Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 23, 1843, Image 3
SIIER IFF'S 11 V virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Expon as nnd Levari Facias, issued nut of the Court of Common Picas of Northumberland cnunly, to tno dirrctrd, will he exposed to public la Hi the Court House jn ihf llorough of Sunbury, on Mon day the I nl day of January next, at 1 o'clock, I'. M . the follow ing described oierty, In wit ! All the defendant's interest, soppo-ed to 1-e the un iLvided ei x ill part of a tract of land eituntein Point township, Nnrt'iumherbmd county, hounded by Isnil late of John II. Cowdcn, now (Jnlich, land svf John Schriner, Henry Waits nn I others, and the "West Branch of the Kivef Susquehanna, contain iiir 313 arrra nul allowance, moie or less, ahout 180 acre of which are cleared; whereon nre erec ted a two stoiy log dwelling hoiisa and kitchen, a apiirg house, and a large log ham, a lime kiln, an urchnrd, eVc. Also ! All the (tel'end .1' iritercrt, sttpp.wcil to le the undivided sixth port of four contiguous lot of ground, situate in ihe Imroltrjh of Ntvth'd Nor thumherl md county, and marked" in the general plan of said town No. 29. 30, 31 and 32, fronting cm Northway on the north west, and boiiniVd on the south east hy the North Urnnch Cannl, on tlie? south west hy an alley, And on the north cast hy j Hanover ftreet", whereon are erected a la'ge anil j eommodi.tus two story frame, dwelling house ami kitchen, a large frame studio ami a frame carri 'ge house, leiiiR the mansion properly of the Hon. SSelh Chapman, dee'd. Also: All lire d fcndarit's interest hi two cither continuous lois of ctoitnd, situate in the borough of ward hy a l it nf George Mi'lert whereon pre creeled a large two story dwelling house, wentheibourdod and painted while, a large kiichen, a stable, and a well of water. Alsot A certain lot or piece of ground situate in the botoneh of Northumberland nforcsaid, honndeil eastward hy F'fh street. Westward hy Sirawlnidiie Rosd, northward hy a lot of John Whcatley, jr., conl itnilii one acre morn or leas. Alio l The liTe estate of the defend int. l wit : The unilivided fourth part of a lot nf ground situate in Northumheil.ind aforesaid, hounded south ward by King street, wrs'wnrd hy an alley, north ward hy tin alley, and eastward hy a lot of E. P. Shannon, w hereon are erected a two ilory dwelling house and a well of water. Abo: The life estate of the defendant, to wit : The undivided fourth part of two certain lots of crnund stuate in the hormmh of Northumberland tiforo-nid, hounded southward hy Orange street, westward hy Second street, northward hy an alley, anil rait ward by a lot of Joseph Walli. Seized. 'ken in execution, and to he sold as the property of John Le'senrine. Also: The equal undivided moiety or half of two cermin Inlands, situate in tha liver Susquchmiin, in Augu-ta township, Northumberland county, op positc the dwellins house of Wm. 1!. Jones, one thereof called Moody's Island, containing 37 acres more or less, about 25 ncrea of which are cleared and in a high stite of etil ivaiion ; the other (hereof, railed 'Hound Island," con'ainiiiR about three n crcs, ncar'v all of which are cleared ai d in a high stale of ru!;i v itinrt. Scizid, taken in execution, and to he sold as ihe properly of William IJ. Jouc. j Also: Four continuous lots of ground situate in the borough of N rthutnhcrl ind, in Norlhoml'iT land county, marked in the cencrnl pl:in of sai I 1 KlUn ,,'li- ... IHMIMII. nillicv II. 111.: l'"inii;il III I ' , III Norihuml.erla.Hl aforesaid, and marled in the plin ,ow"' fil- R-- r,:l c, ""U"1'''11 ' '.v . . . I 11 . . 1 .... .1.- . I... - flrt C...I ..I'.... nforcsaid, N is. 27 and 2H, hounded on the north cast by an a ley, on the south west by lot No. "d. on the souih east by ihe North llrmch Canal, and fronting on Northway on the north west. Also: All the defendant's interest, supposed lobe the undivided sixth p iri nf four contiguous lot of ground, in the town aforesaid and nvi'ki d in the plan aforesaid. No. 20:, 201. 20.'). 2d0 fmntiiiK on North way, and bounded by the North Itrauch ('anal on the south easl, and by an alley on the south west ; whereon is creeled frame hnrrick. Aleo: All the defendant's interest, supposed to be the undivided sixth part of a lot or piece of prouiiil, situate in the town ol'Northiinibel.iinl af reaid, be tween the Kiver and the Noith Drsneh Canal. ep jositc the M nision House property aforesaid, and adjoininc; lot of the Hon. KIlis Lewis hihI Hano ver street, eoiiiaining abunt two ucris; whereuii is a Rood ore! ar I. Also: All the di fend ant's interest, supposed to In- the undmd d sixth part nf aitulher lot or piece of j pround, smiled between the Kivcr and the l.