gave a new charm totlie whole of hin rich, mel lifluou Irish accent. "Time and event dispersed that circle. The young Porter, his taw license signed, went to the Lower Mississippi ; I to the Upper. And, years afterward, wp met on this floor, Senators from different parts of that vast Louisiana w hich was not even part of the American Union at the 'time that he and I were born. Wc met here in the session IS.'l.V.H, high party times, and on opposite sides of the great party line; lint We! met as we hud parted years before. We met a friends ; and. though often our part to renlv to euch other in the ardent debate, yet never did we K it with other feelings than those with which ln'gc' more than compensated by the we were wont to discus onr subjects of recroii- ,' 'n? "fleets in dispensing with the iron tlri tion on the banks of the Cumber'nnd." vcr into the wall to confine back the hliiitter, - - and also with the bolt or spring used to fasten THE tariff. it when c'oscd. There is atro another advnn A eerie of able articles have lately appeared , tago connected with this article, which is that in tit" Wilkos-hiirre Adv,cate,nvcrthcign,,ti,re the shutter m:.v l. -.te...l linel, o 'Miinin.'' on the subject ol the Tariff, follow ig extract i not without interest. The The writer, after tmoting the speech of the British fi I. . . hiinrellor , Is,,, f" ree Cecils to SO v : Twenty years liave passed away, and has the British ParliamTil altedishod l(.r Protective Sys tem ? Have they followed srr.1 Ibis pleasing, ibis plausible, this lib-nil th-ory of Free Trade Ob. no. Tin- syst 'in in all its effectiveness sil ex ists. The facts 1 am iiVml lo state will create mr prise throughout Luzerne.. I confess that 1 was astonished on reading lliein. In 1 S.T.I, the duties mid. on American tprwdiicr, imported into (ireat Britain, ' v tin i- ' 5i..1!,1,, !V.n.Ji.Vi:i was III 1810, Only think of It 1 went v eiglit Millions of '. Dollars, iniHscd by Parlianient t and collided in n'es Prodm-e in ' irourtce in I single year, fiom United S punted into her lorts,. Islliis Fro Trade sr is it Impnfilinn w ith a ' vengeance ? I How can any man w'illi mi Ain-n-ican lr-srl ' Veating in liis bosom, alter this, stand up before the American Peojde, ami ejijiose the TaTiff Selfilefeneeis the first law of Xalnre. Whatever olle-rs may tliink. I avow my entire appmlintimiol I oternnr Sorter's message on this puiiit. ami with liim 1 take pleasure in lielievioo lliat 'The fmliey if standing by ln-r vn inter sts, lias been Vnr tile last ball' century , loo deep ly fixed in Pennsylvania, to be abandoned with cut a strmrle." and again- It is idle to talk of rei iprocily of trad-, when F.ngland will not re. s eiveonr fhmr under a piuhibitory duly of three lul hi r a barrel for ns to receive her coal and i rmi free, or nearly so. of duty.' Let us suppose half a dozen rili.ens of I.nzern. ilesirons of obtaining Cotton. Woolen, and other Xlanulai tores, of F.ngland. unite to send out a v -sel to Loudon or Liverpool, loaded with our .roductions to exchange. A. says 1 will put in 1 no barrels of Flour. l!it. let me see lw much duly tax -or pre. itiiitnn must 1 pay. I. lore they will allow me to h.ll it ' 'Two bundr-d and eighty dollars! That won't do. will sell my lion r at Home, r eat it first,' P.. says ! will s. nd a thousand dollars worth cfllun or Hacou. What will they tax that Seven hundred and fitly dollars'.' ! can't stand that. I'll wear home made first. ' C. say "l have five liimdred bitln Is of capital Potatoes; what will they charge me on these. Here they are worth 17,'i dollars f The answer is yon must pay a tax on the .'nil bushels of MHO. or m arly lint per cent. I'll boil th.-m uj "P I j I'ltt for my pigs first. D. says I will s I l)i) tons of our b atitil'i k ...l.-....:... rv. .1 tv.i.- .. i ... , .-iiiiiiidrie-i liaiii iMiiiiinore, iraiic u lor I onac eo. and takvthat to Liverpool for 1 know they have Coal plenty and wont take mine what will they charge me on .Mm dollar (American cost) of Tobacco J Answer, a thousand per cent $.-,nm) dollars V! Hut why proceed f Prohibition. Or the most enormous rjtes of dutv, meet you upon everv I- -I. ... .1 :l I .... 