Another Strang fttory. Confession of tub Rev. E. K. Aveiy. A strange and somew lint improbable story we find in the Piovidonre Chronicle, respecting a let tor received in that city from the notorious 1). K. Avery, who, it will be recollected, was tried Flirt hrr Confession of Polly Rnilliic It appears, by the New York Sun, that Pol ly n.vltno, accused with Waite of tlio murder of Mrs. 1 loiisenim nml cbilil, bus made fouio further ronfe-sinn, implicating Waile in other oflones. The Nun says her ptnlcmoTiM are THE AMERICAN. Siiturilny, Jan. 13, 844. vortiing. c inm years tinep nt llristol, tor the murder ofi not pcmnlly believed on iho island. She. has Sirah Msria Cornell ; which letter contain n ' m-visiirably recovered ; sits updaily, and walks fill ponfo.sion of Miss Cornell's as well ns n-j around ber ell. She will probably be exa ther murders ! The elorv goes that Avery has j mined in the course ot a week. The follow I itoly died in Ohio, and that on bin death bed i iim are her confessions, but what decree of he made n ennfecnion which ho desired mi "lit ' tnilh thorp is in them, the New York nailers i . .. i . .i . o. i . r .i . . I ii . i ,, ., . . . c. ,i ' (1 T V'. 11. Pai.meii, Ksn.. nt bis TCphI Estate and hit tiviMciinitfi.! lit Inn! Mule, lie 1 1 i i d rfn nu. ivill i.t t-.1, . 1 limit ilii i !ii pert it v In Hie i st-j 1 , , i , , .1 i ' r . i i ' , , . . . 1 Cost office. No, 6!) Pine IStrrrt, Philadelphia, is au- sion he, not only acknowledges the murder of ; fact that fdio made fucIi statements : i ' ,,. ,-, .i r iii i ,. Hi i i .o.i ! ihnriscd to set s Agent, ind to receive and rccripl Mia Cornell, butof two other females likewise. ! Kn nmn I own, Moudny, January Htli. . ... . ' Kir nil iiiniiiiii iliui niibri nl t. jit fc.I. This is riven tipon for tho letter has not Co,jf ss'rois of i'nlhi Hndinr, in Richmond . ' been seen by tho editor, nor' docs it appear to bo j Comity Jail, on Snndty nishl.llh January, known who has received it. The following, ( 1 1. 1 remained nil niht on my sistor-in-li.i'.vever, is given ns its substance, j law's sloip, then went to Xcw York, to Waite's "He cays that he went to the spot ofthetmir- , simp. Waite took the things out of n drawer der, in Tiverton, for the express purpose of niur- nnd gnvethcmto mo, telling me. where to pawn il. rinir M Iss Cornell : that be had resolvpd, if! them. I saiil thev were "KmelineV :" he said ii . i i . i I,- :it : ,, r i- i- ! L 1 b'' entile two weeks of ibe pr-"tit term nil eontiru'cncie failed, to conceal li:s puilt no matter, von w ill never sec Emetine alive a- ' 1 1 w I.- Urt..b it - r be m.lvdn. ' t t .., L .. I.-,,., ,,, i ol the Con. t. h.i hem or, upn-d in lb- 1 rial- ol P'ti uvivn lie tniu. wj " ' " . ' t ' llH"lir"ilti I ii in inn niniu mi' n. im I tyed taking life, after his determination, in tho ' pawnbroker lived ; be cut the direction out of hope that tho drugs which had Le-en ndntinis- tJ,o piper. 1 then went and pawned them ; Wed to produce abortion, might relieve him of ! when I returned, he scolded me fur not celt in ! the crime. e lenrn he further says, (recol-' more for them ; I fravo him tho tickets which j lent this is but rumor,) that .Miss Cornell beg- j he placed on a shelf in a white jar; be then ped hard for her life when iho found what was j pvi, lnc 0lnR beaten jewelry, which I suppo- ' l.ijdotnrmination; but tint, seeing nothing but j SO( to w lC r;p,s nni rBr.i?s-; he told me i disffrace in the birth of her child, and counting j if j rnl1i no, p( t II1(,nf.y for t.m, to pet their rvery thing upon sustaining the advent il ions j Yauc jn ?ome other articles, I sold them in a 1 testimony, litis Deputy Attorney Clunerul, II. It Manser. 