Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 13, 1844, Image 3

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    committee, would be placing tlid House in a sin
gular predicament.
Mr. Roumfortot this lime modified his motion
ly adding, "that ton additional members be add
ed to the committee.
Mr. Cooper again spoke; bin remarks were of
n similar tenor with those: before referred to. Mr.
Kngdor, an old member, wished the matter fully
investigated, and by new members. Mr. Rottm
fort then took the lloor, acd was proceeding to
compare the charges of corruption ngninst the
TYmteri with those which lie said were made, otld
which lie echoed against the I'.xccntive of the
Stilt!, wliim "the hour of ono arrived, ami the
Speaker adjourned tlie House.
But little was done in the Skxatk. The an
imal statement of the affairs of the Pennsylvania
Hospital, and a report from the Superintendent
of Motive Tower en Vhe Portage Railroad were
A resolution calling on the Canal Roard for ft
Statement of the amount for which Maj. 11am
bright. Collector ni tidis at Lancaster, is a de
faulter, was nflered br Mr. Cbampiieys. ami adop
ted. ANo. another, calling on the same Depart
ment Ttr their nnnval rooit of the state of the
jublie works.
The several items nf'l ho Governor's Message
were referred, by u spec ial coinmiUeo, 'to the
Standing Cotiimit'teo. except the print ing and tar
iff. The former was referred ton select cetnmit
tee, consisting of McSsTs. ("haiftpneys. Hughes,
Sterigere, Sullivan end Peiiniman. The latter
'to Messrs. irck. Stuart- ("iiapmaii. t'rabb ami
ITorton. j
The greater part of the session was spent in a
ilebate upon th.- House bill providing for th" pay
ment of poslago. and rep-aling that part of the
Reform Rill which confines the members to ten j
dollars' worth of sta'ionarv. Messrs. Snllivan,
Darsie, Fariell v and Spackmati were the princi
pal speakers. No action was bad upon the mat
ter when the Senate adjourned.
From the Philmtrlphin l.r Igrr.
SIO.V. IV.imiii; i), Monday, .Ian. Mh-
The nomination of Mr. Spencer, as .lattice, in '
the place of .lu-ficc Thompson, was expected to !
be sent in to-il.y. It is undoubtedly resolved ;
upon. Iliit neither the President nor Mr. Spoii
vcr have determined that a simultaneous resig- !
nation shall ho sent into tin- Senalo for the place '
f Secretary of the Treasury ; and. unless this;
e done, the Senate, he assured, will not act on
he nomination of Mr. Speiieer. j
The much talked-rd'h-tlcr of .Mr. Calhotin. con- ,
.... ...... .. I
ermng the yracne anil I a It ilnoie l oiivont ion.
v.c., will, it is said, he had in a day or two.
The Senate to-day bad an interest in:;, and. in
line respects, important debate on Mr. Allen's
'reion Resolution. The most imiwirtant facts
lo-ited are, that the British C.ovcrnmcivt have
,,it over a minister tjirc ally charged with thr
fjuntmrnt of thr Oregon Imitnilurtf tjur.ition ;
that be is to be here in II few Weeks: that the '
ipii'stion is to be conducted ;m, concluded here; !
that there has b--n no negotiation as yet. though j
com instruction as the bis of enc have been i
sent to ir iniuivter l I'iidon. wle-n the British '
( li eminent expressed a preference to treat hrrt. !
lo which vwr (ovetnmerit of course, bail no nb
V'clion. Tb" ri solut ion w-as opposed, ns inter
1" r t ri r with the negotiation, some for the furtlcr
icason that tic proiiinlgr.t ion efour iie-trin t ions j
to onrministi-T tvonld be injurious loom interest
by showing our own bands w hilc those of the ad
X ersavy were concealed
IVnt some members, pnt1 irnlarl v Mr Allen of
iliio, took the ginuml that the nogot ial ion was a
cheine to deprive us of our rightful ti-nilorv;
that it would cud in the consiimmal 'mn of that
heme, vra war; that we onht to interfere and
irrest the negotiation: that no treaty ceding an-
tlier foot of land on this cont inenl to any foreign j
Miwer, esp-cialv F.nglaml. would cvcragaiii pass
he Semite ; that the onlv course was to nass the
ccupation Kill, send our people there, and gr.idu
illy root out the Hi it ish. without a war. if we
onld; anl this course, it was said, would ho less '
likely to provoke a war than a negotiation. Mr. !
Allen mentioned that the West the Croat west ''
whose voice is now heard for the irt time, j
was unanimously in favor of taking immediate
,xssession of the Oregon Territorv. and they I
would never sutler an inch of the country to bo
surrendered to Kngland; for they wanted Iosco'
10 foreign institutions planted there. they wish- I
d all the room for the expansion of their own'
list it lit ions.
These sentiments were rebuked by Mr. Rive,
ml other Senators as demagogical ; not till" in
ict, nor ju-t in principle, imr com toons to the
overnnient. which was jnt on the eve of opn- j
ug a negotiation, h "re. in our own capital, to
tile this question. How could We tell Creat j
oitain that we cannot negotiate with lier ; that
he western people will prefer the hazard of n '
car? The government of Croat Itritain has had '
. claim t the Oregon Territory, in part, for .In
ears. We have admitted that claim bv liego-
intions am) by two Conventions, one in IMS ami
:be other in 1K,'7 ; and we have several times of
fered to her a compromise by giving up five or
i. ix degrees of latitude of the territory oa the
Pacific claimed by us.
