Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 09, 1843, Image 4

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    11 A X li O T 1. 1 S T.
rr..xsy 1,A TTE A.
The following lil shows tliP purr, pt value of at
rennsylvauin Dank Note. The 11101 implicit re
isnce ma be placed upon it, ai il i every u irt.
."irefully compared with ai d forrpc'cj from l!i k
ull's Keporlpr.
ltaiilt !u 1MiII;u1 IIila.
imp. it
r mi in.
N O T F. S
flank of North America
Hank of the Northern l.ihertie .
!omniprrinl Bunk of Pciiti'a. .
Furrr-i r' ami Mechanics' Batik .
ffpiisinglnn Bank
fhiladclphia Rink
!. Iiuvlkill Runic , ,
-"onthwark Bank . .
Wpslerli Bank . ,
Mechanics' Hank . .
Manufacturers' A; Mechanics' nnk
C'oiiirtry ITnli
.li i
Bank of Chester County
Hunk of Delaware County
H ink t.f Cermantoivn
funk of Monleoinery Co.
Iroylostnwn Bank
flii.-don Prink
Fanners' Hunk of Buck co.
OIice of Bank of Peim'a.
Nnrristow n
l-r j
par j
...r j
pnr I
( do nut
Easton J fut- u.
Philadelphia 25a2G
'Wea do
( i iTioo do
l ;Ho do
Bank of llie I'nitcd States
Hank of Penn Township
' lirard Hank .
Moynmenaing IJ'ink
D ink of Pennsylvania.
lini-rs' Bank of Foltsvillc
Bank of Lewislown
"iiiik of Muhllotown
Bank of Nnrlhumtipihind
'til iriMa Bank & Bridge co.
Carlisle Dank
Exchange Bai.k
Do do branch of
Farmers' Bank of I.ancastei
Lancaster County Uank
Farmpis Bank of Beading
Ilarrihurg nnnk
Lancaster Bank
Lebanon Hiink
Merchants' cc Mannf. Batik
Bank of Pittsburg
West Branch Dank
Wyoming Bank
Northampton Bank
Berks t -I'll lit V Bank
OHice ofBaiik of U.S.
Do do do
Do do do
IvPiisinRlnn Sav. Tus. A
Perm Township Sav. Ins.
Hank of Chninicrsburg
Hunk of Celtyshurg
Hank of Susquehanna Co.
Hrie Bank
P turners' fe Drovers' Bank
franklin Bank
ifonesdale Bank
MnnongahoU Bank of B.
i'ork Bank
IS. B. Tlic notes of those larks on which we
omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) arc not
purchased hy the Philadelphia brokers, wiih ihe
exception of those which have, a letter of r, lertnce.
no sale
closr d
no sale
fail., I
no tale
no sale
no s ale
no file
no gale
, . par
. . par
Pottsville 2
Lewistown 2
Mii'illelown )d
1V(rihiiiiilnr!and par
Columl'ia I
Carlisle 1J
Pitlshiiip i
IlollidaVfl'lirg J
(ancistci $
.nncater J
lti oiling i
IIarri"lur; S
Lancaster i
I.rl om n "
Piltshuig j I
PitthliUIR i
WiU'miosport Salt)
WiikeLano 2
A IK Mown
Pestling 75
Pitti-lmrg failed
Kric do
Kcw Brighton do
Chanilierliurg I A
Ueltyslurg 2
Montrose -10,iM)
Erio 3
Waynealiurg It
Wanhincton 1J
Hoi'!dal! Ji
Brownsville 1J
Yoik 2
Philadelphia Sav, In.
I'hiludelphia Loan Co.
Schuylkill Sav. lug.
Manual Lahor Bunk (T,
J owancla uank
Alleghany Bank of Pa,
'unit of Bearer
.'lank of Snalara
'Jank of Washington
t'entte Bank
City Bank
Fanners' St Meih'cs' Bank
runners' & McchYs' Bank
Farmers' A Mech'is'Baiik
MaiiiKiny Institute
Huiitinpilon Bank
Itiniata Bank
,UP;l-ermeii's Pslik
Xorlliern Bank tf Pa.
New Hope Del. Bridge Co.
.N'orthiiinli'd I'nion Col. Bk,
iorih Western Bar.k of Pa.
)!!iiP of Schuylkill Bank
Pa. Apr. Si Mtinuf. Bank
Silvpi Lake Bai k
I 'nil. n Bunk of Peiiii'a.
(Vlmoreloiii! liank
Vill;eharre Liidge Co.
(Tj All notes piii,ortiiig to he on any Peiiiiyl
lania Bank nut gi itn in tiie ahove lut, may he bet
Juwn as Iraudx.
m:w ji
Raiiknfew l':ujwick
Dyott, prop.)
Iluni-1 lirg
Fell, l,,i,ie
Fayette co.
(irrencuft o
I.e iton
New Hope
M ilion
Port ("u i bon
Tli' first rn iIji'J fur the A 'i;tcn rf Difcrisr ;
t In mi r miif j't'rih I fir Uudy. .4 vi:j:t aisi.i: iii.i.s
.A', i tli .liiu'i troii Cn!lnr rr rftaVh, !
Are now ncknou h'.'u to he ihe hel MedicinP in
M e WoiM for the cute of j
fJjF.t'M'SE tin v rompVte'v chaise ihe sto
p ma. h and hoi''.3 from tli, fp h lliou ai d cor- '
mi l humors vl teh are the eane not only 'f
Heiidntlir. CiddiucM, Pa'pilition of the lit' "t.