1-rj.. addressed the Jury in behalf of the Commonwealth, at the conclusion of which the com t adjourned. In the afternoon C. W. lie jiiiis, r.scj , commenced bis address to the Jury on the part of the defendant, nnd was followed in the evening by M. A. Donley, I'.sq , of Totts ille, on the same tide. On Tuesday morning, after the conclusion of Mr. Dooley's spverb, Alexander Jordan, Ksij. coiumenced iiddressing the Jury, in the concbidins)eechoii the part of the prisoner. In the afternoon, ut the conclusion of Mr. Jordan's speech, V.. Creeiiooph. l'st). comineiiced his ad dress in bebulf of the Commonwealth, and closed the uri;uineiits ubout noon on Wednesday. In the nfteriioon, Judsje Doiinel delivered bis charge to the Jury, referring to some of the inipoi t.iiit MISCELLANY. Ritltorlnl, t'oiiilcmrit anil Srlrctcit. Canrtftin Ohhi. There are MOO miles of ca nal route in Ohio, the aggregate cost of which is estimated nt $1.VIWG..'39. A Washington letter-writer mentions the m- 1'rom the Philadelphia Ledger. P K X . H V I . V A X I A 1 , K fi I U X T V It P. . limiusnf i:n, .Tan. d 18-1-1. Hot r Mr. Straub. of Schuylkill, Introduced a joint resolution, declaring it to be the "pinion of the Legislature, that the present tarilf sievdhl mnrthat President Tyler is ubont to "annex" j Hot be changed; and that if any alteration be unto himself a wife Sir Robert Peel is in negociation for the pur chase of a gallery of paintings, in Italy, for which three millions of dollars are asked. A Place to Live Cheap. In the vicinity of I'astrnp in Texas, corn sells for 12 J ccntsa bush el, and jKjrk one cent a pound. A man whose name was not known, presented hitnselfut the police office in Albany, reeentlv. ! made, the duty on coal andiron be increased, and the rates of duty on rolled and bur iron be made c quab Laid on the tabic. Mr. Bruckenridge presented a memorial from the IJoard of Trade of Pittsburg, accompanied by stipulations, asking for an appropriation to repair the aqueduct., on the Allegheny river at that city. Referred to the Committee on Inland Navigation. Mr. Koiimfort introduced a joint resolution, re- points 1. 1 the tcstinionv. cxiilaininn in a cbarand I f..r il... ,.r,tn ii ; ..r ...i:!..-! H'-,r""A u,r 1 ostmaster at Harrisburg to keep a C.v-urvii:R Tin tn-J lbs ..or more, of sec- . explicit manner the law on the subject of as a pauper ; but he lould speak, dropped . t"Patato ""'"' fhc amount of postagpaaainst mid hand brevier type, lor sale at this ollice. at murder j the first and second degipp and man- down ik-ud. i ,,","l,"'r ,,,e I-egistature, and that Hie is i ts per Hi . cash. The type are the Mitucus 1 slaughter, and submitted the case to the Jury a those nuil in our advertising coluinns. Win. Hunter and Uob. it Hunter, lor niuidi r I'imagi'llli'llls at f'olllt. have ronse ipieiilly pri'Viiit.'d us giving the attention to our column. r. The Iv"V. Mr. Kimaid. late a Mission ill v of th.1 Papti-t church to P.urmah. preaeb"d several biublv interest ina sermons in this place, diirina the present WM-k. Mr. Knieaid has lelt ChnurJ 171 In Tit 1 1 nn n in '. .f 1 fir . j bout t o'clock in the alteruoon. The Jurv. alter t . , . . . . ' , l sion to AlivsMliia, in ( tossing one oi the liranch- lieiug out alioiit three hours, returned with a ver-! ,1 . i.i,. v i i 1 ,. n I es ol lie-, In,. 1le. is seized by a ciocodile diet lor in. ills!, niyliler. Iii i i and ileMiiircd I ch t 1 . 1 . , . 1., ft a . oiuisei ior iniri oiiiliionweanil. II. Ii. .lasser. sanii' be fni nishi.'d in his bill of postae, fce. A fur liicliiuond, Yii . but will, we understand, V isit reputation which he held in the community, i storp j Broadway, near the Tnrk, She pavp this section aj.-a n in Man h. besides feeling a hellish desire to continue lihi (linens course, under the cloak of sanctity which he then wore, and which r,o much favored his the number, which I withhold. I got a brace-j let for them, w hicb my daughter now has. I D" Counti ifeit rid'n-f notes on the Mononaa This mornin?, while Dr. Mnnr1v and the bala Tank, are in circnlat ion. Also demand K. ( ireeuough. and James Pollock. I'.sqrs. l'or the ! fendant. Alexander Jordan. C. W. llegins, and M A. Doob-y, l' The I i isoner was ably and eloquently defended llV bis Counsel. till the pint (if till! ( 'olllll II ill . wealth. Mr ircenonah and Mr Pollni-k acquitted thnns' lvi s with their usual ability. A for the humble cli'orts of our humble sell, we shall sus pend our opinion. l'or the triiil of Robert Hunter, a Jury va i- -silver be the root of nil evil. i-iiipannelled on Wednesdav nllernoon. which I 'ers mnt be the Irarr. iise is still peiiilina. as we go to press. motion to proceed to second reading failed. (This matter has been before attempted, but the Po-1-toaster very properly refused, us it would require him to employ two or three additional clerks, for which tin-Post-olfiei- Derailment might not