1 aiiu-ic nidi uiey ran pnsaimy supply itietnseivrs with elsewhere. And yet there are v. rv honest. well mcaiiiiii'. but in our onnrelieiision. mo,t . . mistaken in n, who think we elmuld repeal our Tariff let in British Manufactures at a low rate of duty, and let our own establishments go to de struction ! Looking totlie Massachiis-tt 'Molasses Situ rns'nsour Manufactures, let us enquire iflhev w ill take the produce of Luzerne in exchange for Cotton Shirtings, Sheetings. Culicoes, Woollen floods, kc. Yes. freely, and no duty whatever is demanded. The Boston Atlas, of January 'J, 1 v 1 1 , states that foi 1S'. there were imported into that city, Flour, 1510. fiti I barrels. Coal, 117, 1 'l tons, all but 1,0011 tmis being from Pennsylvania. Corn l,.i0..'tnti bushels, of which 7"0,nno bushebi went from the Chesa peake and Delaware waters. It is apparent, therefore, that Massachusetts i our very best customer. Anil she is enabled tu be so from the flourishing state of her Manufac ture. These facts exhibit Ihe great advantage of the Home market for the Farmer. But why ., i .... .... I i .ii . i Hot manufacture for ourselves, here, ut Home, in ' Luzerne The clouds of prejudice and error are rapidly dispersing, and every day it is becoming mora ' .lmoreppa-'. ' i That nourishing state of Home Manufacture, : , . . , , Is the most active atimubia, and surest reward, ( pi Agricultural Industry. Instead ofbeing uu- , tagrniistical the interests of the Farmer and Man- ' ufactiirer, are intimately Idended.-They at t er with the moat bcncficient in. upiu each oth fiuence. Long may they flourish together, And may uie r aimex see the subject in Its true lieht. 1 and come out with candor wild say so," Cicero, beside being t gf ajirf slates nun, was an inveterate punster Cesar careful ly made a collcctiou i'f liis bun mutt. New Ihvimtio. We have been shown se veral models of a newly invented Hinge for window shutters, which has lately been con trived by our townsman, Mr. R. B. V a r dev. They re designed to be stronger than ihe bin. gca ordinarily used, and are so constructed that when the shutter is open a small pin made for the purpose will effectually prevent the shut ter from being blown about by the wind, and when shut the insertion of the same pin into the hinge prevents the shutter from beinffopen- ! tnl Although the newly invented hinge is a I ,ule more My than that ordinarily ill use, truding the arm and body out of the window. t t . .... jr. . - . . ! JIT. Htfl 411 tat iniTPIltlllfl lliW hnnii lii'Tlili r-a. I I'f'""' i y several com HMcni liiuges, anu will, : I , fc j Unit. Amrr. ' I Have yotl found your j asKttl a rent lemnn on . NVXT TM1U TO IT.- Jnj which was stolon T" aske?il a genllemnn on l ie cltswstep r1 a ertain provision etorc the r Iher day 'NrS mil exactly , Imt I know where They ...l.t al... 1 l. if J B,u uraM..,..9m ; was uwjvy.-nraynnr. CosTtvrvEss. Mr. Jobn Earl, 25 Tenth street, j Ph I,.hi. w: for minv years Udly ainictcd ' ' ' with the aboe disease (-,wiivenrss.) whi.4l U, continued lo crow worse dailv. until it became Im. 1 i i l . 1 J "'"""it-h' wnrantfiMliil n u nven ' . 'omedtcs. which he did. and not nceivrng any be. f,"m them, despaired of ewer licing tjred until i finally he wa adxise I o try Dr. Brandieth's Pills, le d. dare, in . ,hort lime completely re mo- .... . ... ' , ved In. compl.i.i.1 and soon restored I, in. to a ,retf.rl p jJ of l.ra'th, a blcsing he iiknowk-Jgcs he nevrT etiecNpd to riij.iy. His cetl Si are. gi rant. eing ibe fact, can be seen the otSee of Dr. llrandrith, R North E'ghth i-t. CXj- Pur base of H. 11 Masser. Sunbury, or .f the agents, publi.-lu d in another pait of thispqrr. .t .t it it t k n , tin the .-5M nit., by the K-v. A. I'.iitUin. Mr. Sin S. Fi;iiov lo iss Catui.imxk .Mii.i.i i:. both of Shnimikiii township. At Hratichville.ini t),e id nlt., Mr. Lr: is P. HuonKK. of Philail-lpliia. to .Miss M.r.uiif.r S.. ll.HIL'llter of Martin Weaver I'.sil . nl Si-lni v I L ill cinintv, ' ' -i- honoy, in aid county, humldy repteseiits, that At Xew ills., on tl,e linh tilt by the Rev. Ro- i ,o""",, keep a t .tern at bis o I t ind, mid bert MeCra. ken. Mr. Wtt.t.Mw T.' Snm;rt ss. of ' ' we" prepared for the aCcomm.Mlatioii of tr.ivel , Philadelphia, to Miss A.w a Cm. Fi of the 'irs, Ac, He therefore pras your Honors t i grnnt ! rormer place. i i i: o, In this place, on Siimlav last. Miss HAN NAH MII.I.KU, aged alaiul ' ,.) years. 