Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 30, 1843, Image 2
COVJUTTINO HOUSE ALMANACK, FOR THE YEAH. BKIMI A ItlSIEXIt.K on I.BP tKtR, ,NI1 THKflMl ll OF AMERICAN INDI;l l;NI.I;Nt t:. J. V 'J i-'i : I T 5' " 5 " h 5 2 S S 7 i 2 Months. - 5 2 r ; JANUARY l a :1 i i 7 S ! Ml II 1? I I ' i i ; in 17 is r.i jo 31 22 j.i n : n js 20 in :u FERRUAUY, .... i o ;i i c. 7 s it i 11 l-.' 1:1 1 1 i .- it; 17 H I'.' :M 2? -.'.l : .- 20,27 2 '.'f MARCH 1 .'! i .i r 7 s '. i 10 1 I I "J l.i I I l' H 17 IS IH -.Ml 21 . i ' n os '.i to APRIL t ;i ij c, 7 S '.i 1(1 I 1. 12 I I 1 1 l." If. 17 1 s. 1 20 ; 21 ;.. ;. .' i :.' .; s 2'J id MAY, 1 ? ! I f. (i 7 S !' 10 II ' I 'J l.l 1 1 lo lti 17 1" i ir 20 '.M '.'.'i i .'.' 1 2d 27 2S .".I ,t(l .11 JUNE, ...... i ? I .' r. - s it id 1 1 12 i.i ii i 1 17 IS l'i 22 y.i i .'' !' ',7 -is '.".i ' ;to JULY, i y ;i -i ,') o 7 S !t 111 II -j 13 1 I 1.'. HI 17 is lit 20 21 22 'J.' I 2 I 2.'. i; '.'7 is -.'( no :n ah just i 2 n l .') ; 7 s i io n i i i t n r i n IS 19 ill -il 22 2.J il '.'.' ? 07 -is 2t .10 11 SEPTEMBER, ... i a :, j .-, r. 7 s y in u 12 i.-; 1 1 ' L'i lfi 17 s lit jo il ! f ; 2 ") ; 27 2S OCFORF.R j 2 ."! 1 .'. r. 7 s ! io i2 , l.l I I 1". Hi 4 'is lit ' 20 ;l i i ":i 2 I io 2 27 2S ; 'to -;i NOVEMBER, .... o i r, i; 7 s n 10 11 12 13 1 1 11 n; 17 IS l!t 20 21 22 2:i 2 I 25 2(t 27 2S 2!l .10 DECEMBER, . . . . 1 y : 1 .', 7 s y 10 11 12 ii ti i.i 10 17 is 10 20 21 22 2:1 2 I 2.'. 20 271 is 20 tit .11 I j . I I ' Kinlgratlmi from Germany. AVe take tin; followiiij; oxttact from the Re port of the Secretary of War, on the Commerce of tin rnited States: "Emigration from Germany to the l". States presents .1 subject of great impoitance to us. Wo receive from the States associated in the (leiiiKin L'nion most valuable amigrants, cousisiitis vhief ly of farmers of excellent characters ami itnhis trions habits, who bring to their adofrted count ry sufficient uold antl silver to enable them t pur-i-hasu and settle lands. The follow hip -Hiicial tatenl;llt, made to the Chamber of llep'ittrs ef the kingdom of liuveriu, which does imt contain one-seventh part 4" the inhabitants nl the I'uton will show Ute Mite of emigration in tluKoHiitry From 1ST? to lS'i, the totl c-mi-ialion from l!avaria ahuic was Males, . Filnales, ... 12. sin; 1 1.701 2 1, 07 Viz : To America, To France, ' To Prussia, To (Ircece, To Algiei, To places unknown, who pot nfT without passporta, uud motly went U the United State, ls.0'!7 ::t.-i l'i 111 l"2 .'..UK '.' t . . .0 "Tie' amount of money w hieli liie-.i.-rmiraul I'ov ihctit. as far at. it is known 1.. The J'.j varum ( e.vernttient, is nearly seven milliens r,i guild is eual to about ?2.st0.i'Ui bui.iu on-se(ic-u,-e ef the heavy tax w hi. h is levied, net only in Uivaria, but tlirouphor't a ur.1 jrt te iniaiiy upon money anil oilier persona I proper ty taken out of the country by eiui-naiits, ii i.o prol'.thie that few of the p-rsoiu euurui-ruted n.a-le a declaration to tliu tiovri niueut ol 'noie than MiV half of their properly We nin v reanii- i uhly anppose,", tlmt tleise perwns nuisl ' have taken witX them nearly twelve millions 01 gud.U-ls-cqual to about ?l,H0..,.),m. The ,. bcr ami alne ef the people who come to ns ho m (I. rmany may Urns be wt 11 appreciated, not on- ly in their persona! character, but in the addition tin y make to our actual w ealth ; Ixsoi.vkxt 1fi Iion In theColut ol INmuiiou ' Fleas, at Philadelphia, Judge King delivered tin unanimous opinion of the Court, in the t-as.-ol an applitii t lor the dene At tf ihe insolvent law, o veriuling the fl.jectiiiH ef eosiiig creditors. Mid deciding tlmt the iur.icti1 atl ot' Jiwe. was ist rt'liealctl by the avl allishing imprison ir.ent for debt. lit still remains in It.ixe. ihen by exteinling to the insoht rl deblors the privilege of the seven years' protect wtt Iiomi s'.lt. The Colonel of a regiment of im'iiin, do mi l!atit, Wt8 iofitrnied lately that cure 1 it his soli had run In pwnrd throut.'li liislmdy. On in-ejuirine-, l e fount! tint lie had sold his sword for Jniuor, Lich he haJ drank. THE AMERICAN. Saturday, Vir. 30, 184.1. (T? Y, H. ri.Mi:, T-iti. t his lTi al F.lte Kinl foul nlTirr, No, S9 Fine Strert, Pliila,li!ihi, is u thoriwil n act as