Pa;ns in the Bones, Flu inmitVin and (!eii', hut
rvrrv m-l-i.'v ii cidri I to man. SAID INDIAN (
VF.IiETABI F ni.I, arc a pefain cur- for in- ,
teimU'eiit, Pinitlid, nervous, iriflnmMo'y and pu'rid
Fever. hro-iUM liny demise (he p.ii'y frcin llm.-P
tnotliid lii mom, which, when cor.finrd In the circu
I ition are ihe cai;p of n'l k'nds of V) VF 1!. !o,
a'c'o. when ll.e s.iini' impurity is di poitcd oil the
nenihinir and muscle, cius nir puitif. inflimi
tlona and rwellM'tra called FII FF M ATISM,
t.'l 'I T.Ac. W liphlMiidii'ii Vegetal le Pills mny
I t re'ii d as always .prliiin to pivp relief, and if
perpevficd ilh, arcoidlng lo directions will niot
nssuud'y, and without fail, make a perfect cu p of
the aV.ovp f it 1 1 1 ft I nnladies. From three lo six of
Mid Irdinn Vi prtidi'e Fills t ikdi pviry night R(-
I ii g to hid, tti'l in a thoit tinie so completely rid
j the Vtm'v nriv thinri thai H opposed to heiillh,
j that Bopi'inali-ni, Cool, and vio of pvrrv descr!p
tt..t, w ill .e 111. tally DP. I YEN FFOM THE BO
! DY. For the r-. me reason, when, from sudden
j ehm rj of .itir-o-pl.ere, or tiny other cae-p, the pcr
J spi a:ion is cl rcked, and the hoinois whch hhoul I
pi's i IV hv lh" akin are thrown iuwirdlv. ratf't-B
; HEADACHE. CJIDDIN F.S, naiisei 'and si,;
t nesa, pain in the hoins, xta'ety and ii llamed eyes.
sore t'iroal, hoarsene s, coog1 s, cnioumi lions,
rheuin ,tie pains in v.nions parts of the h. dy, and
mai yoih.r svn.ptom of CA TCH INC COLD,
UVfii'a Iniliun Ytuilnhlc Vi'ln will
cive iuimcdi te r lief. From tlnee to f ix of aid
Pills lakin every niijit on p.unc lo hid, will in a
short tinie, not only remove all ihe ahove unph as nit
sjnitoms, hut the hody will, in a short time, he '
restored lo even Founder heal h ll an 1 eforc.
IXf!. Wright' halinu Virtnlilr fills wiil loos
en nnd csny ofl', hy thp sloioaeh and is, lliorp ',
tough jhlipmy humor-, which Mop up all the air
ccih ol the limps, and are the cause, not only of the
ahoie dis'r ss'np complain!, hut when neglected,
often In minutes in that mo eiheadiul nia'ai'v railed
('O.VSFMI'TMN. It hon'd he a'so ien e'n.hi r,-d
thal'IVrV'V Iniliun Yratttihle I'illi are a cettuin
cuieforPAIN' IN THE SIDE, (tppn s-ion, nau
fa n, and sickness, lo-a of nppt ti'P, costivenrsi. a
yellow linpe of ihe tkin ai d eyes, and every other
fyniptoin of a torpid or diseioed tate of ihe liter;
I ccause ihi y purge from the hody tl.oee iuipiiritios
which if d posited upon this important organ, are
Ihe ctni'C of eery variety if 1.1 VEU COM
PLAINT. When a ualion is eoinulsed hy riot-,
emhr.';.ks and rebellion, the only means of prevent
ing the dieadfi l roiiscquencp of a CI VIE WAIJ.
is In rxpcl alt traitors, and evil dpomd ones fiom
the coun'ry. In like manner, w hen pain or sick
ness of any kind, iiulii ate that the hody is fitroi'
plinp with internal foes, the true remedy i to EX
PEI, AI D MORBID HUMOIt.S, (Ttaiiors t,.
I ralih and life.) Hinllfi trill lie the rrrtnin retult.
That the piimiplc of curing disease, hy cleansing
and purifying the hody, is stiictly in accordance
with the laws which govern the animal economy ; i
and if properly rarrieil out hv the lisp of Ihe ahove
als, from persoiif of the highest rc-peclahility in
New Yoik, who have iccentiy heen cuiej of the i
most ollinalP con. plaints, solely hy the use of i's 1 Mil an VriiKTtiitK Pills, of the j
A'A Aiutncun Colli gf of Health
niNfiwouvs, ns Tin: rcr, and
CITAMIil'S fltrirllilN.
tjj' Tl.t fiillitii'iiig errlij'nn'e ihsc 'the one "the
imint txtriiiirifimii i eurrs ever rffrrlnl 1,1 tin;
Pim.irt p it t A , Fehruary 10,
IJ'On twenty yca-s I wa severely afilict, d with
TlTTfcii en the Face anil Head: Ihe d seai-e
commeiiei d v.hen 1 was seventeen years oi l, and
continued unlil thp Fall of I8:lfi, v.irvinf? in vio
lence, hut wiihout ever disappr mil?. Durinp most
of (hp time, part of my ficn was covert d with
the eruption, fretpiently attended ilh vio'ent itch
ing; my head tvt I'pd at limes until it felt ns if it
would hlirtt ihe swi llin was so p e it. that I could
Buslupfs tlleiitleil to in ll.p 'otinties of Nor
ihuiol i ilaiid, Fi.lo i. 1,' coming and Columhia.
It fee tot
Tmii m is II t n t tS,- ( Jo.,
I.owt.n it Btntiot,
llinr, CvtiMtos V H t tit, y-f'.'iinit.
. i'.;;,,
1 M I f 1 IV J I t II I f - I KHIt
Kr.t (M.u. Mc F.t n i i it tc ('o
Set in o, 'iotin ,V Co., J
To 'niitr.v
mjin CHANTS.
rPHE Subscriber, Apent of I. yon oV Harris,
Manufacturers, fur N w York, Phil 'dolphin,
Baltimore ami vlicr I iree cities, wI ori: ,r.t nip
scarcity pet mv hut on. During the long period i highly coniiin nded I tr timul fo mill ifur'iL.liti,
111 it I was lliete, n i h the disease, I useit n great has o i I and a fir t rate 'if tettiiiM, ol HATS aid
G-. mff. L. B. T.TLC?..
ffeFFER FOH SAFE, at lh South East Cor
U V ner of fifth inul Mi,i!,el Flieefr, fhiknhl-
Mens' Calf-rkin Boots, stitched warranted.
many n plication", (nui- ng them f veral celehrnted
pn p nation-) as w II n takintr inwi-il reiin'ilies .
intluditga nu'tihir of b - it tit of Fu-u'in'r 1'nnnern.
Kitidi t of'iiril!ii, Sir. In fact, it w nld he
impo-iiil le to ruuinria'C all t! e nicd eines I used. .
