Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 20, 1844, Image 4

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    IS A A' It XOTI! IMST.
The fiillowrinp; hat showa the current vatun or nil
Ponnsy'viinhi limik Notes, 'flip nin-t i n i! : it re
bince limy he ln oil upon it, as it i- evert wtk
:n fult v complied with ni d corrccte l hum Ui k
.l' il's l!rpoilrr,
Iticnlin Ju riiilmlrlpltl;'.
, !'!'.
I'll 1 1. 4 f.
. par
. par
. 1 par
. pnr
tliiili of North America
i'snk of t... Northern Liberties .
I 'ormnereiul Hank of PennV .
K.irirrrs' nnd Mei-hntiic llitik .
Krn.ip(rton Bunk .
i l.itadclphin Hank
V hm Ikill Bank , ,
s oiihwark Hunk . .
VV'ruipni Hank . ,
VTlniiir' Bank , ,
Manufacturers' iV Meclinub V Hank
o!ittry It:iiiltt.
" 'I'k of ( hotcr County Westchester
Hank of Delaware County Chester
Hank of (' (icrninufnw'ii
' 'iik of MontiioniPiy Co. Noiristowti
Doylestown Hunk Do h slow n
Htis'nn Bank Faston
Farmers' Bank of Bucks cn. Bii-fnl
par i
p'ir ;
('Mice of Bank of Prtiii'ii. llairhhu e"-
llairhhu Thc-e i
Laic tstt r nlnocs
ifice do do
' i (Tli-o do d.)
WtTico do do
I culling I ilo licit
K.i.-tdii J is sm n. i
Hank of llio 1'niied States
Hank of IVnn Township
1imrJ Bank .
MoyamensinR Batik
Hank of Pennsylvania
Minors' Hank of Pottsville
Hank of l.owistown
Hank of Middlctown
H ink of JVorlliumli-rlund
J' Sla-:2
Northumberland pur
f 'oluml'ia Hunk S Urideo co. Columbia
Carlisle Hank Carlisle
Fxchange Bank Pittsluirr
I'll do liMtlfh of 1 lull ul :l r-lllir-5
Farmers Hank of Lancastoi Lancastoi
Lancaster County l':iik Luticiintcr
Farmer' Rank of Heading If. ndim-;
Hnirhbmf: Bank Utirrishura;
li'inrnstcr Hunk Lancaster
l.elinnon Hank Lebanon
Men hauls' At. Manuf. tank Pittsburg
Bunk of Pittsburg Pi'lsbuiR
West Branch Bank M'illiiiiniort
Wyoming Hunk Wiikr-huiio "
Northampton Allcntnwii
Foil.s County Hunk itcadiiig
i of Hank of U. S. Pittsburg failed
Do do do 1'. riii tin
l)o do do New Hri'Jiliiii d.
KeiiMnutoli fv. Inp. A do
IVnn Tuivnshii JSav. Ins. do
Tank of CliBinliorl'ing Clininlx-rrl.urg- I1
Hrii.k of (ii'ttynliurH (M ii! uig 1
Hank of SuKjuelianna Co. Montiosc n()a:ir
l.'rie Bhi k F.riif 3
Faniirri-' V Proveru' Bank Wnypr'.i.iirj; S ol
1'iiiiik'in Bank W.ihl.iMjki.i I J
Hoiii sdnli; Biik Hoie.-dle Ij
Miiiionnlieh Bank of B. Hrmviirille 1 .j
Voik Hunk Yoik 1 J
N. B. The notes of tlione banks on wtiieh we
omit tiiiotntiuns, and pubs-tilute a dah ( ) nic not
purt'luiiud by the Pliiladi Iphia broker, wiili il.c
exception of tho?o which have a letter of t fen uce.
Philadelphia Snv, Ins. Philadelphia
I'hiltidelphia Lonn Co, do
N huylkill !av. Ii,. do
Manual Labor Bank (T. Wt llyott, prop.)
I'owanda Bunk 'l'owandit
Alleghany Bank of Pd. UedlorJ
Bank of Beaver Braver
Hank of iSnatura llarii-lmrir
Hunk of Washington Washington
("outre Bank Belli fonto
f'ity Hank Pitching
Farnieri.' it Meih'es' Bank Pittid urg
Farmers' Mech't's' Bank Fayello eo.
Farmers' & .Mceh'ecBank iireeiutt'e
llarniony In-lilulo llani ui y
Huntinpdon Bank II tint ii!iti
Juniata Bank J.oni-toun
i.uniberineii's Batik Warnn
N'..rib. rn Bank of Pa. li;n.! .tV
New Hope )il. Hiidse Co. New Hop'
.orihutub'il Fnimi Col. Hk. Milton
A. nth Wi-Kti-rn Ha.-k of Pa. Mea.lvill,.
l Mliee of S, luiv Ikill Hank I'm! ( 'ail on
I'd. Arr & Maimf. Hunk ('iirJi-lu
Siln'i I.ake Bank Mont'o!
I 'linin Bank of IVnii'a. I 'niniiiown
eotiiiuu lunil Hank ;rei! oi
Wilkes-I'uire Biidgo Co. Wilkmbine
no sale
no sale
II.) rale
l.o sale
llil Sale
faded I
Inl sale
liO ale
fail, d
no sule
Cj' All tii'tof puipoihiig to be on any IVnin-v .
una Hank not givou in the al ow lnt, ioa lie cit
down a fraud.-).
m:iv ,ii.itg:v.
H ink of New Btuuewiik
Hi unsw iek
Helv id. -re
P.r'.h And
ISelwibae Hal.k
1 ' 1 1 i ii y t im ( 'o. Hank
(.'ommi icial Hank
( 'utnbi rl .ud Bank
Fan K is' Bank
Fa i mt rs' and Michanio' I'k
I'aiinirs' and Mechanics' Hk
Farn.ers' iitnl Men haul' HU
Fiat. kiln B ink o! M. J.
Moi i.t Holly
N. Hiiii.swi. k f
Mlddli ti.ll I'l.
Jeisey City I
Hoboki n BhecV (.iiuzmg Co llobokeu
.lerny City Hal.k JeiMylily
A!.ebalii. ' Bank Fall, isoti
Mai.ufailur. tb' Bank H.lleiille
M.irri County Hank Moiristonn
Monmouth Hk. I.N.J. Fieehol.l
Muliaiiics' Bunk Ni waik
Meihanhh' and Manuf. Hk Trenton
Morris Canal and Bkg Cu Jersey Cily
1'o.t N'otca
in t .1
failed ! d ;
t .il. .1 !
I'd hale
Niwark BkR & Tub Co Ni waik
New Hope I'll Bridge Co l.amliensville
N. J. Mauufaf. und Hkg Co Hob.. ken
N J 1'rolecton l.ou.buid I k Jer-t y i'y
l-l led
laded t
Orange Bunk
( liani;o
Puterson Hank
PcophV Bank
Piiiiciton Bui k
!ah ni Bunking Co
Mate Bunk
Mute Hank
rstute Hank
Stutc Hal.k of Mori i
Slate Bank
Puleni bii.l Pl.ilud Manuf Co
S-'liseex Hunk
Tr lit. n Banking Co
I nii ii Hunk
Bel.ii. gton Hanking Co.
