Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 20, 1844, Image 3
Heart Htmllng Disaster. Loss or Tim STFAMnoAt SiiF:rEi:iF.s am One Hi Mimni Livks. The St. Louis Democrat of the Oth itist. says tliut the city was thrown into con sternation tlm dn y previous by the announce ment thut the steamboat Sheperdess, from Pitts burg, bail slink in sight of ihnt city, about mid night tho night previous, and tlmt from 10 to 100 lives were lost by the awful catastrophe ! The night was extremely colJ, and to this fact it is mainly owing thut many were drowned, who o therwise might have reached the shore. We subjoin all the particulars which have been as certained, from the Gazette of the evening of the 4th : 'The Sheperdess was from the Ohio river, was commanded by ('apt. 1'owell or Powers, (we could not understand which.) who had recently purchased and thoroughly repaired her. She left Pittsburg some six or eight days ago, with a crew of from ten to fifteen persons, and at the time of the accident had upwards of-il) passengers on board, a very large number, when we consider the lateness of the season. The boat enrountered no usual obstacle, until last evening, about half past 1 1 o'clock, when -be struck a snag at Cahnkta Pond, about three mile." below the city, and sank immediately, and before a general alarm could be given. The mate bad but a moment In-fore reported five fathoms water, and yet be had not Walked the length of the vessel when the water . l it i it , .. . reacueu ins siinouiors. lie saveil liilitscll nv i jumping overboard and gaining the htu ric.iiio I deck when the boat Mink. The time, tin- snd- denncss of the accident, the unprepared state of j the passenger, th" appalling character of the danger, tho intense roldnes of the night, (the coldest of the season.) all operuteil to cause an agonizing scene. Men, women and children, al most naked and partially submerged in the water. Were calling for their relatives, or passing to and fro in chaotic confusion, endeavoring to ob tain the means of self preservation : while others threw themselves into the river, and were drown ed. Many incidents connected with this sail affair nre very distr-ssing. A young lady, who was suffering from pleurisy, was drawn through one of the state-room doors up to the hurricane deck when the boat careened; but she was so debili tated by pain and fl ight as to be unable to stand : she was accordingly laid upon one of the wagons w ith which the boat was freighted; ami upon tin Vessel niakiiiganolher lurch, she was precipitated into the wat'-r! Four children also pcrish-d from exposure, while being convoyed from the wreck to the shore. The captain, when last re cognized, was climbing nun n the irons which support the chimneys. lie is sttp)iocd to be drowned ; also, the carpenter, who was acting engineer. Th- greatest loss of life was sustained w hen the cabin separated liotn the hull. One of 'In- iwssengers lloated upon a portion of the wreck is far as Vide I'oche, w hen he was relieved from lis uncomfortable situation. ., ..I.- :.i .... i ... .-.n. i.i nir- .iccou-m reacueu i ne i , ) ity, the terry boat Icelander was despatched to ,i..i , ,, , . .' !!o- place, and took lroiu the wreck upwards ol i 1U0 passengers. Since tie- above was in tvpo. we are informed ' that many bodies have 1 louud. sup,iosed M have been froen to death alter reaching the shore. A number of the passengers were hioie'ht to ihe city to enable them to procure clothing. having lost evciy thing by this most dreadful ca- ' lumity. Mom: Pi:ii: Fh.ii i i The disgraceful act ! ol prize lighting was p -rp -tiated in the lu-iglihor hood of Pitt.-buig on Friday hut. (Jeoige Spen cer, a foreigner, and Italph Jackson, both resi dents of that city, having; some misiiiidei standing, agreed to settle the afiair by lighting it out. Having made all the necessary arrangements thev repaired to the place accompanied bv their sec onds. The stakes were one hundred dollars a side. A Mr. Jones, reputed tube all edd Kllglish piize fighter, was Spencer's sec I, and John Aikius the recoiid of Jackson. Thev fougth nine rounds, each of which was closed by Spencer ei ther falling or being knocked dow n by Jackson. Alter the light had progressed thus far, it was put a stop to by the arrival of Shei if! Trovillo. Spen cer was cousideraldy injured about the face, and Jackson received oneoi two blow son his head. Coin-am- at thk Mint. The following state ment of moneys coined at the Ib.iiich Mint in New Oi lean, during the year ln. is copied from the Courier. It shows a i.ipidly glow ing increase in the operations of that institution : Oold, - . . f'l.lTT.Iiilli Silver, - . l.'i'.n linu Sl.'CS:0li(l Total. I.ll-K IN :V onii. I ho C irri'fi.viiidpnl of ho National l.itelii .