1MMCK CUUUKNT. Corrected weekly hi Henry Yiucthetmer, wsr.iT, Rtc, ('on is, l)TS, I'll It K , Fmom, Bl'ttkii, Bkkswat; TllLOW, Dair.n Arrt:s, Do. Pkichk. Fttx, Hkcklkii Fll, Enn. " MMm m 85 ro 40 25 5 100 li 85 in 75 son K 10 10 sir.c in., mi:i:ti;. kt vVashtii:1on Tire C'wiiiianj.M rPIIE memliers of the "Washington Fire Cone p iny" sre requested lo meet al the State ! House, on Mi lid iv Evcninij, Fils ISh, at fi o'- i elm k, precisely. k, el Punctual atlrndanrr is re.uirc.. r el.. 10. JAUUU lOC.NOMAN. Sec. A K i:UI-I.i:T SM:if;il, nearly low, I -r s le cl.eati, by Tm-U. Hi h. D44. H. B. MASSER. Tain ii I.Icrnsc. Tu Ihe ITnnneahli C IS. Ikmnrl, ., I'rrtidrnt, ami Art .4oc;'n'e. Jml'et uf Die ( 'unit uf Umif ler Sttn'in$ nf Ihe eiiiinti uf Pitirlhtiinliertaiid t J ' rajajn .-,..,;,,., r i (,..!... f i.. I said county, hiimbtv lenre enis.' thai he roi.iin ! . .... ..i ues to neep a House ol iiuliltc eiiliitamnieiil, al Ins eltl si a ml. ami is well prcpareil the accmnmiula- ,.f e lt il...r.f... ...v. v .., ' ,i. i .. :,. I. I .-. .. ... '. ..ic emu I'll )var,au.i o win e.v, e. ' . J .-V . CHARLES WEAVER. Tn -VU a t a - Hi) r m i Hii- r UiVPiitMIii 1 'In.s at 1 1 It- scrihrrs. .e-i.lents of So.d.ury. hereby c-riifv, th.l Chaile. Weaver, the applicant b.r ihe license, i. ' a mm ofg.HHl n-pu-e r.'r honesty and temp, ranee. and i. well provided with hou-e room and c -nveni- rncc. fo, the lodging and s,tom.n.,dti..n or siran- gers.nd iravellers. ....I that a pubhc house there J .. ii.ces.ary :-tl,cv ihei. rerommen.l hi.n as a I proper per n n lie licensed to kerp a puMic house. Ileij.rnin lieuilriiks t.idnio Matkle John liobins Joseph Eisrly '1'honia A Billington Charles J Btuner C D Wharton Feb. I (lib, 1811. 3i. D.liirl Beik Michael Voung Wm L D. wjrt 8 imuel Thompson John Landau Taiern l.ltriisr. To Ihe lUmnralile V. Cm. Ihmnel. .''.. 'rri'ir', ' and hit AMSoeiutrt. Judges uf the Court uf (Juur- 1 ler Srntiimi uf Ihe enuuti of Stftkuinh'rlund: rilllE petition of Charles D. Wharton uf Sunbu- j I iv I.i aniM r..n..lw ret.resenl. ill.. I li. . con inucs to kerp a hou-e of public eiitrrtaminrul ai mi oiu aiaiio, nrsr ine coon nuuse, ai.u is I i . . . preparej for the accommodatton of lrav'iwrgt e ine(rfor,. prays your honors to grant him'a li- cense to keep a taein, duii.g the ensuing year, "" w'" l,r,y v . ARLES D. WHARTON. ,CI i" I"', Vi'?." "Ti-.. :-TheruU C'iihw, re.iJenis of the town of Sunbury, hereby by certify, .h it Chaile. D. Wharton, Ihe ajiplicatil for the license, is a man of good repute for honesty "" lemiicrance, and is well provided with bouse . ... I i . I r . ' 1". b 'n -"'" ! ! "'Tifll! r? i . mend hit, a pr jier pison t ! Itmnsrd to keeji j " "iivi v ssa (i o. J t 'in I aiiaEiarn-fc gt:iillll ' p"Hs" nouse, I W.. I Ik I Manual M Jordan John W Psal Tbo (i Hegins (ieo Martin Caleb Fi.ber Edwaid Oyslri Feb ( Msurti C'biil a Pleasaids Henry 8 Coliiu X kn Bog W L Dwaii Frederick Lt-nrns lh. lOtb, iiit.-at Public Sale. WILL be sold, at puWie auction, al the house of Daniel Herb, in Upper Mahonoy town, hip, Northumberland county, on the 1st day ol My next, 9,000 acres orTimlior Land, situated, chiefly, in Coal township, said county. The Mahonny crerk pines through a considerable portion of the property, slTonling several excellent mill seat. The taxes have all been paid up, and an indisputable title, clear of all incumbrances, will be Riven to purchasers. The sale will lie continued from day to day, until the whole ia sold. The terms will be made known on the day of le. A. JEANRENACD, PETER DOUSO.UKT. Feb. 10, 1844 2t M'.V McVA Y, Agrr.t. The Potlsville Emporium and Danville In. trlliRencer will give the above one insertion, and rharge this office. For Rent. rPHE IsrRennd commodious TA VEU STAND in iha l.ui n i.f Nlia....i:.. V a. i i rrul',' "J"": ""'' rhe above pro- a . I l""T i souaicu m me fnamokin iJoal Hecion. For Irrma. app'y , JACOB KKAM ShsiiMikin, Fel. Kith, Mil if. I - - - - i 1 S ITII I.H'CIIMrp. j Tu Hit Hnnnrahh C. H. Dnnnet, F.h).. Prrdmt, 1 nmi. ...;... t. ....,. ..rn.. i i r.i nr Xtinfr tHt count u uf Stirthuinhrrhnri : rill! I'. ii i,mJ W....l .X ....!.... JL ry, in sai I coontv, VumMv Ti'nresents. thai ! ,,, Cl;nu., , kl.r 1 hmi . nu,,hr pl,.rrluill. m''", ,,e' 0,,, '"n m Wunbury, ai.J is well pre- "'e '"'"''"''i"" I'avelle.s. Mie tlierefore nrivs vmir Honors t( irraiil ber b. cense to keep a tavern during the rneuiiig year, 1 and 4ie will l-fav.A-e. i El IZT!P.TIf vrtr7FT 1 , x-i.iaiul.ih r.ll .M.. ToTim Ji'imr. aiiiivk mktio.ii: Ihe suU ji. IMi.,.., f llnmrv. 1B,,V rPMlfv. 