-inul nfures dd, adjoining lots of William A. Lloyd, Tho mas Uriiiille, &.c, enntnining about two aeic; whcicou is also a good orchaul. Seized, taken in rxtcuton, and to be fold as the property of Josi.ih Cliapinan. Also: A certain tract or piece of land situate in, formerly TurUit, now Lewis township, Northum berland county, adjoining lands of Jacob (larrell, Peter Sirou-e, Micrml 15iob-t and others, contain ing thiity acies more or less, about 20 acres of which rc cleared ; whereon are erected a 1 j story frame liouse nnd two log Mahlcs. fVised, taken in execution, and to bo sold as the property of Isaac Jerret. Also: A certain lot of ground situ ite in the bo rui'gh of Millon, NoithumN'rUnil county, and mar ked in the gener d plan of said town, No. 35, boun ded on the noitli by l)iodway, on the south by an alley, on the east by Church Lane, and on the went by lot No. 34 ; whereon am erected a two sto ry frame house, painted while, wiih a k'tcheu at tached, and a large frame blacksmith shop, pl.isteted inside. Seized, taken in execution, and to be told at the properly of James Kellcy. Also; A certain piece nr bit of ground situate in the horonih of Suiibury, Nor'hurnhcilxnd conntv. hounded by V iwn ttrvet on the west, on the south by a house ami lot of Jacob lJeck, and on the mith by a lot of Christian Unw cr, coiitnining in bteadth on Fawn stieet 272 b et, and depth 2"0 f. et morr or less, con' lining one acre and a half more or less, w hich Slid lot has been divided into a'ccb by de as follows : One p ireel or lot adjoining Ja mb IWk, containing .r)7ifcit in frunt on Fawn ulrivt, bySSO in depth ; one olhi r b't adjoining the n hove, containing 5V feet in front on Fawn street, nnd 250 (eel in depth; one olliet let adj ining the last above mentioned containing 57J fsi front on Pawn street, hy 230 (eet in depth ; owe other lot adjoining the above, containing foriy-two fit in In, nt on Fawn at reel, and 2:t0 . et in depth ; and one oilier loi adjoining the above, and on the north a lot of Christian Uower, condoning in front ft7j fict in front on Fawn ktreet, and 250 feet in deplh. Also: A certain other lot of ground sitaatu in the borough of Suiibury a fores id, and maiked in the general plan nf said town No 120, bounded nu the easl and west by lot- No. 125 and 127, and on the north by an alley, conluining j of an acre more or lca. Also: The one equal undivided fourth jirrt of a certain tract of land situate in Coal township. Nor thumbeilaiid county, surveyed nn a wanant in the name of Merrick Starr, and containing in the whole 200 acres noire or less. This land is well limber ed, nnd upon which is an excellent saw null seat. Seize I, taken in execution, nod to he sold as the juopi r'y of Peter L zaruM. Also : A certain tract or niece ol land siuiale in Coal town-hip. Noithtunbeil and c oiniv, adjoining ' lands of William ( is-i, James (i-iss, William Fa-j (,-ely and others, con'sining thirty acre more or i lea-, about 7 acres of hich arc e'eared ; wliero:i J are erected a two story fra:ue house and l"g k t.hei and oil mill and a saw nii'l. Seized, I. ken in exeeut ion, and to be s ,!J as the property of S.inim I Also : The one undivided rvi'i !y i f id', that cer tain tiact of land si'.un'i! in Augi'.s a township. JVurlhunih-rlaiiil couniv, ''i ,',,;,,,, ,,u of tlie heirs of Th .rnis nv l. r, dee'd., land of 1 n-iur ! Siinonbin, Fr m- IJc.c'iier anJ others, coniaining ; three hundred an.1 i:,tv ;W,c maw or les, allow, j mice nie isu e, wj(, aipuitenane, being Ihe same which, nn lr. 17,1, j.y f s. pteinber 1773 ! was p4tl iited io Jacob ltock. On Ihe said t-act of i land, are -ect, d a large frame dwelling house nn I j k.'.'etie.i, revciul sniull hou-i s. a l.ire log bam, an orchard, ,Vc. nlmut 2tl0 acres of which are cleared. ' Seized, taken io execution, and to las Sold us t'.ie I property of John U. shipman. Also t A certain tract of land situate in T'ppcr Mahonoy township, Northumberland county, ad joining lands of John SallaJe, (iodfiev liahach, Michael KiilMi-h anil others, c intaining 1 10 acres more or less, about 00 acres of of which are cleared; whereon are erected a two story log house tmja log barn, a good orchard. Seized, taken in execution, and to be fold as the proiierly of William Korcher. Also: Two contiguous lots of ground situate in the borough of Nor'huinbeiljiid, in Noithuiulx r UnJ county, bounded southward by King street, northward by an alley, westwarj hy a lot lately of John II. Cowden, d.-e'd., eastward by a lot of John U. Uo J "d K. Campbell ; whereon are ercclcj a large two story brick store end dwelling house, two f lory brick kitchen, a store house, smoke house, tump of water, and a large frame staMa. Also: Another lot of grounJ situate in borough of Northumberland and county aforesaid, bounded northward by (jucen street, eouihward by Duke tl., vfatwjrj by a lot of Hugh Bellas, K.q , uud cat H mover street and on the west bv a 20 feet alley. Also : Four othet contingnous lots in tlie tow n of Northumberland aforesaid, and marked in the general plan tl erenf. Xm, 1M. 104,195 and lOfi, bounded eatly Northway, sou'h by Hanover St., west by Waler strut, and north by a V.O feel alley. Also : A pertain lot of (round situate in the bo rough of Northumberland aforesaid, desctibfd as follows: Tlegtntiing at a post on the norlh-eist branch of the River Sirsquchanna, thence rtlong Hanover streit, north 52 degrees west, 24 perches Io a corner of lot No. 210, IhecCe along lots Xi.s. 210. 