-eticiT writes, imJcr date 1 il'the liili instant' ! There inn ton-i,lorabo ntuhrrak lately in the way offrpiipairfri in New York. Several four horso vehicles have made their apjiearauee, dri ven by tho younj men who own them. I have noticed also a new curricle in beautiful ta;te, (driven with a steel bar over the horses' bucks,) and a tilbury with twoseivanU in livery, one ui) the seat with his master, and another on i horseback, following as on outrider. We aro . , i i i. .i . , to have a masked bill th.s evening, and a etcc pie-chase is to comeolToil the 20th, (Viscount fU itTUAMi otic of the riders, Siiii each coinpe- titor entering- a thoiisae.Ulollar slake for the u inner.) I shall be ut too ball, not the stee- pie-chase ior a hurso must have iron lepa to run over a frozen pluuohed field, and a man must have a less use lor lnslilb than 1, who would risk a full n,N,n nurfacc like broken tones. The Viscount has wot) several ftee- ile-chases in I'nglaud, and has hud sutnc rouoli ridinir alter tho Arabs in Algiers so I would bet on him unless there happened to Lea fox hunting Irishman among- the competitors. There are ix riders, I tinilera'uii(!, and one of them with six thousand dollars of course, and probable six horses will be ruined and one or two necks broken. Fortunately, there la a tu pcrfluity o!' liorcb and yuunj uiwn. Certain Chnntcters. At present there's a numerous class I wish that I could reach 'em With w hat they could not resist In feeling lessons teach 'em On Sabbath days they hang around The entrance to our churches ; "J'would do them good if some would try, What virtue there in birch is. They nod, or smile, or make remarks, Whene'er a female passes And sometimes have the impudence To ipii. them through their glasses. And thus they stand about the door, Till every one has passed in ; If e'er you notice such you'll find They always are the last in They reach the pews and take their seats With ipiite a genteel twirling Then raise their hand to see if still Their hair is smooth or curling. Oli, liuw distressing it must be. And make them feel so humbled. When they have oiled ami curled the hair To have it rudely tumbled. And when the minister expounds The si ript tires true ami holy. Their eyes are on some fair ones near, And these ttbsoih them wholly. When Church is out they gather near The door in little clusters, Like a ci i tain class at theatres, 1 'eliominated busters. They sometimes talk ami laugh, I'm sure 'tis ipiite becoming ! And in the face of uorlhy men It cannot be assuming ! The ladies out. they then retire To some devoted corner, Wh-re by tle ir freak-- ami stale rem.iiks They gain distinguished honor It A (.TIMOR K M A K It KT. Offieeof llit IUltimohk A n kiiica. .Tan. In. FLOFR. The stock of Howard Street Flour ottering lor sale continues very light, anil holders have generally advanced the asking sale from store to .'0 lor good inived brands. We have not beard of any sales at thut pi ice. hut ail offer of 5 l.l I was refused to-day lor J.'tl barrels. Set tlements were made for receipts bv car- tii-d.iv at i. -... The stock ol City Mills Flour is much reduced. A sa'e was made lo-day at !,."(. but some hold rrsaro not willing to sell at that price. CHAIN. Wheat is scarce ami wanted. The few parcels coming in by wagons, sells at tut n i.t cents for best reds, and at I III) a Kl.'i cts. lor w bite. Sales of Corn to-day at t't cts. for yellow, and at ;i7 a to cts. for white, which is an advance. We ipiote Oats at U I a -'' cts. A sale of Pennsylvania Cloverseed was made toolaV Ct OCa nrirt O'it lriion a...t nn.l t.'irt ...... .- - -i i - ,-.,....- . ,;, . i , . . , . . , t. miing ripple. Prime seed is held at Mi..;0. ,.