Genera! Jackson. Wc find the following painfully interesting letter from tlie Hermitage, in the New York I'lcbian, of .Saturday. It shows that its vo nerable inhabitants is fust declining, and gives reason to fear that lie will soon live only in his tory and in tha memory of his grateful coun trymen: UttiMtTACK, Jnn. 1 ltl, 1 "? 1 1. To L. D. Slamm, I'Miior of the Pit lion : Dbar Sin : I regret extremely to find, on my Arrival at the Hermitage, the health of the venerable Ex-President, Andrew Jackson, in such a preenriou stato. He is very feeble ; appetite poor, cough distressing, attended with severe paroxysms on account of the pnin in his side. At time he suffers from a degree of tightness ttbont the chest, Attended with much difficulty ot respiration ; at other times a more free expectoration, greatly relieves him. lie .1 I . . i : 1 i I ; - - minus one oi nig lungs is nearly gone ; ins eye- fight has failed liim very much; can converse but a little at a time, even when the most com fortable; has had several ha-morrhages of the lungs, and is frequently obliged to resort to bleeding and Clipping to prevent its return. Ho lias been gradually failing for the hist year, but more rapidly for the last seven mouths. He is hide to exercise very little this winter, but has never failed attending church when it was pos sible for lit in to be conveyed with help. The Legislature of Tennessee, in session at Nashville, adjourned on the glorious 8ih of Jan uary ; many of the members, the artillery, the citizens of Nashville and the surrounding coun try called upon the old soldier and patriot to pay their respects. The lioiise was ope du ring the day the table bounteously loaded refreshments in abundance both to cat and drink. The doors of his room were open du ring the day, and as the people came in at one door and parsed out at the other, ha shook hand and spoke to every person. It was evident he was fatigued and failing, and it was thought prudent to close the doors ; but the General said "No, let the people come in ; they are my From the If. V. Sun. Fire Day t.atrr front Europe By tin- Packet Ship Montezuma, dipt. Lower, we have London paper of the lUh January. The Liverpool Cotton Market was firm, with nn upward tendency. Money was more abun dant than ever. The Hon. Mr. Cushing hud left India for Can ton. The Jury to try the Irish Repealers are till Protestants ! The American frigate Braiidywine stopped for some weeks at Bombay to wait for Mr. dishing, the minister, who was going to see the sea fron tiers of the south of the Celestial Empire. He hud Failed for Macao, the 27th of November. An addition to the Royal Family in F.nglaiid is expected in a few monlli. The accounts from Sinde are melancholy, fiom the extraordinary sickness prevalent amongst the tioops. Out of an army of about lJ.nou men aliout one third was in the hospital. The state of trade at Canton was not satisfac tory, owing to the tricks of the Hong merchants, and their adherent.', the linguists. The state of trade along the const is said to lie satisfactory. ' Mr. Steele has given instructions to have Sir James Oraham, the Puke of Wellington, Sir Ro bert Peel, ami Lord Lyndhurst immediately sum moned to lHiblin to give evidence on the trial of the Repealers. Howqua the great Hong Merchant is dead, lie was extensively connected with American mer chants. Howqua leaves u property Valued fif teen millions of dollars The January over land mail from India and China has arrived. According to accounts from Bomday, dated the 1st of December, British troops were moving in various directions towards the Punjaub, where a crisis was speedily anticipated. The fiirtArn Will Cae Our readers will have observed that the discission of the impor tant cause growing out of the late Stephen Oi r. Mtii's will, is now pending in argument 1cfie the Supreme Court of the I'nited States. The THE AMERICAN. Saturday, Ftb. 10, !8U. V. B. Palmfn, Esq.. t bis Real Estate and Coal office, No. 59 Pine 8ireet, Philsdetphis, is au thorised to act as Agent, and to receive and receipt for nil monies due this office, for suttcriptiou ir ad vertising. We lire indebted to the lion. James Bnch- 7 lion. John C CalaoI m has come out in a long address toliis friends and supporters, giv ing his reasons for withdrawing his name from the Convention, which is to assemble at Balti more, for the purpose of nominating a candidute for the Presidency. He allows his friends and