Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 27, 1844, Image 4

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    HAiVK OTi: LIST.
The following list shows (hp cum nt value of nil
Pemisylvaniri Dank Notca. The most impliril re
hmee may lie placed upon it, a il i- erery week
jarrfully compared with il corrected from Ri k
arll's Reporter.
ltank In riillndrlpliln.
. . Disc. M
. nr
; par
Rank of North Amciica
Hunk of tin- Northern Liberties .
Commercial Rank of Penn'a. . ,
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bunk .
Kensington Bank .
Philadelphia Bunk a .
Schuylkill Hnnk ...
Sonthwark Hank . . .
Western Hunk .
Mechanics' Bank . .
Manufacturers' & Mechanic' Bunk
Country Itanli.
Rank nf Chester County Westchester
Hank of Delaware County Cheater
I!. ink of Oermnntiiwn (Jermanlown
Hank of MonlBOinery Co. Notristuwii
Doyhstown Doylcslown
Fsston Bank Fusion
Farmers' Hunk of Bucks CO. Bristol
pir i
( Ulice of Batik of Petin'a.
Illicit do do
Office do do
Offlca do do
1 olhces
f do not
Easton J issue n
Bank of the 1'nited States
Bank of Penn Township
Oirard Bank .
Moyamcnsing Bank
Bank of Pennsylvania
Miners' Bank of Pottsvillc
Bank of Leu istown
Bank of Middletnwn
Bunk of Nnrthumheilnnil
I'nliimhia Bunk & Bridge CO
Philadelphia 2U52
. 8a9
. par
Northumberland pnr
( olunihia
Pittshiirp Hank
Exchange Bank
Do do hranch of
Farmers' Bank of Lancaster
l.uneaster County Bank
Farmers' Bank of Reading
llnrrishuig Bank
LmcasiiT Bank
Lebanon Bank
Merchants' it Mnnuf. Bank
Hank of Pittsburg
at Branch
Wyoming Bank
Northampton Bank
links County Bank
Ollicc of Bank of U. S.
Do do do
Do do do
Kensinclon Suv. Ins. A
I. no
New Brighton
l'enn Township Snv. Ins.
Bank of Obainler.-burg
Bunk of Gettysburg
Bank of Susquehanna Co.
Krie Bank
Farmer' & Drover' Bank
Franklin Bank
lloncsdale ILink
Mononguhcla Bank of B.
York Bank
W . nesl U rg
Brow iiKville
.. u. l nc notes ot those bunks on which we
omit quotations, and suhstitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the
exception of those which have a letter of n fen nee.
B II O KEN 13 A N K S.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia failed
Philadelphia Loan Co, do failed
Schuylkill Suv. Ins. dj failed
Manual Labor Bank (T. V; Dyott, prop.) I.iik-d
I'nwmiila Bank Tow mala 'JO
Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bedford no tale
Bank of Beaver Beaver closed
Bank of Swatara Harrishurg closed
Bank of Washington Washington failed
Centre Bank lit-lh lonl-e closed i
City Bank Pittsburg no sale
Farmers' & Mech'cs Bunk Pittsburg failed
Farmers' & Mech'c' Bank Fayette to. failed
Farmers' cV Mech'cs'&Bank (irrriicusl'e failed
Harmony Institute Ilinmony no sale
Huntingdon Bank Huntingdon no sale
Juniala Bank Lcwistovtii no sale
Lumbermen's Bank Wurien laded
Northern Bank of Pa. DuudiiiV no n!c
New Hope I). Bridge (To. New Hope cln-ctl
Northumb'd 1'nion Col. Bk. Milton no sab
North Western Bank of Pa. Meadtille closid
Office of Schuylkill Bank PortCsihoii
Pa. Aur. At Maiiuf. liajik Carlisle faibd
Silver Luke Bank Montiose closed
1'nioii Bank of IVnn'a. I'nioiilnwii faded
W'csiinoreliind.B.nik (Ireeiishurg ' closed
W'ilkesharre "Bridge Co. Wilkeabarre no sale
(j All noi purporting lo lie on any Priiiisyl-
vuniu Bank not given in the above list, may be bet
dow n ait frauds.
Ainv Ji:icsinr.
Bank of New Biun.wick Brunswick
pa i
Belvideie Bank BeUidero
Burlington Co. Bank Medfurd
Commercial Biur Perth Amboy
Cuinler.ind Bank Dridgeton
Famiers' Bank Mount Holly
Farmer' and Medianick' Ilk Ruhwity
Fanners' and Mechanus' Bk N. Biunswiik
Farmerk' and Merchanu' Bk Middletown Pt.
Franklin Bank ef N.J. Jrrv Crt
failed j
fa i It d I
failed j
llolmkcn IJhgiV U razing V-o llolniken
Jersey City Hank
Jerki y City
Mcchaniik llaiik
Manulaiiunr.' Bunk
Morris ('ounty Bank
Mouuiouth Bk of N, J.
Mechanics' Bank
Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk
Moms t'iml and Wig -Co
Pot Notca
Newaik Bkg cv Ins Co
JN'ew Hope Del Bridgp Co
N. J. Manulac. and BLg Co
Patit isnii
Nc wrk
Jeikey City
aO bale
'i :
lio.l I
IS' J 1'ioleckMi A Luumiud I k Jerey City
i irange uaiik.' tlruiiye
Palersoii Hunk
Pcopkk' Baidi
Priiicelon Bank
Salem Banking Co
State Bunk
Stale B uik
Slate Bank
Stu! Bunk of Morrik
Sintc Bunk
Salem and Plulad MumrfCo
Siimm i Bank
Tu nion llunk'uig Co
1'nioii flunk
Washington Banking Co.
To ninii
New Iimi
Bk of ilui A; Urunilj wint Wilmington
J'unk nt Delaware
W llllllligloll
Bunk of Smyrna
Do blanch
Farmerk' Bk of Mate f Del
Do branch
Doti 1
tt,iiti ttiwn
N i itr-isilf
Do bramh
Do Ir.iiiii
1'nion Bank
I'lnlei !'
