Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 16, 1843, Image 3

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Y virtu of sundry writs of Venditioni Expon
s nj Levari Facias, issued out of lha
Court of Uomnion Drat of Northumberland county,
to me directed, will lie exposed lo public sale at the
Court House in Ilia Porough of Sunhury, on Mon
Jay the 1st day of January next, at I o'clock, P.
M., the following described properly, to wit t
All the defendant's interest, supposed to be the un
divided sixth part of a tract of land situate in Point
'township, Northumberland county, bounded hy
land late of John H. Cowden, now Culich, lands
of John Schrlner, Henry Walte anl others, and the
Wert IJrancli of (he River Susquehanna, contain
inn 315 acres and allowance, more or less, about
180 acrra of which are cleared ; whereon are erec
ted a two stoiy log dwelling house and kitchen, a
epiing house, and a large log bntn, a lime kiln, an
orchard, Ac.
Also ! All the defendant's intercut, s ttpposcd to be
tho undivided sixth part of four contiguous lota of
ground, situa'e in the borough of Nmlh l Nor
thumberland county, and marked in the general
plan of said town Nos. 29, MO, 31 and 32, fronting
on Northway on the north west, and hounded on
the south east by the North llianch Canal, on the
oulh west by an alley, and on the north east by
Hanover street ; w hereon are erected a laigo ami
commodious two story frame dwelling house and
kitchen, a'large frame stable and a frame earri .ge
house, being the mansion property of the Hon.
Beth Chapman, dee'd.
Also: All (bo defendant's interest in two other
continuous lots of ground, situate in the borough of
Northumberland aforesaid, and marked in the plan
aforesaid, Nn, 27 and 2S, bounded on the north
east by an a'ley, on the south west by lot No. 20.
on the south east by the North ltrnnch Canal, and
fronting on Northway on the north west.
Also : All the defend int's interest, supposed to be
the nnd.viib d sixth p .rt of four contiguous lot of
ground, in the town aforesaid and mnrkrd in the plan
aforesaid, No. 2(c), 20 1. 20"). 206 fronting on North-
way, and bounded by the North 13 ranch ('ana! on
the south cast, and by an alley on the south west;
whereon is erected a frame hanick.
Also : All the defendant's interet, supposed to be
the undivided sixth part of a lot or piece of ground,
situate in the town of Northumberland f iresaid, be
tween the River and the North Ur.inch Can. d, op
posite (he Mansion House property aforesaid, and
adjoining a lot of the II n. Ellis Lewis and llano
aer street, containing Hbout two acres; whereon is
a good orchard.
Also: All the defendant's interest, supposed to be
.1. . it i i . i . r .i i . e '
mc unuivnou siiin pari or nnniner ioi or piece or
pronnil, situated between the River and the Ciinnl
itl', adjoining lots of William A. I.loyd, Tho
inns llrindlc, .Ve., containing about two acres;
wheieon is also a good orchard.
Seized, taken in ixeeution, and to be sold as the
property of Jos-nli Chapman.
Also: A certain tract or piece nf land situate in,
formerly Turlut, now Lewis township, Northum
berland county, adjoining lands of Jacob Carroll,
Peter Stmu e, Mich-art Brob.-t and others, contain
ing thirty acres more or less, about 20 acres of which
nre cleared; whereon arc erected a 1 story frame
house and two log stables.
-Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Isaac Jerret.
Also : A certain lot of ground situate in the bo
rot'gh of Milton, Northumberland county, and mar
ked in the generd plan of said town, No 3.", houn
ded on the north hy It roadway, on the south by an
alley, -tin the east by Church Lane, and on the
west by lot No. 31 ; whereon are creeled a two sto
ry frame house, painted white, with a k'tchen at
tached, and a large frame blacksmith shop, plastered
Seized, tuken in execution, and to he sold as
the property of. I a inc. Killcy.
Also: A certain piece or lot nf ground situate in
the hoiough of Sunhury. Northumberland county.
lioumicil by !' awn street on the west, on the south
try a house and l it of Jacob Heck, and on the mo ih '
by a lot of Christian Hnwcr, rotjtaioina in breadth
on Fawn street 272 feet, and depth 25(1 feet more
or less, containing one acre and a half more or less,
which aai I lot has been divided into paicels by de- 1
fend ant as follows : One parcel or lot adjoining .la- '
cob Deck, com lining 5J feet in front en Fawn
street, by 2.10 in depth; one otlu r lot adjoining the
above, containing 57 J feet in front on F iwn street,
and 200 feet in depth; one other lot adjoining the 1
last above mentioned containing 57 J feet front on :
Fawn street, I y 230 fei in depth ; oho other lot
adjoining the above, containing forty -two feet in !
fronton Fawn street, and 2:10 fiet in depth; i.nd '
one other lot adjoining the above, and on the north '
a lot of Christian Rower, containing in front 57 J '
fut in front on Fawn street, and 2.")0 feet in depth.
Also; A certain other lot of ground situate in j
the liorotig!) ot ftunliury atorcsriil, ami marked in
the general plan of said town No. 120, bounded on
the east and west by lnt- No. 125 and 127, and on
the north by an ulley, containing 1 of an acre more i
or has.