209, 20S and 207, north 3S d'grccseist, 15 perch"-s and two-tenths to a post in centre of a 20 bet alley, thence sonih 52 dearees east, 27 priehc to a post on the bank of the river aforesa'd, thence down Ihe same to the jd ace of beginning, cniitnin ing to ace and sevenlv perches. Also: IrOtsN.x. 207,'20S,209. and Sinai'j .in ir'p the list above mentioned properly, and hound ed thereby on the sou'h, on the west by Hanover stria1!, on the north hy Northway, and on the evt by a 20 f. et allev, containing each CO feet on North wnv.and ISO feel in depth. Al-o: Lots Noa. '.23. 121. 125 and 120. eon taming together on Northway 2 10 f.-et, and in depth 1 HO fee', bounded north by Northway, easlwardly by lands formcilv of Jonah Haines, southwardly bv lands of John Vatighan, and west by a 20 feet ai l.y. Also: A certain lot or piece of ground situate between Ihe last above deseribi d lots, and the nrlh cast branch aforea d, beginning at a post, (corner of lots No. 12Ci,) thence smth 52 decrees est, 30 perches to a post by a sumach bush on the bank of Ihe river, thence down the same, south 40 degrees west, sixteen perches to a post on Ihe bank, thenee by land of William Foster, north 52 degree west, 35 perches to a post in the middle of, and at foot of a 20 feet alley, ihence by half of (he said alley, and the loot nf saiJ lots. 123. 124, 125 and 120. north 3S degrees e ist, 15 ferches to the place of beginning, containing three seres and foriy perches. Also; Lots N ns. 2I9, 220, 22l,and 'l23, con taining together in front on Northway 240 feet, in depth ISO feet, hounded southwest by street, northwest by notthwsy, northeast by a 20 feet a Icy and southeast by land granted to Willi mi Foster. Also : A cer'nin lot or peice of ground adjoin ing bits aforesaid, aid di scribed as follows; Reain- ning at a post in ihe middle and foot uf st., thence by half of s lid stieet, and by f -ot of said last lots, ni-nh SS degrers east, 10 and nine-tenth perches lo said 20 feet alley, ihence by land old to John Vsiigh m, 55.2digrers east, 30 perrhea to north-east corn r of a rtrei t, thence dow n north 40 degrees west, 17 and Iwo-lenths perches to a pnM on hank, thence hy land sold to Joseph Priesly, jii'., north 52 degrees west. 35 J p, relies lo t e ptuce of beginning, containing 3 seres and 31 perches. Also : Lots Nos 153 151. 155, 150. 157 and d lots Nos. 153, 151, 155 ard 1 JO, hound, id north by (jtvrn sTeet, south by Duke street, west by Eieh'h street, and east by an alley, and the ic-idiie i ( s .id I Is bounded north by (Jiii rn s'reet, south by Duke stieet, east by an alley, and wesl by 7lh stieet, conliiiing together about two acres. Seized, taken in execution, and to be o!d as the property of William A. Lloyd. Also; Two p-rlain tracts or p'eces of land situ ate in the borough of Norll niuberland, Noithiim. hcr'and county, oi c thereof adjoining lands of J. I!. Hoyd on the north east, the West Urnnch on the south east, and land i.f Wm. McCoy on the south west ; the of cr thereof being between ihe North Uranch C mil and the North Hranch, adjoining the he rs i.f Seth Chapman on the north ea-t. an I Hanover street on the south west, the add two pieces of lund containing thirteen acres wtv or tc-. Also ; The following oyl !,;( or pieces of ground, containing live aer s cah, and marked in the gene, rat plan i.f said out lots Noa. 6, 1C, 22, 12 and 90. A!,o: 'I'Vie fo'bnviiig :n-lots or pi ces nf ground in tbn town of NurtbuinberUnd sfnretaM. ami t marked in l,e gene al plmi tbeieof. No. 20. whereon, is erected a larce two stoiy fiame dwel. j Ui'S house, being on the south west corner of 1 Northnev and an alley, and hounded on the ou h ! west by lot No. 13. I Also: Lots Nos. fil, 0-2, C3 and 01, bounded) o-i the s.iutll ca-t by N'oithway, on the north West j by Wutir street, on the north ea.l by H innver si. , au l on 'he s u;h west by nn alley, Containing a- I bout of an acre each. Also : Lots Nos. 193. 131, 105. 190. 197. 1!H, I 199, 2011, and 201, bounded on the noifi west bv J ali I stieet, on the sou h cast by Nonhway. and on tlie si. ion wi st iy itanovcr sin ct, cunrninng loch about uf an acre. Also; 1. -is Nos. 207. 