-MItL-1.v , , " IIIsMA . Ilhds. are scarce. We note sales ... .... Bt 1!'3 vU' ' U,W- 1,1 3" a S"- '"' ut S1 ' N' T1""r'" is 11 ,inle in,I"irv ,,,r ,,ie tlt'''' t'"'!"' ,ww " improvement. " 'n order to restore the s;ck to h alth, their blood 'mist he purified snd all incd.cines which do not P " the power of stimulating the blood to purify itself, by discharging its iiupuriliea into ihe bow- els, are, to say the least, us. less. Dr. llran.lreth's Vegetable. Pills po-ses (his power in an eminent j degree mid being mild and gentle in llu-ir opera I lion, may always he taken wi h safe y, widi the ccr- t iiniy of good results. Odice, No. 8 N'jnh Cigl.ili street, Philadelphia. The "rnutiic Pills wi-h no Druggist are found. Although many with them abound. (XT" Pur. ruse of H. II Mas-cr, Smihury, or of the agents, published in another pnrt of tbisp.iper. .TT .f IS It I E it , On the 11th inst., by the Uev. J. P. Shind. l. Mr. Willi 41 Kuik.iibh-m, .f Augusta, to Ca n iHiNK II iwi:h of ibis place, .Sheriff's Sales. V virtue of sundry writs ofvendi ioni rvpi. n is, issu.-d out of the Court of I 'oninion ol Aertliu-ldicrl.ind county, to nie d, re, ted, will r exposed lo pu' he sale, at the l.illowing places, to wit: On SjHlr,l.lV ihe 10th dav of Fehru irv. next, hi 1 II o'clock A. M , hi the Imp dwt llmg' h use ol ' Lihn Feislrr, dcc'.l.. (no lie irge Pi- I'er in 1, 11- j 'le M iloiiioy Ijwnship, N rl'.uiiiti rland cnuniv, a e. iiain tr.tct r pin e of I mil tiiu.ite in s oj t wn- hi el l.illle .M.ihoney, ndj.enii.g I uuU of ) mi. ; Herb. Daniel D un if, the belts of l.eon.ird Fcrs. I u t, itct il., olhcis, ceiilaining I S Vi acrcr and i heu-he-, strict mca-ure. be the same more or I. 10,1 a''',''i "f "'' '"lened ; where, 11 .ue " v'Vi '""S1' ' rV : ''""'" ' K d r..oii; 000.-1-, w laie OIIK, waggon Sl. .1 oilier i.iit-buii.lings. 'I h.-iii i- also a large apple orchard and a i.uiti'.a-r i.f chtnj and liuit i Sc 7. d, taken in r xeciit'ou, and to be sjld as the property ol P. ti i Fers'er. Al-o': Do M md.y, the I'.'th day of lM ruoy next, at I o I i k, P. Nl m ihe Coutl House, in ihe lo ough ol Suubiiiy, all Ihe defendant' inU lest, , Mippo-cdle. be khe undivided thud pait of a certain ,,ai' oflaud, si uate iu Augutj lown-bip, N. rihuni- f'!ani1 county, adjoining lands late ol W ilbam S.iipinan, deed., laud late of N icliola Shipman, lu.t. , fonrad Raker. Leonard Reed and eiheis, containing two hundred acres more or leu, about : thiriy acre ol which are cleared ; whereon are crcc- '"d a small log bouse and a liame barn. Scied, lakm in execution, and to be sold as the "pcny of Augustus Ross. i FELIX MAUIIER, SheriJ. T Nicidf i Office ! Httn?LJ;m: l8' i j flj'lll'rf'li'H tl. lltltj , r1HL public is hereby notilird. thai my wife S. X rah J. t.'hambeilain and myself have sep..ral.d. and that ! will n..t hold myself i.-poii-ible for any drbis lhat she liaa nudtf, ul may UmbmIioi contract on my account . l-EMI EL ( II AMUERLAIN. !.iuUiekin, Jau. Fab, 1?U. t IMUCH a.KKHNT. Corrected wrchty by lhnry Yurlheimer. Whkat, .... fi.') Krit, ...... fiO ('or, ...... 40 Oats, ...... 25 Pork,. . . . . . 5 FtAXsmn, ... . Ipo UiTTTun, ..... 13 HF.KVAt, .... 25 Tallow, .... lo iJiitKti ArrLrs, 75 Do. Pkachkr, SOI) Fl, ... 8 II KCKLtn Flax, ! 10 Fons, . lfl Oi'pliiuiK' C'oiii'f Sale. IN putsunnce of an ordi-r of ihe Orplmns' Court of cnuniy. will be exposed to pul. lie, sole or outcry, on Mond iy the 12ih day of February next, st ihe house of Peler Snyder in An gus' township, in said county, to wit: a certain Ir.icl of land situate in the township aforesaid, con- timing one liun lred and seven acres mid ninety- ' true percties, adjoining Imd of I'eiei Snyder, D in- ! j iel lleuninger, and the river Sus.pielmirin, wln-re, ui ! . is erected two story .ig house and big hnru, an I excellent orchard, a sprint house Willi a never f iil- I iug spring. A'so: At the ssme time and place, a ! c. rt tin trnct of land situate in the township afore-' mid, containing two ncrps and fifv-seven pereties, ' ndjoiniiig b,ud of Pi ter Snvder, Daniel Wenninger j and others. The llnllnnd Kun Crck run- lliruiijh ; said land, and there is a good wat- r power en Hie Inst described tract. L ite ihe estate of Jacob Ma- I lich, dee'd. I Sale to commence at 1 0 o'clm k of said dav, w hen the conditions of ilc will be ma le known bv lOMN MAl.H'ir. ' PCTKK MALIOir. Sunbury, 20, IS I t. Adm'is. J.1T1TET, j litiport i-i and Dciilcii In s i: v, a it s. p. k a n i) 1 1: S, I N, WINES, Sr. -Vo. Cummrtre St , nmr I'ifih