Alsu : The one equal undivided fourth pr.rt nf a
certain tract of land situate in Coal township, Nor-
thutnlif rland county, surveyed on a warrant in the 1
name nf Merrick Stair, and containing in the whole j
206 acres more or less. This land is well timber
td, and upon which is an excellent saw nidi seat.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
jnopi rty of I'ctcr L zarus.
Also : A cert . in tract or piece of land t-ituatc in 1
Coal town-hip. Northombeil mil county, adjoining ,
lands of Willi im (J .ss, James (iass, William Fa- i
gely and others, containing thirty acres more or !
less, about 7 acres of which are cleared; whereon
are erected a two stoiy frame house and log k't.hcn
and oil mill and a saw mill.
Seized, I. ken in rxeeut ion, and to be sold as the
projerty of Samuel F.itriihart.
AUo : The one undivided moiety of all that ccr- j
lain tract of laud situate in Augusta township.
Northumberland county, adjoining lands nf , e
heirs of Thomas Snyder, dce'd., land of loctor
Simor.lnn, Fr.meis Iluchcr and other',, contain' ri,
three hundred and thiity acre mo,e ,,r r)l gidv,
ance measure, with the a;.-urt,.nane- ,tn ,he
same which on the 1?., j., of l77.,
was pall, nted to j. .oh ()n , e (u (f
k'u-h'o' 're'"" '-tte frame dwelling house and
"., sevnal small houses, a large .if barn, an
orchard, Arc. about 200 acres of wVrch arc cle.ircd.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of John U. Shipman.
Also: A certain tract of land situate in Upper
Mahonoy township, Northumberland county, ad
joining lands of John Sallade, (iodfrey Ruhach,
Michael Rabach and others, containing 1 10 acres
more or less about 00 acres of of which are cleared;
whereon are erected a two atory leg house and a
log barn, a Rood orchard.
Seiaed, taken in execution, and to be aolJ as the
proerly of William Kercher.
. Also: Two contiguous lots of ground situate in
the borough of Northumberland, in Northumber
land county, bounded southward by King street,
noihiard by an alley, westward by a lot lately if
John il Cowden, dee'd., rastwatd by a lot of John
U. Boyd aud E. Campbell t whereon are erected a
large two story brick store and dwelling house, a
two ttory brick kitchen, a store house, smuke house,
pump of water, and a large frame stable.
Also: Another lot of ground situate in borough
of Northumberland and county aforesaid, bounded
northward by Queen street, southward by Duke st,
wcstwjrj by lot of Hugh khIUs, Lj , and east
ward by a lot of George Miller; whereon nre erected
a large two story dwelling house, woolhpdioarded
and painted while, a large kitchen, a stable and a
well of witer.
Also i A certain lot or piece of groond situate in
the botough of Nnithumhrrland aforesaid, bounded
eastward by Flth street, westward by Sirawbridge
Koad, northward by a lot of John Whealley, jr.,
containing one acre more or less.
Also t Tho life estate of the defendant, to wit :
The undivided fourth part of a certain lot of ground
situate in Northumberland aforesaid, hounded south
ward hy King street, westward by an a!ley, north
ward by an alley, and eastward by a lot of K. P.
Shannon, whereon are erected a two atory dwelling
house and a well of water.
Abo: The life estate of the defendant, lo wit :
The undivided fourth part of two certain lota of
ground a tnntc in the borough of Northumberland
afiirenid, bounded southward by Orange street,
westward by Second street, northward by an alley,
and eastward by a lot of Joseph Wallia.
Seized, taken in execution, and lo 1 sold as the
property of John Lcisenting.
Als i : Tim equal undivided moiety or half of two
certain Islands, situate in the river Susquehanna,
in Augu-la township, Northumberland county, op
posite the dwelling house of Win. I!. Jones, one
thereof calleJ Moody's Island, containing 37 acres
more or less, about 25 acres of which are cleared
and in a high state of cultivation ; the other thereof,
i ailed "Hound Island," containing about three a
cres, nearly all of which are cleared ai.d in a high
stale of cultivation.
Seized, taken in execution, and (o he sold as the
properly of William It. Jones.
Also: Four contiguous lots of nioend situate in
the borough of N rthumberland, Northumber
land county, m.vkcd in the general plan of sai I
town, Nos. Ct. 02, 0:1 and CI, bounded south by
Hanover street, and on the west by a 20 feet alley.
Also: Four other continguous lots in the town
of Northumberland aforesaid, and marked in the
general plan thereof, No. 1 0:1. 191, 105 and 196, i
hounded ra.-t by Noithway, south by Hanover st
west by Water strut, and notth by a 20 feet nl'ey.
Also : A certain lot of ground situate in the bo
rough of Northumberland aforesaid, desciihcd as
follows: ISeginning at a post on the north-east
branch of the Itivcr Susquehanna, thrnce along
Hanover street, north 52 ilegreis west, 21 j perches
to a corner of lot No. 210, thence along lots Nos.
210, 209, 208 and 207, north 3S degrees eist, 15
petches ond two-tenths lo a post in centre of a 20
feel alley, thence south 52 dearees east, 27 perches
lo a po"t on the bank of the liver aforesaid, thence
down the same to the place of beginning, cont lin
ing two nee and seventy perches.
Also: Lots No--. 207, 208, 209 and 210 adjoin
ir'g the last above mentioned property, and bound
id thereby on the south, on the west by Hanover
street, on the north by Northway, and on the e-(
by a 20 f ct alley, containing each 00 feet on Norlh
wav.and 1 80 fi el in depth.
