Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 30, 1843, Image 4

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    II A ft K HOTl! LIST.
The list chows th. cittt. nl value of nil
Pennsylvania RnnU Nattcs. Tht. most Implicit re
lance may h placed upon it, as It l(wj tmfr
Mirrfolly compared with Alt corrected from Bick
nell's Reporter.
Hanks In riillatlclpliln.
Nam. Iocatio. p'""
flank of North Ameiica far
Pnt.k of tho Noitlicrn Liberties , par
Commercial Unnk nf Pcnn'ii. . , yr
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bsinfe . . pnr
Kensington Bank . pnr
riiilil l.hi Rank , , pnr
SchiiWkill Bank . . , pnr
P.ii;rhnk Tlnnk . ' . pnr
stern Hunk , , ynr
Mechlin'.-' !?nnli . . pnr
Manufacturers' & Mechanics' Punk isr
Count ij Uniilt.
Rink of Chester County
Bnnk of Delaware County
Rank of nrrinaritimn
Rank of Montgomciy Co.
D.iylfPlown Hunk
Rnvon Bnrik
Farmers' Bank of Pucks CO
Office of Dink of Pcnu'a.
Office do Jo
Oll're Jo 1o
Offlco Jo Jo
Doj Icstown
HnrrMmrrA Thee
Ltii'Cistir I offices
T'emliiift J lo not
Eastnn J issue n.
Par k of the United Slates
Rank of Perm Tow nship .
(!i'ar.l Hunk
Mnynmrnsing nnk
Punk of Pennsylvania
Miners' Bunk of Pollsvillu
Punk of I.cwisiown
Bank (if Middlctown
Bank ff Northumberland
Ooluml in Bank & Bridge CO.
tnrtinlt! Unnk
Exchange Bunk
I)o Jo branch of
Farincrii' Hank of LaticBSlci
Lancaster County Hunk
Farmers' Dank of Reading
Harrishurg Bank
Lancaster Hank
Lebanon Hank
Merchants' A; Mnnuf. Bank
Batik of Pittsburg
West H'n:uh Bank
W'yominir Hunk
Northampton Bunk
He.ks County Hank
OllVe of Hailk of U. S.
Do Jo Jo
Do do do
Kensington Saw Ins. A
lYnn Township Pav. Ini.
B-mk of Ohnmbershurg
Honk of fifilyfhurg
Rank of Sufiiuchanna Co.
Erie Bnr.k
F n.f r A Dinvera' Hank
Franklin Hank
) Lines-Jala Bil.k
MoiiimgahcU Bank of B.
York Hank
Philadelphia 21a2
. par
. . par
PoUsviHe 2
Middlctown 1J
Norlhuinliri'antl ar
Coltimhia j
Carlvh? lj
Piltsliir(r i
llolhJayaburg i
Lancatcl j
l.nnc.istcr j
Harrihurg S
Lancaster j
I.clinnun 'i
PiltKUUrg I
PittkhuiK J
Millinmsport SalO
Viikehane 2
Pitlshurg failed
I'rin do
New Brighton do
Chamhcrnburg 1 i
Gettyahurg 2
Mon Hose 30ti40
Erie 3
W'oyncshiirg 3
HonesJalc lj
Brownsville li
Yoik 2
K. B. The notes of those banks on which we
omit quotations, nnJ substitute a Jnsli ( ) are not
purrhused by the Philadelphia brokers, with the
sxcrplion of those winch have a letter of itfercnce.
Philadelphia Sav. Ina.
HO (ale
cloat d
no Mile
tio a!f
no !
no h ili
I. lei!
l:o jle
ho :lli-
t loK H
Jliilbdolphin Loan Co.
rSchulkill Sav. Inn.
Manual Labor Bank (T
Dyott, prop.)
Pitlsl urg
Fayrtle cn.
Hunting. Ion
Jv'ew Hope
lowanda liank
Alleiihuny Bank of Pa.
lianlt of Beaver
Bank ol Sn atara
Hank of WnahillgtOO
Cenlie Dank
City Hank
Fannera' & Mech'cf' Bnnk
Farmers' 4. Mrch'cs' H;nk
Fatmcra' rk Meeh'caiBank
Hanrony Inniiuto
Huntingdon Hank
inninta Hji k
Linn) vrim iiV Punk
Northern Hank of Pa.
N. w Hope Del, Uridpe Co.
Noill imiliM I'liion Col. lik.
Noith WeM.rn Ha- k of Pa. of Sr hmlkill Hank
F'n. Acr & Mannf. Bank
Si vei Lake Bai.k
I'n mi Bank of I'enn'i.
eui oielarii liaiHi
Wilkeshaire Bndj;e Co,
Voil 'at Jon
ClOM ll
no sale
Cj- All note pin porting to he on any Prnn.yl
vunia Bank lint given Ln the ahove lut, may be art
down a frauds.
Ai:iV JEllKKY.
Hank of New Hiuiikwick
Perth Amboy
Mount Holly
N. Brunswick
Middle-town Pi
Ji rev ('ily
fa ileil
. i
fail.d, el
fail, d
fail, d
Hetvidote Bank
Burlington Co. Bank
Comnn'icial Bank
I 'uiiiUrlaml li.iiik
Farmer.' Bank
F.ariners' and Meclianics' Bk
Farmers' and Mcchanica' lik
Farn.era' mid Men hantt' Bk
Fianklin Bank of N.J.
