Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, February 03, 1844, Image 3

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A singular scene, was witnessed in Baltimore,
on Saturday last, as we learn from the Sun. A
perron met another in one of the most public
places, and accosted him thus "Sir, you must
ither psy mo the money for that suit of clothes
you have on, or 1 will have the clothes. You
can, perhaps, whip ne, but 1 will tear the
clothes off you." This speech attracted the at
tention of bystanders, when the gentleman spo
ken to appealed to the other not (o expose him.
"I will go with you," and away they went toge
ther. Upon inquiry, we learned that this scene
M as occasioned by the following circumstances.
An individual, who gave his name as Horace J.
Hill, commission merchant and ship broker,
No. G Bowley's wharf, corner of Wood street,
Baltimore, called upon Mr. Thaddeus Mabee,
tailor, and obtained from him a suit of clothes,
directing them to be sent to his store. Mr. M.
himself, went with the clothes, and as every
- . . , ix ? I
" s "i'i" " :'"'"' '" 1
pay came forth, and Mr. Horace J. Mill in a !
few days could not be found, until he wns re-
, , ,. . !
cognized on Saturday. I he conversation upon ,
recognition ha been jjiven above, or something
like it. Arrived M the store, the quasi com- !
. . , , , ...
mission merchant was stripped, and supplied
with a rotmil-tihimt nnd pantaloons, a little the J
Worse for wear, with which he made his exit i
(! ror lurttier inlorniaiion, apply to Mr. AO im
r- - t. . . w Gi'gcr of Shatnokin town-hip, who resides adjoining
F.roKvKSfE r.ugene Sue has p-one to Ion- ' ,. , ,. , ' ', . i
" , the premises, and will rhnw them to persons ilea
don to collect materials for a new work to be mm ofpurchairg ; or to ihe suh-enbe.. at I'hila
called Mi.-torcs do Isindres." The demand 'M.'hia. BENJAMIN TILGIINHN,
for the -Alirteres do Paris' continues unabated' V,V 3 ,R.VI 31 .. ''''"I'll'
TsOeOtUI having liccn sold in Paris alnn lie j
received l.i,(HX) francs from the Jo'irna I los i Kiirg't'oii and .llrcliniiical
Delia u for xrmit tinr the work to be printed in j !E! J ESl3 lSs'ZEL? J3L&&$ ''JL?
its columns and ."iO.OIKI francs for the copyright I 1? E-SPEtrrFILLY . rt-r hia professonal ser-i-
P- n , , - - vices to ihe I. ulie and Gentlemen nf Sunbiry
making C-.(XHl rancs, (over SsrJ.O(Xt) for a , - . ... , ,, , . '
P v ' and lis v hi ii it v . Il ia piejinred to attend to every
single work. But hi; is, notwithstanding, deep- i i,j8 j t!, ,0 f Demiory. li s work will be
ly in doht, as he spends enormous sums with warrnn'ed eqoal t anylono in Philadelphia or
I.: . c : .1.- ..t: elsewhere.
11 is llli?uv-i'r'r', Uiii.: m 1 11 iiiiiirn 111 tuts , J mititj 1
1 "
ue 1 oris as mi! oiarouiso u uarvinr, as wen
as his iiitiuiati- friend Lord Seymour, as Ro-J
dololic '
. I
AIIott,B,,: Mosr,u.-TI,e Paris paper,;
rontain ai-piillmg lts ol .rd.r.s and Hnc.dc?, j
and of ottempts to rnmiiill thusn crimes. At j
St. Denis, a monster of Herculean strength, sei- i
.. 1 a- 1 , ., j
zril 11)1111 an unnltriii! in'' voniii' man, am t ir iw-'
1 ' ,
ing him down on the rond, held him firinly un- 1
til the wheels of un npproaching v:i v-uii lud pis-
ted over his head.
, - . , , I
Immense sums are paid for the musical edu-
alion ot the ciiitilreii of the we.illhy in Iaiii
on. I have known one professor of the harp
0 receive a guinea per Ichron uf fii'teen min
tes ; and he h:id some tw enty or thirty such a
ly Letter in the lld'mhurg Rfgistcr.
Gamdi.ino. -No less than nine crnmblin I1011
sfts have been entered by Capt. Winters and
Ins police since we last published. Fourteen
of the fraternity have been nuide prisoners,
and much of the paraphernalia of'thc fame has
been secured. .Y. (). I'ir.
A Good Om: Mr. Charles V. I.yman of'
.1 . 1 ti 1 1 e 1 11 '
tliiMtnwu killetl a hnj; a few days since v Inch
weiohed sic hnnJnd nnd twenty pounds, W'hu '
his a greater than thts.'
.nlhffnpton Courier. )
Mr. Cassidy, ol cite, killed one the other '
1 , '
dty, which weighed mure thin eight hun- j
drrd pounds. Mr. I .yuan s hoj was a mere j
pig. I o will Courier.
Fkve ixn Akit.. We are happy in Isfing a
hie lo say to our readers, that Brandnth's Vegeta
ble Kniveri-al Pilia are c b loated for strengthening
weak stomachs, in rearing h" appetite, and a cer
tain prevru ive and cure lor the fever and ague, cVc.