SI., , ... FIIILADELrillA, 1 (.. J. oi.artiT.jr. Wm. A. jAS.KKf . i i aaisnis. Pinet, Custillion ct Co. Pemei Frens. January 20.h. 1S11- sre An Wondtilli-. llarrinco. I'gues. Lmd Hymn fiin loiiioi;itl(- toiuity Ire-ling:. rH"l' Denioeratie pirty of Noilhiiinbeil in.l jj county are hcr. hv mpiested to choo-e di-le-g ites in the rpieral hnrouglis and townships of the county, iu the 111 sic and unrulier, to assem ble in county convention, at Suiibiirv. on Ihe se cond Tuesday of February 11. xt, to wit: the llltli of February, (hi ing court week.) to appoint dele gates to rc re-i lit ibis cuotv in the Deinocr 'tic S'lte (-onvcnlion to be held at llanis'.iirg ou itie 4th of M uch next, to nominate a candid Me to be supported by the people I'er Ihe office of (iovi mur of Pennsylvnuia for Ihe rn-uing three ye.irs. TIip primary meetings to ba held on ihe Saturday evening immrdia'cly piecee.iing the eouit. A gene. 11I county meeting of ihe Dcinoera's will nl-o be held at Sunbury, on the second Mond iy in Fc biuiry, (Uing Ihe I'Jtli i.nd court week.) for the , purpo-e of cxptp-sing their views on the present condition of oui .National and Stnie nfTVrs. J. F. WOLFLNdEIJ, A.JOb'DW. WM.FAOF.LV. j WM. FOUSVI IIE, : Jrte. 13, IS4I. Sianding Conunit'ee, si :c( ).n pi 1 1 1 ,7 nT:i ii ha " si:siiuan. u. a 1, sai.i: OF I BOOTS 8c SHOES. lYbriiary, IS I I. ; On Tvrnluy ami HV1111 xJny, 1'ih.Cith i-th. rilllF. snbscri' er will sell at miction, nt bis stoic, j i L o. 20S Market sin er, for c ish, S.llllli ciki 8 of j HOOTS, SIltlEs. HUOfiANs, HATS. Ac, I Comprising a general and complete assortment of fr. h and seisonablc goods, now being received di rect from the nnnuf ictureis. Purchasers arc assured that every rase offered will ' po-i ivcly l e sold to the highest bidder ; and tlie cut . I. 'C ue m ill embrace the la Rest and best astortnl st .1 k 1 vcr ofli'icd ut auction in this cnv. TliB sub-c libcr'a arraugeuients with the nnnu- ' faclurcrs are Mch, that regular spriii-itimithly sslcs w ill continue tu be held as they have been the .n-t Vcar; hi.. I on the lir.-l Piie dav iu Fehrury and Aiigu-l of each car, a great semi annual s ile. j t'alalogliea will le pi. pared, at. d t!ie geo,lsoien- i td for examination ihe day pn vious to the ssle. ' GEO. W. LOUD, Aiiclimvrr, 2l'S Maiket rrcet. I'hila.lelphia, Jan. 13th, H I 1. 3t Stray Bull. f" ML to ihe premises of ihe subserilier, iu l!u!i - lowi shii. about the lsl of October list, a ItKI.VDI.i: lllil,, with a w hite la.e and w bite legs, and a mirk upon one horn mule with a iw. Said Uull is supposed 10 be about two veais old. , The owner is icipie-tid lo come forward, prove property, pay charges, and lake him JW.iy, oilier vv i.e he will be fl nccording to I ov. OOIM UF.Y KOClvlEI i'.I.I.Klt. I!u-h biw nship, J in. 1"., I 1 1. of !. Ut i , EM A I M.N IS in the Po.llillice at Augusta, Jan. I, ts 14 ; John Fbiiiing, ll-oll Seins. "i m. C inipbcd, Cal l. Ely. Win. Ke lio, Daitial ( 'mo ul. N illiauiel l. lie, J lines li nt, Dame, Com ad, .1 WOll, P. M . Augusta, .1 in. ti. Is 1 1. 11 AMS Mi SllOl I.DERS .,r .. ,e, , h. a ... I ci-h.'y H. It. M.S-i:i;. D.e :iilth, TVOTM'IJ. The public will l .ke notice ' Win II. Rise has wiihdr i v u Ironi the that linn f Fagi ly, Ka. A Co., and as lli ain and R. I'a- gely have been conducling Ihe bu-nicss, he will t not pay any debts of said linn. Dec. aoih., i k 1:1. :;t. 1 ,: Ik I PECTFI LEV infer,.., ,,. ,,,.. ,.' ,, I has made Northutub' .iUI11i , . ' , , lence. and is ready ut. , " '. . j 111. ot bis piote. rjT lie -,ay Vl ,,e fol3llJ 4 Mr Janirt. Le r.otc'.. j No; inuinberliiid. Dee. loth, llfl. If. I IMalc ul' XS. ltili'y ;atsi, dcr'd. "JTOTICE i heirby given, that tellers of ml liiiiiiiralion upon said estate, has this djy been grauteJ to Ihe rulisciiber. Persons knowing thnmsilves lo l indebted to said etale,are le. pj. -sled loin ike iimnr.bale pay iiieul, auJ these hating accounts or demand against ilia c.