Aprnl, ami to rrfrivc ainl n'ri-i j( for all miiiic clue this cifii.T, for mil-Nription of ail- I .Ttlising. j lo-rvirit 'I' h k. 100 lln . or more, of sni-- , oinl hand tin vu r tyu. for f;il.' at tins oil at IS els. pT Hi., null. Tin; ty'(' uro the suinrns tlioso ii-ifil in inn iiilvi'i tisiiis; roliiinn. C"" "n our first page wc'liuvc jihu'i'il 11 powrr I11I nrtifh' fioni ihc pen of Itt itiliii m. cnli tlfil "Aim'rioan 1 Vomer. n y.'' It Irlisth shonhl not (h ti-r onr roinh-M front (iivitii it 11 pi'i nsnl. It I'ontnins an ahlo refutation of tin wlioli vuli; nlaiih'i'S hiiip,'il upon thi roiintry hy nrilih torios and their nL'onts. The ai lit le. it u ill he seen, is desini-d c-liicrly an .hihWi'I to the Let- tel of I.nrd Sydenham, who is lit. 'i. illy rrilnil giant. Tin: Vi:ATur n. Cloudy, w ith rain, for .1 Week pat. Tin' sun did show hiinsell for a few hours on ( hrtstiuas altenioon. by way of a relish , ordesseit to the tin key and other poultry dinners 1 that were eaten 011 that day C-T" A daring attempt was made, a few nights sine., to fir. Mr. Joseph Writel's Mill, about I three miles from this place. The villains had succeedi tl in rommuuiratiu! firn to some straw that was in the mill, hut which, forlunately. on account of ln-iiifl wet. did not become ietiited H7" A correspondent of the Clinton County enuH-rat recommends F.. Y. I'i:ii;iit. I'sij , of this county, lis a candidate for Speaker. C."7" XoinitntN 1'i:xxsYi.vaxm x. This is the title of a new paper just started at Williamsort by onr friend Col. Caimt.k. The Colonel, w ill, r.f course, publish ail ititrreMin:; and amusing pa ler. It supixnts Jaineit I'luhanali for Fresiih lit, and Francis R. Shunk for Covcrnor. Tin Colo nel gives a long expose of his connection wilh the Lycoming (lazette and his associates, and of the different factious, fractious and fragments, which have of late disturbed the harmony of the lleinocrary of old Lycoming. It is a strange tale t ml v. I'ttt this is a Mrautro world, and llyron says that even ' truth is Mrange, Mianger than fiction." P."7 Xkw YoitK STAXPAiin. This is a new paper established in Xew York by the friends of cn. Cuss. The Standard is ably edited by John J. Mnmford, nutl warmly advocates the election of lien. Ci.s.s to the l'rehidt-nt y. r"7" Ciiuii.vs J. Ii.u:soi.i in the course of thedebate on the subject of pi inline; the Mes sages in ihe Herman language, asked if there was any diMi reiice between (I.-rmau and Low Dutch except in ion. It is rather siirpiisiui: that a man of Mr. Ineersolls b-arnin-r. should he- tray so much ignorance upon this subject. Low Duti'fi is written and printed in English chai ae- -t.-rs, anil is as dissimilar Io the (leriiiauas the I'jiglish. -and pr.bal.y more o. C." I he vacancy occasioned by the death of Judge Tiii.sii-s.ix, of the Supreme Court 1. 1 the United Slates, it is thought, w ill-be filled by Sec retary SMiiccr. TT" A Slate Temperance Convention will be held at Hat risl.uri! on the 10th of January next. Ill-legates of temperance associatnMis are invited to attend Tni'- StTi: 1i:i;t au Fi i-.ue AVorks There are a number of papers, mostly in the city, which an-constantly hatpin;; upon tin- propii. ty of selling th" il.!ic improvements, for the pur- po-'e ol p.i inn the Stale UeOT. or rallier payint.' a 1 bout one half, say 20 millions, and leave the re ' mainiie 'i'l millions to be saddled on th" p"i.ple, j without any resource or means of payment but - t.ivation. The fate of the gooe that l.iitl the -otd- 11 i-l',s mie,t, with propriety, sickest some 1- t-til 1 ellei ( ion- (or w In. advocate a scheme mi Ij.e.iel.t wilh nun to nil our hojies and tuture piosperl. I be J.e.ple w ill never submit Io be taxetl one millivsn per annum (r the payment of ititt rest, wli.-n the public impis eineiits urt taken Item them 'Fhey w.mhl lallier, inilcli ra llier pay ilouhle the amount, with the hopeslhat at some IuImi e pel iotl these same pablic w 01 k w.mbl lilt 111 1. it 1 I Inpiitlete the debt, and still re- iiKtin 111 lNV-M'sMtin .l lbe Slale. .'lcatlv en- , .m- Xuui, ,-,,. ,,.,.,.,. , ,,.,,, ((ir M.,11M, ,;,,, ,. ,,,,,, ulll, H. w ,,,,. i s,.ltt. ..,,, ,,,.,1 a, i,.,,,,,,..! Wc have ever ' ni)1M, , tll ,,,., , .,,, ptJ,i U1. Vein ami sinew of the country, we know, are ep iK.scd to it Ve J.nicli regretted ihe assageof the law lor lbe sale of the Delaware Division, w hit h sale M as bapily Irusti alt .1 ; uml w ein cercly hope the I.egilatue will never again an. lion a measiue so suu nLil to her own in teicbts. r A great fire occuirctl in W ilkesb.nie. on tle-".''d inst Ten faini lie were burned nut 'l be foe was sud,b 11 tlwt but lit I If Inilliture Was - etl The tlw.