For ihe fever at d airtie. a maladv so nrevulent
Ihrnughout the Southern State, and so t.ffl cling t !
familiea rcfi ling in low co untries, leuundaul with .
marshes, lukis, st. gna ed pools, rivers, iVc, thes 1
relehra-rd and universilly eteeined pills h ive sur-
, , 1 1 r i- t 1 '
pa-ked any remedy 1 ver dm:inti red, r. 11. 1 and
' ' i
euro of that most .ln'ina'e oppressor of the human i
frame. Numb- rb - in ance of tln ir elR.-acy have '
been te.tifi al. aft.r the b.rks, and various other j
. ,. :
CIlO liu prescrip'i .ns lanen, uiey piovcu nirimiui,
to the admiration of tho-e who experienced and j
witnessed their happy eff ct. U. S. Gazette.
CZ? Pur base of IL B Miasrr. Sunbury, or of ,
the agents, puhlirhed in anolhcrpart nf this p iper. '
.rr .1 it it 1 k ii ,
-k -1 ..1. 1... .v- ?i t i cu:...i .1 ar.
im rne. hi. n..,..)
C . 'S n v- In I . 11 It, u a ! lint li
.l.HJ MH'II.IMM' -'It.-? Mr..x ia at. r..v. ,
of Auptsta township.
At Philad-lp'.iia. on Tifsdoy tln J'2d inst.. Dr. ;
Wm. S. I!k i-iilT. of Northtiinberlund, to .Miss
Emma Krt.i.hR. of i'hiljdelphia.
i 1 1: i,
On Monday l.o-t, KDGAR. infunt son of Mr.
Petr Getter," of this place, aped about months.
Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxlheimer.
Va bat, .... 85
Rxa, 60
Coaa, ...... 40
Oats, ...... 85
Po, 6
FtAXSXXB, ... .100
Tallow, .... 10
DaituArrLXS, . . . 75
Do. Psachu, 20
Flai, ... 1 .8
HscELsa Flax, . . 10
Ess. ...... 10
B.--. . '. i . -j- 1 1 . J' 1 i -
'Washington rire Company."
THE metilra of ths "Washington Fire Com
piny" are requested lo meet al the State
House, on Monday Evening, Feb. 5th, at 6 o'
clock, precisely. Punctual attendance is required.
Jan. 31. JACOB VOfNUMAN, .
Public Sale.
BY virlus of Deere) nf the Supreme Court of
Pennsylvania, will be offered at public Side, in
lots to suit purchaser, at the house of Jacob Lei.
senrins, (Dear Gap Tavern.) in Shanvkin town
ship, Northumberland county, Pa., on Thursday
the 22J day of February next, at 12 o'clock, at
A Valuable Tract of Land.
situate in Shamnkin township, Northumberland
count?, at the intersection of the Centre and Dan
villa Turnpike, adjoining lands of Jacob Leiden
ring, William Kricghbaum, B. Tilghman, and o
thcrs, containing 310 acres, 1S9 perches and allow-
The above tract enns'st chirflf of a red shale of
superior quality. Ii ia well wooded anil watered,
convenient to mill, Ate, and in every respect wor
thy the attention of N-rnn desiring tirt late fnrm.
AI.-O: A Tract i f Land situate in the sama
township, ahout a mile ami a half west nf the above,
on both Mea ofthe Centre Turnpike, ami adjoin
ing land of George Sleitzcl, George Diinmig, B,
Tilghman, and others, containing 108 acres, 43
perches and allowance. Th; land is of similar
M''o'v wimi iiimi miir urmiimu. r oenueu i'i
......I:,.. .:,t. .i .i t i u . t i
Shamokin Creek, on which ia a ilo for a siw mill. !
paacs through the tract. I
,r," ""' follows: one ilii.d
of the purchase mnncv ca-h. nf wh ch fifty dollar.' :
mu,t ,, Mil, wll,. ,,r.,,,rrly is fl,u,.k down, j
mi. I the balance on the 1st nf April nei'. Of the re-
"''"'" two-thirds of the purchase money, one half, ,
wi'n interest from the 1st of April, i to he paid in I
01!C ycrt BtlJ tilnt-. with in'erc.t. in two'
years; said two thirds 1 1 be secured by b ind and j
w'r'ant. ami mortgage up n the property. j
. . ,. oesirnas of prorutuig noi.a skt or
TEKTII. would do well to give him a raP, as
much lime ami expense miyht be saved by having
their w irk done at home.
rxji- KriJ iice, for a short lime, at John ll.i use's
Hotel. Feb. 3. ISU. 3l
-fi QggT"
. s ,ie fl)llll,t.r ,-,, ,'rcmi)VH ,roln SlIfl,.0,
iv, he n quests nil peisnos knnwing ihrms Ives
'"'hbted to him, on bo k account or otherwise, to
rail and seole ilie same on or before the loth liy
, . . . , , , .
i f h nut no loi'E'r m liilgi nee run I s g:
v, . ltmj,t ; uention 10 this noiice will ve eoht.