-late are request, t'd lo priM nt ll.cui foi e unin itiol. and .eltleineiil. A U K 1 1 A M SHIPMAN. Augusta, Di-cciubvr iJ, IS i J. til. OAKLEY'S ii:it ii iTivi: sviti i. rHE vuhiabta properties of Oakley's I'epura Wl. five Syrup of Sursanarilla, as a imrifier of the blond, ia so well known In the public generally, that it is unnccessny to occupy much spare in set ting forth the advantages to be derived from its use; wherever tho medicine hni once been intro duced, it takra precedence over all others: evciy one that has taken it, have derived so signal bene ficial results from it, that it is recommended by Iheni with tho u'tnnat confidence. Physicians of the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it to patients under their care i containing nothing deleterious, but bring composed of the most mild, yet efficacious vegetable materials, it is nib-red with confidence, as the cheaest and most efficient pu rifier of the blood now known. The use of a few bottles, espeeiiil'y in the spring months, will be at tended w ith a most decided imptnvement in the ge neral strength ofthe system, eradicating any seeds p'f disease that mav h ive !ecn generated, besides giving health and vigor to the body. For the cure of Scrofula or Kings K-vil, llheum itism. Teller, Pimples or etiiptions of the Skin, While Swelling, F.-lula. Chronic Cough, Ac. The nu merous ccrtifica'cs in the possession of the subscri ber and his agents, from physicians and others, are sufficient to convince the most of iis su periority over all prep .rations of Sars iparilla. Sol, I whole-ale and retail, by 'he proprietor, OEOIiCE W. OAK1.F.V, North 5th Mreil, Kea. ding, lleiks County, and lo he bd of the following pelsons : In Xtirthumhri limit enmity. IT. 11. Mass-r, Siiidinry ; belaud A M.xel, MrP. .vciisvillp ; D. Krau-i r, Milton. hi I'niiin ( '01111. .1. (iearh irl, Scliu-grove ; A. (lUtt'lltlS, Mllil'libllrg. Iii Cnliimliiii CuHiity. II. XV. McCav, Wash ington. R.-ading, March 11. H1:t. Ma. 0ki:t: I believe ii the dutv of every one lo do w h . lever in their power lie-, f.r the b tie. til of tin ir fellow mi", and having bad piilve proof iu in v own family, of the tv .ndertul propi rtn s of your Depuritivu Syrup of S.iap .nth, I m st eoiiseiriiiiously recommend it to the allbcied. Wi ll id the mi-fortuue t 1 lo-e two of our children, by the breaking out ol ulcerous sores that covcie.l the face, bead and rec k, although we h id some of ihe most -cicntilic physicians 10 attend th'-m no I ha. I tried all the known leine.lies, including fwaiin.s' Panacea, w ilhmit avail. Anoiber of my children was aliarUe.l in the same in inner, her face and liei k was ronip'etcly covered; ihe d sell i'g" was so offensive, and ihe disease al such a height, that we depair. d ol her life. Seeing ihe wonderful effects of vonr Depur.uive Syrup (.1 S os i .arid 1, we wcie ilidiiei-d I 1 mal e tri il ol it. as the last res. rt ; 11 acted like a chaiin ; the u'eers commenced healing immediately, a ft w hoitlci eiiiuely re-lmrd In r to her heall'.i, which she h isei j ived nii'iileriilitedly ever since. As a piirith r ol the blood, I vi-rily be bive it has not its eipinl. JMII.N MOVEK. Walnut sir. -i t, near Foiirlh, Kru.hug. Deugla-sville, April I'.lth, ISM. Mm. : Mv son E linuml Leaf, l a I the scrolnla 111 ill.' most dic.idtul and di-tics-iug mull ner three jears. dining wh'cU lime be was de prived uf (tie use of bis limbs, his he id and neck were covered with ulcers. We tried all ihe differ ent remedies, but lo no effect, until recommended bv Dr. Johnson of Noriistown. and al-o Dr. Isnac 11 ie-ter, of Reading, to use your Depurative Syrup of Sarsaparilla, of which I ohtained several Ixiulcs, the us of which ibovc the disease entirely out of li s system, the sore healed up, and tlie child was restored to perdrt health, which, be has rnjovrd uninterruptedly evi r since, to the a-t.'tiishuient of many persons who seen him .In ing his sllbction. I have thought it my duty, and send you this certi ficate oll.ets who have a like affliction in the family iney know where to obtain si valuable a nuili, inc. Vours tuilv. AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. in, isn ly IJr'uifcr's Ink. few kegs for sale, at a small advance f r cash. I V Iv I cc. 9. II. 11. MASTER. FORESTVILLB liuiss i:i;nr i)iv u.oi us. rilllE slib-ciiber has just iiceived, for sale, a lew 1 of the above reh bra'ed E'ght Day Clocks, which will be -oi l at very reduced prices, f,,r cah. Also, sll j .ei i ir Ml) hour Clock', of tbe best make and quality, wlu. h will be sold for ca-h. al f 1 50. Also, siin ri r Itrass30 hour Cl.u ks. ft III). Dec. 2, 11:1. H. H. M SSER. ai:v (ioons. 