The resolution was rejected by a large ma
jority, yeas II, nays 31.
If the Oregon Occupation Dill, which is soon
to pass, negotiation or no negotiation, be made
to conform with the provisions of the Conven
tion for joint occupancy, there can be but little
difficulty about it. Rut the bill now talked of i
one that Lord Palinerston said would be n dec
laration of war, and which Sir Robert Peel de
clared that the President could not possibly avoid
vetoing, if his assurance were sincere.
The Home is, at length, delivered of a burden
which it has carried for so many years tie"
fine. Tl-e debate wa. :.ntinWl,
half past 4 o'clock bv 'f M.ehrk. ul Ohio, an
able whig rjirttiWr, mc speech, wa much, 4d-
in i red by Mr. Severance, of Me., Mr. D. V.
Brown, of Tenn., and others, when it was report
ed nnd passed through tinder the previous ques
tion. The amendment, shielding the Judiciary
from any imputation, was rejected. The bill
passed yeas nays X
This large majority, together withannmbor
of citizens, attended A supper, got up for the oc
casion, at the Assembly Rooms. Tickets, five
dollars Mr, Malum. Public Gardener, provider,
Mr Ronton, President ; Mr. C. J. Ingersoll.
N ice President.
rtrduct Of PostnftC
We have received a communication this
week, urging upon our citizens the necessity of
convening and memorializing the present Con
gress upon the subject of reduction of potag'
We agree with our correspondent fully in regard
to the policy of the matter, and have no doubt
that if the proper means are exerted. Congress
will yet do something before its close. Several
etliuts have already boon made during the pre
sent seiison, to urge upon that body the great ne
cessity and iuipoi tanec of a reduction, and all
w ithout effect. Among other reformations pro
posed, it was recommend -d that all newspapers
should circulate through the county in which
published, free of all po-tago ; and it is a matter
of great surprize to us that th" suggestion has ex
cited so little fooling among our cotenip.n arios in
the country. Ir is a matter which directs itself
immediately houi" to them, as it concerns their
best ami most important interests. Should the
measure ever become a law. nnd we see no rea-
son why it should not. the effect would be not on- i
ly beneficial to the couutrv publisher, but also to .
the coiiimnuity around him: for, the item of
Kstago being somewhat h"avy, it would reduce
the cost to the reader, and thus increase the sub
scription lit of each jiaper. while it would have
a tendency to check the competition from the
mammoth weeklies, which is so injuriously felt
by nearly eery portion of the country press.
It has been urged as an objection to a general
reduction ihnt should it take place, the mails
would berom" so lumbered with those weeklies j
as to become completely encumbered. We ap
prehend a totally different result should the re
form we hint at ever take place ; for it would cur
tail the circulation of th-se bug" sheets out of
the counly in which published, and would give
strength and periu.inenc v to the local press of
each conntv. without depriving the coinmunitv!
ofanv essontial good. It would also have a ten-ib-ncvto
increase and improve the country pl ots,
which as fiir as valuable ion is concern
ed, has never yet lagged behind their city cotein
poraries. It will strike every thoughtful man at once that
this is ,i ipiestiou of grout importance to every
ilislrict tlirongliout the country, ami he w ill at
once perceive the necessity of agitating the mat- I
tor before the next political canvass. As it is I
........ , . , !
a measure entirely ilistinct ami seperate from any
1 j
party feeling, would it not bo advisable to re- (
ipiire a pledge from every candidate for Congress
to support it ere we aid in his election ' We 1
, 1 . , .
have not rea-l on" worn upon the sitbeot in any !
of our exchanges, and wonder at it exceedingly. !
knowing, as w e iio, Imwiienily it concerns their
hit-rests. We hope that the hint will not be lost
upon our brethren of the country press, nnd that
, . ... ..
they will aw aken to a full srnso of their own po
licy in this matter. M.-nrrx' Journal.
- -
M v.ssrnt'Ki:rT ( ovuhkss I'i.ihtions on ;
tiik 1st. The Rostoti Atlas oives nearly full i
returns from tho throo vacant ConL'
districts, by vhich it appears thnt Mr. Ablmtf, '
the 'hi caiidnlate, has loM his election in
the :td district by a very few vtilri", and that !
Mr. Raker (Whig-.) has l.?-"J votes in ti c Citli, i
against il,7 1") fur Mr. Chapin, tin; Demoeratic
candidate, andlHUI tii'iittfrin. Tins Mercan-,
tile Jomifnl is of opinion, huwever, that Mr I
llikor is not elected. In the fith district Mr. ,
Uockui ll, the N'iiio; caud ulnte, is clccteJ bv
a hiiuilfo'iie iii ij irity . I'hil. l,r,cr.
-. i
o ...i - i j. : . i , .1 r ii !
Mouthy, in his Omnia, relates the hd owiuir
i i
" hen I wan la.-t at , a nun made. In r
escape fruin the Irish nunnery. The first tiiiuej
hhe asked h,r when hhe reached the I io it! !
wliich she wnn to be creted. was n limkiu. :
i!la! She had entered the convent when
onlv five years old, anil from that limj Iltd lie- j
vcr Mu her uwu tuce." !