Pi incctou
S il. in
l.l'al ihloV. II
'J'll llloll
llll III
JS . w ton
'I'll 1. 1. .11
1 'oi-r
J I Jl kf lifcil k
fall, ii
m: i.4iv tin:,
Pk of v ihn A Brum!) vuia i mine'."!
Hank of Hi Uwuit
A limit eli.
Wm ii. a
Hui.k of .Smyrna
I'o liancli Mu
Farmir.' Hk i f Stale i f Hi I' p.
Da branch
Do hi -mil ;,
I'o I r. in h N .
1'tiion Bin k V
,w 11
tj7' 1 in'. 1
fj- On nil I ui l.s 11. a-l..
'her rounlirfiil or a'l. re. I
.uiniin'.e.i.i, in ciitulait. n
d ll.i
) tl ,
are 1 is
lion Li the ar.,,,ib de-
TliC hi si tnrlhniJ for llr MclllUw of llimasr
is lu t lt oc ami jmri'i llu: lUuhj. ;
i e i a v v. u rr a ri i i: v 1 v. i s
or tii n
.AVrf.'i ilmrrlcnn fnllrg-r of IfrnVlt, 1
Are now niktiow li','tp,1 ilio host Medioinc in
the WotM for ti e euro of
"pTT5 l'('. I S!' tin v eon p'eto'y rb nne the sto
M f m i, b Tod bow i U from e b ll'n ti" ni d eor- 1
mt't humor v! ii) ,trr enifC not only of
llialarhi'. Cidilini ti, I'a'pit lion of (lie lleirt,
PnMis in tlio Hi'iion. Phi ttnint in nrul (!.. in. but
I ' V I ' I V 111 I b'v iirid.i t to in-an. JA!n IMHAN
V FCF.TABI K PII.Ls nronerain cure for in-
in t'oi.t, tetniiti d. no'vouF. iiifiamtito'V and pn'rid
Fi'vcrs I ronic It'ov o'eaf se the i nlv f'Ctii tho-e
m i li'il Ill inois, w l.ii b. ben e.ililitiod to the eif n
I itiuii. are tberaiiie of all kinds of I'K VFI!.
riVo, i hen ti e eunw itnpii-ity is deposited on C'o
n otiil i n e ntu! mobile, c-iii-;pi viii, ii'lltovt
l.r and Feel;,,.,... r,ll.,l l!ll I' I' M A'l I' M,
(;ol T.A-e. X'.'iitht's Indian V. cr ta' ! Pill- mav
''' r,''i"l 1 " r u'vvai s .erlain to uivo r lii'f. ami if
I Prre i ti d jv iib, noomdlin? to d'urclinri " ill ino-1
a -iiin i'iv, unit wnnoiii nil, n aue a perieei en o m
li e abi'Vo puinfi I n al.idies. Fnn ibree to ix f
fi!iI Inili'in Vi i'i t:ib'e Pi'! t .li ti every niidit ro
il (T lo bed. wi'l i i n lii'it time mi rotnpleti lv lid
the bii 'v from even' Ib.iim tha' i ot'ii 'se.l to be.dlb,
! t'lHt HI, i 't-.mati-in. (!on(. and pit" of every I'e'erip- 1
; tion.witl be bt. mliy MMVEN FHuM Till: P.O-
' 1'Y. For tl'e p tin' ea-on. w-I.en, from tnil leti
j ehanreF of atn o-pbeto, or nnv other e nive. the or
I epilation iebeel;d, mid the humors wh eh shniibl
J pi' i 11' by th" sVin nro thrown inwardly, can1!!"
iii:.MiAcin:. ;ipmm:ss, ,y.,v nod m.-u- .
hiss, pain in the In in s, watery and it flamed eyes, ;
sore throat, boarsene s, eouchs, rousiiniplion.
rlii'itni it'c pains in vai iotn art oftliobi i'v. Mid oth.r Fvinp'om . f CA TCJII.NC Cl.ll,
T '':, i'V luditin Yttli;liFr I'll." will innri:ib!v ;
cive iinneili to i lief. Frmn tbiee to six of ai.l
PilU faki n every li'ul.t on p iintr to bed, wi'l in a
s' oit Imie, Hot on'y roin.oe nil 'he above unph a- .lit
sun) d nis, but the body wd', in a short lime, be
ro'ton il to i von Fooiii'er I eabh ll m bef.ire. ,
ASTHMA..... lili riCI'l.TY til" ISKITATH-
Nt;.H rial,!' 1,,,'u'i Yt&ll,U '('Awiil loos
en nt.d ear y . IV, by the sl.ueurh and b.i.' . is. tho'a'
t.n i;b . mnv humor , which stop up u II the air
cells ol the hints mid are the cause, not only of the
a1 o e .lis'.ri ssiim e -n plainl. bill w I t'll ni ejected,
. It. ii tirmi"nl.'s in that m.i edii adlnl nudady ea'le.l
( ll.l AH' I ION. It .bon d bealsotca cmh.ti.l
that Uri't'.'.v l-uiinn 1i:v'o.'e 'i7v nro a e. rticn
cine for PAI S IN THi: SIliH. Oppr.s.ii.r. i, all
sen, and sit km ss, o-s of iippi lite, co-iiein --a. a
yellow tinpe of ibe - kin ai d eyes, mid mrv other
symptom . f a torpid or disrn-ed lute of ihe liver;
localise lbi-y pnrje from the body those impuritier
which if deposited upon Ibis important oruan, life
th- oati e of e'cvy Mi.i.ty .f l.l F.I! CUM
I'l.AI.NT. Wh.n a is coin ulse.l l v tint .
. uibrei.ks and r. hellion, ti e only means ol'pr. von',
inc the dieudful I'onseijitoncos of a CIVIL WAI'.
is to expel all Irai'ors. und evil disposed ems from
the country. In I ke manner, w h. n pain or sick
ness of nnv kind, indicate that the body is slrtn;
ulinrj w'oh intercut foes, the true is lo FX.
PHI. AI.l. MItli;i IIFMOhs, (Truitois to
health nn.l life.) llxillh u illbe the cerium result.
That the piinciple of curiim ilcuii-iug
and piuify ing the body, is stuelly in nccoi.h.iKe
with Ihe laws which govt rn the animal icouoiiiv;
and if properly etiriied out by the Use of the n' ove
I'll, I.!, will coilainly r.sull in the complete Abo
lition of Di-t asc ; wc oiler the follow ing testimoni
als, from pi rsoiif of the highest re.-pectubility in
New Yoik, who have iccenliy been cuted of ihe
n.o-t ob'linate eotr.plaints, solely by the use nl
Win. mi r's Imman Y-.;i:rAni.v. Pills, of the
iW7i American Cvllrgr uf IkuUtir
Jamaica. 1.. I., June fnh. lll.
Doctor Wiriam Wright Ieur Sir It is with
great sali-faclien I inform you of rny having 1-. n
. litir. lv ritred of I lyspepsia, of five yours standii g,
by Ibe u.-e of your Iviu x la; f.ta iii.k I'i i.i.s.
Pnvious in nieei.rtc with your rolebtat.d nmli- !
cine, 1 had b. n under tl.e hands of several Physi- I
-iiois. nn.l had tried vnii.uis niedicines; but all to I
no ellcct. After n-ii j; one 2 ft cent box of your j
Pills, however, I xp noticed sn mm h benefit, licit !