Cj' On all I links mailed
thus () tl rre are i i.
Ihtr lounterliit i sllneil iiulit it the vjr.ous de
'"ibiiiKiroti, iu tiicuU'.lJU.
The bt f I mrlhml for thr. AhiiUlum of Disease
is lo ami jmrift the Hotly.
i x i 1 1 x i: a r.r n 1. 1: i i m.s
p i hp.
.iefA 1mertenn follrcr of Ileal'h,
Are now nckno le.tgeil to be ibc best Medicine in
ihn World for the cure of
r,YF.n' VAinrrv k disf.asf,.
!'.(' AI'SK ihey complplely rh'nne thn slo
i) 9 nin. h and bowels from tin sp (odious aod cor
ropt humors n-hich are the cause not only of
Headache. Oiildincss, 1'nlpilntion of tbn Heart,
Pirns in tbn Bones. Bheumatism and Omit, but
every mnbuly incident lo man. SAID INDIAN
VFtiRTAD'l T. PILLS arp a e. rtain cure in
teimittent, ipmiitrd, nervous, inflnmatoiy and puirid
Fevers, because they cleanse the pody from tho-p
nioibid humors, which, whpn confined to the circu
lation, are thp cansp of all kinds of FF.VF.I'S, So,
als'o. when the samp impurity is deposited on the
mcmbiru e and muscle, eiiusino pains, indama.
lions and ptrellinca called KM BUM ATISM,
t.tll T. A c. Wricht's Indian Vegetal. Ip Pills may
be relied en as always icrtuin to tivp ri lief, and it
persevered with, according to directions will most
assniedlv, mid without fail, mnl;e a perfect rive ol
thp above painful n nladics. From three to six of
said Indian Vegetable Pills taken every nicht go.
ing to bed, will in a shoit time so completely rid
the body from every thing Ibnl is opposed to health,
that lihrumnti'in, Oout. and pain of every derrip-
' ''on, w ill be litf
j I'Y. For the r
same reason, when, Irom sudden
changes of atmosphere, or any other cause, the per.
spiialion is checked, and the humors which should
pas ell bv thi- skin are thrown inwanllv, cnusinu .
HKADACHK, (ilDDINKSS, nausea and sick- 1
ness, pain in the bonis, watery and inflamed eyes,
sore throat, honrsencs, roughs, consumptions,
rheumatic pains in various parts of the body, and
manv oth.r symptoms of CATOHINO COLD,
Wright's liulinn YiuettiUr I'idn will invariably '
cive immcdi:.te relief. From thiee to fix of said
IMIs takrn every idaht on going to bed, will in a
short lime, not only remove all the above un b asmt
svinptoms, but the body wdl, ill a short time, he
restored to even sounder beabhlban Ix'fore, I
INO. Wriuht'x Indian VigetaUe '7swill loos
en and enry otr, by the stomach and boweis, thoFe
lough phli gmy hmnor-', which stop up all the air.
cells ot the lun!S, and nre tbn cause, not only of Ibe
above distressing romplaint. but when neglected, (
often terminntes in that mo.e dicadlul malady railed
CONsCMPTION. It shou'd be also reo,einbei. il ',
that Wright's Indian Yrsrtahlr fills are a certain 1
cine for PAIN IN THK SIDK, Oppression, nau.
sea, and sirknrs-j, bi-s of nppt tiie, costivpiirsa, a ;
yi How tinge of the tkin and eyes, and every other ,
symptom of a torpid or diseased slate of the liver; :
I eenitse they puree from the body those impurities j
which if di posited upon this important organ, are J
the cnu- of eery variety of L1VP.K COM
PLAINT. When a nation is convulsed by riot-,'
ouibrr.iks and ri hellion, the only means of prevent
ing the dreadful consequences of a CIVIL WAR.
is to expel all traitors, and evil dispnsid oms from j
the country. In like manner, win n pain or sick !
ness of any kind, indicate that the body is si rim- ;
clinc wiih internal foes, ibe (rue reimdv is lo K. :
PKI. ALL MORBID HI'MOIfs, (Tiaitors to I
bralih and bt'e.) llialth will he the eirl'iin rtsnl. j
That Ibe pi inciplr nf Hiring di-ease, by cleansing
and purifying the I'ody, is kindly in nccordane
wnb 1 1 it- laws which govern the animal economy ; j
and il properly earned out nv the u ol Hie uWivc
PILLS, will certainly result in the compute Abo
lition of Disease ; we oiler the following testimoni
als, fioiii person of the highest rcrH'Clahiliiy in
New York, who have tpcentiv been cuied of the
most obstinate complaints, solely by the use of
Wiik, iit'h Imhan VroKTini.K Pili.s, of the
.Yuri Anitritun Cidhue. of lltuHh :
JiMiirx. L. I., June (lib. IS II.
Doe-tor William Wright Dear Sir It is with
great sati-faclion I inform you of r.iy having been
entiiely cured of Dyspepsia, of live years stundn g,
by the use of your I. in in Xr.v, i.ta iii.k Pills.
Previous lo meeting w ith your celebrati d mcdi
einp, I bad bren uiuler the hands of several Physi-
ciniis. a'nl lu.l tried vaiions medicines; but all to ;
no elli el. After u-ing one 2!) cent box of 3 our
Pills, however, 1 experienced so much benefit, ib'it !
I resiilvid to per-eeie in ihe lisp of ibrin uecoidiii!! i
lo dircctmi , wbii h I am happy lo slate, result-
nl in a jM-rfccl cure. Incralituile to you for the j
creat U ni fit I Irjve received, ami abo in llie loq.e
ibal olbeis sitoilaily litfliend may la- induced lo j
make liial of your exirai idin ny uieilieiiie. I send '
you this stall Hu nt with lull hlx-'iy In publish ihe :
same, if vou think'r. Yours, Ac. '
New Yoik, June ta, 1811. .(!. BLACK. !