Hsboken L'l.& Crazing Co Hoboken
Jersey City Bank Jersey City
MechanUa' B 'nk Patterson
ManufnctuK r' Hunk Belleville
Morria Coui.iy Bank Mornstoun
Monmouth Bk ol N. J. I'lceliolJ
Mechanics' Hank Newark
Mechanics' und Mnnuf, Bk Trenton
MTii (.'anal and Bkg Co Jtney City
Pott Notea
ira suli
JcwnrW pkt; Ina Co Newark
Niw Hope lul Bndce Co LaniUiiillu
JS. J. Miiiiuljc. and Bkg Co Hubuken
J Fiotecltin A LomLard bk Jertoy City
flrai ee Haul'
rmeraon But k
Perpl.V iiai k
Pimcclpn Bank
fcalrm llaj.kiuj; Co
State Bank
Hale UnnU
Stale ltsi.k
fcuie Bank ol Mori is
Sl..te Bank
Ks'.em land Philud Manuf Co
PiifseX Hank
Tienti n lii.i king Co
Vnnai Blank
Vabhinion Banking Co.
failtd :
I ,lf
I ''
HknfWilmA Brandywint V'i minglon
Ksnk of llelawari
Bank nf Smyrna
Do branch
Faimi rs' lik of Suit, of Di I
Do branch
Do blanch
Do Ir.i.ih
Union Bui k
tTT Ulolei ft's
Wilii.ii. ston
(. .Hp. t.tvtll
Neisc .site
W ilu.iiiia.u
(XjJ On nil I si k ina.kcd thus () there ar r i.
luax t.i altered nulcs of lit vsr.oc.s dc
Mm'ns.Kir.s, in ciicuLitior,.
The best method for the Abolition of Disease
it to cleaner and purify the Body.
1XDIAX Vllf.l'.TAULi; I'lLLS
OF Tilt?
.r Jlmerlran foltrgr of Health,
Are ijow acknowledged to m the best MeJicina in
ihc M'or'il (rr the rtire of
TfK('Al'Sl' they romp'eu-ty rlmncc llie tto
4 1? Tf.n,t ami how rlx from tin to h:lliin al ii cor
rn i t Viiimor liii:h nrt- the cao.e nut only of
HcnJiii-he, ti'icl.lim m. Pnlpilnlion of the Heat,
PnHia in the Honca, Rhmmnliiim nml fJ.Hit. hut
evcrv fin Wv irri.WMo man. SAID INDIAN
VFHETAHI.r. PII.I-H nreaccr ain cure for in
tfimil'ent, irmiiti d, nrron, inllnmato'y nnd pirrid
Fevem. Iirr.ium lhry cliMone thf p Jy f'Oin Ihoe
moihij hnniom, which, when Confined tnlhe circu
hition. are ihe cunse of all kindo of Fl VK Its. SSo,
nln, hen the aame impurity t uepnailed n the
n cml'iaie and nuaele( cilHinB pallia, intl .una-
t.ona and awellniea called Ulihl. VIA I
fiOl T, Ac. Wriphl's Indian Vtcetable Pilla may
he relied m a alwava icrtain ni cive r.lief, nnd if
persevered with, according lo directions will tnovl
assuredly, ami without fail, n.aka a perfect ni r ol
the above l n nln.lies. From three to six of
said In.linn Vi pelphe Pilla taken every lliuht go
ing to bed, will in a shnil time so cnmptetily rid
the body from every thing Ihat i opposed t.i health,
that lilieunvittm. Cmit. arl "I every .teseri.
tion, will be lit. Tally PF.IYKN FUOM Till: HO- ,
1)Y, For the a mo reason, when, Irnm mi.I.Ii n
chanpes of alnio'pb. re. or any other cain-e, the pci
spimtinn ischrrk. .1. and the humors which should
pi'B i ll' by ill" skin nre thrown inwardly, caiisinp i
IIRADACIIF.. :IU1IM:S. nuu-ei an.l m. k- ,
n.s, pain in the b. ni s, wn'rry and ii (lamed ees, )
sore thront, honrsene s, conpl-.s, eonsuinplion. i
rheumatic pains in vaiioiw pirts of the bc i'v. nnd
many nth. r sxmp'oma of ('ATCIII.Nd COLD, i
Wright' Indian Vtttnllr Vi'h will imariablv
cive iurmedi.ito r.lief. From tlnee lo six nf said
Pills tu!;inecry uicht on poinp to hid, wi'l in a :
short time, tu t only remove nil the above unph aii ml
svmploms, hut the body will, in o ahort time, he ,
restored to even sounder heahhtl an before.
INC. Wright's Indian Vtgi-lubk 'swill bus- '
en nnd cany oil; by the stomach and hoi1 . is, thoe
tonph phlipmy humor-, which stop up all the nir i
cells of the lunps, and nre the cause, not only of the ;
aboie distressing complaint, but when neplected, J
often terminates in thai mo e.headful malady railed ;
CONSUMPTION. It i-hou'd he n'so letnemberrd j
that Wright' Indian Vrgrttdih- 1'ilfs nre a certain '
cure for PAIN I.N THH Sim:, Oppression, nau- i
fen, nnd sickness, lo-s of appetite, rostivenr sa, a
yellow tinge of the tkiu nnd eyes, nnd every other ,
symptom i f a torpid or disiaed slate of the liver; j
lecause they puree from the body those impurities j
w hich if d. posited upon this important orpan, nre j
the eaino of rery variety of COM- j
PLAINT. W hen n .lation is convulsed hy riot-,
nutbr.iiks nnd n I ellioii, the only of prevent, j
ing the dreadful cctiseqiiencea of a CIVIL YVAW.
is to expel all traitors, and evil disposed onta from I
the country. In like manner, when pain or siek
nets of any kind, indi.ale that the body is struii- !
pling with int. ri nl foes, the true remedy is to KX- I
health and life.) Ikulth will be the certain mutt.
That the piinciple of curing dicase,hy cleansing
and purifying the body, is sliietly in accordance
with the luwa which govern the animal tcoiiomy;
nnd if properly carried out 1 V the u.e of the above
PILLS, will ceilaiuly result lit the complete Abo
lition of Dircaae ; we offer the following testimoui
nla, from pcramit of the highest respectability in
New Yoik, who have recently been euied of the
most ohclinntp. complaints, solely hy the use ol
WaioiiT'a Imhan Ykoitablk Pills, of the
North American Collige of llttiHh :
Jamaica, L. I., June Oil,. It'll.
Doctor Wil'iain Wright Dear Sir It is with
grei.t rati faction I inform you of iy having been
entirely cuieil of Dsepsia. of Jive years stanilii g.
by the ue ot youi Im ias ii;Stahi s Pili.s.