1 HIE m' srriber has received a freh supply of Fsll Goods, which he will sell iheap lor cash or c.uinlrv pro 'uee. II. U. MASSEK. Simbuiy. Dee, 2 1, I 5 IX WIM.IA.M .1. MAIM'IX, STJNBUItY, PA, FFICI. 111 the build. 11 occupied by J. liloom, on M.ifkel stieel. Oct. 21-1, I Sit. kJ'I'HM-: WARE f.r ule. k 255 Si, me Jogs, Iroin I u'laH 1,1 ;i g illons, 50 Stone J a.s, f o n lo b gallons r er s ite. II. !I MASTER i ll. ,q. I v I I. i. I I si2jiY sV i:o( r, II VT - CAI' MAM'I'.MTI'llllliS, Voir A .':; r-or ;i( r i'J Mi irli t ami I'.'i lx.. I'liiliil-Iiliia, I FSPEC I I I I I. V ml nil the public k A c.u-lalll k'Oo on Inula m. HI ol Hal-. l'.i s,o .l For-, I.i sui i!o of t e be-1 ipialuv. I!v s 1 1 i . t. :i.,.,n,, ,nl lb. g n l t.a le. '.i lo im-i- WC-I pi ii In ss. mi, I I y s llmg t'n n -I"! ,, .i. .. .i ... - .i .. . ...i. ...:.. inn ii ii'.. i iiiciusci. i s iu . i'.,g .t'V lo g.M-1 iitire I ,-Iact -on. ijest o, I s l.l I y C- I- 'I WW. cib r will sell oil t i si... k el s " '-I'd liuisli Hats, ut the hi st ijUi.nJ , ji cfV i.d ei .I I 1 ices. itnirv, Aug. 5, I Ft. II. II. M ASSE R 1 1 Iu t liiiitg ytnt hint" lor Salt". 'I tllH subscriber idlers f r sale a THKESfllMi MACHINE, new and iu good mdil. Tlie Machine ha lieu Iric.l, and proves lo bo an excel- : leiil one. Il will be sold at a rediiced pine, and , warranted. Apply lo II. U. M.SER. I July lsl, 1K.'I. j niAiti.r.K w. 1 1 i.e. ins, ATTOHNEIT AT LAW, SUIMBUnY, PA. AS tukeu Ihe office louneilv occilpiid by I In" lion, t barles Ii. D01111, 1, opposite the Court H 'Use, He will a'tend to husinct iu I tie ( nils of Norihiitiil.i -ilaud, I'uioii and Coluiuaia counties, Mav 50ib. 1 t :i. ISLAMiS I'Ull ALU AT THIS Ul'l'lCiJ. DEATH RLOW. rPhe public will please observe that no Hrandrelh 1 Pills am genuine, unless (he box tins lluee 1 1 bcls upon it, (the tup, the aide and the bottom) each containing a fic-simile signature of my hand writing, thus II. UaAMiiitKTit, M. 1). These la. bcl-ate engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and dotinat an expense of over f 2,000. Therefore it will he seen that the only thing necessary to pro cure (he medicine in its purity, is to observe these labels. Remember the top, Ihe side, and the bottom. The follow ing tcspcclivo persons are duly auheri zed, and hold CEHTICATE3 Or AGENCY, For the sale of Brantheth't Vegetable Universal I'ills. Northumberland cnimtv : Millon Mat-key A Chambeilin. Sunbury H. U. Masser. M'Ewens ville In land A Meixell. NorlhiimbeilanJ Win. Forsyth. Georgetown J. A J. Walls. Union County : New lierlin Dogar A Win ter. Selinsgrovc George Gundrum. Middle burg Isaac Smith. Ileavertown David Hubler. Ad amsburg Wm. J. May. Milllinsburg Metisch A liav. Haitleton Daniel Long. Freeburg (t. A F. 0. Mover. Lewisbtirg Walls A Green. Columbia county : Danville K. 1J. Reynolds A Co. Ucrwick Miuinan A Eitle rihnuse. Cat lawissa C. G. Ilrobts. Dlooinsburg John R. Mover. Jeiscy Town Levi llisel. Washington Rolti. McCay. Limestone llalb"' h M;'"ch. ( Ibse rve that each Agent has an Engraved Cer il'ieate of Agenrv, containing a representation of Dr IIKANDKETII'S Manufactory at Sing Sing, and upon which will also he seen exact copies of the new labels nuw uneil upon the liramlntli J'ill ll'i.ert. PhiltJelphi.a, office No. S, North Sth street. n. I1KANDKETH, M. D. June 21th, lttla. ers- Jul;. JOSEPH 33. HOVER, AI a utifar turor of Vrititi'.r and Inillli ble Ink, No. Dl'i North Third Street, six doors below I'.-ice, (east side.') rillLADELPHIA, I EPE' TFL'LLV informs country merchants and others, lhat he constantly keeps or. hand a larr-e stock of bis superier Ulaek, Hlue snd Red li k. Hint also a superior quality of Imb llil le Ink. II is ink is put up in bottles varying in size, from 1 lo :t'J ounces, and Will be sold on reasonable Ii rrns. The excellent qualities of this ink has so tlioroiifhlv eslabli-hed its character, that it is now cteniey used llirouchoul thu country. . For sale at the atore of II. H. Masser, Suii bury. Pa. Miy'iVth, 11:1. ly Ciibinet-3Iakiiig (t tv IMahliliinriit.i VILLIAltC :-:ccts?. SEspECTFFLLV informs the cili.i-ns of Sunbury and viciuilv, that he has recently Conine need the C M'.IMVr-.MAKINC IU SIN KSS, in all its branches, in Market street, Sunbury, im mediately below the post office, where he will be ready lo receive and execute all orders in the line of his business, with promptness and despatch, and in