feel disjKis.vl (,i pay him 1 Mr. Law rence. o ' WaOiinaton. offered a resn. less taioiil, the entire piuvinco ! hitiiin. which was real tw ii e and uibqitod, in- I sti iietina the Coiiimittee on Inland Naviaatimi (juetm Victoria's example is setting crowned In ads in motion. Their maj -sties of Poitugal. ae compaiiii il by the youthlul pi iiicess. are about to make ii ro al pi of A leiutc jo. unhe'y desires, ho did the work of death, atnl j f.herill were in attend ince, Mis. Tlmlino be- ! note on the Doylestnwu I'.ank. tlienli'! bis victim in the position in which she w as found, in the hope that it would be belie ved that the had committed suicide. The sto ry further goes, that ince the moment of his first murder, Avery acknowledges that his brain has been covered with coals of living fire. He has w andered about from place to place, but c- came very talka'ive, and preceded to make i the following Htarlling disclosures : Coiii .i'nt of Polly Hotline, in Richmond, County Jail, on Monday morning, &lh Janua ry, 1?U. I have been led into a great ileal of ! difficulty by Mr. Wnilo. This is not the first criminal case that Mr. W'aito and I have been ' f 7 A Vill bas been introduced in the b aisbi hue toaboli-k capital puiiislimelit in this State. During the twenty-two years, the aver aao annual value of iuqioi ted silk has amounted to, ir total 5-J'JO.nnO.lMMI eipial to the imbbti'ihiess of all the State Cannl C'iiiiinllfiiri- ltriirt The Canal Commissioner' Report fills nearly t7 Mr Ri st, who wi arrested in suspic iun j niii" cobiums of the Harrisburg Arus. The re ol being l oiicel lied in the rubbery of Pouieroy's poit presents, as a'reinly imt iced in lie- ( lovernor's Express, has lieeu boimiablv dist dial geil, nothing tnessaae. a laMiiable account ol the State works. ;ippMi ing aa.tiiist him. J With a shoit n:iigalde season, compared with - - - - previous years, and with other ilia whacks which tV" Kill. Riilli IRuM Sll VMOM I r. Mln:s- I :ir l..',.,-i..l I., in II... relKUt ll, I..IL ... ,1 ...I P! a rs probable. We re confident, Iiowever, from Hudson. There ho tot very much in- ! , IM.K AM, .,.TT, .,.,: We .m.l.-rstan.l. that the i ., all the lines .lurine the v.-ar amount to t . vol Vi d in debt, nnd told me he would be obliged r r (leaver, and his corpse, com- j U17 l 1 I ; ud I he clear profits, over all kind-. to lake Some Other Course to pet out of'd.lTi- in ed evpbu ma the route of the above Kail I nl evpenditnies and liabilities, to J s j.i;."7 :it culty. He asked me to lend him money to I lb-ail on Wednesday la.-t When it iion.e rs- , The main line from Philadelphia to Pittsbura pet his establishment insured, because he meant , t.ibli-beil that a tail mad of -JO miles w ithmit j l,.n ielded a reveun-. ubov e expenses, of 1 1 ii. to burn it and recover the insurance. He told plan 'S. can be con-tun led. which will connect , I'.'ii 70; and the Delaware' ie.i.71l mo that it was a common wav to do business ' the Reading Road with tie- Susquehanna, there ' can be no doubt of its sp- edy completion. We have had M.loe nli el -.itioli on the silbjei I W illi some of our Philadelphia II lends, who ale. iw die The Persians aive names to i vet v day in the i Iiitenial Iinproveiiieiits to inquire into the month, just us we give them to tin; days in the ; expediency of prov iding by law for the sale ol the Week. I improvements ul the Common wealth. The r.altinnire Sun argues, that if money 1 M r. P.i ackenridge reported a bill to incorporate liu-plas- ! 'be Western Thcnloaical Seminal V ol the Cnited States at Alleuheliv City. Individual Knlerpri -I.ivina at the expense i T1'" ";'"'" y-stenlay. by Mr. P.riaht .... iii l I i . .i , authoi izina the pnbtii-at ion of -JUUO copies in ol the lioaroina liouse keiqi. r. ami ilressmg ut the . . , , , ,, English and lOUO in ( ierman. of the (inventor's I A Jl'IISI ,l I. Illlll, very where the images of the poor victims have j concered in. About five years ago he carried haunted him. Now, all this nry be true, and , 0n a gold leaf j'ictory in Sjiring street not far n that (he confession is not in the possession of any leading Methodist. If it were, they would at once see the necessity of bringing it to light, t Remise coining out, os it must and w ill one of Ihese days, the fact of the concealment