- -
Om i-ATlov No limn enn be hippy and
I i.i .. .. '.i . . i i
healthy wiliiout iK'cupatiou soine regular tin-
' . , ,
ployiiu'iit or pruti'ssion. The lite of an idler is I
an iiiisutistaetory cine, uud "killing time'' is llie ;
must laborious uf nil w ork.
Why on earth don't you pet up earlier, mv
mm," said 1111 anxious father to hissliiooard Imy,
"dun't you fee the flowers even spring nut uf
beds al tlit early dawn !" "Yes , father," said
the boy, "I see they do, and I would i!o the tame
if I bad asdirty abed as they have."
Bleed if you will ! lake pounds of Calomel !
Rely on all the Isles your Doctors It'll:
Ask them if they can't cure you by the rules
No doubt they have acquired in learncj schools,
Deny no drugs they give you all things try,
Rest satisfied with this you ran but die ;
Licept you rsther shun the hand which kills
Then try then try what ! Why, then tty Bian
dreth's rills.
Hundreds, nay thousands, now cf health possessed,
Sived from untimely graves theii woitti attest.
Pay cheerfully and oft your Doctor's fees-
Inhabit still the matiti n a uieate I
Lest you rather shon fcspennive bills, bouts of sickness, and all human ills,
Spend, then, two Ii vies, and gel Bisiidrc.'n's Pills.
(X Pur. hae of II. B Masser, Su.u, Vi , f
lbs sgeiitt, uhhchtd p) anuthii it of lhu "tt.
fi f is it i k n
On the 4th Inst., by the Rev. J. P. Shimh l, Mr.
Hunt Sat imm to Miss Hbimhais, both
uf August.
On the 9th inst, by the Rev. A. Drittain, Mr.
Isaac 1). Klisk to Miss ScsaMittlkh, both of
Aimusls township.
rnicu cinmrcxT.
Corrctttd tvetlefy by llcnry Yuxlhrtmcr,
Cms, .
1 lit i f.ii Arn.Ks, .
l)l. PkACIIKS,
lln rtr.n Flat,
' i '
lrmo r;tf ic flith. I
'PUR TVmoctatic Young Men of the borough of '
Sun'-nrv "re r'iucsed to m et t the t'ouii ,
HoHe, on Tucsd iV evening ni xl. at the ringing of
the bcl1, f ii the pur,ai-e uf f. ruling a Democrntir
Clob. MANY. j
Suiihury. .Tan. ITh. 1811. !
... ..I", I.HM Ulllll)
D.uiocra'jc parly of Niiilhiimlieilmid .
county arc hereby requested to cboo-e d'lc-
2 ile in the borough and township of ilie
county, in the uu d in de and nuintier, to nssem
ble in county convention, at Siiubiirv. on the se- ,
cond Tuesday of li bruary nixt, In il: llie I Mill j
of February. (Ix ing courl week,) to appoint dele- j
gates to represent this county in the Hemocr ittc ;
.'Ite (,orivenion to lie he I.I at ILirris'one an tin-
4th of M.irch next, to nominate a candid .te to be
snppor cl by the people for the office of (iovcrrmr
f Pennsylvania fir the en-uing ihree years. The
piima.y imvtings to be held on the Saturday
evening immeilia ely ptrceeiliug i lie couit. A
U'-ne hI c unity meeiing of I be Dcin eta will M.n
he held at Sunbiirv, on the second Mondiv in Fe
bruiry, (bring tUe ISth and cm it weik.) for the
purpo-e of expie-sing thrir view on the present
condiiion of out IS aiional and Stule nffi'rs.
A. .lt)I(l).
WM. F Y,
Jn. 13. Il. WW. FORSYTHK.
Al. SAI.K. or
I'( lil tlilt y, IS I I.
On Tin silui xnil W 't iliii Silm, Wi. Clh V7'i.
M'tlllt sntisrii'cr will sell at nnriion, at bis e,
N'. 0S M .irk. I T. c. for c .sh. S.ttlUI c.,.. s of .
ROOTS, Mil ns RIJO(i N, IlATS.Ac.
c mprising a general nnd complete assortment of!
fr sti and se .sonuble gomls, iiuu b, ing rcci ivrd di- j
reel from the iii.iniif icliners.
Plircl.a-eis are auieil evey cao offered will .
I o.j ivcly c miM to the highest balder ; mi l the
catiloguc will eniluaie the la ge.l nnd b. sl as.ortid
t n k rver oll'ceil .it nuclioti in 1'iis ci'v.
The rub.cri'.iei's arraugenients with the maim
f.ichirers aie sach, that regular peini-tnonihly mIc
wl'l continue to be held as they have been the past
V'"5 nn'1 M" lh'' f"'1 r"e'd'.v rVll""'y "d
Augu-t of each vcar, a great semi imniial g de.
... ,..'.ii i.. . . i i i
Ivalalogue will lie prt paieil, ami the gonds open.
ed lor i laiu n ili ui the day ptcvious to the site,
tiJJO, W. LOh'H, Anrtinnrrr,
,,,,,. , 21,8 vi s',,rl-
I lula lrlplnu. Jan. litlh. 1--II Ot
fefi'dli Jjlfl,
O AMK to llie prcmis,. ,,f th,. Mihsertber, in Rusli
bill aliiMit ibe 1st of October list.
