Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 23, 1843, Image 2

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    aipi !- j I. .ip
'Francis Xaslet Mnrllu.
Passing down Royal street, a day or two atro,
we met a email infirm old man. There was
luit littio flesh on hir bonra, nml no sijht in h'
eyes, liia hair wasshort and jkey.and hi cheeks
were hollow, lie wore a (hreadbnre fmrtout, I
and an old, nhnpelpM hat, which eovcred
almost half his shrivelled free, He wash-da-!
Ion?; by a l.izyWking, nrped nepro 1my, on J
whoso PFiomclor fun nana resteu inn m y mux
answering the double purpose of a guide and a
Who is thnt perron passing 7' said a e'Tang-crr,
who stood at the entrance to the reading room,
speaking1 to a resident citizen.
That,' said the latter, i Francis Savior
Martin, who in njw, and has been fir morel tain
a quarter of a century tiro pTCs dinrr Jtnhe of
the Suprrme Court of the ft He. Though he
s-cems to be tottering on the brink of the grave,
he is still a close attendant on sii judicial du
ties; though broken down in body he is unim
paired in mind. Some of Jiia physical fttne-
tion his sia;ht, for instance :havc failed him ; 1
but his mental qualities are- perfect and linbro- J
ken, and liin opinions are oven now looked up j
to, not only by his associates oti the bench, but
hy the whole Louis-iana bar, as models of sound '
legal doctrines anil wise jurisprudence; and 1
f'htibby as lie looks, leaning on the thoiilder of '
, . I
that neOTO boy, he is paid to he a ninlronnire in 1
b j i
the way or wealth.' Such is francs j
Martin, President of the Simremc'Ciourt o( Iiir- t
isiana, and historian of the etittc. That tie
fhould attract the, notice of a Ftranrcr who
should see him passing to and from Court, is
not a matter of surprise lor few more singu
lar looking men arc not to be met in the streets
of this great city than Judge Martin of the Su
preme Court. A. O. Picmjunr. llroiiKlinm.
Droughain is in all respects a most extraordi
nary man. In person he is tall, lean, raw-honed
and ungainly, with -features uncommonly hard
and coarse, and a complexion sallow and blood
ress. There is some thing hi the tone of 1iis
voice which instantly conveys to the hearer the
idea of bitter and concealed iroiry. fie appear?
to regard the subject of debate only as a field
of ha rile, on which he can mano?uvre his force
and distress his adversary, by his killing in
Rharp shooting, and planting ambm-endes, and
by the sudden and murderous fire of his
masked batteries, i'ou sit in perfect admira
tion of bis talents and address ; "but at the fame
time you do not give him one particle of your
confidence, nor docs lie seem "by bis manner to
desire tha you should. Galling ssTcasrn and
bitter and distressing invective, no (nie'knows
better bow to administer in tones of affected
culnincss and in that provoking kind of lan
guage which all the time keeps "barely within
the limits of decorn.Tt. His action at times is
cncrgct'c hut ungraceful lie b.iwii the air with
his long, hony arms, and now and fhenTounds
otTa period by an emphatic thump on the table.
Von know when he is about to diecharge gall
of more than common bitterness, by his leaning
forward, waving the muscles of his face into a
sneer, protruding a long slender finger, and
peeping about from side to side, as if anxious
that no drop of it should fall to the ground tin
noticed. This is the invariable signal for a
)ii'RR from this formidable Cossark ; and to
the luckless adversary against whom lie directs
his lunce. 7ii.v. Watch.
Ctirlnff lU'ffaiKl Pmlt.
At the requchtof a number of subscribers, we
re-publish, for the fourth or fifth time our
of curing bvaf and pork, which has obtained
so generally ia this community, and which we
believe to Le the very best now in u&e. It
is this r
To 1 gallon of water,
Tuku 1 !j ih. Mill,
J ili. tuirar,
oz. saltperre.
Fn this ratio the picklo to he increased to
any quantity desired.
1,-t these be boiled together uutil all the dirt
from the suit and sugar (which will not be a
little) ries to the top and is skimmed off.
Then throw n into a tub to cool, and when
n rtcil cool, pour it over your hoof or pork ;
to re mi in the usual time, say four or five weeks.
The meat must he well covered with the pic
kle, and should not he put down for at least
two days after killing, during which time it
tJioolJ be slightly sprinkled with powdered salt
petre. Full tine hundred different individuals who
have tested our imide., have informed us that
they never before had such meat in their fami
lies, and nothing won hi induce them to depart
from it future. Urr. Ttlcgraph.