20, 209, and 210. bound ed on the north west bv N'oribwav, and on the Wirt by Hanover street. tin said lot No. 210, is c rected a large log bain. Also! Lot No. 72, rituato on the south west coiner of Cyjueen and Water streets, whereon are e roctcd a large two story frame building, formerly occupied as a store. Also t A small frame Shoemaker's shop, and a small frame building occupied as a Fancy store. Sii.eJ, taken in execution, uud to be told as the proiicrty of William A. Lloyd. Also : All that certain tract or piece of land situ ate in the county of Northumberland, and state of Pennsylvania, hep inning at awhile pmo corner, adjoining lauds ol Diddle c. Company, thence north 75 degrees east, I3t perches to a pile of stone, thence norih 12 degrees west, 190 perrhes to a pout, thence uoith 88 degiees west, 23 lurches to a post, Ihence north 75 degrees wesl, 9 iierehei to a nilo of stone, thenee south 5 degrees wesl, H per'ue to a post, thence south HO degrees wesl, 30 perches lo piuo, thence south 13degieea east, 195 perches to Ihe place of In ginning, containing 105 acres and fil perches, and. allowance ol six per ((, for roads, c, 4.0. Alsoi O ie other tiael nf land situate in (he cnunly of Northumberland afiresaid, being hutted, boutnleil an I deaciihed as fill iws, viz; Iteuinning at a while pine, adjoining lands of Ihe Asaylnm Company, thence north 12 degrees west, 171 perch es lo a corner, thence south 81 degrees wca', 5(5 perches to a corner, thence snath. 74 degrees west, 58 petchea lo a pile of stone, (henca nftrth 16 de gereeswest, 8 perches to a pile of atone, Ihence south 71 degrees west, 100 perches to a pile of atone, thence norlh 10 degrees wesl, 10G perches In a pllo nr stone, thence north 75 degrees east, 2 H perches lo a pile of stone, thence north 12 degrees west, 80 pe relies to a Rum, Ihence a -ulh 7i degie. a west, 275 perches to a pine, thence south 5 de grees wesl, 1 12 perches to a chesnut fallen, thonco south 78 degree west, 19(1 perches (o a chesnut oak, thence north 54 decree to a chesnut, Ihence west 121 perches to a chesnut, thence u'lli 70 degrees wesl, fi.'i prrehes to a pile of stone, a cor. tier of Sarah Ree.-c's land, thence s niHi 12 degrees easl, 159 perches to a pos', thence north 85 ilrg"-eis east, 215 jierches to a pile of stone, thence norih 75 degrees east, 118 perches to a pile of atone, ihence south 12 degrees east, 3SS perches to a pine. tin ncc norih 7 degrees enst, 129 perches to n white pine, thenee north 121 deg.-ees west, 291 perdu s to a pile ofs'one, ihence south 81 degrees j en-t, 218 perches to a pile ol stone, formerly a mi fie, thence south CI degrees easl, 04 perches to a hito pine, iheplaco of beginning, coutuining 1012 acres, 4 3 perches and allowances. Seized, tsken in execution, and to le sold ns the property of Hurd Patterson. Alsot All that certain house togi thcr with the lot. w hereon the sime is creeled, situate in the I o rough of Northumberland, and couniv of Northum berland, on Queen street, and Second street, run ning back 'o lbike street and iidj.iinieg lot No. SC. the said lot being numbered 85 in the plan of said borough. Se zed, taken in execution, nnd to be sold ns the juoperiy of the H iptist Church, in the borough of Northumberland. Alro: All those six two story fiame buildings silnaje in Coal township, Northumberland county, adjiening each other an I nil under one roof, and the piece of land and curtilage appurtenant thereto, b"ing a part of the tract of laud upon which the said Company are or were, conducting and carry ing on their Iron Wnr; nnd Coul Mines; the aid houses being cktIi forty feel long mid eigh teen feel deep. Seized, laUen in execution, and to be sold Its the piopertv nf the Shnm.'kin (Tod or Inn Company. FELIX MAUKEII, f-'larlJJ'. S.'iieiilT's Office, 1 Sntil urv, Dee. 2. 1813. S "LiSTOrCATjBSi 17 O It Irial in the Court of Common Pleas ofNor lhum'.prland County, at Lmuaiy Term A 1813, commencing the first Monday. OAKLEY'S ni:it'ittTivi; svitn. riIfF, valuah'e properties of Oakley' Dcpnra I. live Syrup of S irsapnrilln, as a purifier of ihe blood. n so well known t the public generally, lhat it is unnecess try to occupy much spaeeln set ting fori h the advantages to be derived from its use ; wherever Ihe medicine has once been intro duced, It take precedence over all other : eveiy one that bn taken it, have derived o signal bene ficial results from it, lhat it is recommended bv them with the ti'most confidence. Physician of the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it to patients under llicir rare 5 containing nothing deleterious, but being composed ol the most mil I, yet rftic.iniou vegetable materials, it (s off-red with confidence, tis the cheniiesl and most efficient pu rifier nf the blond now known. The use of n lev bottles, especially in the spring month, will be st. tended niih a most decided improvement inthepc. strength of the system, eradicating any seeds nf ilisea-e that may have been generated, beside giving health and vigor lo the body. For the core of Si rolula or King Lvil, IJheum itistti. Tetter, Pimples or eiuptions of the Skin, White Swclliivr, F;"lul.i, Chronic Cough A', cVc, The nu merous ceriidea'c in the possession of (he subscri ber and his agents, from physicians and others, are sufficient to conv ncc the most skeptical ol iis su periority over all prep ir ili. ins of Sars iparilla. Sold whole-nle nnd retail, by the Jiroprielor, OEoni.E W. OAKLf'.V, North 5tli street, lien, ding, links County, and to be had of the following pet sons : In Xirthmnhrrltin't Cimntif II. II. Master, Sunbnry ; liclaud oV M xel, McEweusvitle ; I). Kran er, Milton. 