Illvl.NDI.i: III I.L, with a white face and white
leu-, and a mirk upon one hoin made with a mw,
Sai.l Dull hi supposvil la be ih nil two old
The owner in reiiiestcd to come forward, prove
prOienv, pay charges, and lake hint iw.iy, other-
he will "I'l aceor.lmg in liw.
ooufkf.y iit( Ki:ii:i.i.i:i!.
Ku-h township, . Ian. i, I Sit.
of l.i llt r.
J RMAIM.NC m the Pu Office at Augusta,
.in. I , I s t I :
John Fleming,
W ilsen Nrnn, C
Win. CainplMM,
I "uf b Fly.
Hinie ('o'ii,l,
Will. Ke'lin,
1 1 loial I 'oor ol ,
N ithauiel I. Vile,
J juics Ross.
Augusta, Jan. fi, IS 14
I I Wis a ii Mini LbLKs i,,r bile, chca,.. I,.r
e i.h . lot
II. U. MAJiSl'li.
I be ."loth, tl:t.
JVO'I'H'IJ. The public wiil t ike noiien i',.-ii
Win H. has wilhilriwn frmn llie linn
... , ,. .. . , .,
f I'.igilv, Kast'vV I nml n William and R. Fa-
K,,v have hrcu cmi lucling the lu incss, he will
not pay any debt of s.n.l firm.
. . ,,'r n""'- ,Kl:'-
r . . , . ui U ' 1!V,,,,ll,',i. ,
r. l.r.l) p' will be icccie l by Ibe nb
Slribers, the buil.lieg coniuiiuee appointed hv
'he First Picsbyterinn t'biiicli and CoiiBieuition
"f r;mgh of o.ih..M.'.erl ..l. umil 'i .,' cf, k.
P. M. of the Hh J iry. I"t I, at the otbee of I..
P. S iiiiiiioii, R-i , for the mechanic il work of a
' ,""ch, la i be I ndi in the boiouuh ..f .Norihuinbei.
land. Sione Masonry mi l ttnckl.iviiig,
., ... ,
' arpenter oik.
PI i.termg and Paiuiitiz,
""'' he hid for aep.ratelv. All nin'erlaN to he
filru'shed bv the coiniiiutep PI in nnd Mierilicv
lions it be until the day of Ictina;, al
said office.
V.. P. Sh it-non, John Portei.
Win. II. Wiiples, John Youngman.
Jos. M. H.iir, 1
Norlhumh, rl ind. Dec. 'il, 1H4:I. '
T?s. P. E. TASTI1TS, !
Ill'l'.(VrPI LLY informs Ho public Ibal he
has made Northumberland his place of rrsi. ',
il.-nre, and is r. ady lo ultend to any calls in the
line of his profession. '
ITT He may ul all limes be found at Mr. James .
Lee's Hotel.
Northumberland. Dec- Ifiih, 1811. tf.
lrintcrs liih
Vfcw kegs for sale, at a small advance for rash,
ly Dec. 9. II. B. MASsI'R. i
i:iiiit i iviii. lilies 4.UHN, it(
WToTICKis beieby given, that letter i 0f ai).
mitiisiralion upon said ectate, b',s this
la-eti granted lo Ihe subscriber. Prisons V- '
ihemsclves lo he indebted lo .'id P.t m -iiowing
t I , s, IID irtlUI'M'
totiMke ,.ed,ser0mln, I
account, or deman d a(,siM M re
i-J lo present .neinfoi CIninaiion and .ettlemenl.
Augusti, Ueecuihor ad, 14-1. ft.
ii:v (;obi)s.
flltll. tuhsctibrr h is leceivcd a fre.h supply of
I Fall (i.sls, which be Mill sell chra for casli
01 rouniry pro luce. . II, MASSliR.
Ciunbuiy, Dec, 'ii, 13.
it itivi: svm r.
flIIE vablah'a properties of Oakley's Depma
1. live Syrup of Harsaparilla, as a purifier of the
blood, is an well known tii the public generally,
that it i unnecessirv lo occupy much space in set
ting forih the advantages to he derived from its
use ; wherever the nieilicine has once been intro
duced, it takes precedence over all others : cvety
oticthat has taken it, have derived so signal bene
ficial results from it, that it is reconvncndcJ by
them wiih ibe u'mosl confidenre. Physiciin of
the highest stiiiding in the ptufession, prescribe it
to patient under their care ; containing nothing
deleterious, but blind composed rrf the in ml miM,
yet efficacious vegetable materials, it is offered wiih
confidence, as the rhenpest and most efficient pu
rifier of the blood now known. The use of a few
bottle, especially in the spring ninnlh, will be at
tended with a most decided impiovement in the go. ; atrrngih ofllie svsiem, eraheaiing any Neeils '
of disease that inav hive been gpner.ited, besides
giving health and vigor to the body. For llie cure j
of Scrofula or Kings I'vil, Rheum itism. Title',!
Pimple or cioplions of the Nkm, White Swelling, !
F.slnla, Chronic Cough, Ac. The mi- j
moron ccrnl'irvcs in the po-ses.i-ui i f llie ul sirl- ;
brr and his ngenls. from phvsici ins and others, are
sufficient to convince the in -at skeptical ni I ' s su
pcrioiity over all prep iriM iiis of S o ,p uill i. 1
Sold wbotetiile nn.1 r-l ill, bv 'be ptopiii t..r.
fiF.ORtiF. W. OA KI.I'iY, North fith me.l. Rea
ling, links Conli'y, and lo be b id of the following
pets ins :
ii Xmtlnimhfhiwl Cmint) 11. It. Masser,
Suiibiirv ; belind iV' M Xcl, Mi K ,v clisv ille ; ll.