Som thrnk the boiling unnecessary,
and take but hall the quantity of sugar.
A Tlace ruu a Oi ru K-Sr tKKR A toTrea
poudeiit of one of the jmpers, writing from Wash
ington, says : The city still swarms, with office-seeker,
and member are almost tea zed to
death with them. The poor Icllou have all had
lare promises. Some years aso, an applicant,
after -xjm-iu1iii nearly all his money, w ent to the
member at whoe in?iatiou he runic on, and
said, 'Sir, I am happy to inform you that I hae
nt last rot a place. 'Ah ! I am glad to hear
it Where is it ?' 'In the ttage home? replied
his victim."
A IJi.vr. "Ueeollcct, sir," said a tavern
keeper to a gentleman who was about leaving
his houso without psy ing 4-reckoniH'4"' recol
lect, air, it you lote your purse, jou cjidit't pull
it out here ."
Si II 'i" said an amorous Southerner to his
intended, ''give me a kiss, will yon, Sully !"
No." sii.a Sally, "help" Probably
he did.
stasis 5&&
Snhirtfap, Itcc. 'iX 1843.
(Jjf Foil Siic. A fresh supply ir printing pa
per, vij 100 re inn similar in size, and quality to
the sheit on which this is printed. Also (50 reams
ii f super royal, 21 hv 29 inches, all of which will
le sol I al (lie mill price.
fry V. H. P.u.MKTi, Rsa. nt his Real Ksta'e and
Cl office, No. .Ill fine Sired, l'hil idclphLi, is an- j
thoriscl t.i cl as Agent, and to receive and receipt '
for all m.uiic due iliin nlViee. for siihacrinli.iii uf ad- !
CTTntviiiii Tirr.. 1 Oil lbs. or more, of sec
ond hand brevier type, for sale at this oilier, nt
lb cts. per lb., cash. The type are the came as
,llof" x,f" i,"",r advertising columns.
,-- Our readers w ill perceivp that we liave
given, as a Christmas Present, n new dress to
the "American."
r . , ., "ViT"'".- i
L 1 v another column will be lound a recipe
. , .. . , , ,, . ,, ,
r curmi; neei and pork. J Ins is a matter lliat
(Uli, I(.(.(,ivi, mor(1 .ltt,,l,til111 1UI1 ,lolIe kppp. j
, ...,...n,. ; r.. ii...
receive from SO to 50 tier cent, more for their
Imms thnn others, ainmlv ill consem.enre of their
being cured in a manner which cive th.-m a much
superior flavor. Hams, before they are put up-
should be well trimmed. We have lately a i it
stated that fahrratus is an excellent article in the
pickle, and is often substituted for the salt petre
now generally used.
(X? Tlie Roi. liuMi I'limiOK. Our attention
has several times been called, of late, to the sit
uation of th Rail Road bridge, over Ihe gut near
this place. We can hardly believe that the Su
perintendent of Vha road is fully aware of the
dangerous situation of this bridge, or he would j
have made provisions ere this, to have the proper
repairs made. The eastern abutment is but a
mere shell, and nothing but a few stone on
tin corners ol the abutment, saved the bridge
fiom poim; clown last spi ing. Another such a
frislet. unless the abutment is repaired, will
' most certainly carry it away. We can hardly
think that this valuable and important structure
will be left much longer in its present preciiriou.
sitiiation 'U7" ilen Fairs, we crceivc. has made seve
ral unsuccessful attempts to lay before the House
a resolution for printing, for the use of the mem
bers, ;KmiO copies of the President's Message in
the (iernian language. The Philadelphia Ledger
disapproves of the measure, and doubts ihe pro
priety of printing in any other than the national
language, as the Spanish, French and others,
though le.s numerous have an equal right to have
the printing done in their language. Rut what is
a better objection, and in which we agree with
the Ledger, Is the fact thut the piinting of these
messages is just so much money thrown away,
as the message is printed iu every newspaper in
the country, invariably in advance of the mes
sages sent by the mcmbeis of Congress
CJ Hon. John S.yiu:rt has leen named by a
number of Democrat ic papers as a candidate for
(Jovcrnor. Mr. Snyder has many warm person
al as well as ixditicul friends, who have every
confidence iu his integrity and ability.
C7" The Schuylkill Canal Company contem
plate deepening the canal, so as to pass boats that
will carry a buithen of so tons.