. Su"!-' F'b A
rrMIR ,nnti.,:n r,r Wm
ige'V, Ueu'itn r .iceiy, wuiiam 11. iva-e,
Jacob B.iir sn.l Kmiber Cleaver, Irvlmg under ll;e
firm of Fagi Iv, K ise &. Co , is llii djy dissolved.
All persons indebted lo nid firm are requested to
enle their nccounls with Wi liam Fagi-ly or Reu
ben Fagelv, and tliofc having demand to present
the nine for settleinciit.
Sunh ny Jan. 27. 1841.-19
lUFatc "ol" UU IiViel IlcVd7 lc l."
fkTOTM.'E is heii by given, ihat Ihe undersigned
! I 'J hns I een si iio nteJ an au lltor. bvtheOr-
j. 'i - 1
pans (Jouil nf Northuinhe l mil county, lo appor-
lion Ihe a-nels in the hands of the admiuirtr.itor to 1
nnd among ihe creditor, accord nil to law, and
that ! auditor will at'end at hi office on Tue-
i!st the 6lh day id Feh'U irv next, for aid porno-e. '
(-u j;j pUs. T-i '
JHn. 27, 1SI4. 2t Auditor.!
i:vtatO of'.lnlui ..llfr,"U;f:'l." j
TRJG I'U.'E is hereby given thai lett. rs of ad-j
1 mtnistralion have been granted by the Re- J
i!if( r nf N ithiimber and counlv, to the su'ifcnl-er,
, ,ie ,, 1fj0iin Neidtg.fnr..ilec'd. late nf An-
gnMa town-hip, in said county. All persons, tin re-
f ro, indebted In the ram estate, are request, d 10 j
muke pa) merit and all those having claims will theru for eilb merit, on Monday the 5lh of
Maich next, at Ihe late re-tdei re nf the decea-ed.
Augusta, Jan. 27. 1841. 6t A.lm'r.
lilST or CAUSES.
K?()lv trial lie-tore lie ilo 1. I. III. Lewis, at a
B S; re al Court 10 he held at Sunt'Uiv, the l;h
111 re:;'ua,-. A' w
W ilium Monti vs O P Duncan
,v , ,.(, Kt y r'v At Haas
John C Boyd a A W Johnson el al
Oeorge il II v Georgx Hill' Vrs
Thomas Wood Ac Co v Arnlif w Fo-svihe
. , . wt;, "i .
Daniel Itros us vs John A c'hi I, r
js, p), , a M.iniu Weaver
Chr!-s D .nighty h irtoii v Aa 011 Croi-hy Fisher
; J"' '
Jacii' M i) land Henry uitheuner at al
Frederick Kiel!
D,vid F timdon
jj Di,.rrenb'cli Ate
vs Same
vs Hugh Bellas
v Sjme
v Shamok n Coal and I-
ion Compsny
v James S Dounal el al
vs Hrnrv M r Eq
Char es D Wh irtoii
Prothouotarv' Office, i I'rulh'u
.8unbnry.Jm.27. 1814
. - ' s7
Oi-phanK' Court :c.
D N pursuance if un order of ihe Orphans' Court
g of Noilhuinbeil md conn'y, will he exposed to
pn1 lie saht or outcry, oil M md ay the 12th !ay of
tebiuaiy next, at the house of Peter Snyder in Au-
gns a towiibbip, in raid county, to wit : a d Main
tract nf land nitrate in the townrhip aforesaid, eon
Mining one hundred and seven acre and ninety
H'lio 1 erches, adj ioing lilid of I'elei Snyder, Dan
iel llcnii'iig' r, and Ihe river Susquehanna, hereon
is erected a two story log house and log ham. an
excellent orchard, a spring house with a never fail
ing spring. A 'sot At the same time and place, a
c. rtain tract of land situate iu ihe town. hip afore
said, containing two cre aud fifty-seven perches,
adjoining land f Peter Snyder. Daniel Henniuger
and oiher. The Holland Run Creek runs through
said land, and there is a good water power on Ihe
laat described tiact. Late the estate of Jacob Ma
hch, dee'd.
Sale to comment at 10 o'clock of said day, when
ih conditions of sal will he made known by
Sunbury, Jan. 20, 1844. Adm'rs.
nHHE public is hereby notified, that my wife 8a
X I ah J. Chamberlain and myself have separated,
and that I will njt hold myself ipoaible for any
debts ihat she has made, or nay berealler contract
on my account.
r--Shamykin, J.n. I'ih, 1841. 3t
Sheriff's Sales.