Krau-rr, Milton.
In I'liiim ('iwiili. i. (icnrh irt, Sclinsgrnve ;
A. (iulelius, Miininliurg.
Columbia Count;- R. W. McCay, Wush
ington. Ri adiug, March 14. IS 1:1.
Mn, OvKi.T.y; I believe il the duty of every
one to do whrtteverin i In ir iower lii", the b ne.
fit of their l.llow mvi, and lcivina had po-i ive
proof in rtw own family, of the wonderful proper' ir
of your l)i'pur.itic Syrup of Sa-sap inlh, I in st rccoimnend it to the allbcled. N'e
had the mi.fortune 1 1 lose two of our children, bv
the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered the
face, head and I oi k, although we b id some of the
most scientific physicians to al'end Ih-m and ha I
tricj all the known lenie.hes. including Swatms'
Panacea, av nl. Another of my children
was aitaiked in the same ni inner, brr luce and
neck was completely covered; ibe d scharge was so
offensive, and llie iliscuse nl such a height, ilmt we
dc-p iired of her life. Seeing the wonderful effects
of voiir I)epi:r uive Sviup i.t S .r- i. i, we weie
indiiiid lo make Iri il of it. r the list resort; il
acted like a cl.a'm; the u'eers coninicnci d braling
iininedialclv. a f. w hollies cnlitelv re-lorcd lo r to
hi r beibh, wbii h she h . eojoved uiiiiiteitii; tei!lv
ever since. A a puiifn rol the bio d, 1 vciily be
lieve il h is not its ripcil.
JOHN MllYFI!, .r.
Walnut sited, near 1'ouilh, Rcailllig.
Jtouglissville. A til lltlh, 1S:I.
Mm. Oaki.i t : Mv son IMmuinl Leaf, ha I the
scroltibi in ih most dre.idlul and di-tres-ing man
lier fir three vrar. tlnrttie vvh'ch time he wis de
prived of the use of bis limb, his he id nnd neck
were covered with ulcers. We ttioil all the differ,
cut remedies, but to no cll'ecl, until recommended
I y Dr. Johnson of Noni-town, and alo Dr. Isaac
lliesler. ol Reading, lo use your Dcpuralive Syrup
of Sarsapiirilla, of w hich I obiaiued sevet d boulcs.
the use of which il-ove the ih-ea-e eniiri Iv out of
b'S hystetn, the sore be ilcilup, and the child w is
restored lo prrfeel be.ihh, which be ha enj ived
iininterrupledly rvi r since, to the ast.-liithtm lit of
tinny person who m-cu him ilu ing Ins nllbctiou.
I have thought il my ibl'v. Dud send v u Ibis reili
I'o'.i'e lb il ol'.c s who have a like allliclioti in ihe
f v may know where to obtain so valuable a
incdi inc. Yours liu!v .
Sept. Ifi. In . l y
ltitiNs i;ii;n i' n i.ot us.
1IIK mb-ciiler has ja-i nceived, for f,ile, a lew
of the above crlcbra'e.l I'.ight Day Clock",
which will lie .o! I at very leduerd prices, f ir ca-h.
Also, ,iisTior MO Lour ( 'Im k s, of I1 i' let in ike
ami iu -tlit v. whi. h will be s i'd lor ca-b, -U f I .r0.
Also, Minri r Pra.-s :0 hour 'lo. ks. at i HO.
Dec. .'. l-'t t. II. It. M ssp.l!.
W ll.l.I AM .1. MAIM'IX,
i-TrC?.lTZ"J AT LAV",
FFM 'F.. m the build. n .j occupied by J. RI nun,
on Mmkel -t eel.
Oct. 2Ut, DM:I.
ItTONK WAKK I t sale.
s- U;.' Stone .lugs, from I
f0 Stone J.i'H, f'oni 'i
cheap, by Oct. I t
iplTt lo C'd'otl-i,
lo 0 i-i'. us I" r sib
ll. II. MASsKI!
HAT v- CM' .MAMTAT iTKi:ivS.
South J'.asl i iii iii r vj Mnt hi tainl lli
IMiil:itl !tilil;t,
I t r.SI'F.CTI I LLY u.t nn il.c public that ihev
will C'.n-i.itit y kico on h-nd a I uj- u-so-t-lliclil
of Hals. Caps ami Fur-, to suit the l id trade,
if lie bc-l ipiah'y. By strut al eulioii lo bn-i-toss,
and bv setting then lolk al ihe I ovi-t piiie-.,
ihey littler thciiiM'lvi s in being ,b'e to u e 1 mire
s ,t slaclion. August .1, s:t ly
; it r;il oiiiniiHioii Hen ii;iul,
An. ','1 'union t rr St., hi tmt Jl'lh,
KI'.FP coiisiaiiliy en hand
lliaiidics, l.iipiors. Vc, at
il Imp inc. I S, gars,
at llie lowest prices.
for c-i-h.