I as i,l-o ur dcr Ihe Ctre of two of die ui't di- !
lincuished pby.-ici i' of (his ritv. tut with 'lit re
reiving ni eh hpi t fit, mil f d-'sptitl of ever !! ;
cured. In ti e fdl of 18315, the di-cao i.t the time ;
lining very violent, I roiiiiueneed twins the fair
Oiiitunnl, (prrpi-nd hy Y.iuhitl ri D'.tis.) Ill ;
a fi w a 'plications: the violent itching eia a d, the ,
swt l'ii g al n'ed. the i ritj'iioti began to tlis'i) pear, :
and bit' r. I had iir-ed a jar the ili-coc va tntuely
ctiietl, Il has t:o.v bieu ma''y a V' nr and a half
iliec, anil llii ie is mil a vclijc i f the doPaM1 re
loaiiing. except tbe sets ft nut the deep pits forme I i
by the di-iae. It i-! intn ssil.le fur me to tleS'-ril e j
ina ciriitVate ihi Fevirity i f the di:.e rf and ruy
n (V ting bill I ill If p'e sed lo give a f'tlter tie-
coniil It nnv per-oti waiting futiher s !
who will r-M on me. At Ihe time I co i.meiice.l
u ing tlic U so I lint'ii' iit I would have pien hint
,l.t ds , f ,l,t l.ns to be rid t.f tin- ilurM, Since u- ,
fing i'. I have veciirnnn ndi d it to i-cver d persons,
( uy.ot!': ihrin my moiher, w ho tr.i.l the disca-e had- ,
ly on her n flO who w re a'l cured hv it.
.1 A Mils DI'li.NllI.I., No. I.V., Ctep Ft. ;
tjTj'TlP I!c,se Omtineiil is pieparetl
'nluhao. S.'ii li Fast roincr of Third and llace
tre I--, Pl.i'nili p ia, and sold
rv. hv
M v Hth. 1 S 13.
mi agenev in Sunhu
H. li. MAS!-HI!,
llttsv C-ii? 2i:t'itl, '!'( (tr.
a moor or rrs rrricAcv.
Pun mi i em t. May 27l'. !:'..
'P HI-' i- to c, riifv l! at 1 w is si vneW all: eipd
1 i:h I t t'i r in the h.u als and f. el fur li pw ,r,ls
ol forty m (i-; l!ie disc iso war al'enJ. ,1 g,:ert!ly
with tio't nt it-long and swilling. I to .i
nuiiitii r of li sic; ns, and us. d a pn :,! m.r y 'ippii
la ioi.s wilb iit tlllt tioi; ii ci re. .l , i I a y ar
since, I "p i e.l ll.p I'o.-e Oii tmei.t, wloeli P lin ly
Moppet! d e i !, ti.:. and a b w apptiivti n- inime l
a't ly cioid 'he di-ia-n", w Ii it-It there la- bt-pn no
rt lin n of. I'bhoiigli I hud rever been ti l of it a'
any lino f,,r I rly tuns. l.'ICII.MiD iAVAI.E,
Fit vt ntli, b; Imv Spi nee Street.
CTj " Tl"' I!oe Oinliiienl is r, p ire,! hv E. 1!.
Ysu: I. an. S itii li Fast punier of Tl.iul ai d l!ace
Slieels, Phih.di lj hia, and k Id on agency in Sunhti- H. li.
' Mav Mih. 1M. .-Ii'f.
1 '-i.
OflhcROSi: Ol.TMi:.T, for T'tlir.
A lrilOT'f.H tbp sonrriiirlrt nt' tbo orer.atii'i, li
, . ...
j . . il.. .
,S, will cclainlv result in the comphte Abo- , , . , , .
' ... ., .. ,, . 1 . ' tors tttiiP pb a"-nre
of Di-rarp; we oiler the lol owing teslnnoni- i r n :. . c .
, ,- lollowmg rervlira
Jamaica. I,. 1., .tunc Oil,, I'M 1
Doctor Wit iain Wright Dor Sir ft is with t
great sati faction I inform vou of r.iy hating heen
tntirely cured of Dyspepsia, of five years Mniidirg,
hy the ufc of your Imiias Yi:nrTiii.K Pin.s.
Prtvious to incetiii' widi your celehialed nitdi
ciiip, I hnd hi en under the hands of prveral Physt
ciiii s, and had tried vaiious nieiheini s ; but nil to
, rs is luilv ps'ai'ii-neti. me r i r e-
in Lit mg hi f"re ihe puhhc ihe
:g Irom a re-peel i!' v i livsiciau.
a grndi! ile of ihe I 'i.ivcrs'tv ol Peniis ani j. Dr,
Daiigb, having found in lids 'emctly 'bat relic! f r
a I eil i'. lis nnil ili-a: ri eal b' clleetion which the means
: w ithin the ringe of I. is pr.ifi ssi.m f tile I lo nllord.
has not hrsi'att d to give il his probation, nllhough
ihe picjoilires arat in'cresis of that prolesiiioii aie
pposcl lo secret ! . -1 1 1 'dies.
Fill I
I w.vt
en: '.i' n.
llll'.I.I'Ul a, S, pi
10, :lli.
aus heri etir
' i'f mv f C:
lan. laoiira
dust d
Wiikisharie no rule
Itelvideie Bank
liiirlinglou Co. Faiik
Cornniprcial BjiU
Cunilieiland Bai.k
Kurmpra' Bank
F.arnn r' and Meclianictt' Bk
Fanners' uud Mtchanics' Ilk
Fanners' and McrthauU' L'k
Franklin Bank oi'N. J.
liriiiisw iek
Med ford
Perlh Amlty
Mount Holly
Fill, way
N. Biuiiswii k
MiJJletown Pt.
Jersey City
Hubokeii Bkg O'luzing Co liuhokeii
Jcrfcy City Bai.k Jersey City
Mcchanuti' B :i,k Patteiaou
Maitufiirluri rs' Hunk Belletiilo
Morris County Bank Morrihtown
Monmouth Bk of N.J. Freehold
Mt chunk-' Bunk NYwaik
Mechanick' and Murmf. Bk Trenton
Morris ('anal and Ukg Co Jvuvy City
Pot Noli
Newatk Bi.u Ai Ins Co Newaik
Ntw Hope Del Bri.igr Co I.amlfilktiile
N. J. .VauuO. &. i Fkg Co llohokeii
N .i Piotertou d. l.uu.buid Ik Jersey t.'ily
Fbz.ili ihlown
'1'lt li'oll
my i ii
V. iln.iiii fi n
Ci oigffovvn
N i w c tsi tp
V ilti.iiigion
fail, d
fall. d
110 title
C:ai "e Bank
I a,rron I ai ,.