7i Union Cmintif. .1. fiearhart, Peliti'grovp- ; A. (iuti litis, Miflliubiug. Li Columbia County. Yl. V McCoy, Wash ington. Reading. March 14, 1813. Ma. OiKt.r.r: I believe il the duty of every one lo do whatever in their power lies, for the h-ne- fit of their b llow mm, and having ha I p.o bive proof in my own fanvlv, of (he writit'erful properties of your li.-ptinti.o Syrup of Ss'sapirilla, 1 m t i conscientiously recommend it to the afilicled. We ! had the mi-fortune t lose two of our children, by ! the breaking out of ulcerous sores that entered ihe " """ in f i. i 1. 1 ii , lotlllfrfifl'i, DEATH BLOW. '"Pile public will please, observe that no Drandrclh J Pills nre genuine, utiles the box ha three li bel upon it, (the top, the aide and Ihe boltom) each containing a fic-simile sf imlnre of niV hand writing, linn 11. nninnnr.rn, M. l. These In. bel-aio engraved on steel, beautifully designed, nnd done at an expense of over f 2.1100. Then fmc it w ill lie seen that ihe only thing nrcessnry to firn cure the medicine in its putity, is to observe these I ibels. Ucmemher tlie top, the side, nnd Ihe hotlom. The following respective persons are duly nuheri red, end hold cehticates or agency, For tho sule of limndrcih'g Vreetable Universal Vilh. Norlhumlieilnnd county ! Mi'lon Maekey cV t'hiirnbcilin. Sunbnry II. H. Masser. M'Ewens vi lie Ireland Ac Meixell. Norlhumbeilnnd Wm. Forsyth. fJeorgelown J. 9c J. Walls. Union 'County: New Berlin Dogar A: Win ter. Selinsgrove Cieorge Cundruin. Middle burg Isaac Smith. IleavcTtriwn liavid llubler. Ad imsburWm. .1. May. Mifflinxhars Mcnsch cV. 11 iv. Il.irtlcton Daniel Long. Freeburg li.iV I Moycr. Lewisburg Walls V (treen. t'olumbia county Danville E. H. 1' iV Co. Uerwick Shumnn cV. Kitlenhneras. Cat tawissa C. G. Drobts. llloornshurg John I. Meyer. Jeiscy Town Levi llisel. Washington Robl. MrCay. Limestone llnlliet fic McNinch. Observe that each Agent hns an Engraved Cer tificate of Agency, containing a representation of Dr lilJANDIJnf H'S Manufactory at Sing Sing, and upon which will also bo seen exact copies of the mw labels now tired upon tlie Hrandreth l'ill Phil idelphia, office No. 8. North Rlh street. U. BKANDKETH, M. D. Jime21th,JlSjn. Movers Ink. JOSEPH HOVER, Mamifacttirer of Writinrr and Indclli hlc Ink, No. 10(3 North Third Street, eix doors below Uucp, (enst Bide,) PHILADELPHIA, inc freaK-ng our ni u.-erous son , ,,, co.erco ,ne - , Es,.EtjTFl;UlY inf,rmg country merchant, face, bead and neck, al.l.ouih we had some el the , X ,,, oll ,,la he conilanlIv koeps on hand most sciei.t.lie physteians to nl.cnd th- m and had m h o( -Ju'e flnJ ReJ tried nil the known terne lies, including Swaims Panacea, without av.iit. Another of my children was attacked in ihe same manner, her face I icob Shi'z S-ephen Wilson Samuel Kei-fer Doitgal iV McCb cry John Hummel'h. of Pa Vanv.ilih John Oriffen etc Jaroh Leiser sr. Enoch Hower's exe J II Flnnignn etc W K Urown John A Llovd The Rank of Norlh'd. Eli Probst Holicrl Miner's admr Daniel Trantignm David F flordon Same Christian Philips J Houghend iblei Ac David Watson Philip Weiser S mie Drl! Philips Jnn is Ki lehner's cxr Abraham Striuli Kreitr. foi Lot g etc Chas F Shuffle W II Villi r The Com' h of Pemi'a O Angst for Himl ii lohn Aster Stephen l'err Conrad Kavcr Isaac Davis Joseph Dotngardner vs .1 bn St mt vs F . Kracht vs James Heard vs Christopher II flaker vs I. P Sliinnon for D. vs John Trick v S T ilurrow vs J A- H M Davison v John Knorr v W H Hi.nscl vs Peler Uurlieu vs Iiebeccn Wells vs Paul tiedde etc vs Samuel cV l McKee vs II Frick ct nl vs John t'owden's cxr vs Hugh Bella vs Same vs John H Miller vs Packer ,V dimming v Patrick Montague vs Joseph Wulli jr v Sime vs Mcl'artee ct Purdy vs John Peal et nl v Jonathan Adam vs Nicholas Lenu's admr vs lohn T Mi'liia vs W II Frytnyer v Felix Mamer et at v He lUernin vs Charles Craig vs fieorge Lawrence vs J dill Illlild s llower vs .lilin Murray large stock ol his supene Ink. and also a superior finality of Indellible Ink. ! I II. s ink is put up in bottles varying in si.e, from O 1 I ... -it, ..ll I.- 11 . 