Y virtue of sundry writs of venditioni expo.
nas, issued out of the Court nf Common Pleas
of Northumberland county, to ma directed, will he
exposed (o public sale, at the following places, to
wit t
On Saturday the 10th day of February, next, at
It o'clock A. M., at the late dwelling house of
John Feialer, dee'd., (now George Peifler,) in Lit
tle Mahonoy township, Nnrlhumherland county, a
ceitain tract or piece of land situate in suid town
ship of Little Mahonoy, adjoining lands of Daniel
Herb, Daniel Dornieif, the heira nf Leonard I'ers-.
tcr, dee'd., and others, containing 183 acres and 153
perches, strict measure, he the sime more or Iras,
ahout 100 acres of which are cleared ; whereon are
erected a large tw ftory dwelling house, a good
spring house, a large hank b irn, waggon shed ami
other nut-building. There is a'sif a large apple
orchard and a uumlier of cheny and other fruit
Se'i d, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Pi ter Ferster.
Also 1 On M.ind.iy, the 12th d:iy of February
next, at 1 nl ick, P. M., at the Court Mouse, in ihe
bo ough of Sonhu'T. all tlio defendant's interest,
suppo-rd to b the undivided third pa't nf a certain
trait of land, i uate in A ugusti township. Northum
berland conntv, adjoining lands late of William
Kliipmart, dee'd, bind late of Nicholas Shipinan,
ilecM., Conrad I'.ikcr. Leonard l! ed and ntheis,
containing two hundred acres m ire or le.-s, a'xut
thirty acres of which are cleared ; whereon are erec
ted a small log house and a fiamn barn.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be Sold as the
projierty of Augustus Rosa.
FELIX M At; RE It, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office,
Sunbury, Jan. 20, 1841. 5
Iiiiportcrx nntl Dcalcrit in
SEGA 11 S, H 11 A N D I E S, G I N,
W 1 N E S, &c
.Vo. 21 Commerce St., vmr I'iih .Sr.,
''.!. ,11. nr. 11 x. jr.
W.M. A. JlS5EX.
un ivrtrt.
Pinet, ('nstiMi'in fc Co.
Periiel Frere.
Wondullf. Batrinco.
Cnes. Loid Byron
January CO h, 1814. 6m
Ilrmorrallr Count)' lectlnpr.
THE Uemorra'ie parly of Northumberland
county are heriby requested to choo-e drle
g iles in the ceveral boroughs and townships of the
county, in Ihe usual mode and number, to assem
ble in county convention, at Suribury, on the se.
Cond Tnesilsv of Fibniary rnxt. lo wit: the IH;h
of February, (being court week.) to appoint dele,
catea to repre-ent this county in the Demorritie
S'.ate Convention to be held at llanis'oirg on ihe
4th of March next, to nominate a candid ito to be
suppor'cJ by the people for the office of Governor
of Pennsylvania for the en-uing "liree years. The
piimary meetings lo be held on the Ssturlay
evening immedia'ely pieceeding the court. A
gencal county of ihe Democra'a will al-o
be held at Suuhnry, on the second Monday in Fe
bruary, (beinn tUo I2ib and cou't week.) for the
purpo-e of rxpiessing their view on the present
condition of out National and Smte affairs.
Jan. , 1844. Sauding t'oinnntiee.
robniary, IS 1 1. j
Oil Tuesday and Wednesday, Fib. Cith if "ith. '
rjlllE sul'-cri' cr will sell at auction, at bis sto-e, !
JL No. 20S Market street, for c urn, 2,ltll) cases of ;
e unpris:ng a general and complete assortment of i
fri sh and e suitable goods, now being received di-
reel from the msnufacluiera. 1
Purchasers are assured that every case offered will ,
po-i ively I sold to the highest bidder ; and the
ratslogue will embrace the Is gest and best assorted
stork ever offered at auction in this city. j
The subscriber' arrangement with the manu
facturer are such, that regu'ar semi-monthly sales :
w ill continue to be held as they have been the past I
year; si:. I on tne lirst 1 ue-ilay in renrutaiy and
Augo t of each year, a great semi annual sale.
Catalogue will he prepared, aud the goods open
ed lor examination the dav previous to the sale.
GEO. W. LORD, Auelinnrer,
208 Maikel 'rcet.
Philadelphia, Jan. tHth, 184 1, 51
Stray Bull
C A M E lo ihe premise of the suhsertlier, in Rush
f lowi ship, ahout thn 1st of October list, a
BRIXDLE DI LL, with a white face and white
lees, aud a in a:1; upon one horn mule with a siw.
ai I Bull i supposed to be fcb nit two years old.
The owner is requested to come forward, rove
prOietl, pay charge, and luke him away, other
wise he will be old according to liw.
Ru-h township, Jan. 6, 141.
iit or i. (ii i-, ;
REMAINING in the Po.l Office at Augusta, j
IV Jall. i. J844 : j
John Fleming, Wm. Keilin, j
W ilsoii Servia, 2 Danial Conrad,
Win. Oainpbctl, Nathaniel L) lie, i
ul-h l, y, Jjmea ltvi.s.
Daniel Com ad,
Jacob bloom, p.
Augusta, Jan. 6
V'I'H'I The public wi l l ike noti, a thai j
' Win. 11. Kuse hus withilrawn from tie firm j
of Fagely, Kase At Co., and as William and R. Fa- j
goly huve been conducting the eu-lin'sa, he will
liol pay any ilebis of said linn, I
Dec 30th., 1841. 3l. '
A MS ami SHOl'LDERS for tale, cheap, lor
cash, by H. B. MASSER.
