Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 16, 1843, Image 4

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The fallowing list shows the rurr. nl value of nil
.'ennsv Ivnnia Bank Not, a. The nm-i implicit r
bmce may 1 plnccd upon it. it I drr.y i rr'.-.wrr-folly
compared with at d corrected mn I!i. I
icll's lSrpnrtrr.
ITaiiUN in IMilJaMi Iil.
.. . D'". i
.tank of North Ameiien
Bnnk of the IVorllirrn LbVrtiea .
e'otrimcreinl Bank pf IVnn'n. .
I'armcrs' nnd Morltanics' Bank .
Knslncfon Bank
Ihilndclphin Think"
s.-tuj Ikill njifk
... waik Bank .
IVi'tifin Bank . .
Mechanics' Bank .
Manufacturers' & Mcc'innitV Bank
pnr j
par !
jtnr !
par j
pnr i
I"'r '.
I" ,
fnr j
Hniik of Chester County
Bank of Delaware Count)
Hank of tTicrmnntown
Hank of Montgomery Co.
Dovlostnwn Bank
Nntris'ow n
Do) lest own
I'as'on Bank
Farmers' Unnk of Burks CO. Bristol
i 'Cu e of Dank of Pcnn'a.
Office do do
OfTice do do
Office do do
Lancaster 1
Bending ( do not
Enstnn J issue n.
' Philadelphia SoaCG
Bank of the United latrs
Rank nf Penn Township
Oirard Bank .
Moyamcnsing Bank
Bank of Pennsylvania
Miners' Bank of Pottavillt
Bank of Lewistown
Bank of Middletown
Bnnk of Northumberland
Columbia Bank & Dridgc ro.
Carlisle Bank
Exchange Batik
Do do branch of
Farmers' Brink of Lnncnstei
Lancaster County Biink
Farmers' Bnnk of Beading
Hnrrishurg Bank
Lam-aster Bnnk
Lebanon Bank
Merchants' & Manuf. Sank
Bank of Pittsburg
West Branch
Wyoming Bank
Northampton Bank
I'eiks County Bank
Ollice of Batik of U. S.
Do do do
l)o do do
Kensington Sav. Ins. A
Fcnn Township Sav. Ins.
Bank of Ohnmhcrshurg
fSnnk ol'ficttyshurg
Hank of Susquehanna Co.
Erie Bank
Farmers' t Drovers' Bank
Prnnklin Bank
Honesdile B jnk
Monongihcli. Bunk of B.
Ycik Bank
U A A' K X O T 11
12 !
par j
par ,
Potmviiio a
Lewistown 2
Middletown 1
Northninhciland par
Columbia j
Carlisle 1
Pittsburg i
Hnllul ivsbilig j
Lancaster j
Bending i
Harrishurg S
Lancaster J
T.i bun n 2
Pittshu'g J
Pitlsbutg j
Willintnsport Bain
Wi.k.-.l.niie 2J
Heading 75
Pittsburg failed
Erie do
New Brighton do
Cha rg 1$
Cettysburg 2
Montrose 40u50
Erie 3
WyneSurg Jl
Washington li
Honculale I i
Brownsville 1
Yoik 2
N. B. The notes of those hanks on which we
omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased hy the Philadelphia brokers, wbh the
exception of those which have a letter of r fere nee.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadcl hia
Philadelphia Loon Co. do
Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do
Manual Labor Bank (T. V; Dyott, prop.)
no sale
no sale
no sale
1'i.w.inda Bank
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
U:mk of Beaver
Bunk of Swatarn
1'unk of Wushington
Jeiitro Bank
City Bank
Palmers' & Mech'cs Bank
Farmers' V Mech'cs' Bank
Farmers' ,V Mcch'cs'bBaiik
Harmony Institute
Huntingdon Bunk
luniala Bank
Lumbermen's Bank
Northern Bank rf Pa.
New Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Xorihnnih'd l i.ion Col. Bk.
Notth Western Ba-.k of Pa. Hchinlkill Bank
I'n. A?r. &. Manuf. Bank
ver I.;.ke Bai k
I'i.'c n B.o.k c f I'ei'ii'a.
Bell, fonte
Pillsl urg
Fayette co.
Hunlingdoii no sale
l.enisUuMi tin s.ile
Warren failed
Dund'.itl' no side
New Hope closed
Millon no sale
Meadville elowd
Port Chi bon
Carlisle failed
Montrose closed
I'liii'Mown failed
Creel sbcrg closed
nb.irie uosiil.'
be on tinv l'ei,n I-
ii oit.m ii I'
Vi;!;,-:nri' 11.1 e Co.
(-'',' A"! . s ; '.ri - -t:r rr t
vtii:ia La. i not g:'.:i :n ihe :ii ee h. t, may be set
Jowii us 1 1 o in ' -.
Bank of New Biunswick Brunswick
lirlvidcie Bank 1'eUideie
liurlington Co. Bank Million!
Commercial Bank Perth Amboy
Cumin rl.ind Bank Brideiou
Funnels' Bunk Mount Holly
ratimrs' and Mechanics' Bk IUhwuy
Phi mers' and Mechanics' Bk N. Bmnswi, k
Farmers' and Merchants' Bk Middletown l't
Ftaiiklin Bank of N. i. Jersey City
fa ih d
fail, d
fail, d
tio sale
riotioken likgiV Uruzmg 1 o Hoboken
Jersey City Bank Jersey City
Mechsnns II .nk Patleiaoii
Manilla, tur. rs' Bank Belleville
Morris County Bunk Moiristown
Monmouth Bk ol N.J. Fieehold
Mechanics' Bank Newaik
Mechanics' and Manuf. Ek Trenton
Morris Canal mid Bkg Co Jersey City
Post Notes
Newaik Bl.g A Ins Co NVwak
New Hope Del Bfidce Co Lainbeitsville
N. J. Manufac. and Bkg Co J ol ok. n
N J Proteclon & Louibard I k Jersey City
Orange Bank Orange
Paterson Bank i'aterson
Peoples' Bank do
l'riniilon Bank Princeton
Salt m Banking Co Stdrm
par I
Stnte Bank
State Bauk
S'ste Bank
Slate Bank of Morris
Klule Bank
Salem nnd Pl.ilad Manuf Co
Culndl u
'J'n iiton
Sub 111
New ton
Suncx Bank
Tienton Bsi.kiii Cu
I nu n Bunk
Wusliintiton Banking Co.