1 ' . , , , , i i in -J iiuiiit'n, nnu win i-v buiu kj I insiiimoiu neck wa. coo.plc.e ly covered; Hie discharge was so , ( .,.,le cx,.c,cnt ouaU.ies of this ink has so thoroughly established its character, that it is now extensively used throughout Ihe country. . For sale at Ihe store of II. I). Masser, Sun. bury. Pn. May 27th, 1813. ly offensive, and the disc ise nt such a height, that we despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful ellects i nf vonr lVpur.nive Syrup i.l S iisapnrill i, we weie j induced lo make Irial of il, ns the last n s rl ; il , need like a cbniio; the tt'cers commenced healing ; immediately , a few hollies cn'ilclv restored her to her he ill!i, which she has enjnved uninlenuptedly ever since. A a puiifieeol ihe blood, I verily be lieve il ha not its dpial. JOHN MOVEll. Tailor, Wuhiut street, near Fuuilh, Keailing. Dnu;tassil.., April I'.Uh, HI 3. Mil. (Uxi r.t : My son lVmnnil Leaf, bad the serofola ill ill ' must dreadl'ul .and di-tiesi.;ng man ner for three years, dining wh'ih lime he was de prived of the ne of his limbs, his he id nnd neck weie covered with ulcers. We tri-d all ihe dil" r lit remedies, but to no effect, until recommended Iv Dr, Johnson nf Noriislnwo, and also Dr. Isaac liiester, of Itca.hng. to use your Depurntivo Syrup nf S.irsapnrilla, of which I obtained several hollies, ihe use of which d'ove the entirely nut of his system, the sore healed up, and the child was restored to perfect health, which he has enjoyed uninterruptedly ever since, to the astonishment of many persons who seen him during his nllbction. I have thought it my duty, nnd send you this certi ficate that otliers who have a bke aflliclion in the family may know where to obtain sj valuable a meili ine. Yours truly. AMELIA 1). LEAF. Sept. Ifi, HI 3 ly AtlniniUiratoi" .olitc. j "TJJJ'OTICE is her. by given that lelbrsof ad- i I ministration have Isen granted bv Ihe lie gisli r uf N oitliiimber'nnd county, to ihe ulsei i'.ei s, in the estuto of John H. Price, late nf the bomnjh i i f Suiibtny, Noitburiiber'und county, d.c'd. .MP C al ) i 1 1 c t-3f ak i n g ioiv i:.(a!,lilnn( iH.V V'ZLLZAltC HCOTS?. F.SI'EC TFI.'LLY informs the citizens ol Sunbury and vicinity, that he has recently commenced ihn (' MilMlVMAKlNC, lit'SlNKSS, in all its branches, in Maiket street, Sunbnry, im mediately below the post office, where ho will be ready to receive and execute all orders in the line nf his business, with promptness and despatch, and in the best style nnd minne'. His price will bo low, in accordance with the times. tij- Lumber and Country Pr.sluee taken in Ex change. May 2ith 18-13. firn (' it vri i ITrit i : v t "ri ox', AND PRIVATE SALES R003MS, Nos. 'JD and HI North Thud Street, Near the C i t v Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. C' C. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respeclful'y in vite the attention of pernor. s desirous of pur chasing Furniture, lo bis extensive Sales Rooms, (both pu'dic and Piivnte.) for every description of llousihold Furniture, where inn be obtained at nil limes, a large assortment nf fashionable nnd well manufactured Cabin-t Furniture, EeJs, Mattrasscs, etc.. at very reduced prices, for cish. (W Sail's bv Auction, twice a week. May 2?ih. H13. ly '"" "LCITGLET'S (.rent IV vstv v n Indian I"aii:i on, SVMLEL 1). joi:nN. FroihoiiotirvV Office," l'ruth'ij. Sunbury, Dec.'lR, IS13. S " stastzits," i MrEO T. FI LLY ii.r. rn.s ti e public, that he ! -1 ha made Northumberland his place of resi dence, and is n oily lo M'cnd lo any calls in tho j line of bis profession. t Q"j- He ni iy at ull times be found at .Mr. James Lei 's Hotel. ' I Northumberland. Die. lG;h, Hll.tlf IS heri by given, thil I have purchased the I.. How. in urtitles, robl al Sheriff's sule nn the Jiih inst , ns the pmpertv of Samuel Drurkemill- r. which r lieles 1 have loaned to the said Samuel until I see ropi r to remove them, vi: H Hats, at f-1 31 1 Mantle Cbuk, 1'J t) Cti yds. of Carpeting, nt 31 cts. per yd. H 33 A vds. dn 10 cts. ' 1 fill I Dining Table, 4 j il.-zcn Chaiis, 3 5? 1 liureau, ft HO pre-cnl 1'ieoi duly amber. i n'ed for settl. menl, and 'tMUpOUIItlcd entirely of Vegetable iho e indebted nre stej to Cull ind lo.ike si I t'eimiit iiiitnedi.ilely. ;.- r.s 1 DA MEL DinCKEMlLLEll, j funbury. Dec. 'Jib, H13 3t ; Printers .-. j Vfew kegs for sale, at a small advance T..r ca.-b, ly 11.11 MASKEIL I new ";ooi)s. rjHM' ubscrilse hns received a freh supply of! 1 Fall i nsls, which lie will sell ihe..(i t r cash : or country produce. 11. 15. MASSEU. Su-.bu'y. Dee, 2d, H13. j roRESTviiiriE i nuss i:e;nr day cixk hs. j riilE subrCritMir has ju-l leceived, for sale, a few ! M of ihe ubove celchru'ed Eight Day Clocks, which will be sold at very reduced prices, for ca-h. Also, tupurlor 30 hour (blocks, nf ti e best ni.i';e and ijuality, which will be sold for cash, at $1 50, Also, superior Brass 30 hour ("locks, at fs (io Dec. S. H13. II. U. MASSEK, IMalc ol" ni. Itlloy ;;iss, !'. "mTOTICE is hereby given, tho.V Utters of a.U ndnistraliiin upon said cate, has this day Im-cii granted to the subscrilve-. Persons knowing theuim Ives to he indeblc.j ( said eslate, nre icipiest id to uiuke iiuiueib.ste payment, and thosu having nccoi-.nis or demands again.