I ic-olvi ,1 to I'l ta-ii'if in the use of ihem neeot.hnc
lo dir. . ton s, w liii h I am happy to state, has result-
i din ii peifeel cure. Intrnlitude lo you foi the!
t'u al la in fit I hive locened, and al-o in the h. pe '
ihiit o tin is fimilaily a til h ted my he induced lo I
m ike t'ial.f ) our extraordinary medicine, I send i
you this slalom, lit with full hhe.ty to publish the
same, ll i.ii llniik pr.'per. Yoois. iVc. !
Ni w iuik, June lit, 1st I. i.C. III.XCK.
Mr. Ki.hard lVnnis, ag. nt for Wrighl' Indian
meiahle Pills.
Hcai ii I have la en iilllictcd for seieinl yens
will in ward wi iikness ni.d general debility , uccom
i anied nl times w iih p uns in the side ami othtr
distifs-i. c foil. plaints. All' I bavnii! Ira-. I Various !
on dii w I'li.u t . 11. el. 1 wa- persuaded l a h I. lid
to in-. I,e ina'i l Hr. Wiitfhl's li .liaii X'.-ci t.i'.'le !
fills, win. h 1 mil happy to s'tite. have relieved mo
it. s in..; t w .lid. 1 1 id in. nun r. I have u-i d ihe mo
di, ii o, is el I in u ihoit tm o. and have no .lonbl, i
l v a pi i m i nee in die u-o i f the ninbei .e aceor- ;
i!ii u I-. i!ii. lions, ih..l 1 sliAll in a tin. o he
j p. r'i cly ic-loied. j
I Most willii glv refoiiitii. nd said Pills to all pi r
si ii- simihii !y aflln ted, und in the full
ties .me Ici.. t'ci'd i. suits w .11 follow ill ir u-e, I n
, main j oiiis sii:cenly, IIF.NIJV A. FOtlTE,
i Wa.w airing, I'lntci co. N, Y.
Niw YotiK, Sept. :!, inn.
This is lo ecitify that I have used W i.n.ui's
vmi h.i a aiu k Pill with the greate.-t bene
fit; bavii a in iri lv ci.ieil myself ol li e In ipient at
larks ol Sick Headache, to which I had previously
Inn m.i int. A.N.N M A HI A Tilt IM I'M , '
'M'i (ireeiiw ich sir.i. N. Y.
To Mr. h'iibnid Ibliuis, Agent Jul ughl'k lu
dl in V i p table I'l. Is.
i .t i ri o.v.
As dure -ue al Ibis iiioe inany wicked persons
bi.siiy o, ar'i il in si Iinm u emuiti ill it im dicnie un
d. t ti e in-ii,. ol the Indian . rel it le Pills and us
tbo-e di s i rate null lire no in kless ol eon
si plena -, lhat many valioible I. us may he lost in
col si .pi. i co ol u-u r. t! oir iheadlul i . impound-,
li e pi I be lire cautioned a'i.iusl pincha-lni; nnv
I'i, I, -in,!, ss on the t s of the h' . s lho lolh.wii.j;
n or.i ; j is I, oe.i :
(hiduiii I'm until i .)
nt 'int: south i in in.!, or lilll.lll.
.-,,,,,..0. .... K na-
f,i,U s.,,1 medicine of any jiei.ou txi..l lho nun-
I ,r ndieriis.d npeii'ii.
Ai:.JS FUlt SUUTlll Mill Fl.A M CO,
I'i iiiisiltiuiiii.
it. H. Mm., r, Suiil uiy W'm. Forsyth, Nor-
t1 1 n l , 1! i d - .la, nt. H i .. Sham. , kin Siimui I
h . 1 ..1. .. .. 1 .. . ...... ...1 u ...... 1. .1 ....;.... ... 1...
I "
I '"
1 ih
.1 . noi i , 1 or.v A 11. If .iaK, Ai.L'UsIa .
F aiu . r. Milton In land A,
-' i h- F, S, P nor. 'I'ut bul-v 1 III .I.iiiiih
V, I'.'.ici
I. Pop -,'i, ... (I, hi. iso, Si, .!. r-'mi n
II. Kin '..I, P. M.. i:iili,r4 P. O.
. 1. linii, P M, I'i. 1. 11 ('1 n,i r. (iri D, inl for the Fido
I .1
llr':', iv Yt:i iV, Wl.nleiialA aiul
If.' ul. No. D.J I.'ACt; S'J'I'KL I", I'HH.M'tll
I Plil.V. May "it, IKl.l. ly
roil TIITTFJl.
ITTANriU'S t ttl'KI II1NS.
(FY The fiilltih'huf crrtiftctt'e di sci 7c one oflfie
must r.riruurJinury cures ever rjficlitl hy ivig
FmtADrirtitA, Febtttaty 10, 1
IObJ twenty yenm I was scveiely Blllieti .1 w ith
TrTTKii on the Fuee and Head: the disease
eommenoed when I wis ceventeen years old, and
continued until the Fall of lH:!fi, vnvinp in vin
lon e, but evor disappearing, l'urinir newt
of ibe. lime, oroal luirl of niv fioe was covered with
the eruption, frequently attetiihd with vin'ent itch-
ii'B; niv head Ftvel'td al timis until it felt as if it i
w i.uld burst the - wi llin., w is ?u p e it. that I eou'd
M-nrei lv ct tii v hat on. PnririR the lotii; period
til if 1 wi.i ajlo. ti'.l ill Ibo disoise, I tisi',1 a treat
iiiany n pienl:oU-. (aim in: them s -reial . eleloated
piep itntton-) as w l as I ikioa ti w od n"ii dies,
iiii lndii c a 'iirnbi r oft. -I i ! s of V -i a I'. nine n.
l'..ilrh ! nf n::-,,juii !!,:
iinp-'ibli' i ei'ii.neiiiM'
, A e. I l bu t. il Would be
all the medicines I used.
I u as also ui
let toe ere
of tw
of the in os) it's.
lit eail-h.
eeiviii ii
I liiei his of .hi-ci'v, I nl with 'lit re-
lea li bei i I'll, '.lid I ib spjir d of ever be'n!;
In br fdl of s:!l'i, die ili-ea-e i.t 'be ti i-e
enii if
! ll'C Vi lV V.o'el.l, I eo"flieiiei .1 llsii.l! ih"' Vo".'
If,,, .,!, (pr.p.lril In .V In
a f o- a plie itioos li e v'.i.l.nt ilelrii"! e a- d, be
on In i a! ii'ivl, tin' i r 1 1 ti hi bi'i; hi . ilt'.jpeir,
and l ei. r.- I h nl !' d a t t the d. -ease w as i iititcir
niiid, Il has i.iv.v lien uiai'v a viar ae,,l ,i hall
hil'ee, and is im' a m I.e.:1 of li.e .!-'. ie re-
II':. it iiU'. eM-eja li e :T IT, r.fll ill'" deep pits l"IIIM'.l
bv II e di-eas... : i-, imp s-.Ke for m.- to .1. s a i! o
ill a 1 lii.-aO' tlie s. '.ri'v of the d'na- i-e itel ui
si ll 'ii. e. but I will be p'e . d l ive a fader tie
eiinnt lo nnv per-oii ti tiu'lier s ilist
who will e 'I mi n o. At tl.e time I c i oim need
limine tl.e li. se llio'io. nt I wmiM ei'i n him
it-1 d of do lats lo he n,l of ibe din'
vitlee u-
silo.', it. I h aa r. ee mm. nd. d it to -iv.r.t.