AUo: Lots Nos. 123. 121, 125 and 120, con
taining together on Northway 2 10 feet, and in depth
160 feet, bounded north by Northway, eastw irdly
by lands formerly of Jonah Haines, soudiwardlv .v
lands of John Vuughan, aud west by a 20 ft ct ai
ley. Also; A certain lot or piece of ground situate
between the last above describe d lots, and ihe n-rth
east branch aforp-a d, beginning at a post, (corner
of lots No. 120.) thence s uth 52 decrees east, !)fl
perches to a post by a sumach bush on the bank of
Ihe river, thence down the same, south 40 degrees
west, sixteen perdu s lo a po-t on the bank, thence
hy land nf William Foster, north 52 degrees wpst,
35 perches lo a post in the middle of. and at foot
of a 20 frtaley, llirnee by half of the said alley,
and the foot of said lots 12:1. 121, 125 and 120,
north 33 degrees east, 15 perches to the pi ice of
beginning, containing three acres and fury perches.
Also: Lots Nos. 219, 220, 221, and 123, con
taining together in front on Northway 2-10 feel, in
depth 190 feet, bounded southwest by street,
northwest by noithway, northeast by a 20 feet a ley
and southeast by land granted lo W illiam Foster.
Also : A cer'nin lot or peiee of ground adjoin
ing lots aforesaid, and described a follows; ISegin
ning at a post in the middle and foot of at.,
thence by half of s iid street, and by f.ot of siid
Inst lots, ni.rth 3S degrees east, lti and nine-tenth
perchisto said 20 feet alley, thence bv land sold to
John Ysugh m, 55.2 digreis east, 36 perches to
north-east corner of a streit, thence down north 10
degrees west, 1 7 and tvvo-lcnlln perches to a pn.-ton
bank, thence by land sold to Joseph Frieslv. jijr.,
norih 52 degrees west, 35 J perches to the place of
beginning, cunt lining 3 acres and 31 perches.
Also : Lots Nos 153. 151. 15 5, 150. 157 and
158, said lots Nos. 153, 151, 155 and 150, hound.
d north by IU'en s'reet, south by Duke street,
west by Eighth street, and east by an alley, ami the
ic-iduc of s .id I ts hounded north bv Ijueeii street,
south l y Duke street, cast by an alley, and nest
by 7 ill street, containing together about two acres.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be bold as the
property of William A. Lloyd.
Also; Two certain tracts or pieces of I mil situ
ate in the borough of Northumberland, Northum
berland county, one thereof ail joining .md ol .1. IS.
ISoyd on the north east, the Went Lir inch on the
south cant, and laud of Win. McCoy on the seuth
west ; the other thereof being between the North
Branch Canal and the North ISranch, adjoining
the heirs of Seth Ch ipman on the north ea-t, and
Hanover street oil Ihe youth west, the Said two
pieces of land containing tint teen acres more ot
less. I
Also ; The following out lots or pieces of 'gro"-,,i J
containing live acres each, and marked -- ,n. rJ1(,' j
ral plan of said out lots Nos. 0, 16, " i-- 'i I
aiiii i nu louuwing ri-ioiS',r p
in the town of Northuiu1-,.,p. i
: . .1 . -no
ces of ground
I. fore-aid, ami i
iiiarKeu in ine g--rie
tail Iheieof. No. 20.
whereon is erected
lir e two storv frame d-.vel. '
I;..- i. i...: '-
west corner of
, a'' alley, and bounded on the south
I'V lot N.,. l9.
Also: '..nt-i Nos. 01, fi-2. 03 an 1 01, bounded
'i the g,,uth ea-t ly Noithway, on the north west
Water street, on the north east by Haliovet ft.
and on the south west by mi alley, containing a
bout j of an acre eat h.
Also ; Lots Nos. l"3, 104, 105, 106, 197. 108,
100, 200, and 201. bounded on the north west by
Water rtreet, on Ihe sou h east by Northway, and
on Ihe south west by Hanover street, containing
each about J of an acre.
Also ; Lots Nos. 207, 208, 200, and 210. bound
ed on ihe north west by Norihw sv, and on ihe west
, .III. vwillll " s luiliri I'l
by II anovi r street. On said lot, .Ao. 210, is e
reeled a large log barn.
Also: Lot No. 72, tituate on the south west
corner of Queen and Water streets, whereon are e
rccied a large two story frame building, formerly
occupied as a store.
Also; A smalt frame Shoemaker's shop, and a
email frame building occupied as a Fancy store.
Seized, taken in execution, and lo be sold as the
property of William A. Lloyd.
Also: All that ceitain tract or piece of land situ
ate in the county of Northumberland, and stale of
Pennsylvania, beginning at a white pine corner,
adjoining lands of Lliddle fc Company, thence north
75 degree east, 13 1 perches lo a pile of atone,
thence north 13 degiees west, 196 perches to a post,
ihence north 88 degrees west, 33 perches lo a post,
thence north 73 degrees west, 89 perches to a pile
of stone, thenc e south & degiees west, 49 perches
lo a post, tin me south 80 degrees wsl, 30 perches
to a pino, ihence south 13 degrees east, 195 perches
to the place of beginning, containing 165 acres and
64 perches, and allowance of til per cent for roads,
Ac, Ac.