Dec. 30lb, 181.1.
DR. P. E.
1 RESPECTFULLY inform lb public thot he
V baa made Northumberland his place of resi
dence, and is resdy to attend lo any calls in the
line of hia profession,
(Ty He may at all timea be found at Mr. James
LeV Hotel.
Northumberland, Dec. 16th, 1843. if.
r.ktatc of Win. Itlley Gass, dee'd.
NOTICE is hereby given, that letter of ad
minia'ration upon laid exale, has this day
been granted to Ihe subscriber. Persons knowing
themselves to be indebted lo said estate, are request
ed to make immediate payment, and Ihoae having
accounts or demands against lb estate are request,
rd to present the in lot examination and settlement.
Augusta, December 2d, 1643. Ot,
Di:iL'tiATm2 svnn.
THE valuable prnperiiea nf Oakley' Depura
live Syrup of Haraaparilla, as a purifier nf the
blood, is so welt known to the public generally,
that it ia unneeefsiry to occupy much apace in set
ting forth the sdvantnges to be derived from its
uae 1 wherever the medicine has once been intro
duced, it lakes precedence over all others 1 every
one that has taken it, have derived so signal bene
ficial results from it, that it is recommended by
them wiih ihe u'most confidence. Physicians of
the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it
to pniients under their fare ; containing nothing
deb terious. but being composed ol the msl mild,
yet efficacious vegetable materials, it is offered wi ll
confidence, aa the cheapest and most efficient pu
rifier of the blood now known. The use of a few
bottlea. especially in the spring months, will he at
tended with a most decided improvement in the ge.
neral strength of Ihe system, eradicating any seeds
of diaoae that may h.ivn been gencnti-d, besides
giving health and vigor to ihe body. For the cure
nf Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheum tiiam, Tetter,
Pimples or ctuptions of Iho Skin, White Swelling,
FiMula, Chronic Cough, oVe, The nu
merous eertifica'ea in the possession of ihe snKscri
her and his agents, from physicians and odors, nre
sufficient to convince the most skeptieul of iis su
periority over all prep irvi-ms of S irs ipirill.i.
Sold wholesale and ret iil, bv Ihe proprietor,
GEORGE W. OAKI.KY, North f.lli tre. 1. Hea
ding, Ueik Cunn'y, and to Imi hail of the followirg
persons :
In Xnrlhumhrrlwtl t.'otititi.ll. Ti. Mas,
Siinhnry ; l.elind ife M xel, McEwensvillc ; I).
Krausr r, Milton.
In Union Cmili.-J. Gearh irt, Solin-grove ;
A. Guh litis, MifTIinhu'g.
7n Columbia Cuunty.Tt. W. McCay, Wash
ington. Reading. March M. 1813.
M. Oakiev: I believe il the dtttv nf every
one to do whulever in their power lie-, for Iho b ri". '
fit of their fellow man, and having had po-i ive
proof in mv own family, of the w.,,.le,fnl properties, M!U11lfacturcr nf Writing an.l Indclli
of your Pepnralive Syrup of Saisap irilla, 1 m si .... . 1(M. ,. r,,... Vl. .
conscienltouslv recommend It lo the alllicled. e
had the mii-fortnne ta lose I wo nf our children, hv
the breaking out of ulcerous sores thai covered the
face, head and neck, although we had sonic of the
most scientific physicians lo attend lln m and had
i tried all the known lemejies, including Swniins'
Panacea, without av.iil. Another of mv children
I was altnckeil in the same manner, tier face m.d
I neck was completely covered; the discharge was so
j offensive, and ihe iliMvise at such a he ghl. thai we
j de-paired id her life. Seeing the wonderful effects
' of vonr IVpi.r.oive Sviup of S irsapari'.l 1, we were
' induced lo make liial of it. as the hist n s rt ; it
I acted like a charm; the u'cer commenced healing
' immediately, a f. w bottle entirely r -torcd In r to
j her health, which she Ires enjoyed nriinternii'tedlv
ever since. As a p'liilier ol Ihe l:o 0.1, 1 verily ne
In ve it h i not its cqo it.
JtiHN MOVER. Tailor,
Walnut street, near Fouilh, Reading,
Dongl.ssv ill.-, April 10th, 191-1.
Ma. Ovklt.t: Mv son Edmund Leaf, ha I the
scrofula in lh most dreadtnl and di-tressing man
lier for three years, duiinu which time he wis de
prived of Ihe use of his limbs, his heul and neck
were covered with ulcer. We tried all ihe differ,
ent remedies, hut lo no effect, until recommended
by Dr. Johnson of Nonistown. and also Dr. Isaac
Hiestcr, ol Reading, to use your Depurativu Syrup
of Sarsaparilla, of which I obtained several hoitles. I
the use of which d-ove Ihe di-ease fmirilv out of!
his system, the sore bevled up, and the child was
j restored to perfect health, which be has enjoved
1 uninterruptedly ev r since, to Ihts n-.onihm nt of j
I many persons who seen him tiuing his alii ction.