by any body of Christians would not reflect much eridit upon them, and as they are perfectly cer tain the assistance which that denomiua t'on rendered to Avery was based upon a con v ictiou on their part of his innocence, and hence, when tisstired of his guilt, nothing in our view, could prevent them from making it known to the w hole world." It seems improbable that fucIi a confession should be undo in Ohio, and one person in Pro viilence only have the facts in his possession. The crime which Avery was charged with, was well known all over the Union by lies noise ami excitement it produced, and his death, and such u confession us attributed to him, would have been caught up before this by the papers in the neighborhood where his life terminated..; The UonnnnY of Pomtrov's Exprpss. A number of rumors pievail in New York, relative to the arrest of Mr. Uiist, of the S racuso House. One is that 1'inks, the supposed accomplice, is Tho'nas Banks, who was some ao a large mail contractor ; that he was lirst arres ted in Syracuse, charged with this robbery, and bailed out in the sum of !.(KMi, by Mr. Host, of tho Syrieusp House ; that he then left that place and was apain srrceteiJ in lbilltilo, whin: he implicated Mr. Knst, who was thereupon immediately arrested. Another rumor is, that when Mr. ll:iat was arrested, four or five thou painl dollars of the money packed in the trunk wis found on his pernon or in hi house. Ano ther is, that both Kitst and Banks were in New York on iho day of tho robbery. And ano ther is, that they and Cobb returned to Albany together by the same train of cars, on the morn ing of the robbery. The next Albany papers in the city. He got it insured, and that night he went to the theatre with I) V , a cold beater, who, I believe, now trat.siets bu siness in f" street. He told me, before he went, to go to the store at such an hour to tinchnin the dog to take half n gallon of turpentine throw it out on some shavings in he room, and then set fire to it, which I did, and nearly lost my life by sa doing. I then left the burning house. W'aito returner! from the theatre, and found a good fire in his store, he then returned to Mr. ', and told him ol the treat iiiqMiit.mce of this connection, and I'.l. beiuann interest of live p.T pent, on the ori-. i; in. 1 1 cost ol tie' la-t named division. The Co lumbia Railroad i xhihits an linerrina evidence of the plildence and economy which marks the ni.ui.i-.'einent of its alfaira the excess of receipts The Ra.oi Strop man has sold il.100 woith of Strops in Cincinnati. He that knows useful thinas. and not be that knows many thinas, is the wise man. A tiddler ill New York is advertised to appear at a conceit in ticinty-fuur d'fftrtnt uttitudt s. W'halelmnr Now worth .'iDmil.i a pound, was worth a few years since but ij rent. Why is Op Hull like an Indian ? Iteeausp he draws Hit to kill. Mrs. Norton, the authoress, it is, said, is about to einigiate to A in. I ica. Mr. Rives, nf the Cnited States Senate, is writing il life of James Madison. Messaae. miller the direction of the clerk, came up in order, the question being upon an amend ment olfeied by Mr. McManus, to strike out the last clause, and not specify who should print. Mr. Rriabt modified, so as to leave the matter to j the Speaker. Mr. McM.inns renewed bis a j ineiideiit. and went into an argument to show ; that tin' House had a State Printer, the (lov-ei iinr j and the Attorney (ietieriil to the contrary lint-with-taiidina. A Iter aiv ing tie' executive credit , lor acting rather meanly on the subject. Mr M. ! closed v iuv ok ing pe;ice iind harmony, and dc I s'nina that the ipi -tion which lie bad referred to j pa 1 1 icnlai y should not be discuss. -d. j Mi. R.iumloit tlid not want th" matter discus j sed until the committee on printing, of which he l.iirl.- The Chester cinutv. Pa . Insuiance is chairman, could make report on the subject. CoinpaiiV. 