Fti phb' bank
Piinciton Bunk
Salt in Banking Cu
Male Bank
Stale Bunk
siate. Bank
Slate Bank ol Monu
Sute Bank
l;ull!ll bli J PhiluJ Mi nuf Co
t-'utstx Bank
Trtinon Bai.kiiig Co
I'nikin Bunk
W&khiiigWn Foi.kiug Co.
ir.i.AVi aim:.
Bk of ilm & Brand) wiw: Wilmington
liank tit Ucluuaii;
Bunk of Sin) rna
Do bunch
Farmera' Ek of Mule of Del
Do timmh
Io liaiuh
Do tT.'lilJ
Union Bank
CTT Under V
dj' On all lui ki maiked thus () ihere are ii,
titer CfcunWrftii or alintd note of ibe var.oua dc
tiuliiiuaUbca, ui u.tuiaUOij.
fall, d
I "r
no Plied. After u-ii g one 25 cent box of tour !
Pills, however, I cxpt rii need so much hei t ill, tint j
I rctolvi d lo perseveie in llie use of tin in aecoiiling ,
to tlircctions, which I am ha py to slate, has result-
id in a perfect cure. Ingratitude to you for Ihe j
great bent fit I have received, and also in the hope i
ihut others similarly afllieled may he induced lo j
make tiial of your citraoidiniry niedieiup, I send I
you thti statement with full liheity to publish the j
same, if you think proper. Yours, eVc. 1
Ntw Yoik, June 19, 1811. (1,(1, BLACK, j
Mr. Richard Der.nis, agent for Wright's Indian ;
Yegelable Pills. j
Dear Sir I have been afflicted for se'pral ypaia j
w iih inward wt akness and general debility, aceoin- 1
panied at times wiih pain in the side and olhvr I
dis'.ressii g complain'a. Aft, I having tried various j
mrdirines without t ff ct, I as persuaded hy a fi it ml
lo muke trial ef Dr. W light's Indian Vegetable j
Pills, which 1 am happy to saute, have lelieved me
in a most Wi tuh rful mannt r. I have u,-e,l the me
dieii.e, as yel hut rhoit time, and have no doubt, '
hy a persrvcraiice in ihe use ( the imdici.te actor-
ding lo ilireetioiis, ih. t I shall in a short time Ic i
perlecdv ie-toip,!.
I niosl willingly recoiionend said Pd's to all per- !
sons similaily hlilii led, ai d in die full belief that
Ihe same I eiiel'.eial results will fnlh'W their use. I re- j
u.eiu youis sinceuly, H EN I! V A. Foo I E,
Waiwuisirg, I'Utii co. N, Y, .
Niw YoiiK, Sept. 29, Hll.
This is to rrrtify itml I have used Wiucil i's
Imiian YtnrTAiiLK Pins with the prra'.rn hei.e-
tit ; hating tntirely cured myself of the frciiient ut
lut ks of Sick Headat'bp, to hiih I hud previously
i hem subject. A.N.N MAKIA THOMPSON,
D!H Oreenwich sireei. N. Y.
To Mr. Bichnid Diimis, Aguit lor Wright's In
i dun Vcgt lalde Viils.
r.r I TI .v.
A there aie at this lime many wicked persona
lu.bily engaged in m lllog u c unU -rfeit mi dicilic un
der the Hume of ihe liulian Vegetable Pills and as
these desi irate nun are so uiterly reckless of eon
Etipiince.s, ihut many valuable I ves may lie I st in
colisetpience of Using ll.eir t'n -adful coinp, ui d,
the public are cautioned ugainst puuhaiio' uny
Pill, suultss on the t nit a of the bona the following
woTitinr ic found :
'liiilian Purgatit c.)
And a'f.e to be efpeeittlly careful against purcha
sing said medicine of any poison except the regu
lar advertised agenta.
recently In. obi, ,1 witli .1 It .11
w I 1, h ci e r d in aily one si 'e
j xtt i , . r the ,-:ir. Mr. mi;
I I. I of loe I, oe Omlii.ei I, ol seiving nil lace, :riss-
te,l on n,v tiyn g his pn p.ualioii, of which he b.ui
j tied me h jar. A 'ilmmjli in common with the mi iii-
hers of my pr fe-sioii, I ,1 is, iiuiitt nance nnd tlisiip
i prove ol ihe I. tinier, Us nostirm palnnd upon llie
public by i'.:i tii nt pr leiii'i rs, 1 feel in jus ice b, uiid
; to etc I tbe I,', se OiutiiK nt liom tha' e'a-s i f me-
d ciiits. ai d to give it my p rhulion, ns it enti:e
I ly Hired the eruption, tilth' ugli it h al resisled tbe
u-ud rpphcations. DANE B I'(.H, M. D.
I llj' 'I hi: l!.,se t liniment is pieoared by E 11.
i Vaiifhatt, South Eat! comer of Third ami Kate
j Stteets, I'liiliiile'j hi t, and sold on agi ncv in Sim
I bu'v, ly 11. B. MA-SFK,
I Sl av 11th, H:t. .1 zmt.
CAPS, until le for Spree ile-. h eti will l-p soi l
veiy low, foi ca!t or ai piovp I rreil.l, at Ihe tirliii
rhmp tttire, ,Vi. 10, uitli I lord a p." I, o p isi'p
Ihe City Hotfl. Phita lelphi.
l.'OUF.BT D. U II.KIN'SON, Awtl.
N. H. Ordem I if Huts in iher't'!'V 'ro,n -ll v
aMende I lo. The highest rice in :u-h tt trade j
given f tr fur 'lint. I
; Philadelphia, June 11,
l.l. peisons ilitl, bled to tl if linn of I, vou A
Hair's, undi r tbe jgi'iiev "f N. Thseher.
,( inul Cup MtiHojitchu ti s, No. '10 North Third,
itiet t, Phdadi Iplra, are n ipie.-lnl to make iintnedi.
ate settleiiieiil of ill ir a, counts f iih the siih-rrihrr,
th' ir I, g illy ati'hinir.l i.genl.wlm is ful v i m nw
i tltii to .t ll'c and rolb ct tbe nceouiil--of lid firm,
! June Ith, IS-12, II Agrnt-
! K a Din.". ET.-G o
.Xii. (iU .Yo:i Tli ml, nlmir Arrh Utrt'l,
, .McnvMnnviiuvs ion ptviatv frnsnvs.
r mi Ai;i.Firvi:is, i,,ip,,i h . i.itpsaun."
I mi. I "Mount Vert, mi Houe," rrsp' t tfully in
forms I. s frit mis ami cusVii.cts. ilml I p I a- bei oino
i Ihe proprietor of lie abut" well ktown Until.