Bk of Wilm it. Bruiuly wita- W'i'mington
Bank of Delaware Wjiiiiir.gUm
Dank nf Su.j ma Smyrna
Do blanch Milloid
i'arme rs' L'k of State of De l Do, i
Do branch N ilu invton
Do bl.lloh (SlO'gltoWU
Do Ir.i.ili Nrwttsiie
Union Bank iliiiingl.m
fTT Tiide-i fi's
dj- On all batiks maiketl thus () H ere are i L
tbsr cotanter ft it or sin reel notts oi tli vsr.uus di
commuf'ji.s, in cirrulstioD.
VVik best miti r.if for ihf Atiolilicn of Distitst I
it to t tt rni. v imJ purify lic Tlmly. j
vi;tiit?s !
s mit ax r cfj F.T.i m, r. ni.LSj
op Tin: ,
t';i Hi .tmrrlrtm frllfgr rf rtrnl'h,
Are tio. m k'ii.!. ('o.'d to be the best Medicine in '
'be WniM fir the cure of I
r.vr.uv VAnirrv op diskasr J
TTBECAlT-F lluv romr'ftcW cbnne the sto- i
1 f V ma h and b(.i el from llv se bdliouxnnd cor. I
; tt l.i'n.on 'vl ieh are ibe rniue n"t only ft'
lira liuhe. ;id.!inrM. Palpilnlion of ti e lleirl, ,
I'B'iis in the Bones, Bluum it's m nd fjoiit, bm ',
eveiv in l.n'v it ei 'ri t to tilnn. F.AII) INDIAN I
Vf'.t.irr.Mil F. PILLS are a err ain cure f.r in-
te.m't ei.', 'eiiii'ti d, ricivous, in(l im:.toiy and pu'rid :
Frver bi-cin-e t!iey c'enise lh" p.dy f.etn thove 1
Pioilwl hi r.iois. v.l icb.nhen c.'-nfned lotheeireu- 1
li.lion. ore iherniieeof all kinds of FE VE l!S. So, '
aVo, hen the simr impurity i: deposited on the 1
n cnibtiie and muscle, euisinir P'ins, infl.iir.n- !
t:on. sol sveli;n?s ei'led 1(11 Cl'M AT ISM, ,
('til T. Sr. W richt's Indian Vecebible Pills may ;
l relii d i.n ni ntvrnvs rrtnin to eivp r.lief. Btul if!
pn.-e' rred with, arenidlre to directions will ni"t
iir suiedlv, and w ilhr.tit fail, make n perfect rtve nl '
t ihe nlinvp pvtifol n nlndies. Fiom three to in of ;
I . if t .ti l.',. ..!..!.. n
Finn li;oi:iii igeiunp rills i.iki n every inum
ifg In bed, will hi a shoit time so completely rid i
the body fiom every thing that is opposed t henlih, '
that KbennntLm, (inn), and p do i f every deserip- 1
lion, will be lit. rally DIJIVEN FBOM THE BO.
DY. For the s me reason, when, from sudden
chnrges of atiro-pliete, or nny other cmifO. the per- 1
spi aiion iscbecked, and the hiimots wlrch shoubl '
pis i. IV bv th- skin ate thrown inwardlv. rnusing ,
HEADACHE. fJIDDINESS, nausea ami si.k- 1
nis, pnin in the bones, watery and it flamed eves, i
soro thront, honrsene s, coughs, consumptions,
t . . . .1,1.. I :
riieunnttc pnins in various iris oi me ooov. nun , W
mnityotlor symptoms of CATCHIM! t:ol.I,
Wrnrit's Indian Yretuhk Vi'h will invnrinbly
c've intmedi .to relief. From thiee to six of said
Pills takin every niuht on going t bed, will in n :
short time, not only remove all the above iinpb as mt
ay in tom, but the body will, in a short time, be
restored to even sounder health than before. J
IN(i. Wright's Indian Yietnbk Villn wid loos
en nud cuny oil, by the stomach and bowiis, those
tough phbemy humor , which stop up all the air j
cell ol the lunps, and nrc the cause, not only of tho
al ine i!is:ress'iii; complaint, but when neglected,
often ii rmii nles in that moiediendriil malady called '
C0N'I:M I'TION. It shou'd be nlsoieii embeifd
ihar'N ritfit' Indian Yicldlr Vills are o cirtain 1
cuie for PAIN IN THE MDE, Oppression, mm-
sen, nnd hiekniss, Iocs of appetite, coslivenrsn, a I
yellow tince of the (kin and eyes, nnd every other
ioitoio 1 1 a torpid or diseased state of the liver; j
I eeattse they purge from the body those impurities I
which if deposited upon this important orc.m, nre
the cnitfp of every variety f LIYEIt COM- j
PLAINT. When a nation is convulsed by lint-', j
outbreaks and rebellion, the only means of prrvent- '
ing the dremlfnl consequences of a CIVIL WAIL
is to expel all traitors, nnd evil disposed ones from
the country. In like manner, when pain or sick
ness of any kind, indicate that the body is stmc
glinc with intermit foes, the true renicdv is to EN
PEL ALL MO KB ID IH'MOHS, (Traitors to
henlih and life,) Ihalli will he the certain retult. !