CJ7 Tin: reci'i1s of the Reading Rail Road, for
November, amounted to ?,' 1.000. The stuck iu
this road, in a few yeais. w ill be among the very
best in the I'nioil. An officer is now in London
endeavoring to effect a loan of a million of dol
lars, for the purpose of lay ini! a double track
ZP' Ri:Bks Corviv Hii.hf NoTks. These
notes are no longer received by the l'.rokers iu
Philadelphia, in consequence of a rumor that
there has been an over-issue by the Rank. The
Reiksand Schuylkill Journal of Saturday says,
in reference to the rumored over-issue uf '-Re-.
lief" notes by the Reiks County Rank, that the
rumor is probably true, and that the Prcsnl. m ol
the ImIIik was tln nat Marnsliiirg in reierenee lo
the multer. The same paper intimates that the
over-issue w as made Io supply the J'reasuiy with
funds, w it It the know ledge and sanction of ihe
DCNiw-Mmi. Ai:i:am.i-..vii.m The Post
master (ieneralhas issued proposals for carry ing
the mail, for I years, from July 1, is II. On the
llnrrisbiirg route the mail will leave I l.ii I ihiu g
daily alter arrival of Rultiuiore mail, say at 7 P.
M , asiive at Northumberland next cluy by 7 A.
Leave Noithiiiiibeiland daily at !t A. M , ar
rive at llurrisbnig same day by ii P. M.
Pisqsisuls to inn the whole route in four horse
couches w ill be considered ; and proposals to car
ry in canal pucks-Is, during the seaoii of na
vigation, an invited
till the Pottsville route it will leave Pottsville
daily except Sunday at 0 P. M.. anive at Nor
thumberland same day by II P M
Leave Noithumberland daily excejit Sunday
nt 3 A M , arrive at Pottsville sum. day by 1
P. M.
On the Williamsport route it will leave Nor-
thumb) iland daily except Sunday ut K A M , ar-
r;Vi ut Williamspoil same day by I P. M
- I Leave W illiuiusport duily except Smiilay nt
i J P. M. arrive at NoitLuioberlaiid same
. ,
l-day by
sj T. M.
J'rcqiosals to carry in two horse coaches the
year round, are invited. J'rosisal to carry in
canal packet w ill be considered ; also to arrive
at Villian.s-pot by 6 I' M
.!' i 1 II
Tim water power. h.-1..ngiit3 to this Company,
is considered, by Individual, competent to judge i
.... f'.. , i . , . . '., . !
of it. ns one of the most valuable in the Mate.
. . i 1 I .. i
I I n j j is --
hy the synopsis of the different acts in relation
to that Company, ond are published for the in
formation of those, who may have formed erro
neous opinion respecting them :
The net 'To enable the Governor to incorpo
rate the Sunbury Canal Company,' was paused on
the 10th day of April, lS'JO. The act appoints
commissioners ; directs them to open books to
receive subscriptions; fixes tin number of j
sharesut lUU.ahd the price of each aim re at f.'jO. j
When l.VI shares of stock should bo kuI.sci ibed, j
by thirty or more peso,,., the C.overnor was u- j
thori.ed, by letters patent, to create them into
one body politic or cm poratc in law, by the mime.
M.vle and title of 1 lie 1 i. i.ieut and inanag- j
era of the SuiiburV Canal Company." The said !
company (tat also aulhori.ed to su". and to hold
the said capital stock . and the increase mid pro-
fits thereof, and to i nlaree the same, from time '
to time, by new subscriptions, and to purchase,
take and hold to them and their successors, in fee
simple, or for any less estate, all such lands and
tenements, hereditaments, eoods and chattels or
i lfi'i tj. as mielil be urfut or nrrrsmiri for them one has ever died a natmal death,
in the prosecution of their work, and the same to j New Oilcans, n man was fined 10 for whis
sell mid dispose of at their pleasure. j tlinj; in Church. That was payini; dear for his
J'he ,'til section of the net. directs the manner
f..riWi.izii.R the cm po.ation.. and the election of
'1 he lib section of the act. authorizes the coin-
lv''"' ,0 ,:ikp f"li-ient water
the notth
"r'"" " -"l'"'";"ma. nn.i io make a
canal or water-eours , with the necessary luck
and other works, from a point about one mile and
a hall above Sunbiiry, to Sh.iinokin creek, or the
river Susquehanna, at or above the mouth of said
creek, not to exceed OO feet in breadth at the sur
face. The .1th S'V tion of the act. ;ives the company
th" privilege, as soon as the said canal is
completed, or ax much thrrrf in to rr-ithr it tir
ful, to fflf , in lee simple, or rtnt. tie- water from
said canal to any p t-mii or person, for one or
more years. 1o be used in such a manner, and on
such terms as they may think prop r. fur maim
l.ii I iii iiii; or other pni poses.