Piivi-.Mis to meeting widt your celebrated nnd;
cine, I had been under the hands of several I'liy.-i-cibi
s, nnd i.x.l lii.d vaiioux medicines; but all t
nodVert. Alter using ;no 2.r) cent ho of our
Pills, how ver, I expi rienced so nun h lenelit, tint
1 reolv. d lo ic in the Uc tf them a. coidinj
toil r.ctioi s, which I am lui py to stale, h is r.vult
id in a petit it lire, lns'ntiliidc lo y..u fi lie
r.ria1. Ih oiQi I hive ieceivr.1, and also in the hope
thai nth. is siuiihnly iilllict.d may he induced to
in. .l-c tiiid.t j our i xira .rjiuny medicine, I si ml
you this rii.tem.nt wiih full hhe ty to publish the
same, if von think pr, per. Yours, Ac.
New Yo.k, June 19, 1811. O.C. BLACK.
Mr. Rieh.ii.l Dennis, agent for Wriyht's Indian
Vegetable Pill".
D. ni Sir I have h. en nfllicted for se'cral years
wi h inward weakness nnd general debility, acconi
pai.ird at times w iih pains in the side and other
distressii g complaints. Aft. t having tried various
medicines w i'h.ii.t ff cl, I w as persu i.lej by a fiicnd
lo make trial if Dr. Wiighl'a Indian Veiietable
Pills, which I am happy lo state, have relieved me
in a most wonderful m.iniu r. I have uced the me
1 dieine, yet 1 lit h hnrt tore, nnd have no doubt,
j by a persevetance in the Use of the medicine Bccor
! ding to directions, th. t I shall in a short time he
j perl, cly ie-toie I,
I I most willii ply recr.mmrnd said Pills to all per
j sons siinih.ily i l'li. tcd, and in the full belief that
I the a line henri'e'.al results w ill full. their use, I re
j ii tin ouis sinculy, HENRY A. l'OOTE,
Warwatoiug, Ulster co. N, ".
Niw YotiK, Sept. '.'!), 111.
This is to critify that I have used V. n loin's
I ImiIam VrGiiAiu ii Puis w.lh the giratest het.e
t r. . i ...... or .r .1 iv .
j lai. iiu.i.i'j i la'in it hi. u inj". !! a..i i.t .juc.ll ui-
incl.s id s'n k 11. nl o lie, to whiib I had previously
In n st.hjrc'1.
0U2 (ireenw ich strtei, N. V.
To Mr. Riehuid Dennis, Agent for Wrihi's In.
Jiuii Yelahlu I'nls.
r .i v t i o .v.
As rtier? are at this time many wit Red ersons
busily iii.aeil in xltinp a c.'Uiit. rf. it medicine un
der the inline of ihc Indian Vegetable Pills and as
P"' I these di s .rslc mm are so utterly reckless of con
I'"' siajueiaces, that many valuable lives may he I st in
J ' conseijuence of using tlir dreadful compounds,
the pubhc ere cautioned ngnim-l puicha-ing any
i " ' i Pill, fui.U.-s on the tides A the texts the following
! wnnlinp is f.und :
fM'1''1 (,( J'wguhrt.)
0 Tilt Still 1H AMIHICAR COll.iGS or IIFALTI1.
A ii J also to le imperially caieful against purcha
sing said meilicinc of any person except the regu
lar uiUeriitail agen's.
H. H. Marser, Suiil nry W'm. Forsyth, Nor
ll nub. ilur.d J.nol' Haas, Samuel
Herb, Mahoni.y Bterly A D. Haas, AuuUsta
'().. 'loss Faalhiier, Milton Ireland A Meixell,
Mi Ewenst iMf K S. P per, Tuihulstille James
b'tid. Pnlisgrote H. Klase, Sotdirstown
H. II. Kiul.l, P. M.. El.t.burg P. O. Y m.
l ei erring, P M, Union Corner.
I Oll'i.e slid (initial Dtpot for the sale of
j Wrighi'i Indian rgtiultle Fill, Wholesale slid
j It. tail. No. Iti'J RACE STREET. PHILAUEL-
May 21, 1M3. ly
I rem TirrTMi.
1 rinowoiim, on tmk vkvt., anp ohii h
i (T The ftilliiwivgeerlijicait dtwibex nnt oj the
win trtraordinary aire vr effectrd by uny
j applictrtiun.
Pimnr.-i.riin, Fehrnaty 10, 18-13.
, twenty vrarg I wat icorelv afllicled with
TtTTKii on the Knee and Head: the Jiaeuse i
I commmici J when I wi neventren year old, ami I
continued until the Fall of 18:1C, vaivinrf in viic
: Irnre.bnt without eer diappp:irini. Dnrine moct :
I of the time, preat pari of my f'Ce waa covered with
i the eruption, frequently attended with vioVnl itch.
Wf, my head awePed at timra until It t.-lt n if It
would luirrf ih wrllin wna an n e it. thai I could
scarcely ect mv hnt on. Durinir the hum neriiid
th.t I was nfllicted wi'h the disease, I useil f great j
many a plication, (aim np them S 'Vernl celebrated
, i rrp nation) a tv. II a tiikino inward rpincdi
ini lu'line a nun lher ofhutih-a of Sinn'm's I'antircn.
Extract nf Sttrsiipttrifhi, Ac, In fart, it would he
impo int'Ie to enurnern'e all the medicines I lined.