That the piiuciple of curing diease,by demising
and purifyirg tho body, is sttictly in accordance
with the laws which govern the animal economy;
and if pioperly carried out by the Use of the above
PILL, will ceilainly result In the complete Abo
lition of Di-c;.se ; wc ofVcr the follow ing tcMimoni
nls, fn m persons nf the highest re.-pcclahiliiy in
New York, who have lecer.tiy been cuied of the
most obstinate complaints, solely by the linn of
Winnur's I.hiiian Vt:iiET4Bii: Pili.s, of the
Nvrth Ainaicun Colli ge of llialth:
Jamaica. L. I., June 9th. 1811.
Doctor Willinrn Wright Dear Sir It is with
great satisfaction I inform you of siy having been
entirely cured of Dyspepsia, of five years standing,
by the use of your I.xiiian YrusTAiii.K I'm..
Previous to meeting with your celehiuted nu io
cine, I had hi en under the bonds of seveial Phy.-i-cibi.s,
and had tried vniious medicines; but all to
no etlict. After using one 2", cent box of vour
Pills, however, I ex peri, need so mm. h benefit, that
I resolvid to pi r.seveie in the use of them at voiding
to directions, which I am happy to state, has result
ed in a peifect cure. Ingintitude to you for the
great benefit I have received, nnd nln in the hope
that others sitnilaily nfllicted may be induced to
make tiial nf your extraordinary medicine, I send
you this statement Willi full hbeity to publish the
samejifvou think proper. Your. iVc.
New Yoik, June 19, NIL O.C. BLACK.
Mr. Ilichnrd Dennis, agent for Wright's Indian
Vegetable Pill-.
Dear Sii I have hi en afflicted for several years
wi b inward weakness and general debility, nceoiu-
nnied at liiiies w uh p uns in the side and other
elistr, ssii g couiplniiits, A ft. I having tried various
mrdteiiies ilhonl ( IV. cl. 1 was persuaded by afiit n.l
to nmke tr'nl tf Dr. Wiighl's Indian Vegetable
Pills, which I am happy to state, have relieved me
in a most wnndciful manner. I have used the inc.
ilicine, as yet but h thoit tune, and have no doubt,
by a perseverance in the use of the med cine accor
ding lo directions, thjt I si. ill in a short lime be
pcrte cily le-toied.
I most w illingly recommend said Pills to all per- '
sons similaily nfllicted, and in the full belief that
the same leiielieiul results will follow their use, I re- '
main yours sincerely. HENKY A. FOO'J'E.
Waiwarsing, l lsler cei. N. Y.
Niw Yunn, Sept. 20, Nil.
This is to crrtify that I have used Wright's
Imhiv ' k; it a ii i r. Pills with ihe greatest bene
fit ; having entirely cured myself of the frequent at
tacks of Sick Hcueliii'hi ', to which I had previously
been subject. ANN MAIJIA THOMPSON, '
II 1)2 tSre-enwich street. N. Y.
To Mr. Ilichnrd Dennis, Agent for Wright's In
dian Veyeluble Pills.
C.J I TI .V.
As there are ut this tinio many wicked persons
busily tntiaged in selling a counterfeit medicine un
der the name of the Indian Vegetable Pills and ns
these ile-si, trute unn are so ullerly reckless of con
s epjein rs, that muny valuable lives may be) lost in
rouseiiie nee of using their dreadful compounds,
the publ.c are cautioned against purchasing any
Pitt tflll.l. .s nil the I i.lps of lltw I...W..& (Ka
. ' ! wording is found :
failed' u picipi-s IlilX' VPi:FTTtI V. PIT t s
Indian J'urgutive.)
And alse to he erpeciully careful sguinst purcha
sing saiJ meelicme of any person except the regu
lar advertised agents.
IL B. Masser, Sunbury Win. Forsyth, Nor
thumbrrbind Jacob Haas, Sliamokin Sumu. I
Herb, Muhonoy liyerlv it D. Hsas, Augusts
Thomas Fullmer, Milton Ireland V Meixtl.
Me E ywnsville Y. S, P:per, 1 urhutsville-J (g
l.'eed, Potlsgrove H. Klase, Svil.rj,tott
H. H. KioUI. P. M.. VlvzWrs P. O. Wm.
Leisenrrng, V M, I jiioo 'Corner.
Office and Ctrprul Depot for the sale of
WrAi't Indian Xteiablt Pills. Wholesale and
Msv 81, 183. ly
roit Tirrrr.n.
niNciwomm, rtvn r on tiii: r.fK, and ciTitru
rfTAMotsi rnrPTtoNs.
(fj- Thr fnlhiu-hig rrrtifra'c dun ihr nnr nf the
tnnxt mraurdiiiary runs irrr fjfi ct' it I if ant
Piitt.Atir.tritu, Febrnnty 10, IMS.
I 017 twenty years I was severely nfllict. d with
Tr.TTf il op the Face nnd Head: the disease
commenced when I wis seventeen years old, and
continued until the Full of I9n0, v living in vio
leti'e, hut without ever ilisippr-iring. During nvnt
of il.e timp, prent part of my was covered with
the eruption, frequently attended with vin'elit Itch
ii c; my t'Cid swel'ed at timrs until it felt ns if it
would linr.'l the kweltin was so u tlir.t I could
rarrelycet mv hat on. During the long period
tll .l I 'a h Mllicte I i ii ibe diie ie, I use.) n rjrciit
m.itiy n pllention-. ( among loom vend celebrated
preKiiatioii ) its w. II a linking iiwod remedies.
im luilincn nun ner ol li. lil. s ot eit-iim l annc-a. i
Vxti-m-t i.f Sm-f.ip.iriHii, tVc. In f i t b w uld be
itnpo-si'ole to eiiiiinenre all llie medi. ines I used.