Conn ry Mticbanls will finl ihe id-oic llo'el a
cenlial I eali. in, ami the lust nf fare Persons Ira
vellinj with private cot veva'.ce will lind a large
' yard and good sluhling 1,1 hurst s, ui.d the list of
1 est'eis. iloati'ing ft pcrdav.
' 'day I t'll. lSl'.'. tf.
t?n f T"ITT "if ( IT 0 C
i V1
I 'mnii ,;i VV I't n rtiiti'j Merc Ii tints,
l loot of i!l, !r Shut Hail Horn,
o ti: e. i 1 1 i ,v i ii i ,
WIN"'! as'ocli.tid vih tin m .l.i-i'i h Painet, j
'to of F'!::t.!, Pi., ri SI .Pt t fllll V illt'.ltll I'llif .
ftiends anil Ibe pt;blic pt oera'lv, lb I ihty Irive la. ,
kin tli I laige and we I known store and wh.t.Tal j
f.n.t of Willow Strict Fa.lroad, l ib lv ocenpie I bv :
Jr.ioh Martin, whi te tiny pu pose ihiin a ( ici r:i I
( 'until i.-sioii Mini Font nr, ling Bti iiie.-', am! bom j
ihp local iitlvan'agcs of the place being cotiiirclcJ
with nil the public improvements thai have their
outlet in tlic eilv, thev llntler ihcmsehes they will
be uhle to do business to as great, if iiol g rj'n nil
vniitnge, nnd upon as rp:isoii!,h!p terms us any other
house, and Ihev nsstnr tbeir ftitiobs thai auv con
f'ji mi nts made lo l In m shall have tin ir s'r il at
It ntior, inul no i 1 1 1 inns sp.iicd to give ei.tiie salis
fae'ion. Tin y arc also prepared lo receive and font ard
goods lo any point on the Delaw are and l.i h gh
livers, hetwet n March bunk, Easinn and Plnl.i
iM bin, via Deluware Divi.-i, n ami Lehigh I'm ,l;
also, ,i any point i u ibe Juniata river, or Nor h
and Wt hi Biam hi s ,,! ibe Su-,pn h.tnna t in Schuyl
kill anj I 'nioii, or iho (.'In sap,'..k'' and I'ide '.,iei
For il,C ftCromni'idalbiii of Boats poinii g or go
it g via Schuylkill and Union Canals, u Sic .to! oat
will In' ki pt ciprp-.-lv for towing beats from the
S, hut lk',11 uroiit d lo the Delaware and bur k, wl ich
will eu hie mi ii'l.iinls to I aie iheir produce i!e!i
M'red on the De'uw an', and ll.eir p als si i'p, d Hi
a sating ot T'll to ." per cent. the pins ',r
h iiihi g e it s, wi;h ihts a,lM,i.l.,ge tl.t y rc
sp,ctlul'y solicit a share of atr iri'.t',
W. HLlil.MAN CO.
William Hi ilman, T
W.lhhin W. Ki)se ,
I,,sih 11. met. J Phihit! .May 1 I, tsH. ly
ii i ;il C 4iiimiiv:o:i M i i ltails,
for t.'.i Sn.'i of fluitr, d' nil u, Sail, ,'f.
do do do tiefed do
do do do water proof, double soles
nnd double uppers,
do Calf-skin do do do nailed
and uppers,
do Heavy Water Leather P.ools,
do do Neat do do.
do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin,
do do do Crocker do
do Fine Monroes warranted
Jo Kip do do
do Calf do tlo
do Coarse tlo do
do do Shoes do
do Fine do dr
do Kip ilo t1 1
do Culfand Sealskin T mr.
do I.iil Sotks wiih and without sotes.
do t'arpet do ,lo do
do I'lileiit Wiirrantt'J Water-proof Mocctsiris.
Ladies' do do do do
La, hi s' I inried India Bobber shoes,
(ientleuieus' do Over shot s.
Wi'h every other desp iption ol hoots and shoe.
Fur Caps of every description.
Travel! nt; Trunks of every description.
Yincliati Travelling Bas.
Patent (iuni Elastic. Shot! Blacking.
Bonnets of all kinds. Palm Leaf Hals.
Phibidelphia. No-embi-r 1:1. 112 1 v.
l.F.hs AN 1) STATION El!
No. 1'JvJ C'liCMiiit J'lrout, liuluw llli,
TT7" EEP pon.'latitly on hand a genend assort
Mv tuenl of Books and Stationary ; comprising
Theological, Law, Medical, Classical, Miscel'are
ous and School Books, Day Books, all, Led
gers, do.. Family Bibles, Pocket B.h!e, Wrilinir
Papers. raj ping Papers. Arc. Ac, w hich they ol
Ir r ai Ihe It. A-pst prices to Country Merchant's Pro
fessional Ci ntlemeit, Teachers, and ail others that
may favor iheui with iheir custom.
Philadelphia, Not ?ti.! r Ft. 1 H-li.-
.Tiit is.'U'l IVciVC'
A'o. 1:1 Xu-t.'i Wutir -!rrt '. fhiluilih l.ia.
77 A ' E coiisiiiiiily on hnml. a pent i d assort
ti mi lit of Cor,! i"f, S'i ine 'I'w ities. A c , vi :
I'm ,1 I.'oj ps. l!..p,'s. While K,i; e.s, M.inil
li I'. .pes, Tow Linen fr t land Boats. AU i, a
complete ti- '.nt me i t of S, ine Tw ines, A c, such us
ll.-mp Si n I nnd IL rriug Twine, Best Patent till
Net Tw ine, t.'.itti n S!i; ami Herring Twii e. Shoe
Thria1.", Ac. Ac. Also, Bed CouD, Plough Lines,
Halters, Traces. Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains,
,1c. all of whiili they w ill di.-posi' of on ri asonahle
lti ms.
Philt'Vphia, Nnvend ci I f!, 1 M-l'l. ly.
JiM ob i iiitiilli Son
J ESPEC-J FFLLY informs tin ir friends and
aciiuaiiitsnces pe terally tint they still con
tinue lo keep al ihe old taint, .No. 210 Ninth I'd
sirct t. Phihitli Iphia, all Vonls of
TOlSACVO .V.VI .' !" A XV SfCAff.