( am, i .a I hi in my mother, w ho h a I 'he di-eas
lv oil In I m,t w ho w. re a I en re. I hv It.
,i m;:s iii uNi'i.t,, No. i:.,.-,
(V V Tl e l.'i -e fl.i.l'in-nt is pi. piled bv
V.m.hi". Sail, I! isl c n r of Third and
,1 lla-e
-tic t-, Phi . d. Iphia. a 1 1 I sold on
ry. bv II
' M .V I Mi. ivl:i.
U'elc'V in S'l.ibu-
n. mas.-i-::;,
a riitmr r it's ij i icacy.
I'll 1 1 i nt I en i i . May t'i, I -.t.h
to eirti'v I1 a' I vva- s, vere'y aid ce.l
'V Mis
L nil.
h Toiler in the hand-, and f. .1 for rtiwards
Veins; tl.e dise t-e was at', tided ciienlK
with vio'ei t inh ti and sn.lhi.rj, app ei
n ii lulu r of pin -ici, i is, nial us, d a ar. .it many
to .1
ea'tons without itUeiii ir a enrc. Ah. ml a v ar i
since, I "pi'ho.l the li .-e Omln.ent, which entirely
stopped the i'eh nj. nnd a h w applic. Ii ti s inmu .Ii
nli lv i niiii the .li case, v l.ieli there has h.on no
r.tut ii of, iilihoiiuh I hid never been 'il of il nt
any lim. foil ny vents. Ii II ' 1 1 A Ii 1 1 S A V A . F.
I'd. veiiib. h. low Sp -in o St,ei l
Q' V The Fife Oii.tment is r. p .red by F. P..
A';. . e ban. S oith lla-1 corner of Tl i ,1 and Kaeo
tn els, I'l.iladelpblu, anil s- I.I on n join v in Sun! il
iv. bv JL B. MAssLK.
" May 1 Ith. Is i'l. .iA"
nf Ho nosi: oi.iwi:.'i fr r-t!r.
l.l 111 ll 1.11 the si.penonty nl tlio prep.aia'l II
over .,11 ,lli is is I,, He es-a '.I, - he.l ihe or ire.
tors lake p. iisiuo ill layniu before the public the j
fellow in(! ii rt l'u a'e from a re- octabie phvs.C'aii. ,
a cniduiile of the I niicrsily ol I'cnnsv Ivnnia. Jtr,
Hanuh, bnvinu found in this lint relic t f r
a tialietis ni.d ili-npr.a ahl idle, ttoii wi.i. h die means
will, in Ibe r.inje of bin prof, s.-ioii I'.ilo l to i.llor.l. ,
has not he.-i'at. d to cive il his approbation, uith.'ii.Ji .
the projuilicis and i r. ' rests of that pr.,isl ,,i aie ,
i ppou'd to secr.'l li. in. dies.
1'iiii.Aiii t i ui i. s, pt. i:i,;.
I was lecei.llv tioubhd inth a ti dams herpetic
ei n pt i. n. w I ii b c o e i d in 1. 1 v one -i e . I niv I .co,
..nd c . t. i h d . v. r the ear. Mr. i ucha i. proprii -
I. I of tin I his,- (in in i'i t, i I -a i . ii, m I m t , ,n-i
ted on my t . v inn his pnpiiatioti.i l w hieh he h.m
I me a jar. A Ithoiieh fu common with I he mo in
born ol niv pr. fo-.-i.'ii, I discount, n m. e and di-ap.
I pi. ve ol the numerous ii.i-tnim- ( a'tm d the
I public I y iaiioi jut pr. ten.!, rs, 1 La I in jus.ico le iK .I
to eve. 1 the Hose i linlim lit Iinm that e!-s of mo
j da ines, nn. I to tin- it niv ap rotation, us it i li'i.e-
Iv Hired ibe eruption, ah!., nun it had icsisi. .1 the 1
i li-u l apphcaiions. HA.NL HA I (.il, M. I).
ri'j Ihe l!,.-e Oinlmoi t is piepar.d by F. H.
'.iu.'Imii. SouiIi Il.-t foiiir ol Thud aid line i
Stioets,'pliia, and sold on a si i.ev in Sun- ,
j bury, by 11. B. I
Mav I III , l I ?. AL'riit.
J.Vi7J.V L A W S3 , 2 Ii. fit C O.
iMii.ll : 1 1 1 . 1 I . I iiircti Al ;i ntilat't i!if i s,
.Y.. lH) .,.,th IF
i uri i r ( lii:rr uiul Third
Sin . Is
r 1 ' I f F. I'l', a r-i-a Ill', I h .1 c f. it tied il Cn-p-,r I'i I -b.ij.
1 u.i.'. r l'.e fun ,.l .1. M V LA N It .In. A '....
as MlCiP-sots to le 'i, t- ti:i ol .lilCilli Altll.ltlllll A
t 'n.. i nd w ,'l c i.iii.uo ihe I us ne-s at he old i sla
I lol.ii". i.l, on tier o'.vn -ieei.i'1... In H.l.'i' ion in
then on n ii'loini...! and o pi ri. ncc f i many
yens, io li e ma. nf n-'ioe . I tl en cot. I r it, .1 no IV-,
V I'.. 'Ii.' I.a i 'i . me el 1 1 e si a i,,r pa , 1 1 ei ol lie
late lillll. Will ul-o ho di MO. ,1 !,i ll,,. iloil -I i f ihe
l,ew ooriieill 11. d as l .l e,';ti'i'l .11, d ci.e wiil le
spared lo in-ure tin n (;....ds, at all 1 ' 1 1 i - s of the ve
ry l est .piality, th. y solicit a Cotitiiuiaui e of lho
eoiitid. n. e ol the Ii eiuls- an I i o-1 am r- ol ihe I. tie
J. M U LAND, Ju.
Phihid.ipliii, N'av 1 1th, KPl. ly
( 'm in i nl' Th ril mid I nn Strt i 'a.
fjllll. i.l-ei.ler r spe, tlully in. n. .in, ci h t
I pill lie. thai ho ll s ,. one. I Hotel in the
modi. no. hii. k l ui!. In. sin.',' on the conn
n.-r i l
n nv to
I I inl and Pui" sti.i is, wt . re he w Ii he I
"all Ip II tl'.-e who in iv In,, i I in) with their
con pa. v. l b'' H .sb- Hotel i la i-e and com ni
i nt, tn it fori i - lu d in thi' be -1 in ' ei t. ,1 . )e. 1 1 i-
rn ule.l nil ii Inyo ii. under of mil ai.ed nnd
con. I. liable slei pu.o npai, rooms, piii.i'e
n 1 1.. is, A o. Pi i - Hi s v isilinu VV illuimspoit nn tut-
uncss oi .Ii-:i-iiie, mav ie-1 ns-iind Ibul every ex
.ncs-so, pi.v,-,e, may ie-1 ns-iir. .1 .hut ever ex-
.it,..,, will I, '.H.d 10 r.i.lor sojou,,, l iltr
"Laete ,. pleasant and ..-r.r-.Mo. it ts I abb'
wo. oo supp,,.,. wmii li.e very n. si me market at-
fords, nnd Ins tar w iih the el oieest w inii and otlur
1 . i......... ... 1.1.. 'i-i... iv. i.. 11.. .1
, .in- ..,.,
. possisos preutor dvuntBes in point ol, any other similar cstahlishmoiil in lho hoioiiRh,
hoinis ettuule in the busiiusii put of the low n. and
I within u convenient distance nf Ihe Cunt House
and Wilhauisporl and Flnnra Hail Ko-ul Depot.