I have thought il my duty, stiJ sen. I you thiscciti-
i ficate that ottie' who a hke sllln iion in the ;
fin-ily rnny know w'.ere lo obtain so valuable a
mull. inc. Yours trnlv.
Ifl, ISIS ly
IJrinttrs Ink.
Vfew kegs for sale, st a small advance f r cash,
ly I'rc. 0. ILB. MASSEIL
lm tss iiy locks.
ft IHE MihfCiiher has just nceived, for sale, a few
JL nf ihe above celebrated Eight Day Clocks,
which will be sol I at very reduced prices, for ca-h.
Also, superior 30 hour Clocks, of t' e lest m. ke
and quality, whi. h will be sold for ca-h, nt 1 M.
Also, superior Bros DO hour Cloik. at ?8 00.
Dec. 2. 143. 'L'Jii--
TIIIE subsrril' has received s freh supply nf
JL Fall Goods, which he will sell iheap lor cash
or country produce. II. B. MANSER,
fcunhmv. Dec, 21. 141.
CTONE WARE for sale.
225 Stone Jogs, from I qna't to 3 gal'ons,
.ill Stone J.ns, f'nin 2
chesp ly f)d. 14
Svi i.i.i aSi j
in fl c i'i ns r
r site,
11. . M ANSER
FFIt'E, in the building occupied by J. Bloom,
on Ma ilt ! eel.
Oct. 2 I t, 1811. I
il at At :.r MA.rFA('TIflvi:ilSv !
South l'.ast cermr nf Market and Ith sts..
I'hitadt lplila,
TFSI'EC'I Frl.LY irit.mi the public that they j
V will coiistiiniiy kceti on hmda largs asso t- .
incnl of Data. Caps and Furs, to suit Ihe tall trade,
of lie be-t quality. By triel at'eniioil lo bu-i-
mas. and by st Ihrp their stink at the lowest prices,
they flatur theiiuclvt in being ah'n to give entire !
s ilihlaction. August ft, It'll ly j
- r A r.i '-- 2 vr m .2 )
flHE stlt'sctiti.r will sell .11' his slock of Beaver, ,
L Ris:a si d Itiioh Hats, iT ihe list tjualiiy, at j
very r d uced lices.
Sunhurv.Aug, S. 1R41. H. B. MASSE R I
A Tlircttliliig ."Machine fur Sale.
mill. smWril-er offers f-.r sale a THRESHING i
X MACHINE, lie and in good ordir. The
Machine has been tried, and proves lo I an excel
lent one. It will be solJ al a reduced price, and j
warranted. Apply to II. v. Jl.5tli,
July lit, 1841.
sunounr, rA.
AS taken Ihe . forme. ly occupied by the
Hon. Chsile G. Doiin.l, opposite IheCouil
House. He will aitend lo business to ihe Courts
of Norihumbeilarid, Union aud Columbia counties.
May 2Uth, 84:
rPhe pnl'lic Will pleaae observe lliat no Brandreth
Pill are genuine, unless ihe box ha three la
bels upon it, (the top, the si.le and the boltom)
each containing a fic-sltnlle signature of mv hitul
wrtting, thus D. BnAitiitTii, M. T). These la.
bel- ate engraved on steel, beautifully designed,
and done at an expense nf over $ '4.000. Therefore
it will he seen that the only thing necessary to pro
euro the medicine in it purity, is to observe thesa
Remember the top, the side, and the bottom.
The following respective persona are duly auhori
zt'd, and hold
For the sale of llranilrrih'i Vegetable Universal
Northumberland county s Milton -Mackey oV
Ch imheilin. Kunhnry II. B. Massrr. M'Ewens
ville liel ind A Meixcll. Norlhutnheiland Win.
Forsvlh. Georgetown J. fc J. Walls.
Union County t New Berlin Rogar fc Win
ter. Selinagrove George Gundium. Mitllle
burn Isaac Smith. Beavcrtowo David Hubler.
Ad imsburg Win, J. May. Mifllinsbura Mensch
At Rtv. Hartleton Daniel Long. Freeburg
G. V F. C Moycr. Lewisburg Walls cV. Green.
Columbia county : Danville E. B. Reynold
ik t'o. Berwick Sliumnn Ac Ritlenhoune, Cot
tanissn ('. O. Brobta. Bloomshtirg John R.
Inyrr. Jeiaey Town Levi Bisel. Washington
R.i'l MrtTny. Limestone Iialli"! ft !c'lnch.
Observe ihat each Auent ha an Engraved Cer
tificate of Agency, containing a representation of
ilr BRANDRETH'S MunufHclory at Sing Sing,
and upon which will also be seen exact copies nf
tl-.c nftr labels now used upon the llrandreth Pill
Philidclphia, office No. S, North fith street.
June 24th, 1S13.
Hover's Ink.
ble Ink, No. 10(5 North Third Street, six
diHirs below Race, (east side.)
1 1 ESl'ECTFl LLY informs country merchants
' k' and other, that he constantly keep on hand
a large stock of his supcrier Black, Blue nnd Red
: Ink. mii I also a superior qunhty of Indellilde Ink.