constituents the privilege of acting as they please, hut for himself, he lias no confidence either in Henry Clay or"Murtin Van Buren. He has no confidence, whatever, in a packed Convention. The vote of his State will, no doubt, be cast upon him, as it always has been when he desired it. No man rules with more despotic swny than Mr. Con espntutenee of I hi Jmtrteon, PKXSSVLVASIA t,EOISLATt'RI. Hah a ism-Bo , Feb. 7, 14-1. The legislature has been in session now one month, and with all the professions of reform hut little business has thus fur been transacted. In the Semite, on the 1st inst., a petition was pre sented asking an appropriation to uvoid the Schuylkill inclined plane, and also one to give out the office of Collector of taxes to the lowest bid der. Mr. Builey, from the Committee on Accounts, to which was referred Mr. Dursie's resolution on Calhoun does in South Carolina. The following ( subject, made report, directing the State extract concludes his address : i Treasurer to demand from John B. Bratton the to pay the interest on the State Debt. Two for a Bank at Schuylkill Haven, to be called the Far mers' Bank of Schuylkill County. One for the removal of the seat of Justice of said county to Pottsville. A communication was received from the State Treasurer, in reply to a resolution of inquiry, in. forming the House that he had paid a Warrant drawn by the (Jovernor during the past year in favor of Wilson M Candles and Richard Biddfe, for t S.'O, for professional services rendered tb Canal Board. Mr. Braekenridge, from the Committee on the .Tudicary. reported a bill to abolish capital pun ishment, which Was made the order for Monday "I, who upheld it (freetradt:) against mono- , re payment of s017.37 J drawn last session, us a j next poly and plunder, in the worst of times and S(.,mt',acro,mti when the work was alleged to Mr. Strauss reported a bill to authorize tin? braved the menaces ot Administration and Op- I ,' , , , . ,, ... .. v , .,, , . . . , . , position, hen backed but by a Sintle State j l'vo been dune lor the House, ,n the session ol j r.l ..ens of t urbon county to vote for a site for will not cannot abandon l ie v hr lous cause isiu. un second reumng. .nr. i unc nun en io , s. .u m ..os-ice u. Mlu conni anan, of the I S. Senate, and Messrs. 1. right unit j mV( wr) :,g n, waves in proud triumph ! amend, by inserting in lien of the above, that the llorton, of the Legislature, for public documents, j over the metropolis nf the commercial world. I stdt0 Treasurer be directed to demand fiom.I. IV I io, I shall maintain immoveahlv the ground I tr" A L.iR'iE I'm:. We have in our posses- !. an l.i.w nmtii a il .lil I l.-.MA il ...tai-..! i.ii. .j n ixfii .r.,,...., iiii.ii lit. .ij .... . il i-r v.. C I i- A I l T sion a hens egg. which measures, in rircumfer- is grvi,t an, v jctory( ifitK,;,I please the ' s ' from Pons & Coplan 07S..I0J : from .tame P.rutton itM7.37j ; from Hotter k Bighr ? 101l.- ence, six inches one wav, and seven and three Pi-oosr-r f Fvents to snire my life so long. It quarters the other C an anv of our farmer ' will be, indeed, a it'rory -the harbinger of a friends beat this. ' al civil icatK.u. . . Mucli less, ftill, cm I give my support to any CJ We have received specimen ofu wing candidate ho sin, 1 1 give his aid or countenance silk, of fine texture and mo-t excellent quality. 1 'he agitation of alsilition in Congress ur . ni. n...i.n . I. ....... ........ ......... ...i ... , , i, . w ff e.l 1 iiM-nurir , i w uiiinii i ill .Mill iinoii-ii' tawissti. fiom silk raised bv himself I'.very fanner could easily do the si labor and very little expense. question, we understand, respects the validity of friends; I may not live to see ancther btl; of i that clause of the will by which the sum of two January." He was evidently much excited at ! mtilions of tl-dlars is given to the city of Phila- the firing of the cannon and the appearance of the military ; but afier the day was spent his strength failed ; nature gave way and he sank down, and for several days strong fears were entertained that lie would not survive ; but through kind Providence ho hns for the last fc.v days been rather improving ; converses but dolphia to build :il ?ndov a College for the ed ucation of "poor white male orphan children.