The 11th section ol the act. authorises the fre
sident ami Manauen to rout rait with the ow
ners of land.', for the purchase of so much theicof
as may be necessary for the pui pose of pei feeling
said canal, and crec'iiue; lh" liecetsaiy locks,
woiks and de ices to such canal hi loiiiug, and
which may be necos-uiy for manufai t iirinii es
tablishments and waler-woiks on the kaid canal.
The 1 7th section of said act provides, that if
the said company shall not proceed to curry on
the said w orks w ithin five years after the passing
of tin act. or shall not, within five years after
wards, complete the same, so far as to render the
same useful, the rights, privilege!. Kv., granted
to said company, ahull revrit to the Common
wealth. The Legislature, on the 1 1th day of April. 1S.H.
passed an act in these Words : 'J he time for
completing tin Sunbury Canal is extended for
the period of live years, from and after the time
limited by tie act entitled : An Act toenuhl- the
Cuvenmi to in. 'di poiale the Stiiibui y Canal Com-
ai y. passed the Hlhd.iy of April. lS'.'li.
On tie Kith day of April. 1-0, an act was
I",M U.OII.IIIL- me sain comiuny io conned
cd nut hoi
their canal with the Susquehanna, of cmy ;.,.
hrtwrtn thrwiU, u til 'inj if, 1hr ,(., ,rhi,h
tins i n s,ij'enirii, and the southern side of
..l.... . , .i . ...i ;., ii... i ..,.... v. ..r s.... i.,.. .
ioi.I lii lei-.l tin ir with '.itrr tlierefroni. fur
a -r.t ' i . wi, ''""'k'' ''I T i
the veil posrs of s.ii.l conioanv, provided the con-
' ', , . ,,
sent ol the coMiorati authorities of said borough
. '
oe in si . i hi' s.l I lie nil i ill uii'l j'li'V nil liiai
1 hi 1 1 ow foT f lio rii.iiilM inn i if sa id I'.liisl lie Rtul
. , , .ii.. i .-.
is hereby extended lor two years from and alter
the expiration of the time now allowed for the
comp!,tion of the same; and that, unless the
said company shall thereafter commence the said
canal in. or before the fust of September, A D.
1--I1. and prosecute the same to completion ae-
ecu ding to the term ol the original act of incoi )o-
ration w ith due diligence and pel severance-, with-
iu the time afoicsaid, the privileges, fcc , gran-
ted said company shall cease.
I'y the lid section of the act of Ihe l.'lth April
is iu ;. i.. it. .i ii ;.i i
ni ,(i ;,,., .;, ,,asi to ,,.
I ,.;,,,. K;lj c.n.pany.
I he tth seel ion nf the last Hu nt ioned act . gives
the company .wer to lav out and construct the
said canal ol the width of VJ0 feet, if they .-hall
deem it e pi dielit .
The til company was duly cr 'aled a boly
politic, or cotpoiate in law. by lelteis intent, i--
sued by the (Jovernor. and oigauied as directed
I by Ihe in iginal act of cm 'oral ion.
Dm ing tin latter part i if the summer of 1 s n ,
and autumn ol the fame year, a nun. her ol hands
were engaged on the said canal, on tint pull ol it
i led ing W il'i Sliauiokin creek, and only mis-
peuded inflations when the weather became loo
Uiiluvoiable lor win king to all autage.
ll) Ihe sprins of lg the company re com-
ineiieed opeialioiis. A new and very
inlet Lock wus put up, under the dnectioii ol a
competent l'.ngineer, and a number of gates to
supply the Canal w ilh water. The vvoik was
Scomph ted, iu the words of the act, iiH-orisuatiiig
said eouMiiy, ' so far as to make the same Use
ful," cm Ihe 1th day of March 1S:1, one mouth
and six day before the time to which the Com
pany was limited, had expired. There is now an
abundance of w ater in the Canal, to supply two
! or three Mills, and the company, as water rights
I , , ,i i , i ,..i i-. ,,t
i sr.. ii... ,1.., I mi niocee.l to en urge the I unal
reipure them t erect luctoi ies. or any other ma-
, . , .' ...