Also: One other (rati nf land situate in the
county of Northumberland f iresaid, being butted,
hounded an I desciilied as follow, vie t Beginning
at a white pine, adjoining land of Ihe Asaylum
Uompany, thence north 13 degrees west, 171 perch
es lo a corner, thenre south 81 degrees wes', 86
pcrchea lo a corner, thence south 74 degrees west,
59 perches lo a pile of stone, thencn north 16 de
gereeswest, 8 perches to a pile of stone, thence
aouth 71 dcgreei west, 100 pprches to a pile of
stone, thence north 16 degrees west, 100 perches lo
a pile of stone, thence north 75 degrees east, 2 18
perches to a pile of stone, ihence noth 18 degree
we-t, 80 porches to a gum, thence a mth 74 degiees
west, 275 perchos to a pine, thence south 65 de
gree west, 1 12 pcrchea to a chesnut fallen, thence
south 78 degreei west, 190 perches to a chesnut
oak, thence north &-t decrees to a chesnut, thence
weal 124 perches lo a chesnut. thence mth 70
degrees west, 55 perches lo a pile of stone, a cor
ner of Sarah Reese's land, Ihence ruth t" degrees
east, 159 perches lo a post, Ihence north 85 degrees
east, S15 perches lo a pile of stone, thence north
75 degiee east, 118 perches to a pile of stone,
thence south 12 degrees east, 3i8 perchelo a pinp,
Ihence north 7 degrees east, 120 perches lo a
white pine, ihence north 12J degrees west, 291
perchts to a pile of stone, ihence south 81 J degrees
east, 218 perches lo a pile of stone, formeily a ma
rie, thence south 01 degrees east, 01 peic.hes lo a j
while pine, the place of beginning, containing 1012 i
acres, 43 perches and allowances. J
Seized, taken in execution, aud to be sold as the I
property of Uurd Patterson. j
Also: All that ceitain house together with the
lot, whereon tho sime is erected, siiuate in the bo
rough of Northumberland, and county nf .Northum
berland, on (JriPi-n street, and Second street, run
ning back to Duke street and adjoining lot No.
86. the said lot being numbered 85 in the plan of
said borough.
Se zPtl, taken in execution, and la ho sold ns the :
property of the Uaptist Church, in the borough of j
Al-o: All those six two story fiame buildings
situate in Coal township, N irthumberl md county,
adjo nilig each other and nil under one ronf, and I
the piece of land and curtilage appii'tenant thereto, '
being a part of the tract of laud upon w hich the i
said Company are or were, conducting aud carry i
itig on their Iron Works and Coal Mines; the ,1
said s being each forty feet long and igh-
teen feet deep. j
Seized, taken in execution, and lo be sold as the
properly of the Shamokin Coal cV Iron Company. I
FELIX MAUUEIt, Stir riff. ''
Sheriffs Office. ? .
Sunhury, Dec. 2, 1813. j
In the nam'' nml hy thr niilmrili nf Ihr Com
inonicmltk of Pennsylvania.
ii v !
tiovrrnnr of the Salrl fontmmnrrnllh, j
WHEREAS, it is becoming that we, i
as dependent creatures, should ac
knowledge with Thanksgiving, the fa
vors conferred upon ns by our bene. ,
fieient Creator, and that with ilue hu
mility we should supplicate, ihe continuance of his '.
blessings; i
I THKnr.ronr., no less fmm a conviction of its
propriety, than in accordance wilh the expressed .
wishes of o large number of my fellow citizens, do j
issue this Proclamation, recommending that
Tiii'iisiiAT Tim 21st iut instant,
beset apart by the people of this Commonwealth,
for PRAYER. Pit Ms 12 and Til AKStll VI.Nti to !
Almighty (Jod : That they abstain, on thai day
from their worldly occupations, and unite in devout ;
expre-sions of gratitude to the (iivcr of all good fir
the blessings of peace, the general prevalence of 1
health, fruitful seasons, the injoymi-nt of civil and
religious liberty. Hiid above all, for tho liles-ings of
salvation so ri. lily vouchsafed to us i And that
they humbly beseech him that he continue these
mercies toward us ; that our land may yield us her
fruits of increase, thai a sacred regard for our res-
onsilnlilies, individual and puUic, iimy beebeiish
ed, and. by his hVssiug, nil our obligations faithful,
ly disnhaigid; ill it vice and nickedne-a may be
restrained, mid ivery s u ial and moral iituc pro- ;
iiMted ; ami that he inspire us with a due ken e of
gra'itude lo h in-elf, us the source from whence all !
these bleseings are deiived. ;
(iven under my h md and Ihe fireat Seal nf the '
State, at Harrishurg, this second dav nf De- ;
comber, in the. year of our Loid one thousand ;
eight hundred and forty-three, and of the Com-
men wealth the sixty-eighth. i
ISy the Coventor.
Secretary nf lie Cominimw'tth.
Printers ;,,.
A f, w keg sale, at a sin ;, advance for cash,
1,rC-'J 11. IS. MASSEIt.
ii;V (;6()I)S
' fu,i,f iiber has received a fre-h supply of
. r all (:,)0lls, which he will sell cheap lor cash
of rom.iry produce. H. U. MASSEK.
sLunbuiy, Dee, 2d, 1813.
Kstntr or Win. Illloy ;as, lc 'd.