Mr. Riihard Dennis, agent for Wright's Indian j
V. getuble Pills.
Dear Sir I have been alflicted for seveial years j
wiih inward wenkness and general debility, aceoiii-
I anird at times w itbr pains in the side and other 1
distressing compluilils. Afti I having IrieJ various ,
mrdicines w ithoiit elb cl. I was persuaded by a fi ic n l !
lo make trial cf Dr. V light's Indian Vegetable '
I Pills, which I am happy to state, have relievej me '
i in a most wonderful manner. I have um-iI ihe me. '
j diciiie, as yel but k short time, and have no doubt,
I by a rseveriiuci' in the ue nl the intdicine accor- j
I ding lo iliiei lions, thil 1 shall in a slum time be i
I pertecily lertored. 1
I I most willingly recommend said PdU to all per- J
j sons similarly atllicled, and in the full belief thai
I the same U'lielieial results will follow their use, I re- 1
main youis sincerely. HLNKY A. FOOTF. '
aiwarsmg, I later co. N, i
Ni w Yuan, Sept. 29, 1811.
This is to certify that 1 have used Wmi. n r's
bian iiTiHi.K Pu is with (he grealcst bene
fit: huvine en'irt Iv cured ioyslf of Ibe frequent at
tacks ol Siek Hudnebe, lo w hub I hud previously
been subject. ANN MARIA THOMPSON, '
:i'.l2 tireenwich street. N. Y.
To Mr. Richaid Dennis, Ageirt lor Wiight's In
dun Veiiublc Pills.
V.I I I I w.v.
As ibire arc ul this lime many w ir ked persons
htikily niiaiid in sellinu a runti rfeit medicine mi
del llie Hume ol ibe Indian Vegelabh) Pills and as
these th sit rule mill are so ulleily reckless of con
sitpit lit i s, thai many valuable lives mny be lost in
consequence of ushig tbeir dreuilfiil riHiipounds,
ihu public are cautioned iigainst purchasing any
Pill. (Hiiib-s on the lidcsof the boxes the. following
W til il.e. ir bnin.1 :
Indian ftiiatire.)
or ine Koit'iii ismirix 1n1111.1t nr nit 1.1 11.
And alse to I rspeti'illy estelul aquiusl ptirchu
sing said inedieine of any person except Ihe regu
lar advertised agents.
. Adf.YJS fof M)h'IHl Mltffl.AM) CO,
' I'ennsijliunui.
H. B. Mnsser, Sunbury Wm. Forsyth. Nor
ibiiinbi rboid Jacob Hjjs, Sliarrinkill Saturn I
lleih, Mabiimy Bv erly iV D. II, Aiuusla
TI'ihoim Fniltiit-r. Milton Ireland .V Meixilt,
MeEwem-vilb H. S, P -i, Tuibulsvdle James
l-'ied. Pntisninte H. Klase, Sot tb rslow n
II. II. Km-!.. I. P. M.. Eltsbura P. O. Win.
I -i-riiiing, P M, ( ni,, n Curnrr.
i Olbre hud (irnerjl Depol for the sale uf
, ll'rn'ii Indian I fr ',e fills. Wholesale ami
, No. Ib'J liAt-i; hl'REEl', PDILADEL
I TlilA. May 21, 184 J. ly
I'oii ti:tti:.
ft rNl:il'N vntli ions.
O'j The fiilliih'iri" eertifutiit (hsrrilir one xflhf
7insf rrtrtiaedinary tares tree fjferted In imy
Pinf.inri nrr i, Frbmary 10.
TOR' twenty years I was severely nlllictul with
TTT:il op' the Face and Head: the dicae
commr nci d w hrn I was seventeen yenri obi, and
continued until the Fall of IH-lli, virving in viiv.
lencr, hut without ever disappearing. Durine most
of the lime, creat pari of my face was covered with 1
the eruption, frequently attended with vio'ent itch- !
ing; my bead sw Ted at times until it fell ns if it I
would hurst the swi llin i was so g p it. that I pou'd
scarcely get niv hat on. During the long period
that I wnsnfllicted wi ll the disease. I use.) a creat
many n plication, (aovng them s. vera! celebrated !
prepatntion-) as w II a t ikina inw nd retiv dies.
im loding a tiumber ol'b iltb s of Sifnim's 1'iintirra.
r.xlrm t of Sur.r.pnrilltt, Are, In fact, it would be
impossible to eeunieia'P all tlP nied cines I used.
I was also imilei the Care of two of ibe most dis. j
tinguUhed pliv-ici ins of ibi city, but without re .
rt iving much benefit, nod I ib spiin d nfever bring '
run d. In the fall nf f '.lfi, the di-ca-e at tllP time 1
bring very vio'ent, I commenced nitn the 'r 1
Ointment, (prepnrnl bv Vauahan iV Dii.) In '
a few applications the violent itching cn-ad, 1 1n !
fwebins nbn'eil, the i rui li.m began to disappear,
and bef. re I had ifed a j ir the di-ease wn entiielv
euml. It has now l i en iiear'v a yi nr and a half '
j sjtl( ri ,) there is not a volige of the di-eap re-
mainin?, except ibe scars from the deep pits formed
by the di.easp. It is impi ible Tor me to di seril'P i
in a rirtifirato the severity of the disease ami my I
sulVi ring, but I will bo p!end to give a fuller ac
count to anv person wanting further satisfaction,
who will call 011 me. At the lime I ponmence,!
using the R . se Ointment I would have given bun
dicds of do'.lars lo be rid of the disease. Since u
sing it, I have recommended it to -cvi r d persons,
(ainnni! them my mother, who In I the di-ear-n bad
ly on her ani,) who w, re a l cure, I bv it.
JAMF.s DI'RNFLI., No. i:n. Rape St.
rjj" The Rose tlintroi'ut is pfepared by F. II.
Vnuhan, Sou h Fast coiner of Third and Race
strcil-i, Pbitadi Ipl.i.i, and sold on acenev ill Snnbil
ry. by H. B. M ASSF.R.
' May I lib. IflH. A pent.
llav Miiiiciil, for 'I'efUr.
.1 moor or its rrrscAcv.