I wns nUo under the e .re nf two of the most di
(inrjuisheil phvsiciaiw of ihi cily, but without re
reivinp nn ch benefit, and I despaired of ever being
cured. In tliP fill ol l$:tfi, thp disease :.t the time
being very vio'ent, I enmineneed usirip the luttr
Oiiitmnit, (pr. bv Vainilii.n A. D.vis.) In
n f w :i plications the violent itching r.-ased, ihe
swel'ii g nha'rd, the i rtlnli '11 bepali to .lis i pear,
ami bef . re 1 had nwd a j r ti n ih-e:ie n;i rntiivlv
ruled, ll has now l ien neai'y a vi nr arid a half
since, ainl tin re i not a ve-ti.' of Hie ibsca-e re-
inn i 1 1 i i ip . except llie fr.irs from the .'rep pits firmed
bv the ili-ea-e. It i iin; ssible for me t iles. ril e ;
ill a c rtil'cai'' the eiriiy ol 'ho ilise .-p and my J
snll. rinc. but I will be p!e .sc.l lo five a fuller nr
connl t" ariv person wanting further satisfaction. '
who will r .11 on mo. At the time I commerced .
n-inp llie !! o (liniiiniil I would have pivrn him
duds rd Johns to be rid of the disease, finec u- :
sing it, I have recnium. it to -evir.l prrsotis. '
(nntiitta thrin n.y moiher, win. ihc di-case bad
ly on her s.nO w ho ve a I rured h it.
.1 MKs DUI5XELL, No. 150, Rare St. j
rrjV ' l,l! Rose Ointment is pri par. d bv E. II.
Ynuathan, Son h E ist co n. r of 'I'll re) and Rare
slid I--, Phiiiul. Ij.lna, and !d on aurnrv in Sunhu
ry. bv 11. B. MASER,
Mny 14th. 1813. Agtnt. 1
llov Oinlmeiit, foi Tt((r.
A I'UOOF Ol- ITS I'l'l'lCM'Y. '
Pn 1 1 nitr!HA. May 27lh,
'PHIS i to certify I1 a" I was severely atllnrd
1 with Tet'er in the hands and f. et for upwards
of forty vears; the discise was attended generally
with vio'ent it' h'n:; and swelling. I nppbed to i
nnmbi r ol 'physiri lis, and u. d a great iin.ny r.p li
cuions without ipe.ting n cure. About ayar
since. I applied tie lio-e lltntinent, wlncti
stopped the itching, and a I. w api'luviti 'li itntnrdi run d ll.e dnea-e, which there has been no
r. tin u of. i.ltliouch I had never been iid o( ii nt
any lime for folly year. RICHARD SAN'AOE,
El. venth. I clow SiTiioe Sheet.
fj-)- The Rose Ointmeul is prepared by E. II.
Vim-ban, S unh East roroer-of Tbi:.l and Rare
Stre. is, Philadelphia, and s dd on Bu'encv ui Stinbu
ry by . II. II. MASSE H,
May 11th, IS ID. Azeot.
of the nasi: oiTMi:.T,fr
A LTHOUIill the superiority of the prepaiaii. n
over all others is fully established, the proprU
tors lake pb asure in laying before the public the
following eernl'irntp from a respectable physician,
a graduate of llie University of Priuisv Dr.
Bauph, havinp found in ibis irinedy that lelief for
a tedious and di-apri eul lc nll'i'i tioii w hit h the means
within the Taupe ol l is profession failed to alloid.
has not hoitaled to give it his approbation, although
(he prejodirrs nnd inter, sts of that proleisiou air
opposed to secret Remedies.
PlIILAI'tLMIM, Sept. I!), 1 Si:lG.
I wns recently lioubl.d w itli a I. dioiis herpetic
rrupti'.n, w lo. Ii ci'VC'cil in arlv one m. e ol m I .re,
and rxl. ndiil over e ear. Mr. Ynuphiin, piopri. - i
f'-l of the Rose Oiotu.cnt. obseivtuiz mv face, uisls- ;
ted on my Irvine his pi. pauttion. nl which he h in- !
dc I me n j ir. A llln ugh m comtnon wilh the meiii
I ris ol m riife-sii n, I il is. ounten inie .iiid di.-np-prove
ol the I iimon Us nostiuuts I'.ilund upon the
pollicl y ii'i.oi ant pri tenders, I I. el in jus ice bound !
I i exci pt the R, m' I Initio, nt I'.oin that c a s of me- '
d.eiii.s, nnd to cue it m .ip ii ba'.ioo, as il eniiic
ly .urcd (he rrupili.n, nhhi'l i"1! il Ii 'd lesistid t.,. ;
U-U..I c plications. DAM. BA1 Oil. M. D.
fj V '1 he R. -e Oinln.i- t is piei..r. d by E. B.
Vaiiglinri, ouih Ea t eon er .1 Third and Rare ;
St. eels, I'diiuilc 'plain, and sold on ng, urv in Sen-
buiv. I v II. B. MA
m iv i id., isn.
2 . XtI A A N IT , J R . c C O .
Smitl' ii ml Tobacco Maiiulacturers,
A'o. 'JU Morth West conn r ff Race and Third
Str i Is.'
rPIir. nnder-ipiir.l bate formed s On-pirtru rshii
A under the firm of J, MAY LAN I) Jii.A Co..
n successors to llie lute linn of Jucab .Mailund A
Co., nml will c uiiii'tie the I usmei-s st the old esta
blishment, on their own account. In addition to
(heir own close utti nti n nml experience fi inanv
yea's, in the msnuf irliue of their e febral. il snuff-,
Ac. the bmg exu iienre of ti e senior pail er of the
late film, will ul-o I e devot. d lo the inter, -t of the
ticw concern and us no exertion and cue w ill te
pared to insure their pooils, at all loin sol the ve
ry best tpiulity, 11 y solicit a continuance of the
confidence ol the li.t'inl and customers of the l ite
J. MAY LAN 1, Ju.
Philadelphia, May lllh, listli. ly
:E.Br gs th? 'rag
L'urnrr ot 'Fhrd und inr Strrtts,
wiriiiAMsronT. pa.