"iTOTICE is hereby g ven, that letters of ad
ministration upon said estate, baa this day
been gran'cd to the subscriber. Persons knowing
themselves to be i.nlebtcd to said estate, are request,
til to make immediate payment, and those having
accounts or demands ggain-t the csta'e are teques.
ed to present them for examination ami -e tleineiit.
Augusta, December 2d, 1 si 3. Ct.
J ic Store.
"I ) KSI'KO I'FI'LLY announce f.i the inhabitants
nf Augusta township, and the public generally,
that they bave taken the well known st re on the
Tulpi hoeceii Road, about five n i'es from Sjn! u
ry, and lately occupied by Hemv llyeily, whine
they are prepared to ni l on all tho-e who may fi
vor them with their calls. They have just received
an txten-ive a-sortmenl of Dry Conns, tiHoi E
Mils, l(i i.ivmnin gnd Hiuiiwahk of the very
best quality, which they nre willing to di-pose of
at tho very lowest prices, for cash or country pro
duce. j Liberal deductions will be made fur cash.
Augusta, Nov. 26ih. 1843. 3t
AriiiiiiiUtrator'N IVolitc.
NO T1CE is hereby given thai letters or ad
ministration have been granted by the Re
giklrr of Noithuuibf rland county, to the subscribers,
in the estate of John U. Price, late of ihe borough
ofSunboiy, Noithumberland county, dee'd. All
persons having demands against the estate will
present them duly authenticated for settlement, and
those indebted are requested to call and make act
tlement immediately.
Sunhury, Nov. 18th. 1813. 6t.
j r-N--n
li:iM UATIVP. ft Y III' I.
TI-ltfE valuable properties of Oakley's Depnra
1. live Syrup of Sarsaparilla, as a purifier or ihe
blood, is so wrll known to the pnblic generally,
that it is unnecessary lo occupy much space in set
ting forth the advantages lo be derived from its
ne w hcrever the medicine has once been Intro takes precedence over all othera ; eyety
one that lias taken it, have derived so signal bene
ficial results from it, that it ia recommended by
them with the u'most confidence. Physiciins of
the highest standing in tho profession, prescribe it
Id patients under their care ; containing nothing
deleterious, but being composed ot Ihe moat mild,
yel efficacious vegetable materia!, it is off-red with
confidence, as the cheapest and mo-t efficient pu
rifier nf the blood now known. The use of a few
bottles, cspecial'y in Ihe spring months, will lie at
tended wilh a most divide I improvement in the ge
neral strength nfthe system, era liciting any seeds
of disea-e that may have been generated, besides
giving health and vigor lo Ihe body. For the cure
of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Tiller,
Pimples or etuptioiu of the Skin, White Swelling,
Fistula, Chronic Cough, &c. The nu
merous certificates in the possession of the subscri
ber and his agents, from physicians and others, are
sullicient lo eonv nee the in st skeptical of its su
periority over alt prep traiiotis of M irs ip irill.i.
Sold wholesale and retail, by the proprietor,
CEORCE W. OAKLEY, North 5th Hrei t, Rea
ding, ISerks Comity, and to bo had of the following
pet sons :
In Snrthuwhfrl,i)t County H. H. Masser,
Siinbnry ; Ireland eV M xel, McEwensville ; D.
Krau'rr, Milton.
In Cninn ('mint if. .1. Gcarh irt, Sclite--grove ;
A. (iuti lius, MilTliuburg.
Columbia Ctinnty -U. W. McCay, Wash
ington. Reading. March 11. 18 13.
Ma. OtKt.F.T: I believe il Ihe duty of every
one lo do whnti vcr in their power lie, for the. b ne
fit of their fellow mio, and having had pn-itive
proof in mv own family, nf the wntnlerfnl properties
of your Depur itivo Syrup of Sarsap irilla, I m st
conscientiously recommend it to the afflicted. We
hail tho misfortune t i lose two nf our rhildren, bv
the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered llu
face, bead and neck, although we had some of the
most scientific physicians lo attend lh- m and had
tried all the known temedies, including Swaims'
Panacea, without avail. Another nf my children
was attacked in the same manner, her face and
neck was completely covered; the discharge was so
offensive, and ihe ili.-e.ise at such a height, that we
despaired of her lifeJ Seeing the wonderful clli'ds
of your Depur a'ive Syrup of S ,rsapari!l i, we were
induced to make Iri il of it, as Ihe last resort ; il
acted like a cba'in ; the u'rers commenced healing
immediately, a f w bottle en'itelv restored her to
her health, which she has enjoyed uniiiteriU tedly
ever since. As a puiilier of the blood, I verily be
lieve il has not its equal.
JOHN MOVER, Tailor. ;
Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading.
Douglassulli-, April 19th, 1913.
Mb. 0ki.kt : Mv son Edmund Leaf, had the
scrofula in the most dreadful anil distressing man- '
ner for three years, during whvh lime he was de- '
prived of the me of his limbs, his head and neck '
were covered w ith ulcers. We tried all the diller-
en! rcmedii s, hut In no effect, until recommended j
by Dr. Johnson of Noni-town, and also Dr. Isaac j
Hie-ter, of Reading, to use your Depuralivc Syrup j
of Sarsaparilla, of which I obtained several bottles, j
the use of which d-ove Ihe disca-e rutin ly out of j
his system, the sore healed up, and the child was
restored to prrfect health, which he ha enjoyed ,
uninterruptedly ever since, to the astonishment of
many persons who seen him during his afttic'.'iou.
