Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, February 03, 1844, Image 4

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The following list s-howa the rum nt value nf nil
Vnnsvlvania Bank Note. Tho most implicit re
mce may he placed upon it, ai it i. ercry trerk
arefuHv compared with ai d corrected from ISi k
icll's Reporter.
Huiilts In riillnilrlplila.
v.. Due. lw
iMlt. LoCATIOJr.
NirV nf North America .
.itik of the Northern Liberties
1 '"mmrrrinl Bank of Pcrtn'a. .
;' .iivera nml Mechanics' Dunk
'' i'nainrton Bank .
I l.i'ndelphia Hank
'.hmlkill Rank
'ninliwnrk Itnnk , ,
Western Bank . ,
"' 'cchanics' Bank .
Manufacturers' cfc Mechanics' Bank
Country Hanks.
'look of Chester County
l!;nk of Delaware County nf Oormaiitown
!Jtik of Montgomery Co.
IViylcslown Bank
Eas'nn Bank
l)n It stown
East on
Farmers' Bank of Burks CO. Bristol
"lire of Dink of Pcnn'a.
:!'co do do
'!'!Ve do do
Omro do do
Bank of the Foiled States'
Hank of I'rnn Township
ii'nnl Dank .
Inynmensiiig Hank
t T .1 tilt of Pennsylvania
'liners' Bank of Pottsville
I'ank of Lewislown
i'.tnk of Middlctnwn
" nil; of Northumberland
Hairishutg" These
Lancaster I nfliecs
Rending f do not
Lnshm J issue n.
riiiUl.lpliia SHaSt
. par
. 8.10
. . par
Lew istow n
Northumberland par
I'ohiirhia Hank & Dridge co. Columbia
' i:r!is!e Dank Carlisle
Exchange Dank I'illxl urgr
I'o do hrnnch of Ilollidavtiliurg
rnrmers' Hank of I.ancanter I.nneastci
I ritirastrr ('ounty Hank Iinrnster
I'i.rmrrs' Dank of Heading 1! adinn
Karriahurrr Dank llarrisliurg
f. inoaster Dank I.nnrastcr
l.elmnon Hank I.chnnon
loirhants' & Manuf. Bunk Pitttihurg
!Vnk of Pittshurg Pitthuig
W t Hianrh Hjnk AVillianisport
'V'voniine Dunk Vi:kthano
Northampton Dank Allentown
liVrlig County Hank trading
iiliii e of Dank of 11. S. Pittsburg
i'o do do hue
Do do do INcw Hricliton
Kensincton av. Ins. A do
Penn Township Sav. Ina. do
ll:n:k of (.'handerfhurg Chamhcrslmrg 1
li-ink of Octlyshurg (irltyshurg 1 of .Sufquehanna Co. Montrose 30a3!
l.rie Dark F.ria 3
T i ir.rrs' A: Drovers' Bank Wayneshtirg
Fianklin Hank Watihirigton
Itniiefdale'Daiik Honesdalo I J
Mononualiela Dank of B. !rownville 1J
Voik Bank York 1
N. D. Tho noteg of those hanks on which we
omil Uotations, and Ruhstitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia broker, with the
exce ption of those which have a letter of rfunnce.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins.
Philadelphia. Loan Co.
rlnivlkill fuv. Ins.
Manual Labor Bank (T. W
1'Kwnuda Dank
Allcsbany Ba;ik of Pa.
'! ink of Beaver
! of Swatara
I'ank of Washington
I 'i nlre Hank
City Hank
Farmers' A' Merh W Bank
Farmer.-' & Mech'c" Hank
i ai iniis' A .Mrrh're'Uunk
llaillniuv Insiiiute
Philadelphia failed
do failed
In failed
Dyott, prop.) failed
Towanda '.'0
BedforJ no ,ile
Beaver rlosid
Il..rri.-burg closed
a-l,ii Utoll fallril
IMbfolitu ib'id
I'll 11 (l i H no sale
Pittsburii failed
Faj rlle CO. fa dial
Creeiirast e failed
Hamioi y no sale
Huntingdon no sale
Lenisiown no silo
Warnn failed
Diilidafl jio sale
New Hope doml
M iilon no sale
Meudtille cltistd
Poll ( 'in Iml)
Carlisle failid
Montn se closi d
1'nii'lltown failed
Creel : si urg; closed
VI i
titin)i.!or, Dunk
'ui.ial.1 lini.k
jUiiibiimenV Bank
Nt-rthern Dank of I'a.
New Hope Di l. Hridce V,o.
Noiihuinb'd Cnioii Col. Hk.
North Western Baik ol I'a.
illi'ce ol Kchmlkill Dunk
Pa. Ayr A- Manuf. Dank
Skei Lake Dank
I nion Bui.k of Penn'a.
V estmoreland Dank
. ilkt-.-barre Diidge Co.
Wilkisbarre no sale
fXj" All notes i.'riaiitinp to be on any IVniisvl-
nia Bank not given in the uliove list, may be t
wn a Iruuds.
wav .n:nsi:v.
ink of New Biuntwick
Perth Amhoy
1 1 r 1 1 1 y e I . . 1 1
Mi-out Holly
ielvideie Bank
Ruilinglon Co. Bank
Commercial Bank
Cumberland Bank
raillietn' Bank
FaniM is' atid Mechariics' Hk HaltMav
I'nrtinr' and Mechanics' lik
rarmer' and Merchant' Dk
Franklin Dank of N.J.
N. Itiunswirk failed j
Mldillltowil Pt. j !
Ji rsev ( "it y failed .