-Hlngs, w e uml. island, woe ail i'ii'.1 exc. ..ting o! Mi John Lir'gi t r.T'" Fhe Shei ill'of Y01 k county has adveuisrd l)n- sale ol the locks dams. Jc .of the Tide Wa ter C.t. 1.1 1 ( ompat-y on the Il'ttli itt -t Mr. Biidinnnn's Dirlination. TliC I.ntiriisl.r Intelligencer of Tuesday last, contains no address of t b" linn. Jamku I!i 1 iia.n ax "'I'ii lln Democrats of lVnnt1vniiia,'' in which In' w ithdraw s lii n;i 11 n limn the list of iI.'iiiim liitic raiiJiil:itrs for tin? I'lrsiilinirv. 'I liis i" nn iinpnit.ini ninvriiu-nt oil tln i)litit';il flii'f btmril. Mr. !5m Iimiiuii' rffons lor tli'n strp nrc. luiclly, tluit iinotlnT pi-ison will, in nil jnolmliility. ri'frivi; tin iioiuiiwtinn, nnil In i iinxiottt ttiut tin (I.Mnorriil io pnrty s-lull pri'sriit tin tiiilirokrii front to the iln-my. Mr. liiirliminii w;is, iimliiuliti'illy, tin- lir-t i lioici of IVnti) h a liiii. In whoM faM-r he l.iis ili'tlin- d. if ill favor ofnnvoiii'. 1.4 not known. lh do;'s not rxprrs a"' lrrf ivn e fi imv ono 0I II10 ri-rnuinini: lan- ilnlati's. I, hi. vrr nniv l thr int iition. nm tliili!i y V( rtaiu. t.'rn. ('a.s liii-s Jhc T' liy rc- t'i'is ol .in iiciv-sion of si n-imtli tlmt will initki him a loi rival in IVniisvUiinia Van Hiirm uinl the rrrsiilcnry. A writer in the Rii hniotid I'mpiirer. in :t 11 a hie aitirle on tin l'reidem' v. proihtee-! soni-' powi 1 fill nrunuii tits ae.iin-t Ihe polii'vnf l.ikim; up Mr "iin Fureii a the ralididate of Ihe d 1110 riatir paity. The ,. 1 it, i v a Connel ly a warm friend of '.Mr. Van ruit ii.hiithe contends that he i pot rah ulated to tir up men's spirits or e eite fervor at the polls. In regard to Mr. N an Ho ren's defi at in IV 10. he makes tlm following re marks : "Souio s.iy, that Mr. Jelli rson run, rind nr i'i ti. liilly, alti r 11 liii-l la.lnri." ; as to bo. miio he lid. "Hnl thr rases nro not pirnllel not nt nil. Mr. Ji ll'trson tailed to oct io, hut waH never turned out. 'Flu! latter in thf! pn.-tlicaoieiit in which Mr. Villi Huron Mauds. "liOKitlr.e, the ini'ii arr Mot alike. must not ht' afraid to say so, hut wit, it frankly, that iiur jiidrriiicht inity bo aided by inMruciivf ro- nil I, rl 11 aiu mill r'oiiitiai-i.imsi I l,,tu lw;n nro iMutarcli l.ct conclusions on the Iuiukui cha-" factor lira w n out! In Mr. Ji-lU-rsi son, "funis nnd universal koowlriliri, Mid political philo fophy as a scionci-, ns, well ns a knowledge cif practical polities', anil a truiii of pi rsooal i-ndow-inciits', wliii.'h wcroa tower ol'.-treontli in thfin-h'Ivl-p, all roinhinetl wilh the litct ami I'aou of tin authorship ol" the D. clarin'r nf Iiulcp'n- ilcncr, to form a public character co snleudnl anil cnminaiulin2. that he Flands alone as a M.ltesiiinii on Ihe basis of his own first princi ples; nlniie, in the hold he had upon the whole of the Democratic party of the nation; whom atlrctioiiH were never li.r an instant divided, while he lived, with any other man the hare thotinht i'f which, as when Burr thought of it, 'betrayed like treason.' It wi re unsafe whol ly uneafe, o take him ns a precedent lor run ning a deli-nted candidate. A ith all Mr. Jef ferson's dignity and liirlien ranee, his name could put men'? soul on lire. Devotion and enthusi asm Fpniiirr up i.n his train. 'Fhey were the cjiontnneous homage to his supremacy, attestinrr how liih and cxnluively he was enthroned in every Democratic heart. "Mr. Jellcrson formal the Democratic pirty, and led it on.stnee by Mae, to it.s ascenden cy in IS 10. It was then that lie rati for his se cond term. Mr. Van I'.uren found it ascendant in ';W, when he went into the Presidency and lett it prostrate in '10, when put out. It was then that he ran (or his second term. Py the time Mr. Jcftrrnon came to run for hix pecond term, the sway of his yeniti.s in our all'tir-s, it mingled energy and mildness, with often its Imlil originality, and alwaj a its high tone of in tellectual elevation, hail co extripated Federal-i.