-t the estate aie repies. I'd to present Ihcui lui ciiininutiou and settlement. AHHHAM SHIi'MA.N, Augusin, Dcifinlr Ud, IS 13. tit. Foil SALE AT THISOmCE. Substances ; I'ree fmm Vuhmrl unit ull other Mineral. For the history of this medicine, nnd Us unrivalled and truly surprising success and popular ity, see large bills. I' is recommended as a general cathartic for family Use in dyspepsia and all bilious disca- . : i.. .i , , :.. : - I ses, ii is invaiuunie inr .-isiiiuin ii in i-iiusiuiTirii specific, no esse having yet occurred which it has j fad.d lo cure for common colds, imfiamniatory ' diss-a-c. rhcumaiism, affections of the liver, etc., and for females, il is a safe and excellent remedy. CERTIFICATE, OTONE W A HE for sab'. r mm ir. oiian isi.oj uinnumpnm, y. O "r KtmiH .lues, from I uua l to 3 gallons. Mf. Longley -Dear Sir I I have Used your Croat Western Indian Panacea in my family, and have repeatedly prescribed il for patients un "ier my enre, and am satisfied that it is always a e'.fe. and in very ASIItV cV ISOlWl, i inany rises nn invaluable tnedicir,e. It oierate a Him c. in) at t vt'P u'TPlil'tiv: i lax stive without nausea, or rain ; and while it ef A 1 tV 1 Al Al A .AIL Al, I I M.U, ; f,flll,.y obviates costive,,cs acts upon the stomach South r.ail ci'.rui r ' Muriel uml Ith .. and liver as an alterative, correcting acidity, and re- lliU;i:t-1xliiil. I 6"'r'"8 ,M.e niaiiny cornittioii of those organs I F.SPECTFI'LLY iul rm ihe public that thev j J will constant y l;ie;i on hnd a largs u-mi t- ; no lit ol Hats, fa; s and Furs, t,( suit the (all trile, '. nf the best quality. Hy stri. t ulletilion to bu-i. ; ni ss, and ly selling their stock at Ihe lowest pries, i they flatter iheinselvis in la-mg ub e to give entire j satisfaction. August f, If 13 ly j i; tt i ;ti xtinimiiMon .u i t 'iiiiu.s. ' i N. LNDIS PKI"K. i; p. pkk e. Sunbury, Nov. Hth. H 13. 0l. william' .i. .maTihn," J.TTC?klTST AT L.77", SUNBURY, PA. FFK'E. in the buildiiis; occupied by J. II loom, on M'kel st eel. Oct. 21st, IfU. TONE WAKE f. r sab-. 22!) Siotie Jugs, from I quart to 3 gallons. fid Stone Jars, fioni 2 lo (I gallons. For Pile, cheap, by Oct. 11 H.U. M.Sr.K An. "1 ( 'tun nil ti-e St., I loir l'ifthx rxtr,.nririrxA, Very rcspe ,..fuitv Vour. S. WEST. For sale by Jf,H. W. FKILIXO, Suiiburv. JACOB mUCHT.NorthuiubctUnd. May ?0th, 1813. ly Sianicl Yarick, SLAGK5MZTH, "rrpiEGS leave to inform the citizen of Sunbury jit 1 and its vicinity, lhat he has commenced the ULACKSMlTlIIXtJ Ml SLNF.SS, in Muket street, Sunbury, east of John II. gar's ... .. . . . . . , i EI'.I con s. tiv en ln.u.,..d H, ' .a,1J d,,m, 'I'l'"" ':le "'" ,, ' w "'T "r ..,.. . K t.-, pirrv on IhA linsini-ss ill all its Vallnlis Itrandies, Li'i'l-jrs, Jc for ca- h. C. J. Woi.neiiT jr Auu-u.l :ih, I' I I. f!n tit lltC lowest priee Wm. A. JiSET. . blanches, including. Turning, Milking Mill Irons nr;. Ulifilie Spring, lruiliTr iurrinrt, villi Ejc- trillion or Sumiling ., Shining Ib.rsut, ,. Orders w ill be i.romiitlv nnd punctually attended -rl-w2 f: r -w "r J "j.-i ; lo. "lid woik done cheap, fur caV.i or country pro- rp'.il'. subscriber will sell off his stock of P-eavnr, j Jors Shoeing done at f 1 per sett. iiussia ai.u inusii iiain, ui me ih'ji quuuiy,ui very ted uced ptiees. Sunbury, Aug. 5. 113, II. U. MASSE It A TIik sliliisv irludilno lir Salt. riVIE subscriber offers f r sale a THIIEslll.VO 1. MAt'lll.M', new uud in gooJ oidel. The Machine has leen tried, and proves to be en excel lent one It w ill be sold al a icdoeed price, and wairaiiied. App'y lo 11. U. MASSEK. Julv 11. lHH. fuut ury. April l.r)th, 1913. ly. Boot & S li o e lIi-lT-JFi-wTCPsT. J. D. Waters, 15 ESPECTFCI.LY Informs the eiHen of the - inroughof Northumberland, and its vicitd'y, that he has commenced Ihe Tailoring CIuvtiics, in a'l i' various branches, in tl.e 'mp formet! occupied bv Henry S. Thorn", i'ireetiv opposite. Forsvth's sime. As he receive the New York and riiiladelphi i Easliion qtt irtctty, he is enabled to do nil jobs i ntrusted to him, after the neatest nnd latest style, nnd upon ihe shoitest notice. Northumberland, April 22d, 1813. ly 331. ACKSMITHING-." f i fi1 Z I in in o r in a ii & s o n fiHE s'ibscriliers hen-by inform the public, that JL Ihey have entered into partnership, in the EliACKSMITUINO BUSINESS, wlrch will herenfter be curried en at the oll stand in Sunbury, under the firm of '-deorun Zimmerman V Son," where Ihey will conduct the business in all it various branches, includirm Turn. in, Malting Mill Iron, Ironing Carriages, Sin, ing if irxr. r. Orders will be promptly and put e. tunlly nttembd to, and work done cheap, lor ca-li or country produce. Qj' Shoeing done al one dollar per sell. fJEOKfiE ZIMMEIt.MAN. J- II. ZIMMERMAN. Suiibury, March Uih, 1S43. rirJIlJLrfSSEiu I