Ifnl i ken DkcA' (iruzmg Co Iluhoketi
.lersi y tity Bank Jersey City
Mi-rbanua' D -nk J'uttet hi
Mar.ufaclun r Bank lVIIVviil
.Morria t.'ouniy Hank Mnirittown
Moninoulh lik of N.J. Fiei hold
MiehutiiiV Bark Newaik
Mrcliunicb' and Manuf. Dk Trenton
Moms Canal and Lkg Cu Jersey City
Pl Notes
i 1
io tale !
IStwn'k DliR A Ins Co Newaik
New Hope Del Bridge Co LambeiNville.
i !
failed I
laded j
failed 1
I'ar !
par j
. j. Aiauuic. and liku t o llol'uken
N J J'lotecton &. Loiiibuid Ik Jersey City
( iaine D.iiik Oranue
Paterson Dank Paterson
People y' Dank do
Piinccton Bank Princeton
."sub in Banking Cu N ib in
Mate Dank Newark
Mate Bank ElizuUthtown
Mate Bank Ctiindeii
Male Bank of Mori is Moriistown
Htute Bunk 'I'rtnton
.Salem and Philad Manuf ('o Salem
Sushex Bank New ion
Trenton Banking Co Trenton
I 'nion Dunk Doer
Washington Banking Co. Jluikciinuk
Dk efWilmA: Brandy wine' V iimipgton
Bank of Delaware Wilmington
Uulik ofSinjriu Smyrna
Do lianch M J
Farmers' Dk of State of Del' Duvei
Do branch ilminnlon
Do I 'ranch (i oii tow n
Do lr.ii.ih Niwcisila
1'nion Bank' Wilmiiigtun
rff I'luiei fi'a
i 1
par ;
failed 1
felled !
J !
fur j
fuiled .
par I
pur ';
dj- On all I ankt mmkrd tbua () there are ci counterfeit or altered iiotea of the vjr.uu du'.naimin, in circulation.
The bent method for the Aholition of Piscaxe T f C T" f T rT T- TVF TP rT
u to tin,,,, and purify the Body. 1j U I X 1U i A,
WIUCIIT'K ! urn ii.iiuii
l.MMAA VIUJKTAIIMJ 1'IM-S cita Minis mi i-i ion-..
OP Tli r fjj- The following rerliftrn'e describe one nflhe
,yrth American (ollrs,e vf Health, mm rrtraorditmry aires ever effected by any
Are now acknowledged 0 he ihe best Mcilicine in i application.
the WnrM for the cure of Piiri.niiri pni A, February 10. 18H8.
EVERY VARIETY OF DISEASE. TOR twenty years I tva severely' atlViclcd with
fEOAL'SE they completely cleanse the atn-J I- Tr.TTMi on the Face and Head: the disensfl
)9 ma. h and howeln from llnne hillinus and cor- j commrnred when t wnn aevrnteen years old, and
nipt humors xhirh are the eaue not only nf , continued until the Fall of 1SH0, aivin(t in vio
Urndm he, CidilinrM. Palpitntion of the Hcut, ' rrii e, hut without ever dinappearinii. Durinn mot
Pa'na in the Tiones, Khriimntism and Oout. hut j 0f the time, (treat part of my face waa covered with
every m.ihuW ineidei t to man. SAID 1MHAN i the eruption, freoiientlv altendrd with violent itch-
VEGETABLE PII-T.H are a e.riain cure for in-
trimittenl, lemittcd, nervous, inllamiiloiy and putrid
Fevers, breaupe thry cleanse the pody from thoe
nioihjd humors, which, n hen confined to the circu
lation, are the cause of all kinds of FEVERS, So,
alt-o, when the lame impurity ia deposited on the
nendnai e and muscle, rmis'iiit (in, inflain
t ons and awellinna called I5II El'MATIS.if ,
(illl T, At. 'ri(iht's Indian Vcuelable Pills may
be relied i Ji as alvvavs lertain to Rive relief, and if
persevered with, acenidlnc to directions will miwt
asfuiiilly, and without fail, make a perfect cu e of
ihe above painful ii.aladies. Ftoin three to six of
said Indian Vipetnh'e Pills t"krn evrry night (to
ii'K to bed, will in a t-hoit time ao completely rid
Ibe I. inly from every thins thai is opposed to health,
that Rbrumnti-'in, (!out. and p iin nf rverv descrip
tion, wiH be Wt. tally DRIVEN FROM THE BO
DY. For the s me reason, when, trom smhlrn
hanc of atilio-phrre. or any other cause, ihe per-f-piiatinn
ifcl erki d, and the humor winch fchoul.l
pa-s nil' bv lln- skin are thrown inwardly. caumiiR
JlbADACIIE, liIDIllNl.N.S, nausea anil uk-
i.c-, pain in ihe hon s, wa'eiy and inflamed eyes,
sore throat, hoarsene-s, courIis, consumptions.
rbenin.itie pains in various part of the hmlv, and
manyollor symplnnia of CATCllINO (.'OLD,
'rii'lit' Indian Yroctulle l'i'h will invariably
cive immcili ite r lief. From thtee to six of said
I'ill takin every niht on p.iinn to hi d, wiil in a
Bluirt time, not only remove all the above
synij turns, hut the body will, in a short lime, he
restored to even sounder heabhtban before.