I was ulso nni'ei tlie.c.ire of two of ilie most dis
titipoisbcd physiei in of ihi ei'v. but w ith 'lit re
reiving tin eh berefil, ind I ib"paired of e' er being j
cured. In tie fill of 18:11., ih di-eae t i the time j
being veiy v:olet.t, I commenced uiiiu tin lime I
(tint turn), fnreivired bv V'lUi'han iC Diis.) Ill '
f.wnU'licV.i'iiis the violent itching ca-ed.the i
i-ebing abated, ihe , r,,ion beCa to disappear.;
,d before I In.d used a j ,r the di-cace tva. rn.i.elt
ed. It has now been marly a vnr and .1 half ,
n i ii
since, ami tin re is not a ve-lige nf llie di-ea'P re
inaii .'no', except 'be sc its from the deep pil forme 1
by the disease. It is ini)i. le for me to deseri' P
in n eminent.' the seri'y of the ilirioap iiid my
snil. rinp. I nt I will be pieisid to aive a Toiler hc
conut I" nnv perr-on wanting further s-itisfteliiiii.
will c.ill mi n.e. At ti e lime I co nmericPil
ii-ine; the lb so Ointment I would have riien him
ibeds i.f do l.its to bo rid of the ilitivisp. Since u
, ilig it, 1 have n eommiinli d it to eviril persons,
(among them roy inniher, who ba I the ilican bad
Iv on her a in,) who w. re a'l cured bv it.
.1 Wills DFUNELL, No. l.'f., S't.
Ti e Pose Ointment is pn pated by E. IS.
Viiuhnn, Sou h EhsI coiner of 'I'h'.rd and l.'aip
st I e t', Philadi lp! in, and sold on aeenev in Sunbu
ry. bv II. I i. MAsElt,
M.iv Mill. ltn. Atttnl.
Bor Oiiii fr. 'I't'llir.
A moor or its efficacy.
P .ii.aiii l eiii A, May 27th, fHH.
'PHIS is to crrlily tint I was severely nlll-cied
with Tetter in the hands and net for upwards
of forty J ears ; the disease w as attended gi nerally
with violent itih:t:g nud swelling. I spphed to .1
liiimli.rof lisiri ns, and used a great mat v uppli
ca'ioiis with, ut ilieetiiig a cure. About n y nr
ince, I tippled Il.e Ko-e Ointment, which entirely
i-topped ihe iieh tnj.nnd a few applications itnmedi
ntely cund the disease, which there has been no
return of. slihoiigh I had never Wen rid of it nl
nny lime fur forty years. lilCHABD S.WAf.E.
F.hventll, below Spiuee Street.
fj- The Pose Ointment is pr pared bv 1. B.
Vauuhati. S mill Enst corner of Third and l'ace
Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agencv in Simhu
rv. ly IL B. MASSEK.
' May 11th, IS 1:1. Agrf.
Ofthv liOSi: OI.TMi:.'lfur Tttlir.
VLTHOrOH the superiority of the prcpniaii, n
over nil others is fully es'nbli-hed, ihe pr pr e
lors take pl n'tirp in laying hef re thp nldii- I lie
following certificn'p from a respectable physician,
a graduate of the I'niversily nf Pennsy Ivani J. Dr.
Bsugh, having fontnl in ihi temrily thai ti lief f.r
n tedious and di-ngr, cable afl'cetion w hich the means
within the range of I is profession filled to alVord,
has not In shale d In give it his apptobaiioti, nlihough
the prejudice s and ir.te rests nf that profe.-sion ate
i pp.eJ to secret I'emi'dies.
Ptiti AMLPui , io. i snn.
I w as rrcer.tly lioiihhd w it!i a lidious herpetic
eritpiii'ii. w l i, h coeced in arlv one si 'e of my f ee,
i'lnl e xtended i.ver the ear. Mr. Vniighan, piopro -t..
of the Hose' Oil tinent, ubseiving tu faef, n-l
toil on n.v tiyin? bis pr paratioii. of wb'cle he han
ded me n j ir. A llboiiL'h in common wit h tin' mem
bers ef my profession, I diseoiinieri.iliee and elisap
prove ot the nun., reus nostiom" . aimed upon the
public by ignoi mt pr leml, rs, 1 feel in jus-ice b-'iind
to PXi-i I I the Pose Ointmi nl lioin llm- c'-s of me
dicines, and to give it mv sppn-bntion, ns il entire
ly lUred llie -iti'li. hi, iibboiigii I' hid lesisl, .1 the
uni.d applications-. DANE. BATCH. M. It.
CT j' The l.'ose Ointmei t is piep-.r. el .y 11. IS.
Vaughnn, f-omh Ea-lcorirr ol Third
j M-cots, I fnlaile j l.t ,, anil solo on ngi nev in iin
I l utv, I v H. B. M AsEI5.
j May I III., Ni t. .ti;n,.
j J.raAlTAND, JR. Sc CO.
ohi.'ii niiti iiniaicd .11 aiiiiwicitii ei s,
j .No. IH) .nrtli H e si rurnvr rf Hare and Third
SI if i Is.'
lHE under-igned have formed a Co-partnership
A under the firm of .1. M A YLAN D .1 it. .t Co..