-m, ns to leave it 110 re.-tinir-p!acc in the Union for rnllyio"; n vote ngain.-st him, nave ("oiincni cut and little Delaware while you, Messrs. Falitors, 1 dure Fay, may remember that, Mr. Randolph ih-srrd-ed reiith-nmiily J.cph Lewis, j "l'B '"" iiriri,oi. tssoie I. .- .... , 1 . - . .. live irti in oneress irom an 1 irfmiii 1 ue- lieve his expression rather was, sole heir. There in no parallel, therelore-no approximation in the I wo cases, hut the strong-rsl imaiiiiiahlc con trast, lam saving Ibis historically and dts parajfinoly of Mr. Van Ruren. 1 fe eouhl f.ot resist the combinations against him in M0. 1 le tl it) hid best. Ids disaster was of the times. They awept him away. The hurricanes over whelmed him. '.litrkson'x streneih woti'tl have resisted it, or JeirersoiiV. And the question if, whether, after that astounding; overthrow, wo sh-ill now try Mr Van Huron ajjain for t-ctx-nd (rm,and he run fir a third ime.''' Cl' Tin rilooiiisliur;: Reui-ter cives auaccorint ofa l.urglar) in the house ol L-ottanl Riqx-tt, the county Treasurer, on lh nielil of th" 1 "l h inst The robbeis broke open the .1.-J: am' took out ationt ;iV) in money, and "noil in leileeined trea sury olders D, "M "MV Mint t:s In the cities money is still as abundant as ever Fan um-i i.s leadily u. goliale.l at '! to I p. r cent, per uiiuum This cont 11,111 d .1 1 'tile l.i in e o I be 11 101 ley 111.11 ket . for so long a m-i iod, Ii.ik b. en fi.iitiaiy to all exp.-cl.i- ti. 11 ami has set ihe cio.ik. is ami calculate! s all at nought. No one could have conceiv ed, two years s.nce. when money was worth in Fhihelel phia fioiu t i to 'in H r cent. er annum, that 111 less than twelve luoiilhs it would go begging at 1 per cent ' hose w ho ptol -sctl to be w ise ami peculiatlv "killed in these n atters, in-iste I thai ibis wa an unual111.1l slate ol' ihhigs. an I woul I' beyond a pel iod of a few mouths. Yet ibis has been ihe stale of things for lbe l:.t twelve months, and the end is not e1. The lacl is. things have assumed a st.indaid value lbe bloated paer currency exi-letl a few years since gave a fictitious value to every thing, ami when reason again resumed her throne ami things came down to their intrinsic value, and in many rases much below il, a general crash was inevita ble. The Fiee Ranking law- is beginning to find many advocates in Ohio, where they have cxtir Jiated nearly all their old banks. Yet this sys tem has not prospered any t.m well in New York, when. il has been in existence for In . illy live yeais. 'FI, is may have been ow ing to the great tl pieciation of the State stocks. Upon which these bank Were all based. 1'he State Treasurer has tiveli not ice that he w ill not receive any IVrku county Rcliel X'olcj The l'rokcts also refuse them Rc!jiI X-.'o ftj c tjuoied at I j to 2 per ct di RUSCELMSY. lOriltni Int. Cniitlrnnril mitt Srlrrtl. A II -W ('unlet h:t1 bi'ell discovered ill 1'liilice nnd I jielaud. lee -nini; llie soil ha prodiieed eri at results with 'otno of the Fiii-lish larmers. There has h -en another eruption on Mount j V.ttni. Tli" stream of hut -ti in;; lav.i tlat was disi hame l wai two miles, in brea T 1 la. Shirt 1SJ1) tliere have hreu put up in London. 15.001) new, formini; 7,")0 new streets ami sipiares. 'I he ew Yorkers have 7000 toil" of ire on hand, ol hist years crop. A well mieht a milieu without wind, wtiter or Meant, as a press without oil and money. The lmke of Sutherland ave his daughter Sit. 000. 011 her mat 1 iaire with Lord IM.nityre. Then are said to he 20.'! ,o .;es of Freemasons in the Kingdom of Fiance. !rn. Andrew .Tackson. at tin last accounts fioin a-hille, was in very poor health There are o.Vono pen-ioners on the military lit in I'.nu'an I . I Oin-of the lluld ill editors has been nii'-.tti'd !iu- pnl-li.-hin- tin- r.-p -al -p cli ol Robert T ler , An infallible way to niaki vom cliilil tniseia- , , a I hh is to satiety all his d.-man The labor of an e.litoi'sl I is not so mni h what he has to write. 11 to what he has to read. Marine Temp -ranee Society in .New Y01 k city. 1 liuuilM'rs ctt r I I. OHO nieiiibers. 