IN(!. Wright' Imhnn Vttjtluhle Pi7swill loos
en mid cany off, by the stomach and howi is, those
loogh phli pmy humor--, which stop up all the nir
cells ol the luncs, and are the cause, not only of the
above diplrcssinir complaint, but w hen nrelertcd,
oft in terminates in that mo.e dieadful ninlndy called
CONSl'MPTION. It shou'd be nlsoiememhrt.'d
that Wright's Indian Yigettihtr '' are a certain
cute f..r PAIN IN THE SIDE, Oppression, nau
sea, and sickness, o-s of appctiie, costivenrsa. a
yellow liiipe of the skin and eyes, and ( very other
symptom of a torpid or diseased stale of the liver;
because they purge from the body those impurities
which if ih posited upon this important orcan, are
the cruise of every variety of LIVElt COM
PLAINT. When a nation is convulsed by riot-,
outbreaks and rebellion, the only means ofprevent.
ins 'he dreadful consequence of a CIVIL WAR.
is to expel all traitors, ami evil disposed ones from
the country. In like manner, w hen pain or sick
ness of any kind, indicate that the body is struu
clinc with inten hi foes, the true remedy is to EX
health mid life,) Iluilh trill he the certain result.
That the piinciple .f curing di-ease, by cleansinR
and purifying the body, is stiiclly in accordance
with the laws which govern the animal economy;
and if properly carried out hv the use of the above
PILLS, will certainly result In the complete Abo
lition of Disease ; we oiler the following testimoni
als, fiotn persons nf the highest respectability in
New York, who have icceiitiy been cuicd of the
most ohstinnte complaints, solely by the use of
Wiiioirr'u Isnus VyuKTtHLK Pills, of the
Xoi lh American (.'t'lltge of lltaith ;
Jam oca, L. I., Jtin flih.
Doctor William Wright Dear Sir It is with
gr at sali-f.ii'iii'i) 1 inform you of ;.iy having been
entiu lv cured of Dyspepsia, of five years standing,
by the Use of your Inhiax Vi:r. ktahi.k Pii.i.s.
Privioiis lo meeting with your celebrated nndi
eine, I hid bun under the hands of several I'hvsi
cinns. and had tried vaiiou- medicines; but all to
no cll'ivt. Alter Using one 25 cent box of jour
Pills, however, I i xpnienced so much benefit, that
1 icsnlvid to pirseveie ill the use of them accoiding
lo directions, nbieh I am happy to mate, has result
ed in a perfect cure. loijralituilp lo you for the
treat hem fit 1 hup received, and also in the hope
that othru similarly u til n't, d may be induced lo
make tiial of your extra. mlurny medicine, I send
you this statement with full liberty to publish the
same, if vou think pn per. Yours, Ac.
New York, June 10, 1SJ1. li.C. BLACK.
Mr. Richard Dennis, agent for Wright's Indian
A'cgetal le Pills.
Dear Sir I have been afflicted for several years
with inward weakness and general debility, aci-oin-pnnicd
at times with pains in the side and other
distressing roiuplaiiil. Aft.i having tried vniiuos
medicine wMiout edict. I was persuaded bv a friend
to make trial (f Dr. WmrIii's Indian Vegetable
Pills, which I am happy to slate, have relieved nu
ll) a most W'l'inb rful manner. I have used the inc.
dicine, as vei but a shoit time, ami have no doubt,
by a perseverance in ihe u-e of the medicine nccoi
i'umi; l.i dint-tiona. tht I shall in a short time be
peihctlv re-tore. 1,
I most willn glv recommend said pills to all per
sous siindai ly ntllii led. and in 'lie full beliel llul
the same benel'ieial icsultsw ill fulluw their use, I re
u i s i ii jnuis sincerely. HENRY A. FOOTK.
Waiwaisiug, L'lsler co. N. Y.
Ntw Yohk, Sept, U'J,
This is lo certify that I huve used Wiiirut'h
Im.i nil riKLIt Puis with the greatest bene
fit: huvit n eir'inlv cured myself of the friitnnt at
lacks ol Suk Jleadaehe, to w hich I hail prpvioiisly
ill), (ireen v ii-h airest, N. V.
To Mr. Richnid Dennis, Agent lor Wright's In.
din Vigetalde Pill.
V.I I- '' .V.
As there are ut this lime many wicked persons
busily engaged in selling counterfeit medicine un
der Ihr in.nie of the Indian Vegetable Pills and as
these desperate no n are so uiieily reckless of con
sequences, that many valjuhle lives may he bust in
consequence of using their dreadful compounds,
I Lo public are cautioned against purchasing any
Pill, sunless on ihe tides of the holes the lollowing
winding is found :
Indian Vurgatire.)
OF TIIK Ml Hill AMIHICAN llltl.K.K Of HtilTH.
And alse to be rspeciully careful against purcha
sing said medicine of any ieron except the regu
lar advertised agent.
II. B. Masser, Suiibury Wm. Forsyth, Nor
tin in l.i iland JhcoIi Hsas, Sbsmokin Snmti. l
ll. rb, M.dioiioy Bverly & D. Haaa, Augusia
I'I.oii.hs Fullmer. Milton Ireland A Meix.ll.
MeF.weiisvide E S. P -r, 'I'uihulsville James
Pin!, potisurove II. Klase, SiimIi rlw n
II. H. Ki.uUI. P. M Ely.burg P. O. Wm.
Lei rnriiig, P M. I 'liioii Corner.
Olli'-e Slid (irllelal Depot for the sale of
Wrigfu'i ImlUin Yr-ritatdr Filh. Wholesale anil No. Iti'J RACE STREET, PHILADEL
PHIA. May 1843. ly
ine; tny head swePed at times until it fell it It
f would hni-Pl the swelling wa o gieit. Ihr.l I could
j scarcely Ret my hal on. During the long period
' that I was atllieled w idi the disease, t liseil a great
I many n plication-", (among them vrral celehrnled
,' preparations) n w. II as taking inward remedies,
I including a number of b itttes of Siiirim'n I'annrra.
Extract of Sarxapurilla, Ac, In fact, it would be
impossible to eniimera'e all the medicines I used.