as successors to the late fiitn if Jncali .Mnijlnnd 1
Co.. Mid will c .nli'iiie the business nt 'heol I c.-ta- ;
blishme iit, on ll e r oivu nivonut. In ediliiion lo
tl.eir own close attention nnd experience f.i many
vents, in (l e toai i:! o tiire i f ibeir i tii brat. .1 stiulb ,
ii e., ih,- long , x pei ieuce of the senior pa Meet of Il.e
late lino, will also he devoted lo 'be interest of the
new concern and as mi e-xeiliou ,ind caie will be
spired to insure ilu ir goods, at ail Inn sol ibe ve
ry besi (p.nlity, ilu vs. licit a e.ntinuance ,.f the
eoiil'.li me ol the l.ieials an I eu-t .nn-rs nf ibe late
linn. TIIOM S All WIS,
Phil i'lelpliii, Mav Mth, N43. ly
:n-a" id nz :tsr: ,
Cur ni i 'I'liird mid 1 tnc Struts,
rjtHE subscriber respectfully aiitiounci s to ihe
1 pul'be, thai he h is opened a Hotel in the pom
mo.lious lti. ki biiil.ling situate on the comer ,.f
'I hiul niid Pine itreets, where he will be happy to
wait ip u those who may favor him will, theit
coinpimv. The Eagle Hotel is l.i'ge utld C liveni-
em, and fiirnisb, .1 in 1 1 e I e t m dein si Jo, I i
prov ided Willi a huge number of well aiied and
comfortable -!', ping apartment', rooms, private
pallors, Vc. Pel sous visiting illiamsport on bu
siness or pleasure, may ret us-urnl that eve ry ex
ertion will be used to render their sojourn at the
'Eagle Hot, I" pleasant and asre-eable. His Tul le
will he supplied with the very hi st the market af
fords, and his bar with the choicest nines and other
liquors charges reasonable. The Eagle Horj i
potsesses greater setvanlsges in point i.t (oc- ',
than any other similar rttablithmeii ln , "' .n
being aitu.te in th. business j,rl of lh;7o;nU,8n j
wn bin a convenient ilf, of ,he Collrt 0UM
,u r'-' '-'tabling provided, and good and trusty
" 'I n! ways in attendance.
Attentive, accommodating and hone-t Servants
hsve U-en iinslove.l, and nothing left undone that
will aild to the treri.rorl Ml accommodation of his
There will he a carriage! always in attendance at
the Bout Landing to convey passengers to and from
the House, free of charge.
Msy lith, Nt!. tf
susintrnv, ta.
Business it, ended to in the Counties of Nor
thumlrrlntid, 1'nion. Lvconiing and Columbia,
lie Or to I
Tnn.s II HIT cV ( -0.,
Lowr.n iS: Baiiiiot,
IIabt, Cvmmios V llinr, yVhihid.
Brl noliis. Me Fa n i ami A Co
Krs.nt mi, 'iiion & Co.,
T unlr.v
rPHE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon eV Harris, lint
Mannf.ieliirers, for New York, Philadelphia,
Baltimore and nhcr large cities, w! os Unix are
highly comiornded fir innd fdii nnd ihirnlilit i,
h.ii o.i I. nod a lir-t rate isseituvnt of HATS and
I CAPS. mi!,l le for Spr'npa.le , wh eli will lp sold
j vi ry low, f.n cnih or npp-ovel credit, at the nilid
I rhruji slorr. No. 40, Notlli '1 Irrd s'riy I, optsi'e
: the City Hotel, I'liibi lelphin.
N. II. Orders (of Hats in llie rnui;'i. proinpllv
j attended In. Ths highest rice in ui.-h or I ra-Ie
givpn fir Fnr '.;rt., delphia, June It, IM1-Iy
A'; prisons imbbted to tbe tir.n ol Lynn cV
tlU'""'t' " ? , ''n '
" "P Mvnufmurcr,, No. 40 North I bird,
'"''. riiiliulelphin, are requeMeiHo make immed,-
nte settlement of ill ir account "till the su'wcriher,
tbi ir b'c ibv nu'hotijed i.c.'iil. w ho is fully rnipow.
i led to ?i itle and rolbcl t'.p hccoiiiiIs of said firm.
.tune 4th, IP 12. tf A;Ci;t.
pi -:n'drr:n:rn3'n-
A"f. (ill A'ori 7V, in, iihovi- Art-h Sin i t,
a r nvMiir i tir.s i on si vi:vrv r I Hff vst.
Oil MJLES WEISS, bite if the "Whi-.e Swan,'
i I "Mount Vernon Hou-e." resp. r
forms hts frti nils ntul ensti mers. I e La- become
the proprietor of the nbov well known Hotel. '
I i un'rv liieieiinnts w nl I ml ttie in
above Hoiel a
central h cation, arid the best nl Ore. H rsnns Ira -
vell'pg with private conveyance will find a large ,
yard nnd good stal ing for horses, m.d the best nf
osl'eis. Hoarding f I per .lay. i
.11.1V llltl. LSI-. It.
772:. H"ILIAlf &CC) ',
ffl'llll: !
( 'immis.iin iS: l-'crwanlinj Irreliritils,
'en if Willrw Slnil Hail Ili ad, ;
ei tii k I r 1. 1 w li r,
WINfi nsoeiatid v i h tln tn Joseph Barret, ;
late of Enslon, P.,., r snei tfnliv inf.. nil their
fiiemls and the public penerallv. that they havr. la- j
ki n th t large nnd we'l knoev n store and w h i.-f nt
foot of Willow Street Kadrond, I iti Iv e" cupie 1 by j
J scull Marlin. where they pupose iloinjj a fiein ral I
Commission and Forwarding Bu iness, nnd fom
the local advantages of ihe place I e ing eonm cted
with nil il.e pubic itnprovemeiits that have their
outlet in the cilv, thrv flatter themselves ihcy will
be uble to do I usiness to ns pre it, if not g eater nd
vantnge, and upon as reasonable terms as nny other
house, and lluv nssuie Iheir friends thnt nny con
signments made to tin in slnill have their s'rict at
tention, Mid no cxi itiniis spared to give eti'.iic salis
fiction. Tiny sre also prepaied lo receive ar.d fomnrd
goods lo nny point on the Delaware nn.l Lehigh
river--, lietw ce ll Maitch ('hunk, Easlon and Philn
e!e l bin, via Delaware Divisi. u and Lehigh ('m l-;
also, to nnv point on ihe Juniatu river, or Nor'h
and We si Branches of'the Su-ipn hatiu-l via Sehiij I.
kill nn.l t'l.ion, or tho ('lies , and Tide Watei
For ihe aeeommodaiion of B i-i's com'ng or go.
ing via Sebuvlkill nnd 1'nion Canals, a Siemiooal
will h. I;, pt expressly for towing bouts from the
S buy 'kill uroiii d lo the I lelawaie and bar k. which
will i'n l ie tin iclianls to have their piodiice deli
veieJ on il.e De'iiwaie, and Iheir goods si ipp.d at
a saving ot 5ll to 1 ." er rent, o" the j riees f t
h.inlii g iicio-s, w ith tin si" advsnt.iis they re
spicllul'y solicit a share of nir nat.e.