-' The argument was opened for the heiii' at law. iigninst this devise, by Mr. Jonf.s. on Friday, w ho bed not concluded his discussion at the ri sing, of the court of Saturday. He is to be fed- ) lowed, as we learn, by Messrs. Skrueant anil S Wallace l'J..l .17 J : from Jo. I.lirenfned MllVlS: from H. Montgomery WO..',": fiom K. ('. Williams i Co. .'.7.SHJ: from Pons & I'atti'isoti "f,(.Ji7 ; from M'Kinley Lescure Sl'.'7 l.'fij ; from Hickock K Caiitine ? I l.''l. tin this. Mr. lVnniman moved to strike out all tin I supporters shall. I doubt tbe sincerity l ; I(rt,.r tl.e word resolved.and insert - that the Com anv man. who declares he is no alxilit un-t. I . . .. . ..... f ....l.l ..,.;u- .1.. il... ........ will. I.nt little' ....i... i. . tnilteeon Ueturm ami tetrenci,mem we instruct- lii i in i i'i't " t.i. . ...... . , nun ui ii : pnuifj- a mif- mj niit in t i m m viii it rr tlio nifitnlinii of ill qnoht.on, lie lii pro h i,al a taa I' aa-A . . . irAi r I'm it ii n 1 i tr iiimi: a hj;iii hi inii C-F.scAri:i. from Jaii.. Lphraim Parent ami j wp BVt; ri(,in ,M1d thpt , ?VHC Nathan Wclbert who were rotilined in the Jail of 1 , ,.ni,.t. t,e const itutiun euaranter the one, it guarantees the other; and if it forbids the one from being attacked, it equally forbids the other. Indeed the one stands to the other, as means to an end, and is sn avowed by the a holitionists ; and on the plainest principles of m e I (1-1 1 ui - I IuhhIk l.r less nil IT v nml iliincernn i . J - M .... . ... than he, who, f p4iticl or party purpusee, j cril. Irom winch they lad a nlit to help n ills or eoiiuti iiuiicis him, in what lie knows is J themselves toss much as they could get. without intended toilothat, which ho acknowledges J uny regard for moisil resjwinsilility oi aecounta to be forbidden by the Constitution. I v A M,j sl,,,M 1f tl,trt- truly, and one that n is innetnat nn enr. ne pur to mis syiem of plunder and njiitarion. They have been borne ,iny enongli. They nre k mil red mea sures and hostile, as fur at least, as one portion ' rif fe 1'nion is concerned. While the tariff Ibis place, tor passing counterfeit money, escaped on Thuisduy night, by means of a fa'se wooden key. by which the back door that leads to the yard, was un'ocked from the outside This was accomplished by some person who had effected big entrance into the yard, by breaking the locks of the gate. C."?"" Snow. On Thursday last we were favor ed with a lallol about 10 inches of snow. This mil uuke the sleighing excellent. i C Two t.titiis with lull loads, one f ;. th-.-cither ! horses, crosei) tte Squ diauiia nil l'u -ice. it tliis place, on SumLiy Uit. ; t . " . t . . i ... . . ..... takes fr.ii us tlio proceeds of our Inlior, aboli- .y I hi.: I ouui, V kunl. jloliiXAI. iV TUI . . edto report a bill authorizing suits to be bnntslit nguiusl all such pnblie printers an.' binders as may have wrongfully or erroneously received i any sums of money lor public printing and bind- ; iug." This aji-mhnent. after some discussion. ! Masuifopted, and the resolution as amended was ' adopted. ! From this state of things, it can be reudil seen. ii.or.ik if the end be prohibited, the means of tljilt tl ,,ril,,,.r f Ihmi.-bui g. have heretofore fTeclitiff it also are. t)l iho two, I reonrd the 1 , , , ' , , ,- .e i i .- i i lie . i ,. . . loukeil niton the public rreasiiry as a Mint ol puli- ilelnded fanatic fT less pttilty and iliinirerons 11 ' ' Statk ui' Pi:wvi.VANt t. We luce roeeised tin- little ; his spirits far above his power to sup port. His communications aro still very nu merous. Ho will open a few letters, read a short time and rest, he cannot at present an swer them. He thanked me in the most affec tionate manner for my visit to the Hermitage at this inclement season of the year, and said, "Sir, dioiild you live to return home and I earnestly pray God to preserve you I desire you to communicate to my Democratic fellow citizens and friends of the great city and Stato id New York, that I thank them again and a gain for their very kind regard for me, not on ly at this time, but for the kindness I liavc at all times received from them toot my lump of life is nearly out it is burnt down into the socket and nearly exhausted it will some times flare up a little and again fade away still more faint ; but the last glimmer must soon come. I have endeavored thro' life, to do jus tice. I have ever trusted in (Jml, and he has never forsaken me in any hour of danger and distress, and when it is his will to call for me I am willing to go; and the liotir must soon come. Say, ir, to my kind friends, I would