2 HI l.uililin-;s were huildin-rs were .-reeled ill Milwankie. : Wisconsin, in 1 I I Th vill.i-r. now contains COOS inhabitants. j Tin Wesbyati Methodists of (heat Riit.ii have resolved to establish 70(1 day- schools w ith- : ill the next seven yeai, and to raise the sum ol , C'.'ihi 000 or that tt uly K'li -vob.-nt and patriotii llio l.omlou spectator rays -Mr. in is stateil to b.ive receiveil lionilln- 1 1" a 1 since 1 e receivetl Irotiillie 1 1 Mi since 1 , , . 1 . 1 . .1 1 ls:i'...lhesu,nol two hundred and Ihutythousan.l pounds sterling."' . V.V i, ' fr r V l',.,,l l. :,rriv...l ill i '' Xew Y01 k. from Troy, with his tvp '-seltitur ma- chilli'. lb; professes to be able to set .'10(111 ems per hour - Seeing is bel.ev iug."' The Creek Indians have passed a lawexp-1- ling all white men In. ill the lnuit-i of tl ...... ......I .1 I,..i;... 1 ... - - j w ies or not. Tin- steamer Kamsrb.itka. built at N'.-w, lr the Russian llovernuient. is said to be the finest vessel 1. 1 her class afloat ill Europe. A man in Alabama oilers a pianoforte for sale, ami says he'll wait for payment till Henry Clay is elected l'resitlent. At Washington. Mr. lYimington asks for 41o. 000 from Congress, to try 1111 cxp -i iiin-nt with a steam balloon ! The number of letters which annually pass through the United Slates I'ost-t Mlice, is compu ted at 2 I, .'00. 000. The lionibay 'limes mentions the ion of 70110 Christian slaves from galling bondage, at the intercession of Captain Harris. IT" Tun following communi. ntion w as sent . the place o! those that had l n destroyed, ami. us upon the subject of some po.t.y. entitled "The ' because the . ions of earthquakes air not Chibl of Xature to its Mother." which we copied j perpetual, therefore there is no future pm,:h into our paper of the '.'th hist . from the Mlltoni- j ''" Ashe professes to be a man of reason. I an. by sp-cial r.-que-t. When the aitii le was would ask. wha' reason is th.-ie in such an illus hau.letl to ns, we hastily glanced over it. ami as tration. Resides, has he yet to learn that illic it contained some pool ic'me, ii we handed it over tuitions are not arguments. Rut I could draw a for ptd.licatioi. without further examination, or I ,"' " '"'f" -i'ihh- urgiunciit in favor of future even reailin-' ihe whole ol it We certainly do ! pnnishm-nt from the various natural calamities not subscribe to tic- doctrines embodied in the po cm. nor would we designedly aid in tin! dissemi nation of immoral or irreligious principles : it.R rut: AVti:i:ti-.x. 1 FIDELITY. There being so much trashy stutl". underlie' name of poeti y, I seldom read the original effu sions w Inch are published in country uewspap r For ibis reason, a piece in the Ameiican. of th" '.Oh December, taken from the M illonian. enti tled tli" Chibl of Nature to its Moth.-r," ami dated at Xi-.rtlmmV.ei laud, did not come under my notice until my attention was directed toil by a friend. 1 ant not w illing to accuse either of the 1 '.tilt 01 s of 11 sv my at by w ith its .-n1 i 1 1 1 -1 1 1 s which nenl the most pel nn ions cliyracteT ; nor can 1 justify cureless siqx-i vision of the press thiough which it was inliodueetl into -their co lumns. It ct-itailily lsis suie considerable porli 1 al pi eti'tisioiis, and evinces a mind el 11101.- than joidinaiy gra vt hit h, m. r a pi o r lii .-ct n-n. coiilit 0 -ol 11 1 ue 11 set v ice In I lie i i-iiinili nn , mil w hich. al ts '. umlei present illllnenee, seems ile stiued t't blast the chaiacter of its, and spreatl a w ilhei ing blight in th" tuck ol its power. A inoie bold exhibition of infidelity has pro bablv never appeared ill an 01 initial communica tion, in any of our papers in this region ol comi tiy, uora mere open itisiili been oll" i ed to Minis lei s, iior a iici e malevolent blow been struck at the l.ible. thon-.-h i iiqvileul . ami only icbotiml ingouthehe.nlolhini who has bin led it. wilh lotce of thr indignation of all holy minds. 