rhmery. A water power of so much magnitude,
value and iuipoitance, it is picsuuieil will not bo The late Karl of F.gremont, during the last six
suffered to remain idle. It is licdthcr iscapi- ( ty year of hi life, distributed in acts of ehari
tl and enterprise tullicierit to constiuct a mill - it y and libciaiity, the iiun cnse sum of 1, ','00,
vr u-aunXactery of ioine kind, before u.uny I 000
! I II ' !' . I .11
months elapse. We have understood, that it is
1,1 contemplation to erect an extensive saw mill,
eapalde of saw in 20,01)0 feet per day, provided
tlie stock can he taken, cither under an net of in-
.. . . ... i . ... .:!-. ...--!. t i
enrpnrauon. or mo special pari ncrsnip i.ivv. ,v
mill of this description will be profitable ut this
place. Th'J location of the canal, on th" east side
J of the Susquehanna, immediately below the eon-
fltieiice of the two branches of the river, afTords
facilities for the purchase of timber, and its in
troduction into the canal, not surpassed by any
water power in the state. This water power is
well worthy the attention of capitalists.
E,liir.l, ConoVn.r.l anil "Irlrclr.l.
1rltM)r(.r oMh Xpw v,k iny1itll1ioIl ln.
, p,id. acknowled..,.,.-, donatioi,of5000 from
jumi ja,., str
fire-damp, or mejihitic ga. in wells, mines.
X.C., is soon dispersed by the application of quick
On the 'J ltli nit., the Auditor of Pennsylvania
destroyed lifty-ci:ht thousand dollars of Relief
It is a cniimis fact, that of all th r.uulisli mo.
liarchs w ho have married Fr-rich l'l ineesses. not
A great mind redacts an error as soon as it is
discovered. To persist in wrong, is absolute
idles are now called "niairia'e fiuit-bas-
k. ts "
Hustles were originally invented by a travel
ling organ guilder, to accommodate her monkey
W ith a place to ride.
Cheap. A book of travels, is for sale in Phi
ladelphia, at the moderate price of i I It is
oi naiiiciited. with M superb colored engraving.
The Chinese soldiers dies in tiedit breeches.
so closely 1,11 -,1 to lle-ir limbs. Uial when they
fall they are unable to rise uuin.
Queen Chi i: t iunu. of Spain, demands her ar
rears of'suluiy as regent, amounting to little lei-s one million pound et. rliug.
Mri. V ij fin. the respected widow of the lute
ilhistiions President .Madison, has uL'uiu taken up
her residence, for the winter season, iu Washing
ton. tilue it a Trial. To remove ice from the sidu
walk or from u '-fioeu pump." un exchange pu
per recommends the use of suit.
The Sugar crop of Louisiana has siilfered much
from various c ausc. It is said now that it will
not exceed T.VUuU hhds.
It is found that to evade the law aguiiist free
negroes coming into the State of Louisiana, seve
ral of those who arrive on board kleambouts. and
are actually fiee, assume to be slave.
The V. S. steamer Michigan" was launched
at I'.rie, Pa., a few day since, and iu line style.
We barn from the Albany A reus that there
is every probability of Iron Canal Routs being
extensively introduced ou the F.rie Canal next
The d'rand Jury of Mason county, Ky , in the
car of Mr Campbell (who was cni-lo-d to death
iu a small boat, w hile an attempt was beine thus
. ... ... , , , M,.. .:M..
j Uk, ,-,, , illlli(.,n,!M1, ,.,ainM H,e captain i-r
, , ,,,.n)f.r, for m.-mslanght.-r.
l Hi . los, inir ll" ills isi- ' i i' i' I'sif'ii-
1 ' ' '
. . 1, 1.. ' I 1 . . 1 I: i
I lion To The Ainaruc Tean, nisrnvereci a moiui-
1 .
. . -i ...... ... 1 .. l ...
(.-in 1" .11111 feel stitive Ihe level of the sea. in
i , , , , . , , ..
I hit. 77 .V.' S. and long. t7 1.., which emitted a
' . . . ,
; fame m l smoke in grsnd prolusion.
At the Circuit Court, at Troy, N. Y.. certain
I bciis of Matthias Yandejheyilen brought suits of
j .!""""' real estate in the south part
'hat city, of the value of over 1 .000,000.