write to them if I could, but I cannot, and 1 must authorize you, sir, in my name to express my feelings fully to them. I should feel if possible, still more grateful to kind Providence if I could be spared to see my country once more fettled down upon its firm detiuicrotic ba sis. That the rights of our laboring- classes should be respected and protected ; they are the most important part of the people; that part which supports the power and wealth of the na tionand that part which will defend our coun try when invaded." During all his sufferings he has never been heard to utter a groin, or ex press complain'. is calm ami resigned lolUe will of his Redeemer. Such, sir, is the situa tion oflhe Soldier, the Statcmcn, the Patrijt and Christian Major General Andrew Jack ton, Fix-President of the U. State. The Gene- Bin.nlh. for the city of Philadelphia ; and the argument is to be concluded by Mr. Wtiivi tu for the heirs at law. A professional friend informs us that the ob jections to the legacy in Mr. Girards will for building and endowing a college are, that the be quest is void by reason of the uncertainty in the description of those who are to enjoy its benefits; that the corporation of Philadelphia has no au thority to receive such a grant and administer the trusts, and that the plan of education propo sed is repugnant to the laws of Pennsylvania, on account of its anti-christian tendency and its al leged inconsistency with religious liberty and the spirit of toleration. Nat. In'el. tiiH sir ties at tlu lalior itself. The one robs us i.fKir income. M !,,! t!w other aims nt rles- lirst number of this y.ik. w hich promise to be. j f iM tin? fiajrre from w hi h that income is ' come a w.Tk of considerable inqiort.iiice to those I derived. It is impi.iid? Ur tista stand patient. ..... .i l l ... . l'l... - it iiiiiel. li.itfrer miller ll.cir iLhiila' fiiieintioii connected wmi ine "-oiniiioii eei.i-oi j s. rui. h.- ... i . m . iihout being iiniMiverislod riiuwil. work appear in nioiiilily nuiunrM. -,,r- JOIINC ClIIOLNM Piddle ol Philadelphia, and Hickok N Calcine of I .. llarrisbuvg. are the puldi-hers. Professor John ' NT Lov. ion this Woni.i.. Q.i-en Vic S. Hart, of Philadelphia e the editor j tHa ,-' said to 1m- enly I feet S inches in height. . : .-; ,. This, we should deem : scant pattern, for rovul- CTT A meeting ol the stockholder o the In- , .... i i . . . , ,i .oi-i iii- .i ,.i i ,v I he Queen, it i said, appears much larger raid Bank was held ut Philadelphia on the Mb. I . , , , ., ,. ,. . . , . . ., , ,. ' . . .1 on horseback than while standing or walking. I lie tie bis oi mo imiiik. uccoiuiug loine siuiemeiii of the assignee, amount to $.'i:iS.0lin. To meet this they hold stock of the Stoiiiiigtou Rail Koad. nearly sullicieiit to pay that amount. The a- j mount of debts. Kc. due the Bank is upwards of 1, Win. Win. What it is worth cannot now be as. j rertaiiied. Vicksburg mid Norristown Pail Road stock, form two pietty heuvV items. The Bunk, j it is conceded, has lorfeited its dialler. Some of the stockholders urged ;m application to the le gislature lor a re-charter. i her liody being proportionably longer than the ret o her royal person. Prince Albert, her husluind, no doubt thought w ith the hh-1. that " Man wants but little here below. Nor wants that little, long." The tVoiulrrs of Nctintrliin. The editor of the Hangor Courier gives an ac count of a surgical operation in that city, which he witnessed on Saturday week the patient having been previously thrown into the magne tic bleep by Dr. Deare. The operation was the pa 1 1 1 Ful one of amputating a hg, and was performed by Dr. llosea Rich, assisted by seve rul other gentlemen, upon I JJllirCaryy, w hose leg, from infancy, had been delormed, and had caused him much pain and inconvenience. The editor of the Courier fays: "During the ope ration the patient complained of a sensation in the bittiiin of his foot, as though some one was pricking it ; and at one lime, tor a brief period, appeared to be rousing from the magnetic state, and hull conscious, by suspicion at least, that the jkt;i ti.nt had commenced ; and at this time there was quite a atruggle and much mus cular action, but he was soon thrown more fully into the magnetic stute, and was then quite un conscious of what was going on ; entering in to conversation respecting the operation, and prooiiig that it be postponed to the next week, Ac, and insisting, even