'Fhe sentiments of the piece are increasingly dangerous 011 account of its etical tires, atnl the tenderness ol its title which is calculated to enlist the ready sympatic ol the ln-ait, ami thus bind up the understanding uml Ihe judgement, while the poison is being insinuated into the soul From the manner in which the writer ap proaches the point, ami fioin the interest with which he pursues it until the rinse of hi piece, it is evident that his whole intention was. to es tablish the doctrine ot universal salvation a doctrine which came l'i out lei I and h ads to bid I a doctrine fiuught with mischief to individual and to tin community, an I which is unsc riptu ral iinreasoliald" and uni'iM I'm! in driving t l.i main point he has tu.i.l,' ta I havec ol rca- son and revelation 111 refercnci; to oilier matters "I vital iuiHirtancp, heiiiles his mwnei e-. re llections on the ministiMH of our holy faith lie has rilher ta'it;lit that man has no t,oul ' mo-t uiitin asureil d ris. on account of the noil-d.-tini't from his body, or, having put a p.nt for paymrnt of the hit 'icM on hi.s Mock. Ilo is h tlie whole, bar! included the soul in tin' Word j bout so yeai of aire, nnd appears Io have profit - .t . lie I lien liroceils to tench that (lo.l ere- i onr lies in an evil condition, nnd lien re. ally nttt ib'ites to (;,,d !l i),;,t about man. I hi.s humility ami christ ian Ineekiiess. The follow- or, in Ibc 1an:;uaee of t lico'o.ry , nvikei (;,, the 1 ice is ii extr.tet from one of liis art ides, in an direct author nfsin. lie fa; t !cr teaches, that we v.vrr to (Ini Imil ( Ii ecu, w ho vu del'iiidii, this are the i i-eatures of circiinistanres in uch a ; country fioin the attacks of the Reverend Stock senseas to destroy all vohuitai y act ion in man ! broker. II akes a most linaeeount.ibb attack as to what is evil, an I all moral responsibility 1 upon the Ceiman population of Pennoy'vaiiia. lie attributes all our defection front viitue to whose punctuality nnd honest y are nroveibial our -little passions,-' mvrncd by unavoidable cii i nmM.inces," and desci ihes thoi' passions to iMtnre 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 . i 1 1 1 i 1 1 term) as le r "ill thus a:;ain all'n miii that man has no t onuhility lor his bad deeds, and tin ow ine the blame of them 011 In 1. 1 lav in;; ilestmyc I. in his fancy, all mmal 1 1 arm ter and repon-ihility in man, he titan s the inference as we are exactly lin his es timation) what (Io. I made in. and lire coin pelled ' to act as we do. therefore it is unjust in (Io I to ptuii-h man t!riht philosopher and ren-rner Snrelv tin-world will -talnl-ti ... . . to listen to the 1 011! ooiiriie's o los loin ' What cannot he h- li i - dethroned (.' I. prov as an error niter .,,,,1 .1.,,,;., 1 ..ii ii out .l.-iiie I all t!r lirM prmciiil 's o trutti ' The above sentiments, clothed ill the plain tsieoi i.'o of truth-telling pro. e. are sm!'h ieut to show that the writer virtu. 1 11 v and practically demos the llible I Jut he i-mphatitnll y amiounced his unbelief ill revelation, w hen he declared, that ";""r' ,s l"r "'" """" '"""11 ..on is seen: 'the .Mtnivility Power, whit the Alinivrhty I'mver, whnh we mo own, but see not. save in thee.-' lie then pives a lliicr at ministers under the scornful cant of "n dly, righteous men.'' speaks ol ih.-m as swayed by "lnonkish superstition." j and even impugns tln-ir character, and that of pi I mis persons -r- nerally , nud'T the expression of I '-doubtful holiness;" and to cmwn his presmnp- , ; t.u Sl,s ., t..,.r nrt fi 1 or- t MM- -- , ,ir , .,. , ..... . .......l. .,.,,1 1,,.!:,..-,. t!. t, .,tb 1 , ,;,, ., pvalt,.,, trihuf. to his wn p,,Wers of p.-rcepliou ami mi-rhty iutb-p- tiil- elice as one ..f tliose wbo Ii:ivi. lilnLrn riw'nv fro... 1 1 .1. 1 ... 1 ..: 11:1.1 1 .. 1 1...1: 1 the leading strings of the llible as ntibow'.l Rea-on dictates."' I All ye of monkish superstition, ye pigmies "I' intellect. Royle nnd Raroii ami X'ewt.ui. and a I host o others, w ill ve not 1 ise fioin the tb ad an I Mo bio. reverence, aeknowled".. vnt.r i.morarce iofXature ami Reason, and sit at hi- feet to learn of him ? What a pity '.' lived and died in igno- rauceof the gr.-al fust principles ot truth, and had not your exist-nee in n. in Xm thiirnbei laud, to be irradiated by the glorious Sun of wisdom w hich, as by miracle, has just hurst forth upon our intellectual ami moral darkness ! Ah 1 alas' Has it come to this ? that the largest minds and j '' '-'t"" "'-'"I "-""r & appearance. They a-e purest hearts of rai than sway.