I have thought it my duty, ami semi yy thiscerti- j
ficale that others who have a like affection in the
family may know where to oblu'n so valuable a '
medicine. Yours tiulv, '
A V. "ELI A 1). LEAF.
Sept. 10, 1813 ly j
AiliiiiiiMr.ttoi-'K .olicc.
"tTOTK'E i-hcre.iy wivi n, that letters of ml
J miiiis r.itioii (,f rnH ,..i,,.0 f Andrew K. Rus
sell. I ito of the of Sunhury, Noilhum'Tr
land eountv, I'ec'1,., h ue t een giantcd by the Re
gis er of N onb ;inibt rl ami C"iintv to the suh-cribci.
All per n. tlipri f oe, li d. b ed to the sa:. I ct ite,
are reques'.ed to m ike payment, and M tho c ha
ving els ,u, h will present them lor .eiileinert, n
Ftiih' y ,,j r-aturuay the lolh end Ifnh days of
L) .-Ci mhi-r next, at the hollsti of Ch .rles Wi scr,
in the boiough ol Sunburv.
Nov. I lth. 1813. 61 AJm'r.
U rn A A W k -L -J
sunhuhy, pa.
ill the building occupied by J. I'l mm,
on Market street
t)ct. Stst. isi:i.
OTONE W ARE for sale.
J "'i'l Siniie Jogs, fi.iiu I quart lo 3 gallons,
,'itl Siniie Jais, from 'i in fi aa'loiis For sale,
cheap, by On. I 1 It. !!. MASSER.
'AHliv"aV lUKMI,
South I' itst conn r vf Market and th sin..
'I ESPECTFULLY tut nil ihe public that thev
Will CoiislaUl'v k i O ill hold a lirgsil-sOl-menl
of Hats, t'apsaiol Fur-, lo suit the fall trade,
of t' e be-t ipiHlity. l!y strict attention to bn-i-nss.
and by scllu g their stock at ihe lowest prices,
ihfy fi tiler itier.iselves in ben:g able to g;ie entire
satisfaction. AuuKl 5, ly
(ciin nl l oiiiiiiisisioii yivrt luuils,
.Yo. '21 ( V;;i;ir rre St., Inloic lflh,
KEEP ron-iai.tly on hand Imp nted
Ilrandie', Liquors, Ac, at the lowest prices,
for ea-h.
C.J. Wnianrr jr. Wm. A. JiNSKY.
August oth, 1 S-4'J. Cm
rHE subscriber will sell oil' his stock of Reaver,
1. Russia and lliush Hals, of the best ouality, al
very reduced prices.
Sunburv. Aug. !. IMS. H. II. MASSER
A Tlii'-slilii Maiiiino lor Salt.
rilllK ubscribcr oHers f r sale a THIiESIHNU
.1 MACHINE, new and in good order. The
Machine has been tried, and roves to be an exec1.,
lent one It will be sold at a reduced price, and
warranted. Apply lo II. U. MASTER.
July 1st. 1813.
HAS taken Ihe nfliee fotineily occupied by the
Hon. Charles ti, Domiil, opposite the Court
House. He will attend to business in the Courts
of Northumberland, Union auj Columbia counties.
May 20th, 1613.
''TMie public will please observe that no Ilrandi-cth
Pills are genuine, unless ihe box has three la
bcls upon il, (the top, Ihe side and the bottom)
each containing a fic-simile signature of my hand
writing, thus -U. BansntiRTH, M.D. These la
beNaie engraved en steel, beautifully designed,
and done at an expense of over f 2,000. -Therefore
it wall be seen that tho only thing necessary to pro
cure the medicine in ils purity, is to observe these
Remember rho top, the side, and the bottom.
The following respeclive persons are duly atthori
zed, and hold
For the sale of Hrandreih' Vegetable Universal
Northumberland county : Milton Mvkey rt
Chambeilin. Sunhury H. U. Masser. M'Ewens-
villn Iiel indAr Mein-ll. Northuin' erlnnd Wni.
Forsvth. (ieorgetown J. & J. W-iMs.
Union County t New Furlm ltncrcV Win
I r. Selinserove Oeorge Gnndrnm. Vi.t lo
Imrg Isaac Smith. Ileavefown David Holder.
Ad misburg Wm. J. May. MiPdinshutg Mcnseh
iV Ray. llartleton Diniel Long. Freiburg
ti. cV F. C. Mover. Lewisburg Walls &: Crpen.
Columbia county : Danville E. 11. Reynolds
Ac Co. Uerwick Shnman & R ttciihouse. (.'a'
lawissii O. U. Ilrobts. Illtintnsbtirg John R.
Mover. Jetsey Town Levi Disci. Washington
Robt. Mct'ay. Limestone Pallid tc McNtnch.
Observe lhat each Agent has on Engraved Cer
tificate of Agency, containing a representation of
Dr UHANDItEtH'S Manufactory at Sing Sing,
and upon which will also be seen exact copies of
i he nt iv lubek new used upon the Hrandreih Pill
Phihdclphia, office No. 8, Notth 8lh street.
June 21th, 1813.
Mover's Ink.