alter the leg was am putated, that he would not have it done until it was fully paralyzed, at the same time expres sing some doubt whether the Doctor would be jiismim. Ktlllorlal, mul Srlrctnl. One olltlittill!! house ill London elllpo e M.IMIII peisoiis. and makes and sells mole than 'JII.IHIII lo.eii ol'shiits annually. C7- The attempt t jostle Col. Johnson off the i ,,, (l',.v,.lv , no ehildien hoi n ill Manchester, track, by the llurrisl.urg meeting, and make him ,.,.. .... tl, ,,ir.n,v1,.imi :.. Liverpool .1 It. The Hon Colonel Wellesley. brother of the llukeof Wellington, has become li preacher ol requires the mo-t rifioro'is and thorough lefoiui. The present investigation cannot fait of being ultimately of great benefit. Mr. Ciabb lead ill place, a bill foi the encourage ment ol the Miiitii :;i t in e of Iron by coa I . In the House a lii'iiloiial was received, uskiug that some measures tnitfht be taken compelling the Tide Water Canal Company to receive their notes in urt. for toll. Mr. olfered a resolution, which was aikqited. culling on the Auditor (ieu-rul to com Iniiiiii lite . the S'-nutc a stat. nisnt of the ninti brr of taverns licensed in each of the counties of the Commonwealth, for the years lVl'.i, 'in, 'II. "I J, and 'I.I. stating the iiiiiiib.-r in each county in each ycal seirat. ly. On a motion fiom Mr. Dickey, the committee on the militia system was required to make in There is a ureal rage this session for new cunii tie. iitldhal! a do.-n maybe creuted. In the Semite there was an unnsiiallv larg" a iiioimt ofp-titions presented. n-nil v all the same as mentioned in the proceedings of the House. Mne was present,.,! fiom Lur.'-rne county, alleging that the Deluwareatid Hudson Cunal Company is nn oneious uml dang 'rous mouiqioly. and pruv ing lor an investigation into tie.' iii.inii r in which its business is condili'teil. Mr. Ci abb. from the Committee on lutein. il Improvements, reported uuai t to imthorize the Canal Commissioners to purchase trucks for the transportation of seetioii-boats on the State Rail roads. Mr. Chaiupii 'ys. from the Committee on Fi nance, repoited a bill supplementary to the ai t of ilth pri). 100. relative to the levy and col leet inn n taxes iixin proceedings in comts. hr, Mr. Farrelly read in place a bill to extend the jurisdiction of Justice of (ho Peace in certain cases. Mr. Miillin one relating to tli Board of Revision. Mr. Kidder intiodiic -da pr -amide uml reso lution selling forth that the public d dit amounts toupwards ol lil.nuu.niil). and 1 wo years have elapsed without the payment of interest, ami that as the taxable piopeity of the Stute will not fall short in value of S 'llill.noi'i.llOi). and it is belieed that a fair and equal assessm nt of the debt upon th taxald- prop -it y of our citizens would m -et , w ith a patriotic response. (). p. h'rnm the l'i!lilrlhin Iilr. T V K X T I -K.l 0 1 1 T II CO X U It R S W -iii.tov. Monday. Feb. .". This wa petition daV in the House. A num ber ol petitions on private ami local subjects were presented. Some p-titious treating on abolition were rejected. Mr. Beardsh-y otfi-red a petition from Oneida co., X. Y. praying the reeal ol th" law of IV.i.'l, for tlieairest of fugitive slaves, w hich u,i ob jected lo. play second fiddle to Martin Van I'uren, bus ex cited the utmoht ludieiiatiou among the true I Iriends of the gallant Colonel. The grorsci-t j li .r. ! I:il li ill h;iil I....H. tt in i.r.l..r ' , . .. ... i the new sect, entitled the Plymouth Blethern to deceive the li lends ol Johnson. Annrho l ama Salisbury was made to idav an imno. tunt oart in i Sir rl"'"S Xupicr slates that from two reUi Mr. Adams presented a petition for the a! o- ipiiry into the expediency of either repealing or j litiou of slave representation, p 'iiding which fl ? moilify ing tin1 militia laws, ami that hcreulter i lloii-e adjourned. said money shall be drawn from the Treusiiiytol Mr. Haiinegan. nf Indiana, presented, in the support the sy-tem. j Senate, re-olutions ol the Legislature of Indiana.' Mr. Cmiper called upon second reading his re- ' for the iiiiinediat riiiation of the Ori-gou Ter- solutions promising ways and means to pay the , ritoi y, "p aceably if we can. I ibly if we StateiUbt. These R.-sollll ions, alter th- decl- J must ' He said the resolutions w ere jusi-l al ration that the State laith should le su.