1 Sull'u ionl Stah inu provided, and (. aid and trusty
' n.-lieis a.u.i;, s 111 uUi ndaii. e,
' Attenliie, a. . on u.o.h.lii and hone I S rvnnU
: ha c 1 1 1 11 1 ni'.-bn 1 ,1. and noil ins I. ft undone that
will ;i IJ lo ti e ion. lot t und ucc of hit
111. tin. il-.
I Th. te w i'l be a carnage l.lway in allendurce at
1 f ! the Bout Landiim lo coovi v pabsi i cm to and from
the House, lux,' ol iliHre.
( II AIH F.S liOLPifnVS.
.M13 Hlh, I r 1 .'.- U
Husine ltendcil to in ihe ('. unities ff Nor
lliuii'l erhin.l, I'nio'i. l.veoming ntul Columhia.
for to i
Tun m m 11 a iit & Co.,
lo.WHI iV I A TI It O V,
II mr, (.' rvt M i m eV llnT,
Put oliis. Me Fa n 1. 1 mi iV Co
Spiiin mi, ' '.ion eV Co.,
'I'o rouiiiry
THE Nubs,
riber, Acent of I vmi iV Harris, Hat
torcM, for Nmv i nrk, I Inl ulelpliia,
j ilaltimoie and other larje titles, w ! ma ll.ita are i
highly eoniiiii iid- l ( ir imi7 r il it timl ilnr'tlilit, I
has mi l-ntid n fir t rafe as erlm -nt of 11 A PS and
j CAPty utital le fur Spr np U-, wh'ch will f o s Id
i v. ly law, fm ons'i or nt pi.ivr.l en d. I, nl ibe ivtui
ro;i twc, ,n. -1(1, No'lli Th rd s'r-! "t, opisi'e
the Cily Hotel. I'l.ibile'pb.-..
j HOin-HlT l. WI.K1NS(1, ,l,v-i.
N. II. (h.loisf.iT llilsin .he mi -h . pi'i.i.ftly
Vtcinle I In, 'I'I.f l.ihost , rice .ii ru.'.i )i trade
uiveu far Fur skin.
PI it .dolphin. June 11,
1 v- . " A .a. .4 F, " C
I I. pcisniu: im). hied to (hp 1'roi of l...n A
' A Hairs, tlrider '! .ig.'ii-v "I'll. N. Thaeb. r.
' in,,! d:;, M,:niff.. No. !d North Third,
stria I. I'h'l i h I j ! i - a , ,i.e r. .pieieil lo m ke iinm. di
a'e se'th n out of ill if ai C.M.Ill' - i'h the -ib.-cr il'IT,
'heir Ice illy ,'l.rhotii'd act I, who is fid'y i lnpow.
I lei! to :-. I'h' und coll' I't ! 0 i.e. ...'.lit- ill said lorn.
i:)!'.i:i:t h. w ilkin-hn,
.lone 1th, I1-"! .. tl A"if.
An. lilt .Vol VV.if, :l ,e Anh Strut,
Al I .t Villi l II1NS -U SIMMY ITKMiVS.
TM! l!.l;s W'l l.-S, l..te,.f the " W l i eSwati."
-'I'i'.l "Mouit Vernon House," rrsp. oilul'y in.
f 'rms h. frt. nds ainl oosti.tia r. that he I a- become
the pro riet ir ! li e a'.n0 Well II Mi II. ti I.
C.niriv M. tchaiits w i'l fol the ir'ovi- Ho'. 1 a
cei.ti .1 I ci.ti.iii, a i id I'o' hi -I i f I'a.e I'i rmii 'ra
vol!. ir w ith ptit ui. o i.i. i. at w I1 lied a loe
yard nn.l -od 1.i. Iih:; f.. hoises, an.l ihe list ol
n.-l'ets llo'ii.lifu' f 1 pel eav.
Mi-, 1 lib. Is c.
ff?lt ...j.;.-.i3.i
0 i
' !
( i.tiniiissi..!! iV I'nrw nr.!;!),' .Mi r. Ii;
y'rior- if IliV.W Si ml lluiv!,
i. I ll ll lit.. v i. r ,
nY!.Nf! as icialid wi h tin in .I.i-ci h Hart'Ct.
I .! of iVi.-lon, P.... t. s-. . i Hues int.. tin t.'i. ir
It ici,. Is and the public i:. netalK . th
kill til t I.UL'e Oil 1 We I know II slo
f... t of Willow Sir, e li nlroad, l it
.luiob Martin, win-re llo v pu-po. i
I lb, y Inn r. I a -e
and w ha.-l at
ly o. cupie I I y
inn a (.'. ;: ta!
( oiiimission ntul I onv ar
Business, ami fiom
the loeal ad
a.,Vrti)'ae ef lho I I ice be 1 1 : s; col ill c'.i il
w ith all the
oiit'et in tin
I ubbc improv i men's that line th, ir
city, they llatli r them. i ! . v wil;
la' able to do
ines. to as L'.e t, ll not a e.iti i ii.l
,i a-' le is ,uah'e terms as any other
i.ssine their fi lends that any on
to t!o l.l shall have th. ir s'r ct at-
v nn'auc, oil up,
house, Rial th.
s ' jiii.i nts made
I t. lition, Ulid lio i.xi itiens sp ued lo give o lithe sajis
! f'.ei ion.
I 'I'h. y also prepr.n d lo receive aid Toward
' cooes In any point on the 1). Im arr an t ah
i river-, t'. twoi n M.iuch hoi k. La-ton nnd Hula-
di 1, I I a, via 1 'i l,i w a re 1 liv ij n a
h C
ulso, I., nnv point ii ibo J .unit n riv. r, or North j
nrul i si ltiau. lies ni'the So-.pieh .nn i ii i Se'.in . i
kill and I i. ion, or lho Chi s ,pc -!,, and l ido ',.lo. j
For i In- aceomin.idaii,ii .if Ho:. e-itnici?: or co- :
iof vl.-i Schuylkill and I n. oil ( 'an lis, a Sie oi.! n at
will kept expressly for towiin" boats from lho
Si Inn 'kib a i . u 1 1 1 1 lo llie ltelawa'c and h.n k, vv I a, h I
will on hie mi rehants to bnve ilieir pio.l'i. e de'i- i
voted on Ihe Ile Hw aro, and ilieir K .od- si ipp. d nt
a s. .vic.i; of fill to i.'i per cent, oo the p.ic. s t t
ll .nl" 1! ac o.-s, witli ihisi" iidi an taa.s they ri '
sp. i tlully solicit share i f air. n a c.
William H. ilo.'in, y !
W H am W. K. .-. ", ). j
los.pli H rn.i. 3 Phil..) .Miv 11, -X !y I
f;( ii(i ;tl t i-.iiimissloM .11 r !i:iiiix,
y-'or the Site nt Fhiiir, t.'riiin, Sirit, ,r-. c
Jf-.n?1 - ;
vVv vl'X.