ESPECTFULT.Y informs the citizens of See. bury and its vicinity, that he has taken the office formerly occupied by Dr. John Peal, win m he w ill be hnppy to receive calls in the line of I is profession. April 22d. 18-13. THE subsciibcrs, having entered into a pirtmr ship in ihe practice of the law, will he hai j.y to attend to nil business cnlrustcd to their care. Collections will he promptly attended lo. They niny always be found at their office, in Market street, Sunbury, formerly occupied by Wm. Dewart, dee'd.. as a store-room. WILLIAM L. DEWART, CHAKLES J. D lv UN ER. Sunbury, Teh. 4 ih, 1813. ly. HOUSE, ( U AIILKS W lli'.r.l.Ns, ATTORNHlf AT LAV, SUNBURV, PA, AS lukeu Ihe nllice tonneilv occupied by the lion, t buries ti. Dontul, opposite the t ourt II a i' I i n I i iv i ii , I'.st'l.t' I'Fl'LLY iiiloiios his In.nds and old eusl 'lners, that he ha- removed hi lit hit a- snoi: nsTMiusnuiwr j to the frame building adjoining his dwelling house, between that Hiid Dr. D. T.T.itiV olliee, few doms west of bis old estal bsbinent, in Mmket street, where he intends lo carry on the above businef exteii-ively, in nil it rar'noi branehe. lleing t'haiikl'ul for past fivois, be hopes, by strict attention to business and liberal charges, to give V. 2-3T, Aor.i Thinl. above Ctu-hiU St., JMIILADKI.I'IIIA. fOH N DUNCAN, la-c from the Pennsylvn. nia Farmer, nnd Samuel Pike, jr., late of A nit rienn Hotel, Culunihus, Ohio, tuke pleasure in nc qusinting their fiietids and the public generally lhr,t they have taken tho farae nnd commodious Hotel, recently htiilthy the Messrs. Hart, on the same site once occupied by the old established Hotel known as the Hull's Head, in Third stieet above Callow hill rt. This Hotel is finished in the very best possible manner. !,nd nf the best inritej-ials. It location i very desirable, particularly for country merchants ; the arrancenienl for nnd ventilating each room is such ns to secure nny temperature. Tt.o be dioorns are nil l-ght and airy, all furnished in a not style, so ns la insure i orr.fort. The riceivina iiatlors nre also fun lished in a su perb style, the w oidows nic in the French 5'yle, lorniiiig nn cnlrnucc to n Iniicony in Ironl, ithkli makes a pleasut.t ri Cess. Piirticuhii attention bus been given to the bids and bedding, which, with the liiruiture, are entirely new. From years' experience in hotel business, w trust, by strict nssiduity tc business, to inaiie tins house n desirable, stepping pi ice. (ur table wi'l ulway l e supplied with Ihe very bist our uiaik.l can afford, and our bar wi'h (he let liquors a ! r.ines of the most nppioveil brands. P. 3. There arc lirt rale stablina iind carriac,; houses alticheJ to the hotel, illcndi d by ca f it nnd sober hoMlirs, and our charges will be low, i.l accordance with the prci-ent haid times. Philadelphia, Oct. 7th, 1R12. UiMON 1 rOTEL. sT'TS (Iruerul St,igc flft.rr,) olj dm , LYCOMING COUNTY, lfiiiij y aula. THE Subscriber respectfully inform his friei els and the public in general, that he has la's, ri the above l.ARGi: A.V7J COMMODIOUS HOTEL, IN THE 13 O K O UG II O F M V N C V, and lhat he is now well prepare! to Bcroinmodal.t nil who may favor him with their custom. His SttKrixo Aritiinis rs. ire well ailed, an I comfortable. His TB! .m Pn will nlraya be sTt,iph d with ihe bet.1 the market can aflord. His SrinLisc, which is cm il, will It uiub f the charge of good and cart-ful hostlers. He f els confident, by stiict attention In bu.-iiir-s. and nn earnest desire lo render comfortable tin-" who may paironire him, lhat he will not fail tog.vj general .satisfaction. 11. li. WEAVER. Muncy. Oct. 1st, IS 10. tC the riHLlDLLnilA. READING AD TOTTSVILLE RAIL ROAD. Change, of Hours. Cm isn in in Sati-biiat, Afiiil 1, 181M, The passenger trains will have at tho followir g hours: Fhibnhinhia and Putin-Hie. ! From Philadelphia, at fi A. M. ) riit j From IV.trville, at &i A.M. $ 7 lltiurt of liaising Hi nding . For Pottsville, at iM A. M. n . For Philadelphia, nt 7j A. M '"")' Doth tiains pass at Potlslown. Tho down tia'n breakfasts at Re uliiii:, and the up train at Nonis town, for which 15 niiuu'cs oio allowed at ach station. '.? ii Hot ween Pottsxille Philada. f :l..' A f2,fir II, twecn Reading A: dj. 'l. V 1,7 : lletweeu do A: Po!tsil!e, 1,10 & 1,( il Ek i hsios Tim i rs coon for kiti unisc. iiir njit. Ilclwcen PoltMille ,V 1'hiladelphia, J.') ( Itetween Reading A do. 31 Dciween do. .V. Pottsville, 2 I All ihe trains will rtop lor way sssrngeit t the uual poii.ts, fjj" All passeiiget u'Q reipies'c l to pre. i- iheir tickets Isefore the Hums sluit. May 21. ln.- He u i a tend to husincsi in the (Viola saii.faciion ; and that he will continue lo re- Noithiinil.i rl.ind, Union auJ Coluinbu touiilit. ceive a liberal bate of public raliuiii-kw. May UOlli, lil. j Api.l Sill, 1 I J. Fresh sippy of VX'ii and on sale by Nv. UtU, If l-. it. 11 HAftJiih.