. II l.ll..l.. eV i ll
William Hi ilnian,
U' I! VV Iv. . ...
loseph Bi.rnel. ' 5 Philad.,M.,y 11, 1S3 ly
(Icitt t al tmuiiiMsNm .1Iti I:mIs,
'or t.'.r Sn!r nf F liiti r, tiinin, Sad, c.,
g vxTi!uZ
I.LY inform their and
nis generally, tlial lliev nave 'a-
l.e-n lliose I irge nud eomoiodious W liar v. s. w ith two
Do, ks, ilu lit of Co. sum street, on the D. -law-ire,
together with the store No. I!) South Wharves,
wheielhev wou'd be pleased n, receive consign
ments nf drain, Flour. Seed, Whiskey, Iron, e.
A c. lle'ing also well prepaied to forward till kinds
of Mirchnmlise bv ihe Schuylkill and Union, or by
die ( 'besap, nke and Tide Water Canals, ss low
boats nr kept cxptcssly f.n the purpose of lowing
boats by , i her leti'e. will ple ss e particular lo send their
go, ds destined bv either cauuls, t No. N South
b mi s, heluieii Maiket and Chesiiul streets, on
the De law nre, with ilneclioiis aecomp my ing ihem
which route ihey wish llieni lo be shipped.
(J-j- Plaster and Sli for sale, al the owet mar
ket price. BOLTON C'l.
March T-l, Ni l. No. 19 South Wharves.
iio;;:ut ('ttrrrti . s. ;
Lombard Stmt, llalllnwif.
HAVE cnsiantlv for sale, Printing Paper of nl. I
sies and ipiuhtii s, Cap Writing Pape r, rubd
nn.l plniii, Letter Paper, while and blue, ruled and
plain, Hiingiog Paper, fine and common, Envelope
Paper, do, do. iiie'ililiin, douh'e Clown, crow n and '
exnasieil Wrupping Papers, Colored Medium and '
l.'ovtil P.ipe's, llo.imt, Bioihrs' and Snaw Box
Boards, 'l isoi.e Paper, and nil aitich s in iheir line, '
whith they will sell on uccoinmodutiiig te rms. j
Highc t price given f . r old rugs. i
M..rch 10. IS1U. Elkton, M-'
A N article ( uney ailed for tW,. ; . ,
XV .h.,Bhy dll.Mc "J ...ost hiilhant polish losd
ver, iH-rmt n .. Co,1K.r Urittania ware,
'"' ' '':'., Cuth ry, and for restoring the lustre on
v,r. iishcd carriages, Ac. TKV II.
Prepared an I sold at wholesale and retail, hy the
Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego,
Tioga county, N. Y.
WM. FORSYTH, Agent for Northum'd,
H. U. MASSE It, Agent for Sunhury.
Novemlier 20lh, 18-12.
No. 74 t'nllow luil tStrect, riiiladeljiliia
C Thret dutiTS ubore Second. J
SIHTE Findings always kept on hand, which he
offers for sale on the lowest terms. Country
Merchants are parlicuWily to till and judge (ot
Philadelphia, N'overn er 13, 181?. ly.
G. W. & L. S. TATLOP..
FFEU FOR SALE, at the South East Cor
ner nf Fifth and Market Ulrcrtu, l'lilladrl.
Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted,
do do ilrt pegged ib
L do dn water proof, double soles
nnd double uppers.
do Calf-skin do do
nnd uppers,
do Heavy Water Leather Boots,
do do Neats do do.
do High quarter Shoes, Cnlf-skin.
do do do Crockets do
do Finn Monroes wnrrnntej
do naile
Kip do
Calf do
ConrsP do
do Shoes
Fine do
Kin do
il., Calf and Senl Skin t'umns.
do List Pocks with and without soles.
ib, Carprl do
do Patent Warranted Wntcr-r.ronf Moec.isins.
Lndieii' do do do do
Lndiis' Iniined Indi.i Pubbrr shois.
( letitlemens' do (iver shoes.
With every other desciiption of hoots and shoes.
Fur Caps of every description.
Traveling Trunks of every description.
Venetian Travelling Bags.
Patent (Jum Elastic Shop Blacking.
Bonnets of all kinds, Palm Leaf Hats.
Philadelphia. November 1U, lS l'2. lv.
No. Isi'i Clicsnttt Street, Lclow -Hit,
EEP constantly on band a general nssott-
meiil of Books nnd Stationatv ; comprising
1 lieoloElcal, Law, Meilte&I, (Jissical. Miscepane
oils and School Books, Day Books, n't size. Led
e, r, do.. Family Bibles, Pocket B.bles, Wiitinr
Pr.pers, Wra ping Pap, rs, Ac. Ac, which they of
rr , (,P Invest pi ices to Country Merchant's Pre
f.-KSi.mal C. nltemen. Teachers, nnd nil otlieru th il
m-.V f.ivor .hem with their custom.
Philadelphia. No, 'mber lit. Nil. 1 y.
- " -
.TSU'lKU'l Wt'SlVCr tV iOIl
HCm MiiKEHG f Sllir C2IAKPZ.Sn3.
V., ; ,'.. Wn'rr Strn-t. Vliilndi 'u!in
f S
AVE coiis'iiiillv on hand, a generd nssort-
nn nt of Cordage, Seine. Twines, cVc, viz :
I'lir'd liopes. Fishing Hopes, White Hopes, Manil
la Ropes, Tow Lines for Can il Boats. Also, a
complete assortment offline Twines, ec. sueli as
Hemp SI. ad and Hi rring Twine, Best Patent Ci'l
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Hening Twit e. Shoe
Threa.'s, A c. oVc. Also, Bed t'ords, Plough Lines,
Ilahers.Tr ice s. Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains,
A:r. all of which they will dispose of on reasonable
lei ins.