ITTr. solsrrlber r. snertfullv nnnnniircs lithe
piabli.-. that he h. s oi em d a I Intel in the roiu-
nioilious brick building situate on ibf coiner of
'J bird and Pine sir. els. wbeie be will bs huppv lo
wail i'p, ti those who limy favor him vvitli their
cnnipai y. 'J lie E iple Hotel is la ge nml Ca.uvetii-
it, and furnisht.l n, ti e le t m stvle. It i .1 w ill. a hope inimber of well aiu'd and
conifoit.ible sic. ping apartments-, rooms, private
pallors, Ac. Peisoiis visiting Williatnsport on bu
asilicssoi pleasure, may iesl as tir, d that every ex
crliou will le used lo tel. del their sojourn at the
"Eagle Haiti I" pleasant nnJ agr.eable. 1 1 is Table
will liesupplitd with the very lust the n.stket at
funis, and his bar with ihc choicest wines anil oilier
liquors ihatges reasonable. The Eagle Hotel
possesses g eater advantages in point of
than any other similar establishment in the borough,
being situate in the business part of the town, and
within a convenient distance of the Couil House
and W'illiamsporl and Elmira Rail Road Depot.
Sufficient Slubling provided, and good and trusty
ostlers always in utniiilan.e,
I Attentive, scroti. modattng and hone-l Servnnls
j have been ( inklovval, and nothing left undone that
I will add lo the toinfuil and accoiiimoJation uf his
1 ptac-s.
'1'here will be a carriage always in attendance at
llie Boat Landing to convey passengers to and from
the House, free of charge,
May 1 tth, 1M?. If
EuimTjnv, TA.
Buslnesa HtPiided to in the Counties of Nor
thuml erlund, Union. Lvcoming and ('olumhia.
liefer lot
TimMa II 4ttT A Co..
Low rn A B ao!.
Haut, CrMMina A lInT, S-Vhilad.
RkI !nttlS, McKA1tf.AVI ii A Co
I Spr.nro, 'innn A Co.,
! To C'ouufry
j rPllE Subscriber, A pent of Lyon A Harris, Hat
i -- Manufictiirera, for N. w York, Pliil delpliiu,
j Ilaltimoro and other large cities, wloso lltitx are
highly commi tided f r pond t nl,t and durililitu.
has on hand a fir-l rate nssertinvit of HA Trt arid
CAPS, suitable for Spring mle--, h cli w ill Vp sold
I "cry low, nil cns'i or appinvril creilit, at llie nitrrt
-i. j . .
rnriip urorr, on. nr, ortri i innj s'n: l, orpisi'e
the City Hotel, PhibilelphiM.
N. B. Orders for Hats in the rnni;1!. promptly
at ip ndi. to, Th highest i tire in :uh or trade
I given fir Fur hir..
Philadelphia, June 11, lM3.-.y
Ll. persona iud. bted to the firm nf Lynn A ;
Hair s, under tl e agency nf O. N. Thnehrr, :
Hut and Cap Manufiictiirrrt, No. 4(1 North Third, ,
strr. t. Phil id. Iph'a, .ire ri.piested to make immedi.
i lite settlement ol tin ir ai counts with the subscriber, j
ill. ir Irpally authorized np, ui. io is fully rmpow- j
! eird to s. III!' and collect the recounts of S lid firm, i
I June 4th, 1842. tf Au'Cnt. ,
!G()L1)E N SWA N
Ao. till Amlh Third, idmv AiiU Strut,
i pHARLES WEISS, Ivpol ll p WbiteSnnn," ;
i nnd "Mount Vernon House," rrspertfilly in
forms his friends nnd rusioiners. that I e has hrroine :
thp proprietor of the aho; well known 1 1 . -t 1 .
Coun'ry Mi'ichants will finl the above. Ilotrl a :
. I, cation, and ti.e Lest . f fire Persons ira- I
veiling with rivate c.nvrs a nre will find a huge 1
y ml oud good stabling fot hoisrs, und the list of
osllets. Boardinu $1 per day.
' May I4ih, W('.'.-if.
(re- ' I
( 'imiiiisi(iii iV I'liru nrtlinir M rclwuitf,
j Foot of U iHow Strut Unit Uoad,
oi tiik in. i w a ii r,
1 JAVINt! assnriatid will tin in Jse Ii Parnel.
l it. of E.islon. Ph., r. s eittiiliv inf'-rin l.'u ir
f I lends nod the public eenria'h , lb d tiny hint t a
l,i ll th t large mnl we I km n store and wh iff at
j f ai l of Willow Strut Railroad, axrupiel by
i .Inc.'!. Martin, whne tl.ev pu pose .lning a (.'eioral
Cotuinissiiin and Forwardu p Biiiuess, nml f om
' the local mlvnnlaL'.'s of the place I ring ronm fled
with I'll li e public improvements that have their
; outlet in the rilv, thev flsltei ihemn Kes they will
be able to do business to as pre it, if not gieater ad-
vniitnpr, and upon ns reasonable trims ns any other
house, and they assiue their friends thnt any ron-
sipnmcnts m.iilo to tin in shall have strict nt-
tenlion, ntid no exeitiousspaicd to give entile satis
j fuel ion.
' They are also prepared to receive and forward
poods to any point on the D law are and I. cinch
! rivers, between Mauch ('hunk, Easton and Phila
! del, hia, via Delaware Division nnd l.ehiuh Can ,s;
also, to any point on the Jtini .ta river, or Ndr.h
t and W st Brniiches of the Sii-.pieh.uimi vin Srliuy I
I kill and Union, or tho Chrsnpi ..ko and I'ide W.itet
i Canals.
J For the accommodation of Boats coining or po
ir p via Schuylkill and Union Canals, a Sie.mboat
' will b kept expressly for t.awinp boats from the
t Schuvikill urouiid to the Drluwaie and bark, which
' wi'l enable merchants to have ibeir piodure deli
: eiccl on the Ih aw nre, nnd their g.nls sl.ipp.d nt
a s ivinp of fit) to 75 per cent. i"' the pi ices f l
h.iulirc ncio-s, with tin so a.liant.iges they re
, sin rlfullv sail, cit a shine of air. ine.
William ll.ilmm, "1
W 11 ut m W. K. it', V
l.iseph Ih.riiel. ' J) Philad ,May 14, lHEh ly
; iM'i :tl Commission Elic i t hauls,
'.r the Sale oj Fluur, tiruin, Sied, .c, c.