Pun Am i i-ii 1 a. May V3 ill, ! sri:.
ls to crrlily II nl I was severely alll i' eil
nith Teller in Ihe I. anils and f. el for 11pw.ini
ol lorly ears; thediwi-e was ntu rrrhd generally
Willi vio'ent iti hrlig ami swr lliirg. I nppbial to 1
numbt r of phvsici.ns, and list il a gnat many appli
raiions withiiit ithaiiig a cure. Alaut n y-ar
since, I appl e.l tl.e Rose Ointment, which e ilrrr ly
st,.p-ed ibe iti'li ii,'. aiel a ft w application- imuiedi-
atrlycurrd the th-ease, w bull tl. ere I as lien no,
rt lurn of, allbunsli I had never been lid of il a
any timi for f. rty years. RICHARD s.WAI.E,
F.b ventli, lu bnv Sp.uce Sirei t.
ej- The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
aiiyhan. S mill East roruer of Tbinl and Rice'
Mrei Is, 1' Ij bin, and s -l.l on a.tenr v irr Sntrbu
rv by II. B. MASTER.
' May 1 lib. IS 1:1.
iyiedicaij ArrnoBATion i
Of the liOSi: (HTMi:.T,fr Tetter. 1
I.THortill the superiority of the prrpaiati..n '
over all olio rs is fully es'abli.-be.l, the pr-ipr:e- j
tors take pb asiire in laying before ihe public the 1
follow ing certificate from a re-peeluble physician.
a graduate of ibe I niversily nl Peunsv Ivania. Dr.
Bunch, havini! fouml in ibis remedy Ibal rebel f r
a liilnais ami ili.-agreealib alii a turn which ihe means
wilbin the range of bis profession failed to hI". .i.l .
has not besiiatt i lo give it bis approbation, allln uh
ihe prejudices and ir.'i rest-of that profession aic
1 ppott'J to secret Remedies.
Plill.itiM.ruit, S, pt. 10, 1-!:1('..
I was rer -cully Iroubittl with a tetlioiis hcria-lic
erupii. n. win b cove ed in nr Iv one si 'e ofmv free,
urn! exliniled ever ibe ear. Mr. Viriiidiu". proprir -lot
(if llie Rom- Ointiio-nt, nbsr-ivtng um birr, insis
ted 101 mv 1 1 1 n c bis pi 1 p nation, of w hick he han
ded me a j ir. A illi-'li-lr 111 coiiuiron w ilh the mem-1-eis
nl mv j ri le-.-ioii, I il is. mini, nam e atnl ilisap
prove ol the nniiii i. lis noslnilli- palmid upnii the
pnl-lir I v iui oianl pn tcn.ler-, I feel in jua'iec botini!
toexeipltbe Rose t lintun nt I10I11 iba' c'a-s of mi'- ,
dames. 10 il I,, cue it mv Hppr-ibatioo, as it eiitiie
ly tured ihe eruption, aliboiigu ii had rcsisied llu-li-u
.1 appbeainns. DAN L. B. I fill, M. D.
(i j The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Vauhun, .-oulli Eu-t emir nl Tbinl ami Rice j
Streets, Plilludc'pki:!, and sold on agt nev in Sun- ;
l uiv, by 11. B. MANSER. !
M ay I 1th, I M l:l. A'ri.t.
Sniill" oiul 'I'iiIkicco Manufacturers, 1
.Y11. yil .mtlt Y 1 1,1 ear at r of Jiaee and Third ;
.S'iVi r Is '
rj,IIE ui.ib r-icned bate forniPil a Co-nrtnership
under the firm of. I. M AVI. N D .In. A Co..
m successors to the late fit 1 1 1 of Jnruli .Mmland ,
Co., mid w ill r mliiiue the I usuies at 'heol.l esl-i-I
blishmeiit, on their ow 11 111-coimi. In addiimu 10
i their own clie atleuiinn and experience f.n many
years, in the uianiit iclure nf their cefi bruted sirnll'-,
I A c.. ihe long 1 xprrieiice of the senior partner of I be
( bile linn, will alto l-e devoted lo the lnlere-1 ( ibe
, new coiicein and as no exntioii and cue will l e
' spared lo insure ihr ir ponds, si all times of ihe ve
I ry l-esl qniihly, ihey solicit a coulinunnce nf the
1 confidence of the b ends an I customers of the late
: firm. THOMAS ADA Ms,
j J. MA VI.AND, Ju.
Philadelphia, May l lib, sJ:.y
j Cormrot Th'rdunJ Ywe Struts,
IIE si. Im nber r snei ll'ullv aniroiini-i s lo the
public, that be h is 01 cued a llolel 111 the coin-
moihnus i it k buildii g situate on ibe coiner of
'I bird und I'm.- slreits, where be w,ll be happy lo
wail no 11 ihnse w ho in iv favor him Willi llie 11
, compaiiy. 'I be E.mle Hotel is lu-ge ninl roiiteui
I enl. ninl fun i.l,. .1 11. it ., 1 ...I ... ..I li :
provided w ith a I.oge inimber of well aired and
coinh, rtahln sleeping apartments, room, private
pail, us, Ac. Peisons visiting Williiimsport nn bu
siness 01 pleasure, may rest us. un d lliat every ex
ertion will le used to lender their sojourn at the
"Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. His 'Fable
will be supplied with the very beat the maiket af
ford, arid his bar with ihe choicest wines and other
liquors iharge reasonable. The Eale Hotel
possesses greater advantaiie in point of location
than any other similar establishment in the borough,
being situate in the business part uf the tow n, and
within a roiiventenl distance of thp Court House
und Wilhunisporl and Fhnira Rail Road Depot.
! Sullii ieiil Stubliiig provided, slid good and trusty
j ostler always iu ulti i.Jun.r.