At the bouse breaking of W. Austin, I'sq , in
I Albany V Y . the thieves not only stole Mr. A."s
j sj-MM,i mr-dids, ike. but the old gentleman's spec
i tacles. so that he couldn't give chase to them,
,. undertook it. but instead of running into the
),.,'. 0 ra ito tie lmntrv. and instead of break-
ing the head of a housebreaker, he upset and do
red a set of china woith fifty dollars.
The editor of a Sonth-'i n paper says ' Weoc
j rasionully like whisking our en in the face of
' the edilor of ihe Louisville Journal." Prentice
j replies "We have nodoiibt but you occasionally
' fit I u litlt'r irhis.ti."'
'J'he days are but nine hours long. During the
ensuing week, they will lose about one hall of an
hour more on their length. People need to best ir
ihemseKis with activity to accomplish
much between sini and sun.
A gentleman lately shot a hawk in Yirginia.
w hich mea-nred six feet eleven inches from the
1 1 pel one w ing to the tip ol the other. and uclgh-
cd eleven poiuels
j Two fellows have been arrested ill Troy, for
.passing coiintei leit quarters. They wen a I' w ilh quarter w hich I hey will find
it much more ihilicult lo pui-s. ,
I , ls SAit i,ilt Mr. Adams bus greatly impaired
( lls l,,.!, J,y overtasking his const it ut ion iu his
fatotrip. The opinion is expressed, it will
probably have u serious, if not u fatal upon
Mr. Miller, the cud of the world prophet, has
hired the theatre at Rull'ulo, N. Y., w here he pro
pose to deliver a series of lectures, if the world
last long enough.
Isaac liooiiitie. n ilennington, I , has inven-
tid a eoinbinatioii of machinery, by which he
I 1. ..r.l.. .r...l llin.
I iiiriiiiiiai iuin mil iris uiu ii uir uui'ii i-ie ...-
her, and better than fan be made by hand,
reocEEDiSfis n cnr,RBs.
In the House of Representatives, on Sat unlay
the, Mr. Tinsley, altnplist Clergyman, was
alt -r several Irallotings elected Chaplain to Con
gress. TLX AS.
Mr. KI(i presented a memorial and resolu
tions from Massachusetts against the annexation
of Texas into the T'nion Th? memorial w as
ordered to be printed and referred to the Com
mittee on Foreign Relations.
Mr. ADAMS presented a memorial from New
York, asking that the people of that State may
l.e absolved from nil laws arid obligations iqoii
the subject of Shivery.
The SIM'.AKFR. alter Mr. Adams had briefly
explained the contents of the memorial, stated
that it came under tho 21st Rule, (at present the
'ld.) and therefore coul I not be received.
Mr. ADAMS said that memorials of a like
character had been received and referred by the
last Congress.
The SPF.AKF.R "Doe.i the gentlemen from
Massachusetts appeal from the decision of the
Speaker '''
Mr. ADAMS said that h" had too much ex
perience already in this House to appeal from
the judgment of the Chair.
The debate continued between Mr. Adams and
tho Speaker.
When Mr. C;iLMI'.R of Va., moved an adjourn
ment. On Monday the IVth iust., Mr. RALDW1N
gave notice that he should bring in u Rill to a- j
bolish the franking privilege of members and
Senators, and to lix the rates of postage on let
ters. Mr lll'NT gave notice that he should propose
an amendment to the Constitution, so that no
person having once been elected President of the
l.'nited States should be eligible for a second
A debute then sprung up upon the subject of
printing GOOD copies of the President's Message
iu (.icrmun.
The House suspended the Rules to entertain
the motion, and the Resolution being before the
House. Mr. SLU'LLL moved thut two thousand
be piinted in French Mr. llOI.Ml'.S of S. C.
moved that a certain number be printed iu Dutch.
Mr. WlSF. opposed the motion. The Kns
lish was the leiiul and vernacular language of the
country, uud if there was un imiovutioii for one
language there would be no end to the innova
tions. Mr. C. J. 1NUF.RSOLI. said the Germans of
his State would compare favorably with the
population of any State, and it was the custom
iu his State to print documents in both the lan
guages. Mr. HOPKINS moved the Previous Question
Mr. WISH moved to lay the Resolution upon
the table.
Mr. C. J. IN(;r.RS()LL called for the yeas
and nays, which were ordered, and the motion
to lay upon the table was negatived. Aye 5'l,
nos. 111.
The Previous Question was withdrawn.
Mr. RAMSAY of Penna. moved that in addi
tion to the Message, the Reports of the lb-ads of
Departments be printed iu (icrman. He believed
that there were three millions of Ceimans in
the Cuited States.