I was also under the care of two of ihe most ilia
' linguisbed physicians of ihi-i ciiy, but with ut re
( cciving rn eh benefit, nml I despaired of ever being
j cored. In the fill of n:tfi, ihe disease at Ihe time i
being very violent, I commenced using the limr
j Ointment, (prepared hv Vaiighan A Davis.) In
' a f. vv a pticaiions Ihe violent tteb'mg ceased, the I
j swelling abn'eil, the i ril: lion began to disappear, :
and bef.ire I had used a jar the di-ease was enltrelT
cuicil. It has now been in ar'y a year and a half j
, since, and there is not a vestige (,f Dip disease re- j
i nniininc, except the sens from the deep pits termed j
i bv the di-ease. It is imp ssil le for me to deseril e j
, j ,rrlit'iia.' th
severity of the disease mi. I my
be ii'e iscd to give n fuller ac- '
null' riiiis. but I wi
count to nnv person minting lurtlii-r
j who will c.ll on me, Al the time I commenced
I Using the R. se Ointment I would have given bun
ibeds of do bos to be rid of the dueace. Since in
sing it, 1 have recommended it to sevir d persons,
(among lliem my mother, who had ihe disease bad
ly oil her B'm.1 w ho Were a I cured bv it.
JUII'S DI'RNKLI.. No. lot'., Race St.
j ery The Rose Ointment is prepared hv E. B.
. Viiuahan, S..u h F.ast comer of Third and Race
stre. (, Philadelphia, and sold on ngencv in Snnlui
' rv. bv H. B. MAssER,
j ' May I lib. lflll. ,lirc.
It Oiiilmciit, lot' 't'clltr.
A rilOOl' Ol' ITS l'.FI H'.U'Y.
Pill I aim l.l'in , Ma
,th, 1S30.
rPIUS s o ecrlilv Hal I wis s. i
i relv altl cie.l
I J- with Teller in the hands and
ended gincr.llv
! ot loriv years; me uisei.-e was niieuiieu gi rierauy
I with vio'ent and swelling. I appheil to i
j t.omb.rof hsici...,s. and us. d a great many ,.p,,li-
. a loes .1111'l.V i no iii.l 1. IIIU, ...'Oil. II , 1 III
I since, I npplled li e Rose Ointment, which
' -v
slopped the itcltitio. nml u I. vv upphciti .n unnir
till I y curnl ll.e ili-ease, w Incli tliere lias in en no
return of, iil'bongli I had never been rid of it at
any time for l..ity years. RICHARD SAVAt.E.
Ebventh, below Sjouce Slieit.
The Rose Olhlnient is prepared hv E. B.
Vau.han, S mill Fa.-l corner of '1'bird and Race I
fctreets, 1'lnl.idclpl.ia, and Id on agi-ncv in Sunbu
rv bv II. B. MASSF.R,
' May 1 Ith, ISM. Agent. !
fifth ROSF. l.'IMi:.T,fr Tetter, j
A LTIlOrfJH the superiority of the prepaiaiioli '
over nil oth rs is fully es'abli-hed, the pr .pric- 1
tors take pb asiire in laying before the public the j
follow ing certifica'e from a respectable physician, j
a graduate of the I'niversity of lVimsvlvanij. Dr. '
Bangb, having found in this remedy that relief fir !
a tedious ami disagreeable alVeetioli w hich the means I
within the range of bis profession failed lo afford. !
has not hesiiati d lo give il his approbation, although I
the prejudices and interests of that profession ate j
i pposed to secret Remedies. I
Pun am i.rti i i, Sept. 10, is:ir,. j
I was recently Iroiihhd wild a lulioiw herpetic I
i rii ti. n. w liieh civ ccd in arlv one si.'e of mv f ,ci",
iiinl i Minded over the ear. Mr. auuhan, proprii
li t of the Rose llintmer I, obseivnig mv la. ', in-i--led
on mv tiyifig his preparation, of which he ban
del me a pr. Although in common with ihe mcni
leis ol my profe-sion, I discountenance mid disap
prove ol ihe numerous nostrums pnlmed upon lire I
public by iji.oiant pn lenders, I feel in justice hound
lo except ihr Rose Ointment fiom thai c'as of me- I
ti n ines. and to give it mv sppiobalion, as il entire- '
ly lured the eruption, although it h d resisted the '
lisud apphcaiions. DANL. 1IAI (ill, M. D. j
ij'r The Ro.-e Ointment is prepared by E. H. !
Vanuhaii, South East corner of Third and R ice ;
Streets, Pliiludc'phia, and sold on agi ncv in Sun- !
buiv. ly II. B. MA-'SER, I
May I lib, H:l. Agmt. ,
Sntili' ami Toliaoco M.iiiiilaoltirt.Ts,
.Yo. II'.) .urth Yi si corner n f Race and Third
Stri i-ts
rPIIE onder-igiied have formed a Co-partnership j
1 under the firm of J. M A Y LA N I). J u. A: Co.. t
a siicerssors to the late firm of Jacali Alaihind A
Co.. i.n.l w ill e intiiiiie the business nt die old csta- j
hlishmi nt, on thr r ow n ucconnt. In addition to !
their own close aiieniiori nnd experience foi nianv
veais, in the manufacture of iheir cell bra led fniill'.