1ms insured upwards of liv e uiillioiis of ', r. Cooper, of Adams, was willing that this dollars, uud have not had a single loss lor lilt eel) who manifested a willingness to contribute libe- ; that road over its expenditures being S-Nh!. rally towards, the undertaking. The rail-w.iv lioui this place to Shamokin, which has been in operation for several years, has fullv satisfied u what might be done if the whole line was completed. el and was I racked into tins connl y . to w here vv.i-. .ii rested in bed at uiht .in his loum dent, refiisi il to pay him. Yaite was verv ' enleiedat night b the hnnllmd and his pur- much troubled, but, after some lime, ft part of ' "" '' annner pcri the inonev. l.a winter, tt man, named Albert 1 "" ' 11 1M'", ,,irk "'" "" ,lis an l Wiis a-keil to lelmiil tlie nionev I pmi lio. ing reipi"ste,l to g, I up ,e ib l mi. and came down Canal, Railvva Motive Power, Ly Coi si i ii i-t: n i its Ainifsrni There arc now two i ountei leiters in the of tln cniuitv i .. . J I . a l vv a V Ins liou--e was on lire. He tried to make Mr. 1 mr pasmg couuterleit in. y. 1 be last arrest J 'ti' and others believe ho was very much , vvas made at Jackson tsp a few nights since. The alarmed. They then commenced crying fire, j fellow had been tn 1 lnuu Miltmi to Lewis- The engines-come to his house, and utter the : burg, from thence to New I'.eiliu. I hence to Se illsldc of the house was deslroveil.thev got the 1 hn-giove. a few miles I,, low which Ur crossed fire out. He then went for the insurance,: " 'I'll,,,. .1. .ii I ,t ...1 iiiri' i..ii.., lleit il , qo flu neei- ! h tn'if'i ,.', or liv e per cent on its original cost.' It is proper to remark, that the expenditures include every item of ex-ni; for repaiif. tmperiutcud enee. collection, c. whether the same has been aid or not. The tolls collected Were as follows, hv $ !'. l.'j'J.'i -i:i - Vi'. 1 1 I .'lOj '.".IT. I'l l l-.'s I i.tal for M.I, Tolls receiv ed ill I w I?, l- 'Jlo.'.Mt ''.' Whitiuoie, came into Waite's ntliee, and had a fit. While in the fit, W'aite picked the man's pocket of bis gold watch in presence of in v o!t Albert. After the iii'iii had came to a little, ho asked where his wa'.ch w,i. Waite said 'Never mind the watch ; come and get something to drink. They went nut together, ' staiis. lull reipiesti d permission togoup staiis again In Ins co!lionioii. In get Ins niotiev. At this junctnie the lainllord's wile i litered the bar loom, stating that the man up stairs bad just e-c.tped out o the win-tow. I b was pursue, 1 1mt Increase in Is I I, 4T7.'i'J7 i:t The est iiiiated tost for rip.iuv lor Is I I. is as follows Columbia P.ailioad, - - - $ 17. IOU I I'asiei n and .linn. it.i 1 iiv ision, . . ,1 1 .'.'.e.' Poitage R.,,lroad, - - - - .'O.OOO Western I l V isiou, - - - - ls.'illll Hel.iWiire Div ision, .... 10. .'00 Susquehanna. N'oithiind West I'.i .inches, HI. 0011 leaver Division, ..... .", 'I'ii'i liionths. The St. Charles Hotel at New Orleans, has up wards of live bundled hoarders. The receipts lor wine and liquors for six- mouths, amounted to the sum of filly thousand dollars. Two million of acres of laud are said to be re quired to produce the wool used il. this country ; still we import much of it. Vlack-n.iHinf. A Mity of gein'eii of color have got up a ten pin alley in Cincinnati, on their own hook. No white hdks are allowed a liuit tancp. Preset v ed itatoes are talked about in some papers. Tlc-v are said to be highly nutricioiu. either as vegetable or pudding. We go for the Vegetable. Yerv great fears are entertained tliat the Mis souri river. opHisite its mouth, will in a lew vears, cut through the bank which separates the Missouri from Long Lake. Should this occur, it is said that .'00 lion acres of tie' finest land course should adopted. When the qu-stioii should come up property, he should b" prepared to sav something on it. Mr. I'.raily.ol Franklin, w ent for the print ing. and eulogized the ( inv ernor for the t tit ill V stand taken ill that paper ill de- fence and supmrl of Pennsv lv auia. her interests ' and her honor, and thought that the House bad been derelict of duty ill Hot immediately re 1 spnndina to it. He, too. was not now anxious to j go into a discussion of the matter referred to by the executive, in regard to the manner in which a State pi inter Was el-cted hist Session. Mr. j Smith, of la rks. smke at some length, and. to . use his own expression, "took the bull by the horns" at the start, lie wauled an investigation nf the charges made by the ( iovernor against th ; State printer. 