Philadelphia, November 13, 112. lv.
Jat oh Fi ii:tttth Stiii-
"j EsPEC'I'FlT.LY informs their friends nnd
-L ncqtiaintnnces ge lerally llint they still con
tinue to keep nt the old stand. No. 216 North 3d
street. Philadelphia, nil inds of
roiAcco s;r.rF af sfoahs.
Which they will erll n the ir.A . aicoiiunodutitu
and reisotia lo terms.
N. B. All eoods sold w ill he guat intcej nud id!
orders promptly Mt. tided lo.
J'lnhiihlphin, Ni vember 13, N12. ly.
Wholesale and ltctail Slmc. T'oniict,
iinel I'alm I. cat Hat Warelionso.
.Vo fifj Ai, i 'id tlrrrt.a frw dnnrs ulmve .irch,
I.SO Trunks, Caipet B.tgssnd Vnlices, of ev
,r.v dcsciiplioti, nil of which he eill'ers for
sale on the most reasonable terms.
Philadelphia, November 1 11, 1S12 ly.
J . W . S W A 1 N ,
rtnlitt'ila ami l'arasnl Mantifartiirt'r.
A'o. Yi Smith Thilil tin it. lira It low the
Cily Until. Vliit.nhtphitl.
COfNTIlV Merchants and others are solicited
to examine bis assortment before pllichasing
, Isew hern
Philadelphia. Novrndr 11. 112. ly.
Cliiiia.CIIass and I.ivorpotil Warcliottso.
Vo ll'.l Surli Third ftrrrl . third dnnr In lulu Vine
rtreel, I'liilnili Iphin,
"iTTHFIIE they constantly keep en hand a large
assoitment of China, (ilass and Liverpool
Ware, which they will disj.os.' nf on the most tei-
s .nal te tei i;:s.
PhilHilelphin, November LI, 1H-P-J. Ty.
TIIEOl'n.U.S CL'l.P.
Mannlaotiircr and Importer of .Sad
dlery, Hardware, S;c.
No. 5 Smith Third ulrt-rt. fair doors Lcfaw Market
1 'hi liuli Ipliia.
"P"J"" EEP constantly on hand a large nn.l genera
4 Sk assortment Coach Lamps, Carnage Baiub
Axle Amis, Eliptic Springs, Patent Leather. Ac.
Country Merchants and snihUcrs will be supplied al
all times on ihe most reasonable terms. 'Miey will
find it to their advantage to call and examine his
assortment before purchasing elsewhere.
Philadelphia, November El, IS PL I v.
r.r.YNoi.ns. McFaui.ani) vv Co
Wholesale Dealers in Foreign Iiritish
ami Ameriean Dry Cleioels.
A'o. 10.") Mark.-I stmt, Vhiiadilphia.
10TNTKY Merchants, r.lid others can be sup
plied ut all times with nn ext. usue a.-sort-
iiieul of the oe-st and most fashionable Ci'oods upon
the most reasonable terms.!phis, November 1.1, IS PL lv.
Iinjiortcrs and
Duller,; in Foreign
I v
a -tunc
Haul ware,
' O. 171 1NOHTII THIKI, StRI.IT, I'lllLAIiKl.rlllA.
O niEUE their fiietulsand customers will always
find a large and general a-sorlmenl of Foreign
and Domestic Hardware, which the-y will sell al the
lowest prices,
Philedelphia. November 13. 18'-.-y.
No. UiO 1-2 Market Street, Hula.
(lit low Fifth South iide )
A LWAYS keep on hand full and general as
fl scrlment of Hosiery, Lace, and Fancy Ooods,
Country Merchants are reseclfully rei)uesl3d to
give them a call and examine for themselves.
Philadelphia. November! 13, 184a. 1 y.
No. 138 Market Street, Hiiladelphia.
INVITE the attention of Country Merchants
to their extensive assortment of Bntith French
and American Dry fi'ooela, which they otli-r fur salt
on the most reasonable terms.
Philsdelphis, November 13, 1813. ly.
N linparetlelrd rpmpdy for common Colds,
' V Coughs, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Cough,
Bronchitis, and all diseases of the Breast and Luogs,
leading lo consumption; composed nf the eoneen'
trated virtues of Horehound, Bonsrt, Blood Root,
Liverwort find sevetnl other vegetable substances.
Prepared i nly by J, M. Wisslow, Rorhesler, New
The innocence nnd universally admitted pecloral
viilues of the Herbs from which lite Haram nj
llinrhnand is made, are loo generally known lo re
ipiire recommendation ; if is iheirfore only necessi
ty lo observe thai this Medicine contains the whole
nf Iheir Medicinal properties, highly cotiCHrated,
ami so happily combined wilh several othrf trg!
tteble snbslances, ns lo render il the most ppeeily,
mild nnd cert. do rimedy, now in Use, f r the colli
plaints above mentioned.
Tie Balsam removes nil imflammntion and Sore
nessoftb,. Lungs, loosens tough vi.-id phlegtn. ens
iibling the patient lo expectorate wi'h en-e nnd fee
ilom, iis-u iges c.nigti, relieves nthmntic and difTi
( cult ri spirntion, heals the injured parts, opens the:
pores, nnd rumpuses the dislutbed nerves, tind gives
1 strength (., the lender lungs, nnd thl(, produces
speedy nnd lasting cure.