Ac. thelonoetiinieiirn .0 i! .. ..; , , . ,
l .i.. r.r.n. will ,.l... I.h .1. vo....l ... ,i. r .1...
new concern and as no exertion and care will le
spared lo insure ih. ir goods, al all times nf the ve
ry best quality, thry solicit a nf the
ronli.leiice of thu li.eiiils and ru-tomcr ot the late
firm. TIIOM s AD WIS,
Philadelphia, Mav Mth. liSl.l. -lv
n ei gd r nz
t 'urine of Th 'id and inr Struts,
rpili: r.
eelfullv aniioiiiic. to the 1
in lie. linn l.e Ii .s 01
I ened a Hotel iii the com
modious hrhk building situate on the miner of I
Third und Pine streets, where he will be happy lo
wait I ii. n those who may favor him with their
company. The Eagle Hotel is !age und conveni
ent, an.! furnish, d ir, the be-t m.ilcin stv le. Lis
provided with a large number of well aired and
comfortable sloe lug spnrtments, rooms, private
parlors, Ac. Persons visiting W illiamsport on hu
biiiess or pleasure, may rest as-ured that every ex
ertion w ill he used to render iheir sojourn at the
"Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. II is Table
will be supplied with the very best the market af
fords, and his bar with the choicest wines and other
liquors charges reisouable. The Eaglo Hotel
possesses greater advantages in point of location
I linn any other similar establishment in the hoio'igh,
In ing situate in the business part of ihe town, and
wiihin a convenient distance nf the Court House
ami Williamsport and Elmira Bad Road Depot.
Si. (In lent Stabling provided, and good and Itusty
i ostlers always in all. nduin c
Attentive, aci on, inflating and honest Servants
have bieu iim-loved. and iioil.uig left undone that
will add to the cuinluil and aci'oliimoda'.ion of his
There will he a carriage always in attendance al
Ihe Boat Landing to convey passengers to and from
the House, hie of charge.
May lllh, 1843, If
H. B. lf!i.SGE?.,
Buaincsi attended to in the Counties of Nor
thuiol etland, Union. Lveoming and Columbia.
Ilif. r to i
TnoM 11a bt Af, i'o.,
Lowkr A BAtinoTr.
IIaiit, CtiMMtsna A,
Rr.rsioi.nB, McFaihash A- Co.
Jspr.atJin, On mi Ac Co.,
To Country
rPHE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon At Harris, Hat
Manufaclurrrs, for New York, Philadelphia,
Baltimore and other large citie, wlosy Hals arc
highly commended for qimrl otit and dnrahili't,
has on hand a lir-l rate asoitm"iit of HATiS and
CAPS, mital le for Sprinp ile-", wh ch will le s dd
very low, foi cash or appioved cred.t, al the tu ted
rhei'p tnre. No. AO, North Third 'ri."i, o p isi'p
the City Hotel, Philadelphia.
N. Tl. Onleis lor I lats in ihennt 'i. pri.nply
altende.l to, Th highest tie.a in t(.s 'jr trade
given far -'irr kinn,
Pbihidelphia, Jiiiib II, lsn.--lT
'Fens' a id rm 7 it. zl2 1373
LL persons indi hied to the firm of Lyon A
Hairs, under ll e agency of O.N. Thaeher,
lilt and Cap Mami fuehirtrt, No. 1(1 North Third,
street. Philadelphia, are reipiested lo make immedi
ate settlement of ill ir a counts whh the subscriber,
their legally au'boiied agent, who is fully impow
en d to siltle and colli i t the iiceonnt nf said firm.
June 1th, 13 12.-If Aent. I
Igold :x s v an i
1 .Yt. Ci'J Math Third, ,i!,trr Arch Sin it,
riliLAOKI.l'IUA. j
j OIIARLEs WEISS, la'eof tie "While Swan." !
I and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in
; fiirms hi friends nn.l customers, that I e I a become :
i the proprietor of the nhov well known Hotel. j
! Ci.un'ry Meiebant w ill fml the id -ove Hotel a
i reuttal . ration, and Ihe best i.f fire Persons tra- j
veiling with private eonvevance will find a large i
yard and good stabling fi.r horses, ui.d the bct of
I oslleis. Boarding fl perdnv.
i May 1 l:h, 1 f?)':. if.
; .Wry3.4yV fj
.. .. .' T f-ir-s-. - --ii
j Commission A: I'orw n n! i ti" .Men-limits.
;,, f ,,,, V Rlli,
; 7 T A VINO as-oclat.d vl'lt tin in .loser h Barrel. I
o the
i r i. w it r,
, i late of East,,,,, p.,., ,.,tf,ilty inform tin ir !
frier. ds and the public generally, (hit thrv h.ivr ta
ken th t large an I vve'l know n store and w h i.'f al
fo. t of Willow Street I'a. Iron. I, lately oecupiel by
Jncoli Msrlin, where lluv i ii'i ose doing a O'eniral
mmission and I'orw -I'ding Bu-iness, nnd fom
the local ailvan'a.'cs i f the place being count e'e 1
with all the public improvement that have iheir
outlet in the city, they flatter themselves they will
he able to do business to as great, if not g eater ad
vantage, ari.l upon as rca. 'liable terms as any other
house, and they ussuie their friends that any con
signments made to tin to shall have their strict at
tention, und no exertions spatial to give entire satis
faction. They are also prepared to receive and forward
goods lo any point on the Di I aware and Lehigh
livers, between Mauch Chunk, Eastou and I'hda
i!cl; his, via Delaware Divisj, n and Lehigh Can. ,1s;
also, lo nnv point on the Juniata river, or North
and Wist Branches of the Su-ipiehanna via Srhnvl.
kill and t nion, ur tho Chesapeake and Tide Watei
For ihe accommodation of B.mIs coming or go
ing via Sehuvlklll nu.l I'liioii Canals, a Ste.mhoal
will he k. pt ejpresslv for towing bo ils from the
Sehuvlkill around to ihe Delaware and back , which
will en .hie merchants to have their produce deli
vered on Ihe Delaw are, and their g si at
a saving of fit) to 'ih per cent, oo the prices fir
hauling ncio.-s, with ilnse advunlage they re
spiellully solicit a share of patronage.
William lL Hinan,
William W. K. jser,
Joseph Bamel. 3 Philad , May 14, IS 1.1. ly
C.4 IK ml ( oiuitii-vHloii Mo t liaiifs
For the Salt of Flour, drain, Hitd, ic, d,e.