The debate was continued and the propositions
were modified so as to print three thousand co
pics of th Message in liirmmi and two in French.
Mr. R1DLACK of P. una defended the propo
sition to print iu (Iernian, and regarded it but as
an act of justice to print the Message and reports
- i i . . . , , i
i in a laneii.e?e which the cmieriintit con d under
; ,
c - c c
Mr R ARNARD of N Y. opposed the motion,
lie said that he held it to be the duty of all for
eigners coming among us to set about learning
i r lnt,..aire. If thev wished really to become
Americans they would do so. It was important
that our population become a homogeneous as
)ossible. and in order to make them so it was
well that all should speak the same language.
Mr. RARNARD hav ing closed, Mr. WIsF. a
ga in renewed the motion to lay upon the table.
The yeas and nays were ordered, and the motion
w as disposed of as follows :
Yeas SGI nays Mi'.
The Sprukir vuteil in the affirmative, and the
prnsnsitiou was laid Usll the table.
Mr. RHLTT of S. C. introduced a Resolution
culling I1JMU1 the Committee of Ways and Means
to reitt as to the expediency of bringing in a
Rill to repeal the present Tar ill' and to bring in
a Rill establishing a twenty p r cent, wl r itnrtm
duty w ith discriminations only, fur the purpose
of Revenue.
Objections were made to the reception of the
Mr RIIF.TT moved a siispensioiiof tie Rules.
'J'he yeas and nays were demanded, and as Ihe
vol' was an iinHiit.iht one itevcit -d a great deal
ol 'interest. Those who V otcd in the ulhruiut iv e,
it is supposed, w ere in lav or of the proposit ion
but several of those are known to be against it.
'J'he vole was as follows :
For a suspension of the Rules, 77
Against Ihe motion, D'7
Two thirds would have been necessary to
suspend the Rules. T his vote decides the suc
cessful continuation of the present Tariff beyond
the reach of any sn ty, and the vote in favor of
it is deemed overwhelmingly large.
The President of the I'liiti d States sent to the
Senate the nomination of Matthew Sr. Clair
Clark, F.sq. as Auditor of the l'ust Olfice De
partment. Is.v.vr Hill, F.sq., has also received
the nomination a lb-ad of the Provision Durcuu
in the Navy Department.
Nrw Rrm imr a Rivlr. The Government ci.
ginei-rs have completed a survey for let,;,n" the
Missouri River into the Mississipi' about four
miles above Alton, w ith view of preventing
this latter stream from tn.Ving a direction which
might possibly make, ft Louis effectually an in
land town.
For the American.
Fanny of the Vrst Branch.
Dark her hair as raven's wings ;
Rlue her eye as skies iu summer ;
Sweet her accents when she sings,
As the Zephyr's cooing murmur.
Coy is she when I pursue her ;
Smiles in scorn whene'er I woo her
Fanny, of the West Rranch! Fanny!
Red her lips as sunset rays ;
1'erfeet she in form and feature;
Fears she much her lover's gaze
Rlessings on the dainty creature.
God attend her! how I love her!
Would my words had pow er to move her
Funny, of the AVest Rranch! Fanny!
Were she mine, no monarch crowned
Would I envy in his splendor;
All my life iu joy were drowned ;
I would cln lish and defend (pr.
Rut, ah.s! my heait is cheerless ;
Cruel she as she is fearless
Fanny, of the West Planch! Funny!
Sunbury. Dec. 19. Tnc.
A Ilolibcry of Four Hundred Thousand Hol
lars. The uir.iir of the missing money trunk from
Pomroy's express, is still unexplained. Mr.
Cobb, the agent arrived in New York ou Friday,
and, it is said, w as taken into custody. He says
that he left the trunk on board the steamboat, at
about three o'clock in the morning, cane to tint
ollice uud took some rest, and then departed
by the morning boat to Albany via P.ridgeport,
without having heard or seen anything more of
it. The amount of money contained in tin-trunk
was very large. About 10. 00(1 iu bills from t h
Albany banks, vJtj.OUO of which Were consigned
to Drew. Robinson ; Co. of Wall street. There
were also about .t- JU.UUO iu the Hills of the Fniou
Rank of New Yoik, which had been sent to Al
bany to be countersigned at the Comptroller's
office, ami about 1U0. 000 in drafts and checks.
Pomeroy Co. oiler s'!oon for the recovery and
delivery of the trunk und contents.