IPECTFUI.LY' inf.trin llnir Iriends and !
he Mercl nuts penerully, that they have tu- !
ken t la n-e large nnd commodious Wl.arv s, wilh two j
Docks, north ol ( hesnut street, on the Delaware, j
ti'gether with the store No. lit South Whirtes, ,
where thry wou'd be pleased lo receive consign
menU of (iiain, Flour. Set d, NVhiskey, Iron, Ar.
Ar. Being also well prepared to f.nwar.l all kinds
of Merchandise by the isehuvlkill and Union, or hy
the C'hesnpt ake und Tide Water Canals, us tow
boats nre kept rxpiessly foi the purpose of lowing
boats by ci I er loule.
Merchants will please he particular to send their
, p.iotls des'ii ed by either canals, t i Na. 1U Saiuth
Whartt s, helw.i n Mniket Bin! Chesnut streets, on
the Delaware, w nil dir. . tiolis accomp.utiug ihcm
which route ihey wish ti.ein to be shipped,
i q-j" Plaster and Salt for sale, at tin' lowest mar
: ket price. BOLTON A V.
March 19, I B 1 3. No. 1 tl'h Wh ines.
icoiti u i nt 1 1::: .v. sov,
I t.oiuliitnl strei t, llnlttnun e.
T I AVE constantly for sale, Printing Psper nf a!
.ir mtir. rui'ioj . -per ... ...
: -L L
sizes and qualities, Cap Writing Paper, ruh.
and lih.ii), Letter Pi.ner, white und blue, ruled nnd
er iLt.Of ..rail ll..p. rllleal HOal
j plain, Hanging Paper, fine and common, Envelope
j Paper, tlo. tlo. medium, dotih'e ciow n, crow n and
rxttssietl Wrapping Papers, ('.doled Mealium ami
; Royal Papeis, Bo;, nil, Biinhrs' autl Snatv Box
; Boards, Tissue Puper, and ull aiticl. s in their hue,
I which they Vs ill nil on iircoimu.Hla'iug Lrms.
; 11 ghc.-t price given f. i old rags.
; March 19. Is4:t. Elkioii. Md
A -t aitlc e uni'.i Uii lit J tor cleaning ami giving a
it hiublv durable and most brilliant Doh.-h losif
ver, fierman Silver, Brass, Copper, Bnttania ware,
Tin, Steel, Cuthry, nnd for restoring the lustre on
varnished carnages Ac. TRY IT.
Prepared an.l sold at wholesale and retail, hy the
Susquehanna Chrysohto Polish Company, Otvrgo,
Tioga county, N. .
WM. FORSYTH, Agent lor Northum'd,
IL U. MASSLR, Agent for Sunbury.
November 20lh, 1H 12.
vi.'nwi dkukj-s,
No. 71 CallowhiH Street, PJiilatlelj.hia
f Tli ret diHiTt ahove Strand. J
SHOE Findings slwsys kept on hand, which he
oilers for sale en li e lowe-t terms. Country
Meiihaota arc i,.rlicul trly to c ill and jutle lo.
Ihcin selves.
PhiU.WIpliis, Noveio Jer U, 1812. ly.
!G. 7-. & L. 2. Ti.7LC?
FFER FOR SALE, at th South East Cor
ner of Fifth und Market Street.. I'tiluikl-
Mens' Calf-skin Hoots, stitched w arranted,
Jo do do pepged do
do Jo do water proof, double aolcs
and double tinners.
do Calf-skin do Jo
and uppers.
Jo Heavy Water Leather Boots,
do do Ncata do do.
Jo High quarter Shoes, Call-skin.
Jo do do Crookers do
Jo nailed
Fine Monroes warranted
Kip do
Calf Jo
Coarse Jo
Jo Shoes
Vine Jo
Kip do
do Calf and Seal 8km I'urnpa.
ilo List Socles with and without soles.
di Carpet do do do ,
Jo Patent Warranted Water-pn.f ,Mocc.isins.
Ladies' do Jo .1,. J
Latins' tunned India Rubber shots. '
(telilleneiis d) Overshoes.
'i'h evrry other Jesciiptiou ol bonta atid allocs.
Fur Caps nf every desrriptioii.
Travelling Trunks of every description.
Venetian Travelling Bags.
Patent tiiini Elastic Shoe Blacking.
Bonnets of all kinds. Pulm Leaf Mats.
l'hib..lelihia. November 1:1, y.
Xu. 1-J's! Clicstmt Stn-ot, l.cluw lt!i,
7"El'P constantly on hand a general m:nrt
fcj'isl ment ol Books nnd Stationary ; compiling
Theulopieal, Law, Medical, Classical, MiscellairP
ous and School Books, Day Books, all s'7.cs. I.ed, do.. Family Bibles, Poeki l 11. hies, Writini;
Papers, rn ping Papers. Ac. c which they o
ler nl tho h. Aest pi ices to Country .Merchant's Pre
hssional (it ntlemen. Teachers, nnd nil othcra that
may fiivor 'ahem with iheir Custom. 1
Philadelphia, Not Miiher l:t. Is 1 1 y.
.ICicJiacI Weaver Won,
At., l .t .rth Wnttr Street. Vhiliidclphiit.
I I V I' - ..... a
.t i. coiis'antiy on iiano, n ceueriii assorr-
W Ft ment of l.iirihige. Seine I w in. a. Ac. vi. :
I ar il Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, Manil
la Jvopes, 1 orv Lines tor It nil Boats, Also, a
complete assortment of S.inp Twines, Ac. such ns
Hemp and H.riing Twine, Best Patent (.ill
Net Tw ine, Cotton SlmJ and Hen itip Twit e, Shop
Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Cm Js, Plough Lines,
Hal:, rs, 'i'r ices, Cotton nnd Linen Carpel Chains,
Ac. all uf which they will of on ri asonable
tel ms.
Philade'phia, November 1.1, Ml-.'. ly.
.1 at il I t isiiinlli .S. tti.