EsPECTFI'LLY inform l.i. nds and
U5 he Mercl-.nnts generally, they have la
ken those large and commodious barv s, w ith Irt o
Doiks, ninth of Clnsnut stre.l, on the Delaware,
j together with ihe store No. Ill South V. h'.rve-,
when- ihev would he pleased lo receive consign
i menlk of (.rain, Flour. Seed, hi-kcy. Iron, Ac.
Ac. Being also well prepared to forward all kinds
of Mi rcliaudise by the Schuylkill nd Cnion, or by
ihe Obe-api ake and Tiite Water Canals, as tow
boats lira sept expressly for the purpim of towing
boals by i i inu'e.
Merchants will ple..e be particular to send their
1 go. .Is lies I i.ied Ly either canals. M Sn. l!loulh
i Wharves, b.lw.. n Market and Ch. snut slr.ets, on
the Dilaware, with direelinns nccompinving ihcin
which route ihev wish them to be sb
(J j - Plaster and Suit for sale, al the lowest mar
ket price. BOLTON A Co.
Match 19, inn, No. II) South Wharves.
ItOItKKl tll l l It A SOY,
l.imihartl Street, Italtituoie.
HAVE coiistanilv for sale. Printing Paper of al.
sizes and qualiln s. Can Writing Paper, nihil
arid plain, Letter Paper, while and Hoc, ruled and
plain. Huntin g Paper, tine and common. Envelope
Paper, do. do. me.hcm, dnuh e cinvvn, crown and
cxliasm'.l W rapping Papers, Ooloicd Medium and
Royal Pers, Bonnet, Binders' and Snavv Box
Hoards, Tissue Paper, and all articles ill theii line,
which thev will sell on accommodating terms.
II ghe-l pine given f..r old rags.
March IP. Elklon. Md
MWUii.Jl . wiJli.l..i
N artie'e unequalled for cleaning and p ving a
highly durable and must brilliant polish to sil
ver, (ierinan Silver, Brsss, ('oppel, Itntt aiiia ware,
'Fin, Stud, Cutlery, and for rcstoruijr. the lustre on
varnished carriages, Ac, TRY IT.
Prepared and sold at wholesale and retail, by the
Susquehanna Chrysolite Pulith Company, Owcgo,
Tioga county, N. Y.
WM". FORSYTH, Agent for Nonhuin'd,
H. B. MASSE R, Agent for Sunbury.
November 20th, HYi.
"ri'.TKll DKWKIoV,
No. 71 Callow hill Streel, I'liilatlclpliia
C Three doors alii-ve Secund. )
(OJ HOE Finding alvays kept on hand, which he
offers for sale on I he biivu.-t terms. Country
Merchants ate parliculirly lo c ill and judj;e fuc
Philadcli his, Novem nr 13, 1812 ly.
G. V. & L. . TAYLC?..
OFFER FOR HALE, at the South East Cor
ner of fifth and Market Ulrcitf, 1'hiludil
phin Men' Calf-skin Boot, stitched warranted.
Io do do pegged do
1" do do water proof, double soles
and double tinner.
do Calf-skin do do
and uppers,
do Heay Water Leather Bool,
do do Neat do do.
do High quarter Shops, Calf-skin,
do do do Crocker do
do nailed
do Fine Monroes warranted
do Kii do
do Calf do
do Coarse do
do do Shoes
do Fine do
do Kin do
do Calf and Seal Skin Tump,
do List Sock with and without sides,
do Carpet do do do
do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasins.
Ladies' do do do do
Ladies' tunned India Rubber shoes.
Ccntlcmcns' do Overshoes.
Whh every other dese iptiou of boots and shoes.
Fur Caps of every description.
Travelling Trunks of every description.
Veneti in Travelling Bags.
Patent (Sum Elastic Shoe Blaekin?.
Bonnets of all kinds. Palm
Phil idelpbia. November El. 1W12. lv.
" Zi-V & Br.CTHEP.r "
No. I'-'vi ('lii'sniit Slteot, ln:lov -Jtli,
"SfT"EEP constantly on hand a general assort
t' merit ol Book ami Stationary ; comprising
Th ologieal, Law, Meiliral, Classical. Misce'lane
ous and School Books, Dav Books, all sizes. Led
gers, do.. Family Bible -, Pockel B.bles, Writln,
Papers, Wrapping Papers. Ac. vie. w hich they of
Icr at the lccs! piires to Country Merchant's Pre
fessional (ik-nllcmeri, Teachers, and all othcia thai
may favor ibein willi their custom.
Philadelphia., Noi niher C. IrtlJ. 1y.
Jliihsul Weaver & Son,
norc MAUEns & surr ciiandlehs.
An. CI Anrth Watt r Street. I'htladclihia.
i UJ1AU! coiis'anlly on hand, a general assort
i M I i "lent of Cordage, Seine 'I'w ines. Ac, vi. :
1 I ai'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, Matiil-
la, To.v Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a
: coriipleie assortment of Si ine Twines, Ac. smh as
Hemp Shad Herring Twine, Best Patent (nil
I Net Tw ine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twire, Shoe
'hn a 's, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Colds. Plough Lines,
" ' race. ( oitori an.
c. all ol which Ihcv w ill dispose of on n asonahle
lei ins.
Phil ule'phia, November 13, HpJ. ly.
.Iiiroli I'lUmiitli Son.
"I Esl EC Tl'I LLY informs their friends and
H aciuaiutnnci's ge lerally lb it they sti! con-
liline to keep al the old Hand, No. "10 Nollh 3d
street. Philadelphia, nil n.lsi of
tohacco ssTF am' sfoahs.