C. J. Wni.n ht. jr. W m . A . iiwit,
Aujiisl rih. I n, toil
riMF. subsciibcr will sell ell bis fti ,.f lle.iv-'
I 1 ... . . . I I. . , 1 t . .- .1 . 1
ituss.a 111.11 niusu liais, 01 II" Wat rpl
very 11 d need prices.
ty. at
Sunbury, Aug. S, lM:t
H. u. MASsLlif
1 TlircM'.Hg .11 ;it hi m. 'lor Suits I
'"h ''.ocriher n'.V... I... s.l., . Tit lt!SHl Mi
- K AtUHNV. ..-iv .,,.1 in B.Mi.l oid.V. The
' acbine h-'. lice n Iried, an I pVoVrs to be an excel
lent one, wi be sold til a reduced price, and 1
wa. ranted. Apply ri 11. B. MASSUK.
July Ul. I
( I.Ai.l-.S . lU'.lilNS, i
B V AS taken Ihe ellice loiincily oci upicd by the
Q 1 Hon. t bailcs Ii. Dontn I, opposite llie Couit
ll nise. He will attend M business in the Courts
of Norihiinibeilaud, I nion and Coluuibij couii'tes.
M iv Voih, l4 i.
ixKy.Li; at tiilsoit icc. ,
4 'nuiifci fc-ilMV
rPhe pu' lie will please observe that no Hrambeth
Pills are genuine, unless llie hot ha linen la
bel upon il. (Ihe top, the able nnd Ihe bottom)
e-ich containing n fic-siinile signature of mv hand
writing, thus IS. l!n vaiinmi, M. D. These la.
Iiel-aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed,
and done at an expense of over f 2,tHM. Therefore
it will lie seen that ihe only thing nrce-snry to ir-
cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these
Remember the top, llie side, and the bottom.
The following icspeclive persons ate duly iiuh.-vi, and hold
For the sale of Hranrtrcih'a IVgcnie Unit-mill
Northumbctlaiul county t Milton Mai key cV
Ctvimhcilin. Sunhnry H II. M.isser. M'Fwcns
ville licl ind A Mrixcll. Noilhiitii''eiland Win.
For-vth. (ieoigrtown .1. - J. Vills.
I'nion County: New Berlin Bngar A V ni
ter. Selinscrov-c lieorue (iiindium. Middle
burj Isinc Smith. Beavert iwn David Holder.
Ad uiisburg Wm. .1. May. M illlinsbniii Mensch
iV I! iv. Itartleton D iniel Long. Frei burg
(i..V F. C. Mover. Lewi-burg W alls tV lirecn.
Columbia county : D.iitville I'. II. lievnolds '
it. Co. Berwick Shiiman A I! Henhouse. I'a'-
tawissn IJ. Brobts. Blooinsburu' .lobu If. I
Meyer. teisey Town Levi Bisel. Wiiiliiiiuton I
Kilt McCay. Limestone Baliiel eV Mc.Ninch. i
nb-ctve that each Agent has an P.ngravid Ci r-
iilic ile of Agenev, contnining a representation of j
Dr mtANDKL'TII'S Manuf iciory at Sing Sn,B, l
nnd upon which will also be seen exact copies ot i
the ww labels now usvil upon the lirandrcth 'ill
Phil iilclpliia, office No. S. Noiih Pih street.
B. llliANDKi: I'll, M. D.
.tune 21th, IS 1-1.
Hovels iuh.
MotiiifacttutT of Writinvj and Indt.'lli
b'e Ink, No. DH1 North Third Street, fix
doors bnhiw Race, fenst Kido.'J
1y F.SPFCTFIT.LY informs country merchants
and oihers, that he con-tnntly keeps on hand
a lirqe stork of his supcrier Black, Blue nnd Red
Ink. and also a supeiior rpiality of Indcllible Ink.
II s ink is put up in bnttlea varying in size, from
I lo H'i ounces, and Will be sold on reasonable
term-". The excellent iiiiablics of this ink has so
Ihoroiiuhly established its character, that it is now
extensively used throughout itui country
For sale at Ihe store of H. B, Masvr, Si:
May 27lh, lt:l. ly
cu' IN(:ililiIi:ii'nl.V
Vr'iLLi.i: :-:cote?.
91 FSI'F.tM'FI.'LI. Y informs the cilirens of
Sunhnry and vicinity, that he has recently
commenced the
r A Ii IN" KT-.M A K I NTs M SI X F.SS,
in all its branches, in Market street, Sunhnry, im
mediately below the post office, where he will be
rea ly to receive and execute all orders in the linn
of his business, with promptness and despatch, and
in the best style and manner. His prices will be
low, in nrcoulmice with Ibe limes,
(j'jf" Lumber and Country Produce taken in l'x
ehange. May 2Tth ll't. Tun
( 'v V liNlTI HE Al "PI OX",
N'os. M) and :U North Thiid Street,
Near the City Hotel,
O C. MACKR Y, Auctioneer, repeclfully in
vitc s the altciitinn of persons desirous ot pur
ch i-iug Furnilure, lo his extensiva Sales Rooms,
ilsith public and Piivate,) for every description of
Hons, hold Furnitute, where ran be obt iineil at nil
limes, a hirue assortment of fashionable and well
manufactured Oihinct Furnilure, Beds, Maltrassv,
A i'., at very reduced prices, for cash.
f 'J - Sales hv Auction, twice a week.