1 le di lie red with the (Jovenmr ! and tie- Attorney (ieneral. and thought that th State printeis were legally elected. lint hi! wanted investigation; be acted lor his onstitn ' Puts, and would not go into any caucu-to h aul how to act on the matter Mi . Sneaker Snowdeii obtained leav e to ad- would b- inundated and List lor all purposes of (jrfs t)ll, i,,,,.,.. Mr. Tu, tin occupy ing the chair cultivation. i. , so,.akei i i!id not go into anv discus, inn of the merits of the qii 'stioii. but desired the ill ed into tlif woods lilider .-ol i'I ..I I lie .l.irL. and gut some drink. They returned, and the ... ., i. ,i.. ...... .s , .,, ,,. man a.sked a second time for his waich. They in ,,js ,,),.,. ,.,ut, ,,T ,). ,,1I V again went, and got some more to drink. He l,.,,t t ,, ,1,., ),; ,-, , The cotintei Teil note had (W'hitiiinre) then said tu Waite, "Waite, you hern on Mate!L-r Swcnk. at have got in v wateh." He then asked Albert if j .Milto Total. -7,si This est iniate docs not iucrbiile anything for the re-biiildiua ol the 1'ittshurg Aqueihict, or for the lepair of load and farm bridges. A large Hirtiou of the fund appropriated for the ri-iairs ol So. was applied by tin- Commis sioners of the Internal Improvement I'uud, to It was a livedo!!. ir lmte of the Mniei- b l'ts due previous to that year. Waite took the watch." Albert said he did. ; l:, ink of Pottsville on the nev pl,,te, not laid Tin Cotiniiisioners attiibulelhe increasp of Waite tlien gut vexed with Albert, and after i dow n by Pn ktii II or anv other 1 lelector The ' tolls and tonnage to the introduction of '-ctinn Will nrohahlv fltve SOtmthin " more authentic, i be pulled out the waleh and gave II , notes are said to be well execule,. ami are - ; boats, and the purchase, by the ( oninionvvvalth. I m . .i i i an . . i . I l, ..ll .. :.. l .- .1 . . i i i i I ..... l. ..: 1. . . .. Vjj. I 10 Hie loan ; anil Wlienever Allien or I mention- i "'I innn me oin nive in in, inn i ii hiicks im null nun ev auce ovr un- inn ed it he got exceedingly vexed. ; t"wnlnp. in tins county. I he other conntei leit- 1 railroads. Vh I. h-tlger. I alioiil lour vv eeks since, and a 1 1 ue Tho Atlas, of Saturday evening, says RjKt was a passenger in the bout which took tho stolen trunk to New York. It was triced, or supposed to ba tracej to tho hot.! Ot which cr w as arrest l.ati- from Hug I a ml. i was found against him the present session The I.iveipool Mercury, in commenting on ' lor passing cveial two dollar hills on the Rank i , .i i i . ... i . nesioppea mnieciiy. tie pronnseu a ge.-.t"- ; f;ute trials in irelaiui. tavMhut the bunir- ', of Halt, more Also a thr lollar billon the lni;r, one sided maiiuer ill which the (lovern- , Mechanics Rank ot Pall iinore. which, has been lloHKII) TltKVI llfKV I'oiKOMMl ImiIANS. The follow ing is art extract from the speech TIip Midnight Cry "f the pr-ent week eon tains a picdiction that the vv orld w ill certainly come to an end dining the present year. A woman, bv the nam" of Matilda Scudder. aged about lit'tv, was accidentally siidiicated by swallowing an orange, which lodged ill her throat, in New York, on the .'Id instant A Pari letter states that the inn of w ine Las been discovered to such an extent that j several of the otlicial tasters (gut.iteurs) have re- signed from fear of being (oisoiipd. j llaindeu's Otlicp is extending its ramifications all over the world, and his agents speak all the different languages, including Chinese. A youna man. named Francis M. Maaill. for merlv of P.aliimore county, m "t with an acci dent on Thursdav of last week, in the flouring mill of Mr James W. (Klmine. near Chatles- liitidy delivered by President Houston, of Tex- i town. Jetr.'rson county. Yirginia. by which In OS : i lost his life in a short time afterwards. One of 'I ask you to go hack with me to "H Our 1 bis legs caught in a portion of the machinery, by intercourse wilh the Indians vvas characterized l which i was literally torn (nun his lm,1y. Silk handkerchiefs, dress patterns. Kc , of va rious colors, have been manufactured in llauip- by flu grant violations of justice on our pirt. They came in and among us peacahly and tran quil. When they returned home, trailers went I s', i"1 ""';. Arkansas, w hich are said to be p- rnan of Albany, a passenger in tin same boat, j( ii- t l i. to return Willi inm on a sutwequeni uay, mn , hu.M, ,.otlli11(.,,.t ,he w aifair has created ; undoubteillv. altered Hon. some other plate, came up suddou'y on t!w tameday, bringing j t.yniJ1I,,y fr ( j'(JolllU'l. The Attorney C.ene- j wilh him tho newetf the lots of the trunk. I j mnvviy ctcupe,i iuving his indictment Trial ()f illiaill Hlllllt r fur Slunlrr. The Knickerbocker of the same morning says , .j,,,,,.,,,.,, Jt ,s a ulVa,,loge to O'Connell that I At Nov ber S.