the best style and manner. His prices will be low, in accotdance with Ihe limes. Q"j" Lumber and Country Pniducc taken in Ex changn. May 27th 1H4U. fun ( 1 t v i'H i S r ri' i ' I-', a i ' ( " ri ( x , AND PRIVATE SALES ROOMS, Xos. 211 and HI North Third .Street, Near the (' i t v Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. O O. MACKEV, Auctioneer, respectfully in- ' viies the attention of per-tons desirous of pur eh i-iiit; Furniture, to his extensive Sales Rooms, (both public, and Piivate,) for every description of Household Furniture, where can lie obtained at all tunes, a luri;e assortment of fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, beds, Mattrasscs, Ac., at very reduced prices, for cash. CO " friles bv Auction, twice a week. Mav 27th, IS 1 3. ly LCITC-LET'S at Western liMlian t'anat ra, ('oiiiiouiided entirely ol" Vegetable Sulistanccs ; Free fmm Ctilnmtl anil all otlii-r Mineral. For the history ol this medicine, and Its uniiv.illcd and truly surprising success and popular ity, see large bills f'P is recommended as a general cathartic for family use in dyspepsia and all bilious disca ss, ii is invaluable for Asthma it is considered a specific, no case having yet occurred which it has fa ibd lo cure for common Colds, imffammatory disea-es, rheumatism, affections of the liver, eVc, and for females, it is a safe and excellent remedy. CERTIFICATE, Frmii Dr. .Sius of lUnhaiinitnn, .V. l . 1 1 ... 1 k . 1 . 1 .'11. I.OIIICJ l.rill -o i 1 iia.i- j.n , (qi r-irr. Indian Panacea in my family f hii 'i idye rcpeateilly prescribed it for patients ue,,!,,, my CjJr(, and nm satisfied that it is alwavs a '.-ale, and in very m my rases an invaluable incdiietll...t 0,ri,,,.s ' a I .xal.c wilhoul nausea, or ,,;,, ,. wl U. f. k.(, b . luallv obv.ales cosiivee tf r w , H,miu.,, and liver -as an altetati' , c,v.r,.ciinii aci.htv. Rod ie--I. .ring the h.althy coiidf,10 0f ,,ose orjalis. Ne.y re-p,.ltf,ly vourSi p. WFST. I or sale by Jl) y FIJI LI N't i. Sunb.uv. J'.Cl)U HRUillT.Northtmberlaiid. M iV 00,1, ( H,.,,y ttaiiicl ariek, jJlalU! have to ii form the ci'-H'-ns ol Soii' nry (J Jft ai d its vieinitv, lluii I.e his rommeoeed the , III. l KsMI I lll(i I'.l SIM.SS. in Ma kit sire. I. Sun! crv. ens" .f I hu H 1! v' s'ore and .Miectlv 1 pjios-le ti c post ..ffiei , where be !i!ri),!. hi en 1 v oil Ihe busincs- io all it- v.uiotis br o e!:e, in, ludintf. Turning. '. ''ig- .V.- erj.j itn-t I'l.'ilie Spring. l';r,iii ( 'iM-cg-s, vil 'i l'.t-t-ifiinl ur Si'Hi ting oyis, S,'i,.nn Ib-rns, A". t bdi r w ill be I reiiiptly and ponctu . 1 1 y al'cnded to, and Woik done ilu-sp, lor cash or country pro duce. 0 j' lloise Sh.s'ing done at l per sctl. Sunbury, April l.'nh, 11:T. ly, Sioot vV Shoe n a r 1 i 11 1 i' u 1 11, H p l'.l"I.C I I I l.l.V intornis In. In.iids and B ..Id cu-t 111. is. that be ha- leiiiov.d bis inn sutn: i:sT.tii.isuMt:.xT lo Ihe Iraine h.iiMmg ad nniri; to dwrlling bouse, bet we. II that and Dr. D. I". P. lies' office, it lew iloora ,..t i,f his oil e-l it bsl on -li, in M tikel tieel, where he ii. t.-i. ds I 1 tarrv nil the above business rt'eii-itclv, i'i all H rtirinim brnnc'ie. ilctiiki liiHiikful lor past I'.vo.s, be hoj c-, by slricl , .ti. i.d u 10 buautess and liberal i tiart s, lo give cencial ssiisl.ii lion ; and thai he will coulinuv lo te a liber d -bam ol public palruuuc. ; Aonl tili, lsU. j J. D. Waters, l ESPECTFI'LLV inform, iho citizen, of tha ' noMugh of Northumberland, and its vicinity, that be has commenced Ihe Tailoring Himnr, in a'l its various branches, in (he shop formerly occupied by Henry S. Thomas, directly oppo-dta Forsvth's store. As ho receives the Now York and Philadelphia Fashions quarterly, he is enabled lo do all jobs entrusted lo him, alter the ncaUstand latest style, and upon the shortest notice. Nir!liumherland, Apiil 22d. 1S43. ly BLACKSMITHING. " ( f o i" g c 'A 1 111 in c r iii a 11 & s o 11. f IIIE subscribers hereby inform ihe public, lhat X they have entered int.. partnership, in the BL.ACKSMITHINO BUSINESS, which will hereafter be carried on at Ihe ol.l stand in Simbury, under tho firm of ''(ieorce Zimmerman Son," where they will conduct tho business iu all its various branches, including 7rri iiiff. Making Mill roris, Inmiilg Carringrs, SI101 ing ifurtr, dr. Orders will lie promptly and punc tually atteiidid