1 I'.spEC TFULLY inlorms their tin ihIk and
- (lcpiaintiMices ge lernlly ihat they still rou
tinuc to keep nl the old stand, .No. '-)lti .North sd
street. Philail. I Ilia, nil V mils of
Which they will sell n the lit Jt '. ui Coliiinodatini.
and reasoiiA le terms.
N. B. All goods sold w ill he gum liiteud unJ ull
orders promptly attain!. J to.
Phila.l. Iphia, .Nctemliei 13, I S 1 'J. l y.
Wlidlrsalu and llctail Shoe, llonnet,
ami I'.nltn Leaf 1 lat Watvhoiisc.
A'o iti Surth "d afreet, a fni' n'oor ubave .trch,
LSO Trunks, ('arpet Baps and V nliccs, of i t
try de-ciipli,in, ull of which he oilers for
sale on the most irnsniuible terms.
Philadelphia, November 1:1, 1 r! 12. ly.
.1 . W . S W A IX,
I'nilo'clla and Parasol Mantirartiucr.
A'o. 3V Xmiti 7'hitil itrrei, urn dimrs hi law the
Civ Hull I, Fii.'udi Iphia.
C10UNTI! Merehanls and other are solicited
J to cksiuiuc his ai soiti.ieut hi lore puiclusiiiy
i Isew hero
Philadelphia. Noveniler 11. '.Nl2. ly.
China. (Ilass and Liverpool Wt rehouse,
A ltil Nurth Third utrret . third iIhit It law Vine
street, I 'hi bull hihia.
i L thry constantly keep
nssortnieiil of China, tilasi
on nnnal a large
.iss u 1 1 a I iivrrriaiol
Ware, which thry will dispose, of on the most ici
S' le trims.
Philadrli'hiii, November 1:1, IP 12. ly.
Manufaeturcr and Importer of
tilery, Hardware, tVc.
A'o. 5 Sulith Third ttrret. fmr di.oi s br.'vir Market
7" EE. P constantly on hand a large an.l general
assortment Couch Lamps, Carnage Bauds,
Axle Arms, Elipttc Springs, Patent Leather. A r.
Country Merchants and suddlers w ill he supplied at
all times mi llie most reasonable terms. Thry w ill
find it to th. ir advantage to call ami examine his
assoitmctii before purchasing elsewhere.
Philadelphia. November la, 1812. ly.
UKYXOl.nS, Mi r.Mil.AXi) CO
Wholesale Dealers in Foreign Piitish
anil Aineriean lh v Co.uls.
A',.. 10." Mnrkit stmt, FhUndJphia.
r 1 1 U TK V Mer. h .nts. . others ran he urn-
; H . .. , - . rxtei.sive a-sort-
. . . . . .....
ini'iit ol llie oest unit most'lc iiooata upon
Ihc most reasoiiable lerni'.
PUila.'t Iphit, Novrmlrr 13, 112. ly.
I.OWllli ic P.AIIUOX,
Iinjioi ters and I lealers in Foreign and
Domestic- Hiitdwaie,
No. 171 Noam Tumi. Srai t.r, Piiii Ai.r.i.piiiA.
A 7 11 ERE their liia l'ds and lustoincrs w ill alw ays
" filial a large and geueial as irluient of Foreign
and Domestic Hjid.vuie, whichthry will si 11 ul the
low est pi ires,
J'hil. d. lphia, November 13, 184:. ly.
Xo- !'(' l-'-i Market Street, Phila.
( Hi law Fifth South side )
(.WAYS keep on hund a lull and general as
. fii - ii., .. .i.
soriuienioi Hosiery, i.ace, aim r anry vinous.
Country .Merchants are resix'itlully reapue.ljj lo
give them a call ami examine for ihem-elvi s.
Philadelphia, November 13, 1842. ly.
No. 13S Market Street, Philadelphia.
INVITE the attention of Country Merchants
to their extensive assortment of Biiloh French
and American Dry (ioods, w hich Uiry offer lor ssls
on the most reasonable terms.
Philadelphia, November 13, lt-12. ly.
A t unl"irr"r,rl' remedy for common,
(Jotighs, Asthma, InflueiiM, Whooping Cough,
Bronchitis, nnd all diseases of the Breast and Lungs,
leading lo consumption ; composed of the concen
trated virtues of Horehonrid, Bonset, Blood Root,
Liverwort nnd several other vegetable aubstnnceg.
Prepared only ly J. M. Wissmw, Rochester, Net
The innorrnce nnd universally admitted perioral
vit lues of the Herbs from which the Hithntm eif
lliirehnvnd is made, are Ion generally known lo re
quire recommendation ; it is theiefore only necrssa
ry to observe that this Medicine contains the whole
of their Medicinnl properties, highly concentrated,
and so happily combined with several other vrgc
table substaucps, as to render il the most speedy,
mild nnd certain, now in use, f.T the com
plaints above mentioned.
' The Balsam removes all imllammation an.l sore
nessofthe Lungs, loosens tough t.sid phlegm, ens
i aiding the patient lo expectorate with ra and free
i doni, assuages cough, relieves nthmntic and diffi
cult respiration, hrnls the injured parts, opens the
; pores, und composes the dislurhrd nerves nnd gieps
strength to thp tender long, and Ihus produces a and lasting cure.
ImiHIAII I tllf. is TIIK ft I EST r 11 1 M K I MV.
W e ate not among that vl is of Editors who f,,r a
, few iV'Haia will, (at the expense of Itulh ami h.v
nrs'y) "rra.k up" nil nrli. le and bring it into rapid
nir; neither aie we willing to lemain silent, after
having tested the Utility of an iiT rovement or dis
covery in science or int. Our re... h rs will recollect
ne told them we were nun-ell wilh a sore throat and
vio'ent Cold some few wetks ago. Well, we pur
chased two bottles nf W IN'SLOW'S BALSAM
OF HOREHOUND. and so sudden was llie cure,
that we forgot we ever a cold. Those, who
nre alllir.ted, mny try it upon our reenmme ndation.