I LLY inform In. ods mid
mis I'cnctKilv, 'hut il l y have l.l-
ken those I a me nnd commodious i harvi s. with two i
1 Do, k, . nth nl CI.esi.ul street, on too D-law .re, '.
toiolhor w ith the No. I'.l South Wbarve-,
j wbe.f lb. V would he plca-od to receive coiisin
' menls . f tir.iin, Floui. f-e'.l, Whi-kry, Iron, Ac.
A c. H. ii c also well pn p.i'i.l to forui.rd all kit .1
ol M. I. Ii. in ,!.-, .v the S. hnvlkill 'lid t'l.ioi .oi by '
I the 'he-ap. ake nnd 'I'l.'e Water I 'anals, as low- j
boats fre kept t foi l! o urpoe of ton in,'
i boats I v j ei lou'e. i
Men bants w ill p'e .s. be p irtiei tar lo send ll.i r t I'es ii oil y l liher caiiuls. to No. lit South !
V h. nil s, between M irk. I and ( 'lies nut sti. e's. on I
the Del. ware, w itli ibn. I ins nccmp mi ii n them i
w hi. Ii r. a to tin y w ish ihem to be sbtp o l. '
c r I ia.-li r atn! fall lot sale, ai i'o- iooo-i mar
kel pri
Va ,
lliil. I'ltN A C".
No. 1" Soulli M I. -lives.
!i I't. I St..
KOBil I lltll it MJV,
PArcn HANurACi'u-iuns,
I. mull, ir it blrrtt, Hull inuirr.
WW coi.-lanllv for sale, Piuriiii" 1'ap. r of al
sizes and ouiihti' s, ( ' iii Wiitim' Paoer, rul. .1
aid pi 'in, I el I or Pupi r, w bite and I hie, ruled l. ml
bill', II .. i 1 1 n l',i i i, hue an, I i .iniiii ill. Lnvelopo
P.. er, .1... do. iiie.liiini, itonh o ia ow u, el w n
I Vll.l - .'il V l appilii; Papl is, ( Vh.. il Modi. till lllld
Ii v it l',c s, 11. i, ,ui , Hindi a.-' uiul Sii.ia llnx, TsLlie I 'a . r. and all l,,l . 1, s ill hell hue.
vv In. ll ll ey nut m :1 on i.i c, mile ii iliny t m.s.
ILi;!iert j noi- ijiveu f i nl. I i.i-js.
liOlll'lil' CAIM'FK A SON,
M .id. I'.l, I s l l. F.lkton. Md
; .,;,.,. lll,.',1u.,llo.l lot c. anins and B.,8 a
; ; ,,, ,, ,,,. p,,tMl) ,.
v,.,, , ;,. i,r:l .,,..,, !nll,ia
1 -I'm. S....I l'ilu ....I lor r.-ioii, rr ih.i lnsir
i.e.. 1 v.. 'I'l'V ir I
1 rcpaio.I an I sol. I ut wholesale and rctui , hy tl
f,ugl,lll.lml,1 rhrv.ohte Poh.-h Company, Owec
; I'loua count v N'Y
b WM r'OKsVTH eent for Noilhuni'd
jj ) ,S' Vm nt foi s'uubuiv '
Nuvcndr "tllh ls'"' '
-- - ' - - - -
I Prcpanal an I s. I.t ut wholcsulu and rctat', by the
B'i j
l'j.TKii iu; j:i s.
No. 7 1 Callow l.ii! istivet. I'ltiladulpliia
t l hree ,.i, rn ulmre Si runt. )
JIIOi: Findiiiitk alway kept on
. niters for a!e nil Ihe loe t te
hand, w hieh he
not. Cottony
I Mi 11 Ii nits arc p.oin u' irlv
1 111 nu t j'l.ifc tm
1 tii. 11. m lien.
1 J'hlUJclphia, NoMlll ur IJ, lbl. lv
G. V. & L. B. Ti-YLC?..
FFI'IJ FOIl SAHF., al Ihe South Eat Hor
ner of Fifth nnd Market Streets, Fhilmhl-
Mens' Calf-skin Boots, slilehcd warranted,
do do do pegged do
do do do water pi oof, double solos
and double uppers.
do Culf-skiit do do
and uppers,
do Heavy Water Leather Boots,
do do N'eaffl do do.
do Iliirh cjinirtcr Shoes, Culf-skin.
do do do Crockers do
do Fine Monroes warranted
do nailed
do Kip
do Calf
do Coarse
do !"
Calf nn.l Seal Skin I "tnoR,
do l ist Soekswilh nnd without solos'.
do Carpet do do do
do I' ll i lit nrralitod Water-proof Moccasins.
Ladies' do do do do
Ladies' tunned India Huhber shoes.
( oil 'linens' do Over h. es.
i'h every other dec iplioii of hoots and shoe--.
Fur ( 'ups of everv description.
Tr isell 02 Tlitnks of every description.
Venetian Tra' . llirir Hairs.
Patent (.'inn Fl' Sh,.,. HI i, Vr..7.
Until.. !s of a!l kinds. Palm Leaf !l.,4.
I hihid. Iphi-i. No -.emher 111, 1-'-J. lv.
U'H'iI.i;.-. LE Nli IILTAll. HOMKsFL
I.Lh's A Nit STATION F-ll-"',
,. l'-J'J CllfMiitt ;.Ioot, Lj!t.V llll,
JJ"F.i:P constantly on hand a ceneral nss.ut
"n ut o Monks and Siatiiiiiarv ; rompri:ua
Thcoh ..'eal. Law. M.-dici.l, ( 'la-si'cnl. Misr ollaee and Set o., H aVs. t ,y Hooks, all s ,, s. Led
I'.r;. do.. Fatiuly Hil !., P.u k t IS. bios, Wiitn
I'npeis, W'ri: ping Papers, .c. e which ll.ev ol
ler at Ihe h. vest p. ices pi 'omitrv Verch mi's Pre
le-. t 'tiil f h (.letori', 'J'cachcis, and all others thai
i'i a I n 'r ihem wi'h iheir cu ;!.itn,
i'l, il l.', I hi .. Noi .'tiiber III. I s, 15. 1 v.
Mi: lv.n l W v:wr 4 Won.
norr ivAirp.s fit siur cntKvr.nTis.
.V.. HI .W.'i V. u.'ir Su n t. J'iihui
U 0
. I. (. Iis aii'ly on hand, a c, tici .1 : s.-ort-tm
lit ol Corda'v, Vit.o T" iocs. ,Vc, vi :
I ai'd hop.-s, ri.l.i,.,, i;,,p. s. W hile Hop, s, Manil
la l-'"is, 'law Linos for C it'.d It iats. AI-o,n
complete it-suit men t of Seine Twines, Ac. sm I, as
He!tii Si ad nnd H' rrim; Twine, Best Pali nt Odl
Ne Twine, Cii'.on Shad am! lloriins; Twii e, fh..e
Th'. i 's, Ac. Ac. Also, lied Ciii.s,P..ui:Ii Lines,
II liter-, 'i'r ic. s. Cotton and Linen Carpi t Chains,
iV. r. all ol w hi. h l!.ey w ill
t. tins.
ol on r d.i
I'm! id
pl.t i.
Nnvetid.oi 1 ll. 1 1 Pi. lv.