-.l by monkish sit- ! also celebrated for rurry'mg . Ii" seperllu bile, re perstition. while mere sciolists, smattercrs in j moving habitual ostitetn s si. kiu'ss at the st,.tincK knowledge, and of '-doubt fill holiness," are a- ' he id.n he, SiC. Kitunl nj Clinnnele. tlepts in tnith, ami can teach the ways of ( In I to (jj I'uf. hase of IL U r, Suubury, or id man '. Rabies are men my-a-.lay Afi-T throw- . ibe ii.euis, publi-hcd in aitolli. r p ut of this p -per. ing in a doubt whetln-r man nieiits even the suf- , , , , , , f.-rings of this life, he again attempts an argument ' against future j.nuishmcn. on the ground ofa I most lotcetl analogy. ' : That alter earthquakes j the grass grows, ami a new population rises in ! which alllict th" woihl. than In can against it J They are evidence of the sinful state of man. I ami of the tli-plt a-oiie of (Iod against moral evil j And it he thus alllicts man in this w.uhl. why not 1 in the next. If it can consist with the mercy of (Iod to dispense suffering in this life, why not e ' tptallv consist with his mercy to punish him in the lilt nre world I llecoticludes with ail npV-al to Xature to tell him wln-tln-r (lotl had loiedtH.m.-il men to t-u 1- less punishment, ami consider the response loin! I ul 1 y in the negative, and retires from his labor apuiteutly satisfied that he has oveithiow 11 our monkish la il la. and won a nam" which will stand high nil the records of fame, if it should not b ' exalted the names of Volncy ami Voltaire and I'aiue, ami Aimer Kneel. in I I Four deceit cd 111.111! ful thil l ol t!i ' ' light to reject the levclatioii ol (iod in his wold, the only sure guide of sinful ami ei ring man an! lii.i';ehis id: iumteapp -al to Nature. mere 11:111 -. of no siib-tanlial being, ihe convenient cover ol ign.uance, error, vice and impiety lie how to reason! No' he bows to hi own imagination ami wishes No ttiail bows to reason in m.t!r. 1 , I of la ith until he fust bow to revelation It he had appeal tolled, sp-akuig in hi wold, the aii-wcr would have been distinct. .Ill I int. Iligdde, giving the lie direct In the Hippoed response ol .Nature, ami tb cl.ll ing Ihe Jilt ilie de- lermiuat ion In punish the iiupt intent sinner lor . t er Young thus describe the id,.!! -i s of Reason : bile love of truth through all their camp re sounds, 'Fhey draw pride's cm tuiu o'er the noon-tide ray ; Spike up their inch of Reason on the point I If philosophic tt it. called argument, Ami then exulting in their taper, cry behold the Sun ! and Imhau-like adoie.'' of fut 111 e punishment ha-s its oiigin in w ron t iews of (lotl. The palions of that er ror disparage the justice of the Dit iue lleing j divide (lo.l, net cr presenting him in his complete character. I ' Xot thus our infidels the Eternal .haws, ' A (Iod all o'er consummate, absolute, 1 Fullorbe.l, iii bis whole round of ray complete : , Tlu-y set at o lds Heat en's jarring attributes, And w ith one excellence another wound; I Maim Heaven's pet lection, break its equal beams, ' Rid m.-icv triimiph over (Iod hiinsell, I'lideilied by their oppi obi ion pi. use ! A Cod all mcicy is a (.'oil unjust.'1 I S inbury, Dec 2 '. 1SU C.7 " I he Rev Sydney Smith of F.nuluiul, wlii until recently held coi.sidirahl.; l'entisylvaiiia State Stock, has been uhlisiiie; the Americana in ted hut itt e hvhij. one; rtaiiihinr 111 1 lie in'mwirv it these eil'usioim lire to he taken ait n mn-. n.w.n ,,r They will not sillier any thins, however, from tin- Kfveicnd e.-ntlcmau's detraction : "It nuiy In Very true that rich and ediirv ted nu n in l'i tins- Ivaniii w ii-h to pnv the de bt . find that the ren) tibjei-torst urt the Ihitrh atnl (lerman nnrlcijlurists, who cannot bf: inulu to uiulerMNiid tin.- 1 ll't'Ct nl rhuracter iim)ii clover. AT. this may bo v. ry true, but it is 11 domes In; on. nr. I. Their rhurchwardi-ns of rrpti'a- '"'i' make a private rate of infamy li.i ii:emse:ves ueiiave tiotlt ng to no with Hit rate. Thr real quarrel i.s i1(. Unpaid in.u.' the Si. itr (il'l'ei iisvlvinia. "A11I li"v, dear Joo.,thnn. h t me 1iej . yot to li.l'ow tin adviee ol a ri al friend, u ho wi! say lo yal Wat Tj 1 ( r bed Hot the Ml tin- to s--iv, mid wl at all speakers in Ihe i'.'t 1 rcreiit I'eim.