-t. lined, i most unanimously. propose that the public Woiks ami stocks should ' The tariff subject was taken up. It is agr I be sold; that the Pennsylvania delegation in i that the debate should he continued, though, as j Congress is recommended to urge a law lor the 1 Mr '. ans lemui k d. there is no prospect that issue ol Tuited Slates stocks to the amount of th- bill offered by Mr. McDnllie w ill become a ! VJOU, 11(10. linn, to be distributed among the Stales law. or even come to a vote. Mr. F.. spoke three the game. It was an inqxilitic step on the part td the iriends of Johnson, to invest this mercena ry uud visional)' enthusiast with any power. mints, in which llogpue had been tried in uin. intoxication was completely banished by subject ing every drunken soldier to fever treatment, i. e , blistering, and bread and water diet. It is estimated that aliout UUlin person in Mis souri, are prciuiing to emigiale to Oregon Ter- lopav their debts, the Isimls so issued to be (slid out ol the proceeds of hub's of public lauds, or by additional dutn s on foreign goods, il the laud fund should be insufficient. On the ad iiit.. in the Senate, a quantity of petit. on weie presented relative to tavern li censes; for the allotment ol the printing to the lowest bidder ; for measures to secuie the wy incut of the public debt. Kc. JCc. A bill was introduced bv Mr. Fbaiieh. to an- hours uud u hull ill defence of the protective sys tem, mul in leply to Mr. XcDntlie. Mr. . contended that legislation might, con tiurvto Mr. Mcliiillie's doctrine, give such a di rection to industry us to increase national wealth and to mitigate the evils of poverty by giving genera' employment to lultor. The Fnglish na vigation act was an example. F.veu Adam Smith : bad allowed that this act was the foundation of Itritish commerce, and naval power. Before it, The Xcw Yolk Fx press gives the follow ing account of the ilisgiacelul state of society ut Washington We are inclined to belie e, the i itory next spring pu tuie considerably exaggerated, uud highly colored. J he recent quarrels ami nglits in I on- , hunting rty in the neighboihod of Vermillion- ,i,., i,,, , ('!, hia. miles the Tide Water rial and naval power. The popular and nobb- vcr.aiec Kh to induce us to believe , One of them weinhed 1.111 ih.iiu.1s. ,.....! n ill .J.U-... .rtin.. m its I..1U old sona, "The flu- that braved thousand years. I II I I'll! .III. l-e e. I. " , . I A Fourier Association husliecii formed in Brad- in the notes it has issued and paid to contractoi Seven bears ere killed Hie other day by a j thorize and direct the Canal Coinin'is to. lose the ; Filmland was secondary to Holland as a rnmuier- that lliuuy ol its member., are better udajited lor ral was aged seventy-six years the l.'ith day of ub,e o accomplish this, March last. I am not capable, sir, ot ex pres. sing to you the kindness I have received at this hospitable mansion, the Hermitage, during the few days I have remained, not only from the Christian patriot, himself, but from all that tru AHcr the operation had been performed and the limb dressed, Mr. Carey was placed in his bed, being still in the magnetic slate, and was induced to sing. Hisuged, widowed mother was called, and entered the room just as he the arena of a grog shop, than for a scat in Con- i gress. When nu b men as (.en. Paw sou comic- ' Kcr-uds to make uirangeuients for a street fight,: as be olfered lo do. in the ase of Mr. Weller, of Ohio, uud Mr. Shrin r. we need hardly look for a better state of things : ! "Il is a great public calamity, a matter nf profound regret and sorrow, that the Federal ; Capitol is in sn small, and so little nt a comuicr- j c;al city as Washington! Members nf Con- ' gress there, without their wives, without Ihe ri strainls and public opinion of a home, with- i out occupation lor their idle hours, or society lord county, in this State, under the mi-piee of and others. ly amiable and pious family. I was not rtcei- ! si,,i,,f with much seal, which greatly af- iccieo uie ageu woman, anu sue burst into tears. Mr. Carey wos now taken out of the mag netic sleep, uud on rousing up appeared quite startled on seeing the company present ; and, speaking to his sister and his mother, a shade of sadness passed over his countenance, as he told them he hud postponed having the opera tion per'oruicd until the doctor should be more successful in paralyzing his leg. A asing smile over all countenances led him to suspect there might be something in the wind, and it ved as a stranger or visitor, but as a near frie;:d and relation ; I was made to feel at home, free and happy without ceremony. With great re spect, 1 remain, dear sir, your obedient ser vant. W. T. (lew Cs.s a TrMi ERANcE Ma n . Ocnerul Cass stated in a recent lecture on Teuqierunee, deli, vcred at Detroit, Michigan, that he hud already past three-score years, and hud never yet tasted a drop of intoxicating drink, although subjected for a long series of years in ix-are and war, to the New Jerusalem Church. Five thousand dol lars are subscribed, and I'll 10 acre of excellent land obtained. 