1 Elii ilrth Weii-, the ainlicsiit f .r the lii-cme. 1 w lady t,f r.mmI reul for honesty and lem-iance. j ,nd house-room and ci.vo.ii. j encrs lor Ihe bslging and of strati- ! ,, urnm ,,,, lMlc nu.c 1(,fJ neiess .rj ! tl.ey theref.iie r.c..mmerid her pror ?rson to lie licensed to kerp a public house. Edwa'tl (S.iliin llvnty Yoxlhcimer II nry S Cobm Henry Mai-rer John llo.lT Benjamin Hindriiks t liarles Pfca aril F.b. lOlli. 144 3t l: (i Mukley .Liro'i Painter (in rue llriht (ieo II Youogman Wm Youosmtn Tax-I ll l,U'iiic Tu Ihe llnnnrahle V. fi. Dnnurl. Fq 'ir..'. , : mid lit'r Anr!nt'' .linl'rn of I fir Vnnrt uf Jir frc Senmnn, of lir enimtif of Sw tliHmlirrhtml: FIIIIE pe iti ri of Fte.Ierick Raker ol Little Ma him a license lo keen a tavern the .i....i.,ff I year, and he will prav, e. j FKEDEKICK RAKER. i To th J. iiom aovMK.Tio,M.:-TbeulH j ; cril.ers,,efid,ntofL Mai onoy, hereby cernfy. that F-.e.l .1.- r.r ,h. I,..;. . of goml ,e, u.e for honesty and TcmpcrmVc, and is 1 ' well provided with houje-ioom and convenience for Ihe Ixjeing and sccotnmsldtion of strangers and j travellers, and that a public house Ihete is neissr : ' dny then f ne recommend him as a pror per- 1 son to lie licenced lo keep a puMic lions-' Samuel Wagner Daniel W.igncr tieore Swrineha't Samuel S Wagner J rl Rothermcl Wm Rothi nncl II Krels James Swinch.rt Enoch R kcr .laenh H .Wer Wi'liam Derr David II -till Amos Rod Fets lO h. 1844 3t fieorge Holstiue Pulilic Sale. BY virtue of. D.ccrof the Supreme Court of Pennsylvsnis, will be oll'. red at public, in j lots to suit purrha-rrs, at the house of Jacob l.ei senr lie, (Bear Cap Tavern ) in Sh un kio town ship, Noitbumber'aiid county, Pa., on Thursd ij ihe 22d day of February in-ii, at 13 o'llmk, a noon. A Valuable Tratt r Land. situate in Khuruokin township, Northoinleiland ville Turnpikes, ailjoiuing lands of Jaeoti Lrisrn ring, William Krii chbuim, B. Tilghman, arid o tin rs, containing 310 acres, 15'J perches and allow ance The slhue tract consists chit fly of a red shale of superior quality. It is Well wooded and watered. convenient to mills, ike.., and in every respect wor "'X xr l,c,,,i"" Vf I" '"'" I" rate farms, ' r.i-w ...,. ... .it. hi 11- - f - ... .(..-.. . . . . . . ., . .. . Attn. .11 .l.n.11 . .n.l a It 1 1 w. i.l III. lilffn . . . 1 '.' ' . .. " . , ,. . ' " bi" ' f "he Crutre Tutnpd.e. and aljeii. , IllEhuian. and others, conl.iintiia 108 at r.s. 43 ' w. ... .... . . ... ..!,. un.l .II..M....e. TK.. i.m.I .. ..e .;....l4. ' quality with that al-ove dfai ribnl. A branch of i n'n '"'k.on wbi.h is a site tor a saw mi l. l h-uSh ihe Ira. t , 1 J" U'"n "f W; ' I'"' ,,f l'""h '"" V rash, of wh rl. fifty dollars P"'1 h.n the property I. stiu.k down, ' '' ' "l.ber.- "?!"." fl P'hwe money one hall. won iiiirrcsi ironi inr isi oi .pin, is io or parn in oi e year, and the bal.iuce, with m erest, in two eir; said Iwo thirds t i t sccuied by li Hid and warrant, am! mortg ige upon ihe property. QjT For loither information, apply ! Mr. Adam . Oi'm r of Shamokin lowu-hip, who lesiitcsa.lj oiling Ihe, ami w II .bow them to persons ileal rous ol purt ha-ing ; or to ihe sub-rr b. r. ul Ph''a .l lphia. BENJAMIN TILCIIV Fib. 3. 1841 31 Tiuslee. N;f. ICC. ""IIIE partne.bip herrlofore ronsi-l'tris of Wm. A Fse-V Rculun Fsnelv. William H. Ka,e. J'colt Bair an I Iv-inher CI. aver, Ir iding under Ihe nrrn l X g' IV, v v , ia o jy uinm-ivr!. All persons indebted lo SHid firm are leipieated to (eple their accounts with William Fagely or l!eu Im n Fagely, and those having demands to pre,e nl llio iniiie for sellleuie lit. WILLIAM FAf.'ELY, REUBEN FACELY. Sunbury Jan. 57. 1811.-19 I'jitule of .lllciiaol lltTtl, ilrtd. Nt)TICE is benby given, that ihe undersigned has been appointed an au 'iter, by the Or- X w ! i'r.. f.pp."i..r.. nil au'lli'r, HI low l- pT.a.,. Court of Nor.humheil and cuntylo appo,- ih. .t. in .be h.n.U of ,h. .d.i,.l..rato, ... and among the rredilors, aceotduig lo law, and thai said auditor wilt attend al bis otbca on Tues day ihe 6lb day of February next, for said purpose. t HAULEH PLEASANTS, Jan. ST. 1914. Si Ajjdimr. BLANKS l'UH SALE AT THIS 01 -TlCU Surpcon and Mechanical in)iiijrTrB:Tr. 1 RESPECTFULLY i Hers his professional ser. vices to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Sunhu-y and iis vicinity. He is prepared In attend lo every thing in the line of Dentistry. Hi work will be warranted equal to any done in Philadelphia or elsewhere. rp?V,n "M'rou f procuring Whois ssts or TEETH, would do well to give him a rail, as murh lime and expense might be saved by having their work done at home. dj Residence, for a short lime, at John llauae'a Hotel. Feb. 3. 