to, and work done cheap, lor ca li or country produce. dj' Shoeing done at one dollar per sell, (JEOKOE ZIMMERMAN, J. II. ZIMMERMAN. Sunbury, March 11th, ISH. Dr. J. Ii. JL lSSE f l I " ESPEOTFI'I.T.Y informs the citizens of Sun bury an I its vicinity, that he has l iken tho office formerly occupied by Dr. John Peal, wlieis be w ill he happy lo receive calls in the line of his profession. April 22d, 18-13. ?A?VT1TS?.SI?. rPHF. siihsciibeis, having entered into a partner' - slop in th practice of the law, 'will be happy to nltend lo nil business entrusted to their care. Collections will be promptly attended 10. Tiny mav always lie found at tlieir oirice, ia Msrket street, Sunbury, formerly occupied by Win. Dew-art, dee'd.. as a store-room. ' WILLIAM L. DE WART, CH MH.ES J. UKL'.NER. Sunbury, Feb. 4th, 181:1. ly. MEIiCIIANT'S HOUSE, A'o. 2:iT, .YnrrA Thiril.nhnvv Cuttm hiU St., I'llll.ADEI.l'IIIA. TSOHN DUNCAN, late from the Pcnnsylvj. I 0Jr tiia 1- armer, and Samuel Pike, jr., laie of A ! mi rii an Hotel, Columbus. I ibio, lake pleasure in nc luiiintmi' their Inends and the public penerallv that they have taken the larj;e and commodious Hotrl, reci nily I uilt by ihe Messrs. Hart, on the same site once occupied by Ihe old establittied Hotel known us the Hull's Head, in Third sliect above Callow lull st. This Hotel is finished in the very best pnssiblu manner, ami of the best materials. lis location in very desirable, particularly for country merchants ; Ihe arrangements for bealir.g and ventilating each, room is such as to secure any temperature. Tho bedrooms are all light and airy, all furnished in a neat style, so as to insuie comfort. The receiving parlors are also fun ished in a sit perb style, the windows are on the French style, forming an entrance to a balcony in front, which makes a pleasant recess. Tnrlii-nlai attention ban been given to Ihe beds anJ bedding, which, witli the furniture, are entirely new. From year. experience in hotel business, wO t"ust, by strict assiduity tc business, lo make this: house a desirable stopping place. Our table will always be supplied with Ihe very best our market can afford, and our bar with the best liquors and wines of die most appioved brands. P. S. There are tir.t rate stabling ar.J earriags houses att'uhed to the hotel, attended bv catf ful and sober hollers, and our charges will be low, in accordance with the present hard times. Philadelphia, Oct. lh, 112. 1 I Ij-j-i' (fiVnrrr.i (I her,) .rBUS BIT ST2 3-YCorING COUNTY, l'vinisylt aula. rilltl. Shsi (iher respeclfulfy Informs bis friend I- c.d the. public iu gcilcral, that ho has Ukoa the e't,ova L.Mtan AD COMMODIOUS HOTEL, "I N T II K TJ O 111) V ti II O F M U N C and that he is now- wVll prepare! to accoinniod.itiA - all who may favor bin. with iticr custom. I His SLirnsc ArAii rt?tTs urc well aire I, and ' ccm'oirlal le. 1 lfis 'I'shi.-r xn Ilvit will always be sapplicd with the best the market cnu afford, j llii; Stahlinu, which is gis d, will Is under the charge of good and careful hostlers. He Ii els confident, by Mriil attention t.i l-u-iitss, and an earnest desire lo ren-'cr c.'inlortj.ble those. who may patronize liir.i, I'.i.U he w ill not fail to givj 1 general sati-l'aclion. II. 11. YVL.W El!. Minify, Oct. 1st, IS P'.tf. ' Tiir: i nnuiirirnn. keauim; and roTrsiLLU ZlAIL ROAD. Imugc i'' Hours. Ci n miH sri HnT, Atrii 1, 18l:t, I he iseiigvT IMina will h ave at tlie follow ii;g hours : f' Unit, h.'iia aii.i Vm . From Pl.i! .del) l.ia, at A. M. ? From Pott-ville, al fif A. M. S Hums of j inking Fruitnig. Daily Fo, Pot f-v,:!,., at (H A. M. ( Foi PhiU.lelpliia, at 11 A. M S Daily. Itoth iiatu. I a-s al P. ttslown. The down tia fl briakfisi-s at Reading, and Ihe up train ul Suriu loan, lor which lfi minu'es aitf allowed al cacti station. K t: s. IIcmvccii Poit-vllle A Philada. 1,1 A II. tween Reading A. do. U.H Sc l.'.fl lleuv.en do A Pottsville, I, -It) A Ev'iiisins 'J'i Kirs noon roa iiti hsiio iir nit. Met ue. 1, Pottsville A Philadelphia, folio II. liveeii K .'i.'ilig A do. 3 Ut) lletwecii do. A PoUsville, 'i Ail ihe trains will stop loi way passengers at the u-ual points. (j j All paass-ngers are requested to procura tlieii tickets before Ihe trains stait. M.v DO'.. if. Fr.s'i nippy ol KltsE OIM'VI CM', receive 1 V and f o sale by II. y iiasseu. Nov. I 'Jib,