Which they will sell m the mot '. accommodatiiit
ami leasoiia de terms.
N. B. All goods sold w',11 he guai intend and all
orders promptly ttt. tided to.
Philadelphia, Nevembei 13, lfi-12. ly.
"w PETES." "cfCTE?
Wliolcsalc and Ilcfail Mtoe, l' ninct,
and Palm Leaf (at Wnrt'liousr.
A'o HC Aurth 'id xtrirt.a fir tlmjrs uhuvt .Ireh,
A l.SO Ti sinks, (.'aipi'l Bags Jtnl Valices, of ev.
; 2 ry description, all of which ho oilers for
I sale on the nio.-t reasonable terms.
Philadelphia, November 13, 1J1'2. ly.
' J . Y . S Y A IN,
; rmlirclla ami Parasol lanijfar.turcr.
I An. 3V Auuth '2'hilil ilrret. tun doom hitmn the
at v Uuii i, I'hihidiiphiii.
f10l"NTR Merchauls and others are solii ited
to examine his i
ajoili.icnl before purchasing
else w hero
Phila 'clphia
NovrinUr 13. '.Ii. ly.
( 'liina, Glass ami Liverpool Warehouse,
An Di4 Aurth Third street third d-mr below Yine
treit, I'hihiililihia.
A THIERS tl'.cy constat, fly keep on hand a large
' rissuiliuriil 4f China, Class and Liverpool
Ware, w hich they w ill dispose of on the most iei
s limbic term.
Philadelphia, November 1M, 1SIC -ly.
TllLOl'lLl S ( L'l.l'.
Maiiufaoturur ami liniortcr of Sad
tllcry, Hardware, vVr.
.Vo. f) South Third tlrert. four doors he low Markit
MEEP constantly on hand a large nn.l general
assortment Coach Lamp', Carriage Bands,
Axle Arms, Flipttc Springs, Patent Leather. Ac.
Country Merchants and saddlers w ill be supplied at
all times on the most reasonable terms, Thry wi'l
find it to their ndvaulage to call and examine his
assortment before purchasing chew here.
Philad. Iphia. November 1.1, 1SPJ. I v.
i:i:yiolds, Mciwulam) .v ( o
Wliolosale Dealers in roiein I'.ritisli
ami Aincriean lrv llo.nls.
No. UK". Mirlct stnit, l'hi'adt 'j hin.
TIOI'NTRY Merchant", and others ran be sup-
lied at all times with an extensive assort
ment of the nest and most fashionable upon
the most reasonable terms.
Philadelphia, November 111. MIJ lv.
low i: ii & n.Miuox,
Importers nml Healers in Foreign and
Domestic llanlware,
No. 174 NoiiTit Thihi. Srm iiT, I'mntn i.i'in.
AT T H ER E Iheir fiiemls and lustomers will always
' find a large and general n-sortineul of Foreign
and Domestic Hardware, which they will sell at the
lowest prices,
Philedelphia, November 13, 181?. ty.
o. ltiti l-'-i .Market Street, l'liila.
(11, low Fifth South fide )
VLWAYSS keep on hand a full and general as
s. rlineiit ol Hosiery, Lace, and Fancy (,
Country Merchants are respectfully rejuejd to
I give Hi. in a rail and eiaimue for themselves.
Philadelphia, November 13, lVi. I v.
Sl'J.lUNC;, GOOD Co.
j Xo. lys Market Street, Philadelphia.
INVFI'E the attention of Country Merchants
to their eileiiHiva assorlmcnt of British French
1 and American lry floods, w liich ihey otl'er lor sale
on the most reasonable terms.
Fhdadclphis, November 13, 1812. ly.
IN linparellelcd remedy for common Colds,
Coughs, Asthma, Influenza. Whooniror f'ni.,.1..
Hronchilis, and all diseases of the Breast and Lungs,
leading- to consumption; composed nf Ihe coneen
iraled virtues of Horehound, Bonset, Blood Root,
Liverwort and several other vegetable substances.
Prepared only by J. M. Wisslo w, Rochester, New
The innocence nnd universally admitted pectoral
viilue of the Ileihs from which the llatam oj
llnrchiiund is made, arc too generally known to re
quire, rpfommendatlon ; it is therefore only necessa
ry to observe that this Medicine contains Iho wholo
of their Medicinal properties, highly concentrated,
and so happily combined with several oilier vege
table substance, as to render it Ihe most speedy,
mild and certain r. medv, now in use, f ..r the com.
plaint shove mentioned.
The Balsam removes all imfl.immation and sore
ness of Ihe Lung.-, looser. tough visid phlegm, en
abling the patient to expectorate with ease nod free
dom, nssing.'s cough, relieves alhmalic arid diffi
cult respiration, heals the injured parts, opens thfl
(Mires, nnd composes the disturbed nerves, nnd gi' c
strength to the lender lungs, and thus produce a
speedy and lasting cure.
Niiiia i i i t ii k istiik nAsr.sT cntvir. I Mk.
We are not mining ih it class of Editors wh, f,,r a
few dollars will, (at the expense of truth and h.v
nesty ) crack up" an nrli. le and bring it into rapid
side ; in ill. er aie we wilu-g to lemain silent, after
having le-led the utility of an iin rnvemenl or di
covey in science or nit. Our readers will recollect
we told them we were unwell with a sore throat and
violent eld some few weeks ago. Well, we pur
chased two boiiles (.f WINM.oW's BW.sWI
OF HORF.lIor.ND. and so sudd en wa the cure,
that v.e forgot we ever bad a cold. Tho-e who
, are alllicled, mnv try it upon our recommendation.
I.I vc.ioN '' . -graph. For sale bv
JACOB V.:mAi,rlliiia,Ui!awi.
j Also, by Druggist generally throughout the
country. Q j Pi ice, .r.O cinls. per bottle.