Manufacturer of Writing mid Inrlelli
blu Ink, No. lfW North Third Street, six
ihwrst below l'noc, (oast utile,)
It ESPECTFULLY informs country merchants
and others, lhat he constantly keeps on hand
a large stock of his superier lllack. I5lue and Red
Ink. and also a superior quality of IndelliMe Ink.
His ink is put up in bottles varying in size, from
I lo 32 ounces, and Will be sold on reasonable
terms. The excellent qualities of this ink has so
thoroughly eatahli-hed ils character, lhat it is now
extensively used throughout the country.
, For sale at the store of H. II. Masser, Sun.
bury, Pa. May 27th. 1 8 13. 1 y
i LSl'ECTFULLY informs the citizens of
Sunhury and vicinity, that he has recently
commenced the
in all its branches, in Market street, Sunhury, im
mediately below the post office, where he will he
rea ly to receive and execute all orders in the line
of his business, with promptness and despatch, and
in the best style and manner. II is prices will be
low, in accordance with tho times.
Lumber and Country Produce taken in Ex
change. May 27lh 1813. fim
( : r r vTm rTT fTi i v i ( ti " x ,
j Nos. '-!'.) and HI North Thinl Street,
I Near the Citv Hotel,
C C. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in
, vites the attention of persona desirous of pur-
cha-lng Furniture, ta his extensive Sales Rooms,
j (both pu'dic and Piivnle,) for every description of
I Household Furniture, where can be obtained at all
times, a (urge assortment of fashionable and well
: manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Ueds,,
Ac., at very reduced prices, for cash.
Cr.j Sales bv Auction, twice a week.
May 27th, 1S13. ly
i.i McKtorii Indian l'anaica,
i Ooinpouudod entirely of Vegetable
Substances ;
free from Calmnil and all other Minerals.
For the history of '.his medicine, and its unrivalled
ond truly surprising suc-ess and popular
ity, see laro oills.j
V is recommended as a general cathartic for
farni'y use in dyspepsia and nil bilious di-ea-
scs, it is inv.ilualrle lot Astlirni it is eonslrtererl a
specific, no case having vet necurvd which it has
fail d to cure for como on c I Is. in.fiarnuiaiory
di-ea-es. rheumatism, affrciions of the I nor, &r.
and fot is a sa'e an I e jci llei.t irmedy.
l'r.m l)r. Silas West of Binghamjiton. S. V.
Mr..Longley Dear Sir: I have u-ed your Ctrei t
We-lirn Indian Panacea in my f unity, and h ive
repeatedly prescribed it for patients under mv care,
and am satisfied lhat it i nUvavs a mf", and in very
many cises an invaluable medicine. It opera'es ns
a I itivo wilboiil n lus-r a, or pain ; and while it ef
l'i itii.itly ohiiutcs coslivenefs acts upon Ihe stomach
and liver as nn alterative, correcting acidity, and re
storing the hi ulthy condition of those organs.
Very respectfully tours, S. EST.
For sale by JOHN W". FRII.INfS. Sunburv.
JACOU lUtKIHT, Northumberland.
May 20ih, tsn. ly
iiaiiicl Yarick,
TJECiS leave to inforin the ciiizins ol Sun'Mry
and its vicinity, lha' tie has commenced ihe
m.ACKSMl TIll.Mi ill SINKSS,
iti V. i ki t strei I, Sunhury, east of J- lin H e ir's
store, and ilirec".ly opposite tho post otF.ce, wl'.pre lie
intends to carry on the business in all it- van ins
branches, including. Turning, Making Mill Innii
.nd t'.lip'.ic Springs, Curriwrgu'ith Ex
tension or Standing tops, Shoting ,,-,((-., .tjv.
Orders will be promptly and i; onclu illv attended
to, and work done cheap, for cash or country prj
duce. (Tj Hoiso Shoeing done . f per actt.
Sunhury, April lfrih, 1843. v.
o t & Shoe
II a r ( i ii I r i 11 ,
Esl'ECI'FL'LLY iulortns his luuids and
j9 , old cuslomers, thai he has removed bis
mtoTiy .S0: i:sTAHi.isiiMi:T
to ihe frame building adjoining his dwelling house,
between that and Dr. D. T.Tiiles' otlice, a few iloora
west of his old establishment, in Maikcl sheet,
where he intends lo carry on ihe above business
extensively, in ell its various brunchcf.
Ueing thankful for past favors, he hopes, hy strict
attention to business and liberal charge, to give
general satisfaction f aud that he will coutiuuc lo re
ceive a liberal -hare of J Ublic patronage,
Apul 8th, 181J.
J. !. Waters,
I ESPEC TFULLY informs the citiren. of tl e
fmrough of Northumhctland, and its vicinity,
that ho has commenced the
Tailoring lltisinc,
in a'l i'a various branches, in the shop formerly
occupied by Henry S. Thomas, directly opotjtc
Forsvth' store. As he reci ive the New Yo-k
and Philadelphia Fashions quarterly, he is ennhbd
lo do all jobs entrusted lo him, alter the neatest and
latest style, ami upon theshoitest notice.
Northumberland, A pi il 22 J. 1 843. ly
r o r b c '. I in in c r in ti n & Si i?.
flHE subscriber hereby infotm Ihe pi'. Ire, that
.1. they have entered into partnership, in the
' 1 1- .f t r be eiiri r t ,.n i t
1 1
!'i-l i.' Sul l .'-y, I'l.d l t',.. f, -tn r,f i C, --in
mi rinaii A. Sun," whee t ;v w ,11 ,- ,,t ... t
' ti ine-s in all its VB'ious I ran-. . "' i.'.i '-,
in", MiJting M il Irons. Jnm-r. r , i
iiid ilnrsrs Ac. Order- vi ! be romrnlv d i o
unity attrnibd to, aud ik !!" '' i'.r.;', (r c
or country protluce.