The 1 1 link was in the immediate charge of A.
Cobb, now interested w ith or iu the employ of
Poun-roy iV Co. It was taken from Albany by
stage, at 10. A. M., and received on board the
boat at Coxsackie. in the afternoon. Cobb pla
ced it oil il.xk and early in the evening retired
below to his berth, and although it was sugges
ted by Capt. Scott that he should put it iu a
mure secure situation, the landings being fre
quent, he declined to adopt suggestion. At v in
the morning, when the boaturiivel Cobb lift the
trunk nn Jirk, wwttcwlcJ, ami without rhure
ut Kulicr In unij une.
A Yonn to tiik tSruksi taut. This term in
cludes all those slot pas their limn within d sns,
embracing cleiks und students, the m jority of iuo
chsnici and professional men. wiih almost the rn
lire female population of all cities.
Tliese persons possibly enjoy health wilh
out using a egel dile purgxive medicine of sn In
dent power lo overcome that languor of the circus
I .lion, and iiuiel vily of the slouisc h and bowels,
which must in cess oily result from want of exer
cise. liranilscth's Yi-tuhk Universal Villx leing a mild
cathsriic, and alwiys ai ling hsrninniously willi ihe.
system, will be f mod siutfiil'irtv affective iu 1'icse
cs r ; because they cleanse the blond from nil im
pmitics, nrn we cvcit cause of piin or woikivss,
and re-lore the e usiiiulion to p. i feet health and
(jj Pur base of II. R M.isscr, S anbury, or of
the seems, published ill another p ut of this p q er.
,F Jt K H I F. It ,
Ou the K'th inst . by the Rev. A. Rritlaio. Mr.
Rom.m Cavi-imi.i., t Miss Mvmi.iKiT Clark,
lolh of Augusta.
mi nil nam un iBiiiajiii-owiaiiajajBajasjaj
n i i: r,
Ontheort!, ist.. Mrs. CATHARINF. RLACK,
of this borough, aged 7S years.
On the Mh inst.. Dr. tl'.AS. of the borough
of Noithuniberland. aged about 'io years.
mien rniiiKNT.
Cirrrrrted weekly hi llaxry Ynxthrnner.
VltE4T, .... ST
Rrs, .Ml
t'oas, ...... 40
(") ATS, S5
PllHK, - - S
Fhhickii, ... . inn
RiTrsa, - 10
lhi:wu, .... 25
Tallow, .... Ill
Dsim Ai'i', - . 75
Do. Pic Avars - - ''Oil
Flax, ... .A
H kck l n Ft x, - 10
l'.l.Os, ...... C
AMR lo the prrim-cs f the auhscrilsr, residing
iu Slnunekin toivnshi. s.nne lime in Septi in
ler last, FOI It Sil'KAY SHIF.IM. They are
marked by having the neUl ear cut nil' at ihe point,
and the kft cur slu. One of Ihem has a Ih II on.
The o.ncr er evvners are requis ed to call, prove
propirty, p iv charges, and take them vv.
Shamokin, Dee IX I S 13. :tt
Vll c lo lltiil'.4:rsi.
CNK.XLRD p'"passl will be icicivcd l-.y ihe suit.
L scribcrs, Ihe building coiuuiiUee aipointed by
the Fiist liebv terian Church and Cmigrci! ition
of the II irnugh of No lliuiiihcrl ind, until n'cl.M'k
P. M. of the Hih Janusry, ltH, at the ollice of lv
1. Sliann.'n, 11 -q , far Ihe mechanical work of I
Church, to be budl in the boiough of Norihuiiibci
land. Stone Mason ly and Uilckluying,
Carpenter NVoik.
Pli-tcruig and Paintinu,
EmcIi to lie bid far sepAratcly. material to b
furnished by the committee. l.,n, a,l ,ecil'M j
tion will be exhibited m, tae Jay uf letting, a
said ollice.
I. Shannon, John Purler,
v.' m. H. Yplo, John Young'iiiii.
Jos. M. Hair,
Northumbirlsnd, Dev. 23, 1843.
Tvo i Aims ti m;t,
OM! of them tl miles weal of New llcilin, oi
I'enn Ureck, occupied by George Yallentin,
alout I" acre cleared, a saw mill, tiuilr lan J, Ac.
The other 3 miles west of Nort'iumherlsnd. nea.
Urow-n' Tavern. II. HELLA.
Dec. I (iih, is jr. st.