1814 3i A 8 the MiWiibrr itilends to remove from 8unhti ' tv, he requests all persons knowing (hems. Ives indebted to him, on bo-.k account or otherwise, to rail and settle the same on or licfore llic loth d iy of Marrh next as no longer iitilulRcnre ran be gi vrti. Prompt iillcnlion to Ibis noiire will save cost, JOHN BOUAR. Sunbtirv, Feb. 3. IS 14. 3i llstalc of John Xtllln, lr M. NOTICE j hereby given that Ictl. r of ad ministration have been granted by the He- H1'' " N oithtirnhcr'and rouniv, lo the subsrriber, in the estate nl.lolin Neidig. .n'r. iler'tl., lair i.f Aii- Riisti town-hip. in iid county. All persons, th. rr- f"r''' indebted lo the said estate, are requests! to make rtm inrnl ami nil ih,i liaiii a I"-""' ibein f r aetil. merit, on Mondnv the Sth of 1 Match next, at lite late re-ulei ce ol die ib ce i-ed. ADAM NCIDKS. fit A.lm'r. Aujtnsta. J in. 2?. 1841, LIST OF CAUSES. F ()l trial before lie Ho'i. Kills Lewis, at a I1 fecial Cowl to ! held at Sunbury, the 12ih of Felruapy, A. D 1811. "illiam M.trilx s O P Donran . . . . ..' Mary " rp" vs lly rlv Ai Haas J"''" ' "" A W Joh,,.n et '"'"'It'' " It vs tJeorge Hill's ex'ri T,l,," Wo.xl o Co vs Atnlttw Fnrsylhe ,;"''' ''?"' - John A Sb,. ,.r J'""l'l' Mi" a Martin W eatri tM.arlrs D nnshty M h,rt.,n vs As on C,..,hy Fi iher Simon S vtl i's heiia vs Is ae Hill Jacob Mavlarnl Frederick Klell David F Oordon 'am Hnywood eV SnyiVr H I. Dii lTenbich A.c (Miarles D Wh ittori v Hciuy Yextheiincr it al vs vf.nne vs Hoyli He las vs M.ime s k n Coal and I- ron Company vs James M Dollnat rl al v H.-lirv M.isser E-q MMl.'EL D. JORDAN. Prothotiotnry's Office, : I'nitlCu snbry, J m. 27, IS M. S Orphan' Court alo. N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Com) of Notlhumlw rl and romi'V. will br exui-eil to public sale or outcry, on Monday Ihe 12th ilav of Febtuny next, hi the h uise of I'rter Snviler in Au ensa township, in i-aid rouiitv, to wit: a certain. 'r' m ,;,,m " """""l' iores.i. cn- .- . 1 . . .. l r . ''"""R " l'U.....r,l and -even acres an, ninety- : . ,' ' 3 , , " ' ' ' "'V " wS Henmnger. and the river S..s,p.eha,,na, wb. reon ; '''"' "J I house and Ug ban. an "rrllrnt orchard, a spring house with a never V""8' A,, ,1, ") ,. j e, ilun Inel ttf land adnata I n tli.i l.m nlim ..(.A ! c rtain tract of land situate in the township ntore said, roniainim two cri a and filiy-rven perches, adjoining lurid of Peter Snvder. Daniel Heiuiinger and others. The Holland Run Creek run- through sai.l land, and there is a uood wall r pwer on the Inst ilescrdH-d tiact. Laic the estate uf Jacob Ma Irch, dw'd. S tie lo commence at 10 o'clm k of said dav, when the conditions uf sale will be ma le knnn bv IOI1.N MALU M. PETER MAI.ICII. Sunbury, Jan. SO, 1814. Adui'is. Caution. TIIIE public is benby notil'i d. thut my wife Sa- '; ' banibcrlnn il invcll have sip. rat. d, '"' 1 " " h"M ''"" re-pn ible lor any in-iiis ii.ii sue n,ia iiMue, or uiny iiercauer coniraci ! on my account. ! LEMI'Et. CHAMBERLAIN. ' Sliamokin, J in. liib, lslt. 3t SherilPs Sales. Jjp n is, issui d out ol the t'ourl of Common Pleas ol .V.rlhu i In rl oicl county, lo me directed, w ill be exposed lo public sale, al the lollowing places, to On Saturday the 10th day of February next, at II o'clock A. M., at the late dwell mi h u-e ol John Fersier, decM.. (now (ie oce Peill'er,) in Lit tle Maboimy township, Ner'liutnberlaiid county, a . .....r r.1 I ....1 I ... .....I t u... .ni.ii ,,, in ..i.i, .....i . ..- u:.. r i. ....i ..r : . sill I. Ol 1 .11 1 ir ... 411. III". . 1.11 ei'llltm 1 .11 III. HI 1MI I ., , ,, , s ., , t i .. i l- H'rb. Diniel Dorn eif. ihe heirs of Leon ml rcr,. perches ""' m'ssme. be the snne more or I. s... , . ..i.. t i i I I t nhniil lllll aeies .if w Inch are eler il i w herein ;ue erected a Urge two -lory dwelling bouse, a g .,KI spitng House, a luce IniiH u rn, wagcon stint anU other oul-lmi iliii);. I here I- also a larc apple orchard and a number uf cheny and ulbrr Iruil trees Si'ir. d, taken in execution, and lo be sold as the pnqHrty of Pi ler Fcr-'er, Al-o : t) i M hhI.v. Ihe ISlh ily of FibiO ry next, st I u'i lock, P. M ., :il die I'- int House, in the bo otigh of SuiiUny, all '.e defvjndniit'i interest, mppo-ed lo be the uu.'