0x-rations are to be commenced in the spring. HoMii:oi'TUV ix Pri ssia. By a letter we b arn that the King of Prussia has granted to llomii'pa Ihic physicians, the right of disposing medi cines, which has hitherto, by a law of that King dom, been confined to AHtbecarii s alone. .1 White Owl. A Buffalo trailer state that a sutViL-ienlly numerous and owerful,or fixed, to w),ite owl was recently captured ut Black Rock over-awe i..e,n, o..en lose a . u.e response,,,. , , fc ,i,sllr,(, six ft.,,, ,r im.h(.g (rni ti , ..... ....II ..... ..... ... ....... I.... ... III, ttc will mil sny oi -jciii e.-ioeil. eui UI jit..-, They roam ubout in Washington like wi'd beasts in the wilderness, homeless and house- The bill from the House to move the Seat of Justice of Columbia County, from Danville to Bloomsburg. passed Committee of the tVhole, af ter some discussion, anil was then referred to the Committee on the Judical y System tor amend meiit. Mr. tjnay called up the resolution to furnish each Senator and Member with two daily puer ; and. alter un hour hud been talked away by the factious opposition of the qiiamlam Reformers, it passed, ami was sent to the House for concurrence. the buttle and the breer.e," was not tine to histo ry. Only acentiiiy and a half before it was written, F.nglish commerce was shut up in her ort, and she could not show a lluc on the ocean nor outside of hei liaiUir. for fear of the intre pid Hollanders. The navigation act enabled I'.nsland to rival uml finally eclipse Holland 1X7" The following are a portion of the re. murks submitted to the Senate on Fliday last by Mr. Benton, on the occasion of his seconding the resolutions promised by Mr Barrow : a testi mony of respect to the memory of the lute Ser.-i-tor Porter : ' I ris"(suid Mr Benton) to second the motion tip of its extended wings. .rtv t'oniilr rfi-ll. Mw iiaxws' Baxk or tiik City axi Coi xtv less, with a rajNicious hunger for excitement, and a feroeions enjoyment of it w hen it comes They full into the clutches of the police ; they . ,. pnn.Ani j i-m .'i s, spurious. Vignette, a violute Hit! orumai.ccs oflhe t.ty w ith impunity, i c(i1,i inn,.r iir,n risj,, el they gamble from sunset lo sunlight; thev j , , ., . , , . , , . . .7 i .r . . . i. .i i female aud lstok ; on lelt end asliington. lines how I through the streets, reeking Ironi the mul- r night revela of bawdy houses, and they do all i nn' "" ,,'a'i, """I'1" -he true notes. In the .. .. :.i. :. .. . .1 .1 ... .: . . .1... .1.1- ; ,1... ..M....I I II IS w nil nn pun ii y , rir tut-y govern iiiu 1'isirici , spin ems. i,.-. i, i,- ... ... .ihh-i .s uni.ii . j Mr. Coffin's resolutions, ill fliN or of a sub-of the hich has been made In render the last houois ' State Works and Mock, and also favoring W. C. of this Chamber to our deceased brother Senator. Johnson's scheme for paying the debts of the whose death has been so leelingly announced State, were taken up in order, and Mr. Cooper and in doing so, I comply with an obligation ol resinned and finished hi speech, commenced friendship, as well as conform with the usage of yesterday. Mr. Boat, of Lycoming, took the tloor, the Senate. I am the oldest personal friend which and sNike at some length ill favor of the project ( the illustrious deceased can have on this lloor. to distribute the proceeds of the sale of the ' and amongst the oldest w hich he can have in the lands to pay the debts of the state, a measure 1 I'nited State. It is now, sir, more than the pe- lueiit and defence u a new country. pHEFtHvi.No Lnos There is a the futigucsand hardship incident lo the .ettle- j ll,e" W"" ' was in bed, and j aiicuipviuy iu rise, ue was cautioned not to lo j it, upon w hich he remarked that perhaps bit patent in j i - . nh.eeil in A I . I . "--I ... Vin... Lnglaud for preserving cSS ; the compos.tion be,njr artur.j 0f ,l,c fact, ,0 in great glee cried