' li s ink is put up in bottlea varying in size, from
: I in Hi ounces, and will be sold on reasonable
. lerins. The excellent qualities of this ink has so
' thoroughly established its character, that it is now
1 extensively used throughout th country.
I ' mm I'm sale at the store of H. B. Massrr, Sun
i bnrv, Pa. May 27lh. 1843. ly
Cabin ct-M a k i n 2
v INtaltli'.linieiil.')
MESPECTFCLLY informs the citizens of
Suuhnry nnd vicinity, that be has recently
Commenced the
in all its branches, in Market street, Suuhnry, im
mediately In-low the post office, where he will be
rea ly to receive and execute all orders in the line
of his business, w ith promptness and despatch, and
in ihe best style end manner. His prices will be
1 low, in accoidance with the times.
Lumber and Country Produce taken in Ex
! change. May 27th 1813. rim
! c rr vf r it mti;h i-rT i;Wil,
i Nos. M'J and HI North Thin! Street,
. e a r the City Hotel,
MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in-
J , v:
iles ihe attention of persot.s desirous of pur
chasing Furniture, to hi extensive Sales Rooms,
(both public and Piivale.) for every description of
Household Furniture, whi re can be obtained at all
times, a larce assortment of fashionable and well
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Matlrasscs,
vVc at very reduced prices, for cash.
Cc!7" Sules by Auction, twice a week.
May 27th. 1813. ly
i f;rrat tci ii Indiaii l'anatwa,
! Coiiipouii(Jeil entirely of Vegetable
! Substances;
i Free from Calomel and all other Minerals.
1 For the history of this medicine, and its unrivalled
j and truly surprising sucesa and popular
I iiy, see large bills.
B P ia recommended as a general cathartic for
family Use in dyspepsia and all bilious di-ea-I
ses, it is invaluable for Asthma it is eonsideied a
! specific, no case having yet occurred which it has
' filled to cure for common colds, imtlammatory
dtsea es, rheumatism, affections of ihe liver, Ac,
and foi females, it is a safe and excellent remedy.
Vi.m Dr. Si hi West, of Bmhnmplon, X. Y.
Mr. Longley -Dear Sir : I have used your (
j We-t. ri: Indian Panacea in my family, mid have
j repeatedly prescribed il for patients under my care,
and am satisfied that it is aUvavs a safe, aud in very
' many eases an invaluable medicine. Il oa-iate us
'ill ilive without nausea, or pain i and while it if
' I'i i lii .illy obviates eosiiveiiCs acts upon the stomach
! sod liver an aheiative. correcting aciditv. and re-
storing Ihe h althy condition of those orjan.
j Yery re-pectfnllv vours. S. EST.
1 For sale by JOHN W. EXILING. Snnburv.
i JAi'Oll DRIGHT.NorthuinherUnd.
' Mav 20th. lHllly
Sianiel Yarick
"HfeEGS leave to inform iho ciii7.nis nf Sun1 ury
fc) and it vieinitv, that he has commenced the
ill. ACKSMl Till XCS lirsiXKSS.
in.M i k. t street, Sunbury, east of J. hn 11 gar's
rtoro, and directly opposite Ihe post office, where he
intends lo carry on Ihe business in all its vsrioua
branches, including. Turning, Making Mill Irons
and I'.Hptie Springs, Inmiwr Carriages, with Fx
tension or Standing lops. Shoeing orc, J,r.
I Inters will be promptly end punctually attended
to, and work done cheap, for cash or country pro
d nee.
eff Horse Shoeing done at f 1 per sett.
Sunbury, April 15th, 1813. ly,
Soot & Shoe
IrCAlT'JPi-CJT c?r .
irl :i i' I i n I v v i 11
"pTft Esi'KCI FI LLY informs his Iri.nd and
j, f, old eustomers. that he has removed hi
uour - sum: f.stmslisii.mfst
lo the frame hni'il'iig adjoining his dwelling house,
, lflmrt.n , Df r,'l'liuV ..ffue, a few door.
west of bis old e-lal I shineni, in Market slice!,
where he intends In carry on the nb v business
exiensiv, ly, in alt its carious brunches.
lleiug thankful lor past fivma, he h e-, by strict
attention to business and liberal charges, to give
general satisfaction anJ that he will continue to re
ceive a lileral shaie uf public patronage,
Apr, I 8 111, 1 9 13.
J. D. Waters,
"1 ESPFCTFIIl LY Informs the citizen-of the)
J-V nnrnugh of Noribumbcrland, n.d Us visu.ily,
that he has commenced the
T.i i lor i ICiiiiiinciss,
in s'l i's various I ranches, in the ahou formerly
nccu.iiid by Henry S. Thomas, directlv opto in
Forsvth's store. As ho receive the New Vmk
snd Philadelphia Fashions quarterly, he ia enabled
to do all jobs entiusled to him, after the nealoelni.d
latest style, nnd upon the slimiest notice.