.tided third pail of a certain liavl ol lai d,n n-. e in Auiiiista ribuin- Iierland cot'otv, ailjoiuing late of W illiam Shipman, iLc'il . I mil lattt lif N'lehol. Sliipmaii. '. c'.l.. t'oni j I Rakei. l.e .nar.l It.e.l anil ellieis, re.iuinini! Iwo huiiilrrd acres more or le-s, ah. ut thirty ac ic of which ate i li nr. d ; wh. reou aie erec ted a email b g bouse and a tiume l am. Seised, taken ill ei-nit on, and lo lie s . Id sa the liropenv ol Au'juatu Ross. FELIX MaL'RER, Stanff. Sheiilf'sOllice, i Sunbury, Jan. UU, 1M4. WCLSERT & JA1T1TET, tniorlrrs uutl ncaloi'tt la S K C! A U S, H It A MM K S, (JIN, w i x i: s, &c. So, 21 Commetce St., near I'ifth St., riixx.ABEi.rnzA, C. J. WoiaraT. jr. Wm. A. Jaasitx. na ia Mrs. sr.uiH Pinrl, t'nstillioii A Co. I Womhille. Barr.inco. Peimi Fferes. l'uue. l.old Byron January Utl h. 1HU Imi CR. P. S. Y-STI1TE, "I EPEI'TFULLY infi rm li e public lhat he t- has made Northumberland his pl.ire of resi. ih iue, and ia ready lo slieiiJ lo any tails in the lind of his prufest-ion. lie may al all times be found al Mr. James. Lee's Hotel. Norlbuuiberljiid, Dee. llSih, IH41. if. Demociallc County Mccfliiff. THE Democratic party of Northumberland county are hereby requested lo choose drle a ties in Ihe several IwoiiRhs and townships of the county, in Ihe usual mode and number, to assem ble in county convention, at Sunbury, on the se cond Tuesday of February next, lo it: the I3ih of February, (being court week.) to appoint dele, nates lo repreient Ibis county in the Democratic H'sta Convention to be held at HarrisburR on Ihe 4ih of Match next, to nominate a candidate to be snpiorted by Ihe people for Ihe ollice of tiovernnr of Pennsylvania for the ensuing three years. The piimary meetiiiR lo be held on the Saturday rvcniiiR irnmedia ely preceeding Ihe court. A gi ne nl county meeting of the Deinorrats will al-o he held at Sunbury, on the second Monday in Fe. btuiry, (tiring tbo Ctth and court week.) for Ihe purpn-e of evpiessing Iheir views on the present condition ofoui National ami State affairs. J. F. WOLFINGER, A. JORDMV. WM. FAC.ELY. VM. FORsYTHE, Jan. 13, 1844. S anding Cnimnit'ee. fAt Ol" IjA'i iWH, IJEMAINLNO in the Po.t Ollico at Aueust., Ak Jan. I. 1841 : . John Fleming, Win. Keflin, V ils,,n Servis. 2 Danial, Win. Campbell, Nathaniel I.ytle, t'ul. b Ely, James Kons. DjiiioI Cor.iaJ, JACOB ULOOM, P. Augusta, Jan. fi. 1 8 11. M. IAMS ash 8110ULDEK8 for s..le. cheap, lor 1 1 cash, by II. B.MASSEIi. Di 3th, 1813. Printer's Ink. A few kegs for sale, at a small advance for cash, 'y I'rc. 9. H.I). MA8Elt. FORESTVILLE Hit ASS i:iCilIT I1 CLOCKS. riIIE snbsciiher has just received, for sate, a few 1 of ihe above celebrated Eight Day Clocks, which will be sold at verv reduced price, fur cash. Also, superior 30 hour Clocks, of tbe lest make and ipiahty, which will be sold for ra-h. at f 1 50. Also, superior Brass 30 hour Clorks, at f8 00. Dec. 2, l43. II. B. M ASSER. NEW GOODS. f lllE subscriber has received a fresh supply of I Fall tiouds, which he will sell cheap lor rash or country produce. H. B. MASSER. Smdouy. Dec. 2.1. 1813. INTONE WARE for sale. "ih Stone Jugs, from I quart lo 3 gallons, ."0 Stone Jars, from 2 lo 6 nation. For sale, cheap by Oct. 11 H. 0. MASSER. "wimTiam J.M AII I'IX, .TTCPJLTE7 AT LAV, SUHBUBT, FA. o FFICE. in the building occupied by J. Bloom, j on Market street. Oct. 2 1st, IS 13. OAKLEY'S nr.i'i KATivi simp. ritllE valunb'a properties of Oakley's Depura- f I live Syrup of Sarsapnrilla, as a purifier of the bloml, is so well known tu the public generally, that it is unnecessary to occupy much spare in set ting forth the advantages to be derived from its use; wherever the medicine has once been intro duced, it takes precedence over all others : eveiy one that has taken it, have derived so tisnul bene ficial results from it, that il ia recommended by them with the u'most confidence. Physicians of the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it to patient under their care ; containing nnthinc deb teriou. but being composed ot the most ntibl, yet efTic.ic.inus vegetable is off. red with confidence, as ihe cheapest and most ell'icient pu rifier of the blood now known. The use of a few hollies, especially in Ihe spring months, will be al tended with a most decided improvement in the ge neral strength of the system, eradicating any seeds of ilisrase that may have been generated, besides g vmg health snd vigor lo ihe body. For the cure ol Sirolula or King Evil, Rheumatism, Teller, I'tmples or eiuplion oflhe Skin, While Swelling, F -tula. Chronic Cough Asthma, Ac, The nu merous certificates in the possession of the subscri ber and his agents, from physician and others, are sullieient to convince the moat skeptical of its su periority over all preparations of SarsaparilU. S..I.I whole-ale and retail, by ihe proprietor, OI'.OKC.E W. OAKLEY, North ftlh street, Rea ling, links Comity, and to be had of the following pi t sons : In Sorlhumhrrlnnd County. Tt. B. ?fasssr, Siiidmrv ; licland cV Mixel, McEwensville j D. Krau-er, Milton. 