I Atleniite, sectiii iiiotbiiii g and bone-l Servants
i huve Ken itni-loM'il, und iiotbini! li lt undone that
I will odj lu the it-uiloil und sccoiiiuiodutiou of his j
guesls. ;
Tlu-re w ill be a cairiuge always ill attendance nt j
the Boat Landing lo convey pussuiigers to and fioui 1
I be IIOU.P, lue ol iharge,
May 1 1th, HM2, U
ATT ohm; y at law,
Buslners attended to in the Coitntiea of Nor
thuii'l erland, Union. Lveoming and Columbia.
lie fee In I
Tun it i II rt r iV t 'o.,
l.nwrn iV BAnno5,
Haiit. OuMMiaos cV IIaut, S T'iiluil.
US i UAH r
'ah i. k r it & Co. j
Ac. Co., J
iiunt ry
I!tt jroLiia, McF
Sefiu cri, 'i'ooii
To Country
rPllK Sidisiribcr, Agent of I yon it Harris, Hal
Manufacturers, for New York, Philadelphia,
Baltimore and -ilher large cities, 1 os Hals nie
highly commend, d I ir filii anil ilnrnhifii,
has on hand a lir-t rale riKioiluvril of II A I'ii and
suit.iMc f..r pr'llp s.ies wli i ti will ' e s,,.l
v. ry low, lot ca!l or nnpiove.l crt .1,1, at mc mini
! elirap store. No. 10, Norlli I h rd s'ro' l, o( p isi'e
Ihe Cily Htel. I'hila lelphin.
N. 11. Ordeis Hals in hp;vir"V promptly
nttende I to, Tha highest rice in ru. h or tra le 1
given far for ikin.
Phil idel hi.i, JuriP II, I 913.--It j
A peisnns imbblid lo the firm nf l.viin fi.
' Hair s, under the sgrncv of O. N. Tbacher, j
Hat und Cap Manufinlanri. No. 10 North Third, j
sired, Philadi Ipbia, aie ri qne-led to make iiumi di. j
ate settlement nf ill- i r ai count uiih the subscriber, j
thiir legally authorized agent, who is fully impow-
1 red to Settle and collect tl.e nrroliut of said tirm. I
June 1th, 18 I J. if Aienl. !
! .Yo. Uy Morih Third, nt,ti: Areh Strut,
Ai r iiMMini m ions tun mvi:m v ri i:s(in.
. pilARI.ES WEISS. la'P.-f the bi:e Swan."
' ' and ' Mount Vernon House," respectfully in
; liirms bis friend ami ciistr-nicrs. that I e I a- hi come
1 the proprietor of the. abovj well known H -ttl.
' (b.mi'ry Meiehanl t-ill rod the al ov,. Hotel a
' central I cation, and tin- best nf fare. Pt rsons tra
velling with private ennvevance wdl find a !aife
1 yard and good stublini; for horses, ui.d the best nf
' nsllri. Boaitliiii! f 1 prrtlav.
May 1 lih. I if.
'71 IC. I-ZZILlrCAlT & dC,
( 'rtiirtiiissiiiii iV I'orwnnlin? iMcri-linnin.
I'ovt of iVUhir Sirrrt Hail food,
o Tin: 1 1 1. w 1 nr.
TTAVINf! ns-oeiaiid v i h llu 111 Joseph Ban Pf
1 I ale of V'lr.tou
ri si ci t fully inform tlo ir
1 eia'lv, lb at tb' V have ta !
fnet d- and the public g
kt n tb t larce and w e l ; rnnv n store and w h 1 :f nl
f.u t of Willow Strict R ibond, I itt Iv oeci pie I by
Jieob Martin, where t he v pll poe doing a d'einral
( 'i.iuiiiissioii and Forwarding Bu-incs-r, mid f our
the local udviiiiinuc of llie place being ronm rted
w ilh nil the pubi c improvement lint b.ive iheir
outlet iu the cilv, thev llatter tin nisi lies they will
be able lo do business to as great, if not g ca'cr nd
Mintaiic, and upon as reasonable tciins as any other
house, anil thev assure Iheir fiiemls that any con
signments made lo tin 111 shall have til. r s'r rt at
t iil-oii, anJ 110 t'Xt itious spared to give cutiie satis
fuel ion.
Tiny ure also prepared to receive and forward
good to any point on the Dt law are ami I eh'L'h
I liver-, between Maiieli Chunk, Easton ninl I'lnla
. di I, bi i, via Delaware Divi-ii 11 ami Lehigh Can !-;
, also, l-i any point on ibe Juniala river, or Nonh
j and Wisl lb nnt lies ufibe Su-qnehaiiri'i via Sebiiyb
I kill and 1'nion, or tho Chi und I ide Water
I Cau l's. .
I For ihe accommodation of Boats cmirm or go
: ir g via Sthuvlkill ami 1'nion C an ils, a Sienuboat
will in" ki pt expressly for towing boats from ihe'
Schutlkil' ground to the Delaw are ami bark, wbiih
will en ible merchant to have their prodnce deli- j
tcied mi Ibe Delaware, 11 ml their good sbipptd at
a sating ol 50 to 5 per cent, on lh price f r
baiibi g kCio s, wuh tlitse iidvhiitagr they re- j
..- M 1 . 1 I
sincliui y sunt 11 snuic in parr- o i;i-,
William IL ilmrin,
Will urn W. Kty.-e X
lostph li-riici. 3 Phibid ,M,iy 11. li:l ly
(Ciii'i iil oiiiiiilssiim .llei i liatifs,
for the. Salt of flour, (iruin, Slid, .'c., e.
PEC I Fl'LLY ii foitn ih. ir fiinuD and
be Meicbat.t generully. ihut thev hnve la- i
ken ihosvlarie ninl eoinmodioiis Wliarv- s, w ilh two
Dm It, noith of ChiTtiul streil, on Ihe lb kitvire,
loci'lher w ilh the store No. HI South Wlnrte-, .
where ilu-v ttonld be (bused lo receive consign- ,
n.enls of tiruin, Floui. Seed, Whi-kcy, Iron, Ae. j
Ac. lit ing ul.o well prepan d to font ird all kinds
of Mi rehaiit'ise by ihe Schuxlkill and I'liion, or by j
the Cbesiipi ake mid 'I'iile Water Cnnals, as tow-j
bout are kepi expiessly foi the purpose of towing '
boals bv 1 i I ei ionic.