Which they .will soli n the nut '. aicoiiimoduliut
and icisoti.t aalcruis,
N. B. All KO' ds :ol,l will he gun, tiitccd mid nil
orders promptly j'.t. ndid lo.
Phibih Iphia, Ncveuitier 111, I f 1 2. l y.
?2TE CClfCTEPa," "
W'liulcsale and Retail Shoe, DuDiict,
ainl 1'alai I Iat Warcliniis''.
A'o flli Xorlh ilr street, a fir I'nors uLo e . licit,
fit illicit 'pliia.
s and V jlices. of ev
il e oltcrs for
l'i if wit 'pliiu
I.SO Tie.nks, Cat pel l'.igi
I AdEXm FOR A' 01! Tti I'.Vfl FRLAXD CO.,
j Pennsylvania.
I H. B. Matser, Sunbtiry Wnt. Furylh. Nor
ihnnibt rlaiid Jatob HaaK, Sbamokin Samu, I
Hub, M,.li, n,.j "Bverly A 1). llar.s, Aucnst-i
Thtiina I'otl.'ner, Milton Ireland cV Menell,
MeEwerutille E S, p per, Turholsville Jdiiua
Pied, I'otlsgrote II. Klase, Snvdt rstow n
; II. II. Ki.ecncl, i. M Elythurg P. (. m.
1! - Ilka I-
l t i ennui', i at, t iimii I oiner.
Oflico and (irneiul Depot for the sale of
Wright' Imliun Yiretuble 1'ilt, Wholesale and
Petuil, No. 16'J P.AC E bI PEET, I'HILAl'L'N
FiUA. Mav SI, 1S3. ly
J. miLZZ -L ANU, JZl. CO.
Nnull' anil Toliarro .ManulactiirL-rs,
So. til) Aorii st roruer fif Iloi v antl Thirtl
Sin "i In.
rUIIF uiith'r-iiined h tve formed a Co partnership
A under the firm of .1. M AY LAN D Jn. CV Co..
a successors to tie late litui of Jiirnh A'tt ilmltl ,
Co.. nnd will continue ihe l usincs al ihe old esla.
ldishmciit, mi it eir tovii aecoi nt. In ad liuoiito
tbeir own close uttemion nr it experieiiep fo nun y ,
years, in tl.e mannf ,ciuie of ibeii . efihratcl suiill'-, ,
A c tin h i g cxpeiii nre of l e Fcni ir pu,!i er ol" ll e
l.,te I'.rm, will ril-.i be devoted lo tbe interest i f ihe '
new cot cm ami as no i-xertioii at tl care wi;l le
spared to insure tht ir go,.,ls, ti uj i;nl s f
ry I t--t ;.::, !i 'v . tin y s.'lic t ti cm linual ce of the!
fiinfidi me ot U.c ti t mis mi. I rii-t .mi rs ol llie te
linn. TIIM S All MS,
Philadelphia, Vav 1 Lh, I p; J :i. t v t
I'ormiot Th ril inul int Sin i in,
i w it.r.iitisroiiT, pa.
i rplIU ul scr.l-er r. spot Holly aoiii uncea tithe
I piil hc. tba- I p h s opened a Hotel in tin- com- '
: in t in us bri, k I nil, lirg s Itt itr on ll.p comer of
Thiol and 1 ine streets, whete he ttil! be happy lo
, Wail l p n ii, i-r wl,,, i,,v f.vur him will llnii I
company. The 11 .glc Holel is la g.- and ciitu.i- '
j tw, and fun isla ,! ii. Ibe I t in , 'ei n st, I,., Li j
pr.Milcd v.-I'll a l-ige inla-b, r of well niiel arul I
j Pt'lofi-Itahle slei ping ap.trtiui t,l-, rooius, privat, ;
i I si lore, Ac FciMins v.s.iii iiliamspott on hu-
siiiess oi p t a uie, m.ty rest us ur d ihut etery ex
I ei'iori will le used tti render their sojninn at ihf
, "Eagle Hoti I" pleasant and iigr, cubic. His Tulle
will be supplied Willi the vuy h, at the maikit af
fords, and his Isr with the Pl uirest wines and oilier
litiiors ihurgea re sonable. Tlie Eagle Ilotrl
possessi' greuter advanlaps in point of location
than any other similar establishment in the borough,
being situate in the busiruss part of ihe town, and
within a convenient distance of the Court House
and Willinmsporl and Elmira Kad Bond Depot.
Sufl'u icni SiahliiiR provided, and good and trusty
ot lli rs ulwiiya ill atli iidunce,
Attititite, accommodating and hone-l Sertanls
have bu n t msloieil, and liolhiog left undone tint
will add lo the rumfuil and accommodation of his
There will U- a carriage slways in altendanre al
the Boat Landing locunvey paaii gcra to and from
the House, trie of rliarge,
May Uih, ISCJ.-tf
IPF("I Ft FLY it form the r Iri.i.ds and
Vt he Merehelils generally, 'hat they hu' Li
ken those large runt eniiinimlious What v. , h iih I o
Dotks, iiotlli ol Ch'-snnl slnel, on the D. tuiv are,
together with tbe stoic No. Ill South Wharves,
where they won't! be plea-rd lo ren ive concign
n.enls of (lia'ii, Flour. Sped, Whiskey, Iron, Ac.
A c. Being al.-o w ell prepared l i forward all kinds
rv il.'sciipliou, all ol winch
site on the most reasonable terms.
Phila.leli hi t, November 1:1, 1SP ly.
I'liilirclla ami l'arasnl laniitarturcr.
Alt. HV .Vo!..'i Tluiil stint, tiro iours 1 1 ion' the
f'.'v ;,,.',, Phi lot!. It. Ilia.
'10INTl; Mcrch:iul and other are solicited ,
to f aiuiur bis tit.Mii li. it nl purchasing
i Iscw here
Plo!.i :etj l.ia. 11. :sl ly.
r. & a. raivorDT's
( 'liiiin,(iln3 and T.i er ii(tl Wareliuiisc, '
iY lli l Xnrth Ttirtl slrrt t, liirtl iluor Lclow Vine
ttrett, l'liiliitlrlphiii,
AirilF.liE they constantly keep on hand a large
' assoitmciit of China, (ilass ami Liverpool
Ware, which they will dispose of on the most iei-
s. 'liable terins.
Phib.tlell bin, Notemher 1.1, IHp:. ly.
Maiuil'acturor ainl linpniler of Sad
dlery, llaithvare, tVc.
HORU 11 O U N D .
