lit. nd. d to.
Phihi.MphuI. Ncvcnitier 1.1, Ispj. 1 y.
spr.uixc, coon vSc co.
K!s M.irUt Strcci, Pl.i.'a.Jf!
NV1TE the utleiition of Coun'rv Mercbants
3 to their emeiisjic a.M'iirocnt of Bnloh Frei 1)
ind American Dry Goods, which they ctlir foi .la
ii the nt.t-t reasoniible d mis.
Philad, Iphia, Novemt.r 1.1. 1M3. ly.
W . S Y A 1 X ,
.v.. a,
ami Parasol JfiuiiifartiiriT.
.Vy'.'i '";.; tfictf, IH-n ihirs t'.t
Cilv Itutil, Phiiod.lpiiia.
OI'N"l'li Merehauls and oilicrs are soltrited
to t x a initio ai.soilLieul b. lore puich.iung
, ,s !.,,,
:.. N'ovrmUr 11. '.S?. ly.
sl. .nK. jei:
B lOR sale a sma'l Farm, cunt lining about one
y ' liu. d e,) and t. n acres, or Ic-s, situate
hi Point township. Norihuiid i rlajid c.-untv, ab. ut
two mil. iilove Noill uniieil .ml, on the main
road lea. ling from that pi n e to Danville, adjoining
lands of John l.eghou, Jesse C. Hoin and others,
now in the occupancy of Sumiii I Payne. About
lorty acres of said tiart arc chain!, and in good
slat- of cu lit at ion . on which 1 1 .tro is small kirn
erect. .1 , The property w ill be .old on r. asm ut le
lei m. For further pnitii idats, peisons are rcqm st
ed to apply to the sul fciib. r.
H. U. M AfSER, An,t,
Nov. ;rth, IS 12. if Sui.bnrv. Pa.
loll Uk III
V".- r t : r' N rj - - , a - ; i v
NTllON'S Classical Diiiionary; l.empriir's
do.; Aiuwoith's do; Cobb's do.; Engbbh and
Geiman do ; Authon's Cassr; Antrum's G'r.imioci;
Anthen's Ciceio; Mail's l.a'in Reader; Ogilby'sdo.;
Anihew's Latin Lessens; D.niieg.iu's Letiror;
Fisk'a (ire k Eieiciscs; Dsvie.'s I.etcinlei; (iiaeca
Majoia; Adam.' Roman Auliquiiies; I'lniiock's
G ddsmilh's England; do. Gicecc; I .yell's Elimrnts
of Geologv ; Mis. Lincoln's Botany; Elements of
Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's lihcloiical Rea
ders; Emerson' Geography and History; Oh ey's
d,t ; Parity's do.; Smith'. Grammei; Kiikhum's do.;
Kat's Read, rs; Gobi's do; Cobb' Arillnieiirk;
Pike's d.i.; Emerson's do.; Col b's Spelling Books;
Tow n's do.; Cobb's 'Fable Books; Evar gelicul Fa
mily I.ihrsry; t'oilag Bible; Family do; Collater
al do.; Small Bit Irs and 'l'csUrnenl; Paikei's El-eiri-es
on Composition; Fruit of ihe Spirit; Bax'er's
H lioi's Rest; American Revolution; Msriysll's No
v. Is; Mrs. Phelps en Cliemisliv; Iliad; Catechism
of American !.; I eitcrson Natural Magic; Che
mistry for Beginneis; Eniil sii Exeicisis sdapted to
Murisy's (r.nuirirr, Scqitil lo Comley's S lling
Book; Aim lican Class Book; DabolF. Schoolmas
lei's Assistsut; A cleat variety of Blank Books, eke,
August SH, H-12.