-.sion last, the Urand Jurv tliat some of the Union Ikink momy was found , , , . , n,Btllolld tlig ttrmi ,ie ! ,und a true bill against Win. Hunter. Robert oil Wis person. Pub. Ledft r. ,.,. .., ;, l,.t ,,,niain such a lar.'e nronor- Hunter nnd John Di-vanv, for the murder ol John ! out with them, packine- poison, with view to 'l,ul '" ,l"i,,i,v f"rpi8" "'"''' AuUfST op a CovtUNonT (Juvemur Too- ! tionnf Urunge I'lolestauls compared with the Vandliiig The .1. fendants ph ad s.qmrately to j kill offall those whosatdown to the first table, j Quirk TrartlHn" -Mr. Wells, of Pomeroy's inas, of MaryUud, has been arreted for threat. ! Catholics, lit fore the VMh of Jnuuarv another , "' indictment and the ease was pns!,K. I , f1r they do not treat their ladies with quite so j Impress, carried the tJovermu'. Message from eniu-r Dr. Win. Tyler, of Trederick. The ' and d.llerent oue will be made out. , to tins t. ,,... On T d-y the Vnd of January, I ,nr, respect as we, thpy are rather ungallant, I Allmny to Iluttulo, t .m nub s, in 1 1 hour, and JO .i . . n. , .... i. s ,i m -i . lie case oi u hi. minor vis caiieo no. -iurv. t. . , -i..., ,i.A i, i'ii''"i"" lleralu olthat town ttaies iiia,i nr. i ) icr, one i li.eiiev. .vir. t.yrruii, one ot the iravers- i ... ' i " msi. num s mc u'mn i of the m'tet iufluentiul and respectable citizens ! rrs in the Slate prosecution, died at Lusk.on 1 'lM'r l",,'"" jurors was ciupanneled j Tr.,0 , tt ( t.l rf and fifty Cumanches were poi- 1 1 , 'i'I.. ...-; ........ tl... i.i.i t .-oil.., I '...., lit. I ...... . of Trederick, for many years enjoying an ex- the 4th nil. He was Til years of age, and' ... . . . '. ' j coned, and died ! Many were poisoned, but re House nut to throw upon hi shoulder a matter w hich it did not rh e iNelf to settle. Mr. Par rel moved to postpone the subject for the present, ami thought it was unnecessarily occupying the time of the House. This vvasagreed to. Mr. Roiuufoit immediately otli reda resolution that the Committee on Pi iliting. to which that part of the ( ,'ovrriior's Message had 1 n reler- red. have power to send for per-ons and papers Mr. Suiitii. of Picrks. moved to strike out all alter the word Resolved." and insert, that the subject be referred to a select committee, with powers a- before named : and support "d his mo tion w ith some lui ther remai ks. lieu Roiuufoi t opposed the motion at sum" length, and was tol lovvedhv Mr. M r.idd. n. of Washington, ill fa oi of raising the Committee of Investigation On taking bis seat Mr M l' moved to amend th" amendment, by striking out all alter the word Resolved." iiinl iiiseiting. "That so much of the I lovernor's Message as relates In the election ol" State Printer, the alleged frauds connected theie w ilh. uiidthe iioii-acceptancf of the bonds of the persons claiming to have been elected Slate Printeis. be lelcriedto a select i ommittee, with power to send lor pel sons and papers, and that the Committee on Printing be discharged lioui the further consideration of the nihject." Mr. McMjiiiis thought this disrespectful to the which vvas voliimiiiniis. was closed on Thursday j nt'telnoon The counsel for Win. Hunter then 1 mow' and Mechanic' Dank at this place, re- . w, a weak mid d.hihtated ronMitution. He ,,..,,, ,,s w-lUnM,t ,.,,, f pf . tUvWet ceived sometime a?o a letter front the Govern- , was culled a martyr to the Repeal cause. j KMl(1, ,,,,.,. ahll ,,, i,,.vanv ,). ,-o.d,.fcnd. I or, of a somewhat hostile character, to which, , Repeal meetings continue to be held in Ire- nuts ,, ha,ii.,.n j,,intlv indicted with W. Hun Iiowever, no attention was paid. More recent- ' land. It is said that they are attended by In- ; ,,.r T,,c c.m.noiiwealth resisted the admission ly he received another letter, couched in harsh I don I'olicemcn as spies. More gun-boaU hae : , testimonv on the ground of interest, uud language, and threatening him with personal j been despatched to the