7i ('dion County. J. Ceath art, Sclin?grove ; A. Cuteltus, Mitrhuhurg. In Columbia. County. R. W. McCay, Wash ington. Reading. Man h 1 I. Il l. Ma. OiKMfti I believe it the doty i t ev- n one l i do wli..lever in their (Miwer lie-, for the -ri---litoftlulr fellow ma' , and having had po-bive proof In mv own family, of the woinlerful properties of yotir Di nirtive Syrup of Saisap ..rilla, I m st r-...iLieiitinu-lv recommend il lo the allln'ted. We hid the misfortune to lose I Wo of our children, h the brr akini! out of tlb erons sore that covered the face, bead and net'k, although we h id soon) ,,( l ,, most n ienlilic physicians lo attend thi ni iitid lis I tried all Ihe known teine.lies, inchidie.g Siin4' Panacea, without avail. Another tf my rhildreu was attarke.l in Ihe same trunne-, , tier face and tierk was completely covered; &lf discharge was so offensive, and ihe disease at surh a heiohi. that we de.pnred ol her life. Ser in(I ,he won.le.ful rlfecl of Vour Depi.r.ilive Sy.up ,t S n.apari:! i, we w eie induced to make rial it, , the U.l tes .'rl ; il a.-ed like a char',, - ,he u'rers cmmenrel healing i!limr.balely , a f. w bottles rutiiely restored her to h r health, which she has enjoyed uninlrtiui ledly ever since. As a purifier of ihfe blOiid.I verily lie lit ve it has not its equal. JOHN MOVER, Tailor, Walnut sttect, near Fourth) Reading. DoUglasxville, Aptil l'.Hh, 1813. Ma. OuUt : My son Edmund Leaf, bad Ihe erolnlrt In ihe moat dreadful and di-lresii,g man ner for three years, duiing which lime w is de ptivrd of Ihe use of his limbs, hi b jil and neeV weie covered with ulcers. We tri -d all ihe dill'er nil remedies, bill In no i fleet, n .1.1 r.e.inioi. inle J v Dr. Jul lllesler, 0 Dr. Johnnn .g Nor.islowu. and sUo Dr. Isaac tel. ol Rendu. g, to use yur Depurative Sy.up of Sarsapsrilla, of which 1 ..Mained seveial bottle. the ue ol which drove, the dif-l emin Iv out ol n s .ysiein, me sore ,ieleil ui ami iue cuiiu was ' restored to prrlect be.lih, winch be ha eitj.urd . uninterruptedly v. r ainre, lo Ihe a.loiiishnieiii of m my persons who pern him du'ing bis utll clion. I I have thin-'ot it my duty, and scud you this criii ficaltJ thai nthe'S who have like affliction in ihe Umt y may medicine. know whero to bj valuable a Your l.uly. AMELIA D- LEAF. Sept. Ifi, IS I . ly AS II III & II OCA 1 HAT ,V CAP MAMJFACTU II MUS, Sovth Kant metier nf Marhrt and 4th ttg., I'lillanlrlplila, TIESPECTFULLY inform the public lhat they conslnntly keen on hands Isrg assort ment of Hats. Csps and Fur, to suit Ihe fall trade, of the he-t quality. By strict attention to busi ness, and by selling their stock at Ihe lowest prices, they flatter themselves in being able to give entire satisfaction. August 5, IN43 ly rilllE subscriber will sell otrhis stock of Beaver, JL Russia and Biush Hats, of the best quality, at very red uced price. Siinhiiry.Aug. 5, 1H43. H. B. MASSER A Tiii't'siiilnjf Machine for Salv.""" rpiIE subscrilvr offers f..r sale a THRESHINt' M. MAI'HINE, new and in good order. Tim Machine ha been tried, anj prove to be an excel-, lent one II w ill lie sold al a reduced price, and warranted. Aaiply lo H. B. MASSER. July 1st, 1U13. 4'oititii'iTHf rrM' DEATH CLOW. 'Pbe pu' lie will pi'.i.s-.- nl, serin ihnt no llramlretlt - Pit's nre. en one, imlee ihe box baa three I ., bet upon jt (ti,,. t,.p. tin. sete and Ihe butt im ci h com. lining n f.e-simile signature of mv hninl writing, thus U. BrnNi'tiETil, M.D- The-- la. bel-aie engraveil on steel, henutif-illv i!e-i..!n. and done at an expense of over f 2,000. 