(Q Shoeing uene nt n-r dnlla.- per "'i
tsF.OltOE ZlMVir.R MAN
Sunburv, March lllh, 1813.
t I . MM. fit J tj M.J M C ,
I 1 ESPECf FCLT.V informs the cfiens of Sn.
j I tiry and its vicinity, that he has t. ken the
office formerly occupied by Dr. John Peal, nbeie
he wul be happy lo receive calls in the of t is
profession. April 22d. 1P13.
rPHE stiliBciibers, having entered into a partner
- ship in the practice of the law, will be liaj py
to attend to all business entrusted to their care.
Cnllc.-.tions willbc promptly attended to.
Thty may Klwaya be found at their office, in
Market street, Sunbury, formeily occupied by
Wm. Dcwart, dee'd.. as a store-room.
Sunhury, Feb. 4lh, lrtl:5. ly.
So. Q:J7, Xorlh TI,ird. ahvrCi.!lowLiU St.,
JOHN DUNCAN, late f.nn. the Pennsylva
nia Farmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., la'e of A
nu riran Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, lake pleasure in ac
uaii!iiiig their friends and Ihe public gem rally that
they have taken the large and commodious Hotel,
recently built bv the Messrs. Ilatt, on the site
once occupied by Ihe old established Hotel bl own
os tiie Dull s Head, in Third stieet above Callow
hill st.
This Hotel is finished in fhe very best possible
manner, and of the best materials. Its location is
very desirable, particularly for country merchants;
the arrangements for hcatii.g and veruilutilig each
room is such as to secure any temperature. Tho
bedrooms are all light and airy, all furnished in a
neat style, ta as to insure comfoit.
The receiving Jiarlors are al-o fan ished in & su
per'o style, the windows are on the French s'yle,
forming an entrance to a balcony rn front, whuh
makes n pleasant r-cess. Pr.rticulai attention hit
been given to Ihe beds and bedding, which, wP.'ti
the furniture, are entirely new.
From years' experience in hotel business, i
t:usl, by strict assiduity tc. business, to Make this
house a desirable stopping place. Out table will
always lc supplied with the very bert our marUt
can afford, and out bar with the best liijuora and
w ines of t!ie most approved brands'.
P. S. There are first rate stabling tnd carriiL'1
houses attached to the hotel, t'tttiiiled by ea I it
and sober hosttero. and onrchrtgea w ill be low, i'
accordance with the pre.ent Raid tiir.ta,
Philadelphia. Oct. "ih, 1R12.
(Generul Staye 0,rr,
ra: sit tt dz: w
IViiiis jivaiti.i.
rjlIIE S:bscrihvr r. . ppctfullv informs f
1 and the public in general, that he !. ;- t.ik.
the above
la liar. ap atiMoi)'
n T
IN the if o r i) i' t: ii (tr .'.;:.( k
and thet lie i,,,w well prepare! to . ruin, j ,;
al who nay favor Inn wt!i the.-" '
II s S i M-iMj A en r - r i - -, re w
coi. fo .'table.
His Tnt.F up !l :: 1 v.'-. ' L s . ; '..
wit' i the best l ie ni i, k-' rr . nil
His SratitK, which is in. ii ... ' . ;.
t'ne charge of p, and eaiel i h st
He ft i Is CO 1 1 tidoti t . bv stric t attei l
and an tarne.t .le.-ire to rei ih r r n
who may pa;onize him, lhat he w II roo i i n.
genera! lion.
Mun-'y, Oct. is'. IS 12 .
H. IS. W l.A ER.
i ii i:
Change of Hours.
Ox asm avTKii Siri Hiuy, Amiil 1, 143,
The passenger trains will leave al the following
hours :
TMhnhlphiu aud Polht'i'le.
From Philadelphia, ot 0 A.M.)....
Fiom Pottsville, ut 54' A. M. S '
Hours of passing lundmg.
For Pottsville, " at A. M. J .. .
Foi Philadelphia, at " j1 A . M $ 4 -'
llolh liains pass al Puttsiow n. The dow n tra n
breakf isls at Reading, and the up train at Norris.
low ri, for which 15 minu'es ate allowed at rach
r.t it t: st.
netween Pottsville .V Philada. fa.Ml A 2,!Si1
H.lween Ri-ading eV do. 2.25 cV I.7A
Delween do & Pottsville, 1,40 it 1,m
ExcvtUiON TfcarTs noun rca iiuiiimhi
HUT it a .
Pelween Pottsville vi V'bil.ul. Iphia. f3 Til
It. t ween Reading ,to 3 1 H
Dei ween do. A- Pottsvii! , 2 i
All the trains wi',1 stop for pa-sitigers st
the usual points.
Q j" All passengers lire retptPi ed t-a pton-ra
then tickets lefore the trams sla.t.
May 21. 142. if.
VFfish suppy of ROSE OIN I'll '.NT. 'eceiv d
and lor sale by 11. U MAaiCU.
Nov. 19th, lt2.
I i li r-iW