Mt ii hiinls will pie .se be particular In scud their
Coeds destined by either ciiiub, ta No. I ! South
Wharves, In lw tin Marktl and Chesiiiit slripr. on
Ibe Delaware, with doectiolis accoinp Hit ing them
which route ihey wish ibem to be shipped.
(J'j- Plaster and Sail for sale, at the lowest mar
ket price. BOLTON iV C'b
Mnrch 10, I W Ft. N... I'J South Wharves.
IlOIU:itT 4 It I I K s,
Lombard Strut, Jlall ininre,
HA E colistslillv for sale, Priuiing Paper if al
sies n 1 i.l qualities, t-an Wriliiu: Ppir, rubtl
ami plain, belter Paper, while and flue, ruled ami
plain, Huntiinu Paper, line and common. Envelope
Paper, do. do. meibliiu, doiib e crow n. crow 11 and
exlrasied Wrapping Papers. Cnlnieil Medium and
Royal Papers, Ilo, nut, Hinder' ami Suaw Box
! Boards, Tissue Pupi r, und all iiit-cle in ibeir hue.
whith they will sell oil ai coniiiiiMlaiiug tiruis.
i Highest puce given foi old rait,
I March ID. If-n. Elkion. M.I
j N atticlir 11111 qualleil tor cleaning slid giving a
I -I highly durable and most brilliant polish to sil
i ver, (itiinan Silver, Bra, Copper, KritUuia Ware,
' Tin, Sit el, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre ou
I varnished carnages, Ac. TRY IT.
I Prepared and sold at wholesale and retail, by the
j Susquehanna Chrysolite Poli.-li Company, Owcyo,
j logs county, ix. 1 .
WM. FORSYTH. Agent for'd,
II. B. MASSE R, Agrnl (01 Sunbuty.
NovemUr 'JOth, IH 12.
ri ti:k ni;wi:rs.
No. 7 1 Callow liiJ! Street, rinlailelihia
C 'fhete iis.r uboee Sicaiid.J
SHOE Findiugsalwiiy kept 011 hand, w Inch he
oilers for sule mi ibc IdaoI trim. Country
Men hauls are puriicululy to till audjude lot
I'liiludelphu, Nviviui x'f U, 1612. ly.
---.4', !
G. V. & L. E. T.7LC?.
OFFFK FOR SAL1I. at the South Fast Cor
ner of fifth anil Market Streets, I'hiladcl
ph ia
Menu' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted,
do do do peiiged do
do do do water proof, double sole
and double uppers.
do Calf-fkill do do
do nailed
and uppers,
do Heavy Water Leather Bonis
do Neat do do.
High quarter Shoes, Cnlf-skin.
do do Crocker do
Fine Monroes warranted
Kip do
Calf do
Coarse do
ilo Shoes
Fine do
Kip do
do t'nlf ninl Seal Skin I 'imps. j
do List Sin ks with mid without soles,
do Carpet do do do
do Patent Warranted Water-proof .Mocr.isins. .
1, allies' do do do do
Ladii ' tanned India Rubber shois.
(ietitlemens' do Over shor.
t li every other de-v iption of boots and shoes. ,
Fur Cais of every description.
Traveli ng Trunk of evi ry description.
Venetian Travelling Bag.
Patent Oiim Elastic Shoe Bbirkinu.
Bonnets nf all kind. Pahn
I'hibnleli bin. Ninenilrer 13. IHIi Iv.
o. l'i ('lic.sitiil SiretM, Iclnw 4tli,
I rinh,iii.i,,.i.
I 7$T EE I rnntantly nn hand a ernpral assorl-
nieiil of Books anil Stationary ; enmprisine
j, Law. Medical, Classical. Miseellai.e
i on and Srbool Books, Day Books, all s'7-es, l.ed
' errs, do.. Family Bibles, Pocket B.hles, Wiitini
Papers, 'ra ping Par,-r. iVr. Ac, which thev of
j b r nt the pi ices lo Country Merchant' I'rc
fi (' iitlcincii. Teachers, and all ull.uni th it
may favor iheui with ilieir custom.
i'hiliidi Ipbia. Not ?mber :J. I H l-i. ly.
1 Jiic lt.'M'l .:ivrv V Son,
i norr makers & sinr chandlers.
I .V. l:l A,,,, U!,r :rtd. fhilnil, Iphia.
At I. cons'iintly on hand, a pener-il assorl
11)1 nt of Cordage, Seinr- Tvvinr-. iVc, i. :
1 I ar'd Ropes, Fishing Rapes, While Ropes, Manil-
la Ro rs, 'I'ii,-.- Lines li-r C 1u.1l l!..,i!. AUo, a
cnrnplele a-s-iitniei t of Si ine Tw ines, Ac. sin li as
j Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent fiill
j Net Twine, Cotioii Shad ami Heriina 'I'wii e, Shoe
j Threat's, o. e. Ac. Al.-o, Bed Colds, I'louuh Line-,
! 1 1 alters. Trad , Cotton and Linen Crpi I ( 'h iins.
vVl . all ol whlth they w ill d.sp ,-se n oil 11 Uintiabli
I'lulade'nbia. November 13. H-12. lv.
J:ul I'lisiiiiilli X Son.
- nciiuaiuti'tici s re lern
intorms their tinnds ami
quaintiMici s re leritllv tli-it tlu-v still con
tinue to keep al the old Maud, No. 210 .oilh iKI
sirei I. l'liilai't Ipliia. all .mils nf
Which they will aril 11 the in n uicoiiiinodalint
and te is. -114 -le leim.
N. B. All good sold wdl be gum tntced uml ul!
orders promptly it!, nih il lo.
Philadi Iphia, November 13, 1M2. l y.
Wliolesalo and llelail Slme. llmiicT,
ami I'alin l.caf I lat Win eluuiso.
,Yo (ili Sorth 'id nlr, rl,a fnr ilino s idiove . Irch ,
A T.SO Trrnks, Chi
2 ft ry ib'-n iption, 1
nrpet lias "id alice--. of et-
all of which he ollets for
.-.lie on the most rens-.liable terms.