Shannon. j ,),,,, accomplice was not a competent witness violence, if lit did not, before some definite pe-i In celebration of the QueenU visit to Tarn-1 ; tlllh cases. Alter hearing the arguments and riod leave, the town. Dr. T., by the adv ice worth, three dinneis had been given to the 1 authorities on both sides. Judge DonncI decided of his friends had the (inventor bound over in ; po:r, at which were fed. that the w itnesses were competent, but that their $1,00 to keep the pence. The provoca'ion tensive practice, and also President of the Far- ; bis death was caused by intense anxiety acting . .. .... , ,- ,, . covered. The survivors horned the men who r 1 J J r riltel noon I In' I'nullkel lor Win limit. r II,.. n had thus treacherously sacrificed no many of their people. Thi was proclaimed as a foul j massacre of the w hites, on the part of the Indi ana ; but it was only murdering traders, w ho, in fact had mudered them." Melancholy Ah idknt. Dr. Thomas Tills, a physician of Xcw York, w as suddenly depri ved of life last Friday evening, under most painful circumstances. He had been on shouting excursion to New Jersey, and w on bis way home in his gig, w hen one of the bar rels of bis gun, which was in the vehicle a longside of him, from borne unknown cause ex ploded, and the charge entered his side, kil ling him instantly. Dr. Pitts was formerly Methodikt inmitlcr. '.i. Udgtr. alleged upon the pirtof'lhe !on rnor lor tins hostility of feeling hnJ reference in the unhap py alienation H 'VV existing LelAiili Mr. and Mrs. Tin in its. Overdone pelitfins is wnise limn overdone Let-f-sleak ! t uc f'tin-'iiB thu body, tho ullicr tUfa wmt. Ahri -it if Sri-eosri) Mm. Rount-a. Two -la;'.; drivers In tvveen A Liny and Hudson, na. im d Chai h s I'.l, ike and Samuel Flow ers, were rreled a day or two since ut Hiiil-on, on sns ' picion of being couci rued with I loft' in the re- credibility was lor the Jury. On Saturday evening the testimony on both sides was closed. The court then limited the jury not to separate, but allowed them, if they desired it. to attend di ; vine sci v ice together, or in two parties, accom panied by a toiifctahle The court then adjourn- cent mail ri'l'Hery al lliat place. I hey were , ,., Vcr to Monday morning at 10 o'clock After taken to Nv'W Vulk. Phil. , ifrr. i the opening o the Court and bearing a little more I Coiiiuiittep on Piiiitiiig. Cnnelh of ,.,Wc Riglity new buildings' Mr )m,i,.r ,il0,luht ,hat the Coiiiuiittep on have been put up in Pottsville within the past prin,ins l,aH nothing to ilo w ith the question of year. The year previous there were seventy. ,iall,i That (tow er bad not l-cu given tlicin, The Total lierript on the Western Railroad nu,l COnld not belong to their duties, unless the for the past year were about VGI,lll i for IMS, i House so disposed of it by resolution. The mat-M'-MHO. DilTerence, 55a. But. ter nf public printing, and the question ot fraud, K Miss Cutters has recovered .t.000 from one were w luiratp and distinct. No disrespect, there- Samuel Rogers in Ppunsvlvaiiia, for breach of , forp, could be intended the member ol tiiP staml- Saiuuel bhould not cut Ca- ing committee, Mr. Hrackenridge agreed in o pinion w ith Mr. Butler. Mr Cmqver, of Adams, was of opinion that the ', standing committee bad full power over the sub- : ject. and cited several precedents, to khow that, marriage promise. peri I "FfioLAsn Iinks Two VeissKLs in a Day all the yeah koi mi." Strange as the asAerlion - ii. .i. -i . . . i. may see n, ll wouio neveriiieieM appt-ar to no ,, , . .. c...., ,i .. . ' ' in all isirlianienlar v proceedings, the staiu'ing b-jme out by tho following well authenticated 1 roll1lttl.e i ,he 'entire disposition of matters statement : In l"V no fewer than eight bun-1 of kll)ll Ie l0,Klfl ,hat ,.,, a ,.lllr!p woM dred merchant ehips.or a thirteenth part of the ' i, ,,llr,r ly thp H.misp. Mr Hinchmau dilb r- whole number ofbhips belonging to the British j ei) ,,0111 Mr C , and agreed with Messrs Butler dominions, including the plantations, were ci- J and Hrackenridge. So did Mr Hoal Mr Straub ther lost or driven ashore ! 1-ast year, the num- j thought that taking this matter out of the itand- I ber of lot etbj were about seven hundred. in; committee, and jiving it 111 charge of a select A