May 27th. HI:!. lv
t.KMit SVfsitci ii liKliau Paniiri ii,
( 'utiiioiiii(leil entirely ot" Vegetable
Siilistntu'es :
fr-r front Caomil nml ill! nlh-T Mineral.
For the history of this medicine, nml its unrival',,
and liuly surptising success and popular
i I V , see large bills.
R T is recomtneiiih d as a general cathartic fot
fuiii'y u-e in dyspepsia and all hili..u di-e-i--is.ji
is invduible fu Aslhun it is rn sidce-l a
iccifie, no cas' hiving tl oc. nrrcd which it has
laii il to cure lor common c. bU. iicll atnu.a'ory
ih-ca rheuina'isin, nlV-'clions of ihe liver. c.
and lot females, it is a t.i'e nn I ex-el!cnt lemedv.
I'r. nt l)r. .SiVus Ytt.uf llinsknniiftrt. A". Y.
Mi. Longh'v -Dear Sir: I h ive u-ed your Cre.-.t
W e-icru In, bin in niv fiini'v, and hue
n pe itedly pie-cri'ied il for patients under mv ca'e,
tind am satisfied that it is always a nlc, and In , rv
111 11. V e ises an inialual'le nn dicine. It i pcra'cs as
alixoivc vvithoiil nausea, or pain; and while (t cf
In In ally obviates co-n venc.-s acts upon the slotnacli
11 d liver as an iibciaiive, correcting acidity, and re
sloriug the hi alihy roudiliou of those ou ins.
Yeiy te-pectfiil'v vours. S. Wl'S'l".
F,.r ale bv JnMX W. FIIILIM i. Sunburv.
J M'lHl BRKiHT, Northumberland
M iV 5mh. HCI ly
BJaniH Yaruk,
IMJlls 1... .- -7.
M 71.."' o it.r .i 11
14 B and it s v ii-i 11 il
tutor-,, )m. ciii.eiis ot
thai he his coiiniienccd the
m.U'KK.vvi'iiixt; m
in Mi kit ',., jt Xunblliy, of .1 hn B gir's
s'ore, an u diiectly opposite ibe post ofl'ice, where
ur as to carry on the business in all its a:t,
.aiicbes, iiieluiTliig, i liming. Atoning Mill Iron:.
' anil T.lijitic Sj,,-i nx, Ironing Carriag, .1, nil it T.x-
trn.yiini'i.r Kointling fiyis. Shoring Horn, r.
, O.iicr. will be promptly and punctually attended
ie, and Woik done cheap, Tor cash or col'iiilry pro
duce. j 0. y liorae his'ing done at I per sett.
Sunhnry, April 1 5th, 1 S4 :" ly.
o i) t & S Ii o e
!TI a r I i 11 Ir i n ,
F.sPLf I FF I.I. V inlonns his tii.nds and
old ni-c ineis. that be h.l- reinoVi d his
muriw sikh: f..'n!Mu:.T
to the fiamc bill iluig adioining bis ihVrlhng house,
between that and Dr. D. T. 'I' lti -' ethce, a lew d s
west of bis old e-t il bsbnli 1,1, in M.nkcl slieel,
where he int. to carry i M ihe above I u-110 ss
cAiensivcly. in all il C-.r.'i s i,(:i,-',i.
Beoig lliaukful lor past, be h i e, by sliiet
Hticnti m 10 business slid liberal ch.iijes, 1.1 givr
l!.-i, satisfaction t ntid that he will continue () rc
ci ue a hhci il of ub lie pairouae,
Apid "Ih, 11.
.iter s.
1 JL'sPF.OTFrt.LY informs the citizens of the
1 rmrniigh of Nortbtimlictland, and its vicinity,
that be has commenced the
T.'uloi'iii",' Itiiiiir,
hi a'l i'a various I taticbes. in the shop formerly
occupied by Henry S. Thorna, iMrcctlv oppo-ita
Forsvtb's store. A he reei ives the New Yok
nnd Philnilclphia Fashions pMrlcr!y, he i- etial lcd
to do all jobs i ti'ius'eil lo him, nller the nratett ni.d
latest style, end upon llie slimiest notice.
Niirtliiimbrrl Hid. Apiil22d, Is If!. ly
. r i- p v , i ih in r I- ill a ii &. S tf.
IIR su'sc-ilio. ( crebv ii f .rm ibe nu'.lie. that
il l v have ('1 1 1 1 red iril . i nrlro rsbin. in t' o
wh eh wi l lore lirr be can ed on nl 'be old
stand io Sntibnrv, under the ft rn ,.f ' ,', ore
'immernian f Son," where ibe-, will oi duct thtt
I u-ilie-s in all its vn'ion I r im ''i s, it i- e,'i, . T,,rt.
in', Mailing M II Irons. Tii inn? C arr r;;r.. ,'-7,, .
ing 7om.. ,e. (Inlcr- I be promptly ai d , , .
tuallv attend. d to, ami woik done cheap, to c.. Il
or country produce.
Shoeing done at nee dollir per ett.
Sniibuiy, Match I lib, 1 s 1 :i.
Dr. j. n. .u. :$si:i:.
1 r.Sl'H -'I'l-TLLY iiiforni-i thcct;7cns ol Sun.
l iny nn.l ilsviiinitv, thit lie has I .ken the
office f. .inn rlv ircii ied by Dr. John Peal, when
be will be happy to receive calls in Ibe line of bis
profession. April 22d. IS 1:1.