I.ivisfii'1 ''i-riiph. Faar sale by
JACOB BRIOIIT, ynrlhumberland.
Also, by Druggists generally throughout the
country. (jj Price, M cents per bottle.
Aumist 1 1 tit. IS 12. ly,
"RTnU nle n small Farm, Cold lining r.bottt nne
Q hun. bed and ten aer. a, more nr le-s, sitii .tu
in Point township. Nonhnrid erlaud cr untv , about
two mil, s above Nortl unibetl md, on lire in iiri
mad leading from that pVice to D nivillc, uiljohnng
hin.K of John l.eghoti, .le-se C. !I"rt( n nnd others,
now in the occupancy of Samuel P,:vrp. .Mm t
forty nrres of said tract are clean d, and in piiod
slat, rl cu lit atioii, on v. Inch there ra a small barn
erect' d. The properly will be sol. I . n r. nsora'nlo
trims. For further aiticulnis, persons nre request
ed to nj ply to tl.C Hi1, si l ib. r.
II. 11. MASSr.R. Agent,
Nov 27th. 112. tf Nut. hurt . l's.
Of F. I'.RY D!:i KII'l ION.
XI'.W K.(;..M) (HI. CUM PAX V.
Xo. Vill X'orilt W'al. r Strcel. Pitila.
"pRR ANUFAC TURF.RS nnd dealers iii Oils of
1 V 0 every description l oth fi r luirning nnd
lu iniil'.iciuring purpo-es, w hich will be sohl much
lower than they rim be procured elsewhere, r.nj
warranted in quality to equal any in the cit v. Any
oil sohl by the compnny not proving ns represented,
may be relumed without any expense to the pur
chaser, and the money will he refunded.
Th. ir slock mnv n stoic consists ol the fellow hig
oils, t i7 :
30,1110 gallons Winter Bleached Speinfl
r.(UII) Jo do Coloile-s Oil,
lo.l'tlll Jo Fall nml Spring Sperm Oil.
KI.(Hll) do Winter Son El-phanf,
2H.IMIU d, ,,i Pre-se,l Wh de Oil,
1 (.11(10 da) Summer do do do
lo, COO do Common W hale Oil,
"Ull Panels sup. ri il Sim Oil,
i autl do Cod Pank Oil,
fill do N'ea s Foot OJ,
75 I "asks Olive Oil,
Tai's I 'tis.
f 2
r . This Cornnanv l as n number of Vessels en-
g'ige.l in llie I oil I islt. rv, nml I aimers may n ly
upon get ii g at all t.m. s ( lil as pure at imported,
Philadelphia. Nov. UI, is 12. ly.
No .'!, Aollii Nt t om! s(t ft (,
(l.t II I. It OK l a'o M h's AI.I.KT.)
Where they constanily keep on hand a genrrtl
a-sor'ni'iit of
.4. a grti.t luriiti ifarliel'f, f i l ojurmr
quality, which liny oiler to tlispin-e a4"
upon the most ira-onat-le t nils.
"101 NTR Y MERCHANTS nml othe will
find it to th. ii ndt nntage lo call and exsiioiic stock before purchasing rl-rw here.
Phih.deli hia. Nov. C, 1SI2. ly
ii'u mli. nr
i r
v d...; A i
ION'S Classical Dictionary; l.ernpricr'
litiswoith's .I.. ; Cobb's do.; English ain't
(leinun do; Autlion's Cnsar; Anlhon's (irnminer'
Aiitheu's Ciceitv; Man's I.n'in Readri; (xe,ilbj's do. ;
Audit vv's I.alin Lest.' -ii.; Donin's Lexieoi.,'sdrr k Even ;sts; Havies's Legeinlci; (Siaera
M ijora; Adams's Rinnan A nti.;ui:ies; Piiino. k".
( a.l.lsniilh's Ei glimh do. llrerrr; Lvrll's lili inci ts
of (icob gv; Mis. Lincoln's Bolanv; Elenurits oi
Botany; Bridge's Algilri; Porter's lihetorital Rtn-der.-;
Eunrson's (ieography and lli-tory; tlhet's
do; Pnr'ty's t!o.; SmiihV (rammer;'s da.:
Kat's Retder.-; Cold's Jo.; Cobb's Arithmetics.'.
Pike's do.; Emersi n's do.; Col h's Spelling Books.
Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa
mily Ltbiarv; ('ullage Bible-j Family do ; Coll ater
al do.; mall Bibles niial Test .ment-;' Parket's E
rreises on Couipofcitioi'; Fruit of the Spirit; B :it't i'r
S. dot's Rest; American Rcvolut oii; Marfyti' No
v. !s; Mrs. Phelps oil Clemistiv; Iliatl; C.ilechisii
of Ameritan Li; l.e' Natural Magic; CI, t
inist.v for Beginners; English Exrrris.s ad. pled (.
M tin at 's ti i rammer; Seiuel to Comley's Sp.lhii
Book; Ann rican Cl.ns lo ok; Daholl's Sclnai
lei's Assistant; A great variety ul Blank Books, Ac
Actus! 2M, IH 12.
.1 . s i it i: j o v. s,
1)Eljl O i'S the atlt"n of his countiy tiiru.'
who are in want, lo his very Urge slock
j Curprlings, Oil Cloths, .Mattings, Rugs, Binding
Stair Rods, Ac. , Ac, that he hasjusl, n
i his warehouses, No. 1H North 2d slicet, sod No.
I Church Alley, next door to Cluist Church, Phil
dclph.a. July 31, ln-tt.--ly,
D. K 1 i: K PATltlCK S C. ,
j A'o. SI. Sorth Ttiird rlreet,
(hftwh mabvt stin cnysat'T fcTtitit.TS,)
HAVE for sale a large and excellent assortmci
, of SyjHimA Hides, Futna Kip, Tanner t' Pi
'4c, at the lowest market prices, inhcr for cash, I
! exchange for Leather, or upon ciedil.
j Consignments of Leather received for iilc,
' purchaseJ at the highest maikel prices,
j 0 J" Leather stated free of charge,
AjuilU, IS. It