A N tmparpllelcd rrmrdy for common Colds,
J Couglis, Asthma, Inlhicii7. Whooping Cough,
Bronchitis, and all disc asp of ihe Brrast and Lungs,
leading to consumption; composed of Ihe coneen
tratpd virtue of llorehnund, Bonsrt, Blond Kont,
Liverwort and sevprnl other vegetable substance.
Prepared only hy J. M. Wf tvai uw, llochrstcr, New
The innoppticp nnJ universally admitted pectoral
viitui of the Ileitis from which the Uitham nf
tlurifmuntf i matte, are too generally known to re
quirp rpcnniinpiitlotion ; it is therefore only necrssa
ry to oliservp thai ihi Medicine contains Ihe whole
of their Medicinal properties, highly eonepntratpd,
at d so happily combined with several ollipr vrgc
inblp Fiiltsianrps, as ft rpndrr il llie mol epeetly,
mild and cert. tin remedy, now in use, for iho com
I laittt above mentioned.
Thr Balsam removes nil imflammntion and sore
ncss of the Lung", loosens tough visi, phlegm. pn
iihling (tie patienl lo cjcpcclorate wnli ease and ftee
d. m, nsuii;,s rough, relieve athmatie and ditli.
cult respiration, hcnls the injured parts, open thn
pores, and eontpose the disturbed nerves, and give
strength ,i ihe lender lungs, and thus produces a
speedy and lasting cute.
UntivriTt'iiK is tiik mst.vr cnitii; ij Max.
'e are not imiong that class of Editors who f.r a
ft iv dollaia will, (nl ihe rttpense or troth and ho
nesty) "crack up" an article am! Ining it into rapid
-ale; neither nip we wilbhp to teriiain silent, after
having tested the utility of aiiiin rovement or tli--.
cove y in science or ml. Our reader will recollept
we told ll.eiii we wi re unwell wiih n snrpthroal and
violent cnltl fome few weeks ago. Well, wp pnr
chased two bottle of WIN'Sl.O W'S BALSAM
OF HOIillHOFN D, and so sudden was the rurp,
that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who
are alllicted, may tiy il upon our recommendation.
f.e .enson T--lri;rnjii. For sale hy
1 HENUY Yo.VTHEIM E R, Sunmri,
JACOB BUIUHT, Xortliutnlteihmif.
Also, ly Druggi-l generally throughout the
country. fj 'j Piice, SO cents per hot lie,
Aiis'u-I I Mi, rt:. ly.
"C?a SALS.
TJ-IOr! sate a smi'l Farm, contiining about one
y" liuiidicd nnd ten aens, inure or le-s, situate
in Point township. Norihund crlaiid countv, nlmut
tivo milts iihovo Noilliiimbeil mil, on Ihe main
road trailing from that plate to Danville, adjoining
binds o( John l.eghoii, .le-sc C Hoilr.ii anil others,
no.v in the occupancy of Samuel Payne. About
duly at res of saitl liacl are t It an d, and in good
slat" t'l cu'iiititi'tn, on w hich ll.rre ia a small burn
i ret I tl. The propel ty w ill be sold on r osouahte
teiins. For further particulars, poison an-requeued
lo apply to the ul .-cii!" r.
II. B. MASSER, Agent,
Nov. Tlh, If .12. if Sunhury. Pa.
.No. Xiuil, Water Street, l'liila.
: 1$ tt ANFFAC I FBIIKS ond dealers in Oils of
ll ti eveiv di scription 1'olh for burning ami
nianufacuring purposes, which will he sold much
lower than ihry can he procured elsewhere, nnd
wanaiited in tii il:ty to e.pial any in the city. Any
od sold by ihe company not proving as lepreaentrd,
may be returned without any expense to the pur
chaser, nnil ib.e money will be refunded.
'I'ln ir slock no;v i;i store consists ol the follow ing
' oils, viz :
30,0110 gallons inlei Blenched Speim
i "ll,
0000 do do Colo, less Oil,
lo.Ollo do Fail and Spring Sperm Oil,
10.000 do Wind r Sea Elrph-iut,
20,0011 do do Pressed Whale Oil.
i f.OOO do Suiniil'.r do tlo do y 5'
lft.tOO Jo Common hale Oil,
200 Barrels snprrioi Sira s Oil,
::n0 do Co.l Bank O.I.
fill do Nch's Foot Oil,
"a Ca.-V.sOhveOd,
Thi tier's ' Ids,
C-J ' his Co,'i. in v has n number of Vessels hi
"aged in the Cod f ishery, and Tanners may rely
upon iM tiii g at all limes Oil as pure as imported,
Philadelphia, Nov. I.t. 142. ly.
.o ft I, t lih S'l :lKl Mi t t I,
i in it i.h of reioi a' Ai.i.Kr.)
Whcie they constantly kicp on hand a gentrtl
lissorlllelit of
Ami t! irm.t vtttitli oj articits of a sitptrmr
ipiahly, which I hey oiler to dispose if
upon llie most reasonable terms.
C10I NTKY MEKCHANTS am) others will
find il to4htii advantage to tall and examine
iluir stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Philadelphia. Nov. f., ISIS. ly
of M.
i uk
by tin SYliuyll.illi.ini I nion.or
1 nnd Ti 'o Wilier Canals, .,s tow
' -xpn s.-ly foi tl.e purpose of towing
U.e une-ata
boats are kt
Lents I v i a I ei i, .ti'c.
Merchants will pie se U' p.artii Li send tlieir '
go, ds iles it c,l by eiil.rr canal-. I i No. lit South ;
Win ivi s, bi twci n Market and Chosiiut strit'is, on I
the Dt hivtare, with direrti. ns acri'iop inviiig iheui
which route they wish Ibein to he ship; eh ;
Q'j- Pla ter and Sull for sale, at lh-' lowe-t
kit pti.-e, BOLTON A; ('". I
Mutch t'J, lUFt, No. I'JSouih Whines. '
itoi:i::ur i n. s!,
l.ooiliuiit Strut, liiilliu.rrr,
HAVE con-tnntly for smi. Pr niing Paper of al. and qiitilitii g, (.' ip W riting Paper, rub d
and plain, l.eiter P.tptr, wl.i'e and line, ruled and
) lain, Hanging Paper, tine and cumin n llimb pe
Paper, do. tlo. ine, bum, dm, he i tow n, crown an J
extra sized nipping Pi, ei s. Colon d Meditnii and
Boy tl Pa.ea, Boon, t, l.' and Stiavv Bn
Boinds, Tissue Paper, and ail ait cles in 'heir hue.
wbttii ll.ev will seil en Hic..,iiiiiida'.ing tillc.