IsoAT!TinK IS TII It IIASF.ST I'tllir. IS Mas. -
We nra not among that class of Editors who for a
j fi w dollns will, (at il.e rier,se of truth nnd ho-
nesty) e'eraek Up" en article and bring it into rapid
j -ale ; neither nie we willing to ipmain silent, after
hnvi' g tested the utility of nn ini rovement or dip
', envory in science or art. Our readers will recollect
we told them we were nnwi II with a sore tluoat nnd
i violent Cold some few weeks ngo. Well, we ptir
chased two buttles of IN'Sl.OW'S BALSAM
OF HOb'EHOt.'ND, nnd so sudden was the cure,
that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who
nre aM'ieied, may 1 1 y il upon our recommendation. i.-lnn T'di-uriijih. For sale by
JACOB HHIt. MT, SnrthumUrland.
Also, by Druggists generally throughout tho
country. i''i Price, .ri0 cents per bottle.
August Mth", 1M-I-J . lv.
wr. rULlj.Si.
i-7 ."vOIJ sale a stna'l Farm, cont iiuing nbnul one
fj huinbed and ten urn f, more or s, situate
in Point tow nship. N. r linnil erland countv, ubotit
two mill s t.bnve Noitbumbcil itnl, on the main
road lending from that place l.i Danville, adjoining
lands o John Leghou, .le-se C. Ilorti.ii nnd others,
noiv in Ibe occup-inry of Samue l Payne. About
forty acres of said tnu t nre clean d, and in good
stale of cu UMili hi. on which there is a small burn
creel, d. The property w ill be sold unreasonable
trims. For further particulars, peisoi.s are reijtn sl
ed to n plv to the sul scrili. r.
II. B. MAsSF.B, Aamt.
Nov. 2 7lh, 1H !'.'. if Sui.b'iry. Pa.
iNo. 'J: Xni lli Water Street, Tliila.
AN T FAC TTKEKS nnd dealers in Oils of
l evrrv description both for burning an. I
manufacturing purposes, which will he sold much
lower than they can be procured elsewhere, and
Warranted in ipmlity to eciitil any in the city. Any
oil sold by the company tint proving ns ipprc m-ntcd,
may he returned without any expense to the pur-
baser, anil the money w ill W refunded.
The ir slock now in store consists of the follow ing
oils, sir. :
ao.OCII gallons Winter Bleached Speim
do do Coloiless Oil,
ilei Fail and Spring Sperm Od,
do Winter Sen Elephant,
do do Pressed Whale Oil,
do Summer do do do '
do Common Whale Oil,
SOU Barrels sup, rb.r Sirn.'i Oil,
livi) ,! Cul Hank Oil,
SO do Nen's Fool Od,
7T Ca.-ks Olive Oil,
'Palmer's I ills.
(j 'Phis Company has n number of Vessels en
gaged in the Col Fishery, and Tanner" may tely
upon getiing al all tones Oil as pure as in. ported.
Philadelphia, Nov. I:!, l.'i.v.
No rl, Norlli M-t ostI sitrect,
(lollt.H oFCOOMll's ll.l.Kl.)
Whete ihey constantly keep on hand a general
assortment of
And a riid iiiriity nfarticlts if a superior
quality, which ihey oiler to dispose of
np.oi llie most tea. nimble t, rms.
TIOTN I IiY MEIICIIAN'IS and others will
Vty find it to tlnii iidvaiitnge i call and examine
tin ir stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Philadelphia. Nov. (i, 1S12. l v
loll Mil. HI
Oi-I. Lii. ' V -t -iN V-. V n-l ? t..m
NTHON'S Classical Dictionary; l.cmprier's
do.; Air.swoilh's do ; Cobb's do.; English and
(eitiian do ; Anthon's Cn-sar; Ambon's Crammer;
Anthi ll's Ciceio; Mail's Latin Header; Ogilby'sdo.;
Ambew's l.ittiti l.e-.-S 'iis; D .line's i.riicnn;
; Fisk'sOre. k Exeicises; D.ivies's Le ge-iidet; (iraeca
Major;,; Adams's Unman Antiquities; l'lnnoik's
(i.iidsmith's England; de. ( recce; Lye It's Elements
i ol (ieologv; M is. Lincoln's Botany; Ebmcutsof
Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's lihetnricnl Ilea
: ders; Emerson'g (ieography and Hi-loiv; Oh'Cj'a
do.; Purity's do.; Smith's (irainmei; Kiikham's do.:
Kav's l!i ad. r.-; Cold's do; Cobb's A rill.meiick;
Pike's il i.; Emerson do.; (,'olh's Spelling Books;
Town's ilo.; ( 'obb's Table Bonks; Evangclie;,) Fa
mily Lihiaiv; Cottage Bible-; Fami'v do; Cnll.iter
al eio.; Small Bibles and Tcst;eiit; Pmkei's 1x
cri Ues on Compositioi.; Fruit of ihe Spirit; Baxtct','s Best; Atn'rican Revolution; Manysti's No
; v, is; M-;,. Phelps on C;..cniistiv; Iliad; C.ile.-l.isn
..f Aiucr:; Mn i.ani; Lfitirson Natural Msgic; The
i mlstiy foi Beginners; English Exeicists adapted It
, Murrav's (iramnier; Seipul to Coinley's Spelling
Boo!.; Amiiican Class I!. ik; DaboH's Schoolmas
lei's Assistant; A great variety nt Blank Books, Ac
i A i. gust 2t, 1 1 12.
J . s id a i; v J . e: s ,
1ElJTE rs the attention e f his country fiiene
who are in want, to his very large stock e
Csrpeiings, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Hugs, Binding;
Staii Kods, &.C., Sit., that hehasjusi opened, i
his warehouses, No. 18 North 2d slice t, and No.
(Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, Phih
delphia. July 31, 1H42. ly.
D. Kill KT A TRICK & SU.n,
JVo. 21. Surth Third street,
HAVE for sale a large and excellent assnrtmer
ofS;vmiiA J tides, Patna KipiTanners' Oil
Jr., at the lowest market prices, either for cash, ir
exchange for Leather, or upon ciedit.
Consignments of Leather received for ttle, o
purchased ut the highest maikei prices.
rj" Leather slated free of e. barge,
April 17, 1819. 1