I r.-ri.t. I i i i.i, intorms llu ii lneiiits nn.l
ri. apiaiiit.niri-s '.' icrallv that lli. y sllll oo
linue to k. . p at the old Mali. I, No. ii-IU Ni.rlh ifd
sin , I. I'hOadi !j Ida. :.U '!..!- , f
TullACCi) SM rf AM' SFCAI'S.
Which they will Hi ll li the in n aciMnimodatini
and teas -t.,i -le tonus.
N. H. All uo. ds Mild will be guii intccd Mid uli
Older- promt Hy alt. nd. ,1 to.
Phil id, Iphia. Ni veint-ci III, lS-li. ly.
fvt m A v
W!i"!o.-al(; ami IJ.-tail Sinn. roiinoL
an. I l'alin Leaf 1 lat Wuiiluuise.
.Y,i lilj Sur!h "il strut, ii f it' itnum ulmrt .Irih,
I IH I. till 'i'fllll.
A T.SO T.Miks. Carpet and Vnl
sj. ry de.'Ciiplion, all of wliioh he
dices, of .
nth is for
d. mi the most reus , liable terms.
I'lola ii Iphia, Novo. obcr 1:1, H-l-J. ly.
J . W . S W A I N ,
I'lnlni'ila and I'aia.snl Maiiiifi.rttiror.
.Yo. Hi .Nn' '; Thilil tlrnt. Urn ilimrs It ,'t,ir the
fVv Hit-1. i;'.iiu,.',,'ii,:.
A V " A I fi 1 .Moi. lis
V J to i xntniu.' his us
ihiiIs and others are solicited
tissoi Hu nt hi fore puichasintr
l'l.ihi:it liii. N'ovriiiler 11. lv.
1. vV A. KOVor DT'S
Cliina.lllass and I,iv(?rpiu. Waii'lu .use,
A. Hll X'i;'h Thr.l .'.hit ,!;nr I, lull- Visit
1 .srV' l, l iiiimh '..inr.
A ' M F.I!!: liny constuntly keep on timid n Isrce
Uncut of i I, ma. ( i noil l.iverno.d
1 w,,,,. v.hi.ti thev will of on the most iei-
iiahle tcinis.
Phi! idi-lj.hi a. November H, 1S!2. lv.
TlIKOl'JI.l'S (Tl.l
M.uiiifactiiiL'r ami linpuricr tf
cilery, Hardware, iVc.
.Yo. T S iiit.'i Third titwt. fixir duiirii In '..'
ft T" FV:P con-taiitlv on ti .nd ii latBo an 1 l'cii
iis.-oi'tiicut Coach Lamps, Cnrri. ur 11 nuts,
A il.- Amu, l.lipiic Si rincs. Patei t Leather. Ac.
fotntry Merchants and saddle, s w ill be supplied a'
all limes on the most rcasoii ible terms. 'I hey w ill
11111! it to tin ir adan'a-o to 1 a'l and his
fiSMii Ho. il beloro purchasimj elsewhere.
Philadelphia. N, 11.111! or UI, IS PL ly., .AKiwrj.A.M) & en
lii.tesali! Peait is in I'l'it'i'jn 15riti!i
ai.d AnienVan Pry Co.uts.
iYi. lll.'i M,irl.,t ttittt. I'hiUidilj hill.
"lOr.NTKV Men -hauls, :,, mhers cm I o siip-
plie I at all tunes with nil el. n
II poll
men! of the is st nnd most fashionable (
the most iiMs-ouahln ten-i--. Noveinl-er 1.1, l-i ". lv.
i.iivi:i; vv I'.Aiti'iO.N,
Ittil.ditors and Ih'ttl-'rsin Foreign
I hunt tic l'aidwaro,
No. 171 Noa iii Tn 1 im S t;h it, Phi i ii't l ent. I
T 1 1 II KI". 'heir ftiepils and ( iit,itni" wi'l alw 11 !
tin. I a larae and ncial a sorinu nt ol Potcii;..
nnd Domrstie Haidivate, which they will sell ut the
low est pi ices.
Phitod.!ihi.i, November 1:1, 1S-P.'. ly.
ksiikuickT i ian sr. ,v. ( (rsr
N.o. lt'.ti l-'-i Market Slrcct, I'l.ila.
llilvw Fifth Si.uthi.ldr )
A LWAVS keep on hand a full and peneral as
rlmeiit of Ho-iery, Luce, and Fancy lioods.
Country Merchants are respectfully to
give llu in n call und examine foi them elvi s,
Philudelphta, November 13, 1(I2. ly.
.si'JUlIM!, U001 Ai ( l).
Xo. KIS Maikrtt Street, riii!adel !iia.
Nl'IL the attention of Country Merchant
io i;.er ritensne assoriment ol iiiiinii r re'. n
atid American Dry fiomla, which they oiler (U 4lo
on the loi't leasoimbU ti mis.
Philadtljlita, Vuvcinbet 1 :1, 1 S ly
A N linparelloted remedy for common Colds,
J ConnliF, A'lhrnn.Infhierra, Whooping ('ourIi,
Hronrhitm, nnd all diseaces of ihe Breast and Lunjs,
leading to consumption ; composed of the concen
trated virtue of Hon hound, B.nisot, Blood Hoot,
Liverwort nnd tovernt other vec. table Riibslanees.
Prepared only hy .1. M. Wisi.ow, Hoehestor, New
'J'he innocence and universally admitted pectoral
viiiueB ol i!.ir Heihi from which the Itnhnm vj
liiirehmmil is mnuO) are foo penorally known to re
ipiire' ; ii iJ iheiofnrr only neerRsa
tv lo observe that thi Medicine iOn'"in 'he whole
of Ibeir M. dieinal propertied, hichlv er.rrtnlriiti'.!,
rn .1 so happily combined with s. vetal olber
table substaiieea, as to render it the most speedy,
mild and certain r. tm dy, now in ue, f r ihe com
I taints above mentioned.
The Balsam removes nil imilutiimalioti ami mre
j l ess of it, e Limes, toimens toiiffh visi.l phh gm. ens
! ' hi in it the patient to expectorate with ease and fiee-
d 'tii, as uaires couch, relieves nthmatic and dilli
eult n spirati.ui, heals Ihe injured parts, opons lho
pores, and compos, s ihe ilisturbcd nerves, and Kio
Mi.tit'th to tlio t. nd. i lungs, and thus pro.lunsa
speedy nn t lastini; cute.
I vi ii ii rn t.i is tiii' iHinTitiinrti Mav.
We urn not iitnot tr fhil class ,,f Ihliiors who f, r a
f . w dollars wdl, fat ihe expense of In, lit nnd lio
I'es'y ) "era k up" tin nriii le and. brini il into rapid
-ale; neitl or cie we wilhus to lemaiii silent, afi. r
havi-.; i -t, d ihe utility of tin iinj rinemeiit or di
ciie-v ui s, i poo or nt, I n r re nlom w ill recolle.-t
we t.i'.d l' em wo wi re unwell wi;h a sore throat an I
li.'hi.l c.ld some le v wo. ks :.. Well, vie pur-
, ! ,-.! rn., 1,,'ih s ,. lNsl.i HI 'S BALAAM
OF lIOh'LHOI'Nl), and so sm! I, n wa. lho cure,
that wo foro ol we eer bad a cold. Those who
nro alihcle.l, may try it upon our r cominciahiiioii.