'l ie o f . n it will be seen that the only thing nccesn'y to .r . cure the medicine in its purity, 're lo obserte then labrls. Remember the top, the side, and the bottom. The following respective persons are duly auhi-ri-zed, and hold CBRTICATES OP AGENCY, For the sale of llrnndrrth's Vegetable Universal Pitt. Northumberland countv i Milton Mnekey cV. Chambeilin. Sunbury IL B. Masser. M'Ewens ville Ireland A Meixell. Northumberland Wm. Forsylh. Georgetown J. & J. Wall. Union County: New Berlin Bogar cV Win. ter. Selinsgrovc fieorge Cundium. Miilllc. burg Isaac Smith. Beavertown David Hublcr. Adamsburg Wm. J. May. MilTtinshurg Menscli cV Ray. Hnrtlelnn Daniel Long. Freeburg (J. iSc F. C. Mover. Lewisburg Walls cfc (ireen. ('olumbia county : Danville E. B. Reynolds A. Co. Berwick Shumnn V Kittenhouse. Cat tawissa C. G. Brobt. Bloomsburg John R. Moyrr. .let soy Town Levi Bisel. Washington Robt. McCay. Lime-tone Bailie !?N.nch. Observe lhat each Agent has an Engraved Cer tificate of Agency, containing a representation of ir BRANDRETH'S Manufactory at Sing Sing, and upon which will also be seen exact copies of ihe new lahtls now used upon Ihe. liramlrcth 1'ilt liorrs. Philadelphia, office No. R, North Rib street. B. BRANDRETH, M. D. June 24th, 1843. IIovcrs Ink. JOSEPH HOVER, Manufacturer ol Writing and ImlellU blc Ink, No. 10(3 North Third Street, six doors below Race, (east side.) FHILADEIaFHIA, ITlEsPEf'TFl'LLY informs country merchants - and othrrs, that he con-tnntly keeps on hand a large stin k of his snperier Black, Bluo snd Reil Ink, and nlso a superior quality of Indellible Ink. His ink is put up in butties varying in size, from I to 3J ounces, and Will be sold on reasonable terms. The excellent qualities of thi ink has so thoroughly eslabli-hed ils character, that it is now extensively used throughout the country. . For sale al the store of H. B. Master, Sun bury. Pa. May 27th. 181:1. ly Cabin c t-3I a k i n g (iv IXalili-luiM'iit.') VILLIAlt KCCVEP. RESPECTFULLY informs the citiiens of Sunbury and vicinity, lhat he has recently commenced the ca ii i x i :t-m a k i x ( . m:s i x i-:ss . in all its branches, in Market street, Sunbury, ir im mediately below the post office, where he wll1. ho rea-ly lo receive and execute sll orilers in the lino of bis busines-i, with promptness and despatch, an. I in the Ih-sI style and manner. His price will bei low, in sccoidunce with the times, fj3' Lumlier and Country Produce taken in Ex change. May 2ith J 8-1:1. 0m tT. Y Fri.N i n it ir rcri (t, AND PRIVATE SALVjs ROOXxTS, Nos. y. and 31 Nortl', Thi id Street, N cor the Ci,y Hotel, PHlLl)F.U.mA. C. MACKEx, Auctioneer, respeclful'v in-v--' ites the ultentuv., pf ,,ersons desirous of pur chasing Furniture. t extendvu Sales Rooms, (both pu' He ond y livie,) f,ir every description el Honsiholil Furr nnre, white can be oblained at all no es a hirer, a-snrtmcnt ef fasbion'ible and well nun. !Vture I tN'.i'met Furnitufe, Bed, M.itttusses, i i- . it ev n i' need prices, for rsh " N '' 'v Auction, twice n wet 1;. U.y 1343. ly (.'IIAUl.KS WTllKliiNS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBURY, PA. TK I AS taken the oilier loiuieily oceupi ' i v thu Q H Hon. Chailea (S. Doiiin I, opposite tin ('out i II ue. He will aitend lo business in the C url of Norihuinlicilaiid, Union anJ Colutubij counties. M.iv 20th, ls43. (;r".it Hi'Mi in Intllaii l'uiiaea. (.'olimolltldod eiltilVly of V llrtii-. ,. , , reefn,, Cufrin and all oth,-r M, t'gct;iM J if rii.. For the hisloiy of '.Hi medicine, and n unnvalkd and liuly sutptisiiig success and popular- Ity, see large lulls 'P i reccmniemlcd a a general culhartic for fatnilv u in dyspepsia and all bilious di-ea- ses, ii ik itiVsluable for Asthma il is ronsiderrd I specific, ho esse having yet eccuneil which il boa f.ibd to cure for common Cold, imflaimnalorr diseAe. rheumatism, alleclmna of the liver, Ac, and for feniulas, it is a si'e and rxretleut teuicdy. CERTiriCATB, From Ih, Silu W'nl.of Hmifhainilon, A. Y. Mr. Longley -Dear Sii i I bsvs used your V.ti is Indian Psiiarea in my family, and hi repeatedly ptesrrihed il for patients un.ler my cari , ., .:,,. lhai it U alwavs a mfe. and in tv b) ,nvllll,,e dicine. Il operate u I i,, tljv wiihout nausea, or pain 1 and while il, , ,., ,,,v ,ir,viatPs Cl),iivene acl upon Ihe stoma. '! ami liver a an Bi'ciBiivr, corrrruim sen , -storing the bialthy roiidiliou of lhoe organ Very iriertfiilly vour. 8. N ES'P. For sale by JOH N W. FRILINC, Sunburv. J AI'OB BRICHT, N orthumlH'rljnd. VI Ollik i ait l ' - ' -- zz.n " . I A Fre.b soppy of ROSE OlN I' Vl I . 'tv e J i aV and for sale by H. U UA&tK. ' Nuv. 19th, IS 12.