used is as follows, and by the meil,. , oi . , , m cIftJ lho M ;- off, od it is said, east have been kept two years: . . . . , ; , b . , ,. , , tlieu stated that the only sensation he had ex- - . . k 1 9 m , pcnonceU wan Me tlmt -uruu.e oue iricknir v""' ' ilhtt bottosi of his loot." Mix the whole t.igetuer, with as much wtier will the composition to such a con sistency that an egg when put into il, will swim. ot Columbia, and Washington, in a political j Bank." omitted "the city and county of Philadei- , '"'" 1,e h-oked iqroii as independent of jurty j riol of a generation more than a third of ac n- ,l,iB," i considerations. lie did not cuiimnl liiinsell in tury since the then emigrant Irish boy, Alex- MoNoxr.Aiit!.A Bans, Bkowssaii.i.e, Pa, 'J's ! to 'he State Works. under Porter and myself met on the banks of the Relief issue. Kngraving of the title of the bunk ! In the House, on the Oth, a very large amount f Cumberland river ut .Nashville, in the Stute of very heavy and blurred. May be detected by I of petitions were presented on almost every sub- j ' ennessee, w hen coiiimcnccd a frienrt.hip w inch . .. . i- .1 . ' . L. . I n ..... I f ... .1: ir...... fle:.lli null- ti.t. ew 1.. i-..rt V' 1 ,a 1 fi. jeci. several -were iir.eini.- uuiu iiuiciriii ....... v... ,...r.'i . ... v.. ........ ... ,,,....,..-..-. counties for a law to allow the people to vote on j circle of young lawyers and students at law, the subject of tavern Several for and j who had the world bclbrc them, and nothing but one against abolishing capital punishment. Ten their exertions to depend upon First a clerk in or more from citizens of the State, for a law to j his uncle's store, then a student at law, and a! coinpel the Tide Water Canal Company to take ways a lover of books, the young Torter was ope- their own notes fol tolls Several for the repeal of that circle, ami it was tne custom ot all thai or modification of the law abolishing imprison ment for debt. Several for a sale of the public works, and the application of the proceeds to the ' ion nf tha state rleht. One for a new The editor of the Salem Register has had all umbrella returned to him after seven months ab- j seme ! during whith time it was uied Ut sense, is theirs. The press, which in other pluees, would dtag torth to light these violators of all law. and all the decencies of life, cannot do it in Washington ; first because only a poli tic I press can exist lucre, commerce not lo a ii y extent existing ; and next, because the bow. le knile, or the pistol, or the net, is the weapon nf redress with the uncivilized bullies there. Now, were such things done in a city like this, were such unmitigated blackgurdisui to appear in public or such titled vice in private, the news paper press would make tha whole air ring, as the newsboys cried il so thut the would never dare again show his head in public ; so ciety would hoot bun nut, the populace would howl after him ; a just public opinion would ei ther terrify him into the decencies of life, or drive him out from all connection with men. The misfortune is, that in Washington, for none of these things is a member nf Congress held responsible. He cares for no law. No home feiling restrains him. No press and no public opiuiou come in to awe him." the motto at the bottom of the coat of units of the State, tho word "Virtue" being imperfect. Color of paper, rose white. Msciiamcs' Bank, Baltimore, Mp. 5' spu rious. Vignette, Neptune in his car. On right end, steamboat, &c. On left denomination of the bill, Rawden, Wright k Hatch, Lngrs Doylesiow Baxk, Dovlsstown, Ta Vs spurious Vignette, female with a child, rea pers, ke. On right end, female with Ixiok ; and on left, Washington in a sitting posture. 10', spurious. Vignette, Jicdarat ion of Inde pendence. On right end, Pat Lyon at hi forge ; on left end, sailor holding the American flag. Bick. Hep. county, out of parts of York and Lancaster, to be called "Penn " Ons for the repeal of tin law to close inns and tavern on Sunday One from Taiiiaqua. Schu) ikill Comity, for a tax mllicicut belonged to it to spend their leisure hours in the delightful occupation of reading History, poe try, e'ocution, biography, the r nobling speech of the living and the dead, were our social recre. ation ; and the youngest member of the circle wa one of our favorite readers He read well, because he comprehended c'early. felt strongly, remarked beautifully upon striking passages and