August 1 Ith, 1 s y.
JH. .jXSl. J3 2L lel"
j FC?. Si.LE.
tTOR fale a sma'l Farm, containing about one
" hutidied and li lt aens, more or less, situate
I in Point township, Norihnml crlaud Cetiiitv, about
, two miles above Notthumberl mil, on the main
road leading from that place to Danville, adjoining
1 lauds of John l.eghou, Jesse ('. Ilorn.n and others,
now in the occupancy of S.amin I Pay ne. About
forty ai res of said tiaet are ch an d, and in good
slat ol cii'iiv.i'iori, oiiwliuli there is a small burn
, creel, il. The property wili be sold on r usonl.tu
terms. For further particulars, prisons are request
e.l to ai ply to the ul sciih. r.
H. II. MASSER, Anit,
Nov 2, ih, 1 !:. tf Snnluirv. Pa.
, " ' gd'h :n
N I : V I :N( .LAND (Ml. ( ( ).M PA N V.
No. -J'.l Norlli WahM' Sinx-t, Phila.
Tl H ANI'FAC I I h'FRS and dealeis in Oils of
I'?'! evcrv di'criptioti both for binrrng and
manufacturing purposes, wiiiih will be fold much
1 lower than they can be procured elsewhere, and
wiirinnted in quality to equal nnv in the citv. Any
oil sold by ihe company not proving as lepresented,
; may be returned without any expense to the pur
chaser, and ihe money will be refunded,
t Their stock now- in store consists of the follow in
' oils, viji :
HO.OlUl gallons Winter Bleached Spetm"
do Che less Oil,
Winter Sea Elephant,
do Pressed Whale Oil,
Summer do do do
( oinioon Wha'e Oil,
Is sup. riot Str.i 's Dil,
Cod Dank K.I, Foot D.I,
',: Casks Olive Oil,
Tin tier's I Ills,
fjfj This Company has n number nf Vessels" en
gaged in the Co l I'ishirv, and Tanners may rely
upon getting al all tones Oil as pure us imported.
Philadelphia, Nov. I.I, I SIM. ly.
Au Til, Not Ui S' oiil stretl,
( ol'COOMB S ll l.l.r.)
Where they coiistanilv keep on hand a generil
assortrm rit of
And tt grtut vuritty ofaiticit of a miptrmr
quality, which they oiler to dispose of
upon the most lea.ouable t. rms.
CIOI NTRY MERCHAN TS and others will
find it lo tin ii advantage to cull and examine stock before purchasing elscwlicio.
Philadcl; hi.l. Nov. f. If I'.' ly
toH sill. HI
ZJLl !L3 !Lii:L i-!l3sS
N I'll ON 'S Classical Die
do.; A iliswoitli's do ; Col l
iouary; I einpricr's
s do.; English mid
Herman do.; Ambon's Otvsar; Ambon's Crammer;
Anlhen's Cic.voj Mail's I at in h'eadcr; Ogilfy'sdo.;
Andrew's I. mill Less, ii-; Dolim Rail's Lexicon;
Fisk'stire k Exeiciscs; Davies's I.egen.lei; (iraeea
Majora; Adams's Roman A nti.piitie-; Pinnock's
Cojdmith's Englatiil; do. Creecc; Lyell's Elements
of (iiology; M .s. Lincoln's Botauv; Eletneiils of
liotai. v; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Rlutoiicat Rea-ilcr-;
Fin. rs. in's (ieograpliv and lli-loi; Oliev's
do ; 1'nr'i y's do ; Smith's Cratnuiei; Kirkhaiu's do.:
Kav's Reaihr-; Cold's do.t Cobb's Arithmetic!.;
Pike's b.; Emerson's do.; Colla Spilling Books;
('nun's do.; Cobb's Tab't Books; Evangelical Fa
ll. i!y Library; Collage Bible-; Family do ; ('. ll .t. r
id do.; Small Bibles und Test iincnls; Parkei's Fx
cr, i-cs i n ( 'ompi'Mtiot.; Fiuit of ihe Spirit; Itax'ei 's
S, ini's Rest; American Kevoluiu n; Many all's No
va is; Mrs. Phelps ell Cl.iniistrv; Iliad; I .'.. la.-m
of A meriean Laws; I etti rs on Natural Magic; Che
mistry for Beginners; English Exeiris.s adapted to
u rr iy "s I .rammer, Siapi. I to Cnml.v's Spelling
Book; Aim ricau Class B. ok; DsU.ll's Schoohu a
lei's Assistant; A great vuiiely ol Blank Books, Ac.
August S(l, lYi.
j. s i i i: v j o . ls,
, I Elil'ES'l'S the attention of hiscountiy liiradt
) - who aie in want, to his verv large slusk of
Carpetings, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Bindings,
i s-tair Rods, Xc. ,c, thai he Ins just opened, at
his warehouses, No. IS North 2d stre. t, and No. 2
( hurch All. v, next door lo Christ Church, Phila
delphia. ' July 31, 1SPJ ly.
D. K 1 II K V A T It I 0 K & SO N,
An. SI, Aurth Third tlreet.
(ntwm vtiHkir ssn iiiiivit stbeets )
A . L Tor s ilea large and excellent assorlmcnt
of Siion'rA (.., Vatna Kin. Tunmr,' (hi.
4c, at the lowest maiket prices, eiihrr for cash, in
ncnaiiRe lor Leather, or ii.on credit.
Consignimiils of Leather received for
purchased at the highest market prices.
Qj Leather stored free of charge,
April 17, IK 13. I y
filKK) do
10. nun do
20.0(1(1 do
euro do
is.rno d
"till B.irre
3110 do
50 do