-yl'.an a ( lec'ioo.s have ratitieii.-!-. ,',bstaiii.-il Irom s.-ty i n;r, '.ki it irn ul 1 imt l,ni,l, iiji ul nut i' unit jur' You have Ilo coll rept:oti of the obloiiiiy and co-ileinpt to w lueli inn are r.vpoMti i.iir-clvr all 1 vcr li ir ipo. Hull is nrturally ili.sosed to love you; but In loves nohoily who dies not pivhittt. llisim aginary panilise is some planet of pmu itia pivmcnt, where ready money prevail'-, tin ! whi te debt and discount are iiiikn.ryii. As f..r me, np soon as I heir that the first firthin-r is to the last creditor I will iipp-Tar nn my at tl;' bar ofti.e I'. Ml- lv. ilia Senate, in the phnneoi iciati robe of American contro versy. Consctipt Jooalhati shall trickle over men few drops of tar, and help to deco rate me vith those penal plutniM in which tilt 1 vanquished rcn.-'onrr of transatlantic worhldnes 1 , ,, . - 1 . 1- 1 i hnnc.ei to I iP tihvsicnl sntiorior't v ol Ins mm... - . . ' ' . 1 , iiems. .11tt now, navtntr easeu mv soul 01 ns , i,igiiati..n, and sold my stock at 10 percent. , discount, I sulkily retire from the subject, with I " i01ltillll III Iflldilirr no more money itofrinft.i.1..,tir,1i!r.,.,'. i ins my money henceforth in buying up Abys-rrodi-rions '.'eni- Kininn btniils- and rmrrhiisino intlm 'ruri.-i-.'. - '- "i ... v ""- j. ...... , .-..i ... v ,..)..... . l ours, or the 1 unis I iiree-ninl-n-'i ilt p -r cent. S0MY i: Ml I'll." : "" " " '! . tl . tl' t ... 1 ...:..-' e n n e rxp.-r., nr. ., me c 1 c,rrl "f V" Vc-taMe Univers .! j VW ,,,,:,,v- ,,;, m " l"" '-'-""" hn.Ve in. brinr ever vet oiler, d to the politic, f ir ctir-iij; I e lj..ut, cramp, and wind in Ihc sloumch ; ulso a r. r lain CU'C fir the ilis.n i'ry or Idoo.I Ibix, c'lnleti mor! us, 'evcre nripii us, and nil otht r disrasi s of the htiwels. A dime nt vt r fids Io rem ; a c .Id, .ti .1 ti k n , D11 tlm "."nil, by ill.' R.-v.J. 1. Shiiidel, Mr. 1) 1 s I . I. II l AS III Miss Mi 11 Tilt ('.IMl H I LL, both ul S 1. nn- km lnv n-hq. i'U!i;i: cr it in'. nt. I Cnn f:ri,l if.t.Uij in .YMry i'uAtimcr. Whi it, .... S."i Rr:, el C.iiv, - - . - - - til (Urs, ...... a. 1 I'nin, ...... 5 FlaXsmii, . . 10(1 IIUTTKH, ..... Ill Rkkswax, .... 2" W, .... Ill Dai i.n AiTLr., - 75 Do. I'nciihs, 200 Fl.4X, ... .ft IlliCKLr. 11 Flx, - 10 FtitlS, ....- ';! Intent I'irt 'omi;iiiy.'' SI A'I ED MF.F. ri.N't! .-I Ihe C'. nip. nv will be hel l 011 T!iius.l:.y evrning rvt, at Ii o'clock, at the Scri. ol House, Functtinl nliendanre s re tpiiit.l. CHAS. J. RRUXKR. D-r. 110, 1S43. Sine tuiy. V;!ilii-,toi I'll t vtiuimiij.' nHU uieinU-rs of tin "Washington Fire C.un- p. in" nre rcq list .1 to inert lit the Stale House, on M1.nd.1v Evening, J.m. 1st, at 6 rltM k, precisely. I' nilemlanre is irquirr.l. Dec. :t0. ' J U'OII YOl'XtiM AX. .sVr. H AMS AXi. MIOI LDUitS 1,1 s tie. chest. . fa: c.h.'-y II 11. MASsE II. D.c ;ot!i, 111. lO JL. "AM1J Ij 1 lie j ri 1111 cs I the ubsv ri!s-r, icsiJii 1 in Sdatn 1k.11 township. oi' time in Vpti 1 ip. s nn" time m "epli 111 bcr 1.1-t, FOUR sr:.Y MlF.I.I. Tiny re 111. uked by having li.r right eir tut cV it the pi 11', sn.l the hfi car l.t. O a- of tlicui h a fell on The on n.-r er nwurr are r. ipies ed to call, n 01 prop. Ity, i iy tlia'c-, 111 I tiki Ihcni .1 .V. MICH Y.. DIMMUi, jr. Sb in. .kin, D.v CI. st:l.;lt u!l(( lu IJui-iW i -i. 4 F.A LMl) prepusils will be teecivcd by the s,.!. ser.bcrs, the luiil.ling coniui.ltec ,ipp'.i.t d le the Fiil I'lCslivtiT'int Church ami ('..:ign".' .tie: ol the li ir.iu;;h of Xo thutnlu rl iiid, until 2 oVl xk I'. M. . I lbe Sth J i:.u iiy, HI I, at ll.a olh.e of F. F. S nion n, E-.p, fm the wnrk of Church, l.i he built in (h loiough of Xnrhuiubet land. Stot.e Mafcimy an l llrickUy ing, Carpenter W'oik, FI hiiJ Fuinlimr, V'sch to tw bid for sep .irttcly. All materials . b furnislu'd by liic Cimiaiiil' C Flans ami sjn-cilici lions will be ixb:bi'.cd uultl the day of letting, j said oilier, V. F. Sh tiinnn, John Poitrr. Win. H. Wuplcs, John Young . J..s. M. Il iir, N',rthunilrl..nd, Deo. 'l I Nil. IS L'XIOX COUNTY. E of them 6 miles west of Xew Iteilin. Fciins Creek, o.'t upird by ('orue Yalleniir. id-mil '.III arte cleared, saw mill, lunl-rr Dud, 4 The ol'irr 3 inili-s west of Noil'iuiiil.erl md. nc 4 llrinvn's 'Fiv.-n. 11. ULLLA. D.c. Huh, ISM. 2i