It gio.-t line t,iten 1,1 old lags.
M.och 10, IP-ll. Illkton. M.l
VN artie'e unequalled for cleaning and giving a
highly durable and must hiidiunt polish to a,
ver, Herman Silver, Brass, (loppir, lliill.niia ware,
Tin, Steel, Cull, rv, and lor icsiorii g the lustre on
varnished carriage. c. 'J" It V I P,
Prepared an t g .1.1 at wholesi'e and retail, by the
Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego,
Tioga, fount)', N. Y.
WM. FORSYTH, Agent lor Northum'J,
H. B. MASSE U, Agent for Sunhury.
Novemtter 20th, 1842.
''V .Yo. .1 S,,tih Third ft ml. four tlt,ors b
i,W M:irfi,t : A
' t do.; A
n.TEK DKWK rs.
No. 71 Callowhill Street, l'liiladeljiliia
C Three (kx.rt alive Sicond.J
S II OH'. F'indings always kept on hand, which he
olfcia for sale on ll.e loe.t teima. Country
Meuh Hits are pjiuculatly to (ill auJ judge foi'
Philauilj his, Novrrr, er 1.1, 1S42. lv.
EEP constantly on h Old a large and genera!
rtvt ass, hiih nt Coach Lamps, Curriage B.iml.
A vie Arms, Eliptic S lings. Patent Leather. Ae.
Country Merchant and suddleis will be supplied al
t.ll limes on the most le.isoiinh'e terms. They will
find il to their advnn'.tgti to call ami examine his
assortment bet,. re purchasing eKew here. I
Pl.ilad. Iphia, Non-nil cr lit, 1842. ly.
Whulcsale Pealers in l'i'ireij;n liritisli
niid Ainerif an 1 )ry tloods. '
A. 105 Mul let ttrett, Fiilaift Iphia.
XOFXTKY Merchants, and others can be sup
plied at nil times with an ext. nsive assort
ment of the ,h st and mcst fashionahle ( iooJs upon
ihe most leasniinblii terms.
Pi.ll .delphij. Noveinl cr 11, 112. lv.
1 .( ) 1 , 1 : 1 5 A 1 1 1 ION ,
litij'(rtcrs and Ilealors in Foreign and
j Ilunicstio Ilaidwaie,
No. 171 Nomth Tin hi. S i n i i.t, Phi i tnri.i ui a. '
r li E1!E tlieir friends and lustumers w ill always 1
ud a large and general a-aorlment of Foreign 1
and Domestic Hardware, which they will sill at the .
lowest price. I
rhiledelphia, November 13, 1ST.'. ly. I
No. IliO l.y Market Street, 1'hila.
(II, low Fifth South side-)
A LWAYS keep on hand a full and general as
tMTlmentof lloiiery, Lace, and Fancy (iooja,
Country Mrrchunls are respectfully request ad to
give them a fall and examine for themselves.
Philadelphia, November Itt, 1642. ly.
SP CK 1 rNG ,"g ood aT ca
No. lys Mai kr.t Street, Philadelphia.
BNVITE the attention of Country Merchanis
to their extensive assortment of Brili.h French
and American Dry floods, which they oflet lor sale
on ihe most rraaonahla term.
FhiUdiljhia, Notimln-r 13, 1812. ly.
ton ml i. in '
HON S Classical Dirtioliarv; l.emprier'
in-woitli's tlo ; Cobb's tlo.; English and
(ieiinau do ; Ari'hon's Ca'sar; Aulhoii's lirammer;
Ai ihen's Ciceio; Mail's l.a'in Header; Ogilby's do.;
Aiuiiew's Latin I ess- lis; Doiinegan's Lexicon;
F'sk's (ire k Exercises; Davies's Leceinlei; d'laeca
Majora; Adams' I'omun AntiquillCs; Piuuock's
(i 'l.l-'nith's lit. el ind; do. (iieece; Lyell's llliim iits
ol tiioloi't; M is, Linci. tu'a Botani; EleO'ents of
Botany; Bridgi's Algt l rn; Porter's lihiloiical Ki a
t'srs; Em: rsi.n's Ccorranhy and History; Oh.ev's
Par'i t ' do.; Smith' ( rammer: Kitkh uTi's do.;
s Arithmeiiek;
in Ihni; Bot ks;
d .,
Kat's Ueaihrs Cohl 's do.; Cobb
Pike's d i.; EmiTs-n's do.; CI b's i
Tow n's do.; C, .bit's Table Books; Evangelical Fa-
ii'i'v Libiart; Coil.ipe Bihlt-; Family do ; Ci ll.,ter
ul do Small Mtbtcs nnd I'esl ,iii, i,t-; Paikei's Ex
cn ire. on I'oinpoaitior.; Fiuil of the Spiri'; Bui'er'a
S im's lies'; A in t r, call Bevolulion; Maii Vhtt'a No
Vt Is; Mis. Phelps on Ctdnistiv; Iliad; Catechism
of American Lat; l.ettt rson Natural Macic; Ci, I'
ll, istiy lor llcsiniiei-; English Exeicisis adapttd o
MurravV (triioioi r; Seipii 1 lo Coinley's Sj. Ilmg
II. os; Aimrieau Clasa Book; D'thiill's Schoolinas
lei'a; A treat Vuiiety of Blank Banks, &e,
August 2S, is jj.
j . si t:v j o . i: s ,
1 Et-il. llS'l'S the utientioit i f his country tl lends
who are in want, to his very large strick of
Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Mailings, Bugs, Bindings,
Slaii Hods, Ac, Ac, that tie has just opined, ut
his warehouses, No. IN North 2d street, and No. 2
Church Alley, lint door lo Christ Church, Phila
delphia. " July 3J.JHFily.
Spanish hides7
I). K 1 It K V A T HICK & S ON,
So. 21. Sort ft Third Urut,
HAVE for sale a targe and excellent asFonmenl
of Spaniih Hides, Potna Kips, 'Jhuneri' (Hi,
dr., at the lowest maiket prices, riihtr for cash, in
exchange for Leather, or upon f ledit.
Consignments of Leather received for stle, oi
purchased at the highest mailt?! price.
Leather stiwcd fir of charge,
Aptil 17, lSt-3. If
' 4