:?.:?. t its?, s
rI , 1 1 1" subsciibc', having entered into a partner
ship in the practice e( the law, will he happy
lo attend lo all hustnes-s enlrustej to lln-ir care,
("olltvtions will be promptly at leu, led to.
They may always be found at I heir nfl'iee, in
Market slrrel, Sunhnry, lormetlv occupied by
Wm, Dewart, dee'd.. as a store-room.
Sntiburv, Feb. 4lh, 1 K4 :. ly.
An. "oT, .Yof Thit it. ulnar. ( 't,tloicJn St. ,
"gOHN DCNVAN. late Iron, the i .'nnsvlva.
9P nia F '.inner, and Samuel Pike, i'., la e of A
im riran Hotel. I 'olutubu. liin, lake pleasure in ac
.piaitoins their f-i, tnls nml the public ucncr.iPv that
liny have taken the Urge ami rruiuiiodious Hotel,
leei-iitly built by the Missis, ll.ul.on th. sai.n- silo
once ncrnpied by the o!,l etahli,hed Hold known
as the Bull's Head, in Third stieet above Callow
hill St.
This Hotel is finished in (he very best posiblo
manner, and of the bit materials. Its location is
very desirable, particularly for country merchants
Ihe arrangements for lu atii.g nnd Ventilating cacti
mom is such as to secure any temperature. Th
brdrootnsaie all icht nnd airy, nil furnished (u a
licit style, so as lo insure lomfort.
The receiving parlors arc nlso fun .ishcl 1n a su
perb style, the windows are on the Fretnh style,
burning nn entrance to a balcony in fe-.nt, whitli
makes a pleaaiit nvess. Puiticidai attention ha
lieen given to the, beds anJ bedding, which, willi
llie furniture, nre entirely new.
From years' experience ie. hotel busiues, wa
t-ut, by strict nss duity tc. busities, to make thi-s
house a desirable stepping pluce. Our table will
always be supplied with the wry bi'sl our inaikct
can nll'onl, and oii bar with Ihe best lienors and
w ines ut Ihe most apptovci. biands.
P. s. 'Iliere nre firt rate stabling hr.d carriato
houses nit u hed o the hotel, Mir ndi d by ca ful
ami soU-r hoilcis, nml our charges will bo low, id
accordance with the present haid times.
Philadelphia, ),.,. ;,,, IK 12,
(fi. nrnil S'anr i),rr,)
lycoiminc couriTY,
IHI' Subscriber n sp.-cifully infoims his friend
nn. I tlo l.lltiln io e..iier it tbnt Iio ti-.n t.iLoti
j ,u, ai,vi1
LA IH if. AM) CfIMOIh)lS
n 71 t
I N T H I'
B t R 11 I'd H OF M 1'N C Y.
and that ! e 1 now
1 'I p't pare 1 to accommodti
:i w I 0 iiniy t.n or b 111 t'l l'.
1! s Si 1 1 ei no Apah-i skvtii
co-rbot e lc.
.r cusiom.
1 re i ll aitv.l, and
1 n-.i.r wi, t;(u wit, n'ravs
le t'
witj, the bc-i Ihemuket can ull'ord.
Ills Si uil.lMi, winch js eoi d. will
Ihe cbnigc ol '..od and cVclul b.-sllers.
1 .- .
lie 1, i 1- coiitiitcnl. t-v itiii t attention t v I u
tin -s.
and Bot an.esl ih-uc to mob r c rnlorti.l.l
ill .-o
who niav patroin-'.i! hiiii.liial he will flilloe.v,!
.i ncral so, si.,, lion. 11. B. WL.WLlf.
Mum y, Oct. Is', Is 'J. if.
1'iiiLAiii.i.nin. no rirnsiiLLi
. ... t I 1 -- ... I nMWMS
( 'Ai4f of I lour, s.
Oh a mii vi a 1 11 S t n n hat, Arai 1. 1 , 1 s 1.1,
The passciiger liains will have ut Ihe following
hours :
Vhilait.ljifiia un,t VolhriUr.
I 1. in Phil.idclpl.1.1, al
From Pollsville, nl
'. A. M. J .
6 A.M. 5 1a"
Hour of 1 lifting Jlmtling.
.1. I), w
For Pollsville, at A. M. f y. .
F01 Philadelphia, at 7t'A.M S 1 "-v'
Both tiain pa.s at Potlstown. 'I he down turn
breakfasts si Reading, and the up train at Nonis-
iuvii, for whiih IS miuu'cs aie allowed at unit
f.f it 1: s.
Bclwvcli Pollsville .. Plnlada. f-l.-'O et fC.fift
B.tween Readmit & d .. 2,2 '1 A ,,!
Between do A PotlsvilV, 1,10 4 1,0(1
Lviiiisios Tn kits noun von mrmsivt
lienveen Pollsville Philadelphia, ?o l"lO
B-lweeli ll.s.'ll.g V do. 3110
Beiweeii do. vV Pollsville, 2 tu
All ihe trains will rlop for Way passcngen st
ll.c ti-osl point.
V AH pissengers are requested to prof ri
thcii licl.etfc beloie w trains sta'l.
Mav '-I,
Fr.aili suppy (, IIOSU UlN '' five.l
- si d loi sale bv H. il U Ai-svUll.
Nov. l'Jth,