. 7-7- IS'iiih. For sate by
.IAOOII I'lKlt.llT. Xnrlh,,,,,!,,,!,:,!,!.
ANo, ly 'rna,:i-ts prnrr l!v throughout tlio
country. r, I'ri. e, .',0 i. per bottle.
A n v it t 1 Ith,' !!.. ly.
- " f J T
i smt l Farm, cotit -lining about i no
mil I'll nor. s, more or Ic-s, situ. to
lop. .V.rihuml . iland fount., r.h.ut
in Point t. wn. h
two miles ahov
No'll umherl in, I, on the main
ro-i I I, -a 'in.- IV. .in
litid- ol John I ."
n i-i hi the oecnp
foi ' v :n res of said
st;;t of . a lii.alioii.
, la,
1 1 iliville, ii.'
. II., it, -ll .and
nth. I .,
ncy i f .-atom I I
li.n I are 1 1, an d,
...i w h ell II I re
VI 0. About
and in o.oj
s a small bant
on ! asm, able
. .-ci t' d. 'I he piopi rty w ill he -o!,l
lernis, 1 or further partieiilan
i'.l lo n. ole t.. t1 i. s-t.l si-, ib. r
Mius nn riapucst
ii. h. mass;'!;, ,(,.',
Nov '.'Til'., 1- l'.- tf S i bury. Pu.
g r n Lr-rse
OP LVFIiV lil'.sf'h'IPTIO.V.
m:v i:ci. . .d dii. cdui'.wv.
.n. -ill ."ii!ii Wiiicr Sin-it, l'liiln.
7F, Tf ANI'FAC I l iiFliS and .balers in Oil of
i V Li everv ilc-criptiot. both for Im , ii'tia; ami
maii'if.eiur lie purposes, w hieh will be sold much,
lowci thai', thoy can he procured elsewhere, and
warrant' d in .piality to eipial any in the city. Any
oil sold hy the company not proving as icprose nlf.l,
may bo returned without any expense to the pur
ch oer, and the money will Is refunded.
Their stock now in More l oiis st.s ol ihe follow ill s
il'.'.ti'Ht "i.llons Wu.t
r Bleached Speim"
oiMlll do
lo.m.ttl do
do Ci.lo.1esn Oil.
Fail and Spriiia Sperm I )d,
lo.nuo .!.. i.,i. a
Lb ahant.
2II.KCII ,1.1 ,hl Pressed Whale Oil.
tlnntl .hi Summer do .hi do V
lo.lil'll ,! t'on,, mm W ha'eOll,
2. 1(1 Barrels snpeiioi Sua s ll,
itlill do C...I Hank Oil,
f.O do Neirs Fool O.I,
'i Cadis O'.iieOd,
Tat tier's ' tils.
6 'i This 'i"ii-n v has a number of Vessel , n
C i o i , 1 ill the Co l Fish, rv, and T. inner-- may rely
U".ii v.fii-c al all Lin,', tl'l as prre 11.1 imported.
Phlladel! l,ia, Nov. 1.1. l-l'.Vly.
(i iiiim 11 r ce.'M a s 1 1.1. nr.)
Wlioielliey tonstantly I.e. p "ii hand a leiie r d
n--or.ii. nl of
CI.CTIIS, Cavs:3rr'ii'iir:?, -vrrsTi-N-cs
And 11 are i.t ntrii !; ij i:rtiii. if a tujurinr
ipiahti, will, Il tin v oiler to dispose of
upon the most 1. an liable t. rins.
C10I.NIUV MI'.liCIIAN IS and others will
l":iil it to thiii ailvi.ntaue o cull nnd examine
tlnir stoek before m nl 1 11 -1 1 1 tr ol-e here.
Phit...lephi.i. Nov. Ii. ISIti lv
XjIST or hcokcj,
loll S.II.K Ml '
N THON'S Classical Dictionary; Li inprn r
.1".; A'ti-wiulliV d.i ; Cobh' do.; Fnjh.-h .Hid
Iii' iiihii do ; A nth 01. s ('asm; A nt lion's ( it ami oer;
A i.'hct.'s 'ice o; Mail'- l .a'ii Peadci; I lail! 3 "r do ;
Aiohiw's I a'ui Li -s 11-; D 1 1 l o in's Lcviciii;
Kis'h's (Jie I; Fxir-ses; Davie- s Lett ndoi; (ita, . I
M li'.r 1; Ad..m,
(i'i's Lou
I (;.o.-; M
Botany; llndi "
del ; lam.''s
do ; i'. r .y's do :
li 11 V Keith r-;
Pike's .1...; Flo. r
Town's do.; Co!
11 : v Lib a 1 ; C.
s l. .rn. ui Antapiii nv ; Pun. oik'
I .i d, do ( .'. .a e; I ,y ell's
-. I.ttic. In's Hoi a,i; lo. men'.- of
AV'.lr..; Poitir's hhetoiieal li.a
1 1. ,'( ,-aphy aid lli-inn; Ol. 11's
."-miili". (iiatioiii ; Kitkham's ,v.i
Cob! 's 1 1 1 1 ; C, 1,1,'s A-ill lieu !.;
s n's ,'0.; C lh's Sp, loois Hooks;
li' I l Ic Hooks; Fiaiiiiclicil I'j
at.iee Bible-; l aiiulv do ; Coll., I. r-
a! d".; Siu .li Hit les and 'Post uncut-; I'aikei's 111
on i-e- on Com) o-iti ,i ; I'init ol ,l.c Spirit; H.iia-i'a
ill's lbs'; Amirican Hcioh.t on; Mjriynii'h N o
v.'s;M:s Pl.lps , ti Ci omistii ; Hi..,!; C .tivhi-M
,1 Amei.caii Laws; li' l.r-"li N itur.,1 Miic; Che
iiosiiy lor Heiiniiei-; llio.'hsli I'. xi icims adapt, d io
M up ii '- i ratomi r; Sc. pn I t,. Coint.i's Sp.lhi.
Ib o',; Am. rican Class Hook; D iholl't Set"- ilin i
lei's Assist ml; ureal Vulictv ul H'uU Books, c.
A .ijf tist v;, H i :,
.1 . i in t:i j i; s ,
j 'Fa1.! L1s tin mi, nii'ii of lm country b n ti.U
who are in want, lo his vciv laiye slock nf
C'lrpetiniis, Oil Chubs Maltmps, Hugs, ltiiidinits,
Stun Koii.s, iVe. , c, ll ut he I. as just opi m d, nt
hi- wauhou.-cs, No. Is Ninth ".'d sin. t, ami No. V!
Chinch Alley, lict doni to Chii.-t Church, Fluid
dilph.a. Jutv UI, ly.
, 1). K I 11 K rATlMTK a- suX.
A'o. 5 1 . A-" '-' Th,,uil.t(tt
(ar rw im .Miiirr ,.n i iumt kTBli; I ,)
I f " -'I1 larte and eveillei.t afioilnienl
1 1 of Si ,;4A JUJ.n, Futna Kips, Tuiimr,' Oil,
'Ve.. ', tl,e lowibt in .i i U v I pi.o, for cnh, in
vju'l.o for Leather, or upon cic.lil.
..... . .
i oiisiguiiiruii, ol l.ojtlur leoeiicj lot tile. 01
. pun Ii4cil ut tho hil.ot maikfl prices,
J j Leather si, nod fm- of it;"H;,
I I '., I S 13. -ly