Phila.lelpbia, November i:t, lj1'2. lv.
J . V . SWAIN,
, I'uilirella and Parasol Manufacturer.
' An. di AiwiA "Z'hinl sin it. In n doors Liutc Ihe
j Cilv Until, fhiodildna.
' 4 VII .toil Meuh
i to t xu:tiiii; ,u hi
tut arid others are soli, ited
lUM-iti.irM In loir puichasiug
t Isew here
FhiiaVij hii. Novi-n.ier n. :si:. ly.
r. vv a. 110 v or dt's
( liina.dlass and Liverpool Warehouse,
A Ki t Xnrth Third tin i t third dmr hi low Viae
strut, fhilaili Iphin,
VXniERE thry constantly ktep on hand a lanje
ussorlmcnt of China, (ibis and Liverg I
Ware, which they w ill disposti of on the most ici-s-tinible
Phibnlelphia, November 1:1. 1"-PJ. ty.
TllKOl'JI.L'S ( I'M1.
Manufacturer and linorter of Sad
dlery, Hardware, t.
.Vii. .'1 S,uth Third street, four doors helwc Muriel
fhiloitt liiiu.
ST" EEP constantly 1111 hand a large and cmcral
Bssoriment Coach Lamps, Carriage Bands,
A vie Arms, Eliptic Sprint!. Patent Leather. Ac.
Country Men-haul and saddler w ill be supplied al
all times mi llie most leasonable leim. They will
find it to iheir udvauluue to call and examine- bis
assortment before purchustuu elsewhere.
Philadelphia. November 1:1, 1S12. ly.
Wholesale Dealers in l'mein 15rilisli
and American Dry Co.xls.
Ao. Itl.'i Mnrh.t ttrert. fhi'adi Iphia.
CiOI'NTRY Mereb nils, and others can be sop
J plied nt all lirneswiih an extensile a-sml-ineiit
of the is-st ami most fashion ible (ioods upon
Ihe most reasonable term-.
Pbiludetphij. Notemler n, IS42 Iv.
Imjuiitcrs and Dealers in l'orcigii and
)nim.stic llanlware,
No. 171 Noam TiiiHi. Sthi it, I'hi niiKi.riii .
VT HE I! E their flit lids nod iiislomer w ill alit ays
' Iimi a lurce ami genenil a-sorlment of Foreign
and Domestic Haidwaie, which they will sell ut the
lowest prices.
Phili di-lphia. Noveml-er 13, 1812. I y.
Ksni:mcKriiANsi;i.i, co's7
No. ltitj -'i Ma rKet Street, I'hila.
( Hi low fifth S..UII, ide )
VI.WAYS keep on hum! full and general a
snrlmeiil of Hosiery, Lace, and Fancy t ioods,
Country Merchant are respectfully leque.-oJ lo
give tin in a call uml examine for themselves.
Philadelphia, November 1:1, 1S42. ly.
No. I-'IS Market Street, Philadelphia.
INVITE the attention nf Country Merchants
to iheir extensive assortment ot Rriiith
sud American Dty (ioods, which they oiler Jul sale
on ihe most leasouabl terms.
Philadi Iphia, Nov em Ut 13, I $12. ly.
N unpnrelleled remedy for common Colds,
Couehs, Aslhrmi,Innuen7.n. Whooping Couh,
Bronchitis, ami all diseases of the Breast and Lungs,
leading to consumption; composed nf thp eoncen
Irnled virtues nf Hon hound, Bonset, Blond Root,
Liverwort and several other vegitabln substances.
Prepnrctl r.nly by J. M. Winsi.iiv, Rochester, New
The innocence and iinivcrs-nllv admitted! pectoral
virtues nf the Hribs from which the Itaham j
lliirrhtiiinil is made, are loo generally known to re
quire recommeinln'i.'ii ; it i Ihetrfore only neerssa.
ry to observe Ihnl this Medicine contains the whole
of their Mnlir'nnl properties, highly concentrated,
ai d so happily eombtiu d w ith several other veae.
table substance, as to render il the nn st speedy,
mild and certain rttnt dv, now in u-e, f r the com.
j plaint above mentioned.
j The Balsam removi s all imfbi mmntion nnrl sore
j ness nf the Lone", loosens tmnih visid phlegm, em.
aiding the patient to expectorate wi'h Pase am) free
ilom, iis.-li iges cough, relieves athmatip and drlli
- cult n spir.ition, heals the injured parts, opens the
pores, and compose tho disturbed nerves, and cives
strciicth to the tender lungs, and ihu produces a
speeilv and laliiig cu'P.
Iviill I I I I tlK Is THK II ISI.ST I IIIMK tt MlV.
We are riot am-ii e tint class nf Editors who f.r n
. ft w rlollais will, (at the expense of and ho
nesiy) "ciar k up" r.n nrlii le iimi biiim il into rapid
-ale ; m ill er rue we willing to leiiiuin silent, titter
, having le-tnl the utility of an iui roiemeiit or I a -
rovpty in st i. nee or ait. Our renters will recollect
we told ibem we were tc.iwi II w ilh a sore throat and
, violent Ci Id some few weeks hito. Well, wp pur
, chased two hollies nf UlNSl.OU'S BAI.S.AM
! OF IIOb'F.llor.ND, and so soil, I. n was the cure.
that we fircol we ever hail a rottl. Those who
are alllieled, may try il upon our reeommeinl ation.
l.fui-to'i Tlt-graph. For stile bv
JACOB BRItUIT, Sorlhumhrrhind.
Also, by DniUL'ists ginir-.lly throughout the
coirnlrv. cj- Price, .Ml ct nts per Irotilc.
AmJn-1 I lltr. I -i !-,. I y.
7I)R sa'e a sum I Farm, coi.lainini; uliout 1 ne
huinhe-1 atnl It 11 iicri s, inure or le s, situ ilo
in Point tow tislrp. Noribmnl 1 rland Cniiiid , about
t.vo milt s above Nortl umberl irul, on ibe in. 00
road 1 1 . 1 . i in r thai plar e lo Duivilli-, ailjoin-ng
lllib ol .l.ilill I l- ' .le-se t '- llolii ll 11I1. 1 i, tin
now iii the ix-t-ii j mi t v nfS.iiniiil I'-.vie. Aim,!