Northumberland. Apiil 22d, 1H4.1. ly
i c r p e X I in in c r m n n&.So n.
riHE subscriber hereby inform the public, llmt
JL they have entered into partners! dp, in iho
wh;eh will hereafter be carried on si Ihe nit
stand in Sunbury, under the firm nf '-Genus
Zmimciman At Son," where thev will conduct I hi
bu.-iness in all its various branches, including Turn'
ing, Making Mill Irons, Ironing Carriages, Shot
ing ilorsrs, Vc. Orders will be promptly and punc
tually attendi d to, and work done cheap, lor casli
or country produce.
fXj Shoeing done at one dollar per sett.
Sunbury, March llth, 1841.
1 1 EPEC TFl'I.LY informs thee t cns of Sitn-
V bury and its vieinitv, ihat he has token lh
office f ornierlv i ccui ied by Dr. John Peal, whein
he w ill be happy to receive culls in Ihe line of his
profession. Ap'il 22d, 184.1.
THE suhsciibets, having entered into a partner'
ship in the practice of the law, will be happy
lo attend to all business entrusted to their care.
Collections will be promptly attended to.
They may always be found at their office, in
Market street, Sunbury, formerly occupied by
Wm. Dewart, dee'd., ss a stnre-roum.
JSunhury, Feb. 4 lb, 1841. ly.
No. 237, Sarth Third, above Cutloichill St.,
JOHN DUNCAN, lute from Ihe Pennsylva
nia Farmer, and Samuel Piko, jr., late of A-
merican Hotel, Columbus, t Ihto, take pleasure, in ac
quainting their frienda and the public tenerallv that
they have taken the large anil commodious Hotel,
recently built by the Menus. Hart, on the same site
once occupied by the old established Hotel known
as the Bull's Head, in Third fcticel above Callow
hill st.
This Hotel i finished in the very best possible)
manner, and of the best materials. Its location U
very desirable, particularly for country merchants ;
the arrangements for hcalir.g snd ventilating cacti
room is such as to secure any temperature. The
bedrooms are all light and airy, all furnished in a
neat style, so as to insure lomfoit.
The receiving parlors are also fun lishcJ In a su
perb style, the windows are on the French stylo,
forming an entrance to a balcony in front, which
make a pleasant recess. Pnrticulai attention has
been given to the beds and bidding, which, itll
the furniture, are entirely new,
Iro t n yen's' experience in hotel business, we)
l-ust, by strict assiduity tc buainest, to make this
house a desirable stepping place. Our table will
always I e supplied with the very best our market
run afford, and our bar with the beat liquor and
wines nf the most approved brands4.
P. S. There are. first rate stabling and carriage
houses attached lo the hotel, M'.f uded by ca:tlll
and sol-er lio-tlcrs, and our charge w ill be low, in
accordance with the present haul times.
Philadelphia. Oct17thJl842.
DNion hotel, "
III i'
(Ci'eiieroJ Stage lJ,ce,)
.EC 'GTJ IW XZ2 'tST 9
rilllE Subscriber respectfully infoima hia friend
L snd the public in general, that be has taken
the shove
I N T II E 0 O R O U G 11 O F M V N C Y,
ami that he is now well preparej to ace ommudato
oil who may favor him with their custom.
His s-Li.teriso ArJMiTMi..iTS nre well iie-.l, anJ
HisTsHLf in Baii will attvnya la f ) , h J.
with ihe U-st the m nket Call afford.
His Stiblivio, which i pix.l, wiii
the charge of good and careful hoU'crs.
He f. cl- coiil'nleiit, by strict attention to ! . . ..
mid an i-arm-sl desire to render c --mfoiir.l Se ! ,-.-w
ho may putroiiiie him, ihat be will not fi,i! togivj
general saii-fa. lion. II. B. WEAVER.
Money, Oct. 1st, IS 12. If.
Chanqe if Hours.
Ovr asra VT:a Hni siut, Aran 1, 1841,
The passenger trains will have at the followirg
hours :
Philadelphia and FothriHe.
From Philadelphia, al 6 A.M.
From Pottavillo, st 6J A.M. S 7
Hours of jiasting Heading.
For Pottsviile, st UJ A. M. ? p -,
Pot Philadelphia, at 7j A. M 5
Both liains pas al Peittalown. The down tin it
breakfast 81 Reading, and the Up train at Nuni
town, for which 13 minute ate allowed al tact)
r.j n k s.
Between Pottsviile At Philada.
lb twecn Reading A do.
Between do A. Pottville,
fflolO A; fS.r.O
2,25 At 1,7ft
1,10 At l,(t
Exi t utioM TicuT oooo ro aTt Mi
lit PiV.
Between Pottsviile ek Philadelphia, f S Ci
Between Reading At do. 3 IHl
i lleiween do. At PotUvlll", 2 li
All ihe truins will stop for way passenger at
the uual points.
(jj" All passenger pre requested to pi eta;
Iheir liekits before the trains stuit.
May 21, 182. if
"T rresh suppv ol ROSE Ol. I" U' I NT. reeeie.
V and for sale by JI. 3 MAbSEU.
.Nov. 19lb, left.