I'o'tv acres of sard tiai I are 1 band, nnd in cnod
s'nt nf c 11 lita'ion. on winch Ibere is a small l-urn
i tl . 'I he properly w ili be .-old nn t asonal'le
it rnis. Fur lorlber ailit nlais, pi rsons are rctjtii st
e.l to j plv to tl.e :u! rciib- r.
II. It. MASS.'R. 1.v'.
Nov 07,1, x w o ,f Snr bo rv Pa.
NI'.W K.C LAND oil. CO.MI'.WV.
No. :.) North Water Sltvet. I'lnl.i.
ANI'FAt: I I RERS and dealers in Oils ,,f
Ij cvciy tli -scripiion lutili lor luiiiiiiig .in-l
Inaiiutar'tir.lig purposi s, whii h w ill bo s,., mni-h
lower than ibet call be procured elsewhere, and
warranted in quality to equal any ill the city. Any
oil sold by the company not proving as iepn sented,
may be returned without any expense to the pur
i h i-er, and the money will be refunded.
Their stork now i"i stoic consists ol the follow ing
oils, t i :
yo.OCO Bullous Winter Bleached Speiin"
I o.l CO
do Cnloib's Oil.
Fail and Sprim; Sperm .l, 1 S, a Elephant,
do Pic-srd Whale Oil.
Slimmer do tin do
t 'on. toon Whale I til,
-I'll 11 lire!- si.pi rim Sua ' . Oil,
ST0 do Cod Bank Oil,
Ml do Nea's- Fool O.l,
-(." Casks Olivi ll.l,
Tar tier's bis.
r. This Comp-iey l.a-r n nimil cr nf Ve
c 11: ed iii t're Co l Fishi rv, and T. inner- ro-iv rely
upon ecliieg ul a.i l ines Oil as pure us imported.
'I.i. Icii l.l.i,
I.l. 1T.
I v.
A .M, Am tli St oi:! Nti et t.
(1 tM I II nl Ct'oMli's ,1.11V.)
W bcie they loiistanily kt ep on liainl a (icni r d
a-orruii-iit of
cloths, CASsir.Tritrs, VESTirrcs
.1 ad a o-rri, fin ii I if oj ailtc'ts if a mijirnnr
quality, whiehlln-v nib r lo dispose i f
upon tliv niosi le.i.nn il-le t. rins.
jTIOI NTRY MERCIIAN'IS and other will
fiinl 11 to ibtii adtaiituge 10 t all ai d txui.iiue
llnirslt.ek t el. ae purrlm-ins el 1 wheie.
PbiLh Ij Ida. Nov. 0, IS 12. ly
lull mu 11 '
NTIION'S Classical Diciioiiarv; I einprn r's
do.; A 111 wm ill's do ; Cobb's tin.; English and
ttciman tin; Antbon's Ca-sar; A mhoii's t iraiuiuer ;
A nl ben's Ciceni; Mail's I a in b'e.idci; I yill y ' do.;
Andrew's l.aiiu l.ess-'iis; D-nnig-ili's i.exiton;
Fisk's Ore- k Excn sis; Danes' Lctfi-nilei; litaeiii
Majora; Ad nn's Roman A ntiqni'ie-; Pini-.oclt's
tii-lilsniilli's El gland; do. I in t ee; I. M il's Elt mri Is
nl lieiilogv; Mis. Liiicnhi's Boiiuit; Eli inrnis i-f
Botany; Bridge's Algebra; 1'otii i', bio loin si b't 11
tlcrs; Eitnrsoii's tientiaphy and Hi-Ion; Ohei's
tin ; I'ar'i y' do ; Smilb's liraminei: hukbain's do.;
Knv's licadtrs; Cold's do.; Cobb's Anlbmeiii l;
Pike's do.; Emirs' it's do.; Cilb's Spi llintt Bonk;
I'nvv n ' 1I.1.; Cnbb's I'nble Books; F.iaugi lii al Fu
ini'y Library; Coll nje Bible-; Family do ; Collater
al do.; Sin. ill Bible aint Testament-; Parker's Ex
er, i-es nn I 'onipositioii; Fiuit of ibe Spoil; llax 1 i's
S im's Re.-i; American Iii tohitioii; .Mu'ivutt's Nu
ll Is; Mrs Pbctp i n Cl eiiiii-tn ; Iliad; Catechism
if Anient an Laws; l.eittrson Natural M agic; Che
mistry fur Beginuets; liiilisb Etetcisi ad.tpli tl to
I ur 1 av 's 1 1 r , hi 1 1 ii 1 ; Sequi I to Comb t 's Spi lling
11-nl.; Ann in-.111 Class lb ok; Duboll's St I !ru 1.
Iei' Assistanl; A -teal Vur.cly i l Blul.k Bjoks, Ac.
Anaiist 2M, 1 1 12.
j . s 1 1 . t: v j i) 11s,
llEltJI'ESTX the ulleiitinii of hlscoUlitiy liimds
- who are in waul, to hi tcry l.nge stotk nf
('triflings, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Biudiugs,
Stan Rods, Ac. , A c, that he has just opt 11. d, al
hi, No. IS North 2d stu'it, and No. 2
Chuich Alley, next door lo Chri-l Church, Phila
delphia. " July ill, 1M12 ly.
D. Kl 11 K PA T K 1 CK t: SON,
A'y. 21, A'rrA Third tlrect,
(uirwu v .xtiT tn i mstiT tiniETi,)
HAVE for sale a large and excellent assortment
uf Sjumiuh llidm, futnu A7, Tanners' Oil,
,e., at the lowest mat kit prices. for cash, in
, exchange for Leaiht-r, or upon cicdit.
! Consignments of Leather received foi axle, 01
purchased at Ihe highest maiket prices,
Q j' Leather stoied lueol iluijc,
April I 7, 1611. ly